Berlin Is in Germany (2001)

East Germany, Brandenburg Prison 9.
November 1989
Last night, many East Germans crossed the
border by just showing their IDs.
Several West Berliners also paid a
short visit to East Berlin.
However, it has been
announced that from 8 am onwards,
an ID card will no longer be required.
11 years later, 20 prisoners jailed during the
Communist era are still
in the Brandenburg Prison.
Martin Schulz is being released today.
Have you got everything?
Off you go!
Good luck!
See you, Martin.
Your driver's license, your ID
and your wallet.
And your money.
Please sign here.
So Mr. Schulz, here's your release
allowance of 800 marks,
a train ticket to Berlin, and
your release certificate.
You must contact your probation officer in Berlin.
I'm sure you know that.
Papers are there, too.
If you could just sign here.
Hello, may I help you?
Uhm ... yes.
I want a present for my son.
How old is your son? - Eleven.
What does he like? - He ...
- What are his hobbies?
Hobbies ...
Yes ...
What's he like doing? Well ...
When you ask me like that ...
I don't know what he does
or what his hobbies are.
But it should be something modern.
I saw an ad for it. It's something
where you press with both hands ...
A Gameboy?
But not a Tamagotchi.
I saw a TV program on it.
I reckon they're absurd.
Feeding an electronic pet
seems warped to me.
No, it's something you have
to press with both hands.
Perhaps just a football is better.
Um, hello.
Is this where the Schulzes live?
- Yes, it says so there.
Oh, yes.
And are you Rokko? - Yes.
Is your mother home? - No, at work,
and then she wanted to go shopping.
Actually I just wanted to
drop off a few presents.
My mother says I'm not
allowed to let strangers in.
Your mother's quite right.
Then I'll just put everything
in front of the door.
By the way, the little
package is for you.
Thank you.
OK. Goodbye, Rokko.
Piss off!
Piss off, I said.
Leave me alone!
Piss off!
Piss off, I'm going to jump.
Leave me alone. Piss off, I said.
Clear off! Piss off!
It's at least a 15 meter jump.
2 or 3 seconds, and you're gone.
But if you jump, then ...
...I'll jump, too.
-Piss off! Piss off!
Leave me alone!
Are you crazy?
Don't you recognize me?
Piss off!
Leave me alone!
Calm down.
Calm down.
What's wrong with you, what's wrong?
After reunification,
I went over to the West,
to a building site in Stuttgart.
Are you from East Germany?
Eastie, can you lift this?
Over there, their own people come
first, then Giuseppe, then Achmed,
then "Easties" right at
the bottom.
I couldn't take it, and
came back to Berlin.
I worked a while
as a floorer ...
... now they say
interior designer.
And then I wanted
to set up on my own.
That was all so complicated.
My last job was as an "ice-man".
Frozen goods.
An "ice-man".
"Ice is Nice" was
written on the van.
I got my truck license specially.
Then I forgot to shut the back, and
all the stuff fell out on the street.
That was it.
Then you sit with a woman in a pub,
and she asks what you do for a living.
And I say nothing, simply nothing.
You know how women are.
If you have nothing, you are nothing.
Yes ... and then
I thought, "I'll jump off the roof
and put an end to my misery".
But I didn't even manage that.
I'm not even capable of that.
Do you have a handkerchief?
Could you give us two beers, Ute?
- I won't do it on tab anymore.
I'll pay, OK?
Thanks, Martin.
And what's Manfred doing?
Haven't seen him for ages.
And Enrique?
Haven't seen him for ages either.
Well, if it isn't Mr. Pau!
What a surprise!
- Kurt, if you want to make trouble, get out.
- Don't interfere
get me a beer.
When do I see my money again?
Do you owe him money? - Yes.
Who's this here?
We don't like tourists here, do you?
-How much d'you owe him? - 300 marks.
Here, take your dosh and get out.
Is Daddy paying for you?
OK, the Party thanks you.
Have you been in a gay bar, meeting
such generous people?
Piss off!
Come on, get out of here!
Listen here!
Don't try talking to
me like that, you motherfucker.
You alright? - Yeah, I'm alright.
We could go to my place. You can
sleep over. - No, I'm OK. I'll be off.
