Betrayed, The (2009)

This is officer 11653.
Officer 11653, Philly P.D.,
reporting motor vehicle accident.
It's a late-model sedan
traveling southbound.
Approximately six miles
off the Cranston back roads.
Closest mile marker is 115.
Looks like the vehicle
was hit hard from the rear.
On the approach I see severe
back-end damage on the left-hand side.
No second vehicle, possible hit and run.
How many injured?
Checking for victims now.
Awaiting response,
officer 11653, awaiting response.
How many injured?
There's nobody here.
Your ribs are bruised.
You've been here for quite a few hours,
unconscious for most of them.
Where am I?
Where's my son?
I just need to know one thing from you.
Where were you meeting
your husband on Wednesday?
Jamie, don't.
Someone help me!
No one can hear you
with the noise out there.
Even if someone could,
they're probably working for me.
We've reinforced the glass,
it's unbreakable.
We've removed your shoes and most of
your jewelry for your own protection.
Your finger was too swollen
to remove your wedding ring.
Jamie, I know you're in pain.
We've given you morphine for your ribs.
In a moment, you won't feel a thing.
Who are you?
If you really don't know,
it'll be safer if I don't tell you.
Where were you meeting
your husband on Wednesday?
Do you remember the shower?
Where were you meeting
Kevin on Wednesday?
Someone hit us.
You noticed we were following you.
You tried to lose us.
Did you have a flight number?
Where's Michael?
Where's my son?
I'm sorry, Jamie.
I can't tell you without a flight number.
He's alive?
He's diabetic. He needs insulin.
We'll speak in the morning.
- Wait.
- You can barely move.
You're in no shape to talk.
If you cooperate tomorrow,
I'll tell you where Michael is.
- What are you doing?
Nice wedding ring.
- Do I know the lucky guy?
Don't mess around.
Or the dog food will be
the least of your worries.
If you get thirsty, there's a leak
in the pipes behind you.
You help my boss tomorrow,
you'll get more than the pictures.
I don't think she was in on it.
She seems too fragile.
If she doesn't know anything,
she can still help us...
...but those tapes are the last resort.
We're questioning Taylor's partner.
We'll break him soon.
We have two weeks
before the Swiss arrive.
Plenty of time.
Falco, our bases are covered.
Did you get the pictures of Michael?
We're giving him insulin.
His blood sugar level is stable.
How do I know he's alive?
Jamie, if you answer my questions,
I promise... and Michael will get out of here.
I want to see my son.
After you talk.
You could be on your way home
in 10 minutes.
All I want to know is
where you and Michael...
...were flying to meet Kevin on Wednesday.
I told you, we weren't.
What are you doing?
Why were you driving to the airport?
To pick up Kevin,
he was coming in from Detroit.
Please stop. I'll say whatever you want.
You really have no idea
why we brought you here, do you?
I told you I didn't.
What do you want with my husband?
Jamie, this is going to be
hard for you to believe.
If you want to get out of here,
you better listen.
Your husband owes us money.
This is about a ransom?
We don't have any money.
Why do you think
I was driving a ten-year-old car?
Kevin is not who you think.
He never went to Detroit.
What are you talking about?
He works for us.
Look, I don't know who you are,
but you got the wrong guy.
I've been married to Kevin for six years.
We own a restaurant.
We just took out a third mortgage
to pay the bills.
I keep the books.
I see everything.
You made a mistake.
You must know that's possible.
Kevin Taylor.
Born December 1st, 1973.
Parents, Vera and Arthur.
Home address,
Owns the shitty
Italian restaurant on Main.
Gave his diabetic son, Michael,
a dog for his fifth birthday.
Fucks his wife, Jamie, twice a week.
Does that sound like your husband?
Two days ago, a major product transaction
took place at Kevin's restaurant.
- What product?
- Heroin.
Collected over nine months
for sale to a high-end buyer.
The deal was structured by my boss.
It involved the cash
from three other syndicates.
Each outfit sent their man to the deal.
Kevin was ours.
We found the others
with the backs of their heads blown off... Kevin's wine cellar.
The buyer's account was emptied.
Now, we know that Kevin
transferred that money to...
...some temporary reserve somewhere.
We know he had a partner
in one of the other syndicates.
