Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)

Nobody got no questions
about the layout, right? No questions?
Let's go over this shit one more time.
They got a small dinger
on the entrance door.
I'm gonna get them to open it.
Then me and Levine are going in, right?
Giolito and Pederson, you go over
to this overhead door and you block it.
OK? Rondell and Leppert,
hit the back door.
No problem. It's a piece of cake.
McKee and Cline,
you're gonna be in the yard
in case we get some jump-outs.
You all catch somebody
trying to jump out...
- Foley.
- Excuse me a second.
Where in the hell is SWAT?
- Boss, I cancelled the SWAT team.
- You what?
I wouldn't raid
a church bingo game without SWAT.
These guys are carjackers.
They're mechanics.
We can handle this. We don't need SWA blowing holes in all my evidence.
Besides, they might shoot somebody.
Let's do this.
This is your operation.
I'm just an observer.
But I'll be watching.
Just observe how I don't have
to use SWAT, and trust me on this.
Everybody's ready, right?
Nobody need to take a nervous piss?
We got this. OK?
Let's mount up.
This is Dick Purtan. We've got
55 degrees outside this morning.
Now here's Motown's own
Diana Ross and the Supremes,
and "Come See About Me".
Hey, hey! Come on.
What are you doing?
Bobby, they're here.
Any trouble with the hijack?
- Right where you say it is.
- Piece of cake, man.
- Anybody hurt?
- No.
Good. I don't like to see
people unnecessarily injured.
Nobody got hurt.
- Keys?
- Ain't your truck yet, man.
Not till we see some money.
I just want to look in the back.
- Where's our money?
- Pay him.
Hey, hey.
You think
we should have used SWAT?
- Fuck SWAT.
- That's what I say. Fuck SWAT.
- Some guy. What should I do?
- Kill him.
How you doing?
Is this the illegal chop shop?
One of them illegal places
where they chop up cars?
'Cause I got a Buick out here,
belong to my wife.
I want to get this shit chopped up,
because the bitch ain't acting right.
Can you take
a look at it for me, please?
Go, go, go!
They got fucking machine guns.
- I thought you said they had no guns!
- They must've changed their world view.
Get the 12-gauge.
We should've called SWAT.
Police! Hands in the air!
Shit! Move it! Go! Go!
What the...?
Daniel, come on!
Y'all cover me! I'm going in with Todd.
Axel, you on a coffee break?
Go get that son of a bitch.
Hey, Boss. Hey, man! Hey!
We got a tail.
Wax that clown.
God damn it!
Help me, man.
Police officer!
Trying to catch a goddamned killer!
Move it! Move it!
- Get the fuck out of my way! I'm a cop!
- Take it easy.
Man, get the fuck out of here,
all right?
Thank you.
My name's Steve Fulbright.
Could I see some ID, please?
Hey, man,
I am a Detroit police officer.
My name is Axel...
Where's my shit?
I'm a Detroit police officer. I am
chasing a killer who's getting away now.
- We know.
- You know what?
We know.
What's happened here, Detective Foley,
is you got yourself in the middle
of a federal investigation.
What is this, income tax?
The fucking guy in the truck
just shot a Detroit police officer!
It's very important
he not be apprehended at this time.
We want to know where
he's going with what he's got
and who he's selling it to.
- This drugs?
- We're not DEA.
We appreciate
your cooperation on this.
I checked with Washington.
This guy, Fulbright, is kosher.
He's working on something so classified,
they got the ladder up behind him.
Hey, Axel, if the federal government
wants these guys running loose,
shouldn't we close down
the investigation?
Fuck the federal government.
I want the man that killed Todd.
Now, what you got?
Not a hell of a lot.
Plates on the van were phony.
The dead mechanics were executed.
Only one was strapped,
it was still holstered.
Plus, the bodies of the two shooters
had 30,000 in cash.
That's high-priced heat.
Only ID on both these shooters
were San Diego drivers' licenses.
San Diego PD's got
a sheet on these guys.
Enforcers for hire,
mostly for the Tijuana drug dealers.
You think this is about drugs?
An attach case which may belong
to one of the shooters
had a towel in it from the
Wonder World Hotel in California.
Wonder World?
Did you check out
that car they shot Todd from?
Yeah, rental from the airport.
The renter's a Dr. Oliver Hirsch
from Oklahoma City.
- Stolen ID?
- Yeah.
Doctor said his wallet was lifted
while he was on vacation
at an amusement park.
I hope you're gonna tell me the
amusement park was Wonder World.
- Excuse me.
- Wonder World.
I understand
that you were with him at the end.
Yeah. His last words were about you.
That does not sound
like my Douglas, Axel.
Try again.
Actually, his last words were,
"Axel, are you on a coffee break?
Go and get that son of a bitch".
Those were his last words.
That sounds like my Douglas.
Yeah, it sounds like a good idea, too.
- Hello.
- Hello, my name's Axel Foley.
I'm looking for Billy Rosewood.
Welcome to the Beverly Hills
Police Department.
To continue this message
in English, press one, pound.
For Spanish, press two, star.
