Beyond the Gates (2016)

Like this?
Okay, that's good.
Hey, hey, guys.
Here goes.
- Hey, Gordon.
- You're late.
Two whole minutes.
Sweet threads.
Is that Aeropostale?
I see you're still sporting
your attire from age 12.
After you.
I remember this place
feeling so big.
Yeah, you said it.
Shall we start boxing up?
Yeah, sure.
Let's get this over with.
What if he's okay?
What do you mean?
I mean, not dead.
It's been seven months.
If he's out there,
it's not our problem anymore
Nobody else is gonna
clean up this mess. Come on.
Oh, my God.
Is this amusing you?
Oh, dude,
remember these things?
VCR games?
Most of this junk
just blends together.
Oh, come on, you know,
it's like you put in the tape
and they make you
turn off the lights--
then you gotta get close
to the TV
and they scream at you. Yeah.
We loved it.
Oh, my God, check it out!
It's that Indiana Jones
rip-off game.
What a goofy piece of shit
this was.
Hey, what are you losers
doing in here? Huh?
- Derek?
- Huh..
I saw that stupid purple car outside.
I thought
someone was trying to break in.
How you doing, Gordy?
It's good to see you.
I wish it was under
a different circumstances.
Yeah, me too.
Johnny Boy,
staying out of trouble?
Of course, yeah.
I like your outfit, man.
It's very "Adam-12" of you.
Yeah, yeah, thanks.
It's a job.
Yeah. Look at this place.
Your dad really did a good job
keeping it up, huh?
Yeah, well, not much
could pull him out of here.
Hey, look, we kinda got a lot to do here.
I hope to give you a call
this weekend. That okay?
Of course, yeah.
Of course, of course.
Under one condition though.
You let me rent
Operation Orion."
I fucking love this movie.
- Keep it.
- Ahem.
Shit, I didn't expect that.
It's the movie
that made me wanna be a cop.
- Yeah.
- Cool. Have a good one.
See you guys soon.
- It's a terrible movie.
- He's a terrible cop.
- See you later.
- See ya, Constable.
Hey, John.
What's up?
Do you have dad's keys
to the office?
What do you think is back there?
I don't know.
Guess I'll find out.
I'm sure they're around here
Who's that?
Is that your girlfriend?
What's her name?
- Margot.
- Hm.
And she is getting into town
as we speak.
- Should we wrap this up for now?
- Yeah.
I think I breathed in enough
dads skin cells for today.
Are you staying at dad's?
I think so.
She's staying with me.
You're not living there,
are you?
Fuck, no.
Jesus, that'd be creepy.
Yeah, I think
I'm gonna hang back here
put another dent in this place.
Hm. Thanks, John.
I appreciate that.
Yeah, sure. Later.
- Uh, see you tomorrow.
- See ya.
Hey, Babe.
Oh, shit.
What happened here?
Well, it toppled over
a minute ago.
John must have left
a window open.
Long flight?
Yeah, and then the driver
couldn't find this place, so..
- Everything cool?
- Yeah.
- What is that smell?
- Nothing.
Air conditioning vents must need
cleaning out or something.
So no one's been here?
Oh, no way.
Dad stopped stocking up
on friends
since before I was in middle school.
Bob was staying analog, huh?
Dad didn't have
a lot of faith in the DVD boom.
A lot of wood.
And who's this dork
with the buck teeth?
- That stud you mean?
- Hm.
That was me, the year I won
our middle school
track-and-field competition.
You were on the track team?
So are you hungry?
Starving, but every place around here
will probably give you
food poisoning.
What about that bar
with the weird name
Sterling Sal or something?
Uh, are you sure
you don't just want me
to cook something here?
Let's go. Show me the town.
Taking a really long time, huh?
-Slow service.
- Yeah.
Oh, damn it.
Do you know them?
Yup. That's my brother.
Oh, shit, Gordon.
Oh, what's up, my man?
How you doing?
- Is this your girlfriend?
- Yup.
this is my brother, John.