Go home.
Despite being almost totally submerged,
they can breathe, smell, see and hear.
They sink down silently,
their lungs holding enough
air for 5 minutes.
Buoyancy and gravity are
more or less equal.
Above water, there's turmoil again.
Hippopotamuses are known
for their aggression.
Their powerful jaws and sharp
teeth are dangerous weapons,
but most scuffles end peacefully.
What a surprise!
But why the TV? Why didn't
you leave it for the others?
They've all got one.
I brought your picture, too.
Two jailbirds sat before the bank,
one was smelly, the other stank.
Then Smelly said to Stank:
I'll sit in front of another bank.
What's it mean? - It's poetry.
No, Victor, it's shit. - It's not shit.
Hubes got 3 years more.
He tried it on
with a social worker.
And Bucki? - Still the
warders' best friend.
And Ralli ...
... is in the looney bin.
He lost it a few months ago.
He kept hitting his
head against the wall.
They just took him away.
But he had life anyway.
And you?
Any plans?
Well ...
... to slowly get back into things.
My wife's with another
guy ... - You knew that!
Yes, I knew, but it's still strange
seeing her with someone else.
And your son?
At least I've seen him
for the first time.
And you?
I'm ... I'm in retirement, Martin.
I see nothing, I hear nothing!
Do you want to go in?
For you it's free.
Live show!
Have you been here before?
Or ... is it your first time?
Do you like it?
Shall I ...
... tell you my prices?
One ... two ... three.
Can you speak Russian?
I understand ... a little.
Where did you learn? Are you from ...
... East Germany?
My mother ... was ...
a Russian teacher ...
in an East German school.
I'm not stupid, little soldier.
Good morning, Mr. Schulz. Oh, sorry, did we wake you?
- Yes
We're from the Berlin News.
We chose your address at random,
and would like to do a short interview.
May we come in?
Thank you.
Do you like it? - Nice.
A bit big, maybe.
Here's information on
opening a savings account,
this is to help you
find an apartment,
here are job center addresses, something
on health and pension schemes,
and here's your new tax card.
An application for social welfare.
A job training program
is also possible.
And I've also prepared an
application for supervised lodgings.
I'd rather stay in the hotel,
and find work myself.
That's alright.
But you'll have to come here
regularly so we can monitor progress.
I recommend our workshops.
I take the art therapy, and
would love to see you there.
Take a look at the
pictures on the wall.
Now you can see when it's our turn.
We've 345, and it's showing 325.
So there are 20 people to go.
Do I need my passport? - Of course.
Here's the Berlin News' card. They asked
where I was when the Wall came down.
Here, look.
They should've asked me.
Do you know where I was?
No. - Didn't I write? - No.
I was sitting in a tank. The T72.
Not an animal, not a man,
but an armored infantryman.
That was October '89, with
the demos on the Alexanderplatz.
We all knew what was up.
We had to give blood.
They asked for our blood groups.
We gave blood and got in
the tanks. The square was full.
I wouldn't have known what
to do if we'd mobilized.
You couldn't talk, the
Stasi were always there.
They'd have let us fire,
like in China. And me in a T72!
Profession? - Engine fitter.
Where did you train? - Karl
Liebknecht transformer works.
What was your last
place of employment?
Where was your
last place of employment?
In Brandenburg. -With What firm?
In the metalworking shop
of the Brandenburg Penitentiary.
Floorer, interior designer.
You can't call me at home,
because I'm in a telephone box.
But you can call me here.
The number is 4-6-7-2-3-9-8.
Yes, goodbye.
Yes, I'm a fitter.
Of course I've got experience.
The last thing I did was
installation work abroad.
Ringing me at home is difficult, but
you can get me in this telephone box.
I'll wait for your call.
The number is 4-6-7-2-3-9-8.
... hello?
Hello? - What's wrong? - Hung up.
I thought ...
... I'd just come ...
... to see how you are.
You're looking good.
You, too.
What are you doing tonight?
Today's bad, we've got visitors.
Perhaps we could ...
Here's a visiting card from work.
My telephone number's on it.
You can ring me there.
I mean ...
... we could organize something.
It'd be nice if you rang. OK.