We managed to grab that partner
before he fled to the drop.
Now, he can't leave the country until he
finds a way to move that money untraced.
- How much do you think he took?
- 40 million.
I need that account, Jamie.
Are you married?
If you were, how would you feel
if some sick fuck took your wife and child?
I'll see you in a day.
Where are you?
Thank you.
I need some...
...clean clothes.
You had an accident.
You were hurting me, I couldn't help it.
We'll run the shower for you,
I'll have some clean clothes put in.
So, you're Taylor's old lady.
I'll be back when you're done.
What are you doing?
Get out of here.
Are you done?
- Yes.
Get dressed.
I don't want you to have
a problem with him.
Where are you?
Where are you?
Hey! Hey!
My name is Jamie Taylor.
I'm at Grifton Enterprises,
there's two men holding me...
...maybe my son.
Please help.
Remember that before
you think about escaping again.
That tape wasn't recorded here.
I never said it was.
I heard a dog in the background.
What do you think, I'm stupid?
Graduated second in your class
at a top university...
...with a degree in computer science.
Had you pursued a master's...'d probably be running
a software company by now.
But you decided to get married young,
have a baby.
Balance the books
on a struggling business.
Do I think you're stupid? No.
Maybe loyal. Maybe regretful.
Maybe guilty.
Where did you get that tape?
What tape? Like this one?
This one?
Have to go in tonight,
I'm interviewing a new chef.
Oh, yeah? What's he cooking?
Anything you want.
Your house has been bugged.
Everything from Michael
rehearsing his class play to...
Kevin whining about his debts, to you...
...paying bills, making calls.
You've been listening to us?
I listen to all my boss's employees.
Make sure they don't say anything
the feds can track.
For how long?
Do you really wanna know?
A situation's arisen.
My boss, Falco, had an appointment
two weeks from now...
...with a banker from a Swiss institution.
This banker's in the country
only once a year...
...and he's the only one who can
immaculately clean $40 million at once.
Now, his institution
holds our assets overseas.
And he was just informed that
they might be under scrutiny.
My boss needs him to go back
as soon as possible... protect our investments.
Why are you telling me this?
If the 40 million isn't here
by the time the banker is... can't be cleaned,
and we will have to abandon it.
Now, they're not coming
in two weeks as planned.
They're gonna be here in 12 hours.
- I told you, I don't know anything.
- You may know more than you think.
Now, Kevin knew he was being recorded,
that's part of the job.
When he talked to us he talked in code.
"Drop place" would be "Mom's house"
or "the restaurant. "
If he couldn't make it, he'd say,
"Well, Michael is sick. "
Never considered the possibility...
...that he might be using
a different code with someone else.
You know your life with Kevin.
Dates, times, appointments.
Listen to the tapes.
If something sounds strange, inconsistent,
you let me know.
What makes you think
he talked about it at our house?
He knew he would draw the
least amount of suspicion from us there.
We have to explore every possibility.
You find the money,
and I will let you and Michael go.
Just like that?
After everything you've told me?
Jamie, understand something.
It is my job to be discreet.
Every name I use, every detail I give
and everything I let you see... for your protection.
You won't hear anything
I don't want you to...
...and we'll be gone and hidden
before anybody can find us.
You're asking me to kill my own husband.
Whether you believe me or not,
it's your husband's life or Michael's.
I don't even know if Michael is still alive.
Rathe, get the kid.
- Michael.
It's okay, baby.
Don't hurt him.
Are you gonna save him,
or are you gonna kill your own son?
This is as good as he's gonna look.
I'm going to kill you.
Hold her head up.
What are you gonna do?
- You're gonna kill me?
- No.
What are you gonna do, Jamie?
I'm gonna help you.
I'm gonna help you, just don't hurt him.
Get him out of here.
- Mommy.
- It's okay, baby.
These tapes are more important
than the air you breathe.
They're the only thing
keeping you and Michael alive.
Now, when you hear the phone
ring twice on the tapes...
...bypass that,
that's how we contacted Kevin.
Don't waste your time with those.
You just figure out
how Kevin signaled his other partner.
Oh, and Jamie, we're watching you.
We can see you from
every room in the warehouse.
Twelve hours, Jamie.
You guys will be okay while
I'm in Detroit for the week?
