Bhool Bhulaiyaa (2007)

Where is he?
Where are you wood stealer?
- Yes brother.
Until I don't abuse you,
you don't listen.
I thought that of the witch
palace, gobbled you up.
Did you finish the work?
It will be over tomorrow, brother.
He is going to arrive
today from America.
A bit of colour, a bit
of polish that's all.
But no, you have been working
on it for past one month... there is no end to it.
What can I do, no one is ready
to work in this haunted palace.
I have gathered 4-5 artists.
But everyone runs away after...
...the sunset out of fear.
Tell me what to do?
Okay, okay.
When the cot is polished,
keep it there.
Does it look like a cot to you,
it is a bed, a royal bed.
When 5-6 strong men will use
their complete strength...
...only then will it budge.
Give me some money, I will call...
...some people and take
care of it right now.
Did you water the garden
yesterday or not?
No, it was raining yesterday.
Then you could have held a
umbrella and watered it.
One is a wood thief and
the other, useless.
And don't make excuses, that
if you take more days...
...then you will earn more.
It is a royal family,
we will plunder it.
Did you sell the carpet here?
The rein is gone, so are the kings.
Now even the honour
is disintegrating.
Seems like I will have to get the
curtains that I gave for stitching.
They are not what they seem.
How much do I have to pay you Raghu?
How much?
He goes after that one and...
Mr. Nath! Mr. Nath!
Have you seen my Murari uncle?
When he comes, ask him to come home.
The bucket has fallen in the well,
it has to be taken out.
Okay, I will tell him.
Don't forget it.
- I won't.
Sir, sir. You have arrived
at the right moment.
It was a good game going on...
...when the English men
started mumbling again.
Please tell us what the score is?
We should ban this
English language...
...nothing can be understood.
Do you know, unknowingly how
much English you speak.
You don't even know the Hindi
meaning of some English words.
Tell me, what do you call
cricket in Hindi?
Cricket is called...
So son-in-law, what's going on?
The same old argument between
Hindi and English.
Hind, Hindi is the best.
How do you write cat in English.
- How?
C A T. How do you pronounce it?
Cat. What does it mean?
Now in Hindi, they read, write
and mean it in the same way.
Good, good.
But Sanskrit is the mother
of all languages.
Now tell me this... Mood
talam kunchika kim.
What will it mean in Hindi?
Think, I will go to the college.
The question is wrong itself.
Mood talam. That means
a foolish lock.
A lock cannot be either
foolish or smart.
A lock is a lock.
A key is a key.
Like the key to the
manor that I have.
The manor keys.
"Hail Rama! Hail Rama!
"Rama Rama Hail Hail!"
"Hail Krishna! Hail Krishna!"
"Krishna Krishna Hail Hail!"
Murari, why are you
dancing off-beat?
What happened?
Nandini has been searching for
you, do you know. - Why?
The bucket has to be taken out
of the well. Go! Hurry up!
Then I will have to go.
Or else sister-in-laws rituals
will be left incomplete.
Okay, bye.
"Hail Rama! Hail Rama!
"Rama Rama Hail Hail!"
Mr. Batuk, what are you
doing sitting here?
Where are you going?
- Mr. Batuk, I was coming to you.
What happened, did you retrieve it?
I was thinking should I go now
and retrieve it, or not.
How did you know?
Me. How wouldn't I know!
Your daughter told me.
My daughter.
- Yes.
How did she know?
Sister-in-law must have told her.
She knows it too, now
she will scold me.
It is a personal thing,
why are you worried.
I will take it out, come on.
Brother Murari, you are very brave.
- You just come with me.
I was thinking of retrieving
it tomorrow.
But I was very restless.
It is the humid season, that's why.
Pour 10 buckets of cold water
saying 'Hail Gange'
You will feel very nice,
our work will be done.
Tell me one thing, won't you
be scared in the darkness.
What is there to be scared of, I
just have to jump in the well.
In the well, why in the well?
The bucket is in the well.
Bucket? - Yes.
The keys are in the manor.
Then what do I have to take
out, key, bucket or well.
You fool, my keys are in the manor
I have to get that back!
- Yes
In the manor.
- Yes.
Right now.
- Yes.
In this darkness.
No, I am not coming.
You were acting very brave,
now I will not let you go.
Come on, come on.
- No! No!
Why are you walking
around in circles?
I have asked for a protection
shield from the junior priest.
I have been standing
here since morning.
Now I cannot even sit.
My stomach is getting restless.
The 1000 name recitation is
going on, it will take time.
I hope I am not too late.
It will take time.
- Priest, priest.
What you saw was true.
That witch is really roaming
around in the manor.
Your lifeline was long, that's
why you returned alive.
But I have enslaved many
dangerous ghosts.
Respected Yogi, my teacher has
blessed me with his grace.
Tie this talisman on the tree
in the south side of the manor.
That witch will turn to ashes.
Do you want to say anything
for the last time?
Last time, why are you hanging
me by the noose?
From taking talisman in your hand
and until tying it to the tree... cannot say anything.
Then what about the work...
- Quiet!
Shut your mouth! Om!
Mr. Batuk, where did you
disappear to last night?
I was tired of searching for you,
but you were no where to be seen.
Okay, if I wouldn't have been there
you would have been more scared.
You are still not saying anything.
No, no now will know
about your scare.
I am keeping my lips sealed.
Which is this dance
that you are doing?
What happened?
You want to sit at the back.
Seems like you have lost your mind...
...after seeing the witch
last night, right
What has happened?
What are you writing?
Stomach upset, let's go home.
Oh! So you want to go now.
I thought you must have soiled
your clothes last night.
Am going, I will take you.
Sister-in-law! Janki sister-in-law.
What is it?
- Why are you shouting?
Forget about me, tell me did Batuk
tell you anything last night?
No, he came home late scared and
went back early in the morning.
That means he didn't say anything.
He didn't open his mouth.
My suspicion was right.
After last nights incident in the
manor, he has lost his voice... Madan's daughter, Girja.
Oh God, what happened in the manor?
What I said?
Many a times I have told him not
to go to the manor in the night.
But he doesn't listen to me at all.
Where is he right now,
in the hospital?
Didn't you see, he just
went running in.
Cheeks blown up. Red eyes,
and he was walking as if...
...someone has cast him on a stick.
Take a look at him when he comes.
Listen, what happened?
How many times have I asked you not
to go to the manor in the night!
But you don't listen to me at all!
Tell me! What happened?
Say something.
Brother Murari, what
is he saying now?
Did you see sister-in-law,
since morning he has been...
...dancing like this out of tune.
We will have to get him
He is insane since childhood.
Brother Murari, look
where is he going?
I will see where will he go?
I will got to brother Badri and
take the veneration talisman.
Give me.
- Take it, take it, take it.
Take it, take it, take it.
- I will break your teeth.
Ask your future husband, instead
of printing poems, print notes... will be useful
in your marriage.
Take it... Will you give it or not?
What's going on, is this
a house or a playground?
Nothing, nothing.
- Runaway from here.
Brother, I want to talk to you.
- What is it Janki?
So it has happened!
I had said, don't be greedy!
Taking the manors responsibility,
will not benefit you, I had told you.
I don't know how your husband
must have persuaded Siddharth...
...and swindled his money for
the repairs of the manor.
And he must have kept
half of the money.
But under no condition will
I let him live in that manor.
He is coming from America.
After Kedar, he is the heir
to the royal throne.
We will have to protect him.
And we have to get her and
Siddharth married too.
She has been hoping for that
for such a long time.
After Siddharth marries her, we
will sell the haunted manor.
Save my husband, brother.
I will give a thread chanting
some recitations.
Tell Batuk Shankar to
wear it for 3 days.
But will he wear it if I give it?
You are looking so beautiful.
Your cheeks are rosy red.
In the happiness of Siddharth's
arrival, isn't it?
Here, and tie it firmly
around Batuk's stomach.
And until this is not done
keep your mouth shut.
Strange, you were supposed to come...
