Beyond Boundaries: The Harvey Weinstein Scandal (2018)

[Announcer] The
following program
contains allegations
of sexual abuse
that some viewers
may find disturbing.
(photographers chatting)
- [Narrator] Harvey
Weinstein sat atop Hollywood
as one of the most
successful and respected
movie producers in history.
But beneath the money and
the fame was a monster,
hiding a dark and
disturbing secret.
- So hot, that
place, and so sexy.
You just get crazy
thoughts there.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] The truth cannot
be hidden away forever,
and in Hollywood,
when the movies end
and the credits roll,
the reality can be
even more terrifying
than you could ever imagine.
(dramatic music)
- She's good, really good,
she's good, she's wonderful.
- [Interviewer] She's
got real charisma
and a presence about her.
- She does, she certainly does.
(dramatic music)
(somber music)
- People believe in you,
and it's not been fair
that you've used the power,
the gift that you
have, you've turned
it into such a
corruption to take
advantage of other people.
- I had created a
safeguard of how
I could avoid those situations,
and I never was in a hotel
room with him alone again.
- You're meeting with a very
powerful guy in Hollywood
that makes a lot of
actress's careers happen,
so when he said to
go to the Peninsula,
I just thought,
that's a bar, so fine.
So we met at the bar there,
and we talked for a few minutes,
and then he didn't
really ask me,
he just said, "We're going
upstairs to my room."
And I didn't really
know how to take that.
I'm like, "What
do you, I'm just?"
I didn't know how to say no to
someone like him at the time,
which I regret.
- The next thing I knew,
he had unzipped his fly
and pulled out his penis.
(dramatic music)
My heart started pounding.
My mind started racing.
How do I deal with this?
How do I get out of this?
Am I going to get out of this?
How is this happening?
He then grabbed my hand
and pulled me towards him,
and forced my hand onto his
penis and held it there.
He said, "Name anyone, any
actress you can think of
"and this is how they made it."
I have told parts of this story
to only a very few
people over the years.
I felt so powerless
because he is, after
all, very powerful,
and very well known
and very successful.
(dramatic music)
I didn't think anyone
would believe me.
I was nobody.
Why would they?
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] New York City 1979.
Two brothers, having
successfully built
a concert promotion business,
decide to gamble on a new
business venture together.
They set up a small,
independent film distribution
company called Miramax.
- Harvey thinks that he
was in an alternate reality
actually, he thinks
he's gonna wake up
and this is not the real thing.
- [Narrator] In just
a few short years,
Miramax would grow to
become one of the biggest
players in the
entertainment industry,
and Harvey and Bob Weinstein
would become household names.
(dramatic music)
- Harvey Weinstein
has been a mogul
in the entertainment
industry for decades
and it really started
in independent film,
and I think that's
where a lot of people
got to know him
and his brother Bob
from Miramax, the film company,
and especially in the 90s
when independent film was
just absolutely everything,
they started to get more
and more power in Hollywood.
Their company was
eventually bought by Disney,
and of course that
brought them more money,
more power, and I
think that allure,
having a film made by
Miramax, made by Disney,
was a really big deal.
- Harvey Weinstein was someone.
He was this kid from
Queens, New York,
him and his brother.
They started off as
concert promoters.
Harvey always had
his plan in place.
He wanted to be a
huge Hollywood player,
and he became that.
- Miramax became
especially known
for their Oscar
pushes for films.
They were the studio
that if you wanted
to hold up that gold statue,
at the end of the season
that you should go to,
so they had countless
hits including
Pulp Fiction,
Shakespeare in Love,
and through those they allowed
their actors and actresses
to say, "Thank you"
to the Academy.
- I'm one of those kids
from Brooklyn and Queens
who used to watch the Oscars
and root and cheer
and had dreams,
and I just wanted
to dedicate this
as everybody does, mine, anyhow,
to all those kids out there,
and tell 'em to break the rules.
- [Narrator] Miramax
spearheaded some of the most
successful films of their time.
Pulp Fiction in 1994,
Good Will Hunting in 1997,
and Shakespeare in Love in 1998.
Their might in the
industry was evidential,
recognized in their countless
Oscars and accolades.
(dramatic music)
- Harvey was never liked.
People feared him.
People wanted to work with him,
people wanted him to
put them on screen,
to get them an Oscar,
and he literally bought
Oscars for everybody.
No one to this day can explain
how Shakespeare in Love
beat Saving Private Ryan
for Academy Award
for Best Picture.
The reason?
Harvey Weinstein.
And the same guy who
is powerful enough
to beat Steven Spielberg
as best picture
was powerful enough
to shut up any actress,
any starlet who complained about
the fact that he wanted
to get naked with her.
(dramatic music)
- To be cast in a Miramax movie
or Weinstein Company movie,
that's huge, that's big,
especially for someone
who's just starting out.
Harvey was seen as
someone who championed
these smaller films,
more artistic.
He was an actor's producer,
a director's producer
for more refined tastes,
so to be cast in
a Miramax movie,
to know that Harvey
was behind you,
it was a great badge
of honor in this town.
To know that Harvey
Weinstein was pushing you
for an award for an Oscar.
You couldn't have asked
for a better strategist.
- [Narrator] In
2005, Harvey and Bob
left Miramax and formed
their own company,
The Weinstein Company.
(dramatic music)
- Well, Miramax, unfortunately,
we don't have the name,
but I think with directors
like Quentin Tarantino,
Robert Rodriguez,
Anthony Minghella, John
Madden, Marty Scorsese,
all coming with the new company,
it's sort of the
ongoing business
without Mom and Dad's name.
We still own the name Dimension,
and if anybody can come
up with a better name
than The Weinstein
Company, we're all ears.
- Nothing's better than
the Weinstein brothers,
so the name is great.
(dramatic music)
- I got to thinking about
what a great producer he is
and what it takes
to be such a great producer.
'Cause I've made so many movies
and I've worked with
so many different
kind of producers.
And really, to be a great
producer takes such heart.
To really put such love and care
and guts and balls
into really making
a movie come together.
It takes so much.
You have to fight tooth and nail
to make a movie
really come together
in the way that Harvey's
made so many great movies
over all these years,
and to have him stand
up for his artists
and for the scripts,
and for making those
movies come together.
Harvey is an unbelievably
astonishing killer producer
and his love for that
and for his people
is just legendary,
and I just want you to know
Miriam, your mom, who I know
has raised a really good son
and I'm proud of you Harvey.
And I mean that.
So thank you.
(dramatic music)
- Winning the best picture
helps make the night go great,
and best actor didn't hurt
and best director
didn't hurt that
and screenplay
wasn't bad either,
so it was pretty great.
- [Interviewer] At this
point in your career,
do these things
still surprise you?
Are you--
- I loved it, it's fun.
Come on, I've been loving
this since you're a kid.
It's like the world
series for guys, okay?
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] Harvey
seemed unstoppable,
but on October fifth, 2017,
his empire would
come crashing down.
(dramatic music)
The New York Times
published a comprehensive
investigation, exposing
a horrific string
of sexual, predatory behavior
and abuse allegations
by the most powerful man in
Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein.
(dramatic music)
The allegations
span three decades
and disclosed instances
of indecent exposure,
inappropriate touching,
non-consensual advances
and rape.
- What happened with Harvey,
we all knew he was a bully,
and bully's putting it lightly.
Bully sort of
encompasses everything now,
from simple name calling
to physical attacks,
but he was mean.
He was degrading.
He had no problem
calling someone stupid,
dumb, throwing things at
people, flipping tables.
Everyone knew what he was.
This is again, this
is not a surprise.
We all knew what
a monster he was.
- [Narrator] In response to
the New York Times article,
Mr. Weinstein issued
the following statement.
I appreciate the way I've
behaved with colleagues
in the past has
caused a lot of pain,
and I sincerely
apologize for it.
Though I'm trying to do better,
I know I have a long way to go.
- When The New York
Times broke the story,
it wasn't the first time
a news outlet had tried.
