Beyond The Secret (2008)

Please pay attention
After finding no english subtitle for this film, I decided to take the first step
myself and so, the present subtitle has its own shortcomings. sentences
that I had doubts about, are marked by a () and obscure words or phrases
are marked by a ??? in order to keep this subtitle more trustworthy.
let me know if you have any better understanding or suggestions
through this email
one woman's quest to find answers sparked the story
that's going to change the lives of millions.
I didn't have the self worth to get out of the abusive situaion for myself
I have three children that are the light of my life
and they're the reason,
the encouragement, the purpose for me getting out of my marriage.
Holli Walker finds herself in a devastating situation.
He picked me up by my neck, threw me on the hood of my car,
in front of our youngest daughter
beat my head onto the hood of my car
and choked me until I could hardly breathe.
Betrayed by the people who were supposed to love her
struggling just to get back on her feet
Having to fight a court battle to get
custoday of her three young children
During this process, there were days that were extremely hard
that I really second guessed and questioned
you know, "What have I done?"
And I decided that I was going to turn my life around
She got the idea of looking for a life coach()
And she found a lady on the west coast of the united states
Kimberly Tru
Kimberly told her she could build the life she really wanted.
And she began to coach her, Holley's life began to change.
I reached a point in time and my life where I decided
that I was letting other people
determine my happiness.
And I realized that my purpose in life is
to help people who were just like me
Holly and I became good friends.
And today she's a leader in
The professional and personal development Industry.
This film "Beyond the Secret" is the
expression of Holli 's dream.
One way of helping you
and the billions of people that will be watching it.
You know, the story that I've just shared with you,
of Holli Walker,
is a true story.
As a matter of fact, I've really played the story down()
If you knew the truth about the transformation
that took place in this lady,
how shi went for winning, to nowhere
and right back up again ()
you would never wonder,
whether you could win!
And that's the purpose of this film.
We want to recommend that you go beyond the surface,
really take a look at who you are and what you are.
Do you know that there's around 11 million kilowatt hours
per pound potential energy
Locked in electrons of the atoms of your body?()
phenomenal power!
We've enough potential energy in us
to light up a small town for nearly a week!
What do you really want?
Listen carefully as each person comes on the screen.
Listen to what they have to say.
Because they're going to a spotlight on something
that Holli wants you to hear.()
but don't just listen to it, understand it
Listen to it frequently.
And then apply it.
Life is a magnificent journey. It truly is.
But only if we make it that way,
and have the potential to do that.
Hi, I'm Holli Walker and welcome to "Beyond the Secret"
What' s the value of one really good idea
applied to one specific area of your life?
How I can make more money? / I
Is this a good time to take a risk? / I
Is it too late to change my life / i
Can my dreams become reality? / i
Your questions
are about to be
If you consider that every building,
in every city accross our world
has its ancestry in human thought,
even scientists and specific principles
in the field of quantum mechanics
are confirming what spiritual
teachers have been telling us for centuries.
This isn't just wishful thinking.
It is a practical application for success in life
and the key that locks it,is human intention.()
What I am looking for, is not out there! It is in me
the Law of Attraction is no longer a secret.
It's been discussed, ripped apart, examined and
and put into practice by those with the awareness
of how to use it to their benefit.
you may be like I was, confused, disappointed
Or maybe you have just a lot of questions
that you need to answer.()
My website has recieved thousands of emails
"I think I'm doing everything I'm supposed to,
but it's not happening fast enough... "
"Why am I not making more...???
Why isn't the law of attraction... ? "
"I'm not living my dream life now.()
??? How do I do that? "()
I made it my mission... to find the answers.
I set out to meet with the teachers who inspired me
The ones who really spoke to me
and helped guide me through some very difficult times in my life,()
and literally with the law of attraction over
the course of a year and a half()
I was able to sit down with some of the world's leading visionaries
and most inspirational teachers and ask questions.
the wisdom that they share in this film is invaluable.
And you can use it starting today to change your life.
I've heard time and time again, and you probably
heard that yourself,
that the law of attraction does'nt work.
That's like saying that the law of gravity doesn't work.
the Law of Attraction's always working,
just as the law of gravity is.
Gravity keeps you sitting on a chair,
you do not jump to the ceiling.()
But if you use it wrong and walk off the building...
you're toast!
well, It's the same with the law of attraction.
The law of attraction is a secondary law.()
the law of vibration is the primary law()
and the vibrations you're in dictates what you're going to attract.()
When you are in vibration of having ideas, everything that's in
harmony with having that experience will start to be attracted to you.()
like energy attracts like energy.()
If you are not in a good vibration you're going to attracts that
you do not want.()
but the Law of Attraction's always working. It's a matter of understanding that
and bringing our mind and the body,()
our whole being, into the right vibration
so that we attract what we want.
so, if you think you're using the law of attraction
but you're not really getting the results you want()
It's sort of like taking a lamp to an
electric plug.()
so If I'm carrying a lamp an I'm heading over to an electric plug and
I plug that lamp in,
and I am not getting any light, I don't get down on my knees
and beg the law of electricity, "please
Dear Love, electricity
I've though about law of electricity,
I've done everything I know
I have been in harmony with the law of electricity,
but not getting any electricity,()
so please help me getting electricity. "()
We will never do that.
we will say: Something's out of work here.()
Either wire in the walls is incorrect, or the chord has got a short (circuit) in it,
or the light bulb needs to be changed
that we know we need to do something
to bring ourselves in
harmony with the law of electricity.
It is not different with the law of attraction.
so what we are thinking about manifest many times in our
daily life() But sometimes people think that a thought
is an actual thing that when I'm thinking about right now ,
??? ().
So a thought is more than a thing,
a thought is the very essence of our life.
And just because we don't understand that,
doesn't mean that we should reject it.
you want to go beyond that
and start to understand
how your mind works. The relationship of the mind to the body
and then you start to see why
you're getting what you're getting and how to change it
If you do'nt like it.
you've probably been taught or learned that thoughts become things.
And they do become things, they become our belief system,
they become our identity, our self worth.
Thoughts become things when they are aligned with feelings,
action, strategic relationships, your gift(talent), with your calling(ambition)
with whatever it is that you're bringing out in the universe.()
Thoughts becoming things.()
let me turn that around.()
Everything was one time a thought.
Everything that's not green or water has been shaped by the imagination of the human mind.
Everything you look at
is created twice.
thinking is the highest function that we're capable of.
And when think, we take thoughts and we join those thoughts
together and we create ideas.()
And by holiding the idea in our mind, and getting emotionally
involved ,that causes to move into action
and it also sets out an attraction.()
and it's the action and attraction that alters
the conditions,circostances and environment in our life
It's not enough to be talking about your dream, thinking about your dream,
praying and hoping for your dream.
you really do need to take action
It's been my experience that with one single action step
everything changes
you're no longer thinking about it, talking about it
you're doing something about it.
People relate to you differently,
you relate to you differently
new resources show up as you
have a new perspective.
It's not a drop sand like???()
you know the hole picture just drops in, but
you get threads of it
You'll see little ??? that spread out.()
If you honor the ??? and ??? it()
will grow, it will send down roots , it'll begin to flower
thoughts and ideas come forward this way()
and that's how to build a dream.
you get a very clear idea, you ??? that dream
as imporatant as it helps you grow that dream.
