Big Brawl, The (1980)

That's it Billy
Billy that's it
Good work Billy
Wait a minute
Hold it
Now let's have some quiet
Hold it
Now let's have some quiet
That was a good gimmick Morgan
that kiss of death gag
Oh, that's not a gimmick gentlemen
I mean Billy Kiss is sincerely
interested in his fellow men
These are just sudden impulses of love
that take hold of him
I'm glad it's taken hold of him
rather than him take hold of me
Was it one of those
sudden impulses of love
That killed that man in Atlanta last year?
Oh, no...
That was just an accident gentlemen
I mean Billy Kiss just squeezed
a little too hard
The man was just too brittle
What about you Kiss what do you think?
All I can say is, I'll be the last man
standing when it's all over
in that town in Texas
What about the...
Another time, another time
And that was the killer you will enter into
the Battle Creek brawl
You save me the trouble
Count it Maxim
You needn't
Good day
I told you we shouldn't have stacked
them up against Kiss
We learned something
And it cost us 25 "g's"
Just make your rounds David
Do your job
Show off
Hey, Batman! Come on
We have to go see your brother
about the money
It's time
In a minute
Ten more of those and you won't be
able to go tonight
Hey! Is your brother still gonna marry
that girl from China?
Pretty soon
Even though they've never met?
That's not unusual... for Chinese
But they've only written to each other
Ten thousand times
Well it's a pretty strange way
to fall in love
Licking stamps!
Protect me from what?
What you say I need, I do not need
There's not enough money to
pay my wages
Sometimes they work hard for nothing
I hate 'Chinks' that whine
You are playing it too poor Kwan
Go, go
Get out of here
Right here John
Put his hand right here
Count your fingers
1... 2... 3... 4... 5
You're doing really good with English
Maybe next time you won't have
five fingers to count
When you pickup a meat cleaver
you'd better be ready to use it
They beat your father
Dad, are you okay?
Take care of him Nancy
This place is my father's
You hurt him
Yeah, well he's okay
Maybe just a little bit smart
Jerry, you must not fight
Jerry, you must not fight
You must not hit anybody
You promised me
You promised your dead mother
Jerry, you are fighting
What is this?
'Chink' bastard
Are you all together?
One piece
Was it the same bunch?
Take care, Dad's pretty upset
One day they will get tired of
coming here
It is my will against theirs
You go up and take a nap
I'll wash the dishes
Will you be here this evening?
I'm going to the race tonight
A cash prize, $25
Yes you need it for car payments
Don't let Jerry go down the street
to his uncle's place
It is very bad for him
You can stop him
He will listen to you
All that fighting
Training Dad
Training for what?
And my brother has never been worthy
He's a fine chiropractor
Your brother is the doctor
Your uncle is a bone cracker
And you could have been a doctor too
Two years
Such a waste
It just didn't happen fast enough for me
But you have time for all these things
There's plenty of 'wonton'
Get something hot in the stomach
And take a clean handkerchief
Hey, I know a way you can
double your money... on every dollar
You need money
to enter that roller race
Four bucks
Double my money back?
We'll chew'em up
Oh! thank you
Oh! I feel relieved
You have such marvelous hands
such strength
On the square
Get up
Get up
Sometimes you make me tremble
with disgust
I'm sorry uncle
I have but one pupil
Because there is no one else
worth teaching except you
You have a chance
Yes, a chance
Does your father know that
you are here?
I told him that
I was going to the race
Are you?
Yes, but later
To your father
May he have toothache for
every grain of rice he sold today
Ah, you cannot accept that
even in fun
You love him despite his
foolish demands
May his tea hold the sweetest leaves
It will be interesting to hear
David's story
When a man has no sons
and only one nephew
He has to do the best he can
I told your foolish sister
not to marry that Leggetti
Now, now Mum
At least David has the ambition
I'm going to have to make a decision
by myself
Well John
We heard
Not important
I admire you
John wants to kill him
Him, the old Chinese
No, the young one. The son
Why would you want to do that?
I want that 'chink'
He don't fight right
Are you saying
there was only one man?
We assumed there was
a gang of Chinese
But you David
I would think that you'd be anxious
to break the young man's head
I was on the corner
I can still find him if you want
You couldn't find a whore on Rush Street
Now, now Grandmamma
Don't Grandmamma me you lazy fart
I think you'd better find him David
He beat three of your men
Including John here
and John isn't that easy
Go out of your way to stop him
Test him severely
John, I don't want that boy killed
Right David!
