Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The (2011)

Thank you for your patience.
Your call is important to us.
We will be with you shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
Your call is important to us.
We will be with you shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
Your call is important to us.
We will be with you shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
Your call is important to us.
We will be with you shortly.
Greenslade, thank you for waiting.
I've consulted with my manager-
Now if you'll just stay on the
phone for a moment and talk to me.
Just talk to me.
Of course.
I'm not even clear- I mean, I don't actually
understand what it is I'm trying to order.
Is wireless the same as Wi-Fi?
And what do either of them
have to do with broadband?
Mrs. Greenslade, since the
account is not in your name,
before we can make
any changes,
we need to verify details
with the account holder.
Can I please speak
to the account holder?
I'm asking if I can talk
to the account holder.
Before we can make
any changes-
You can't talk to him, no.
He's dead.
He died of a heart attack.
There's only me.
Mrs. Greenslade, since the
account is not in your name-
Lord Justice Walton requests
the pleasure of our company.
- Had you forgotten?
- I hate retirement parties.
Crap cheese, crap wine.
Endless speeches.
Why do people do that?
Nobody- Nobody ever said about
a retirement party, you know,
Well, this is great.
I can't wait to have
one of my own.
it'll be yours one day.
One day very soon.
You've been saying that for years.
It was often said of Stancombe
that his bark was worse than his bite.
But as the recipient of both,
I can testify to the fact that
neither actually required surgery.
[All Chuckle 1
His relationship with
all his pupils...
was founded on respect.
We respected him, and he respected that.
Indeed, to this day,
I recall his response...
to the unwelcome news
that I would trans-
praecipitium a tergo lupi.
This is the day.
This is the day.
And there's an unlimited range
of leisure opportunities...
just a stone's throw away.
So, as I say, what you're looking at
here is very competitively priced.
You won't see better
for your Grey Pound.
Another little feature-
not necessarily right now,
give it a few years-
rails on the wall
to help you get around.
And over here, a panic button.
In case of a sudden fall, brings
the warden running.
What if we fell
somewhere else?
It's just we might not manage
to plan our sudden fall...
in the exact corner where the button is.
Yeah, but-
And would it be possible to have the rail
going through the middle of the room-
Darling. to help us get
across, as well as around.
Um, c-c-could we have a moment, please?
Thank you. Yeah.
Thank you so much.
Thirty years in the civil service,
and this is all we can afford.
W- W-Would it help
if I apologize again?
But try it anyway.
Could Dr.
MacKenzie please make his way to Theater 7.
Dr. MacKenzie to Theater 7.
Young lady, I want a cup of tea.
And I want it now.
The trolley
will be along shortly.
How hard do you have to fall
to get proper attention?
I've been lying here for hours.
Not a single doctor
has come to see me.
Now that's not quite true,
is it, Mrs. Donnelly?
A doctor did try and examine
you, and you sent him away.
What, that one? He can wash all he likes.
That color's not coming out.
I want an English doctor.
Oh, an English doctor.
Why didn't you say so?
I'll get one right away.
Thank you.
Mrs. Donnelly,
this is Dr. Ghujarapartidar.
Notes, please.
j Now here we go with the
flow of the girls you know j
J The ones seen in Argentina
and Mexico JJ
And after that, I worked as a
systems analyst for a few years,
but I just found it so dull.
What I really wanted was to do
something more creative that matched-
Um, I'm sorry.
Um, on the form, they asked
for our age bracket...
and the age
we wanted to meet.
And in both cases,
I ticked 25 to 39.
That's right. So did I.
Anyway, don't stop. Uh-
Something more creative.
How old are you?
Early 40s.
And, you know, my interests
are travel, theater-
Do you mean you were born
in the early '40s?
Judy, I know what you're asking.
lt'S Judith.
Judith. Trust me.
I've still got it.
Just can't ind anyone
that wants it.
Hi. I'm Norman.
This is crazy. You're crazy.
You can't just up and leave like this.
And yet, if you watch me, that's
exactly what you'll see happen.
What's going on?
Your mother's lost it.
- My mother never had it.
- You talk to her.
She doesn't listen to me.
Nobody listens to you.
I still don't understand
what's going on.
I just asked her to babysit,
and now she says she's leaving.
But you love babysitting.
I loved it last night.
We had pizza
and stayed up late.
- And the night before?
- We had Chinese and stayed up late.
If you don't go,
tonight we could do a curry.
It's tempting, darlings,
but you know I have to leave.
We know.
Being here is stopping her
finding a husband.
Another one?
Bye, Granny.
Bye, Granny.
Don't let the buggers
get you down.
How many husbands
have you had anyway?
- Including my own?
- Mother.
Thank you, yes.
Right. Name the place, darlin'.
Where you going?
I've absolutely no idea.
There's no other way.
There just isn't.
Harold told us this
three months ago.
And I'm afraid
matters have only got worse.
We can't wait any longer.
We need to put this flat on the market and
at least start paying off Dad's debts.
I've talked it through
with Polly and the boys.
Of course, we all agreed.
Ma will come and live with us.
I think that's best, Evelyn.
And it's what Hugh
would have wanted.
Good. Well, that's settled.
End of discussion.
Oh! That's just what your
father used to say- Ma.
When there'd never been
any discussion at all.
I want to look after
things for you.
What, like he did for 40 years?
Look how that turned out.
How on earth do we know
what Hugh would have wanted?
And would he have seen Ht
to tell us anyway?
the flat's got to be sold.
And you're very kind,
and dear Polly.
But I shan't be
coming to live with you.
You need a new hip,
Mrs. Donnelly.
It's not a difficult operation.
That's easy for you to say.
You're not having it.
You do need a new hip.
- I'm not gettin' it from you.
- Not me personally, no.
- No, none of your lot.
- I see.
When do I have the operation?
I'm afraid you'll be on the waiting
list for at least six months.
At my age,
I can't plan that far ahead.
I don't even buy green bananas.
There is another way.
Our hospital trust is funding
a pilot scheme...
that will enable us to outsource
you to another hospital...
where they can perform the
procedure almost immediately...
and at a fraction of the cost.
Is it local?
They cover the
cost of the flight out apparently.
When did you get a computer?
How far along
is the progress bar?
That thing at the top.
It tells you- I know what it is, Ma.
What are you
showing me anyway?
Come and spend
your autumn years in an Indian palace...
with the sophistication
of an EngliSh country manor:
Tucked away on the outskirts of Juipur, and
graced wiih breathtaking surroundings-
" Lofty terraces,
open courtyards,
domes, arches...
and canopied balconies
abound with opulent comfort.
Indeed, the entire buildihg
exudes historical ambience...
and transports one back in time to
the proud tradition of the Rej.
Is that good?
It is. It is.
Very good.
Thirty-six years, four months since
the day we were called to the bar,
and you've never once
talked about India.
Do you want
any of these books?
You might be needing them again.
Mrs. Megson. Sir?
I want you to have this.
Are you sure?
Oh, absolutely.
Th-There's a little crack there
just on the bottom,
but I think you know something
about that already.
I used to live there...
a long time ago.
There won't be
any golf courses.
Well, that's just as well.
I can't afford the green fees.
But a retirement home?
It's a luxury development...
where all the residents
are in their golden years.
