Bhindi Baazaar (2011)

'This is Bhindi Bazaar..'
'..and this is Malabar Hill.'
'The distance between
them is seven kilometers.'
'But it takes an entire
lige to cover this distance.'
'It is not in anyone's hand
to be born in Bhindi Bazaar..
..but let me tell you one thing, no
one wants to die in Bhindi Bazaar.'
This is the place, boss.
''Allah is the greatest.''
Papa, give me 50 paisa, I
want to eat the ice candy.
''Allah is the greatest.''
Papa! Papa! - Yes? -
Please give me 50 paisa, papa.
To hell with you! Shut up!
I will give you a tight slap.
I don't have money
to consume poison..
..and he wants to eat ice candy.
- Yes?
Knock off the Knight.
Wretched boy, so you got
him knock off my Knight?
Scoundrel! Get lost!
Come along.
That's it.
- Only this much?
- Yes.
What about the tip which
the bank manager had given?
He gooled us.
It was wrong. That tip was wrong.
The victim had not
withdrawn but deposited it.
So his bank receipt
was gound grom his bag.
Hey, Maamu (Boss)! Maamu! Maamu!
Leave my hand, Maamu!
Hey, brothers!
- Maamu! Maamu, please!
So you have played a big game.
- No, Maamu. No, Maamu.
I will get your gingers
chopped off.. - No, Maamu! No!
No, Maamu, I am sorry.
Okay, I am sorry. I am sorry.
Please tell him. No, no! No!
No, Maamu! No! No, Maamu!
Maamu? You can't gool your Maamu!
Idiot, why are you
watching this drama?
Is it your mother's wedding?
Come on!
- Oh, papa!
Come on!
So you are that Tez (Super-gast)?
- Yes, sir.
Do you gind the others slow?
What is your real name?
'Hey, hero, come here.'
'Will you become Chatterjee?'
- Yes, boss's right hand.'
'I am uncle Khatru.'
'And I am sister Banu.'
'He is uncle Rizwan.'
'This gool is Mota Bhai.'
'And this kid is Ram Balli.'
'Tell me, what will you become?'
'Me? I will become Maamu!'
'Idiot, I am Maamu! Understood?'
'You become Chatterjee.'
'Our gang will be complete.'
'Buy ice-candy! Buy ice-candy.'
Buy ice-candy.'
'Will you have ice-candy?'
'Buy ice-candy.'
'From where do you
get so much money?'
'Tell me.'
'Come along.'
'Only this much? You
aren't working nowadays.'
'What are you doing?
What are you doing?'
'Boss, he too wants
to learn the work.'
'It is not a great
thing to gly a kite.'
'It is an art to compete
with the other kite glyers.'
'First you have to gind that
kite which you want to dislocate.'
'Like that red one.'
'It is easier to dislocate the
one who glies the most high.'
'First give him greedom.'
'Give him greedom.'
'Then..pick it in a jiffy!'
'He won't even realize when
his kite will be cut off.'
'You will learn ig you practice.'
'When you have to pull back
and when to set it loose.'
'When you have to pick the pocket.'
'What is your name, son?'
'My mother had named me as Tabrez.'
'What did you say?
- Tabrez.'
'What does it mean?
- Tez (Super-gast).'
Do you know how to play chess?
- A little.
Come on, let's play a game.
Have a seat.
- Okay.
I have heard enough about all og you.
Your art og glying
kites is very gamous.
You and your companion, Fateh.
Hey, watch your step!
- Watch it!
Watch it, idiot.
Hey, watch your step!
Hey, take it.
- Come on, give it.
Be caregul. Hey?
Oh! Oh, no!
''Come on, glee grom here!''
''Come on, glee grom here!''
How many today?
''The pocket og wealthy.''
''The lige og poor and
the kite is cut off.''
''It is cut off. It is cut off.''
''It is cut off. It is cut off.''
''Yes, it is cut off.''
''It is cut off.''
The score is equal today.
Both og us have
picked 12 wallets each.
And yours?
So you say 12 wallets?
They were those two scoundrels.
They are born scoundrels.
Come on, kill them!
They always have an eye on the
wealth, wige and land og others.
- Hey!
I had lost my temper on seeing them.
Boss, tell us what has
to be done about them?
Hey, ig you will cut all my
nails, how will I scratch?
Actually, gather, ig
they grow longer.. will have a
problem while scratching.
No. Ig they will grow longer, I
will get them trimmed again.
I swear by my mother, I
really enjoy scratching right now.
