Berkshire County (2014)

What's going on, bro?
Yeah, good to see you buddy.
Good to see you, too.
How you doing?
Hey dude, let this foxy as oz.
In there!
Thank you.
- Hey!
- Hey!
How are you doing?
- Good!
- Yeah?
Yeah, I didn't think you
were coming back.
I told you I'd come back,
would you miss me?
- Maybe.
- You look great!
So loud in here, you wanna
go talk somewhere else?
- Some where quieter?
- Okay.
Let's go!
Don't let anyone in.
Come here.
Have a sip...
Come on, yeah!
Here we go!
Come here!
You know what'd make
this night... really perfect?
No, I don't think we
should be doing this.
Come on, It's not
a big deal... It really isn't.
Come on!
Oh shit, yo!
It's my boyfriend's dick, yeah!
Oh my God!
I don't remember the
Little Red Riding Hood...
ever doing this act,
in the fairytale.
I can't believe she would
do something like that.
It just doesn't seem like her.
Oh, grandma what a
big dick you have!
You're gonna be a star, kid!
Oh, shit!
What's this I'm hearing
about pictures...
that have been taken
from you and Kylie?
Oh yeah, it's horrible.
Well, what do you mean
"It's horrible"?
I heard you had a hand in.
Oh shit!
Hey, I love your technique.
Hey Kylie, Can I
take you to prom?
There you are, bitch!
What? Don't got
anything to say?
Won't open your mouth for me,
but you go for my boyfriend?
Markus said you guys broke up.
Shut your fucking mouth!
Relax Kylie, we only
have a question for you.
- Do you spit or swallow?
- Open up!
Guess this answers that question.
You want the boys
be disappointed.
You tell anyone about this...
and I'll destroy you!
Got it?
Got it?
Namaste whore!
Holy shit!
Kylie look, I'm kind of in
deep shit with principal Morris.
He thinks I knew about this.
I mean, you know
that's bullshit.
Hey come on, Kylie!
What did I do?
Thought we were
having fun, what...
Hey look, are you
gonna talk to Morris?
Just tell me if you're
gonna talk to Morris... Ky...!
Mom, what the hell!
You wanna tell me, why...
I'm getting calls from the
principal about you today?
Get out!
I've spent 17 years,
making sure...
that you don't turn into
someone I'm ashamed of.
You don't understand,
I didn't even want to!
You didn't want to,
but you did anyways.
This is a lifelong
problem for you, Kylie.
You need to learn to
stand up for yourself.
The Harrison's are expecting
you at 7:00, It's a long drive...
I want you out of here by 6:00.
Okay guys, go
right up to the door.
Make sure to say "thank you".
- I hope this's gonna be good.
- Use your manners.
- Trick or treat!
- Trick or treat!
- Trick or treat.
- Aren't you a beautiful princess?
- And look at you... and take!
- Thank you.
Well, hello Eric.
- Happy Halloween!
- Thank you.
Kylie, Kylie!
Hold on!
Just a sec, okay Lucy!
Hold on!
- Kylie!
- What?
Be nice, OK?
What makes you think they want
me taking care of their kids?
Yeah, just forget it!
Hi guys!
Morris's talking about expelling me.
You gotta tell him,
we were just having fun.
I had no idea of whom
those assholes took the camera.
Shut up, you little shit!
I'm on the phone.
I'm coming over.
No, I'm not at home,
babysitting tonight.
Look, get me off the hook with Morris,
this goes way for both of us.
What the hell?
Holy shit!
- Come on in.
- Thanks.
Hey, thanks for coming
out all this way.
We're going to the uh... school
board annual... parent scare party.
And finding a babysitter around
here has been... really cut throat.
Right, Mrs. Harrison works
for the school board.
Yeah, um... let me take your things.
Let me show you around.
Big House.
The kitchen of course, excuse
the mess... we are moving.
This place is sick!
Why are you guys moving?
Oh, It's uh... hunted!
I'm kidding!
We're moving corporate
headquarters into the city...
and the commute would
have been killer so...
Where are you
supposed to be, anyway?
James Dean, "Rebel Without a Cause."
