Besouro (2009)

It's forbidden
because I'm a boy.
It's forbidden
because I'm poor.
It's forbidden
because I'm black.
Boy, one day
you'll grow up.
Poor? Well, tomorrow
you may be rich.
Now, you're black for life,
my son.
Black and proud of it.
And don't let anyone
diminish you.
Will you teach me
how to fight, master?
I've been learning
Capoeira for 50 years.
To teach you all of it,
it will take another 50 years.
Come here,
who taught you
how to walk?
- My mom and my dad.
- No, Manoel.
Your body
taught you how to walk.
You've started walking
here and there...
leave that beetle alone!
People don't realize
this beetle can fly.
He's heavy
and his wings are thin.
Even science is sure
this beetle can't fly,
Iook how wonderful it is.
When the boy's eyes
lit up watching
that beetle,
as black as himself,
but having
the ability to fly,
he made a choice.
The choice
to fight for his people.
And he stopped
being Manoel
to become Besouro.
Golden belt
Golden Belt
Recncavo Baiano,
Brazil abolished slavery
less than 40 years ago,
and black people
are still treated as slaves.
African religions
are restrained
and Capoeira
is outlawed.
Black people
start to get organized
to demand their rights.
At the Recncavo
Master Alpio is the leader
of the black community.
Due to his struggle,
Master Alpio
is sworn to death
and gets protection
from Capoeira fighters
and his main protg,
JANUARY 21, 1924
- Good morning, Master Alpio.
- Good morning.
Go for it, Besouro!
Besouro, shouldn't you
be protecting Master Alpio?
Good morning, master.
- 'Morning.
- How do you do?
We can't rely on you, man.
Don't stop the music.
Come on, play it.
Let's practice.
- Good morning, master.
- Good morning.
Hi, boys.
Do it.
You're so handsome!
Come on.
Let's go.
Yes, sir.
Very good!
Besouro! Besouro!
Master Alpio isn't home.
- Master?
- Master!
take me
to the old slave house.
Just you.
It was my fault, master.
This was bound to happen.
No, master.
I chose you...
to continue...
what I started.
move this filth
off of my way.
Genival and Serafim,
get him out of here.
- Moron, bastard.
- Amaro,
serve me a dose.
That's a nice berimbau.
It belongs to Dinor.
You'll end up
marrying her.
We always liked
each other, Chico.
Since we were kids.
Since you
were called "Z",
Besouro was "Manoel",
and Dinor was a tomboy
playing over there
in the mud.
That's your opinion.
For me,
she's always been gorgeous.
She looked like a goddess...
with her curly hair.
How about Besouro?
What about him?
He must be in great pain.
We all are.
The people, and all of us.
But Besouro even more.
He knows what he's done.
what a proud fella.
Will Besouro come
to the master's tribute?
He'd better not.
Master Alpio
here's my lament
Pray for our bonding's
You taught us to be proud
And to have no fear at all
Our race's greatness
Capoeira bonds us all
Set free
Our hearts
- Master Alpio, here's my lament
- Let's go.
- For our master.
- Pray for our bonding's strength
You taught us to be proud
And to have no fear at all
Our race's greatness
Capoeira bonds us all
Set our hearts free
And to have no fear at all
Enough of this,
bunch of lowlifes!
It's forbidden to fight
in these domains!
Get out of here.
Everybody quiet!
I thought you were a literate man,
Noca de Antnia.
Who said
this is fighting?
Capoeira is a dance.
Look who's talking!
It's the fish
stinking nigger!
Is it a dance,
fish stench?
Your leaps and mummeries
are a dance?
- Then you're forbidden to dance.
- Under whose orders?
- Who?
- I will show you.
Beat up the niggers!
Go! Go! Go!
What are you thinking?
That your dance scares us?
Your make-believe fight?
These niggers
are just pretenders!
They came up with Capoeira
to scare cowards off!
Are you performing
a Gathering?
Are you wearing
the old man's shoes?
In a nigger's grave
- we can fit 2 or 3.
- Fuck off, Noca.
Fuck off.
- Big man with a gun!
- This?
There you go,
I'm unarmed.
