Beyond the Forest (1949)

This is the main street of the
town of Loyalton in Wisconsin.
It looks like Sunday, doesn't it?
Everything empty,
the street deserted...
But it can't be Sunday,
not with the saw mill running.
The sawmill is the pulse and
heartbeat of the town of Loyalton.
The people wake to the
scream of the whistle...
Go to work by it, eat lunch by it,
and start home by it.
And at night if their bedrooms
face the mill,
they have to sleep
with the shades down
to close out the hot flow
of the sawdust that
comes from the incinerator
lighting the sky...
Burning its way through closed
eyelids, through sleep itself.
Even the picture theater's closed.
Today they have a drama being
enacted in their own town.
Yes, everything's empty.
That is, most everything.
There's a horse tied here to
Sven Godford's blacksmith shop,
but horses don't mind waiting...
If people do.
And in the second story of the bank
building is the doctor's office,
the only doctor in Loyalton.
But his door's locked.
And even if it were open,
there'd be no patients.
Not today.
And here's the train that
passes through twice a day,
to and from Chicago.
And each day Rosa used to
walk down to the station,
moving easily, freely, every man's
admiring eye upon her.
Rosa Moline.
She'd stand looking at the train,
which seemed to say to her:
"Come, Rosa...come away
before it's too late...
And at the very end of the street,
as far away from the
town as she can get,
is her house, the finest
house in Loyalton.
If you knew Rosa, you'd know
she'd have the best house in town,
and as far away from the screech
of the saw mill as she could get.
She has a maid, too.
Only an Indian girl,
but that's more than any
of the other women have.
There she is now, coming
out the back door.
If Rosa were home,
Jenny'd be in uniform.
But Rosa isn't home.
Rosa's in the courthouse
facing a coroner's inquest.
A man has been killed
by Rosa Moline.
Even the kids of the town
don't want to miss anything.
They all know Rosa.
By sight anyway.
Now they're hoping to
hear spoken aloud
what was only whispered before.
Housework has been left undone,
dishes still in the sink.
Children unwashed and men unfed.
The women of the town,
friendly and unfriendly,
are all here, all wondering if
at last they're going to learn
the secret of Rose's life.
What made her different
from the rest of them?
And the men on the jury,
they wonder too.
The coroner is solemnly addressing
them with these words:
"You do solemnly swear
that you will
"diligently inquire on
behalf of this state
"when and in what manner
and by what means
"the person who is now
dead came to his death.
"That you will return a
true inquest theron,
"according to your knowledge
and such evidence
"as shall be laid before you".
Why should I kill him?
Someone tell me that!
Why should I want to?
It was an accident!
Well, what led up to it
happened five months ago...
That one is too small, Lewis!
Throw him back!
Guess he is at that.
Down, boy fishy!
Get the going while
the going's good.
While you've still got the
pep to get somewhere.
I wish they put this
air up in bottles!
The trouble with you Lou is you
don't get up here often enough!
He doesn't do anything enough!
Except work!
You better ease up.
A sick doctor isn't much good.
I'm as strong as a horse!
Horses get sick.
I oughta first
patient was a horse!
What'd he pay you with...Oats?
Well...we'd better push off if
we're gonna get to
my cabin by sundown.
Yes, let's get moving.
Latimer Lodge!
You know every time I see a
place like that it puzzles me.
Man wants to get out in the
woods where he can be alone so...
he builds 20 bedrooms
to be alone in.
18 baths.
That's right, isn't it Moose?
It was the last count!
I suppose there is some
sort of majesty in 18 baths...
only you can only
take one at a time.
The number of anything is
impressive, even 18 lawnmovers!
It's a soft job for me, anyhow!
I think I'll go and wash up.
What's the matter with your foot?
I think I twisted it or something!
No wonder with those things
you've got on your feet!
Catch, Moose!
Wouldn't rob you of the
pleasure of cleaning these.
Let me have a look at that foot.
- That hurt?
- Uh-huh.
You probably pulled a muscle.
I think you'll live.
You know, Moose was right.
We don't get up here often enough.
Oh Lewis, I forgot.
Here's a message for you.
I've got to go back.
What's the matter?
Mildred Sorren. She's having a baby.
You should have known.
Well, I can't keep track of all
the babies born in Loyalton.
She's going to have a tough time.
I wanted her to go to Ashford,
but her husband couldn't
afford the hospital.