New York Magazine,
New York Times,
both had tried in the
past to do a piece
about Harvey Weinstein
and all the rumors,
both times they were scuppered
by Harvey's team of legal eagles
who threatened and
called up and screamed
and pulled out all
these reasons why
they were gonna sue if
the stories went public.
When The New York Times
actually published the piece,
I believe that it was
their thorough reporting
and also the willingness
of a respectable actress
such as Ashley Judd
to go on the record
about what had happened to her,
which gave it believability
and credibility.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] Actress Ashley Judd
was one of the first
women to publicly
recount her ordeal.
She stated that over
two decades ago,
she met Mr. Weinstein
in his suite
at the Peninsula
Beverly Hills hotel
for what she thought would
be a breakfast meeting.
Once she arrived, Harvey
allegedly pestered her
repeatedly for a massage
and then attempted to
move her into the bathroom
so that she could
watch him shower.
Judd immediately told her
agent, Michelle Bohan,
but was helpless to
take any further action.
- Ashley Judd's sit
down with Diane Sawyer
is incredibly powerful.
In great part because she is
a truly evolved human being.
She talks about her
belief in a loving God,
and at the very end she says,
"I believe that Harvey
Weinstein deserves forgiveness.
"He deserves a chance,
he deserves to be loved."
And it was so gracious
that it just leaves
with your mouth agape,
at how she could be so polite,
how she could be so forgiving,
how she could be so kind
to a man who is without a
question a complete monster.
(dramatic music)
- I wish I could prevent
it for anyone always.
I don't know that I
would have been believed
and who was I to tell?
- I first heard the name
Zelda as Harvey's assistant
about 10 years ago,
way before this happened.
She had signed an NDA but
she was a friend of a friend
and I had heard
through that friend
that some very unpalatable
things had happened
during her time at Miramax,
which is why she left.
She was not happy,
and she was disturbed
by a lot of it,
and then, of course,
you fast forward
to the scandal breaking
and Zelda, very bravely,
decided to come forward
against the terms of her
NDA and speak her truth,
and I think what I
found most insightful
about what Zelda had to say
was to try and explain
how this happened.
Everybody can read
about this and think,
"Well, why did they
go in his hotel room?
"And why did they
allow themselves
"to get in this position?"
And you can judge and criticize,
but what Zelda
explained was look,
Harvey regularly did
meetings in his hotel room.
He had a suite, he
always had a suite,
so there was a living room,
so male and female
industry players
went up to his room and
he took meetings there.
Male directors, male agents,
they sat in the suite
and they took meetings,
so for Ashley Judd to
go up to his hotel suite
was not her doing anything
that other people and men
hadn't done previously.
Harvey took meetings
in his room.
Zelda also went on to explain
that the position he was in,
how much power he had,
how attractive that was.
People wanted his attention.
People wanted to take
meetings with him.
People wanted to be around him.
He used, abused, and
manipulated this power,
but it's undeniable
that he had that power.
The reason he was
able to get away
with so much of this is because
people were afraid
to turn him down.
Harvey wants to see
you in his hotel suite,
of course, you're thinking,
"Maybe I can get a job.
"Maybe he'll cast me
in his next movie."
It was a very difficult
decision to make
and a lot of actresses
who are now speaking out
saying that they
went up to his room
and he was naked, he
was in his bathrobe,
he asked for a naked massage.
He wanted to watch him shower.
Were horrified,
horrified and shocked,
but the hotel room thing,
Zelda very clearly explains
was something that
everybody did.
It wasn't just women,
but the women of
course were the ones
who were preyed upon.
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
- [Narrator] Actress
Rose McGowan accused
Harvey Weinstein of raping her
at the 1997 Sundance
Film Festival.
She also claimed
that Amazon Studios
knew about the incident
and yet neglected
to act accordingly.
- In 1997, Rose McGowan
attended the Sundance
Film Festival along
with Ben Affleck
and Matt Damon and
Harvey Weinstein.
There was an incident
that happened
in the hotel suite
on the top floor
where Harvey Weinstein,
according to Rose, raped her.
This is something that
Rose is talking about
in her book, Brave,
where she details
her experience at the hands
of the Hollywood monster.
What's further disturbing
is that Rose came
down the next day
and told, according
to her, Ben Affleck
and Matt Damon, what
Harvey had done to her,
and the reaction was to,
"Oh, I told him to
stop doing that."
It wasn't, "Call the police.
"What can we do to help?
"Let's call a lawyer.
"Let's prosecute him."
It was, "I told him
to stop doing that."
It was shrugged off,
it was minimized,
it was brushed off,
and as Rose says now
that experience
in that hotel room
has been strapped to
her back for 20 years.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] McGowan
has previously said
she was not supported
by her management
at the time of the
alleged attack.
Jill Messick represented
McGowan in 1997
when the actress alleged she
was raped by Harvey Weinstein.
Since the claims
have come forward,
Jill Messick tragically
took her own life.
Messick's family confirmed
that she was used
as collateral damage
in the Weinstein case.
This came after
Weinstein's lawyer
published an email from Messick
to help deny McGowan's claims,
describing the
incident as consensual.
(dramatic music)
- Everybody knew about
Harvey Weinstein.
Everybody knew
about his behavior,
yet nobody did anything.
That made it almost impossible
for anybody to come forward
and make any accusations,
so, for instance,
a video surfaced
of Courtney Love saying
how to get on in Hollywood
and what to do and what
to avoid in Hollywood,
and she said, "If you get asked
"to go into a private
party by Harvey Weinstein
"at the Four Seasons
hotel, decline it."
- [Interviewer] Do
you have any advice
for a young girl
moving to Hollywood?
- I'll get libeled if I said it.
If Harvey Weinstein invites you
to a private party at the
Four Seasons, don't go.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] When
Model Amber Battilana
came forward with her story,
she shared an audio recording
she had made from an
encounter with Harvey,
confronting him after
being harassed by him,
just the day before.
- [Harvey] I'm telling
you right now--
- [Amber] What do
we have to do here?
- [Harvey] Nothing.
I'm gonna take a shower.
You sit there and
have a drink, water.
- [Amber] I don't drink.
- [Harvey] Then have
a glass of water.
- [Amber] Can I stay on the bar?
- [Harvey] No, you
must come here now.
- [Amber] No.
- [Harvey] Look, please come.
- [Amber] No, I don't want to.
- [Harvey] I'm not doing
anything with you, I promise.
- I know.
- Now you're embarrassing me.
- I'm sorry.
- No, come in.
- [Amber] Yesterday
was aggressive for me.
I need to know a person before--
- [Harvey] I won't do a thing.
(dramatic music)
- One of the most
astonishing stories we heard
was Gwyneth Paltrow
coming forward
and saying she too
was sexually harassed
by Harvey Weinstein
early in her career,
but then, we were
even more astonished
that we found out
that Brad Pitt,
who she was with at the time,
confronted Harvey,
and said, "Don't ever
do this to her again."
He literally poked
him in the chest.
To think of that experience,
while imaging Brad Pitt
confronting Harvey Weinstein.
Everyone was shocked.
Not only did Brad
Pitt confront a man
who sexually harassed
Gwyneth Paltrow ,
but that man was at the
height of his power.
This way the heyday of Miramax,
so for Brad to do that,
I imagine he was
probably nervous, too.
He was probably nervous
about his career also
but it's an incredible story.
- I would like to
thank Harvey Weinstein
and everybody at Miramax films
for their undying support of me.
- Gwyneth Paltrow says
that when she was
only 22 years old
that Weinstein invited
her to a hotel room
for a meeting and
then propositioned
and sexually harassed her.
Paltrow's allegations
have become
some of the most wide
spread in Hollywood,
where the women have
said that Weinstein
invited them to a hotel room
under the guise of a meeting
and then asked them
to give him a massage
or asked to be able
to massage them.
That seemed to be his tactic.
- I had seen Harvey
Weinstein on a host,
a myriad of red carpets,
but I first actually
spoke to him
at the launch of Top
Magazine in 1999.
It was a big party,
and they had taken
all the top press
out to Ellis Island
where he arrived for the launch
of his new magazine.