Like the Costa Brava?
Yeah, but with more elephants.
You know
who'll be there- Indians.
Loads of them.
Brown faces and black hearts.
Reeking of curry.
And you never see one
on their own, do you?
I mean, they always-
they move in packs.
Makes it easier to rob you
blind, cut your throat.
You know what?
You can wheel yourself from here.
You're supposed to
take me to my flat.
My wife's from Mumbai.
Well, don't blame me, mate.
You married her.
My wife's from Mumbai.
Has anyone thought about what happens
when you get to the other end?
They said somebody's
going to meet us in Jaipur.
How are we going to know
you're all right?
Well, I'll call.
They do have phones there, you know.
Or you can read my blog.
Your what?
On the lnterweb.
Just log in whenever you
like and read my news.
Well, I hope the first item
will be announcing your return.
I don't suppose they'll be
paying for the journey back.
Look, before I go, I wonder, could
you say one thing that's supportive?
I've never done anything like
this in the whole of my life.
You've never done
anything at all without Dad.
I don't think you'll
be able to cope. Well,
let's just find out,
shall we?
And the connecting flight to
Jaipur is first class too?
That's right.
I tell you. it's tough
to get upgraded nowadays.
I had to flirt so hard
with the travel agent,
it was practically
phone sex.
Well, this is my lucky day.
We'd like to take a look in
this bag, madam, if you don't mind.
What have you
got in here anyway?
It's just PG Tips.
And some brown sauce.
Thirty-one packets
of chocolate Hobnobs.
That's pickled onions
and, yeah, pickled eggs.
And that's just pickles.
- No liquids on the plane.
- What's that mean?
It means you can't take
the pickled onions...
or the pickled eggs.
The pickles fine.
Obviously, one
has read one's Kipling,
but we view this as an opportunity
to explore another culture,
as well as making
new friends.
And a High Court judge is just the
class of guest one was hoping for.
isn't it, Douglas?
And, um, is this your
first time in India? Yes.
You don't look like
an experienced traveler.
Oh, I'm not.
But one has read one's guidebooks.
It should be there.
Oh. Hi.
Hello. We haven't met.
Norman Cousins.
Madge Hardcastle.
A pleasure.
Play your cards right,
and it could be.
Look. My chair. What?
Oh, yes, yes. Hang on.
May I have your attention, please?
We regret to announce cancellation
of Flight 105 to Jaipur,
owing to bad weather
at the destination..
We apologize
for any inconvenience caused
Of course it's a good idea.
Who can one trust
if not a High Court judge?
I suppose this way
we see more of the country.
If anyone asks,
say you're my mother.
I don't want people
to think we're together.
In your dreams.
Douglas, these are not words
that often pass my lips,
but you may actually
be right.
This country seems rather more
civilized than one originally thought.
Okay. Thank you.
The bus- The bus will take us
to the center of the town,
and then we can get tuk-tuks
the rest of the way.
What did he say? So it's down there.
Yeah, it's down there.
Down here. The yellow one.
That one.
But look at the bus!
There's not enough room!
First rule of India-
There's always room."
There we are.
In you go. What larks, Pip!
Well, let's hope so.
I'm really
loving this.
Oh. Thank you.
Are you insane?
Avoid all food
not from a reputable vendor.
It'll be washed
in impure water.
It's just a sandwich.
Oh, marvelous. Then I'll have
ham, cheese and streptococcus.
Or perhaps bacteria,
lettuce and tomato.
Would you like some of this?
I believe it's called
aloo ka paratha.
No, if I can't pronounce it,
I don't want to eat it.
How long
since you've been here?
Forty years.
That's as long
as I was married.
My husband died recently.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Do you think
we'll be all right?
God, don't ask me.
I'm more scared than you are.
It's going to be
What exactly is a tuk-tuk?
Oh, look! What's that? Look!
Is this it?
Here! Watch it!
Welcome to The Best
Exotic Marigold Hotel!
There's an Indian in there.
This will do.
Bird in room.
This is a building
of the utmost character,
which means that perhaps not everything
will function in the way you expect it to.
But, as the manager...
and chief executive supervising
officer of this Marigold Hotel,
I can tell you with great pride that the
building has stood for centuries...
and will continue to stand for many
more in 100% shipshape condition.
Please follow me, carefully
avoiding that naughty stone there.
Around this corner,
leading us most successfully
all the way to-
your bedroom.
Here. In here.
My dear man,
rooms have doors.
What you're showing me here
is an alcove.
A door is coming soon,
most definitely.
How soon?
Let us not concern ourselves
with details, Mrs. Hardcastle.
Rather than speaking
of doors,
we should instead take pleasure
in the freedom to roam.
Does your room have a door?
A most effective one.
Good. Then that's
where I'll be staying.
You will be coming
to the hospital...
once you he satisfactorily
recovered from your journey.
The operation requires a stay of five days,
and it is done under general anesthesia.
A hip replacement usually
takes only two hours.
Your surgeon will remove
the top end of the thighbone...
and insert
an artificial bone instead.
A most routine procedure.
Have you got
a marker pen on you?
I want to mark it.
I don't want you
to do the wrong hip.
I want to stay at the other hotel,
the one that's in the brochure.
Mrs. Ainslie,
prepare to be amazed.
This is that very building,
You Photoshopped it!
No. I have offered a vision
of the future.
Of course, I'd hoped that by
now it would be the present.
But, you know, in India,
we have a saying-
Everything will be
all right in the end.
So if it is not all right,
it is not yet the end.
What will start to make it all right
is if you'll give us a refund.
Of course. Of course. If that is what
you desire, then you must have it.
Absolutely no problem. I'll refund you completely.
You will?
Most definitely, madam.
I most definitely will.
in three months, okay?
Um, have you tried, um,
jiggling it about a bit?
Yes, I did that.
Did you kind of bang it lightly
on the desk a few times?
Yes, I did that too.
Okay. Um-
How do you come
to be in India?
Oh, uh- Oh.
I invested our-
well, my retirement money...
in our daughter's
Internet company.
She assured me that as soon as the
start-up actually, uh, started up...
and the conversion from virtual to
actual became sufficiently viable,
then she'd be able to pay it all back.
I'm not sure I understand
what most of those words mean.
Well, it turns out
neither did she.
Ah. There you are.
Good as new.
No, of course not.
Now, would you like me
to, um, not fix that chair?
Because I could almost
certainly do that as well.
How long have I
waited for this moment...
to present to you,
in honor of your arrival,
a special Welcome British
roast for you all.
Cooked lovingly by myself...
and my most loyalist helper
and friend, Young Wasim.
- Roast what?
- A wonderful taste of Blighty.
Roast what?
Roast goat curry.
Gentle friends, you have found
your way to this place,
bequeathed to me
by my beloved father,
that I have raised from the
ruins of his broken dreams...
and renamed The Best
Exotic Marigold Hotel...
for the Elderly and Beautiful.
Yes. I use these words
most deliberately.
For you have all heard
the chimes at midnight,
and long in tooth
have you become.
Who knows how many days
you have left?
But we are most honored that you have
chosen to spend that time with us.
Oh! -
What's he got?
Douglas, do something.
Let me through, please.
My brother is a doctor.