If he can't afford a hospital,
he can't afford 8 kids.
It's quite a hike back to the
car. With that ankle...
I'll make better time without you.
I've got to go back to town.
Rosa's got a bad ankle. You'll have
to put her up here tonight.
I wouldn't be a doctor
for anything on earth!
Moose'll bring you down tomorrow.
I just thought one of the kids
had measles or something!
It's not your fault. She wasn't
due for another month.
Take good care of her, Moose.
Remember, no firewater!
Why, I've been sober
for three months!
That's what worries me!
Here you go.
So long, Lou!
Bacon and fried potatoes
all right for supper?
And some trout?
And coffee, good and strong!
A fat lot of good that did you.
I don't like porcies,
they irritate me.
You don't like life!
Life in Loyalton is like sitting
in a funeral parlor
and waiting for the
funeral to begin.
No, not sitting.
Lying in a coffin...
and waiting for them
to carry you out!
You've had a drink?
Just one.
Found a bottle that I
thought I'd finished.
You know how it is with you.
One drink leads to another.
Besides, you've got a
lady in your care.
Meaning you?
Meaning me.
You're something for
the birds, Rosa.
Something for the birds!
I remember the look in her eye.
She was standing on the porch when
I went out through the gate.
Who are you trying to forget?
I'll tell you when I've forgotten!
All you shackers get cracked.
What did you do that
made you run away?
Kill a man?
No! No, I didn't kill anybody.
I left them alone.
Absolutely alone.
I could have made something of all
our lives. I could have saved mine.
Words can't explain.
Words are just sounds.
Sounds are not what I feel.
You in here?
How did you know I was coming?
Sending a telegram
to Moose isn't exactly
the best way of keeping a secret...
in a small town.
How'd you get here?
It started on a fishing trip
with the Doctor and Moose...
sent the Doctor back to town
on an emergency call...
And Moose?
Well, Moose had kind
of an emergency too.
A bottle of whiskey just happened
to be in my knapsack...
and Moose just happened to find it!
You're terrific!
You said that the first time, too.
Mind if I ask a few questions?
How do you sign those big
fat checks you make out?
"Neil K. Latimer".
Oh? You can write then?
What are you getting at?
When you told me you stopped
going to school when you were 9...
I thought maybe you'd never learned.
That's the excuse I made to myself
for those letters I didn't get!
Anything I had to say to you,
I wouldn't put on paper!
Say it now.
I don't need words!
Get up.
Mrs. West!
You've got another fine boy, Sorren.
Better go get some coffee.
You've been up all night.
It's funny. No matter
how often this happens,
and I got a house full of kids...
it's always a big moment.
You know, I was wishing the
little guy dead an hour ago.
Now that everything's all right...
everything is all right, isn't it?
Well...she had a bad time.
She needs blood plasma.
That costs money.
If there's any work you need
done over at your place...
like painting or cutting wood,
I can come Sundays...
We'll talk about that
some other time.
Better go get some breakfast.
Go ahead.
You tried to take the baby,
didn't you?
No gloves, just your hands?
I didn't have no gloves.
You weren't here. Someone
had to do something.
Keep her drinking liquids and give
her one of those every three hours.
If you know any more
prayers, say them.
You've got to give me credit,
and I've got to have
the plasma and penicillin
right away!
Well, send it C.O.D. and I'll
get the cash somehow.
Well, you don't expect me
to let a woman die
because I owe you 187 dollars,
do you?
All right, all right...
I'll drive over and
pick it up myself.
You'd get that same exercise
if you were a lumberjack!
Yeah, but would I get you?
You haven't got me!
You're here.
Here today and gone tomorrow.
Gone today if I have any sense
before Moose sobers up.
What about that time before?
What did your husband say
when you turned up?
He believed what I told him,
that I'd been lost in the storm.
That's what you told me, when
you wanted in the lodge that time!
You believed it, too!
Wait a minute! You knew
I was snowed in here alone?
And that Moose had a bad knee...
and that Lewis was
taking care of it.
Only a few hundred yards away?
I'm glad I didn't know it then!
I knew it.
Thought you might be worth it.
Was I?
I'm back...
What's your game, Rosa?
What do you want?
You're a married woman!
You didn't make those millions
by having scruples!
I just don't want your husband
taking a pot-shot at me.
Lewis? He couldn't hit
the side of a barn!
I'm the shot of the family.
Besides, I don't owe him anything
for keeping me in this town.
