Better Luck Tomorrow (2002)

God damn, it's hot.
Are you done yet?
Early admissions?
Ivy Leaguers love it.
Gets 'em all wet.
All that studying
finally pays off,
and you get to leave
this hellhole a year early.
Damn, what is it,
like 95 degrees?
Can't wait to go
to college, man.
It's like natural selection.
Every hot chick
you meet's got a brain.
Not mine.
Not mine.
You never forget
the sight of a dead body
but then again,
I was experiencing
a lot of things
for the first time.
I guess it's just
part of growing up.
How many calories
in each stick?
How many grams of fat?
32 grams, but we do
cook it in vegetable oil.
I'll take two then.
Could I have mine extra crispy?
Sure. No problem.
It's not as hard as it looks.
All it takes is
the extra five minutes
reading the manual
after you get hired.
The way I saw it,
as long as it made it
on my college application,
it was all worth it.
You just can't count
on good grades
to get into a decent
school anymore.
Virgil and I have been friends
since the fourth grade,
when he moved to my school.
He was the other smart kid.
Let's go, you perv.
Dude, did you see the
fucking rack on that?
Man, middle-aged
hos are the finest.
This is Han, Virgil's cousin.
He's everything Virgil's not.
You ladies ready?
I shoot 215 free throws a day.
My goal is to beat
Calvin Murphy's record
of 95.8 percent.
That's 207 baskets.
"Marked by or concerned
about precise, exact accordance
with the details
of codes or conventions."
To get a perfect score
on my next SA I needed to improve
my verbal score by 60 points.
I picked a new word every day
and repeated it over
and over again.
They say if you repeat
something enough times,
it becomes part of you.
Punctilious. Adjective.
"Marked by or concerned
about precise, exact accordance
with the details
of codes or conventions."
Oh, we could rock
Or we could bomb
Or we could try
Like super hard
Or we could come
Or we could lose
Or we could totally
totally, totally freak you
I wanna spread my dementia
I wanna knock it off the line
Give me attention
Every day and every night
Stephanie Vandergosh.
It's girls like her
that make you realize
that life's not fair.
I swear, I saw her in a porn.
What are you babbling about?
Daric Loo, academic all-star.
But don't let the letterman
jacket fool you--
it's for tennis.
Hey, so we're using your
credit card, right?
If we get caught,
I'm saying you stole it from me.
Nigga, please.
The amoeba
is a primitive and simple organism,
which absorbs its prey
and incorporates it into itself.
Miss Vandergosh
and Miss Nabham,
is there something you would like
to share with the class?
I thought as much.
Uh, Mr. Farmer, please switch
seats with Miss Vandergosh.
Now that I have your
complete attention,
today we will see a movie.
It is entitled, The Amoeba.
Lunch time was club time.
This was where everyone loaded
up on their extracurricular
activities for their college app.
And, of course, Daric was
the president of every club.
...but, being part of an ecology
club, it's important that we do.
Unfortunately, all
the really worthwhile things
about high school
were few and far between.
She is right down the hall
Well, what I'm
most concerned about
are the abrasions
on her arms and her back.
It was my fault-- I fell down some stairs,
but I feel fine now.
Don't get me wrong.
I mean, I think there's some
pretty fine-looking
bitches in high school.
It's just that they're all
so fucking stingy
about giving it up.
Dude, you're a
fucking virgin.
Dude, I can get laid
whenever I want to.
Any time, anywhere, any place.
Yeah, by who, your
middle-aged aunt?
No, but your mom's been
looking mighty fine lately.
Hey, shut the fuck up.
Especially with those...
what was that thing
she bought the other day?
Okay, it comes to $482.82.
Is your brother Carl?
I thought you looked familiar.
I-I'm Virgil.
I was in, uh, Cub Scouts
with your brother.
Oh, this is my friend, Ben.
So, uh, what are you
doing these days?
I just got out of college.
Oh, what was your major?
Theater. That's, that's...
I love the theater, you know.
It's a...
Sign here.
That makes you, like,
a thespian, right?
You know, you-you have that,
like, kind of an "X" factor,
that charisma thing.
You definitely got it going, really.
Well, it was nice
seeing you again.
Yeah. So... plays.
Let me know if
you're ever in one or...
Hey, Virg...
Yeah. Yeah, cool.
Yeah, di...?
What the fuck was that?
You're gonna get us caught!
Watch it!
Like she's gonna go for you.
At least I try.
That's enough, girls.
We were always pissed at Virgil,
but we always let it slide.
We had to--
he's like the little puppy
that keeps shitting on the carpet.
Hey, Virg.
What color is the sticker today, man?
Wake up!
Give 'em up.
Let's go.
Fuck you.