Talk Magazine was going
to be a way for him,
by the way, to control
more journalists
because it was going to option
these great articles,
Vanity Fair style
into movies and
television programs,
and it was a way
for him to expand
his media empire into print
and a way for him
to have more power
than he already did.
I remember him well.
He was lord of the night
and he was very
large, heavyset man,
and he walked around like
he was King Henry the Eighth
It was his kingdom, we were
just there at his pleasure.
He was the man of the hour
and the week and the month.
He was incredibly powerful,
particularly in New York,
where I worked as a journalist.
He was maybe the most
powerful man in media,
certainly in our city,
in Manhattan for sure,
and his influence, his reach,
his control, his
power was incredible.
I remember Gwyneth
Paltrow was on the cover
of the very first issue of Talk
and inside, she did
this very bizarre S an M
type of photo shoot,
really not her
style and pictures
were very, very bizarre.
Gwyneth said later she
had done the S and M shoot
as a favor to Harvey,
who had asked her to do it,
and she felt it was
a bit exploitative,
but she did it for him.
Again, we started
to see the dynamic
that he would set
up with actresses
where he would live
out his own fantasies
through persuasion and
manipulation and negotiation
with them,
but Harvey Weinstein
used to show up
at all the red carpet
events, the Oscars,
that I would go to,
walk the red carpet,
and give some sound bytes.
I met him several
times over the years,
he was always bombastic,
he was always opinionated,
he was always arrogant.
- To learn
that Angelina Jolie who
also Brad Pitt was with,
early in her career,
she came forward and said
that she was sexually harassed
by Harvey and then Angelina said
"From that day on,
I said I will never
"make a movie with that man."
And she didn't.
- [Narrator] I had a
bad experience with
Harvey Weinstein in my youth
and as a result, chose
never to work again
and warn others when they did.
This behavior towards
women in any field,
any country, is unacceptable.
(dramatic music)
(camera shutters clicking)
(somber music)
- He called me into his office
and told me to sit on the couch.
He then sat down next to me
and proceeded to tell me how
things worked in Hollywood.
He asked me if I was good.
I started to tell
him about my training
and my acting experience,
and he said, "No, I need
to know if you're good."
He said that if he
was going to introduce
me around town to
directors and producers,
he needed to know
if I was any good.
He had this sly, sleazy
smile on his face,
and the fact that he
was sitting so close
to me on this couch,
I started to get a sick
feeling in my stomach.
The next thing I knew,
he had unzipped his fly
and pulled out his penis.
(dramatic music)
My heart started pounding.
My mind started racing.
How do I deal with this?
How do I get out of this?
Am I going to get out of this.
How is this happening?
He then grabbed my hand
and pulled towards him,
and forced my hand
onto his penis
and held it there.
I was frozen with fear.
Trying to remain calm,
trying not to freak out
because, after all, there was
nobody else in the office.
I pulled my hand away
as casually as possible.
He told me that this was how
things worked in Hollywood,
and that all of the actresses
that had made it
had made it this way.
He said, "Name anyone, any
actress you can think of,
"and this is how they made it."
He spelled it out for me.
He told me that first I
would have sex with him,
and then he would
take me to parties
and show me who I needed
to sleep with after that.
On Monday, following
that Friday nightmare
with Harvey Weinstein,
I resigned from my job.
Not long after
that, I quit acting.
I have told parts of this story
to only a very few
people over the years.
I felt so powerless
because he is, after
all, very powerful
and very well known
and very successful.
I didn't think anyone
would believe me.
I was nobody.
Why would they?
(dramatic music)
- Harvey Weinstein is hideous.
He's always been hideous.
His first wife, Eve,
was his assistant.
Was an assistant
who he undoubtedly
sexually cajoled and harassed
in his position of power
into marrying him.
He used to leave
flowers on her desk.
He seduced her with his
power and his position.
They married, they
have three children.
Eve decided very much to
stay out of the limelight.
She raised their three children,
their three
daughters in privacy.
Harvey continued
to work the scene.
He continued to have affairs.
When I first met
Harvey Weinstein,
he was still married to Eve,
but we heard stories
repeatedly again and again
about various actresses he
was having liaisons with.
That's what we thought,
but we knew he was
cheating on his wife
and it was an open secret.
When Harvey and Eve
finally divorced,
it was a shock to
exactly no one.
It had been years since
they'd been together.
It'd been years since
they'd lived together,
and everybody knew
about his womanizing.
When Harvey and
Georgina got married,
it was a surprise.
First of all, Georgina
had her own family money.
She had gone to private
schools in the UK,
she was very posh and she
was starting a fashion label,
Marchesa, seemingly on her own,
and she didn't seem
to need Harvey,
so it was a bit of a surprise
when this young,
stunning, beautiful woman
would actually marry this
hideous, disgusting human being,
but she did.
Now, we come to
find out that Harvey
threatened actresses
all over Hollywood
that if they didn't
wear his wife's gowns
on the red carpet,
he wouldn't put them
in any more movies.
Felicity Hoffman
actually confirmed
that she was ordered
to wear Marchesa
on red carpets during
her Oscar campaign.
Other actresses,
Renee Zellweger,
were pressured and
forced to wear Marchesa.
Harvey used his
position of power
not only to abuse women
but also to force
them to do things
that benefited him and his wife.
Georgina and Harvey went on
to have two children together,
and initially, Georgina
was going to stand by him.
Georgina issued a
statement saying
that he was receiving therapy
and they were gonna work it out,
and then, of course,
as we started to see
the dozens and dozens and
dozens of women coming forward,
including allegations of rape,
she very quietly
changed her mind.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] Georgina
Chapman, Harvey's wife
and fashion designer,
founder of Marchesa
announced in a statement
that she was leaving him.
"My heart breaks
for all the women
"who have suffered
tremendous pain
"because of these
unforgivable actions."
Further adding,
"I have chosen to
leave my husband.
"Caring for my young
children is my first priority
"and I ask the media for
privacy at this time."
- As soon as the follow
up New York Times
piece came out
where you had people
like Gwyneth Paltrow
openly talking
about what had happened
to them with Uncle Harvey,
as she sickeningly called him,
I knew his wife, Georgina,
was gonna leave him.
There was no way
that Harvey's wife
was gonna be able to withstand
all of these allegations
including the ones of rape.
It started out as he
was a little creepy,
he wanted me to watch
him in the shower,
or give him a massage,
and it ended with
rape, sexual assault,
sexual predation
and a systematic
pattern of behavior
in which he abused
his power and abused women.
There's no way that Harvey
Weinstein can weather
this particular storm.
No matter how good his
team of public relations
experts, lawyers,
bad guys, attack dogs
that he hires,
Harvey Weinstein has been
exposed as a monster.
(dramatic music)
(camera shutters clicking)
(dramatic music)
(man speaking indistinctly)
- Meeting Harvey was,
for me, everything,
thinking this is an opportunity,
and so I,
everything in which
I believed in,
and believing that there's
a second chance for me,
he was that man.
He took hold of me
and pretty much
forced me to walk
with him to the bathroom
where he stood me in
front of the mirror
and he stood behind me
and I was like,
"What are you doing?"
He's like touching
me, rubbing me,
and he's like, "Just relax."
And I'm telling him to stop
and he would raise his voice
but at the same time,
he kept reassuring me
that everything's
going to be okay,
and he was rubbing my breasts
and he placed his leg
between mine from behind,
and was rubbing
against my vagina,
and he pulled, 'cause I
had a dress on at the time,
and he pulled it down,
exposing my breasts.
God, I feel so stupid.
I would say to him,
"People believe in you
"and it's not been
fair that you've used
"the power, the
gift that you have,
"you've turned it
into such a corruption
"to take advantage
of other people."
(dramatic music)
- You're meeting with
a very powerful guy
in Hollywood, that's makes
a lot of actresses careers
happen, so when he said
to go to the Peninsula,
I just thought, "That's
a bar, so fine."
So we met at the bar there,
and we talked for a few minutes,
and then he didn't
really ask me,
he just said, "We're going
upstairs to my room."
