Bet Your Life (2004)

Pardon me for interrupting, but there's
something I have to explain.
That's me, Sonny Briggs.
And hoW I got here I can't
hardly believe myself.
You see, I usually try
to avoid trouble.
It Was just one of those things.
It sounded like a good
idea at the time.
I thought it was the
chance of a lifetime.
Making a new start, rolling
the dice one last time.
I Was barely getting by in Vegas.
Driving for a low-rent limo service...
hitting the casinos
between clients.
A habit I hadn't been able to break.
Jackson just landed
a right uppercut...
and I have a feeling Rodriguez
ain't getting' up!
At least until now, I never
thought it Would break me.
There goes the
rent money.
Never mind getting me killed.
Tell Mr. Salavatore
I have his money.
- Well, at least the interest.
- I had a little addiction problem.
And there Wasn't a cure,
not in my mind anyway.
I'm done protecting you Sonny,
you had your chance.
Staying one step ahead
of the loan sharks...
the one guy on my side
my best friend Chuck.
- I got a little problem.
- The bank of Chuck is closed.
Any bright ideas how I can
my hands on 20 gees
before one of Salvatore's boys
show up at my doorstep?
Man I told you to stay away
from that punk, man.
And then came that night.
Just tell her I'll be there
in five minutes.
When it all finally
began to unWind.
It all started When I picked
up a Woman named...
Ms. Rollins?
- So Ms. Rollins...
- Carmen.
OK. Carmen.
You traveling by yourself?
Is that your way of asking me
whether I have a boyfriend?
- Maybe.
- I like to keep my options open.
I hear ya.
What brings you to Vegas?
- I came to gamble.
- Lf you need a pointer, I'm your guy.
Yeah? Really?
Well, I might take you up on that.
I'm bettin' on it.
So, you're a gamblin' man?
To be honest, I never came
across a game I didn't like.
- Casinos must love you.
- I'm afraid so.
- What about the loan sharks?
- Excuse me?
Sorry, but uh, I think you took just
a little too long to close the deal.
- Is this a joke?
- Are you laughing?
- What's going on here?
- Mr. Salvatore sends his regards.
Listen, I know I'm late on my
payment, but I got the money.
Pull into the alley up there.
Do it.
- Sorry about that. You OK?
- He's gonna kill me.
Somebody's trying
to kill you too?
Oh my god.
What the hell
is going on?
Hang in there.
I'm going to get you some help.
- No police, promise me.
- What, what.
Time. What time is it?
- It's ten to twelve.
- Ah, I was so close.
C'mon. C'mon. C'mon.
Don't die on me.
You can't come in here buddy.
This is a private club.
- Sir, I apologize.
- Don't sweat it.
Good luck Mr. Peterson.
Excuse me.
Your card please.
Oh, um... I think I left my
card back at the hotel.
I'm sorry miss, but I can't let
you in without your card,
- this is an exclusive club.
- Couldn't you make an exception,
just this one time?
Believe me, I wish I could.
Uh. Beer please. You choose.
Wow, this place is
something else.
- Chuck.
- Yeah what is it now?
I just saw a guy get shot in the street
and some girl just tried to kill me.
- Not again.
- You've got to be kidding.
- You have to help me.
- What do you want me to do, Buddy?
You ever heard of the ToWer Casino?
Yeah yeah, a private club
slash casino, right?
Can't get in to save your life?
I got in to save my life.
Listen, I need you to pick me up.
Why don't you just walk out
the way you came in?
Remember the girl who tried to kill me?
She's waiting outside for me.
You forgot to get one of your stripper
girlfriend's a piercing on her birthday?
Very funny.
She's working for Salvatore.
I really need your help here.
Yeah yeah, I can't stand to
see a grown man cry.
Just stay put, I'll be right over.
Alright, just hurry up. I'll leave
your name at the door.
Let's see how much of a
gambler you really are.
What's going on?
This is five thousand dollars
worth of chips.
Compliments of the house
Mr. Peterson. Good luck tonight.