But you have to take steps every single day.
take action, create what I call a "Wow"() within one week
once you step, you are going to take()
to demonstrate you're more commited to your dream
than any doubt, fear or reality that might get in your way()
it's in acting on your dream
that it truly becomes real
a baby step within the direction of your dream
and the direction of what you want to create,
the lot of Universe will work just fine.()
It's about ??? how it works, get in coherence with that()
and practicing on a daily basis.
so baby steps(small steps) are great way
to take your step forward.
baby steps will take you all the way up
Mount Everest,by the way, if you just keep taking them.
and often times, the changes take place first inside
before it's expressed outside.()
If you're taking action and you don't see the result,
be aware that it's coming.
and in fact, if you do build your awareness of your around and start looking for
little examples, little results that actually are coming to your way()
I think you'll find that you're already there()
what I've realized is when I was relying
on just blind faith
whenever I would meet with this condition or circumstance()
that I didn't know how to go through, often times(), I steped to backwards in the safety
It's really faith-based and on our understanding ()
how we operate that allows us to ()
move confidently through that ??? into the area of unknown
outside of our comfort zone
It takes five years to become a plumber
it takes 5 years to become a mechanic,
I'm not quite sure how long it takes to
become a medical doctor, but I would imagine
a few more than that
Well, we can watch a 70 minute DVD
and like that, understand what makes life tick.()
We've got to make a dicision that we're gonna
study something about ourself ()
It takes a different kind of process
to grow the Bamboo tree()
you Plant the seed, and you water,
you cultivate the soil , for five years!
then in the five years, the bamboo tree that does not
break through the gound in those five years
in six weeks it grows over 90 feet tall
and the question is: did it grow 90 feet tall
in six weeks or in five years?
and I say, in five years.
Because in any important time ()
you stop watering and in any important you stopp cultivating the soil,
the bamboo tree would die in the ground
A lot of people because they are impatient,
and they want things right now,
they allow their dreams to die in rejection
they allow their dreams to die in bankruptcy
they allow their dreams to die in negative coversations.
they allow their dreams to die in excuses,
they allow their dreams to die in ??? of them, because
they're not patient. they don't trust.
They don't believe
belief and trust give you patience.
when we are born, we are programmed to
move along a certain track
That's called genetic conditioning, it's part of a paradigm
part of the control mechanism in our mind
And then we are programmed environmentally
thoughts that you hold and the thoughts that you choose
start to create your believes.
they create your paradigms, they create the filters
through which you see your world.
Those beliefs are really what determine the
actions that you're willing or not willing to take.
And I don't think it takes any genius
to tell you the actions you take ??? are those things
most responsible for the results that you are getting.
I think the first thing you have to do
is you've got to decide exactly what you want.
And then write it down in a vision form.()
we can take a pen and a piece of paper and recreate our own destiny.()
like a story, like it's already happened,
like it's present tense.
now if we don't do that, and unfortunately not
that many people do
then, it's pre-determined, it's pre-destined
by the paradigm that's built
into us at birth.
But you have the ability to change it.
you build the image, you got emotionally involved
with that image, you hold that image in your mind
of that life you want to live and you in it,
and you will begin to see those result manifest itself
that is the way to create the life that you want.
a gift comes to us to serve us()
and not to make us rich.()
first, you know, and so, but I was
trying to get rich... of my gift.()
I was so sad.
I worked the principles too()
I wrote it down, I did all the things that I
learned to do early in the game() and I was very depressed the lot of the times
because when I wanted to see it happening,
it was not manifesting()
you know we've lived in this GPS society where we think
that we have to know every single step()
we've got to make ()
It's really not that way.
It didn't dawn on me that maybe I was on the wrong track()
that maybe there was somethong better for me
as long as we know what the first step is first to take,
and we may not even have a clear idea of that,
??? said if we will just advance confidently()
just in the direction of our dream
we can live the life we've imagined.
but,one thing, I did stop ???() I did stop singing()
I did stop writing songs
And I did stop with my interest
in music, I loved it.
what we need to know is why?
what our purpose is.
Knowing how to do something, really is a best ???
That's something that's left to our Creator,
to our relationship and understanding of
how God operates ??? through us.
I've got a spiritual community that really inspired me()
I heard the message.
I heard this message that said I was more.
then my idea of what I thought ???
there was something great happening()
then what? my disappointment ???,
I was disappointed with the world, disappointed with everything
I was pissed off, I was mad, I was cynical
you know, because I had worked with the principles I thought
and it was like... was I really understood,()
What that meant()
I became alive.
again that numbness inside of me
began to ???.
you know, that numbness from disappointment began to really ???.
God never meant me to be Lionel Richie.
Lionel Richie like oprah ??? Lionel Richie was taken ().
you know,I was here to be Ricky.
And what did that mean?
you know what, And then I started writing songs about inspiration,
writing songs about love, about God, that's ???
That's what I came to do()
I received an email from a woman who
got married at an early age.
Had children and shi is now divorced.
she was doing a job that shi didn't like to support her family.()
her email had so much in common with a lot of others.
You feel overwhelmed by responsibility,
and maybe true that you do feel stuck.()
That thinking is the problem.
the other stuff isn't really the problem.
the thinking that you are stuck is the problem.
So I know it's hard to think differently
when you really think you're stuck,
That's why you're gonna study this and that's why ()
you want to get some help thinking differently.()
ok, by different believe I start()
what options do I have?
If I didn't believe that I was going to be
stuck for the rest of my life with this
what could I do?
the mistakes you've made in the past,
you've already paid for.
you don't have to pay it twice
Start right now.
Redefine what it is that you want.
begin to take the steps to the
dream job that you do want.()
When you think into the solution,you begin
to think from a believing that maybe there is an opportunity
I don't know the opportunity yet, but just maybe
and onto that ??? field of believing
that one little drop of water on the land()
and say "if I didn't believe it was totally impossible
for me to have a life that was really fullfilling
What could I do?
there are people who could say, "You know Les,I made a lot of
early mistakes. "
"And because of the mistakes I made, because of those decisions that I made
I made some short-term decisions
that had some long-term consequences. And as result
of that, I cann't live my dream now. "
Well, that's all of the past()
That's all gone. you've paid for that.
Don't allow what's going on right now
to define you
be open to the possibilities.
one, getting some help, also
understand and know and expect()
things go get better for you.
and ask yourself what it is that
you need to do differently.
but it takes some mind who's willing to explore()
expand, extend and you could choose to do that.
you've overcome many challenges to be where you are today()
Don't give power to the mistakes of the past.
that's behind you now.
look at yourself right now.
Build on that,
Build on what you have brought to the world
and what you've overcome.
and understand that you can achieve so much more
If you just apply what's inside of you.
Because it's your life, and you are the co-creator().
And you got to choose any life you want to have.
But the problem really isn't a problem.
The problem is always my thinking about the problem.
It's never too late to change your life.
It's never too late to make a dream come true.
and It's never too late to create a new dream for your life.
Ask yourself "where do I want to go from here?"
Begin to focus on the possibilities
See, whatever you focus on the longest,
will become the strongest.
If you talk about, and I know this from my own situation,()
I have talkd about () well, I don't have a college education()
well, I was labeled ??? mentally retarded()
I'm adopted
I've never worked for a major corporation,
All of the things that I focused on, that
became the dominant story in my mind.
When I began to flip that script,
and I became convinced in my spirit,
that what I had is enough!
what you had is enough!
where you are right now, that's enough!
