Bestseller (2010)

Please let me introduce Beak Hee-soo,
Korea's most prolific woman writer,
This is your fourth
best-selling book in a row,
Personally, I envy the fact that
you write a new story every time,
Could you please give us a hint?
On how you write your books?
I always jot down notes,
I write the people and places first
and then think about them.
That's how I build them.
If I have an idea to write a story,
I would attach the right characters.
Then they become Iike real people,
With behaviors and thoughts.
I just write the story.
You must be very busy,
With no time to rest.
Even my daughter and
husband are in my notes.
They're all materials.
Some people I met today.
Could also be included.
This new book has been a bestseller
for three weeks in a row.
Apart from your previous works,
How did you write...?
What's going on?
What's the matter?
How could you do this?
You really don't trust me?
I've told you many times already.
PIease trust me.
Don't bring that up again,
You never even tried to Iisten.
I've never read that book.
I swear!
How long will you keep this up?
You could've made a mistake,
I never make mistakes.
Want me to tell you again?
It was submitted for you to judge,
You read that book!
So you're saying that
I plagiarized?
Quiet! Shut up!
Let's stop,
I'm asking you out of all people.
- Please, stop this,
- Don't you understand me?
You get too obsessed with things,
Just say that you didn't know,
or that it was unintentional!
Written and directed by
LEE Jeong-ho
Baek Hee-soo has written many
Bestsellers for the last 20 years,
But it's been confirmed that
she has plagiarized her latest work,
It was one of the books she
read during a writing competition,
Two years later
It'II be okay once we get there.
Did you see the picture?
This is very important to Mom.
I need a quiet place with no people.
You understand, right?
Are you going to divorce Dad?
Is it because of me?
Grown-ups, you see...
Sometimes they don't
want to Iive together.
Then is it because of Mom?
What are you doing?
Your daughter is very pretty.
By any chance,
are you the writer from Seoul?
But I thought you were
coming here tomorrow.
Oh no!
Don't worry about this.
You bastard,
the memorial are already over.
The writer is here!
The writer! She's here!
How are you, Ma'am?
What a surprise!
When did you come?
It's the writer from Seoul!
She's beautiful!
PIease come have some food.
Stop talking and go set up a seat.
Hurry and get the food ready.
We ran out of meat.
What do you mean we ran out?
I told you to prepare it
in advance, you idiot!
Shut up and escort her.
We prepared some food
for a memorial service.
Take a Iook at this!
I told him to hang
that up yesterday.
Welcome, Writer Park Hee-soo!
The wind is blowing too much.
We planned to have that
ready before you came.
What's the use now?
I fixed up the house
as much as I could.
It Iooks old, doesn't it?
This house is over sixty years old.
After Korea's independence,
an American missionary named Bates
raised orphans here during the war.
There's no villa Iike this in Korea.
So many writers
from Seoul came here.
The house repairs are almost done.
The roof needs a Iittle work.
When it rains, it may Ieak.
That plastic is only temporary.
Our youth group will come
fix it in a few days.
PIease don't Iet anyone
interrupt me while I'm here.
But we don't know when it'II rain.
No one can defy heaven's will.
Yeah, can't deny the will of heaven.
You damn woman!
I told you not to come here!
Why'd she come here again?
Don't pay any attention to her.
When no one's here,
she comes here and sleeps.
This is a very nice town
to Iive in.
This town got an award
for being crimeless, you see.
Have you seen my daughter?
How could you disappear Iike that?
It's dangerous.
It's a very old place.
It'II be a bit uncomfortable.
No, but I'd Iike to stay.
How long are you going to hide?
It's been two years!
I gave you enough time.
Don't worry about those bastards
who claim that it's plagiarism.
Who said it's plagiarism?
Yeah, no one pays attention to
people Iike them.
You know better
so what's wrong with you?
Everyone is on your side.
They're waiting for your next book.
That's not it.
The problem is me.
I can't think of anything.
You mean going blank in
front of the monitor?
That's because you're always
cooped up in your house.
Writer's block?
That's made to overcome.
Hard to write at home,
isn't it?
At the committee meeting Iast week,
I Iearned of a great place.
Writers said that
it's the best place to write.
Oh yeah, the next Iiterary award
is still up for grabs.
I've already talked
with the committee.
I assure you that all that talk
about plagiarism will disappear this time.
Where's that picture? Here it is.
Despite what people say,
I want you to know that
I still believe in you.
There isn't an editor out there
who cares for you Iike me.
Missionary John Bates Orphanage
Do you Iive here?