You should have written it down for him
Now Mum, you never know
We may have found somebody
Two minutes and counting
Hey, let's just skate. Hey, Jerry
Hey, no harm, no fun
What I want you to do
is take care of my friend Jerry there
Alright, alright
Give us the lead
I'm gonna skate the crap
out of this place
Get out of my way
Throw it
Get out of the way
What are you doing?
Hey don't push me
Come on, come on
We have 'em breaking bones over here
There's a fight over here
Hold this
25 bucks
I love you
Thanks Jug
Hey Jug, we can drive you home?
Nah, I'm too excited to sit
But you can take my stuff home
See you later
Listen don't do anything I wouldn't do
To be superior
One must be pure
Body, as well as mind
This is essential to gain harmony
with one's soul
It's about time you start meditation
Hi kid
Just a minute
Here, sit down
How'd the race go?
I won $25
Great, congratulations
I double your money
Doctor, Doctor
He's alive
Christ! They look like razor cuts
I'll get my car
We'll take him to the clinic
They're here
You stupid fool
Why did you hire those big guys
that kill?
You're a slow learner
How many times
did I get you out of jail?
How many times?
New clothes, new cars
I gave you responsibility
You don't know how to handle it
All you know is the one thing
Somebody outta take your wand out
and step on it
It's okay I took his wallet
It had $25 in
The police will think it's a robbery
Get out
I don't want to see you for a while
I don't know what I'd do
if I see you too soon
You stay here John
This Kwan kid handles himself
very well
Actually he don't fight right
He fights foreign
I want to see him myself
How about the Woo brothers?
Those little yellow bastards fight like
a pack of foreign devils
Mama's right
Set it up, will you John?
Oh look! Here's that fight thing
Here's that Pittsburg fighter
He's going to Texas
Yes, and his boss Morgan is a gangster
Are you the son, Jerry?
Are you the son, Jerry?
For a few bucks I can tell you about
your friend Jug
How he got beat up
It wasn't no robbery
What do I do?
I'll meet you at the Outdoor Theatre
in two hours
Oh yeah
Don't bring anybody with you
Okay, I...
Who was that?
Hi Dad
I know what you have been doing
I will bet you have not eaten
Don't move
All I felt was a little wind
You're very quick
And accurate
Indeed amazing
What can you do with that?
Depends on myself
Is there a great need for that?
It's an art too
After your done with this training
How do you support yourself with
this skill?
How do you charge to defend yourself?
You don't believe that it has value
I'm only trying to understand
what you do with this
Maybe I'll be a teacher
This will be yours
It is something real
And paying gangsters
to keep your doors open?
I will not pay them
and you will not either
Still the same Jerry
Well Mae's arriving two days early
The steam ship company notified me
the pier number
Oh my!
I won't be able to go meet her
Can you go Jerry?
I've got rail tickets waiting for you and
Mae at the Chicago North Western
There's nothing to stop you
You're the only one
who has nothing to do
When does it leave?
In an hour
In an hour!
The name of the boat
and pier number is in there
Also where to pick
up the train tickets
Get a taxi
There's one out on the street
Call Nancy
Tell her what is going on
Take a clean handkerchief
I have to get to the railroad station
Straight away
Chicago Western?
It just so happens I know just
where that is
Go, go, go, go
Keep the change
The city of San Francisco is about half
way through the station on your left
Good luck with that girl coming in
from China
Ah, that smells wonderful
You wouldn't believe it
I didn't even have to follow him
He jumped right in the cab
I got everything except his
morning mark
Like what?
Like he's going to San Francisco
to pick up some girl
That's gonna marry his brother
Got her name, everything
Come on in and tell me all about it
I'll catch a plane to the coast
get there one day ahead of them
That's very interesting about the girl
Could be useful
So, you are Jerry
Robert wrote a great deal about you
You hit people, is that not true?
I'm so happy
It is wonderful to be in America
Stop that thief!
You could have stopped him
You saw that girl
Where did she go?
Yeah I did Jerry, but we'll need to talk
Sit down
She's safe
But we still have to talk
Beautiful day
A bottle of Chablis, Harry
And some of those wonderful
finger sandwiches that you make
Yes Sir
I've looked forward to meeting you
Now, I can see that you're worried
And to that end, let me reassure you
the young lady is just fine
She is having lunch at the moment
and eating heartily
What are you after?
