Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)

Do exactly as I say. Stand up slowly,
walk ahead of me and open the door.
Everybody freeze! Nobody move!
You, lock the doors.
All of you, eat the floor! Now! Now!
- Get your ass down here now.
- Lock it. Right now, lock it.
Eat the floor. Move!
Let's go!
- Come on, move it. Go.
- Two minutes.
Stay down.
One minute.
- Time!
- Move out.
- Hey, Ace, over here.
- Hey, Vinnie.
I'd very much like you to meet Judy.
She can suck a goIf ball
through 20 feet of garden hose.
- lmpressive. Can you excuse us?
- Go over there! Go over there!
Thank you, Judy.
Where'd you find that bitch?
- She's my girl.
- The bitch ain't happy.
- I need help. More credit cards.
- How many?
American Express blank credit cards.
l need 2,000.
- Get the fuck out of here!
- If you can't handle it,
I'll take my money
to somebody who can.
- OK. You got the money?
- I got a bag of money.
This big, this wide,
full to the brim with money.
- When do you need them?
- Three hours.
- Get out. Give me time.
- I'm a businessman.
- I got to make moves.
- Three hours!
If you can't help me, I'll go
somewhere else. I got to move.
- You got the money?
- I got the money. You got the cards?
Listen, you meet me at this address.
Three hours.
Don't have me standing around while
you're messing with the titty woman.
- Three hours.
- Three hours.
Foley, only real cops
can come in here.
- I thought you were dead, Granby.
- I hate to bother you. One question.
- I got to go.
- I'll ask you later.
You act like you never saw a suit!
Detective Axel Foley, please.
You've reached the home
of George Kingfish Stephens.
Sorry I'm not in
but l've gone to the Lodge Hall.
Leave a message and I'll get back
at my earliest inconvenience.
- Axel, it's Bogomil.
- How you doing?
l have to cancel on the fishing trip.
l was going to teach you how to fish.
lt's OK, I'm up to my ass on this
credit card fake, and I'm close.
How's Jan?
If she didn't have a father with
a gun, something would've happened!
She's great, isn't she?
I'm into something important here.
I'll fill you in
when I know more myself.
I'm late, Axel.
Look, you take care of yourself.
Punch Rosewood in his eye
and slap Taggart's bald head for me.
Bye, Axel. I'll call you in a week.
Marcy doesn't want to meet you.
lnspector Todd wants to see you now.
What do you mean she doesn't want to?
- She doesn't like you.
- She doesn't know me.
- I described you to her.
- Why?! I help you.
l tell Todd you're working 24 hours
a day. Look at that watch.
Jeffrey, please, leave me alone!
l got to work undercover with you.
Why not?
If Marcy won't give me her number,
I'll give you mine, you pass it on.
I'm very close to shooting you.
As far as undercover goes,
l want to be involved.
You want to work undercover?
When Todd asks where I am,
tell him I'm pursuing my credit card
bust. Now you're undercover.
LA Times got a letter like that
a few hours ago.
He knows that, Billy.
ls this guy serious?
He's serious about
the way he pulled the job.
He knew exactly how long
to stay inside and what to take.
- Captain, I have this friend...
- Why are you involved in this case?
l assigned you and Taggart
to the Peterson extortion case.
Bogomil, get your men in here.
Come on.
You can't keep God waiting.
l don't want to hear
that kind of talk.
He's fired every cop
who worked for the old chief.
- There's only us three left.
- He's still head of this department.
Yes, sir.
Very smart, Billy.
l have a relationship with this dude.
Dude? Dude? We're not even
supposed to be working on this case.
Come on, Sarge.
l know you have domestic troubles,
but you got to cool out, relax.
Things like this work out. Trust me.
You moron. You called the
Supervising Agent of the goddamn FBl
to help break this Alphabet code?
This is a local crime. My men
will solve it locally, Roseweed.
- Sir, my name's not Roseweed...
- Shut up, please.
And you, Captain Bogomil, this
Alphabet investigation was your baby.
Did you call the FBl? Did you order
Rosewood to do that? Did you?
- The Captain didn't know about it.
- I said shut up!
Captain Bogomil didn't
call the FBl. I did.
l said shut up.
I'm waiting on you, Andrew.
Did you order him to call
the goddamn FBl or what?
No, sir, but that's beside the point.
No, that is exactly the point.
Thank you. You're history, kiddo.
You know very well
that haIf of police work
are cops following their hunches.
They go with their gut reaction.
l've encouraged this in my men
and I'm standing behind Rosewood.
Good! Tell me something, Andrew,
how do you consider yourself
a commanding officer?
You can't maintain a supervisory
relationship with your own personnel.
And now you superseded
the chain of command.
- As of now, you are suspended.
- What?
- Shut up!
- On what grounds?
You have no control
over your troop's activities.
You can't do this!
l can't do it? I will not have
this investigation pissed away.
This crime, this robbery, could be
a political disaster for the mayor.
What about due process?
Policy requires we give you
a board of review within two days.
You got two days.
- I am fighting you on this, Harold.
- Chief Lutz to you.
Where are you going?
I'm not through with you two guys.
Would you two like to hold onto
your jobs a little while longer?
You report to traffic duty,
effective immediately.
Yes, sir.
- Hi. Trouble?
- Yeah.
- Maybe I can help.
- lt just stopped.
- ls it getting gas?
- I don't know.
- What do you make of this, Andrew?
- Who the hell are you?
Vinnie! club prison
in Allenwood, Pennsylvania,
entered the third day
of a hunger strike
protesting the suspension
of privileges.
The Warden said
the measures were taken
to enforce discipline
and to teach prisoners...
l hate crooks that are late.
Now the top story
from the LA News desk.
Police Captain Andrew Bogomil
was gunned down in broad daylight.
He is alive
but in critical condition.
He was leading the investigation
into the Alphabet crimes.
And now, Jim, back to you...
