Big Driver (2014)

Okay, so, a murderer
drowns his victim
with a mouthful of snow.
You get it'?
It melts.
No evidence.
it's different.
You know, could expand
your eskimo readership.
What do you think?
Yes, I love that outfit.
I'd kill for that.
Thank you.
All right.
So, here's the other one.
The girls find
a dead siamese twin
holding a fired gun,
all right?
They have to try to figure out
which twin killed the other.
Like that?
Oh. Here's a thought...
Maybe it wasn't murder.
Maybe it was suicide.
Yeah, personally,
I'd go
with the siamese twins.
They're enemies
the same organs.
That's twisted.
Yeah, "the willow grove
knitting society
goes to siam."
Girls use the needles
as chopsticks...
Total classic.
Can't go to siam...
It was renamed
thailand in 1948.
Did you know that?
And doreen hates
to fly.
I'm really glad
you liked it, though.
I'm gonna leave myself
a message later
with more details, but...
What am I forgetting?
Did you put paint on your arm'?
Okay, what am I forgetting?
Yes, earrings.
You know what'?
They should make
your novels into movies,
get like some big actress
with lots of oscars
to play the enigmatic
painter friend...
Who could very easily
be added to the plot.
I will tell hollywood
about your feelings. Look.
Ah, yes. Definitely.
I am so late.
I think it's great you get
a chance to meet your fans.
You okay'?
I'm fine.
By the way, fritz...
Totally pissed I'm going.
He'll get over it.
Far more importantly,
can I borrow some dvds'?
You must have like
every movie ever made.
I have movies that haven't
even been thought of yet.
Uh, chapstick, chapstick,
no chapstick.
All right.
Why do I get myself into these things?
Can you just tell me'?
Uh, hard, cold cash.
Take it.
Do something fun.
I put all of my speakers fees
in the bank.
That's fun, right?
Hey, you.
I'm gonna miss you.
You be nice to patsy
while I'm gone.
I got to get on the road.
Bye, fritz.
Give me a call
when you get back tonight.
We'll have a glass of wine.
I just set the alarm.
You know the code. Thanks.
You're welcome.
You're lying.
Chap-stick. Thank you.
You're welcome.
All right.
See you later.
Okay. Knock 'em dead.
Right, hopefully.
See you soon, girls.
And all the roses
seem to fade
And somehow
I have lost my way
sunlight always turns to
In two miles,
take the onramp
towards the I-84 north.
You always know
the best way, tom.
Time will pass,
and seasons change
we all start to act our age a'
now make a right turn
as the distance
makes us strange
play your part
up on the stage
and I'm tired of pretending
that I'm happy to be here
as our time together's ending
I just want to tell you
dear love
dear lo-o-o-ve a' you have
reached your destination.
Dear love
dear lo-o-o-ve
dear love
Thanks, tom.
I should let you out of there sometime.
It must get cramped.
You take the 84'?
Ramona Norvell,
president of the three bees.
Finally we meet
after all the phone yak.
Yes, ramona. Tess. It's so nice
to put a face to the voice.
Oh, ditto.
Ooh! Nice gps.
Oh, actually it's... imagine the
way it just sucks the information
down from some whirling
metal ball of technology
high above.
What are they gonna
think of next'?
Uh, excuse me.
I'm a bit of a mess.
Well, as I mentioned
in my e-mail,
we are all rabid fans
of the knitting society gals.
I'll be writing
your check
from our
books & brown baggers account
just soon as
you're done today.
I even have my own pen.
'Course you do.
You're the president.
How was the drive'?
Ugh. Endless.
84 is the worst highway
in america.
Walk here faster.
I can save you
an hour easy
heading back
a different way.
Oh. Scenic drive,
singing squirrels...
Whole bit.
I love me a shortcut.
Thank you.
As your most
finely-realized character,
doreen marquis, says in "the willow
grove knitting society goes to dallas,"
"the two best things in life
"are warm croissants
"warm croissants
and a quick way home."
And a quick way home."
The three
bee high rollers
paid extra to meet you
before your speech.
Gonna love 'em.
And where do you get your
marvellous ideas from, tess?
Uh, believe it or not,
they find me.
They always seem
to know where I am.