That's all you need.
If you have the faith of a mustard seed()
if you hold a mustard seed in your hand,
you can't see it,
It is absolutely important that you have a dream.()
If you don't have a dream, and you're taking action every single day
then there's really nothing that separates you from a hamster,
runing around on a wheel.()
Yeah, you get a lot done, but you're moving nowhere.
the dream is what gives that action direction.()
I would really like to believe
what you're telling me Bob, but
I feel stuck. by the time I get home
and get the kids to bed, I'm beat()
I'm in ??? right up to here
I don't have the money to really buy
some of the things or attend some the programs
you are talking about
And quite frankly, I'm tired.
I really don't know how to make it work
What is something that I know I could do,
know I should do()
and know if I would do, it would
move me closer to my dream.
I'm not asking that you're gonna to have an answer
that's gonna make this big quantum leap(a big jump)
what's just the first step? ()
I have a friend who does a seminar called()
"how to earn over $ 200,000 a year with your eyes closed. "
Mahlah Jones of Philadelphia, he's been blind
since he was 10 YEARS OLD !
Tamara William, she wrote a book called
"Unarmed but dangerous"
she is the president of all her corporation.()
she was a 10 year crack addict,
a single mother and she was born without arms! Wow!
What's your excuse?
I say you're bigger than your excuse
Stop focusing on your reality.
start to ask yourself
"how do you want life to be?"
And then take action steps
to prove that you're not just talking about it.
You're not inspired. And you're not inspired
because you don't have a goal.
you have ??? that you wish for.()
you're being controlled by what's
going on in your outside world.
your external circumstances are ()
just a mirror reflection of your internal circumstances.
I've gone in the prisons, I've seen people
that were stuck beyond what you could believe
And I watched them change.
There is a way but you've got to have a reason.
and it's got to be a good one.
it's got to be something you want.
And not all dreams need to be()
Mother Teresa dreams
We're lucky that there are people in the world
that do want to make the world a better place.
But your dream of spending more
quality time with your family,
your dream of being paid well
for doing something you really love,
these are really important dreams as well.
looking at the world as unlimited ???
Looking at your life as an unlimited set of possibilities,
and waking up every day in a state of gratitude,
and that's not,I don't mean gratitude is gonna do it
for you, I don't mean gratitude is gonna lead to action.
But it puts in the right frame of mind
to really invoke the law of attraction.
so it's your emotional involvement that alters
the vibration and sets up the attraction()
the number one step you need to take, is to fall
in love with what it is you want to be, do, or have.
Just repeating something isn't going to do any good.
you've got to mix it with feelings of emotion()
You've got to internalize()
You've got to become the actor.
You've got to live with the part.
It's not just a want or wish or desire,
that's all consuming obsession.()
do it frequently. it'll become a habit()
You must be emotionally involved with whatever you want
or nothing's going to happen.
there was a woman I know, a young mom,
two kids, she's a single mom, had dropped out of
the high school(), didn't have an education,
the father of the children had been long gone
and there was no child support.
so she was working two jobs. she worked at a local
fast food restaurent, and she took in laundary ()
and ??? at night to earn enough money
to support herself and her two kids.
she lived in a very small one bedroom apartment
it was $ 500 a month for the rent
and it was all she could do to just ???
and then she heard about these ideas.
and she thought(), "what if I had a dream
what would my dream be? "()
And at that point, she thought
"I would love to have like a place we could live()
with three bedrooms, each one of us a room(),
but how would I do that, ???. " I mean she was barely getting ??? for being able to earn enough
to pay $500 a month
So you need to build a very clear image on the screen of your mind,
and your consciousness, of you in the role in the life
that you want to live.
only then are you in the position ()
to ??? things in the home such as
vision boards or bullet points ()or reminders any where that might be
on the dashboard, on the bathroom mirror,on the frige(refrigerator),
that prompt that image onto the screen of your mind.
write out what you want to accomplish
over the next 6 months
Not six years or sixty years,
six months.
and make it very clear
and what you write, if I read it
I want to able to see the same picture that you see.
what she really wanted was a small place with a fence backyard
so her son, who was seven and
had longed for a dog (), he had his own dog,
and there would be a fireplace,
so that it would be warm in the winter()
and she described the kitchen that she wanted.
The window over the sink
that when she was tired of doing the dishes()
and look at a point on the wall()
and she wanted an arch door where you come in through()
with a little ??? fence out front.()
People take the time to decide
what they want and then they write a note(),
and then they think just throuth the
will power they can make it happen ()
It isn't going to work.
that's like a fly trying to
to fly through the glass of window pane.()
it's going to die on the window ???
and one of my favorite quotes comes from General
varckofa that says "in times of war
I find plans utterly useless()
but planning to be priceless. "()
really, what would you do if you just
didn't believe it was impossible? ()
She said: "Well, I looked for it. "
if that's exactly what you would do()
if you didn't believe it was impossible,
go look for it. And she said: "well,I've found
what exactly what I was looking for.()
But I don't feel better, actually , I feel worse.
I have found this little house,() it needs a lot of work,
it's got hardwood floors needing to be refinished(),the cupboardsneeds need to be redone()
But, eh,??? there's a fireplace, there's no grass in the backyard()
but there are three little bedrooms, and ??? fences()
But now, now she just felt worse. and I said,
if you didn't believe it was impossible ()
she said: I do not know how this
works, this cann't be working()
I just feel worse. I said: do this!
if you didn't believe it was impossible
what idea could you get?
What if time and money were not issues?
What if you had the support of the people around you?
they want $ 900 for this.()
That's like twice almost I've been paying.
I can't do this.
I said if you didn't believe it was impossible?
just stay on the question.
if I didn't believe it was impossible, what would I do?
And here's the action part
of applying the law of attraction.
you take step anyway,() in the absence of knowing everything,
you take step anyway, ???
and you have to stay in the inquiring mind
"if I didn't believe it was impossible, what could I do?"
What could I do?
The imagination is going to cause the universe of mind
to start bringing you what you need,
and when you need it!
and then she got an idea!
and the idea was to write a letter over a letter()
and tell the landlord about herself, about her children
and what she would do for that house,
if he would rent it to her for a year
for $ 500 a month.
that she would refinish the hardwood floor,()
she would redo the cabinets in the kitchen,
how she would plant the grass, how she would put in some flowers,
how she would paint the ??? fence
and if he would supply the materials
she would provide this work.()
She wrote a beautiful letter and then she signed the letter,
she put it in the letter box.
when we are really expecting the good to come into
our life that we are hoping for(), we don't ask "where is it?"
And you must expect it, desire without expectations is ???
You have got to expect the good is coming into your life()
expectation is born of belief.
You've got to believe. Because if you don't believe it
then you are wishing a fantasy.
after two weeks later,() she got a phone call.
he was the landlord and he said:()
"I don't know why I am doing this...
I have your letter on my desk for two weeks.
I've got two full price offers,
but something in your letter just won't leave me alone
so I want you to sign a contract of
what you'll do in each quarter of the year()
if you really will do what you said you'll do
I'll let you have the house for $ 500 a month. "
now here she had manifested what she had really
hoped for, and there was no material way
from her current status that she could create it()
but the intresting part ,is not that she got the house, which she did,
and not she fixed up the house, which she did
but who she became in the process, because
she began to discover herself as someone who could create
as someone who could have a picture
and not not know exactly how to do it()
but apply the laws of the universe and stay in the mind that says:
"If I didn't believe it was impossible,
What would I do? ".
and an idea would come. and if you take that step, things unfold.