See you.
Don't you want to come in?
... and then we go to Spain or Portugal.
This is Martin, an old friend.
Martin. - Petra. Pierre. Pierre? Pierre.
Take a seat.
Can I offer you a drink?
- Yes. I won't say no.
I'll bring a glass.
Are you hungry?
What is it? - Paella.
It's Spanish.
Tastes good.
Tastes really good.
Nothing beats watching other
people eat, does it?
Are you finished? - Yes.
Superb. - Thanks.
You too?
Where do you all come from?
I'm from South
Germany, like Wolfgang.
I only know South
Germany from TV.
Wolfgang and I...
... studied together.
Oh, did you?
And you? - I'm from
near Marseilles.
France. Only seen
that on TV too.
Where the bottle once was
full now stands a coffin.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
Are you a writer? - Me? No.
Not me.
I just had a lot of time to read.
I liked the Russians best,
Nabokov, Dostoevsky, Pushkin.
They've no idea about politics,
but they can really write.
Is he a writer?
- No, I asked if he was, but ...
Rokko's already in bed, I suppose.
Yes. He went to bed a
quarter of an hour ago.
Thank you.
No, no need. I don't light them.
-But you can smoke here.
No, I don't smoke anymore.
-What do You mean?
It comes with time.
I haven't for years.
I'd like to ask you something.
You're from East Germany, too. What
were you doing when the Wall came down?
Sorry ...
... I'm so curious, but ...
... I always find
the stories so exciting.
Do you really want
to know? - Yes.
I was in the army.
National People's Army.
Armored division.
Not an animal, not a man,
but an armored infantryman.
All my friends
were in the streets.
My wife was
pregnant with our son.
And I sat in a tank waiting
for the order to move in.
It was terrible.
The hospitals stocked up on blood.
The soldiers had to donate blood.
You couldn't say anything,
because someone from
the Stasi was always there.
Anyway ... I got up,
and said, "Do what you want,
but I'm not shooting at my wife.
I'll take the tank ...
and drive it into a tree".
What do we do now?
Can you be quieter?
- Yes, but what should we do?
What do you want to do?
- I'd send for a taxi right away.
No way.
What do you mean, "no way"?
OK, then I'll just go to bed.
Why aren't you sleeping?
I did some English homework.
You were all so loud.
But that's enough now.
It's late. Sleep well.
Wouldn't it be better to lock the
With your husband here.
-Don't start that again.
He seems so strange.
I know you lost contact with him, but
He looks like he
just got out of jail.
I'm sorry. I haven't
anything against him.
But it's weird how
he just turned up ...- Martin.
He really has just
got out of jail.
How do you know that?
I always have.
He went to jail in July 1989.
Before the Wall came down.
We had just married, and
I was pregnant with Rokko.
It all started in the spring of 1989.
I was at home on my own.
The doorbell rang.
Is your husband home,
Mrs. Schulz? - No, he's at work.
I've found an irregularity in the
list of occupants of this house.
Two weeks ago you
had West Germans here.
But you didn't register
them in the house list.
But why?
They were friends of friends,
and we registered them with the police.
Please write the names and
addresses of your visitors in the list.
So that's done.
Now for another delicate matter.
I found something in your cellar
that really worries me.
Mrs. Schulz,
I'm worried about your husband.
You know it's really my duty to
put these things into the right hands.
I don't need to tell you that crossing
the border illegally is an offence.
Mrs. Schulz,
I only want to help.
-He had us in his power. - Go away!
And I was scared.
Simply scared.
Actually ...
I didn't want to tell
Martin the whole story.
I shouldn't have told him.
I simply shouldn't have told him.
What happened then?
When I ...
When I visited Martin in jail,
he told me that he ...
... counted his
steps until he arrived.
He kept wondering
whether to turn back.
Where are my things?
Mr. Schulz!
It could look bad for you if your
equipment got into the wrong hands.
I want my things.
It'd be better to let me and
the authorities deal with it.
Give them to me! - Mr. Schulz,
I only want to help you.
I talked it over with your wife.
We talked about your class
attitudes. - Give me my things!
We can talk about everything,
class attitudes, solidarity ...
... but give me back my things.
