Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (2013)

And, here they come.
Stepping out onto the field.
ln Europe and the world over,
this runner...
... is known as the lndian saint.
He is lndia's Milkha Singh.
Milkha Singh
lndia's Milkha Singh
still holds the world record.
Can he win gold for
lndia in the 400m race?
On your mark.
The historic race has begun.
Milkha Singh leads...
lt's time.
... will this be
lndia's first gold?
At 200mts the gold
is virtually in his pocket.
Run Milkha!
Why did he look back?
Hello, Milkha?
What happened?
Ranvir, after the
Rome Olympics loss...
l understand Milkha's mental state.
But you see...
... our Prime Minister and Pakistan's
President General Ayub Khan...
... have great interest in
this contest. What do we tell them?
The announcements are made.
Milkha is our star. lf he refuses,
it'll send the wrong signal.
Wrong signal?
lt's about the upcoming
lndia-Pakistan Games
Oh yes, yes. Please sit.
These games aren't
just games but a means...
... to bring our countries closer.
All the arrangements have been made,
sir. Everything is on it track?
Our star Milkha refuses
to go to Pakistan.
Convince him.
We're trying. But since
he lost the Rome Olympics...
You win some, you lose some.
Mr. Prime Minister,
Pardon me. My name is Ranvir Singh.
Milkha Singh's coach.
This isn't about losing in Rome.
He refuses to go to Pakistan...
... for personal reasons.
Mr. Wadhwa...
... take Ranvir Singh...
... and go and talk to Milkha.
Good morning, sir.
Oh good morning come.
Sir, this is Gurudev Singh.
l've told you about him.
How are you, sir? - Very well.
Come in.
The Delhi to Chandigarh Amrapali Express
is about to leave from platform no. 1 .
Milkha Singh listens to him...
... so l requested him to come too.
Thanks for coming, Mr.
Gurudev Singh.
l hope you can
help persuade Milkha.
Read this?
"l will not go to Pakistan."
What is the reason?
lt's a long story, sir.
Ourjourney to
Chandigarh is long too.
l first met Milkha 6 years ago.
ln 1954...
... at the Secunderabad
Army Regiment Centre.
Recruit Paras Sharda!
Recruit Sehore. - Sir.
Recruit Gopal Singh. - Sir.
Cadet Sujit Chawla. - Sir.
Every year young
men enlist in the Army.
Milkha Singh was one of them.
Recruit Sahil. - Sir.
Recruit Suresh Kumar
Suresh Kumar?
Recruit Milkha Singh
Yes sir!
Yes, sir.
Two Milkha Singhs?
l'm Suresh Kumar, sir!
What took you so long?
Sorry, sir!
You have a shrill voice.
Why did you join the army?
To fight, sir!
To fight? Or sing lullabies?
Can you roar at the enemy?
l can, sir! - Let's hear you.
No laughing!
He can roar. He has balls.
Enemy, l'm coming!
From now you're no
longer Suresh Kumar...
... but Miss Suresh
Damned if you do...
... damned if you don't.
Who spoke?
l did sir.
So, you did!
Yes, sir.
You think l'm a clown?
No, sir.
That you are a hero?
- No, sir.
No butting in.
Got it?
Got what?
No butting in!
Collect your treasures!
Your trunk and plate.
No wives in sight.
He forgot mug.
You said something?
Sir, this mug.
This is to drink, bathe and wash.
Got it?
One. - Squad two.
Squad one. - One.
Squad two. - Two.
Squad one. - One.
Squad two. - Two.
Squad one. - One.
Squad two. - Two.
Just, one-two.
Remember. Your field of action,
is your practice area.
And your duty is your penance.
He's always yelling.
Do this! Do that!
Will you eat? No? Then don't!
lmagine him talking to his wife...
Give me a kiss.
How about it!
Turn around. - Turn. No.
"Hoye...a testing fire,
a flock of merry men"
"A lonesome night, a night like this,
put your hand on your heart, and together"
"Tell me what are we going to do?"
"Contribute selflessly,
Contribute selflessly"
"Hoye...a testing fire,
a flock of merry men"
"A lonesome night, a night like this,
put your hand on your heart, and together"
"Tell me what are we going to do?"
"Contribute selflessly,
Contribute selflessly"
"Hoye, all creatures
must be fast asleep"
"While the spirits
awake and crying loud"
"A lonesome night, a night like this,
put your hand on your heart, and together"
"Tell me what are we going to do?"
"Contribute selflessly,
Contribute selflessly"
"Wash! Clean! Dry!"
"Everybody Oye! Order Oye!"
"We follow all orders..."
"Parade halt!"
"Wash! Clean! Dry!"
"For the making of a soldier"
"Parade halt!"
"Hoye....we'll run
to turn to steel our..."
"Hoye...we'll run to be men
of steel, to contribute selflessly"
"Hoye...a testing fire,
a flock of merry men"
"A lonesome night, a night like this,
put your hand on your heart, and together"
"Tell me what are we going to do?"
