Beyond (2012)

Let go of me!
Wait, wait!
- Drop the boy.
- Please, let go!
Let the boy go.
I'll give you three minutes head start.
In a few minutes,
this place will be flooded with cops.
You don't stand a chance!
Go ahead, run for it.
Hey, kid.
I'm Detective John Koski.
You're gonna be safe now, Josh.
You're OK. You stay here.
- You lied to me!
- You kidnapped a child.
So what?
Things left was...
by the departed...
have an energy
a vibrational energ...
- So...
- A turkey!
They ar... are late in the slab today.
Is that right? This is good.
Using your design.
- So that means you'll be [...] anymore?
- You say it like it is a bad thing.
- French toast.
- Oh, maybe tomorrow.
You always say that.
What about Rory?
She's hungry too.
Oh! OK. an envelope
with their belongings to your sister...
- Sarah?
- Yes?
You're wasting it.
You know, I will eat the rest, and
I don't feel like getting into this.
Alright, there we go!
Sensing that was...
- Come on in.
Hi, Mrs. Noble.
How you're feeling, monkey?
- I still got this cold.
- A little medicine...
...and a little play time...
This is for you
and your friend Rory.
OK, um... I just uh... really prefer this
not being in the house.
I'm sorry.
No, no, it's fine, Megan.
Just not in the house.
- The cow says 'moos'.
- There Rory, your turn.
Revolver black, semiautomatic.
The second suspect is a
black male juvenile, 5-5 and 140.
License plate is DGU290,
that's Delta-Gulf-Uniform.
It's described as a dirty champagne coloured,
but the registration still has it
as a red Pontiac... keep an eye after that.
Both suspects have a warrant pending.
And that's it.
Thanks. Hit the streets, be careful!
Sit down, John!
The family has filed an unlawful death suit.
Can you believe it?
This whole thing must bring back some memories, huh?
What were you thinking out there, John?
I guess I wasn't.
But something told me that he would
do it again when he get out.
Something told you.
That's not a great defense.
- You want me to make a statement?
- I got your report, I can handle it.
Like last time, right?
John, don't worry. You are a good man.
You got a good record.
You've helped a lot of people, a lot of children,
every state in the country.
- They won't forget that.
- Neither will the ones I put away.
You got 4 more months and you're out.
You should depart your post with some dignity.
What am I gonna do?
This is... my life.
I'll tell you I won't miss it.
Everything is different,
everything has changed, John.
The whole world... the... ther... there's...
No respect, no sense of responsibility.
Dignity. You have that.
It is more than most, I'll say.
I appreciate your help, Jack.
Yeah, why don't you take some time...
go work on the plane, get some rest?
Soon all I'll have is time.
Amy, what are you doing?
You should get ready for bed, honey. Come on!
- Where are we going?
- What do you mean?
Rory says we're going away.
Well Rory said that? Oh that's... interesting.
No, we're not going away.
Staying right here.
Listen, you're a big girl now.
Leave it on.
Rory likes it on.
Why don't you show Rory
what a big girl you are... sleeping with it off tonight?
I didn't turn it on. Rory turned it on.
You're a big girl, Amy. Get some sleep.
That better?
Yeah, me too.
- What was that?
- Shh.
It's uh...
your totem man fell off the wall.
Well, that shouldn't...
shake the whole house.
- Amy? - Is she's
out here? - Amy?
- Calm down. Behind me.
- Jim, where is she? Amy?
Damn it!
Go back and check the rest of the house.
Megan, It's Sarah.
Is Amy with you?
No, she's not here, we can't find her!
Thanks, Fred.
- Is the chief inside?
- Yeah, he's inside.
- It's his sister's kid, you know?
- Yeah, I heard about it.
I told him.
Mr. Noble?
Detective Koski.
- Where is everybody?
- John?
Look, you guys know each other.
He's my brother's friend.
I'm so glad you're here.
I'll handle it, James.
Glad you got here.
Where were you?
I was out. Listen, how long's
the kid been gone?
- A couple of hours, sometime between 11 and midnight.
- Ooh.
- Search party?
- Already out. The dogs too.
I know she hasn't been gone 24 hours...
...but this is my family, my niece.
Jack, we'll find her.
Is that the babysitter?
Yeah, Megan.
She lives down the block.
I want to talk to her.