And I didn't really
know how to take that.
I didn't know how to say
no to someone like him
at the time,
which I regret,
and as many times as I
said no and resisted,
I just feel like that he was not
gonna let up on the idea,
and it's kind of like
I felt too frozen
to run out of the room.
- In this case, we allege that
the Weinstein Company knew
that one of its key
executives and part owner,
Harvey Weinstein, was
engaging in sexual misconduct
and that he was
using his position at
The Weinstein Company
to bring young,
aspiring actresses
into vulnerable places
where he would
then prey on them.
- Oh, I was there with them
when we were shooting
it in Barcelona,
and it's so hot, that place.
It's so sexy, you just
get crazy thoughts there.
(dramatic music)
- [Photographers]
Harvey, Harvey!
- He is really watching
his entire career
collapse at this point,
and he's being kicked out
of a lot of the esteemed
guilds and industry
We've seen him
kicked out of BAFTA,
we've seen him kicked out
of the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences.
He was just kicked out of
the Television Academy,
Producer's Guild, nobody
wants him, honestly,
because it's an honor to
be in any of these guilds
or associated with
some of the people
who have worked so
hard in the industry,
and you know what?
At this point, we're just like,
"You're not holding
up the ideals
"of the organization, so
we have to say goodbye."
- Well over two thirds
of the board of governors
decided that they
weren't gonna put up with
all of these claims
of sexual abuse
and they decided to revoke
Mr. Weinstein's membership
in that Academy.
The Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences
board of governors
met today to discuss
the allegations against
Harvey Weinstein
and has voted well in excess
of the required two thirds
majority to immediately
expel him from the Academy.
We do so not simply to
separate ourselves from someone
who does not merit the
respect of his colleagues
but also to send a
message that the era
of willful ignorance
and shameful complicity
in sexually predatory
behavior and workplace
harassment in our
industry is over.
(dramatic music)
- We are here with
yet another woman
who alleges that she was
victimized by Harvey Weinstein.
- I was first introduced
to Harvey Weinstein
at the European premiere
of The Aviator in 2004.
After a few minutes of greetings
and normal conversation,
Harvey suddenly asked me
if I'd give him a massage.
I said, "No, sorry,
I'm not a masseuse."
And I suggested he
contact hotel reception
with his request.
He kept asking about massages,
and so I felt the
meeting was going nowhere
and I left.
He kept messaging and calling me
and even showed up
at the apartment
where I was staying
in the East Village
twice in one day,
literally, physically
forced himself
in through the door,
pleading with me
to come with him to Paris.
I found him overwhelming
to deal with,
and I didn't know
how to shut it down,
so I finally said, "I'm not
coming to Paris with you
"and I hear you have a terrible
reputation with women."
That's when he backed off.
He was extremely persistent
and physically overpowering.
He then orally
forced himself on me,
while I was on my period.
He even pulled my tampon out.
I was mortified.
I was in disbelief
and disgusted.
I would not have wanted
anyone to do that to me,
even if the person had
been a romantic partner.
I remember Harvey
afterwards rolling over
onto his back saying,
"Don't you feel we're so much
closer to each other now?"
To which I replied, "No."
(camera shutters clicking)
A no is a no regardless
of the circumstances,
and I told Harvey no.
(dramatic music)
- We need justice
for these victims.
As soon as Mr. Weinstein
completes his therapy
and returns to either
New York or Los Angeles,
we urge him or his
to contact me to discuss
our plan for justice
for victims.
(dramatic music)
Vague apologies are not enough.
(somber music)
- I had created a safeguard
of how I could avoid
those situations and I never
was in a hotel room with him
alone again.
There's a lot of shame
around that experience
and then you ask yourself,
"Why did I work for
this person after that?
"Why didn't I see it in the way
"that the world has seen it now
"when it happened?"
I think that secrecy
around it is probably
a big part of that.
There are days that
I feel really angry,
and upset
and times when you feel that
that person really is a monster
and they deserve whatever
is coming to them
but it's also not that,
I've found that's
it not that helpful
for me in terms of my
healing and understanding
to feel that anger.
It doesn't do
anything to serve me.
- [Narrator] Actress
Emma Thompson spoke
plainly and
eloquently to the BBC
about the issues that
allowed this abuse
of power to take place.
- They see their only
choice to be this choice
that isn't a choice in fact,
it's about power,
it's about how am I,
that I have no power,
and that's because
in our systems
there are not
nearly enough women,
particularly in Hollywood
in positions of power.
There aren't enough women
in the top of the tree
in the studios who could perhaps
balance everything out.
There aren't enough
women on set.
There just aren't
enough women, actually.
- In Hollywood, whenever
there's a scandal,
everybody talks about
redemption and rehab.
It goes in that order.
They beg for forgiveness
and they go to rehab,
whether it's for sex, 'cause
they got caught cheating,
whether it's for drugs
because they got caught
doing cocaine, whether it's for,
whatever it is,
they ask for forgiveness
and they immediately
check into rehab.
We saw Harvey Weinstein
do the same thing.
He gets called out as a
rapist, sexual predator,
and the next thing you know,
he's checking himself
into sex rehab.
Now, I loved what
Emma Thompson said
when she sat down
with Emily Madelis,
the journalist, and said,
"It's not about sex addiction.
"That's a different thing.
"This is about being
a sexual predator."
And she really very nicely
drew the distinction, I think,
because it's one thing
to try and borrow
someone else's
disease or illness
in order to make your bad
behavior seem more palatable.
Celebrities time and
time again use rehab
as a way to redeem themselves
in the eyes of the public.
It's not acceptable.
They need to own up
and take responsibility
for what they've done.
In the case of Harvey
Weinstein, initially,
it looked like he really thought
he was gonna get away
with a quick fix.
Go to rehab, it'll blow over.
His wife was standing by him.
He hired a very
powerful top lawyer,
Elisa Bloom, who was famous
for representing women,
and I think he thought
he had locked down.
If you look at his
initial statement,
he throws out vague accusations
against the women
who had come forward.
He implies Ashley
Judd is mentally ill.
He denies every doing anything
that was not consensual,
and I think he thinks
he's got it covered.
And it wasn't until
five days later
when all the gate,
the floodgates opened,
that I think he realized
this dozens and dozens of women
started speaking out
that actually there was no way
he was going to be able
to contain the situation.
(dramatic music)
- The lengths to which
Harvey Weinstein to go,
and his access, his ability
to go to these lengths
to protect his name
and to protect himself
from any accusations
were quite extraordinary,
so for instance,
he hired Blackcube,
ex-Israeli intelligence officers
to find out who might
be making allegations
against him and
to shut them down.
That is an extraordinary
powerful position to be in,
so again, when people say,
"Why didn't people speak up?"
So not only are you dealing
with Harvey Weinstein,
not only are you
risking your career,
not only are you
gonna be blacklisted,
not only might you
be counter-sued
for false allegations,
you're also gonna face the might
of all sorts of
the murkier world
of intelligence and security
that are set up and designed
to protect these men,
and men like Harvey
Weinstein use that veil
and use that screen
of protection,
and it makes them
believe two things,
one, that they'll never
ever ever get caught
and secondly, if
they do get caught,
if something dares
to accuse them,
they will crush the
accuser like a fly.
- We walked out of
the room and we lost,
and then I realized
why I'm distributing
this money, because they
picked on the wrong guy,
they picked on the wrong movie,
they picked on the wrong thing.
(applause, cheering)
- One of the great myths
of Harvey Weinstein,
people will say,
"Well, it can't be that real."
"Because some of
these allegations go
back a long while.
"Why are these women
coming out now?"
You imagine this scenario, okay?
You are a woman in a
lower state of power,
relative to one of
the most powerful men
in the entertainment industry,
one of the most powerful
men in the United States.
This man knows everybody.
The top lawyers,
top politicians,
presidents, every film
director, every producer,
ever actor, everybody
acknowledges and bows
down to Harvey Weinstein.
You haven't been
touched inappropriately
in a vulnerable position
with nowhere near
his economic power,
his social power,
his political power,
what are you gonna do?