I'm really related to this next video email
because I've experienced the lot of the same things.
My husband thinks this stuff is all a bunch of "fairy dust"()
It's hard to ??? everything I do
Does this stuff really work?
see, everybody does not want to see you make it.
there are some people that are jealous,
there are some people that are envious, Why?
I do not know! Some people because of you
are driven and you work on your goals and dreams()
they feel that will make them look bad.
as you start to study this information
your life is going to change.
you know, along the way of trying to apply these principles,
you'll hit the top edge of your paradigm()
you'll hit other people telling you all
the reasons it can't happen,()
what can't be done()
??? if I tell you "You can't do that!"
someone has to come along and say, "You can do it.
You can do it..." Seventeen times!
to neutralize that 1 time.
It's very important to be
absolutely fueled by your vision.
For some people the word "dream" is the
let them know a "dream" is simply something that you want
or better yet, learn to speak the language that he understands()
When a plane's taking off,
it's got to go against the wind ,doesn't go with it ()
and you're going to run into a lot of resistance.()
If you are not getting a lot of resistance
then probably you're not going anywhere,
you're going in the wrong direction.
Don't resist the resistance (). There is a law
of non resistance(), just let it go.
Because whatever you resist, persists!
When someone is not latching on to
another person's dreams, I really believe()
it comes from fear.
??? consciousness is ??? in fear()
and this is basically in a nutshell
of frightened person.()
now I'm not just talking about maybe your boss,
or your colligues at work,
that are telling you not to
go into doing this you desire doing()
I'm ??? talking about who you love dearly()
I'm ??? talking about your partner, your spouse, your husband,your wife...
Your mother, your father...
And you know, the people that are closest to you,
are going to put up the most resistance.
They don't really want you to get ahead,
because if you do, then you become a mirror to them.
all of a sudden, they've got to look at you,
they know they are as smart as you,
they're as educated as you,
they have even known you for your whole life maybe.
And all of a sudden you become a mirror.
And when they look in that mirror, they see themselves.
Except they are not where you are.
and sometimes they can resent you because of that.()
And it causes problems with friendships.
it causes problems in families.
and it's just part of moving ahead.
it's art of going to the top.(not agreed by the sub writer completely)
They don't understand what you're doing.
They don't understand where you're going.
and you're going to find as you study and you keep raising
your level of awareness,()
the people you're hanging around with, may not.
you know, often people ask the question when
they lose people along the way()
" is this a lonely journey?"
think about your life.
you've grown, you ???,
probably your first grade friend is not your best friend now.
And as you move through life certain things happen
and certain friendships change.
You just keep growing.
And they're not growing.
and you're gonna have new friends, and you're gonna be
in a new area
you're gonna be with more exciting people
Don't sell your dream out
to somebody else's opinion.
Look at your relationships and ask the question:
"What is this relationship doing to me?"
There is a new term psychiatry called
"relational illness".
There are some people that can make you sick!
I have a friend, I'm serious, I have a friend
who when she was married for 9 years
every year she had to have some kind of surgery.()
And once, and not ??? over 8 years
she got to divorce()
she never had to have another surgery.
if your "why" is big enough, the "how" will show up()
so you want to stay very much in touch with
why you want this dream,
why it's good for you, why it's good for others
why you want to be doing this thing.
If you are not yourself, then you are not free.
you shouldn't be the person that
your wife wants you to be, your husband wants you to be.
you've got to be you!
And by being you, you will be the wife you want to be,
the husband that you want to be,
the employee you want to be,
or the boss that you want to be,
because someone else raises his eyebrows() and says
"really you think you're gonna do that in this economy?
you think you're gonna do that with your education? "you think you're gonna do that ..."
It can be difficult to stay ??? in your passion.()
They don't understand what you're doing.
They are in the comfort zone.
and they think you're crazy stepping
or betting on yourself.
giving up that good job, moving to that other city.()
Give it time let him see () you're taking
action. Let him see your success.()
By changing ourselves, showing up more ???
living with integrity,
People start to take us more seriously.
but Les (name of this man you see), can I change him? - no!
it's a full-time job changing yourself.
I wouldn't try to change your husband,
what I would do, is I would do what you can
totally 100% control, and that's your actions()
Nine out of 10 people would die rather than change.
that's how difficult change is
so you can't change people(),
change yourself
you know often it's the people that are the closest to us()
might have the hardest time()
believing for us!()
He doesn't think you can do it,()
not because you don't have a talent,
but just because it's not within the parameters
of his belief system.
so some of the closest people to you
will not be able to see your potential.
they will not be able to see your spirit.
they will not be able to see what you're really made of
they see their self-shot picture of you,()
and actually, have an investment in you staying as you are,
because they are used to you this way.
There are two types of relationships.
the ??? relationships
those are relationships that hold ???.()
these are relationships that challenge you
these are relationships that you grow up mentally,() emotionally and spiritually,
they stretch you
And there are toxic relationships.
these are relationships that drain you
these are relationships that ??? critical of you.
so, you want to surround yourself with people
who can believe, even when you can't believe.
we can't always find one person, who's our dream person
meaning, he can deliver
everything we need all the time.()
so it's great to have friends that you can turn to,
???, or dream team members, who no matter what you say
they gonna look in your eyes and say "I believe in you. "
I know you can do it.
Because for anyone of us, it's difficult
to see the picture when you're in the frame.()
so you want someone else who can see the whole picture
and help remind you yourself.
when sometimes when you're going for your vision, your dream,
people will say: oh, you're just materialistic man()
Why are you never satisfied?()
all you care about is money and things, and that type of things()
you're going to hear that. there's no question about it,
it's some point you're going to hear that()
get rid of small talk. get in some big talk.()
stretch your mind.
go where you've never been.
what we are talking about is not about materialism
it's about thinking.
You can apply it and get as wealthy as you
want to be, there's no question about that. and a lot of people have,
you can also apply it to your relationships.
you can also apply it to your health and fitness.
You can use it anyway you wish,
but it's really about thinking.
As you get free of it and you get more liberated,()
and you get more ???, it's a lot more fun.()
And people who were ??? and people who said it couldn't be done,
take a look at your life and then they get intrested themselves.()
And if they don't, you just bless them ()and honor
their right to have the life they choose.
Life is short and it can be great.()
Make it that way. Don't let the resistance knock you off track.
there are some people are so happy, and so ???
they can walk into a dark room and begin to develop.
You know who they are?
And if you're sitting with the enemy right now
just blink your eyes: I see you.()
This video email is from Nora. and shi is like so many of us.
she doesn't like change.
I hate change. I'm not happy
with my life but making huge
changes seems way out there.
I don't want to end up being laughed at, if I fail.
You know, if we be open to a new idea()
that maybe change can lead us
to the growth that we really want in our lives,
to a completely new "who we are",
our redefinition of our purpose in life,
our full realization of our potential,
then maybe change doesn't become this thing
that we have to struggle with or wrestle with ()
Most people live their lives completely
??? of the circumstances around them.
It's easy to get comfortable in a life.
and it isn't really that comfortable, ()
because we are used to it.
get out of the comfort zone.
you know, if you are comfortable where you are,
you're in a bad spot
You know, I was very corporately conditioned()
I was programmed to go into work
everyday to earn a salary check
the though of not having that salary check,
the though of not having that company car
the thought of moving and doing my own things ()
scared me ???. it kept me in that place for 4 years beyond
when I should have gone()
don't settle for comfort.
