Bharath Ane Nenu (2018)

I, Bharat
- Hi Bharat.
Did they call my name?
Bharat. Please come on the dais
One moment please.
And there is something
special about this gentleman.
This is not his 1st degree, it is his 5th.
If I'm not wrong!
Bharat, can you tell us
what makes you study more and more.
Every time I learn a new thing.
Something haunts me in constant
That I don't know a lot more.
So, what next?
I don't know.
It's the wave of blessings
Enjoy the party! [Spanish]
"Lemme lemme go lemme go lemme go"
"Lemme lemme learn something
interesting on the go"
"In the encyclopedia called universe"
"There are a lot more things to be known"
"Art of Living actually
means art of learning"
"What I know is very little and there
is much that is unknown, I don't know"
"I don't know know know know,
know know know know know know"
"I don't know know know know know
know know know know many things"
"I don't know why the fish jumps
out from water once in a while"
"Maybe to learn some new
thing from the fresh air"
"I don't know, I don't know"
"How many ever times you say 'good morning'
It doesn't lessen the shining of the Sun"
"Maybe the light comes from some
new matter learnt from earth"
"I don't know, I don't know"
"Only one thing I know, there
is so much to know"
"I don't know is the steering for
the journey that says 'wanna grow'"
"I don't know know know know,
know know know know know know"
"I don't know know know know know
know know know know many things"
"There are many wonders before eyes
and many more are the mysteries in them"
"I might have left them
unseen all these days"
"I don't know, yeah! I don't know, yeah!"
"Becoming a Question this minute
I will learn many unknown concepts"
"What would the next
minute that comes teach me"
"I don't know, I don't know"
"On a birds eye view,
life is a learning avenue"
"Every day that teaches something is
a refreshing anthem I don't know"
"I don't know know know know,
know know know know know know"
"I don't know know know know know
know know know know many things"
"I don't know know know know,
know know know know know know"
"I don't know know know know know
know know know know many things"
I got a call this afternoon
It seems father was ill and was admitted
in the hospital the day before yesterday.
He suffered a stroke a while ago,
and he is no more Bharat
[Aeroplane whizzing]
I used to live with my parents
in Hyderabad during my childhood.
Mom, I'm back!
Bharat! Change your clothes,
and you shall eat something
Okay mom.
Did you eat ice cream again?
You ate it, didn't you?
I have seen Subhash eating,
so I too bought it mom.
Doctor said you should
stop eating ice creams
Is it not wrong, doing it knowingly?
Promise me that you will
not repeat this again
The foolish lion lost its prey
because of his foolishness
Intelligence is better than strength
It's already too late, now go to bed
When will dad return mom?
He is on tour on some work,
he will be back by tomorrow
But he will leave once again, won't he?
He has to do it because of his work dear
You sleep now.
[Engine purring]
We should leave by 5.00 AM in the morning.
I will be there
- Okay?
- I will leave now.
Dad and his friend were busy with
their newly established political party
I am unable to spend even a second with him
I am there for him
- But for you?
Are you taking medicines on time?
[Aeroplane whirring]
Sorry mom
- Why?
Because I ate ice cream once again
It is not because you ate it
But because you broke your promise
Do you know how wrong it is?
A promise means belief
All of us are living because of that
Do you observe the sun setting?
But he has promised us,
that he will rise once again tomorrow
He is coming every day
without breaking his promise.
Suppose if he breaks his
promise and doesn't come back?
Every thing becomes dark from then
There is a light within us as well
If you want that to stay that way,
we should never break our promise
Mom wake up
Mom, mom wake up!
Hi Bharat
Hi uncle
Elections are fast approaching
We have to cover Rayalaseema,
finalize candidates
How long would you do this?
How can I come leaving him all alone?
You have to get married once
again to take care of that
What are you talking about?
It is not for the sake of another wife
for you, but to provide a mother to him
This is the age where one
needs a mother more than a father
You cannot keep him
happy if you are like this
You cannot achieve your dreams too.
Try to understand
I am going to school mom
- Okay
Oh my dear! Why are you crying?
My dearest
How much ever I tried to become
attached to my step mother,
there was some unknown discomfort.
That's why I used to spend more
time at my friend Subhash's home.
Both are sleeping brother-in-law,
he will come by morning
Me and Pramila got jobs in
the same hospital in London
I'm very glad to hear that,
We have to leave in the coming week.
- Oh.
Bharat is very much fond
of Subhash, even Subhash,
Whatever they do, they do it together
Bharat wants to come along
with us and study there.
He is a child, he might have
said it as Subhash is leaving him
Don't consider his words
It is not like that brother,
he too wishes to come,
It's a new country for us, we will
be busy with our new jobs for sometime
Both of them form a good company,
Do you want to go to London?
Can you seriously stay there?
Yes dad, I can.
I will study along with Subhash
[Fountain burbling]
[Cameras clicking ]
He was suffering from
asthma since a long time
Due to this cold weather, he felt discomfort
and was admitted into the hospital
We thought he would be
back in a couple days,
But suddenly, he passed away in his
sleep yesterday in the early hours,
We thought of waiting till you come but
Hearing the news that their god-like leader
is no more, the people of this state and
the party workers could not digest it
The situation was going out of hand,
hour by hour
So, we thought it's good to go ahead with
the ritual and hence, yesterday evening...
Who completed the rituals?
Your younger brother.
[Music ]
Hi Siddarth
I am Bharat,
I'm your elder brother
I could not reach on time,
Luckily you were there for dad,
You have done my job.
Thanks for doing that
Considering the new political scenario,
On the topic of who is in race for
the next new Chief Minister position
We shall discuss on our live show today
Who do you think will
become the new Chief Minister?
Who else is eligible other
than Varadaraju Sir?
He is one of the founders of Navodayam
Party along with Raghavaram Sir,
He is also a senior
politician in the state,
But he is never interested
in that position
My doubt is that they would make Raghava
Ram's wife as the next CM
Brother, have some fruits.
There wouldn't be any
problem in the party too
Manju, I didn't see Siddarth talking to
anyone at least once since I came here.
He is not speaking to anyone since
many days, even to Mom and Dad,
Doctors said that there is no problem,
We don't know if he doesn't want to speak.
They are giving him some treatment.
How will they make that girl a C.M.?
Then there are more chances for his wife
What you said is also true.
Can you give me the car keys?
I want to go out,
I will take you Sir,
where do you want to go?
No problem, just for a casual drive
[Car unlocking]
[Traffic sound]
[Engine purring]
[Traffic sound]
I will come in an hour dear.
Did you go for shopping?
You stay there,
I will come and pick you up.
Hey,hey, do you want to die?
[Traffic sound]
Oh, oh, wait.
- Hey!
What kind of a person are you?
Don't you watch the signal?
That's okay, mind your business,
[Cars honking]
Hey, hey,
Watch out man!
[Bike vrooming]
[Bike vrooming]
[Vehicles honking]
Everyone is anxious about
who the next C.M. would be
Raghava Sir and you are
like two eyes to the party.
We are happy if you become the C.M
But there is a gossip that you are not
interested to take up that position.
If it is not you,
many of the party members and MLA's
insist that I should be the new C.M,
it's the desire of our
village people sir,
I have grown to this
level with your blessings
I'm being straightforward with that freedom.
I don't want a split in the party because
of me by declaring someone else as the CM.
The decision is yours
I will take leave Sir.
I used to be a mere labor
union leader earlier,
You and that great person brought me
into politics and made me a minister, sir
Sir, we are all hopeful
that you will be the new C.M
But there is a gossip heard at some
places that you are not interested,
Sir, if you are not becoming
the C.M, and not interested,
I have come from a lower level,
A thought that I should become the CM
is being expressed by my region's MLAs,
public, party workers,
most importantly my family has
also expressed interest sir.
He is our Raghava's elder son,
Opposition party President
Sripathi Rao and his son,
[Foot steps]
I was thinking of meeting
you in the evening myself,
I am taking the morning
flight to London tomorrow.
We cancelled the ticket.
You have to stay back for
some more time Bharat.
You should become the
new C.M to this state.
What are you talking?
How can I be the C.M.?
I don't know if I would
return once I leave tomorrow.
It is unavoidable.
After your father's demise, there has been
an increase in disturbances in the party,
I am unable to find any other
solution to control them,
This is not at all related to me.
I don't belong here.
- You are his son.
Don't forget that.
You have a right to sit in that position,
and you have a responsibility of doing so.
I don't like such things.
Anyway who is more eligible than you?
Why can't you become the CM?
I already have some responsibilities,
Lot of people said the same thing,
but that is not possible.
Since the time the party
has come into rule,
we have decided that he takes
care of C.M.'s responsibilities
and myself, the party's responsibilities.
It is good that way,
It is my responsibility to
constantly monitor the party,
Considering the current
political scenario,
Party will split up if anyone
among them becomes the C.M.
You have to become the C.M for
the sake of party's existance.
It has been ten days since I came here,
I don't know anyone and
about anything here,
There is a beginning for everything,
Above that, I am with you.
Look Bharat,
We have started this life with a dream to
do some service to the people and the state.
He has left us in the middle of it.
Even though he couldn't perform his fatherly
duties by being busy with people's welfare,
He never felt bad about you
as he was doing a good thing
Don't take it to heart,
It's twenty five year old dream,
We cannot make someone else as the C.M.
and throw that dream on the streets.
Try to understand.
As a son,
If you could fulfill his dream,
Think about it for one night. Please.
[Camera click]
[Camera click]
I, Bharat,
Solemnly affirm that I will
bear full faith and loyalty
towards the constitution of India
which is by ordinance established,
that I will protect the
sovereignty and integrity of India.
As a Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh,
I will fulfill my responsibilities
with dedication and,
conscientiously perform my duties
without fear or favor,
affection or ill will,
I will follow the constitution and law
to protect all the people and do justice.
I swear in the name of God,
Sir, please sign sir.
[Pen writing]
Andhra Pradesh's new Chief Minister,
late leader Mr. Raghavarao's son Bharat
has sworn in at the Raj Bhavan today
How a new heir who doesn't have any
experience would handle the state politics,
needs to be seen in the forthcoming days,
say some leaders and some civilians
Good morning Sir,
I'm Bhaskar, your P.S.
Personal Secretary sir.
- Sir.