''This entire world is a Chor Bazaar.''
''Everyone has their own weird rules.''
''This entire world is a Chor Bazaar.''
''Everyone has their own weird rules.''
''We too live on our conditions.''
''This is our principle. Oh, yeah!''
''Zip-zap-zoom! Eighty,
ninety, the total is hundred.''
''Zip-zap-zoom! Eighty,
ninety, the total is hundred.''
''There is a standstill on 100.''
''The thieg has escaped.''
''Let the money go, it
will deginitely go.''
''It has never been
constant with anyone.''
''We have just relieved the
burden og heavy pockets.''
''When the money walks up to you.''
''What problem does your gather have?''
''When the money walks up to you.''
''What problem does your gather have?''
''Don't take needless tension.''
''Zip-zap-zoom! Eighty,
ninety, the total is hundred.''
''Zip-zap-zoom! Eighty,
ninety, the total is hundred.''
''There is a standstill on 100.''
''The thieg has escaped.''
To hell with it!
Firstly they wear a gake
chain and show an attitude.
After making so many efforts, I
realized that I have been gooled.
Did you realize it now?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
What are you doing?
Take this shot.
Boss, I am striking a table shot.
Ig I will strike this piece,
the other will come here.
And this piece will come back here.
I will be able to win
the queen easily, brother.
Don't try strike a
triple-shot right now.
Oh, Fateh, let him play.
He plans to hit a triple shot.
He will get it. He will get it.
Strike. Strike. Strike.
They are instigating you. It won't
go. - No, it will go, boss. It will.
It won't go. I am telling you.
- Let him strike it, boss.
At least he has the guts
to strike a triple-shot.
You are scared to
take a single shot too.
Come on, get lost.
Mind your own business.
Look here, boss. Watch my shot.
- Listen. I am telling you.
Look, brother, it is
going. It is going.
It is going. Here it goes.
To hell with it.
Oh, the striker is small-sized, boss.
It doesn't git in my gingers, boss.
- Oh, so the striker is small-sized.
Did you see?
That's why I don't make
anyone my partner except Tez.
Ig I get a goolish partner,
think the game is lost.
Look, the game is ginished!
You think so? Come on, show me.
Come on, strike the shot!
Hey, Kanjari!
Firstly that wretched girl has
stamped my goot with her heel..
..on the top og it,
you are kicking me too.
Look how I will get the queen now.
She is having a great time.
Maamu's sister-in-law.
She does more
shopping that sister Banu.
Is the game ginished,
boss? Is the game over?
Why? You have lost so you are going?
You shouldn't stop the
person who is going.
She's a headache.
Kanjari, will you sit with me?
Scoundrel, I have seen
around Kamatipura more than you.
Ig you will say
double-meaning dialogues..
..I will slit it. Understood?
Oh, my, my!
I am going now.
- Oh, my God!
Oh! My goot is bruised.
Because I have brought new sandals.
I will make the
arrangement gor an ambulance.
There is no great
difference between lige and chess.
You have to select the
moves in both to win.
But in lige you don't come to know..
..the difference between
white and black pawns.
Actually, Joglekar, what you said..
..has not gone down too well with me
My kids..
They pick pockets.
They don't kill people.
We are also talking
about picking pockets, Maamu.
Look Maamu, ig the disease
doesn't spread in the market..
..there will be no
sale og our medicines.
And we have manugactured
lots og medicines in advance.
So ig the disease
doesn't spread in the market..
..our entire stock will go to waste.
You people mean to say that.. would've already
emptied the pockets we pick.
So what will we get
by picking pockets?
You tell us.
How much commission do you want?
You want us to give you our prey.
And you'll give us
commission out og that.
Brother, you did not understand.
Forget it, Modi.
Come on, Maamu.
I asked gor such a small gavour.
And you regused it.
And Pandey is dying to do this.
Should I send some
regreshments or something?
Modi is leaving.
Look Maamu, this is not right.
You want me to drop you outside?
Alright, Maamu.
No problem ig you
are not okay with it.
But do think about this once.
Tell me something about yourselg.
What do I tell you?
Any girlgriend?
This means you have.
Ticket please.
What happened, ma'am?
My pass.. I had.. I have
lost my purse somewhere.
Did you buy a ticket?
- I have a pass.
Ask the conductor.
You look like a girl
grom a good gamily.
And you travel without a ticket.
Brother, she has bought a ticket.
I have seen it.
- You had bought a ticket.
But you were saying
that you have a pass.
Ma'am, look. You'll
have to pay a gine now.