Now I'll disarm you
so we'll know who's brave.
You are wasting your time, Noca.
I don't carry a gun.
You have a different
kind of gun, nigger.
Dance now, nigger.
Let's go.
Hold on tight, Chico.
Olorum Ojubar.
Ossaim Ojubar.
Hold on, Chico.
Hold on, you're strong.
Chico, soon the pain
will fade away.
Let us practice,
let us practice.
The Blessing,
the Cartwheel,
the Warned,
the Half-Moon
in a Compass.
The Hammer kick...
You're getting good,
You're getting good.
Let's practice.
- Master, may I practice?
- Yes, Dinor.
- Yes.
- That one?
- No!
- Off course you can.
Let's practice.
Hold on, Quero-Quero.
Hold on, hold on.
Get up, Besouro.
What's going on?
You must learn something.
Alone, you can be strong
and brave,
but two are stronger.
And three, even stronger.
Together we are
very strong.
And don't let anything
split you up.
Noca is a coward.
If the master was here,
this wouldn't have happened.
He knew how to make them
respect us.
That's true.
Besouro screwed up, honey.
It wasn't his fault.
May I walk you home?
There's no need for that.
I need to be alone
for a while.
To think about
what's going on.
I'm going
to take care of you.
Take care of yourself.
Clear the way!
Let's go!
Let's go!
Get to work!
Put the millstone in gear.
Come on!
People are saying
after the old man died
he ran to the forest.
Why did he leave?
He yellowed.
The black man
turned yellow.
is alright now.
There are no
more Gatherings
and no more
berimbau playing.
The niggers are carrying loads
and pulling rigs now.
Everything is quiet now.
Much too quiet.
Come in.
Close the door.
Don't be afraid, Besouro.
You were supposed
to take care of the master.
But you were showing off.
You want me to defend
the city from the colonel?
I'm not ready yet, Dinor.
You'll never be ready.
You are ready to meet the one
who will show you the way.
that's Exu's offering.
Didn't you see what just
happened to Master Alpio?
Don't you know
fighting is banned?
It wasn't
the fighting, mom.
It was because
of his ideas.
I'll go ahead to start
working on the kitchen, OK?
- I'll pick up the rest of the stuff.
- OK.
Blessings, lady.
God bless you, sweetie.
I'd like some
of that strong pepper.
This one burns like fire.
Jesus, Zulmira,
what's wrong?
- Howdy.
- Howdy.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Look, Zulmira,
Besouro is back.
When did you
catch that fish?
Early today.
It's very fresh.
How about you?
Are you very fresh?
Are you looking for trouble
this early?
Who's that fella
over there with Chico?
What fella?
What are you doing, man?
What are you doing?
You can't do that
in my fish stand.
- Drop my fish, man.
- As you wish.
You bastard!
What will you do now?
What's going on
with Chico?
Are you a man or a mouse?
I'm going to kill you!
How will you kill
what can't die?
Vicious bastard!
Where is he? Where is he?
Bastard, where are you?
Where are you? Where?
Where are you?
He is hiding.
- I'll get you, bastard.
- Calm down, Chico.
- Go away.
- Put the knife down.
- Calm down, Chico.
- You came here to annoy me.
- Calm down, Chico.
- I'm going to help you.
- Calm down, boy.
- Relax.
- What's going on?
- Give me the knife.
- What's going on?
- Stop this nonsense.
Are you talking
to yourself?
Are you talking to yourself?
Are you crazy?
- Let's go home.
- Come here.
Who are you?
I'm Exu.
I'm good to whoever
is good to me,
and evil to those
who don't respect me.
I ruled over your master's head
for a long time.
My master was a good man,
he wasn't indebted to you.
Is there good
without evil?
Is there death
without life?
Master Alpio
was aware of that.
What do you want from me?
Kneel before me.
I ain't kneeling. I'm neither yours
nor anybody's slave.
What were you
doing that day?
Were you beside him?
Were you protecting him?
Who are you to blame me?
- What's gotten into Besouro?
- Something is wrong.
- Is he crazy? Let's go, Dinor.
- I'm not moving.
You're vain.