Hey how do you know his...
How did you know my...
I think it's time to leave.
Don't do it. Just cash out and
get the hell outta here.
Ladies and gentlemen, please
place your bets. Bets down please.
Would you like to place a bet sir?
Very good sir.
Money down please.
Please place your bets.
Ladies and gentlemen,
money down.
And no more bets.
New shooter.
Hot shooter.
I know how this is going to sound, okay,
but um, my date stood me up,
and um, and now I have no way
of getting into the club.
No offense, but your date
sounds like a fool.
Nice cologne. I just love a
man who smells good.
Hey handsome. Looks like you're
having a good night.
- It just got better.
- It did.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please place your bets.
C'mon lucky seven!
You're on fire baby.
Gimme a kiss.
- Put it all on big red.
- Hey there, are you sure?
I've been waiting for a night
like this my whole life.
You really are crazy.
Tell me about it.
Uh, yeah, thanks so much.
Ladies, it's been fun, but I think
I better call it a night.
Let's not get too greedy, right?
Here you go buddy.
- What's the matter sweety?
- I think I should call it a night.
It's not even one o'clock yet.
Maybe we can hook up
again some other night.
Sir. As a token of our
appreciation for your
membership and your playing
with us tonight,
the Tower Casino would
like to invite you
to spend the evening in
our penthouse suite.
- Yeah sounds tempting...
- C'mon don't be like that.
- Don't get all serious on us now.
- I hear they have an amazing Jacuzzi.
Alright, let's do it.
You're in a hurry.
Here baby, let me.
OK, let's go.
What a night.
You just Wait until We're
done With you.
Listen, you guys
have been great,
and under normal circumstances I'd
feel like one of the luckiest men
correction, the luckiest.
C'mon baby.
Right this way Mr. Peterson.
Don't be shy.
He's in.
This is what you call fancy.
Look how cool this place is.
Sorry, I guess we got
the wrong room.
You didn't get the wrong room.
Do I know you?
No, but I know you Sonny.
Welcome to my party.
Good work girls. Thank you.
- Thanks for the chips.
- See you around.
I knew this was too good to be true.
You're working for
Salvatore, aren't you?
Let's not do anything rash. I got the
dough just like a promised.
- See. It's all here.
- Keep 'em.
We don't work for Salvatore.
OK then.
It was fun meeting everybody,
but I think I'm outta here.
Where do you think
you're going pal?
I'm not your pal buddy.
How would you like it if I gave
you a couple broken ribs?
I wouldn't. But you're
welcome to try.
Now boys. There will be plenty
of time for the rough stuff later.
- Lf you think I was cheating?
- Relax.
I've been looking for a man
like you Sonny. A gambler,
a risk taker, an athlete.
It was a stroke of luck you happened
to show up at this club tonight.
It's way easier than me having to seek
you out, I'll tell ya. Look at yourself.
Look at this town.
Gambling is a fifty-five billion
dollar a year industry.
Question is why.
Why do we do it?
Why do you do it?
What do you want?
Who are you people?
The question is, who are you.
Sonny Briggs.
Former pro quarterback
until an injury
in the second half of that playoff game
put an end to all your dreams.
Tell me, is that when you got bit by
the gambling bug, Sonny?
Looking for one adrenaline
rush to replace another?
When you place a bet, are you back on
that field, your life ahead of you.
So full of potential...
- possibilities.
- How do you know all that stuff about me?
It's a little gambler's
database we use here.
You know, I lost a bet on
that playoff game.
Guess I should have
bet against you, huh?
Screw you.
I'm outta here.
Just one last question
before you leave.
How does it feel
to kill a man?
- What are you talking about?
- Let me refresh your memory.
Broke, burdened by gambling debts,
desperate for cash,
murdered a man in the
alley of this casino tonight.
You then proceeded to take his
player's card, the very same
card that is in your
pocket right now.
The same card that has your
fingerprints all over it.
- or should I say Mr. Patterson?
- Peterson.
Does any of this sound familiar?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You're nuts.