My name is rokko shultz
I am a boy from Berlin
Berlin is in Germany
What brings you
here at this hour?
I need somewhere to sleep.
In 1974, what song
won the ...?
Wolfgang! -Waterloo?
- Eurovision prize.
What author gave his name to the literature
prize Cologne has been awarding since ...
Andreas! - Heinrich Bll? - Yes!
Good night. - Good night.
What German city
has the number plate HRO?
Rostock? - Yes ...
Good morning. - Morning.
I've got a question about an
article in your local section.
Yes, about that man.
Can you tell me in
what hotel he's in?
Then I'll come by.
Is my ID enough?
See you soon. Bye.
Your husband's left.
Did he tell you where
he was going? - No.
I've even got his stuff here.
You can have it
if you pay his bills.
Your husband talked about you
a lot. When did you lose contact?
Years ago, wasn't it?
Yes. He didn't want
me to come anymore.
Why wasn't I told of his release?
You have to apply for that yourself.
We can't do everything. Oh.
Has he already visited you?
Yes, briefly. He came
at a bad moment.
I'll be frank with you.
Your husband's case is special.
He isn't a criminal, and his offence ...
... was unusual. But a long sentence
always has the same effects.
He'll get in touch after
a success or a disappointment.
If he can't cope at first,
he'll need your help.
You shouldn't promise
him too much.
That could make him overreact
if he's disappointed.
But don't apply for divorce or
withdraw custody of his son yet.
That would be too much for him.
He needs you, but he also
has to become independent.
He didn't say anything. I said he
could stay here but he didn't want to.
Then he said he'd be in touch.
Nothing about his plans?
No. Not a word.
Maybe he's gone on holiday.
You never know with Martin.
Here are the keys ...
... to get in, for the till, and so on.
I don't know if this is my thing.
I bust a gut getting you a job,
and it's not good enough for you?
Have you got a better one?
Don't think about what you shouldn't
do. Think about what you should do.
Dolores from Cuba,
Lee from Hong Kong,
Magda from the Czech Republic,
Asye from Turkey,
Petra from Lichtenberg ...
Well, hello!
Why are you here?
He's going to work and live here.
- I'm just helping out.
You mostly have late shift, don't you?
- Leiwand! Clever boy, aren't you!
I thought she was Russian.
- "Leiwand!" "Totally leiwand!"
That's the way they talk in Vienna.
Natasha, live show!
What about the door?
- Oh, yes.
Natasha, it's a couple.
I'd like Natasha, please.
Natasha, live show. Sorry.
Have you already finished? - Yes.
Tell me ...
Why do you pretend to be
Russian when you aren't?
It sells better.
What's your real name?
I don't know. What could
your name be? Andrea?
No, come on.
Wait, wait ... Ursel?
No way! - Mata Hari?
Oh, please! - She was a dancer!
You're being dumb.
- Then tell me!
Ludmila. - Nice Name.
How much?
Martin? How long've
you been out?
How're you doing? - Pretty
well. And you? - Fine.
My old pal!
And Gisela? Still around?
Of course. Here she
is with my son.
It's amazing seeing you again.
Take care. Thanks.
See you. - See you.
See you. Goodbye
A former colleague of mine.
Where do we go now?
How many students live
here? - No idea.
I don't have any contact.
It's all pretty anonymous here.
The exchange program pays for
the apartment. That's why I'm here.
It's cheaper, you see?
And where exactly do you come from?
Do you really want to know?
OK. Well ...
... my mother comes from
Skopje in Macedonia,
my father from Kiev in the Ukraine.
I was born in Belgrade,
grew up in Zagreb,
and then I went to Vienna.
That's pretty complicated.
So how's things?
Hey! - Hey, Martin! Hey!
I keep getting extra games.
By the way, Manuela visited me.
What? Manuela came to see you?
- Yeah. She asked for you.
Watch, Martin!
Oh, isn't that cool? Listen to that!
I've made a mint!
280, 290, 300 marks.
And the bag's for free.
Know who I saw?
- Who? - Enrique.
Enrique? Haven't seen him for ages.
I'd like to see him
again. What's he up to?
Do you have his number?
What, you've got a mobile?