For Farsi, press three, pound.
If you have homeless people
on your lawn, press 15.
If you need the riot rumour hotline,
press 17.
Hey! Which button for Billy Rosewood?
Rosewood? In the house?
Le Rosewood. Moi le Rosewood.
Come in.
It's open.
- Axel Foley!
- Billy, how you doing?
- I don't believe it.
- Look at your office! Look at this!
You got three windows in here,
venetian blinds, and a ficus.
One of them big, healthy
ficus in your office.
Not just the ficus. Look.
You got a refrigerator
in your office?
Man, J. Edgar Hoover didn't even
have a refrigerator in his office.
Just maybe some hair curlers
and a dryer or something.
What they promote you to,
captain or something?
The JG-Joe-Joe-C? What is that?
It stands for
"Deputy Director of Operations
for Joint Systems Interdepartmental
Operational Command".
Here we are. Los Angeles.
One of the greatest cities
in the world, Axel, divided.
Divided by its unique geography.
- Geography?
- LA is a vast metropolis,
with social and economic imbalances
spread over an enormous distance.
A criminal hits here, Beverly Hills,
then here, West Hollywood,
then here, downtown.
Whose responsibility is it?
Impossible. So it all comes here.
Every crime that crosses a green line.
- A green line?
- Green lines of jurisdiction.
Beverly Hills, West Hollywood,
downtown, the Valley, Santa Monica.
Peace officers respect these green
lines, Axel, but the criminal doesn't.
So whenever a criminal crosses
between green lines,
that's when the DDO-JSIOC
goes to work.
That's very impressive, Billy.
I control the green lines,
and Axel...
...whoever controls the green lines
controls southern California.
You wanted to see me, Billy?
Oh, yes I did, Jon. The sheriff's
department nabbed two guys
pulling a stall-and-hook
in a mall parking lot.
It's the same MO
as those jobs on Melrose last week.
Beautiful. I'll run out there
and talk to them.
They're holding 'em in Van Nuys.
I'll call and tell them you're coming.
- Good. All right.
- Jon...
I want you to meet a friend of mine.
Axel Foley. Axel, Jon Flint.
How are you? I've heard about you.
You're from Detroit, right?
Taggart used to talk about you.
Hey. Taggart! Where is he?
I'd love to say hello to him.
Then you'll have to fly to Phoenix.
Taggart's retired.
Spends his days lost in the woods
looking for his golf balls.
That's a dream
I'm not too far from myself.
So what brings you to California, Axel?
- I'm looking for a killer.
- In Beverly Hills?
- No. Wonder World.
- Wonder World?
You mean Rufus Rabbit
has gone berserko?
No. My boss got gunned down
in a chop shop.
The killer got away
in a cream-coloured Ford truck,
- and I think it might be out here.
- Plates?
Plates were phony. We got some
evidence that points to Wonder World.
So what I want to do is go down
to Wonder World and look around
and ask some questions.
Maybe I can find something out.
Would y'all know somebody there?
Absolutely. Ellis DeWald
is the head of park security.
Runs the biggest private
security force in America.
Can you introduce me to him?
As soon as I have a talk
with the perps in Van Nuys, all right?
You go on out. I'll call DeWald,
tell him you're coming.
He's a great guy. He's a pal of mine.
I'll meet you out there.
Great. Thanks.
You'll love Wonder World.
It's a great place.
Axel, don't forget,
we play by the rules around here.
I've heard Taggart's stories.
Which one of those green lines
is Wonder World behind?
- There he is!
- OK, come on!
Hello, sir, welcome to Wonder World.
Can I help you?
Yes, I'd like to talk to one of the park
executives, a Mr. Ellis DeWald.
Do you have an appointment?
- I'm supposed to. My name's Axel Foley.
- OK.
I'm sorry, sir.
I don't have you on the list.
Maybe they haven't called yet.
A Detective Flint from
the Beverly Hills Police Department
was supposed to call
and get me squared away.
I'm sorry, sir, but if you don't have
an appointment for park business,
you will have to buy a ticket.
- How much is a ticket?
- Thirty-five dollars.
Thirty-five dollars?!
That allows you and your party access
to all the rides, shows and attractions.
Wait a minute. Look,
I don't want to go on any rides,
and I don't have any party.
It's just me.
All I wanna do
is talk to the director of security.
Excuse me, sir, would you step
out of line for a moment, please?
- What line?
- Just step over here, please, sir.
Thank you.
Is there a problem, sir?
Yeah, I'll tell you
what the problem is.
Thirty-five dollars,
that's what the problem is.
If the admission seems high,
we suggest you go
down the road to Fantasy Park.
You might find their ticket price
more to your liking, sir.
The point is, I'm here to see
Ellis DeWald. Is he your boss?
Yes. Mr. DeWald
is head of security and guest relations.
- Do you have an appointment?
- I'm supposed to have an appointment.
"Supposed to" is not having, is it, sir?
Excuse me.
- One, please.
- There you go. Thank you.
Thank you.
You know, you should have your tailor
cut the jacket a little wider
in the chest.