I was serving as a P.S even
for your father for many years sir,
What are they? Are they news papers?
Yes sir.
I cannot read Telugu properly.
Can you read it for me?
Yes, sure sir.
- Just the headlines.
Okay sir.
" The youngest C.M in the state's history"
Another new successor Bharat in the state's
politics, he swears in as the new C.M.
Conscientious... let it be,
What is it?
Subhodayam newspaper sir.
He keeps writing some trash,
Read it,
Okay sir.
Will he abide by conscientiously?
Go on, read it completely.
Okay sir.
Today Bharat has taken oath as C.M
before the leaders of
different parties in Raj Bhavan
Not being able to pronounce the word
"conscientiously" clearly
during taking the oath is the highlight.
Not being able to pronounce it is fine,
But "can he be conscient?" is what the
social media is making fun today,
That should do.
What is that word Bhaskar?
"conscientiously "
Good morning sir. I am Mukthar,
your chief security officer.
Hello Mukthar.
Sir, please sir.
Why are the roads clear?
Has the traffic been blocked?
That is,
When C.M's convoy is going,
traffic needs to be blocked sir,
If we go in this hectic traffic,
will not be able to perform our duties.
as you have seen earlier,
our traffic and the people are a bit tough.
As you are working for these people's sake,
They have to face some discomfort
for the works to be done on time.
Good morning sir.
Morning sir.
Welcome sir. I am Shrivastav,
The Chief Secretary,
- Thank you sir.
This is your personal team sir.
In any department or any issue,
they are here to assist you sir.
Thank you gentlemen.
It is known to all of you how I
have become the C.M. unexpectedly,
To be honest, I don't know
anything about this job or the state,
Yeah, it's true,
I know it's a pity.
You should support me and
educate me in all the matters.
But trust me, I am a very fast learner.
I learn things pretty fast.
I will try to be perfect and make
you all proud in all the ways I could
We are here for you sir. All the best!
Tomorrow morning we will arrange
for the first conference and
We will address you all the key issues sir.
Before that,
I want to know about our traffic problems,
Right sir.
Can you arrange for a meeting
with the concerned officers?
Sure sir, is the first hour
tomorrow morning ok for you sir?
Is it not possible now?
- Right now?
Sure sir.
Sir, Arun Kumar.. the
Traffic Commissioner and his team.
Take your seats.
- Sir.
You people know better than
me about the traffic situation here.
Can I say disastrous?
Yes sir.
It is a more populated country sir.
It's really tough where
there is so much population.
It is when there is so much population that
we require more planning and discipline.
Sorry to say this,
Wild animals are roaming in a more
organised manner in the forest,
They are riding vehicles on the footpath.
We are trying our best sir.
Are you?
Yes sir.
We are bringing in more patrolling
and implementing one-ways.
We are also increasing the
number of traffic signals sir.
We are also increasing Traffic
ads to bring more awareness,
What about fines?
Fines, how are you charging?
If they drive without
Driving Licence, it is Rs. 500 sir
for two, three and four wheelers.
- Make it ten thousand.
Ten thousand.
It is Rs. 1000 forSignal jumping sir.
Make it 20,000.
If they use mobile phone while driving,
it is Rs. 1000 sir.
Shall we make it twenty five?
Yeah, Twenty five.
It is Rs. 1000 for rash and
negligent violation sir,
Make it 30,000.
If you send me the list with the
new ratios, we will issue a...
What is that?
Umm, G.O sir
Yeah, we will issue a G.O.
Sir, we will rethink on this
and discuss with every one sir.
Isn't it what you have been doing
till now? Is there any change?
But it's wise to rethink sir.
People will be scared sir.
In these few days of my stay here,
I did not notice it Mr. Srivatsav,
We are living in a society.
Everyone should have
fear and responsibility.
Hey, stop stop stop. What is this?
- I need to go urgently sir, please sir.
We have imposed a fine of 20,000, pay it.
20,000? It's my month's salary sir.
Hey, hello hello.
- One minute.
Stop stop, 25,000 fine,
Why is it 25,000?
Hey, Stop. Get down.
Why are you driving in a wrong route?
Is it a short cut?
The office is just nearby sir.
Is it? Pay Rs. 30,000 and go to office.
People of the Telugu States, better be
careful while driving vehicles on roads.
If you don't have a Driving license
or if you jump the signals,
Or if you go in a wrong route in one ways,
From now on,
it's not just paying a huge price,
But even your whole monthly
salary or more might be at stake,
We keep taking the one ways
in some unavoidable conditions
Why are they levying Rs. 20,000 fine?
What is he thinking?
Yes. He has done the right thing.
People will not follow traffic
rules unless this is implemented.
I am tensed to drive my bike brother.
His dad bought a new bike for him
recently, he drove through a one-way.
His dad sold the bike, paid 25,000 fine
and asked him to get lost denying him a bike
It's better to get into a city bus or metro.
There wouldn't be an issue.
Chief Engineer is planning to meet once,
many works are pending there sir.
Hey Bharat!
Good morning sir.
- Sit down.
Hey, get a plate for him.
I'm done with my breakfast sir.
Umm, how is your first day?
It is just the first day.
All members appointed to me are seniors,
even age wise,
I will be more comfortable
with a younger team.
Being a new job,
it will be balanced with such people
You too will get used to it.
I mean, if young officers are there I...
What ever I do,
I do it thinking twice Bharat,
You will get used to all
of this in a few days.
Coming to the next point,
I heard about those traffic fines.
You could have put a word to me.
I felt it was right.
Look here.
- Sir.
Update me on people's reaction from
all the districts time to time,
Sure sir.
- Sir.
Ask the Home Minister to come and see me.
Okay sir.
Bharat, before taking any
decision from the next time,
won't it be good if you discuss
with the cabinet and me?
What are people thinking
about the traffic fines Bhaskar?
It's not a normal shock sir.
My friend has paid Rs. 20,000 fine too.
It seems he had jumped a signal.
Above that, he has borrowed money
from me as he fell short of money.
Ask him not to jump the
signal from the next time.
How many times would you lend him money?
Sir, sir, sir, C.M. sir.
Do you know what people are thinking
about you increasing traffic fines,
Sir, please give an explanation on why
you are so harsh towards the people,
You did not think before taking a decision,
at least give a statement about it sir.
CM sir.
He is the one who has written
about the oath taking ceremony
Subba Rao from Subhodayam. Let us go sir.
Tell us why are you so angry on people sir.
You are not giving a damn to the people,
atleast give a statement sir,
Sir, C.M. sir.
- Sir!
C.M. sir.
What is your intention behind
increasing traffic fines this way sir?
Hope it has come to your notice,
how people are suffering to pay those fines.
10,000, 20,000, 30,000,
what are these fines sir?
How can a common man bear such huge fines,
Have you taken this decision
consulting anyone?
else have you done it on your own hastily?
How could you do it sir?
With "conscientiousness "
- Sir.
How do you think she would be today?
The girl from the bus stop.
Which dress would she be wearing?
How do I know sir?
Can't you guess Bhaskar?
Would you lose your job if you do so?
My wife wore a silk sari as today is an
auspicious day "Shravana Sukravaram" sir.
If that girl has the same habit,
I think she would definitely
be wearing a half saree sir.
- sir,
I said that he should look
like Chief Minister Bharat.
What a handsome guy he is!
I am unable to shift my
sight looking at him on TV.
How thrilling would it be if someone
like him is in our life or in our home?
You are unable to understand.
You are too much Varsha.
What is too much in that?
- Thanks dear.
What's wrong in wishing
for someone like him?
Is he not a bachelor?
Will they not look for matches for him?
Don't know, whose luck will he be?
Keep that aside, tell me will you
not marry him if you get a chance?
Will you marry him or not?
To be frank,
I am okay right now too.
Then, what about you?
If you get a chance, will you let it go?
I think we will not get that chance,
you eat first,
If you get a chance,
will you say yes or no?
[Phone ringing]
Wait, I will take it.
[Phone ringing]
Hello, is Vasumathi there?
Who are you?
My name is Bharat Mam,
You are talking as if you are the
C.M. Bharat, Which Bharat are you?
Hey! I am the Chief Minister Bharat Mam.
How did you guess?
Who is that?
Have you called overhearing
our conversation?
I am the Chief Minister Bharat Mam.
If you dare to play pranks, I will
smash your face, disconnect the call.
Who is it?
Someone making a prank call
saying that he is C.M. Bharat.
That C.I's son Seenu is following our
Vassu everywhere from past ten days.
He must have called
overhearing our conversation.
[Phone ringing]
Yeah, must be true.
[Phone ringing]Wait,
let me see.
[Phone ringing]
I am Bharat speaking, the call was
disconnected earlier, is Vasumathi there?
Hey Seenu! I know you are hiding
somewhere nearby and speaking.
If at all I come out...
What are you talking Mam?
I am C.M. Bharat.
Oh no.
Why are unknown people answering
the call and scolding me Bhaskar?
Are people mad to believe if you cal
them and say "I am the C.M." sir?
One last try.
[Phone dialing]
[Phone ringing]
Hello, who is it?
I am C.M. Bharat speaking.
Is Vasumathi there?
I am Vassu speaking.
we are chatting among ourselves for fun.
You are calling us to tease
us after listening to that.
I will complain to my
father if you repeat this.
Hello, hello, I understood that.
If I directly say that I'm the C.M Bharat,
you are unable to trust me.
The mistake is mine.
Do you have a telephone
directory in your house?
You will find the number of Andhra
Pradesh's secretariat in it.
Just make a call on that number.
When the operator answers,
just tell her your name.
What happened?
He says I am C.M.Bharat,
And says that we can cross-check
making a call to the Secretariat.
He is crossing his limits, this guy...
What if we clarify by checking it once?
To the Secretariat?
Look, it's here.
Is it okay?
Come on, do it!
43, 40
[Phone dialing]
Hello, my name is Vasumathi.
Hello Madam. One second,
I am connecting the call to C.M sir.
Ahhhh! Its the C.M!
[Phone ringing]
Hello, Vasumathi?
Hi sir.
Sorry, there was a small
confusion as I called you directly.
I see you every day at the bus stop
on my way to Secretariat,
You look so different.
I mean in a nice way.
I want to say hi to you.
In fact I want to say it personally.
Can we meet over a cup of Coffee?
