Beyond (2014)

Sixteen summers since
My last confession
Bless me father, it
appears that I've sinned
Broken bones and hearts
One great depression
I loved and lost her
like a leaf in the wind
Washington has
released a statement saying
That the light, which has
grown in size dramatically
Over the last 48 hours, is
most likely a large meteor or
Asteroid, nearly 300
million miles from earth.
However, Francois Deleruyelle,
the amateur astronomist who
First spotted the light, has
already attracted a lot of
Interest after his emphatic
claim that the object is
headed directly towards earth.
Empty the fucking till.
Yeah, okay...
hurry up!
Okay, okay!
Hurry the fuck up!
For fuck's sake, hurry up!
Is that everything?
That's everything!
Are you sure?
I swear.
You full of fucking shit?
No! That's everything, I swear!
No it's not. And the rest.
But I swear, that's
all I've got!
Think I'm fucking stupid?
Get some more!
You got more down there and I know it!
But that's all I've got!
That's all I've got!
Please just take it
And go!
Are you fucking kidding me?
Get your fucking safe!
Look, I've not got a safe!
Aye, bullshit!
Get your fucking safe.
Look, I've not got a safe!
Please, just take the money!
Get my bag and get
the fucking safe open!
I've not got a fucking safe!
You fucking lying to me?
No, I'm not lying!
Please, just take
the money and go!
You're fucking lying to me.
Look, please just take
the fucking money!
Get down there and
fucking get it!
I've not got a safe, please go!
i swear, I'll fucking do it!
Please, please, just go!
It's a fucking gun
in your fucking face.
Fucking open it!
I haven't got one!
For fuck's sake, hurry up!
Move it!
Haven't got a safe, mate!
What are you doing?
Get fucking back!
No one needs to get hurt.
We'll just calm down...
You. Wallet. Now.
And what if I don't?
What are you going to do?
Put a bullet through your head.
That's what.
Fucking no, please, let
me just fucking go please!
No you won't.
You're not going to do that.
What, things haven't worked
out well for you so you think
That gives you the right to
come in here and wave a gun in
People's faces?
Why don't you go
and fuck yourself?
Wallet now, or I swear to
god I will fucking kill you!
Please, just fucking
give him your wallet.
Please give him your wallet!
Just go!
Fucking hell, man. You've got
the money.
Just give him it.
You could probably
do anything you want.
You know that?
If you've got money problems,
why don't you go and get a
Fucking job?
Oh, I know why.
'Cause you're too
much of a pussy.
A pussy?
A pussy.
You've got two fucking seconds.
Do you want to shoot me?
Go ahead you fucking coward.
Do it!
It's alright, it's alright.
Shh, shh, shh...
please help me, please don't
let me, please don't...
it's alright, it's alright.
999, what's your emergency?
Yeah, I need, I
need an ambulance.
Some fascinating
things coming out from some of
The calls today, I mean, if
all we really have to think
About is, where, where were we
tens of thousands of years ago
when this
asteroid began its journey?
I've been trying to call you for
Two hours.
Where are you?
I'm at the, um...
it doesn't matter.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Um, I could do with a drink
actually, if you fancy it.
Of course I fancy it.
Why do you think I was calling?
It wasn't for your stimulating
fucking conversational skills.
Okay, where are you?
I'm in the white swamp, but I'm
just moving on to
Somewhere else.
I'll text you the address.
As long as it's not
another house party, okay?
I just want a quiet drink.
hi, this is Richie.
Leave a message and
I'll call you back.
Hi mate.
It's me. I'm here. Where are
I'm downstairs.
Don't even know if I'm
in the right house.
Call me back.
Please do help yourself.
This yours?
It is.
That's alright, I forgive you.
At least you've got good taste.
It's wasted on that lot.
One for the road.
I bought it back from Venezuela.
You ever been to south America?
Uh, not yet.
I'm Maya.
Nice to meet you Cole.
That's a cool name, eh?
Whose name?
The astrologist's.
Astronomist's, whatever it is.
Huh, first name or a last name?
I think it's his last,
but it works for either.
Deleruyelle Jones.
Deleruyelle Goldstein.
He sounds like a Jewish
Coventry detective in a 1960s
Crime novel.
Sounds more like a porn star.
I mean, what do they say?
A 0.00001 % chance
it's going to hit us?
You know, you can see it now.
Are you serious?
It's been visible
since Wednesday.
Someone's a little
bit self-Involved.
It's been one of those weeks.
I've been having all sorts of...
hey, I've got my own problems.
Do you know what would be the
best problem solver
Of all time?
If we knew with absolute
certainty that thing was going
To hit us.
I mean how liberating would
it be without any doubt it was
Actually going to
smash right into us.
Nothing would matter.
Um, everything would matter.
Why would it?
Well, I'd agree with you if
they were going to hit us in
Three days.
