Beowulf (1999)

Hey, why I always gotta get
the broken ones?
Try the trigger.
Father, I'm fighting this time.
- Father!
- Go back in your room, Kyra.
Get back in your room!
Go inside, please.
I can't see it.
Fight me, butcher!
Not you.
No more!
Bring her to the scaffold.
Kill her!
Someone help!
Help me!
Quickly now. Somebody help!
You must die.
Please stop!
Kill her!
Maker of all
that is pure and good,
we release this girl
from the evil that possesses her.
- Kill the beast!
- You don't understand.
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast! Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Cut her loose.
She's from the outpost.
The place is infested
with evil.
No one gets away
from there and lives.
I said cut her loose.
This conversation is over.
Now move on.
- Uhh!
- Come on!
Let's get him!
- Go.
- Hyah!
No! No!
Come on. Come on!
Enough. Enough!
Just kidding.
Take her and go.
Thank you, but I'm not
going that way.
You're a dead man already.
Let's go.
So many are dead.
I don't want to die.
It comes and kills.
It's killing everybody.
It's gonna kill you.
Why did you run?
It's there.
- It's in there.
- "It"? What is "it"?
Every night.
It comes out every night.
Every night,
it's killing everyone.
- What's up?
- It's Pendra. She's alive.
but who is that with her?
And how the hell
did they get through?
If they let him and her through,
well, maybe it's over.
Oh, no.
How many people
left inside?
How many-
- Well, there's your answer, kid.
- She should've stayed.
At least for her it's over.
Who are you
and what do you want?
I'm Beowulf, and I need
some food and rest.
He's one of them.
How else could he have
gotten through?
Go on back to your friends.
- I'm not one of them.
- And you're not one of us.
No, but by the looks of things,
you would think an additional
sword would be welcome.
If he's good enough
to get through the siege scum,
the border lord
should talk to him.
We can always kill him later.
It's for Hrothgar to decide.
You may enter,
with no guarantee of safe passage.
I'll take the chance.
Gates closed.
Gates secured.
Follow me.
Beowulf. I've heard
that name before.
- What'd you hear?
- Stories only idiots would believe.
Only an idiot would come
to this damn place.
Unless he was already damned.
A mercenary.
It's not something
we've come to expect around here.
How did you get through
the siege lines?
On my horse.
You just asked them nicely?
Something like that.
You think that we've
got buried gold here?
Or are you just a lover
of drafty, old outposts?
Then what brings you?
The darkness.
You know about...
our problem?
And what?
You're offering to help?
No sane man would come here
to face this thing.
- I have no choice.
- You make it sound personal.
Border Lord, we don't know anything
about this man. Send him back.
Roland, we have less
than 40 men left.
And, as you noted,
night comes quickly.
Give him Nivri's room.
Nivri's room.
He's dangerous.
Until now, at least, we could
trust our guys on the inside.
He's not from the siege lines.
No man who's been
sitting out there...
night after night,
knowing what's happening here,
would willingly come to this place.
There's something else.
He may have been sent
by Nivri's family.
Revenge for
your son-in-law's death.
They lost their only son.
If they believe his death
was no accident,
they would want retaliation.
Whoever he is, let's see
how he feels in the morning.
He'll either be out of here or
getting a look at our crematorium.
Either way,
problem solved.
And the weapons master,
that's my uncle.
That's why I am
the assistant weapons master.
Not because I'm any good at it.
Once I get outta here,
I'm heading east towards the water.
- You think you'll get out?
- You see that girl Pendra?
She and I were supposed
to go together,
and as you can see,
things didn't work out so good.
So I'm still here.
Why, do you think we'll get out?
Probably not.
Well, this is it.
Who is Nivri?
Nivri was the border lord's
son-in-law. He was married to Kyra.
- "Was"?
- Yeah. Killed.
What's this?
I wouldn't touch that.
The beast got him?
Oh, no, no.
Before the beast.
Assistant weapons master?
Yeah. Ironic, huh?
How did he die?
Well, he-
A guest.
How unlikely.
My husband used to come here
when he drank.
I haven't been here
since he died.
My condolences.
I know the reason you're here.
His family sent you, didn't they?
Nobody sent me.
What do they want from us?
His share of the land?
Will that satisfy them?
I'm not who you think I am.
His death was an accident.
At weapons practice with Roland.
Weapons practice
can be so dangerous.
You claim to be here
to fight our beast.
It's not a claim.
It's the truth.
Well, it can't be killed.
Not by my father, or Roland,
or any man.
I'm not like other men.
That... you will have to prove.
What's going to happen
when the beast comes?
Doesn't matter if you're tired.
You can sleep when you're dead.
Get up!
Come on, it's a practice!
Surround me. Come on,
surround me! Come on! Boo!
My goodness.
Come on!