I have to attend my college.
I too need to go to the Office,
How about before that?
Is morning 7.30 okay for you?
I will give you a call after
deciding on the place, ok?
What happened dear?
He is asking to meet over
a cup of coffee tomorrow morning,
He says he will confirm the place.
A cup of coffee with C.M.Bharat?
We shouldn't miss this,
all of us will go together.
Is it okay?
- Daddy.
Hello uncle.
- Hi daddy.
Hello dear.
- Hi uncle.
We will take a leave now Vassu.
- Bye.
Morning 7'o clock.
- Ok ok, bye.
Which place is better
accoding to you Bhaskar?
He is here already.
Madam please...
C.M. sir has invited us.
I'm Bharat.
Hi sir,Vasumathi.
- I know.
And you are?
Varsha, Vaishali.
Hi, please...
- Thank you sir.
What will you have?
Bhaskar says Idly tastes really good here.
I'll go with Idly.
I will have Idly too sir.
I am on diet since yesterday as they are
planning for matches from next month,
I will have juice.
Have a seat Bhaskar.
I will place the order and come sir.
What do you do?
I am pursuing final year of MBA.
What next?
Not yet planned.
You can feel free just
like you are in the bus stop,
It really looks nice when you are like
that in a crowd, you are a natural,
It's shocking to know that you are looking
at us daily while going in your convoy.
We are unable to believe it.
Not at all of you, he looks only at her.
We never expected that we would get such a
handsome Chief Minister for our state sir.
You being very harsh regarding
the traffic rules is really great.
the roads also need to be repaired a bit.
You can do a little work at
least with the collected fines.
That's a great idea!
We have already discussed about it sir.
Idly is very tasty Bhaskar.
Got it sir.
Do you find any change in the
lifestyle between here and there sir?
A lot.
There is a lot of difference
between the worlds here and there.
Did you live alone over there?
Girl Friends?
Are you planning something to
come up next like traffic sir?
I don't know.
Sir, we are running out of time.
Oh! Its time to attend the Assembly.
Time has run out so fast,
thanks for coming.
We will meet once again.
We are always free sir,
when shall we meet?
Sir should be free too madam,
I will check the schedule and let you know.
Did you pay the bill Bhaskar?
- I did sir.
- Bye
Bye sir.
I will take leave madam.
You are too lucky Vassu.
Before starting the session,
I welcome our new C.M. Mr.Bharat who has
stepped into the house for the first time
and heartily congratulate
him on behalf of the assembly
Thank you, Madam Speaker!
My dear colleagues and honorable members,
Thank you,
Leader of the opposition Mr. Sripathi Rao.
Honorable Speaker,
I doubt if this Government and the Chief
Minister remember that this is a democracy.
Looks like he feels this is a monarchy as he
is honored with this seat after his father.
The government which
needs to protect the public,
The government which needs
to resolve public grievances,
is sucking people's blood
in the name of fines.
If you cross the signal,
the fine is Rs. 10,000
If you drive a bit fast,
the fine is Rs. 20,000.
And it is Rs. 25000 for something else.
What is this Honorable Speaker?
Will you kill them by looting them?
It is very unfortunate to hear from you
and your party about looting and saving
Right from the autos to the sunday vegetable
market, you have looted everything,
If we speak of what you have spared,
it's the beggar's bowls made of aluminum,
that is what you have left,
that is your credibility,
Hey stop.
Honorable Speaker,
he is speaking about me.
What rubbish is he speaking that I am
looting from autos and vegetable vendors?
Mr. Mallesh, please have your seat.
let him speak.
If this is the case, we will
have to walk out of the house.
Do it.
Do it.
As it is time to send the matter in,
he needs to walk out.
Silence please,
Hello sir, what are you talking?
- Silence please, sit down.
Honorable Speaker, I don't understand what
is the need of walk out or lock out?
Don't speak as you like.
We don't talk rubbish like you.
We are talking reasonably, you should be
ashamed, what the hell are you talking?
Mr.Rambabu, Mr. Rambabu,
please sit down, please sit down.
We have not come here just to sit down and
listen to your cock and bull stories.
We have come to question
on behalf of people.
Not to question anyone,
but you have come here to stand up and
show your sari and jewellery to everyone.
Everyone has seen them, you can sit now,
we know about you.
Why do you bother about my jewellery?
Don't speak too much. Maintain dignity.
- You maintain dignity first.
First learn how to speak.
- Please all of you sit down.
All of you sit down.
Mr. Sripathirao,
please finish your point.
Honorable Speaker,
I know a software engineer in my circle.
Every morning, he needs to drop his
kids at school and go to office.
It would be a problem if
he reaches late to office.
So, not to be late,
while he was going in a one-way
as there was no traffic,
Would they catch him and
impose a fine of 25,000?
We question the government, how will he
maintain his family the entire month?
Leader of the House will speak now.
Thank you Madam Speaker.
I have heard everything that our honorable
opposition leader has spoken just now.
Cheer him up!
One minute, please.
About the newly imposed traffic fines
and the problems faced by the people,
he has explained in detail.
There is a very simple solution
for this Madam Speaker.
No one needs to pay any fines.
If they follow the existing
traffic rules perfectly,
they need not pay a fine
of even a single rupee.
They can live with their salary happily.
You can cheer for this.
You have spoken about some
software engineer you know.
That he went in a one-way
and he was fined,
and that how would he
get along the whole month.
What is the big deal with
the monthly salary sir
We can get along happily if we
cut down our expenses a bit
But if unfortunately if any
vehicle hits him on the one-way,
there will arise a situation to think how
his whole family will survive lifelong?
People have elected the
members of this house,
to do some good for them but not to
support them in their mistakes,
When I came to my father's obituary,
I was roaming round alone for two weeks.
What I saw and felt then was,
No one here has even one
percent of accountability.
I've learn't that it is called as
'sense of answerability' in Telugu.
I couldn't find that in anyone or
in any matter in these few days.
I want to bring that back Madam Speaker.
I want to bring that back.
I was brought up far away from here in
a different society Madam Speaker,
Both the public and the government
over there have fear and responsibility.
They are responsible,
they are accountable,
and they make their lives beautiful.
But here, we don't have cleanliness,
We can do anything anywhere.
There is no quality in anything.
They can openly adulterate without fear.
It's really shocking Madam Speaker,
Is this how the system runs in a country
with more than 100 crores of population?
Are we living so miserably?
Madam Speaker,
he calls our lives are miserable!
Being a C.M, he insults us by
saying our lives are miserable?
We strongly object this.
This should be removed from
the records Madam Speaker.
It's a fact and it has to be
on records Madam Speaker.
To live in the society, there should be
fear, responsibility and accountability
I will not just impose fines
to bring them into action,
but I will go a very long way.
There will be a set of guide
lines and rules to do any work,
From now on everyone should follow them.
I am acting harshly towards
common people who cast their vote,
then if people who are in service, working
class, businessmen, officials, doctors and
political leaders commit any mistake,
I am leaving it to them to imagine how harsh
will the fines would be Madam Speaker
If the doubts of all the
house members are clarified,
with your permission,
I will take a leave Madam Speaker.
When acted upon a bit harshly
and tried to correct a mistake,
you have remembered monarchy and kings.
but for me,
I recalled my parents who
punished me for doing a mistake.
"I will re-write a new era"
"I will always slogan people's interest"
"Tireless service is the only motivation"
"Any toil is accepted"
"I, Bharat, solemnly assure you"
"I will be a responsible player"
"Of the people, For the people,
By the people, as a representative"
"This is me"
"This is me"
"This is me"
"This is me"
From now on, I will make every
budget easily understood by people.
I will make every allocation transparent
and make every single rupee
allocated reach the people.
I am warning all the contractors.
Every contract that has been given
to you whether big or small,
The public along with the government have
every right to question and enquire about it
"I am not a king who rules"
"But I am a servant in service"
Won't you check whether everything
is proper in the station?
Don't think that I have
transferred all of you.
Considering all of your interests,
sensibilities and profiles
your postings are given in different
departments that suit you the best.
Hope your courage will inspire
the other officers as well.
"I, Bharat, solemnly assure you"
"I will be a responsible player"
"Of the people, for the people,
by the people, as a representative"
"This is me"
"This is me"
Already the center point of
a lot of corruption and scams
Son of the opposition leader,
renowned businessman Manohar
is being accused in another scam
Accusing that 800 acres of Govt. land has
been illegally given to his organisation
Some NGO's have complained
Already there are a lot of allegations on
you to have done a lot of scams and scandals
Now there is another allegation that
you are involved in another land scam.
What do you say about it?
It has become a fashion for people to defame
political leaders and rich people.
There is a talk that you have huge property
on your name beyond your income
One minute, it is a campaign done
by parties and media who dislike us.
Shall I tell you one thing?
If you do not earn money, they call you
a moron and a good for nothing person
If you earn by working hard and develop,
they call it an illegal earning.
That's why, I don't pay heed to
whatever is uttered by anyone.
This is a high profile case that
has grabbed public attention.
You know about it better than me.
A fair and transparent investigation
has to be done Arvind.
Sure sir.
The State Government handed over opposition
party leader's son Manohar's case to CB CID.
The state politics are about to get heated
up in the coming days over this decision.
Even though everyone is happy about Young
Chief Minister Bharat's decision,
It is causing an outrage among
political parties and leaders,
In order to keep the officials,
businessmen and contractors in the groove
Chief Minister Bharat who has
been taking sensational decisions
[Phone ringing]
Is now keeping an eye on political leaders
This has become a hot topic in the state.
- Hello
He suddenly felt discomfort in taking
breath after he had dinner and slept
We brought him to the hospital in panic,
I don't know when would he understand and
digest the fact that his father is no more.
They say they will discharge him tomorrow.
I will stay along with Siddarth this night,
you go home.
Why do you trouble yourself?
You have lot of things to do.
No problem, I will stay back.
Go home along with mom.
I will come home tomorrow
along with Siddarth
Mom and sis are very much
tired and are taking rest.
I too did not get a chance to spend
time with dad in my childhood.
He used to be busy with his work.
I missed him a lot.
I used to get angry as well.
But after growing up a little, when
people said your father is good-natured,
your father is a great man
you are lucky to be his son,
I used to be shocked,
Later I understood that
it is a very big job.