"You're tearing me apart!"
Well, the place is beautiful!
Yeah, wife's money.
I'll introduce you to the kids.
Kids are ready for bed.
And hopefully not too
rolled up on sugar.
Phoebe, Sam...
say hello to Kylie.
- Hi!
- Hi!
This is the Reynolds,
he's from London, England.
Hi Reynolds!
- They can stay up until 9:00.
- 10:00?
No 9:00, but only
because it's Halloween...
And only because they promised...
to be extra well-behaved
tonight, right?
OK, I'll show you to the rooms,
Let's see, rest of the house...
I'll show you upstairs.
Kids' rooms are at
the top of the stairs.
- You like the stone work?
- Yeah.
The stone we put in last summer.
A lot of work.
- Wow!
- Yeah?
You can get lost in this place.
Oh yeah, we still haven't
found the last babysitter.
I'm just kidding!
Right up there, that's
Sam's little fiefdom.
And right below, this
is... Phoebe's room.
Kylie, hi!
How are you?
Good... you've certainly
grown up, haven't you?
- Ready to roll Mr.deem?
- Yeah, I'll just get your coat.
We'll be back at
1:00 a.m at the latest.
- Okay.
- So...
Have fun.
No parties or boys, understand?
If I could've found anybody else
on such short notice, I would have.
You take care of my kids.
They're your only priority tonight.
You hear me?
Only 6 kids came by, so
we got the leftover candies.
I'm good.
You can have a
piece, if you want.
- Nice mask!
- Thanks.
Do werewolves play hiding or seek?
Probably not.
Of course they do,
they hunt in the dark.
- I wanna play hiding or seek.
- Yeah, come on!
Come play!
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
and this is the last time.
- Hello?
- Is your refrigerator running?
Go to hell!
You said a bad word.
Let's go find your brother.
He thinks he's so good,
but I always find him.
There's lots of places
for him to hide in here.
And I don't think he's in here.
Do you know where
your brother is?
I'm not telling you.
Is he under here?
Not in there.
I give up.
Come out, come out
wherever you are.
Not funny, guys.
Time for bed.
- Already?
- Yeah.
- How about a story?
- Yeah!
I don't think so, It's late.
You... bed
You... upstairs.
Okay, let's get you tucked in.
Remember the time,
when you couldn't find me...
when we were
playing hiding or seek?
Yeah, that was awesome.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Kylie, I'm scared.
- Of what?
Monsters in my closet.
There's no such
things as monsters...
at least not until
high school, anyway.
There is monsters
in high school?
Go to sleep!
There, See?
No monsters.
Can you tell me a story?
Once upon a time...
there was a little
girl named Phoebe.
She was a princess.
And she lived in a
great big castle.
She had many great friends
who always stood up for her,
And looked out for her.
When she grew up, she become
a great and powerful queen.
And never, ever ever...
not even once in all her days,
did she ever see a monster.
The End.
- I liked that story.
- I thought you might.
- Good night!
- Good night!
Oh, wow!
- Hello!
- Can I speak with your parents?
- They are in bed.
- Can I speak with them?
- They're sleeping.
- Can you wake them up?
- Markus?
- Can you wake them up?
This isn't funny!
Trick or treat.
Trick or treat.
What are you doing out so late?
Do you want some candy?
Do you know what time it is?
Trick or treat.
Come on!
911, Emergency.
Do you require police, fire organization...
Police, People outside
in pig mask!
They just tried to grab me!
911, what is your emergency?
There're people outside
in pig mask, they cut the bolt.
And just tried to grab me.
And now I think they're trying to get in.
Slow down!
Tell me your name.
My name is Kylie Winters.
How many people are after you?
I think there's... three.
Two men and a child.
All right, what's your address?
3, Mindoro road... in Berkshire county.
Please, I'm just the babysitter.
OK Kylie, I'm gonna put you
on hold, but I'll be right back.
I'm going to inform
police of your situation.
Please help me!
It's okay Kylie, I'm back.
And I'm gonna stay
on the line with you.
How many children
are in your cab?
There's two!
The windows.