It's my little brother,
and he came home
with all this computer stuff
he can't afford.
So my mom...
Yeah. Do you have a receipt?
It started with
a pack of baseball cards,
and then it snowballed.
I guess it just felt good
to do things
that I couldn't put
on my college application.
Besides, it was suburbia...
we had nothing better to do.
Our straight A's were our alibis,
our passports to freedom.
Going to a study group
would get us out of the house
until 4:00 in the morning.
As long as our grades
were there, we were trusted.
We had it all.
Well, almost.
"Uncap the needle."
"Swab the finger
with the rubbing alcohol."
"Prick the finger."
Come on, Ben.
On three.
See, that wasn't so bad.
All right, let's go.
Come on, now.
Good job. Run! Come on, now.
Get down, get down,
run, run, run.
Stay low when you make
that pass.
Got to get in front of him.
In front of him!
Dive, come on!
Who wants that ball?
Who wants it?
Don't stand up.
Do not stand up.
Make two, we'll go home.
Hey, Stephanie.
Oh, hey, Ben.
How's it going?
How's your finger?
I'll live.
You have a Band-Aid on it.
It's a pin prick.
Don't you want to be
a doctor or something?
If I don't play pro basketball.
Aren't you a little short?
Only the size of your heart matters.
That's corny.
What about you?
What do you want to be?
A cop.
Really? Aren't you
a little too short?
Not when I have this.
You're late.
And you're
not wearing a helmet.
Oh. Ben, this is
my boyfriend, Steve.
this is Ben, my lab partner.
Oh, yeah.
I have something for you.
What is this?
This isn't even due until next week.
I had some free time
so I thought that--
We're lab partners.
We're supposed
to do this together.
Give me a call.
We'll meet to do the assignment.
Let's go.
It's amazing what the right
piece of clothing
can do for your image.
I knew it was all bullshit,
but, hell, I was milking it
for all it was worth.
At first it didn't matter
that I rarely saw
any playing time.
I was part of the team.
But like everything else
in life, you get sick of it.
At least it'll look good
on my college app.
Ain't no party
like a Wildcat party
Ain't no party
like a Wildcat party.
Look at that ass.
Yeah. What's up, Ben?
Hey, Daric.
Hey, you got a sec?
I'm trying to finish up
this assignment.
So, Ben, how do you feel
about being a benchwarmer?
Well, you don't get
to play much, right?
Yeah, but we all have
our roles on the team.
And what is your role?
I don't know.
I just hustle.
Well, then how come
you don't get to
play in the games?
Well, it's up to the coach.
Well, how do you feel
about being the token
Asian on a team?
It's obvious to everyone
the only reason that
you're on the team
is for cosmetic ones.
That's bullshit.
I bust my ass
to be on this team.
But you never get to play.
So what?
I'm still on the team.
Well, your coach
could've picked anyone
he wanted to just
to sit on the bench.
Maybe you should
just ask him then.
Okay. Awesome.
Thanks, buddy.
Hey, Takeshi, can you, uh,
give me a few close-ups
and a couple wides?
Yeah, you got it.
Is Stephanie home?
Stephanie, I just want
to apologize for...
Ben, I'm in
three honor classes,
and I have a 3.8 GPA.
I know and I'm sorry.
I couldn't find the traits
to phylum chordata in the book.
Um, it's not in the book.
It was in his lecture.
See? It was
last Tuesday's lecture.
...cells. This one is
more of a non-sexual
cell division.
Right. Okay.
And that's when mitosis happens...
That was one, anaphase?
And then metaphase,
interphase and prophase.
You got it.
Yes. Okay.
I think you're right.
Let me just make sure.
When I'm right, I'm right.
You're right.
Hey, Steve-o.
Oh, Ben and I are working
on our bio homework.
Yes, I'm sure.
Can you hold on a minute?
I'll be right back.
Yeah. What?
Do you want something to drink?
Are you okay?
Where are you going?
It's getting pretty late.
But we haven't gone
through meiosis yet.
Well, I could stay.
Uh, okay. Meiosis.
Hey, Ben.
Be there for you, man,
every game.
We want Ben! We want Ben!
We want Ben!
Daric ended up writing
an article about me.
He even won some kind
of journalism award for it.
It was some bullshit article
about affirmative action
in school sports
to rile everyone up.
We want Ben! We want Ben!
But I had to give it to him...
The article worked.
If anyone at school didn't know
what affirmative action was,
they did now.
Aw sh... Ben, Ben, get in.
Go on. Get the fuck in there.
Math or verbal?
What the fuck do you want?
So how does it feel
to be famous?
Come on.
Why'd you quit the team?
I was doing my job.
You call that piece-of-shit
article journalism?
You didn't even interview
my coach for his views.
I did.