It is a bigger job when compared to
the jobs of our friend's fathers,
A highly responsible job.
You know what a complete man is?
Let me get this straight.
Not committing any mistake in life,
never hurting anyone,
doing his job perfectly and making his
life and the people's life around him happy
Our dad was that.
He made us proud.
You and me should be like that
too and we should make him proud.
I think we can do that.
It is very late.
Go to sleep.
I came to know just now, how is he?
He is feeling better now.
He slept just now.
They will discharge him tomorrow.
Why are you here?
Someone would have managed.
I wish to stay here.
You used to play before
me when you are a kid.
Now I feel happy when
everyone praises you as a C.M.
I will take leave.
- Okay sir.
- Okay
It seems you asked to issue a
G.O to transfer some officers
Keep some posts on hold out of them.
I will tell you what to do.
After studying everyone
I have fixed it after thinking about
who suits best for which position.
I have signed on the file too.
It's okay, only a few posts.
There are a lot of issues.
Just four of them Bharat,
Finance Secretary, Kurnool SP,
Commissioner and next CB CID,
These have to be finalized after a
thorough discussion in the party.
Aren't they government servants?
How are they related to the party?
Anyway I had fixed after deeply studying
about who suits best for which position.
They will take charge by tomorrow evening.
I mean,
I used to take these decisions
when your father was alive too
as it is a ruling party,
we have some obligations.
I have already taken a decision.
I want to do it in my style this time.
Ok, at least that CB CID,
- This is sounding like a vegetable bargain.
I am feeling discomfort
when you ask repeatedly.
Let me do what I believe this time
[Cars whirring]
I have some urgent work at the office.
I will meet you again in the evening.
You go and take rest.
Don't go.
Siddharth will soon speak normally again.
Did the doctor say that?
Siddharth told me himself.
All the council of ministers, officers
and secretaries, thanks for being here.
This is my first cabinet meeting.
I know all the people here are
seniors and are highly experienced.
Hence I thought it's good to come with some
prior knowledge before calling this meeting.
What's the big deal in it sir?
All of us have reached this
stage by learning step by step.
We will make you an experienced
person like us by the end of this term sir.
Thank you.
When I get to know about every department,
I have some uncleared doubts.
Firstly, Education department.
Education department.
Every year
the percentage of students joining in
government schools is declining badly.
There is a decline of more
than 50,000 students every year
Hundreds of schools are getting shut down.
In many schools, the percentage of
students has come down to single digit.
I mean, I came to know it is
not viable to run these schools.
It is better if we close them as well sir
I mean, it might increase
the burden on the government.
I'm asking you why is that?
I mean, even the people are more
interested in private schools.
Even in villages, they are showing
interest in private schools sir.
Leaving the free education
in government schools,
do they like paying lakhs of
rupees to private schools?
Where is the standard in
the government schools sir?
Aren't you are the concerned minister?
It is me of course,
What are you doing when
the standards are declining?
Say what we are doing man!
People are interested in joining their
children in English medium schools sir.
Is government not interested in
establishing English medium schools?
Isn't the government there to
function for the people.
Isn't it our duty to fulfill their needs?
You know what
It is not even required to establish English
medium schools and provide free education
Even if we charge a minimum fee, I strongly
believe that many students will join
We will look into it sir.
In this academic year, we will plan
to start two schools in every district.
We will start an awareness campaign.
We will multiply the schools next year.
We will look into it sir.
There's nothing to look into it.
What is there to look into? Just do it.
Now coming to the private schools,
In some schools,
they charge one lakh for fifth standard.
One and half lakh for the sixth standard,
two lakhs for seventh standard
And it is three lakhs for the tenth standard
Can't understand what they teach there.
There is this one particular school.
This is off the record, off the record.
PB High School.
What happened?
What happened? All these schools
belong to our concerned Minister.
Para Bhrahmam, PB, PB schools,
These are schools having
very high standards sir.
Many students from here are
studying in our schools.
There is discount for
our people as well sir.
Do you know that education is non
profitable in our country?
If you turn education into a business
and earn even a single rupee out of it,
It's a punishable offence.
How do you say that in Telugu?
Legally a crime sir
Legally a crime.
Is that so sir?
That means we should not earn
money from schools and colleges.
What is this Para Bhrahmam?
I am not aware of this till now sir!
That means even after collecting
lakhs of rupees as fee every month
You are not left with even a single penny!
- Yes
What a sacrifice is yours!
Isn't it sir, what a big sacrifice is this?
I want a strong enquiry
on all the private schools
Appoint a fees regulation committee too.
I will personally monitor this.
As education everyone's need, many people
are doing business considering it a weakness
I swear
I will not spare even a single person.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Bharat
participated in his first
cabinet session today
Questioning different sectors'
functioning style,
he has initiated new changes
in the education sector.
Keeping a check on private
schools and colleges
which became a huge burden
on middle-class people
he started reviving the
government schools and colleges
to bring back their earlier glory.
For collecting high fees against the
rules and regulations of the Govt.
After identifying a lot of
corporate schools and colleges
The government officials,
have not only issued notices to them
but also have ceased them
and booked cases against them
Apart from this, directing that all
Government schools to start English medium,
Isn't this C.M is a very nice person dad?
Isn't he sincerely trying to bring
some change or the other?
Some people will seem to be so,
but we cannot trust these politicians
That young man has taken
a revolutionary decision.
In this country with a huge population
of middle class and lower middle class,
privatization of sducation will
harm this nation's progress a lot.
Whether we eat or not, we save every
penny we earn to send our kids to convent.
Now if Government schools
provide with good education
It would change our lives.
Our Chief Minister has bravely
taken a very good decision.
We wish he stands on it and puts a
check to all those who sell education.
We are with you on this sir!
Good morning sir.
I have employed the research team that you
asked for and allotted a room beside too.
shall I ask them to come and meet you once?
I will come myself.
Sir, Sudhir, Kailash,
Rohan, Vasumathi and Swapna.
All of them are preparing for civils sir
This research will be helpful
to them as well sir
Please sit down.
In some the key issues
I want the data of different countries,
states, their policies and methods.
Do they have a high-speed
broadband connection?
They have it sir.
- Yeah.
Give them access to old records as well.
- Sure sir.
Do they have I pads?
I will arrange sir.
- Yeah.
"Oh my! This looks like a dream"
"Oh my god! But this is a fact!"
"He is in my dream, how do I believe this?"
"How do I see him as my pair?"
- So that no one recognises you.
"By the time I know whats happening"
"A handsome man's eyesight
has swirled me like a tornado"
"Oh my! This looks like a dream"
"Oh my god! But this is a fact!"
Hello, can I speak to Vasumathi?
- May I know who is speaking?
My name is Bharat, her friend
Your friend Bharat is on the line,
Hi, sir.
You will get a king-like husband dear.
He will look after you lifelong.
"Who will have it and
how many will have it?"
"Good heavens!
Such good luck has come to me"
"Something I never asked for is before me"
"It would take time for me to
come to terms with this truth"
"Want to shout and tell this to the world"
"This is a great news sparkling
in my eyes and dreams"
"The day people look at me
like a princess is not far"
"Oh my! This looks like a dream"
"Oh my god! But this is a fact!"
I am about to setup another 4500
megawatts power station in this year dad.
CB CID officers have come to meet you sir.
Hello sir, Arvind Krishna.
Additional DG, CID
We have started investigation on
disproportionate assets case filed on you.
I want to investigate this case
in a smooth and transparent manner
I want your support for that.
Whenever required,
you are supposed to come to CB CID office.
It is good if there is no
disturbance from your supporters
I have come to inform this to you.
[Deep breath]
During investigation, you are not supposed
to leave the town without my permission.
You will receive court
order in a day or two.
See you soon.
There are corruption charges on opposition
leader's son Manohar since a long time.
What is your reaction on government
handing over this case to CB CID?
This is 100 percent a cowardly
retaliation act taken by the government.
As we are opposing all the
idiotic government procedures,
They have just opened this case shamelessly
to make the opposition speechless
These kind of retaliation acts and
provocative acts are not good in a democracy
Whatever might be the intention of
government in opening this case
It mostly looks like this
is done to threaten the opposition
Hello sir.
What's the progress?
That, opposition party leader son's
disproportionate assets case investigation.
Interesting developments
have taken place sir
We also gathered some
important evidences.
We will work hard to get the
judgment by the next hearing sir.
What's your name?
- Arvind Krishna.
Our party is ruling currently.
If all this is done on the
opposition party's family,
They would say we are
conspiring against them
Isn't it?
People may show sympathy on them,
stop it for the time being,
Sir, we don't have any pressure
from the government sir.
We are dealing this case in a
clean and transparent manner.
We know that.
But the people do not; right? Stop it.
We are supposed to perform
our duties too sir.
A culprit should be punished.
Everyone has become so
pig-headed in three months?
How were you all earlier?
Is it not necessary to think about the
pros and cons before doing anything?
I am answerable for the
acts done by you blindly.
There is a lady dependent on you at home.
Two kids are going to school.
When you are in this position
you should be a little afraid.
You should be rooted to the ground.
Stop it.
In the corruption case on opposition
party leader's son Manohar
being followed by the entire Andhra Pradesh
the State High court delivered
a judgment giving a clean chit.
The court believes that the defendant CB
CID handling this case for quite some time
could not gather proper
evidences to prove it
While coming out of the court hall
The opposition leader's son said
that justice has won and democary lives
while speaking to the media
Sir, sir,
what's your opinion on Judgement
Justice has won,
democracy lives, that's all.
Already there are lot of pending cases
in the courts, it's a mere time waste.
Knowing that they will lose it,
It is foolish of the government
to have filed this case.
All these days he has been lecturing,
this is how we should be
He spoke about some rubbish
What happened now?
He is similar to the
earlier Chief Ministers.
Doubts arise over CB CID not being able
to provide proper evidences to the court.
If not our foolishness, will the
politicians be punished in this country?
I have never seen this happen
right from my childhood
If that party comes to power,
it will save him and he will save the other
Even actors cannot compete with them
Go man
Whoever comes to power will
not touch the political leaders
and that all of them are of the same kind
is what the people and the political
analyzers are angry about today
[Phone ringing]
I am hosting a small tea
party at home in the evening.
All the important guests are coming.
You should be there most importantly.
So do not get engaged in
any work and come down.