Beverly Hills Police Department.
This is Detective Axel Foley.
l just heard what happened.
Can somebody patch me
to Bogomil's hospital?
- Certainly, sir.
- Thank you.
- Who's this?
- lt's Jan.
l just found out.
I'm sorry. What happened?
They operated on him, Axel.
He's going to be OK.
l mean...
l think he's going to be OK.
Here's Billy.
This guy really nailed him.
He set him up. Cold blood.
- Who?
- This Alphabet Bandit.
- Who's on the case? You?
- lt's all politics here now, Axel.
l don't think they'll let
me and Taggart on it.
- Hold on a minute.
- Hey, Ace!
Out in a minute!
Take care of Jan, all right?
Ace, I'm sorry I'm late,
but I run into this broad.
You're the fucking guy
with the truckload of cigarettes!
He told the cops he was from Buffalo.
Take off your glasses.
l thought that was you, man.
l did get busted
and I lost my whole investment!
What's wrong with you?
You know I'm a businessman.
You come a haIf hour late
and you bring a cop!
What cop? He ain't no cop.
lt's Dirty Harry himself.
What's wrong with you?
- You callin' me a cop?
- He's my nephew.
The dude is definitely
bad luck to me!
I'll tell you what's bad luck.
My friend's in a prison body shop.
- He's a fucking clown.
- I'm checking you for a wire.
If he ain't a cop,
why can't I frisk him?
- Stop this bullshit.
- Why won't he let me frisk him?
Cut the bullshit. I got 2,000
blank American Express cards.
Right now. You wanna do business?
With you, but not in front of him
because this dude's a cop.
l can smell a pig. I used to
be a Muslim. I know pork. Yes, pork!
Definitely pork.
l ain't doing shit around this dude.
- Fuck you, man. Allahu Akhbar.
- You calling me a cop?
Where have you been? Todd's looking
for you. I hope you made the bust.
- Can I count on you, trust you?
- Yes.
We working undercover together?
And you'll be quiet?
- Who are you talking to?
- Listen. Wait.
- Drive the Ferrari for a few days.
- The Ferrari?
I'm leaving town
for a few days and...
- I need you to drive the Ferrari.
- Where?
Around. But you have to be me.
- How do I do that?
- Duck down. Drive like this.
No one can know it's you. Don't have
people hanging around the car.
lt draws attention to yourself.
One person... Drive Marcy in it!
- We're supposed to meet...
- What?
For the car.
She wants to be in the car.
- She likes the car?
- She loves it.
Drive with Marcy, scootch down.
Don't tell anybody about this.
And I know you don't understand,
but this'll make me cop of the month.
We'll be there smiling together.
l can trust you?
You're my friend?
You understand this?
- No.
- Good.
- lnspector T, how you doing?
- Where the fuck you been, Foley?
- And what the fuck is this?
- lt's a blue slip.
Why the hell you need $1 ,000?
- A little flash money...
- Flash money? Let's see...
$2,000 for a suit. $200 for a tie.
A requisition order for a Ferrari.
l've seen enough blue slips.
How about some arrest slips?
l know you're getting upset. You have
reason to be, but I am close.
l am so close now
and it's making me crazy.
l could smell it. lt's in the air.
Do you smell it? I smell it.
All I smell is bullshit. I'm
pouring money down a bottomless hole.
Where are the bad guys
at the end of this?
- I thought if there was a problem...
- Don't think! lt makes my dick itch.
Truth is, this department's
furnished you a fortune.
My ass is on the line.
l OK'd all this shit.
l must have been
out of my fucking mind.
But I can't pull out
without a bust or I'm finished.
l promise you, I won't go down alone.
I'm gonna give you three days.
If I don't see some results,
I'll cover my own ass.
How do you like that arrangement?
If I only have three days,
l have to go deep undercover.
I'm deep now. This is deep.
But I'm going deeper. No more money.
I'm going deep,
deep, deep undercover.
Sign that, and I'm going so deep,
you won't know. People will page me.
Axel? No answer
cos I'll be deep undercover.
I'm tired of your bullshit, Foley.
You got three days.
If I don't see results,
I'll grind your ass into dog meat.
Deal. I'll have a dog-meat ass.
Now please sign for my flash money.
Flash money! Make sure
nothing happens to that Ferrari.
That's a $50,000 automobile.
No, no. lt's $67,000. And fast.
lt goes from 100 to 150 in...
You better make sure
nothing happens to it.
Don't worry about a thing. lt's safe.
No one else will be driving but me.
l will sleep, eat, drink, shit...
No, I ain't going to shit.
You thought I was going to...
l ain't gonna shit.
Don't worry about it. I'm on the job.
That's what I'm afraid of.
He's OK.
- What are you doing here?
- How's he doing?
If he's strong enough to live
through that, he's got a chance.
- I got to see those letters.
- They're at the station.
We can't take you there. We're not
supposed to be on that case.
lt's a new ball game
and we're not invited.
Neither am l,
but I got to see those letters.
- lt won't hurt to let him see them.
- But we got to be careful.
Lutz is just looking for a reason
to bust our asses.
Meet me back at the station
in an hour.
I'm going to say hi to Jan
and take a peek. All right?
- How you doing?
- OK, Axel.
Come on, stop that.
l get shot like this all the time
in Detroit. He'll be fine.
He was talking about going fishing
until yesterday.
Then he seemed preoccupied.
I'm gonna come by the house
after I get settled and look around.
Thanks, Axel.
- Where are the owners of this house?
- They haven't taken possession yet.
- They're in Hawaii.
- ls there a foreman? Thank you.
Everybody, stop what
you're doing, please. Stop it!
Stop what you're doing!
Beverly Hills building inspector.
Everybody, stop what you're doing.
I'd like to speak with your foreman.
Put the bucket down!
Somebody get me the foreman.
- I'm the foreman here.