"My life,"
written by Tess Thorne,
would be a best seller.
Is that right?
"Erotic potboiler."
"51st shade of grey."
How can I get an agent?
Well, people ask me that
all the time,
and I say,
"just keep writing letters
until one of the hungrier ones
reads your stuff."
I have a fully
detailed outline
if you'd like to see it. Tess.
Could I get
a photo with you'?
Say, "homicide."
Homicide. Homicide.
Let's talk about murder and mayhem...
As they are the flip side
of the american dream.
I'm often asked if I draw my characters
from real life.
The truth is, my strange
and diabolical aunts,
who live for awful gossip,
are the inspiration for the
willow grove knitting society.
As to my other characters...
I'm a little embarrassed
to say this...
Um, ever since
I was a little kid,
I had these voices
in my head... all kinds...
Men, women, old, young,
this mysterious corral
of people I've never met.
So I was either gonna end up
in a padded cell or published...
One or the other.
I think the most important thing
about writing
is that an author knows
about human nature...
The contradictions
we all have,
the lies we pretend
are truths,
the fears that we pretend
are strengths,
the greed and revenge
that we have
that we don't
admit to ourselves.
In my books...
Like in my life, I guess...
Logic is king.
Or I guess, in my case,
the queen.
You were wonderful, tess.
Worth every penny.
Thank you.
They were all so great,
and I sold some books.
Oh, I saw.
"Kiss of death"...
That is such a classic, huh'?
Richard Widmark
was in that.
He's my favorite actor.
I fell in love with him
when I was a girl
after seeing
"kiss of death."
He was so powerful,
so intense.
I got him to sign
this for me... in person.
He was very old then,
but that's a real signature,
not a stamp.
He was very handsome.
I'll make sure
you get all the photos
that were taken today.
Thanks. Now let's get
that route for you.
Better a straight shot
through robin hood's forest
than all the way
around it.
We'll input stag road
and U.S. 47.
Oh, by the way, stag road
is very scenic...
Parched asphalt
and all that,
but not too bumpy
the last time I took it,
and that was in the spring,
when the worst bumps show up.
And I hate bumps.
Then when you get to 47,
you will spot a sign
that points to I-84.
And you're only
gonna have to spend
12 miles on the turnpike.
And that's
the beauty part.
You'll save lots of time
and aggravation,
you'll put hours
on your life,
and you'll thank me
and the three bees later.
Stag road is approach/mg.
In one mile, turn right.
You got it, tom.
Where the hell am I'?
It's four miles
from the intersection
of stag road and U.S. 47
in Colewich.
Make a legal u-turn.
Thanks, tom.
I don't like it out here.
Ohh. God.
"Zombie bakers."
That's a stupid name, anyway!
Hey! Hey!
Amazing. Hello.
Hey, there.
Thank you so much for stopping.
I appreciate it.
You pick that happy crappy
up off the road?
Yeah, all but the piece
that got my front-right tire.
Some luck.
I tried to call
aaa, but... I know.
No cellphone service
out here.
Welcome to nowhere.
Tell you what,
if you got a spare tire,
I'll change it for you.
Thank you so much!
I really appreciate it.
You are a godsend.
Yep. I know.
Didn't think you were gonna be
meeting the jolly green giant
out here in willywags,
did you'?
No, I was
actually thinking
that you don't ride
in that truck of yours...
You wear it.
I've never heard it
put that way before.
But when I win
the lottery,
I'm gonna buy myself
a big old v-b 350.
Or you can buy two
and weld them together.
I like the way you think.
Anyway, thanks
for doing this.
I'm happy to give you some money,
whatever you need.
Oh, what?
Are you kidding me'?
Charging a damsel
in distress?
That's un-american.
That's very
Well, you saved me
a mess of trouble myself
when you picked that crap
up off the road. Yeah.
Us good samaritans
got to stick together.
Yeah, you want to hear
about a good samaritan'?
Some truck with a skeleton
on the side
just drove past here
and kept going.
So someone just drove by and didn't
even offer to help you out'?
No, I don't...
I don't think he saw me.
Just went on his way.
Some people.
Yep. Pretty much.
Spare tire under the cargo
compartment I assume?