I need to see the child's room.
- Sure! Sarah would...
- Yes, sure.
Don't touch. Try not to touch anything.
Now detective, this window...
this window was open when we first came in.
I closed that.
Anything missing?
The... her... uh... her polar bear is gone.
She likes trains?
No forced entry.
You lock up at night?
- You didn't lock the doors?
- I don't know.
No, I don't think so.
Sarah, what if we start
to lock the damn doors...
He need to study himself
caring for a child.
- Let me see it.
- How about the window upstairs?
That's what he wanted you to think.
See? No prints.
Not even yours.
Wool gloves wipe everything off.
Maybe we'll get a fiber.
Given your profession Mr. Noble...
would you say that there are certain
individuals who may hold a grudge against you?
I am an executive at a oil company, sir.
I mean everybody
hates me these days, right?
I was thinking of your
previous line of work.
You were a prosecutor, yes?
Why? Are... are you thinking that it
was somebody that I might... might have put away?
That's a natural conclusion. Yes.
I'll need copies of your case files.
Yeah, of course.
Whatever... whatever you need.
Does your daughter have any special places
she likes to play?
Secret hideouts, playgrounds?
No. I mean, I don't think so.
She usually plays at home.
She know her phone number?
Work boots, male.
Not very heavy.
how long they've been here.
They could be fresh, in this weather,
they couldn't been here a couple of days.
What, she's been our babysitter
since we moved here.
If you think of anything,
remember anything... me anytime, night or day.
I won't be sleeping and I doubt you will be either.
Detective, do you... really think
Megan's involved in this?
Mr. Noble, it's my job... think that everyone is involved in this...
until proven otherwise.
Let's just hope for a happy and
positive resolve before morning.
That's the stuff from the law firm?
James Noble cases?
- Good.
- Have fun.
Thank you.
Poly's are done.
The babysitter passed. The father passed.
Mrs. Noble was deceptive.
And I've got the babysitter waiting for you.
Ms. Megan Maguire.
Full-time student,
part-time nanny, right?
I've been waiting an hour for this.
Alright. You've done your homework.
You probably know Amy
better than her own parents.
- Given the situation.
- What situation?
Well, I can't say...uh, that I got
real warm fuzzy between those two.
They have their problems,
like... like everyone.
Tell me about the girl, Amy.
Was she resentful of
these...uh, problems?
I'm sure she knew
something wasn't right.
But she's seven.
Sarah is the resentful.
Jim had an affair seven years back.
And Sarah has this, inner rage inside of her.
Totally cold.
Even to me.
- Is she jealous of you and Jim?
- There is no me and Jim.
But at least he's nice.
Look, I'm there for Amy.
And that's why I'm putting up with
your lame questions right now.
Well, thank you for obliging me.
There is something I'm a little... unclear on.
Maybe you can help me out.
We check your cell phone records and, uh... seems you weren't home...
when Mrs. Noble called you last night and yet... told her that
Amy wasn't at your house...
as if you were there.
She wasn't! And I wasn't home.
I was out. It was late.
I didn't want her to think, you know...
A date?
- Sort of.
- What was the guy's name?
I... don't know.
Look, I was out at a bar.
I met a cute guy.
We went on to Merrill Field for a while.
And then I got her call.
I was there as soon as I found out.
Would I do that if I took Amy?
I got a very interesting letter uh... today in fact...
from Mary.
Mary is 72 years old and her husband uh...
passed away a month ago.
They have been married 50 years,
and Mary wrote in...
...saying she could not
stop worrying about David.
Where he had gone,
if he was okay.
Hey, I just wanted to make sure
you were okay.
- I brought this for you.
- Thank you.
Oh... Farley Connors!
I know him. He's a friend
of a friend. He's cool.
What? What is it?
You hear that?
Wherever you go,
he will always be there.
That wasn't plugged in before,
was it?
What's happening?
We've made flyers and
we've put her picture out all over...
...and uh, we've had volunteers, helping us.
So if there is anybody out there
that knows where Amy is...
Jim? I heard you were here.
- Any word yet?
- Uh, no.
- They're still searching.
- What's all this?
This is the old life.
The court cases.
I hope you don't mind
I had Joan pull them up from storage...
There may be a connection,
someone I had put away or...
I'm so sorry, Jim.
I can't imagine
what you're going through.