If they were three days away,
there would be nothing we
Could do to prepare.
We could just forget about all
of life's problems and money
And bullshit and have fun.
Now that would be liberating.
This thing's what,
three years away?
Two years, 291 days.
What a nerd.
Thank you.
So if it was definitely going
to hit us but it was two
Years, 290-Whatever days
away, I think it would be the
We'd all be so burdened with
the responsibility of having
To survive.
We'd be so preoccupied
making plans to survive
that we would never be able
to just sit back and enjoy it.
This is getting pretty deep.
Mm, you started it.
So who do you know here?
That's slightly embarrassing.
I was here to meet
my friend, Richard.
He's upstairs.
To speed into one of the
bedrooms with a girl dressed
Like princess Diana.
Well, in that case,
you've got me.
I don't know anybody.
You know me.
Except for you.
So I know you don't
work with Richie.
What do you do?
Well, h-How do you know that
I don't work with Richie?
Because your hands don't feel
like you've been counting
Money your whole adult life.
Well, I'm just doing a bit of
manual labor at the moment.
Geez, don't bore me with
the details, will you?
I work on a building site.
A building site.
I notice you're avoiding
using the word "builder."
It's alright. I get it.
I sometimes pour pints at my
dad's pub for some extra cash.
It doesn't make me a bar maid.
Maya, you coming?
No, I'm going to hang around
for a little while longer.
It was nice to meet you.
It was great to meet you guys.
See ya.
See ya.
Wouldn't expect those two
to get together, would you?
Jesus and Hitler?
You know, I think he
was after a threesome.
Well, I think he would be lucky.
I only met them
half an hour ago.
That's all it takes.
Is it?
Put this on.
I don't think so.
Don't give me that look.
you serious?
I'm so turned on right now.
Aha, this smells of, um, feet.
So what did you
actually want to be?
Well, I trained
to be a carpenter.
Oh, like Jesus.
Ah, exactly like Jesus.
Well, just don't go
making your own cross.
I love this.
Turn it up!
Come on Geppetto.
Are you serious?
Come and dance with me.
I was heading south,
kicking through the leaves
And last weekend was
when our clocks went back
Summers have gone,
but it don't feel bad
You would've thought by now
that I'd have found my senses
Still I'm running
'round, jumping fences
But it's a road I'm running
And it's the only
road that I have known
And still I can't
find my way home
If you think you can
do better, be my guest.
You're better off
using your bare hands.
See anything?
I think they're following you.
Yeah, right.
I thought we had to
get back before sunset.
You're not coming
out with me again.
It's not even dark yet.
Well, funnily enough, I'd
rather not wait until the last
Well forget it.
I'm not staying in here.
It's for your own safety.
Can't just keep me locked
up in the dark all day.
I'll get scurvy.
You get rickets from not
getting enough sunlight.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I forgot you had a
degree in medicine.
I can just about outrun them.
You can't.
I can run faster than you.
Are you doing that
to piss me off?
Doing what?
Blow your nose.
What, are you my grandmother?
Barry Gruberman.
Why do I know that name?
He had a map.
Not this...
he was heading to Norway.
I can't keep having
this same conversation.
That's where all the
evacuees were heading.
Yeah, where?
They said if you get to
an evacuation center, then
Refugee boats are
leaving for Norway.
And how long ago was that?
How do you even know
it's still safe?
Well, if it doesn't
get dark, then...
oh, here we go.
There's a reason they call it
the land of the midnight sun.
That's where she is.
I know it.
You have no idea where she
is, and that's exactly how you
Like it.
Your parents aren't stupid.
They'll have got to
one of the boats.
Just trust me.
Have you got any pesto?
Uh, down the back, top shelf.
Now, returning
our attention to the night
that's 7.80, mate.
What's the latest?
Oh, they reckon it's
like fifty miles wide.
No, I mean with the
guy who got shot.
Oh, Michael.
Yeah, Michael. How's he doing?
Not great.
They think he's eventually
going to need a transplant.
What kind of transplant?
Do I look like a doctor?
They, they find
the guy who did it?
More chance of
finding my virginity.
Who sent this one in.
Look at that gorgeous
skyline over London.
The reality
is that one day, whether it's
Tomorrow or...
I brought this for you.
For us.
I mean, you said we
were having fish, so.
Great, okay.
Hmm, glasses...
how long you lived here?
Uh, about two years.
Can I put some music on?
Yeah, please.
Yeah, go ahead.
I knew we should've gone out.
You've got it all under control.
I can see you run a tight ship.
Somali pirates run
tighter ships than this.
Don't worry, it's
not Venezuelan.
That's lovely.
Oh my god, you don't like it.
Uh, um...
sorry I, I can't stand
white wine, and it makes me
Well why didn't you say?
Because I nearly threw your
stuff up at the party...
if there any alcohol
you can drink?