I'm just telling you what I saw in the alley...
and I did see you take that poor man's card.
It was you. You're the damn shooter.
You killed that guy in the alley.
I wonder what the cops will think when
they're presented with this evidence.
I don't know what's
going on here.
And to be quite honest, I really
don't want to know.
C'mon, it's too late for that now.
I didn't even see your
face out there.
We'll forget any of this
happened, alright?
Alright. Go right ahead.
Go on, go, go home.
It's going to take a lot more than money
to patch things up with Salvatore.
Wonder just how long you're gonna
last with his goons gunning for you.
What do you want from me?
Gambling and football are games.
One requires luck,
the other skill.
But what they both share in common
is that the game stays
the same, only the
outcome changes.
That's what keeps us
coming back for more.
That's why we're
hooked, right?
Why are you telling
me all of this?
Because I want to play
a game with you.
What kind of game?
A game where the outcome won't
depend on the spin of the wheel
or the roll of the dice.
It'll depend on you Sonny.
Your moves. The decisions you make.
Be just like old times.
- What are you getting at?
- You ever read any Hemingway?
It's fascinating,
the carnal behavioral patterns
during the thrill
of the kill.
The love of the hunt, even for the prey.
I'm afraid I'm not following you.
Quite simply, I want to hunt you.
I want to hunt you down
like an animal, Sonny.
I want to match my wits
against yours.
If I catch you, I kill you
If you can outmaneuver me, stay
alive for the next twenty-four hours...
you will win two point
four million dollars.
That is one hundred
thousand for every hour.
Now, the stakes are high,
but so are the rewards.
This is some kind of joke, right?
Only if the dead guy in the alley
is a punch line, yeah.
He was playing
your game?
And quite well I
might add.
If he had stayed alive for another ten
minutes, he'd be a rich man now.
Why do you do this?
I'm a gambler, like you.
No, I don't-I don't
hurt people.
Really? What about
your ex-wife?
Your friends, family and all that people
you conned and borrowed money from.
I bet they'd have a
different story to tell.
Nothing personal, but you're insane if
you think I'd sign up for this.
Ah, let me show you something
that might change your mind.
Two point four million dollars.
Minus a two percent
transaction fee.
They always get you with those hidden
fees, don't they Alex?
Yeah. It's a bitch.
I hope this isn't a deal breaker.
- We don't have a deal.
- Think about it for one second, alright.
What do you really
have to lose here?
You owe large sums of money to
several banks and institutions.
If the government
catches up with you,
you will probably be
jailed for unpaid taxes.
Not to mention the strong possibility
of doing life in prison
for the murder of a man in
a Las Vegas alley.
That's if the loan sharks don't
catch up to you first.
- Why do you want to kill me?
- I don't want to kill you.
If I wanted to kill you I'd do
it right here, right now.
I want to hunt
you, Sonny.
I'm giving you the opportunity
of a lifetime here.
Look you can take your chances with
me and possibly turn your life around.
Or you can go back to your old life,
what's left of it that is.
Twenty-four hours. Just survive
twenty-four hours, that's it?
- To the second, yeah.
- And I get two point four million?
You got it kid.
- How long a head start?
- Fifteen minutes.
- Alright, I'm in.
- Splendid.
I never had a doubt.
- What is this?
- Paperwork.
It's an agreement which contains all
the rules of the game.
Call it honor among thieves.
All you need to do is autograph that
and we should be ready to go.
Oh, one more rule.
Uh, no police.
If you contact the cops, we might harm
one of your friends or relatives.
Anything else you want
to share with me?
No. That's it. I hate a complicated
game, don't you?
That's your copy. Keep it
with you at all times.
You're going to need
that to collect.
If I were you, I wouldn't waste much
time, the clock is ticking.
Get moving.
Ah, Sonny, don't make such a face.
It's going to be fun.
Yeah, I bet it will.
- See you in twenty-four.
- You bet your life.
Viva Las Vegas
C'mon. Faster.
C'mon, c'mon.
Go. Go.