I think we can stay out of trouble.
- I'll call you tonight?
- Okay.
Hey, goodbye hug?
One. Smack one.
Goodbye, champ.
Mr. Hader,
looks like Rathe pulled some teeth.
I have a lead for you.
Your partner has the 40 million
you both stole from Falco...
...and you have me.
Tell me where the money is, and
I'll let you keep your jaw for dentures.
I know Falco's people.
I've never heard your voice.
You wanna take off that mask
and show me your face?
...if you see my face,
it will be the last thing you look at.
Alek? I heard you.
Look, I don't know where Taylor is,
I don't know.
That's all right, Mr. Hader.
Rathe will jog your memory.
What did you do in school yesterday?
What's wrong?
I'm not good at it.
Mikey, you're the smartest kid I know.
Why don't you sing my favorite song?
The one you made up in preschool.
Two, three, you and me can
four and five and twenty-nine and...
...sixty-six is even fixed with
forty-three and we...
Your mom and I are discussing a dog
for your birthday, but no promises.
Is he a prune yet?
- Try raisin.
- I'm not a raisin.
You are the most delicious little raisin.
I love you.
The lease renewal came for the restaurant.
They're raising the rent to 8,000.
Oh, Christ!
- Okay, I'll give him a call.
- It's your day off, call him Monday.
- It'll only take five minutes.
- Call on Monday.
Alek, I promise, it's the truth.
We were meeting there
to move the money from the account.
Rathe, keep an eye on him,
we're nearly done here.
What about Taylor's wife?
Make sure she keeps working
on those tapes.
We have to get our information
from one of these two.
And, Rathe...
- She's off-limits.
I got it.
Daddy, help me build the house.
I'm gonna put him to bed.
Thanks, babe.
You got groceries?
Yeah, but we need paper towels.
Okay, I'll head back and get some.
No, Mommy, don't tickle me.
Daddy's gonna take another trip to...
God, I love you.
I love you.
No, I don't want it.
It's okay, kid, you let yours go.
You've got to eat something.
Right, that's it, attaboy.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Saw you watching
Taylor's wife on the cameras.
I'm supposed to keep an eye on her.
That's not what you were doing.
What's wrong with you?
You're never like this.
What, are you into nice girls?
Shut up.
If Alek finds out...
Who's gonna tell him?
Hey! You know
what Alek's been through.
He doesn't need anything to remind him
about what happened to his wife and kid.
So quit breathing heavy
around Taylor's old lady.
Falco needs Alek straight in here
to get this money.
If that cash isn't here
nine hours from now, we're all dead.
Alek, I didn't lie.
Look, look, the money wasn't there.
Taylor screwed me, too!
Look, look, I know you got family...
I got family, too.
I got a wife and kids.
Let him go.
Please, please,
don't take me away from my kids.
Take a good look, Hader.
Oh, shit.
Michael went to the doctor today.
He had another insulin reaction.
We should update his Medi-Bracelet.
God forbid someone doesn't see it
and makes a mistake.
- Find anything?
- Not yet.
What about the dog for Mike?
Our neighbor's Lab is having pups.
They're great with kids.
It'll teach him loyalty, responsibility.
You need batteries?
Did you notice?
We should update his Medi-Bracelet.
I didn't notice.
God forbid someone doesn't see it
and makes a mistake.
- How's your pain?
- It's fine.
You have no idea what
kind of people come in here.
By the way...
I told you we were watching.
I'm sorry.
We have nine hours...
...and I still don't think you believe me.
Kevin isn't a starry-eyed business owner.
He kills people.
There's a reason you didn't know.
Families are a part of the job,
they're a front to the outside world.
We pass as husbands, as fathers.
We're trained to lie,
and Kevin was the best.
We were friends before Michael was born.
I trusted him, too.
This was recorded on your anniversary.
Sorry to bother you,
I live down the street.
Our mailman left
your package on our porch.
Special delivery, huh? Well, great.
You were at our house?
I know where Michael slept.
You better hope Kevin
cleaned the blood off his hands...
...before he put them inside of you.
The one real thing you have
is in the room next door.
You can still save him.
Michael's injuries
happened at the accident.
We never touched him.
Where were you today?
I was at Harold's winery
picking up some cabernet.