That way your gun
won't bulge in the back.
Thank you.
Uncle Dave.
What's going on?
"Alien Attack"?
Can I help you?
I was just curious
what Alien Attack is.
Attention! Attention!
This is a red alert.
Alien spacecraft
are invading the city.
Board the subway trains
for immediate evacuation.
This is wild.
Yes, it's one of our
more popular attractions.
Excuse me, but...
what are you doing in here?
You're right. I gotta go.
I have a meeting,
but thanks for the show.
Punch up tunnel nine. Take a look.
- What do you want to do?
- I'll send Cooper. Get him.
Excuse me.
- Hey!
- That's not fair.
I gotta go grease a chain.
- Hear how dry it sounds?
- Sorry.
Come on. Let's go.
- Hi, Mom!
- Mom, up here!
- Hi, Mommy! Up here!
- We're here!
- Bring that man down.
- I can't until it goes all...
- I said bring it down, God damn it.
- Don't...
Don't. Don't! Jesus!
- What the hell?
- What's going on?
Code red on The Spider.
Wonder World? Axel!
- Mama!
- Help!
Help! Please!
Oh, shit!
Oh, my God. Look!
- Are you all right?
- I'm OK, just don't let go.
All units in the vicinity
of Wonder World,
proceed immediately to assist
in emergency rescue.
You see this rope?
We're gonna try to slide down this rope
all the way to the ground.
- We are?
- We're gonna try.
Gimme your hand. I want you
to come up and hold on to my neck.
Come on. It's OK.
You gonna grab
onto my neck really tight.
OK? Come on. Hold on really tight.
Hold on tight...
Not too tight!
Give me your hand.
Come on. None of that.
Give me your hand. It's OK. Come on.
It's OK.
Come on.
Hang on! Hang on tight!
Come on. Come on up.
Our head of security has confirmed
your identity with the Detroit police.
But neither they nor I...
...understand what
you're doing at Wonder World.
I told you, I was investigating a crime.
I think I'm in the right place,
because I've been here for ten minutes
and I've already been shot at.
Yes. Some of our
guest relations people, you said.
Miss Perkins is here
with the surveillance tapes.
Send her right in.
This starts in The Spider
maintenance tunnel.
There I am, coming down the tunnel.
What is that?
Tracking fuzz.
The monitors are all on a loop.
I don't see any gunman, Mr. Foley.
Who the fuck do you think
I was shooting at?
You better start thinking
about a lawyer, Foley.
The tapes don't show your gunman.
They don't show something else,
Mr. Sanderson.
They don't show Mr. Foley's courage
when the ride malfunctioned.
He risked his life to save two children.
Yeah, they don't show that shit.
Well, that would be very impressive,
if we knew for sure you didn't cause
the malfunction in the first place.
- Mr. DeWald.
- Send him in.
Mr. Foley, Mr. DeWald.
You fuck! Motherfucker...
That's him!
That's the fucking guy I'm looking for!
Orrin, you want to tell me
what's going on here?
This fucking guy shot
a Detroit police officer last weekend!
Last weekend? I was at my
beach house in Laguna last weekend.
Your beach home in Laguna?
Wait, hold on, I think I got
the wrong guy. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, this is a big... I'm cool.
This is a big misunderstanding.
I didn't know you were at your beach...
...fucking beach house in Laguna!
You motherfucker!
- Miss Bruce, call the police.
- They just walked in.
That's the guy! That's the killer!
Ellis DeWald?
We really appreciate this, Ellis.
Your friend is lucky Mr. Sanderson
doesn't want any publicity.
You just keep him and his delusions
out of my face and out of my park.
No problem, Ellis. You got it, babe.
By the way,
are we still on for Sunday?
Bring your money, sucker.
All right. When you have
a little more time, I'd like to...
Not right now. Later, perhaps.
Here we go.
Thank you.
And the usual for you, Billy.
Thanks a lot.
Isn't it just possible
that you're mistaken, Foley?
That Ellis DeWald
just resembles Todd's killer?
I made the guy in Detroit.
It was DeWald.
DeWald is the head of the largest
private police department
in Southern California.
I mean, he works with us, with the LAPD.
Hell, with the governor's office.
Everybody loves him.
He's even getting an award tonight,
from the National Association
of Security Agencies.
Axel, it's understandable
that you're distraught
and looking for justice,
not to mention revenge.
But isn't it just possible
that you want it so much
that you saw your killer in a man
who bore a slight resemblance?
We run into this
all the time in police work, Axel.
Where is DeWald
getting that award tonight?
Axel, don't.
Hey, Flint, your friend DeWald
is foul, OK? I know he's foul.
I'm going to this awards show tonight.
I'm gonna put some pressure on him.
And maybe I'll panic him
into doing something stupid.
Axel, if you go
to that dinner tonight...
...I'm going with you.
Pick me up at the Sunset Motel.
Freeze, motherfucker!
- Detective Foley?
- You're Uncle Dave! Hey!
Hey, Uncle... Oh, my God,
I almost shot Uncle Dave!