- Yeah. An investment, Martin.
No more telephone boxes for me!
18... - Yes.
20... - Yes.
7... -Yes.
30... -Yes.
I've got nothing again.
- You're holding back again.
I'll discard you ... and you.
We're playing grand, friends.
With grand you play your
aces or shut your faces.
Man, has he got luck!
I'd like a hand like that!
If it goes on like this,
we'll be poor.
Look what I've brought.
Martin, that's you.
Till and Manfred.
Peter, that's you. - Me? Yes..
And this is me ...
the mandatory Cuban
How long ago was
that? '86, '87? - Yes.
You were still young and beautiful!
Good for a medal!
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Gone. - Go on.
..0. - Yes.
24... 27...
- Yes.
30? - Yes.
33... 35... 36...
What's a nigger doing
on your balcony, Peter?
Stop yelling, we're playing skat.
Let's have a look at you, nigger!
Isn't that the guy from
the pub? - Yes.
Watch it or we'll come over!
Are they sick?
They're just kids.
Are we going to stand for this?
- No, I don't think we are.
I'll hold the fort, OK?
You lot are in for it now!
No more "uuh uuh uuh"!
Good stuff!
Get 'em!
Yes! Look out, Martin!
Good, Enrique!
What do you want with that?
- You know, Martin ...
... some guys run around with guns.
As a taxi driver,
you've got to watch it.
Get in.
This is some car! Can I drive?
Top left.
Hand brake.
On the left ...
... clutch, in the middle ...
brake, on the right ... accelerator.
Like in the East. - Like in the East.
Oh, a lovely sound!
Now press the accelerator gently.
Daring, Mr. Wenz, very daring.
Did you see your father?
- Yes. - Good.
I can go, can't I? - Yes.
How's it looking, Mr. Schulz?
Wow, great! Really great!
Your wife came to inquire about you.
Aren't you in the hotel anymore?
Manuela? What did she want?
She asked where you're living.
While you're under supervision you
must always tell us your address.
I'm staying with Peter Pau.
I'll give you the address.
Make sure you do. - Yes. - Good.
Why were you in the same jail?
I'll tell you why.
In 1990 after the reunification,
I did a bank job in the East.
I was given years in Brandenburg jail...
I've seen many jails
... in my life
But I've never experienced
something like Brandenburg
When I came ...
... to our story,
there was ...
... a white towel on the floor.
A freshly laundered white towel.
All the prisoners stood there,
Martini as well.
I was just about ...
to step over the towel.
But that seemed too much bother.
And with my dirty shoes,
I trod right on top of the towel.
That was the "towel test".
If you trod on it, you were OK,
if you didn't, they had it in for you.
What did you do?
Well ...
... I saw the towel,
picked it up,
and asked who'd lost their towel.
Like that.
Is that Rokko? - Yes.
He's just as small as I was.
- Then you were really small.
Did you see?
That's Manuela's new boyfriend.
He's a teacher.
What a shit!
I'd like to book a trip.
I want to find out what
sorts of things are available.
Aha. Where do you want to go?
I don't know.
What's on offer?
Far away destinations are very popular.
Venezuela, Mexico, Australia,
- Australia. Australia's good.
You can fly to Sydney or Melbourne.
It'd be best to book for the school
holidays so my son can come along.
Why would I go to
Australia on my own?
My idea is to do my taxi license ...
You drive a taxi? - Yes, the test's
soon, and when I get the job,
I want to see Rokko.
To collect him at school in the taxi.
One day he'll ask who
his dad is anyway.
But Rokko's 11 - I know
how old my son is.
I don't want to
interfere with your life.
But I waited 11 years for one
thing. I want to see my son.
And for him to know
who his dad is.
Having a cabby as
dad's OK, isn't it?
As usual there are questions on
streets and buildings and so on.
Yes ... the test's in
the registration office.
You from Berlin? - Yes, so to speak.
Then it shouldn't be a problem.
Have you got someone to
test you and help you learn?
Yes, my wife.
Then we'll put you down for the test.
So, my friend.
All of this by heart.
That's hard. So ... Lenin Square
... no, United Nations Square ...