You're arrogant.
You let Alpio die.
Come on, Besouro, wake up!
Wake up!
Get him!
Run! Run!
Come on, run!
Shoot him! Shoot him!
Run, you bastards!
Get him! Come on!
Shoot the damn nigger!
Shoot him!
Fire! Fire!
Shoot the bastard!
Get him, come on!
- Get the nigger!
- Get him!
Let's climb here!
- Here!
- There, get him!
Shoot him!
- Shoot!
- Shoot him.
The damn nigger sunk.
He ran like a cavy,
but I think we hit him, colonel.
Do you?
No one can survive
that height, colonel.
From that height?
No way, no how.
Some people
ruin everything,
but thank God
some people work too.
Isn't it so?
Genival, hold it there.
Go, lift it, lift it.
No drunken ruffian,
stupid and hoodlum
will ruin
the people's market.
- Did you hear that, Noca?
- Yes, I did, colonel.
- Now go!
- Let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
Lift it up.
Let's go, Genival,
help lift it up.
Hold it there, nio.
Come on.
Let's help the colonel.
We'll do it, Coronel.
Ogum i, patacori Ogum.
are the forces of nature.
Lord of leaves.
He's the Orix
who knows the secrets of healing
and the mystery of life.
Besouro, you're
the offspring of Ogum,
the ruler of war.
Ogum i, my father!
Oxum is loving,
vain and alluring.
She's the Orix
of fresh water.
She's maternal
and overprotective.
is the beautiful
and brave Orix.
There's no better
companion in battle.
you have a mission.
Are you alright?
I dreamt with my master.
He was talking...
about a war.
Capoeira alone
- won't rid anyone from evil.
- About a mission...
from Ogum.
This is for
your protection.
It was laid to sleep
at Ogum's feet.
There are 7 leaves
which will
open your 7 doors
and close
your enemies' doors.
Your body is shielded.
That nigger is evil.
And evil must be
nipped in the bud.
I think even
black folk are mad at him.
Good afternoon, colonel.
- Shameful race!
- Get to work, bastard!
Move, devil's hoof!
- you better keep your eyes open.
- They are wide open, colonel.
Indeed they are.
Fire! Fire!
It's on fire!
- It's spreading!
- Put it out! Put it out!
Don't let it spread!
- Run!
- Put it out!
Who's done this?
Put it out!
Serafim, fetch water.
Put it all out.
Who's done this?
Come on, run!
Noca, I saw who set
the sugar cane plantation on fire.
It was Besouro.
It's all surrounded,
- Who's on top Jacu hill?
- "Ugly" Joo and 15 more.
Who's at the sandbank?
Neno, Z do Toti
and his gang.
- Who's at the river's head?
- The rest of the gang.
I think the nigger
is there.
You're a menace.
Will you get me a chicken,
Will you?
Look what you did
to my chicken!
- I'm sorry.
- It's alright.
What are you doing there?
Move over there.
Let's go!
There was nothing
I could do, Congressman.
The damage was huge.
I sold a herd of oxen to make up
for the lost sugar cane.
And forced the niggers
to produce twice as much.
I'm going to need
your help at the capital.
And to where has
the nigger gone?
I'm still looking for him.
The fish is delicious.
go back to the kitchen
and make a fresh pot of coffee.
Later, when we're smoking,
send someone else
to bring us the coffee.
- Do you understand, Teresa?
- Yes, sir.
wait 'til the congressman is done
so you can take his cup too.
Take the cup, girl.
Girl, look what
you've done!
Now clean that mess
and leave.
- What's wrong?
- I'm not well. I'm going home.
- Teresa.
- Yes, sir.
That girl serving coffee
is your daughter, isn't she?
Yes. Dinor.
You haven't seen
her in a long time.
She's all grown up,
isn't she?
Tell her to come here.
She went home.
On whose orders?
Answer me.
She was feeling very ill
and I allowed her to go.
I'm sorry.
What's the name
of that stocky nigger?
- Joilda?
- That's it.
Tell her to take the congressman
a jug of water
because he's very thirsty.
Unless she's been
excused as well.
She wasn't, sir.