Oh, nice to meet you.
I've heard a lot about you.
For real?
He's talked about me?
- That's shocking.
- Occasionally.
- Bring it in.
- Its good to meet you.
Maybe I'll get my hugs too.
Hi, I'm Hank.
Yeah, this is, uh,
this is my friend, Hank.
I'm Gordon.
Yeah, I heard.
But, yeah, take a seat.
Why, you are something else.
Well, hello, Dahlia.
How are you, gorgeous?
You again.
Uh, let's do, like
four vodka sodas all around.
Gordon's buying, so--
- Excuse me?
- I'll get it.
Oh, yeah, just bring
an extra one for this guy.
He's a little bit of a...
I'm fine. Make it three.
- For real?
- Ah.
Yeah, I'm not drinking anymore.
Did you get a DUI
or something?
Gordon, how you been?
What's up?
What's been going on?
Must be something interesting
if you can't help out
your brother, huh?
Well, that's obviously
your business.
Well, see,
it is if I have to step up
to home plate for you,
sweet thing.
Dude, chill.
I'm just saying
what needs to be said, brah.
Yeah, uh, I can take care
of myself. Thanks, man.
You're all good.
- Hm.
- I think we should just go.
Yeah, you should probably
just go.
Hank, enjoy your next stint
in county jail.
Thank you, and feel free
to go fuck yourself, sweetheart.
- Wanna say that again?
- He's just trying
to get a rise out of you.
John, it was nice to meet you, come by the house sometime.
So good to meet you, too.
I'll, I'll see ya.
John, we'll see you tomorrow.
- Well, that went well.
- That was fucking awful.
Ah, drinks!
Thank you, Dahlia.
Everything okay?
Yeah. I got it.
What's wrong?
What do you mean?
You're just acting weird.
You did great
with that creep back there.
Hey, Gordon, talk to me.
I know you think
you need to protect yourself
from everyone and everything
but you don't have to do that
with me.
That was a huge improvement.
Well, thanks.
Uh, it justbrought up
a lot of stuff
that I didn't want to remember.
You know, I,
you know, I've already fucked up
so much between us.
You did fuck things up
but the only way
we're gonna get through it
is through time and commitment.
I love you for the man
that I know you are.
I just don't wanna end up
some drunk weirdo
with an irrelevant video store.
Well, as long as I'm around,
that's not happening.
Hm, Gordon.
I just took an Ambien.
You wanna have, Ambien sex?
Well, before I pass out.
Uh, tomorrow?
Well, not in his bed.
Why are you so chipper?
You know, I'm just workin'.
Hey, did you try to get
into the house last night?
Dude, I have the keys.
Why would I do that?
- What about that Hank creep?
- No, man.
He lives, like,
way out in the boonies.
Why, did someone
try and break in?
Thought I heard someone
messing around with the window.
Felt like somebody was watching us.
Yeah, man,
it was probably some meth-head
trying to steal dad's stuff.
The whole neighborhood
has gone to shit.
It's for the birds.
Hey, why do you hang out
with that scumbag, anyway?
Well, um, that scumbag is my friend.
I mean, he might not be
the independently wealthy
stuffed shirt you are
but I mean, at least he was
around when dad disappeared.
You know,
that whole disappearance thing
it loses a lot of weight
when it's the 40th time
dad splits town
and cuts off communication.
I have a mortgage to pay, John.
Hank dropped everything
when I called him.
Check out...
...what I found.
Do you wanna...
- Maybe we should, right?
- Yeah.
Ooh. This is momentous.
- Shut up.
- Hm.
Hm. So this is it.
It's, like,
exactly how I'd pictured it.
I always thought
it'd be bigger, for some reason.
Hey, you know what else
I always pictured?
Comin' back here and going
through all of this shit.
Hey, there's gotta be
some weird stuff back here.
- Kind of afraid to be honest.
- Oh, don't be a puss.
- See anything interesting?
- Uh-uh.
Keep your fingers crossed.
- Holy shit!