...yesterday, but
arrived today itself.
Actually we had arrived last night.
We went straight to the
palace, it was open...
...the lock was hanging and
the key was there too.
We went inside but there was no one.
It was quite late in the night,
so we stopped in the hotel.
I thought why I should trouble you.
As soon as it was morning,
I came here.
Last night you had
entered the palace.
We did.
Avni, why are you standing
there come in.
This is my surprise for you.
It has been 10 days to our marriage.
Why are you all so shocked, don't
you want to welcome daughter-in-law?
Uncle, I had said after father
he played the role of father.
Bless you.
Radha, you have grown up.
And beautiful too.
There wasn't a single day
when we didn't argue.
If we fought today, we would
become friends the next day.
I've heard a lot about you.
Janki aunt, how are you?
How is uncle?
Today is her oath of silence.
She has the sacred thread.
Janki, go home. Go.
Brother Kedar was
a great astrologer.
According to him, your
and Radha's horoscope...
...was like made for each other.
All of us wanted you to marry Radha.
I know, mother had told me.
For how many days
have you come here?
For some months.
My company has got a contract...
...of building a dam here.
So I had to come.
So Avni was very excited.
She will see around here, and
I will toil day and night.
Okay, you can live in Chandu's room.
Uncle, we want to live in the manor.
Avni likes manors and
palace's very much.
That's why we got
the manor repaired.
Look Siddharth, according
to the division...
...even though you are the
owner of the manor...
...but we live here.
That manor is infested
by ghost and ghouls.
Uncle, you believe in your faith...
...and I believe only in the truth.
When I will experience it,
I will believe it.
Protect me Lord Shiva.
Wow, now you can use your tongue.
Now I will use my
hand too, deserter!
You ran away scared, and were
telling everyone that I was scared.
You're going to shock me.
- But you...
No... no... have mercy mother!
Murari uncle, she is
Siddharth's wife.
Sister-in-law Avni.
- Greetings.
Go away! Go away you witch, go away!
Have you developed a new
habit of scaring people?
Why are you closing the door?
I will come home.
Say something. What is it?
Kiss, I will not give it here.
I won't give it here no
matter what you do?
Stop! Stop!
Nandini saw everything.
Tell her that you were
tying a talisman...
...or else who knows what
she might think. Go!
Only a king can stay in this palace.
After brother Kedar, you are
the real heir to this throne.
But you have still
not been coroneted.
Uncle, the kings are gone
and so are the British.
Now there is democracy in India.
If the reign is over, is
the family finished too.
I left all that behind in America.
Do you believe in rituals...
...or did you leave that
behind in America too?
I do, I believe in them uncle.
You are my king, uncle.
I will do what you ask me to.
You are really a king, my king.
Come on Siddharth, dance with me.
"The king felt in love
with the queen."
A gift for the king,
to make me the queen.
What good is this for
such a big king?
"Kiss me on my lips."
"What are you, tell me now."
"Surrender yourself in my arms... my arms, in my arms."
"The intoxicating fragrance in your
emotions, in your fragrant breath."
"I have a desire to sleep in your
silky arms, your scattered breath."
"Hide the face with another one."
"Let me hear your heartbeat."
"See yourself, in my eyes... my eyes, in my eyes."
"Kiss me on my lips."
"What are you, tell me now."
You have turned our
room into a library.
I am a book worm.
I read two books a day.
But I need a good room
to keep these books.
I will show you, but what
will I get in return?
Book. What do you like?
Stories, history or poetry?
Remember, I am giving you the
reward before the work is done.
My most favourite poetry's.
This, sister-in-law
are you teasing me?
No, these are really
very nice poems.
As if you don't know anything.
- No, what?
Nandini, listen.
You are shying so much, tell me.
My marriage has been fixed.
With Sharad Prahlad.
He is my favourite poet.
He is a lecturer in our college.
Then he surely writes a lot of
poetry on you, isn't it?
Come I will show you?
- What?
He lives there.
The one that's strolling there?
The library room. - Yes, come on.
Why is there a chain here?
We are not allowed to go up there.
But why?
They say there are ghosts there.
- Ghosts.
We don't even come in this palace.
No sister-in-law.
- Come on.
I will not come. Come on.
Sister-in-law, don't go.
Let us see, who is living in our
house without our permission
Come on.
Come on.
What is this?
The Bhairav shield.
So that the ghost doesn't come out.
Come on, sister-in-law.
- Really?
Don't laugh sister-in-law, this
place is really dangerous.
In the childhood, we were
playing hide and seek...
...and Girja came here to hide.
Then we heard her scream.
When we came up and searched for
her, she was nowhere to be found.
But when Badri uncle and father
searched for her in the evening...
...she was found unconscious
right here.
Since then she has stopped talking.
Everyone says that she has
been taken over by ghosts.
Come sister-in-law,
we will go from here.
Where is the key to this lock?
With my father, but don't even
think about asking for it.
You are excused everything,
and I will be thrashed.
Think about it, I have another
good book of your Sharad.
Do you want it?
- Really.
Come here! You come here!
You know it, don't you?
Daughter-in-law is new
here but you know...
...that it is not allowed
to go to the third floor.
Have you lost your senses?
- Yes.
Remember one thing.
of that floor were closed...
...with magic and mantra.
Two souls reside there.
Educated people will make fun of it.
But nowadays, foreign scientists
have started believing in it.
It has ruined many of our lives.
And this is true. What is the use in
challenging the souls of the dead?
All these veneration and offerings
is for those two souls.
But who were those two people?
It is a very old story.
Years ago, king Vibhuti Narayan.
Meaning, your Siddharth's
...he used to rule here.
He was a great admirer of art.
He had a very big court.
Well known singers, dancers,
poets, painters...
...were in his court.
Many foreign artists would
come and leave with riches.
Then came Bengal's great
dancer, Manjulika.
They say she was very
gorgeous looking.
The old king fell for her.
Vibhuti Narayan was floored.
The king would neither care
for the kingdom or his reign.
But Manjulika loved someone else.
- The royal singer.
Her name was Shashidhar.
The house that is behind our
palace, he used to live there.
Their love started developing slyly.
But the aroma of clarified butter
and love, can never be hidden.
The king found out about it.
The night both of them
were about to flee...
...the king called Manjulika
to dance in his court.
It was the eight day of the
Goddess Durga veneration.
Manjulika was dancing.
Suddenly, the king drew his sword...
...and beheaded Shashidhar
in front of everyone...
...and locked up Manjulika.
The king started the preparations
for the marriage.
The dias was setup, the
arrangements were made.
As the slaves went up
to bring the bride...
...they found her hanging
from the ceiling.
And along was a letter.
In that she had sworn,
that she will...
...never let a king live
in this palace.
After that it seemed like someone
has cast an evil eye...
...on the kings kingdom.
There was destruction
in the kingdom.
One day the king was found dead too.
Then a very big sorcerer was called.
Mantras were recited for
And by putting the Bhairav
shield both the souls...
...were locked on the third floor.
Since then no one goes there.
Do you know who lives in
Shashidhar's house now?
- Sharad, Nandini's future husband.
Is this entire story or a reality.
I don't know, there are such
secrets in every king's kingdom.
It is a nice story.
- Very interesting.
The villagers must have made
it for their entertainment.
You know, your mother had said...
...that there is a very big
treasure in this palace.
There are gold and
diamond jewels too.
I looked all around the palace,
but I couldn't find it.
Maybe it is hidden in that room.
And I feel, they must have made
this story to hide that treasure.
Can I open that room?
It is your house, do
whatever you like.
That was not the right
thing to do Avni.
Father had said no, still
you opened the door.
I opened it and also saw it.
I couldn't see any ghost there.
You must have not seen it, because
the effect has started.
The blacksmith who made
the keys, he has died.
Do you know what you have done?
You cannot even take care of a key... will you carry out the
responsibility of the palace!
Your daughter stole your key
and made a duplicate one...
