Beyond the Lights (2014)

This is Radio Anthem UK.
MPs have rushed a ban
on land mines in just five hours.
Former secretary Robin Cook says
it will be a tribute to Princess Diana
before the anniversary of her death.
And the weather:
There will be a few showers
in the north tonight, some heavy.
Overnight lows
down to about nine degrees.
Tomorrow, a bit of sunshine
in the north, with some showers.
Anthem UK News,
I'm Aziza Walker.
Sorry, we're closed.
My name's Macy.
This is my daughter, Noni.
I'm Felicia. It's nice to meet you.
I'm off tomorrow, but I can
probably get her in on Monday.
- Oh, no, that's not gonna work.
- Well, babe, it's gonna have to.
It's my birthday.
I've got plans with my man.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
She's singing in
a talent contest tomorrow
and I don't know what the bloody hell
to do with her hair.
- Grandma? Aunties?
- No, it's just me.
Can you just... just show me something
really quickly, please?
What are you singing?
- "Blackbird. "
- Nina Simone?
It's going to be a fast lesson.
Take a seat, pretty girl.
Oh, my goodness! You didn't even
get the comb all the way through.
Well, I can't
get the comb through it.
Why you wanna fly
You ain't ever gonna fly
Why you wanna fly
You ain't ever gonna fly
No place big enough for holding
All the tears you're gonna cry
'Cause your mama's name was lonely
And your daddy's name's pain
And they call you little sorrow
'Cause you'll never love again
You ain't got no one to hold you
Oh, you did so good.
- You ain't got no one to care
- You were so good.
- The second runner up...
- If you'd only understand, dear
...Erica Johnston.
- Nobody wants you anywhere
- Congratulations. Well clone.
- The first runner up is...
- So why you wanna fly, Blackbird?
...Noni Jean! Noni!
You ain't ever gonna fly
- Good job.
- Why you wanna fly, Blackbird?
This year's contest winner:
- You ain't ever gonna fly
Little Tammy Toulson!
Come on, now.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all
for coming. Thank you, of course...
Girl was a rhythmless idiot.
See her counting steps?
Bloody hell. Bloody, bloody
hula-hooping. It's bullshit!
It is bullshit! it's bullshit!
Chuck it.
Go on, throw it away.
Why, Mommy?
You wanna be a runner-up,
or you wanna be a winner?
They just showed your clip.
I'm gonna get you to the spot.
Love the hair.
You guys are supposed to return back
to your seats after your performance.
This way, this way.
Imperial Mammoth,
"Last One to Leave the Party".
OK, I'm gonna need everyone
to clear out of this area.
I need everyone out of here.
Just a minute.
Excuse me. Arms up.
- Hold on.
And the Billboard Award
for top song goes to...
...Kid Culprit and Noni, "Masterpiece".
This is Kid Culprit's
third Billboard Award,
and Noni's first win.
- Yo, Drake, can you grab the car?
All right.
What up, baby? You good?
- You need to come to Miami with me.
- I've got a ton of press.
You know I'm gonna get us
in some trouble down there.
And a meeting with the label.
Baby, you just won a Billboard
before your first album even dropped.
Hey, they need to be
kissing your ass, for real.
Here you go.
I'll be back for the concert.
Just keep it tight for me, all right?
There's Noni, there's Kid!
Right, I've got a meeting with Bradley,
so I'll be right behind you.
Can you get down the stairs, please?
Noni, I love you!
Noni, I love you!
I want your autograph please.
Oh, my God! I love you, Noni!
Oh, my... Oh, my God!
She scared me.
These kids are turned up, yo.
Our girl's imbibing?
What? Ooh, I'm taking a pic.
- Noni!
- Noni!
Noni! Do you want this?
Noni! Looking good, Noni.
Noni, over here!
You look beautiful, baby! Right here.
Oh, my God. Wow.
Oh, my God, it's Noni!
She's so pretty.
You have the worse taste
in men I've ever seen.
- Uh-uh. See, that's not true.
Yeah, you do. You do.
- I've seen... Ooh.
- Whoa. You OK?
No one walks in after me, OK?
Yes, ma'am.
I just need a minute.
We actually need
to go in there.
She didn't mean us.
She meant everyone else.
- We're in a rush, Officer.
- Seriously.
What's going on? Why aren't you getting
her changed? You've got after-parties.
Noni won't let us in the room, and the
cop here thinks he's the bodyguard.
Go and get something to eat.
Um, come back in 30.
Can you let me in, please?
Have a great night, ma'am.
Noni! Oh, my God!
None, what are you doing?
Ma'am, I need you to stand back.
It's very important
you stand right here, OK?
What's going on?
Can you look at me
for a second? Please?
You still can't see me.
Grab my hand.
Grab my hand.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Look at me, damn it.
Look at me! Listen to me! Hey!
Shit, Noni. Listen to me, listen to me.
Look at me.
I see you.
I see you.
Nones? None, come on.
Come on.
Come on, babe, let's go inside.
Come on.
Come on.
Let's go inside.
Come on.
Come on, honey.
Supposed to be easy money,
babysitting these celebrities.
First time, too, right?