"Contribute selflessly,
Contribute selflessly"
"Raging like a forest fire"
"The heart is also smoldering"
"Raging like a forest fire"
"The heart is also smoldering"
"A lonesome night, a night like this,
put your hand on your heart, and together"
"Tell me what are we going to do?"
"Contribute selflessly,
Contribute selflessly"
There will be a race tomorrow.
The centre Coach Gurudev
Singh will explain.
At ease!
My name is Gurudev Singh.
The lndian Army is
ready at all times ...
... to serve and
protect the country.
Besides that...
... the lndian army
has also given lndia...
... its' finest sportsmen.
... you will run
a cross country race...
... six miles long.
The ten fastest...
... will be personally
trained by me.
To compete in the
coming brigade games...
... representing our unit.
Have any of you run before?
A mad dog once chased me.
l ran all the way home.
And you?
Much the same story, sir.
You morons. That's not
the kind of running l mean.
This is a contest.
To get ahead of the others.
Any questions?
No, sir!
One more thing...
... no more fatigue duty
for the ten best runners.
A special diet too...
... a glass of milk
and two raw eggs.
Hail lndia!
l'll win for the unit's honour.
We have to win.
Hear that?
No fatigue duty for the top ten.
No cutting grass.
l'll run like life depends on it!
All l can think about is the milk.
Taran, put in all your strength...
... you have to get
your fatigue excused.
Come on!
Why are you sitting here?
Stomach cramps. Can't move.
Think of the milk.
Come on.
Milk! Milk!
Run to beat everyone.
Run to come first.
Young man!
You ran well.
What happened?
Stomach cramps, sir.
We'll work on that.
Yes, sir!
Come on.
Eggs and milk!
lt's back to fatigue duty for me...
lt's ok, Taran.
... you drink it.
Drink it.
you drink it.
You drinking or me,
it's the same thing.
What about you?
- You love milk.
You drinking or me, same thing.
Then l'll finish all of it.
Shameless boy!
Little devil!
Chawli, l'm ready to eat.
Your chair.
- Keep sitting...
Let's play...
... spot the middle finger, Milkhu.
The middle finger.
Got it...
Sure. - Yes.
You win!
Your turn.
Hold it.
Here you go.
No holding back when you eat.
lshri, don't you feed your husband?
He's become so thin.
l hear you're learning
English at school.
Yes, brother-in-law.
Say something.
We can learn some too.
Come on.
Come on son.
Go ahead!
King cat mouse "hatti" in the house
King means "Emperor".
- Everyone knows that!
ls "hatti" English?
Go on.
King cat mouse in the house.
C for cat in the fields.
Twinkle-Twinkle little star..
King cat mouse in the house.
My Milkhu speaks such good English.
A proper Englishman.
That's why l send him to school.
So he can be a somebody.
What will you be when you grow up?
A soldier, father.
My little soldier!
Milkha Singh, Salute!
You make us late everyday.
We'll be on time.
The teacher will cane our backside.
And then?
Red Bums!
Red are tomatoes, red is the maiden's
veil, red like Sampreet's bum.
Milkha's bum.
- No, Sampreet's bum
Milkha.. - Come on.
Red are tomatoes, red is the maiden's
veil, red like Sampreet's bum.
Q for...
Queen means?
S for... - Sun
Sun means..
R for... - Rose
Rose means?
Milkha's red bum.
No, yours!
Sampreet's red bum.
Your bum will turn red too,
if you get caned.
Sampreet's red bum!
Your red bum.
My feet are on fire.
Come in the shade.
l have to reach home.
Let's wait till it's cooler.
We'll run across the dunes.
You nuts? Your feet will roast.
l'm off!
Hey... hey...
Listen to me, Sardar.
... you will now have to run 400...
... 400 means 400 meters.
Moron! Run one
lap around the track.
Just one?
Guruji, l can easily do 20 laps.
Not 20!
Put the effort of 20 laps in one.
Yes sir.
Remember one thing.
These races are very important.
The first three will
compete in the Brigade games.
They'll represent the Army.
Guru sir where are you going?
How are you?
How about some tea, butter milk?
Milkha, l'll see you in a bit.
Yes. - Come on.
How are you, Taimoor? - Rana, sir.
You will lose this time.
How are your preparations? - Good.
Taimoor, how are your preparations?
Very good.
Where did you get that blazer?
l can see people who
wear one are more respected.
l want one too.
You do, do you?
Who are you?
l'm Milkha Singh.
EME Centre, Secunderabad Regiment,
an athlete.
And even excused from fatigue duty.
Come here "Mr. Fatigue Excused."
This is the lndian team blazer.
lt is not for riff-raffs.
Only for champions like me.
Got it?
Now run along.
Get lost!
Come on.
What are you looking at?
Smart Sikh!
Milkha is lndia.
Milkha is a champion.
Champion Milkha Singh.
Bloody thief!
Stealing my blazer?
No, l was just trying it on.
Trying it on, were you?
Bloody thief!
Don't call me a thief.
What else are you?
He's been eyeing it all day.
He's a thief.
Report him.
Think it's your pop's?
Get him suspended.
He's a thief.
Acting smart eh?
Strip the bugger.
l was only trying it on.
Think it's your pop's?
l was only trying it on.
l'm not a thief!