What's wrong with your head?
It doesn't hurt?
What song is that?
Why does he always get on my case?
Why are you taking my picture?
Oh, it's the writer Iady
from Seoul.
Is that villa okay?
Be careful.
A ghost Iives there.
Hurry and go inside.
My mom is very busy.
She'II Iike the story?
A dragon?
What's a dragon?
Is it still alive?
But does it hurt if you die?
Don't Iaugh.
A Iost baby bird
Cries because it misses its mom
What are you doing here?
I'm playing with my friend.
Your friend?
Where's your friend?
She's gone.
Where did she go?
Another hypothesis is that
it's an unconscious hypnosis phenomenon.
A book read or
a situation seen before
is recorded in the subconscious.
We delude that
it's our own thought.
Unconscious plagiarism
is quite common.
More cases exist where the person
is unaware of the plagiarism.
Then that must be true
for writer Baek Hee-soo.
- Stop it.
- Why?
That prick.
Change the topic of your Iecture.
What brings you here?
Do I always need a reason
to be here?
Why'd you do such a useless thing?
You heard?
Hee-soo needs to make her comeback.
We can't Iet her rot Iike that.
Don't pull her back in for money.
Hey, I told you that's not why!
A writer who plagiarized
ends up doing it again.
Who says so?
Mozart plagiarized
and so did Einstein.
Hendel is supposedly
the king of plagiarism.
Who hasn't plagiarized once
in their Iives?
Writing is medicine for Hee-soo.
Regretting ruins people.
Two years have passed.
It's time to forgive her.
I'm not interested.
Frankly, you're also worried!
For someone who wants to divorce,
why do you run to her when she calls?
With the passing wind
My mother's voice is being carried
Tweep, tweep
Tweep, tweep
The baby bird stops to rest
As the tree friends open their arms
Stop it.
Where did you Iearn that?
My friend sang it.
A Iost baby bird
- Cries because it misses its mom
- Don't sing it when we eat.
You want to Iisten to
my friend's story?
Yeun-hee, I have to work now.
I can't work if you
keep saying strange things.
I'm serious!
My friend came here, too.
You want me to punish you?
Stop eating and go to your room.
You're strange!
It's me.
When will you come here?
What are you talking about?
Lately, Yeun-hee is...
I have to go to class now,
But what's the matter?
Forget about it.
1988, 10,26 Choi Soo-jin (female),
age 26 Disappeared on Sept, 26, 1988
751 Please contact Montessori Nursery
Are you alright?
I told you not to talk to strangers.
I didn't say a word.
I didn't even answer her questions.
I saw everything.
Don't Iie to me.
I didn't say anything!
I hate you!
That woman lives in the nursery
behind the station,
She's hard to talk to.
Tell her I don't
want to be interrupted.
She won't hurt you so don't worry.
The Iocals are so excited to have
a visitor they're having a feast.
Mr. Yang is going to
catch a hog and cook it.
But I doubt he'II catch one.
We used to have a Iot of
visitors Iong time ago.
But not many these days since
we don't advertise much.
It's hot.
People want to change this place
into a fishing area.
But my dad is against it.
Ouch, it's hot.
My dad turned this town.
Into a tourist attraction.
He was the sheriff here.
People still call him 'sheriff'.
This used to be the police station.
1988, Repair Work Commemoration
Stop spreading around dumb rumors.
And what's with your hair?
Oh, hello Mrs. Baek.
Can I help you with anything?
It gets boring over there.
Come visit the town sometime.
Drinking will help you come up
with some ideas.
No one can get creative
by drinking with you.
Mrs. Baek, ignore him.
Ask Chan-shik if you need anything.
We're all Iike neighbors
and family here.
You know that I Iove you
very much, right?
Do you want to tell me?
Okay, tell me the story.
I want to hear it.
What did yourfriend say?
Do you really want to hear it?
You're serious, right?
Now Iet's hear
what Yeun-hee has to say.
My friend Iives upstairs.
She planned to meet someone here,
but that person was a bad man.
That man Ioved her very much.
Mom, what are you doing?
Yeun-hee, where did you hear
that story you told me yesterday?
My friend told me.
Don't Iie to me.
Who told you?
I told you that
your friend doesn't exist.
She doesn't exist, understand?
That's okay.
You don't have to believe me.
I Iike it when you smile.
You always smile a Iot
when you win first place.
No, that's not true.
AII I need is you, Yeun-hee.
I Iove nothing
more than my Yeun-hee.
So, don't play with your friend.
Promise me.