- You? Where are the plans?
You're making
a very big fucking mistake.
- Who are you?
- I'm the building investigator.
- Nobody told you I was coming?
- No.
Get me the goddamn plans.
Can you guys stop working?
Stop it! Stop working!
Get me the plans.
- Wait a second. This is wrong.
- What do you mean?
These are the old plans!
Weren't you at the meeting?
- No.
- Before they went to Hawaii?
- No.
- No meeting?
l was there to change these plans.
The Andersons changed the plans.
There's not supposed
to be any right angles.
- You! You! Stop working!
- Stop working!
You're destroying the house.
Wait! No right angles?
lt's like a doughnut.
What are you, a fucking art critic?
Let them live inside a doughnut.
Some people want to live
in a round house. Fuck it.
Guys, stop it.
I'll have to straighten this out.
I'll talk to my people, they'll talk
to your people and nobody gets fired.
l did what they said.
You were right,
but whoever told you's an asshole.
Everybody come down, go home.
Relax. You got the week off.
We'll straighten this thing out.
Give your boys a round of applause.
You've done a good job. The house
is square, but it's beautiful.
Go home and relax
for the rest of the week.
I'll straighten this out.
lt's Miller time. Right, thank you.
So you'll straighten all this out?
Will you stop worrying
and go home? Trust me.
Could somebody clean this shit up
before you leave?
Lutz's guys are working
on the codes.
Lutz thinks he's a serial robber.
l think he's a nut case.
- Lutz is a nut case.
- Not Lutz. The Alphabet Bandit.
l don't think so.
He's too smart. What else you got?
These shell casings are from
the first robbery at Adriano's.
These are .44 auto mags. They don't
make these any more - too expensive.
This is a casing from a .308 rifle.
They cut it down to fit a .44.
- They knew what they were doing.
- Shit. Put this stuff away.
- Who's this?
- Lutz.
All right. Show time!
What's going on? Who are you?
- This is...
- Shut up, Rosewood.
My name is Johnny... Johnny Wishbone.
I'm a psychic from the island of St
Croix. I read in the St Croix Gazette
that the Beverly Hills Police
had some trouble solving crime.
So I came to Beverly Hills. They say
they don't want my help. I'm psychic!
I'm a psychic phenomenon.
Watch. I don't know you.
Your name is, um...Lutz! Right?
Chief Lutz, that's your name.
The name pop inside my head.
- And your name is...
- Biddle.
Two more seconds
and I'd say it myself.
l don't need no help. I'm Johnny
Wishbone, psychic extraordinaire.
If you need me, just think
Johnny Wishbone and I come.
Lutz and Biddle,
it's like Kibbles and Bits!
Excuse me. Sorry to bother you.
Your name is Johnson, right?
What the hell is going on?
ls this a magic show?
I'll have your badges unless
you go to traffic duty. Get out!
l got angina the minute I saw Foley.
Axel's got nine lives. I don't.
You boys ready?
You both know Lutz
is a shit tinhorn politician.
His boy Biddle couldn't catch the
Alphabet killer if he nuked the city.
We got to do this.
All for one, one for all.
Lutz is about to fire our asses.
I'll lose my pension.
l got a wife and two kids to feed.
- You got two kids, not a wife.
- Shut up. She might come back.
Maureen's divorcing him again.
She's with her mother.
Two years ago, I almost lost my job.
The man put his neck
on the line for me.
I'm not going back to
Detroit without helping him.
And his boys don't even
have any loyalty for him!
Don't give me this loyalty crap.
Andy and I joined the force together.
If we do this, it's got to be
low-profile. Covert.
Billy and I have traffic duty,
for Christ's sake.
Give me a break.
- Where'd you get that?
- You stole evidence!
- I only took one.
- Why?
This is known as a clue. Few people
know how to do this quality work.
- We'll see who recognises it.
- Who are these guys?
This is your town.
You should know that.
There's a guy
at the Beverly Hills Shooting Club.
Russ Fielding.
Supposed to be the best.
Let's go see Russ Fielding then.
- What's in the bag?
- My vitamins.
- Give them to me.
- You want my vitamins? All of them?
- An hour.
- Enjoy good health.
Excuse me. One second.
What year is this?
- Yes. lt is '73.
- I know.
May I help you?
I'm from
Medalux Explosive Research Company.
- Does Russell Fielding work here?
- Yes.
He ordered these plutonium-nitrate,
sound-seeking projectiles.
Here they go. Have a nice day.
Wait a minute.
What did you say? Medalux?
Medalux Explosive Research Company.
l don't show any record
of that delivery.
l think there must be a mistake.
Your company made a mistake.
- Y'all made a mistake.
- No. You don't understand.
l know about every delivery here.
They put it in this little log.
We'll straighten this out
with research.
This is a sound-seeking projectile.
l suggest no telephones. Don't cough.
If you break wind,
make it a quiet one.
The slightest peep and your
designer jeans won't fit no more.
Y'all handle this after I go.
Excuse me. I just realised,
you could do me a favour
and drop this off
at Mr Fielding's office.
Let me explain something. My friend
Bootsie got killed doing this.
l ain't carrying this cos you made
a mistake. I carry from A to B.
l have a wife and two kids.
I'd like to see my daughters again.
lt's on your way out.
lt's no problem.
If you just drop it off
at Mr Fielding's.
What about my daughters?
What's in it for my family?
What do you want?
What's in it for me?
l have beautiful daughters.
You're asking me to risk my life.
What will I get?
$10? I have twin daughters...
with pigtails.
Would you take that off my desk
and drop it off at Mr Fielding's?
That's all I have.
Please take it. I'm sorry, that's it.
- Where's his office?
- Along the corridor, down the steps.
On your way out. The name's
on the office. Just over there.
I'm just doing this for my kids.
This is how Bootsie got killed.
All they found was $20
and a pair of Adidas.
Along the corridor. Down the stairs.