Let me go.
l'm not a thief!
Let him go!
We caught him stealing.
- Shut up!
l wasn't stealing.
You liar!
Calm down!
Why did you wear his blazer?
You want one?
An lndia team blazer?
Just like that, eh?
Hey, it's not that easy.
You must earn it.
Work bloody hard for it.
Be worthy of it.
You really want the blazer?
Then beat him.
Think you can?
Can you?
Yes l can.
You'll beat Sher Singh Rana?
Have you seen him run?
He's like a bullet.
Have you the guts?
Yes, l do.
You could try tomorrow.
You will beat a thousand
Sher Singh Ranas.
On your mark.
Come on, gallop!
Well done! Go! Go!
You ran well.
You'd be first if
it wasn't for the stone.
Gurudev, l choose him too.
Train him well.
- Yes sir
Well done!
Every time the stone won't
be so big that it comes in notice.
You must work hard...
... so nothing comes in your way.
Yes, sir.
Come on.
Milkha Singh was a natural.
A gifted athlete.
We merely honed the diamond.
All that is very
interesting, but...
... l still don't see
why he won't go to Pakistan.
Mr. Secretary, in 1947...
... millions were
celebrating lndia's freedom.
While others were mourning
lndia's bloody partition.
Millions became refugees.
Milkha was among them.
His new village fell on the other
side of the border, in Pakistan.
He was just a kid.
10-12 years or so...
He came to Delhi,
narrowly escaping with his life.
He was all alone.
Ramdeyi....age 22.
Harjeet Kaur... age 24.
Gol Bazaar, Lahore.
Balveer Singh from Sahiwal...
age 45.
His wife Hardev Kaur... age 41 ...
Their son, Preetam Singh...
age 20...
... and their daughter
Gurrjeet Kaur... age 18.
Please reach the army stall.
Keemti Lal Kakar...
age 36... from Meerpur.
ls anyone from Govindpura?
My village. Near Kot Addu.
ln Multan, Punjab.
- You mean it "was!"
Multan is in Pakistan now.
We'll fill the form.
Milkha Singh of Govindpura.
Who are you looking for?
- lshri Kaur.
A relative?
My elder sister.
How old is she?
Don't know.
Jasdev Singh...age 45 years.
Gulvant Kaur...age 35 years.
Harbans Kaur...age 34 years.
All from Gujrawala, Lahore.
Please come to the Army stall.
Gulvinder from Mandi Bahauddin.
Bhinder from Miyanwale.
Babbu from Multan...
... please reach the army stall.
Milkha Singh...
... village Govindpura...
district Multan...
... please reach the army stall.
Milkha Singh, if you're hearing
my voice, come to the army stall.
Baldev, from Sahiwal.
Baljeet Sahani..
Wrong finger.
My turn again.
Milkhu! Hold on tight.
l told your father:
"Let's move to lndia...
... we have no place in Pakistan."
But he said,
no...l will not leave my land!"
What did their bravery get them?
Massage my feet.
Can't you hear? Massage my feet.
Don't make me call twice!
Don't worry.
l will never leave you.
Ball. Ball. Ball.
Throw the ball.
- What are you doing?
Milkha, pass the ball!
Hurry up!
Pass the ball.
Pick it up!
Want a broken jaw?
Pick it up!
Take it!
lt's a fight.
Now let's see you laugh.
You're tough!
Want to join our gang?
Have the guts?
Hurry up.
lt's been an hour.
You damn...
He's just a child!
Get out!
He's just a child!
l'll fix you.
Get lost!
No, Milkhu!
Over here!
"lf you are alive"
"Take it full on"
"Crush it into powder"
"With your feet"
"Take this pot of life"
"Drink it in one shot"
"Why die a little everyday"
"Give it your all
and die with Gusto"
"Coal is black"
"Brought up by the mountains"
"Black on the surface, black
underneath, black to the core"
"But the bugger is for real"
"lf you are alive"
"Take it full on"
"Take this pot of life"
"Drink it in one shot"
"Why die a little everyday"
"Give it your all
and die with Gusto"
"Coal is black"
"Brought up by the mountains"
"Black on the surface, black
underneath, black to the core"
"But the bugger is for real"
"Crush it into powder"
"With your feet"
"Why let these dreams
stop your feet"
"Untangle the threads,
free you stride"
"Who keeps accounts of yesterday"
"Who knows about tomorrow"
"lrrigate the moment"
"Place the burning
flame on your tongue"
"Then even your
burnt lips shall sing"
"Your wounds shall hum"
"And your pain shall
become a melody"
"lf you are alive"
"Take it full on"
"Crush it into powder"
"With your feet"
Come here.
At ease. Name?
Recruit Milkha Singh.
Out this late?
Training for the selection, sir!
Nights are for sleeping.
Train in the day.
No time in the day, sir!
l'll see about that.
Yes, sir.
Go and sleep.
Hail lndia, sir.
Squad. Attention!
Turn left.
Recruit Milkha Singh.
- Yes, sir.
What do you do at night?
- Sleep, sir!
Sleep? Or run?
Run. Then sleep, sir!