Life is too short, it can be a phenomenal trip.
don't give yourself permission
to continue to be where you are.
Give yourself permission to grow.
Give yourself permission to reinvent yourself
Give yourself permission to take
your life to the next level.
People say to me "I'm scared. "
I know where they are. because, you see,
we're controlled by our conditioning.()
we're controlled by our paradigms.
And they will keep us gripped,
because they don't like change.
status quo is their business.
being comfortable is not a good place to be
And unfortunately, most of us were encouraged to get there.
just get enough money to pay your bills and
everything is gonna be great.
people who live life with greatness()
are willing to be uncomfortable
in the intrest of growth.()
they're willing to stretch a bit.
they're willing to be in some uncharted territory
it's when you're uncomfortable that you're growing.
it's when you're a little scared,
you're excited and scared at the same time.
that feeling at the conscious level is worrying.()
at the subconscious level is fear and in your body is anxiety.()
now understand what this message is from your mind.
Your body is just an instrument of your mind.
This is your mind's way of telling you
that you are about to grow.
it's when you're going after something,
You have no idea how you're gonna get there.
but you've go to know you're going to get there.
it is not your mind's way of telling you
that you can not achieve what it is that you are about to do
You have infinite potential.
step out and bet on yourself.
and keep going until you reach a point of discomfort.
then you know you're growing.
A 100,000 miles journey begins with the first step.
you take that one step, you'll find that
the next step will become clear to you
And then the next step.
And before you know it
things would have changed like that.
If that's not something that you like,
or want to do,
Then you got to have the life you want()
and you can stay stuck as long as you want.
it's your life.
But ultimately, if you notice, you might get really tired of feeling hemmed in()
closed down, shut in, to a life that is very repetitive
some people live 90 years
some people live 1 year 90 times.
the beautiful thing about being who we are
is we have the ability to make choices
Jane Martin Cohen in a little Book called The Greatest Power,()
said that is your greatest power,
it's the power to choose.()
everyday I wake up, I wake up my mind
today's gonna be a great day.
and you know something? it is!
If you learned to walk, you had some disappointment.
you saw a toy across the room and you wanted to go get it.
you stood up and you fell down.
and you stood up and you fell down..., ??? when you fell down???
"that's it"
"I'm just not meant to be a walker. "
No baby does not.
But as adults, we get older, we start to think smarter than that.
so we fall down in love and ???
"That's it, I'm not ?? meant to have love"
"I do not want to be disappointed or hurt again"
we fall down in money and we say ()
"I guess it's not for me to have abundance. "()
It's not about that. it's about a willing does to have some stretch goals ()
And you are going to fall down, and you are going to
have some disappointmnt, but it's okay
if along the way, what you recognize is that ()
you are a part of something that is much bigger,()
that a little bit of disappointment or having your
dream come true exactly when you thought it should,()
you're living a life!
do you look at the most successful people that have ever lived
the ones alive today, or the ones in the past?
failure was a part of their journey.
and you're living in what Hildegarde De Bingen,
in the 13'th century ()
called the best life there is.
she said that each one of us must learn
to live on the green growing edges of our own becoming.
It's really, really...
doing the things that you love to do and
learning how to do that well
so you got to choose how much life
you're willing to live ()
that's what we got
That's why we got ???
we love to do()
I mean, it's an indication of what
it is you came to do
in your day to day activities what really has meaning for you
and that would be 75% of your purposes, ()
of what you're passionate about
the other 25% can be calibrated by those around you()
they you know well.
ask them what it is that you're good at.
ask them what it is they love about you.
what you're doing best.()
correlating both of those()
will be your purpose
I've always loved music.
and so my vocation revolves around music()
it always has. I've always loved doing that
I've met so many people who just reaally didn't know...()
they don't know what they came to do
I think ??? you just came to express your creativity.
now what is it that you feel good about? being creative
I mean how do you like to express yourself?
what is the way you like to do that?
and somewhere along your line of interest
lies on things that you came to do ()
and then the people who ???
you watch most people look like life is a practice run ()
they ??? a tiptoe through life hoping
they'll make it safely to death.
imagine if you are being on your death bed()
standing around your bed, the ghost of the dreams, the ideas,the abilities,
the gifts given to you by life, and then ()
you, for whatever reason,
you never pursued those dreams.
you never used those gifts.
You never acted on those ideas.
you never used those abilities.
and that there,() standing around your bed,
looking at you
with large angry eyes saying
"We came to you. and only you
could've given us life.
and now, we must die
with you forever. "
When a person is numb, there's so cut off ()
of what? from their own happiness()
of her interior happiness()
it is vey difficult to know who you are
and when you're in that place,
and that's when you need a spiritual healing()
that's when you need something to shift inside,()
that's when... you need to be still
so that you can discover what it is
that wants to speak to you,
that wants to speak through you.
the wealthiest place on the planetis the cemetery.()
There you find potential never manifested,
There you find books never written,
There you find music never played,
there you find ideas and buisnesses never given birth.
it's your life and you got to choose,()
but I tell you this,
there is way more joy and way more fun() and
way more aliveness if you really ??? to explore a little bit
and you don't have to take giant steps of change.
you can take baby steps of change.
just ??? explore a little bit,
and what will happen is
your change muscles start getting stronger
you start to have a little more appreciation
for the value of little changes
because they produce great results over time.
you're stronger than you can ever ??? to imagine()
You and everyone watching this, can do it.
You got something special.
You've got greatness in you.()
How about living your dream lifestyle()
instead of just dreaming about it?
Let's ??? america's dream coach
Marcia Wieder
The difference between a dream and a fantasy
like winning the lottery,()
is that in a dream you can design a strategy
for getting there
the fantasy is wishing for something
so if you are not emotionally involved
with an image or an outcome that you want,() the result you want
in your life, then you're ideally wishing(),
you got a fantasy.()
but dream is something that you have
that you are very emotionally involved with,
now this is absolutely essential.
in winning the lottery, sure buying a lot of
tickets and doing a lot of hoping()
there's nothing that you can do make it happen.
get pictures of where you want to go,
put them on a vision board and and inundate your conscienceness
with these images. Because the brain works
in images,() and so you want to think of this
all the time. Put these images
in front of you all the time
and then start taking steps toward
the manifestation of your vision.
This is one of those great opportunities to get creative.
This is one of those great opportunities
to say this is the dream that I have.
I have absolutely no idea how I'm gonna do it,
all the conditions and circumstances around me right now
stick,() I do not know how to do it
In my experience interviewing world class performers
in all kinds of different fields()
what I found is
they decide exactly what they want.
they put a vision together, and then
they share that vision of where they want to go,
with as many people as possible who can help them.
it's funny that the shortcut step is to share your dreams.
but the truth of it is,() most of us don't want to.
let's face it, if I tell you my dream, you might laugh at me
you think my idea is crazy,
worse case: you might steal my idea.
but the number one reason why I don't wanna tell you my dream
is because if I tell it to you,
you might expect me to do something about it.
If you desire an outcome, it has a massive
impact on the likelihood of it happening()
Where are you going to get the time and
are you going to get the money?