He, uh, didn't say
what I wanted him to,
so I didn't put it in the story.
Fucking prick.
It's just an article.
If you really liked
what you were doing,
you should have
just kept on playing.
And have everybody think
I'm on the team
because I'm some token player?
Who cares
what other people think?
Oh, yeah?
Well, people also think
that you gave Mr. Reid head
to be the editor
of the school paper.
Well, I still am the editor.
God. Fuck off.
You know this is all bullshit, right?
It's just a game.
People like you and me,
we don't have to play
by the rules.
We can make our own.
Do this by tomorrow,
you get a fifty.
Hey, I don't just ask anyone
to do this.
Cheat sheets?
It's easy money.
it's easier than fuck.
It's better than
this sorry-ass job.
See you tomorrow.
Hey, Ben.
Uh, I'm getting my Diet Coke.
You guys want anything?
Uh, yeah.
Give me a root beer float to go.
I got it.
Uh, yeah.
Excuse me.
There's no smoking
allowed in this cafe.
California state law.
Can't wait till I get out.
What are you majoring in
in college?
Doing any internships?
I know some people.
I'll give them a call.
You like Steph.
You want to take her
to the winter formal?
Isn't that your job?
I don't get into
all that bullshit.
Why, you a fag or something?
What do you think?
Thanks, honey.
Okay. Okay, I'll
see you soon?
Okay. Which species
should we start with?
Um, I was... thinking
about the, uh, Chapter Eight.
Temerity. Noun.
"Unwise boldness;
rash or reckless behavior."
Good job.
Oh, shit. Sorry, dude.
Hey, man. What's going on?
So how much did we actually
earn last year at the car wash?
Like $400 and something.
So that's only like $400.
We only got that
one day to do it, so....
Uh, you guys mind
if we have a moment?
Uh, me and Ben?
Okay, but we got
to talk about this.
Sure. Thanks.
What's up?
Oh. Sweet.
Aren't you gonna check it?
Nah. I trust you.
Get going?
All right?
Academic decathlon was huge.
The most prized entry
on a college application.
This was not like
some community service club
where you just
walk in and sign out.
You had to earn your spot.
Pygmy mouse
Jersey, Guernsey
and Albany.
Hands by your side.
I didn't ask a question.
Bohemia, Moravia
and Silesia.
You're right.
Another language that...
See you in class.
Good job, man.
What are you
talking about?
I got my ass kicked.
No, you knew the answers.
You just got to get
the timing down.
50 bucks if you
do it by tomorrow.
Dude, I think
we got enough.
Stop bitching.
Just a few more blocks.
Did I tell you?
I got it.
Got what?
Remember I told you
I saw Stephanie
Vandergosh in a porn?
I got it.
Shut the fuck up.
I'll show you right now, fool.
Oh, my God.
So you've been hanging around
that Daric guy, right?
Is it true that he
has his own house?
I don't know.
Hmm. Han told me that his
parents don't live here.
They're in, like,
Vancouver or something.
So what?
You know what I could
do if I had my own pad?
Jerk off at the dinner table?
Your turn.
No hot tub?
Well, you tell them,
if they want me,
they're gonna ante up
with that hot tub!
Tracy, what are you doing here?
Well, I can give you
a special Tracy massage.
See? I told you, punk ass.
It's just the uniform.
Uh-uh. It's got to be her.
Oh, yes, Tracy.
Work those pom-poms.
I dare you to ask her boyfriend.
White dude, right?
Thank God.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yes.
Shake those pom-poms.
You think you can
talk to Daric for me
about doing the cheat sheets?
Mm-hmm. Uh-huh.
How do you know about it?
I hear things.
Han told me.
Fucking Daric's a senior.
Someone's got to take
over when he leaves.
All right. The topic is
population control,
why retarded children
and handicapped people
should be executed
in order to keep
the population down. Ready?
Is that true?
I think it was.
'Cause it didn't sound
like you knew it.
Make sure your glasses
are anti-glare, okay?
Let's see.
Decathlon practices were always
held at Daric's house.
Finish it!
His methods were
definitely unconventional
but effective.
Rock, scissors, paper.
Oh, fuck.
I'm so unworthy
at this moment.
Dude. Dude, dude,
you're gonna explode, man.
Don't light that shit.
Come on.
Good-bye, guys.
Study hard.
Come on.
Not bad for academic
decathlon, huh?
Han had a friend named Jesus
who helped him steal, bribe
or do whatever it took
to get the test sheets for us.
I talked to Daric
and he was cool
with Virgil coming on board.
Between the five of us,
there wasn't anything
we couldn't do.
The money was really good,
but I don't think that's
what attracted me the most.
Okay, okay.
They got lucky.