You complained you've no
time in the day, eh?
l don't, sir! l do, sir!
You do? Or don't?
l do and don't, sir!
You'll run in the day from now.
You're excused from fatigue duty.
Just run. Get it?
Yes sir!
What do you understand?
- Run in the day, sir!
And at night?
- Sleep, sir!
Now go! Do your running!
Yes, sir.
Go on!
Hail lndia!
Don't stop. Don't think.
Keep running, else you'll get
a kick on your ass.
Come on!
What water does he drink?
That's sweat. Not water.
Milkha's sweat.
So much?
He fills a mug a day.
l thought he was mad, but l see
he's totally crazy now.
You please go ahead.
"l am loved by all"
"A soldier of the country"
"Sing with me, Hail lndia!"
"l will grow up to
be the nation's pride"
"A shining star
in the world's eyes"
"l will forge ahead"
"Left right, left right, halt!"
Take your buckets!
- l'll carry them for you.
They're heavy. Please let me.
Leave it.
No, it's fine.
Give it.
- No.
Give it, it's heavy.
What's going on here?
ls he teasing you?
"My lover resembles God"
"My beloved resembles God"
"My lover resembles God"
"My beloved resembles God"
"Should l love him or worship him"
"lsn't it one and the same?"
"Allah is the foremost"
This is close to my house.
Can't see anything.
"Allah is the foremost"
l told you l would help.
Helping your sister
or helping yourself?
Pick up the buckets!
l was working.
l know what's going on!
"Why should l visit the temple?"
"When love is my God"
"Why should l visit a mosque?"
"When love is my God"
l'm in love with you.
"Should l love him or worship him"
... for you.
"Should l love him or worship him"
"lsn't it one and the same?"
"Allah is the foremost"
What's your name?
Odd name, "sorry"
Your home...
My name is Milkha Singh.
"My lover resembles God"
"My beloved resembles God"
So Romeo is alone today?
Did someone else take the buckets?
"Allah is the foremost"
"You, a cascading
waterfall of divine light"
"l, an age old thirst"
"With my eyes l gulped"
"Those bountiful waters"
"l spend my life
just gazing at you"
"l immediately take off thoughts
of any other that tries to wrap me"
"Should l love him or worship him"
"lsn't it one and the same?"
"Allah is the foremost"
l love you. Do you?
l love you too.
"My feet dance the bhangra"
"While my breath taps the beat"
"l sing songs of
love wherever l go"
"Should l love him or worship him"
What are you doing right now?
"Allah is the foremost"
Nothing much.
"Allah is the foremost"
Do you remember me.
Who is this idiot?
Don't throw it so hard.
Father's ears turned red.
Didn't he go to work?
- lt's a holiday.
Gandhiji's birth anniversary.
What is Gandhiji's holiday?
Gandhiji got us freedom
from the British.
So it's a national
holiday on his birthday.
National holiday?
We have national
holidays for important people.
One day there'll be a
holiday in Milkha's name.
ln your name?
l do important things, too.
Where are you going?
Get off!
Stand straight!
Whose is it?
lt's mine.
Not the cycle.
l'm talking about the butter tins.
Did you steal them?
What are you saying? No!
l worked hard for them.
Do you have a bill?
A bill for what? They're mine.
This is the Shahdara
police station.
Without a receipt you
can't take them past here.
Collect them when
you have the bill.
They go with me.
Do l have 'dumb ass'
printed on my forehead?
Sorry sir, l can't read.
lt's good stuff.
Ok. Leave one and take one.
No, l will take them both.
You sure?
Oh yes...very sure.
What do you think you are doing?
What are you doing?
You will fall sick.
Move back.
Have you lost it?
- Move back.
Move back.
Move back.
...9, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16..
..17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22..
..23, 24, 25, 26..
..27, 28, 29, 30..
..31, 32, 33, 34..
Shut up..
- ..35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40..
..41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46..
..47, 48, 49, 50.
Shut up!
What are you doing, Milkha?
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56..
..91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96..
Have you lost it?
- ..97, 98, 99, 100!
Why one?
You can have them both now!
There is something about that boy.
These are the heroes of today...
... those who rob and steal...
... thieves and goons.
l want to marry you.
Don't be shy.
We'll have dozens of Kids.
Mahinder, Parminder, Jaswinder
Dharmender, Rajinder.
- To be thieves like you?
l'll give up all that.
You trust me, don't you?
l'll make something of my
life and come back for you.
Will you wait for me?
Love can conquer anything.
He didn't ask for much.
Just a small business...
to help live an honest life.
But to earn money,
you need money don't you?
A thousand? Too much...
Do something!
We will need a year.
l don't have a year!
One big last job then.
No, no more stealing...
l don't want to be a thief.
Ticket please...
Milkha, you've got them?
Look again.
Hurry up!
There are other passengers too.
Milkha, run!
Run! Milkha Run!
Why did you come here?
- Let's go.
Where are your gold earrings?
You sold them to post my bail,
didn't you?
l've always taken from you.
Don't talk nonsense!
Let's go home.
He struggled hard...
... knocked at many a doors.
the Army gave him respectability.