- This is some serious firepower--
whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey!
Look out, Bickle,
don't point that thing at me.
Jesus, what the hell
did dad have that for?
Probably to shoot stuff.
What do we have here?
"Beyond the Gates."
Looks like somebody
was playing it recently.
Oh, shit.
I wonder why he brought that back here.
Maybe it has something on it
he doesn't want anybody to see.
Then we should watch it.
Uh, maybe we shouldn't.
Oh, come on, man,
aren't you curious
what dad was watching
the last time he was back here?
I mean, maybe it's not even
the tape from the game.
Maybe that's just the label,
What if it's a sex tape?
That's even worse.
Do you really wanna see
dad having sex with mom?
I mean, who knows, man,
it could be your first home video.
Oh, John. i/
Welcome, curious viewers. i/
Are you ready to step
into the ultimate nightmare? i/
A world of unimaginable horror i/
with deadly consequences. i/
Have you the courage
to go Beyond the Gates? i/
You may now open
your game board. i/
Dude, turn it off,
turn it off.
What was that?
Why the hell
was he keeping that back here?
I think because it causes seizures?
Or because that lady
was fucking smoking hot.
I think I want it.
Well, it's, it's yours now.
- How long were we in there?
- I have no idea.
Oh, shit, it's 5:00 already.
What are you doing for dinner?
Oh, are you, you gonna
invite me over to dinner
'cause you don't want
your girlfriend to yell at you
'cause you're late?
I don't know, it's tough
'cause it's like McDonald's
or roll the dice
on the G-man's home cooking.
I don't know.
You'll be happy to know
that Margot's the one
handling food tonight.
Alright, yeah, you're on.
- See you at the house.
- Yeah, see ya.
Somebody's hungry.
I know, yeah.
This is, this is delicious.
- Oh, thanks.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
So your friend was interesting.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, he can get
pretty riled up sometimes.
Don't tell me you go
pick up girls with that guy.
What, he's not that bad.
I'm pretty sure
he's a date rapist.
So, John,
what do you do for work?
Oh, you know,
just like, uh, odd jobs
and helping out, uh
with errands and things
for people.
Well, like a, like an assistant?
Yeah, exactly.
Um, so how was
your first night here?
Oh, my God.
I haven't slept that well
in months.
I didn't stumble out of bed
once. It's great.
What do you mean,
like, sleepwalking?
Well, ahem,
she's been taking Ambien
to keep her down at night
with mixed results.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I was having nightmares
after I hurt my wrists
so the doctor
prescribed it to me.
After you hurt your, what?
How did that happen?
I fell.
So how was, um,
the store today?
It was good, you know, we, uh
we, we found this, like
weird, probably banned VCR game.
What's a VCR game?
It's like a,
it's like a board game, you know
but you gotta watch it.
There are, like, a bunch of them.
There's Gatekeeper"
and Nightmare"
and, like,
a bunch of adventure ones.
I don't know, there's, like,
way too many to name
but here, check it out.
The designer
clearly did not study semiotics.
Wait, what's that?
Oh, it's, um,
just full of clashing symbols.
Well, it's really old
and seizure inducing.
Shut up.
Let's play it.
- Yeah?
- Right now?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Come on.
It'll be fun.
Alright, so we gotta
get the tape in there.
Okay, here's the board.
I'll put the tape in.
Whoa! Who's the babe?
Oh, sh -- she said
something about
opening up the game board earlier.
The blue, grey
and red players i/
place your pieces
on the starting point. i/
I'll go for grey. i/
I'll be red.
I guess I will be blue.
The blue player i/
you may now
step in front of the screen. i/
Do it.
To collect the keys
and unlock the gateway i/
a series of challenges
must be undertaken. i/
Failure to do so
will turn your souls i/
over to our world. i/
Okay, there's supposed to be
some sort of goal or something?
I have no idea.
Obtaining the four keys i/
allows passage beyond the gates i/
and a return to your world. i/
Only there
can your father's soul be saved. i/
What the fuck?