But, you know,
there is no reason
a team of that caliber
should be able
to beat us. God.
Where's your tie?
I mean, our presentation
absolutely sucked.
We looked like idiots.
Rich, privey fucks.
Press the button.
Wait till
the question is asked.
We're getting locked out
and we can't even
answer the question.
God! Ben.
Fucking twinkie.
American history specialist.
The answer was 1973, not '76.
How many more, Ben?
Would you shut up?
I told you guys not to come.
So how's Stephanie?
Stephanie Vandergosh?
I'm going out
with her Friday night.
I asked her out last week.
Does she know it's a date?
Why? Want to lay
some money down on it?
How 'bout an even hundred?
Okay, you got it.
Fucking A.
You motherfucker.
This is fucked.
Hey, Daric wanted us to see it.
You know she has a boyfriend.
Well, this'll teach that fuckhead
to keep his mouth shut.
Oh, fuck.
Is that the guy
from the privey school?
What does he think he is,
some Chinese movie star?
Hi, I am Chow Yun-Fat.
Hi. I-I-I thought
I was gonna be fucking your
girlfriend tonight.
I-I guess not.
I guess I better go home
and stroke myself really good.
Let's go.
Really, really good.
Hey, hold on,
I'm just getting started.
Get the fuck off my car.
Damn, dude.
Dude, you got to tell Stephanie
her boyfriend's boning
some white chick.
It's none of my business.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
You tell her and
you get bonus points.
I'm not gonna be some rat.
Besides, I don't
even know for sure.
Come on, Ben. Look...
This... is for buddies.
And this is where
he had his hands...
which is for lovers.
God! Get off me!
Am I right, Han?
Daric, where you going?
Mm. Oh, sh...
Yo, fuck her, man.
Let's go drink.
Shit. No, Daric!
Whose party is this?
Susie Berk's.
Are we invited?
You don't need an invitation.
Just hear about
it and you go.
They're all fucking
drunk, anyway.
So, is everyone buzzed?
Yo, can I have a light?
Thanks, dude.
Let's go around back.
Hey, how's it goin'?
Now I'm gonna throw up.
Hey, what's up, boys?
I think they have...
bible study's next door, right?
Oh, shit, no, look at this!
It's the Chinese Jordan!
Hey, so,
what's up, man?
Where's all your
fan club at, man?
I'm going to go
check on Virg.
Yeah, what's
up, shithead?
Are you going
to step up?
You know, you got
to play a real sport
to wear that jacket.
Yeah, fuck him up, Brian!
Want your mom?
Huh? You want the cops?
You're what?
You're what?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
I'm sorry.
Shoot him in the face.
Shoot him in the face.
If I ever see any of you
and your fuck
jock friends again,
I'll fucking kill you!
Back off, man,
back off!
You want some of this?!
Back off, man!
Ben, come on!
Back off!
Come on, Ben!
Come on, Ben!
Fuck you, man!
Screw you!
Let's go!
Fuckin' A,
that was better than sex.
Just shut the fuck up.
Did you see the look
on that guy's face?
You put the fear
of God in him, man.
The fear of Gods.
I went jihad
on his ass, man.
You see this
blood on me, man?
It's not my blood.
Did you see his face
when we worked on him?
It was like...
Fuck, man, when you
pulled out that gun,
it was fucking awesome.
That was, like, boom!
Right in your face.
He probably pissed himself
right then
in front
of all his homies.
Not me, man.
I was going off.
I felt so...
I felt like
surging through my body.
How smooth was that?
Man, you had fucking balls!
That was fucking smooth!
The next minute, the gun
was right in his face,
and I was going off--
ah, yeah!
If my dad finds out,
he's going to kill me.
Man, I'm going to juvie!
By Monday, the word had spread
and pretty much everyone
knew about it.
I was sure the cops were gonna
come and get us that morning...
but it never happened.
Meeting today at 3:00.
We have to do
this chem test.
It's a big one,
about a hundred students.
Hi, guys.
Ben, can I talk to you?
He's fuckin'
whupped already.
What's up?
I just talked to Steve.
He said you're taking me
to the formal.
You're fucking with me, right?
He said that you guys agreed
to have you take me
to the formal.
He did ask, I didn't agree.
The whole thing
was pretty weird.
You should have
at least told me.
Well, he's your boyfriend.
I didn't want to get involved.
Ben, that's what friends do.
God, I don't believe this.
Why do I always get shit on?
You know, Steve,
he's the one that
needs to stop...
Ben, I'm just trying
to understand this.
I'm out of here.
What the fuck?!
What? The formal?
Oh, what, got a hot date
with Barbie that night?
Look, I'm not gonna
say anything,
all right, it's none
of my business.
I just think
she deserves better.
You're probably right.