...and Siddharth's wife opened
the lock of the door.
Couldn't you even think once?
Nandu! Nandu! Nandu! Always Nandu!
What are you doing,
she is just a child.
Just because they can
talk in English...
...they think that they can
interfere in any matter.
Years ago she had gone to the 3rd
floor, she is still shocked.
Who knows what will happen now?
Sister, is everything
fine? Any problem?
It has come, or is about
to come we don't know.
What are you looking at
me for standing here...
...go and call the high priest! Only
he can save us from this problem!
You said yes, now face
the consequences!
I told you, I don't believe
in these things.
Then go to the crematorium and see.
The blacksmith is lying on the pyre.
I have found out, that
drunkard blacksmith...
...died because of liver failure
and not because of a ghost.
Nandini is withering with fever.
You all must have scared her.
What happened, did you find out when
the high priest is going to come.
He has gone to London.
Oh God! To some college
called Trimurty.
Not Trimurty uncle, Trinity.
Trinity University. - Yes.
He has gone to read
some paper there...
...and no one knows when
he will return.
Lord Shiva.
But why has he gone to
London to read a paper?
You get all the papers
at the village square.
It means he has gone to teach there.
But, who is this gentleman?
He is a very big sorcerer.
Priest Yagyaprakash Bharti.
Years ago, his grandfather
priest Vedsagar...
...had put the Bhairav shield
and closed the door.
Priest Yagyaprakash must
be 15-16 years old...
...but he was intelligent.
He was his grandfather's aide.
Priest Yagyaprakash
is the only one...
...that can complete this ritual.
Until priest Yagyaprakash doesn't
put the Bhairav shield...
...on the door and closes it.
It is very dangerous to live here.
It is a strange maze of delusion,
blind faith and mental games.
Brother Badri, my heart
is very restless.
Nandini is about to get married.
And something inauspicious should
not happen before that.
Don't worry Batuk Shankar,
it's my responsibility.
If Siddharth wants to live here,
then all of us will live here.
- That's my duty.
You both are alone, it
is a new city for you.
If something happens, you
need the family close.
Whatever happens, we will
bear it together.
Make arrangements for everyone
to come here. - Yes brother.
Your saris are very beautiful.
You can keep whichever you want,
they are all yours.
Maid, call the tailor.
We will have the blouse stitched.
- Yes.
Then you can wear them
whenever you want.
It is for the rats.
They must have infested
the empty house.
Leave it, it's dangerous.
- Yes.
Keep this poison in the kitchen
carefully. - Yes. Thank you.
Who is it?
Who is there?
- I am Manjulika!
You kept me locked up
for so many years!
How dare you?
Run! Run!
Who is it?
Siddharth! Siddharth!
Siddharth get up!
- What happened?
You know that santi?
- Who santi?
That maid, she is crying of fear.
- What happened?
She says that she has seen
the ghost. - What nonsense?
Come on quickly.
What happened?
She saw something and was scared.
What did you see?
I was sleeping right here.
Suddenly I woke up.
A sound anklets was coming
from somewhere.
When I looked, it was her
Scattered hair.
She was peeking from the hole.
You were saying that there
was darkness outside.
What can you see clearly
in the darkness?
What were you thinking
while sleeping?
It is all your illusion.
What happened?
- What happened?
Who broke it!
How is all this happening?
Who is doing all this?
It is black magic.
Someone has cast a spell.
Stop your nonsense!
All these things cannot happen
without someone doing it.
Talking all lies.
Ghosts and ghouls, magic spells,
go inside all of you!
Close the door and go to sleep!
Walk in a group. Walk in a group.
I am not ashamed to
say that I am scared.
Walk in a group. Walk in a group.
Chandu, who has appointed
these servants.
Mother has, but what happened?
What happened, first ask
aunt to fire that maid!
I don't want anyone who spreads
rumours about the palace.
What is all this commotion,
what has happened?
Some strange things are happening.
Someone is playing a dirty trick.
But what has happened?
Nothing, I was... - The maid
saw the palace's ghost there.
What's happening?
Are you fine?
Siddharth! Siddharth!
Who must have broken all this?
I had shot so many things in this!
Our arrival, your coronation.
Say something Siddharth.
I opened that door, that's why
all this is happening isn't it?
Why will this ghost named Manjulika
break our video camera?
Surely there is something.
- I am also sure of it.
Uncle I want to talk to you.
Do you still want to say something?
All that happened in front
of you in the palace...
...isn't that enough
as evidence for you.
The worst is about to come.
I request to you, be sensible
and let's go from here.
You are saying it without knowing
what happened and who did it, uncle!
I know what the reality is, and
that's what I have come to tell you!
When it's time to run you
are searching for maps.
Uncle, you don't understand.
What happened? What happened?
Avni, what happened?
Open your eyes, Avni.
Chandu, quickly call the doctor.
Call the doctor.
Quickly make a call.
- Pick her up quickly.
Take her to the hospital.
- Call the doctor otherwise
it will be too late.
Pick her up.
Take her to the room.
Avni! Avni! Avni! Avni! Avni!
Are you fine?
Are you fine?
What happened? How did this happen?
I don't know.
Suddenly my veil started burning.
Ask Radha, she saw it.
When I saw, the veil was burning.
Lord Shiva.
She is saved.
Please you people...
Go, bring a sari.
Uncle, I want to talk to you.
What is it?
Uncle, if you don't mind
can I ask you something?
Tell me clearly what you want to.
Uncle, I wanted to ask...
how is Radha?
Does she have any mental ailment
or any mental tension?
Adopted children can
have mental ailments.
Had something happened before?
It is not something to hide,
nor to feel shy.
Mental ailments can be treated.
We will call a good doctor.
Keep quiet, are you in your senses.
What are you saying?
These are the deeds of your wife
with modern thoughts and yours.
And you are blaming my daughter.
If we say anything to you, you
don't want to believe it.
Will you believe it?
Last night, we have touched death
and returned back alive.
Me, Murari and Natwar
had gone there.
Thinking that let the priest
come at his own time...
...before that we will perform
the veneration...
...and keep the auspicious pot.
Do you know, we heard
Manjulika's voice.
We even heard the sound
of her anklets.
Now say that the three
of us are mad...
...and put us in a mental asylum.
So you have seen the ghost too.
Fools are never called intelligent.
Because he has never
seen the sunlight.
Don't feel bad about my anger.
I am talking about everyone's
And your betterment is in
that you pack your bags...
...and come to my manor. Right now.
And please don't think
this is my misbehavior.
I am very strong of my principles.
Myself and Avni are
not going anywhere.
I just want to do something
for Radha, let me do it.
What happened?
He is not ready to leave the palace!
He is not ready to believe,
because of daughter-in-law...
...ghosts have been let
free in this palace.
He is telling me, that Radha
has some mental illness.
O God.
- You keep quiet.
Just because he said it
doesn't mean anything.
What could have happened to Radha?
Go and ask him! Your son-in-law.
It is a mental sickness, what else.
What happened now brother?
What happened?
This, this is the blouse that
you have made?! - Yes. Why?
Quit working as a tailor, your
method is wrong. - What happened?
Go take them back and stitch them
properly and bring them back.
I would have never cut it like this.
First I will cut one hand,
then the other.
And finally I will cut the throat,
understood or not?
Oh God!
What happened uncle, did
you have any work?
Brother Badri.
- What?
What Siddharth said was right.
- What?
The palace's ghost has entered her,
it won't leave her easily.
I saw her, knife in the hand,
scattered hair...
...and she pounced on
to me with the knife.
Don't talk nonsense.
I am telling the truth.
You don't believe it,
come on I will show...
What happened?
- Nothing, you are absolutely fine.
Nothing has happened
to you, nothing.
Sit, sit.
Yes, keep swinging.
Day and night, just keep swinging.
You don't want to swing.
- It's okay you can stop.
Am I mad that I will keep
swinging all day?
Why are you crying, aunt?
Even mother has been
crying since morning.
- Nothing, nothing.