- We almost got fucked up.
- Thank you.
Shoe money for my daughters.
$5 a shoe. That's four shoes.
She knew you were hard to live with
when she married you.
lt's her fault
for thinking you'd change.
l admire her for having courage to
leave you in search of a better life.
I'm sorry. I was trying
to make you feel better.
- Do me a favour?
- Sure.
Take a break from cheering me up.
Keep the grip tight. There you go.
Fire when you're ready.
Grip down here. There you go.
All right.
Keep it up and to the left.
All right?
Excuse me.
- Are you Russ Fielding, gunsmith?
- Yeah.
Have you ever seen this before?
lt's a .308 rifle shell
cut to fit the .44.
- Where'd you get it?
- Christmas gift.
Charles Bronson
is a friend of the family.
- He gave me this for Christmas.
- I'm Karla Fry, assistant manager.
How are you?
Beautiful place you have here.
My name's Richard James.
Very nice to meet you.
Russ, could I see you for a minute?
- Be right back.
- Take your time, Russ.
Goddamn, that's a big bitch.
- Who is that man?
- I don't know.
He's got a .44 auto mag casing
from here.
l saw. You sure it's ours?
- I made a whole bunch for Mr Cain.
- Did you tell him that?
- No.
- Don't.
Keep him there while I check him out.
l think we have a problem.
Fielding made that casing for Cain.
You wanted to see me?
I'd like to go over plan C and D.
We've promised to deliver Thomopolis
$10 million, Friday at 6pm.
If we fail, I'll be put to some
inconvenience, to say the least.
So I'd like to go over it and avoid
the mistakes made on the Adriano job.
What mistakes? Adriano's was perfect.
Adriano's was not perfect.
lt was perfectly planned, but
it was executed with incompetence.
lt was partly my fault.
l assumed if my instructions were
clear, even you could follow them.
- Obviously, I was wrong.
- I don't understand.
You supplied your thugs
with guns from my club?
Yes. But they were totally clean.
Nobody could trace them.
Nobody knows you planned the jobs.
Nobody knows you wrote the notes,
Karla did the job and left the notes.
Then why is there a man in my club
with shell casings
from one of my guns asking questions?
l don't know.
- Who is he?
- I'd say he's a cop. Wouldn't you?
l don't know. I haven't seen him.
Here he is, on television.
Take a good look at him
cos you're going to kill him.
- What?
- Kill him, burn him, blow him away.
How long would it take
to shave those legs?
l suppose you're trying
to be charming.
- Just offering my grooming services.
- I don't think so.
- Chip, perfect timing for once.
- Chip Cain. I'm the manager here.
How are you, Chip? Beautiful place
here, very comfortable.
We do our best. Maybe you'd like
to have a guest membership.
That'd be nice, kinda like
shooting guns in the house.
Where can I send you an application?
A big white house. Beautiful place.
We'll send it along
with the .44 shells.
- I'll be sure to duck.
- Goodbye, Mr James.
l guess that's my cue. Excuse me.
You got a match? Damn.
- Richard James. 1603 Hillcrest Road.
- Right. Hey, got a match?
Here you go. Keep it.
And, Jack, don't screw this up.
- What about the cop in hospital?
- He's guarded 24 hours a day.
- Here's the impending Alphabet note.
- Will they break this one?
They'll crack it
when we want them to.
How'd it go?
What would you guys say if I said
a six-foot blonde works here?
Witnesses reported
a six-foot blonde at Adriano's.
This isn't Detroit.
Six-foot blonde women
grow on trees in California.
He's right. They're everywhere.
You really need me! You can't
tell there's something weird here?
Meet me at my house
at 1603 Hillcrest in about an hour.
- Where are my vitamins?
- Here's $20. Get some more.
- My house in an hour.
- What did he do, sell them?
Damn it, Axel.
You scared the hell out of me.
Sorry. I let myseIf in.
How you doing?
I'm tired.
l had some work to do at the office.
- You still at the insurance company?
- Find anything?
A lot of newspaper cut-outs
about oil prices dropping.
- Did you invest in oil stocks?
- On a cop's pay? No way.
And there's an ad
for a club called 385 North.
ls that one
of your father's hangouts?
Your father got shot
cos he was on to something. But what?
Do me a favour,
use your connections at your company
to find out about
a guy named Maxwell Dent.
I'll try. You can let yourseIf out.
I'm gonna take a shower.
Don't shoot nobody.
- This has got to be a mistake.
- There's his car.
If he's here,
he must be robbing the place.
l don't like this, Billy.
What would he be doing here?
Maybe the Pointer Sisters live here.
- What?!
- Out back.
Welcome to Wheel of Fortune.
l thought I just heard Jack say...
Watch out. The deck's very slippery.
There's beer in the refrigerator
or you can make yourseIf martinis.
Wait. You're on duty. No martinis.
Perrier water is what you want.
Swimming trunks in the bedroom.
Dive in the pool.
- Why are you in a place like this?
- A place like what?
- Like this. Swimming pool, jacuzzi.
- What? I'm spoiling myseIf rotten.
The construction?
l am embarrassed about that.
I'm just using the other five
bedrooms, compromising my lifestyle.
You've stolen it.
How can you steal a house?
lt's my uncle's house.
- ls he in rock 'n' roll?
- No! Look at the big titties.
Look at this,
titties, orange juice, beer...
Will you put your trunks on
and get in this pool?
l want you out of this pool
and house in seven minutes.
You're still a police officer.
You'll get us all in deep shit.
l love when you talk dirty.
Get in this pool.
- Get out of the goddamn pool!
- I told you the deck was slippery.
Taggart! What's taking you so long?
What do you think? Sharp?
Go right in, Mr President. Have fun.
Excuse me. Who are you?
And who are those people?
I'm his representative. That's former
president Gerald Ford there.
lt doesn't look like Gerald Ford.