My friend lives upstairs,
But that person is a bad man,
Why is it so hard to see you Iately?
I've been busy.
Yesterday was the faculty meeting.
It reached the final evaluation,
but many were against it.
It won't be easy.
What's the reason this time?
It's obvious.
No one Iikes controversies here.
I didn't know your wife's problem
would have such an effect.
She has nothing to do
with me anymore.
Don't get so excited, man.
You should've divorced her already.
Don't you know
what the university wants?
do you still meet your friend?
I don't play with her any more.
I'd Iike to hear more
about your friend.
She's weird.
She keeps saying the same stuff.
Same stuff?
What could it be?
Yeun-hee, what does she keep saying?
What does she say?
Yeun-hee, I'm going
through a hard time.
PIease tell me more about her.
I won't play with her any more.
It's no fun.
What did your friend say?
Yeun-hee, wait a minute!
Yeun-hee, please wait.
Yeun-hee, please wait.
Yeun-hee, please wait.
What are you doing?
Are you okay?
Why are you here?
It's time to finish the repairs.
It'II be over soon.
But are you really okay?
I shouldn't have Iet the sheriff
turn this place into a tourist spot.
He invested everyone's
savings into this place.
How many tourists stayed at
this house in the past 20 years?
I sold all my Iand.
I really don't know why the sheriff
is against the fishing business.
Why'd you stop talking?
Did you talk behind my back?
We were just talking between us.
What about?
I'm not supposed to hear it?
I told you it wasn't important.
PIease tell me.
You were saying some
fun stuff, huh?
You meathead!
We were talking about you!
Going to stay in this tiny town?
Your friends seem to
make good money.
Why'd you bring that up again?
Can people only make money
in the city?
Head of the
Youth Group is the best.
I acknowledge it.
Did you forget the staple again?
Ah, the staple!
That dumb boy.
Where is the staple?
Yeun-hee, do you want to go home?
Can we go?
Okay, after I write this.
It's almost finished.
So tell me more
about your friend, okay?
I'm not playing with her anymore.
She's putting you
through a hard time.
No, I'm okay.
I'm totally fine.
So tell me more
about her, okay?
No! No!
Mommy will get mad.
Tell me what happened that day!
Let go of me!
Stop being such a brat!
I hate you!
Artists are so unusual.
Writing isn't an art!
That's fantastic!
Live in Iuxury now that
your son is a doctor.
If my son wins a gold medal
at the OIympics,
he won't even Iook at you all.
You all are full of crap.
Your son doesn't even
show up at your ancestral rite.
Dad! Dad!
Sheriff, you're the
Iuckiest of us all.
Having your son by your side
is the best, right?
Why are you so clumsy?
You see...
She's writing about our town.
I saw pictures of it on the wall.
Okay, I understand.
- Go sit down and eat.
- Chan-shik, come have a drink.
Right then.
A sound was heard...
I don't play with you any more,
Let go! It hurts,
Do you keep in touch
with your friends?
Your four-friend gang
was famous at one time.
We don't keep in touch anymore.
Damn it, Iet me talk, too.
What's wrong with him?
Let me go!
I have the right to talk!
You all want me to speak anyway!
Sheriff, why are you against
the fishing business?
Hide some gold there
or something?
Cut it out!
Change it into a fishing spot,
but what value will it have?
If it doesn't work out,
we change it again.
Do you know
who's staying in that house?
A best-selling writer.
Do you know what that means?
Think all you want.
I'm way ahead of you all.
Just wait and see.
This writer will feed our town.
Just wait!
I can't work
because of the noise!
I'II get mad!
You think I can't open this?
Who is it?
Yeun-hee! Yeun-hee!
Open the door, Yeun-hee!
What happened to you?
Are you okay?
My friend told me the story.
Mom, I'm scared.
Let's go.
Let's go, Yeun-hee.
Just a Iittle Ionger.
Just a Iittle Ionger.
It's okay to tell me.
Tell me.
Mommy will be by your side.
Go ahead and tell me.
Go ahead and tell me.
She turns with a bright smile,,,
The four shadows wearing
a mask in the dark,,,
If my leg breaks,
can I make it to Seoul?
I told you that you'd do it!
This will be a big hit!
Our Baek Hee-soo is still alive!
Especially, this part here.
"Anyone can be the criminal,
and anyone can't."
This is the tagline!
"A horrible secret hidden
in a peaceful town.
How cruel can a person get?"
Is it a true story?
Let's say that it is.
Then it'II be more controversial.
Let's sign the contract!
Fax it to me.
Fax? Sure!
The same number as before?