Why are you all staring at me?
You tell me, why is everyone
staring at me?
Tell me.
Someone tell me what's happening?
Tell me!
Hello, hello, hello may I speak
with Aditya Srivastav please?
Yes, its urgent.
This is his friend from
India, Siddharth.
Greetings madam, Mrs. Sharma
this is Siddharth here.
There was a very important thing,
I wanted to talk about a patient.
Yes, his...
I tried his mobile,
it is switched off.
He didn't answer my e-mail, that's
why I called the hospital.
Please give him the message
that the patients condition... getting worse day by day. Ask
him to call me. It's urgent.
Okay, thank you ma'am.
Radha is not uncle Badri's daughter?
No, she has been adopted.
Radha's father was the
royal astrologer...
...and brother Badri's
very good friend.
After his death, she was
completely helpless.
Her mother had passed
away in her childhood.
Then brother Badri adopted her and
brought her up as his daughter.
You know, in childhood Siddharth
and Radha were very good friends.
Everyone wanted Radha and
Siddharth to get married.
Radha dreamt about that too.
But Siddharth married you
and Radha was heart broken.
The ghost has entered Radha.
That means, that old king must
be wandering somewhere around.
Troublesome ghost, don't trouble
me, don't trouble me.
Or else I will thrust this in,
I am telling the truth...
...I will thrust it in.
Don't trouble me.
I am not from this family, I got
married that's why I am with them...
...I am not from this family.
Why are you troubling me?
No! No! No! No!
Don't come near me.
Don't come...
Don't come near me.
Don't come near me.
Don't come near me.
No! No!
No! No! No!
Don't come near me. No. No.
You were saying about him, isn't it?
He is in a very dangerous stage.
And why have you left him open?
Tie him to a pole.
Who is this beggar?
- Beggar.
Leave him, he is my uncle.
He could be, but he is ill.
No, he is not ill.
He started piercing me with the
umbrella calling me old king.
That's why I caught him.
Uncle he is my friend Aditya,
he has come from America.
He is a psychiatrist.
Ask him to treat himself first.
I am perfectly fine. Good that you...
...arrived on time, or else
he would have strangled me.
I am sorry.
This is the invention
of the English.
First commit a mistake and then say
sorry to commit another mistake.
When did you arrive?
And how did you manage
to reach here?
I called you so many times,
faxed you, e-mailed you...
...but you didn't reply to anything.
Where were you absconding?
And what is the new garb
that you have worn.
Nothing, I was in the Kumbh fair.
For the past 15-20 days I
have been taking a dip...
...and washing of my sins.
You cannot do that wearing jeans
and T-shirt. That's why.
My secretary informed me
that you had called...
...that's why I came
here running. And...
I have to pay the auto-rickshaw too.
Ramnath, how much do I have to pay?
- 13,000.
Repeat it louder.
- 13,000!
Allahabad in the auto-rickshaw.
Even I enjoyed driving it.
I told the driver to sit
behind and I'd drive.
I put the key in and started.
Patient, patient.
Uncle, this is my friend Aditya.
He is psychic... he is a
psychiatrist, uncle...
"Hail Rama! Hail Rama!"
Greetings uncle.
My daughter is not insane.
- Yes uncle.
Please don't make her insane.
- Yes uncle.
"Hail Krishna! Hail Rama!"
And then when I drove the rickshaw.
And while driving it I...
"Hail Krishna! Hail Rama!"
What happened?
I saw her, she ran away seeing me.
There is something wrong.
I can see in her eyes
something is wrong.
Whom did you see?
- That middle-aged one.
She will be fine, no matter.
You must have seen aunt
Janki and not Radha.
Everyone seems to be insane.
Have you opened a
mental asylum here?
It is not their fault, it
is because of your getup.
You look more like a impostor
than a doctor.
You know I get bored treating
patients in the hospital.
Whenever I get the chance I freak
out, wear such strange clothes.
Come on, freshen up quickly.
Introduce me to sister-in-law.
Yes, Avni.
- Avni.
Have you seen sister-in-law Avni?
- No.
Nandini listen.
- Yes.
I might have seen her
go up with a book.
Yes, she has gone up.
- Okay.
Sister-in-law Avni.
Sister-in-law Avni.
Open this door.
It won't open like that, we
will have to break it. Come.
Has the doctor arrived?
- Yes, he is inside.
Oh brother...
Who is he?
There has been blood loss.
That's why there will be
weakness for some days.
Otherwise, there is
nothing to worry about.
Everything will be fine.
How did you get seriously
wounded, dear?
I had gone up to look
for sister-in-law Avni.
I felt that someone is following me.
- I couldn't see anyone.
I reached the court running.
There suddenly, the
swing hit my head.
Like somebody had pushed it.
After that, I don't
remember anything.
But who told you that I am upstairs?
I was not there.
Sister Radha.
Why, I had gone to take a bath.
Did you see this is the condition!
Since I have arrived, all
this has been going on.
What is it?
An ailment or something else.
The one who told her that she
is upstairs, but she was not.
That's our patient.
What did you say her name was?
- Radha.
- Radha, and not Adha. - Radha...
This journey has clogged my mind,
First I will have to clear
it then it will work.
Where is my other bag?
Where did my other bag go?
Whoever has done this,
I'll not leave him.
One day I'll nab him.
- Hey, stop!
Where is he going? He'll die. Look!
Mr. Ramlal, where are you going?
We are going to Shahpur.
Since when.
Has Mr. Yagyaprakash returned
from London or not...
...we are going to see that.
You can come along if you want.
Yes, come on, come on we
will have a lot of fun.
Not from here, the door
is at the back.
Sunder sweet-maker.
Did you get married?
Okay, you are going along
with sister-in-law.
Give me my bequest.
Priest, close the door we
are getting late. Greeting.
We'll give you money later.
Shut the door.
Come on, let's hurry!
Seems like he has gone
mad seeing Manjulika.
Taj mahal is right in front.
Junior priest, are you doing
penance sitting here?
Pushpa, where are you
going on your donkey?
I am Murari, and not Pushpa.
Have you heard, Manjulika
has entered Radha's body!
People say that my behaviour
has changed.
Take a look at my face,
tell me how do I look?
Adit, what are you searching for?
Where is the bathroom?
All the ways look similar.
Name all the paths.
There goes king Siddharth road.
There goes queen Avni road.
That's Radha Square. Where
is the bathroom?
It is not that difficult?
After taking a right and a left,
the door that you will
see in the front...
...that is the bathroom.
But what will I wear?
The dirty clothes have been taken
for washing the clean clothes...
...have been burnt.
What should I wear?
No, this is my house.
Do one thing, take a bath I will
send a loin-cloth for you...
...wear that today.
- Okay.
"Hail Shiv Shankar."
"Neither the thorn nor
the stone pierces you."
"I have drunk this in your name."
Who has taken my clothes?
These had been sent for me.
Who are you?
- Who are you?
In my house you are
asking me who am I?
How dare you?
You are that impostor of the
morning return me my clothes.
I have worn it, and it is
a bit drenched too. - What?
Do one thing, wear my towel.
You pig, bloody serpent.
You wore my clothes.
What good will abusing do?
What will I wear?
Give it back.
Take the towel off and come out,
I want to see you properly.
Scoundrel, useless, how dare you!
Great, you look beautiful.
Are you peeking inside?
Golden tresses, your tresses
touch your knees. Wow.
May you rot, don't you
have respect for women?
One thing is for sure,
we will have to meet...
...and there is no need
to circulate that.
I want to meet you,
and that too alone.
You scoundrel, swine,
may you rot to death.
Aren't you ashamed flirting with
a lonely girl? Return my clothes!
Quiet! Here! Here! Wear it!
Who is it?
Is someone there?
Where is it?
"I am yours."
"I am only yours."
"I am yours."
"I am yours."
"My desires will remain
in the breeze."
"It will stay alive, even
after being destroyed."
"I am yours."
"I am only yours."
"I am yours."