I will be waiting for you.
Come Bharat, we are waiting for you.
Have a seat.
When you said important people, I thought
you would discuss something important.
Is it for this?
I mean, after you have become the C.M, we
did not find a good time to meet together.
I invited everyone
so that it would be nice.
This is not an official meeting.
Let's forget all the tensions and feel free,
and speak whole-heartedly.
What will you have?
You gained the fame which we gained in
all these years, in a very short period.
You are very fortunate.
This is not a simple thing in politics.
You have interfered with people,
officials, businessmen and contractors,
All of that is fine,
But touching the political
leaders is not fair
To save you when we are in power and saving
us when you are in power is an agreement
I have heard about gentlemen's agreement,
but this is the first time I'm
hearing about such a stupid agreement.
We speak hundred things outside.
You say we did wrong and
we say you did wrong,
We shout at each other,
we rebuke each other.
But deep inside we all
belong to the same creed.
All the people are one side and we
all are on the other side, bro,
When it comes to good deeds,
we all fight against each other
and in the case of ill deeds,
you say we are all one,
You say,
all people are one and we are all one?
Are we not people? Then who are we?
May be animals.
Son, we will discuss in harmony.
We will find a solution.
We should maintain party's cadre, voters.
We have to maintain families
After all this maintenance,
do the contractors need to explain finances?
Do we need to show figures in budget? We
will be ruined son! We will land up nowhere.
An MLA's salary is more than 2 lakhs.
Free bills, free allowances,
free phone and free house.
What more maintenance do you require?
Oh no!
Do we live with our salaries?
Should the MLAs and MPs
live with their salaries?
I will resign sir!
There are many social
organizations to serve people.
But who will take care of us?
Our job is not even a permanent one.
If we save some money in
the short tenure of our power,
we wouldn't be dragged to the streets.
From the past fifty years,
I have been fighting on farmer's issues.
But I couldn't find any solution.
I was not disappointed or taken back yet.
If everything gets solved overnight,
then how about our future?
Since I came, everyone is bothered
what will happen to us and our parties?
I was waiting if even one would
ask about how the people would live
Have you crossed seventy years sir?
I am seventy eight sir.
By any chance if the temperature
rises by 2 degrees any year
There are chances of you
expiring due to that sunstroke
Then where is your future?
Think of the future of coming
generations and farmers
Are we who are into politics
all these years idiots?
Even though you did not want to,
he made you the C.M ignoring all of us.
Is this how you pay him back
for the trust he had on you?
I, Bharat.
as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
have taken an oath on the name of God,
that I will provide justice to all people.
Whatever I do or give is for them.
For years together we
all have made promises.
We speak a hundred words out of thin air.
You, think that they are
words out of thin air.
But, I believe that my promise
will always remain in the air.
Then what happened to
your promise in my case?
I have earned thousands of
crores of money illegally.
That "I have killed any person who has
come against my way or investigated"
You have even handed
over the case to CB CID.
Everything is done and dusted
and I'm here happily.
Who said it's done and dusted?
Don't believe the one who said so.
Bharat, no.
Sometimes, we come across these
kinds of issues in politics.
Instead of saying that he
is saved from this case,
we should say that you have been saved.
People are expecting more from you looking
at the things you are doing day by day.
After reaching a certain stage,
even you cannot meet their expectations.
Then where would you land up?
What would happen if you lose in this case?
People's trust in you would decrease a bit.
They will think you are
like all the politicians,
curse you for some days
and get busy in their work
They don't have much memory and time.
Be amicable with everyone
and enjoy your power.
By saving such an idiot
are you feeling that you
have done a great job?
[Glass shattering]
When you are in politics, you need to notice
what is there around before doing anything.
You should have noticed the
glass table before bro.
Relax. He just toppled due to overdose
of liquor.
No problem. You can go.
You are called a man, when you stand
by your word once you make a promise.
My mom used to say that in my childhood.
I think you call it as 'Magadu'
or 'Monagadu' in Telugu
Its 'Magadu' sir.
Other than me, I doubt if there is
anyone of that kind in this room.
In the near future, I will change all of you
into gentlemen who stand by their word.
I swear in the name of God,
[Slow Music]
Sir, all the information related to
Europe's budget audit is in this file
About what happened in the
opposition leader Son's case,
Hearing the way the news channels
were blaming you from past one week
We all really felt very bad sir.
The fault is mine,
Knowing how the system works here,
I should have been more alert and careful.
It's okay. There would be another chance.
Sir, some students are waiting
outside from the past three days.
I don't think they have an appointment.
Even after the security denied entry,
they are waiting insisting upon meeting you
Greetings sir.
Our hometown is Rachakonda
in Rayalaseema sir.
Even though the whole world is heading
forward, our lives are unalterable
Your party leader Damu sir,
his brother is our MLA.
As he was dead,
the by-elections are declared.
Even this time,
they have given it to his son sir.
We thought one baddie has gone,
but another has come from his family.
If we wish to travel to their home in town
from our village to share our problems
The 3 km long road is highly rugged
and takes 3 hours to reach sir.
Still unable to bear it,
if we reach out travelling all the way,
and share our problems, it's of no use.
Losing our patience, if we go and
question them straight,
The person who questions will not
return home is the talk over there
Their brother and father are also among them
They could not control their
anger and went to question,
It has been 4 years that they are
gone and still did not return back,
The people at home are still in
the hope that they will come back.
We cannot tell them, that
the dead will not come back sir.
Those vultures will not let us get any fund
or grains given by the government sir.
We were feeling that it is a curse to be
born in that area and living desperately
But looking at you,
a small hope has arisen inside us sir.
We have come all the way to bring
our problems to your notice sir.
I don't know anything about
the party and election tickets.
Having so much awareness, why
don't you contest in elections yourself?
How can I contest for the MLA's post sir?
You know each and everything about your
village, people and their problems,
Who can do better than you?
You said that you are used to problems?
Can't you trouble yourself a bit
more and make your lives better?
Go to your village and talk to them
Ask all the people who want to make
their lives better to join you.
All of them are scared sir.
I will stand between you and fear.
That is Rayalaseema sir.
I am the C.M. to Rayalaseema
and also to the Rachakonda inside it.
It is a known fact that in the happening
by-elections in Kurnool district
senior member Damu's son,
Jagadish is contesting from the ruling party
Everyone thought that the victory
of the ruling party is definite.
But unexpectedly, a candidate by the name
of Ramana contesting as independent member,
Chief Minister Bharat giving him
support instead of the ruling party,
Created chaos in Political outfits
mainly in the Ruling party.
Party has given ticket to my son.
As opposition too doesn't have
a proper candidate to contest,
we thought that our win is for sure.
Now it seems that some independent candidste
has the support of the Chief Minister.
Our CM is against the
candidate from our own party.
I am not able to understand
what kind of politics is this
Everyone is scared to come before
us and talk in the village.
But today some person
without any recognition,
He is contesting against us in elections.
People have lost their fear
and are laughing at us sir.
I guess when he was 20 years old,
your father had contested for a ZPTC post.
On the other side it was Guravaiah,
a big factionist.
When he threatened your father to step back,
he went to their place
and set 15 trucks ablaze
and said if they interfere
in his matters again,
he would set fire to the houses and the
people living in them instead of the trucks.
After 5 years,
I myself have made him to contest as MP.
At that time, when a village head with
power and force called Rayappa,
was threatening the village
and your fathers followers,
25 members from Rayappa's gang went missing.
But now, when someone who is weak
and anonymous is contesting,
he is scared and came running to me.
Why? Has he become old?
Has his blood stopped boiling?
You have to vote without fail. Okay.
Will you contest opposite us?
Since we wake up in the morning,
we are scared who would get
their hands and legs broken.
Why don't you leave it son?
Haven't we left it all these days uncle?
While the whole world is heading forward
We are still here thinking it is enough
if we are alive with some food and water
Damn, we have to be ashamed of our lives.
It's your wish son.
No one will accompany you from tomorrow.
We have come to convey this to you.
Listen to us Ramana. You are educated.
Instead of staying here
and fighting against them,
why don't you go to the
city and find some job?
I have an own house,
mom and 4 acres of land here.
Where shall I go leaving all these
and what work do I do like an orphan?
As you don't have a father,
we thought of giving you some advice.
It is up to you now. Come on, let's go.
[Foot steps approaching]
I need a favor Mukthar.
- Order sir.
We need to send 10 strong task force
policemen to Rachakonda in Rayalaseema.
In civil clothes.
They should get down at Rachakonda,
mingle with the public.
and safeguard the
independent candidate Ramana
This should not be known
to anyone, even to him.
They should be around him day and night
and thrash anyone who try to attack him
An anonymous person has
attacked 15 of our people?
What's happening?
He is a kid, brother Damu.
He can't do that. There must be some
people safeguarding him from behind.
Do we find and kill all of them brother?
Call the DSP of Rachakonda.
Why are you taking me this way?
Isn't the police station on the other side?
[Helicopter whirring]
[Foot steps]
They might be arriving already.
Knowingly you have dared to
contest against me in elections
Even after he stood before
Damu in Durga Mahal,
I am unable to see fear in his eyes.
Whats his dare?
I made a promise to him that I
will stand between him and you.
When I give a promise,
you know I go to any extent.
It's not a big deal to come to Rayalaseema
and to this old ruins of Durga Mahal.
I hear that you kill the people
who stand against you in this place.
What kind of deeds are these
in the current days too?
Are you a human or an animal?
He will contest against
your son in elections.
He would win too.
Leave bringing him to Durga
Mahal once again to god.
Even if someone tries to attack
him or even if he feels sick
I don't know how many years it has been
that a movie was played in this Durga Mahal
But I will show you a very powerful
movie to you and your people Damu.
I have come suddenly
without informing anyone.
I've got works, I will make a move then.
You are leaving alive as
you are in the CM position.
As you have become a CM by chance
and all these guys being behind you
You are going back alive even after coming
to Rayalaseema and that too to my place.
By the time my people give a second thought,
get your boss out of here.
I just need one more favor Mukthar.
I want to give a personal
treatment to Damu and his members.
Can you give me just 10 minutes?
What are you talking sir?
Why do you need to fight them?
We should leave sir.
Intelligent guy.
He asked you knowing that you would say so.
Officers, just 10 minutes.