I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry.
Nice to meet you! Uncle Dave!
The front desk let us in to wait,
Mr. Foley. I hope you don't mind.
No, it's fine. It's Uncle Dave!
Uncle Dave! Uncle Dave!
Hey, have a seat.
- Thank you.
- I was such a fan of yours.
- Thank you, son.
- Uncle Dave...
You're very kind.
Detective Foley,
what's going on at my park?
- You think there's something going on?
- I have no doubts.
- What?
- I have no doubts...
...nor do I have any ideas.
Exactly two weeks ago,
Detective Foley,
Roger Fry, the park's
chief operating officer...
...and my friend, disappeared.
Roger Fry designed the park,
every nook and cranny of it, from the
landscaping to the concession stands.
What do you mean
he just disappeared?
Show him the note.
I received this interoffice
the day Roger disappeared.
"This is important,
life and death. Roger"
- What was so important?
- I don't know.
What was he doing
the day he disappeared?
It was nothing special. He was probably
doing one of his usual inspections.
You say this guy designed
the whole park?
- And he knew the place cold, right?
- Of course.
So what are you thinking?
I'm thinking that he
must've found something
that someone
didn't want him to find.
At Wonder World?
What on earth could that be?
It's a place
of childhood innocence and fun.
And life and death.
- You met Uncle Dave?
- Yep.
Uncle Dave.
I don't believe it. I'd give
anything to have been with you.
- Did he do the Oki-Doki Shuffle?
- No.
- Hi. William Rosewood, DDO-JSIOC.
- I beg your pardon?
This is me. Thank you.
Now, what you gonna do with this shit?
No way.
I don't believe this! Ackwell!
Ackwell Folee!
Ackwell Folee, you crazy thing.
What you doing here?
- "Serge."
- Serge.
Look at your head!
I love it short!
- Yeah, Serge.
- Turn around. Turn around.
I don't believe how perfect you look!
And then finally you have black
Hush Poopies,
which are totally retro, which I love.
You put a really good package together.
- You remember Billy Rosewood.
- Billy! Billy, I remember you.
- Do you remember?
- Of course.
I made you an espresso at
the art gallery with a lemon twist?
It was the last one I ever made.
It's terrible to drink espresso.
You know why?
It stain your teeth.
I'm not going to show you mine,
but let me see your teeth.
They're so pretty.
Can I see your teeth?
Look, and you got healthy gums.
- Do you do colonics?
- Excuse me?
- Do you do colonics?
- No. Never...
- It's my new favourite thing!
- You dig colonics?
I can't tell you what it's like, because
they stick a hose up inside you...
- I know...
- No, you've got to understand.
Out comes a candy bar
from when you were five!
What happened to your
art gallery that you had?
The art gallery is completely bankrupt.
In the toilet. Why?
Because we had an owner who was
obstinate and stupid and ignorant.
- You shot him, remember?
- Oh, right, yes. I shot him.
- What are you doing now?
- I'm doing guns. Come and look!
This is my booth.
The Survival Boutique.
We are doing weapons and protective
devices and products for survival
in the helter-skelter world of today.
OK, now, one thing's very important.
At the Survival Boutique,
I feel that it's my personality,
my philosophy that everything
must conform to the three P's, OK,
which is protection, prestige
and pretty.
I mean, why you should look ugly
if you're just trying to survive?
You should be able to maintain
your personal sense of style
and be safe as well.
OK, what do you think this is?
Is look like a key chain,
but it's so much more.
This is called a Stunner.
It is designed by an ex-Navy SEAL.
OK? Very serious individual,
I never see him smile.
Also, I never see him
in a pair of pants that fit.
Someone comes up to you
who is a carjacker.
Do you want to die for your Camry?
I don't think so, right?
So you say...
a little bit of deception...
"I want to separate
the house from my car keys, OK?
I'm just going to push this button,
OK?" And he says, "OK."
And then you push this button,
and out it comes from the mechanism,
the brightest, blinding light
ever that you seeing.
He cannot see. He's like this.
Everyone is come running
to help you.
And once again,
you have survived with style.
Wow. That's cool.
Billy, I want to give you one
for a present, OK?
- Thank you.
- And Ackwell...
I want to give you one
because I worry about you.
- I want you to be safe.
- Thanks.
Now I'm going to show you something
that is going to totally
blow your rocks off.
It's absolutely orgasmic
and my most thing that I'm proud of.
It's the most up-to-date,
the ultimate survival tool for today.
The dawn of a new generation
in luxury personal weaponry,
the Annihilator 2000
is America's premier
survival, home and travel
total security unit.
The Annihilator 2000 is a
lightweight, high-performance weapon
that meets the demands
of the new generation
of upper-income urban survivalists.
The Annihilator 2000
has the conveniences
of a cellular telephone
with fax machine and a microwave oven.
Night-vision goggles,
verbal alarm systems, a compact
disc player, digital AM/FM radio,
video camera and playback functions
are just a few of the features
of the extraordinary
Annihilator 2000.
You think those are real?
Stopping power is a matter of
convenience with your Annihilator 2000.