Why does he keep driving 'em on
when they're too tired to stand up?
- Move!
- He's a machine.
Suppose there's no point in telling
Roland they'll be dead tomorrow.
You attack me.
You understand? You attack me!
And always remember:
It's not about weapons.
In here it counts.
It's not over yet.
Come on! Come on!
Come on!
Attack me.
Come on.
Now you, take my sword.
Fight well...
or die badly.
I wonder how many
will die tonight.
Didn't mean to scare you.
Permanent state around here.
My useless nephew, where did
you put the replacement bolts?
Huh? Huh?
Just once it would be good if he put
something where it's supposed to be.
He's a good kid.
Give him a chance. He'll be fine.
Yeah, if he don't
get us all killed first.
- You all right out there?
- Oh, yeah.
I'll have some of that later.
I must apologize
for the quality of the food.
We did stockpile supplies
in case of such an emergency,
and so provisions
were not initially a problem.
But now, nothing getting in,
nothing getting out.
And when the storeroom was full,
it didn't contain a single thing...
that was of any interest
to our intruder,
who seems to prefer... us.
This is my daughter, Kyra.
We've already met.
Will your wife be joining us?
My wife died many years ago.
It was a tragic accident.
She was new to the outpost,
walking alone at night.
She fell from the battlements.
Do you have family, Beowulf?
I've never wanted a family.
I thought it only natural
to desire home, family.
Then I have no natural desires.
How so?
Since I have no desire to stay in
one place, a home would be useless.
And I have no desire for a family...
since I don't want to
create more like me.
So that your ego
can rest assured of your uniqueness.
You must excuse my daughter.
She's always been a woman
of her own mind.
And my father has always been
an expert at making my excuses.
Oh, uh, Karl?
I dropped my glasses somewhere.
You see 'em anywhere?
Is that you, Karl?
If there was a high point,
it was the Underlands' siege.
I remember.
It was an active year. We were
fighting under great pressure.
But we were strong...
'cause the fighters
worked together as a unit.
I don't think after those advances,
we should-
- Is something wrong?
- Can you sense it?
Sense what?
This is bullshit!
What is it?
Evil. It's here.
this is ridiculous.
We need fighting men,
not lunatics.
- Roland, be quiet.
- What, me?
The weapons master,
he's dead.
It's changing its method.
- Never killed so early before.
- It knows.
I'm sorry, Will.
You're the weapons
master now.
Yeah, not too comforting, huh?
You could say that. Of course,
everyone's gonna die anyway,
but one thing's for sure is
I ain't no weapons master.
You don't have to be good
all the time,
just when it matters.
You're not really here because
of my husband's death, are you?
But if I was,
I would be after Roland,
so why would you be afraid?
I'm not afraid.
I can't afford to be afraid.
Don't you have any fear?
Fear is all I know.
You can feel it.
You can sense it.
You said it knows.
What did you mean?
It knows I'm here.
What are you?
I'm trapped between two worlds.
That's what I am.
You can't have her.
I'm not in your way.
I think you are.
You manipulate her
and Hrothgar, but not me.
- We need each other.
- I need no one.
You better go.
- I have to stay.
- Then you fight.
Yaah! Aah!
Don't push your luck, Roland.
Stay sharp.
I'm here to sweeten
your dreams, my love.
It's almost finished, my love.
It's almost finished, my love.
Geez, Karl.
Get a grip, man.
Sorry. I thought
I heard something.
You heard me!
You know, Karl, with all the real
cool ways to die around here,
I'd rather not go by heart attack.
Uh, let's see.
Look at all this.
You'd think with all this stuff,
we'd be able to kick some ass.
How do you tell all the junk
from the critical stuff?
Your uncle knew.
Yeah, well,
that's real helpful, Karl.
Okay, come on. Let's go.
Let's go. Let's do something.
I'll get the blasters.
Karl, I think I broke it.
Can you come fix this damn thing?
I'll get the blasters.
Will? You okay?
Oh, man, I saw it.
How big was it?
What kind of armor?
Was it shielded?
Was it exposed?
It was-
Man, it was ugly.
It came in broad daylight.
It's tiring of the game.
It wants it done.
Put the women and children
into the sanctuary.
Everyone else patrols in threes and
keep visual contact at all times.
I won't be herded
and locked away.
- I'm fighting this time.
- Join the others in the sanctuary.
A little late to start
protecting me, isn't it, Father?
- Hurry up. Hurry up.
- Hurry up.
Where's Kyra?
Where is she?
I don't know where she is.
I haven't seen her.
We'll never get out of this.
- Move in now.
- Make sure both doors are bolted.
Yes, sir.
All sanctuary doors secured.
All sanctuary doors secured.
- What is it?
- Is there any other way in?
All doors are secured
from the inside.
Aaah! Daah!
