Bhakta Prahlada (1983)

Respect, to you protector
of the universe,
Respect to you the Lord
of three world,
Respect to you, the omnipresent,
Respect to you, the
heart of Universe,
Creator, of the creation,
Our respect to you, Oh Lord
Respect to you Ocean of knowledge,
Respect, to you the Savior
of the universe,
Respect to you the
lord of seven seas,
Wait there! You all
cannot go inside.
Please do not stop us. We
have come to meet the Lord.
Wait! Do not rush in like that.
This is not the right time.
But there is always time
to meet the Lord.
Not now!
- Why not?
The Lord Laxminarayan is resting
and nobody can go in now.
And this is our order.
But we were told that
there is no objection..
In meeting the Lord at any time.
It is a sin to stop us
from meeting the Lord.
It will be a sin if I let you'll in.
What inconsistent speech is this?
You are talking wrong.
When we do not let men Charithra,
Chaturmukh, Sahasracha inside.
Do we have to let poor saints
like you inside the gate?
Now, just go away from here.
The Lord does not discriminate
between status,
affluence and rank.
All the beings are one
to his perception.
The whole mankind needs him
and he wants everyone.
Did you come here to argue with us?
Enough! Walk away from here.
We have not come to argue with
gatekeepers like you'll.
And you cannot stop us from
meeting the Lord Shrihari.
Your attempt to meet the
Lord will be futile.
How could a gatekeeper
be so pompous?
You dare to stop us from
meeting the Lord.
And even behave impertinently
with us.
What? DO people like
you deserve respect?
Will you simply get lost from here?
Or should we throw you out?
You just try throwing us out. Come!
Go away from here.
At time of disaster
insanity prevails.
You stopped us from taking the
divine's blessings.
And even insulted us.
Rude men like you are not
fit to serve the Lord.
I will curse you for stopping
us from meeting the Lord.
- Laxmiramana!
We are blessed after seeing you.
Lord Narayan! Please save
us, father, save us.
We have fallen prey to
these holy sages curse.
Please save us.
Why Jay & Vijay?
You are the enlightened one. Do we
have to enlighten you, Oh! Lord?
Jay and Vijay, like the fire
destroys the place it is awakened.
Arrogance, pride and imprudence
have taken toll in you.
In all your previous lives you'll..
Were sworn enemies and
destroyed each other.
You'll were even born as
elephant and tortoise.
After lot of penitence
and hardship..
You came back to my proximity
to serve me.
Now, you have offended the sons
of the Erudite Lord Brahma.
Yes Oh! Father! We have
committed a great sin.
Then don't you think the sinner
make penance for his sin?
Then tell me will you take
seven lives on the earth
as my friends and then come
back to my proximity.
Or do you want three
lives as my enemy
on the earth and then
come back to me.
We cannot be away from
you for long, Oh!
Father. We do not mind
being an enemy.
Three lives are enough for us.
So be it.
His Majesty! The King of Kings,
The King of gallantry and valor,
Bringing fame to the three worlds,
Brave as a lion,
Strong as thousand elephants,
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
How can I explicate,
Oh! Munificent?
How can I explicate, Oh! Munificent?
How can I explicate?
Your splendor, your valor,
Your splendor, your valor,
Your splendor, your valor,
When the Lord himself is stunned,
How can I explicate?
Son of Kashyap Brahma,
Son of Kashyap Brahma,
Intense like an ocean,
Intense like an ocean,
A virtuous man, the valiant one,
A virtuous man, the valiant one,
Warrior of the battlefield,
How can I explicate?
Even the thousand headed-snake God,
Even the thousand headed-snake God,
Can be tongue-tied
in your admiration,
Even the thousand headed-snake God,
Can be tongue-tied
in your admiration,
You are incomparable,
You are incomparable,
No one to accomplish like you,
No one to accomplish like you,
When The Goddess of fame,
When The Goddess of victory,
When The Goddess of fame,
When The Goddess of victory,
Sing your praises,
How can I explicate?
I232 m'Z'3L-?a'
Ga ga ma pa ni da pa sa ni,
Pa sa ni sa sa ni da ni da ni ga pa,
Ma pa ga ma ma pa da ma ga
Ni sa sa ni da ma ga ni sa ni da,
Pa ra ni sa da ni ga pa ma,
Ga ma ni sa ma pa da ni,
How can I explicate, Oh! Munificent?
How can I explicate, Oh! Munificent?
How can I explicate?
Brother! There is no one to
confront your splendour.
There is no limit for your bravery.
There is no one to match
your affluence.
Even after having all these,
I am not satisfied.
Why? Why Hiranyaksha?
All the three worlds should
be beneath your feet.
Beneath our feet!
The three worlds should
be in your authority.
In our authority! Yes yes.
The heaven should fall apart.
Yes, the heaven should fall apart!
The gatekeepers of heaven should
guard our palace gates.
Yes, Of course! Our palace gates!
Not only that!
The lord Vishnu himself should fear
you and start worshipping you.
Fear and worship me?
Fear and worship me!
Brother, please grant
me your permission.
I will give up my life and
fulfill these wishes.
No! Brother no! Nothing is
important to me than your life.
Everything else is irrelevant. You
are like the three worlds to me.
Brother, do you doubt my ability?
I have the capability of fighting
any great power of this universe.
I know that, brother. I know.
In rage this Hiranyaksha can
even fight the God of death.
Brother, please do not try to
curb this excitement that..
Is flowing in my body.
Do not bind the hands wishing
to conquer the universe.
Give me your consent, brother.
I wish you good luck, brother.
Be victorious and come back
conquering the three worlds.
Hiranyaksha, why is this hilarity?
Why is this vengeance in you?
The desire to conquer. Lord Varuna,
I want to engage in battle with you
What? You want to fight with me?
Why do you have this foolish
desire, Oh! Demon?
Because you had fought
innumerable battles..
And gained the title of invincible.
That is why I have chosen
to fight you.
All that was in the past. Now I
do not have the desire to fight.
I do not believe that.
Will you fight with me or I will
kill you with this mace of mine.
Hiranyaksha! What foolishness is
this? If you really want to fight.
Then fight with someone who can
match your valor and strength.
Who is that mighty person
who can match my strength?
Narayan. Then I will take care
of this Narayan. Soldiers!
Take care of this place.
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
Husband of lotus faced,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Lord Narayan!
Husband of lotus faced,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Lord Narayan!
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
Residing in the minds of the sages,
Dancing in hearts of devotees,
Giving protection,
Whenever called in misery,
Giving sympathy,
Whenever called in misery,
The compassionate father,
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
You are the creator
of the evil and good,
You also bring laughter and tears,
You are the one to give devotion,
You give salvation to the soul,
You know the supremacy
of your powers,
You are the only one,
The demons who become insolent,
Roar in their arrogance,
Bringing victory over evil,
Bringing victory over evil,
You are the protector,
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
Husband of lotus faced,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Lord Narayan!
Lotus eyed, lotus faced
Who is that?
So? Don't you know me?
Ah! Oh! It is you, Hiranyaksha.
How could I recognize you when
you are hurrying so much?
That is okay. Tell me where
is your journey to?
To Vaikunt. Will you come along?
To watch the sight of this
Hiranyaksha ripping apart that Hari.
Oh! No! Why did you even
get this stupid idea?
Why did you say?
Then what else?
Didn't you think of
taking opinion from
Gods like us before contemplating.. inauspicious task like this?
Isn't this foolishness?
Tell me what is your suggestion?
That Shripati is a big perpetrator.
We are demons and have more
magical power than him.
He is the creator of Gods.
That is why I am going
to destroy him.
He is eternal.
If I block him down with this
mace it will be his end.
Hiranyaksha, it is better to listen
to your elders for your wellbeing.
Who is elder here?
- Myself.