Jesse asked me to cover for him.
You think I can talk to her
for a minute? Her mom's blocking...
Hey, wait a minute.
You get this looked at?
I'm fine, Pop.
Just need to see her, you know?
Check on her.
There's gonna be a press conference
in about 30 minutes.
She wants to publicly thank you.
She needs to be in a hospital,
not in front of cameras.
She's OK. She just had a little
too much to drink and she slipped.
Look, son,
that doesn't change what you did.
And they are very... grateful.
You're telling me to lie?
She's written her script.
She's playing her part.
And so will you.
I was celebrating and things
got a little out of hand.
So, let this be
a lesson to all of you.
Never mix champagne, a balcony
and five-inch stilettos.
Um, how does a person fall off a balcony
with a four and a half foot railing'?
Yeah, she's just here
to make a statement...
Officer Nicol,
was this a suicide attempt?
Steve, you're not gonna hijack
this press conference
with your tabloid bullshit, all right?
He can't answer a simple question?
Answer the question.
Just answer the question.
He was there.
People would want to know.
I was summoned into the hotel room
where I found Miss Jean
holding on to the balcony railing.
As I pulled her to safety,
it was clear she was inebriated.
- Thank you.
- Truth is,
I wouldn't be standing here
if it wasn't for Officer Nicol.
He pulled me up.
Even with all this... extra.
- Thank you.
You saying you almost died?
She's not out of control.
She won a Billboard Award tonight
and she was celebrating...
So, Officer, what are you gonna do
with your 15 minutes?
- Excuse me?
- Of fame.
I bet you're gonna pull a lot of chicks
with this whole sexy, hero cop thing.
Don't do that.
Two hours ago,
you were trying to drop 12 floors.
And you were screaming,
"I see you".
So... just what do you see?
OK. All right?
Thanks very much.
Can you make me understand, Noni?
- I told you, I was drunk.
- You don't drink.
Now we know why.
Is this some, uh...
some sort of cry for help?
- No.
- Good. 'Cause look around you.
- You ain't got nothing to cry about.
- I know. It was stupid.
You can't afford to be stupid!
You just tell me it was a mistake.
It was a mistake.
Promise me it'll never happen again.
I want to hear you say it.
I promise,
it will never happen again.
Yeah, that's our guy.
- Try and get a quote.
Officer Nicol?
Officer Nicol, over here?
- One shot, please?
This way, sir.
Officer Nicol?
Steve Sams with the National Enquirer.
You're trespassing.
I already said everything
I have to say.
I'll pay you 20,000
off the record.
Fifty for an exclusive.
You hit the lottery, man.
No shame in that.
The offer is good
until the truth comes out.
And it always comes out.
Yup, yup, yup, yup-
You have
37 new messages. First new message:
Hi, this is Nina Grimes-Stuart. I'm a
producer with Entertainment Tonight.
I'm trying to reach Officer Nicol.
We're doing a piece on Noni and what
happened to her earlier this evening.
Next message.
This is Emery Holmes with the LA Times.
One of us didn't show up...
The number one...
She's on a roll with three
number one hits with rapper Kid Culprit,
and a Billboard Award
tonight for top song.
But is Noni a casualty
of her own success?
Earlier this evening,
witnesses report she was hanging
off the balcony of her luxury suite
at the Sofitel Hotel in Beverly Hills.
Following the incident,
Noni made a statement
at a press conference at the hotel.
I was celebrating
and things got a little out of hand.
So, let this be a lesson to all of you.
Never mix champagne,
a balcony and five-inch stilettos.
Excessive drinking is no joke and I just
wanna apologize to ail my young fans.
I hear you,
and they're listening to you.
So, how are things otherwise?
You're a Billboard winner.
- I know, right?
- Right.
My first album drops in a couple
of weeks, and it's bananas.
I can't wait for the world to hear it.
And rumor has it that it could be
the biggest debut by a female artist,
even with the decline of album sales.
You know, that would be amazing,
but really, I just wanna sing.
Well, good luck with everything.
Very scary stuff.
We're glad it all
turned out OK for you.
- Thanks.
And we're clear.
- Have you seen the hashtags?
- Oh, yeah, stay off Twitter.
Just wanna push mainstream media
and stay out in front of that.
Right, we've got Ellen
in 45 minutes.
No, I mean, if you...
If you just do
what I told you...
No. No.
You're making it seem like
I'm asking you to split the atom.
Just don't use that word.
What'd they offer you?
What do you mean?
Autographed picture? Porsche?
Whatever it is, I get half,
seeing how it is my gig.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait a minute. Turn around.
Come on, take a picture.
Come on, smile for the camera.
There we go.
Hey, come on, guys.
Let's show a little respect.
Thank you. Thank you.
- All right.
Hey! Whoa!
Come on, don't you like that?
- This is you?
- Man...
- You know.
- OK, OK, enough. Thank you.
How did you do that?
Hello, ladies.
Liam, we've been waiting
for 40 minutes.
I apologize.
This is supposed to be
a strategy meeting. Where's everyone?
We're holding off
on releasing the album.
- What?
- Why?
I didn't snow you,
so don't snow me, all right?