- Shit!
- Whom you are begging?
Phoebe, upstairs to
your room, right now!
Why are you so scared?
Go to your room, lock your door
and hide.
Please help us!
We're in the middle of nowhere.
- Hello, are you still there!
- Kylie?
I haven't gone anywhere,
I'm still here.
They are in the house.
Do you have the
children with you?
I think she's gone.
I think they took her.
Where are you right now?
Hiding in the kitchen.
I'm gonna be honest with you, Kylie.
The police are still about
10 minutes away.
I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna help you through this,
if you trust me.
Do you have something
to protect yourself with?
Let me off!
Kylie, what's going on?
They have Sam, now.
I can't do this!
I'm gonna gone away here.
Kylie, calm down!
Listen to my voice.
The police are almost there.
I never should've
opened that door, just like...
I never should've followed
him in that room!
And never had that stupid video,
now everybody thinks I'm whore.
Kylie, you're not making any sense.
You need to keep
it together, okay?
I'm useless.
OK, can you get
out of the house?
I think so.
I'll stay on the line with you.
1-21, you're on your way to
number 3 Mindoro road, yes?
Car 1-21, just finishing up
here, then I'll roll to Mindoro.
Kylie, are you there?
I'm still on the line with you.
Kylie, are you there?
I just wanna go.
Kylie, I know it's hard.
But you're safer staying put
and waiting for the police.
You're not alone, Kylie
your need are those children,
because they've got you.
I know we don't
know each other, Kylie
but you don't seem like
someone who just gives up.
What's your name?
Can you stay on the
line with me, Roberta?
I'm not going anywhere.
'Cause I don't think
I could do this alone.
Oh, shit!
Oh my God!
Phoebe! Sam!
Wake up!
Come on, wake up!
1-21, what's your ETA
on 3, Mindoro road?
Car 1-21 here, We're
about 4 minutes out, over.
Copy 1-21, still trying
to reestablish contact.
Holy shit!
Oh God!
Hey, wake up!
Wake up!
Little boy, wake up!
- Phoebe!
- Kylie!
I need you to be brave
and stay quiet, okay?
I want my mom.
I know, just stay quiet, and
all of us will get to see our moms.
We need to go!
What's happening?
Where is Jonathan?
- Wait, listen!
- Kylie, what's going on?
Whatever happens, just run!
Run, Jonathan!
Okay, inside!
Sam, where's he best place to
hide besides the upstairs closet?
- Basement.
- Okay, let's go!
We need to really
get hide in a place.
Sam, I need your help.
Can you find me the
best place to hide in here?
- I'm scared.
- I know, me too.
But the police are coming, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
God, I hate Halloween.
Twenty bucks as it
just another crazy.
It ain't seem crazy to you
see my kid hopped on sugar.
You got this?
Eat your damn sandwich.
Anybody home?
No answer.
I'm gonna set a pick
around back, Over.
It is the police?
This's the police.
We're responding
to your distress call.
Is anybody home?
Dispatch, this's 1-21, requiring
immediate backup to 3-mindoro.
Multiple potential 5-9 force.
Copy that, 1-21.
Possible abduction reported.
Repeat, possible abduction under way.
Sir, are you OK?
Dispatch, this's 1-21,
what's the ETA on our backup?
About 12 minutes out, over.
Sir, Put your hands
where I can see.
Sir, you OK?
Riley, where the hell are you?
Sir, are you OK?
Answer me!
Come in1-21, what's your status
of number 3 - Mindoro?
What's your status, 1-21?
The police aren't coming, are they?
Your post is so good.
We're safe here.
You hear that Phoebe?
You did so good.
Can you be brave for
me just a little bit longer?
Sam, how far way is
to the nearest house?
- A driver across the road.
- How far?
I don't know but could you
just please stay with us?
Sam, I lost my phone.
And we need help.
I'll be back.
I promise, OK?
- What is it?
- Shh!
I need to go get out.
Hey, Phoebe!
Look at this.
It is your mom's.
I think she would
like you to have it...
for being such a brave girl.
I thought you said, there
weren't any monsters until high school.