Ah! Only In years. In strength,
I agree you are stronger than me.
Tell like that.
Look, there is a charm to a battle..
Only when the opponent charges
with fury and rage.
The serpent God does not
have anger in him.
This is news to me. Narad, what
should I do to get him mad with rage?
Now you are listening to me.
Oh! Brave warrior,
who is very dear to you?
Y g!
Me? I am happy to hear this. If we
leave me out who is dear to you?
My mother.
- After her?
My father.
- Then?
My Brother.
- Then?
My wife.
So, your wife. Let me
ask you one thing.
If anybody teases your
wife what will you do?
Who is he? Where is he?
lwill kill him.
Is anyone around here, friend?
I questioned If your wife is
teased. No one teased her.
Look! Just the thought annoyed you.
Now, what I am telling is. If you
go and tease that Vishnu's wife.
He will also get furious like you.
And then your battle will
be worth watching.
Narada, even though
you are a bachelor..
You have knowledge of many subjects.
Narayan! Narayan!
Narayan! Narayan! Where is
she that Narayan's wife?
Tell me. Tell me fast.
Have patience. I will have to think.
His one wife resides in his
navel. She is Shreedevi.
That will not help you.
The other one is, look!
There she is. Goddess earth!
Narada, I am impressed
by your smartness.
Really impressed. Wait!
You Goddess of earth!
Lord! Narayan! Narayan!
Hey! Wait!
Are you the Lord Vishnu? So?
You came in disguise of a pig?
Aren't you ashamed?
Hiranyaksha! My son!
You set fire
the womb that gave you birth.
Did you have to face
this fatal death?
How will I ever survive
without you, Son?
Have patience, mother. Have patience.
Mother, remember who are you?
Wife of the great sage Kashyapursha.
Having knowledge of virtue
and philosophy of life.
Why do you shed tears like
an ignorant person?
Don't you know the law of nature..
...that man once born will
have to face death.
Mother, the body perishes
but not this soul.
My brother was not any ordinary man.
Knowing that he could not be
defeated in this three world.
By any human form, that Hari had
to come in disguise of a pig.
Why do you torture yourself and..
Shed tears for a gallant
man like, Hiranyaksha?
Look at me. I am pleased
with my brother's death.
Happy! Happiness! From
brother's death!
Happy! Happiness! Great happiness!
Immense happiness!
Brother Hiranyaksha, at
which spur of the moment
had you vowed to pledge your life.. attain universal
conquest for my sake.
Your brave words of facing any
obstacles still echo in my ears.
Just the thought of a mere
pig killing a brave man..
Like you my brother boils
the blood in my body.
Yeh! Hari!
Lord! No! No my lord! I beg of
you please do not be impulsive.
Do not stop me, Kayalu.
Do not stop me.
You will not understand my sorrow.
You will not know
my mother's plight.
Till I kill that Hari,
enemy of demons.
I will not be able to rest in peace.
No my Lord. Calm down calm down.
With Hiranyaksha's death
mother-in-law is already..
...devastated. You please do not
increase her distress and anguish.
That Shrihari is not
a common threat.
No one has survived fighting him.
No one survived fighting him? But
no one can survive provoking us.
My blood is boiling with rage.
My body is trembling with hatred.
When my body is calling
out for revenge.
You or even if my Grandfather
Brahma comes here cannot stop me.
My Lord, look at my condition.
Why this hunger for battle thrusting
your wife in the ocean of sorrows?
What if anything goes wrong?
What will happen to me?
Tomorrow if my child..
Stop! You coward woman! Who am I?
Three faced Lord Brahma's grandson.
With a breath this Hiranyakashipu
can make the three worlds quake.
Being a wife of this man aren't you
ashamed to shed tears like a coward?
You can tell whatever you want.
But I will not agree with you.
Teacher! Teacher! You at least
try to make him understand.
She is right, Hiranya.
Irrational decision and wrath made
Hiranyaksha victim of his life.
So you doubt my ability?
It is of no use.
What did you say?
Physical strength or weapons will
not help at the time of distress.
First you try to meditate.
Please the Gods and gain
miraculous power.
The three worlds should be
startled by your power.
Let victory be yours, my child.
Mother Goddess, Let
your blessings and..
Mercy be always showered
on my husband.
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya
Danger! Lord Devendra! Danger!
Lord Devendra!
Danger! Hiranyakashipu
is meditating.
What? ls Hiranyakashipu meditating?
Yes. To get a miraculous
power from Lord Brahma.
If these demons get the
boon from the Lord.
They will directly attack
the kingdom of Gods.
Then Lord Indra will have
to be more cautioned.
We too have power with us. Lord Indra
has weapon of diamond thunderbolt.
Everything is there, Agni.
But does not possess the will power
to culminate the act
that is commenced.
What did you tell?
Do not be impulsive. I meant to say,
think before taking any decision.
Lord Devendra! How
come you are here?
Are you surprised?
My Lord is not here at the moment.
Knowing that I have
come here, Kayalu.
You must be aware of the
relation between..
...the Gods and demons.
Your husband is meditating there
to seek the miraculous power..
...from Lord Brahma to destroy us.
And to destroy our peace
in heaven his offspring.. growing here in your womb.
To stop his clan from
growing any further.
I have come here to destroy
it at this instant.
Shiva! Shiva! Are these the words
of a God? What harm has this child..
...which has still not seen the
daylight clone to you, Lord Indra?
Not done anything. But it might
harm us in the future.
Oh! Lord of Clouds, I will
see to that my husband and
my child will not set their eyes..
...towards Amaravathi the abode
of the Gods in the future.
Please show mercy on my child.
Do not kill him.
Lord Indra, I beg of you please
do not kill the child
that is still growing in my womb.
Do not kill the only
heir to this clan.
Please show mercy.
Please show mercy.
Till I kill my enemy nothing
can prevent my determination.
Narayan! Narayan! Marvel!
vigor and valor is rewarding.
Possessing the thunderbolt
has become worth.
Why is it, honorable one?
What should I stop you..
The Lord of Gods from committing
a deed of a demon?
Come on take the weapon and claim
victory over a desolate woman.
You do not understand,
honorable Narad.
The child growing in
the Lady's womb..
...will one day destroy us.
Narayan! What can I say for
your stupidity, Indra?
The son which this chaste
woman will give birth..
...will bring peace and harmony
to the demon world.
Is it true?
It is the truth. Go, first
you disappear from here.
Try to repent for the
sin you committed.
Kayalu, Kayalu.
Oh Lord Shiva! Did Lord Indra try
to commit such a terrifying sin?
For the welfare of the Gods.
Why should my grandchild who has
not even opened the eyes.. this world be sacrificed?
Why do these immortal
ones have so much..
...hatred towards my children,
Oh! Honorable one?
It is not hatred, mother.
It is fear.
They fear that your children
might harm them any time.
I do not think it is safe to leave
my daughter-in-law alone.
Till Hiranyakashipu returns let
her stay in our hermitage.
No, Mother. It will be safe if
she stays in our hermitage.
Where there are no feelings
of hatred and jealousy.
And the atmosphere that is
filled with religious..
...fervor and devotion
is suitable and..
Auspicious for the birth
of your grandchild.
Narad, I am grateful to you.
Do not be so humble. We
are all his followers.
Everything transpires as
his desires. Good luck.
Mother, the soul that comes
out from the cycle..
Of life and death seeks
to be one with God.
It should first give
up worldly desires.
Burn this desire of mine, me and I.
The goal should be only to attain
salvation. Keep faith in The God.
Should always think of him and
try to communicate with God.
Continue, teacher.
are you looking around?
Tell me Oh! Honorable one.
Mother is sleeping.
I will listen
to you. You can continue.
Preach me.
Narayan! Narayan!