Did you just hear that?
The other world awaits you. i/
Where did you say
you found this again?
Our dad's office.
Could it be
some sort of prank?
If it is,
it's not very funny.
You know,
we should show this to someone.
Wait. Maybe Derek could help.
You think he'd do that?
Can't hurt to ask.
You guys, I'm getting
a really bad energy off of this.
Do you mind if I go upstairs?
No, no.
I'll take care of the dishes.
Thank you.
Oh, hey, you know what?
Let me help you out with those.
Sure, that'd be great.
Do you need money or something?
Just maybe, like, a place to
crash for a couple of days.
Hey, you're homeless?
Oh, wow, uh.. nn..
Well, I had something
going on for a while
uh, with, uh, someone,
but she turned out to..
I, I don't anymore, so..
So let me guess.
This is an indefinite stay
until you get your own place?
Uh, yeah, pretty much. Yeah.
Tell you what? Do these
and you got yourself a deal.
Yeah, I'm doing 'em.
Hey, um...
Yeah, what's up?
I don't know.
Do you really think that tape
has something to do with dad?
It seems that way.
I wonder if officer Derek's
ever dealt with anything
like this.
I'm sure he's handled
much more weirder cases.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, uh,
be sure to lock the door.
Yeah, sure thing.
Dad would kill me
if he found it open.
- What?
- Sorry.
Oh, that was a, uh..
Ahem. Have a good night.
Yeah, you too.
Help me.
Holy shit!
- Jesus. Hey.
- Uh.
- Hey.
- Ah..
What happened?
You were sleepwalking.
Oh. Hey, guys, I really think
someone was in here.
- What?
- Hey.
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah. Uh..
What are you doing down here?
I thought I heard something movin' around.
This was on the mantle.
- Did you remember
to lock the door?
- Yeah.
Hey, man.
Thanks for coming out.
How are ya?
Well, honestly, I've been better.
Listen, I'm still on the clock,
I don't have a lot of time
so if we could go pretty quick here.
- Hey, John.
- Officer.
- You must be Margot.
Nice to meet you.i/
You too.
- Right, so, uh, this is it.
- Yeah.
Let's take a look at this thing.
There was some
really weird shit on there
when we watched--
Where did you say
you found this again?
Our dad's back office.
Well, for future reference,
you might not wanna get
your fingerprints all over it.
That's besides the point now
I guess. Pop it in.
That's her.
It's just
a bunch of wavy static.
Dude, she's right there.
The blond lady
with the big eyes
staring out at us?
Are you kidding?
Okay. Okay.
It's a great joke, guys.
Had a shitty night,
but that's a great joke.
It's not a joke.
Look, uh, maybe you need
to take a break from this
for a while.
Take yourself
on a small vacation.
Just call me
if you find anything else.
Wait, wait.
H-how how's that possible?
How is that possible? I mean,
you saw that, right, Margot?
Yes, of course.
What was the last thing
she said?
The, the four keys await us
or something.
Well, there's four keys
on the board.
She wants us
to play the game. i/
It's fucking unbelievable
as that sounds.
I don't think
we've got any other choice.
Okay, so how do we play?
Where's the first key?
The location of the first key i/
will be found on the board. i/
Okay, that's us.
Um, maybe
there's a, a hint in here
or some-- something.
Yeah, well, X marks the spot.
Did you see that?
I think you pissed it off.
Well, look in the box,
maybe there's something else
in here.
Check out that knife.i/
Oh, shit,
that's dad's signature.
The Spiral Staircase.
Is that place still open?
Good morning.
How may I assist you?
Uh, we think our father
bought this from your store
a few years ago.
- "Robert Hardesty. 1991."
Well, I'm afraid it's a little
late to make a return.
We were wondering
if you knew where it came from.
That's of no consequence
to either of you.
I trust you've played the tape?
We have.
Then I suggest
you play the game.
Where do we find the keys? i/
Only the game
has the answers you seek. i/
You're insane.