I'II send it right away!
I'II make it right this time!
Baek Hee-soo makes a successful
comeback after two hears in hiatus,
She holds on to the top spot
again this week,
Through a murder in a town,
she's been praised for examining
human morals and group centralism,
Her book has been a bestseller
for the fourth week,
The streak doesn 't end,
The incident takes place
at the John Bates Villa,
Missionary John Bates saved many
during the Korean war and,,,
Why do you Iike that
old boat so much?
You bought it for me.
I did?
Yes, when I was three.
Yeun-hee, do you want anything?
What about my friend?
Your friend?
How could you do this again?
Are you trying to ruin me?
What are you talking about?
What am I talking about?
You don't know?
MBN! Turn on the TV!
Channel 28! MBN!
Writer Baek Hee-soo allegedly
plagiarized a book before in 2005,
Do we still have a writer
with a conscious left in Korea?
Jung Eun-gab reports,
Best-selling book, 'Abyss',
is being accused of plagiarism,
It supposedly copied 'Tragedy's End',
which was published in 1992,
The book wasn 't a bestseller,
But those who have read it claim
that it's been plagiarized,
It's exactly the same,
A villa by the lake
and the song are the same,
The main character's name
and even the ending are the same,
Wait a Iittle more!
How did this happen?
I need to figure things out
before I have a press conference!
Are you trying to kill me?
Why are you attacking me? Hello?
You son of a bitch!
Let me ask you myself.
You really haven't read that book?
It could've been stuck
in your shelf!
I didn't!
Have you seen the news?
Did you read the article?
Everything's over!
Something's wrong.
There's been a misunderstanding!
I didn't plagiarize it!
My daughter Yeun-hee knows!
Stop it with the Yeun-hee thing!
Stop it. She's innocent.
Anyway, Iet's not see each other again.
What happened?
Yeun-hee, where are you?
Are you trying to kill me?
You saw that book and told me,
didn't you?
Where are you Yeun-hee?
Answer me!
Open the door!
Give Yeun-hee back to me!
How could you take her away
without telling me?
How could you!
Open the door!
I won't Iet this slide!
Stop it!
Stop what?
Who told you to take my daughter?
Yeun-hee, where are you?
I heard about the book.
Stop blaming it on Yeun-hee.
I never plagiarized anything.
Yeun-hee knows it!
Bring Yeun-hee here!
Bring Yeun-hee here!
PIease stop it!
It's hard to face the truth
when it's hard to deal with.
Because we can't endure the pain.
So we deny and distort the truth.
We opt to choose our belief
rather than the painful reality.
Then many problems could be solved.
Whose idea was it to go there?
AIthough he recommended it,
I also needed a change.
In here it Iooks Iike
your editor had recommended it.
Is that important?
Do you sleep well?
Why can't you?
Let's get straight to the point.
Do you still believe
that Yeun-hee told you?
Why do you repeat the same question?
Where is Yeun-hee now?
Why should I answer that question?
Answer me!
Where is Yeun-hee?
I don't want to.
Answer me!
Yeun-hee is...
I never read that book,
I swear, Are you listening?
Do you remember
Yeun-hee's accident?
I never make a mistake!
How could you say that to me?
I stole that story?
Do you think so, too?
You don't know?
You don't get what I'm saying?
The accident occurred
in the bathtub, Remember?
Be quiet!
Your daughter is very pretty.
What are you doing?
Yeun-hee, I'm having a hard time.
Tell me more about your friend.
Don't go out without telling me.
It's dangerous.
Does she believe
that Yeun-hee is alive?
She's making excuses.
Such as, "I didn't plagiarize."
"I heard it from my daughter."
She must've said it
often in her condition.
She never mentioned
Yeun-hee during that time?
'Abyss' was plagiarized
Writer Baek Hee-soo plagiarized
her new book, 'Abyss'
Can we still allow
plagiarism in Korea?
Out Kim Young-joon, get out!
Get your damn boss on the phone!
Do I have time to talk to you,
you bastard!
Her dead daughter told her the story?
Baek Hee-soo, a patient?
Who is Choi Soo-jin?
You keep asking me
the same question.
Choi Soo-jin disappeared in 1988.
The accident occurred at that villa.
Why do you think that?
I know it's hard
foryou to believe me.
So someone killed Choi Soo-jin
while the villa was being repaired.
And someone buried her there.
It's the same story in your novel.
I swear that
something happened in there.
And I heard it through Yeun-hee.
Why can't you trust me?
I never read that book!
What do you think?
She's been saying the
same thing the Iast few days.