Me! Fight me!
Not you.
I can't-
How is he?
He saved my life.
I need more bandages.
He wounded the beast.
That gives us a chance.
All I've ever wanted was you.
I know.
I know.
It won't be long now.
Sweet dreams, my love.
Feel it- the life your husband
put in my belly.
It's almost finished,
my love.
It's almost finished, my love.
Don't be afraid.
You should be dead.
Many times.
I'm a quick healer.
- Not good enough.
- That's all I can say.
Because you're afraid
the truth will send me running?
From what
I've seen of you, no.
But because there is no time.
Enjoying the view?
A remarkable recovery.
It wasn't as bad as it looked.
We all have our secrets, I suppose.
Tell me,
if a man fights
a creature of evil,
then he cannot be evil himself,
can he?
If you're looking for absolution,
you're asking the wrong man.
Whoever you are,
whatever you are,
I thank you for your help.
"not you"?
You scared the hell out of me.
I need you to make me something,
and I need it now.
Yeah, what is it?
I'll show you. But no mistakes.
All right, no sweat.
This is the time...
it matters.
How's your leg?
My injuries don't heal
as well as yours.
I'll be little help like this.
One day you'll have to
teach me your trick.
What can I do?
It'll be over tonight?
Yes, one way or another.
It's time.
It will come for me,
but I will know where
it's coming from and when.
There's one thing
you should know about Nivri.
His family is very wealthy,
very rich.
The marriage was arranged
by Hrothgar, not Kyra's choice.
He was a sadist and a pig.
He treated her badly, very badly.
- But you didn't kill him?
- No, but I tried.
I challenged the bastard to a fight,
but Hrothgar made me back off.
You know, don't you?
She thinks of me... as a brother.
That's all I could ever be.
I've survived a lot of pain.
- Warriors do.
- Yeah.
But nothing...
to compare with that.
End its miserable life...
- Is it done?
- Yep.
- Have you tested it?
- Yeah. It works fine. Works great.
Most of the time.
No, it's fine. It's fine.
It's fine. Hey, listen. Are you
gonna take this beast thing or not?
You don't want me
to ruin the surprise.
Waking up in the morning
is surprise enough.
Don't do this.
We all do what we have to do.
You know that well, I think.
Is that the knife
you used on your husband?
What are you?
Secrets are hard to keep.
It was night.
He'd been drinking as usual.
He wanted me.
I refused.
He started to beat me.
So I stabbed him...
and over.
And the whole time...
he just stood there...
looking surprised.
Now he's come back to kill us,
one by one,
saving me for the last.
The beast is not your husband.
What makes you so sure?
Ghosts don't eat people.
This is not your doing.
If someone is to blame,
it's not you.
Maybe not for the first strike,
but for the second...
and the third and the fourth.
- It was justified.
- It was murder.
I made mistakes.
Oh, forgive me.
I've been waiting for you.
One of us is the other's death.
I'm like you.
- I'm one of the damned.
- Kill!
open the wine cellar.
I think you ought to
take a look at this, sir.
My God!
Looks like they've done it.
Look at the size of that thing.
Okay. We're finished here.
Break it all down.
We're moving out.
Not one scratch.
I'm impressed.
So, now it's over,
I suppose you'll be leaving us.
I've finished here.
Well, then you'll leave
without knowing my biggest secret.
There's more?
- One more.
- And that is?
How I feel.
What are you scared of?
This is my life.
It can't be shared,
especially with anyone
that cares for me.
- You're afraid of me.
- No.
I'm not afraid of you.
I'm afraid for you.
I've found something I never thought
in this place of death and misery.
- You mustn't love me.
- But that's for me to say.
How do you know it wasn't me
that drew you to this place?
- Because you're not evil.
- Maybe not,
but tonight
I am full of magic.
Let's drink a toast.
To us...
for surviving.
And to those who didn't.
- To Beowulf.
- To Beowulf.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Why, I'm your dreams
and desires come to life.
This is not a dream.
You're right.
Tell me,
is this real enough for you?
Where'd you come from?
How the hell did you get in here?
Where I came from
is not important.
What you should ask
is why I'm here.
So, why are you here then?
To tell you something
about the ways of women.
She's treated you badly.
Such a foolish girl.
You're so much more
a man than him.
So much more.
- I... don't have time for this.
- There's nothing to do tonight.
Everyone's out celebrating
their survival.
Why not you?
You deserve the best.
Such loyalty.
You've given so much.
And you have
so much more to give.
Any woman...
would be very lucky
to have you.
Any woman.
Let me be your comfort.
So now you have to tell me
who you are.
It's what lovers do.
I'll find out
one way or another.
Are you threatening me?
I could think of worse things.
I want to know.
My mother's family
had an outpost like this one.
One night when she was young,
she saw a light-
a beautiful silver light
that called her name.