Wait! Wait!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
What are you doing here?
- Bathroom.
Will you do it here?
- Yes...
...Here, will you do it here?
- No, in the bathroom.
Why did you run seeing me?
- What?
I couldn't control it.
What, you couldn't control
your urine in the stomach.
Now it has come out,
the pant is wet.
- Then?
Let me, I have to go badly.
And what of I would have
been hurt badly. - What?
You don't know.
- You don't know.
Come on, let's urinate.
Come on.
- I will do it.
Come on. Hurry! Start pissing.
Come fast.
Start, come on.
I saw it, small one.
Small one.
It is not good to roam around
all night, understood.
Small one.
What happened, aren't you done yet?
Is it Niagara falls?
Small one.
Hey, small one...
Adi, get up.
Thank you, what happened?
Did you sleep here the entire night?
Yes, the program was quite long.
Program, which program?
Tell me one thing, who
knows Bengali here?
No one.
But Radha had maybe studied
for some years in Kolkata.
Does she know classical music?
Does she know how to dance?
- No.
Then who was dancing all night
wearing the anklet? - Where?
On the third floor.
You heard it.
Heard it, but the artists door
was closed I couldn't see her.
By the way, who sleeps there?
And now the lock there is broken
too, no one goes there.
Can we go up and take a look.
But if someone sees us, then
there will be a commotion.
Nothing will happen,
no one will know.
Come on, let us go.
- Yes. Just a minute.
Ok. It's done.
So this is that haunted closed room.
About which Siddharth
had told me about.
So he is the flirt king.
Look, look cruelty can be seen
on the face. He is a scoundrel.
Even the painter couldn't hide it.
Look at his eyes, bad intentions.
Full of lust, it can
be seen clearly.
And where is the other party?
The other, that Bengali dancer.
Do you have her photograph?
- Come, I will show you.
- Yes.
Oh God.
No wonder the old king was
besotted, its my mistake forgive me.
Why are you saying that?
What a girl?! What a girl?!
I don't have any complaints
with that old king...
...that he snatched from
that Shashidhar.
Do you want to see
Shashidhar's house?
What? - Do you wish to
see Shashidhar's house.
Yes, show me. Then come.
Okay, so from there Shashidhar
used to look at Manjulika...
...and from here Manjulika used
to sing seeing him. That...
"I am yours."
"I am yours. I am only yours."
- Come here, I will show you
something interesting.
"I am only yours."
Look, look her sari.
Which she would wear while dancing.
Iook, this pearl necklace.
This arm band.
So many jewels, which I have
never seen or heard of.
Look, anklets.
Where is it, it should
have been a pair.
"I am yours."
"I am only yours."
Did you find it?
- No.
Let it be, it is just an
anklet not a big thing.
It must be lying somewhere
around. Forget it.
- O God!
Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!
Take your pants off? - What?
Where is this sound coming from?
Wait, wait, wait.
Where did you get this anklet from?
Where did you get this anklet from?
In the passage outside.
So you are the one that dances the
entire night upstairs. - No.
Then why do you keep
it in your pocket?
- What's that?
I wanted to wear it and see...
- You want to become a woman.
- Then?
I mean.
- What do you mean?
I wanted to keep it in the pocket...
- What?
If the other anklet
can be heard or not.
Detective, you want to
be a detective. Wow
Are these anklets yours?
Do you have any objection
if I keep it? ...No.
Go, go, go. Go and sleep.
Small one.
Small one...
How are you, Radha?
Why were you peeking
in here last night?
Is this a part of
your treatment too?
You can think whatever you want?
Whatever you will think,
I will like it.
Then why have you come here now?
I was just accounting, that when I
added subtracted and multiplied...
...and then I even divided it,
I got only one answer.
And maybe it was right too.
But now I am thinking, there
is nothing wrong... adding subtracting multiplying
and dividing it.
What? What? What?
Foolish girl.
I was just accounting, that when I
added subtracted and multiplied...
...and then I even divided it,
I got only one answer.
And maybe it was right too.
But now I am thinking, there
is nothing wrong... adding subtracting multiplying
and dividing it.
Can I ask you something?
- Ask.
Do you need treatment too?
What was he doing here?
Nonsense, I didn't understand
Be careful, because as soon
as he arrived he tried on me.
Useless, ox, goon.
Can such a fool can
ever be a doctor?
Look, look, look, look.
I think you should think about
your second marriage. Come on.
Siddharth cannot even think about
anyone else other than me.
But you are wrong in one matter,
I can prove that. What?
Where did you find these?
These are Manjulika's.
These, these are Manjulika's
It must be 50-60 years old.
- Yes.
Why not, these are just 2 years old.
Hers must have been lost by now.
These are real. They are
not real, they are fake!
How do you know?
Because I am an archaeologist,
and I have read old things.
I agree that you are ajunk seller,
but I know a bit too.
They are fake.
- They are real.
- Real.
- Real.
Your eyes are deceiving you.
Deceit, my eyes, my eyes.
Okay, you win, it is useless
arguing with you. Now come on.
You win.
Excuse, you will it is useless
arguing with you.
What are you arguing about?
Nothing, ask your barney.
She thinks she knows everything.
I have done nothing all my life.
"I am yours."
"I am only yours."
"I am yours."
"I am yours."
"My desires will remain
in the breeze."
"It will stay alive, even
after being destroyed."
"I am yours."
"I am only yours."
"I am yours."
"My darling, my heart will go
on to you even after death."
"My heart will look
for you in restlessness."
"My darling, my heart will go
on to you even after death."
Who is it?
Who is it outside?
Who is it outside?
It's me, king Vibhutinarayan!
Scoundrel, open the door!
Open the door!
Who are you?
Scoundrel, you ask me who am I?
I am Manjulika.
Why have you come here?
I have come to kill you!
I have come to kill you
and drink your blood!
Open the door!
- You will kill me!
You will kill me!
You cannot kill me, forget it!
I will kill you!
I will kill you before the Eight
day of the Goddess Durga veneration!
Only after that I'll be at peace.
Scoundrel Open the door!
You will kill me on the Eight day
of the Goddess Durga veneration!
You will kill me on the Eight day
of the Goddess Durga veneration!
Then come on the Eight day of
the Goddess Durga veneration!
Go from here now.
I am going! I am going for now!
But I will return to kill you.
I will return to murder you.
Go from here, go.
Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!
You have troubled me a lot.
I am playing hide and seek with you.
You come wherever I go.
Aren't you ashamed?
Come on, come out.
Come out.
- What is it?
Where do you study?
- Economics.
Where do you study?
- Guwahati.
- Guwahati.
Didn't you say Goti?
No really, I said Guwahati.
What are you doing here?
My holidays are going on?
Whatever I ask you, you
spontaneously answer it.
You are very proud. Why?
I have been noticing that...
wherever there is a doubt
you are always there.
Tell me the truth, do
you act in the college.
Do you imitate people?
Do you know Bengali?
Then why were you singing
in Bengali last night... a girls voice?
I am yours.
I am only yours.
Why were you singing?
It wasn't me.
- Then was it your guest?
Why do you keep roaming
around in the night?
Don't you feel sleepy?
You want to urinate.
Where do you bring
so much urine from?
We don't have so much.
And where do you keep it?
Did you fill up this pond?
Looking at you I can say
something is wrong.
Tell me the truth or else
I will hypnotize you.
Then I will know all
the secrets in you.
Tell me. Tell me quickly.
Even I want to find out,
who is doing all this.
Or else, all of you will
turn sister Radha mad.
Are you mad? You are crying.
I didn't know it isn't allowed
to joke in this house?
I never saw such a sensitive boy.
Enough now. Relax! Relax now.
No, no, no don't cry son.
Come on, wear this I will show
you something. Come on.
Come on, don't cry.
Chandu, now I am going
to tell you something.
Don't take it as ajoke.
It is dangerous to roam around
in the palace at night.
There is danger at every step.
Danger means its life threatening.
You can lose your life. There
can be a murder too.