If you need anything,
just ask.
Thank you.
Call the number... call and bring our daughter home safely.
Thank you.
(Background) How many more meetings do you guys want?
(Background) I don't have
time. I don't give a damn.
Oh boy...
- Hello?
- Hi, is this Mrs. Noble?
- Yes, who's this?
- My name is Farley Connors.
I have a show called "Beyond."
It's on the radio. It's...
- Yes, I know who you are, Mr. Connors.
- Then you know what I do.
I've been having visions
about his daughter, Amy.
I don't want to scare you...
I don't normally uh... approach
people like this, but...
What are you talking about?
What... what visions?
Glimpses, really.
Moments in time, but...
...but I see her.
She's alive.
Can you see where she is?
No, I mean. I think I see
what she sees. I see...
...a dark room,
there's a bed.
Hotel room, maybe.
There's someone else with her.
A shadow. A figure.
What is this?
What do you want?
Uh... nothing. I...
Mrs. Noble, this isn't a prank.
I can prove it.
She is wearing uh... pajamas...
animal prints, the ones with the feet.
She has a white teddy bear with uh...
...a polar bear.
I'm calling the police.
I had to go, I have to go.
[Phone disconnected]
Koski? One of your bad boys pan out.
Dirk McClusky.
He's a drifter.
Petty crimes.
Noble gave him a stiff sentence.
Three years for assault.
He worked on a crab boat here
last season, when he got out.
And uh... now he's back.
He's working on a container ship
called "Neptune's Curse."
This is good.
I'll go speak to Mr. Noble
about our missing drifter.
You check the container ship.
- What made you separate these guys?
- Just a hunch.
By the way, uh... are you aware that Mrs. Noble
filed for divorce about a month...?
Gavin, where do you need to be?
You should be out there
finding Amy.
I spent the whole morning
reasurring my sister...
...that we were doing just that.
So, I need something from you.
You got any leads?
You got anything, John?
We are in the process
of elimination.
- Just cool your jets, Jack.
- Cool my jets?
I got a 7-year old girl
out there
who just happens to be
my goddamn flesh and blood!
My jets are not cool right now!
You know what I'm talking about,
quick draw.
And what's this?
This guy Lee...
You know he's been dead
for three years, right?
I did my own research.
Ah, process of elimination?
Eliminate it!
This is cop bullshit 101.
Jack, this is my case.
You brought me on this.
This is my family!
I need results.
You got to do better.
This is my case
and it's gonna be my way.
You find her.
Last Friday, 11p.m.,
Amy Dearborn went missing.
A large reward is being offered
for any information...
...leading to her return. Just call the number
on the screen. 1-800 number that you see there.
Is there any other questions?
That's all the time I had. [Door bell]
I'll get it.
- Mrs. Noble?
- Sarah.
Thank you so much for coming.
Well, Megan can be very uh... convincing.
Listen, I can't promise anything.
You know, sometimes I feel things,
sometimes I don't.
Your husband home?
Uh, no. He's at... he's at work.
Is there something wrong?
Your house is hot.
Seriously hot.
Are you alright?
He got sick sometimes
when he feels something.
Especially if it is strong.
Totally sucks.
It's pepto, for my stomach.
I get you something big. This is it.
A spirit board? Really?
Whatever is here,
it's here now.
- What is it?
- Looks like...
- ...a bird.
- Not a bird.
Plane, see?
I think I've seen this before.
- Does it mean something?
- I don't know.
There's that and this one,
I'm not quite sure...
The Aurora Borealis.
The Northern Lights.
Um, well, I...uh, I've never really liked this one.
Neither did Amy.
OK. This is the planchette.
This is what the spirits use
to communicate.
yes or no, mostly.
If we're lucky, they spell out words,
we have to concentrate.
If you don't take it serious,
it won't take you serious.
Let's begin.
I'm speaking to the presence
in this room. We want to help you.
Are you trying to
to communicate with us?
Eyes on the board.
You can speak to us now.
We're listening.
What? What is wrong?
Why... why is it not working?
It's not exactly a science, you know.
It runs stone cold, it's...
I mean, it could be...
Farley, are you okay?
Are you okay? What...
- What's happening?
- Well, he gets like this sometimes.
Farley, what happened?
Are you okay?
I... I... I just need some...