Are you out of your mind?
Thank you for visiting
the ToWer Casino.
And remember, What happens in
Vegas, stays in Vegas.
See I told you.
- You're late.
- You're early.
- Come on.
- Whoa, what's the big rush man?
- So where's psycho-chick with the gun?
- I've been asking myself the same.
- How would you like that sir?
- I don't care just make it quick.
- Where you parked?
- Out front.
I gotta first drop off a couple
of prom kids at an after-party.
Don't sweat it.
I'm taking a cab.
Sir, are you interested in upgrading
your Player's Club Membership?
Buddy, don't you see
I'm in a hurry here.
I'm sorry. Just get me
my money, OK.
What's gotten into you?
I've never seen you like this.
I gotta get to the airport ASAP.
I thought you were broke.
Man, who did you rip off?
For putting up
with my crap.
Gee, thanks. Now you only owe
me like what, six gees?
Don't push it.
Let's go.
Let's get out of here.
You know what, those two
prom kids can wait.
I'm not gonna let my best friend wait
for a cab when I have a limo here.
Thanks, but it's too dangerous.
Too dangerous? To the airport?
We ride.
Ready to have some fun.
Wait a minute.
We're... missing something.
Hey! Ah, typical.
Look. I don't know
what's going on here,
alright, but I do know you're coming
with me. End of story. C'mon.
- I'll drive.
- Over my dead body.
- You drive the way you gamble.
- You gamble the way an old lady drives.
Hey, uh, you kids aren't in too much
of a hurry, are you now?
I guess not.
Let's go.
Get in the car.
Come on, Get in the car. What have
you gotten yourself into this time?
Trust me, you
don't wanna know.
- That bad, huh?
- Worse.
- They friends of yours?
- Can't you tell?
- This ain't gonna be good.
- No kidding.
I love carpooling.
What's he doing,
what's he doing?
This is even better
than Fear Factor.
I told you to
let me drive.
- Chuck turn left. Turn left!
- Oh, allow me.
What are you doing?
Get off... Get off...
Get off the car man!
I told you this was
going to be fun.
Chuck! The brakes.
Hit the brakes!
If I hit the brakes
then I'll kill the guy.
In case you haven't noticed,
he's going to kill me.
You got the time Sonny?
Find out who she is.
I don't like surprises.
- Surprise.
- He's going to the airport?
They always do.
I'll drive.
Sorry buddy. I'm going to make
it up to you. I promise.
- Who in the hell were they Sonny?
- I can't tell you Chuck, not now.
I'll call you just as soon
as I get a chance.
Thanks for coming to Las Vegas.
Whatever happen in Vegas, stay here.
Don't go getting yourself
killed now, OK?
Trust me. You aren't getting
rid of me that easily.
So you guys like dating
or something?
Man. Get in the car.
Attention, all passengers holding
tickets for flight 1104 to Cleveland
this is your final boarding call.
Please proceed to
gate six, gate six.
I need a, uh, ticket to,
Cleveland. Please.
- Are you part of a group sir?
- No. No group.
Look at this. I think you might be
eligible for a five percent discount.
Lady, do I look like I
need a discount?
What a cutie. Wonder
where he's off to.
Get out of here. That's where I'm
headed. Lucky me, huh?
I'm sorry. Sir may I see your
boarding pass?
What should we
do now boss?
Find out what plane he's on.
Get Elvis on the tarmac.
Wherever he's going, I want to make
sure we get there before he does.
Looks like he's on his
way to Cleveland.
That's just cruel.
- Nervous about flying?
- Among other things.
That's a nice jacket.
Oh don't worry.
I own a gun shop.
I'm just on my way home
from the convention.
Pick up any new toys?
Christmas came
early this year.
I don't mean to be
impertinent boss, but,
tracking devices,
automatic weapons,
sniper rifles, grenade
Where's the sportsmanship
in that?
I'm a weapons enthusiast.
My calling is to help the
So what brings
you to Cleveland?
or the pleasure, huh?
Jury's still out on that.