Sorry, please.
This man is dead.
Oh, my God!
Please, we must cover his face.
We should preserve his dignity at this terrible moment.
I'm sorry, buddy.
- He coughed. I saw him cough.
- He moved.
He's alive.
Did- Did I nod Off?
All is right. He didn't die.
I was looking forward to that meal.
It's hell.
I was frightened.
I'm in hell.
Hotel, Jaipur. Day nine.
Old habits die easier than
we think, and new ones form.
No longer do I reach out
in the morning for Radio 4.
My news comes instead
from the Jaipur Herald.
Soon, I might even grow accustomed to
the storm of car horns and vendors.
One moment.
The carburetor, sir.
Carburetor is broken.
Can there be anywhere else
in the world...
tha! is such an assault
on the senses?
Those who know the country of old
just go about their business.
But nothing can prepare
the uninitiated..
for this riot
of noise and color,
for the heat, the motion,
the perpetual teeming crowds.
Sonny is conducting his own
personal assault on our senses...
with a flow of exotic dishes he
demands daily from the kitchen.
Mooli moong dal,
bagara baingan,
banjara gosht,
paneer methi chaman,
mutton vindaloo.
Initially, you're overwhelmed.
But gradually,
you realize it's like a wave.
and you'll be knocked over.
Mrs. Donnelly!
Dive into it, and you'll
swim out the other side.
Excuse me. I wonder, could you
direct me to this address?
No more. No more.
I don't have any more.
I haven't got any more.
This is a new
and different world.
The challenge
is to cope with it.
And not just cope, but thrive.
Graham was talking about
this marvelous temple.
I thought you might
want to come with me.
I'm your wife. Have we met?
Would you really rather
stay here all day?
given the alternative.
When I walk out in the morning,
all the street kids smile at me.
That's 'cause
you give them money.
Um, okay.
I'll go on my own.
- This can't be right, surely.
- I am thinking so, saab.
There used to be houses all along there.
These were homes.
I can take you
some other place?
No. No, no, no. No.
That will be all for now.
Thank you.
Here. Thank you very much.
Thank you, sir.
Um, excuse me.
- Uh, there used to be houses here.
- All knocked down.
What about the people,
the families?
They moved to
a different place.
Uh, don't- don't grip it so
tightly with your right hand.
The bat.
Yes, it's just there
for guidance.
You keep
your left elbow high...
so you play through the ball.
Thank you.
You're ready to go home,
Mrs. Donnelly.
That's not my home.
I want to go back
to England.
As soon as you can stand up and
walk onto the plane, you can.
Until then, I will assist
in your recuperation.
How is the hip feeling?
They must have got lucky.
It's strange.
The more operations they
perform, the luckier they get.
I didn't realize.
Um, sorry.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'm dreadfully sorry.
I'm just looking
for this address.
Do you understand?
Could you help me
find this place?
Is that, yes, you do understand
or, yes, you could help me?
Yes. Yes.
Well, let's just
go with both, shall we?
Give me the ball.
I can take him.
Down is where
you are going, uncle.
You do your worst.
Come on, Sanjay.
You can do it.
Come on, Sanjay.
I felt the need,
the need for speed.
Are you all right, uncle?
Yes. Yes, I'm fine.
We do appreciate your custom,
which is very important to us.
And can I draw your attention
to our special new-
Are you sure I can't
offer you something?
We have some, uh, English breakfast tea.
Building tea, as you call it.
A builder's tea?
Builder's tea.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
So, tell me. How can I help you?
I don't think you can. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have come.
No, wait.
It's just that I saw your
advertisement in the local newspaper,
and it specifically mentioned the
ability to talk to older people.
But this wasn't
what I imagined.
- You came for a job?
- I'm sorry. I've wasted your time.
Look, everyone working here is a
graduate from a good university.
This is a place for ambitious
people, young people.
Yes, I see that now.
I'm sorry.
No. Please, sit down.
Sit down. Please.
So it is really builder's tea?
Yes. We dunk biscuits
into it.
You dunk"?
Well, it means lowering the
biscuit into the tea...
and letting it
soak in there...
and trying to calculate the exact
moment before the biscuit dissolves...
when you can whip it up
into your mouth...
and enjoy the blissful union
of biscuit and tea combined.
It is more relaxing
than it sounds.
Perhaps you can
help us after all.
I thought
you weren't coming.
Have I ever let you down?
Don't answer that.
I have to go.
Leave this place.
Come to work for me.
You can't afford me.
I can't afford anything.
I miss you.
Am I coming round tonight?
Uh, let's meet somewhere else.
I will rent a hotel room.
Sonny, you own a hotel.
It has many rooms.
Some of which are now occupied
with actual real guests.
Paying guests?
Why must you nitpick?
It is not an attractive quality.
Hello, Jay.
Sonny boy.
Don't call me that.
If you're gonna mess around with
my sister, don't do it in public.
Let's go.
Good evening, Your Honor.
Ah, good evening, Mrs. Ainslie.
You have a good day?
What did you get up to?
Well, I started
in my bedroom,
where I spent a happy couple of hours
giving all the cockroaches names.
And then, after a lunch that will
long have a place in my heartburn,
I came out here
and stared blindly at a book,
waiting for someone-
anyone- to rescue me.
And how glad I am
it was you.
Why would you not go out?
There's so much to see.
All life is here, Mrs. Ainslie.
I tell you.
Oh, I could have a word
with the chef if you like.
Perhaps some grilled chicken
and plain rice?
That would be
much appreciated.
All right.
Good evening.
Please. Please, sit down.
Thank you.
I trust you had
a good day.
I'd rather hear about yours.
I got a job-
my first ever.
I'm going to be a sort of
cultural adviser.
A role I'm sure you'll perform
with great distinction.
Perhaps you wouldn't
mind keeping that to yourself.
Well, I-I-I'm flattered
you told me about it.
Good evening, the Ainslies.
Did you have a good day?
Spectacular actually.
I went to the temple you told me about,
a place of meditation and peace.
It was quite stunning.
So spiritual, I bet you never
noticed the smell of elephant dung.
No elephants, sadly.
I thought I might see you there.
Where did you get to instead?
Yes, where do you
get to every day?
Well, I-I've just been telling
Mrs. Greenslade all about it.
I'm sure she wouldn't
mind hearing it again.
Oh, I talked to the chef for you.
Absolutely no problem.
Did you hear that, Douglas?
Plain grilled food.
Manna from heaven.
I don't have to have it too, do I?
I can't thank you enough.
You really should
see this temple.
Oh, I'd like to very much.
But maybe take
a clothes-peg for your nose.
Good night.
Good night.
Um, Mrs. Greenslade?
Would you mind
if I showed you something?
I grew up here,
just a short drive away.
It was a big house.
We had servants.
Oh, we knew their wives
and children, and...
one of the boys, uh, Manoj-
He, um-
He became my friend.
And, uh, we played lots
of cricket together, and-
Well, we played everything together, and-and
it stayed like that for a few years.
And then, um-
And then one night, it, uh-
it became something else.
We had a few months together.
We had that.
And, um- And then there was
a weekend in Udaipur...
where... we were sitting by a lake
and watching the sun go down.
And, uh, I remember thinking that I-I
would never be this happy again.