The streams are singing with glee,
Along with the flowing tide,
The cool breeze is also singing,
The nature has become one,
And sings praise of the Lord
The nature has become one,
And sings praise of the Lord,
Sing in praise of Lord Hari,
Sway the greatness of his name,
Sing in praise of Lord Hari,
Sway the greatness of his name,
You will get immense contentment,
Oh! My child,
You will get immense contentment,
Oh! My child,
Sing in praise of Lord Hari,
Sway the greatness of his name,
If called with love and devotion,
He will hear you from anywhere,
Like a child coming to it's mother,
He will come to you,
He gets defeated by true faith,
And cares for his devotees,
He gets defeated by true faith,
And cares for his devotees,
Sing in praise of Lord Hari,
Sway the greatness of his name,
You will get immense contentment,
Oh! My child,
Sing in praise of Lord Hari,
Sway the greatness of his name,
Sway the greatness of his name.
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Narayan! Narayan! Kayalu,
you are very fortunate.
This child will bring glory
and grace to this clan.
But my son has still not come back
to be part of this happiness.
Do not worry, mother. Your son is
not an ordinary man. He is Obstinate!
Till he fulfills his wishes
he will not come back.
This child will bring luck to all.
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Brahmadev! Brahmadev!
Today you showed mercy on me,
your Grandchild. I am blessed.
I am blessed seeing you, Lord!
Oh! Goddess Saraswati's husband,
Goddess Saraswati's dear one,
Lord Brahma!
One who blesses devotion,
Approaching on the Swan,
Oh! Merciful, I bow down to you,
Oh! Merciful, I bow down to you,
I pray to grant me a boon,
I pray to grant me a boon,
Please bless me,
Please bless me,
Om! Brahmadevaya!
Om! Brahmadevaya.
Hiranyakashipu, what is your wish?
Lord, my wish? Day or night,
on earth or sky,
inside or outside the house,
from birds, animals or trees.
From insects or creepers,
from weapons or words,
from angels, gods, demons
or other creatures.
From any creature you have created,
I should not get death.
I would like you to
grant me this wish.
Of being immortal.
So be it.
Immortal! Immortal!
Now who can match me?
Where will that brave and mighty
soul be in the three..
...worlds to match a mighty man
like me. Who will that be?
Hey! Hari!
That day you killed my brother and..
Caused misery to my mother.
You murderer!
You cannot escape
from my wrath, now.
I will rend you in a minute,
Anywhere you go,
I will not save you,
I will rend you in a minute,
Anywhere you go,
I will not save you,
Provoking this King of Demons,
You foolish Man,
I will rend you in a minute,
Anywhere you go,
I will not save you,
I will rend you in a minute,
Dancing in the ocean of milk,
Slitting the throat
of the serpent God,
Breaking the wheel from your hand,
Smashing the mace of yours,
Dancing in the ocean of milk,
Slitting the throat
of the serpent God,
Breaking the wheel from your hand,
Smashing the mace of yours,
Lord Shiva should fear,
Lord Brahma to come,
Angels to quiver with fear,
I come with fire of
hatred and wrath,
Filled in my eyes,
I will rend you in a minute,
Anywhere you go,
I will not save you,
I will rend you in a minute
The sky is shuddering with fear,
The dark clouds are
scattering with fear,
This earth is bowing down in tears,
When I slit the torso of Devendra,
The sky is shuddering with fear,
The dark clouds are
scattering with fear,
This earth is bowing down in tears,
When I slit the torso of Devendra,
The heaven and all other worlds,
Will keep beneath my feet, I rule,
Come confront me, any brave heart,
I will rend you in a minute,
Anywhere you go,
I will not save you,
Provoking this King of Demons,
You foolish Man,
I will rend you in a minute.
Sleeping on the serpent,
Foolish man! Who is he?
Without being aware of my presence
he is reminiscing my enemy's name.
Lotus eyed, lotus faced,
Husband of lotus faced,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Lord Narayan!
Husband of lotus faced,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Lord Narayan
Narad! Repeat it once again. Repeat!
Shankar! Shankar,
You are the lord of the universe,
Shankar! Shankar,
You are the lord of the universe,
The Demon King,
Shiv shankar.
The Demon King,
Shiv shankar.
Looking at my anger and hearing
my roar even this poor hermit,
Narad bowed down to me.
Narad, in future you should
sing my praises.
I accept your order, my Lord.
You should sing praises of my skill
and valor in all the three worlds.
Should always think of me.
- Understood.
Once again if you reminisce
Lord Hari.
Your skull will fly
away from your head.
There the story will end.
Whose story?
The evil's story.
Dhanavendra, Hiranyakashipu
I have a good news for you.
What is it?
Your wife Kayalu has given birth
to a son in my hermitage.
What? Gave birth to a son!
Great! Narad, great.
In this happy moment you can
ask for anything you want.
You should come along with me.
That is all I want from you.
My Lord! You are back! I was just
talking to our son about you.
He is very cute, very cute.
He is just like you.
No, he resembles you.
Fine. He resembles both of us. Son,
your birth is a good omen to me.
The three-faced Lord
Brahma has granted..
Me such a wonderful wish I desired.
No one in the three worlds must
have even dared to wish this eons.
Not only that, when
your son was born..
There was shower of blessings
from heaven.
What? Shower of flowers?
At the time of my birth, the whole
constellation had gone awry.
The comets started flying, the
thunder and lightning striked.
The clouds made sacrifice of blood.
The sky shook, the oceans
overflowed and the earth quaked.
Against of this precious
What is shower of flowers?
Shameless! Shameless!
Narayan'. Narayan'.
- Sage Nat ad'.!
Yes yes. Dhanavendra! Dhanavendhra!
Next time if you utter
my enemy's name.
I will throw away your
musical instrument.
Habits. Habits died hard.
Habits die-hard.
Kayalu I think we have to invite Guru
Shukracharya to christen our son.
Narad is like our religious
teacher. Why don't you ask him?
Narad! Come here.
What is this? I do
not know whether..
You are respecting
me or insulting me.
By saying 'Narad, come here'.
That is my specialty.
Let it be. Let it be.
Narad, my wife wishes that you
to name should name our son.
Choose a good name.
Prahalad! A good name.
A beautiful name.
Narad, sometimes your
intelligence shows.
It all depends on time
and circumstances.
Looking at circumstances. ls it?
My Lord, let us go
back to the palace.
Palace? Which palace?
Narad, Narad, in the excitement
of looking at the child.
I did not even notice where I
am standing. It's okay, Kayalu.
But why did you come to this
poor sage's hermitage.
In your absence, that
evil hearted lndra..
Had come to kill our son with
his thunderbolt weapon.
That moment I interfered.
Sending him away by telling if the
lord Hirnyakashipu becomes aware..
...of his folly. Surely a
calamity will take place.
Thinking that it was not safe
to keep your wife there.
I brought her to the hermitage.
You Indra! You have
so much arrogance?
Where is that God Indra?
Where is he?
Dhanavendra! King of Demons!
Welcome! Welcome!
Stop welcoming me.
Calm down! Calm down! Why
this anger? Brother?
Shut up! Do not call me, brother.
In my absence you entered my
palace and tried to attack.. pregnant wife to kill
my child. You wicked man!
It is a lie.
I came to meet sister-in-law,
as she was alone and pregnant.
I came to invite her to heaven
to fulfill her desires.
Try to pull hair when fall on feet
and give blessings while standing.
Be victorious! Be victorious!
King of Demons be victorious
You both are after all brothers.
Be kind enough to forgive him.
Forgive? Him?
Yes. After all he is your brother.
Lord of heaven! Who is he?
I am the immortal. I am
the King of heaven,
Everyone say 'Long live
the demon king!'
Long Live the Demon King!
Long Live the Demon King!
Long Live the Demon King!
Long Live King.
Long Live the Demon King!