If you don't mind me asking,
what do you do with your
weapons when you're flying?
You know, with all the rules they
got going nowadays.
They're under the plane,
with the luggage.
I got a special permit.
Welcome to Cleveland
International airport.
What are you looking at kid?
Come on, go!
I'll take both.
Enjoy Cleveland,
try not to shoot
anybody I know.
I'll be good.
So how much do
I owe you?
Let's say five hundred bucks
if you toss in the jacket.
I love the smell of Cleveland
in the morning.
Smells like...
Please do not leave vehicles
unattended in the White loading zone.
All unattended vehicles
Will be toWed.
- Where to?
- Downtown I guess.
You got it.
Any hotels you can recommend.
I'm looking for a low profile place.
This is Cleveland.
Everything is low profile.
Hey, baby-cakes.
Need a ride?
I sure do.
Thanks a lot.
Crazy bitch!
Come back with my bike!
You're where Sonny?
I don't want to go into it now.
How's your limo?
You mean the hunk of junk
formerly known as my limo?
Sorry about that.
I'll make it up to you.
So how else can I be of
assistance to you today?
Something's wrong. My signal seems to
be moving in two different directions.
- Must be some kind of interference.
- Relax. Breathe.
He's in a taxi.
We got him.
See what you can dig up
on the Tower Casino.
Who runs it, how you become a
member, you know, that kind of thing.
- What, are you thinking about joining?
- Something like that. It's important.
I'll see what I can do buddy.
You have just gone and messed
with the wrong fella, jerkwad.
I love this.
You crazy son of a...
Nice jacket.
- What happened?
- Looks like we got the wrong guy.
Sonny gave away his jacket.
Told you it Was a good idea to use
two tracking devices.
- Are you picking up a second signal?
- Got him.
Target's headed southeast
towards the interchange.
You wanna race?
Should still being the
same pants, right?
Thanks, man. You'll be
hearing from me.
Yeah, that's what
I'm afraid of.
Gotta go.
What the...
Oh I don't believe it.
- Turn!
- What?!
Turn the wheel!
Let go of the wheel!
Come on!
You OK pal?
You just destroyed my cab.
Sorry about that.
Here's ten grand.
I'm good for the rest.
There was fifteen bucks
on the meter too!
How you doin'?
I really appreciate this sir.
Well she sure holds
a lot of memories.
Me and my dear sweet Martha,
God rest her soul.
Sometimes we wouldn't leave
that camper for days.
OK. Well, uh, I'll make sure to bring
her back in one piece.
Makes me feel like a kid again.
I know.
Is there anyone who doesn't
know I'm in Cleveland?
So much for being a
responsible citizen.
I need like SPF 35 here.
Thank you very much.
Niner, romeo, tango, foxtrot, We got
a bogie at the four o'clock level.
- What?
- Turn around.
Nice one Sonny.
You're right Joseph,
this is kind of fun.
You going somewhere?
Now don't do anything
you're going to regret.
- You got me all the way to Cleveland.
- Not a fan of the Browns?
Don't move.
Stay right where you are.
I thought we were
vibing back in Vegas.
Had some chemistry
going on.
You know you really
are a piece of work.
How much is Salvatore
paying you?
- None of your business.
- Just hear me out for a second.
Look, whatever, whatever he's
offering you, I got more.
- A hell of a lot more.
- Oh really.
I guess that's why you choose not to
pay your debts. Because you're loaded.
- I know how it sounds, but before you...
- Save it.
Catch anything?
Know how
you feel.
- Ouch that hurt.
- Good.
Because the only reason you're
still breathing, is Mr. Salvatore.
He wants the pleasure of finishing
you off himself.
Lucky me, I feel honored.
Oh that doesn't mean I have to bring
you back with all your parts intact.
Because you get any funny ideas,
you'll be limping back to Vegas.
So what about these goons?
More members of your fan club?
You won't believe
me if I tell you.
Why don't
you try me?
It needs gas!
I'm telling you the truth here, alright.
Maybe this will help convince you.