And- And I was right.
Because, suddenly,
it was over.
We'd fallen asleep,
and they found us.
Well, it was bad enough
for me.
But I knew who I was, and I
think my family guessed.
But for-
for Manoj, the-
the disgrace was absolute.
His father was fired.
His family was sent away, all of them.
And, uh,
well, I don't know
what I could have done.
But it should have been
more than nothing.
I just-
I just let it happen.
I didn't put up
any kind of a fight. I-
And then, um-
Then I went back to England,
to-to-to university.
And, uh, I always said, you know, I'm
going to go back. I shall go back.
And I never did.
Until now.
Until now.
And now I think-
What if I'm the last person in
the world that he wants to see?
Do you want to see him?
Yes, yes.
Then you must.
So now that we are
fully operational, Mr. Maruthi,
it is clear that, with a small injection
of funds for the phase two development,
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
can rise like a phoenix...
to its previous state of glory.
And, look,
when I say small injection,
I mean small in the sense
of, uh, medium-sized.
- Possibly larger.
- Well, this hotel was never glorious.
Just the phoenix part then.
How many rooms will there be?
Many. Mmm.
How many?
A great amount.
Plenty of rooms.
No question.
I'm not a details man, Mr.
Maruthi. Nor was your father.
Mr. Maruthi, I present to you
one of our beloved guests.
Dear Mrs. Donnelly,
please can you describe to us in
as much detail as you desire...
your experience of the
ambience and atmosphere...
of The Best Exotic
Marigold Hotel.
Words fail me.
Ah, the English wit
we love so greatly.
Thank you, madam.
See, the wheel is spinning, but,
you know, the hamster is dead.
- Mummyji, what are you doing here?
- You called. I came.
No, I couldn't have called.
The phones don't work.
That's why I came.
- Wait! Mummy); this is my office!
- Who is that man out there?
The contents of that desk are mine.
Do not open the drawers.
I must insist that you
do not open the drawers.
Tell me.
Why have you come?
Do I need a reason
to visit my favorite son?
No. He's in his mansion in Delhi.
All right. My second favorite.
He went to Canada
to make his fortune.
- And make it, he did.
- As I will make mine!
I have a dream, Mummyji.
A most brilliant one.
To outsource old age.
And it is not just for the British.
There are many other countries where
they don't like old people too.
Sonny, your brothers own
one-third of this hotel each.
They're also entitled to
one-third of the profits, no?
Success does not
happen overnight, Mummyji.
This is blue-sky thinking, and it requires
long-term strategy and-and-and patience.
How is your girlfriend?
I look forward
to you meeting her.
And I look forward to your meeting
the girl you're going to marry.
She comes from a very good family
in Delhi, beta, a very good family.
I can marry as I choose, Mummyji.
I don't need anyone's permission.
I presume it is your girlfriend who tills
your head with this nonsense, huh?
A very good reason
not to marry her.
What if I love her?
An even better reason.
Now go and get Young Wasim to come
and get my luggage from the car.
He cannot carry. He has a dicky back.
Wait. Your luggage?
How long are you staying?
As long as it takes.
Dear, you won't get anywhere
sweeping like that.
I was in service for years.
Looked after a lovely house.
Kept it spotless.
You need to put more pressure on the brush.
She won't speak English.
She's what they used to call
an untouchable.
To a good Hindu,
even her shadow is polluted.
Where do you go every day?
Is it a woman?
Go for a curry?
Have a bit of afters?
No, no, no. I don't think so.
I'm, um-
rm gay. uh-
Though nowadays,
more in theory than in practice.
But I-I-I'll see you later.
The Viceroy Club was opened
by the great Lord Kitchener himself,
and many of its fixtures have
remained unchanged since then.
Yes, I see that.
Perhaps you could tell me a
little about the clientele.
Any maharajas, wealthy
widowed landowners?
It is not the policy of this club to
divulge details of our members, madam.
- Good morning, Your Excellency.
- Very good morning.
Where do I sign up?
The admission fee
is 120,000 rupees,
and, thereafter, it will be
I wonder if I might get a little
discount, owing to my status.
Your status, madam?
Yes. One was rather hoping
to fly under the radar,
but one is a member
of the royal family.
Which member, madam?
I'm Princess Margaret.
It is most certainly
an honor to meet you, madam.
And may I say
how well you look,
especially taking into account
that you died nine years ago.
Your real name please, madam,
and 120,000 rupees.
You know where he goes.
I know you know,
but you won't tell me.
I can get Hobnobs out here,
you know. I know a way.
As many as you like.
Milk or plain.
Public records office.
My mother doesn't
want us to be married.
She hasn't met me yet.
She doesn't need to meet you.
She knows you're
not from Delhi,
that you have no family money,
and you work in a call center.
You're part of a modern India
she cannot welcome.
Then you must tell her what you want.
I'm trying.
Try harder.
Do you love me, Sonny?
My feelings for you cannot
be reduced to a single word.
It's a nice word.
People like hearing it.
You know, it will be easier to talk to
my mother when the hotel is a success.
And what if it isn't?
Everything will be
all right in the end.
And if it is not all right,
then it is not yet the end.
It will succeed.
It has to.
Because then you can
stand up to your family?
Because then
I can stand next to you.
Are you all right,
Uh, yes. I'm about to make the
first public speech of my life.
Imagine them naked.
It's the way not to be scared
when speaking in public.
You imagine people naked.
Well, I'm afraid I gave that up
several years ago.
Let's see.
Oh, dear.
Excuse me. Would there be any
wealthy single men in this evening?
Uh, there is one.
Perhaps you could
seat me next to him.
This way, madam.
His Royal Highness,
Prince Michael of Kent.
I'll have that back.
Thank you very much.
Ready? Yes.
- Ring me up.
- Ring you up-
As you would.
You know, dial my number.
It's ringing.
Good morning, madam.
And how are you today?
Oh, no. That won't do for a start.
That's much too nursie.
I feel as if I'm on my deathbed.
If I could just take a few moments
of your time to tell you about-
How long
will you actually take?
Twelve minutes.
Then you've lied to me already.
No, I can't talk to you.
I'm watching TV.
Why does she need
Well, we believe the longer we
keep our customers on the phone,
the more receptive
they'll be to our message.
It's my favorite program.
Yes, but I really think if you
heard some of our special-
No, no. Don't talk like a robot.
Now just talk to me.
You've heard
I'm watching TV.
- What are you watching?
- Oh, a marvelous program...
where a chap talks to
a panel of young women...
whose boyfriends have all
slept with their mothers.
[All Chuckle 1
Well, the girlfriends' mothers,
I mean, not-
Anyway, the boys have come on, and everybody's fighting.
It sounds amazing.
Hang up right now.
- I'm Sunaina.
- Good. Now that's very good.
Evelyn. Evelyn.
Now can I speak to you
about our special offers?
Still too soon.
I obviously want to talk.
Is your husband watching
with you, Evelyn?
No. No, he died.
Um, perhaps you-
You know, I've actually had
a version of this call.
A little while ago, I talked to someone
who was so constricted by the scripts,
well, sales agenda,
that she spoke
without a trace of humanity.
As if she hadn't
realized that...
I was going completely to
pieces at the end of the phone.