Get the support team to help you.
support team is just really a
group of people that when you get down
When you get tired, when you get frustrated,
they say "you can do it "
"I believe in you", keep moving forward
you're on the right track. "
The number one way to experience greater ease ()
and shortcuts on every dream
is to share your dream with other people
you find people who have done what you want to do,
and then you'll list them on your mentor team.()
you call them up, you find them
you use your contacts to get to them. you do
whatever it takes to get to them
and then you ask for their help
and the crazy thing that I found
over the years, is that I've done this
for as many times as, no one's asking!()
No one's asking these people and more often than that()
at least in my experience, they're willing to help.
you think you got to have a close group of associates,()
that we can brainstorm with
we can mastermind with, and ??? mind()
and we know that they would do anything for us
and we'll do anything for them.
The only reason that you are listening right now
feel me in your heart,
because there's something in you
that's demanding that you come up higher()
you've got to answer the call.
but what if I fail? but what if everyone's right?
but what if it is really a bad idea?
but what if I don't have what it takes?
I think you're going to lose belief.
I think every great performer
along the road to manifesting their vision loses belief()
you may hear that they don't,
but I've worked with a lot of them
and I think all of us have, we've all lost our belief at some time.
And then there's a support system right there to pick you up.
I remember when I was building my speaking business()
and I just wasn't going ??? with it, and I
would talk to my parents, I talked to my wife ???
they would say without any question when I was down,
they would be there to say "you can do.
I know you're so close. you're gonna break through...
and they would give me just enough courage,
just enough mental toughness ???
to hang in there one more day and one more week
until I finally ???
We all need help. we all
need support along the way .
Get up and get going. I've lost everything two or three times.
never slowed me down
Eight out of ten millionaires have been financially bankrupt.
So what? you can come back again.
villa Jolie, motivational speaker in an office,
said, "sit back and then set up for a come back. "()
You have come back power!
I found, and I think you're gonna find the same thing,
is your dreams are contagious.()
The secret here is to separate out what is
your dream and what are your doubts and fears about it.
the bottom line is, which one are you more comiited to?()
Your dream or your dout?
your dream, or your fear or your reality?
prove that you're more comiited to your dream by taking action.
to become that person that you know in your heart of hearts ( truest feelings.)
that you have it within()
In the current economy, businesses are facing tough times.
I talked to business owners and individuals with small companies
and basically they all have the same question:
My business is hurting. we're making cuts,()
laying people off (), I feel like
I've done about everything I can do.
you know sometimes in a tough economy
you make decisions that are ??? courageous than others
and you know, maybe I should be more aggressive.
I'm really looking for some direction()
the nation's foreclosure crises is centred in four states(), but taxpayers
across the country will feel up the pain()
is tumbling once again
just his Week this information was released that
faced the loss of their homes last year
we are being inundated today with economic information,
probably most people I have never heard before
you have been given the God given ability to create your own economy.
and that's what you want to start to do.
quit listening to all these terrible news broadcasts()
Does this mean that the economy is not
in bad shape? It doesn't mean that at all.
But if you study history
it's with things that where worse ??? ()
that is one of the laws of the universe
called the Law of polarity ()
You've got to train yourself to look for the good in it()
Go back and study During the Great Depression of the 30's( bad times in America )
do you know there were people who earned millions of dollars? ()
businesses have been built,() not everybody went out of business ()
Some people went in the business.()
This is a phenomenal time. there's great problems()
there's great solutions in everyone.()
study it. bring your mind to ??? the good side of what you see.()
I think what you can do now is to be open minded()
to a new idea
Understand it that the way that you've always done business
may not be the way that you're always going to continue to do business.
One of the great books "the true believer"
written by Eric Hoffer, he said that in times of change
it's the learners who inherit the earth
It's easy to have faith when you have a job,
or your business is successful,
you can make payroll, your marriage is working out,
your children ??? act like they have good sense ()
no one has looked at you and diagnosed
you with a terminal illness()
it's easy to have faith then.
But the true test of faith is when
life taps you on the shoulder.()
You've got to look to your beliefs about money.
like, what do you believe about money?
do you believe that money
is a good thing, is it a bad thing,
is it something that you shouldn't want?
Is it wrong to want money?
I would study your beliefs.()
because your beliefs will dictate your behaviors
you don't neccessarily get what it is you want in life
You get what you believe you're capable of.
You get what you believe you're worth.
And if your behaviors aren't aligned with making more money()
you won't make more money.
you can wish for it all day long,
it's not gonna happen.
But if you can alter your beliefs and expand your beliefs
around money, you can automatically,
just by default, change your behaviors around money.
which will ultimately lead to making more money.
a person doesn't earn $ 50,000 a year
because they want 50,000 a year,()
they earn $ 50,000 a year, because they are
not aware of how to earn $ 50,000 a month.()
stop and think of the things that you're aware of today,()
that you weren't just a couple of years ago.
awareness is the most phenomenal thing.
if you were aware of how to utilize the potential that you've got,
your whole life would change just like turning on a light
awareness you develop it through reading,()
you develop it through listening ,()you develop it through studying people,
who have done what you want to do.
study people that have developed wealth.
and watch the way they live. I do not mean the
cars they drive, the houses they own, that's all fine but
that's all ??? (icing on the cake)
everything you own at the time of your death
will gonna belong to somebody else
but what you are is yours forever.
nobody is any better than you and no one's any worse
We are truly equal
and what we want to do is really understand that ()
do you know that everything, ourself
and everything that we see
is energy
and it's ??? vibration ()
pure ??? .
there is an infinite amount of money
I do not mean that there is an infinite
amount of paper and gold, I don't mean that
I mean making money is really unlimited
because money really flows directly from ideas.
when you begin to start thinking(), get grounded
within yourself and be still()
and start thinking. And not allow
yourself to make decisions from your fears
Zig Ziglar calls fear "false evidence appearing real"()
you want to be ??? and start thinking and strategizing
and developing a plan of action of where you're going to go now
where you gonna move your life,
what's next for you.
Because there is something available for you!
it's now time for you to start a new chapter in your life.
There's a total abundance out there,
most people don't know that,
but that doesn't mean you can't believe it.
that's what wealthy people believe.
they believe there's no end.
there's no limit to the wealth they can build ()
I remember a point in my life, things were working out really good ()
and I said "this is too good to be true!"
I had a talk show, they paid me million of dollars to do the show.
and when I came into New York,
and was in the studio in Manhattan studios
I looked around and I said to my mentor
"This is too good to be true"
he said "Les, there are no overachievers " ()
I said "my, this is too good to be true. Something is to bound to happen. "
and it did
Death and life ???.
don't be afraid of taking a risk
If you fail, you can get up and ??? again.
failure is a part of winning.
One of my favorites studies is on
"The spirit of ???" written by Thomas ???
he said that "When we are ??? from the infinite ()
we never be afraid of taking more than our share. "
I just love that
He said that's not where the danger lies,
The danger lies ??? in taking less and being willing to settle for that()
I have asked over and over again "Is this a good time to take a risk? "
step out and follow your purpose.
you know, the worst thing that can happen to you, is not to take a risk
that's the greatest risk.
see, I live with the idea that
if you're not on the edge, then you're taking to much room
we've got to step out of the life we're in,()
we ever wanted to get to the one we are going for()
you know, a lot of people are talking
about waiting for their ship to come in ()
and Abraham Lincoln talked about the fact that the
people who win in life, are willing to ??? to the ship.()
you were born believing that money is the root of all evil.
or that you should you go to college
or you shouldn't go to college.
or you should get married
or not get married.
those are all programs from people of influence in our childhood.()
When we were little kids people
said: this is right, and this is wrong.