- Checking up on me?
- Should I be?
Maybe you shouldn't.
- What's this?
- July 21st.
You think I'd forget
our six-year anniversary?
You said we weren't
going to spend any money.
Oh, my God!
You work so hard.
You worry about the bills,
you take care of Michael.
Let me worry about this.
It's beautiful.
Never seen anything more beautiful.
Happy birthday, Michael.
Mike, stop blowing the whistle.
How come it doesn't work?
Because it's a dog whistle,
people can't hear that high.
Two and three
and you and me can...
...four and five and...
...four and five and...
60 people...
David, you want the job,
you have to be able to make the crpes.
We have 60 people. Here's the recipe.
Oh, my God.
David, you want the job,
you have to be able to make the crpes.
We have 60 people. Here's the recipe.
The dog whistle.
Hey! I found something.
Go ahead.
- Could be a glitch.
- No, he signaled them with a dog whistle.
- Find another one.
- Why?
If it's a signal, I need another one
to compare it to.
I can't break his code without a pattern.
Look, you find another one,
I'll bring Michael in.
He's a rookie.
He's probably here
because of the fireworks.
- You stay here with her.
Got it, boss.
Can I help you, Officer?
You mind if I come in?
Do you want anything to drink?
Coffee, tea?
No, thanks.
Got a call about some noise
down at the docks.
- You hear it?
Every night this week.
Some kids are firing off
some bottle rockets!
You see their faces?
Yeah, I gave a description to
someone who came out a few days ago.
White, young...
- Couple of skateboarders.
What the...
What are you holding here?
Not much.
We just signed the lease.
We store for businesses.
Pens, paper, filing cabinets.
This is our second location.
We're still moving in.
Wouldn't mind taking a look around.
May I ask why?
Big place.
Cover our bases,
see if the kids found a way in.
- Shit!
Sir, I can assure you...
...this place is locked tighter
than a virgin at Communion.
Come on.
But if I see anything
I'll give you a call.
Listen, I don't mean to be rude.
I had some Chinese food and
my stomach's taking revenge.
If you wanna come back tomorrow,
I can call my boss.
That won't be necessary.
Just give us a call if you see them again.
Of course.
Nice try!
All right, take care.
Alek. Alek.
Chase, get the breaker.
Let me tell you something about survival.
Thirty years ago...
Falco's father owned a business
in a small town in Greece.
He was a good man.
Took care of people, bred loyalty.
No one would touch him.
Then one day this lowlife
raced into their house...
...steals a few valuables,
and torches the place.
Falco's father, mother, brother,
all burned to death.
Falco got out alive.
Lived in alleyways, picked pockets.
Eventually tracked down the scumbag
that killed the rest of the family...
...and cut his throat with a pocket knife.
Falco was 12 years old.
And I'm telling you this because I've never
met anyone with a pure survival instinct.
Never seen fear in Falco's eyes.
I don't think Falco felt it,
since that day as a child.
I hope you have
a better instinct for Michael's survival...
...than you do for yours.
- This is between you and me.
- You've taken him to hospitals...
...saved his life more than once
by balancing his blood sugar.
You know the danger of having
too much glucose in his body.
This is half a shot of insulin.
It will metabolize the sugar in his blood
for the next three hours.
And this... a full shot that will kill him.
You son of a bitch.
You have two minutes
before he goes into insulin shock.
Three before he's dead.
Tell me where the money is
and I'll give him a shot of glucose.
I told you about the tapes.
I told you about the dog whistle.
And I told you we have a time issue.
Take him to dock five, dump his body.
There is a deposit box.
Kevin opened it three years ago.
- If he has another account...
- Where?
Dillon's Bank.
Plummer and Main, number 635.
An hour from here.
See how easy that was?
Don't leave him in there.
Someone has to watch his blood sugar.
You'll be gone for two hours.
If you gave him the wrong dose...
...he could be dead by then.
You should have thought of that sooner.
Someone needs to watch him.
If you bring him in,
I'll do whatever you want.
- You're not worth dying for.
- Are you sure?
I know you've been watching.
You have no idea what I can do.
- You better hope he finds something.
- Rathe, Rathe...
Five pints brandy, sugar,
two teaspoons.
Find Kym's pan...
- Grapes and cinnamon. Saut the mix.