Yes. It can really happen.
If not today then tomorrow.
But it will happen, and before
the Eight day of...
...the Goddess Durga veneration!
And yes, only you and me know this.
Don't tell anyone else. Understood.
But what will we do now?
Do you trust me?
- No.
Good, now we will go together.
- Where?
- Do you know where the village is?
Yes, it is exactly at the centre
of our country. Good.
But it is very far from here.
Wherever it is, we are going.
Understand, come... come.
"Come on traveller."
"Come on traveller."
"The journey of life is unknown."
"Our span of life is unknown."
"Neither do you know nor do I."
"Still we are going on an
unknown destination."
"Allah be with you, Allah be
with you Allah be with you."
"Allah be with you,
says every moment."
"Come on traveller."
"Every view, every sign is new."
"Who knows where the dawn is?"
"Each part, each moment is new."
"No one knows where we will dwell."
"Every city, every path is new."
"Every sign, every
moment is unknown."
"Neither do you know nor do I care."
"We are going towards unknown."
"Allah be with you, Allah be
with you Allah be with you."
"Allah be with you,
says every moment."
"Come on traveller."
"Come on traveller."
"Come on traveller."
"Allah be with you, Allah be
with you Allah be with you."
"Allah be with you,
says every moment."
"Come on traveller."
- Greetings. Greetings.
Mr. Yagyaprakash Bharti
has sent us here.
Has he returned from London?
Yes, and he received your message.
He has started studying the
horoscopes that you have sent him.
He will arrive here one day...
before the eight day of
the Durga veneration.
Because the auspicious date
of the veneration...
...has been fixed on the eight
day of Durga veneration.
This is the list of things
required in the veneration.
Read it carefully.
All the things that are required
in the quantity and quality... will have to keep it ready.
That means there is some danger.
All the members of this
house have to be alert.
The servants should be alerted too.
If someone is ill, take
special care of them.
Why are you standing outside,
come in. - No, we are leaving.
At least have tea. -
We are not even supposed to
have water of this house.
Okay. Greetings.
Did you hear what they said, until
the veneration is done...
...we will have to
take care of Radha.
She is under the control of the
ghost, how can we control her?
It is easy, tie her up in a sack.
You should be tied up.
Or sealed in the wall like Anarkali.
Have you come on your own will...
...or did the government
there send you here.
A ghost has come from America,
to catch a ghost
Brother, brother Badri.
You are making tea.
Please make some for Siddharth.
- Please!
Okay. And give me some flour, today
I will bathe with flour and see.
I will just bring it.
From tomorrow you will have
to give a written request...
...only then will you get tea,
understood. - Sorry.
I am going, Siddharth
is going on the site...
...and as usual has forgotten
the car keys. - Okay.
- Coming sister.
Give it to brother Siddharth. Ok.
- Ok.
Tea, tea, tea.
Sister has asked me to give it
to brother Siddharth. - Okay.
Chandu, take all the heavy things.
- Okay.
Knife, dagger, scissors,
take everything.
Look, take this knife.
And yes, give me this knife.
Give me, leave it.
Why are you taking all this?
We are going for a shootout
in Lokhandwala.
Here. Keep this.
And how will I cut the vegetables?
- With your teeth.
Do one thing, put her teeth
and tongue in this too.
Come on, take it.
Let father find out, then see.
What happened?
What are you doing Aditya?
Rat kill, in your tea.
How do you know?
Can you see the bottle, it is empty.
I just saw the tea utensil, there
was poison spilled all over.
What nonsense?
- Nonsense!
Then do one thing, drink
the remaining tea.
You will find out after you die.
Who, who will mix the poison?
The one who made you tea?
Ask Nandini, who made this tea?
What is all this going on?
Sister Radha asked me
to give this tea.
But there is poison in the tea...
Lock up Radha in the room.
- Why?
Because your daughter is mad.
If you don't lock her
up in the room...
...then there will be
deaths in this house.
Remember what I am saying!
What status do you have
to accuse my daughter?
Get out of my house!
Get out of here. - Keep your
emotions in control, uncle!
He is a doctor, he knows more about
this matter than all of us!
And if she is not inane, then why
did she mix poison in the tea?
Do you have an answer
to that question?
To hell with your question.
I will not keep my
daughter locked up.
Brother Badri, I know what
you are going through.
But it is for everyone's betterment.
And then it is foolishness
to invite death.
What are you saying uncle,
I am not mad...
I have to decide that and not you!
Leave me, leave me!
Leave my daughter! Leave her!
I say... Control your emotions!
- Leave me! Leave me!
Save me, father save me! Today
there was poison in the tea...
...if something happens then.
Go inside. Leave me.
No one will open this door
without my permission
It is dreadful.
Whatever you are doing,
it is very dreadful.
What I am doing is for the
betterment of everyone.
Why are you all after me?
What have I done?
Better than making me suffer
like this, kill me!
Poison me, or burn me alive.
All of you are cowards. Don't
you have the courage!
Fine, I know what I have to do!
Radha! Don't do that Radha!
Don't be mad Radha!
Aditya! Open the door Aditya!
Please open the door. Please...
Repeat after me whatever I say.
"Om I am making this offering
to the water."
I perform so many venerations still
this happened to my daughter.
Now my daughter will not remain...
...locked up in that
room like an animal.
Today I will open the lock.
Both of you support me.
Now do the veneration.
After you finish the veneration
send the donation in our office. Ok?
They are saying in
the village that...
When there is madness
in the house... - What?
They can break the alliance
out of fear.
And there hasn't been
any engagement too.
They won't do that, maybe.
Radha's ailment cannot
affect Nandini... don't have blood
relation with her.
Beware, don't you say that again.
People don't think before blowing
matters out of proportion.
Even I care about Nandini
Batuk Shankar.
I will talk to his father
and fix the engagement.
Mummy! Mummy.
Who are you? Who are you?
I am the junior priest of the
temple on the high hillock.
So what should I do?
I have heard that some mad doctor
from Africa... has arrived
Is that you?
- Yes I am, so?
I have a suspicion.
- Then play it.
That I am mad.
- Who says it?
People say that I look changed,
what do you think minister.
I am a doctor and not a minister.
Forget that, but have
I really changed?
Yes there is something wrong?
Then treat me.
Come after the Durga veneration, go.
Go, go, go
Come after the Durga veneration, go.
Hey listen.
Stay back.
Stay away from water, water
is dangerous for you.
Ok. Thank you.
- Go, go, go.
The army has returned.
"Our eyes locked."
"The conversations gave rise
to more conversations."
"I swear on Lord, beloved our
meetings will be beneficial."
"Our eyes locked."
"The conversations
gave rise to love."
"I swear on Lord, beloved our
meetings will be beneficial."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Come on, let's dance beloved."
"Slyly from the clouds."
"The moon is looking here."
"To see the face of my beloved."
"What beauty is."
"Slyly from the clouds."
"The moon is looking here."
"To see the face of my beloved."
"What beauty is!"
"The day passes in your thoughts."
"I cannot sleep at nights."
"Your innocence, your love makes
me suffer every moment."
"A strange fun has taken over."
"The time to meet has come."
"Now there won't be any distance
or any loneliness."
"Mad girl."
"You slyly."
"Sometimes by raising and
lowering your eyebrows."
"Took my heart."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Bride, listen bride the wedding
night has arrived."
"Bride, listen bride our
blessings are with you."
"I couldn't find peace."
"It is just your intoxication."
"Wherever I saw, it was just you."
"I want to say, I don't want
to stay away from you."
"My companion, I don't want to
experience the pain of distance."
"I was floored my dear."
"I became crazy for you."
"How can I tell you how much
I love you, you didn't know."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
"Let's rock now, beloved."
Where is Avni?
- She must be somewhere around.
Let's look for her.
- Why are you so tense. - Come on.
Come on, come fast.
Avni! Avni!
- Avni!
- Avni!
Look there.
- Avni!
Avni! Avni!