If I cannot protect myself from these guys,
how can I protect this state?
- Sir.
If I leave this place, I should leave with
the confidence that I have thrashed them.
If anyone even tries to touch you, within
2 seconds, we will shoot them all sir.
I will smash them out,
without even anyone touching me.
Is it okay?
If you are such a macho,
then why do you ask them?
You should jump in without giving a thought.
We are keeping our jobs and duties at
stake personally for you and approving sir.
But if something happens to you, the very
next minute we will start firing sir.
I will not give you that chance Mukthar.
I am not the CM for the
next 10 minutes Damu.
It is upto you how you want to start.
It's not funny. Don't you think it's
better you give it a second thought?
Why do I hear words when
I invited people Damu?
[Metal clinking]
Good start sir.
[Fight sounds]
[Fighting sounds]
This doesn't count as he has
laid his hand on me officers!
[Fighting sounds]
Nice one sir.
[Fighting sounds]
He looks like a sword itself
with another sword in hand
Where are you going after
looking at all of this? Huh?
Sir, please take sir with you.
We will not come in his way again.
We will see that the
elections happen smoothly.
Many leaders are threatening people and
surviving in these surrounding areas
Going to each and every village
and their movie theatres
And make them understand like
you is not possible for me Damu.
As an elder, it would be good if you
explain about your experience to them.
As you say sir.
It's not enough Damu.
I swear in the name of god, that I will
explain in a way they would understand sir.
That's all for now Mukthar.
- Sir.
Sir, we recieved a call
regarding the chopper just now.
They say it's not possible to take off
as the weather condition is not good.
We have to stay back nearby tonight sir.
We have arranged a bed for you in the
school as you arrived suddenly
We tried our best sir.
You didn't.
What are you doing when the police were
involved with the politicians in such a way?
Excuse me sir, the people from the
surrounding villages are here to meet you.
They say they just want to meet you once.
I will not leave this matter so easily.
All of you have to come
to Hyderabad tomorrow.
Greetings sir! Greetings sir!
You have come a long way for our sake and
fought for us keeping your life at stake.
Maybe we are bonded in our earlier birth,
we have come to see you once sir.
Tonight there is a village fair here.
In olden days, they say a demon
used to come and kill people daily.
Unable to see their sufferings,
the Goddess had come herself
and killed that demon is the
story that prevails here.
We don't know whether
that story is true or not,
but the God who killed the
demon we know is here before us.
Today is the real village fair for us sir.
If possible, please attend the fair once
sir. We will be extremely delighted.
You have come without any preparation,
these are the clothes which are woven by us.
If you like them, please come wearing them.
"The rucked face of the old
grandpa has glown with bliss!"
"Glown with bliss!"
"The small lamp in the
thatched hut has sparkled!"
"Has sparkled!"
"The bell in Lord Rama's temple
beside the village community platform"
"Rings in festive delight!"
[Air flowing]
[Bell ring]
"The lord has arrived, the earth has raised
the umbrella filled with stars of the sky"
"The lord has given,
a promise sprouting wings of a new hope"
"The lord has arrived, the earth has raised
the umbrella filled with stars of the sky"
"The lord has given,
a promise sprouting wings of a new hope"
"Take out the Sword and hammer,
showel and spades"
"Put the sweat of our
toil as a saffron blob"
"Put the sweat of our
toil as a saffron blob"
"These tools which are our
bread earners are our Gods"
"Let us worship them then!"
"Let us worship them then!"
"The day our Goddess has
opened her eyes on Navaratri"
"The age old darkness has left and
the dawn arrived at the right time"
"The lord has arrived, the earth has raised
the umbrella filled with stars of the sky"
"The lord has given,
a promise sprouting wings of a new hope"
"Earthen walls will speak of the
village peoples difficulties"
"Crumpled roads will speak of the
life stories of the village people"
"When a festival arrives"
"Doesn't everyone's heart run towards the
village where they are born and brought up!"
"The real festival is the day on which we
wipe the tears off from our mother's eyes"
"This is the Rayalaseema that sparkled
like a star once upon a time "
"If it turns insipid today,
our life would become meaningless"
"The lord has arrived, the earth has raised
the umbrella filled with stars of the sky"
"The lord has given,
a promise sprouting wings of a new hope"
"Handicraft occupations are hundred plus,
skilled are the workers here"
"It is in their sweat blobs
that every village sparkles"
"These handsome workers glow by the
sunshine and sparkle in the shower of rain"
"Are they born any lesser?
They have every right for a privileged life"
"Instead of just singing a lullaby
that villages are the roots"
"We should give proper support
to these striving generations"
"The lord has arrived, the earth has raised
the umbrella filled with stars of the sky"
"The lord has given,
a promise sprouting wings of a new hope"
In the Rayalaseema by-elections that
the entire state eagerly awaits
Independent candidate Ramana
has won over the ruling party's candidate
by a huge majority of 35,000 votes
and created a sensation
in the state politics
Inspite of coming from a poor family
and not having any political experience
I have seen many CMs in my service.
I came to a conclusion that it will not make
any difference to us whoever is elected.
Finally, there's one.
Who thinks about you, about me and
about everyone like his own people.
I thought he was a political leader.
He is a "Leader"
[People murmering]
Did we make a mistake by making
him C.M instead of letting him go?
He is going beyond our control day by day.
We don't know what all
would he do in the future.
Did Chief Minister Bharat divert
his attention towards villages?
[Helicopter whirring] Not knowing when and
which district the Chief Minister would visit,
All the MLA's and Ministers
are panicked in the state.
Let's go to Borivelli.
- Okay sir.
Agriculture is in a sorry state sir.
No one is ready to solve our problems
The world is moving ahead in all sectors.
Even in agriculture.
But here, we are not taking any efforts
to know about them and follow them.
If you stay in ignorance forever, then even
this world will forget you old man.
I will introduce agricultural
division in your Panchayat office
and see to it that the latest
technology is available to you.
It's very difficult to go to hospital
if we are sick after dusk sir
What does after dusk mean?
Evening, after the sunset sir.
There is no availability of
a doctor or medicines there.
How far is the primary
healthcare center from here?
Sir that is,
- It's 7 Km from here sir
Call the doctor in the center there
[Dialing phone]
Hello sir.
Suddenly the CM has visited Chidambaram.
Start immediately and come down.
He doesn't even fear you as an officer.
I think you both have become accustomed.
Do you behave like this
with all the doctors?
Suspend him as soon as we reach Srikakulam.
- Okay sir.
Greetings sir,
I'm Dr. Chidambaram sir.
A PHC doctor should be available
within the area limits.
Then what are you doing in Srikakulam?
Actually, it's about kid's education.
Then what about their lives?
I think practice in
Srikakulam is going good.
You need not even come
weekly once from tomorrow.
You are dismissed.
I will appoint a new doctor to the hospital.
There will not be any problem
even after dusk, old man.
"I gave a promise to this earth"
"I will keep it till the end of my life"
"To the dreams crushed
somewhere at the bottom"
We are managing it somehow
without collapsing.
I will be of support to you.
Okay sir.
"What is the use of these positions
that don't provide strength?"
"I, Bharat, solemnly assure you"
I want to see your ripened crop.
"Will be a responsible player"
"Of the people, for the people,
by the people, as a representative,"
"This is me,"
"This is me,"
"This is me,"
"This is me,"
Human brain,
What do you know about human brain?
Human brain is made up of three parts.
Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata
Which school are you studying?
I am studying in Zilla Parishath English
Medium High School, Akkireddyalli.
Since the past many days,
I am visiting all the villages in the state.
I have come to know about
their problems and situations.
On the whole, what I understood is,
Every village has it's own set of problems.
One village needs school, one village
needs library, and one village needs roads.
And one village, Madam Speaker,
They requested for a cremation ground
to be properly cremated after death
In one village, there is water problem,
mosquitoes problem in another
and in another village,
they requested to clean up their ponds
All villages have different requirements.
We cannot address all these
problems commonly, Madam Speaker.
But, it is hard to discuss about
23,000 villages separately sitting here too.
After a discussion with financial
experts and specialists,
I have derived a simple solution
"Local Governance"
"Self rule"
State budget is more than
two and half lakh crores.
If we can give 5 crores per year to
each village to the 23,000 villages,
They can solve their problems themselves.
They need not wait for anyone.
If the people of every village discuss
their problems among themselves
and once everyone approves
their funds will be released immediately.
Chief Minister sir, why would you
give their money back to them?
In that case, what is that we need to do?
We have to give them money during
elections and even now too,
what kind of schemes are these sir?
Mr, Sudhakar,
switch off the camera for sometime.
We are unable to express our
inner frustration freely.
Sir, only we should solve their problems.
That is because they are
public and we are leaders.
You should make a note of that.
The villages are far from here sir.
Their problems are distant to be heard,
far to be seen
Sir, this is not fair sir
If you give 5 crores to each village,
how will you run the remaining state sir
If we allocate 5 crores per
village to all the 23,000 villages
It sums up to one lakh
fifteen thousand crores,
After all the villages will be covered
still half of the budget would remain
and the governance becomes easy too.
In that case,
will you change the constitution and law?
No one has done that till now.
Do you think they all are fools?
This idea would not have cropped
up if all of us were legit sir
From the past 70 years, neither there is
a change in villages nor in their lives.
Other than waiting that someone will
solve their problems by voting for them,
nothing substantial has happened sir.
Giving people their money back
and asking them to mind their lives
you are the only such
leader we are seeing sir.
What a leader are you sir!
"Building a society that
doesn't need a leader"
"is the true attribute of a leader"
said a great man.
I strongly believe that
And I'll try to make it happen.
Madam Speaker,
this is 100 percent a foolish act
I strongly oppose this proposal
which jeopardises the nation's future
and we walk out. Come on!
What kind of CM is he?
Come, let's go.
- It's our fate.
There is no difference in
his governance and Tuglak's.
"Self Administration" it seems! Let's go.
You have unneccessarily made him a C.M.
It's feels like they gave a stone
in the hands of a mad guy.
I am going to introduce this scheme
in the budget in the coming week.
Irrespective of anyone's approval.
From this year, we will put a beginning
to self-governance in every village!