Yes, you just do the pick up the thingy.
Yep, yep.
Pull the lever.
Been there, done that.
Let's see.
You some kind
of book writer?
I am... mystery novels. Ah.
I love a good mystery.
Should get one of those
made into a movie. I hope.
I have no idea
what to do with that.
Well, lucky for you,
I know exactly what to do.
How's the tire?
With lots of little...
Tiny words
on the side of it.
Is it almost done'?
Well, tell you what...
How about instead of
changing your tire...
What if I screw you'?
You bitch.
Please, please, please don't kill me.
You whiny whore bitch.
Please don't kill me.
Gosh sakes.
No, please! Please!
You bit me.
You bitch!
Get your motor runnin'
head out on the highway!
Lookin' for adventure
and whatever
comes our way
Please. No more.
No more.
Lots more.
No more.
Come on.
Daddy's coming now.
It's all right.
It's all right.
Okay. All right.
Oh, the...
There was a... there was...
There was a truck.
There was a...
Was, uh, someone...
It was a truck.
Oh, my... oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
My earring...
And he took my earrings.
He took...
Are you gonna
write about this?
Make money from it'?
You must like it that everybody
knows about everything. Slut.
Did you encourage him? You
are such a publicity whore.
Did you give him
your autograph?
Or selfie photos
for your books?
You said he took
your panties.
What about those dead women
in the drainage pipe?
Aren't you going
to call the police?
Hi. It's tess.
Leave a message.
There was a man. I don't know.
Big truck. And he hit me,
and he raped me.
A pickup truck.
Did I say that already?
I, uh... I don't know.
I don't remember exactly.
Um, he was tall and huge.
Um, my watch is broken.
Um, and I don't know
what time it is,
so I had to walk here,
and I'm really hurt.
And he was playing air guitar
and singing while...
Um, and then he dragged me
into a-a pipe.
and it was... it was cold.
The water was cold.
there were these dead women.
Thank you. Sir.
Thank you.
He used this board on the road
with nails in it.
I got a flat tire and, um...
I saw myself being raped.
[Bell dings 1
I could see myself.
And then, uh...
Two dead women
in the...
In the drain.
No, I think were three girls,
three girls.
Three women.
911. What's your emergen"
Royal limousine.
This is andrea.
Um, yes. Hello.
This is Tess Thorne.
Good evening, Ms. Thorne.
How are you'?
I need a ride, please.
Are you sure you don't want me
to take you to the hospital?
Just let me know
if you need anything.
I can stop, pick up
whatever you need.
There's bottled water in the armrest.
No, please.
This, too, will pass, dear.
I'm here for you.
I'm always here.
I need you to wait...
Wait until I get in.
Of course, ms. Thorne.
I don't sell guns.
I sell peace of mind.
You have two new messages.
Hey, it's me.
Didn't see any lights on tonight,
so I guess you decided
to stay over.
You fall in monkey lust with
some fan, run off to belize?
Oh, by the way,
I took every one of your dvds.
I felt a binge coming on.
I'm sorry. I'm just...
I'm bored.
And nothing interesting
ever happens to me...
Unlike someone I know.
Next message.
There was a man.
I don't know.
Big truck.
And he hit me, and he raped me.
A pickup truck.
Did I say that already?
I, uh... I don't know.
I don't remember exactly.
Um, he was tall and huge.
Um, and I want to leave this
so I don't forget anything,
'cause I can't really think.
The message I left for
myself didn't make much sense.
But I am starting to remember,
and I will write it all down...
What I can remember, anyway.
Light concussion maybe.
Probably not a skull fracture.
Next, please.
You know the one
who writes those stories
about the old
lady detectives'?
Her boyfriend
must beat her.
Or worse.
Maybe it was her fault.
She looks like
a handful.
Once people know about it,
I'll be dead in the water.
Fritz, get away from that.
When I'm done,
what I do know is
no doctors
and no one will know.
I'll get an a.L.D.S. Test,
get checked for stds,
but that's it.
No one is going to know
about this.
Once it's out,
some will say I asked for it.
I have nothing
to be ashamed of.
But I know how it works.
What about those dead women
in the pipe'?
I don't know.
I'll think about them.