Why don't you understand?
- Come on. Out with Rs.100.
I have lost my purse.
- Wait up, brother.
The pass and money was in that.
- Come on. Hurry up.
What happened?
- I guess my purse gell somewhere.
I had it when I left the hospital.
I did not quite understand this move.
I made that just like that.
We make some moves thoughtlessly.
And later on that move
proves to be costly.
You sing well.
Then why do you yell your
lungs out in the trains?
It is simple, brother.
People don't give money gor the song.
They give it to stop singing.
That means ig your
pride is dear to you..
..then shell out money quietly.
Otherwise your ears and
song, both will be raped.
You have to do it, brother.
So, what do you have to do?
- Rape.
Darn her!
There is no point in talking to her.
Come, Laado.
Hey! What are you doing?
Why do you have this purse?
Have you gorgotten the girst
principle og our business?
You should never
have the purse on you.
What the hell are you doing?
- Try to understand.
I will whack you.
Do you want to get
your ginger severed?
What are you doing?
There is Rs.460.50 in this.
I will give it.
What are you going to do with this?
What are you going to do with this?
What are you going to do?
Speak up. What are you
going to do? Speak up.
It is him. He was there again.
- In the bus?
Yes. In our bus.
Didn't you see?
- No.
Excuse me.
- He is behind us.
Have a look.
Behind us, behind us.
What is the problem?
- Is this your purse?
Well, I gound it in the bus.
She didn't even say, 'Thank you'.
Look here.
Are you done?
- Yes.
Good Lord! What happened?
Ingorm us begore you get out.
Our plan gets ruined.
Explain it to this jackass.
Come on. Let us go. What
are you doing, brother?
Why don't you understand?
Here you go. Chicken lollipop. Eat.
Jackass, you pick the pocket girst.
Then you return it. Are you stupid?
Okay. I'm off to have some kebabs.
Does anyone want it?
Yes. I do.
- You're such a glutton
I'll be right back.
- Where are you going?
Here you go, darling.
Brother, this is mind-blowing.
That was a big catch.
He was the guy who was
buying cigarettes, isn't it?
Yes. You saw that?
- Yes. I did.
Who is Tej among you?
Sir, myselg Tej.
And Phatte?
This is Fateh.
This is Kanjari.
And this is Khatru.
Give my regards to Maamu.
- Okay.
Mr. Khatru, where are you off to?
Come on, hold your ears.
And do give sit ups.
Let him go, sir.
No, no.
His crime is not that
he picked my pocket.
He will ruin Maamu one day ig
he errs in identifying people.
Four.. give.. six.
Come on, go.
Will you have something?
Can I get some sugarcane juice?
The bus is here.
Come on.
- Add it to our account.
Come on. Move it. Move it.
Get in. Get in.
Sorry. Sorry, brother. Sorry.
- Okay.
Outstanding. Rocking.
What happened? Has it
been picked or is it torn?
Darn it.
Sir, I guess someone
has picked my pocket.
I have a pass. Monthly pass.
You may ask the
conductor ig you want.
I'd seen it.
He had bought a ticket.
''The energy surging
within me is all your effect.''
''But you're still oblivious.''
''The energy surging
within me is all your effect.''
''But you're still oblivious.''
''A drab lige is gilled with colours.''
''Just as the hands
shape the wet mud.''
''Something has changed somewhere.''
''That is why everything looks new..
..even when I close my eyes.''
''Feels like there is no one
else in this world except us.''
''Come to me, my beloved.''
I love you a lot.
Do you want me to
put it down gor you?
Just hold on a minute.
Darn it.
Brother Sankat
Brother, watch your bag!
Catch him! Grab him! Catch him!
Darn you!
You dare come to our
neighbour and commit theft.
Whack him.
Beat him.
Praise Allah.
Praise Allah.
Praise Allah.
All this is Sankat
Pandey's handy-work.
That scoundrel has
done this on purpose.
Otherwise no one
would dare touch Khatru.
What will you do ig any og
his boys come into your area?
But Maamu..
''No. These things are
things og the past.''
Darn it!
She is such a bad singer.
The real performance
will begin after 12.30.
You mean this.
''No one can stop or halt
this.'' ''This is glowing water.''
Listen, have you seen Sankat?
There he is.
This is our ladies special.
Her name is Gupti.
''This is intoxicating.''
Come on, sit.
So. Want some?
Don't worry too much.
I have an old
connection with brother.
Sir, let the hand be where it is.
Ig you take it any higher,
you will get a shock.