She got drunk.
She did something stupid.
So did Britney, so did Kanye.
You want me to give you a list?
The blogs are all saying
"suicide attempt".
Of course they are. So?
Noni is supposed to be the girl
that every guy wants,
and every girl wants to be.
We're selling fantasy here,
and suicide ain't sexy.
No, this is ridiculous.
Where's Trey?
- He's in New York.
- She put this bloody label in the game,
- and this is how it's gonna treat her?
- We... put her on Kid Culprit's
- three number one records.
- Saying I had nothing to do with that?
Macy, you are her mother.
That is the single qualification
you have for sitting in this room.
Trey gave Noni a million dollar
signing bonus.
You add to that the cost of recording,
mixing, mastering, marketing, promotion,
he's in it for about two mil.
He's not gonna see any of that money
back without album sales.
In a couple of weeks,
she's performing at the BET Awards
and millions of eyes
are gonna be on her.
And I'm telling you,
by the end of that night,
no one's gonna be
talking about a balcony.
- So you say.
- Oh, no, I guarantee it.
Her album's gonna break records.
You know that.
Be the hero.
Tell Trey to keep the release date.
If she doesn't kick ass at that show,
if she doesn't change
this conversation,
I will personally drop her
from this label.
It's the lead story
at every local affiliate.
Top of the hour broadcast,
at a national level.
Plus, it's gone viral online.
That's 100 percent saturation.
So how do we build on this?
Councilwoman Russell is going before
the grand jury in a couple of weeks.
Word in the room is
she will be indicted.
And when that happens,
we go after her seat.
Isn't all this a couple of years
ahead of schedule?
Opportunity can't tell time.
Politics wants fresh faces.
They're looking for stars,
and you, Kaz, are a star.
You could do some big things.
A lot bigger than your old man.
Now we need to hone your message,
and we need to get some funds, fast.
Let me introduce you
to Mark Ridley Thomas,
- Los Angeles County Supervisor.
- How are you, sir?
Pleased to make your acquaintance,
young man.
- It's a pleasure.
- Pastor Marks,
I would love for you to meet
Officer Kaz Nicol,
the son of Captain Nicol.
Kaz, let's cut right to the chase.
We live in a whole different era now,
where you can take advantage
of social media,
you can take advantage of what's
happening when it comes to YouTube.
But you gotta take advantage
of this hot media moment,
because it may not ever come back
the way it is right now.
Doesn't have a chance, right?
I'll be right back.
Hey, what can I get you?
- Guinness, please.
- You got it.
Various news outlets have reported
that on the night of
the Billboard Music Awards
she got drunk and fell off the balcony
of her luxury hotel in Los Angeles.
Her publicist just released
a statement, and it says,
"Noni loves life and music.
She simply had too many
celebratory drinks
- after winning her Billboard Award. "
Get you anything else?
- Says, "Noni apologizes to her fans... "
- Excuse me.
"... and will continue to be
a positive role model. "
"Positive role model,"
ladies and gentlemen. That's a quote.
What the hell are you doing here, man?
You know I love you
like a step-nephew, right?
Good, 'cause I need a favor.
Oh, man. Come on.
She is out of your league.
You got dressed up for nothing.
- I just need to see her for a second.
- You know I can't do that.
Jesse, I'm asking.
- You really wanna see her?
- Yes, I do.
Then go wait at the curb
with the rest of the groupies.
Go on.
Heard you were
looking for me.
You look beautiful, baby!
Right here!
Yeah. Um...
Just wanted to apologize for the way
I acted after the press conference.
You didn't deserve that.
And, um...
I'll be right there.
- We're already late.
- Just a minute. Please.
I'm sorry you had to lie.
- I don't like doing that.
Boy Scout, huh?
"Truth is the only safe ground
to stand upon. "
- You just eat a fortune cookie?
- No, it's a quote.
I'm kind of big on quotes.
Anyway, that's what I came to say.
And to see if you're OK.
What's your name... Officer Nicol?
I'm Kaz.
Short for Kazaam.
- No.
- Yeah.
My parents thought
it sounded African, so...
Well, uh, it's nice to
officially meet you, Kazaam.
Doesn't sound so bad
when you say it.
This is me.
You busy?
Noni, over here. You look
beautiful, baby. Right here!
Have you been to rehab yet?
Are you suicidal, Noni?
Are you planning on
another suicide attempt?
You really gotta tint
these front windows.
So, where am I going?
How about we roll by my favorite spot,
get some food to go?
So what's this spot?
Your mom and dad used to
bring you here when you were little'?
And you'd dream of all the places
you were gonna fly to?
I just like watching planes.
I still don't get why they don't drop.
You must be real fun
to sit next to on a flight.
- Never been.
- You've never been on a plane?
I'm not trying to put my life
in someone else's hands.
That's funny.
My whole life's
in someone else's hands.
You look cold.
You good?
- Thanks.
- Mmm-hmm.
So what's it like'?
Being on a stage and...
all those people feeling you.
It's a crazy high.
Better than any drug.
So what's it like for you?
Saving someone's life.
Crazy high.
Better than any drug.