That's Dodi, my personal trainer.
She can bench-press 200 pounds.
She's working on reducing
my body fat, but it's really difficult,
because I keep sneaking away
to have a goat cheese.
I don't care. I wear suits.
The Annihilator 2000 is constructed
of a lightweight aluminium alloy,
combined with a new
polymer technology,
making it totally resistant
to corrosion.
The dawn of a new generation
in luxury personal weaponry,
the Annihilator 2000
is America's premier
survival, home and travel
total security unit.
Now, who's the hell is gonna
buy that shit?
Are you joking?
This is LA. I'm selling hundreds
of these. It's on back order.
- Get the fuck outta here!
- No, I cannot!
I am trying to tell you,
I sell ten of these
to Jackie Stallone
for stocking stuffers.
- Get the fuck outta here.
- Sly come in and bought 14.
Zsa Zsa Gabor has one...
- We gotta go, Serge.
- Thanks.
Ackwell, try to say Serge.
It's not so difficult.
"Serge" sounds like a detergent.
What are you gonna do, Axel?
I'm not gonna do nothing.
I just wanna hear the man speak.
To keep a park like Wonder World
a safe, wholesome, family environment
in difficult times like these
is an enormous challenge.
But my friend Ellis DeWald
has done just that.
Couple that with Ellis' work
with underprivileged kids,
some of whom are seated at the
head table right now with Ellis...
...and you can understand
why he's our award winner.
So let's bring him up here.
Ladies and gentlemen, the head of
security at Wonder World
and Private Law Enforcement's
Man of the Year award winner,
my dear friend, Ellis DeWald.
- Congratulations. You deserve it.
- Thank you, Orrin.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks, Mike.
You're not gonna do nothing, Axel.
You never do nothing.
Thank you very much.
You know, a lot of nice things happen
when you work at a nice place
like Wonder World,
especially when your bosses
are people like Orrin Sanderson
and Uncle Dave Thornton.
And I don't think
that Uncle Dave would mind
if I said that this is
the nicest thing yet.
Thank you very much.
Please don't do this, Axel.
Please don't do it. Don't do it.
- Bravo!
- Don't do it. Don't do it.
Bravo, Ellis DeWald! Ellis DeWald!
Bravo! Bravo, Ellis!
Ellis DeWald, ladies and gentlemen!
Ellis DeWald! Y'all keep it going!
Keep it going for Ellis DeWald!
Come on, it's Ellis!
Ellis DeWald, y'all!
You're not clapping loud enough!
This is Ellis DeWald!
It's this man's night! Yes!
Ladies and gentlemen, I travelled
all the way from Detroit, Michigan
to be with this man tonight,
to honour this man tonight.
My name is Axel Foley.
I'm a Detroit police officer.
It is a tremendous surprise
for Mr. DeWald
to have me standing
right next to him right now.
I can feel his body tingling!
But, ladies and gentlemen,
I want you to know,
there's not a night that goes by
that I don't think about
what I owe Ellis DeWald.
There's not a night that passes
that I don't think about
what the people of Detroit
owe Ellis DeWald!
And I'd just like to say, when I
see y'all give him this award for...
What's this here?
Ah, that's beautiful.
"With gratitude
for community service."
And I'm going to do
the community a service
because I'm going
to pay back Ellis DeWald
everything we owe him with interest!
Ellis DeWald!
Ellis DeWald!
Go on, smile, Ellis.
Get them last few smiles in.
What's the matter, Foley?
You mad at me
for shooting your boyfriend?
I got him! I got him! I got him!
You and Billy
disturbing the peace? No!
Do me a favour.
Just make your fucking phone call
and get us out of here, all right?
Sure. Let's see, now who
do I know down there? Let's see.
Hey, don't fuck with me right now.
All right, keep your shirt on.
I'll get you guys out.
Oh, incidentally, I think we found
that truck you were looking for.
- Where?
- By the Santa Monica Pier at the beach.
I'm headed there now and
I'll pick you guys up on the way.
And Axel, in the meantime,
don't take any showers.
I'm all washed-up. Dead in the water.
Will you stop worrying? I talked to
Flint, he's gonna get us out of here.
I really liked that office.
- Foley! You're out of here.
- That was quick.
Not him, just you.
Come in.
Thank you, officer.
I ran a check on you, Foley.
You're a hell of a detective,
but something of a maverick.
I know what you're doing.
I know the drill.
You hassle DeWald,
you get him to panic,
make a rash move...
But God damn it, Foley,
we do not want to panic this man.
We want him doing business
as fucking usual.
Do you copy me, Foley?
Ticket to Detroit, first class,
courtesy of the federal government.
Also, my card.
Should you have any more thoughts
about DeWald, let us handle it.
I give you my word as a gentleman
I'll be on that plane.
Truck was spotted by an LAPD
traffic control officer in Santa Monica.
It's a different colour,
but the same make and model as yours.
Read you. Out. Beach leader, over?
Negatory, SWAT,
hold for our arrival.
ETA...11 minutes. Out.
Billy, who were you talking to?