Have you seen him without make-up?
Probably not.
This is what he looks like now,
the ex-president.
He couldn't get out
when he was running the country.
Now he's a civilian,
it's his right to shake his ass.
He says, ''l wanna go 385 North,''
and I said, ''Let's go.''
We came to party.
You should be proud to have him here.
- lt's our pleasure.
- Thank you very much. Excuse me.
- Can I have a coke with no ice?
- One coke, no ice, coming up.
- There you go.
- Who's the popular blond?
That's Nik Thomopolis.
He owns this place.
- That's seven bucks, buddy.
- For a coke? I can get blown for $7.
- Things are getting pretty crazy.
- We're in deep with Axel again.
We'll be directing traffic
the rest of our lives anyway.
- The hell with it. To Bogomil.
- To Bogomil.
Drinks are on the house,
President Ford.
What? My name's John Taggart.
That's the name he's using now.
His marriage is breaking up.
The judge awarded her the name
for the Betty Ford clinic and stuff.
You're much better looking in person.
Does the name Thomopolis
mean anything to you?
He's the biggest arms dealer
on the West coast.
- Do I look like Gerald Ford?
- Y'all both look like Gerald Ford.
Come on. Let's go.
Move it. Get out of here!
Jesus, Billy! Come on, Axel.
Watch yourself.
Anybody in there?
What the fuck is going on here?
- Everybody back.
- Whoever it was got away clean.
What are you doing here?
l ran a check.
There is no Johnny Wishbone.
You're illegal. Who the hell
are you and why are you here? Now!
I'm a cop. I didn't say before
cos I knew you'd be upset.
lt's a Detroit badge.
Why are you in Beverly Hills?
I'm attached
to a multi-jurisdictional,
Federal task force on organised
crime, and my code name is Wishbone.
I'm the Chief of Police here,
if there's a Federal task force,
l want to know!
You can call back to Detroit tomorrow
and ask for an lnspector Todd.
He'll tell you all about it.
My real name is Axel Foley.
Call there between nine and ten,
Detroit time, he'll tell you.
Right now, I have the rest of my case
to finish, so excuse me.
And you two,
what the hell were you doing here?
Checking parking meters in the area?
- Well, sir...
- We're off duty, sir. I live nearby.
Listen, if you do
anything except traffic duty,
I'll have you both
investigated and suspended!
Technically, this is traffic duty.
Technically, you're a goddamn idiot.
Get out of here, Taggart!
- Yes, sir.
- Jesus Christ...
- Are you sure you got super glue?
- Yeah.
This is Wild Kingdom.
l tried to create
a stress-free environment.
You have.
These are my friends. That's Sidney.
He's a wandering jew.
This is Mona. Hi, baby. They actually
like different kinds of music.
If I play the Beatles,
the begonias perk up.
If I play Beethoven, they wither.
The ferns like the Boston Pops.
- But everybody loves Mozart.
- Who's this?
Big Al. Had him about six years.
lsn't he great?
What music does he like?
- James Brown. Drives him nuts.
- ls that turtle shit in there?
- Turtles are amazing to me.
- What are you doing?
I'm curious to know
where his dick is at.
Give me him. You know where it is,
don't you, Big Al?
- Do turtles have dicks?
- How's it hanging, Big Al?
Give me that super glue.
- Billy's really out there, isn't he?
- Billy's pretty fucked up.
- I heard that.
- I know. I was joking!
Give me the super glue.
- What's that music from?
- The Dating Game.
Let's give Billy a big Dating
Game kiss. Where's your phone?
- ln the bedroom.
- Where, in the alligator pit?
Jesus, Billy.
- Jeff? Axel.
- Axel, it's one in the morning.
Jeffrey, stop talking.
How's the Ferrari?
Great. What a great car!
Do those seats go back?
l was with Marcy trying
to get the seats back...
You can't do freaky shit in that car.
You have to do something for me.
- Something you don't want to do.
- Am I going to get in trouble?
- You see that?
- Weird.
lt's not weird. lt's simple.
The fumes from the super glue attach
to the acid from the fingerprints.
lt's a street cop trick.
Hasn't filtered down to you boys yet.
- Now we have to match it.
- We could use the computer downtown.
There won't be anybody
there this time of night, Sarge.
There goes my medical insurance.
- You can be such a pussy sometimes.
- Really.
Let's go. Come on.
You boys definitely
get an A in High-tech.
lt takes 60 cops
to do this shit in Detroit.
Charles Cain.
Used to be Charles Campos.
l just met this guy. He works
in the Beverly Hills Gun Club.
- He does?
- This ain't the guy, he's a weasel.
- This isn't a master criminal.
- That's his print.
This guy had nothing to do
with Bogomil getting shot.
If he suspected him,
he would've picked him up.
Let's put an APB out on Cain.
We can't. All we got is fingerprints.
We need something else.
- What do we do now?
- Let's go to the Gun Club.
Wait. lt's 1 1 :00.
The Gun Club's closed.
- So?
- So?
This is a big mistake. A big mistake.
lt's against the law. Once we cross
the line, there's no way back.
I'll go. I'll go.
See? Would you lighten up
and take some risks?
Fuck it. Let's go.
- Shit. Alarm tape.
- There are ways around alarm tape.
If we open this door, the connection
will break between the magnets.
If we use this foil, and you squeeze
it between the two magnets,
then take your gum
to hold it in place...
Now the magnets have the illusion
that the connection's not broken.
Then we take our knife...
Open the door without...
We walk in
without the alarm going off.
You've done that before.
l wasn't always a police officer,
l fractured a law or two as a kid.
- Can I have a piece?
- lt's my last one.
Split it.
None for you.
- What are we looking for?
- A needle in a haystack.
Give me some light over here.
Here you go.
What the hell is that? That knife.
- lt's mine. Home protection.
- Billy, we got to talk.
- Did you get it?
- Yeah.