- It's the rules of their sick game.
- The one you willingly signed up for?
What can I say? Compulsive
gambling, it's a disease.
Oh, and putting your life on the
line, that's the cure.
We're wasting time here.
This is a real game,
those are real guns, and we're
playing for real money.
You help me stay alive
for the next 11 hours...
I'll give you a third of it.
- Oh no, I want half.
- No way.
- I'm the one whose butt's on the line here.
- Well those are my thoughts exactly.
Get on the bike.
- Don't try anything stupid.
- I'm counting on you to keep me alive.
Keep your hands where they are, because
one inch higher, and I'll kill you.
Well at least I'd die with
a smile on my face.
Look out!
- Gotta split.
- Bastard!
Where are you?
I'm right above you.
Looks like he's headed
southwest on foot.
He's in a hurry.
I wonder why.
How does he keep
finding me?
Damn girls!
We lost his signal. Looks like
he found the tracking device.
Great. Any good news?
I know exactly
where he's headed.
Hey son.
Nice Sig Sauer.
Just living the dream.
Now get out.
Do you have any idea how fast
you were going back there?
Listen, Carmen, I'm sorry. I just
didn't think I could trust you.
You mean you didn't want
to split the money.
I have to say Sonny,
I am impressed.
I didn't think you'd
make it this long.
What's the matter Joseph? Getting
second thoughts about the deal?
No I'm just thinking how satisfying
it's going to be when I take you down.
Both of you.
Don't bet on it.
I'm not escaping,
I'm just leaving.
Don't get me wrong,
but I have to get out...
Just give me a minute.
I'll get her down.
You look like a well-traveled man.
You tell me, what's the, uh,
capital of Thailand?
Bangkok! Sorry,
next contestant!
Routine stuff.
You know...
Come on baby.
Come on baby.
First of all, you don't
kill me, I kill you.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I got it.
She's coming down.
Freeze! Both of you!
Good timing.
Come on baby.
- Time to go Carmen.
- Time to earn your wings.
He's good.
He's lucky.
What the hell?
The intake pipe is going to wash them up
right inside the water treatment plant.
That sounds dangerous.
I say we get moving.
You gotta learn
to relax Carmen.
Well in my world, the moment you
relax is the moment you get killed.
Well I'm glad I don't
live in your world.
You should join gambler's
anonymous or something.
If I get out of this thing alive, I'm
never setting foot in a casino again.
- Too bad it might have all been for nothing.
- What are you talking about?
The last rule.
You have to be back at the Tower Casino
before the twenty-four hours are up.
Give me that.
Furthermore, said participants must be
present at the Tower Casino upon
completion of the time frame or
the bet will be forfeited.
Those cheating bastards.
That's suicide.
Man that's a sucker's
bet if I ever saw one.
How the hell are we going to
get back to Vegas in time?
Hi kids, you
miss me?
Ah, that's enough of that.
That stinks!
Hey, Joseph...
So what happens if I pull the
trigger? Do I earn a bonus?
Hey, just in time
to join the party.
Handcuffs please.
So tell me Joseph.
How exactly did you get
to Cleveland so fast?
How much longer before
we reach Vegas?
Three hours.
No funny stuff.
Phone please.
We've got a problem.
You know, I was wrong
about Cleveland.
I'm actually going to
miss that place.
What am I going do with all that money?
Higher education perhaps?
You know I always
wanted to be a nurse
Maybe you could be my
first patient Joseph.
You do have a great
bedside manner.
I suggest you
enroll in a course
on how not to interfere in
other people's business.
You know I took that class, but
didn't do too well.
Well don't get ahead of yourselves
kids. Game's not over yet.
I know. I still have to
collect the money.
You think I can get that
in tens and twenties?
- Chuck.
- Hey Sonny.
HoW's Cleveland
treating you?
Believe it or not, I'm on a private
jet on my way back to Vegas.
You are eventually going to tell
me what's going on here, right?
You'll be the first one to know.
Hey by the way, I've been asking
around about the Tower Casino.