Truck was discovered inside
the county green line,
so I co-ordinated
with the SMPD, BHPD,
LAPD, sheriff of Los Angeles County,
Supervisor of Parks and Recreation,
California State Highway Patrol,
district attorney's office
and United States Naval Shore Patrol.
Beach leader to team one. Proceed.
All teams standing ready.
Go! Go! Go!
Area secured.
Lab says these are the same
fibres as the truck upholstery.
No help there.
There's some beach sand,
probably blew in after it was abandoned.
I just had a very unpleasant
conversation with my superiors.
- What, about being busted?
- No.
There was some objection to my use
of manpower in Operation: Truck Siege.
- What is it?
- You got a 50-dollar bill?
I've got a wife and three kids.
I haven't seen a 50 in 12 years.
- Billy, you got a 50-dollar bill?
- When do I get it back?
Man, give me 50 dollars!
It's all I got.
This is corner of a 50-dollar bill, like
Billy's new one with the hidden barcode.
So the corner tore off a bill.
Happens all the time.
No, the barcode's going up and down,
which means it comes off
this corner of the bill.
If it comes off this corner
it should have some ink on it.
This doesn't.
This is too big to be blank.
Look! It's Oki-Doki!
Go after your brother.
And don't let him get away.
I got to load my camera.
Hey, nice little kid.
How you doing? Good to see you.
I love you, Oki-Doki!
Hey, Oki, do the Oki Shuffle.
That's not right! It's like this.
Hey, listen, kid.
I'm Oki-Doki and I changed the steps.
You got a problem with that?
You're supposed to be nice to me
no matter what I do!
You little motherfucker,
I'll kick your ass.
Oh, yeah?
Grandma! Grandma!
Oki-Doki pushed me!
You take it already.
Come on, Sheldon.
You playing or what?
Who the hell ate garlic?
Yeah, when's lunch?
I want a pastrami sandwich on rye.
You guys see
that new Rufus Rabbit?
- Axel?
- What?
Coffee. Would you like some coffee?
Hey, Louis, how's it going?
- Fine, fine.
- Say hi to Irene for me.
- Will do.
- Louis?
Follow me.
I wouldn't mind
giving her a little massage.
When DeWald took over
he stuck me down here
on what he calls park safety watch.
He thinks he took me out of the loop,
but as long as I have a computer,
I can still access
most of what's in the mainframe.
- OK, is this the tunnel system?
- Yes.
Do any of these tunnels lead to
a place where it's like limited access
and only DeWald's boys can go there?
No. All park accesses are
unrestricted to park personnel.
Well, except for the Happy Forest.
That's closed while it's being redone.
Show me the Happy Forest.
That would be right here
at the end of Corridor B.
It's right after...
- How long's it been closed?
- Too long.
I'm talking about
the Happy Forest ride?
The Forest.
Yes, about a couple of weeks.
It wasn't a very popular ride,
so they're trying to come up
with some new ideas.
I think they found a new idea.
Can I have this piece of thing here?
Can you rip that off for me?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
There you go.
You know...
when this thing is over...
Would you like to get together
and have some dinner or something?
- That would be nice.
- Can you put that in here?
Sure. There you go.
- We have a date.
- A date.
All right.
Can you help me with this thing?
There you go.
- Remember, an elephant never forgets.
- All right.
- Hey, Louis, how goes it?
- Fine. Nice to see you.
- Say hello to Irene.
- You bet. See you around.
Everything on schedule?
Yeah, I had to tweak
the image a little bit.
The bleeding problem.
But it's under control now.
Foley's upstairs.
Get him!
Will the DeWald family
please come to Tiny Town?
The DeWald family to Tiny Town.
But, honey,
the Happy Forest is closed.
OK, I'll meet you
at the main gate at 5:00.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- You're sorry?
Hi, this is Detective Axel Foley.
I'd like to speak
with Agent Fulbright, please.
Could you patch me into his radio?
It's an emergency.
Fulbright, Foley.
Hey, listen, I found
what you're looking for.
Yeah, I'm at Wonder World.
Fuck, man! Get out here now!
Get me 911.
Attention all cars in the vicinity
of Wonder World.
Proceed there immediately. We have a
10-19, 10-45, and 12-22 in progress.
Why am I not surprised?
All right, don't shoot!
I'll put my gun down.
I put my gun on the ground,
and I'm unarmed. Don't shoot.
This is great.
You caught him. Good.
He broke into a security area.
Relax. Save that shit
for new talent night at San Quentin.
- I'm on to your operation.
- My operation?
God damn it, Axel,
what the hell have you done now?
He went berserk.
He was firing a weapon in the park.
My God, there are hundreds
of small, innocent children around.
You know they don't give out Oscars
in prison, right?
Fuck you!
Mr. Sanderson,
there's someone here from...
Fulbright, Secret Service.
I thought I put you
on a plane to Detroit.
You're gonna be really glad
that I stayed.
Like I said, I know
what you're investigating.
What you're looking for is right here.
Yeah? And what am I investigating?
Paper, US Mint quality.