You're gonna think,
"That wasn't right."
And more often than not,
you may even turn
round and think,
"Was it something I did?"
This is what's most pernicious
about people like
Harvey Weinstein
because their power is so great
and the women he
abused were powerless,
relative to him until
now, relative to him,
they might think,
"Well, what did I lead him on?
"Was it something I did?"
And the answer to
that is an absolute
and categorical no.
These women did not do anything
to encourage Harvey Weinstein
to engage with them
against their consent.
And they have not
only had to live
with the abuse,
they've had to live
with the feeling
of powerlessness
about having been abused
and also, feeling ashamed of it,
while Harvey Weinstein
just goes on and on and on
and keeps doing it and
doing it and doing it.
This is not just
the insatiability
of dopamine, a
neurotransmitter in the brain
that drives the reward system,
it's the insatiability
of a powerful men
who preys on people that
are weaker than him,
women that are weaker than him.
- Excellent girl, excellent.
No, there's no better.
You know what I mean?
She's just terrific.
She's good, really good,
good, she's wonderful.
- [Interviewer] She's
got a real charisma
and presence about her.
- She does.
She certainly does.
- The whole thing
about Weinstein
was about power, it
wasn't about sex,
and because every
time he expressed
what he considered
to be his status,
his power, his
dominance over women
he would get a chemical
high, a dopamine high.
The reward system
would kick in and say,
"Well done, Harvey."
And then, he'd go down after it.
It was known, some women
reported him as being tearful
or crying or whatever it was.
He may be remorseful for
a short amount of time,
but that is in no
way gonna change
that behavior pattern,
because the craving comes back,
and then he does it again.
It could be touching a
woman inappropriately.
It could be sexually
assaulting her.
It could be rape, it could
be anything on that spectrum,
but unwanted physical
or emotional abuse
of a woman by a powerful man
and he thought he
could get away with it,
and he couldn't
stop the cravings,
because not all the
money in the world,
not all the status in the world,
not all the power in the world
could stop that dopamine
rush telling him,
"Go on, Harvey, do it again,
"'cause this is how
we get pleasure.
"This is how we get off."
And when you're used to
getting away with it,
when you've done it
10 times, 100 times,
1000 times, who knows
how many times he did it,
over so many years,
and everybody knows about it
and he knows that
everybody knows about it,
and he knows that
everybody knows about it
and he's still
getting away with it,
he's gonna keep doing it.
Harvey Weinstein was
a man who groomed
an entire industry,
the entire film industry,
the entire entertainment
industry was groomed
by Harvey Weinstein,
and quite likely, people
are standing up and saying
enough is enough.
If men get their rush
from abusing women,
well, too bad.
They've got to pay
a price for it,
and it's time for
them to get their rush
and doing something else
that's safe and
legal and consensual,
whatever that might be.
(dramatic music)
- There isn't really
an answer for Harvey
in terms of his just
going to rehab in Arizona,
saying he's going
for sexual addiction
or anything else like that,
because he's a predator.
He clearly set
the path and tried
to trap these women
in his hotel room
or in his house,
wherever it was, he
tried to make it happen,
and I don't think
it's that simple
of going to one week of rehab
and just being
like, "I'm sorry."
I have no sympathy for him,
because honestly,
this is a behavior
that's gone on for decades
and one week of rehab
is not going to solve
your problems.
- I think we're passed the
point of sexual addiction here.
This is not a sex addict.
This is a rapist,
this is a predator,
this is an abuser.
A victimizer,
he's a complete monster.
- Like a lot of
malignant narcissists,
which I have no
doubt that he is,
Harvey believed that he
was capable of everything.
He was a super
human, super power
who could do whatever
he wanted to,
and get away with it.
All you have to look at
is his initial statement
after the women bravely
came forward in the Times,
after the New York
Magazine piece exposed him
for being such a
horrendous monster.
He still thinks he's
gonna go to a quick trip
to Arizona sex rehab and be back
at the top of his game, no
understanding whatsoever.
- There is definitely
the appearance
that he is admitting to
something inappropriate.
Or he's doing it
'cause he thinks
he can just do a public
relations clean up,
that, "Okay, I'm gonna
go to this place.
"I'm going to admit my problem.
"I'm gonna come out
and tell everyone,
"look, I'm better now."
If I was a betting man,
I would bet on Harvey thinks
this is a great public
relations move,
and I don't think
it's gonna work
in any way, shape, or form.
Harvey is done.
Harvey's career in
Hollywood is over.
I don't know where
else Harvey can even
have a career
and now we're looking
at prosecutors
in several cities
around the world
who are looking into
these rape allegations
and are looking to bring
charges against him,
so if he is charged with rape,
either to trial or he does
some sort of plea bargain,
he's looking at spending
many years in prison
if not the rest of his life.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] The
sheer number of people
coming forward to share
their own experiences
at the hands of powerful
and dangerous men
in Hollywood shocked the world.
But to those in the industry,
this was nothing more than
a long awaited spotlight
shining light on a dark truth.
- The idea of the casting couch
and the recent allegations
that have come out
have not been shocking
to anyone in Hollywood.
Unfortunately, the extent
of some of the allegations
have been the most
surprising thing.
I think people knew
that it was not a very
well kept secret, that
actors and actresses
were propositioned by directors
or spoken to inappropriately,
however I don't believe
that the pervasiveness,
especially of the allegations
against Harvey Weinstein
were known.
- The casting culture
has been around since
the beginning of castings.
I know everyone says
this, but it's true,
it's in every industry,
so we call it casting
here in Hollywood,
but in another industry,
they just call it applying
for a job, so it's really,
since the beginning of time,
since people had power
and there are other
people who wanna
be part of their world,
there are people out
there who take advantage
of that power, take
advantage of people
who want something so badly.
- The Hollywood casting
couch has been around
for as long as they've
been making movies.
This is a dynamic where you have
a lot of very powerful men
and a lot of very
young, beautiful women,
and it just has
naturally evolved
into a very dark and ugly,
predatory arrangement.
Going back all the way
to the big studio heads
who wielded unprecedented
power in Hollywood,
these men preyed,
very frequently,
on young ingenue
starlet actresses
and, in fact, one
Hollywood mogul
even had an office
next to his main office
where he would audition
starlets every day
between four and 4:30 PM
and everybody knew
what audition meant.
You have very famous
stories of you actresses
like Shirley Temple,
who had an MGM producer
expose themself to her when
she was just 12 years old,
stories about Louis B.
Meyer who was running
the big Hollywood
studio at the time,
who was basically
feeling up Judy Garland
every time she would come in.
She was a young singer, actress,
and he would put his
hand on her breasts
and say, "This is
where you sing from.
"This is how you sing."
And he used it as an
excuse to molest her.
The stories that
have long been apart
of Hollywood folklore
are dark and ugly,
but it's only now, I think,
in recent times that
people are actually
calling these what they are,
which is sexual predation
and in some cases, rape.
The Hollywood casting couch
really is about power,
and you have a lot
of very powerful men
who are taking
advantage of that power.
We see it across all industries.
You see it in
investment banking,
you see it in any industry where
there are a lot of men
in positions of power
and women who are not.
In the years between
something like 2006 and 2017
only 4% of Hollywood
directors were female,
and 80% of those
female directors
only ever got to make one movie.
The balance of power in
Hollywood is massively skewed
in favor of men and anytime
you get a group of men
that are this powerful
and women who are
trying to break through,
there are always going
to be those bad apples
who use their position of power
in a way to abuse women.
(dramatic music)
- So we've seen other
cases in Hollywood
and these men have been
forgiven in some ways,
but I think people are
starting to reconsider
whether they should be forgiven.
You take a look at
the Roman Polanski,
he was convicted of
raping a 13 year old
and he had her under
the influence of alcohol
and drugs, he was charged
with sodomy and rape
and you have to sit
there and take a look,
he's clearly guilty and
he fled the country.