As our reputation grew,
scams started coming to us.
Usually through Jesus.
There they are.
What I liked about it was
that we were in control.
If someone came to us
about doing a scam
and we didn't like them,
we'd tell them to fuck off.
Having that kind of power
quickly became an addiction.
What's up?
How's it going, man?
What's going on?
How are you doing?
Man, not too bad.
This is Peter.
So, what's up?
Peter's got a sweet deal.
The school's getting in all new
computer parts next week.
So they've got to store them
for a while
until they can install them.
Peter's got the school codes.
Can they trace the code?
No, it's all the same number
for everyone.
What about that
fucking family
that lives in the trailer guarding the school?
That's me and my dad.
He's out by 10:00.
It's easy.
I don't know.
Sounds too easy.
Dude, I guarantee.
No offense,
I don't give a shit
about your guarantee.
Me and Ben checked it out.
Seems legit.
Han, think you can
sell this shit off?
I can always sell
the shit off.
We'll think about it.
Peter, let's go.
You got the phone?
Ah, God. Fuck.
It's clear.
We had the run of the place.
Rumors about us came
and went fast and furious.
One had us linked
with some Chinese Mafia.
And it was fine with us
because it just put more fear
in everyone.
Along with that power
came greed.
It just made sense to expand
our business into drugs,
putting the law of supply
and demand into practice.
I think our teacher
would've been proud.
Let me see this thing.
Fuck off.
It's got no
name brand on it.
Sorry, Virg.
Fuckin' dick.
Stop crying.
It's a piece-of-shit
CD player anyway.
Fuck you!
Now you can buy three of 'em.
I soon learned that along with
an image, came maintenance.
I needed something
to help expand my days.
It's literally a full-time job
just to make people believe
who you're supposed to be.
Four cheat sheets a day,
the drugs, the scams--
between this and
all my club commitments,
I couldn't even start
my homework until 1:00 a.m.
We were making so much money,
we couldn't spend it
fast enough.
If it was for sale, you could
bet we tried to buy it.
Is that enough?
All right.
Hey, Tracy.
Thanks, it's all there.
Thank you.
So, what are you guys?
A club.
Oh, like a math club
or something?
We partied every weekend
and hung out
with different crowds.
It's funny,
the more notorious we became,
the more invitations we got.
We didn't know half the people
we partied with...
but they knew us.
Quixotic. Adjective.
Extravagantly idealistic;
unrealistic or imaginary.
You look like shit.
Oh, yeah.
Here's the number
for that internship
I was telling you about.
Yeah. You want some?
You happy, Ben?
I'm serious.
You happy?
I don't know.
That's the most truthful thing
I've ever heard.
At least you have a choice.
You're not happy?
I'm very happy.
Isn't it obvious?
I have everything.
Loving parents, top grades,
Ivy League scholarships,
of course, Stephanie.
Of course.
Right there.
That's it.
I'm so fucking happy
I can't stop it.
Why not?
It's a never-ending cycle.
When you got everything
you want, what's left?
You can't settle
for being happy,
that's a fucking trap.
You got to take life
into your own hands.
Do whatever it takes
to break the cycle.
That's what it is,
breaking the cycle.
You're fucked.
I envy you.
What? What?
It was my 17th birthday.
No shit, man.
Fuck, man.
I don't want to touch that.
I don't want to touch it
with my hands, man.
There he is.
Hey, ass-wipe,
you're the one that organized
this "Keep the Beach Clean"
shit and you're late.
I need to talk to you guys.
Grab a bag.
Where's Han?
What's up?
This better be
fucking good.
I want out.
Out of what?
I can't handle this anymore.
Look, I woke up and my sheets
were covered in blood.
Well, why don't you stop
OD'ing on that shit,
you fuck?
Yeah, too much of that shit
will get to you.
I don't want to do it anymore.
All of it.
Fuck, Ben, stop being a pussy.
Whatever, Virg.
So is that it?
Yeah, I just...
I just want to concentrate
on my own stuff.
Hell, I was thinking
the same thing.
Give it up?
Fuck it. It's like a job, man.
The only reason I did
it was for you guys.
What are you saying?
Have you two lost
your fucking balls?
Fuck it.
Han and I will do it.
Right, Han?
It's all yours, man.
We got to talk.
Just shut the fuck up.
More money
for us.
I'm gonna call Jesus
right after this.
Organize this shit.
Happy birthday, man.
We all chipped in.
Pretty cool, huh?
Jesus Christ!
Temperance. Noun.
Signifying self-restraint
or moderation
in action and statement.
Hi, Stephanie.
You need help?
I'm okay.
You know, I hate doing those S's.
The curves
make it tough,
but I know a trick.
You work it inside out.
So, what's this I hear
about you, gangster boy?