She was drawn.
She followed it to an opening
in the hill that never existed.
And inside he was waiting for her.
Every night for three months
she went to him.
Then the last night
of the third month,
he told her she was pregnant...
- and she was to name the child-
- Beowulf.
Who was he?
My mother died never knowing.
But the Elders had no doubts.
They told me my father was Bale,
god of darkness, lord of lies.
You don't believe that?
The only thing that
stops me from becoming evil...
is fighting evil.
So, this is how it must be?
Battle after battle...
until you die?
Yes, this is how it must be.
- How can-
- Shh.
You're scaring me.
It's here.
What's here?
- You killed it.
- Not the beast.
Something older, subtler.
Let me come with you.
No, please.
Get back with the others.
You were right. It was
your magic that brought me here.
Then maybe it'll be my magic
that brings you back.
Kyra, where have you been?
We're waiting for you.
It's not over.
We need to warn the others.
My friend.
Have you come for me, my love?
You weren't so shy when you
took this outpost and me.
Is this any way to treat
your long-lost lover?
Who is this, Father?
After we stormed the outpost,
she was waiting.
- She came to me in the night.
- What?
And what pleasures we had.
You're the reason
my wife killed herself!
Oh, no, no, no, love.
That was your honor. It was your
face she watched when she jumped.
- No.
- You whore!
Harsh words for the mother
of your child.
- What?
- The beast, he's your son, Grendel.
Conceived at the height
of victorious bloodshed.
That thing's not human!
He's half.
That's why he's so handsome.
- All this... for love spurned?
- Love?
You're so simple.
Long before the outpost was built
this was my land and my home.
My son has the older claim.
He has come for what is his right.
I thank God now
for the opportunity to kill you.
That... was a mistake.
No mistake.
I only kill when I have to.
You kill for pleasure.
Their blood was sweet.
I sucked their veins,
chewed their bones,
wet and still alive.
Hot blood pumping
down my throat.
You should try it.
It will appeal to you.
You know nothing
about what appeals to me.
Don't I?
How will her blood taste?
You've wondered.
You can't help it.
You look at her,
your blood pumps.
Your mouth becomes wet.
You haven't confused that hunger
for something else, I hope.
I'm not confused.
I know exactly why I'm here.
Tell me, what blood
mingles with yours?
Who spread your mother's legs,
gave you strength to beat my son?
Someone stronger than you.
That's doubtful.
I know you feel the pull towards me.
You can't help it.
I need you inside of me.
You're on the edge of control now...
with fresh kills inches away...
and me so close,
aching for you.
Does it burn in you, the hunger,
for blood, for flesh?
Is it sweet to you,
the scent of my son's kills?
Tell me, hero.
Whose world do you
really belong to, theirs or mine?
Here and now
it's just you and me.
And I will see you
pay for your sins.
Do you dare?
Would you know me?
I'm old, child-
older than sin.
Would you take me here in the dark?
Do your loins at this moment,
at this moment of death,
do they burn for me?
I burn, but not for you.
So be it.
You've come for answers.
See what the truth brings you.
Come, sample the true delights
of flesh with me.
Feel what no human woman
can offer you.
It's time.
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on. We have to go.
I lost everyone I loved
in that place.
My whole life was there.
Where will you go?
With you.
I don't know where I'm going,
or what I'll find when I get there.
If I stay with you the darkness
will seek me out.
And how would I protect you?
I'll show you,
if you let me.
It's not safe to be with me.
It's clear to me that by your side
is the safest place there is.
I can't make you any guarantees.
I'll take that chance.
#Give it up #
# Give it up
Got to give it up I said #
# Give it up, give it up
Yeah,you're already dead #
# You got no reason
for hanging around #
# Except for a beat down
Say what you wanna say #
# Take it down, bring it down
I'm the sum of its parts #
# Kicked around like a ham
never given much thought #
# Good Lord I always meant it to be
So fuckin'help me #
# I give the horns to you
who saved me #
# I give the horns
to you who told me #
# To change my way of life #
# I don't wanna do another#
# Yeah,you heard me right
Every day I thank my mother#
# I said, give it up
Got to give it up It's my space #
# Give it up, give it up
Don't you spit in my face #
# Alteration #
# Of destiny #
# Interplanetary #
# "O"frequency #
# Surrendering #
# To my undivided destiny #
# The spaceship will come
to take us away #
# Out of the orbit
and into the light #
# Gonna be picked up
Sent on a flight #
# It's ready to join us
Escape the distraction #
- # Enjoy the abduction #
- # Enjoy the abduction #
- # Surrender#
- # Enjoy the abduction #
- # Surrender#
- # Enjoy the abduction #
# I would always
please my maker#
# I would always
return to my taker#
# I would never
be a faker#
# I would never
be a forsaker##