He did not want to
serve any jail time,
but he's still been able to work
in the entertainment industry,
and he's been
nominated for Oscars
and the actors will go
and fly over to Europe
and work with him,
so clearly there's some
sort of forgiveness
if you're okay with that,
and then you take a
look at Woody Allen,
and again, A list
stars are always
willing to work with
Woody even though,
and we all know
this, that he went
and had an affair
with his stepdaughter
who was under 18 at the time
and then it continued on until
she was a legal age and
now they are married
and they have kids,
but come on, it's really creepy,
and on top of that,
he was then accused
of molesting another one
of his wife's siblings,
and it's really complicated
and it's gross and
everything else,
but again, actors aren't saying,
"You know what?
"I shouldn't be
working with him."
But now I think people
are really gonna
open their eyes.
- No one was immune.
Even Joan Collins, who
was famous at the time,
and was up the lead
part of Cleopatra.
Cleopatra, she was the
front runner for the role,
and she said the
director basically
said to her, "If you
really want this role,
"you have to be nice to me."
Which in the 1960s
meant have sex with me.
She didn't and she lost the
role to Elizabeth Taylor,
but no one is immune.
Helen Mirren talked
about how one particular
director, Michael
Winner, treated her
like a piece of meat.
You go from the most
prestigious powerful
respected leading lady
to the youngest ingenue
reality star starlet,
everyone at every level
seems to have experienced
something like this.
- One of the most famous cases
is Tippi Hedren and
director Alfred Hitchcock.
Now he was obsessed with her
and she was a part of his muses
that they were called
his icy blondes,
and I think what was interesting
is that in her book last year,
Tippi actually talked
about several incidents
where he was sexually
harassing her,
he was sexually assaulting her,
and she was constantly
fending him off.
Oftentimes, he would
throw himself on her.
He would touch her
and if she didn't respond,
he would not only
be mean to her,
actually downright cruel,
but he also told her one time,
"I'm going to ruin your career
"if you don't sleep with me."
And essentially,
that is what he did.
They were in the middle
of filming Marnie
when he told her that
and he basically didn't
talk to her anymore.
They finished the film,
but he made sure that
she never worked again
and remember, her whole
career was really started
thanks to Alfred Hitchcock
and he started it
and he ended it.
He had that much power.
- I think it's been going
on since man and woman
were put on this earth,
and I don't think
there's anything
that's going to stop it.
I think that was has to happen
is young people
have to be educated
in what they can accept
or what they should accept,
what they shouldn't accept,
and it should be made
very clear for them.
Alfred Hitchcock told
me he'd ruin my career,
and I stood up and as I
was walking out the door,
I said, "Do what
you have to do."
And I think it was
the best door slamming
I've ever done.
This isn't unique to Hollywood.
It's just that Hollywood
is more glamorous
and it's more fun to talk about
when it's an actress
and a big producer,
and that makes a story.
That sort of activity
needs to be brought out
and that there are
women who will say no
and you are absolutely wrong
in even attempting this,
and we have a right to act out
how we feel about
that kind of thing.
- [Interviewer] To women
who are wondering about
speaking out, what is
your message to them?
- Keep it up.
It's the only way
it's gonna stop.
You don't have to
put up with that.
There's a not a
reason in the world,
not a good one.
(dramatic music)
- More people come forward,
the more it's talked about,
the less victims
are going to feel
like they don't
have anywhere to go,
and now they can go somewhere,
it's not shameful,
it's not something
that's going to threaten
their entire lives.
That they could survive.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] The Me Too movement
has only been made
possible by social media
and even though
the movement began
in response to the
Weinstein allegations,
it has become a symbol
of strength and unity
to all those affected
by sexual abuse.
(dramatic music)
- So what was interesting
about all of these Harvey
stories is that it really
fueled a social media
frenzy with the hashtag me too,
and celebrity and TV
star Alyssa Milano
really came forward and
just started pushing
the hashtag and a lot of women
just started sharing
their stories
and saying, "This happened
to me when I was a kid.
"This happened to me in college.
"This happened to me last week."
And it was amazing to see
that not only was it
happening in Hollywood,
it was happening in sports,
it was happening in
the tech industry,
it happens in politics.
It's not just limited
to Los Angeles.
It is happening
all over the place
and I think women
are starting to feel
okay about sharing
their stories.
There's no shame.
We're here to
support each other,
and I'm glad people
are paying attention.
(dramatic music)
I think what's helpful
in this situation
is social media has
been a big player
when it comes to
sharing these stories.
You realize that famous women
and not so famous
women, people from just
average walks of
life have experienced
the same exact thing
and realizing
we're all the same,
and I think it's
really helped everyone
feel better about the situation
and then now take action
on how we're not going to
have this happen again,
and that's what we really saw
when it came to
that me too hashtag.
- It's life changing,
it's life changing,
and we create cultural content
and we know that we have
to get our own house
in order, our
representation of women
and people of color
and LGBTQ folks
is frankly still really poor
and there's a lot of
room for improvement,
and we have our 50
50 by 2020 push,
which is to have 50%
women and 50% men
across all positions
across our entire industry
including putting women in
positions of decision making,
and through our leadership,
we hope that the
rest of the country
continues to catch fire
with this revolution
of safer workspaces
for everyone.
(dramatic music)
- My greatest fear
was that it would be
a flash in the pan and we'd
move on to the next outrage
coming from the White House.
Instead, it really does
feel like something seismic
is happening in the way
we look at the balance
of power, the way
women are excluded
from most of the
areas of the decision
making level, in
government, in boardrooms,
in business, in the media,
and the abuses that fall
from that imbalance,
so that's what the
correction is gonna be.
It's going to be very messy.
Somebody said in
the Times Up group,
which I'm apart,
that we're building
the airplane as we're
taking it out down the runway,
and that's the mess of it,
but I think it's a really,
really valuable shift
that I feel happening.
- [Interviewer] What
about the backlash
against yourself, obviously?
After you made that speech
at the Golden Globes,
it's like you put your
head above the parapet.
People are gonna take aim,
and it feels like that's
what's happening with you
now, people saying, "Weinstein,
she must have known."
- Yes.
I think I'm taking the
hit for an entire group
of people who worked
with Harvey Weinstein,
but the people...
What's difficult about this
is that it precedes him,
these abuses,
and there was Roger Ales
who ran the Fox Network,
there was Bill O'Reilly,
who Fox paid out
35 million dollars in
silence money to women
and sexual harassment suits.
In our country, the settlement
of a sexual harassment suit
is a legitimate tax deduction.
It's built into the
way of doing business.
This is outrageous,
and it is again, because
the balance of power
that's off, as for me taking--
- [Interviewer] But you
knew about these things,
you didn't know about
these things until now?
- Well, the specific, no.
We know that people are jerks.
We know that there's
a lot of people
that are assholes out there,
we know that there's
a lot of people
that utilize their
position and their gravitas
for something other, lot
of times it's riches,
a lot of times it's just
fun to be storytellers,
but a lot of times
it's been able
to take advantage of the people
who are powerless against you.
That's, without a doubt,
that's been part and pull,
and you hear stories
and you go like,
we all have joined
a circus here,
and in that circus,
there is going
to be all sorts of
inappropriate messages,
inappropriate behavior,
and some stuff downright
sexual predatory aspects of it.
What can come out of all this
is understanding,
look, sex and flirting
and whatever you wanna call it,
affairs of the flesh are
never going to go away,
but what can go hand
in hand with that
is the parody that
where you work
actually reflects the
rest of the world,
that it's not one
gender having control
proportionally, when
in fact it should be
somewhere around 50 50
and when it is 50 50,
I think there's gonna
be board members
who are gonna say,
"We are paying out millions
of dollars for what exactly?"
And then you're gonna see--
- Won't happen.
- And then you're
gonna see a difference.
- [Interviewer] If you
were on the set together
and you wanted to put
your arm round Meryl,
you know each other
really well as friends,
put your arm around
Meryl's shoulder,
touch her on the knee,
are you thinking twice
about things like that?
It works both ways,
of course, doesn't it?
This is the debate
that's going on now.
- Yeah.
No, I wouldn't think
twice about it,
and also, with actors, it's
a very different thing.