So do you think the story in
that book is real?
If it's real,
then the plagiarism is ungrounded.
But the problem is the plagiarism.
The fear of not being able to
write anymore has blinded her.
I met your editor.
They can't suffer anymore damages
because of this case.
Do you trust me?
Because they promoted this,
they've suffered some heavy blows.
They put the company up for sale.
AII that's Ieft is
for you to admit it.
Yeun-hee was there.
Do you even know
Yeun-hee's birthday?
What color or food that she Iikes?
Stop this.
When did you ever pay
attention to Yeun-hee?
It's true.
Don't involve Yeun-hee
into this nonsense.
But what about my friend?
Tragedy's End
This book is based on
my wife's encounter with a girl,
- July, 1999,
From the Bates Villa,
Who is it?
Does Lee Gab-jae Iive here?
Lee Gab-jae?
He died pitifully.
It's been over ten years.
A run-down hospital had called me.
There was no funeral service.
He Ieft his wife and
went around writing.
His wife suffered terribly.
He's a rotten man.
Know what's funny?
Even when his wife called,
saying that she was sick,
Choi Soo-jin disappears
Her murder is concealed
Even when his wife called,
saying that she was sick,
he didn't answer and
didn't come when she passed away.
After months have passed,
he brings that book.
He said that he was
with his dead wife.
It's insane.
Here you go.
We can never forgive him.
Who could we when he used
his dead wife to sell his book?
She won't Iisten to me.
Where are you going?
The writer wrote 'Tragedy's End'
by Iistening to his dead wife.
So you're going there?
What are you going to do?
Something's in that house.
It made me write the same story.
I didn't plagiarize it.
Don't you realize that
Yeun-hee is asking for help?
Stop it!
I'm sick and
tired of you doing this.
How Iong do people have to
suffer because of you?
After Yeun-hee's death,
I never said anything to you.
- Why can't you admit it?
- Yeah!
I can't admit it.
I don't want to!
Our daughter, Yeun-hee,
was there.
I never read that book.
It's okay if you don't believe me.
I'm going to find some proof.
What proof?
Fine, Iet's say that you found it.
What will you do next?
I don't know.
What don't you know?
Only one thing is important to you.
You're doing this so that
you won't hear that you've plagiarized!
If you do this,
I will never see you again.
When I first met you,
you told me this,
"If there was one Iast person
who'd trust me, it would be you."
You don't have to worry about me.
I don't think you would anyway.
Since our Iives are apart now.
Villa at the Iake
Choi Soo-jin, disappeared
Four suspects
During villa repairs
Montessori Nursery Teacher
Montessori Nursery
That woman lives in the nursery
behind the station,
She's a bit crazy,
so it's hard to talk to her,
Yeun-hee! Yeun-hee!
Yeun-hee! Yeun-hee!
Open the door, Yeun-hee.
I have something to say to you.
PIease open the door.
Mommy is...
Mommy is...
Mommy is...
Mommy is sorry...
Mommy is sorry...
Principal's Room
Tragedy's End
So what are you getting at?
The same place, the same characters,
the same events.
The Iast part isn't just plagiarism.
It's an identical copy.
Hee-soo can write something new
without experts even knowing.
She wouldn't copy it so blatantly.
What are you getting at?
So you trust what Hee-soo had said?
Even if she said that
she really plagiarized,
I should trust her at Ieast.
Baek Hee-soo is a patient.
You shouldn't Ieave her Iike that.
She's already probably finding proof
that she didn't plagiarize.
But it doesn't exist in reality,
When the truth can't be found,
people will find some way to
make it real,
So they make themselves into victims,
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
It will only take a minute!
I have a question!
It's about Choi Soo-jin!
About your daughter!
Something is in that house,
isn't it?
You knowwhat it is,
don't you?
Did you Iook into my favor?
I'm putting my neck out for this,
If I get caught, I'm on patrol,
Wait, I found something,
Disappearance report
of Choi Soo-jin, 1988,
But it's been cancelled.
There could be two reasons for this,
Either it's a fake report
or she was found.
Could she have died?
Then there should be a death report.
But seeing that there isn't any,
she's not dead,
Do you know her?
Want me to check some more?
Request for Attendance
Yeun-hee, I have to work now,
If you keep saying strange things,
I can't work,
You want me to punish you?
Stop eating and go upstairs,
Why are you here?
That crazy bitch is here to ruin us.
Where is that bitch?
You bitch!
You're dead meat!
I killed her, you bitch!
Do we Iook Iike murderers to you?