I wish this bag had Loyalton
printed all over it...
I'd punch the daylights out of it!
Why didn't you get out on your own?
What as? A telephone girl?
A stenographer, a waitress?
You could get me out!
Sure I could, but why should I?
Because I'm the kind of
woman you need!
Rosa, you're a scream.
Don't you know that half of
the society dames in Chicago
trot their daughters out
for my inspection?
Like fillies at a racetrack!
Girls with beauty, breeding,
Girls who've been places,
speak languages.
Not yours!
Maybe I want to learn theirs.
You can't teach an
old dog new tricks.
I want you to marry me!
Take a deep breath, Mildred.
You can feel it, can't you?
Like warm rare blood.
It's beginning to work.
I knew you'd do it.
I knew you'd pull her through.
She pulled herself through.
It's her own will to live.
And prayer!
Anybody home?
Rosa! You got back all right.
I got back.
How's your foot?
What a dump.
Don't start hating it
till it's paid for!
To some men, 3000 dollars
is just peanuts.
I suppose so.
Where's Jenny?
I let her go home. Didn't know
when you'd be back.
I haven't had anything
to eat all day.
She probably left something
in the icebox for you.
The thing you remembered
about Mildred Sorren...
half the town was worried about her.
You know, that's one
of the nice things
about living in a small place
like this.
You're not just a number
over the door.
People are interested,
they like you.
Oh, write yourself a book, Lewis!
I don't want people to like me.
Nothing pleases me more than
when they don't like me.
It means I don't belong.
I know you're not interested
in my work,
but I just saved a woman's life.
Saved her for what?
Because it's my business
to save lives!
When I can.
There's only one person in this town
who does anybody a real favor,
that's the undertaker.
He carries them out.
Rosa, why do you torment
yourself like this?
- Because it makes me feel alive!
- To hate everything so?
It keeps me from getting soft and
forgetting about all the
things I really want.
There's no use talking to you
when you're like this.
I'm going to bed.
That's big news! Where
else could you go?
Coming up?
No, I'm going to lie here awhile.
Cool off.
Number 86.
Hello, Steve?
This is Frank down at the station.
There's a lady here wants to
go up to the Latimer Lodge.
Cost you 10 bucks and another 5
to take you across the lake.
That's all right.
She says that's all right.
It'll just be a few minutes.
You can wait inside.
Oh no thanks. I guess it's as
cool here as anywhere.
I don't know why I
brought this with me.
It's nearly as hot here as Chicago.
It sounds like New Year's Eve!
Does that happen very often?
Four times a day.
It's rather an exciting sound.
Are you staying long?
Yes. We'll probably meet again.
Hello, Rosa!
Oh hello, Mildred.
You certainly go in for mass
production, don't you?
Well, you remember when
this one was born!
My, but Lewis was worried.
He never let on though.
Kept right on the job.
- Good for him.
Now that's what I call a
sweet-smelling geranium!
The funny thing, even when
we were in high school,
Rosa was always different
from everybody else.
Even the way she walked. Like
she was someone special.
It's hard on Rosa being
tied to a town like this.
Hmph! It's hard on the town.
Come on, kids.
Well, why didn't you
answer me, you lazy...
What do you mean, being
dressed like that?
You know I won't stand for it.
I'd think you'd be glad to have
people teach you things.
I was just cleaning house.
No sense getting a
uniform dirty for that.
How would you call this clean?
You can write your
name in the dust!
Mrs. Moline, let's not start
calling each other names.
I got some fancy ones saved
up, just aching to be used!
You get out of this house!
No red indian's going to talk to
me like that in my own house.
- The Doctor hired me.
- And I'm firing you!
There's dishes in the sink.
The Doctor's dirty shirts,
they're in the laundry tub.
Oh, go ahead and finish your work!
I'll talk to you later.
If I don't get out
of here, I'll die.
If I don't get out of here,
I hope I die.
And burn!
Oh hello, Lewis.
Who do you think this is?
Hello! We meet again!
My name's Carol.
- Moose's daughter.
Moose's daughter?
Carol Lawson.
Well this is something!
Something pretty
wonderful, I think!
Why did you keep her
a secret so long, Moose?
It's no secret. I always knew I
had a real father somewhere.
I ran away and left her.
Imagine that.
And by the time he started
to look for us again,
My mother had divorced
him and remarried.
And now that I've found him,
that's all that matters.
What about staying for supper?