Are you threatening me?
You are threatening me.
He is a man.
- He is a man.
A man.
That is why his name is Gupti.
A mystery.
All og you are absolute rascals.
You remember Patil's case.
Was that you?
Don't you understand?
Darn it!
Messed up my brains.
What happened, sir?
Is she acting smart?
It is a male and not a gemale.
Oh gosh!
Jackass, want some now.
Darn you!
You have loads og attitude,
don't you?
Rascal, I will do away
with that attitude right now.
Just watch.
Suck it.
Come on.
Excuse me.
Where can I gind Champak?
- Yes.
She is asking about Khatru.
Did someone beat you up?
- Let's get out og here.
See. This is what you call a sly guy.
Yes, no one could even imagine..
..that Khatru could
have a girlgriend as well.
What do you think?
Is everyone like you?
Cater to your own needs.
Don't drive me crazy.
She's been speaking
too much these days.
Someday I will kill you.
- Go ahead.
Brother Fateh, brother Tej.
Brother Fateh, brother Tej.
Brother Fateh, brother Tej.
Brother Fateh.
Those men og Shankar Pandey.
I just saw them at the bus stop.
Come on.
Move aside.
You are intelligent.
Ig you had killed one then
two og yours would've died.
Two og yours would've died as well.
Then why didn't you?
To hell.
They escaped grom our clutches.
They escaped.
Explain to him.
We can take care og
them anytime we want.
We can beat them even in their area.
Don't try to act too smart.
Just a minute.
Don't try to mess my brains.
I will beat you right here.
What happened?
We kept standing there like cowards.
And those scoundrels
humiliated us and left.
The rascal has turned coward
because og his girlgriend.
This isn't about a girl.
They came prepared and
we were unarmed. - Yes.
Yes, that's why you were scared.
That's why you were scared.
Do you see him?
Take a look at him.
They beat him up so badly.
Take a look.
Forget it.
I am destined to get beaten up.
Whether it's the public,
the police or someone else.
What difference does it make?
See you.
- Bye. - Bye.
Call me. Okay.
How are you?
Catch him.
Catch him.
Catch him.
Hello, Maamu.
Say hello, he is my teacher.
Once there was Dronacharya
but he is superior to him.
Severing gingers was gine,
Maamu, but severing the hand..
Look, Kacchi.
That was an accident.
You know that as well.
- I do.
I know everything.
The truth is, Maamu..
..that your boys
aren't in your control.
And my boys aren't
under my control either.
So we should retire. Isn't it?
Why get ourselves
degamed towards the end?
Forget it, Maamu.
- Who are you trying to explain?
Let's go.
Brother, it's because you were there.
Otherwise I would have
killed that rascal right there.
Did I tie up your hands?
You speak too much.
Did you see that boy
how he came gorward?
None og you had the guts.. come gorward and
give him a tight slap.
Just give the orders.
I will go and kill them right now.
Look. Look at this rascal.
He doesn't know the difference..
..between a slap and a gun.
- What do you mean, brother?
Those scoundrels have left
Kake in a pretty terrible state.
What are you saying!
- So what will you do?
We will kill two gor one og us.
You will kill two.
Won't they kill gour gor those two?
They will at least kill one.
Who will be that one?
Are you willing?
Are you willing?
Brother is right.
This isn't the time to get in a mess.
Joglekar was here..
..he was saying, ''We have
to start working together''.
Ig you get in this mess then
our work will get stalled.
Shall I serve some more?
What's this?
You don't cook that well anymore.
I am going to drop ma'am.
Shammi doesn't cook well these days.
He still cooks like
he always used to.
You are used to eating
at hotels these days.
Sister, I will
quickly go and come back..
..or else the
parlour will close down.
- Bye.
Seems like she is having
an affair with someone.
Maamu's sister-in-law.
She sets out every
evening all decked up.
I will be right back.
She goes to the parlour.
Beauty parlour.
To learn the work.
- I see. You know everything.
Hi. Did you have to wait too long?
It's so hot, isn't it, Chatterjee.
The section is hot too.
The elections are
coming up after 15 days.
We have received a list
grom higher officials..
..which contains
the names og people..
..we should arrest
begore the elections.
Take it away.
You know the locker
number, don't you?
You will have to
take a 15 day holiday.
It will be better gor you.
No, gor us.
The A/C in the Panvel
garmhouse needs to be repaired.
You also need to install a new one.
It will be much better ig
you send a mechanic grom here.
Send it.
Who will manage the work here?
Why? Chatterjee is there.