Do you want me to spend
the night here today?
Getting up early
Call upon my friends
Getting up early
Call upon me
and I'll go
I will play
Golden belt
Golden belt
- Is everything alright here?
- Yes, sir.
Good morning.
This place looks great.
- How are you, sir?
- Sir.
- How Do you do?
- Just one spoil
and people
forget about the whip.
Let me know
if you need anything.
Don't you want
to work anymore?
Look at this, Noca.
They don't want
to work anymore.
- No work.
- Go, go.
Give me this.
You don't understand
You don't get
what he's doing.
I doubted him,
but it's obvious, folks.
It's obvious he's following
Master Alpio's work.
- Yes, that's right.
- Even Chico...
He's kicking off
the fight that Master Alpio
talked about so much.
Move it, boy!
Get out of the way!
What is this?
Out! Out!
What a disaster.
What the hell was that?
Damn it.
Right under our noses.
He's in here, he is!
I smell nigger's stench!
They say this nigger
can turn into leaves,
plants and stems,
so cut off the banana trees!
Come on, go for it!
Genival, move down
along the fence.
- Right.
- Serafim, take the high path.
The rest of you,
go through it.
We must catch that nigger.
Dam it, we must
catch that nigger.
We must catch that nigger
right now!
When it's time to eat bananas
the monkey lowers his guard.
Now, damn it!
Cut the banana trees to find out
if the nigger bleeds!
Come on, damn it.
What the hell!
Catch that nigger!
- Go that way.
- Z Moreno, that way.
- Look for him.
- Come on, man.
- Keep your eyes open.
- Damn it!
Hide yourself!
They found the nigger.
Z Moreno hit him.
Look, the animal is hurt.
Over there.
Get out of my way.
It better be understood
the nigger's shielded body
was riddled with
Noca de Antnia's bullets.
- Good God, it's Z Moreno.
- Stupid.
Moron, look at him!
Look at him.
Look at that piece of shit.
What happened here should
teach each of you a lesson.
He let a nigger fool him,
now he'll eat dirt, damn it.
He even allowed
to be groomed.
Moron! Moron!
Do you understand? Now go.
Go after the nigger. Go!
- Let's go.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
- Move.
So not only we
didn't solve the problem,
but we missed the target.
We lost one of our own?
You'd better settle this soon,
- It won't be easy, colonel.
- Why is that?
Because he flies.
He what, Noca?
Gather around the Capoeira
and one day we'll be free
Gather around the Capoeira
and one day we'll be free
Gather around the Capoeira
and one day we'll be free
- Stop. Hold on, man.
- Relax.
I'm sorry.
- Sorry about what, boy?
- We know it's forbidden.
I've nothing against your games,
just don't overdo it.
I don't like disorder and people
who harm their own kind.
What's your name?
I want to know
who's good in your game.
Come on.
Go on, play it.
Isn't that what you call it?
Look at that.
That's it, I want
to know who's the best.
Let's do it.
Today was my day,
I was inspired. I was well.
I was awesome.
- Dinor?
- Yes.
Forget it.
You've been weird lately.
You're in the clouds.
But this time
Besouro screwed up.
I ain't going
to defend him.
I've always defended him,
but this time...
I ain't.
Do you think what
he's done is bad?
He is destroying everything
we are building.
Can't you see?
He's destroying everything.
I played Capoeira,
I said you were
in the clouds,
the colonel saw
and applauded me.
Me playing
and the colonel applauding.
Do you know
what that means?
He's rebuilding the market
and everybody can see it.
Only you don't see it.
Are you crazy, Quero-Quero?
Don't you know the colonel?
I'm getting
to know the colonel
but Besouro...
- I don't know him anymore.
- This is not working.
For me, it's over,
do you understand?
Hold on, Dinor.
Don't do that to me.
It's over.
You're too stupid, Quero-Quero.
People are saying
the nigger's got that...
shielded body.
Everybody is shielded
when the marksmanship is poor.
Everything that is closed
can be opened, colonel.
But it looks like I'm the one
who's going to open them.
Hi, Dinor.
- Why are you dressed like that?
- I came to see you.