Siddharth, stop it! Leave him!
Did you see what he
was doing to her?
Didn't you see?
Listen to me!
Siddharth, stop it!
First take care of Avni, then
we will deal with him!
First take care of Avni! Go.
Aditya, I didn't do anything
please listen to me.
I know, I understand, I know.
Tell me, what do you want to say?
The ghost of the palace
is none other, but Avni.
What nonsense?
Whatever I tell you, you
will have to listen...
...with a lot of patience
and concentration.
The one who tried to kill Nandini
and burnt Avni's sari...
...that was your Avni and not Radha.
The day... I arrived
I understood that
Radha is not sick then,
who can it be?
That day when I went to
the 3rd floor along with
Avni for the first time.
The excitement with which she
was talking about Manjulika...
...I noticed restlessness in her
which only a mental patient has.
I got a kind of a psychic vibration.
You mean to say that Avni is insane.
No! No!
Whereas, every common people call
any mental ailment insanity.
The brains have different sections.
However a person may
appear from outside...
...because of the levels of these
sections of the brain.
Whereas the heart of the people
function differently... different situation.
In psychology we call it conscious,
sub-conscious and unconscious mind.
Avni's ailment is such, that
sometimes she forgets...
...herself completely and
becomes Manjulika.
This ailment is called
...identity disorder.
That means, a person dawning the
identity of another person...
...forgetting themselves.
Avni who has studied in America
starts speaking Bengali...
...which she has never learnt.
She doesn't know how to dance, but
when she turns into Manjulika...
...she starts singing and dancing.
She even knows when you sleep.
When you are in deep sleep.
And exactly at that time she roams
around the palace as Manjulika.
That's why people in old times used
to call it acquired by ghosts.
But such mental and physical
strength is the wonder of nature.
Why Avni has this ailment,
to know that I asked you... stay close to Radha
in the temple.
Do you remember?
I wanted to know if Avni is
jealous of Radha or not.
But no.
On the other hand her entire
concentration was on our argument...
...whether this anklet
is real or not.
Then I saw her inferno
in her angry eyes... if Manjulika is speaking.
To know the condition in which
Avni was brought up...
...I went to her village
along with Chandu.
To know more about
her childhood life...
I met with her relatives,
her friends, her teacher.
She was 3 years old, when
her parents left her...
...with her grandma and went
to America to try their fate.
Child Avni surely would
miss her parents...
...but for her, grandma
was everything.
Her grandma would tell her stories
of ghosts, fairies...
...and magical tales, and Avni's
loneliness would disappear.
So she started believing that
good always triumphs over evil.
But old grandma started
not keeping well... Avni's parents came
to take her home.
She was in the 10th started.
Her exams were very near.
But her mind was restless
with papa's decision.
She was not ready to stay
away from grandma.
This mental tension was erupting
in her like a volcano.
Avni was sitting in the exam hall...
...when suddenly she tore the
exam paper and threw it...
...and she ran away from the
school screaming like mad.
That was the first break
down of her brain.
The papa didn't delay at all
to take her to America.
They took her forcefully.
And after some days they received
the news that grandma passed away.
With growing age, Avni
forgot her childhood.
Years later, when she
came here with you...
...she lost herself in the
story of this palace.
Like she used to get lost
in grandma's stories.
She felt like Manjulika's
saga as her own.
The separation of two lovers
because of a king and then death.
Avni started having sympathy
with Manjulika.
Because the injustice that
was done to Manjulika...
...the same thing has happened
to Avni in her childhood.
She wanted the triumph
of Manjulika's truth...
...over the kings cruelty.
The sympathy grew so much that
Avni started thinking...
...that she is Manjulika.
The ailment that was hidden
in Avni's mind... started coming out.
And then, all the incidents
that took place... must have happened like this.
Since when do you know Avni?
One months love and then marriage.
Then it was impossible for you to
have such deep information about her.
But why did you lock up Radha?
The day she mixed poison in
the tea, I saw Manjulika...
...coming out in front of everyone.
If Manjulika would have
overpowered Avni...
...then it would have been
impossible to bring her back.
To divert her attention, I had
to put the blame on Radha.
Now except for the three of us,
even Radha knows everything.
When I told Radha about
Avni's ailment...
...that innocent girl said, to
save Avni she is prepared... pose as a mad
girl all her life.
Siddharth! Siddharth, open the door.
Siddharth, open the door.
Who locked this door, Siddharth?
Siddharth, open the door.
Siddharth, who closed this door?
And look, the sari that
I wore in the wedding.
How did this happen?
Maybe Radha must have done it.
Yes, it must be her.
But why is she doing all this?
We shouldn't have brought
her out of the room.
But when did she do all this?
I cannot remember anything.
When did you come?
Avni, he is the groom.
I... am not feeling well.
Yes, it is quite late and
all the rituals are over... let sister-in-law go.
During the mental ailment,
Avni turns into Manjulika... become Shashidhar and...
...Siddharth becomes
the old king for her.
Whatever she did that day,
it was all a part of it.
The onlooker will feel
that you forced Avni...
...and in that way your marriage
will break and Manjulika...
...will get her lover back.
Manjulika is slowly
overpowering Avni.
In the next two days, that is on
the 8th day of the Durga veneration...
...Avni will completely transform
into Manjulika.
Manjulika had taken an oath that
she will never let any king live.
And in Avni's view, Siddharth
is the king here.
That's way she can kill
Siddharth any time.
If she fails in that, then she
might commit suicide like Manjulika.
If I save Avni, then I will have to
risk Siddharth's life.
If you have to save Siddharth,
then Avni will lose her life.
No matter what I do, someone
is certain to die.
Greetings high priest.
- Greetings.
I wanted to ask you something.
I have been very restless
since two days.
I will feel better if we talk.
Shall we go in?
Was your daughter's engagement
ceremony fine?
Yes, very nicely. Why?
It was a very ominous moment.
Some obstructions would come,
such arrangements were made.
No, nothing of that sort happened.
Okay, if nothing happened
then it's the grace.
I had sent the list of things.
- Yes.
What about it?
- It is ready.
- But Radha...
There is a barrier in
Radha's horoscope too...
...but I am not worried about that.
Her mind is restless.
The Saturn is creating
an obstruction...
As soon it changes, everything
will be fine.
But I feel some problem...
There is a problem in this palace.
It has already started too.
There is a grave chance of
someone's untimely death.
Death, whose?
I have seen him somewhere.
You must have seen him
in some mental asylum.
I can't remember.
Teacher you forgot, try to remember.
America, parapsychology conference.
You had given a speech.
Exorcism, the Indian way.
Aditya! Aditya Shrivastav! Yes.
They seem to be long lost.
Son how can I forget you.
I never hoped to see you here,
that's why I was shocked.
Badri Narayan, when this
fool is present here...
...then why did you call
me for your daughter?
Seems like you don't
know him properly.
He is a famous psychiatrist.
Don't be fooled by his appearance...
...he looks like a wanderer,
but he his like Raavan.
With ten brains.
- Teacher.
He is the right hand
of the world's...
...famous psychiatrist
Dr. Elise. Teacher.
He is the writer of parapsychology's
two famous articles.
Teacher, I want to talk to you.
Yes, say.
Not here, somewhere else.
Mr. Badri, please keep two
chairs outside. - Yes.
Son, don't get me wrong.
But with my entire experience, and
the affection that I have for you...
...I am warning you.
This case has no solution,
it has no treatment.
It is incurable.
Teacher, I respect your experience...
...but in this matter, all the books
I have read and my knowledge
is useless.
You know teacher, psychology is the
only science without a definition.
Every mind is different, every
heart is different...
...every key has a different lock.
For my friend, I have to use a way...
...which no psychologist in
the world might have used.
You know I have to go beyond the...
...conventional concepts
of psychotherapy.
Try it, I will not stop you.
But what will you do?
Avni is a girl that has grown
up hearing stories...
...of ghost, fairies and other
magical tales from her grandma.
I will need the weapon of your...