I need... I need some air.
What happened... there?
What did you see up there?
What did you see?
Who are you?
- Something bit me up there.
- Something bit you?
I felt things. I saw things.
It's not gonna make any sense though.
Oh please. Please.
Alright. Dogs barking.
Red flashing lights.
Cold, freezing cold.
A tattoo of uh... flames or something,
other stuff too.
Feelings. Confusion.
Nothing tangible.
It's like I'm experiencing moments
where she would.
As if it were... child senses.
Aw, that's awesome.
What's he gonna do now?
Is he's gonna levitate? His head's gonna spin?
I did see Amy.
She's alive.
Oh, don't even go there.
Don't do that.
You're a fake and I'll prove it.
John, please.
They crawl out of the gutters,
psychics, pranks,...
private detectives.
All looking to get themselves on TV.
He is on TV!
He is the star of his own show!
He is just telling you
what you want to hear.
It wasn't just me. Megan saw it too.
Megan heard it too.
Sarah, don't defend me.
You've got no defense!
You're a suspect.
Now superstar, right the top of my list.
I'm watching you.
- Like Santa?
- Come here!
Stay away from this woman.
Stay away from my case.
Or I will make your life a living hell!
- Yeah, are you good at that?
- Yeah, pretty good.
I'm just trying to help, chief.
It seems like you could
use some on this one.
I'll find this kid.
I find every kid I'm going to find.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah!
How many of them are alive?
This is a ransom note.
Let's see.
"Amy's safe for now.
$2 million in 48 hours."
"Instructions will follow."
Here, Sarah.
That means she's alive!
Get me Musker.
This is Koski.
Get me Jack Musker.
So how well do you know this guy?
Good hand with gear.
No sea legs.
I wasn't gonna bring the greenhorns back
but then he begged me.
Now that jackass is a no-show
they pulled his ship out.
So does anyone know where he's staying?
This guy got any friends?
No friends I know of.
He kinda comes and goes as he pleases.
Look, I can tell you is he didn't show up
for crab duties two days ago...
...and no one has heard from him ever since.
Thanks for your help.
I'm not surprised she failed her polygraph.
She's really wound up these days, understandably.
What about the husband?
Sarah says he's a wiz kid.
He's a full blown attorney at 22.
- Very driven.
- And you don't like it.
I didn't. After what he did
to my sister... just don't do that to the wife.
But my opinion aside, you don't actually think
he has anything to do with this, do you?
They haven't been the same since.
Jobs are their lives now.
Amy is the one who suffers.
I used to come out here
all the time when I was a kid.
That's why I invested in my horses.
This place used to be packed
with families and kids.
It was another time, Jack.
Kids aren't the same.
Parents aren't the same.
No. They're not.
They all got their... iPads, cell phones...
...are plugged in, tuned out.
James is a perfect example,
screwing his mousy secretary...
with his 3-year old daughter at home.
When the economy tanked...
he loses his shirt,
comes crawling back then.
- He's under water?
- 6 feet under.
Jim puts on a big show but
he lost almost everything in the markets.
He has a bad habit
of costly appetites.
It's like this place:
Nice enough outside, empty inside.
Well, I'm sure he is re-evaluating
everything right about now.
Whatever happens,
wherever this leads...
you'll bring her back, won't you?
Hello? Farley Connors Show.
Yes, may I speak with Farley Connors, please?
- All right there, chief?
- What do you want?
Let me guess.
You had a vision
I'll be here, right?
Yeah, his name is Gavin.
Nice plane.
Seen one just like it recently, in fact.
Look, superstar, I've got an appointment.
Want to tell me
why you came all the way out here?
I think we got off on the wrong foot.
- I want to help.
- I don't need your kind of help.
You know, it's not what you think.
It's not a blessing, it's a curse.
Let's go for a ride.
So the guy was missing for 48 days
before the family finally brought me in.
Took me less than 2 hours to find him.
Got stuck in the ravine.
Died the second night.
- And you saw this?
- Yes, saw, felt, tasted.
Like echoes.
They just come to me. You know, they...
I don't...
I'm receptive, I guess.
But I can't turn them on or off.
They just...
- They bite you.
- Yeah.
So, how'd you make a living?
Doing that thing that you do, right?
Yeah, I mean... kind of.
I have got a TV show, but...