I think you should get some help.
I'm OK.
For real.
It was just a stupid,
drunk mistake.
Don't I look OK?
What's this?
A reporter gave it to me.
He's from the Enquirer.
I... I know.
I haven't told him anything.
How much to keep
your mouth shut?
- What?
- Give me a number
- and my mom will write you a check.
- No, wait, slow up. This isn't...
I guess even Boy Scouts
have a price, huh?
- I didn't ask for any of this.
- How much?
I don't want your money.
One-nine-oh-five Sunset Canyon.
What's that?
Where I wanna go.
This you?
My new crib.
Looks like it's done.
So you good then?
You can call your people
and tell them where you are?
This mean you're done saving me?
Look, Noni... I don't know
how to play this game of yours.
I know you're not gonna
call that reporter.
Why not?
- 'Cause.
- 'Cause?
'Cause I see you, too.
Later, Kazaam.
Later, Noni Jean.
I would have waited outside,
but it was a little crowded.
He's fed.
- Sorry I left earlier.
- Me, too.
Thought something was wrong
until I got a call from Miss Jean.
Seems you took off
with her daughter.
She wanted to hang out.
How do you hang out with Noni?
We sat in the truck...
and ate fried chicken.
- Bullshit.
- It's true.
Look, Kaz, I know how easy it is
to be drawn to vics.
They look at us like we're Superman.
- It's gotta be exciting.
- This is different.
Kaz... you have to think
like a politician now.
Everything you do,
every person you're associated with,
- is gonna be scrutinized.
- She's good people, Pop.
You didn't meet her
in a church pew, son.
Church girls are
the ones you gotta watch out for.
But we both know,
this one ain't First Lady material.
What's up, Black? You the Boy Scout?
I need some protecting.
Hi, guys.
Hi, I'm Noni.
I can't wait for the world to hear it.
All right. Thank you, Keisha.
- Hey.
- How you doing?
Noni, did you really
try to kill yourself?
Why won't you
answer our questions?
Is this just a publicity stunt?
That's it. Beautiful.
Yeah, use that hood.
Gonna move the chair for a second.
Gonna need you on the floor, all right?
- Nice.
- You getting full body as well?
I am getting full body as well.
That's foxy, that's it, right there.
Can you arch your back just a little
bit? Little bit. Exactly. Good stuff.
Noni, eyes back over here?
Beautiful. Noni, show me.
We wanna see you.
Exactly, a little bit of that.
All right, let's lose the jacket.
Can we lose the jacket?
That's right. Yeah.
- Yeah, that'll look gorgeous.
- Do you want to get it? Thank you.
Thank you, perfect.
Angle your body a little toward...
There we go. That's it.
Whoo! Go, Noni.
This... this is it.
That's that cover.
You want that cover? Let me see it.
Are you an item?
How does Kid feel about this?
Noni, come on. Right here!
So, how do you
go like that every day?
Normal's different for everybody,
I guess.
I'm not the one jumping
in front of bullets.
It doesn't exactly work like that.
So, how come you're police?
Trying on Daddy's shoes?
- It's all a part of the plan.
- The plan?
Political science major,
law enforcement, then politics.
- For real?
- For real.
Just wanna be a brother
who makes a difference, you know?
Well, I'm gonna be calling you
about everything.
The pothole in front of my crib.
- Parking tickets.
- You might get your feelings hurt.
- You can't say no to me.
- Try me.
- Kiss me.
- No.
Come on, boy
Come on, boy
Come on, boy
No, I wanna hear it. Hold on.
Come on, boy
Put your face in this...
Put your face where?
- Look, I didn't write it, OK?
- All right.
Now I know you don't know
nothing about this.
Nina Simone.
That voice.
All that... pain and power.
- Like she lived every lyric.
- Mmm.
Wish I could have songs like that.
So write one.
No one cares what I have to say.
I'm listening.
What's all this?
They come into my head
all day long.
"It's not my business
what you had with her.
And now I see
that you're not free of her.
And I was foolish
to compete with her.
But my fractured heart cries,
'Choose me'.
That's beautiful.
For real, I mean...
You know,
I've seen letters from crazy people,
and they look a lot like this.
I got this dinner, I gotta go.
It's not like I follow
this kind of thing, but...
...what's up with you and Kid?
We're sort of together.
Look, it started as a label thing.
- "A label thing"?
- For press.
You get down like that?
Look, I should've said something.
But I didn't know
what was up with us before.
And what is up?
I gotta go.
Kaz... Hey.
Officer Nicol. I was more than willing
to break bread with you.
But I'm not sure I can support someone
who looks like a college boy.
It was a 26-year-old minister
that led the civil rights movement.
Are you comparing yourself
to Dr. King?
Not at all, Reverend. Um...
What I mean to say is,
progress rarely comes from those
who are content and secure.
It comes from those who've been
unsettled by what they've seen.
There's a daily violence
in our community.
I have a front row seat to it.
Nothing stops a bullet like a job.
LA is better when
our community is strong.
And I'm gonna inspire City Hall
to invest in us.
Now, the truth is, I can't win
the election in this district
without your support.