... into Friedensstrasse,
then up Greifswalderstrasse,
left into Dimitroffstrasse,
is now Danzigerstrasse,
then right at Schnhauser Allee,
then left into Schivelbeinerstrasse ...
- Wait!
Once Willi Bredel Strasse.
Schivelbeinerstrasse, then
onto Helmut Just Strasse,
now has a different name ...
- Behmstrasse.
Behmstrasse. Who thought of that?
So anyway, Behmstrasse,
then up Norwegerstrasse, and
there's Bornholmerstrasse Station.
You're good at the East.
Just forget the old names.
Let's do a route in the West.
Ruhleben to Heerstrasse Station.
That's easy.
Reichstrasse, Reichsportfeldstrasse,
Theodor Heuss Square, Heerstrasse,
and the station's on your left.
Hello. - Hi. - Your taxi?
Yes, almost.
It belongs to a friend, but soon
I'll have my own. Is Rokko in?
Come in, I'll open the door.
This is where I can
buy players and ...
... sell players.
Now I'll play a game.
Now I can pick the players,
but I never play myself.
Haven't you any influence?
I can put on substitutes,
but that's all. Here you can see
what day the game's on, and
here's when the next game is.
But I don't have
a game every time.
But now I have one.
We'll play this one?
Go on.
I can change the team.
I can say that the ...
... trainer selects,
and I'm the manager.
Players are on offer.
Make a bid for ...
How much does, say, Meisner cost?
But this is cool, isn't it?
Yes, natch ...
Natch? - Naturally.
Martin? Could you come
here, please?
Yes, natch.
Wolfgang will be home soon.
I don't think it's good
if you're here.
Why's that?
It's a nice big house.
Enough chairs.
So many rooms you
can't use them all.
I'll move in.
Enough food, too.
Mnage trois.
It's a bit loud.
If I had my way, travel
would be banned again.
OK, I'll be on my way.
I have to take
Enrique his taxi anyway.
I'll ring to tell you
how the test was.
And then we'll talk to Rocco, OK?
Bye, Manu.
Goodbye, Mr ...
See you, Rokko!
I was just at the bank, and
I tell you it'd be child's play.
With two people you'd
need 3 minutes.
We go in, take a hostage,
and walk to the safe in our own time.
In the East it's all changed.
Fritz Heckert Strasse is Engeldamm,
Ho Chi Min Strasse is Weissenseerweg.
It's really hard work.
It's ages since I've been in
a bank with such good vibes.
You can feel when luck is in the air,
and you only have to grab for it.
Can you tell me how they could
change Helmut Just Strasse to Behmstrasse?
Hey, are you listening?
- No, I'm trying not to.
Martini, things aren't going so well,
and I have to ...
... think of something.
- I'm not here much longer,
whether things are good or bad.
I wanted to suggest you change
your name anyway, maybe ...
... Thorsten instead of Victor.
But Victor is a good name.
Why should I call myself Thorsten?
You don't have to
... oh, never mind!
Is Victor there?
No. Can I help you?
I'm looking for videos.
The whole shop's full of them.
You just have to pick one.
What is it you want?
Otto Grotewohl Strasse
turns into Wilhelmstrasse.
Ludmila, could you
come here, please?
Victor's not back yet.
I have to go to my test.
Go on then, I'll close the shop.
Good luck.
You can do it.
Mr. Schulz,
...could you come? -I'm not through.
Yes, but ...
... please come with me.
What's wrong?
Mr. Schulz,
we check each applicant's
police record.
Unfortunately we found that you
were convicted of a serious offence.
The guidelines regarding
applicants for a taxi license
exclude anyone convicted
of a serious offence.
What's wrong?
Martin, tell us what's up!
Martini, you think you're the
only one things don't work out for.
Haven't you any grit?
- You're getting on my nerves.
You'll be in jail again soon anyway.
You mess things up
and are proud of it.
That's enough ... - Shut up!
Do you think I'm blind?
That I don't know what
you're selling under the counter?
People like you should be hanged!
- Pull yourself together!
See you.
I'd hang people like you.
A nice thick rope and that's that.
Leave the shop in one piece.
So, some tomato ...
... that's always ...
... very important,
tomato or peppers.
Is anyone there?