I like that
Straight away no nonsense
Alright, you know the way Uncle Sam
sticks his finger out of the poster
And says, 'I want you'
Well, that's me Jerry I want you
You're a great fighter Great
Did you ever hear of Battle Creek Texas?
There is going to be a fight there
A very large and expensive fight
I wanted a man of mine to participate
But unfortunately he was severely
beaten recently
I am not a man of yours
Have you forgotten the young lady
so soon?
Now my proposal is simple
The fight is three weeks away
We'll pay your entry fee
and take care of the expenses
The young lady remains in my possession
until the winner is announced
I'm betting it'll be you
You'll have to return to Chicago immediately
to begin training
There is no way I can go back
without the girl
I couldn't face my family, my brother
It's a disgrace that I've lost her
I recognize that and I want to help
I don't want
your concentration diminished
After all, the thought that your brother is
waiting your return must be maddening
And then having to come home
empty handed
Now Mae and I have been talking
It appears that she and your brother
have never actually met
They've just exchanged pictures
Hi guys
We brought Miss Wong in from one of
our businesses here in San Francisco
You mean fake this girl for Mae?
Why not?
It will relieve the pressure on you
and your brother
A hoax, yes, but a humanitarian gesture
to ease the pain
He will never buy it
Mae is an educated classy girl
She's even a trained nurse
Miss Wong took first aid in high school
and she's studied life saving techniques
Under a life guard last summer
Mouth to mouth and all that
She's been briefed on the situation
It's a terrible disgrace
If you don't go home soon your family
will have the police looking for you
If I win, I keep the $15,000
And if I win you keep your men away
from my father's restaurant
Or any place in the neighborhood
How's that for a gentleman!
You've got it
Here we go
I'll wait here
Get rid of the gum
Dad, they're here
Jerry, hi
I think we'll never see the girl again
Gee, we were starting to get worried
Your bride to be
Finally, my god finally
Mae, this is my father
Hi Dad
Mae Chan welcome to our home
We are very happy
You two have a lot to talk over
I'll see you later
What do you think Uncle?
I could make a guess
Robert's fiance is here in Chicago
Dominici would not let her
get far from his side
He has a big place in Lake Forest
I guess it's stupid to suggest the police
Stupid? No Wise? Yes
If it is known that
Jerry has gone to the police
I think we'll never see the girl again
I have to try for her
'We' meaning the three of us
That would be unwise and stupid
Just keep on walking
the way you are going
Hold it
Wait a second
Get 'em
Try to get inside
Behind you!
I know
Come on, come on
Wonderful Jerry, Wonderful
Come on into the living room
Oh yes! Beautiful
I knew you'd come here
You'd have disappointed
if you hadn't tried
I know she's here
I want to see her
I honestly believed that
we'd reached an agreement
And here you are
trying to change everything
My nephew doesn't know
if she's dead or alive
He's very upset
Well that's terrible
Jerry shouldn't have to worry like this
His mind should be free to train
His opponents are going to be
quite formidable
Billy Kiss from Pittsburg has entered
and another fellow from Morocco
We're putting a lot of faith
not to say money
In Jerry's ability
to win this thing in Texas
I'm sorry Gentlemen
I can't grant your request
But let me tell you this
The young lady is quite well
And in very good spirits
A wonderful lively girl
We have a fine gym
if you care to use it
Completely equipped
No!... you sure?
Well if you need anything
please allow us to help
It is best that you stay with me
during your training
I will set
up a cot
Senor Leggetti, Mr. Morgan
Come on kid, sit down
How are you doing?
You know David
Pittsburg's not so far away
We hear things, rumors
Like what?
A 'Chinaman'
Lot's of 'Chinks' Which one?
My boy Billy Kiss is very, very good
But we've heard good things about
this 'Chinaman' that your uncle found
He's alright
Your uncle picks a lot of winners
I don't like that
It worries me
And worry puts wrinkles in my forehead
I could take him
Straight up or in an alley?