...sometimes it's hard to collect,
depending on the outcome.
- What's this?
- Hey, put that down! Put it down!
What's this, superstar?
Very funny.
Now close it up.
Now you get your vib
by people go through their things?
Something to hide.
We're gonna see someone?
Well, look at that, you're a psychic.
Oh, you think me being here is a coincidence.
I don't believe in coincidences.
And neither do I. I do believe everything
has a purpose, though.
Even if we don't see it for what it is...
we'll feel it, from time to time.
Even you.
I can't afford to trust in feelings.
You trust your gut, don't you?
Instincts, intuition...
It's just a feeling...
...that you rely on them.
Like you've never met a girl,
and just knows she's the one?
Yeah, but I was wrong.
So much for destiny.
You're meant to be on this case.
Something connects you to it.
Me, too.
I'm here for a reason.
I don't believe that there is
some great mystery to the universe.
It works like everything else:
action, reaction.
You make someone mad,
they hurt you.
Tempt them, they steal.
What you have to do
to solve the puzzle
is to find what we call "motive".
The endgame.
It's that simple. No mystery.
So one of us is gonna be wrong.
Looks like it.
Here's our perp, look.
- It's not him.
- Really?
He's wrong. I have seen this.
It is the wrong guy.
We'll see. You're staying back here.
...first and ten,
closing minutes of the fourth quarter.
Joe Giaonivich
shift to the right side...
for his play.
The ball is set.
The quarterback...
Mr. McClusky?
I'm John Koski,
I'd like to speak with you.
[TV] He cuts through the middle
and gains a yard!
Is this even legal?
It's a foul place.
But he's been here for a while.
- How do you know?
- The food.
Not even a child would eat though.
I told you, it's not the right guy.
Hey, what the hell are you doing
on my boat?
I've been puking from both ends
for the last two days.
The reason I didn't call the captain
is because I don't want to be known as 'squats'
for the next 12 weeks.
You can check with my dock man,
I'm sure he heard me
all day and all night long.
I told you.
And the walls go up.
What is it with you?
Tell me, Kos. Who bites you?
- You tell me, superstar.
- Well, I detect a troubled past.
Don't need my ability to see that.
Somebody hurt you, or you hurt them,
which I can totally see.
Let's not play this game.
You won't like where it goes.
Must be bad, whatever it was.
You lose someone close?
Then you lose him.
- You couldn't find him!
- I said enough!
You're a clever kid, very observant...
...makes you good at what you do, perhaps.
But don't overlook the obvious.
Now that McClusky is out of the picture... just move up a notch
in the who-dun-it list.
Hey, wait a minute.
That's why you took me out here,
to keep me close,
shake me down.
I've got nothing to hide, Koski.
Do you?
Well... didn't see that coming, did you?
Hey, kid.
Kid, you're alright?
...many dogs.
Church steeple,
smell of the sea.
Smell of the sea?
Far away, right?
And a church, tall steeple with a bell tower.
The trailer yard in Baker Street.
- How do you know?
- I used to go to church there.
Overlooks the harbour,
they put a kennel in... changes [...] two years ago.
Can you walk? Come on.
Let's go.
It's lot #63.
It's located at the far back.
Looks like somebody was here.
They left in a hurry.
- Oh Jesus!
- What'd you got?
Take it easy, Koski.
Why would I take you here...
if I had anything to do
with abducting the girl?
This is crazy!
You knew this place before I do.
Could just easily
have been you.
I mean, I have an alibi. What's yours?
What were you doing that night, huh?
You did your research,
You fed me the clues.
You knew I'd figure it out,
you planned it that way.
When we got here,
everything has been cleared out, just in time.
Alright. How's this for incriminating?
Old cop, close to retirement...
wants to go out with a big rescue,
get his name [...],
even a book deal.
You don't like it, do you?
To be made out to be a fraud?
Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!
Enough! Enough!
I don't know what is going on
between you two
but I think we've all
made our point for the day.
Connors, get in my car.
My car, Connors!
We've got nothing to hold this guy on, John!
You know that.
Look, Musker's calling the shots now.
Oh I'm gonna take this kid back,
and I'll call you and we'll... we'll go get some coffee.
Listen, Sarah.
This whole thing between you and me...
it's just...
I'm just so sorry.
Amy says hello.
That's inside the house. tomorrow night midnight.