This calls for a celebraton.
- What do you say, Carol?
- I'd love to stay!
I'll tell Jenny. I'll put
this inside for you.
- Should we have a drink?
- That would be fine.
- A nice, tall Tom Collins!
- Well...count me out, Lew!
Thank you!
Sit here. We've got a lot
of lost time to make up.
Oh...better make a
fruit salad, it's so hot.
You want that Chicken la King
business served on toast?
But I showed you the picture
in the magazine, didn't I?
How can I see if there's
toast under all that goo?
It's fun being a
horse-and-buggy doctor!
Forgetting I wanted
to be a specialist...
You know, the sort of
fellow who says,
"No, no, no, not the entire throat,
"tonsils exclusively,
only the left one!"
Then one semester an old Austrian
professor came to lecture.
I think I remember almost
every word he said:
"My children, never despise
a General Practitioner.
He's like a farmer who takes
care of the seed, the soil,
and the crops, the food of Man.
The specialist is like a
horticulturist who nurses
hothouse flowers for
ladies' corsages.
I decided then and
there I was a farmer.
Sure, a hick doctor!
There's a big trend now,
back to General Practice.
Even in the cities.
People seem to feel that
the good old family doctor
was able to combine Medicine
with a bit of Psychiatry.
That's right. You not only know
what they get, but why they get it.
Like the other day, when I saw
that young Mrs. Reynolds
with a rash on her face.
I said to myself,
"I bet that girl's mother-in-law's
in town for a visit.
"She doesn't dare rebel openly,
so she gets a rash on her face!"
Step up, ladies and gents,
and listen to Dr. Moline:
The people's friend, the town's
do-gooder. It's all free.
Thanks Rosa. I guess
I have been spouting.
Lew, I haven't heard you
sound off like that for years.
We all kid ourselves. I suppose
I build a lot of big theories
about how good it is to
be a country doctor, because
I'm not good enough
for anything else.
Well, if we're all through, let's
get away from these dirty dishes.
Suppose you let me help
you clear the table.
Jenny will do it. Jenny!
Oh, Carole...Have you got
that picture you showed me?
The one with us all together?
Right in my pocket!
There you go stacking them again!
Lewis, you forgot to
pull down the shade!
What's the matter?
I tried to pull down the shade
and it flew out of my hand
and it's all tangled up!
I'll fix it.
I don't know how you can sleep
with that light in your eyes!
I didn't want those cheap
old shades anyway!
I wanted venetian blinds.
All the houses in magazines
have venetian blinds!
Well, maybe next year you
can have venetian blinds.
This year we're lucky
to have the house!
I don't want them next year.
I might be dead next year!
Lewis...Lewis I've just got
to get away for awhile!
I want to go to Chicago
and buy some clothes.
Some decent clothes
and have some fun!
But why all of a sudden in
the middle of the night?
Why Chicago?
Why not?
It's the nearest big city!
Lewis, I've just got to have
300 or 400 dollars!
Rosa, you know if I had 300 or 400
dollars you'd be welcome to it.
You have that much owing you from
those chiselling patients of yours!
- They can't pay!
They pay their mortgages,
don't they?
They pay the grocer cash.
And the mail order houses don't
send things on credit!
Rosa, I have to expect that.
If they thought they had to lay
out the money cash on the line,
they wouldn't call me!
Always a stall. Wait, wait, wait.
When I think of the things I want,
it's like how your stomach feels
when it hasn't any food in it!
You mustn't work
yourself up like this.
Tonight at supper I was talking
about that old professor of mine.
Remember how a doctor
has to be sort of a gardener?
Well, the patient has
to be sort of one too.
Know what to destroy
and what to cultivate.
I'm afraid you're not
a very good gardener.
You seem bent on destroying the
flowers and cultivating the weeds!
Give yourself a chance, Rosa!
If a man whipped a dog
the way you whip yourself,
he'd land in jail.
Lewis, I was thinking.
Maybe I could manage on 200.
- Good morning, boys!
- Morning, Doc.
I see where they're putting up
a new ball park in Ashwood.
You know that's something we've
been needing for a long time?
Here's the money you
went begging for.
If you take it, don't come back!
"Neil K. Latimer".
Michigan 3126...
Michigan 3126.
I want to speak to Mr. Latimer,
Mr. Neil Latimer.
I'll give you his secretary.
No, I don't want to
speak to his secretary...
I'm sorry, it's routine.