I don't know.
How about something
What about a nice
Shirley temple?
Listen, trust me, I-I
drink everything else.
Red, red wine, beer, vodka...
Mm, my god, I can't believe
I forgot to tell you.
Do you remember Chloe
and Steve from the party?
You know, the guys I was
going to get a lift back with?
the threesome.
Sexy Hitler.
Sexy Hitler.
Well, when they left, they got
in a taxi and they ended up in
A head-On collision
with a lorry.
They all got killed.
The driver as well.
Hang on, f-I read about that.
That was them?
I know.
Go on, you can say it.
You know what.
You're dying to say it.
Say what?
You know what.
I'm not saying anything.
But, it's true though isn't it.
I knew it.
If it weren't for me...
you're evil!
You're welcome.
Yeah, okay, thank you.
Thanks for...
saving my life.
Yeah, well, listen, it
was, it was no sweat.
My hero.
I know.
It's the, um, it's
the, the pesto.
I went, I went fucking
mental with the pesto.
Did you make this?
I said I trained as a carpenter.
I didn't say I was any good.
You know what? I love it.
Must be the floor that's uneven.
The floor is uneven.
It is.
And two slippery
supernovas please.
What's a slippery supernova?
Half vodka, half whiskey
with a coffee bean in it.
God almighty, I am starting to
think you've got some serious
I do, I do.
I need help.
That's 14.75 please.
Oh am i...
I'm paying.
He's paying.
She orders, I pay.
That's it.
After pestogate, you'll
be paying forevermore.
Just establishing the
boundary, you know that?
I'm so sorry, he's an alcoholic.
Yeah, well done.
He beats me.
I'm her, don't say that.
Out on my arms.
Come on now, Maya. Don't say
It's not true.
And he picks his
nose and eats it. It's...
that's, that is true.
Locks me up in the shed.
This is where my mom
and dad first met.
Really, in here?
She worked in the bar, and
he'd come in every other day
And try and chat her up.
And wore her down eventually.
I think that's why he
wanted his own pub.
He'd seen the woman behind the
bar with the customers in the
Palm of her hand, you know?
Can you imagine how busy this
would've been back in the day.
If you could go back in time
to any point in history...
ancient Rome.
I think so.
Coliseum, right?
I'd love to see the gladiators.
Two men fighting to the death.
Is that weird?
Bit weird.
Is it?
How about you?
Ancient Greece.
For the togas.
Did you hear about the
dyslexic who went to a toga
Party dressed as a goat.
Oh my god.
I actually got a
broken nose once.
All due to time travel.
What for?
Yeah, I was quite drunk.
And there was this kid, who
was about ten years old.
Oh, dear god, where
is this going?
So anyway, I was very drunk,
and I saw this kid, and I was
Like, he was just a
mini version of me.
And it might've been because I
was hammered, but he literally
Looked like the spitting image.
So, I crossed over the road,
went over to him, looked down,
Looked in his eyes,
deep into his eyes.
And I said "I'm you from the
future, and I've got a really
Important message for you.
Whatever you do, don't
get on that boat."
What boat?
I don't know, I'm making it up.
And what did he says?
He ran off, screaming.
And a few days later, walking
down the same street, in fact,
He was there with his dad, but
his dad was clearly devoid of
Any sense of humor, so, dosh!
Oh no!
I looked way more like that
kid than his dad anyway.
Do you ever want kids?
That urge has never
really kicked in.
Cue the violins.
I, I can't have children.
Don't stop for god's sake.
I had an abortion when I
was 18, and there were some
Complications but...
you know, I was...
totally fine with it, so...
don't you dare tell
me you're sorry.
Oh, no, I wouldn't dream of it.
There are way too many people
in the world anyway, right?
Last thing we need's
another you running around.
But you know what I
realized the other day?
Time travel will
never be invented.
Well, if it was going to be
invented at any point, then
We'd have met someone from the
future already, wouldn't we?
Not if they could
only travel forward.
Anyway, we might've met
people from the future.
Yeah, they've probably got
very strict guidelines
About what they can say.
Just talk to me.
How did you get out?
Go back.
You go back.
Shh, w-We need to keep quiet.
It's daytime.
What are they going to do?
What are you going to do?
Maya be,
Come on, then, beam me up!
Keep quiet!
Shh, Maya!
Come on!
There's nothing in here.
We could've eaten that deer.
Not unless you like it with
green shit all over it.
What, you mean like pesto?
Do you think they regret
coming here all at once?
What do you mean?
Mm, they fly fifty billion
light years to get here, then
They can't cope with daylight.
It's like going on the Costa
del sol and realizing you were
Allergic to dickheads.
They're not on fucking holiday.
Well how do you know?
Because when you go to the
Costa del sol you don't
Enslave and slaughter
all the locals.
You don't know that's what
they're doing up there.