I'll let the cops know,
but not tonight.
All I know is, if I see him,
I'll kill him.
And you know what
I'd say first?
"Come and get lt."
He has my purse.
He knows where I live.
I should call the cops.
Make an anonymous call,
give them the location,
describe him.
A man that big
with that truck...
They're gonna find him.
But you're right, fritz.
What's in it for me'?
Oh, my god. Look at you.
Oh, believe me,
it's not as bad as it looks.
Oh, my. I'm totally fine.
I... no, no, no.
I tripped down these stairs
after my speech
and just about
killed myself,
but I'm... I'm good.
You're always tripping.
Well, I'm a writer...
I get preoccupied,
I guess.
Did you see a doctor?
No, I didn't see a doctor.
I'm... I'm telling you,
I'm so fine.
what if you have
a concussion or something?
I don't have a concussion.
I would know
if I had a concussion.
Do you want coffee'?
Uh, uh, okay.
There you go.
You sure your nose
isn't broken?
Does my nose
look like it's broken?
You want coffee
with that sugar?
I like sugar.
Makes my heart race.
I enjoy the drama.
You don't look good.
Well, if I had an ex
and he came
for a surprise visit,
I'd probably look
exactly like this.
Nobody would ever dare
lay a hand on you.
You're feisty, girl.
I'm pretty tough,
I guess.
You sound hoarse.
Oh, yeah, that.
I guess,
with all this happening,
now I'm getting a cold.
I'm trying to reach
Tess Thorne.
This is she.
This is Betsy Neill,
manager of the stagger inn.
The what? The stagger
inn in Colewich.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I have to take this.
It's my publisher.
We haven't spoken, and...
And I'm so tired.
Oh, that's okay.
I need to rest.
Take care.
I will. I'll call you later.
Yes. Hello'?
Do you own a prius,
license plate
connecticut, 775-nsd?
I do, yes.
Well, it's in our lot.
It's available for pickup
until 5:00 tonight.
After that, it's gonna
be towed at your expense.
Are you the prius
or the honda?
Uh, the prius.
You match.
Hey, you're, uh,
the willow grove lady...
The knittin' chicks.
Guilty as charged.
My gram loves those books.
Lot of grams
love those books.
When the affection
finally filters down
to the next generation
with no blue hair,
I'm gonna buy myself
a chateau in france.
Hey, I hope that
didn't happen here.
A lot of people
leave their cars here
and accept rides
they shouldn't.
I don't mean to offend,
but you really
don't belong
in a place like this
to begin with.
You know,
it gets in the papers.
My gram
would be disappointed.
I understand.
Thank you
for the call, okay'?
A bad boyfriend is worse
than a serpent's tooth.
What? Where ls that from'?
The bible'? Dr. Phil'?
Anyway, we broke up.
Yeah, that's what
a lot of women say,
and then they go back.
A guy who does it once...
You can't count
the times.
This is very cool
how many people play here.
"Kenny 'blue, ' scatter,
helena dove."
That's a great name.
Eh, moved to l.A.
And never looked back.
Must be nice.
Thanks again.
Your keys.
That would be smart.
Hey, tess. Would you mind doing
an autograph for my gram'?
Can you make it,
"to mary, a true fan"?
I wouldn't mind at all.
A guy helped me when
my boyfriend and I were,
um... you know'?
Anyway, if it hadn't
been for him,
I'd be hurt a lot worse.
I'd like to thank him,
but I don't know his name.
I don't know if I could
do you much good there.
Uh, the folks
come and go.
I, uh, met him at that
little convenience store
down the road from here.
That's where
we got in our fight,
and he came along in this
big truck with a loud exhaust.
And I remember
thinking he wasn't driving it...
He was wearing it.
Uh, was he big'?
Was he real big'?
Uh, like giant.
Oh, that's "big driver"
you're talking about.
Yeah, I don't know
where he lives,
but must have high ceilings.
Yeah, he's local.
I see him around town.
If you see him
around again,
can you do me a favor
and not tell him
that we talked
and just give me a call?
I want to surprise him,
give him a little gift
or something.
Mm. That's...
That's sweet.
Thanks for your help.
I appreciate it.
Hey, tess.