- What's he saying?
Then put almonds...
Five beeps.
Five beeps.
Every fifth letter.
First and Penn, 6:00 p. M.
We can't take out
another mortgage...
Everything will be okay.
Anonymous hire. Cody project.
Need partner to execute.
Four million wired from Bromwell Bank.
Cody project satisfied.
Onto major take.
Forty million, drop to be scheduled.
Drop scheduled by Falco, February 17.
Okay, okay.
After drop, meet at Beckett Motel.
After drop, meet at Beckett Motel.
He stopped answering me.
- Open it.
- Kid?
Open it.
What is happening?
Hold his arm. Hold his arm.
Come on, baby. Come on, baby.
I wanna go home.
- Take a shower. I'll be back in 10 minutes.
- What about the camera?
There's no one here to watch.
You ready?
You don't look so good.
I feel great.
You try anything...
...and I'll cut your throat.
I'm okay.
- I'm okay.
- Get up.
No problem.
- Open the door.
- Shoot me.
You owe me.
Don't look.
Put him in the bathroom.
Hose down the hall.
Where are the tapes?
I fed you, I took care of Michael.
That deposit box wasn't there.
I had to make up something.
Beckett Motel.
That's where Kevin
was meeting Hader after the drop.
Hader gave us that location.
I was hoping he was lying.
It would've meant there was still
something for you to find on the tapes.
Kevin conned him, too.
The tapes are useless,
everything he encoded is a lie.
Falco suspected Kevin before the drop.
Had me look into it.
I thought he was clean.
This is my mistake, too.
You could let us go.
You could run.
When he met you,
Kevin said you were perfect.
The perfect wife, the perfect front.
Perfectly loyal.
He didn't deserve you.
Your wife.
Would she want you to do this?
She's not here.
My sister, her name's Megan,
she's Michael's godmother.
You know where she lives.
Take him to her, please.
One of our cleaners called.
Taylor tried to reach him.
- Did he get an account number?
Taylor got spooked.
He's in town,
trying to get the cash moved.
You can't save him,
but you can listen to his voice.
I'm excited to play with Java.
Well, your mom and I are discussing
getting a dog for your birthday.
No promises.
Where's Michael's
medical bracelet?
I threw it out.
We should update
his Medi-Bracelet.
God forbid someone doesn't see it
and makes a mistake.
You guys will be okay for the week?
I think we can stay out of trouble.
I think I know where
the account number is.
Check Michael's bracelet.
I know I'm dead.
I hope you get the money, you let him go.
Give me your word.
You got it.
Our computer has a program...
...that remembers 60 days of websites
our IPaddress lands on.
The broadband's
always connected at our house.
Unless you turned it off.
If this is an account number
and Kevin accessed it online...
I can find it from here.
We have seven minutes
till the bank's server goes down.
If we don't get the money now,
we can't touch it for 12 hours.
Falco's coming in two hours.
Reverse it.
Kevin switched the bracelets
before he left.
This number's probably useless.
Wait a minute.
These companies,
they keep all the records.
Yeah, hi. I need a registration number.
Michael Taylor.
I'm his father.
Social Security 493-00-3154.
Mother's maiden name Brown.
Oh, so you have it.
Okay, thanks.
It worked.
Password... Michael's name.
Try the restaurant.
We have one more chance.
Could be numeric.
You're the smartest kid I know.
Sing my favorite song.
Two, three, you and me can
four and five and twenty-nine and...
...sixty-six is even fixed with
forty-three and we...
Two and three, four, five...
Twenty-nine, sixty-six.
There's 44 million in here.
Forty-four? Strange.
Drain it.
He opened this the day we got married.
Under my name.
I want you to kill him.
No problem.
Where do you want it?
Transwiss Securities.
Account 65090284A.
Routing number 54530
We got a black and white.
- It's not working.
- Why?
It's a high-security account,
I can't transfer money... a routing number it doesn't recognize.
I need to authorize
Kevin's account through yours.
I need your username and password.
Do you want this done or not?
Lock the bathroom,
blindfold the kid and get him in here.
Get under the table.
Look, you move the money, Michael lives.
You scream, signal them in any way,
the deal's off.
Come here, baby.
You got something, Officer?