And the colonel
summoned me.
Do I look good?
Came here, Dinor,
where are you going?
- I'm going to fetch oil.
- You are all oiled up.
- Let me go! Are you crazy?
- I'm crazy for you, Dinor.
I said it's over.
You look different.
You are prettier.
I knew you were around.
But you must be careful.
The colonel is furious
and he's looking for you.
I'm looking for him too.
Quero-Quero has
been weird lately.
The colonel summoned
him to the farm.
- What? Quero-Quero?
- Yes.
I put an end
to our relationship.
Where are you living?
At the old warehouse.
When we were kids
we made a mess
with molasses there.
- Remember?
- Yes.
That place is abandoned,
isn't it?
Do you want
to check it out?
- Get up, so you can fall again.
- You'll fall too.
Our master taught us...
how to get up.
To elude too.
All of this game.
I've learned
the swing of nature...
and I can knock you off.
Serve me some booze.
Are you deaf?
Give me another.
I'll serve the man
with the shielded body.
My body ain't shielded.
I know who does though.
They say nothing hurts
people with shielded bodies.
A knife made
of palm trees.
Tucum? I see.
I know where
to find that, Noca.
As long as you give the vulture
the right meat, it opens the beak.
They do say, when niggers
don't screw up on the way in,
they do it on the way out.
Aren't you going
to drink?
I have to get up
early tomorrow.
You'd better not drink
because liquor and black chicken
together make voodoo.
My late mother used to say
those people jump so much
because they have
spring knees.
I say they do
in order to carry loads
on their backs their whole lives.
I was waiting...
to talk to you.
I only talk to niggers
to order them around.
- Wait.
- Let go of me, damn it!
What's going on,
Are you sure?
Have you seen
Dinor lately?
Forget about Dinor.
She's mine!
You know she's mine!
- What's going on, brother?
- Brother, what brother?
You've always envied me...
in everything.
You ain't better
than anyone around here.
You came to hide in the forest
with your tail between your legs
after what you've done,
Isn't it?
Didn't you come here to hide?
Isn't it?
You ain't better
than anyone around here!
You ain't better
than anyone in anything!
- Anything!
- Stop that.
- Stop that.
- Don't touch me!
Have you lost your mind,
You've always feared me,
haven't you? Isn't it so?
Fly, Besouro.
People say you can fly now.
Fly for me to see.
Fly here on top of me.
You allowed them
to get Chico.
You allowed them
to kill our master!
If you can accomplish
this blow, Besouro,
it can became
your imprint.
Did you accomplish it,
I'm going to leave...
otherwise I'll
regret what I'll do.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name...
You may enter.
That's what I heard.
I think
it may have been him.
- Who? Besouro?
- Why not?
Besouro has never
killed anyone.
What's wrong, kid?
What is it?
The colonel is coming
after you.
I know, Dinor.
The time has come.
Go, Dinor,
get out of here.
Whenever the sun
is on one side,
another one
will be in the dark.
Is that voodoo, nigger?
- No, sir.
- No?
A really good
Capoeira fighter
walks within the shadows
to go unnoticed.
Don't look at me that way.
- Apologize.
- Let Go of me.
- Hold her down.
- Coward! Coward,
let Zulmira go.
We won't put up
with that anymore.
Hold him down.
Hold him!
I'm going to break
his knee caps.
Hold him down.
- Let go of him.
- Let's break his knee caps.
- You coward!
- Hold him.
Chico, my friend!
Oh, Chico!
Chico, are you alright?
Are you alright?
- Come. Everything is fine.
- Careful with your leg!
What are we going to play?
"Colonel against Besouro."
You are the colonel
and I'm Besouro.
Then I'm going to kill you.
My name is Besouro.
Get up to fall down again.
I don't want
to play anymore.
I'll only play
if I'm Besouro.
- Let's play.
- Only if I'm Besouro.
- Let's play.
- No.
The colonel always loses
and he is the bad guy.
Pedro, Pedro.
Mom's gone out.
Where did she go?
I asked where did she go!
You'd better
get out of here.
Don't turn your back on me.
Show some respect.
Why do I have
to respect you?