Oh, God, that's
such old news.
Rumors have it you guys
did a number on Ryan.
Do you believe them?
Let's put it this way,
there's also a rumor
that I am in a porno.
Oh, yeah, I've seen it.
Shut up.
Yeah, I have.
So the shooting arm
is perpendicular
to the body?
Bend your knees
and follow through.
Is that it?
I'm hungry.
Excuse me, sir.
There's no food
allowed in the store.
Oh, uh, I'm sorry.
I'm hypoglycemic
and I just need
a little something
to get my blood sugar going.
I just got a couple
more bites left.
You think you can get away
with anything, don't you?
Well, yeah, if you're
clever enough.
You sound just like Steve.
You don't like
him much, do you?
Speaking of Steve,
um, you still need
a date for the formal?
Are you asking?
Well, if you'll go with me.
Oh, yeah.
Holy shit.
I guess I was clever enough,
thank you very much.
A week later Han
got suspended from school
for distributing cheat sheets.
It appeared
that Virgil's new position
as head of the outfit
had gone to his head.
He was babbling
to so many people about it,
the school had to do something.
The funny thing was,
Han didn't really care
that he got suspended.
I think it just gave him
yet another excuse
to beat the crap out of Virgil.
You look great.
You look great.
Two for flinching.
Thank you.
So, do you know
your real parents?
Do you want to?
My parents I have now
are my real parents.
I don't know.
Maybe when I get older.
I still have to find out
who I am.
You sound so mature.
That's what my therapist
tells me, at least.
Thanks for asking, though.
Between the lines, the disguise
Of the love of a butterfly
Do you wish whatever itches
I have seen fishes fly
Why should I believe it?
Swing wide, butterfly
It's a stone's throw to the inside
Of a precious thing
Between the lines, the disguise
Of the love of a butterfly
Between the lines, the disguise
Of the love of a butterfly
Swing wide, butterfly
Swing wide, butterfly...
Uh, I had a wonderful time.
Thanks again.
All right, question six:
name of the largest
commercial transport jet.
The Space Guppy.
Where the fuck is he, man?
Hey, open up, man.
Where the fuck you going, man--
on a honeymoon?
No, man; I got my accessories.
Yeah, what, your anal intruder?
No, my lubrication.
You're just so dry, Daric.
Don't slam the
trunk either, man.
Hey, yo!
As we headed off to Vegas
for the decathlon nationals,
was all I could think about.
I finally decided that there
were two things I could do--
go on agonizing over Stephanie,
or just say fuck it and have fun.
Vegas sucks.
Hey, turn that down.
The sound is the best part.
Oh, yeah!
Ben, Virgil,
I want you to meet Rachel.
You're Ben?
What are you studying?
Um... Econ.
Brother, today
is your lucky day.
Go get 'em.
All right, sweetie,
here are the rules.
No kissing,
and I always lead.
Come on, sweetie.
How was it?
How was it?
Oh, you bad, bad boy.
That is so disgusting, man.
Come on, man.
Actually, it was...
I just couldn't believe
I had finally done it.
It was such a relief.
I had prayed every day
up until that moment
that I would have sex
before I died.
Thank you.
Dude, man, wasn't
she awesome?
Wasn't she awesome, man?
Dude, what the fuck?
Here you go.
Fuck! God damn it!
Your little friend
pulled a gun on me.
Calm down!
Shut up, Virg!
Fuck you.
Look, this is more money
than we owe you.
Fuck all of you.
What are you doing, Virg?
You crazy?
She said she wanted
to play rough.
You want to play fucking rough?!
Stop it! Put the gun down!
I want to play rough.
Virgil, put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
Virgil, put the gun down.
What do you think now, hotshot?
Virg, put the gun down.
Get the fuck off me.
The morning after
I lost my virginity,
we won the national title.
I don't sell that shit no more.
That's cool.
How have you been?
Haven't seen you
since the... Formal.
Hey, by the way,
I never got a chance
to thank you
for taking Stephanie.
She said she had the best time.
Maybe you can take her
to all the school functions.
You should try it.
You might like it.
It's all a superficial,
bullshit waste of time.
Yeah, you mentioned that.
I have a proposition for you.
Actually, for you
and your buddies.
Look, that's all in the past.
Listen, you guys are definitely
going to like this.
It's too sweet.
No, thanks.
Well, give me
the other guys' digits.
I thought we were friends.
That has nothing
to do with this.
There's going to be
a lot of money involved.
You already got all
the money you need.
I don't give a shit
about the cash.
It's what
we've been talking about.
It's time to break the cycle.
Listen, this is going to better
everyone involved.
Just trust me.
Ben, did he tell you
what this is all about?
Fuckin' rich boy.