I hope, as you become more familiar
with me, I can earn your respect.
In the meantime, my actions will speak
louder than anything I can say tonight.
I look forward to your actions.
Everybody, we got Noni
in the house, baby!
Yo, Noni, you gonna share?
Whoo! All right, Noni!
What up, Noni?
- Hey, Sean.
- Mmm.
- What's up, you all right?
- I'm good.
You about to rehearse?
Uh, no, actually I already did,
but I might stick around.
I heard your show crazy.
Well, you know,
just trying to keep up with you.
Whatever. All right.
The fact that I fell off the moped...
That was crazy.
Is he inside?
What's up, baby girl?
I thought I was the one supposed to be
getting in all the trouble around here.
Listen, um...
...we need to talk.
About what?
Whatever it is we're doing...
it's not working for me anymore.
I wanna go back
to just being friends.
I ain't gonna shed a tear
or nothing like that, but...
...I thought shit was cool with us.
K.C., we texted,
we hit it and we texted
about hitting it.
That's damn near married, girl.
Yo, they're ready for y'all.
Hey... use the press.
Don't let them use you, all right?
Let's go get this rehearsal.
- You know I need to kill this stage.
- Shh.
It's the only way I know
how to rock it, man. Come on.
Get off me!
- Get down!
Ma'am, I need you
to stand back right now!
- Let him go!
- Just keep your head down.
- I'm not pressing charges.
- We don't need you to press charges.
- I'm sorry.
- Calm down.
I'm OK.
You call me anytime.
Get you the help you need, OK?
I just wanted him to stop and he did,
so can you please...
Can you please just go? Just...
Look at your kids, lady. Look.
- Nothing's OK.
- Oh, baby.
Need you to step out of the car, sir.
You know I'll be out of here
in an hour, right? You know that?
Turn and face the vehicle.
Thank you.
It's clear. Let's go.
- Oh, shit.
- Hey, Boy Scout.
- Over here! Hey Noni, Noni!
- What's going on?
I've got something for you.
Your shift over?
Noni, over here.
You look beautiful!
Yes. His shift is over.
We got paperwork we have to do,
all right?
Go get in the car, dumb-ass.
Just a look, girl,
that's all I need!
Noni, how long have you guys
been seeing each other?
Excuse me, people.
- Just tell the truth!
Hey, Noni, Noni!
Thank you, excuse me.
Hey, Mikey, make sure these guys
get some privacy, all right?
Look, I got in
'cause I didn't wanna embarrass you.
OK? But all this Hollywood mess...
Look, my job is stressful enough,
I don't need this in my personal life.
I broke up with him.
I didn't ask you to.
I didn't need your permission.
Just your label's?
I didn't need their permission, either.
Why me?
I mean, you...
you could have anyone.
I want you.
...I said I had something for you.
Trust me.
Can I take this stuff off now?
What's going on?
Stop the plane!
- Stop the plane!
- Kaz, it's OK.
Noni, I'm not playing with you.
Stop the plane!
- Kaz.
- Hey...
I wanna be your first.
Oh, shit.
I think I love you. Wait, no...
- No?
- I mean...
Hey. Take a look.
Will you be my date for the show?
I'm just your little bitch now, huh?
I'm performing
and I want you to be there.
- How was the job today?
- The job?
Isn't that what you police call it?
The job was fine.
You said it was stressful.
It's just sometimes we deal with
the worst in people, you know'?
Makes it hard to trust in good.
You feel like it's changed you?
That why you don't
have a girlfriend?
I thought I did.
Noni, please, this way!
Oh, my goodness! She finally is here.
The girl I've been waiting for.
Hi, Noni.
You look fabulous.
- And this dress, wow!
- Thank you.
You might wanna tell your cameraman
to keep the camera on my face.
I don't want you guys
getting sued by the FCC.
It looks like we're all gonna be
in trouble tonight, with this dress.
But on everybody's mind, really,
how are you doing?
I'm great.
And I'm excited about tonight.
And I see that you brought
your guardian angel with you.
So, are you gonna
keep her from falling?
Oh. What's this?
- He's my date.
- Wait a minute.
So, is this an ET exclusive right now?
You are confirming the rumors?
Well, you are truly
living the fairy tale.
And I know you have a busy night,
so off you go with your date.
Hi, Miss Lee.
Hi, Macy.
- Hi.
- Really looking forward
to Noni's performance tonight.
Oh, yeah, I think
it's gonna be amazing.
Yeah, great.
Hi, Officer Hero.
Officer Hero.
Let me tell you something.
This thing, whatever it is,
it's not good for her.
How's that?
When people see you two together,
they see her back on that balcony.
Hmm. So, Kid Culprit.
He's better for her?
Well, he doesn't throw her
off her game. You do.
I saved her life.
You're a cop.
That's sort of your job.
What about your job?
I mean, I know if I had a daughter,
especially one as amazing as that one,
I'd get her some help.
You've been screwing her
for five minutes.
You've got her all figured out.
Seven thousand people out there
about to start screaming her name.
I promise you,
that is all the help she needs.
All right, this...
is a simple knot.
The dancers will tug on the shoulders
and it'll open right up.