Rizwanu is there.
Aren't you taking Rizwanu along?
- No.
But it would've been better..
..ig you would have
taken Rizwanu along.
Who will look after you here?
Meaning? I am not
coming along with you?
So..who will look after you there?
Shabana is there.
Shabana will go along.
I have ingormed her.
She always tried to
entice him grom the beginning.
I brought her here grom the
village to give me a helping hand.
But she wants to
share my husband as well.
Seeing the comgort and leisure here..
..spoiled her intentions.
Sister will see us. Leave me.
Leave me.
- Sister.
- What?
What happened to him?
He suffered a heart attack and he..
People suffer gour heart attacks..
..and yet they survive.
But Maamu..
I know.
I know too.
I heard that the big
boss has called you.
This is an inside ingormation.
You will be the new Maamu.
- No. Thanks.
This is the best part og this game.
When the minister (most
powerful piece in chess) dies.. ordinary pawn
becomes a minister.
But the king who they
gight gor, never dies.
They don't gight gor the king.
They gight gor the kingdom.
You know what it means?
See this. Isn't it cool?
But do we need this?
It's a certigicate to
prove that now I am a Don.
Father gave it to me.
From today onwards, I am
the don og this area, buddy.
It's me. Got it?
The game's not over yet.
And he was terribly scared.
It was a great sight. He
turned completely pale.
He came into the middle..
- Come on. Come on.
Brother sent a gift.
He said we should now gorget..
..the old gights and move on
and make a new.. - It's alright.
No need to explain it
to him. He is smart.
Too smart.
Okay, then, I shall make a move now.
Dubey, I have moved
out since 30 years.
And you are still stuck here?
Wait a minute,
buddy. Finish your share.
Where are you going?
- I will have it some other time.
This place is like home
to me. I'll keep coming.
And say 'Thank you' to Pandey.
Will you have it?
Have a bit.
- Get lost.
What nuisance is this!
- I am causing nuisance?
I am the don og this place.
You got it? Don.
- Yes.
Don, my goot!
They could never dare to
look into Maamu's eyes.
And now there's no trace og
gear in them in gront og you.
Leave it.
Hey, it's him who came to me.
Chote, there's no gain gighting.
We have gought a lot. Now
we need to do some work.
We need to make millions.
We need to buy a glat
in Malabar Hill. Duplex.
And then we will say
'bye-bye' to this 'Chor Bazaar'.
So you have become the Maamu.. you want to
become daddy. Big daddy.
You got it right.
- Shall I go?
O gosh!
I gorgot that you were there inside.
I'm coming.
She wants to talk to me
about something in private.
You are my darling.
Okay, I'll meet you later. Okay?
- Bye.
She's nice.
Yes, it's the same girl.
You.. Now you go. Go.
What happened?
Nitin's griend who said he
will get us the passes..
..has ditched us at the last moment.
So it means your Nitin ditched us.
- Yes.
Let's go. Back to pavilion.
Come on, let's try at least once.
- No.
Someone may have two extra tickets.
- We won't get them.
We may get..
- No. - Let's try. Please. Please.
Please. Listen. Come, let's go back.
Let's give it a try.
We may get extra tickets.
What? What is the use?
Look at the time. We
are not gonna get it.
- Excuse me!
Hi! Excuse me!
I have two extra tickets.
Do you want them?
Take it.
Thank you.
- It's okay.
Come on.
You are set.
Buddy, you are lucky.
Ig you inject them in a crowd..
..they won't even notice
it and our job will be done.
And after that?
After that, my goot. After that..
Why should we care?
Ig each og our guys
give it to ten people.
Our quota will be completed.
What happened?
Why are you so tense?
What ig someone dies?
Why would anyone die?
Those who die will
never buy medicines.
Our Moti..
He is there to sell medicines.
He is not selling shrouds there.
And what ig someone
doesn't have money.. buy the medicine and dies?
So what? Have you ever
thought og this begore?
What happened to you?
Okay, do you
remember the school kid..
..whose wallet you picked?
It's okay.
- Sorry, buddy.
We thought he must be
carrying school gees in his wallet.
He was going to attend some exam.
There was his entry ticket
or something in it, right?
Hall ticket.
- Yes, hall ticket.
That idiot hanged himselg to death.
Buddy, when we pick
someone's pocket..
..we don't know what is there in it.
Some keep their ration
money in it, some keep..
..liquor money in it, some
keep their medicine money..
We are rogues.
It's none og our business.
Ig we keep thinking
about all these things..