Long Live King.
Long Live the Demon King!
Long Live King.
You Gods, henceforth you'll
should worship us..
...demons by washing our feet
and bestowing flowers.
Who is that? Who is
that walking away?
Come here. Come back here.
Brother! Brother! She
is my wife, Sachidevi.
Please do not bother her.
Stupid man! Do you think..
...l am licentious like you who
ogle at every passing woman?
Where are your Tilothame, Menaka,
Ramba and Urvashi?
Tilothame, Ramba and Urvashi, brother the demon king
has summoned. Please come.
So? You are Ramba, Urvashi,
Menaka and Tilothame?
Fine! Fine! Mahendra!
Now I truely understand why you
scamper for the title of Lord Indra.
Ramba, Urvashi, Menaka
and Tilothame..
I feel our demon women are thousand
times better than you.
Go away! Commander!
Bind all these eight Gods and
bring them to my palace.
Hari! You hypocrite! Magician!
Where are you hiding you coward?
Did you disappear looking
at me coming?
If have the courage in you
come out and confront me.
Wicked people like
you cannot see him.
Who told that?
You! Poisonous snake!
I will kill you.
The one filled with venom in
every breath. It is you or I?
I would have slit you apart with
raging that is mounting in me.
As I have come here to
kill Lord Hari and..
...l do not want to be disgraced
by killing you instead.
Go! Tell your coward that
his death is in my hand.
Hey! Bow down your head! Bow down!
Panic sticken lllfated
people from my attack,
immortal Gods standing
like motionless trees.
Gods of elements of nature standing
disgracefully there.
Today your sovereignty ends,
your splendor is destroyed,
ostentation is finished.
Do not worry do not worry.
This God Lokeshwar, cares
for all the three worlds.
Will not make you orphans.
New plans have already
been organized for you.
Mahendra, you should look after
the service of my palace.
Agni, your work is to take care
of the kitchen of my palace.
Vayu, your work is to
honestly be beside.. blowing cool breeze whether
I sit, stand or sleep.
Varuna, every morning you have
to come and wash my feet.
Yama Dharma! God of death!
Poor soul, I have come
as death to you.
Do not fear. Do not fear.
You will guard the entrance
of my palace.
You can sit on your
buffalo and guard.
Narayan! Narayan!
Who is that?
It's me, Narad! It's me!
Practice die-hard.
Practise die-hard!
Practice die-hard!
In front of whom do you
display your practice?
From now I am the Lord
of the universe.
Great news! Great news!
Auspicious words!
What is this? The Gods
from heaven are here.
They are defeated and have
become my prisoners.
This had to occur. It
had to occur. But?
What is it?
If you imprison the
Gods of the nature.
What will be the plight
of the universe?
Am I not here?
What is the use if you
being here, Danavendra?
I mean can you bring rain
from time to time?
Can you be air and bring gentle
wind? Can you smolder like fire?
True. True. I did not think of this.
What will I do now, Narad?
As it is the Nature's Gods
have been defeated..
...and have been your prisoners.
Enough! Now you release them.
Let them work under your command
holding their usual position.
You are right. Commander,
release them.
Come here.
Do you have any hidden
motive in this?
Lord Hat. Lord Hat.
No'. No'. Demon Lord'.!
How can it be possible?
How can it be possible
What not?
After all you are God's messenger
and one among them.
That was then, not now.
This Narad takes the supports
the one who has position.
That is fine. And that is
the way to make the living.
Gods! In future all the
religious sacrifice..
...and veneration should
be bestowed to me.
Agree to this. Agree.
From this moment you
all should agree.. my Lordship and agree
to my conditions.
Agree to that. Agree.
I am not talking to you.
To them. To them.
To you'll to you'll.
All of you applaud Hiranyakashipu
is the king of the Universe.
There is no harm in saying at
the time of distress. Say it.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Hiranyakashipu is the
king of the Universe.
Say Om! Shivaya Namah.
I am sorry sorry.
Om! Hiranyakashipaya Namah.
Om! Hiranyakashipaya Namah.
Om! Hiranyakashipaya Namah.
Singing his praise.
Our King Hiranyakashipaya
after breaking..
...the pride of Lord Indra
and dethroning him.
After breaking lndra's pride.
After taking over the throne of
After taking over the throne of
Imprisoning the Gods.
Imprisoning the Gods.
Do you know what our King did?
What he did?
He went directly to Vaikunt
the abode of Lord Vishnu.
He went to Vaikunt.
Hearing his footsteps the golden..
...doors of the palace
opened to greet him.
The door opens on its own.
When the King sets his feet inside
he searches for Lord Vishnu.
Where is Hari?
The one who comes in many disguise.
The one who comes in many disguise.
The one who comes in many disguise.
Seeing the king the Lord
disappered from sight.
Disappeared from sight.
Where is Hari?
Where is Hari?
Where is Hari?
Did you see your Grandson?
He is not ordinary child. Sage
Narad has said that he will bring..
...honor and fame to our clan.
True. Till the Sun and
Moon is there in this..
...Universe this Prahalad will
remembered for fame and honor.
After all he is my son.
Like father is the son.
Everyone desires that from
the father's place.
But whatever happens
is their destiny.
That is also true.
If I were like you.
I would have been trapped in this
hermitage doing meditation.
Maybe it was the good deeds
of my previous life.
I am ruling the whole
universe in my hands..
...and being worshipped as
the Lord of the universe.
Oh! Lord of deeds!
Because he is sat meditating and
worshipping a son like you were born.
Maybe maybe. Mother, father why
are you living in this hut?
Why don't you come to the palace..
...and see the splendor and
pomp of this son of your's.
Son, there is lot of satisfaction
and happiness in hearing than seeing.
Deprived souls deprived
What did you tell?
I did not mean to hurt you, mother.
God! If I tell against anything
your husband if hurts your ego.
Then? Will it not?
It should. I mean your husband
is after all the God's man.
That is why I said that.
Hiranya! Even two eyes
gives only one vision.
Even if there are
many children the..
...parent's love will be
same to all of them.
This world is the stage
of Lord's play.
In this play which the Lord stages
we are only the viewers.
So? In this play how do you
merit the part I am acting?
It is very good.
IS it good? What about your
children immortal God's part?
That is also very good.
That is good and this is good.
We are actors and you'll are
viewers and spectators.
Now if you come to my palace,
you can view your immortal
children's part very well.
Okay Hiranya, when the God
wishes I would surely come.
Come father surely come.
We will look forward for that.
Come Kayalu let us leave.
Mother, we are leaving.
My Lord! His behavior and attitude
seems to be changing.
My clear, a newborn child will
not remain the same forever.
They grow and as growing
they gain strength.
With strength the speech, behavior
everything changes.
And it's outcome?
Do not worry about that.
Leave the rest to the God.
Your mind will be calmed.
Cute little son, little angel,
Cute little son, little angel,
You are the reason of happiness,
To this mother, child.
You are the reason of happiness,
To this mother, child.
Cute little son, little angel
The good deeds of my past,
You came as precious gem,
The good deeds of my past,
You came as precious gem,
You brought me an unknown bliss,
You brought me an unknown bliss,
You brought contentment,
You brought contentment,
Cute little son, little angel,
Cute little son, little angel.
The three worlds are at your feet,
The Gods, angels and demons,
Indra, Agni, Vayu, Varuna,
Are waiting on you,
Rule proudly this Demon Kinglon,
My Son, you rule.
My son, you rule.
Let the Lord always
protect you, Son,
Let the Lord always
protect you, Son,
Never forget Lord Hari is enemy,
To the demons, my son,
Never forget Lord Hari is enemy,
To the demons, my son,
Never forget, my son,
Cute little son, little angel,
Cute little son, little angel.
Beauty, you brought luck to my life,
Marrying you I am content.