Come on, let's get out of here.
- Hey, what's that?
- Oh, yes.
This is my pet, Herbert.
Hey. Look what I got.
I had to.
I can't believe
you did that.
...don't think she likes that.
Yeah, it doesn't
look like it.
A wise man
would read the instructions.i/
Uh, what?
To initiate your fate
roll the dice.i/
The number played
will dictate guidancei/
for your next action.i/
Snake eyes.
Flip over the first card.i/
The Drifter.
Opening his poisoned organs
will reveal the first key.
That looks like our backyard.
Oh, shit.
What are you doing here?
Well, I decided
to play hooky from school.
So I thought
I'd come on down here
and visit you, darlin'.
- You got a job now?
- You know me.
Always got a few things
on the line.
What the fuck is that?
Go on, say it.
Say it.
You miss me.
I'm on a break,
so I wanna be left alone.
Ah, wait, wait, wait.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here.
Don't turn
your fucking back on me, bitch.
Is there anything else
in there?
No. Let me see that.
I think something's in here.
- It's metal.
- A key?
Do you need scissors
or anything?
No, man.
- Ah..
- Hank?
What the fuck is that?
- Ah..
- Oh, my God!
- Hello?
- Hey, man.
How you holdin' up?
Not well.
Come on, John.
I mean, some crazy girl
kills her cheating ex-boyfriend
it's not on you.
Guess we should
give it a try, right?
No way.
Was this always here?
This is freaking me out.
Where the hell
did this come from?
Don't, don't,
don't mess with that.
What was that?
Let's get
the fuck outta here.
I am not flipping those over.
Fuck it, I'll flip it over.
No, wait.
What if we just stopped?
I'm not gonna stop
until we find dad.
We don't know
if that's your dad in there.
What is it?
What do the rest
of these mean?
I don't know.
I have a feeling
we can't stop this thing
if we wanted to right now.
I don't want you
staying here any longer.
In the house?
Yeah, but..
I don't want you around here
while we're messing
with this stuff.
It's making me very nervous.
Well, if you're
sleeping here, I am too.
I'm gonna go upstairs.
Goodnight, John.
Why are you being
such a dick to her?
I don't wanna
freak her out anymore.
Are you sure she's the one
that's freaked out?
I think we should
stop messing with this.
I don't wanna
provoke it any further.
Yeah, whatever, man.
I'm gonna hit the hay.
Margot! Margot!
Margot, wake up!
Wake up!
Jesus Christ.
Did you leave this on?
Dad finished the game.
Come again?
That's how they got him.
Well done.i/
You've acquired the first key.i/
Have you the courage
to obtain the second?i/
Fuck this.
No way, let's hear her out.i/
How do we get it?
With The Noble One possessedi/
by the forces of the world.i/
He will arrive knowing his fatei/
and be cast as the enemy.i/
The key will be located
within his mind.i/
Requiring a choice
of life and death.i/
What does she mean by that?
Mm, we can figure it out
out here.
I can take a guess
who that is.
Your powers of deduction
serve you well.
Uh, that's it.
I'm not risking her life
over this.
Excuse me.
Well, hello, Fair Maiden.
Yeah. Um, are you
the owner of this place?
Oh, yes, indeed.
I think my boyfriend was here
a couple of days ago.
Dark hair, glasses.
Oh, yes,
the short-tempered fellow.
I suppose.
Um, this is gonna sound
fucking crazy
but we think a game
killed a friend of ours.
I don't have another way
to explain--
Once the game begins,
only two paths exist.
Completion and death.
Can you tell me
anything else about the game?
Mm, very little I'm afraid.
Only a scant number
have played it
but, uh, every few years or so,
it always ends up back here.
Uh, why do they return it?
They don't.
Has anyone ever
beaten the game?
But that doesn't mean
you should stop trying.
I can guide you no further.
Hah, if you're
the religious type
I might consider an appeal
to a higher power.
- Remember this one?
- Ah, yes.
The old castration
by boat propeller scene.