That's what was in that hijacked truck
back in Detroit.
You wanted to follow the truck
back to LA
so you could track DeWald, find out
where his fucking print shop is.
Well, it's here in Wonder World.
What on Earth is this maniac
raving about?
- He's insane! He's proved that.
- In Wonder World?
This place is as high-tech
as NASA and Nintendo combined.
They got a hidden room
under this closed ride.
And they do all this shit in there,
and I was in there,
and that's why they were chasing me.
My men were pursuing Mr. Foley
because he's obviously delusionary
and potentially dangerous.
This hidden room, delusionary also?
No. There is a closed ride,
which we use to...
- I'd better take a look at it.
- Yes, maybe we'd better look at it.
Right here. Counterfeit bills,
right out of this machine.
- Is this true?
- 'Fraid so, officer.
'Fraid we've been
caught red-handed, right, Ellis?
'Fraid so.
Would you like to see them?
They're first quality.
Make a run, Donald.
We're calling them
Wonder World dollars.
Redeemable for admission,
rides, souvenirs.
It's our big Christmas promotion.
We're giving it away to elementary
schools all across the country.
You must be in on this shit,
is that what it is?
You supply the equipment,
he supplies the paper, right?
They changed the visual matrix
from the real money
to this shit the minute that I left,
and as soon as we leave,
- they'll put it back.
- What's this paper?
- Ordinary rag.
- Then they switched it.
I am tired
of these accusations.
Officers, I want this man
arrested for public endangerment.
Could I speak with you a moment?
God damn it, Foley!
We spent a fucking year
with our noses up DeWald's ass!
We are this close
to locking this thing up,
and you... you piss all over us!
Our case is blown.
You're going back to Detroit,
and I'll tell you something else,
if you weren't a cop,
I'd have you doing dead time
in Leavenworth for life.
Detective Flint, he's yours.
Let's go, Axel.
Make sure he doesn't
get on the plane.
God damn it, Axel, I got a wife,
three kids, a mortgage
and a pension that won't cut it.
I need that job at Wonder World.
It's my retirement plan, Axel.
We're being followed.
Looks like the security guards
at Wonder World.
They probably want to make sure
you get on that plane.
Because of you,
my future is now in jeopardy.
I mean, real fucking jeopardy.
DeWald is pissed. Sanderson
doesn't think too highly of me.
Hold up! Stop the car!
- That liquor store. Stop the car!
- What?
- Oh, shit!
- Wait!
It's all right. Don't worry.
Take it easy.
I'll get him. I'll get him.
When I do, I'll kill him!
Axel, I left as soon
as I got your call. Are you all right?
I'm fine, but Dave, listen, I want you
to think back real hard
to the night that Fry first disappeared.
Maybe you forgot to tell me something.
No. Why would you think that?
Because this note by itself...
It just don't make no sense.
"This is important.
Life and death. Roger."
Why would he send that?
It don't say "Help".
He don't say, "I need to talk to you".
Nothing. It's just this.
Oh, shit.
Fry must have found
some sample paper.
He knew they would kill him
so he sent you it.
- Look, there's a barcode on it.
- What does that mean?
That means that this paper
used to belong to Uncle Sam.
Now we got some evidence.
We can put Sanderson and DeWald's ass
in jail. That's what it means.
I don't think so.
I figured you'd call Uncle Dave
here, so we followed him.
I actually was a real cop once,
so I know how you assholes think,
which is to say, slowly.
Very slowly.
So you were carrying
around the evidence
in your pocket the whole time,
huh, Sherlock?
Well, here's how the real ending
of the story goes.
Let's see if you like it.
We, at Wonder World,
heard you were on the loose.
You had a grudge against the park.
I feared you might try
to harm our beloved Uncle Dave,
so I raced over here as fast
as I could to try and stop you,
but alas, it was too late.
Get him in the car.
All the way in the car.
Take it. Take it.
What's the matter,
you worried about fingerprints, Foley?
Forget it.
Take a look at the gun. It's yours.
Give me your weapon.
Pick up that gun
and throw it in the street!
Close the door and get over there!
Hold on, Uncle Dave. Damn it!
Don't you die on me, man.
Hey! I got an emergency out here.
It's a gut shot. Hey, come on!
Hey, that was Uncle Dave.
- What's his pressure?
- Ninety over 40 and dropping.
All right, I got to get his pressure up.
Let's go, guys.
Four units.
I need oxygen. Let's go.
On three. One, two, three.
Get an arterial line in him.
Any medical history?
I've been shot before,
but it's no big deal.
- Hey, man, where's the coffee machine?
- Down the hall.
Attention, this is an all-city alert for
a suspect in the Thornton shooting.
Suspect is an
African-American male in his 30s...
You hear some black guy
shot Uncle Dave?
- No.
- Come on, let's get out of here.
Did you hear?
Somebody shot Dave Thornton.
- Somebody shot Uncle Dave?
- Is there a TV here?
Yes, of course.
Authorities believe that Foley
may have decided to attack Uncle Dave
in retaliation
for some personal rejection.