Take a look.
I'm good.
Well, I'm gonna grab the topstick
and be right back.
Hey, hold up. Hold up, man.
Let me set the record straight.
See, I ain't been getting cheated on,
you heard? I cut her off.
That's why she took
that sky dive off the balcony.
What are you doing?
Kill his mic. Kill his mic.
You see Officer Hero right here?
He's just getting my sloppy seconds.
Damn right!
- What's up, man?
Kick his ass!
She just with you
to keep you quiet, fam.
Dead silent.
Man, you know that bitch is a freak.
So, you're a thug now.
You're feeling your Wheaties
'cause you're banging a superstar.
- I was defending her.
- You threw the first punch.
- That ain't self-defense...
- I didn't say it was self-defense.
I said I was defending her.
You just got into a brawl
with a rapper on national TV.
Is that how you expect to gain
the respect of the pastors?
- That crazy broad has got you all...
- Don't you call her that!
It's your life, Kaz.
Get your head out of your ass
before you throw it away...
Why don't you just go
get your own life, all right?
So you don't have to worry
so much about mine.
It could... It could just be
a non-story tomorrow. Gimme...
Come on, Liam, please.
- Mom...
- Congratulations.
You're a bloody clich.
Noni, Noni!
Hey! Stop, stop... stop.
Stop. Stop! Shh, shh.
I feel like I'm suffocating
in the middle of the street
and no one can see me dying.
Let me see. Let me see.
Kaz, over here!
Where is she?
Where's Noni?
Where's Noni?
Come on!
Hey, Jesse, it's me.
I need a favor, man.
I need you to talk to Sarge,
tell him Vll be out a couple days.
And everything's cool, um...
I just need some time off.
All right? Thanks.
So now what?
Whatever you want.
Can I sleep?
Just for a little bit.
Hey, girl.
You're awake.
How long have I been out?
that was lunch, that was dinner,
and this... is breakfast.
- Sorry.
- No, it's OK.
You hungry?
So starving.
- Aah!
- Sorry, sorry.
- Geez, talons.
- Oh, my God.
All right, that's it.
- Nails be gone.
- Uh-oh.
Silver, silver,
silver, necklace.
Beautiful silver for your
beautiful senorita, senior.
Silver here, very cheap,
very cheap, mister.
No, no, we can't afford it.
We just bought these clothes and...
What? Give me the money.
No, it's like six meals.
- I'm good for it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Check your pockets, homie.
You are B-R-O-K-E, broke,
so come on, let's go.
Wait, what are you doing?
Gracias, senorita.
No, gracias, senior.
Are you for real?
This is worth way more
than the earrings.
Oh, they're fake.
What are you doing?
This is a merit badge.
You have to earn these.
For throwing me the middle finger
the night we first met.
For saying "I love you"
and meaning it,
even if it was just for a second.
For not caring about the fame.
And for standing here with me,
in this moment.
And for truth, justice,
and the American way.
Thank you.
Hey, I'm sorry to bother you,
but would you mind taking a picture?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
The two of us.
- Ready?
- Uh-huh.
Thanks again.
One, two, three, four
Come on, baby, say you love me
Five, six, seven times
Eight, nine, ten, once
Once is 11!
Until you are mine
- Whoo!
- Whoo-whoo-whoo!
Get up there.
You wanted to know
what it feels like, remember?
I am not that drunk.
You telling me you're scared?
The flying thing
was bad enough.
It's like that?
OK, all right.
All right.
I'm dedicating this song to my lady
sitting right over there at the bar.
You know who you are.
Come on, yeah
On a perfect day
I know that I can count on you
When that's impossible
Tell me, can you weather the storm?
Sing it, bro!
And I need somebody
Who can stand by me
Through the good times
And bad times, you will always
Be right there for me
Sunny days
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Tell me, baby
Can you stand the rain?
Can y'all...?
You can do better?
Let's see what you got.
Whoo! Come on!
- Hey.
I'm gonna sing this song.
But I don't think
they have the music, so...
...I'm just gonna sing it a Capella.
Why you wanna fly
You ain't never gonna fly
Why you wanna fly
You ain't never gonna fly
No place big enough for holdin'
AH the tears you're gonna cry
'Cause your mama's name was lonely
'Cause your mama's name was lonely
And your daddy's name was pain
And they called you little sorrow
And they called you little sorrow
'Cause you'll never love again
You ain't got no one to hold you
You ain't got no one to care
if you'd only understand dear
Wants you anywhere
So why you wanna fly
You ain't never gonna fly
Why you wanna fly
You ain't never
- Whoo!
- Bravo!
That's the maid.
We need more bottled water.
All right.
You did this?
You brought them here?
They found you
the same way that I did.
Let me in.
You ain't never
# Fly#
That was
the first song you ever sang.
I know.
My first talent contest.
When you were seven months old,
we were living in this awful
council flat, had a hole in the door.
And I was making you Ready brek.
And you were lying on the floor
behind me, screaming.
And "Blackbird" came on the radio.
I turned it up.
I wasn't trying to drown you out.
The words were just...
how I felt.
I was 17 when I had you.