And we believed it because we didn't have any frame of
reference as children to argue with them
??? now we do. know we know what we're gonna need
to get where we want to go.
The quality of thinking that has defined who you are
and the life conditions and circumstances you have now
is not the same quality of thinking
that's gonna produce what it is you want
move you beyond your comfort zone
now you believe it, now what?
Now what you're gonna do is you start taking
action to move forward with building your wealth
because you're not gonna be holding yourself back,
you're not gonna be sabotaging yourself
with this belief that there's only so much
and who are you to want more?
Who are you to dream bigger?
Because you know there's enough to go around
for anyone that can believe and then follow up their belief
with action.
If you have an idea the business that you want to start,()
and immediately you sit down with a pen
and paper() and want to figure out
how you're going to afford it,
you might right out of the ???, compromise the dream down()
making it smaller
because you know that you can afford this much money,
But as you start to pump up the muscle of being more
creative, more visionary, dreaming bigger dreams
You'll also see that it's more powerful
to really go for what you want
and then figure out how to make it happen.
First, understand what your dream looks like.
And then when you know what your dream is,
then decide if you have enough money or not()
because how possibly could you know how much money you need
??? you start taking action towards it?
in our conscious mind we have to start
that we want to be, do or have more()
we want us big income(), we want better relationships,
But that thought has to be in harmony with the belief of
who we are() And often times it's not() And here I think is where
I know for me in my life, many times, and I think a lot of people
get stuck, because this is where we surrender.
I think there's two major kinds of beliefs ()
There's true belief where you've actually experienced something
and you know it's true. You believe it because you actually
lived it. that's true belief, 100% belief
And then there's the belief of a lot of super achievers,
which is what we call manufactured belief
In other words, as emotional creatures they've literally talked to themselves
into believing something they've never done before.
and that they even don't know it's possible, but
they've talked into we call "manufactured beliefs"
And a lot of people, before they ever accomplish
their visions, have a 100% belief in their ability to do so
Because they've themselves into it.
What else's in you that you haven't used () and now
the universe is demanding that you bring it out here?
really get very clear on the vision of
what it is that you want to do ( it limits )
internalize that vision, become emotionally involved with it
and then when you become intuitively aware of
an action step, an idea one of those out of the blue moments ()
then you can do that would move you closer()
that's when you act, regardless of the conditions or circumstances.()
those are the three steps:
build the image, internalize the image and then take action
when you are actively engaged in making things happen,
you don't have time to be depressed ()
I don't think most people will do what we are talking about.
that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.
You should do it.
and that's one of the reasons to do it,
because most people won't
It gives you an unbelievable opportunity to move ahead
a negative person can look at opportunities
and all they will see will be the obstacles()
But a positive person, a person that has optimistic view of life
they can look at the obstacles and all they will see will be the opportunities
And everyone could do it, but chances are they won't,
because of all that lack and limitation programming
years... and someone is 30 years old, chances are
they have 30 years of lack and limitation programming()
that's a lot to overcome.
so most people probably won't do it
But you can do it. All you have to do is
to take the steps now.() take the steps starting today
Forget the past. It's over
most people don't realize that the 40-40 plan is gone ()
This is the era of the three c's
accelerating change, overwhelming complexity and tremendous competition.
the 40 hour a week, doing the same rhing for 40 years,
that day is gone!
that was a domestic economy.
This is a global economy.
you will have, and you're just getting into the job market,
at least five cariers before you are 65 ()
This is the time you want to be creative.
This is the age of what Ralf Wolter Emerson calls the Age of Self-Reliance.
you want to be creative. what are the various things
that you can do that you are not doing right now?
Today, is Robert Sild would say (), you either expand or you are expendable()
Be creative. Start thinking: what is it
I can use my talents and abilities for()
I think if you start to focus on "how you can"
rather than "why you can't" you're gonna find that
not only you business is gonna grow,() but
and people in your business are gonna grow.
your success or failure in life is directly
related to the quality and the quantity
of the service that you provide.
And as you're looking at yourself, whatever area you decide
to get into, just make up your mind you're gonna be creative,
and reckless, disciplined, and innovative and
that you gonna provide more service than you get paid for.
You and hundreds of thousands of other people
find themselves in a very similar position.
one thing we do know is that change is inevitable.
The way that we've always dove things,
isn't always going to work in the future.
What are your assets, ,What are your gifts?
What are your talents?
What are the things that you can do right now
where you are, with what you have?
chances are that the conditions and circumstances
for you right now, are not conducive
to you making this big change in your life.
You have to find the YES people in your life.
You have to find the YES condition,
You have to find the YES circumstances.
you want to be connected with like-minded and like-hearted people,
people who you trust and believe in,
People who are moving in the direction of their dreams (good sign )
People that can inspire and that you can inspire them
People who can help to open some doors that you don't see right now,
People that can help you go to the next level.
you want to be connected with people that
are on the way, rather than in the way (both look up)
When you've got enough money you can do
what you want when you want,
with whom you want, for as long as you want.
and you don't really have to be responsible()
to anyone else. you're never ??? anyone else()
unless you want to be, unless you choose to be
it gives you the ultimate freedom,
which is the freedom of choice.
If you're going through hell, don't stop
keep moving!
In Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich"
he brought a very very important point, ()
he said that an educated person is not necessarily
a person with an abundance of general or specialized knowledge.
he said an educated person is a person who
has sorted out the faculties of their mind,() that they can
acquire anything they want, or its equivalent,
without violating the rights of others.
our education system is nothing more than
a system that memorizes data.
I don't know many people in the world that find
Pythagoras (theorem ) perticularly useful in thier day to day activities
so we came out of an education system
without ever asking ourselves quality questions.
the kind of questions that people need
to live a fulfilled life ()
you have a conscious mind and you have a subconscious mind
Your conscious mind can originate ideas,
it can accept ideas, and it can reject ideas
most of us have been programmed and conditioned our entire lives()
to gather information in this part of our mind
using our physical senses
And it's through gathering this information
that we then begin to form ideas
now your subconscious mind, unlike the conscious mind,
has no ability to reject
Whatever you give to it, it'll accept it
it does not know big from small, it doesn't know good from bad,
everything just is ()
it accepts whatever you give to it as real.
These vibrations begin to move our bodies into a certain form of action()
we begin to produce actions, we begins to feel a certain way,
act a certain way, behave a certain way,
we have intuition, we have perception,
the will, imagination, reason and memory()
And these are all perfect.
You have to exercise like the body ()
you exercise the mind, it too will become strong()
Intuition gives you the ability to take up vibration()
Unfortunately, most people will use it wrongly.
In their conscious mind, they will choose what it is that they want.
they will become emotionally involved, they'll
impress this idea upon their subconscious mind
and while they're just driving down the road, an idea
just ??? pops right into their mind
out of the blue!()
and this idea will be in harmony
with what it is that they've asked for.
It'll be in harmony with the goal that they've set ()
and the first thing they do is that they say "Are you sure?"
Is this the right idea or is this the wrong idea?
should I do this or should I do that?
Is this good or bad?
What you don't like - reject it!
And what you do like - accept it!
you've been given the ability to think.
it's the highest function you're capable of
when we get this intuitive idea
when this sixth sense, when this hunch comes in()
you don't want to ask is this right or wrong,or
good or bad, should I or should not?