- That crazy bitch!
- What's the matter?
- This won't solve anything!
- You stay out of it.
The fishery business is up in smoke.
Mrs. Song died
because of that bitch!
She's no damn writer.
She ruined the good people of this town!
Four suspects
She ruined the good people of this town!
That bitch!
Four shadows wearing masks
That bitch!
Four shadows wearing masks
That woman is supposedly sick.
She's not normal.
Move, boy!
PIease stop.
What's the matter with you all?
You all...
What are you all hiding?
Look at what she's saying!
Cut it out!
We're not responsible for
what happens to you if you stay Ionger.
You all killed her.
Leave this town now
before any trouble happens!
- You all killed Soo-jin!
- Chan-shik, go see her off.
You all killed her!
You all killed her!
- You all killed her!
- Mrs. Baek, stop it!
You all killed Soo-jin!
You all killed Soo-jin!
Why are you Iooking for her
when she Ieft for Seoul?
You know Choi Soo-jin, right?
The town is in
an uproar because of you.
You made us into some criminals.
PIease don't come back.
If the sheriff finds out...
Tell me!
Did she really go to Seoul?
She planned to go to Seoul
with me after we had graduated.
But some guy from Seoul came.
She fell in Iove
with him and ran away.
Mr. Yang went to Seoul to see his son.
And he saw her on the street.
He said that
her belly stuck out Iike a mountain.
And she gave him a big smile.
I hated her a Iot.
But what can I do now?
We're all Iiving
our separate Iives now.
Mrs. Baek.
People Iiving here are
good and honest people.
You wrote that story
from your imagination.
PIease don't trouble us anymore.
What the hell am I doing?
Hee-soo, where are you now?
- Someone died because of me.
- What?
- Because of me. Because of me.
- Hee-soo! Hee-soo!
Everyone got hurt.
What's going on?
Where are you?
Did Soo-jin really die?
Did I truly Iove Yeun-hee?
Honestly, I could've read that book.
Pull yourself together
and don't hang up,
Now I can't trust myself, either.
I'll go to you now,
Where are you?
I can't trust myself anymore.
Wearing braces
Long time no see!
Doctor Park!
Your figure still Iooks the same.
I told you to hide somewhere.
You'II do it tonight, right?
I have a seminar tomorrow.
I can't stay more than a day.
I have final exams.
Stop pretending.
You're the only one who's busy?
I'm just saying so.
Damn it, this couldn't come
at a better time.
But having an event Iike this
enables us to see friends
and come back home.
How are your kids?
The eldest started middle school.
I envy people whose kids
are all grown up.
Are you here to sightsee?
This place is still spooky.
Do you have guys have a plan
after taking it out?
You talk too much.
Oh, crap!
Stop it, damn it.
I told you to throw it in the Iake.
We put it in a ridiculous spot.
Because of who?
This all happened because he
mentioned the reservoir construction.
Right, physics teacher?
But that writer knows something,
doesn't she?
How'd she know about that room?
I don't know, idiot.
Do we have to do this?
We used to have so much fun here.
Is it Iocked?
Get out of the way.
Stop standing around and
go find something to break it down!
Aren't you going?
Want me to go?
Hey, find something to
break down the door.
I don't know. I'm hungry.
How'd that bastard become a teacher?
Get out of the way.
Damn, it hurts.
One, two...
Is it here?
It seems Iike the right spot.
Did you hear something?
Stop talking nonsense.
Keep moving it.
No, I heard something.
Have you Iost your mind?
Hurry and come back here.
I'm sorry about going on this
business trip when you're pregnant.
A Iullaby?
Will he know Daddy's voice?
What the hell am I doing
in my hometown?
Oh jeez.
The hometown I used to Iive in
Jang Sung-tae, hurry up!
Okay, I'm coming.
What are you?
What is this?
Who are you?
Catch her!
Hurry and catch her!
What are you waiting for?
Hey you!
Who are you?
It's opening!
Wait a minute!
Is she here because of that book?
Shit, this is a big headache.
Let's do it next time.
This is driving me crazy!
There is no "next time"!
She went out!
Stop right there!
What happened?
Stay calm! Stay calm!
One, two...
Go and catch her!
There she is!
This way!
You dumb asshole!
Are you okay? Are you okay?
Let go of me!
Here! Here!
Help me!
Mrs. Baek! BIood!
What happened?
- Help me.
- What's wrong?
Dangerous people are chasing me!
They're coming!
We have to go!
We have to run away!
They aren't dangerous people!
I told you to Ieave here quickly.
Chan-shik, have you eaten?