Mr. Latimer's secretary...
I want to speak to Mr. Latimer.
Who's calling?
Mrs. Moline, Rosa Moline.
May I have your number, please?
Lakewater Hotel.
He can't be disturbed now.
I'll have to call you back.
I'll wait right here until he calls.
This is Mrs. Moline again in 806.
Are you sure there hasn't
been a call for me?
Sorry. There hasn't been
any call for you.
342 LaSalle...
Thank you.
Look, I made a special
trip to Chicago.
- Yes, I understand. - Would
you take care of these, please.
Oh Miss Elliott...This lady says
she wants to see Mr. Latimer.
Oh, you're Neil's secretary.
I'm Mrs. Moline, remember?
I left a message with you.
Mr. Latimer's been very busy. He
hasn't asked for any of his calls.
I've quite a list of them.
Well now I'm here,
I want to see him.
I'm afraid that would be rather
difficult without an appointment.
If you tell him I'm here,
he'll see me.
- Oh Miss Elliott...
- Yes.
I brought those photographs.
The ones Mr. Latimer
asked about yesterday?
I'm afraid I can't send
them into him right now,
but I think I know
the ones he wants.
If you'll just come in here we'll
run through them.
Good afternoon,
Latimer Enterprises...
Yes sir, one moment please.
Latimer Enterprises.
One moment.
Latimer Enterprises?
No sir, this is the operator.
Just one moment, I'll
connect you with Miss Elliott.
- She must think I'm dead!
- Thank you very much.
I was wondering if
you thought I was dead...
Oh Mrs. Moline, I was
just coming to tell you
that Mr. Latimer is
gone for the day.
Gone? I don't believe it!
I'm terribly sorry.
But I've been sitting out
there all afternoon.
I would have seen him go.
He left by his private entrance.
I didn't know it myself until
just a few minutes ago.
"He can't be that busy,
it's just a stall!"
"He's harder to see
than the President!"
"Private Entrance!"
"He's got to see me. I'm sick
of life pushing me around."
"I'm not just a small-town girl.
I'm Rosa Moline!"
Rosa Moline?
"I'm Rosa Moline."
Calling Rosa Moline?
Calling Rosa Moline?
Someone's calling my name.
What do they want?
Probably they want you
on the telephone.
It's that way!
Hello? Hello?
This is Rosa Moline!
I'm sorry, but your party hung up.
Who was it? Did
you get the number?
I'm sorry, but there
wasn't any message.
Hello? This is the operator.
Do you wish to place a call?
Is that you Rosa?
Oh Neil, yes!
Yes it is!
Too bad I couldn't see
you this afternoon.
I know...I began to think
you were trying to avoid me.
As a matter of fact, I was
sitting here writing you a letter.
Oh Neil, that's not like you!
What about?
Well, as long as you're
here I'll tell you in person.
I'll pick you up at 7:30.
I'll be downstairs waiting!
Fine. Goodbye, Rosa.
I want to order a drink.
I'll give you room service.
Room service.
This is Room 806. I want
to order a cocktail.
A martini. Make it double.
Thank you.
Well hello, Neil.
You're looking swell, Rosa.
I want you to be proud of me
when you take me out!
What's the big news?
Oh, I suppose I've always
seemed a pretty tough customer.
But there comes a time in
a man's life when he
sees things a bit differently.
I know...Ever since I met you I've
been seeing things
a bit different too.
I worked hard all my life, Rosa.
I've worked for
everything I've got.
Not always clean fighting
either, but I got there.
But it's not enough. I've
missed things along the line,
important things.
I've got a chance now
to pick some of them up.
We've never pulled any
punches, have we?
Okay, I'm going to
lay it right on the line.
I've met a girl. I'm
going to marry her.
Because I've fallen in love.
Go on and laugh.
I don't blame you.
If anyone had told me
this six weeks ago,
I'd have laughed my head off.
It's the truth!
I didn't know girls
like that existed.
She's like a book with
all the pages uncut.
And nothing on them!
She's beautiful, I suppose.
- No, just pretty.
And young.
Sneaking out on me without a word!
That's what you meant to do
if I hadn't come to Chicago.
After all the things you said!
You had me in such a spin
I'd have said anything.
I'm sorry.
- You're sorry?
What good does that do me?
I've left Lewis for good.
You just walked out without
knowing how things were with me?
I know how things
were when you left!
They were like that.
I can't go back, Neil!