For all they know, they could
be taking people somewhere
And maybe that's why
they haven't left yet.
They're not going to go until
they've rescued everyone.
The reason they haven't left,
Maya, is because they haven't
Killed us all yet.
Are you going to try and
convince yourself that's
Tell me that doesn't
sound Scandinavian.
But you don't know
what they're saying.
It doesn't matter
what they're saying.
What matters is
people are there.
Well, it could just be a
recording put on a loop.
Well then, there'd need to
be someone there to keep the
Power going.
If people are there, that's
where we need to head.
Yeah, and what about in winter
when it's constant darkness?
Well, then we'll head south.
You haven't got a clue.
They won't disappear.
Can't just keep
running from them.
I'm trying my best in
extremely fucking difficult
Well, I'm sorry if the
circumstances are difficult
For you.
How do you think it's been
for me with you constantly
Shutting me out.
Sh-, I'm not shutting you out!
You're here, aren't you?
When did you decide
to give up on us?
Go, go!
Can you believe it?
Do you ever listen to the news?
No, what's going on?
They found bin laden yet?
Very funny.
They're saying the asteroid
might actually hit us.
You're kidding me.
Washington made an
official statement.
They're saying a 20% chance.
I know!
Holy fucking shit.
Ugh, I've got to go.
I'll see you in an hour, right?
Love you.
Love you too.
Where do you want to
be when it hits us?
If it hits us.
I don't care, as
long as I'm with you.
Do you want to get married?
Yeah, sure.
I'm serious.
Well, so am i.
We might only have a year left
on the planet, so it's not
Exactly a lifetime commitment.
Yes it is.
I'm asking you to spend
the rest of time with me.
But what if it doesn't hit us?
What if it just passes us by?
Then we'll be stuck together.
What, you think I'm going to
dump you just 'cause the world
Hasn't ended?
I will marry you on one
There's no ceremony, no
reception, no church.
We just agree from here on in
that we're officially married.
Okay, give me your left hand.
If we do this, then it's real.
There's no turning back.
For better or for worse.
In sickness and health.
You may now kiss the bride.
I love you.
No matter what.
No matter what.
Get down.
Maybe they were trying
to communicate with us.
Come on.
We're in a perfectly safe place.
It's daylight!
They're not going to get us.
Just calm down.
I won't calm down!
I haven't got a fucking
clue where we are.
You took me off course.
Yes, you keep distracting me!
I told you to stay put, but
you wouldn't listen, would
You, and now, as usual, I'm
the one who has to act like a
Fucking adult and protect
us while you piss about.
Piss about?
And I'd appreciate it if you
would take our welfare, that's
Mine and your welfare just
a little bit more fucking
There's no food here.
It's all gone.
I thought you'd
left this behind.
Put some new batteries
in it for you.
Said I'd be home
about half past three
I was heading south,
kicking through the leaves
And last weekend was
when the clocks went back
Summer's gone, but
it don't feel bad
You would've thought by now
that I'd have found my senses
Still I'm running
round, jumping fences
But it's a road I'm running
And it's the only
road that I have known
And still I can't
find my way home
I'll take...
The sun's fading.
We should bed down.
What time is it?
We're going to be late.
Can you just throw that away?
We're like, a few minutes late.
That's all, just relax.
We were supposed to be
in there at quarter to.
I was ready.
You were the one faffing around.
I was trying to find
the medical card.
The medical card you were
supposed to be looking after.
Did you lock up properly?
I'll see you inside.
Do you even need me in there?
he was, of course, a rather
Controversial figure.
That news, once again.
Francois deleruyelle, the
amateur astronomer who first
Discovered the deleruyelle
asteroid cluster two and a
Half years ago has died
at his home in Paris.
Initial reports coming in are
suggesting that he took his
Own life, but those reports
are not yet confirmed.
With just six months to go
until the deleruyelle reaches
Earth's orbit, the world
anxiously awaits news from the
United states regarding the
deliverance vessels and what,
If any, success they are
likely to have in diverting
The objects from the
collision course with earth.
We are joined now on the line
by Michael peters, a research
Scientist out of Southampton
Uh, Mr. Peters, perhaps you
could talk us through your
Thoughts on the latest
information that is surfacing
From the united states.
Good afternoon, um, I mean,
the most interesting thing
That I find with this is the
sheer lack of any real
Information coming
from Washington.
In, in terms of the
deliverance mission itself...
the space
agency, of course, are trying
To put an optimistic spin on
things as always, but everyone
Knows this is a long shot.
It's effectively a
last-Ditch effort.
Certainly our best chance
outside of simply keeping our
Fingers crossed and
hoping for the best.
You mentioned that the aim is
to divert the course of the
Asteroids, but, uh, what would
happen if they were actually
Broken into pieces?
What effect would that have?