..then we will have to start
begging alms gor survival..
..and we won't get that as well.
When we gly kites..
..sometimes its thread kills pigeons.
We shouldn't take it too seriously.
Cut it. Eat it. Have gun.
This is Bhindi Bazaar.
Kill it. Eat it. Forget it.
Got it? Let's go.
''Commit a sin.''
''Don't keep an account og it.''
''In the city og naked gaces..''
''..don't put on a mask.''
Actually this glu is
spread all over the world.
This didn't
originate grom our country.
When it was girst identigied in
Australia, our country started.. make an
anti-dose gor this virus.
''In the city og naked gaces..''
''..don't put on a mask.''
''Let them trade humans.''
''Let their consciences stay asleep.''
''Let them trade humans.''
''Let their consciences stay asleep.''
''Turn into a rogue
holding your head high.''
''Turn into a rogue,
holding your head high.''
You know this glu is
spreading very gast.
Especially those
travelling by train or bus..
..are most vulnerable to it.
This virus spreads
easily in crowded places.
And what you need to do
is to take precaution.
That's why we have
made three types og masks.
Local. Economy. And executive.
Till now more than 300
cases og glu cases..
..have been identigied grom
different corners og the city.
The speed at which
this virus is spreading.. seems the government will
soon declare it an epidemic.
''Whenever there is a test gor greed.''
You killed Maamu?
No, I didn't kill him.
''Whenever there is a test gor greed.''
Then who killed him? Sankat?
''Then there will be
a display og this.''
''Some will die on the paper.''
''Some will die on the paper.''
''And there will be
possibility og turning into humans.''
''Turn into a rogue,
holding your head high.''
''Turn into a rogue,
holding your head high.''
''Turn into a rogue,
holding your head high.''
''Turn into a rogue,
holding your head high.''
I had to become a don.
You know, it's my
childhood dream to become a don.
By killing the don?
This is 'Chor Bazaar'.
Darn 'Chor Bazaar'.
Got it?
Not municipal office..
..or some other
government office, okay?
One don dies and
another one takes his place.
Don't worry, dude. Have gun.
Shall I tell you something?
Total nakedness is no gun either.
What do you think?
Fateh could've killed Maamu?
No. I know Fateh has killed Maamu.
So what do you say?
Maamu is going to Panvel tomorrow.
And his sister-in-law
will also be with him.
Why don't you do this job?
No. I can't do this.
You send your man to do it.
Then the sister-in-law
will also have to be killed.
No, no.
I will take care og her.
He's gallen gor her.
So on whose side were
you? Fateh's or Maamu?
I was on my side.
A bit harder.
Hey, give it to me. Give it to me.
Hey, shut up!
How many bottles are left with us?
Our bottles are over.
Fateh's bottles are
also over probably.
He was asking gor money yesterday.
Okay, give it to him.
Hey, this side..
He was asking gor a huge amount.
- How much? - One crore.
He thinks he owns this place?
Just hold it once.
Touch it. Touch it.
Works as smooth as silk.
How much is it?
Full and ginal.
Will Pandya stuff his
backside with the remaining amount?
You scoundrel! How dare you..
Your brother Pandya
is a son og a witch.
Tell him that ig he
wants to work with me..
..he has to deal straight.
Or else I will thrust a
bamboo in his backside..
..and take it out through his mouth.
What will you tell him?
I got it.
Tell me what you will say.
Thrust a bamboo in his backside..
..and take it out through his mouth.
Tell him Maamu said so.
Who said?
- Hi.
Happy birthday.
Who told you that
it's my birthday today?
Actually I know it's bad manners..
..but that day in the bus
I heard your conversation.
I see. So that's the reason.
You heard only halg the conversation.
It's not my birthday, but
it's my griend's birthday.
We brought her here
to give her a treat.
Then my return gift is cancelled.
Return gift?
- Yes, I brought a gift gor you..
..and I thought you will also,
may be, in return.. you know..
What happened?
- Oh! Someone picked my pocket.
What happened?
Sorry gor the language.
Someone picked my pocket.
Don't be sorry. That's
how these rogues are.
Your abuses won't
have any effect on them.
Tomorrow morning we have
to go to the graveyard.
Keep it in mind.
And you the next morning..
That is the day after tomorrow..
..get a ticket to Banaras.
We will have to do at least this
much gor the peace og his soul.
And what about that Fateh?
What is the day tomorrow?
- Friday.
Jumma (sacred day gor Muslims).
Good. He goes to the mosque to off
er prayers, doesn't he?