You must miss him very much.
Now, sympathy's fine.
But be more optimistic.
Um, but, you know, sometimes
I find when one door closes-
The rest of them stay shut as well.
No, you're right. Of course you're right.
It's a new beginning.
Now what do you want
to talk to me about?
Three minutes?
Well, either I've saved you nine,
or I've talked myself out of a job.
[All Chuckle 1
I still think
you're cramping my style.
Oh, please.
You have no style to cramp.
That lady at the bar
keeps looking at me.
As one would
something in a museum.
Why must you mock?
I just want to
feel young again.
To feel needed as much as I
need, if only for one night.
One wonderful night.
Tell me you don't know
how that feels.
Give me a minute
and then come and join me.
Rejected again.
Many years ago that man over there gave me
the most extraordinary night of my life.
To describe his bedroom skill
as technique would-
- Those drinks not ready yet?
- They say patience is passion tamed.
- I'm Madge.
- Carol.
And this is Norman.
How do you do?
Carol. As in Christmas.
- I suppose.
- Great.
So what brings you
to Jaipur, Carol?
Yes, Carol. What, uh-
What brings you to Jaipur?
Actually, I've lived here all my life.
My father worked for the foreign office.
- You're very Ht.
- Beg your pardon?
- Oh, God.
- You look like you keep yourself in good shape, physically.
Well- I
did join a gym last year.
It cost a fortune,
and I didn't get any fitter.
Apparently, you actually have to go.
So, um,
what do you do, Norman?
- Me?
- Yes.
Norman's in business.
Well, I- Yes.
- What business?
- You tell her.
Although nowadays, there's
rather more easier than im.
- If you know what I mean.
- No, I'm afraid I don't.
I have to go and splash
some water on my face.
Please, God,
I drown in it.
Well, look. It's been lovely chatting.
No, it hasn't.
No, it hasn't.
But I really have to go.
Look, Carol, Carol.
Can we drop
all this pretense?
Start again?
I'm not charming.
I'm not good at repartee. And-
My name's Norman,
and I'm lonely.
My name's Carol. So am I.
Day 22.
Like Darwin's finches, we are
slowly adapting to our environment.
And when one does adapt,
my God,
the riches that are available.
There is no past that we can
bring back by longing for it.
Only a present that builds and creates
itself as the past withdraws.
Didn't sleep a wink last night.
The tap in there never stopped dripping.
Ah. I spoke to Young Wasim
about that.
- What did he say?
- No idea. It was in Hindi.
- I thought I might fix it myself.
- You? When?
Well, no time
like the present.
Where is this? Where are we?
Janta Colony, Kachchi Basil
Well, what happened
to my usual route?
Anokhi has invited you
to her home.
Who's Anokhi?
The one who brings
your food.
She wants you to meet
her family.
How soon can I leave?
She wants to thank you
for your kindness.
I haven't been kind.
You are the only one
that acknowledges her.
I'm not eating that.
You will insult her
very deeply if you do not.
It's good.
Get off there!
The little bastards! Get off!
Get up! Get 'em off there!
Get 'em off me-
I- I di-
I didn't know they were playing.
I'm sorry.
How much for this piece?
One thousand rupees.
Thank you.
No, no, no, no.
Forgive me. Forgive me. No, no.
That's, um- That's not how it works.
Uh, sorry to butt in.
But, uh, you don't ask him how much he wants.
You just tell him how much you'll pay.
She'll give you, uh- She'll give you 200.
Absolutely no more, final offer.
One thousand rupees.
Walk away. Now walk away.
Oh, but-
I know what I'm doing.
- The thing is I really wanted to buy that.
- He'll come after us.
Do you think so?
This is how the game is played.
Just keep on walking.
He's playing it very cool,
but he'll come.
He's playing it
very, very, um, cool.
Thank you.
You'll get him next time.
Why are you carrying a tap?
You see, what I think, and
of course, I'm no expert,
is that the gland nut has
come away from the spindle,
so it needs to be
tightened and resealed.
The washer valve has eroded.
Yeah. Uh, well, uh, yeah.
It-It-It could be that too.
- Um, uh, can you fix it?
- Not cheaply.
Not cheaply.
Most expensively indeed.
I was in a- I was in a
tuk-tuk the other day.
It didn't seem to be taking the
usual route back to the hotel.
It turned out the driver had decided
to take me to another hotel...
he was sure I'd prefer.
Of course, one wants to believe that he
genuinely had my welfare at heart...
and that it wasn't
run by his brother-in-law.
One wants to trust
in general, don't you think?
But you never really know.
I met my husband the day
the fair came to town.
My girlfriend and I
went on the carousel.
Her horse was fine,
but when the ride started,
I felt mine give a little,
as if it might collapse.
And then suddenly, I felt
these arms around me,
and a voice in my ear said,
Just trust me, and I did.
Without question,
till the day he died.
How wonderful.
The sale of our flat
went through last week.
I had to sell it
to pay off Hugh's debts.
I've been forced to get a job out
here, which, in fact, I love.
Because even at Sonny's rates,
I couldn't make ends meet.
Not after what happened
to our life savings.
So, no, you're right.
You never know.
Off you go then.
Excuse me.
Off you go. Go home! Go, go!
But I've already filled this form in.
I've given it to you, many times.
There is a process.
You are making an inquiry, and for each
inquiry, a form must be filled in.
But it's the same inquiry
I make every day.
And, therefore,
the same form you must fill in.
Mrs. Ainslie.
How can you bear this country?
What do you see that I don't?
Oh, the light, colors.
And the way people see life as a- as
a- as a privilege and-and not a right.
It-It teaches me something.
Is that milk pasteurized? Yes, ma'am.
Very, very pasturized.
But that's not true, is it?
You're lying to me just now because-
No, no. it'll be fine.
Thank you.
It was a pleasant surprise
to see you out and about.
Was it? Yes, yes.
it's progress, I think.
I was going to the bank.
To the bank.
Not that there's any reason to
think that something has changed,
but our daughter, Laura,
she did promise,
and one tries to remain
Actually, I wasn't going to the bank.
I was looking for you.
In fact, I think I've been looking
for you for a very long time.
Mrs. Ainslie.
I'm gay.
As in... happy?
Yes, yes. Yes, of course.
I see. I see.
Thank you.
What for?
For averting
my complete humiliation.
As I said,
this country's driving me mad.
Shall we go?
Anything? Not yet.
- How about now?
- One second.
- Good Lord!
- What?
And now-
No drip!
No drip! High five.
No, sorry. I don't know why I did that.
I've never done it before in my life.
Mrs. Ainslie.
How are you?
Did you have a good day?
Well, let me tell you
about ours.
Your husband of many a year,
who's never known
which end of a hammer to use,
has finally managed-
We have to get out of here.
- What did you say?
- I can't stay in this country a moment longer.
Why? Excuse me.
Pick a reason. Pick ten.
The climate, the squalor.
The poverty.
This whole trip
is a grotesque fantasy.
- It's time we went home.
- Who's paying for the tickets?
Look at us. A group
of self-deluding old fossils...
traipsing around as if we're on some
bloody gap year, humiliating ourselves.
Not us. We couldn't pay.
And I don't see you asking our friends back home.