Tom's not employing me.
It's a different thing
when there's an imbalance
in the power dynamic.
If somebody's somebody's boss
or potentially a woman
is trying to get a job,
it's a very, very
different thing.
In the United States,
there was a newscaster
who had a button under his desk
that would lock the door
when his young women
interns would come in.
These are abuses beyond
imagining, honestly,
and shouldn't be
in the workplace.
Everybody deserves a workplace
that's respectful and safe.
That's the simplest piece of it.
- Well, first of all, can I say
I think that the women
who've come forward
and talked about
their experiences
in relation to this individual
have been very brave to do so
and I commend them
for doing that.
We have an independent body
here in the UK that
looks at these issues
that will look into the issue
as to whether his honor
should be taken from him.
They will do that independently,
and I think we just let
them get on with that job.
- What's interesting is
I hear a lot of people
saying when speaking
about girl's empowerment,
finding and knowing their worth,
or women's empowerment as well,
you'll often hear people say,
"You're helping women
find their voices."
And I fundamentally
disagree with that
because women don't
need to find the voice.
They have a voice.
They need to feel
empowered to use it,
and people need to be
encouraged to listen,
and I think right
now in the climate
that we're seeing
so many campaigns,
Me Too and Times Up,
there is no better time
than to really continue
to shine a light
on women feeling empowered
and people really
helping to support them,
men included in that,
I mean, it makes such a
tremendous difference.
- I think the good
thing that is happening
with the Harvey
Weinstein situation
is the fact that it is
going to be a domino effect.
We are going to see
women finally saying,
"You know what, I'm not
going to accept this.
"I'm gonna tell people
about what happened to me
"so they can learn
from that experience."
And we have seen
that start to happen
with Kevin Spacey,
we've seen allegations
against even Ben Affleck,
we've seen allegations against
Bryan Singer, the director,
and we are starting to see,
it's like a house of cards,
it just literally is
starting to fall away,
and we've heard like
five, six, seven stories.
I think there's a
lot more to come.
- He might be exceptional
in terms of the years
and the number of
women he targeted,
but this is a
culture in Hollywood.
It extends well beyond
Harvey Weinstein.
There are dozens of
other Harvey Weinsteins
in Hollywood.
(dramatic music)
- Look, for every story
about Gwyneth Paltrow
or Charlize Theron
being sexually harassed,
there are also stories
about all very, very
famous leading men
also being harassed.
A lot of them
haven't come forward
so I can't name their names,
but I can talk about Kevin
Spacey and Anthony Rapp.
Anthony Rapp is a young actor,
was at the time, in
particular on stage
who worked with Kevin Spacey,
when Kevin Spacey,
according to him,
tried to seduce him.
Anthony Rapp was one of
the first, very brave men
to come forward and say
it's not just women,
this happened to me.
I think there are a lot of men
who are straight, who are
living as straight men
who have been preyed
upon by other men
in the industry but because
of perhaps embarrassment
or confusion or not
wanting to come out
as having had a gay
sexual experience
with a man in power,
it has caused a certain
reluctance on their part.
Perhaps they feel
they have more to lose
in terms of their public image
to admit that they slept
with a powerful male producer
or director in order
to get a film role,
but virtually all, quite
a few of our most famous
leading men have been
harassed as well.
- The fact that
somebody that powerful,
his career has been
completely ruined,
and I think that's
a real message
to anybody who would
behave like this,
and I think that social media
has given everybody a
voice and a platform
and everyone realizes
that they're not alone
and women realize
that they're not alone
and that their voice matters
and their voice can be heard
and that means behavior's
going to change.
- We've seen the
Bill Cosby stories,
we've the president of
the United States tell us
exactly what he does,
we've seen this go
on and on and on,
and I think we have to
get to the point where
maybe this is it, maybe this
is the watershed moment,
where we believe women,
where they feel safe,
that they can talk about
what they're experiencing.
- So we've heard a lot of people
from the industry talk about it,
recently we had both Matt
Damon and George Clooney
talking about the situation.
They've both worked with
him in different capacities
over the years and
Matt really owes
the beginning of his
career to Harvey Weinstein,
and he said, "I didn't
know this was going on
"and it's shocking in some ways,
"but I have to make
sure that I'm protecting
"the actresses around me
"and I don't condone this
behavior or anything else
"like that and I don't
wanna be apart of it."
And I think for George
Clooney, he said,
"I did hear stories.
"Harvey would tell me stories
"about some of my
female friends,
"and he said that he
had slept with them.
"I just didn't think
that they would do that
"and I didn't believe them,
"but in the long run,
I should have been
"more proactive about
calling him out on that
"or making sure that my
friends were protected."
And so we're seeing
A list celebrities
willing to speak out
although everybody's wondering
what Uma Thurman has.
She recently spoke and said,
"I'm too angry
right now to speak."
And she worked
extensively with Harvey,
so I don't know whether
she has a personal story
or she knows of
things that happened,
but she certainly,
when she's ready to talk,
I think everyone's
ready to listen.
- So I've been waiting
to feel less angry,
and when I'm ready,
I'll say what I have to say.
- [Narrator] It would
only be months later
when she was able
to share her story.
According to Thurman in
1994, London Savoy hotel,
Harvey Weinstein pushed her down
and tried to force
himself upon her.
She said, "He did all
kinds of unpleasant things
"but he didn't actually
put his back into it
"and forced me.
"You're like an animal
wriggling away, like a lizard."
She said a bunch of flowers
arrived the next day
with the note reading,
"You have great instincts."
- To check what we say,
how we say it, who we say it to
is to put that in the spotlight
is a good thing.
And as Dylan said, the
times they are a changing.
- It started a few weeks
before the Golden Globes
in 2018, we started
hearing that actresses,
stylists, were pulling black.
There was a full page ad
in one of the Hollywood
magazines, trade
magazines, that said,
we're wearing black as
a sign of solidarity.
Hashtag times up,
Times Up is the
statement being made
that we will no longer
tolerate sexual predation.
We will no longer
tolerate sexual abuse.
Your time is up as a predator,
so in solidarity, we had
virtually every actress
in Hollywood wearing black,
black dresses as a way to
show that they were united
against the abuses
that had been going on.
Everyone was there
to make a statement
about times up, this is over,
and then of course, you
have Natalie Portman
on stage announcing the nominees
for best director, and
she pauses and says,
"And here are the all male
nominees for best director."
It was a very powerful moment
and the reason is,
what Natalie Portman
was alluding to is
the real problem.
The real problem is that
there are so few women
at the table in Hollywood.
There are so few women
in positions of power
behind the scenes.
It's still very much a
male dominated industry
where women don't have a voice,
and as long as women
don't have a voice,
there are always going
to be abuses of power.
- I think everyone is
going to be talking about
this moment tonight
and we are amplifying
what a lot of people
have been working for in
the country a long time
for social justice
and I think because
we're Hollywood
and we're in the spotlight,
sometimes I feel like
we have a responsibility
to address issues and especially
in light of what just
happened last year
and all these brave
women coming forward
and telling their stories
about harassment
and sexual abuse
in the workplace.
- This is just the beginning
of people talking about it,
talking on a red carpet
about such things,
there's gotta be a good move.
- What's so hopeful
is that the fact
that women now are speaking up.
They're going on
Twitter and saying,
"This happened to me."
Is giving a lot of men pause.
I was told that Leo DiCaprio,
who's famous for his love
of very young models,
has been extra
careful as of late
in social situations
when he tries to
pick up young girls
because he's now over 40
and very powerful and
even actors like DiCaprio
who are in this
Lothario category
are changing behavior
because they don't want
to be accused of something
later on down the line.
I do think behavior will
change, is changing.
The real work that
has to be done
is giving women more of
a voice in Hollywood.
I don't think until
women have more power
it's ever gonna go away,
but I do think
there's an awful lot
of very nervous men in
Hollywood at the moment.
The day that the Harvey
Weinstein story broke,
you could literally hear
the men in Hollywood
picking up their phone
and calling their lawyers
and saying, "How much
trouble am I in?"