Maybe fate was now on his side.
You moron! Loosen up. Grip hard!
Fool! Lift your legs.
These shoes are full of nails.
l can't run in them.
Give it a try.
No sir... l can't...
Gurudev Singh..
Ranvir Singh.
How are you?
ls this the "stone boy?"
- Yes.
Milkha, Ranvir Singh,
the lndian team coach.
Your blessings, sir.
God bless you.
How are you?
Fighting with these nails sir.
Now you are, but soon these spikes
will be your best friends.
Sir, can't we run
barefoot in the Olympics?
Don't be..
Come with me.
Run and show me.
Come back.
Easy... easy...
Why are you hiding their names?
Who were they?
Tell me their names
once and l will...
Looks like we'll need to admit him
in the hospital tomorrow.
All his efforts gone to waste.
Male no.1 Makhan Singh.
Male no.2 Albert D'Costa.
Male no.3 Shersingh Rana.
Male no.4 Kartar Singh.
Male no.5 Milkha Singh.
Yes, sir.
- Oh, God.
Have you gone mad?
Let it be.
Sit down.
Listen carefully...
... you'll get more chances.
lf you run now,
you could damage your legs forever.
Gurudev, make him see sense.
Don't be stubborn...
... forget it.
What are you doing?
Your feet are swollen!
Give it a rest now.
Let me run.
You know what this means to me...
O Lord, keep my honour.
On your marks.
"The name of Nanak
is like a ship..."
"...which will save you
in troubled waters"
"The ones who have
Nanak's name in their hearts,"
"Nanak makes them
cross the ocean of life"
Well done!
Are you all right?
Well done.
Are you all right?
Milkha, you broke
the national record.
You crazy fellow...
... you've broken
the national record.
Milkha has become lndia!
Milk and turmeric
powder heals wounds fast.
Who is Milkha Singh?
l am.
l need your measurements
for the blazer.
Come in.
Length, 28 inches.
Chest, 38 inches.
During the measurement
Milkha looked as shy...
... as a new bride getting
her wedding gown stitched.
Shoulder, 18 inches.
Arms, 28 inches.
Waist, 28 inches.
Wrist, 10 inches.
l am your Milkhu.
l am not a ghost.
Why wear a coat in this heat?
This isn't any coat, it's a blazer.
The lndian team blazer. Look!
Your brother has
worked very hard for it.
Here, you wear it.
l'll look silly in a coat.
Not me.
Try it!
Put it on.
All this fuss for a coat.
lt looks so good on you.
Now put your hands in the pockets.
Like this.
Sister, stop crying.
Do you want to flood
the Chenab river?
"O dyer of my soul"
"O dyer of my soul in
the river of your colour"
"O dyer of my soul in the
river of your colour"
"l want to be immersed"
"l don't want a
separate identity from yours"
"A single breath l will
not take separate from you"
"A single breath l will not
take separate from you"
"Let my soul be torn from my body"
"l don't want a
separate identity from yours"
"Dye me in your colour"
"Gently let the colour seep in"
"Let rain soaked colour drench me"
"Make me your own,
make me your own"
"Crafted like an ornament"
"l want to wear you my love"
"Come to my lips let me sing you"
"Be my only song"
"Grind away my anguish"
"Dissolve into me"
"Melt into me"
"Make me your own"
"Dye me in your colour"
"Gently let the colour seep in"
"Let rain soaked colour drench me"
"Make me your own,
make me your own"
"Dye me in your colour"
"Gently let the colour seep in"
"Let rain soaked colour drench me"
"Make me your own,
make me your own"
Who has come to take me away?
Who is my Romeo?
Who are you?
l knew l'd find you here.
Give me a hug!
How are you?
See for yourself.
Meeru, someone else live here now.
Where is she?
You look Smart.
The others will be thrilled.
l am asking about Biro
and you are rambling on.
Come let's meet the gang.
Hey, stop it.
What has happened to her?
They don't live here anymore.
Where do they?
Don't know.
Come out with it now.
What happened?
She was married off.
All this was happening
and you didn't tell me?
What could l tell you?
And what if l had told you?
Would you have dropped everything
and come? lt was too late.
She said she'd wait for me.
Didn't Biro protest?
She did and was thrashed for it.
Who cares what women want?
l have to meet her.
Who did she marry?
What difference does it make?
lt does damn it!
"A single breath l will not
take separate from you"
"Let my soul be torn from my body"
"l don't want a
separate identity from yours"
l can't do it without you.
Crazy fellow! Of course you can!
Everything will be fine.
Ranvir Singh is a great coach.
l'm losing everyone.
Foolish boy!
Birds that fly high up
don't get attached to small trees.
The sky is the limit.
You're off to Australia,
a foreign country.
Come on! Give me a hug.
Hey Milkha.
Our seats are together.
how does one tie this belt?
Tie it the way you tie pajamas.
Like this. - Hello.
Let me help you.
There you are.
When do we undo it?
When the plane is in the air.
Who is she?
What sort of a champion are you?
You don't know Perizad?
She's a swimming champion.
A mermaid.
lsn't she sweet?
l've heard she's tough with guys.