We should just face up to the truth.
That We're all old. We're all past it.
That's the real truth.
The raw, unvarnished fact of the matter.
All we're good for now
is a beige bloody bungalow.
With a sodding panic button
in the... sodding corner.
We just have to make
the best of things, darling.
I really think
that's the best thing to do.
Yes, well!
When I want your opinion,
I'll give it to you.
Come on. Come on.
Pick up. Pick up.
Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.
Well, in that case,
thank you for your call.
I'll get back to you as soon as I've
discussed this with my manager.
Sunaina, I must see you.
I must. If I cannot hold you in my
arms tonight, I swear I will go mad.
I yearn for you.
I burn for you.
I think it's my sister you're
burning for there, Sonny boy.
Thank you, Jay. Thank you.
- Hey.
- Private line, Sunaina.
Do those words mean
nothing to you?
He took the phone.
What could I do?
I miss you.
I miss you every moment.
Come and see me. Tonight.
I cannot tonight.
It's our parents' 25th wedding anniversary.
- Tell your mother that.
- Come after. Come late.
You will be asleep.
No, I'll be waiting.
You'll be asleep.
But I can wake you up
in that special way.
- You'll sneak in?
- I'm not ashamed.
No, no, no. Neither am I.
Absolutely not.
There is no shame.
You don't have to sneak.
Although, if you did want to be
very quiet and not let anyone see,
it couldn't hurt.
Su- Sunaina?
I wanted
to tell you something.
Would you tell her
I was glad to come?
Glad she invited me.
Glad to meet her family-
her grandmother and her kids.
She asks
if you have children.
No, I looked after
somebody else's.
Just this one family.
Years I was with 'em.
I ran the house.
Looked after the money, did it all.
Uh- Cared for them
like they were my own.
One day, they decided
I needed some help.
I was grateful.
And they got this-
this young woman.
And I tried to teach her.
Not just the books.
How to crisp up the bacon, the way the
gentleman preferred it, you know.
And how the little one liked
to have her hair brushed.
Just, you know,
little things...
you only know
if you really care.
Well, I-
I must've done a good job.
'Cause they said I was
no longer useful to them.
They thanked me
for my service...
as if that was all it was.
I found, um, a flat in the end.
My problem was what to do
with all the time I had.
I mean, the flat- It's so small, I can
have it spotless in half an hour.
And then, you know,
what am I supposed to do?
For the rest of the day?
- Give her these, will you?
- Sure.
John Smith.
Mr. John Smith.
That's right. Me.
Ah, this way.
J Freak out J
J Le Freak, c'est chic J
J Freak out J
J Ahhh, freak out J
J Le Freak, c'est chic J
J Freak out J
J Have you heard
about the new dance craze?J
J Listen to us
I'm sure you'll be amazed J
J Big fun
to be had by everyone J
J It's up to you
It surely can be done JJ
Hello? Marigold Hotel.
Is this it?
This is it.
You're not worried about the
danger of having sex at your age?
If she dies, she dies.
Progress! Progress!
Mrs. Donnelly! Mrs. Hardcastle!
The wheel is turning
most assuredly in our favor!
Mr. Dashwood, everybody,
great news!
What is it, Sonny? They are working.
They are working!
Well, that is good news.
What are working?
The telephones of the Marigold Hotel.
I must tell everybody.
I must tell my mother!
Mr. Dashwood, wait.
Uh, you have a phone call.
No way they could find
anything in that office.
They probably just picked
an address out at random...
just to- just to keep
me off their backs.
I'm sure
that's what happened.
It's going to be nothing.
Don't you think
it's going to be nothing?
I think you should just
knock on the door and see.
Oh, I- I'm sorry
to disturb you.
Um, my name
is Graham Dashwood.
And, uh, many years ago-
I know who you are.
L- I-I'm- I'm sorry.
I- I don't know who you are.
I'm Gaurika,
the wife of Manoj.
Oh, well, I'm very
pleased to meet you.
Um, if you could, uh- If you'd,
uh, tell him that I called by,
I'd very much appreciate it.
What was she thinking?
I beg your pardon?
His wife. Manoj's wife.
She knew who Graham was.
Had he told her?
Do you think we'll find out tomorrow?
Not me.
I'm heading up to the Badi Mahal Palace.
I'm very excited.
I've been reading all about it.
Tell me.
Well, I would
if I could remember-
Please come. Nice meal.
Romantic music. Please come.
We've already eaten.
Thank you.
Please come. Please come.
A midnight booty call,
how utterly marvelous.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I don't know what your name is,
but I'm incredibly sorry.
Don't be. It's the most
action I've had in weeks.
- If you would just please-
- Don't worry, Mrs. Hardcastle!
I can explain each
and-and every thing.
Oh, my God. You're naked?
Mrs. Hardcastle, I must apologize
with deep and profound sincerity.
How could you not tell me
you weren't in your room?
Yes, Sunaina, to you, too,
I must apologize.
Now go. Get out.
I'm going to-
What is going on here?
Who screamed?
No, no, no, no, no.
This is a respectable hotel,
not a brothel.
You, take your things
and get out. Get out.
Mrs. Hardcastle,
I expected better of you.
Actually, this is exactly what I
expected of you. Nevertheless-
Mrs. Kapoor,
I'm Sunaina.
Since I will not be paying
for your services,
your name is
of no interest to me.
How do you know mine?
Because this-
This is my Sunaina.
This is the girl you described
to me as not too modern?
- This is getting interesting.
- Mummyji, don't get the wrong idea.
Sunaina was not here
to be with Mrs. Hardcastle.
She was here
to have sex with me.
This is the kind of woman
you are?
Okay. Each to her own.
But don't you ever tell me that you
are a suitable wife for my son.
Just take your things
and get out.
How did it go?
I've seen
the top of the mountain.
And it is good.
I saw someone yesterday.
A man I haven't seen
for years.
A man that I've loved
all my life.
A man?
Carry on.
I didn't know how he'd been
in the meantime. I-
I- I-I didn't want to guess,
'cause I'd brought disgrace
on him and his family,
and I imagined
he might hate me.
Well, we talked all night.
Yeah, he's been happy.
He's had a peaceful life
and, uh,
he's never forgotten me.
That's what he said.
All that time, I thought I'd
sentenced him to a life of shame.
But I was the one in prison.
But not any more.
Top of the mountain.
How was the night?
Rather special.
Oh! You are back again.
It's been quite
a remarkable night all around.
First you tell me your news.
First you tell me your news
and th-
Day 45.
Of course, it was inevitable.
Put enough 0ld people
in the same place,
it won 7 be too long
before one of them goes.
Graham died of a heart condition
which he'd had for many years.
So he knew before he left that
he would not be coming back.
He wanted to die in India.
He just didn't want
any of us to know.
He kept his promise
to lake me to Udaipur.
Manoj wanted him to have a Hindu
burial there, by the lake.
At the place
they had visited together.
Not a holy place.
Although, for them, perhaps it was.
It takes a long time
for a body to be consumed
Many hours for the mourners
to remember their dead
The fire must be W at dawn,
and by sunset there must
be nothing left but ash.
Is it our friend
we are grieving for,
whose life we knew so little?
Or is it our own loss
that we are mourning?