Well, I'm sorry to say that
unless those smaller pieces
Are also diverted, then it
really won't make much of a
Difference to us here on earth.
You see, as the situation
stands, the main deleruyelle
Is fifty miles wide.
Even if it broke into fifty
smaller pieces, if just one of
Those pieces hit us,
the devastation would be
To put it into a bit of
perspective, if an asteroid
The size of a house hit earth
at this kind of speed, it
Would have a level of energy
equivalent to the
Hiroshima bomb.
That's about 20 kilotons.
Now if the asteroid was just
one mile wide, you're looking
At a million megatons.
That's ten million times
the amount the obliterated
If it hits land, pretty much
everything within a thousand
Miles would be wiped out.
The dust and debris that
it would throw up into the
Atmosphere would block out the
sun and most living things on
The planet would wither and die.
And, you know, if...
it lands in the ocean, well,
we've all seen what happens.
Tidal waves hundreds
of feet high...
Was further on down the road
And give us...
How is it possible to be
this scared of something you
Haven't even seen yet?
Say it.
For god's sake, just say it!
Well, do you really think this
is a good time to be
Having a baby?
Of course it's not a good
time to be having a baby.
In the history of mankind it's
probably the worst fucking
Time to be having a baby.
What do you want me to do?
We should at least speak
about it, shouldn't we?
What don't you understand?
The fact that I'm even
pregnant is a miracle.
I might not get another chance.
Nobody is having
children right now.
Stay there!
Where are you going?
I'd like to leave now please.
Oh no, don't be hiding in that
cupboard, Cole, please.
Just get off me Cole, let me go!
We can't leave now, we can't leave...
get off me!
Just, just get off me!
This is all your fucking fault!
My fault?
Your fault!
You're such a coward.
I told you wouldn't have a baby.
Why do take so much fucking
pleasure in reminding me that.
Because of this!
All of this blame and contempt
coursing through your veins.
It's all aimed at me!
Well who else is there?
You know what hurts the most?
It's the fact you don't even
try and fucking hide it!
You think it's my fault that
we haven't eaten in weeks.
we're, we're lost.
You think it's my fault
that we're separated.
Oh, I have never said that!
I've never said
that I blame you!
You just fucking said it!
Don't bullshit me!
I, I didn't mean that!
Did you or did you not just
say it was all
My fault, yes or no?
You're the one who
blamed yourself.
This is not me!
This is all about you!
All I've tried to do is
protect us, and every single
Word that comes out of your
mouth is like a little fucking
Barbed reminder of the
fact you think I failed.
Why? What have I said?
This is all coming from you!
Just admit it.
Just admit it.
You think I'm a failure.
You always have done...
you never thought I
could take care of us!
I never gave a shit that you
weren't on that building site!
Oh, thank you,
Even though you could've done
anything there it is! Thank you!
Thank you!
It's not my fault you were
too much of a pussy to do
Something about it.
A pussy?
Yes, a pussy.
Wake up, Cole!
Just tell me, what were you so
afraid of?
Oh, I don't fucking
know Maya, I don't know.
Maybe it was the fact that
we had absolutely no money!
Maybe it was the fact I
wasn't ready to be a father!
Maybe it was the fact
there was a fucking giant
Unidentified object...
about to wipe out the entire planet!
God, that's not what I'm
talking about and you
Know that.
It was never about
the deleruyelle.
It was about you.
You just used it as an
excuse to give up on...
on everything!
That's fucking bullshit.
That is bullshit!
You look at me in the eyes
and tell me you think we were
Ready for a baby.
No one's ever ready, Cole.
Bringing a child into that
mess was fucking outrageous.
It was irresponsible
and it was cruel.
I'm sorry, it was.
You think I forced you
into having a baby?
You told me you
couldn't even have kids.
How dare you say that to me.
How fucking dare you say that
to me you fucking bastard?
Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya.
You so much!
Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya.
You say that to me?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
just get off me!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I fucking hate you.
I know, I know.
I hate you so much.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Hello, Barry Gruberman.
Barry, you know
we're having a baby.
There's nothing I can do.
Look, we've not had
any new contracts.
With everything that's
going on it's...
who's fucking building
anything, son?
Is there no one else
you can let go first?
I'm sorry kid.
I've got to prioritize the
lads who've been with me the
What about, um...
what about callum?
Yeah, he's 19 years old,
no responsibilities.
He's been working with
me for three years.
Fact is, your son's got
nothing to do with it.
Look Cole, I don't
have to explain myself.
Yes, you do.
Barry, I've worked
my ass off for you.
Harder than half the
lads on that site.
Please, don't do this to me.
There's nothing I can do.
Please, Barry.
I need this job.
There's got to be something.
Sorry, Cole.
How are you doing?
On the baby, I mean.
Yeah, thanks.
All healthy?
Ten fingers, ten toes?
Baby's fine, as far as we know.