Your loving words, dear,
I go speechless,
Your display of love,
Surprised me, my dear,
I am surprised now,
I am surprised now.
Come come my dear beauty,
Come come my beloved,
Come come my dear beauty,
Come come my beloved.
Om! Hiranyakashipaya namah.
Om! Hiranyakashipaya namah.
Om! Hiranyakashipaya namah.
Did you see Hiranyakashipu's
tyranny, Indira?
Let it continue. Let it.
The blessings to you from the
eternal, Hiranyakashipu.
Our Salutation to
Goddess Swaraswati,
mother of knowledge,
Bless us with your the
wealth of knowledge,
Come here, my son.
Tell Om!
' 0m!
It is our luck, brother.
If we educate this child
we will be blessed.
Oh! Learned one!
Teacher! Kumar Prahlaad
is still a kid.
Yes yes.
He cannot control hunger and thirst.
After all he is a prince.
He is not used staying
away from parents.
Still a tender age.
So, please bring him here often.
Do you have to say us that?
Don't we have children?
You do not worry. Prahlaad
will be our responsibility.
Can we leave, now?
Let us go, child.
Younger brother!
- Yes brother! Let us go.
Kayalu, what were you talking
to the prince's teachers?
You were telling something to them.
Are you feeling shy?
Anything important.
Nothing. I told them that Prince
Prahalaad is still young.
He cannot control hunger and thirst.
So, I asked them to
bring him here often.
So sad! If you have not told them
they would not have understood.
And while telling that.
What ostentation,
...this airs and this detachment?
Learned one! Prince Prahalaad
is still young.
He cannot control hunger and thirst.
Please bring him here often.
This and that.
Go away!
Do you think you are the only one in
this universe who has borne a son?
As though they don't have children?
My Lord, I cannot live
being away from him.
Am I not here? It is difficult
to me also, dear.
But our love should not come
in the way of his studies.
Repeat with me, Prahalaad.
Oh! Elephant faced Lord! As
shining as thousand suns.
Oh! Elephant faced Lord! As
shining as thousand suns
Eradicate all the hurdles in our.. and bring us success.
Good! Did your father teach you
this, Prahlaad?
Did your mother?
Yes. Tell that. Mother is always
the first teacher to the child.
Prince Prahlaad, we are blessed
to have a student like you.
Isn't it, brother?
- Undoubtedly.
Did you all see Prahalaad
We are also smart.
Okay okay. Then repeat what
Prahalaad said. You tell.
Enough enough! It is very harsh.
Your voice is too harsh.
Dumbs, fools instead of having
1000 students like you.
It is better to have
one like Prahalaad.
To glorify our names.
Isn't it, brother?
Yes brother.
Kayalu! Kayalu!
What is this deep thought?
Are you worried about your son?
About me? Feeling shy?
If we had one more Prahlaad.
You need not had sit worrying
so much. ls it true?
So this is your desire
also I am right?
My lord, I wish to see you
always happy like this.
You mean? I was crying?
It is not like that.
Then how?
All these time you were busy
with battles and fight.
In future alteast.
Spend time with you. ls it?
Yes. I have one more wish.
Only one wish? Don't you
have any other wishes?
I want to see Prahlaad only once.
So? All these show of
effection was for this?
I too wish to see him.
I have sent for him.
My Lord!
Prahalad! You have
pulled down a lot.
Did you not eat in time?
Were you sleeping at proper time?
Kayalu, we have sent Prahalaad
to school not to eat and sleep.
To educate him.
Does he have to give up
food and sleep to study?
If there is too much luxury.
Knowledge does not come easily.
Am I right, learned one?
Yes yes. Your words are true.
Come Prince, come.
Sit down, queen.
What honorable one?
How is your student? ls he behaving
politely and humbly?
Yes. He is very polite and humble.
After all he is your son.
What astuteness! What intelligence!
His Behaviour is like mercury!
Give a finger and can swallow the
whole hand. Very intelligent.
Student like him is one in cores.
We are blessed to teach him.
Prince, what did the teacher
teach? Will you tell me?
I will tell father and mother,
Hear my words,
I will tell father and mother,
Hear my words,
Listen carefully to me,
Listen carefully to me,
Before tricking me,
I will tell father and mother,
Hear my words,
I will tell father and mother,
Hear my words,
The Savior of the Universe,
The Savior of the Universe,
The Omnipresent God of Lords.
Repeat it.
What should I repeat, father?
That the savior of the universe.
The Savior of the Universe
The Savior of the Universe
The Lord of sitting
on Snake, Vishnu.
You keep quiet.
Repeat it.
Should I repeat, father?
- Yes.
The Savior of the Universe
The Savior of the Universe
The Lord of sitting on Snake, Vishnu
Enough! What did you'll teach him?
Forgive us, Lord. We did
not teach him this.
Would we teach him that?
We teach him one thing.
He says the other.
Do you know what will happen
if he repeats these words?
Teacher will have to pay for the
student's mistake. Take him away.
Long lives the King! Come.
No statue, statue.
Prince Prahalaad, now our
heads are in your hands.
If you learn what we teach. Our
heads will be on our shoulders.
Tell teacher.
Now, the father of the universe..
...providing for us is
your father, Lokeshwar.
And we have to sing his
prayer in the morning.
He will tell. He will
tell. Okay child?
Look at the daybreak in the east,
Look at the daybreak in the east.
Listen to the chirping of the birds.
Listen to the chirping of the birds.
You are singing like a bird, child.
Not a bird, brother. He is singing
like a nightingale. Sing child.
When The Sun wishes to greet all,
When The Sun wishes to greet all,
Dawn is waiting to welcome him,
Dawn is waiting to welcome him,
So nice. They are fools.
Do not know anything.
Yes yes.
The fiery eyed Lord who
frightens the world.
The Lord and Savior of this world.
Wow! What a good phrase!
What an imagination you have.
Prahlaad, this is not the
place you should be.
You should be here.
No teacher.
DO not tell that. You
should sit here.
You sit there and we will sit here.
Brother, a tigeress always
give birth to a tiger.
Do you think it gives birth
to rat? You continue child.
The one who brought destruction
to the kingdom of heaven'
The one who loves and
nurtures the world
The one who brought destruction
to the kingdom of heaven'
The one who loves and
nurtures the world
Love, nurture very good.
Brother, what is left
for us to teach him?
Yes brother, I think his knowledge
is more than ours.
A good morning to you Oh! Hiranya!
A good morning to you
Oh! Lord Narayan!
Our destiny. You get
down from there.
Stand there. Look, do not talk
like that and make us angry.
Yes. Learn what is taught.
Do not play mischief
and make us angry.
'The one who frightened and
terrorized the sages.' Repeat.
'The one who brings joy in
the hearts of the sages'.
Brother, we are aware that
Hiranyakashipu terrified..
...the sages and fed their
hearts to the dogs.
Then when did he bring joy
to the hearts of sages?
Maybe, he will in the future.
You continue.
The Demon king demanding
to be worshipped.
The Lord Shridhar caring
only for his devotees.
Whatever we tell him. He only
starts talking about Lord Hari.
Prahalaad, you are trying
our patience.
Just repeat as you are asked to.
A good morning to you Oh!
King Kashyapa!
A good morning to you
Oh! Lord Achutha!
Wait brother.
Prince Prahalaad, do you want
to see us alive or not?
If you repeat the Lord
Achutha's name.
Your father will behead us.
Master, who is my
father to kill you?
And who are you to die?
Without the Lord Shrihari's
wish nothing can happen.
- Brother,
save me.
Only if I am saved.
That Shrihari came in disguise of
a pig and killed Hiranyaksha.
Now, as Prahalaad he will finish us.
No friends! No! Leave it.
Do not harm animals.
Then whom should we harm?
No one.