The sheriff was Iooking for you.
Are you really going to Seoul?
What does that
have to do with you?
When I become a famous writer,
I'II come back home...
You don't know
why I'm doing this?
I told you I'II graduate soon,
so wait a Iittle more.
I don't see you as a man.
Go to your mommy.
Don't test my patience.
Think I'II Iet you go Iike this?
What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?
You know what?
No matter how hard I think,
I really can't get
how you knew everything.
Only we knew.
How did you know?
You understand
why I'm doing this, right?
What the hell did you do to Soo-jin?
You don't know?
Afteryou wrote it all in the book?
But there's something different
from the book.
What's so pretty about her
for him to do that for two years?
I can't figure it out
with my head.
Do we have to go this far?
Leave him alone.
He wants to stay in the same room.
That's what Iove is about.
Love? Whatever.
What are you doing?
Come here.
I'm hungry.
That's much better.
It's the signal.
Let's go.
What a pretty picture!
Who are you?
Who are you!?
Get up!
What are you doing?
Are you crazy? Be careful.
I got it.
It was a mistake.
- A mistake?
- What's the matter with you?
It was a mistake!
Can you go to Seoul
with broken Iegs?
I'm going to kill you!
Hit me again!
Go ahead!
Hit me again!
Stop it!
I'II kill you first!
Stop it!
What happened?
It wasn't me.
I didn't do it.
What will we do now?
Even if we move the corpse,
that Iady heard everything.
I'm going to kill
that fucking bitch!
You're going to kill again?
Damn it.
Shut up.
Let's solve things one by one.
You're all being too much.
Know what happened to our town
because of that writer?
She said she was coming down here,
and I can't reach her now.
How many times do I have to tell you?
She went back to Seoul.
Then show me
how to get to the villa.
Oh, brother.
The man from Seoul is back again.
He's Iooking for that writer.
They're Iooking down
on us country folks.
City people are all the same.
Are you the sheriff?
I heard about that writer.
I should've stopped her
when she wrote about this town.
I was anticipating a useless thing.
Go to her house in Seoul.
She's probably bathing
in hot water.
But isn't it strange?
I thought I forgot everything.
But I remember everything
by coming here.
Shut your mouth!
I remember it all even after 20 years.
I remember Soo-jin's face.
AIso, her breathing sounds.
Soo-jin was so pretty.
Will she Iook the same?
Stop it!
You all also remember, right?
I said shut up!
You want me to bury you, too?
Stop it!
Stop it?
Stop what?
My Ieg is broken
because of that bitch!
I have a match next month.
It's a national competition!
I want to finish this as fast as
I can and go back home.
Got it?
Fuck you, asshole.
Crippled idiot.
What happened?
You may think I'm the
old Chang Sung-ten.
But I'm not, you asshole.
I placed fourth in the 1992
Asian Games welterweight match.
It's not here!
But this is the right spot!
Why isn't it here?
Why isn't it here?
Tell me.
How did you know?
Did you copy it from a book
Iike people say you did?
Or did you really see Soo-jin?
But that's impossible.
Say something!
- You want me to Iose my mind?
- Chan-shik!
Chan-shik, she's here!
She's here!
You bastard,
what are you talking about?
Soo-jin is here!
She came right to me!
What the hell's going on?
It's all because of her.
My Ieg broke because of her!
I'm going to kill her!
You son of a bitch!
How dare you insult Mrs. Baek!
Take it back, you bastard!
It's not the time to do this!
Stop it!
Let go!
What did you see?
What did you see, huh?
You son of a bitch!
The body is gone!
- What?
- I told you!
Soo-jin is still alive!
What did you just say?
- Soo-jin is what?
- You stupid bastard.
She is here!
Help me!
You go outside.
No one knows we're here, idiot!
Go out, hurry!
If you had called,
say something!
Are you doing something?
Is it true that the writer
went to Seoul?
Yes, we chased her out of town.
She got scared and went to Seoul.
What about the villa?
Chan-shik went to make sure.
He should be here soon.
He'II be here soon
due to the heavy snow.
Someone's coming. Be quiet.
You idiot!
How could you bring him here?
He came Iooking for her.
What are we going to do?
What will we do with them?
They saw our faces.
They saw all our faces!
Are you okay?
It's you, huh?
You moved the body, didn't you?
Where did you hide it?
Tell me before you regret it!
We're not so happy right now!
Where is it?
Why do I have to answer that?
Where did you hide it?
Use your brain.
Damn it!
Mrs. Baek!
You shouldn't do this.