Another new chapter in the
Andhra Pradesh's State politics
Sensational decision to release 5
crore fund per year to each village
taken by Chief Minister Bharat
This year we are given the right to decide
which problems to solve with
the 5 crore funds released
If all of us gather near the
temple day after tomorrow
and decide which problems to solve first,
we can start the works.
We shall decide on the problems to be solved
with the 5 crores allocated to our village.
One, we will repair the
passage that leads to Kothhapadu
Two, we have to provide our library
with ten computers and internet
Why do you want all these now?
It's our wish man.
We have all decided together.
You can have tea and leave.
We approve it! We approve it!
Sir, what I have said to my
wife before coming here is,
Dear! From now on they have introduced
self administration in the villages.
If there are any issues
Without the need of a fellow like me,
money will be given to them directly
Then what work would I have?
"I would sit along with you daily and help
you in house hold work and entertain you"
That is what I told my wife sir.
Sometime back, I have distributed around
10 ration cards when I felt like.
They felt that I am a great leader for that.
A road that leads to town from our zone, was
very horrible for years together with pits.
I have renovated the same road.
These foolish people
spoke about it for years.
Now without any pain, if all the roads,
schools and temples are provided,
Leave aside paying respect to us,
they will treat us like street dogs
Why do you feel bad
comparing to dogs here now?
If you had this thought earlier
If we both had compromised,
either of us would have got the seat!
The matter would not
have come to this extent,
You could not feel the pain until
the situation got out of control
He is experiencing labor
pains like a pregnant lady
He has become a god in people's eyes.
It is not so easy to dethrone him.
Sir, if you too get scared like us,
what's our situation brother?
Why be scared? Isn't he a human too?
Will he not commit even a small mistake?
A small mistake is enough.
Got fresh milk from hometown,
I have prepared this cheese freshly,
It's very tasty.
I'll have it later.
Sit down.
So shall I leave?
Why don't you stay for some more time?
Shall I leave now?
Why don't you stay for some more time?
It's time my dad comes home. Shall I leave?
Why don't you stay back?
for a lifetime?
"My lady love who sparkles
like a deodar cedar sculpture"
"Oh Vasumathi, oh, oh,Vasumathi"
"I have turned into romantic
poet shelly because of you"
"Oh Vasumathi, oh, oh Vasumathi"
"Oh my!
Surrounded on all sides by your dreams"
"I have become an island of love"
"If you invite me by holding hand in hand"
"I will follow you like a manacles
of flowers for hundred years"
"Come to me, my beautiful harmonica"
"My lady love who sparkles
like a deodar cedar sculpture"
"Oh Vasumathi, oh, oh Vasumathi"
"I have turned into romantic
poet Shelly because of you"
"Oh Vasumathi, oh, oh Vasumathi"
"Shall I negotiate with the sun,
shall I speak and change moon's heart"
"And increase the total hours in my day,
just for you,"
"Shall I arrange a
Palanquin as big as a plane"
"Shall I tour along with
you beyond these planets"
"Shall I change the space to be
a bit romantic, just for you"
"Shall weave garlands of lightning
and gift you one per second?"
"Shall I make a ring out of rainbow
and set it on your ring finger"
"My lady love who sparkles
like a deodar cedar sculpture"
"Oh Vasumathi, oh, oh Vasumathi"
"Ole, ole, ole, Vasumathi,
ethereal Vasumathi"
"Oh my god! You have given
permission before even I requested"
"You are my thousand crores gift"
"Run towards me and come close dear wife"
"Shall I search for a peaceful island
and plant a small beautiful flower plant"
"Call it with your name and nurture it,
with all my love"
"Shall I make your lip signet as a doll
and wear it as a necklace on my neck"
"So that it always does cute gossiping,
with my heart"
"In every coming birth,
shall I follow you as your born lover"
"Shall I put a request to the creator
to create another world for us"
"My lady love who sparkles
like a deodar cedar sculpture"
"Oh Vasumathi, oh, oh Vasumathi"
"I have turned into romantic
poet shelly because of you"
"Oh Vasumathi, oh, oh Vasumathi,"
"Ole, ole, ole, Vasumathi,
ethereal Vasumathi"
"Oh my god! You have given
permission before even I requested"
"You are my thousand crores gift"
"Run towards me and come close dear wife"
Sir, we got an information
through Intelligence
that the CM is roaming
around with some girl.
I think they are seeing each other.
The girl's father is a Head Constable
in Chanda Nagar police station
and she is in MBA graduate
She is working as a research
assistant in C.M's office
As soon as we have some information
about her, we will update you sir.
[Cycle bell ringing]
[Message tone]
[Dialing phone]
[Message tone]
[Message tone]
A revolutionist who has
opened a new chapter in politics
This is what was heard of our Chief
Minister Bharat till yesterday.
Like the fact that nothing is permanent
The rumour is that the state's CM
has an illegal affair with Vasumathi.
Not only that he had provided
her a job in the Secretariat
but he had also misused the
highest authorized power.
Are the rumors heard about Mr. Bharat.
The daughter of Head Constable
working in state Police Department
The news of the State's CM's illegal
affair with college student Vasumathi,
has shocked the people of the state.
He kept her with him by giving her
a job in the state secretariat too.
He has misused the highest chair and
power is what is heard all over the state
They are demanding an answer for this.
He has come.
Come on,come on.
We will cover from this side.
What's that poor girl's fault?
He is a smart looking guy and also a CM.
If he tempts, even Kathyayini or
myself too will fall for him.
I will not fall for someone so easily
Don't shout with your big mouth
Yeah I have seen lot's
of such things
I thought you are well
educated and intelligent.
You are a girl at last,
Didn't you think about our lives if
you meddle with people of high cadre?
What dear?
We should feel happy that, we got a great
leader and our lives would get better.
But, wishing for a life's
relation with him, wrong dear,
It is wrong
We lead middle-class lives where, even the
neighbors dont know whats happening with us.
We are exposed to the entire world now.
in an immoral way.
He has charged us with fines
that we have committed mistakes.
But what has he done now?
Come on, let's not make it ugly.
It's his personal issue.
He spoke about morals like a gentleman,
but he is a lustful guy!
Making the office,
a romantic spot is the highlight.
Latest breaking news,
Bharat has resigned from CM position by
handing over his resignation to Governor
Looks like the Governor has also
approved his resignation immediately.
In a few hours from now, the senior
most members in the State politics,
one of the founder members of
Navodayam Party Mr. Varadarajulu,
might be taking the oath as the new CM.
I, Varadaraju,
will bear full faith and loyalty
towards the constitution of India
Sir, sir.
What's your comment on the present
political scenario of the state.
Everyone says that
dislike to become the C.M.
But unexpectedly you have become C.M.
what do you comment on this sir,
The answer lies with you.
I don't know whether it is good or bad
But I always have felt that,
the CM post is a thorny seat.
I thought that I would
not embrace it in my life.
But I had to, for the sake of
future of the state and the party.
I am trying to call Vassu continuously.
The phone is out of order.
Her house is locked. I need to talk to her.
Vassu and her father are
leaving to their hometown.
Just now she called from
the railway station sir.
Hey! It's C.M Bharat.
Is that him!
- Yeah.
Why is he here?
Vasumathi has not done any mistake sir.
Why are you leaving the city
for a mistake not committed?
But the loss occured is huge sir.
Better, we are leaving just the city.
Vasumathi and I are in love.
I am not bothered about
what this world thinks.
I want to marry her and leave to London.
We are middle class people sir.
What the world thinks about
us matters the most to us.
I don't want to make the false rumor
true by sending her along with you sir.
[Train honking]
It's time for the departure.
It's better if you get down.
I always speak about
accountability and answerability.
You are accountable for our love.
Where ever you are,
I will be waiting for you forever
I came to take two of father's books.
I am going to London next week.
Wanted to inform this to you and leave.
I have not done anything that defames him.
I tried to work for his ambition
every second just like him.
You have done much better than him.
Your father was a very good person.
But, whether all people are happy or not
Whether I am able to provide
them with everything or not
He was always bothered by these thoughts.
But once you came,
happiness was seen and heard everywhere.
I came entered this house
as you needed a mother.
But I know that I could
never fill that position.
But you have soothed my child who was
in the agony of losing his father.
Even though you are younger to me...
He used to say that people are his family.
But those people feel
that you are their family.
True sir.
I have worked as a personal
secretary to many people.
But never I felt personal sir.
It is because of you, our children
are getting a good education today.
If they have to grow up
and enter a better society,
you should be there to build it sir.
Bharat speaks to the media for the first
time after his resignation to the CM post
What this meeting is for?
What might he say!
How can he deny it after its so evident?
[People murmering]
He is coming
What's your comment on
your affair with Vasumathi?
They say she used to come
to your flat regularly.
Did you give her a job to
romance her in the office?
If you can be patient for 10 minutes,
I would answer all your questions.
You should be silent for 10 minutes.
I was the Chief Minister of this
state for 8 months and 13 days.
That's not a short period.
Do you know what can be done if you have
authority in your hands for 8 months?
Our people who don't follow the
traffic rules, or any other rules
and live unsystematically
could be brought under discipline like that.
The past glory of our government
schools which are ready to be closed
could be brought back like that.
All the contractors, officers and doctors
lacking quality and responsibility,
could be controlled like that.
Irrespective of the ruling party,
The corrupt leaders who say, this law and
order is for only public but not for us,
and do illegal activities,
sorry, these bad idiots
do you know how can we scare them?
like that.
Once they come into power,
rowdy leaders who forget they are people's
servants and live by threatening them
could be taught a lesson at their own place.
The grievance of the villages that is
not heard till the cities since ages,
can be made to be solved on the spot
without even crossing the village limits,
such real democratic power can be made
to be given to them,
In a spur-of-the-moment
I like admitting anything not known
to me by saying "I don't know".
But for the first time in my life,
I can confidently say this - "I know"
If all of these can be done being
in power just for 8 months and 13 days
how many wonders be done if I stay in
power for a period of 5 years or 10 years?
I know this.
I think all of these,
are not so helpful to you.
I think what's happening in my
personal life is more important to you
That girl's name is Vasumathi,
That girl in your office...
- I'm not done yet!
Vasumathi is a middle class girl.
A good girl.
Like many of your daughters
she is a normal girl who dreamt of marrying
a person she likes and who understands her,
so that her life will be
more happy and content
I liked Vasumathi the very moment I saw her
Since I lost my mother in my childhood,
there is something missing in my life.