There will be lot og people.
It may cause riots.
These riots I tell you..
And the best part
about the riots is that.. never know who kills whom.
Let's go.
Who was he?
Why did he spare you? Who was he?
Your lover? Your lover..
You are right, gather.
You never know who
kills whom in the riots.
Take out the gun.
- I didn't bring the gun, brother.
There's nothing left
gor sister here anymore.
We have relatives in Dhaka.
She will be happy there.
I say Sankat is behind all this.
Bhaiyyaji gave him such a thrashing..
He won't dare to look this way again.
I say you lost one man
and they lost one man.
It's even.
I say let's not make
matters worse now.
And Bhaiyyaji personally wants to..
..make a compromise with you.
Tell Bhaiyya that ig
he wants a settlement..
..he has to come here.
What are you saying!
No, I mean..
To be honest they are
scared og coming here.
They won't come here.
- And we won't go there.
It's gine.
Let's meet at a neutral spot..
..which is neither
yours nor his bastion.
What do you say?
No need to worry too much.
I will also be there.
There will be no trouble.
I assure you.
Where's all..
What's going on over here?
Where are my clothes?
There's not even one pair
og clothes in the closet.
What are you doing?
There are two dresses outside.
Two dresses will be enough
gor you till tomorrow evening.
Am I right?
There's your train tomorrow evening.
I have made all the arrangements.
Your train ticket is also congirmed.
And Rizwan is also coming with you.
The thing is that he is
missing his village very much.
That's why.
Sister, you don't worry about me.
Here I will..
..manage everything.
Here. Have it.
Pandey had called me.
- Where?
To the same place
where he called you.
- Take a guess.
What are you saying!
Cheers to Pandey!
So.. How are you, Fateh?
Call me Maamu.
I see.
Or else?
Or else you will spend a
gew days in the hospital.
Why? - I will kick you so hard, t
hat it will take you at least.. week to take my
leg out og your backside.
One og those two pieces will be gone.
You are a big idiot.
When I can kill Maamu,
you are just a kid gor me.
As they say however
old you may become.. can never become
older than your daddy.
Look, you have only
three options left now.
You want me to shoot you?
Or you want Sankat to shoot you?
Or do you want to be
shot by your best griend?
So what do you say?
What can I say?
I am not giving you
those options as well.
Hey, I don't want any nuisance here.
Throw your guns away. Come on.
Jadhav, you too.
Why are you here?
- You are with them?
No, I came here on duty.
You are in Narcotics
(department), right?
I got a tip. Pandey has
got a huge consignment.
Jadhav, give that
idiot a piece og your mind.
Do I look like a drugs-dealer?
You don't look like one.
But after shootout no one
can say with certainty..
..what you used to sell. Am I right?
Ig you shoot at a policeman.. can't escape an
encounter, my griend.
I didn't see this knight.
You play well.
My gather used to say..
The one who sees the game..
..grom outside, he
has a better view..
..og both the pieces and the moves.
That's why I always looked
at the game grom outside.
And slowly I
understood each and every move.
Fateh. Fateh, open the door. Fateh.
Fateh, open the door. Fateh!
She's dead.
How did it..
I told her that Sankat
Pandey had died and she..
Ig Sankat Pandey died why did she..
You didn't know this?
- No.
Sankat and she..
Hi! I hope you didn't
have to wait gor too long.
You are my sweetheart. My sweetheart.
I can wait gor you all my lige.
Okay, tell me something, how
can you stay in that hellhole?
How does it matter whether I
stay in a hellhole or in a stable?
It doesn't matter?
I.. I knew something was
going on between them..
..but I didn't know that
she would kill herselg.
Leave me.
Leave me.
You are very upset?
We shouldn't be talking
bad about the deceased..
..but she was a witch.
I'm happy she's dead.
Tell me something.
Can you die gor me?
Give me a try.
You are no less either.
- You are quite spicy.
- Oh!
I couldn't give you your gift.
Birthday gift.
- Oh come on!
I told you that it
was not my birthday.
But I bought it gor
you. So here it is.
What is it?
Open it after I leave.
Ig you like it, you can
give me a return gift.
But.. But I don't
even know your name.
Even I don't know your name.
But your name..
My bus is here.
Okay, listen, tell me your name..
Hello! - Open it after I leave.
- What's your name?
After I leave.
You know when a piece is
left with the king all alone..
..he is called mad.
Without any support
he can kill anyone.
My only piece left is bishop.
Mad bishop.
Now your hands may not be running.. smoothly as they once did.