- Is it yours?
- Exchange...
...tomorrow night midnight.
Medium range, 2 miles max.
Exchange tomorrow night midnight.
Now listen! Listen!
Exchange tomorrow night midnight.
Is that you?
When I was a little girl,
I was in a play.
I asked my parents
which night they were coming...
...they were so surprised.
"You're in a play?"
I would... walk around the house
for two months...
...singing and sang
my lines night and day until I learned them.
I can't believe that they
have forgotten.
I can't believe that
they didn't know.
And I promised myself that
I would never do that.
But I do.
The masks on these walls
span some 300 years.
There were a dozen
ancient Inuit tribal families.
My great grandfather was
one of these families.
He built this company
into the conglomerate that you see today.
Like him, I believe we must be
there for our own... any bad times.
Ethan, I appreciate but...
...I'm really pass the "we are saikong" speech, you know?
We are in dire times, Jim.
I'm not talking about the business.
Say goodbye to Jim!
- Bye bye.
- Bye, buddy.
- They changed the meeting?
- We are on the way?
- Here they are.
- Hi, honey. Looki here.
- Hello, darling.
- How are you?
Before you respond, hear me out.
We want to help you.
We'll arrange to get you the $2 million forthe ransom... get your little girl back.
We need your [...].
I'll have Gary and legal
work out the particulars, OK?
Yeah, thank you.
We're all here.
You can speak to us.
We're here for Amy.
We are concerned for her.
Do you know where she is?
Please. This isn't a game.
We gotta move fast.
We don't have time.
Rory's here.
She's just a kid, like Amy.
- My God!
- Look!
- Is this Amy?
- Is that her?
Can you do that again?
OK, great.
Are you with Amy now?
Is Amy safe?
A snake? What does that mean?
What is that? What does that mean?
- OK. A tattoo.
- What?
Is this whose with Amy?
Is this who Amy's with?
- I think it's gone.
- What?
Could we get it back?
- Koski.
- John, it's Sarah.
What can I do for you?
- Hey, she's calling Koski.
- She is?
Yeah, figures. Thank you.
I want you to just uh... humour me.
Pretend I was someone
calling in with a tip...
...and does a snake tattoo
mean anything to you?
- You're a detective now?
- John, please.
Well, as a matter of fact, it does.
One of the cons we ran down...
had a very distinctive snake tattoo.
Cobra running all the way down his arm.
He killed his wife. Got 20 years
thanks in part to your husband's work.
He also was killed in prison
three years ago.
So we dropped him as a suspect.
What exactly is going on, Sarah?
You're talking to that kid again?
No, I'm sorry that I bothered you John.
- Koski.
- You get anything on that grass?
Yes, Amy's fingerprints were all over it.
There is also another partial match.
Looks like it matches the father's.
That's all we got.
That's quite a lot.
Listen, Gavin. Remember our snake charmer...
...Jackson Lee, the con
who died in prison?
Check him out again.
Girlfriend, boyfriend, any connections.
- Alright, but we already...
- Yeah, just check him out again.
OK. Alright.
But one last thing I just found out.
You'll never guess who Ms Maguire's
new boyfriend is.
Farley Connors.
It turns out that the bartender
had seen them together at the bar that night.
Well, well.
Thank you.
Alright, let's cut to the chase.
You were seen at the bar with
Megan McGuire that night.
But you two didn't go to Merrill Field.
You snatched the girl.
Amy trusted you, so no screams.
Then you call with your insights
making sure the investigations
go the way you want.
So the only question
that remains...
...who are you working with?
Who's your helper?
I'm scared.
Scared of me?
There's something in the house.
You know about Amy's imaginary playmate?
- Got that from Sarah.
- It's not imaginary.
- You're seeing things.
- Yeah, yeah, I saw things.
I saw myself dead lying there.
Life's spinning out of me.
I can taste the blood. It was real.
If I stay involved with this,
I will be killed.
- Who shot you?
- I don't know. It wasn't clear.
So, that's your angle? A ghost?
I can't explain things, but the factual
grounding requires a police officer.
So your ghost is feeding you information.
And then tells you, that if you pursue
that information you will be killed.
- Is this it?
- Yeah, I know how it sounds, but yes.
- I know something about you too.
- Really?
Yeah. Your first case,
another girl missing.