If we leave that. How will we play?
We should not only spend time
in study, games and fight.
Then how should we spend time?
By devoting mind in Lord Hari.
Hari? We call our buffalo hari!
Hari! Should we think of him?
Not that.
Prahalaad, who is Hari?
He is the creator of the universe.
Where is he?
In Vaikunt.
In Skrirasagar.
- What do you mean by that?
It is ocean of milk.
Is there only milk?
Can we all go there?
If you all listen
to me. We could go.
Can we all drink milk
to our content?
Yes, we all can drink.
Milk! Milk! Milk!
Prahalaad! Prahalaad will
you take me along?
Will you take me?
- Will you take me?
I will also come.
We will come! We will come!
All of us will go. Friends, you know that Lord Hari's
name is sweeter than milk?
Is it? But how?
Will you repeat after me?
Govinda! Govinda! Narayan!
Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Lord Hari's name is start to faith,
Lord Hari's name is start to faith,
Soul is liberated by Hari's name,
Lord Hari's name is start to faith,
Soul is liberated by Hari's name,
Sacred name that gives happiness,
Sacred name that gives happiness,
His name gives peace,
His name gives peace,
Govinda! Govinda! Narayanl,
Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Govinda! Govinda! Narayanl,
Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Hari Govinda! Govinda! Narayan,
Govinda! Govinda! Narayan.
Stop! Stop stop!
Brother, are you out of senses?
Like the bad company spoilt a sage.
You too are singing devotion
of Lord Hari.
Prince Prahalaad, who is the
master here? You or we?
Then what are you doing?
We are cursed by having
you as our student.
The children are also getting
influenced of your company.
Do you know what will happen to
us if you continue like this?
Will be beheadgd! Will
you be happy wlth that?
No, Honorable one.
Then come here. Prahalaad,
...if not for us sake atleast for
your father's sake listen to us.
Give regard to what we have to say.
Tell me, master.
I knew. After all you are
Hiranyakashipu's son.
Now repeat. Om Namaha
Om! Namaha Narayanaya!
Om Namaha Hiranyakashipaya!
Om! Namaha Narayanaya!
Om! Namaha.
Brother, you do not teach.
I will teach him.
Tell child, Om! Namaha Narayanaya!
Om! Namaha Narayanaya!
Om! Namaha Narayanaya!
Om! Namaha Narayanaya!
Om! Namaha!
Brother! Stop! What are you telling?
What did I tell? Om!
Namaha Narayanayal,
Yes right. But It should be
Om Namaha Hiranyakashipaya.
Everything is going
wrong in his company.
We should teach him a lesson.
Master! If you hit him
we will hit back.
Friends! Friends! We should raise
our hands on our teacher.
Ask his forgiveness.
Forgive us.
We will forgive you. But
who will forgive us?
Will his father forgive us? Brother!
Our life is.
- Over.
How is your, student?
No use.
We do not have the strength
to correct him.
He is being a bad influence
to other children also.
Then like I had said you
would be beheaded.
But you will be cursed for
murdering a Brahmin, a holy man.
Get lost from here.
Long live, the King!
Prahalaad, come here.
I will show him the right path.
I will correct him.
Kayalu, do you think I am heartless?
I did not say that, my Lord.
Prahalaad! Come here.
Go. Go child. Your
father is calling.
Did your master tell the truth?
What father?
That you did not listen to him.
And misbehaved with him.
No. I spoke the truth, that's all.
What is the truth?
It is ignorance to say as me, is foolish to say as mine,
it is arrogance is say by me.
Lord Narayan is the only one
truth and now and forever.
Shut up! Me, mine, ignorance,
arrogance and foolishness.
Narayan! Narayan!
How can a coward who disappeared
looking at me be eternal?
You fool, I am the
Lord of the world.
I am the God of this universe.
Yes, my child. He is the
Lord of the Universe.
And he is also the God to it.
Do not hurt his feelings.
Agree to this.
To keep one's heart. Can one
make a lie as truth, mother?
Do you think of yourself
as great honest person?
Have you become big enough
to advise your father?
Remember, you were born after me.
I gave you birth. You are not even
big enough to look upto the sky.
And you dare to advise this
Lord of the Universe.
How can I advise you, my father?
Then you have to do as I say.
Your command, my father.
I am father of Universe,
I am creator of the Universe
and I am the only God.
The God is eternal.
I have gained victory over death.
When we cannot control our own mind.
How could we have control
over death, father?
Kayalu! Kayaly he is
not any ordinary boy.
He is a sworn enemy born to me.
Do you know who his God is?
That coward who had slyly killed
my brother in disguise of a pig.
My great enemy, Hari.
Hari is not an enemy.
He is not a cheat.
He is the father to this universe.
I am the father of this Universe.
I do not know which evil spirit
has entered your heart.
It is not demon it is Lord Shrihari.
Commander, take him away.
And show him the treatment the Lord
Hart's devotees get from us.
My Lord, this is injustice.
I did not punish your son.
He should be aware of
the consequences..
...if he goes against my wish.
Prahalaad, Our's is Demon kingdom.
If any one goes against
us they will not survive.
You listen to me Prince.
Why don't you forget
about Lord Hari?
Will you agree if I tell you to
give up this Lord Hari's world?
So? You will not listen to me.
Look there! The fate of
Lord Hari's devotees.
Narayan! Narayan! Hari!
Hari! Narayan!
Shrihari! Shrihari!
There is no hunger chanting
Hari! Hari!
Chanting the Lord Shripathi name,
Heart becomes free from worries,
Chanting the Lord Madhav's name,
There is no sorrow,
There is no fear for the soul,
That has faith in the God,
Narayan! Harinarayan!
Narayan! Harinarayan!
Narayan! Harinarayan!
Narayan! Harinarayan
Narayan! Harinarayan.
My Lord, Prahalaad is
not an ordinary child.
When he started singing
Lord Hari's song..
...the weapons fell
off from our hands.
And started torturing us,
my Lord. Torturing us.
Torture! Hari's devotion!
Yes father. The only thing I know
is devotion to Lord Hari.
Drag him away from here.
Throw him into the cell and starve
him without food and water.
Till he realizes that Hari's
devotion will not sate..
...his hunger, keep him there.
No my Lord. This is not justice to
punish an innocent child like him.
Innocent child! Kayalu, the poison
must be removed from the roots.
If ignored we will be the cause
of our own destruction.
Calm down. I will talk to him
and make him understand.
Narayan! Narayan!
Child Prahalaad, you are still a
kid. You have to live a long life.
Do not be a prey to the
wrath of your elders.
Children should always
listen to their father.
It is for their wellbeing.
Tell mother. I will listen.
Did you see? Did you see?
Did you hear his words?
Whatever you say he will not refuse.
Tell. Tell as much as you want.
Will you listen to me, my son?
Yes father.
Tell Om Namaha Hiranyakashipaya.
Om Namaha Narayanaya.
Kayalu! Kayalu! He
is not born as a..
...son to me but as an
enemy to this dynasty.
No my Lord! No!
Yes Lord.
Mahendra, sever him with
your thunderbolt.
No my Lord. No.
He was the one who came to
eliminate your dynasty.
And now if you ask him to kill
Prahalaad. Will he keep quiet?
Do not fear that, mother.
Time changes everyone and
no one remains the same.
That imprudent lndra..
...who tried to commit a sin
is different from this man..
...who is shattered and defeated.
Dhanavendra, do not be so
cruel to kill your own son.
I do not want your advice.
Will you kill him or not?
No. I cannot do that.
Can't do? In my absence you
could come to destroy.. child growing
in my wife's womb.
Today, when I order you to kill my
son, you do not obey my command.
I am paying the price by loosing
my identity and serving you..
...for the sin I tried
to commit that day.
And if I kill your son I do not
what calamity I will have to face.