Have we traveled far enough that
we can allow our tears to fall?
When someone dies, you
think about your own life.
And I don't want to
grow older.
I don't want to be
condescended to.
To become marginalized
and ignored by society.
I don't want to be the first person they
let off the plane in a hostage crisis.
Oh, hello.
I wondered where you'd been.
We're all having a drink up top.
I went to see Gaurika,
Manoj's wife.
I wanted to ask her
how much she knew.
The answer is
that she knew everything.
That he loved another man,
that he always would.
He told her when the marriage
was arranged.
They had no secrets
from each other. None.
That's right, isn't it?
That has to be right.
It made me realize
how much I'd failed Hugh.
What's the use of a marriage
when nothing is shared?
Mrs. Greenslade.
Might I have
my husband back now?
Forgive me.
Sorry. Sorry.
Forgive me.
She was upset.
Oh, spare me your explanation.
Do you think I'm jealous?
I don't see why else you would've
embarrassed me and Evelyn.
You seem to be doing a perfectly
good job of embarrassing yourself.
Can you imagine how ghastly
it is for everyone...
to see you mooning around after that
simpering, doe-eyed ex-housewife,
taking advantage
of her loneliness?
God, can you hear yourself?
Can you?
Do you have any idea what a
terrible person you've become?
All you give out
is this endless negativity.
A refusal to see
any kind of light and joy,
even when it's staring you
in the face.
And a desperate need to squash any sign
of happiness in me or-or-or anyone else.
It's a wonder I don't fling myself
at the first kind word or gesture...
that comes my way,
but I don't!
O- O-Out of some sense
of dried up loyalty and respect.
Neither of which
I ever bloody get in return.
I checked my e-mails.
There's one from Laura.
Are you all right?
I just want a glass of water.
That was a gin and tonic.
- I know that now.
- What's happened?
Ah. Good evening, the Ainslies.
How are you both?
We're particularly well.
Douglas, tell them our news.
We're going home.
And so now I would ask you to loosen the
strings on your purse, Mr. Maruthi,
and-and do it most rapidly.
So that phase two development...
of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
can begin with immediate effect.
Mrs. Donnelly, I believe.
Now if you please be following
me to the ground floor-
How are things at the hotel?
Mr. Maruthi.
Oh, they're better.
They're getting better.
You see?
Profound satisfaction.
Such is the inevitable result of a
prolonged stay at the Marigold Hotel.
What are those men doing?
Working for me, Mr. Maruthi.
To create a home for the
elderly so wonderful...
that they will simply
refuse to die.
Stare death in the face
and say-
What are those men doing?
Mummyji, what is going on here?
Sonny, I have spoken to your brothers.
They have decided to sell the hotel.
These men are here to value the building.
They are valuing the land.
My brothers don't care about the building.
They will knock it down.
Well, they could wait for a month...
for it to fall down
of its own accord, huh?
You joke, Mummyji, but
inside, I know you're not laughing.
You don't want to see this dream destroyed.
Send these people away.
No, beta, it's too late.
Mummyji, please, if I
could just show you these figures-
I don't need to see them. I know they don't add up.
There is still time to turn things around.
With a small injection of funds, we can-
Who is going to be trusting
you with this money, huh?
You, who can't even run a Chai stand?
Just like your father.
Do I remind you
of him so much?
Is that why
you must be so cruel to me?
You think I'm being cruel?
You loved my father,
and he loved this hotel.
You want to end up
a broken man like him?
Just say good-bye to all this
and come back to Delhi with me.
Your life will be much easier.
No. Not easier, Mummyji,
Mrs. Donnelly.
Uh, can I help you?
It depends.
Do you know how to work a computer?
Mrs. Ainslie said she knew an address
where I could get some things I need.
Some biscuits. She said I could
get them on the line?
Well, I wish you luck.
The whole thing is actually
tremendously exciting.
Not just getting on the plane, but
getting on the plane and turning left.
Turning left?
First class.
And home in time for our
We haven't quite decided
how to mark the occasion.
Perhaps a minute of silence.
Yes. Okay. Okay, sir.
I've confirmed your appointment for
tomorrow morning at 10:00. Thank you.
Now, Mr. Maruthi-
Mrs. Donnelly, please.
Call me Bhanuprakash.
Too small.
One large should it us all, I think.
I think I'll walk.
Apparently, they're getting
ready for some festival.
Perhaps y-you'd like one of us
to accompany you?
- I'm happy to walk with you.
- No, no, no, I'm fine.
I'm so pleased about your daughter's success
and that it's all worked out so well.
Thank you.
Darling? Darling.
It's me.
I just wanted
to hear your voice.
Oh, no. No, sorry.
I didn't even think about the time.
How are you?
And Polly and the- How are the boys?
Oh. Good. Good.
I'm glad you've been reading it.
Yes. Yes, I made
a few very good friends.
No, I'm fine.
Of course I am. I'm fine.
Time's up
in there, madam.
Um, I think the money's
running out.
So I'll call you again,
um, at another time.
Okay. Bye, darling.
I'll call you again soon. Bye.
Mrs. Greenslade,
where are the others?
They're on their way back to the hotel.
What's the matter?
I- I wanted to warn you of the most
momentous changes that are occurring.
Absolutely all of them, without
question, for the very positive.
What are you talking about?
I am delighted to announce the closing
of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
And the joyful return of all its
inhabitants to their home country.
Please relax in the knowledge
that your journey home...
has been arranged
and paid for by the hotel.
Our journey here was arranged and paid
for by the hotel and look how that went.
I'd rather
walk back to England.
I'd rather
not go back at all.
Go back where?
And for myself,
the news is even better.
I shall be moving to Delhi
to live with my mother.
And, furthermore, I shall be wed to a
most suitable person of her choice,
whom I look forward very much to meeting
before I spend the rest of my life with her.
Didn't you have a girlfriend?
She is my girlfriend no longer.
This is a disaster.
No, no. Then we must treat it just the
same as we would treat a triumph, madam.
Is that not what
your Mr. Kipling tells us?
Although, of course,
here we have a problem,
because I, Sunil lndrajit Kapoor,
have never had a triumph.
So, of course,
I do not know how to treat one.
No, all I've had is a constant
series of disasters...
interspersed with occasional catastrophe,
an unending stream of total-
Sonny, do you love her?
Most deeply.
Have you told her you love her?
It is because I love her
that I must not tell her.
She can do so much better
than me, madam.
Women love it when you say that kind of thing.
It's a powerful aphrodisiac.
No, of course not.
Go and ind her at once, before she starts
to believe you and you lose her forever.
You can have
anything you want, Sonny.
You just need to stop waiting for
someone to tell you you deserve it.
My God. Or you can just go on
failing yourself and hurting-
Mrs. Greenslade, stop drilling.
You have struck oil,
I asked him
to come and stay with me.
Is that wise?
I'm not sure he's trained.
You think it's too soon.
It doesn't matter what I think.
It is too soon.
At our age, we can't afford
the luxury of taking it slow,
and it's either this
or he goes home and-
I wish you both
the very best.
You haven't met anyone?
Single by choice.
Just not my choice.
I actually think
it might be over.
For me.
With men.
And if that's gone,
I'm not quite sure
what's left.