Officer Gene found
an invoice on your floor.
You paid cash two days ago to repair
a black SUV dented in the front fender.
Yeah, it was a bad storm that night.
It was a hit and run.
Abandoned car,
registered to Jamie Taylor...
...had some black paint on the rear fender.
How does that pertain to me?
Search warrant for
the building and the vehicle.
Step aside.
No, Michael. Look at me.
You have to be quiet.
You understand, you have to help me.
What's that smell?
It's like I was telling your partner.
I was sick last night.
Threw up before
I made it to the bathroom.
What's under here?
Pull it out.
Get them out.
Hey, clean out that room
over there. Now.
Better get whoever's in there out.
Don't touch anything!
What is this, more paper?
Yeah, paper.
Come on.
Come on.
- What's in there?
- Bathroom.
Do you mind?
I'd rather you didn't.
I'd rather I did.
Bob, are you in there?
- Holy shit.
- Go!
- Don't move.
- Too late.
- I didn't signal them.
- I believe you.
Thank you, Jamie.
Come on, Michael.
- Can't touch that money without me.
- You already wired it.
I changed your password.
- Change it back.
- Kill us.
It'll take 24 hours...
...for you to reset
that password without me.
You have less than two till Falco comes.
- What do you want?
- Have them take Michael to my sister's.
- No way.
- Then we all die.
- Then what?
- Have him park a block away on Sixth.
Michael can walk to her house from there.
When Michael gets in, he lets us know.
I'll call Megan...
...tell her I was kidnapped.
I'll describe Rathe.
- That's never gonna work.
- Rathe kidnapped me...
...killed the cops...
...tried to rape me, so I shot him.
The police will think I found a way out.
By the time they find my...
...body...'ll be gone.
Michael's still a witness.
Michael, come here.
Michael, I know what you saw,
but you cannot tell anyone.
If you tell anyone about this...
...they'll hurt me.
I have to stay here for now.
I don't know how long,
but if you keep quiet...
I'll be back really soon.
I love you.
You're a good boy.
Chase, wait.
Before you leave, go to the cop's car.
Radio dispatch with this badge number.
Tell them Grifton checked out...
...and that you're moving on
to another location.
Then dump the car off the pier.
Come back in here, and clean this pig up.
Go ahead.
You fix this, or I'll kill them both.
I know.
Listen, I just have a second.
Look, someone grabbed me and Michael.
Thank God.
I don't know, just
some kind of warehouse.
Just one guy.
...a mohawk, and a scar above his eyebrow.
Megan, listen to me.
If anything happens to me,
you can't tell Michael.
Promise me...
...that you won't say anything.
You'll tell him I'm okay.
Promise me.
I can't reach him.
Listen, I gotta go. Somebody's coming.
Hey, let them go.
Come back here as soon as you can.
Was Mary your wife?
Did you kill her, too?
Your husband did.
Him and Hader.
They raped my wife.
Killed my kid.
Left them in pieces.
I don't know.
No, like you, she...
She was...
She started as a front.
She never knew what I really did.
Her and my boy, Cody.
They were my life.
Your son's name was Cody?
I heard that name in the tapes,
in a message to Hader.
- "Cody project, four million. "
- What are you talking about?
- Was there any other name in it?
- A bank, Bromwell Bank.
It said, "Cody project, four million,
Bromwell Bank. "
The extra four million.
Someone hired him to kill her.
Falco's here.
911 emergency.
Yes, I'm at Grifton
Enterprises, I need help.
Hello? Can you hear me?
The money's in.
Mrs. Taylor's inside.
Mrs. Taylor.
I hear you're quite a handful.
Kevin always had taste.
Some of his women were
a little obvious for my fancy.
There's something to be said for modesty.
Let me see.
Very good.
It'll take a few moments.
Where's Michael?
He is at her sister's.
You do know this doesn't save him.
Kevin betrayed us, he has to pay.
We're getting divorced.
I can see why Alek likes you.
My son won't say anything.
Do you believe that?
I gave her my word.
Alek's word is worth everything to me.
He has always been loyal.
Let me tell you something.
This life...
...even a glimpse of
this life, changes people.
I'm sure in the time you've been here...
Well, let's just say,
you can't go back home.
If we let him live...
Michael will always have two faces...