Your mother is the only reason
I didn't do anything to you.
Let go of me!
like your mother.
Where are you, Besouro?
why did you leave?
Don't be afraid, Besouro.
The seed has been planted.
Our people will awake.
Now they will.
A knife made
of palm trees.
There's no such thing as death,
Death is to be stepped on
by other people.
Don't die, Besouro.
A hero is born
when the enemy hesitates
and makes the worst
mistake of all:
To think he can put
an end to everything.
But it's at that time
that he makes
everything start.
Sway, sway, Junior.
That's right, sway, boy.
Use your magic,
use your magic.
Now show me the Cartwheel.
The Cartwheel.
Listen, your mother will be proud
of your Capoeira skills, boy.
did you know
that every Capoeira fighter
can choose his new name?
- No, why?
- It's a tradition.
A Capoeira fighter
knocked down 12 men
with one swift stroke.
One is called Mangrove Crab,
another is called Dend.
How about you, Junior?
Are you going
to choose your new name?
Do you want to?
Now think carefully
because that name is for life.
And the afterlife too.
There's more
practice tomorrow.
- OK.
- Did you choose your name?
- Yes.
- Already?
- What Is it?
- Besouro.
Just like my father.
Because he's black
and he flies.
Let's go.
Your mother is waiting.
My Capoeira fighter,
let's go to school?
Besouro's struggle
was fruitful.
In 1937, Capoeira
started to be tolerated.
In 1953,
it was fully accepted.
In 2008,
Capoeira was declared
Brazil's Cultural Heritage.
Besouro is still chanted
in Capoeira Circles
all over the world.
Golden belt
Golden belt
Golden belt
Golden belt
Golden belt
Golden belt
The unrest begins
Bringing in dance and swing
Just pull the wire
And the wind better
not trick me
The unrest begins
Bringing in dance and swing
Just pull the wire
And the wind better
not trick me
- Kill the hawk
- Kill the hawk
Save my friend
Your sweat and your blood
Without even saying
its name
and always hits the spot
The ground better
not call me
And the wind better
not trick me
Because I know
where I'm flying to
The unrest begins
Bringing in dance and swing
Just pull the wire
And the wind better
not trick me
The unrest begins
Bringing in dance and swing
Just pull the wire
And the wind better
not trick me
Golden belt
Golden belt
Golden belt
Golden belt
I'm going to join
the circle and play
Hold on to your skirt
I'm going to join
the circle and play
Darling, don't leave
I'm going to join
the circle and play
Don't get in my way
Don't get in my way
I'm going to join
the circle and swirl
On my supporting foot
I'm going to join
the circle and swirl
With your support
I'm going to join
the circle and swirl
Just like a yo-yo
Just like a yo-yo
With your support
I'll be valued
I'll prevail
Pull out of the circle
this wrongdoer
I will
Yes, yes, I will
Yes, yes, I will
I'm going to join
the circle to stay
Who knows for how long
As long as Oxal
aids me
Who knows for how long
I'll stay on the circle
until I get
Your blazing kiss
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Hot! Hot!
I'm going to join
the circle and leave
At the right time
I'm going to leave
at sunset
The right time
When the moon shines
up in the sky
The right time
Leave the door open
With your support
I'll be valued
I'll prevail
Pull out of the circle
this wrongdoer
I will
Yes, yes, I will
- Yes, yes
- I will
I'm here on the circle
At your command
I'm at the confusion
of our love
At your command
I'm going to leave
the circle
I'm noticing things
I will fly
I'm going to join
the circle and leave
I'm going to leave
at sunset
When the moon shines
up in the sky
With your support
I'll be valued
I'll prevail
Pull out of the circle
this wrongdoer
I will
- Yes, yes
- I will
- Yes, yes
- I will
I'm here on the circle
At your command
I'm at the confusion
of our love
At your command
I'm going to leave
the circle
I'm noticing things
I will fly
With your support
I'll be valued
I'll prevail
Pull out of the circle
this wrongdoer
I will
- Yes, yes, yes, yes
- I will
- Yes, yes, yes, yes
- I will
Done by (c) dCd / February 2010