Let's talk outside.
this is Virgil...
...and Han.
David, right?
How's your stroke?
My stroke?
You guys want
something to drink?
Yeah, I'll take a beer.
Have a seat.
I'll be right back.
What's up with that guy?
Hey, by the way, congrats
on winning the Nationals.
Thank you.
What happened to you guys?
Too many freshmen.
Their fuckin' brains froze
in the semis.
What are you going to do?
The streak had to end sometime.
So, why are we here?
You're looking at it.
We do my parents' house.
Yo, that's fucked up.
It's none of your fuckin' business.
Let's go, guys.
Everyone needs a wake-up call.
I love them.
That's why I'm doing this.
"I love them.
That's why I'm doing this."
That dude's fucked up.
Let's do it.
Let's fuckin' do it.
No. We're not gonna rob anyone.
Everyone needs a wake-up call.
That's what he said, right?
Let's fuckin'
give it to him.
Look, that shit is just weird.
Oh, yeah, it is.
We're gonna play along
for a while,
and then we're gonna teach
that fucker
a lesson.
Virg, don't you see the way
that guy talks to you?
That dude doesn't even think
you're on the same level.
Think about it.
What about you, Han?
That rich motherfucker wants
to punish his own family?
Because Mommy and Daddy won't
pay enough attention to him?
And you.
He thinks
you're fuckin' dickless.
No? Well, why else
would he let you take
his girlfriend to the formal?
No. No!
We'll just rough 'em up
a little bit.
Mostly... we'll scare
the shit out of him.
Dude, this is brilliant.
After we fuckin'
beat the shit out of him,
we could turn him in
to the cops
for conspiring to rob
his own family.
Oh, yeah!
Come on, guys.
I don't know.
Come on!
Let's do it!
It'll be fun.
All right, man,
I'm just doing this
so you don't fuck
this up, all right?
No, I can't.
This'll be our blueprint.
Let's start on page three.
By the way,
I'm going to need a gun.
I know. I'm working on it.
Can I get one of those
It'll cost you.
Just take it out of my share.
No. We'll need the
money up front.
All right.
Just let me know how much.
No problem.
Steve was meticulous.
He had mapped out each of
our paths for the robbery.
He made us do it
over and over
until he felt we got it.
I just don't know what
Stephanie found so attractive.
At all!
...Han, you think
you can break in?
Fuck, yeah.
That's it.
I can't handle it anymore.
I ain't going
to the meeting tomorrow.
Shut up!
Look, we all have to do it,
or it'll just fuck it all up.
Well, I still ain't going!
Dude, why?
'Cause Chrissy's throwin'
a party tomorrow.
Why don't we just
invite him to come?
He's the one who said
we should get to know
each other.
You think he'll show?
Who cares, man?
At least we don't have to sit
through all that bullshit.
I can't wait till
this is all over.
You watch.
It'll all be worth it.
Be right back.
Hey, Steph.
Hey, Ben.
Where's Steve?
I don't know.
He told me to meet him here.
He's on time as usual.
Whoa. Is it real?
Just got it done this morning.
What does it mean?
It's my Chinese name.
Why you guys hiding out
from everyone?
Hey. Hello.
Yo, D-Rock!
Is that a new tattoo?
You gonna show me?
When did you get it?
This morning.
You all right?
Hey, Steph.
What up, man?
What up, dude?
So this is where
the Asians hang out.
Yup. Library was closed.
Hey, you're a funny guy.
For an Oriental.
He's been drinking.
Hey, Daric, where you going
to go to college
next year, man?
I just turned in
my apps last month.
What about you?
Ah, it'll be
an Ivy League for sure.
I don't know which yet.
You already got in?
Yeah, of course.
You'll have to excuse Steve.
He gets cocky when he's drunk.
Only when he's drunk?
Excuse me, guys.
Too much testosterone.
Did I say something?
So, this is like
the "I love Stephanie" fan club.
You know, Daric,
you're a pretty cool guy.
I can't believe Steph thought
you were a stalker or something.
Yo, what'd you think
of her friend?
What friend?
The one she brought
to mini golf.
All right.
Yeah. Isn't Steph the best?
You want a drink?
whatever you get.
All right.
I'm good.
Thanks, D-Rock.
Anytime, Stevie-boy.
Why you hang out
with him, Ben?
He's got something up his ass
all the time.
He's all right.
Yo... Steph's the one.
Steph's the one.
You were right.
She deserves to be treated better.
I'm going
to treat her better.
I owe it all to you, man.
Thank you.
Steve, you're wasted.
Thanks, man.
Okay. You're welcome.
You're welcome.
All right.
I'll be right back.
All right.
Thank you.
At that point,
by the look in Daric's eyes,
I knew it was on.