A lot of women get roughed up,
wouldn't you say'?
What happened?
My stepfather
when I was 12.
He held a knife
to my face.
I was so scared.
I kept still.
Then the knife slipped.
Ohh. That's horrible.
I thought it was
the end of the world.
There was blood...
I am so sorry.
It's okay.
I know. Solidarity.
Sisterhood forever.
But I don't like
to be touched.
I understand.
Well, listen.
I got to get back
to work.
Hello, tess.
I missed you so much, tom.
Thank you.
It's good you're back.
Are we taking a trip?
Just home, tommy boy.
In 100 yards,
merge right onto I-84.
I've been thinking, tess,
are you sure what happened
wasn't planned?
You could have driven home
this way on I-84.
But someone else
had a better idea.
They had a shortcut.
Ramona Norvell?
That's pretty farfetched.
God, I am losing my mind.
I am losing my mind.
If you're losing your mind
and pm you,
why are you making
such good suggestions?
Leave me alone.
What, what, what?!
I'm sorry that man hurt you.
"Back after dinner
Double-crossin' squealers,
both of ya.
What's the matter?
I don't know nothing.
So, ramona loves him.
And this was
her favorite film of his.
You know what I do
to squealers?
I let 'em have it in the belly.
He did a lot of other roles...
Good guys.
no! No!
I can't... let me go!
On a train, huh?
no, no!
This is why no one...
Not outside!
Not outside!
She was
a pretty odd duck.
No! No!
Better a straight shot
through robin hood's forest
than all the way around it.
What if they're related?
Mother, sister?
Too old to be a sister.
Okay, maybe they're related
and she drives to go visit
her son all the time,
so of course she would
recommend that route.
But why didn't
she just say that,
"I go to visit my son
all the time"?
Doesn't make sense.
Where are you, where are you,
where are you'?
"Strehlke, roscoe.
Died suddenly...
"The body was found hanged,
and the neighbor reported
"mr. Strehlke had been
distraught over some trouble
his older boy had been ln."
How about instead of
changing your tire...
What if I screw you'?
Some trouble,
some trouble. Older.
Older son.
Assault may be
sexual battery...
Growing into something bigger.
Uh, maybe the old man
offs himself
because he can't
take it anymore, or...
Maybe ramona...
Ramona strings him up because...
I don't know. Ramona.
Ramona took my picture.
She e-mailed it to him.
She e-mailed it to him
to get an advance look'?
To what? To, um...
She texted it to him,
Uh, what?
I'm sending you
another juicy one"?
Or she... I don't know!
I don't know!
I was maybe...
Maybe it was a trap.
Maybe it was a trap.
If I...
If I visit her...
And I look her in the eyes and
she looks surprised that I'm alive,
then I'll know.
You're right, fritz.
I need to take care
of this myself.
Given what I've been
through, I have to.
In the willow
grove knitting society,
we've never
reacted violently.
But we don't disparage
vindictive musings
when the circumstances
are sufficiently heinous.
But there is one caveat.
What's the caveat, doreen'?
Well, it's very simple, isn't it?
Don't get caught.
If you do, there are
dismal repercussions and...
..It will confirm
that you failed
in three ways.
One, your plan didn't work.
Ergo, your agenda and goals
are in ruin.
Two, when caught, you will
face a legal quagmire,
a hurtling fall from grace,
likely imprisonment,
and, of course, the possibility
of a dreary cell mate
and my consequent
refusal to visit you,
since I abhor
wretched settings.
Last but not least, three...
You are condemned to live
with the excruciating truth
that, despite your astute mind,
you overlooked something.
This oversight will torture
you like a sleepless curse,
plaguing your every thought...
In time,
driving you half mad.
I'll try my best
not to get caught.
Lovely, dear.
There you are.
There. Come on.
Come on, come on.
You're gonna wake up
the neighbors, you.
Hello, tess.
I see we're taking a trip?
A big one.
The time has come, hasn't it?
Well, I know the perfect route.
You have reached
your destination.
Be careful, tess.
She's not a nice person.
It's so good to see you.
Back up.
If you even start to yell,
I will shoot.
And you better
believe me, bitch.
Why would you shoot me'?
You fire that gun, and the whole
neighborhood is gonna hear you.