Serious high-roller's scene.
You have to oWn your island just to
be considered for membership.
All the members are pulling in eight
figure incomes or more.
- Anything else?
- Afraid not.
They keep a low profile.
In fact, half the drivers I spoke to
never even heard of the place.
Figures. I should be
landing in an hour
at the Griffin Airstrip, right
outside the city.
Let me guess,
you need a lift.
It's the last thing I'll
ever ask you to do.
Yeah, be careful, I might
hold you to that.
- Alright, I'll see you in an hour.
- Alright.
Man, who the hell are you?
Friends of your pal Sonny.
You know I, I don't know
anybody by that name.
Shut up and drive.
Got any mayonnaise
in this bus?
Nah, I guess someone like you
only has Grey Poupon.
So how does it feel to have someone
point a gun at you for a change?
You are not going
to shoot me.
Because you, Sonny,
are a gambler.
- You are no killer.
- True.
But I wouldn't be so
sure about her.
You know, I can almost see how someone
might be crazy enough to accept the bet,
but what kind of sick freak
hunts down a man for sport?
It beats playing golf.
This whole thing was
rigged from the get-go.
Tracking devices, rules that
you forgot to mention.
- I never was supposed to have a chance.
- Think better.
Wise up. It's Vegas.
The house always wins.
Not this time.
Good sandwich.
Hey, Sonny!
Hey Chuck.
Run Sonny.
Get in! Get in!
Thanks for that buddy.
Chuck, meet Carmen.
Carmen, Chuck.
Yeah how
you doing?
Fifty-eight minutes.
- And where is the chopper?
- Already on its way.
- She's been helping me out.
- I thought she was trying to kill you.
My charm won her over.
Yeah, all one point two
million dollars of it.
Look, is someone going to tell
me what's going on here or not?
Here. Now blow.
You made a bet against
Your own life?
I know how it sounds,
but you had to be there.
Check out the
welcoming committee.
So much for the
direct approach.
Only twelve
minutes left.
- How do you plan on getting up there?
- I don't know.
- Any bright ideas?
- You do windows?
There's a window washing
rig round back.
Oh hell no.
OK Spiderman, any idea how
to work this thing?
Can't be too
Things a girl's willing to
do for a million bucks.
So far so good.
This is high.
Really high.
Oh man, you
guys are nuts.
Oh come on.
Take me to the roof!
This way, come on.
You were having a real
good run there Sonny.
I made it.
I made it.
But luck has...
a funny way of
running out.
You kill me, you kill
your boyfriend.
Well that was...
Congratulations Sonny. You did it.
You beat me at my own game.
What the hell is this place?
- What are they doing?
- Can't you tell?
They're indulging in your favorite
pastime. They're gambling.
They're betting on some of the world's
most skilled players and hunters.
They're watching, tracking results.
Losing, sorry folks.
And winning Sonny, bravo.
- This is sick.
- No, it's entertainment baby.
Romans had their Coliseum, we've
got reality TV shows.
Each and every one of you's nuts.
Where is he?
- How are the numbers on this game?
- Excellent.
They like this guy. And the men,
they love the lady.
Chicks with guns.
Never misses.
Two point four million,
as agreed upon.
Hey, what do you say
we give these kids...
another shot to double
their money?
You two against me.
You're kidding, right?
I am perfectly serious.
Don't tell me you're
actually considering this.
Not in a million years.
Sorry Joseph.
You hear that Joseph?
Save your sick games
for someone else.
Your loss.
You ever reconsider, you
know where to find us.
Trust me.
You won't be seeing me around.
- No more gambling for me.
- You'll be back.
You can't change
who you are.
Watch me.
Oh and uh, one more thing.
For someone who hunts people,
you are really a bad shot.
Next time take some
shooting lessons.
What do you think you're
going to do with your share?
Planning on giving up the bounty
hunting business?
Yeah, thought
crossed my mind.
I doubt you'll be able to give
up the excitement.
I doubt you'll be able to
give up the gambling.
Wanna bet on it?