Black baby, that my morn and dad
wanted no part of,
by a guy who couldn't
give a shit about me.
And I was exactly
where they all said I'd be.
And then, all of a sudden,
you started singing.
Not the words... but the melody.
Clear as day.
And I was so shocked,
I started laughing.
And that made you laugh,
and then we're both there laughing.
And it felt like you and me
against the world.
It still feels like that.
You look happy.
You were right to get away.
Let's go back and finish it, Nones.
We can't give up.
Not after everything
we've been through.
I don't have a deal.
I'm a joke.
...that clip got 400,000 hits
since yesterday.
Are you serious?
And Liam called me this morning.
I needed a pause button.
That's what you did.
You put my life on pause.
But we can't hide out here forever.
I guess I was just drinking some
happily ever after bullshit, huh?
We can still have
happy ever after.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
'Cause obviously nothing's changed.
It's already different.
I feel like I can finally do it
the right way.
My way.
- What about your mom?
- She gets it now, too.
- Really?
- Yeah.
She know about
your box of lyrics?
Yeah... I give it a week.
You'll be back in a weave,
singing while sucking dick.
- I appreciate your honesty, Officer.
- Shit, Noni, I'm trying to help you!
Stop trying to be the bloody hero
all the time.
Look, Kaz...
...I've been working for this
my whole life.
I want you to be a part of it.
I need you.
And you need me.
You don't need me.
And I'm good.
Here she comes.
Are you planning on
another suicide attempt?
I cleaned up.
Do you want a cup of tea?
Councilman Russell
is resigning tomorrow.
So we would need
to announce by Friday.
And what about the pastors?
You said before
we couldn't win without 'em.
The rapper called your girlfriend
a bitch and you kicked his ass.
You lost the church,
but you gained the youth vote.
You're that candidate
with swagger.
I'm not so sure that's the angle
we wanna go with.
It's the only angle we have.
It's risky. Your call.
- I think...
- Let's run with it.
See what happens.
The clip is so official, Noni.
Seven million hits in two days? What?
I need your album out,
like, yesterday, so...
...we got all hands on deck.
- It's not done.
- What's not done?
I wrote a song
and I want it on the album.
Why you playing with me?
Trey, everybody says I'm special
'cause I have this voice.
But I'm just saying what
everybody else wants me to say.
I need to say something.
Listen, I was an artist,
so I respect that, for real.
But... CD's been pressed,
artwork's finished.
It's done and done.
But you know what?
When the album blows up,
we'll do a special re-release,
and drop "Blackbird" on it.
Either you put her song on the record
or you release it without an artist.
Come on, Macy,
it's all love in here.
- What's with the idle threats?
- There's nothing idle about it.
Deals can be a little complicated,
but I can assure you, she has no outs.
Uh, yeah. Well, you see,
the morning after the concert,
this came through my fax machine.
It's a, uh, letter of termination.
We never sent a letter of termination.
- That was sent by mistake.
- Excuse me?
I... I drafted it as a precaution.
I-I left it on my desk.
My assistant must have sent it. I...
It was a mistake, Noni, I apologize.
I know the legalese
can be a bit complicated, Liam.
The thing is, once that comes
through a fax machine,
it's legally binding.
So as of now, there is no deal.
Do you have any idea
how much it's gonna cost me?
Yeah. But I think Liam's salary
will just about cover it.
Trey, look, I can fix this...
If you want another chance,
you can buy one for 200K.
Now... I'm gonna need you
to do something for me.
And I ain't asking.
End this, Noni. Definitively.
You love life, it was an accident.
Move the hell on.
Mom's famous.
Oh, yeah, I used to call everything
Mom's famous.
Keysburry called.
They want you to close
with "Blackbird. "
Are you serious?
Not bad for a couple
of Brixton girls, eh?
I gotta talk to the label,
'cause, you know,
we don't wanna confuse the public
about who you are.
I think you made it clear
who's running things.
Tell 'em I wanna do it.
You know, I was thinking about
Ryan Tedder producing my song.
Can we find out
his schedule?
Oh, Noni,
we can't delay the album.
What do you mean?
Well, the buzz right now is insane.
We can't take any chances.
It needs to be out.
But... in the meeting,
you said I wouldn't re-sign.
Yeah, 'cause I wanted Liam gone.
But this isn't about Liam,
it's about me.
The next album, you wanna write a couple
of songs, write a couple of songs.
- Do that, I promise.
- Mom...
We all win here, Noni.
- I'm not doing it.
- Not doing what?
- I'm not re-signing.
- Yes, you bloody are.
You work for me, remember?
You know, I always wondered
when I'd do a shoot or something
and they'd tell me to hike my skirt
up more or take off my shirt,
and I'd look to you to see if it was OK,
and it was always OK.
Would you look around you?
It is OK.
It's not OK! It never was!
Noni, the song doesn't make you,
you make the song.
It's a game, right?
You know that. It's a game!
So what, you give me a new nose,
a new body, some Indian chick's hair.
New and improved,
except I'm not a bloody product.
We did what we had to do.
There was never any "we".
Your word was gospel.
Oh, wait, so now you're a victim?