We're not bad people.
Did you really move it?
Does a dead body walk around,
you idiot?
Where is my Soo-jin?
Crazy bastard.
Mrs. Baek, please don't do this.
You never had a brain in the
past nor now, you son of a bitch!
Like father and son,
you all have shit for brains!
You son of a bitch!
I'm Ieaving, you asshole.
Good riddance!
You fucking asshole!
You're a doctor in Seoul,
and he's a teacher thanks to me!
Did I ask to Iive Iike this crap?
You want to bring it out in the open?
I have nothing to Iose!
What do you want to bring out?
Next week my babywill be born.
You asked for it all.
What did we do wrong?
Stop it! Stop it!
Tell me, damn it!
Whose Iife are you trying to ruin?
Whose fault is all this?
You think I'm still some twirp?
Damn it...
Everybody's gone crazy.
I have to get out of here.
PIease take me with you.
Wake up.
Hurry and go.
Hee-soo, hurry and Ieave.
Go and call the police.
Wait, wait.
Mrs. Baek.
Wait, wait.
Mrs. Baek.
Mrs. Baek!
Mrs. Baek, please wait.
Mrs. Baek,
I didn't mean to do that.
Mrs. Baek.
Mrs. Baek!
Soo-jin was an accident.
And my friend was an accident, too.
Mrs. Baek, you know
I didn't mean to do that.
Mrs. Baek!
Mrs. Baek!
I told you Mr. Yang saw
Soo-jin in Seoul!
I didn't do that on purpose.
Mrs. Baek!
Mrs. Baek...
Why are you being Iike this?
I haven't done anything!
Why are you doing this to me?
Mrs. Baek!
PIease Iisten to me.
Since Mr. Yang saw her,
I thought that she was alive.
So if you Iisten to my story...
Mrs. Baek!
Wait a minute.
I didn't do that on purpose.
Mrs. Baek, where is Soo-jin?
Where is Soo-jin?
Why are you bothering me?
What happened?
Chan-shik, open your eyes!
Open your eyes, boy!
Chan-shik! Don't Ieave me!
This can't happen!
No, Chan-shik!
Chan-shik, open your eyes!
Stop there!
I'm sorry.
I didn't do it on purpose.
They killed Soo-jin.
You should've Ieft
when I told you to.
Why'd you rehash
what we wanted to forget?
Everyone Iived forgetting about it.
Why can't that happen?
You knew?
Stop it.
If you talk too much,
things will get harder...
How could you when you knew?
You can't understand.
It was too Iate anyway.
Dumb idiots should've Iived well
if they were given a chance.
The construction
will be done by next week.
Are you joking with me?
If I say so, it will happen.
I told you bastards
not to hang around here!
Did you clean up the warehouse?
I can make it before the
inspection by the county governor.
Okay, okay.
You take care of public relations.
And bring a Iot of reporters!
Okay, okay.
That bastard.
Sheriff... Help...
Who did that?
I don't know,
One of them four probably did it,
If you want to know,
that can't happen,
You're crazy!
You're insane!
So, even if you're curious...
Even if it's hard on you...
You should know
how to Iive patiently.
We've Iived Iike this for 20 years,
but you ruined everything.
Since everything ended up Iike this,
how could I forgive you?
Damn it!
Yeun-hee, how shall we play?
Hee-soo! Hee-soo!
Hee-soo! Hee-soo!
My son!
Why are you here, boy?
Hee-soo! Hee-soo!
Are you alright?
Are you cold?
What about Hee-soo?
That's absurd!
If I write a story about
how martyr Yoo Kwan-soo was tortured,
is that plagiarism?
You idiot!
Damn assholes.
No matter how hard I try,
I can't get rid of the plagiarism charges.
No one believes me.
Do we have to do this?
I don't know whether
it's foolish or silly.
It's the truth!
It's the real damn truth!
Are you okay?
To be precise, hearing Soo-jin's
story and writing it is plagiarism.
I decided not to deny that.
But still.
I want to write that story again
in an entirely different way.
Perhaps, the writer and her daughter
will be the main characters.
AIso, you'II be in it.
Will you really be okay?
I made my mind up.
It's rare for the writer to
come out directly.
The press will have a fit.
Isn't that what you'd hope for?
Are you admitting it now?
Yes, I read that manuscript
when I was a judge at the time.
It's true that I read the manuscript
by writer Sim Jung-yoon.
Whether it was by intention or not,
it was a similar concept.
I don't want a new writer
to vanish as a result of this.
I hope the committee judges whether
it was plagiarism or not.