But this time you didn't find her.
Is that why you do this?
To make up for it?
She must have meant
a lot to you.
Must be why you [...] some facts.
'Cause you live with regret.
This isn't about me.
It's about you.
You tell me what
I want to know.
My hand in God
I'll beat the living crap out of you until you do.
- Who's your helper?
- Sarah already told you, okay?
Snake tattoo, not chains!
The guy is dead!
Or you're talking to him too?
This is what I see, alright.
Snake tattoo on the arms, flames on the cheek.
I do not know who he is, but that's what I see.
Those are the markings!
I saw you too.
- What was I doing?
- I don't know, but it was you.
Right before the gun was shot.
What's your question?
The trailer yard.
How did you reach it so fast?
'Cause the clues I gave you
were pretty slim.
I had a feeling
about you.
Your hunches, or whatever you call them.
You have it too.
You see things just like I do.
And you're scared to admit it
that other forces...
...may be at work
helping you solve your cases.
And that's why
you don't like me.
I know who he is, the handler.
Jackson Lee's daughter, Manda Lee.
She had a minor record,
petty stuff, burglary.
When her father was killed...
...she had the exact same tattoos.
Snake on the right arm,
flames on her left cheek.
The parole officer says
she hasn't checked in for over a week.
- She's avenging her father's death.
- It's not Jim.
But his prints
were on the crayons.
It's already underway.
They're all waiting at the house.
Tell Musker to hold up,
I'm on my way.
Let the kid go.
You want to check it?
Yeah, good.
Be safe, please.
- Sarah, I don't want a divorce.
- I don't, either.
Now it's just us, right, Jim?
Go straight, until I tell you otherwise.
Koski? We got a base camp set up.
He's on the move.
- Running point.
- Not on this one,
I can't have you on the war path this time.
I won't foul your show, Jack.
Trust me.
God damn it, Koski!
John! It's good to see you!
Not under these circumstances,
of course.
It's a good thing you did, Ethan,
getting that money together.
I just expedited things, really.
It's still Jim's money.
What do you mean?
Well, he was going to sell his shares
in the company to pay for the ransom.
We can't have a key executive
dump stock in the market like that,...
so I bought his shares.
Go ahead and have a seat.
Just wait here.
Megan is coming to pick you up.
Farley! Farley!
Farley, are you alright?
Where is Koski?
- Gavin?
- Okay, calm down.
What is going on?
I've changed things.
I have to get to Koski.
- Okay.
- I'll go tell him!
Well, let's take my car.
OK, who has him? Anyone?
Who has him?
Nobody's eyes on the mark?
Turn left, now.
Pull over here.
OK, I'm here. Now what?
Now lose the wire.
We're dark.
Damn it! Damn it!
To your left there is a SUV.
Get in and head east.
Yes, I see it.
Head east.
He said east?
East of where?
Nobody's eyes on the mark?
Come on, James.
All units! Units!
Who has him? Anyone?
This is unit two.
We found the car.
He must have switched vehicles or gone on foot.
Units, this is Koski.
The drop is the old Anchorage State Power Station.
All units, converge.
Train yard, southeast quadrant.
Train yard! All units!
Can you get Koski on the radio?
Koski, this is Gavin.
Koski, this is Gavin.
What's your 20?
Aah, he's gone silent.
Throw it down.
- Where's Amy?
- Drop the money.
No. No money until I see my kid.
No money, no Amy.
No [...].
Wait here, Farley.
Don't even think about it.
OK. It's done.
Now, where is my daughter?
She's outside.
Where outside? Where outside?
Look in your car.
I know where Koshi will be.
I've seen it.
OK, wait. If anything happens to you,
it'll be my fault.
Some things are
bigger than ourselves.
Don't worry.
Hey! It's me.
What the hell are you doing here?
You think this is a picnic?
Listen to me.
You get the hell out of here.
Koshi, I know what's gonna happen.
Listen to me.
You're gonna be shot.
I've seen it.
- Go, god damn it.
- Listen.
It's Aurora. Her name is Aurora.
The girl you never found.
She the one who's [...] me.
I see things through her.
She's Amy's imaginary playmate Rory.
Now all this time,
she's been helping you.
But somehow I've changed things.
I know you don't wanna get shot.
Right here.
- Hey, you're okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah. You?