When did you ever tell me
that you didn't want this?
When I was on that balcony.
You promised me
that was a mistake.
You wanted it to be a mistake.
When I needed a mother,
you were always my manager.
I was your manager, I was your mother,
I was your father,
I was whatever I had to be
in order to take care of you!
You didn't take care of me,
you took care of my career!
And I made you a bloody star!
And everyone who looked down on you
would suddenly look up to you.
Prove to the world
you weren't a fuck-up.
It was never about me,
it was always about you.
Don't you dare question
my love for you!
Noni, come on.
You're fired.
Good evening, sir.
Good evening, um...
I'll be there in a second.
You have to go?
Yeah, I'm uh, being vetted.
Classy way of begging for money.
So you're gonna
shake up the world?
That's the plan.
That night, on the balcony... saw the goodness in me.
And it was enough to keep me going
until I could finally see it in myself.
Sorry it took me so long.
Me, too.
I should let you go.
Take care, Noni.
It was perfect, right?
What we had.
We started on a lie.
So it could never be perfect.
I like the blue.
Purple is the new blue.
Excuse me.
You'll have all of this
ready for us by Wednesday, right?
- Not Thursday.
- This is he.
Where are you?
I'm on my way.
I gotta go.
Hold on, we just need
a few more seconds.
- Hey.
- I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have called.
I made a mistake.
You can do this,
just come with me right now.
- No, I can't.
- Yes, you can.
My kids are in there.
- Just stay here, OK?
- Don't.
Hey, Officer Asshole.
And I hear you're gonna be performing
in the UK this weekend.
That's right. I'm so excited.
I haven't performed at home
since I was a kid.
Are you really British?
And I ask because
your former rapper boyfriend
has been tweeting that
you're faking that accent.
Uh... Well, I faked a lot
of things when I was with him,
but my accent wasn't one of them.
Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
You've been doing
a lot of that lately.
- What?
- Apologizing for your actions.
Are you concerned at all
about your image?
I'm not concerned at all.
Your record company insists
that you wanted to come on the air,
and you wanted to get rid
of those rumors, once and for all.
Well, firstly, I'd like
to compliment the tabloids
for their ability to capture
those amazingly bad pictures of me.
That's a talent.
But... probably for the first time,
they got the story right.
What are you saying?
I'm saying, "Truth is the only
safe ground to stand upon".
I was on that balcony...
ready to let go.
I had to make the decision to live.
I had to make the decision
to stop being a victim,
to stop trying to be somebody
I knew I wasn't.
I needed to know
what was worth saving about me.
And the truth is, that fantasy girl
you see on the posters,
she did go over the balcony.
And the real Noni Jean
got pulled back up.
I'm getting some help now.
And it's helping me
to get to know her.
She still has some issues, but...
- ... I like her.
You know what?
Maybe, as we get to know her,
maybe we'll like her, too.
That was a lot to admit, Noni.
Good luck. Thank you.
Thanks, Don.
Hey, POP?
Remember when I was a kid and you'd
tell me about the people you saved,
and all the bad guys you put away?
Everything was so simple.
You were like Superman to me.
All I wanted was to be just like you.
Son, all I ever wanted
was for things to be better for you.
Yeah, but better for me might not...
have anything to do with my career.
Are you saying you don't want to be
a bitter, heartbroken man?
Don't you mean,
"old, bitter, heartbroken man"?
Welcome back!
Good to have you back.
Brixton has gotten so bad.
They carry guns like mobile
phones now.
It's good for these kids to see you.
Let them see that
they can make it out.
Your mom called.
She want you to tackle me
before I get to the stage?
No, she wants to know
how you're doing.
You know, it wasn't a monster
who dragged you into my shop.
It was a desperate mom
who seemed like she'd do anything
to make her kid's life better.
It's time.
- OK!
Go on.
Go, baby.
You can tell her I'm scared.
All right. We're ready for Noni.
All yours.
What are you doing here?
Change of plans.
You... got on a plane.
Yeah, well, it wasn't quite
as memorable as my first time,
- but they gave me snacks.
- You have to get to stage.
- What's going on?
- I have to...
I love you.
And I'm not taking it back this time.
We need Noni up here now!
I'm sorry. We have to go.
Noni! Noni! Noni!
Thank you! Cheers!
It's so good to be home.
They asked me to sing
Nina Simone's "Blackbird. "
But I wrote this song.
I hope you like it.
We love you, Noni!
Ah, yeah
As I dive in
Without my wings
At the speed of light
Fm flying to my end
As I fall
Without my wings
Humming the last song
The blackbird will sing
Fm free at last, free from you
Free from the past, freedom at last
What is life, other than a cage to me?
Oh, Blackbird
Oh, Blackbird
Now I rise
As the phoenix escapes from me
Through the fire, through the flames
Making ashes out of me
Fm free at last, free from you
Free from the past, freedom at last
What is life, other than a cage to me?
Fm free at last, free from you
Free from the past, freedom at last
What is life, other than a cage to me?
Oh, Blackbird
Sing one last song for me
Oh, Blackbird
One last song for me
I love you, too.
Hey, don't go anywhere, OK?