Yeah, I understand that your uncle's
been picking on you
That he's been pushing you off
to one side
I am family
That's right
and you don't treat family like dirt
I mean the Leggetti side of the family
is as legitimate as the Dominici side
What is right, is right
I'd be lying if I said I haven't been
thinking about that
I mean what the hell
You're the rightful heir
You help us, and I help you
Pittsburg, Chicago, together
I could like that
That's fine, fine to everything
We'll talk some more
It stinks
Let's get out of here
Ah, you must want to hate this
So, everything is not as it seems
Your training has begun
Every time you make a mistake this
brute will sleep with you in your small cot
You are ready for Texas
At the conclusion of the National Anthem
and at the sound of the siren
You may do battle with anyone you wish
When the bell tolls up there
in the courthouse
Those of you who are still fit will be
paired off for the individual finals
You know they can't use no guns
knives or hardware like that
Stop 'em I say
right now. Stop the fight
We're still in it
Which is more than can be said
for most of them
Don't walk Jerry, come, run with me
Cool off by warming up
The first bout will be between Billy Kiss
of the United States and
Buster Murphy of Jamaica
Jerry looks very good doesn't he?
Mr. Leggetti
Across the street there
We don't want Morgan to surprise us
do we? David!
Hey, you can't do that!
"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss"
I'm gonna kiss you goodbye tonight
Next on the agenda
Ladies and Gentlemen
Is a contest between Les Harris,
and from the city of Chicago, Jerry Kwan
I mean Kwan
Hey! Where's Leggetti?
Ah, I saw him go sneaking
Left without a word
Ah, it doesn't matter
Morgan must be one worried bastard
David Leggetti
Yeah, yeah let him in
We have to talk over here
My uncle can see us from his room
Yeah well I'm getting creases
in my forehead
Your gonna have to drop a bomb
on that Chinaman...
I can put a stop around the 'Chink'
All I need is a little help
a few of your men
Also I need someone to tell the uncle
Sure Davy Boy
I mean that's what partners are for, right
The next match is between Aaron Johnson
of Liberia and Kyro Atashi of Japan
Jerry, you're a guy who's new
to this Battle Creek Brawl
Nobody knows much about you
What do you think your chances are?
I believe in myself
Some others believe in me
$15,000 is a lot of money these days
So what do you plan to do with it
if you win?
I'm going to give it to my brother
in Chicago
He has a clinic and he needs equipment
and all of that
No one can argue with that
Let's get back to action
Thank you Jerry Kwan
The Jamaican fellow is dead
Kiss killed him
An accident?
Johnson is resourceful
Then there's Billy Kiss
I love it
Come on let's run to the hotel
Next fight at eight tonight
Aaron Johnson versus Jerry Kwan
Come on Jerry
Tomorrow the final bout between
Billy Kiss the man mountain of Pittsburg
Against that amazing young man
from Chicago, Jerry Kwan
It should be a derby, the man mountain Kiss
Against the little guy
with the windmill like moves
How do you describe it? I'm in full view
Coast to Coast,
tomorrow here from Battle Creek
All right, we, we did it
Nancy, what are you doing in there?
I'm playing nurse
Jerry's in the shower
Let me in
I can't, Jerry said nobody could come in
But nobody
He must get to bed
He must sleep
Don't worry
that's exactly what he's going to do
As soon as I put some bandages on him
I will wait
Sit here
This won't take long
Hey! You need to get some sleep
We'll do some 'nice nice'
Remember Billy Kiss
Jerry, I can't get you ready this way
I am ready this way
Ah, no...
Waiting by a locked door while an open door
beckons is most foolish and futile
Honest, you hear me
22 percent less efficient
Folks it's fifteen minutes until the final
bout between Billy Kiss & Jerry Kwan
Uncle Herbert, he's an hour late
Somebody showed this in my hand
Herbert's been kidnapped
What! It must be a joke
But this is his hat and it says
he won't be hurt if you lose
But I must win
I know
We'll look, try to stall okay
and I'll see if I can find him
Everything's fine
Go easy, there's cops outside
How about a little kiss, Kwan
a little kiss won't hurt you now
You got no right up here
I'm in charge
You're gonna have to get down
Identify yourself
Just a minute...
Hey, Jerry... I'm okay
I'm okay
Get him into the movie house
I've found David and good riddance
Go and claim your prize Kiss
They'll find Kwan here
You're the one who beat up Jug
Your friend? Maybe
Be quiet... Be quiet now
Come up and verify your opponent
can't continue
Quiet please
There he is
There he is