Because that's a limiting question and the answer is yes to both of those ()
there are reasons probably why you should,
reasons probably why you probably shouldn't ()
the better question to ask is this: If I acted on
this idea, would it then move me into the direction
of the ??? of the perfection that I'm ??? want in my life.
And if it will, you've got to move.
so stop giving yourself those excuses that say "well, you know,
I'm not good enough for this or I'm not good enough for that,"
because that again is your conditioning
that's rubbish
You can achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve
in the same way that Bill Gates has done it,
in the same way that Richard Branson has done it,
in the same way that anybody you get inspired by has done it,
Understand that you have exactly the same faculties
The ability to choose and shape your environment accordingly
chew into that power and you'll create an extraordinary life.
well, I believe that we are all radiant lights of God,
you are radiant light of God
I'm a radiant light... of God
And if you don't want to use the word God, we are radiant lights
we are energy, we are pure energy.
So we're always radiating something.
I would choose to be one radiating love ()
and I feel like when I'm radiating that, the universe corresponds to ()
its own nature (). So I'm radiating this
beautiful essence, that is love and I find love.
you define your purpose by first, taking a look at your life
the things that you're doing for work, and the things that you're
doing for fun and and say, whatever you really get excited about ()
What really gives me that psychic income
that feeling that I'm doing better.
that kind of feeling is telling you to feedback
from the spiritual core of you ()
who you are inside. that's telling you... your purpose
and you will find that there is a magic in this.
as the image and the the feeling tone getting coherence(), it's like laser.
and things really begin to shift fast()
I know today's gonna be a great day.
there are no problems, there's only lessons()
Everything that happens is to teach us something,
to move us ahead to the next phase of our eternal journay ( or internal )
This isn't a fantasy world we're talking about
This is the real world.
This is something you can do
People with less talent, less intelligence,
less education have done this
I know what you love within,() dedicate your life to it
If we after all believe in the Law of Attraction, ()
you know that you've attracted this film into your life,
at this very moment of your life.
You're not here by accident.
I'm not sitting here talking to you by accident
I encourage you now to live your life.
To live into your full potential, to recognize the greatness within you
and to begin to express it
The world is waiting for you
You have something special.
You got the greatness within you. Answer the call.
It's time.
Bob, so many people are on their way to achieving success()
And they get this attitude from the people around them of
"who would you think you are anyway?"()
can you explain on that a little bit?()
I think it comes from two sides.
first of all, the person who's studying,() starts to change.
and sometimes they get so enthusiastic about it
they want to ??? everybody else ??? at the same time
And that ??? them further away, but it's a natural thing that
you're gonna get resistance. Because other people don't understand
where they are coming from(). And let's face it,
??? when you start to study ???
you're doing things that are totally different, it's not taught at school
a very small percentage really understand and live with this
So they're gonna get a lot of ???. they have to understand that
understand that people don't know what they're saying, and just let it go
When something's going wrong it is a
tendency to hold your conscience attention
Emerson said the only thing that you can grow
is the thing that you can give energy to()
What we've got to do is stop ourself just ???
and say: wait a minute, I don't like that,
what would be the opposite to that?
and then write out what would be the opposite
and then keep repeating it like a mantra,() if you have to.
But we have a tendency to focus on what's wrong.
we've got to get away from that
and get way from any people, don't let people talk to you about it
one other thing that you talked me about that
has been huge in my life,() is that force negates ()
can you talk a little bit about that?
It's a beautiful thing to learn()
Because we have a tendency to want to do that.
if something won't work, we're gonna jam it(), it won't()
force negates, "let" is the key word.()
We let things happen.
now that doesn't mean we don't give it lots of
energy. But force is not a good thing.
there's no power in force ()
I think they get into abusive relationships because they attract them()
And it's low self-steam on their part()
and when they understand that, they probably stop it
I think most abuse is a man's problem,()
it's not a woman's problem, more often ???
and I think if a man sees another man
being abusive,() verbally or otherwise,
he should let him know that this just not ???. or
you're not gonna ??? with it and put stop to it()
but the person stays and... people do the thing they fear the least
they're probably more afraid of being alone
than they are of being in a bad relationship()
But if a person starts to develop through his own self confidence ()
the abusive relationship ??? away
how does someone make more money, Bob?
If people want to earn a lot of money, they've got
to understand they have to have multiple sources of income.
You can not have one source of income and become extremely wealthy.
or if you do, I don't know what it is.
But with multiple sources of income of anyone can become wealthy.
so it's worth studying and so we should understand ()
Now when you talk about multiple sources of income,
we're not talking about multiple jobs.
that's like ??? five jobs pass out over the street()
No. a source of income is where you provide a service and receives a reward()
Working ??? to be the worst way to make money.
we shouldn't work for money,
we should be working for satisfaction
Something that's meaningful.
you provide service to earn money.
And, of course, if you want to really learn how
to do it, study it and it'll happen
find somebody that's doing it. I am doing it.
I help people study it()
You can do what the most successful people do in terms of financial success.
And then look at the profit centers. and look at what
makes most money in the shortest demand of time()
let me give you an example, one of the best pieces of advice
I have ever got was from a gentleman that owns a $ 300 million
real state empire. and he said when I said: how do you run
such a big company? Because I've never had that many employees,
and I have never had that kind of success either. how do you do that?
and he said: it's really simple Steve, I come into the office
every day and I ask myself one question "What makes
me money the fastest? "And then I do that.
and then the second question is: "What makes
me money the second fastest?" and then I do that thing.
And then the third, fourth, fifth and so on
and he says that's how I built a $ 300 million company from scratch ()
he said most of my competitors are focused on all these
peripheral things that really don't add to the bottom line()
he says: I don't do that, I focus on the profit.
... that weight loss ???
something we want to get rid of
and as soon as, you know, I'm on a diet or exercise,()
then as soon as the scale show I have lost a couple of pounds
I'm back on the brownies. so it's not an incredibly powerful way of living life
I do find that it's... I think people get better results ()when they are honest
about where they are,() what we call that the reality
but more committed to the dream of where they want to go
let's take the big dream, break it down into projects
that you can easily accomplish in one month or less.
it's a short enough period of time when you can stay passionate or excited
but a long enough time for you to see a result ()
if we don't see a result we're going to give up.
One of my missions in life is change
the way that we think about, talk about our dreams.
So instead of ???, maybe, someday,
it's like this is what I want and this is what I'm going to do
to prove to myself and the world around me that I'm serious about it
I almost don't care what it is that you're doing
as long as you're doing something every day()
to make the dream happen
Can you give me some tips on how to stay
successful even during this tough economic times?
Especially in tough times, I want the keys to
stay mentally tough() staying around people
and getting around people, and maintaining friendships
and business contacts of people who are more mentally tough
than you are. And then you're just exposing your consciousness to
that type of thinking. Most people aren't that mentally tough
so if you've got contacts, if you have associates,
If you have friends, business partners,
who are mentally tough, and you get around them on a
day to day basis, you'll see that there's very little attention
paid to details that don't add to the bottom line()
And so you're trying not to get distracted with
things on the outside() a lot of people are distracted by
things that people say, the economy, the stock market,
all the different things that are going around them()
But the mentally tough stay focused. They keep their concentration
right on exactly what it's gonna takes to get to the next level.
and they don't let outside circumstances
really impact their thinking