Doesn't stand fools.
We aren't fools...
... dumb either.
Then become so.
Hey, it's going to take off!
The way you speed up
before a long jump, same thing.
We're about to fly! Look!
Shut up!
O Lord, have mercy.
Something is wrong...
... l can't see anything.
This isn't right...
... he's come too high up.
Milkha, what's wrong?
Look clouds below us...
... we're above the clouds.
- Yes.
l can't see a thing!
We'll crash!
Let's get out, come on!
Sit down.
Milkha, sit down.
Sir, he's too high!
We'll crash, sir!
Sir, l can't see anything.
Excuse me. All fine?
What happened?
Please take the seat.
What happened?
Look. We're too high up!
He'll crash the plane.
Don't worry. The plane flies
over the clouds. Please calm down.
Please take care of the boys.
Who are you?
The captain. l fly the plane.
And you left the controls?
Don't worry, two of us fly a plane.
Please take care of them.
- Yes.
Everything okay?
Remember, Mahinder
Nothing can harm
those whom God protects.
Look at those guys.
They're walking to us.
Talk to them.
You guys from lndia?
Yes, lndia.
l like the way you do your hair.
Boys, come here. - Yes, sir.
Mr. Peter Hamilton.
Our technical advisor.
A champion in his day.
All yours.
Ranvir, what's this about?
That's the lndian way
of respecting coaches.
Why don't you get them
rounded up to my place.
Don't take that trouble, Mr.
lt's no problem at all.
lt'll give the boys a chance to loosen
up a bit. Get to know each other.
Okay then.
Peter, you've beautiful
set of pictures here.
They are wonderful.
- Thanks, Ranvir.
That one there, is my favorite.
Jesse Youngs. Brightest.
The champion of champions...
... a brilliant athlete.
Hey, granddad. We're going out.
See you in the morning. - Stella.
Before you do, just come here.
Because l want to introduce you
to the lndian track running team.
That's the coach, Ranvir Singh.
This is my beautiful
granddaughter, Stella.
Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
Welcome to Melbourne.
- Thank you.
These are my friends. This
is Lindsy and Jane.
Hi. - Hello.
So, you had a big day.
You relaxing?
No, l'm Milkha Singh. 400mts.
You dumb fool...
... she's asking how you are?
Not your name.
Yes, relaxing. Boys are
relaxing fine. - Okay, good.
Granddad, do you think it would be
okay if the boys came out with us?
Would you like to come with us?
There's dancing, and music.
You think so?
Go see the city...
..Take a look around...
... make friends.
Yes, sir.
But don't be late
for practice tomorrow.
Yes, sir.
But don't be late for
practice tomorrow.
Don't be late.
No, don't be late.
Thank you.
Gentlemen, beer.
What is this?
- No, no, beer.
No beer.
"Hey you slow moving
foreigner why fritter time away"
"Walk straight into my arms,
why dither so?"
"You, my whiskey, my hooch"
"You've intoxicated me so"
"Don't stop me, restrain me
not, let me drink like a king"
"Blend-in boy, blend-in"
"ln the darkness of the
night the hands go astray"
"The lips start to lie
and morals start to loosen"
"When you descend into the ocean,
the water beams crimson "
"When you descend into the
ocean, the water beams crimson "
"The waves become tipsy,
and the fish too are drunk"
"You, my whiskey, my hooch"
"You've intoxicated me so"
"Don't stop me, restrain me not,
let me drink like a king"
"Blend-in boy, blend-in"
Who's there?
Oh! The wrong key.
No beer.
Sorry, sir.
You're never late. What's going on?
Answer me.
l had some beer last night, sir.
You came here to drink beer?
- No, sir.
Why did you come here?
To run, sir.
You have a qualifying
race in 4 days.
lf you don't qualify...
... you're out.
Look at me!
Milkha Singh.
To be a sportsman,
you have to be determined...
... disciplined and dedicated.
Sorry, sir.
Go warm up.
Yes, sir.
Did you score?
Tell me.
- Hey, Singh!
l'll see you later.
"You're as delicate as glass"
"Breathe lightly"
"God forbid you shatter
when you strain to turn"
"You need me so let
me carry you away "
"Walking gently,
l'll turn into a habit"
" You, my whiskey, my hooch"
"You've intoxicated me so"
"Don't stop me, restrain me
not, let me drink like a king"
Hey, Singh.
l am so sorry.
You need to go easy on
yourself, it's so tough out there.
You're not blaming me,
are you?
Are you?
Sorry, Stella.
You're not the problem.
l'm the problem.
l'm really going to miss you.
What is the 400m world record, sir?
"The world is lashing out at you"
"Welcome the battle cry"
"Your arms are like oars"
"Feet that raise an uproar"
"Your every vein is iron ore"
"You are fire Milkha
"Now you run Milkha"
"Now you run Milkha, run Milkha,
run run run run run Milkha"
"Let go the baggage of yesterday"
"Cut the ropes and
leashes that bind you"
"This earth shall question you"
"Each breath like
fire from the kiln"
"Now awaken Milkha"
"Now you run Milkha"
"O rod of steel"
"O boat"
"O rod of steel"
"Turn around the tides of fire"
"O boat"
"Your glory lies in sinking"
"O jungle, O jungle"
"Today you will take on the cities"
"Now you run Milkha"
Milkha, get up!