If you turn me down I
got nothing left, nothing!
Rosa, let me give you some money.
What are you trying to do?
I want to get out of here!
Now look Rosa,
I've always tried to be
on the up and up with you,
tried to tell you just how I felt.
When it comes down to it, I didn't
owe you any explanation at all.
The time we spent together,
I wasn't double-crossing anyone.
And I didn't break up your home
or break up your marriage,
so don't pin that on me.
If you don't stop
this car, I'll jump out!
Pull up here, Baker.
Rosa, have some sense!
I came here, dragged myself
on my hands and knees,
with no pride...Me, Rosa Moline!
And you don't want me,
I'm not good enough!
You taught me my place, all right...
I told him all right!
I walked out on him!
Him and his millions!
Any other woman would
have taken the money!
But I'm not just any woman,
I'm Rosa Moline!
You waiting for someone?
You can't stay here
without an escort.
Buy you a beer, sister?
Come on, I've got a couple of bucks.
Paper, lady?
I'll put some brandy in it.
All of it.
I want you to kiss me.
If you want to.
Funny, isn't it?
All these trees standing here
feeling so tall and so strong...
and then someone comes along
and says, "it's your turn".
And they get the mark
of death on them.
I wonder if they know?
People don't, at least
most people don't.
It's not always death, though.
Sometimes it's a disability
or an ordeal of some sort.
See any mark on me?
Of course not!
Don't you see it, Lewis?
No. Why?
I always thought that you
were a rotten doctor.
I'm going to have a baby.
Aren't you glad?
Not glad and not not glad.
I should think a baby
would make you happy.
- Will it, Lewis?
- It ought to.
Why should you be different
from any other woman?
I always thought I was.
And now I'm like all the rest.
Maybe that's not so bad.
Take me home, Lewis. I'm tired.
I wish you'd start going about
a little and seeing people.
You know when you had that cold,
everybody in town asked about you.
The first thing they'd
say was, "How's Rosa?"
It's you they like.
You could make them like you.
Why don't you want to go to that
party that Carol's giving for Moose?
It seems so silly...squaredancing
and a birthday cake.
Oh no...
Birthday parties aren't silly.
Wish you and Carol
could be friends.
She'd be good for you.
I'm afraid I've never had much
luck being friends with women.
This is quite a party!
I'm so glad Rosa could
come after all.
So am I.
I took everything!
I don't often get the
chance to fill up on food
that isn't my own cooking!
It's fun, isn't it?
I think you'll like all of this,
Rosa. - Oh! Pickled peaches!
Rosa, did Carol put these out?
I don't know. I guess
probably she did.
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny
Which nobody can deny
Which nobody can deny
Hello, Moose! I heard you
were having a surprise party,
and I thought I'd
be another surprise.
Congratulations, you old buzzard!
- Well...
How many candles are
there on that cake?
Now, don't bring that up!
Oh Mrs. Moline, may I
present Mr. Neil Latimer...
of Chicago.
- How do you do.
- And Dr. Lewis.
- Hello, Doctor. Nice to know you.
Mrs. Carmody...and Mrs. Williams...
Mr. Latimer.
That's a beautiful cake.
Well, count them if you want to!
You think I can count that high?
An awful lot of candles there!
First and third
Balance and swing,
Down the center
Divide the ring
The ladies go "gee" and
The gents go "haw"
Swing when you meet
Both heads and feet
And always swing!
Do-si-do your corners all
Do-si-do your partners all
All-a-man left with
The old left hand
It's back to your partner
Go right and left grand
Hand over hand
Till you come round
Hand over hand
Till you come down
Meet your partner
Promenade eight
Now round the old track
Till you come straight
Promenade two by two
Promenade as you used to do
Second and fourth
Balance and swing
Down the center
Divide the ring
The ladies go "gee"
And the gents go "haw"
And you come back home
And you all eight whirl
Swing all
Swing that pretty girl
Do-si-do your corners all
Do-si-do your partners all
- Nice of you to let us use
the lodge - Forget it!
I've always wanted to do
something for Moose.
Meet your partner
Promenade eight
And round the old track
And you'll come straight
Here we go
With the old met swag
And the hind wheel broke
And the axle drag
Four ladies chain
To the cent and back
Four ladies chain
On a figure-8 track
I only came up here to see you.
Slip away to the gun room.
Glad you came?
It was a swell idea.