Well, it won't matter to you
because you'll be dead.
Back up.
Over there.
You just be a good girl
and answer my questions,
and maybe you'll
still be alive tomorrow.
Do you hear me'?
Over there.
You're crazy.
Over there!
I don't know
what you're doing here.
What did you expect?
To find me dead
in a drainage pipe?
What you talking about?
You... No!
Don't lie to me,
I saw it in your eyes
when you came to the door.
You thought I was dead.
I don't know
what you're talking about!
Aah! Aah!
Just fess up,
you sick bitch.
How long have you
been doing it, ramona,
pimping for your
homicidal, rapist son'?
When did it start?
How old was he'?
Did he claim
to just be "fooling around?"
You came to the library,
and we all welcomed you.
Yes, we did!
And we paid you
a very generous fee.
And the next thing I know,
you're at my doorstep,
and you're pointing a gun
and coming up with all
these wild accusations.
Your son raped me...
And tried to kill me.
No. He thought he did kill me.
And you sent me to him!
No! No, no.
I would never do that.
He would never do that.
It's not true.
You sent me to him!
He would never do that!
Oh, yes!
No, no, no!
Aah! Get off!
Get off me, bitch!
Get off me!
Oh, oh.
You're a crappy writer.
And you're
a crappy guest speaker.
You said my new book
was fantastic
in your introduction.
I lied.
The other speaker cancelled,
and the only reason
I called you
is 'cause I had nobody else.
Your plots are pedestrian.
And those old ladies,
they're a joke.
That's harsh, ramona.
You were perfect for him.
Sit up!
He was gonna do someone.
I know the signs.
I sent ya that way.
And I'm glad he did ya...
Should've killed ya.
I don't know what you thought
you were doing coming here,
but this is what you get.
Ow! No!
Help me, help me.
Ohh. Ow.
The first rule
of gun ownership...
Don't put a bullet
in the chamber
that first falls
under the hammer.
You might accidentally
shoot someone.
I've been feeling
a sort of...
I don't know what
you'd call it... a kinship
with your boyfriend
richard Widmark right now.
"You know what I do
to squealers, honey?
I let 'em have it right
in the belly." No!
Please. Please.
Never tell a writer
their stuff is crap.
It brings out
the worst in us.
I take my writing
very seriously.
You don't...
You don't understand.
You c...
You can't do that.
It is a mistake.
The mistake
was yours, ramona.
It was not having
that worthless son
of yours castrated
as soon as you found out
what he was.
I n-n-need
you to help me.
We've been here
for hours, tom.
Maybe it's not
gonna happen.
Things happen
when they do, tess.
Now what, tess?
I'll see you. Thanks.
Did you get
what you needed, tess?
Yeah, he just stopped by
for a coffee and a doughnut.
What if he's married?
What if he's got a wife'?
Guys like that
don't have wives...
Not ones that stick around,
There's only one woman
in his life,
and she's dead.
What's going on'?
Oh, I just pulled over
to get a better signal,
you know'?
Is that right?
You seem a little lost.
Oh, I'm fine.
I always look like that.
It's my thing.
You might try down the road
near the intersection.
Signals better.
Thank you so much.
These things really get
great mileage.
Yeah, I almost never
have to fill my tank.
Gas costs an arm and a leg.
Sure does.
What were you doing
over by the truck?
Like I said, I was trying
to get a better signal.
It stinks around here.
You take care now.
Thank you. I will.
Obviously a slow
night in crime-fighting.
calculating new route.
2440 Hiller Crescent.
Your destination
will be on your right.
This isn't the correct address.
No, it isn't, but he stopped
here for some reason.
Maybe it's a trick?
He could be waiting
for you, tess.
You can still leave.
No, I can't!
He may be right, dear.
You had trouble with the mother'?
He's much bigger than her.
If you're going to do this,
I strongly recommend
that you get started.
"Soonest begun, soonest done."
Oh, my god.
What have I done'?
You killed me, tess,
just like you meant to.
I killed the wrong guy.
Mistaken identity, dear.
It happens.
Columbus thought america
was india.
Anyway, the lighting out here
is downright smudgy.