...burned in his brain.
Yours and Alek's.
Yours will fade away over time.
Michael will resist.
He'll hate himself for forgetting you,
but that's how the mind numbs the pain.
Alek's face...
...he'll never forget.
Your boy will see him every time
he shuts his eyes.
And if Michael as a young man
manages to blow out Alek's brains...
...because that's all
he'll ever think about...
...he'll still wish it was him who died
on that cold concrete floor...
...when he was just a boy.
Michael is not meant...
...for this life.
Some of us are.
Not him.
Not you.
You just killed your sister, too.
Do it now.
We don't know if her call went through.
You wouldn't have your money,
had it not been for her.
Maybe I should put her on my payroll.
Don't disrespect him again.
I'll make this painless.
Forty-four million is clean,
and back in the Transwiss account.
Would you like it split up?
- Transfer ten to my offshore account.
- Yes.
There's four million extra in there,
leave it for Alek.
And the 30?
Belongs to our partners,
I'll split it up later.
Put it in my cloaked account...
Bromwell Bank.
I'm not finished.
Why did you kill them?
Families were just part of the job.
You weren't meant to get attached.
I was always loyal.
You're still mourning them.
You told me Taylor was clean.
I warned you, Alek.
Attachments cause mistakes.
What about yours?
You should have killed me.
- Jamie.
- No, no, no.
Don't you fucking touch me!
Michael told me where you were.
- Where is he?
- He's safe.
I know who you are.
Whatever they told you, they're lying.
- They have tapes of us.
- Jamie, listen to me.
I didn't go to Detroit...
I've been in protective custody.
I've been working for the feds.
Nine months ago,
he and his people came to our restaurant.
They wanted to use the space
for deliveries.
They offered enough money to keep us
out of bankruptcy.
- No, you're lying to me.
- No, no, no.
- No, no, no...
- Yes, you are, you're lying to me.
After a few months of drop-offs,
I saw the heroin.
I told them I wanted out...
...but he described our bedroom,
Michael's school...
He played a tape of us.
I went to the feds...
...but they said they couldn't move on it,
not for a few drug deliveries.
They gave me...
...a code to use with the bug and
had me signal them with a dog whistle.
I heard about the 40 million.
The feds, they intercepted it.
They put it into an account, that I set up.
But you emptied that account, didn't you?
To save Michael's life.
They're going to give us
new names, new lives...
...but they need that money to prosecute.
You have to help me put it back.
What about Alek's family?
They're in a safe house.
His wife was terrified of him.
He's lying.
Don't you talk to my wife.
You didn't think I'd
go to the feds, did you?
You didn't think I'd have the balls.
He can't kill you without the money.
Baby, you have to trust me.
Transwiss Securities...
Yeah, it's Kevin Taylor.
I have the information.
Transwiss Securities.
Username A6547.
Username A6547.
Yeah, yeah, I'm sure.
The account you opened up for the feds...
...the one under my name... opened that account...
...on our wedding day.
Six years ago.
Something wrong with
the password, honey?
How long did you work for Falco?
- Jamie...
- Shut up!
You're the biggest liar in this room.
I hope they rip out your tongue
before they kill you.
Michael's in the car...
...and I will hurt him.
Now, baby...
...give me the password.
Fuck you!
You look real nice with that thing.
Real nice.
Sweet little wife and mother.
What about Michael?
What are you gonna say
when he asks how his father died?
I'll tell him the truth.
He never had one.
You don't have to kill me.
This can be fixed.
Jamie, listen to me.
Thirty million left in that account...
...belongs to the three other syndicates.
You have to find them and give it back.
The next in line is Dracken.
He'll know how to disperse the money.
Don't involve the feds, they can't help.
You find them,
or they'll find you like we did.
The four million...
...paid on my family's life...
Use it.
Use it to disappear with Michael.
- Officer response to 911 call.
Roger that.
Mrs. Taylor?
Are you all right?
Do you know what they wanted?
I need an
ambulance at Grifton Enterprises.
Female victim needs medical attention.
There's five dead, one about to join them.
Multiple units en route.
I love you.
Come on, baby, okay?
Mr. Dracken?
My name is Jamie Taylor.
We've been expecting your call.
Would you like to come in?
No, we do this my way.
I have something you want.