It was New Year's Eve.
Jesus said we could use
his house
if we paid him a hundred bucks.
His parents had left for Tahoe
a day earlier.
I still thought it was
a bad idea,
so the guys and I
made a compromise.
All I had to do
was be the lookout.
They're right around back
in the garage.
I'll be in there in a sec.
What's up, fellas?
So you got the cash?
Of course.
Got my gun?
is your wake-up call.
For your mommy and daddy.
Get the gun!
Get the gun!
Han, get the gun!
Oh, God.
What the fuck?
We didn't agree to this.
This is going to cost you extra.
We're going to have to get rid
of the body.
What do you mean?
Jesus, what about
your backyard?
No way.
I promise no one
will ever know.
Come on, guys, dish it up.
You guys got any money?
Here. 150.
I'll get you the rest tomorrow,
all right?
Fuck no.
You pay me now.
Here, three hundred.
Can I have
the wallet too?
Oh, shit.
He's still alive.
Someone hold him up.
Virg, please, hold him up.
It's going to be okay, Ben.
It's going to be just fine.
Oh, fuck.
You got him, Virg?
All right.
Hold him up.
Hold his head up.
Hold it up. Tilt
it back, okay?
Let me open his mouth.
All right.
It's going to be fine, Ben.
It's going to be just fine.
Oh, shit.
Just hold him down.
Just hold him down.
Virg, it's okay.
Listen to me.
Just hang on, okay?
It'll be just fine.
Just hang on!
Just hang on to him!
Whatever you do!
I'm holding him!
Jesus fucking Christ!
Just hang on!
Just hang on!
Whatever you do,
just hang on!
It's okay.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay, Virg.
It'll be okay, Virg.
Okay, Virgil, just
a few more seconds.
Just breathe.
Just hang on!
Hang on.
Are you all right, Ben?
It's okay, man.
Shh. Shh.
Hey, Stephanie.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Are you okay?
I'm just mad at Steve.
For what?
He totally stood me up.
I know he hates these things,
but still...
All right, everybody!
Let's get crazy!
It's almost New Year!
Ten, nine, eight...
I guess neither of us
are getting a kiss tonight, huh?
...five, four, three, two,
I-I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to...
Don't apologize.
I need to talk to Steve.
Uh, well, uh, guys are waiting.
Thanks, Ben.
Happy New Year.
Aw, shit.
Ben, will you take him
out of here?
Aw, fuck!
Fuck, man!
Get the fuck out
of here.
Jesus, would you help us, please?
Fuck it.
Ah, Jesus.
You clean that shit up, man.
I knew what I had to do.
Of course,
the right thing to do
was to call the police
and tell them everything.
It was right...
but it didn't mean it was easy.
Yo, Virg, I'm here.
Let's go, man.
Stop jerking off; let's go.
Yo, Virg,
stop fucking around, man.
Open the door.
Open the fucking door, man!
I said open the door!
Virg! Open
the fucking door, Virg!
Virg! Virg!
Han said Virgil
had called him over
to watch some new porn.
I guess Virg just didn't have
enough balls to do it alone.
Open the fucking
door, Virg! Virg!
Fuck you, Virg!
Open this fucking door!
So... what,
is he going to be retarded,
or something?
Ben, get him the
fuck out of here
before I kick his ass.
Come on, Daric.
Come on.
Wait, Ben, you think Virg
is going to talk?
No. What if he does?
Dude, what
are we going to do?
Okay. Let me think.
Why did you write
that article about me?
The newspaper article.
Why did you write it?
What are you talking
about, man?
I'm trying to fucking think here.
Do you think Han
will be with us?
Later, Daric.
Ben... I'll call you later.
You haven't seen
Steve, have you?
Get in.
He's been gone
for a couple days,
and he's got everyone worried.
Are you worried?
Yeah, but you just never know
what Steve's up to.
Ben, thanks for putting
up with this.
The whole thing
with me and Steve.
You know how you make decisions
that lead to other decisions?
Then you realize
you don't remember
why you made those decisions
in the first place.
When I saw you
on New Year's Eve,
I knew there was only one
right thing to do.
For the first time in my life,
I don't know
what my future will hold.
I don't even know what
the other guys are going to do.
All I know is that
there's no turning back.
You said you had
no place to go
While standing
in the doorway of our home
And I'm here waiting to see
If you've come and found the key
I went and put it where it used to be
But I'm not waiting on eventually
No, I'm not waiting
Are we only scraps
Of everything we hoped
that we could be?
And I'm not waiting on eventually
No, I'm not waiting
Build your house from scraps
Make a home out of laughs
Build your house from scraps
Make a home out of laughs
And laugh
And laugh
And laugh
And laugh
And laugh
And laugh.