The universe...
gives with one hand,
takes away with another.
Soon the whole world is going
to know what that feels like.
Come on, you don't know that
asteroid's going to hit any
More than I do.
An asteroid...
is that all you think it is?
It's not like they want
total control over us.
I'm just saying I could
be a big help, that's all.
I'm not taking it.
We don't need charity.
Cole, it's not charity.
The pub is busier
than it's ever been.
My dad needs more staff.
they're offering you work!
Yeah, alright, so
it's bar work, but...
come on, is that really
any worse than working on a
Building site?
Oh, thanks very much.
Anyway, that's not
the point, is it?
I just want to help.
They think that if we can get...
no, they think that
It's my fault we're
not even married.
I told you, I put
her straight on that.
Where do they get the
right to judge me?
Where is this coming from?
What, what the hell
is wrong with you?
They're offering help.
Just grow some balls,
suck it up and accept it.
You know what, the only reason
your old man's pub didn't go
Under two years ago is 'cause
of those fucking
Rocks in the sky.
What the hell are
you talking about?
Oh, don't give me that.
As soon as people realize we
might all get wiped out, all
Anyone wants to do is go
and get fucking pissed.
Not everybody.
Yes, everybody.
People stop giving a shit
about money and their cars and
Their fucking jobs,
'cause you know what?
They realized none of
this shit fucking matters.
No one gave a flying
fuck, including us.
Do you remember?
The reason your parents have
sat on a pile of money is
Because everyone else stopped
giving the fuck about it.
Oh, nice language to use in
front of your unborn child.
I'm being serious, Maya.
So am i.
Maybe when I'm carrying
your baby you could keep the
"Fucks" to a minimum.
Oh, for god's sake, what
are you, my grandmother?
No, I'm your wife, and
I'd appreciate it...
no, you're not my wife, are you?
And I'm not your husband,
and we both know why
That is, don't we?
It's because you had
absolutely no fucking desire
To marry me whatsoever.
Look, the bottom line is
that we need the money.
We're going to need to
return the pushchair.
The pushchair is
going nowhere, Maya?
We can't even
afford a proper cot!
I'm not making the cot
because we can't afford a cot.
I'm making the cot because
it's something
I want to do for me.
I'm making it because I want
one fucking thing not to be
About money.
But you're never
going to make it Cole.
I have been out of
work for two minutes.
Two minutes!
Will you just give me a
second to get back on my feet?
You're not a carpenter, Cole.
I'm sorry, but you're not.
Everything you
build falls apart.
Look at the table and
the, the fucking chairs.
Do you think I'm going to let
our baby sleep in a cot that
You've made?
You know, sometimes I feel
that you're oblivious to this
Whole thing.
You're, you're in denial.
I'm in denial? You're...
oh, what would
you want me to do?
Spend all day hiding
in the cupboards?
You know what, I can't do this.
I can't do it.
Nothing about this is right.
What're you doing?
What if she's up
there waiting for us?
What're you talking about, Maya?
Where's the baby food?
You're not serious.
Come on.
I thought we were saving it.
Well, there's no point if we die
of starvation before we even
Get to her.
I don't want it now.
Okay, well, I'll have mine.
Maybe we could share one.
There's not enough.
It's supposed to be
a joint decision.
Don't give me the look.
I wouldn't touch that.
You hear me?
Shh, shh.
Can't believe you guys are here.
My name's Keith.
Keith Novak.
Where are you?
Follow the extension cables.
Let me guess: You're
heading to Norway?
You're not?
I don't buy into all that
"land of the midnight sun"
It's a load of cobblers.
Try telling that to this one.
Heh, try telling
that to my wife.
Where is she?
She headed up north
with everyone else.
She knew I didn't want to go,
so she took her baby girl and
Left in the middle of the night.
Why d'you have that
video playing outside?
It's a distraction.
You don't have any kids.
We do.
A girl.
She was born just before.
A baby girl?
Where is she?
She's with my parents.
When the ships arrived,
we were at the hospital.
She was with them.
We haven't seen them since.
They're heading north.
How do you know?
How do you know
that they aren't...
because we know.
Do I know you from somewhere?
I don't think so.
You sound familiar.
The prime
minister has called for calm
As the world faces up to
what he describes as an
Unprecedented global crisis.
Our correspondent Nicholas
Adidagee has this report.
At approximately 0600 hours
eastern standard time, the
Deliverance nuclear vessels
dispatched to the deleruyelle
Asteroid were detonated.
However, the impact of the
explosions was insufficient to
Divert the asteroid
from its course.
The deliverance
mission has failed.
We will continue to monitor
the deleruyelle as it moves
Closer to earth over the
coming weeks, but I'm afraid I
Won't be taking
Any questions at
the present time.
Do you want to feel?
As we've already heard at
Came the news we've all be dreading,
nah, you're alright.