- What is that?
- A needle in a haystack.
Map coordinates?
ls this lnspector Todd
of the Detroit Police?
lt is.
I'm sorry to be bothering you,
my name is Lionel Hand,
I'm with
the FBl Enforcement Bulletin.
- I read it all the time.
- Thanks. We're proud of it.
Don't touch the leather.
My director has asked me to interview
an exceptional police officer,
and your name was on our computer.
- ls that right?
- This is short notice,
but could you meet me this morning
for breakfast at my office?
- How's nine o'clock?
- Yeah. I'll be there.
Thank you. My pleasure.
Here's your coffee, sir.
Just once a week, I'd like tea.
Do you know what I mean?
- Yes, sir.
- That too much to ask?
Come on, come on...
Damn it, who tricked my ass?
- 440...
- Don't confuse me when I'm dialling.
This is Todd.
- lnspector Todd?
- That's what I said.
This is Harold Lutz. I'm chief of
the Beverly Hills Police Department.
Do you have an officer
Axel Foley...
Yes, he's under my command,
but he's assigned to some
Federal task force.
l never know where the hell he is.
lt's a real pain.
l can't control him. He reports
directly to the Feds. I have to go.
What the hell are you doing in here?
- This is not my office.
- You damn right it isn't.
l want to see if these
coordinates intercept.
What makes you think
they mean anything?
- City Deposit.
- What's City Deposit?
lt's where banks take their money.
l bet that's the next place
that gets hit.
Unit 21 , handle. Unit 22, assist.
City Deposit, 341 Gregory.
Lines are down. Unable to verify.
Can't this car go any faster?
Come on, guys. Come on.
Looks good. I got it.
Out of the hole. Move it.
Come on. Let's do it.
Here we go.
Two, one...
Three minutes!
Sarge, relax and trust me.
- You drive worse than Maureen.
- No way!
Where's the seat belt?
- lt's a red light!
- lt's green!
- lt was red!
- lt was yellow!
Some kind of construction.
- Taggart, you coming?
- I'm coming! Don't wait for me.
Two minutes.
What's that for?
After the club shootout,
l figured I needed more firepower.
We got to talk. Who do you think you
are? Clint Eastwood? Dirty Rosewood?
Sound the alarm.
You got a break-in.
l need authorisation.
- Authorised!
- Fuck! Get out of here!
Come on! Go! Go! Go!
Get out! Get out! Go!
Rosewood, get some wheels.
- This is pretty sporty!
- lt's all I could find.
Police business! I need your car!
I'm a police officer!
God. Here I go again.
Come on, let's go!
- You hit a squad car!
- I know the guy. He's a jerk!
- Does the steering wheel work?
- I'm steering!
- Do the brakes work?
- I haven't tried them.
I'm sure we should have went left.
Are you driving with your eyes open,
or are you using the Force?
Stop! There's the truck.
Now what?
- This was the pick-up vehicle.
- Let's follow it.
Sarge? You old bloodhound!
- Billy, isn't this...
- Yeah.
What the fuck is up? Check this out.
l get $10 for cars, I get $20
for limos. What the hell is this?
My truck.
Here's $50. Put it next to a limo.
Let me call you back.
- I'm here to clean the pool.
- Your name?
- I'm the pool cleaner.
- The pool was cleaned yesterday.
lt was clean. Today it's dirty.
Somebody made a mistake in the pool.
What do you mean by ''mistake''?
Someone had a little accident
in the pool.
- Accident?
- There's something floating in it.
- What?
- During some wild party,
somebody shit in the pool.
I'm here to clean it up.
- I see...
- I ain't happy, but it's my job.
You write names down, I clean pools.
Where's the pool at?
Who are these gentlemen with you?
The Board of Health. They're making
sure I do the job thoroughly.
If you like, I can bring it by
and you can verify it afterwards.
- No, that's fine.
- Excuse me.
Jesus Christ!
Wake up! This is what
we always talked about. Look alive.
You may never see it again. I don't
want to step on your tongues.
Why aren't my parties like this?
You got to die sometime.
Might as well be here.
- What are we doing?
- Whoever took that truck is here.
- How are we supposed to find them?
- Follow your dick.
That's the girl from the Gun Club.
- With Dent and Thomopolis?
- The big bitch.
Max! How'd you get in here?
Forget I asked. I see how,
it's the suit. Nice suit, Max.
- This person is annoying us.
- May I see your invitation?
- I haven't begun to annoy you.
- What's going on?
lt's Max. Check your guest list
cos Max ain't supposed to be here.
- Are we having a problem?
- Hef! Hugh Hefner! Axel Foley!
l feel like I know you already cos
l put your magazine up... Forget it.
Here's some background
on your guests.
This is Thomopolis,
he's into guns and drugs.
And this is Max,
and Max kills cops for a living.
l don't know him or you.
- I think it's time all of you left.
- I happen to be a major contributor.
We appreciate it. Goodbye.
He appreciates it, Max,
but take your ass home.
You outdone your welcome.
But it's been real, it's been nice.
Everybody, party's over!
Max fucked it up for everybody,
so let's just go home.
We'll go ahead as planned.
Get Cain to prepare E.
- You picked Dent's pocket?
- I told y'all I wasn't always a cop.
Yeah, you fractured
an occasional law as a kid.
This is not good. This is not good.
See? Every now and then,
an occasional long shot pays off.
Dent's accountant, Sidney Bernstein.
Anything Dent's into, he'll have
a record. We'll visit him tomorrow.
lt's all we got to go on.
There's no B and D,
I'm looking for something.
And what about that cement truck?
What about that, Rosewood?
Talk to me!
l have a theory on that. The cement
truck was a tactical decoy.
A decoy?
A diversion to protect
the criminals' getaway.
That's why it rammed the police car.
Have you submitted yourself
for drug testing yet?
l want you in by Thursday.