Good evening. Police. We've got
a search warrant for your shop.
Are you the owner?
I only help out.
Behind the counter!
What's wrong?
What's the time?
- Half past. Why?
Martin had his test.
He was going to ring.
Don't look like that.
Why not? I'll look how I like.
You're making a fool of yourself!
Let me go.
Hey! Are you crazy?
Open the door!
Wolfgang, let me out!
Are you mad?
Open the door and let me out!
Open the door!
I want to see Manuela. - Sorry ...
... but Manuela's at her mother's.
And where's Rokko ?
He's with her.
What's going on?
I can hear Manuela.
Go away!
Go or I'll call the police.
Police? Leonhardt Frank Strasse.
We've got a burglar. Come quickly!
My name is Riedel.
Leonhard Frank Strasse in Pankow.
There's only one of them .
Open the door! Let me out!
Are you mad? - The guy
outside's the problem.
You're the problem!
- He'll break the windows!
Martin! What's wrong?
Wait. I'll get dressed
and come out.
What's going on?
Go to your room.
I'll tell you later.
What's up? - I've got hassles,
and I told you to go to
your room. - But what's wrong?
Oh boy!
Come here.
Hands up! - Out of there!
Hands up! I want your hands up!
Come out! - I haven't
done anything!
Both hands!
- I haven't done anything!
Car calling HQ. - HQ here.
- Last name Schulz with a "z".
Born 22.5.64 in Berlin.
First name Martin.
Don't worry. Everything's alright.
But ... why are you here?
He hasn't done anything.
Why did you ring us, then?
I didn't.
He is my husband. Let him out!
Rolf? This looks like another
family drama. Let's go.
Watch out! He's had a conviction
and he's wanted. Bring him in.
What's wrong now? Open the door!
Let him out! No, let me go!
Are you mad or
something? - Go away!
Martin, come out! Bloody pigs!
Mr. Schulz,
you've had a conviction for murder,
after the reunification it was
changed to manslaughter.
When did you first go to prison?
- It's all in my file. I don't know ...
Answer my question.
When was it?
It was before reunification. I was
sentenced in the summer of 1989 in Berlin.
Manuela and I wanted to get out
of East Germany.
East Germany was ... - You don't have
to tell me about East Germany.
What had you done?
I killed our house administrator, but
I didn't mean to, I flipped. It was a fluke.
It says here You beat him
to death. Is that a fluke?
The People's Police made the report ...
- The autopsy report confirms it.
They did what they liked with people
who wanted to escape. You know that.
I can see you were one of
them, too. - Don't get insolent!
How do you know Victor Valentin?
We were both in
Brandenburg Prison.
Was he your friend? - My friend?
Was there a sexual relationship?
And you knew nothing about what
was sold under the counter?
That was also a "fluke".
- I didn't do anything!
Can you tell us where he is?
No. - Mr. Schulz.
I'll read you Section 184,
paragraph 4 of the Criminal Code.
If the offender acts for
gain or as part of a group,
the punishment is imprisonment
for a term of 6 months to 10 years,
in addition to your probation.
Are you scared of
Mr. Valentin's testimony?
I didn't do anything! Where did
you learn these methods? In the Stasi?
Listen here.
There are places ...
... where they hang
people like you.
I know guys like you.
I've met enough.
Bit boring now, eh? No electric
shocks, no padded cells. What a shit!
Mr. Schulz? - Yes?
I'm not from the East.
I'm from Bremen.
I've brought you some things.
"Dear Dad,
you have to jump over the snakes,
and watch out for the monkeys.
Love from Rokko."
It's not looking good.
They want to get me with this.
I can't go through that again.
Why did you get involved
with Victor Valentin?
You knew he wasn't
good to be around.
And the taxi license!
I could have told you
you needed a special report.
You can get the license,
but only when you've settled
down, and another offence is unlikely.
I can organize a special
report so you can take the test ...
... old Eastie,
did you think I'd leave
you in the lurch?
I gave myself up.
Do you think 5 years more or
less make any difference to me?
Bring me my TV
when you've time.
And send my love to your wife.
Don't think about...
... what you shouldn't do, Martini.
Think about what
you should do.
So, here... and here.