All join hands
In a circle down south
Let a little sunshine
In your mouth
Honor your corners
And partners all
Then two step clear
Around the hall
Did Rosa ever know
Neil Latimer before?
Not that I know of. Why?
I don't know. It's just an idea.
How does it feel to
be a birthday boy?
As if I'd just been born!
I think I'll go and powder my nose.
Oh Doc...I want you to
meet a friend of mine.
Say, Moose! How about getting
up a hunting party tomorrow?
I haven't had deer meat
since last year!
I could do with a little
of that myself.
Good. Invite anyone along
who wants to come.
I'm not going to get married.
I'll called it off, washed it up.
It's you and me now, Rosa.
That's the way it's gonna be.
I must have been crazy
that time in Chicago.
But I know where I stand now.
I want you to marry me.
And that's what you
always wanted, isn't it?
How soon can you get away?
- Right now!
- Rosa, you're terrific!
I'm crazy about you!
You had my number all along.
You're what I do need:
Someone I can always
be myself with.
Not putting on an act...
A society act like that dame
I was soft in the head about.
You remember what
you said about her?
A book with nothing on her pages?
Well, there was something
on them, all right. Lies!
Nice, ladylike lies.
But I'll show them!
I'll doll you up, Rosa!
Hang diamonds on you
like a Christmas tree...
and then I'm going to
trot you out and say,
"Look! This is the kind of a woman
I want! A woman with guts!"
And you can wipe your
feet on them all.
What about Reno? You can
get a divorce there in six weeks.
Six weeks...
Mexico's even quicker!
Oh, excuse me!
I was just picking out a
rifle for the hunt tomorrow.
For Mrs. Moline.
- This is a nice light one.
It feels good.
Let's make an early start
in the morning, Moose.
I've got to fly back to Chicago.
Why? You didn't come
up for very long?
I just got hungry for the
taste of venison.
How about 5:00?
- Okay...
Now, has everyone got their
positions clear?
Now stay with them!
You heard him! Moose is the boss!
Good morning, Mrs. Moline!
Good morning, Mr. Latimer!
Better have some coffee
before we start.
I'll meet you back here
in an hour.
We'll be on our way
before they miss us.
I'll be here.
Here's to you, Rosa Moline!
Here's to you, Mrs. Neil Latimer!
You're not going to
get away with it.
I'm on to you and Latimer.
You mind your own business.
You're something
for the birds, Rosa.
Something for the birds!
And you're something to make
the corn grow tall!
- It won't work.
- You bet it'll work!
I'll leave you and Lewis and
everything in this town behind me!
What about the baby?
I don't think Latimer will be
quite so interested...
when he finds out.
What are you talking about?
Lewis was so proud
he had to tell me.
You're not going
to get away with it.
What makes you think
you can play God?
I'm not playing God exactly...
But I'm on his side.
- You wouldn't dare.
- Oh yes I would!
You tell Latimer or I will.
Moose gave us our positions and
told us to stay in them.
So when I saw something move,
I thought it was a deer.
Anyone would!
Ask anyone here who goes hunting
what they do when they see
something move in the brush.
They shoot.
And that's what I did.
Mr. Foreman, have you
reached a verdict?
As a result of our deliberation,
after listening carefully
to the testimony,
we have agreed upon a verdict
of Death by Accident.
"Ashes and ashes, dust to dust,
"Ensure us through the hope
of the Resurrection
"Of the Eternal Life, through
Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen."
Hold this.
We better change our plans.
Wait a little while till
all of this dies down.
But I got off! It was an accident!
I know, but you can't
just up and leave now...
Not while it's all still fresh.
We better wait a month or so.
You never was so
conventional before.
I never planned on
marrying you before.
That makes a difference.
I don't want any dirt
hanging to us.
I can't, I just simply can't!
What's a couple of months?
It's November now.
Stay till some time after Christmas.
Then you can tell people
you're going on a trip.
What's the matter, Lewis?
Carol fainted.
She's all right now.
Wish this rain would let up.
I'm pushing off tonight.
Not very good weather for flying.
Well you can't tell.
It might be clear up higher.
Well goodbye, Dr. Moline.
- Bye.
Mrs. Moline.
I'll make you some coffee.
I can't go through with it!
I can't!
I just can't!
You can't go through with what?
I've killed a man. It'll be on my
mind all these months to come.
No telling what it'll do
to the child!
It wouldn't be right,
it wouldn't be fair!