No it is not possible by me. No.
You can't? Then get lost from here.
Fire! Fire, take this Prahalaad
in yours arms and blaze him.
Even his ashes should
not be seen around.
My Lord! - Hiranyakashipu,
...please do not
take hasty decision in anger.
Then even if you regret you
will not get your son back.
Not needed. I am giving this order
so that he does come back.
My Lord!
Finished! Everything
has come to an end.
In my rule the chanting of Lord
Hari's name is totally wiped out.
Can anyone destroy your disciple,
Can the flames burn,
Can anyone destroy your disciple,
Can the flames burn,
The soul that hums Hari! Hari!
The soul that hums Hari! Hari!
Can never get close to God of death,
Can never get close to God of death,
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Mother! Mother! Mother!
Child! Dear! Are you alive my child?
Yes mother.
Didn't the fire burn you?
No mother.
My dear.
Mother, no harm can be
caused to the soul..
...that is absorbed
with Lord Narayan.
Father, Shrihari is the protector.
He is almighty. If you stop your
hatred and show faith in him.
What? I should show faith in him?
Commander! Drag him out of here.
It is enough if you bring me the
news of his death. Take him away.
No, My Lord. I will
not let to leave him.
What? You will not leave?
My Lord!
Oh! Mother Goddess, my baby's
safety is in your hands.
HE is innocent. Unnecessarily he is
been target of his father's wrath.
For showing his faith in Lord Hari.
It is your responsibility to
show my husband right path.
And save my child. Mother,
please save my child.
Prahalaad, please do not lose your
life by falling from this cliff.
Please change your mind.
No. Let anything happen. The Lord's
name is in my every breath.
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Your holy feet,
Lying on the Lotus,
Your holy feet,
Lying on the Lotus,
Husband of lotus face,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Husband of lotus face,
Goddess Lakshmi,
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
You are everything,
You are everywhere,
You are everything,
You are everywhere,
You are all-pervading,
You are all-pervading,
You are the beginning,
You are the end,
You are the beginning,
You are the end,
You give happiness,
You give happiness
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law!
Save me!
Save my child! Save my child!
What happened, my child?
My son is the follower of Lord
Hari. And your son hates Lord Hari.
And in between them I will not
live. He is torturing my child.
Forgetting his love for his son
he has ordered to kill him.
He is a fool! Hiranya! Hiranya!
Come mother.
Are you the son whom
I gave birth to?
Are you the boy whom I raised?
Do you have any doubt?
Your deeds and behaviour
puts me in doubt.
Why? What sin have I committed?
You are not same after you got
the boon from Lord Brahma.
You behave like the
Lord of the universe.
So? What is wrong in that?
You are filled with arrogance
and conceit.
Let it.
There is no shade of compassion
in your eyes.
It is filled with brutality.
Let it show.
Why did you order to
kill your own son?
He is my enemy.
What did you tell? Enemy?
ls he not your son?
He who does not show respect to
the father cannot be a son.
He is an enemy.
Then? He will also be an enemy
who does not regard his mother.
What did you tell? He
will also be an enemy..
...who does not regard his mother.
Think it that way.
Hiranya! Hiranya! Don't you have
trust and love in your mother?
Why not? I have lot of trust.
Lot of trust.
You are lying. Now you do
not have the humility.
Do not have respect for elders.
Mother, I am not a child
of the cradle.
To sit on your lap and
listen to your stories.
Lord Brahma is scared at my sight.
Lord Shiva is frightened of me.
Lord Hari runs away looking
at me.your senses.
Lord Shiva! Lord Shiva!
You ignorance has spoilt
Fool, just because you have got
blessings from Lord Brahma.
You are making fun of the Gods.
The Gods are the cause
for your breathing,"
...walking and for this wicked
laughter of yours.
Mother! Stop your lamenting.
If someone else were talking
I would have slit his tongue.
Sinner! A woman tears will never
let you live in peace.
My daughter-in-laws tears will get
you destroyed. Hiranya! Hiranya!
Curse for this almighty. Advise for
this almighty. Who is out there?
Take this old woman from here and
throw her into her hermitage.
Hiranya! Hiranya! My son! Now,
you will never prosper.
Now, you will never prosper. No one
can save you. No one can save you.
No one can save you. My Son!
My Lord! Hiranya's arrogance
is crossing limits.
His misdeeds are increasing.
Death is nearing him. How can we
save him my Lord? How can we?
Calm down, Devi. Calm down.
Do you remember that evening?
When Lord Rudra was wandering
around in anger.
The children born to parents..
...who gets united at that
time becomes like this.
They become cruel, causing trouble
to others and face lot of difficulty.
Now what will be our son's fate?
Who will save him?
Foolish woman, you have still not
overcome the love for your son?
Swing your love towards prayers.
Everything happens
as the Lord wishes.
You came hearing the trumpets,
Of the elephants,
Will I ever forget this,
You came hearing the trumpets,
Of the elephants,
Will I ever forget this,
I will not fear death,
I will not fear death,
Take me with you,
Lord Hari,
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Prahalaad, this place is filled
with venomous snakes.
This time you will
surely not survive.
Listen to me and stop
worshipping Lord Hari.
No, I can never do that.
Snake charmer blow and let the
snake come out.
Making the snake your bed,
Eagle as your vehicle,
Making the snake your bed,
Eagle as your vehicle,
No one knows what you play,
No one knows what you play,
There is no fear in heart
of your devotees,
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Narayan! Hari Narayan!
Your holy feet,
Resting on the Lotus,
Your holy feet,
Resting on the Lotus,
Husband of lotus face,
Goddess Lakshmi,
My Son!
- Prahalaad!
You came back my child!
You came back!
Didn't the soldiers
punlsh you, my baby?
Yes mother. They pushed
me off the cliff.
Threw me near the elephants.
Let the snakes near me. But
they did not do anything.
Fire did not burn you, elephant
did not crush you..
...and the snakes did not bite you.
No, no. I will not give you my son.
It is not his fault. Nobody
is guiding him.
It is his stars making him do that.
My Lord, my heart is breaking
looking and hearing the way you are..
...torturing and putting
him in agony.
My Lord, you have to kill me first.
I cannot see my son die when
I am alive. I cannot see.
I cannot see my child's death.
Who am I? Son of Kashyap Brahma.
Grandson of three faced Lord Brahma.
A great hero who has fought death.
A great conqueror having
triumph over the Gods.
A brave man taking hold
over the three worlds.
With my one stride the
earth slits open.
When I lift my head the sky
shivers with fear and..
.With the snap of my fingers
the universe trembles.
When the Brahma's universe
is comply with me.
My small child, the son I gave
birth to go against me.
The son who has to take
ahead my lineage.
What is this life where there is
no happiness from the offspring?
What worth is my life?
This worthless life.
I think I am the almighty. What
evil-spirit is causing trouble?
That has made my son my enemy.
Which strength is making
him fight me?
What is that which protects
him from death?
What is it that is making me
hang my head down in shame?
Yes. It's him. That Hari! My
enemy is the cause to all this.
Where are you Hari? Hypocrite!
You possess my son's heart
and mind and take revenge.
If you are a man enough
an eternal man like me.
Come! Stand in front of me.
If I do not tear open your stomach
and wear your intestine as my wreath.
My name is not Hiranyakashipu.
lam not Hiranyakashipu!
Sit down..
Kayalu what were you thinking
so intently looking at your son?
Have I hurt your feelings?
No! No my Lord.
I have given you lot of sorrows.
No my Lord. Why are you
talking like this?
I felt like that. Kayalu,
do you love me very much?
Of course, My Lord. Who
else is there for me?
You are my life and my happiness.
You are my God.
I know that. Will you
do as I order you?
Your command is my wish, my Lord.
It is a wife's duty to obey
her husband's command.