- Yeah, good.
Alright, now go get Amy.
That's what you do.
Right. Stay safe.
- Drop it!
- No!
Drop it, Manda Lee!
Drop the weapon.
- Fuck you.
- I know who you are, Manda Lee.
You had a hard life.
You don't want to kill anyone else.
I want you to help me, Manda.
I want you to drop the weapon.
Drop it now.
You got one less to worry about now.
I had a feeling
about you.
Your hunches about me,
or whatever you call them.
Polygraphs are done.
Mrs. Noble was deceptive.
Do you really think Megan
is involved in this?
James puts on a big show,
but he lost almost everything in the market.
You're a suspect now, superstar.
Right at the very top of my list.
I'm watching you.
Whatever happens,
wherever this leads...
I did see Amy. She's alive.
You'll bring her back, won't you?
Alright. We gonna need
everybody down there.
We got a suspect [...]
Koski on the other side...
Hold it!
This is meant for me, not for you!
Son, can you hear me?
You're a great gift of God.
You've got so much more to do.
Aurora, Aurora's been with you.
She knows you tried your best.
Listen to yourself.
And you'll find the girl.
Thank you, son. Thank you.
OK. So what do we do now?
Listen. We got officers all over this place.
- And if she is here, we'll find her.
- Okay.
Yeah, thank you.
We can't find the money.
She might have moved it.
And we definitely need to
keep searching the area.
Forget the money.
Find my niece.
Follow me.
Amy? I'm Detective John Koski.
You're safe now.
Mr. Noble!
- Mr. Noble!
- Amy! Amy!
Oh my god!
Baby, come here.
Come here.
I missed you so much.
What are you doing
with the money, John?
I've done some questionable things in my time...
...regardless of people I helped,
but you know that.
You've been there for me.
Couple of important times.
I'm hoping you can be there for me...
just once more.
What are you saying, John?
Remember that woman I told you about
I was engaged to, beautiful woman,...
...she had this, wonderful little girl.
Something about her, magical.
Then one day, she was taken.
I just made detective.
It was my first case, but...
and I never found her.
And her mother never forgave me.
But... I finally tracked down
the guy who took her... know... she was dead a long time.
My hunch is over. I'm done.
It's time I retire.
I need to get away, Jack, far away.
And that takes money.
I want half and I go away.
- It's not your money.
- Well, it's not yours either.
- But you earned it, didn't you?
- What?
You arranged the kidnapping.
You contracted Manda Lee.
What are you talking about?
You knew her connection to Jim...
and that show at my desk,
the bereaved brother, all of that?
Trying to steer us off course...
just like the story you fed me about Jim
being underwater financial...
When did you come up with that?
You even left the crayon behind
with his prints on it!
- A nice touch, that.
- John, you're crazy.
You're going off the deep end!
You're the one with the struggling finances.
This... this horse business
is always in the red.
And you couldn't bear the thought of being at the mercy
of your philandering brother-in-law's financial aid.
You always hated him!
The title city boy
cheating on your little sister!
It was perfect! So you used
your own sister's child as leverage... cash out.
And it worked.
Maybe not the way you planned it,
but here it is, look!
Look! $2 million!
And this wouldn't be here right now...
if I hadn't snatched it
before our boys arrived.
Your handler would have been in trouble.
But you took care of that, didn't you?
You knew she'd never made the split.
Not me!
I brought it right to you.
I'll say that earns me my share.
Wouldn't you?
...let me go out with dignity.
Half the money, you go away.
Your family.
How could you do this [...] to her?
Uh... Amy was... never in any danger.
Your sister.
The one you always protected,
the one you always watched out for...
after all your speeches,
what you've done to her, once she finds out?
Once she finds out?
Guys, I have to say I am
very touched by all these incredible... and messages that you've sent me.
I'm still here,
with a little bit of pain,...
...but I'm here.
And I feel fantastic!
Smelling good!
Watch your flame, honey.
- I got it! I got it!
- OK. Alright.
A plate for you,
and a plate for Rory.
Oh, Rory's gone home.
- Well, then that'll just be my plate, alright?
- Umm Hmm.
- Alright, here love, so why don't we put this over here?
- OK.
- It's beautiful. Did you see her plane?
- Oh, no. Amy... [Sarah] Gorgeous.
See how beautiful it is.