It caused a ripple
effect of fear
and panic amongst
Hollywood moguls
and agents and
managers who had abused
and continued to
abuse their power
with their leading ladies.
(dramatic music)
There are, of course,
a lot of women
who agreed to the terms
that Harvey Weinstein
and other men like him set out,
and they used it to
advance their careers.
I think a lot of those
women are silent now
or they're speaking
out about the fact
that they were forced
into the situation.
It's certainly true
that this game,
this negotiation, I should say,
of sexual favors in
exchange for power,
has been going on and
continues to go on
in every industry.
I think in Hollywood,
it's so public
and it's so abused
and it's so common
and now, obviously, so exposed.
I think for a lot of women,
Harvey Weinstein
preyed, manipulated,
and forced himself on them
and in the confusion and
the pain and the trauma
of the aftermath,
some continued to
be his girlfriend,
some continued to have a
sexual relationship with him,
but I think psychologically
there's a lot at play there,
but it could be that it's easier
to believe that the
man who abused you
was your boyfriend, you just
hadn't started dating yet
than it is to
acknowledge the fact
that you were raped.
That someone forced
himself on you,
and I think for
some of these women
who seem quite vulnerable,
once Harvey has assaulted them,
they convinced themselves
that there was a
relationship there
in a way to help
their own self esteem
and self worth and a way
to handle the situation
which would have
been very traumatic,
and a way to justify
perhaps what they felt
was their own guilt and shame,
which they shouldn't have had,
but is normal to have,
and their dirtiness about it.
They felt and they
wanted to make themselves
feel better and so they went on
to have a relationship with him,
but it doesn't change the fact
that they were abused,
they were assaulted,
they were preyed upon.
Whatever happened after that
doesn't negate the fact
that what he did was wrong.
(dramatic music)
- Hopefully, it's an end to
this whole culture of fear
and the abuse of actresses
and I think the story,
I'm sure more is to come out,
because if actresses
lived under this fear
that their career
might be affected,
then that clearly indicates
it's not just that one person.
There must have
been other people.
There must have been
a group of people
to be able to represent
that level of fear.
I hope also it means that people
now are much more confident
about speaking out,
and that's not just women,
that's men as well,
men who's women friends have
told them about an incident,
something that men have
to speak out as well.
- It feels disheartening,
the whole time
feels disheartening,
seeing it all the
time on television,
everything, it's oppressive.
It's good because I think
it's catalyst for change.
I think anger's a great
catalyst for change,
and being in reality about
what's really going on
is really healthy.
We're not always
all able to do it,
'cause we look at it sometimes,
it's like, terrifying.
- Who knew this movement
would take place?
It was very much necessary
and a long time coming,
and when we were making it,
I definitely felt like,
"Wow, this is a really
great girl power message."
And that was the term
that was being used,
when we were making
it, girl power.
- My heart goes out to anyone
who suffered through
that kind of experience
and abuse and I hope,
I'm thankful that women
who suffered through that
have their voices heard
and as a community we
can come together and say
that's not socially acceptable,
and we're not gonna stand
for that kind of behavior
and put a stop to it.
- All the stuff's
being revealed now
and now we have
to make a decision
about who are going forward,
and it isn't just about women,
it's about white
supremacy, it's about race.
It's a new time,
and we all gotta stick together,
we all gotta cross
our comfort zones,
we all gotta speak
up for each other,
if we wanna change the world.
If we don't wanna
change the world,
then we stay silent and quiet
and let the secrets persist
and everything will stay the
way it's going right now.
- It's women's minds,
women's bodies,
and so they have
control of that,
and so there's need
to be respect there.
There's a line, no means no.
- What's going on in
Hollywood, I believe,
is solidarity.
It's what happened
when all these women
shared their story
and said, "Me too."
What happened was connection
and that's what we all live for,
we live for belonging
to a community,
and the community has now said,
"You know what?
"We're ready to be inclusive."
I do think it will extend
beyond award season
and what I hope is
that it sends a message
to women who are
still in silence,
because of trauma
and who are suffering from
post-traumatic stress disorder
or depression or
contemplating suicide,
because of the trauma of
rape or sexual assault,
I want them to have
permission to speak up.
I want them to have
permission to say--
- It's really important.
- That it wasn't my fault,
and to out the perpetrator.
That's what I'm hoping.
(dramatic music)
- The real problem is that
there are so few women
at the table in Hollywood.
There are so few women
in positions of power
behind the scenes.
It's still very much a
male dominated industry
where women don't have a voice,
and as long as women
don't have a voice,
there are always going
to be abuses of power.
What we've seen in recent times
is women have found a voice.
Things like Twitter
and social media
give someone like Rose
McGowen a massive platform
in which to express herself.
Prior to social media,
women didn't have a
way to communicate
to millions what had
happened to them,
outrage, fear,
anxiety, complaints.
They didn't have a voice.
They didn't have a platform.
Now, everybody has a chance.
Everybody has a voice,
everybody has a platform.
- It's an important moment
and maybe a turning point.
I hope it's a tipping point.
The fact that all these women
have been brave enough
to come out and speak
and when you're not
in a powerful position
and the person that
you're telling on,
as it were, is,
there can be a cost.
People can be very critical.
- It was just disgusting,
and the stories that have
come out are heartbreaking,
and I really commend the women
who have been willing
to step forward now
and tell their stories,
but I think it's
important that we
not just focus on him
and whatever consequences
flow from the stories
about his behavior,
but that we recognize,
this kind of behavior cannot
be tolerated anywhere.
(dramatic music)
- First of all, I think
that cultural change
is always difficult but we
continue to move forward,
not withstanding
forces that would like
to move us backwards,
women have understood the
truth about sexual harassment
and abuse for generations,
but the freedom to speak
out and be believed
and be heard is so important
and I believe there's a shift
and I think that
from below the line
to above the line,
there's a recognition
that we wanna provide
access and opportunity
not to be generous but
because if you open the door,
the stories are
robust and diverse
and different and that
we all have a right
to do what we love.
(dramatic music)
- People believe in you
and it's not been fair
that you've used the power,
the gift that you have,
you've turned it into such
a corruption to take
advantage of other people.
- I had kind of
created a safeguard
of how I could avoid
those situations
and I never was in a hotel
room with him alone again.
- You're meeting with
a very powerful guy
in Hollywood that makes a lot
of actress's careers happen,
so when he said to
go to the Peninsula,
I just thought, "That's
a bar, so fine."
So we met at the bar there,
and we talked for a few minutes
and then he didn't
really ask me,
he just said, "We're going
upstairs to my room."
And I didn't really
know how to take that.
I didn't know how to say
no to someone like him
at the time, which I regret.
- The next thing I knew,
he had unzipped his fly
and pulled out his penis.
My heart started pounding.
My mind started racing.
How do I deal with this?
How do I get out of this?
Am I going to get out of this?
How is this happening?
He then grabbed my hand
and pulled me towards him
and forced my hand onto his
penis and held it there.
He said, "Name anyone, any
actress you can think of
"and this is how they made it."
I have told parts of this story
to only a very few
people over the years.
I felt so powerless
because he is, after
all, very powerful
and very well known
and very successful.
I didn't think anyone
would believe me.
I was nobody.
Why would they?
(dramatic music)
- I would not have wanted
anyone to do that to me,
even if the person had
been a romantic partner.
- We need justice
for these victims.
As soon as Mr. Weinstein
completes his therapy
and returns to either
New York or Los Angeles,
we urge him or his
to contact me to discuss
our plan for justice
for victims.
Vague apologies are not enough.
- [Narrator] UK police
are now investigating
allegations made by 10
women against producer
Harvey Weinstein,
so as more and more people
bravely come forward
with their own stories,
more and more powerful
men in the industry
are beginning to fall
as their misconduct
is being exposed.
Kevin Spacey, Louis
CK, Ed Westwick,
Dustin Hoffman, James
Toback, Woody Allen,
Roman Polanski,
no longer can the
industry tolerate
this kind of behavior.
The truth is out and
it is being heard.
(dramatic music)