...mantras to control her mind.
Can you create an ambience
for me like getting rid
of a ghost from a body...
Move ahead with self-confidence,
I am with you.
It is starting from a
very dangerous point.
Before Avni turns completely insane
I want to make her aware
that she is ill...
- She won't be able to tolerate it.
She might lose her senses.
You are afraid of that isn't it?
But I have decided, not me but
Siddharth will make her realise...
...that she is a mental patient.
If she can tolerate that incident,
then we have some hope.
I don't know whether I am
doing wrong or right.
I just need the power
of your prayers.
That's all.
- Bless you.
Avni is getting ready to go out to
buy jewellery along with Nandini.
Go in her room and stop her.
But I haven't stopped
Avni for anything.
But today you will have to do it.
Stop her, she will argue, be
stubborn don't let her go.
Possible that her expressions
might change.
Don't be scared, call her with
all your love and affection.
Call her back.
I will be around the room.
Go, stop her.
Avni. Where are you going?
I had told you, I am going to
buy jewellery for Nandini.
Avni, don't go.
Why? Don't you want me to go?
But I had told you in the morning.
Then why are you stopping me now?
I must have said it at that time,
but I am stopping you now.
Why, what is the problem if I go
to buy jewellery with Nandini?
I had told you.
Yes, but now you will not go.
Why, why can't I go?
Because I said no.
You won't let me go!
You will not let me go!
So you will not let
me go out from here!
Even today you dare to
stand in front of me!
Today is 8th day of
Durga veneration!
I have to cut your throat
and drink your blood!
I have to dance on your corpse!
What did I do, Siddharth?
No, I surely did something.
I said something, isn't it?
I said something wrong, isn't it?
Something strange.
Siddharth I am feeling strange.
Something strange is
happening within me.
Siddharth, I am very scared.
There is something wrong with
me, Siddharth isn't it?
Don't hate me please.
Siddharth, I am feeling very tired.
Siddharth I want to rest.
What are you doing with my Avni?
You are handing her over
to a foolish sorcerer.
Listen to me. You don't
have to say anything.
I have seen! I have seen my Avni.
Relax Sid!
I will take my Avni to
America, to London!
I will take her to the biggest
doctors in the world...
...but I will not let you treat her.
Listen to me, I want
to say something.
I have heard enough!
Now I don't want you to treat her!
Fine, go. Take her wherever
you want to!
But remember one thing, no
psychiatrist or medicine...
...cannot bring your
Avni back to you.
Even I can do what other
big psychiatrist can do.
I can make Avni anew.
But what's the use.
She will living statue, what else
But just a statue.
She will walk.
Will that be enough for you?
Is it enough?
Siddharth, I want you
to get back your Avni.
With her sweetness, her passion.
But for that I need a day.
Then take all the days you want,
but return me my Avni,
To say the truth I am going
to experiment something...
...I just have to do that.
It is possible that Avni might
attack you, may injure you...
...she might do something
that you never forget...
Do whatever you wish too.
Kill me, I'll not mind it.
But she should be cured.
I just need her.
Just return me my Avni.
I will try Siddharth. I will try.
Sir has arranged
everything for the prayers.
But Manjulika, I mean Avni.
We will have to bring Avni there.
And only Sharad can do this job.
"I am just yours"
"I am yours."
"I am just yours"
"I am yours."
"My desires will flow
with the breeze."
"They will stay alive, even
after being destroyed."
"I am yours."
"I am just yours"
"I am yours."
"Beloved, even after death
I will love you."
"In restlessness my
heart will seek you."
"Beloved, even after death
I will love you."
"In restlessness my
heart will seek you."
"My tresses have your fragrance."
"I cannot live without you."
"You are immersed in me."
"Your voice can be heard in
the clinking of my bangles."
"This separation always
brings us closer."
"I am yours."
"I am just yours"
"I am yours."
"Your tunes are immersed
in my breath."
"My life is nothing without you."
"Your tunes are immersed
in my breath."
"My life is nothing without you."
"Your voice plays in my heart."
"Your desires can be
seen in my heart."
"You are the only thing
I ever think about."
"The moment of separation
is very difficult."
"I am yours."
"I am just yours"
"I am yours."
Leave me!
Scoundrel, goon!
I will behead you!
I want to drink your blood!
Who are you?
I will not tell you!
Who are you?
I will never tell you!
You won't tell me!
Tell me. Tell me!
I am Manjulika!
Sit there.
Why have you come here?
I will kill him!
I will kill him!
Take his name.
Evil, I will kill the evil king!
Today is the 8th day
of Durga veneration!
I will cut his throat
and drink his blood!
I will help you in killing the king.
I will help you in killing the king.
But after that you Manjulika,
will leave Avni's body forever.
I promise you!
I want to take revenge!
Here! Kill him!
You can hear me.
You are Avni.
Tell me who are you?
Tell me your complete name
Avni Siddharth Chaturvedi.
Avni, now you are a happy person.
Happy and calm.
You know the truth that
you are completely cured.
I know.
If that's so, then Avni
is about to wake up.
Slowly, slowly, slowly...
...Slowly, slowly, slowly.
Do you recognise us?
Why are you asking that?
Avni, you had an ailment.
A very strange, interesting ailment.
But I cured that ailment.
It won't trouble you again.
I take guarantee of that.
I can understand.
I know I trust you Adi. Thank you.
By the way, whenever you want to
know what happened with you...
...then Siddharth will tell
you everything leasurely.
Just think it is a story
and listen to it. Ok.
It's not necessary.
I know everything.
How many people have
done a favour on me.
But I am indebted to Siddharth...
...for loving me so much.
And for tolerating my insanity.
I completed all my promises.
Go, take her away. Go.
I completed one thing,
except for one thing.
I have to complete that too
before I leave. - What?
It is something personal.
Radha the world knows
it is difficult... live with insane people.
But it is impossible to
live with psychiatrists.
Do you want to try?
I think you will manage just fine.
If I have your permission, shall
I send my parents to you?
Excuse us, we got you wrong.
No, no there is nothing like that.
You did the impossible.
You had come to get rid
of the palace's ghost...
...but you cured two lives.
Please bless me.
Girls don't touch the feet.
One incident ailed you
and other cured you.
And if the time is right,
everything becomes fine.
I didn't do anything.
Everyone is fine, except for you.
Come I will cure you. Come.
Look at me.
Open your eyes.
Stick out your tongue.
Now you will be absolutely
cured. Ok.
How do you feel?
I felt as if something
came out of my ears.
Fantastic, now you are fine.
Okay, good bye. So can I bathe now?
You didn't take a bath till now.
You had asked me to
keep away from water.
Go, and take a bath go.
Thank you, I am cured.
- Go.
I am cured.
How can I apologise to you?
You are elder, don't apologise.
Just do one thing, I have
asked someone something.
If she agrees, then don't
refuse, just bless us.
Okay, I will leave.
"Where she at, I am searching
for that fine shorty."
"And it ain't, that
I am being naughty."
"I am for real, you know
I don't play that."
"Because I mean it, when
you hear me say that."
"Madly searching for this shorty."
"In my world, the number
one haughty."
"Everywhere she makes me go crazy."
"Your eyes are a maze. Your
talks are confusing."
"In my dreams, I keep
looking for you baby."
"Your eyes are a maze."
"Your talks are confusing."
"In my dreams, you keep
me driving me so crazy."
"You stay in my heart."
"He is perfect, talk to me..."
"My restlessness says."
"I keep praying, all
day all night long."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."
"You are my silence."
"You are my intoxication."
"You are my saga."
"Making me so happy
by shaking her body..."
"You are my wandering image."
"You are my desire."
"You are my beloved."
"Everything about you,
baby I like it..."
"Your tresses are like
a dream world for me"
"I find peace only in your arms."
"My only wish is that if I ever,
ever could make you mine."
"Everyone pray with me now,
all day all night long."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."
"Hail Ram, Hail Ram."
"Hail Krishna, Hail Ram."