A statement from Washington
Confirming that the
deliverance mission has failed
In its attempt to divert the
deleruyelle from its possible
Collision course with earth.
Now that's despite the fact
that all 19 of the unmanned
Nuclear inceptors were
successfully detonated, and
The news has obviously
come as a devastating blow.
Only days ago, the us
government seemed to have high
Hopes that the mission
could be a success.
It seems experts still haven't
gotten to the bottom of what
Went wrong, and sources have
told me that there are lots of
Heads being scratched
in Washington right now.
They're still not sure as to
why the operation didn't work.
The response to this has
been almost instant, and that
Response has been civil un...
hi, this is the
voicemail for Maya garissey.
I can't answer the phone right
now but leave me a message and
I'll call you back.
You can't just pack your stuff
up and leave in the middle of
The night, okay?
Now, give me a call back.
I came down to the hospital
today, to the appointment,
Hoping that you'd be here.
Where are you?
You can't just keep
avoiding me, alright?
We obviously need
to talk about this.
Just, just give me
a call back, please.
Why did you want to die?
That night.
You wanted him to shoot you.
What're you talking about?
Didn't you have anyone
you cared about?
Hang on, you think I actually
wanted him to kill me?
You were daring him to
put a bullet in your head.
I was standing up to him.
He was scared. He was never
going to pull the trigger.
And you're sure about that?
He only shot you because
you attacked him.
I see.
I've, I've got to go.
You know, I had what you had.
Someone who cared about me.
Look, mate, you don't need to
convince me you've been dealt
A shitty hand, alright.
Her name was aurora.
I know, right?
When I first met her, she
couldn't speak any English.
And she was only
here on holiday.
I saw her walking along
saint Cyrus beach.
It was the middle of January.
She had this hair, this crazy
blonde hair blowing all over
The place.
We were literally the only
two people for miles around.
She was walking one way,
and I was walking the other.
Well, I knew we were
going to pass each other.
As she got closer, I was
desperately trying to think of
Something to say.
Before I knew it, we
were crossing paths.
We made eye contact
for a split second.
I balled up.
Then we just passed each
other like ships in the night.
I carried on walking.
I knew I'd just saddled
myself with a lifetime regret,
Wondering what may have
happened if I'd just had the
Nerve to speak to her.
And just as I was wishing the
sand to swallow me whole,
I heard her voice from behind
me ask if I had a lighter.
Her English was terrible,
but she knew how to say that.
So windy.
Took us forever to light
that fucking thing.
By the time it did...
I was in love.
We spent the rest of that day
together, and the day after
That, and somehow I kept
managing to convince to extend
Her holiday, until
eventually she just...
she loved me back.
And for the first time in my
life, the rest of the world
Didn't exist anymore.
But then I end up in here,
And the "me"
that she fell in love
With didn't exist anymore.
And she did everything she
could to try and find him
Again, but she couldn't.
He was gone.
And I was all that was left.
And then I pushed her and I
pushed her and I pushed her.
Until eventually,
when she couldn't...
when she couldn't take any
more, she got on a plane and
She went home.
And all I got was a postcard
telling me how sorry she was.
Tell me.
Why should she be sorry?
What is all this stuff?
That's for communications.
Is that your field?
Afraid not.
I'm actually a doctor.
You've contacted
other survivors?
No, no, no, no, no.
Well, communications with who?
With them.
You've had contact
with the ships.
Kind of.
Listen to this.
It's coming from them.
Well, what is it?
I don't know.
I've been trying to
send a signal back.
Well how do you know
that's even going to work?
I don't, but we've
got to try, right?
I mean, we're so busy running
away from them that...
we've missed the point.
Like it or not, our
life is in their hands.
What signal did you send them?
Just basic morse code.
Morse code?
You may as well a
Shakespearian sonnet.
They know a lot more
about us than you realize.
Here, look at this.
Here, look.
C27, what is that?
It's on one of the ships.
I was trying to make contact.
If they had been observing us,
learning everything about us
For years, they'll have worked
out that we stopped caring a
Long time ago.
This world is like
a piece of fruit.
An orange, decaying from the
inside out, and we're like
Hundreds of ants, crawling
all over, bleeding it dry.
So they've gotten rid of all
the other ants, so that we
Have a chance of surviving.
What the hell are
you talking about?
All those things want
to do is kill us.
You don't know that.
That's where you've gone wrong.
Look around.
Things have changed.
This isn't the
same world anymore.
But you're still trying to
apply the same logic to it.
They've wiped everything out.
But we're still here.
Because we're lucky.
Come on!
There's got to be a reason
they haven't killed us.
Oh, they've tried.
Believe me.
Have they?
You've been on
your own too long.
Or you?
Have you ever seen one of them?
Of course.
Haven't you?
We've been hiding.
What do they look like?