Are you aware that
whoever was in that truck
foiled the goddamn crime?
- Do you?
- Putz.
- Did you say something?
- He called you Putz.
No, I called you a putz.
He's right. Putz.
And you. You, Mr Scribbler... What
the hell were you doing there, Foley?
- Aren't I a police officer, too?
- Remains to be seen.
- Did you call lnspector Todd for me?
- Yes. He doesn't like you very much.
Do you hear this insubordination?
Yes, and l've never heard such abuse.
Whatever's happened, the fact remains
that the robbery was foiled
and the money was saved.
If I were you, I'd concentrate
on cracking this code
and determining where
the E crime will be.
There's not many targets
beginning with E, so find them.
- I will, Ted.
- Mayor!
Yes, Mayor.
And you! I want you out of here!
Get out of here, you degenerate!
You're not even
part of this department!
- ls this a black thing?
- Out.
- Aren't you leaving for Detroit?
- Today at noon.
You're not going to make it.
You're going to get fired.
We started this together,
we'll finish together.
Check if Bernstein owns a car.
Give me a pen. Give me a pen!
'86 Mercedes. License number CRL 507.
Naturally, I can see... I mean,
l understand. Somebody... Wait...
Come right in! Don't let the fact
that my door's closed
dissuade you from entering my office.
Beverly Hills Police.
Are you Mr Sidney Bernstein?
- Lucky guess.
- You have 25 unpaid tickets.
- We have a warrant for your arrest.
- 25? What 25?
- You have 25 unpaid parking tickets.
- I pay all my tickets.
Do you own a black Mercedes-Benz,
license plate number CRL 507?
- 507? That's my wife's car.
- You have 25 tickets.
lt's under my name, but it's
my wife's car! No, no, no! Bitch!
These tickets haven't been paid.
Can you cuff Mr Bernstein?
There are people out
there with chainsaws!
You have unpaid tickets and
it's your car. We're taking you in.
Wait. l've got an idea. ls there
something that I have in this office
that I could hand to you and
that would make you kind of forget
that you're holding those
little pink tickets there?
What are you saying?
You'd have something in that hand
and this hand you'd forget about.
That hand you'd go, ''What did
l have there? I don't remember.''
You mean if I had...
- ..$200 in this hand?
- Ouch! Let go of my arm.
$200? Ouch! Please, I'm robbing you.
That's what I'm doing.
Here's one, here's two.
They're real crisp.
l have to use your computer to wipe
all evidence of this transaction out.
- No problem. No problem at all.
- Thank you, Sidney, so much.
Certainly. Certainly.
Also, one other thing.
I'm sure you understand
my contact at headquarters
wouldn't want his name to be known.
- Don't I know it.
- Could you excuse me while l...
Yeah, it's secretive. lt's like
a James Bond thing! Yes, yes.
- Thank you.
- No problem!
No problem at all.
Anything you want to use.
- I can't believe...
- I don't want to hear it, Billy.
Jan, Axel. How you doing?
What do you got?
Strange. Before 1978,
everything's blank.
lt's classified,
but its policy date is 1974.
l found something interesting
in our foreign office in London.
Dent was the cultural attach to
the East German embassy in Honduras.
He's got a racetrack, shooting club,
drilling rig companies,
an oil company.
- Oil company?
- That's his biggest business.
But from these records,
seems like Dent's in trouble.
He's let his insurance lapse on
everything in the last six months.
Dent Petroleum, even the shooting
club. All his businesses except one.
- Which one is that?
- The racetrack. Empyrean Fields.
He's got a huge policy on that one.
Good, good, good, good, good.
OK. Great.
- When your father wakes up...
- He's better. He's up and around.
Tell him you found his man.
Bye-bye. Empyrean Fields.
- Rip off his own racetrack?
- Yes, if it's insured.
- What was in the files?
- We won't find oil field equipment
- if we find Dent.
- If we find him?
Dent's visa application
had today's date on it.
If we don't step on it, he's gone.
l don't know what happened
on the City Deposit, Max.
- And the Foley hit?
- I don't know.
That's why I need you
to go along personally
to make certain nothing goes wrong.
I'm on the team, of course.
l broke it.
You son of a bitch.
You beat the computer?
- What's it say?
- ''Chinguen sus puercos, Carlos.''
Screw you cops. Signed, Carlos.
- ''Puercos'' ain't cops.
- Pigs. Another word for cops.
Wait a minute, Carlos?
lt is Cain. Charles Cain.
Carlos is Spanish for Charles.
Cain changed his name.
He didn't want to grow up to be poor.
- Cain is the Alphabet robber?
- I ain't said that.
The first code was very hard.
This is easy.
Whoever did this
wanted the cops to get it.
You ran numbers?
- I wasn't always a cop.
- He fractured an occasional law.
The horses have now
reached the starting gate.
Freeze! Hit the floor!
Freeze, goddamn it!
Goodbye, Mr Cain.
..winning it by a nose.
General was second
and Marshall's Madness came third.
- Our horse didn't come in.
- Cain's did.
The result is now official.
The winner, Johnny's Dilemma...
- Police officers!
- Police!
We're a little late.
All I can tell you now
is that we are confident
that we have identified
the Alphabet Bandit.
The man was shot dead
at the scene this morning
by security guard Jack Stiles.
ln his latest robbery attempt,
the man was fatally wounded.
So I give you my oath right here
there will be no F crime.
My computer team cracked the Alphabet
Bandit's code this afternoon.
All of the notes, mind you,
were signed ''Carlos'', right?
Carlos, which, as you all know,
is Spanish for Charles.
Do you hear what I'm saying?
- If it's Cain, where's the money?
- Where's Dent?
- You said shipping oil equipment.
- But how? Where?
- Let's put an APB out on Dent.
- For what reason?
- Where'd you get that?
- What?
lt's coming from there.
Excuse me.
How did the mud get on the horse?
He was grazing in the pasture.