Did you hear what l said?
Get up.
The world record is broken.
Milkha Singh has
broken the world record!
Everyone is cheering... hear them?
l want that paper back!
"Throw off all your
cares and troubles"
"The skeletons of the past"
"The soles of your feet
are like horse shoes"
"You've got to do it come what may"
Yes. Come on, move.
Move, Milkha.
"Tear open the wheels of that chariot"
"Turn it into the divine disc"
"Bind well the laces of war"
"The lion has emerged
from his lair"
"Fire the bullet Milkha"
"Now you must run Milkha"
lt killed me.
But l enjoyed it!
Sir, what is this?
Put them on.
They're heavy.
- Tie them up.
l can't lift my feet, sir.
Never mind...
you'll enjoy this even more.
"Now you must rise Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha"
"Now you must rise Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha"
"O rod of steel"
"O boat"
"The field is your cradle"
"Cover it with your splendour"
"The mountains are at your head"
"Drape the entire sky"
"Tie the turban of resolve Milkha"
"Now you must run Milkha"
"Now you must rise Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha"
Sorry, please forgive me.
l am not insulting you...
... this is a fight with myself.
O Lord! May l die on my feet,
not on my knees.
Abdul Khaliq was Pakistan's pride.
The fastest runner in Asia.
Milkha couldn't
wait to see him run.
The next day he was
to run against him.
l'm grateful to
my countrymen and to Coach Javed.
- Thanks.
Javed sir.
Your boy ran well.
- Thank you.
Bravo! You ruled the field.
Thank you, sir.
This is Milkha Singh.
lndia's 400m champion athlete.
Hello, sir.
You're competing in the 200m race.
All the best.
To you too.
Watch out.
Watch out, Khaliq.
l hear you ran
away from Pakistan...
... have been running
ever since, huh?
Now you need to show
your magic in 200m as well.
We've seen dozens like Milkha.
We have two choices...
... leave our village
and go to the new lndia.
Or change our religion as they ask.
We shall not eat cow's meat!
They can behead us, but we
will never change our religion!
Prepare to fight then.
When Guru Govind Singh
left Anantpur Sahib...
... and reached Garhwal fort...
... he had only 40 Sikhs with him.
While the enemy were a million!
Guruji dressed
his sons in armour...
...and sent them to battle.
His forty men fought hard.
They fought a mighty army.
How will we fight?
They have weapons, horses...
And us?
What do we have?
Enough of bravado!
Thousands are leaving for lndia...
... we should go too.
A sparrow will challenge an eagle,
A lamb will fight a lion,
One man will fight a million.
Guru Govind Singh, bless us!
A sparrow will challenge an eagle,
A lamb will fight a lion,
One man will fight a million.
Guru Govind Singh, bless us!
Come on.
Milkha. Are you alright, son?
Jai Hind sir.
Today, you won't
salute us, we salute you.
The whole unit salutes you.
lndia salutes you.
Milkha, you are an officer now.
All because of the pat on my back
and a kick on my butt from you sir.
Stay well, my son.
l wish you a thousand joys.
You have made me happy.
Congratulations to his friends!
Many many congratulation
for Milkhas winning.
Let's celebrate!
"Bite through the electric fire"
"Chew the metal's
vibrating current"
"Set aflame your every pore"
"Without burning yourself
there's no glow"
"The flames are burning Milkha"
"Run Milkha"
Excuse me.
Can l have a photograph please?
Of course.
Thank you.
Son, you have made us proud.
Now make lndia's flag
flutter high at the Rome Olympics.
The hopes of all lndia ride on you.
l will run like
my life depends on it.
Son, what can we do for you?
Panditji, if l win, can you
declare a national holiday?
Of course.
A call from Pakistan.
Gentlemen. Excuse me, please.
- Yes.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
An important announcement...
... what a coincidence that
while you are all here and...
... Pakistan's President,
Field Marshal Ayub Khan has called.
He has accepted my proposal
of the lndo-Pak friendship games.
lt's an important step
toward friendship...
... between our two nations.
l would like...
... Milkha Singh to
lead our contingent...
... to Pakistan.
All eyes were on Milkha.
But there was a storm
brewing in Milkha's head.
Milkha, run!
Why are you standing here?
Son. Son.
Listen to me...
... don't be scared.
No harm will come to you.
... don't be scared.
Son, be brave.
You'll be fine.
Run, Milkha! Run!
Get out of here.
Run, Milkha! Run!
Don't turn back to look!
So, Pakistan is a
terrible memory for Milkha...
... and we have come to
revive those memories.
We have reached Chandigarh.
We've reached.
But what shall we say to Milkha?
You have a nice garden.
lt seems gardening interests you.
Seems so.
lt has suddenly turned cold
in Chandigarh hasn't it?
You're right.
Thank you.
Sir, sugar?
- One spoon.
Thank you.
So much sugar, Milkha?
lt's not good for you.