After Vasumathi entered into my life,
there is some kind of...
In fact, whenever she was beside me,
I have worked with double enthusiasm.
The lady who has done so much to me
I wanted to take care of her like
a golden doll, but I couldn't
That's because of you.
You are all shameless.
all of you.
Shall I tell something
thing about that girl?
Inspite of knowing that I
love her and intend to marry her,
She used to call me "sir".
Even if I would have married her,
she might have call me "sir"
That is the respect she gave to the
office and the chair that i sat on.
But you?
You called her something else, didn't you.
In the pent house, what's that?
"Romance in pent house",
this was written by some elder person
I don't know if you
have a daughter sir.
If there is, can you write something about
her life with her husband in their bed room
Mr. Subhodayam Subbarao
You write such crap and print
them in another 200 newspapers
so that you can increase your TRP ratings.
It is about two lives sir.
By writing these articles
that kill people's hearts,
If you buy rice for your home with that,
then it is not good for your health
The interest and enthusiasm you have shown
on me and Vasumathi this entire week,
if you show it on the
problems bothering you,
Your lives
will change like that
Or else,
if you want your lives to be unalterable,
then your leaders whom you have
elected are always with you.
lead your lives miserably like this,
You can proceed with your questions.
Thank you.
Greetings sir.
What Subbareddy? How are you?
I am good sir.
Who are you? What do you want?
We are the voters of your constituency sir.
- Oh is it?
We have elected you by voting so that
you will be in power for 5 years.
But no-substantial work is done by you.
The CM above should be
a strongly worthy person.
But, we don't have the power to choose him
Why is it so?
The right to choose the
Chief Minister is ours my dear.
We want only Bharat in the C.M seat.
Without any pretence and
not thinking about votes,
he worked boldly and courageously
knowing our requirements.
Yes! Yes!
He strives that we villagers should also
lead a good life like the people in cities.
He did not do any stupid
things secretly like you.
We are not concerned
about what you would do,
you should immediately go to Hyderabad
and make that guy our C.M once again.
If you fail in it,
I swear in the name of our village deity,
we will not let you enter into the village.
Make Bharat C.M again, Make Bharat C.M.
Greetings sir.
- Greetings sir.
Why have you called for this urgent meeting?
What happened?
The condition of the constituency
is worsening day by day sir
People want to elect their CM in the same
way that they have elected their MLAs sir.
Yes sir,
If we visit the constituency, everyone is
questioning why did we remove him as CM?
Is it a city bus seat,
for anyone to come and occupy that position?
It is the CM chair.
This is the total public talk sir.
Everyone is scared to speak their
intentions before you sir.
For the time being if you get down
and make him as the CM again,
the entire state would calm down.
Even though it is hard to digest,
it's better to do it as soon as possible.
Hi Arvind.
Hello sir.
How are you? Sit down.
You have trusted me and handed
over a very important case to me.
But by giving up to pressures,
I have not performed my duty
properly and made you lose sir.
I wanted to meet you many times sir.
But I felt that I might
not be able to face you.
With that guilt, I started investigating
that case personally along with my team.
By that time, we came to know that a free
lance investigative journalist called Mitra
has collected lot of
information about that case
He left the state fearing someone
We came to know that he is in a small
village near Berhampur in Orissa state sir.
Shocking thing is that
He doubts that there is lot of mystery
behind the death of your father sir.
Sir, where does this guy live?
Do you see that house?
- Oh that house!
How did you come to know that I am here?
- Senior most investigative journalist.
Hiding in some other state
without being known. Why?
Late C.M Mr. Sri Ragahava Rao
My father
I came to know that few
days before his demise,
he met you regarding some important issue.
After that you went missing.
We have been hearing about
the opposition leader's son
about the allegations of
disproportionate assets on him
But no one has taken any action against it
till now. No case has been filed at least.
So out of curiosity,
I decided to investigate on my own.
He has a partner in the
illegal properties he acquired.
He is none other than your dearest friend,
Nanajee alias Mr.Varadharajulu.
What are you talking?
Whom you are talking about?
Sorry sir, even after knowing some facts,
I did not believe them.
But I started digging deeper.
There is Nanajee's hand
in every work of his,
A senior person from government and another
senior person from the opposition side
getting into a pertnership and doing
this together, it's unimaginable sir
It's a rare deadly combo.
Here is the evidence sir.
We will be waiting for your action sir.
He was dead after some days this happened.
His sudden death, his postmortem
not being done, his cremation,
Everything appeared to be very suspicious
I fled out of the State as I felt
it's not safe to stay here
[Slow Music]
All my information and
evidences are in this drive.
They must be following you as
you have come here all the way
I should leave this place immediately too.
If they come to know that you met me,
your life could be in trouble too.
Be careful sir, go fast.
[Tyre screeching]
[Tyre screeching]
They are following us all the way sir,
can we escape from so many of them?
It's better to drive them away
than to escape from them Mukthar
[Tyre screeching]
Hey, run the car over him.
[Tyre screeching]
[Tyre screeching]
Sir, I don't know anything sir.
Please leave me sir,
I will take everyone who is
still alive here in ambulance sir
Ok, I will leave you.
But, I know that many people are
waiting for me at many places
I doubt if I would find this kind of a
place everywhere to stop and fight.
If you inform everybody to come here,
I have to finish them before dusk
and go to the person who sent you.
[Phone ringing]
[Engine sound]
[People shouting]
You are the god who has given life to us
We promise that we will not
spare anyone who harms your life
Whoever is waiting all the way long,
we will search each village
and kill every such person
Move on sir.
"Oh leader! We stand for you"
"All the way, in your path together"
"Our breath has become a movement"
"As a return gift to your goodness"
"The name 'Bharat',
is the life of our hearts"
"We make this promise"
"We will come as the
soldiers fighting for truth"
"For you, for you,"
"For you, for you"
[Foot steps]
I know you must have been
waiting for a different news
You might have sent more than 100 people
But there are thousands of
people between me and them.
I don't think they have spared
at least one person alive
Bharat, I have
- What you have done is not shocking
You have made me CM with
some other intentions
You thought I would do whatever you tell me.
But I made you sleepless by
avoiding you in all matters
After so much happened, if we leave what
you have done to me is right or wrong
There is a valid reason for your anger.
I can understand that.
45 years of friendship
Every one believes Raghava Raju and
Varadaraju are not different but one
But wrong,
They are not one but two.
Just tell me once that the bond seen in
this is not false but true,
I will leave from here
It's your father who felt it is not true.
We have dreamt of serving
people since our youth
We have established a party to
come to power and do service
But funds are required to
bring that party into power.
We have to do some mistakes.
To be in authority, we have to support
some people and stamp some people
Not thinking about this,
your father suspected me
He planned to lock me up.
I could not digest it.
I have been trying to meet
you from the past 40 days.
But they say that you denied.
40 years of friendship bro.
Aren't you feeling bad to suddenly
turn your face off from me?
Somebody came and told
you about me in detail
But you pretended as if
you don't know anything
You have planned to lock me up by filing
cases against me, without my knowledge
I am corrupt,
a baddie but I'm your dearest friend.
Won't you pardon even a friend
if he commits a mistake?
What politics are these?
You thought authority is with you.
But don't you know that your
life is completely under my control?
I thought of coming to you many times and
explain in detail to make you understand
But I came to know,
that you would not listen.
So I had to do this.
I am responsible for this condition of yours
I didn't have any other go.
From past many days, I have been inducing
poison into your body instead of medicines
with the help of your doctor.
First for your legs to get paralysed,
then your hands
and finally for your mouth to get paralyzed,
they gave medicines and injections
I will increase the dose from today and
give you a permanent relief from all of this
Your time is up Raghava.
If possible,
try to be loyal at least in the next birth.
He is first a friend to me,
later he is a father or a people's leader.
It's a huge pain to me than anyone else,
but could not help it
Look, you have experienced a
lot in life beyond your age.
You are an intelligent man
I hope you have the ability to decide
what is right and what is wrong.
You say you have to be in power to do good.
But you say to stay in power,
you have to do mistakes.
What is this methodology?
You feel you have reached the
heights doing all of this.
But unfortunately you have stooped very low
To conceal one mistake,
you have done another
to conceal that,
once again another mistake and yet another,
You finished everything before I arrived not
giving me a chance to perform last rituals.
You have done many mistakes
which are unpardonable.
Everyone is waiting for
you with all the evidences.
I am like your father.
don't expose me to the world as a baddie
I will make you CM once again
I will leave these politics forever.
Leave me, please.
You want me to become like you?
You did not understand
me completely even now
The first thing that comes to my
mind when I sit in that chair is
my promise and accountability.
The world should know all your deeds
I know it is difficult to reveal your real
face to the world after all these years
You decide what is to be
done using your experience.
Your end should be a message
for the future generations.
I, Bharat,
Solemnly affirm that I will
bear full faith and loyalty
towards the constitution of India
which is by ordinance established
that I will protect sovereignty
and Integrity of India.
as the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh,
I will fulfill my
responsibilities with dedication
conscientiously discharge my duties without
fear or favor, affection or ill will,
I will follow the constitution and the Law
to protect all the people and do justice.
I swear in the name of God,
[People cheering]
The quality of a real leader is to form
a society that doesn't need a leader.
"I will re-write a new era"
"I will always slogan the people's interest"
You said, people's rumors about Vasumathi
and me should not be turned true.
But a beautiful truth
should not be turned untrue sir.
We have come to fix a match
for our son with Vasumathi
All of you know about him better than me
No other girl will be as lucky as Vasumathi
"Solemnly assure you"
"I will be a responsible player"
"Of the people, for the people,
by the people, as a representative"
Coming to your village from Hyderabad
made me feel as the most
difficult journey in my life
Every second I felt when would I see you.
This is my favorite sari.
We shall make a move if you wear it.
with the funds released to our village, not
without waiting for any
authorities or leaders
we have started to build
a lake ourselves.
If you and Madam,
stop by and have a look,
we all will be delighted sir.
"I am not a ruling aristocrat"
"But I am a servant in service"
"This is the meaning of authority"
"And I will do my work to
make you know about it "
"I, Bharat, solemnly assure you"
"I will be a responsible player"
"Of the people, for the people,
by the people, as a representative,"
"This is me"