- Where's the pasture at?
- There. Dent's oil field.
Bogomil had that red mud
on his sneakers.
Maybe he got a tip, he came here
and they tried to waste him.
- Who pulled the Alphabet jobs?
- Dent's going broke, OK?
So he heists some bank,
heists some jewellery,
then throws this easy code
with Cain's name on it.
Simple. You frame Cain, kill Cain,
Cain's the Alphabet killer,
Dent gets away scot-free.
Why would an oil man risk this,
even if he was broke?
Dent's not buying oil equipment,
he's buying guns from Thomopolis.
- Selling them in Central America.
- Why not split with the cash?
Dent buys guns here for a million
and sells them there for 10 million.
- Look at all that oil.
- I don't see oil.
l see trucks.
Come on, Billy.
Billy, what are you doing?
l've been wanting to wear this
for a while.
Are you nuts?
Billy, we have got to talk.
What the hell is this?
You can never have
too much firepower.
- Come on!
- Shit.
Bogomil was here.
- You like rap music?
- Yeah.
I'm from the Rap Coalition of
America. Throw that gun over there.
If you like rap music,
why ain't you smiling?
- I'm smiling.
- Smile. Let's rap together.
- Those look like oil pumps to you?
- lt looks like World War lll.
Here, Billy.
You don't have one of these, do you?
You guys hang around the back,
I'll check out the front.
- What are you doing?
- Element of surprise.
What? Are you nuts?
Fool the connecting wire
into thinking it's still intact.
These documents will make your life
much easier. You need to sign them.
You still got that thing?
lt's a bad idea. Of all the ideas
you had, this is the worst.
- Sure you know what you're doing?
- Trust me.
Come on, Axel!
Get him!
Get your head down!
''Pull pin.''
- What are you doing?
- ''Extend.''
''Pull open and...'' Wow!
''Release safety.''
Aim through there, push this.
Fuck Rambo.
Get me the fuck out of here.
- Cover me.
- Go, Axel!
- Let's get the hell out of here!
- Hold it!
- Stay right there!
- Freeze!
All right! Lay your weapons down!
Mr Foley.
You involved yourseIf in business
that doesn't concern you.
That was a mistake.
Goodbye, Mr Foley.
Come on, let's go.
- Police! You're under arrest!
- I think they know that, Billy.
Drop your weapons!
Put your hands on your heads!
- They got their hands up.
- What took you guys so long?
Shit. We're in trouble now.
God damn it! Axel's AWOL.
We can get out of this if
we keep quiet. Don't say anything.
What the hell have you done here?
Looks like a goddamn war zone.
What have you done, Taggart?
We solved the Alphabet crimes.
Shut up.
Who the hell is talking to you?
l solved the Alphabet
case over an hour ago.
And you! I don't give a damn who
you're working for. You're in jail.
- Chief...
- Shut up.
What are you doing,
bringing a fire fight to my city?
- You're out of the cop business!
- Will you just listen a minute?
- You shut your mouth!
- No goddamn! You shut up!
This is what the Alphabet crimes
are about...guns! That guy sold them,
then bought them with stolen money
from Adriano's at his own racetrack.
He was going to Central America.
If you'd take your head
out of your ass,
you'd see we solved the whole thing!
Lutz, why didn't I know about this?
Chief Lutz doesn't have
the guts to hear the truth.
We had to go undercover
with Foley to solve this case.
You're fired, Taggart!
- Yeah? Kiss my ass!
- Kiss mine! You're fired, too!
Lutz, l've had it
with your abusive attitude.
I'm sorry. I get carried away.
- You're fired. Do you understand?
- Don't overreact, Ted.
l want you out of here now.
Get out of here! Fired!
- You'll regret this, Ted.
- l've regretted it for two months.
You too. You're out of here.
Will you get out?
- Are they civilians?
- You bet.
- I'll kick your ass later!
- Axel, thank you so much, really.
l've got a charity meeting
for the homeless for Beverly Hills.
I'd like to make a donation.
Here's $200 from Sidney Bernstein.
That's my alias.
l don't like publicity.
Thank you, Axel...
l mean, Sidney Bernstein.
- Thank you, gentlemen.
- Thank you, sir.
''If you get your head
out of your ass''? ''Kiss my ass''?
You're getting more
like me every day.
Next thing you know, you'll have
afros... Big dicks and all.
- You make police chief yet?
- Right.
You are the new chief?
lnspector Todd?
Ted Egan, mayor of Beverly Hills.
l told your mayor we're very thankful
you allowed Foley to help us.
He says he's acquired all his skills
under your expert tutelage.
Certainly. He's just arrived.
Expert tutelage?
What the fuck have you been saying?
Let me talk to him.
Now that you're done
being a California hero,
get your ass home to your real job.
I'm leaving now. My ass left already.
l got to catch up with it.
One other thing, your secret partner
Mario Andretti Friedman
wrecked the goddamn Ferrari.
Here, you talk to Jeffrey.
Axel, it wasn't my fault.
There was a bus coming...
Hello? He hung up. Hello?
You don't have to go home now.
- Let's catch a marlin in Mexico.
- Fishing's too tiring.
lt's back to Detroit for some
old-fashioned street violence.
Come with me. Your wife left you.
Come hang out. I know a lot of girls.
- Maureen came back.
- Did she? Congratulations.
The people you least expected,
they're studs.
The man's a stud
and we ain't even know it.
- Couldn't live without you?
- Her mother didn't have cable TV.
lt wasn't no mother's cable TV.
Your cable brought her back.
- I'm off.
- Thanks a lot, Axel.
Don't thank me. I love you guys.
- See you around.
- Be cool, man.
Anything we can do for you?
Yeah. Take care of my uncle's house
till he gets back.
Axel, that's not really
your uncle's house, is it?
Yeah. Trust me.
What the hell's going on?
Who are you? Who's that black guy?