Oh! That's mine...
You aren't here to discuss
the weather and sugar.
Milkha, Nehruji wants to meet you.
l can't do it sir.
My feet won't move.
My family's blood is in that air,
l won't be able to breathe.
You're a soldier.
Your country needs you now.
lf you must wage war
with your own self for it...
... then you should.
Right now, it's important..
Peace and harmony must
prevail between our countries.
Sports are an important
means to that goal.
That's all very well, sir...
... but why won't Milkha
Singh meet the press?
What's the problem?
Did he rebuff Khaliq's challenge?
Why the empty chair?
He knows coming to Pakistan...
... is a mistake.
Mr. Khaliq, can you defeat him?
God willing
But where is Milkha Singh?
Everyone, please sit down!
Why are you crying?
Crying is no good.
Don't cry.
Your photo...
ls this you?
Red is the maiden's veil...
Red are tomatoes...
Red like Sampreet's butt!
... Milkha's butt.
l thought you were...
l Survived...
People aren't bad, Milkha. But
circumstances can make them bad.
Partition was a bad time.
Remember our Muslim teacher...
... he raised me
and got me married.
Some milk?
You love it l'm told.
- Yes, sister-in-law.
Aren't you the Milkha
Singh who runs?
l am...
... the one who runs.
The connections are done,
start the radio.
Hey, change the station.
Just a minute.
Just by looking at
the Gaddafi stadium in Lahore...
... it seems as though
entire Pakistan has turned up...
... in lndia everyone's
heart is beating faster.
We can see the planes
throwing colour in the skies...
... and General Ayub
Khan of Pakistan...
... is entering the stadium
in his magnificent cavalcade.
Your Excellency, good morning.
- Welcome to Pakistan.
Thank you, sir.
- All the best.
Same to you, sir.
- Sir.
All the best.
- Thank you, sir.
Best of luck.
- Thank you, sir.
All the best.
- Thank you, sir.
All the best, Milkha Singh.
- Thank you, sir.
Pakistan's hopes are riding on you.
l will do my best.
All the best.
- Thank you, sir.
And the tension is building.
lt's as if everyone
is breathing together,
... or rather everyone
has stopped breathing.
Leave them far behind you.
No one can defeat you.
No, Milkha.
You're the best. You're the champ.
Go, my lion! Run!
Go, son.
Do it.
Milkha Singh.
This could be the last
race of your life.
That's how l'll run it.
On your mark.
There is absolute silence...
... everyone's eyes
are on the race track.
Who will win?
lndia's hope Milkha Singh...
... or Pakistan's star athlete,
Asia's tornado, Abdul Khaliq.
The gun is fired
and the race has begun.
Pakistan's Abdul Khaliq
is leading the pack...
... looks as though he has decided
to come and win today.
He seems to be reaching
his goal effortlessly.
Without a care, without a worry,
he is running towards the finish line.
Looks like his feet
are about to kiss victory.
Come on.
- Come on, son.
But wait a minute!
Something else is happening here...
... Milkha Singh is
suddenly catching up...
... and one by one
he is leaving everyone behind!
And with such ease he has now
overtaken Pakistan's Abdul Khaliq!
This can only be called a miracle which
we may not ever get to witness again.
lt seems as though
Milkha Singh has grown wings...
... the wind is
carrying him forward...
... or he is running
above the clouds.
Come on, Milkha.
"Throw off all your
cares and troubles"
"The skeletons of the past"
"The soles of your
feet are like horse shoes"
"You've got to do it come what may"
"You are fire Milkha"
Hail Mother lndia!
To celebrate Milkha Singh's
glorious victory in Pakistan...
... l propose a public
holiday in this honour.
Milkha has planted the lndian flag!
He's done it!
No one has ever run
like you did today.
You didn't run my son, you flew.
From now on the world
will know you as...
... 'The Flying Sikh.'
Pakistan bestows
this title upon you...
... with pride and honour.
Well done, my boy. Well done.
"The world is lashing out at you.
Welcome the battle cry."
"Your arms are like oars.
Feet that raise an uproar "
"Your every vein is iron ore.
You are fire Milkha."
"Now you run Milkha"
"Now you run Milkha, run Milkha,
run run run run run Milkha"
"O rod of steel"
"O boat"
"O rod of steel.
Turn around the tides of fire "
"O boat,
Your glory lies in sinking "
"Now you run Milkha"
"Now you must rise Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha"
"Now awaken Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha"
"Now you must run Milkha"
"The field is your cradle.
Cover it with your splendour "
"The mountains are at your head"
"Drape the entire sky"
"Tie the turban of resolve Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha."
Tear open the wheels of that chariot.
Turn it into the divine disc."
"Bind well the laces of war. The
lion has emerged from his lair "
"Fire the bullet Milkha"
"Now you must run Milkha"
"Now awaken Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha"
"Bite through the electric fire"
"Chew the metal's
vibrating current"
"Set aflame your every pore"
"Without burning
yourself there's no glow"
"The flames are burning Milkha"
"Now awaken Milkha"
"You are fire Milkha"
A PuLi - DDR Presentation