I will be back, I promise!
Stay here until I get back.
Oh My God! Stop! Stop!
Please stop!
Oh my God!
Oh, thank God!
Markus, What are you doing here?
Are you fucking trying anyone over?
Drive to the house over there.
God, you look like shit!
Just do it,
turn your lights
off so they won't see us.
What are you doing?
There're people out there
trying to kill us!
They're out there right now.
Why do you think I came
all the way out here?
My God!
Relax, It's a joke.
What are you, on something?
Jesus, probably just a bunch
of kids playing a prank.
Don't touch me.
My God, You're such a freaking chick.
I knew about the video, OK?
But look, I don't see
what the big deal is, OK?
There's like a million
blow job videos out there.
Why would you do that to me?
To see if I could.
This isn't all my fault, OK?
You were pretty easy prey.
So listen, this is how
this is gonna go down:
You are gonna tell principal Morris that
I had no idea about the camera.
Otherwise I just don't
have anything to lose, Kylie.
Which means there's nothing stopping
me from putting this online.
Get's really good, around 4 or 3.
Yeah, they like to
call it money shot.
Get me off the hook with Morris,
then you could personally
delete the video from my phone.
No one will never see it.
And you know, just to sweeten that deal
I wouldn't say no if you
wanted to come back for more.
What the hell?
- Drive, now!
- No big deal.
- Holy crap!
- Go!
Holy shit!
Holy fucking goddamn motherfucking shit!
You see that guy, piggy
he was fucking covered in bloodshed.
Grow some balls!
Ouch. What the fuck is wrong with you?
God, my eye!
Drive over there.
- Fuck, you're crazy!
- Do it!
I'm going back in for the kids.
Run the fuckers over if you
see them, but don't you take off on us.
I'm getting the fuck out of here.
You trying take off on
us, and I will fucking destroy you.
Do you understand me?
I'll take this video,
bring it to the police,
tell everyone it was you,
And you'll spend the next 4 years
of your life, going down on guys...
In jail showers for distributing
pornography of a minor.
Got it?
We need to leave.
Grab my hand.
- You came back!
- I promised, didn't I?
Come on!
This is such a bad idea.
Holy Christ!
Open the door!
What are you doing?
I'm doing stuff, Kylie.
Get in the car!
Car, I just got this detail
last week, Kylie.
Get in the car!
- Shit!
- Kylie!
It's the police, they're
here to help us!
Look out!
Oh, little boy.
Are you okay?
Please, You have to help us.
Can you untie me?
You like the bear?
His name's Reynolds,
he is from England.
I want to help you.
Just Please tell me
what I can do...
so much talking!
You don't have to do this.
I know that somewhere
in there, there's...
there's a scared little
boy who needs of help.
Can you please help us?
Please help!
Oh, yeah, alive.
Dispatch, we have an officer
down, an officer down.
1-21, is there a fault?
Officer is not responding.
All units be advised, Officer down in
number3-mindoro, Berkshire County...
It's you or nothing.
It's you or nothing.
Please help, Roberta!
They have us in a van,
They're taking us somewhere.
Kylie, I know you're
tired and you're hurting
but I'm gonna ask you to keep
fighting a little longer.
You could've given up and left
without the children.
But you didn't.
And now The police
are looking for you,
But they're never
going to find you,
'Cause all your calls were rerouted
to me.
But I want to keep fighting
anyway, Kylie.
'Cause it's just so much more fun.
I'm gonna enjoy
breaking you, Kylie.
It's gonna be so much fun!
Who's having fun now, Roberta?
There's no use hiding from me.
Sam, Phoebe!
You don't have to...
But I want to.
They're coming.
I cut your fucking wires.
How are you feeling?
Happy to be alive.
I'm so proud of you.
You are a brave girl!
You fought them off, all by yourself.
Do The police know
anything more about them?
They think that the device they used to
hijack your cell calls is the best chance.
What about that boy?
He's awake but he hasn't spoken a word.
They don't know what to do with him.
Here for the boy.
Yeah, It's all yours.
Oh my God!
.:: created by Mehdi Alizadeh ::.