The much-loved Uncle Dave Thornton
is undergoing emergency
surgery at this moment.
According to hospital sources,
the prognosis is bleak.
How does a psycho like that
live with himself?
Janice, Axel.
Get out of the park right now.
They're going to kill whoever
knows about Roger Fry's note.
I got the note and
I'm taking it to the feds.
You must be looking for Janice.
She can't come to the phone right now.
Can I take a message?
- If you do anything to her...
- It'll be your fault.
I want you at Wonder World
within the hour.
Come to the main gate
alone and unarmed.
- And bring the piece of mint paper.
- Oh, then you let us both go?
You don't show up here in a half-hour,
alone and unarmed, and with no cops,
I kill your friend.
And it wouldn't
be the first time, would it, Foley?
I've just been informed
that we have an amateur video
of the incident this afternoon
involving Uncle Dave's
suspected assassin, Axel Foley.
All right, don't shoot.
I'm putting my gun down.
I'm putting it on the ground.
I'm not armed. Don't shoot.
That was an amateur video
shot earlier today by a tourist.
Would you please
take special care of my car?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
- Shit!
- Ackwell...
- Again!
- Serge, I need a weapon.
I don't have any weapon.
I take all back to the boutique.
- What about this?
- This is the floor model.
People been breathing on it,
coughing on it, touching it...
Serge, I need a weapon now.
Donny. Donny, Ackwell
in some kind of rush, OK?
So take the Annihilator
and wash it off with some swab
of cologne or something
and take the case and make sure
it's nice and pretty, OK?
It's Corinthian leather.
Detective Billy Rosewood.
Axel Foley calling.
Axel, listen. Am I your friend?
I am your friend.
I'm sure you can explain everything,
or maybe you can't explain anything,
but you've got to turn yourself in, man!
- I'm going to Wonder World.
- No! Wait for me! Axel!
Put your arms out
and hold for a pat-down.
Foley just arrived, sir.
Take him to control.
We have Foley.
Come on.
- How much do you want run?
- All of it.
- Axel!
- Are you OK?
Let's have it. The mint paper.
Hey, there's a Porsche parked out
by the front gate.
There's a phone inside.
When she calls back here,
I'll give you the mint paper.
- I don't think so.
- Then we got a stalemate.
Not quite. Orrin...
We kill you both.
The paper don't mean jack shit.
How you know I didn't mail
the paper to the Secret Service
with a little note attached to it?
- He's bluffing.
- You think so? Call me.
Orrin, I know how cops think.
The note is in the car, right?
The keys, Foley.
Give me the fucking keys.
- Drop that fucking gun!
- Again?
Drop it!
Axel, what the hell are you doing here?
- What the hell happened?
- It's the coolant safety system.
Protects the mainframe
in case of fire.
- How do we get it open?
- We can't. Not from this side.
He's trying to use an outside line.
Do something!
Hello, police?
Foley's loose in the park!
I repeat...
Foley's loose in the park! Get him!
Mr. DeWald!
We gotta do something.
Call for help!
There's no phone in here, just the
modem line for the computers.
I got it!
Just let the computer dial...
The phone would just ring and ring
on the other end, and that's it.
What good would that be?
A lot of good.
We can call Flint's pager.
Foley is in Hometown Square.
Repeat, Foley is in Hometown Square.
Foley is heading for Alien Attack.
Attention. Attention.
This is a red alert.
Alien spacecraft are invading the city.
Board the subway trains
for immediate evacuation.
He ran up those stairs!
Tell him I need that right away!
Damn it. Not again. Excuse me.
Dispatch, this is Flint.
Trace that number
that keeps calling me. 555-4085.
Trace just came in. It's a computer line
at the Wonder World theme park.
Wonder World? Call 'em back.
Tell them their computer's on the blink.
We tried that, but all the voice
lines at Wonder World seem to be down.
Must have something to do
with that Uncle Dave shooting.
- Jesus! Somebody shot Uncle Dave?
- Some fool named Axel Foley.
Hey, hey...
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Where the fuck is he?
Get to a phone and call the police.
I'll try and find Axel.
All right!
There you are. Foley's...
Name's Wild Bill Rosewood.
I'm the sheriff of this town.
What the hell happened here?
Damn it!
Turn that fucking song off!
Foley? You all right?
- Hello, Fulbright.
- You hurt bad?
Look, Foley, I guess
I owe you an apology.
You were right.
I got Sanderson handcuffed
in the car. He was in on it, right?
I found out about another partner
that was in on it.
So long, Foley.
You OK?
Any chance you can explain
any of this to me?
Like why the fuck am I shot?
You guys OK?
- Are you OK?
- I'm fine.
I wonder what time the park opens.
He needs medical attention.
- Does this hurt?
- Don't touch it.
I am so very, very happy
to introduce to you our new character
in Wonder World,
named after a man who's most
responsible for my being here today.
Axel Fox!
Hey, I don't think you've seen
the Tunnel of Love ride, have you, Axel?
I didn't know y'all had
a Tunnel of Love ride at Wonder World.
There will be shortly.