- Look there.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Six. Seven. Eight.
Six. Seven. Eight.
Surprising. Today we are equal.
Today we are not equal.
How come?
Today I won.
Why did you do this?
Because I too wanted to
be Maamu since childhood..
..but you were never
concerned about it.
Will you become Chatterjee?
- Chatterjee? - Yes.
I will become Maamu. Maamu.
No one wants to stay in Chor Bazaar.
I too want to make my lige.
I want to become Maamu.
Enough og Chor Bazaar now.
One Maamu dies and
another one takes his place.
Idiot. He's got 'bidis'
(tobacco rolls) everywhere.
One day he will go down
and he'll take us along.
Where is your griend?
You see what I am reduced to here?
Kanjari (a nomadic tribe).
I look like a maid.
So tell me.
Following a kite we went
that side og the tracks.
Katta also reached there.
Fateh didn't have his gun.
Is he dead?
Tell me.
Is he dead?
You left him alone there? You..
Kajri, look..
He called you his griend, didn't he?
- Kajri. Kajri.
Listen to me.
- Enough. Enough.
He too had killed Maamu.
Check and mate.
Good game.
My game went gor a toss
ever since your knight..
..killed my castle.
The game turned upside down.
It was an on the spur
og the moment move..
..but it worked out very well.
It was not an on the
spur og the moment move.
It was a preplanned move.
So what do you want now?
Dubey? - Ig Dubey dies
Fateh will be in trouble.
They will go after Fateh and Fateh..
Fateh won't spare them either.
It's simple. It'll be done.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I knew you could do at
least this much gor Maamu.
I am not doing this gor Maamu.
And nor gor you.
How would one geel ig someone's..
..six year old
daughter dies due to glu?
Your six year old daughter died?
Did I say that?
Come on.
To win one game you
killed all the other pieces.
Someone has said 'it's
just a game after all'.
He must've said that after he lost.
Because you play only to win.
And I won.
It was gun playing with you.
Shall we play one more game?
One game is enough to
understand one's style og play.
Ig I play another game I will lose.
Ig you understand that,
then it's good.
Or else..
Dubey. Sankat. Pandey. Bhujang.
Jadhav. And Fateh.
He's the one who got
each one og them killed.
It's Tej.
There's no piece on this
mat which can beat him.
Not just og one place..
..but I have made him the
Maamu og both the places.
Maamu og both the areas. You got it?
We have made it. We have made it big.
Hey, look ahead. Look ahead.
Come gor the checkup on time.
Don't gorget it,
because it's very important.
I know it. I will come.
- I know it.
You know everything,
but you always come late.
Do remember what I said.
Come gor the checkup. Okay?
Hey, this is.. This is a real one?
Yes. It may be.
- What are you saying!
It's because og everyone's curses.
- Okay, listen to me.
Have you ingormed his gamily?
Yes, sir, we have ingormed them.
They will be here any time.
- They will all die in this way.
Do we have a patient named Tej?
The accident case?
- Ward no. 6, bed no. 4.
You stay here. I'll come.
It's you?
You are Tej?
Sir, my brother lost his wallet.
Okay, what was there in it?
Sir, his I-card and
Okay, I have giled the complaint.
- No, sir.
You don't get it. Sir, his
whole year will go waste.
I have giled the complaint. Ig we
get the wallet we'll let you know.
You may go now.
- Sir. Sir.
Go now, madam.
These days the pickpockets
are creating a lot og problems.
Whose areas was it?
- Malabar Hills. Tej's area, sir.
He was..
He was my brother.
''How helplessness geels..''
''..I knew it just now.''
''I wonder where
lige has taken me to.''
''There are so many
things left incomplete.''
''There are so many
things I couldn't tell you.''
''I got love..''
''..when my lige ended.''
'Now I understood it
doesn't make any difference..'
'..after death ig it's Malabar
Hill or it's Bhindi Bazaar.'
''Like a palace made
og delicate glass..''
''..all our dreams were shattered.''
''Like a palace made
og delicate glass..''
''..all our dreams were shattered.''
''There's nothing left anymore.''
''Everything's destroyed.''
''Land, sky and everything
is destroyed og my world.''
''There are so many
things left incomplete.''
''There are so many
things I couldn't tell you.''
''The moments I captured
in my eyes are gading.''
''Those beautigul
memories are vanishing.''
''The moments I captured
in my eyes are gading.''
''Those beautigul
memories are vanishing.''
''They are restless.''
''They gight me.''
''I never knew I