Rosa, whatever you've done has
nothing to do with your child.
You've had a bad time, but
you must put it all behind you.
It's very difficult to tell you
how much this means to me,
but as time goes on it will
mean just as much to you.
I've seen it happen...
- You won't see it happen to me!
When I think of the
things I could have!
After I've told you a few things,
you may not want me or my child.
I've known Latimer for
over a year now!
He's crazy about me.
It all started back at that time
when you thought I was lost,
snowed in somewhere.
Well, I was, with Neil Latimer!
Then that time up at Moose's cabin
when you'd thought
I'd hurt my ankle.
After you left I got Moose drunk
so I could be with him again.
And then that time when
I went to Chicago...
Go on.
Well, he thought he was going
to marry someone else...
But he changed his mind!
Why did you think he turned
up at the lodge that night?
Just to see me!
Just to tell me he
wanted to marry me!
You thought you could keep me
tied to this town, didn't you?
Make another Mildred Sorren
out of me with 8 kids.
He turned you down,
and when he whistled
you went crawling back to him.
Running back!
I don't want to hear any more!
All I care about is my baby and
you're going to go through with it.
I never knew what hate
really was until this minute.
That is unimportant.
Is it?
Is it!
Wait till you hear what
else I've got to say!
I've got more brains
in my little finger
than you've got in that
whole stupid head of yours.
More brains than
anyone in this town!
And that goes for all the hicks
that sat on the inquest.
An accident!
And you believed it too!
You murdered Moose?
Yes I did.
I've been hunting all my life.
Did you ever know me to miss?
Did you ever see me when I
didn't hit what I aimed at?
Did you ever know me to
mistake a man for a deer?
"I killed Moose, I couldn't help it!
"Why should I want to,
someone tell me that!
"Why should I want to?"
Why should I want to!
You can go where you please
and you can do what you like!
After you've had the baby!
I'll kill myself first!
Let's have a look at your chart.
And then there are
those dizzy spells.
They're what's worrying me the most.
I'm afraid I might
topple over sometime
when I have one of the
children in my arms, or...
I'm standing near the
stove or something.
Is it something serious, Lewis?
No, you've got nothing
to worry about.
Lewis, I'm cold.
I think there's a
steamer rug in the trunk.
Alright, alright.
Good morning.
Look at this, thick with dust!
You're better...
Well, dust it!
Hand me my sweater.
Is the window down?
Will I be up in a few days, Lewis?
I've just got to be.
I won't hold back your recovery.
I want Jenny to take
your temperature.
At noon and again at 6:00.
Keep her on these.
- Jenny!
- Yes, Ma'am?
What is the matter with
this coffee? It tastes awful!
Take it away, it makes me sick.
What do you want now?
I'm burning up!
Come and get this pitcher.
I want some more water.
Why are you home so early?
I came as soon as
Jenny called me.
What about?
I told her to, in case
your temperature went up.
You did this to me,
I know you did!
You want me to die, don't you?
You're trying to punish
me for all the things I've done.
I'm gonna fool you, I'm gonna live!
Remember your first
patient was a horse?
There's nothing wrong with me
that a good doctor couldn't cure.
Why should I lie here in this dump
when I could have
the best of everything...
the best that money could buy,
everything deluxe!
All this is just a stall...
to keep me here!
You really hate me, don't you?
You finally got the guts to hate me!
Well congratulations, it'll
make a new man of you!
Jenny, I've got to drive over
to the hospital in Ashford
for some more medicine.
Don't you leave the
house until I get back.
Mrs. Moline, you get back in bed!
I'm catching the 10:00 train.
The choo-choo that's
gonna carry me away!
I better get a move on...
Move on! At last I'm moving on!
The Doctor said I was
to take care of you
until he got back.
Well take care of me then!
Get out my sandals.
Excitement. Ever hear
of excitement, Jenny?
It's like fire running through you!
Chicago, Chicago...
the toddling town...
The toddling town...
Chicago, Chicago...
What's the matter?
Got molasses on your fingers?
Get me a coat!
You wear that yourself.
No more dead cat for me!
It's getting dark.
That mill sucks all the
juice out of this town!
Do you have to stand there
like a cigar store Indian?
Can't you help me?
The zipper's jammed!
You clumsy fool!
You want me to miss that train.
Get out of here!
Get out!
Mrs. Neil K. Latimer.
Hello? Hello?
I want to talk to the
hospital in Ashford!
November 2010