Video nasty, classic.
You expecting someone?
I hope not.
It's Derek.
Oh, shit!
- What the fuck is he doing?
- I don't know.
Oh, no.
You did that.
He's not joining us?
No, I think
he wants to be alone.
Sounds familiar.
What was it like
to grow up here?
Oof. Um..
Maybe he should tell you
about that.
Well, I'm asking you
and I've been
feeding you all week
so maybe you should tell me.
Well, well, that's-- that's fair enough.
Um..'s kinda hard to summarize
but, uh, our dad..
...he was a-- he was
a pretty good guy
up until mom's car accident.
Uh, I mean he-- he was
always a drinker
but I think that kinda
pushed him over the edge.
Yeah, we just both kinda lived with it.
Um... Kept working at the store
for a few years as kids
and just, you know,
tried not to piss him off.
Then... Gordon finally split
and then things got
a lot worse for dad.
I didn't know all that.
Gordon was a big drinker
when we met.
Why'd he stop?
He had a little too much
to drink one night.
We got in an argument
and he grabbed my wrists
a little too hard.
He was mortified.
Six weeks later,
my wrist healed
and he was off drinking
for good.
Oh, hey, man, what's up?
How you feeling?
Not great.
I'm gonna go back upstairs.
Hey, wait, man.
Wait-- wait, man.
Wait. Look. Look.
We weren't trying to upset you.
I never should have
come back here.
- Yeah, well, you did.
And if we don't finish this,
you know what's gonna happen.
Be careful.
Don't touch that again.
No problem.
Holy shit!
What the fuck was that?
It-- it came
through the gate.
Have you seen Margot?
Well played, gentlemen.i/
Only two keys left.i/
Where is she?
As The Maiden crosses overi/
a sacrifice of her souli/
allows her to obtaini/
the third key.i/
John, a key! Get the key!
I got it. I got it.
Let's-- let's go.
Do it!
What'll happen to us?!
You'll be granted access
to the other side.i/
Only there can you see
your father
and complete the game.
How do we save her?
Removing the poisoned heart
of The Father
with a pure dagger
will free all
the captured souls
and allow you passage back
into your world.i/
Either you go in
or it comes to you.
T-- t-- the dagger,
where'd you put the...
Where'd you put the dagger?
The dagger The bureau!
The other side awaits you.i/
What the fuck is this?
Where did she go?
Stay close.
Find your father.i/
Take the final keyi/
and become one
with your new reality.i/
How do we take her
back with us?
Wait, wait.
You don't know
if that's really her.
Help me!
Come on.
Let's go.
It's gonna be okay.
I love you.
Come on out, Gordy.
Let's not make this any harder
than it has to be.
Well, well.
I missed you, Johnny Boy.
Sayonara, motherfucker.
You okay? Huh.
Hi, Gordy.
Go ahead, tough guy.
Try that on me.
Grab his legs.
Stabbing your old man
in the back, huh?
Thank you, Gordon.
Goodbye, dad.
Do it!
Are we back?
Yeah, I think so.
I thought I'd lost you.
No, you're stuck with me.
You've now passed
beyond the gates.
She's still here.
And proven yourself worthy.
Your father's soul is free.
Though his physical form
can never return.i/
Henceforth, choose the livingi/
for your attentioni/
and not the dead.i/
Is that it?
I hope so.
I thought we were
gonna save him.
We did.
Oh, my God.
We have to get you
to a hospital. Come on.
Yeah that would be nice,
thank you.
Well, how ya feeling, boss?
I've been worse.
Thanks for helping out
with all that stuff.
Our pleasure.
You guys are gonna take off?
Sure you don't wanna spend
an extra day?
We know it's in good hands.
Well, you guys should
probably head out.
Traffic's gonna get heavy.
Take care, little brother.
Safe travels, guys.
But you're coming
to us next time.
You have a spare room
with your name on it.
For sure.
Good morning.
Seeking anything in particular?
Do you have anything
from the '80s?
Do you like...
...board games?