Yes my Lord. It is her duty.
Yes, it is her responsibility too.
Take this.
It is poison.
Should I drink this?
No. You should give it
to the person I tell.
With your hands you should
feed this to Prahlaad.
Yes. With your hands you should
feed this to Prahlaad.
You should serve it to Prahlaad!
Aren't you a pious woman?
Don't you know that you should
not disobey your husband?
Go! Go! Go give him this poison.
My Lord, why do you test me like
this? I think you must be joking.
No mother in this world must
have fed poison to her child.
That is why I am ordering you to do
this. You have to do that work.
You have to feed him poison.
Why don't you do this?
If I could. Why would
I order you to do it?
Do you know the consequence of this?
What will happen?
The stigma of murder of the
son by a mother will..
...remain till the sun and
moon are in this universe.
And the dishonor of going
against the husband's..
...wishes will also come
to you, Kayalu.
I have borne him, my Lord.
I have borne him.
Are you the only one with love
for your son? Am I heartless?
For which mistake of mine
you are punishing me?
For bearing a son like him.
Tell Kayalu, tell Kayalu
can't you do this work?
Mother! Mother!
Mother, why are you like this?
Mother, what happened?
Why are you crying, Mother?
For being born as a woman.
For the mistake of bearing
a son like you.
What wrong have I done?
You worshipping Lord
Hari is only wrong.
Whom should I worship?
Worship your father.
Is he greater than Lord Narayan?
You should not ask all
those questions.
Your father is The God.
And he is the Lord of universe.
You mean father does not
have birth and death?
Tell mother. Mother, one without
birth and death is Lord of universe.
One without thirst and
hunger is the God.
One without beginning
and end is eternal.
And that Lord Pareshmar
is in every living being.
The Lord Narayan is only
true and everlasting.
I do not have as much knowledge
like you, my child.
This mother's wish is that
you should live forever.
With your blessings I will
surely live, Mother.
No my child. Your mother
has come as death to you.
Your father has ordered
me to serve you poison.
Is it, mother? How can a hand
that fed milk give poison?
Can a mother who gave birth
to a child give it death?
No, whatever you give
will be ambrosia.
Give mother, I will happily drink.
No, child no. Look at me.
Don't you have pity for
your mother's tears?
For my sake, for your
father's satisfaction.
One time only one time,
tell that he is the God.
How is that possible, mother?
In every drop of my blood,
in every cell of my body.
And In every breath I take
when Lord Hari is residing.
How can I forget him, Mother?
Will he like if I lie? Instead,
I prefer drinking this poison.
Prahalaad! Prahalaad!
Didn't the poison harm you?
Didn't the poison harm you?
It did not do anything.
It did not do anything.
Whom the fire could not burn him.
The snakes could not bite him and
the elephants could not trample him.
Kayalu, I am a fool to even think..
...that poison you gave
would kill him.
Kayalu, in this world there is
nothing more important than Mother.
Not even God.
I thought for your sake for
the sake of your tears..
...your son would stop
worshipping Hari.
Your tears could not move him.
Everything went wrong.
He is not an ordinary boy.
He is a brute who has come to
make his father a murderer.
If it is destined for the
father to kill his son.
No one can stop that.
My Lord!
- Go away.
Prince! Prahalaad! Child, why
are you being so stubborn.
When the whole heaven and Gods shiver
with fright seeing your father.
Why do you have faith
in that invisible Hari,
which you don't show to your
who is father visible to you?
IS there any other father other
than the biological one?
Isn't there?
No, no. There can be no other Gods.
I am the father of this universe.
Father, it is true that you gave
birth to me. Who gave birth to you?
My father, Kashyapa Brahma.
His father?
Chaturmukh Brahma.
His father?
Why are you quiet,
father? Who was Brahma's father?
There should be someone.
Who is he?
He is Shriman Narayan.
You foolish kid,
Do not repeat again,
Or I will slit the tongue,
That says Hari's name,
He is my sworn enemy,
He is my sworn enemy
I promise you, I will kill him
Tell me where is he,
Show him to me.
The sky is his face,
The Sun and Moon his eyes,
Planets and stars his ornaments,
Thunder and lightening his smile,
Universe his body,
In the netherworld are his feet.
In the netherworld are his feet,
In front of the ruler of universe,
You are telling Hari
is the Universe,
If he has the spirit
let him face me,
I will trample his head.
I believe in faith,
You believe in strength,
I will call him with love,
You call with hatred,
Hari is filled in both of us,
If I call out he will surely come.
Coward who ran away,
Hearing my footsteps,
Will he come if you call?
He is a woman in man's disguise,
Does he have brave heart of a man?
Does he have brave heart of a man?
Does he have?
There is no one like Hari,
Enmity with Hari is not good,
There is no one above him,
Without Hari we will
not get salvation,
No salvation,
No salvation.
Enough! Shut up! Are you trying
to frighten me with..
...your empty talks of
faith and salvation?
Why are you tearing your
throat calling Hari!
Hari! Tell me where is he?
He is all over.
In every small things.
Living and non -living things.
There is no place without him.
In every place? In every
atom of the universe?
Yes, he is there.
- On this earth?
Yes, he is there also.
- In the sky
In fire.
Yes he is there.
In water? - Yea he is there.
In air?
Yes he is there
In me?
- Yes he is there
"1 you?
Yes he is there
Yes yes. He might be in
you. He surely might.
Is he inside this palace?
Where? Where?
Wherever you want to see him.
Wherever I want to see him.
Wherever I want to see him.
Is he in this pillar?
He is there also.
In this pillar?
He is there also.
In this pillar?
Yes he is.
In this pillar?
- Yes.
IN that pillar?
- Yes.
In this pillar?
Yes he is there.
In this pillar - Yes.
HE is there also.
Great! Prince Prahalaad! Great!
You truly are a stubborn boy.
Whom I could not find even after
searching all over Vaikunt.
You brought him face
to face with me.
I am blessed to have you
as my son. I am blessed.
Father! Father!
Do not fear my son.
Be brave. Be brave.
His supernatural powers
will not harm me.
I will throw him away like a
tree uprooted in the wind.
You coward! Conjurer! Cheat!
That day you came in the disguise
of a pig and killed my brother.
Now you came as a Lion
to kill this lion.
Today you will be finished.
Shrihari! Narayan! Shrihari!
Prince Prahalaad, do not cry.
Child, do not cry.
For your sake Lord Shrihari..
...had to come in this incarnation.
You pray and he will calm down.
Husband of Lakshmi,
Lord of devotees,
Narayan, Vishnu, Sheshashayana,
Where does this child have vigor,
To talk about your supremacy,
Oh! Blue faced Lord,
End this frightful look,
Showing me graceful form,
And bless me. And bless me
Namah Namah Narasimha!
Namah Namah Narasimha!
Show mercy, Narasimha!
Show mercy, Narasimha!
Bless us, Narasimha!
Bless us, Narasimha!
Calm down, Narsimha
Calm down, Narisimha!
Namah Namah Narasimha!
Bless us, Narasimha!
Namah Namah Narasimha!
Is there anyone to go against you,
Does anyone know your power,
ls there anyone to go against you,
Does anyone know your power,
I do not have the courage,
I do not have the courage,
To look at your dangerous form,
To look at your dangerous form,
Namah Namah Narasimha!
Bless us, Narasimha!
Namah Namah Narasimha!
Narayan! Shriman Narayan!
Child, Prahalaad I am satisfied
by your devotion.
Ask for whatever you want.
My Lord, forgive my father his sins.
And give his soul peace
and salvation.
Yes my Child. Do not
worry, my child.
Your father and uncle are the
doorkeepers of my palace.
Due to curse they were
born like that.
Ask, what more do you want.
Don't you know what I want, my Lord.
Bless me to be your devotee forever.
So be it.