There's a pair of
photographs over there.
You can keep one if you like.
Help persuade the nonbelievers.
Convince the doubters.
Clear up the inevitable
confusion later on.
They didn't go to Norway.
I've got money!
What use is that?
Please, let her go.
Please don't hurt my wife.
Whatever happens to her,
that's not my responsibility.
I'll fucking kill you!
They can hear us.
They can always hear us.
Ants and oranges, Cole.
Ants and oranges.
Ladies and
gentlemen, I am very sorry to
Bring you the news that the
final attempt to divert the
Deleruyelle has failed.
If nothing changes, then,
we'll all be hit within the
Next couple of hours.
We'll be playing your requests
as long as we possibly can.
Good luck everyone.
Welcome to voicemail 1571.
The person you are
calling is not available.
Please leave a message
after the tone.
Hi, it's me.
Do you remember the
night we first met?
We talked about how we'd feel
if we knew the deleruyelle was
Going to hit us.
I said that nothing would
matter and you convinced me
That everything would.
What changed?
I'm sorry I left.
It's not what I wanted, Cole.
But even if the world doesn't
end, I don't want to spend the
Rest of my life with
some who wishes that...
They've blocked the
We're not letting
anyone else in!
My name's Cole Narroway.
My wife's having a baby.
I'm sorry, we can't help.
Please, wait, wait, wait, no no!
She's already here,
she's in the hospital.
You just need to let me in.
go in the car park.
There's an entrance down there.
I'll come out and meet you.
Jesus, shouldn't you be inside?
Inside, outside,
what's the difference?
Whoa, what, what,
what are you doing?
You keep quiet!
They might hear you!
What do you want?
I want my life back.
Three years ago, you took it
from me and I want it back.
Michael, I didn't
take your life.
It was him.
You know it was him.
It wasn't him!
Yes it was, and the fact that
he's walking around breathing
The same air as you is a
cruel fucking travesty.
It is, but it's not my fault.
He would've just walked out of
there if you'd just kept your
Mouth shut!
You had that gun pointed in
your face you and you still
Left that night with
a second chance.
And what have you done with it?
You don't know
anything about me.
I know a waste of fucking
life when I see one.
And I know when it comes to
that thing in the sky that me
And you are exactly the same.
You want it to wipe out the
entire planet just as much as
I do.
But I have nothing
and I have no one!
And what's your excuse?
Alright, Michael.
Please, please, alright, look.
Whatever you think, alright,
and whatever happened, I
Didn't plan it, okay? I didn't
you don't think!
You're for yourself
and no one else.
You're a coward.
You wanted him to shoot you.
Alright, alright, you're right.
I'm a coward, I admit I'm a
coward, but
I need to find my wife.
I want to be with
my wife and child.
They need me.
They don't need you.
What do they need you for?
Look around.
It's too late.
The deleruyelle is here.
They're finished
like everyone else.
You don't know that.
Your wife and your baby might
as well lock themselves in the
Cupboards and hope for the best.
Just let me try.
It's too late.
Please, just let me try.
Just give me a chance
to be a father.
You've lost her Cole.
You had everything.
You had her, but you've lost
her, and now it's time to
Accept that.
Just let it go.
All that blame, contempt
coursing through your veins.
Just let it go.
Tell me, what are
you so afraid of?
Maybe it was the fact you
had absolutely no money.
Maybe it was the fact that you
weren't ready to be a father.
Maybe it was the fact
there was a fucking giant
Unidentified object about to
wipe out the entire planet.
It was never about
the deleruyelle.
It was about you.
You just used it as an
excuse to give up on...
on everything.
This planet had
its chance, Cole.
Just like you have had
this chance in a blur.
You see, this world is
like a piece of fruit.
An orange, decaying from the
inside out, and we're like
Hundreds of ants crawling
all over it, bleeding it dry.
Ants and oranges, Cole.
Ants and oranges.
Move towards the light.
And stay in the light.
Move towards the light.
Stay in the light.
Where you go from here, Cole...
that's up to you.
But this, this is
where I need to be.
That's where she is.
That's where she is.
I know it.
Wake up, Cole!
Can you hear me?
My name's Keith Novak.
Try and stay with me.
This is Dr. Novak,
I need assistance.
C27, what is that?
It's on one of the ships.
I was trying to make contact.
You've had contact
with the ships.
No, listen to this.
It's coming from them.
I've been trying to
send them a single back.
I was heading south,
kicking through the leaves
And last weekend was
when the clocks went back
two men down.
Is anyone there?
Cole! Is anyone here?
Pick up!
Cole are you there?
Can you hear me?
Cole, she's here.
We've got a baby girl,
you should see her.
She's amazing.
Where are you?
Have you heard what
they're saying?
They're saying the
Deleruyelle's breaking apart.
We're going to be okay, Cole.
We're going to be okay.