Did you know Norman brought pills
the first night he stayed with me?
It obviously
did the trick.
They fell out of his pocket, and I
didn't want it to be like that.
So I swapped them.
He went all night on two aspirin.
it's never over.
Can you make sure that small
bag goes in the back with me?
In the back, yes? In the back.
Do you understand?
Excuse me.
Would you rather
not see him?
My wallet.
I- I've forgotten my wallet.
I'm so- I'm so sorry.
I won't- I won't be a minute.
She's not back yet.
Well, then perhaps you could
tell her that I said,
um, good-bye.
False alarm. I, uh-
I had it all the time.
Let's go.
While I have you on the phone, madam, can
I talk to you about our special offers?
This is a particularly good time to
be thinking of taking advantage...
of our new and improved system.
I Jay 1
Hey, what's going on?
I need to see Sunaina.
Her shift's not over.
And when it is, she doesn't want to see you.
You- You are the son my
mother wished I was.
An intelligent man with a
strong head for business.
You see things as they are and
not as you wish them to be.
So fuck off out of my way!
Or you can give her
a message.
Tell her from me what I should
have told her the day we met.
What I will announce to anyone
who asks and many who do not.
- Including your mother?
- Including my mother?
- His mother.
- Your mother.
I will tell every mother
in the land.
What will you tell them?
What will you tell them?
The only thing that matters
in this world.
That I love you
and always will.
And by you I mean Sunaina,
Jay, not you.
Although if you are to be my brother-in-law,
I hope we can become better friends.
Why is he only
saying this now?
You ask him.
Why are you only
saying this now?
Because, Sunaina,
love of my life, no more will I
believe that I'm not worthy.
For only by loving you as you
deserve will I become so.
it's funny. They call this rush hour,
and yet nothing actually moves.
Well, it's not
that... funny.
Where do you think you're going?
You may well ask.
We're moving in
together, Mrs. D.
- Already?
- That point's been made.
The hotel is closing,
Mrs. Donnelly.
It doesn't have to.
I've been going over
the accounts.
ay I?
Mummyji, do you remember
what my father used to say?
That nothing happens
unless first we dream.
And I have dreamt, Mummyji,
and like him, I have failed.
The Marigold Hotel is crumbling to dust,
and it turns out I can live with that.
But the one thing I will not do
is live without this girl.
This is Sunaina
Shantanu Palawar.
The woman I love
and wish to marry.
I'm very pleased to meet you, Mrs.
No, Sonny. I forbid it.
I forbid this match.
Utterly and completely.
Do you hear me?
This can't happen.
What is he saying?
He says that he's been with this
family for as long as he can remember.
And that he remembers
another tight.
Between two young people
and their parents.
And he remembers the moment
when the young man...
stood up to his mother
and said- And said...
Yes, I want to marry
this woman.
Yes, she comes from
a different community,
but she's smart
and she's beautiful,
and I love her.
I don't know
who he's talking about.
Sunaina, I may have
no right to judge,
but I have a mother's right
to worry.
Take care of my favorite son.
Sorry. I'm not clear now.
Am I staying or going?
- Well, it depends how you read the accounts.
- The accounts?
It turns out the original plan
for the hotel is good.
It works.
Just not in the hands of a lunatic.
I knew that plan was good.
What the place needs
is money.
And guests, starting with the
ones that are already here.
Unfortunately, my investor, Mr.
Maruthi, has decided that,
while he greatly admires
my endeavors-
- He's reconsidered.
- You spoke to him?
So long as there's somebody
sane to help the manager.
No. The manager
needs no help, madam.
- The manager needs a little help.
- So will you stay?
- I'd like to.
- In the shack on the roof?
We have a- a double room,
bathroom en suite,
and a fully working door.
Mr. Dashwood, as you
know, has recently checked out.
Mrs. Hardcastle,
you'll stay.
- On my own?
- I know you're off your game, dear.
Lost your confidence maybe.
But, you know, you are a thoroughbred.
You'll be back.
What about you,
Mrs. Greenslade?
What about me,
Mrs. Donnelly?
We haven't talked much,
have we? You and I.
My loss, evidently.
Will you stay?
I'm not sure
what I shall do.
Nothing here has worked out
quite as I expected.
Most things don't.
But, you know, sometimes what
happens instead is the good stuff.
Don't you have work
to go to in the morning?
Now, if you'll excuse me.
If I can stand on my own two
feet, I'm sure you can too.
Who's the new
assistant manager?
Mr. Maruthi had me in mind.
You thinking of applying
for the job?
Oh, chair, please.
That's quite enough exercise
for one day.
Oh, steady.
This is absolutely ridiculous.
We could be here for hours.
There's no way we'll get out of here.
- Well, maybe there is.
- You!
Can you get us
to the airport?
Sorry. Long way.
Sore legs. Not possible.
I'll give you
everything I have.
Okay, step right in,
let's go.
Can you get our cases out,
Come on, Douglas.
Come on, Douglas, come on.
- Sorry, no manage people and cases.
- What?
It's not possible, madam.
Two persons, no cases. One person and cases.
Well, how about if I give you something else?
I'll give you my watch.
Sure. Thanks.
But still it's not possible, madam.
We'll get another flight. Let's go back
to the hotel and leave in the morning.
No. Jean, he can't do it.
You heard what he said.
- He can do one person and cases.
- Yeah, but-
Could fate find a better way to
tell us what we need to hear?
- Which is what?
- That it's over.
That it's been over
for a long, long time.
This is not the time to talk about this.
Let's wait until we get home.
I have to go, Douglas.
I won't let you.
No. You'll come after me.
You'll chase me to the airport,
tell me everything will be fine.
But please don't.
Because the truth is-
The truth is we both deserve
more than we've had.
And it's just because
of your...
kindness and your-
your loyalty
that you won't admit it.
I'll be all right.
I'm turning left.
Good-bye, Douglas.
Day 57.
The any real failure
is the failure to tly.
And the measure of success is
how we cope with disappoinment.
As we always must
We came here and we fried
All of us in our different ways.
Can we be blamed for feeling
that we are too old to change?
Too scared of disappoinment
to start it all again?
We get up in the morning.
We do our best
Nothing else matters.
You're still here.
I- I-I missed the plane.
What about Jean?
She didn't.
I had- I had quite an
interesting night actually.
I- I met the same, um,
taxi driver,
but this time I let him take
me to his brother's hotel.
Wh-Which turned out to be less
of a hotel and more of a-
more of a brothel really.
And they- And they gave me this
pipe, said it was apple tobacco.
But that's not what they called
it when I was a student.
So-So I made my excuses
and left.
Uh, I need-
I needed time to... think.
This city at night
is extraordinary.
I think the apple tobacco
helped probably.
I'm going to be late for work.
What time do you finish?
I get back about 5:00.
How do you take it?
With a little milk.
All right.
But it's also true
that the person who nsks nothing...
does nothing, has nothing.
All we know about the future
is that it will be different
Just your signature, please.
Thank you. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome. Please.
This is a building
of the utmost character.
But perhaps what
we fear is that it will be the same.
So we must celebrate
the changes.
Thank you.
Because, as someone once said,
everything will be all nfght in the end.
And if it's nott all right,
then trust me-
It's not yet the end
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