The intriguing question, though,
is whether the poor dad
killed himself
out of shame
over his deranged son, or...
Was dad going to tell
and mom killed him
and made it look like suicide?
The sensitive
so often wed the cruel.
Which was it, al'?
Tell her.
Tell her!
Stop it, doreen! Enough!
No, it's never enough
until it's
fully worked out, dear.
You know that.
It's your obsession,
your gift from
your chaotic childhood.
No! I... no, no, no.
I-I'm listening
to a character that I created
and... and to a man
I just killed.
I've lost it.
Well, people
always said you would.
Why fight it'?
Why were you
driving his truck?
He always takes
my things, too.
He still has
some video games
he won't give back.
You're the brother.
When those girls
did you ask
your mother'?
No one asked
our mother anything...
Families can be
so finicky.
In our last novel,
there were these
truly nasty triplets
that had it in
for each other and...
Oh, please, doreen.
Why didn't you
tell anybody
about your
psychotic brother'?
I don't know.
He was scared,
Of your brother'?
Not him. Scared of her.
I killed
an innocent man.
There was no way
you could know.
It all happened
so fast.
Doesn't matter,
doesn't matter,
doesn't matter, doreen.
I've just sent myself
to hell.
Well, point taken.
But why not make sure
the other guy
gets there first, hmm'?
We're going to the address
that I programmed.
You mean the one
that wasn't this address?
That one, smart ass.
Oh, my god.
Sick bastard.
Eh, moved to la.
And never looked back.
You're dead.
That would be your mommy
and your brother.
Come and get it.
How about this?
Instead of
letting you go...
No. Don't kill me.
Why don't l just kill you'?
Please don't kill me.
Please don't.
If I may
weigh in, dear...
Waste the whiny bitch.
The world
just got a little better.
If I were you...
And arguably I am...
I would head out
of here a.S.A.P.
You'll never get away
with it, you bitch.
Oh, for heaven's sakes,
you grotesque freak.
It's over.
Of course she will.
I didn't kill an innocent man.
They were all guilty.
Part of me died
after what they did to me,
but what they left of me
is stronger.
are you ready to go home, tess?
You've had a long night.
Yes. Let's go home.
If I may interrupt, dear...
As you know,
I repeatedly tell the girls
that, when solving crimes,
we must never
forget the cardinal truth
about murderers...
They often
overlook the obvious.
What am I forgetting,
Don't get caught.
I guess I was
always violent deep down.
I denied it like most of us do,
but lt let me dream up
12 novels
where people were murdered
ln cold blood,
so that didn't
come from nowhere.
Tess, are you all right?
I'm okay, tom.
I'm glad.
I'd be lost without you.
I won't make excuses
for what I've done,
nor can I say! Did it
while of unsound mind.
Wanted an eye for an eye.
I got my justice.
I wrote Helena Doveks' name
on the back of her photo.
Maybe that'll help her family.
With any luck, the police
will identify the others.
And if it all leads to me,
if they find evidence
somewhere along the way
in their investigations,
so be it.
But I won't volunteer it.
It cost me too much.
Can you please
read this for me'?
I want to hear
how it sounds.
a little different.
Of course, dear.
Given that emotion
and not logic
"'is the key
to all human behavior
"and to crime itself, '
said doreen marquis
"as the other knitting society
members listened,
"'I propose we fully change
our investigative focus
"'from forensic
to psychological,
"from the crime
to the perpetrator."
I like this, dear.
It's the beginning
of the new one.
Will you read
a little bit more'?
Logic will only get us
so far in solving a crime, '
said doreen with
her meticulous syntax."
"'We must understand
the emotion motivating it
"ln order to comprehend why
people do the unthinkable.
"Because in the absence
of logic,
"we all make some of
the most profound choices
of our lives."'
what do you think?
Well, to be frank,
I think it's about time, dear.
We can't always
be polite and...
And logical, can we'?
Sometimes it's just about
friggin' payback.
I know what you did, tess.
Way to go, girl.
And all the roses
seem to fade
And somehow
I have lost my way
sunlight always
turns to shade
and dreaming
pulls the heart away
time will pass,
and seasons change
we all start to act our age
as the distance
makes us strange
play your part
up on the stage
and I'm tired
of pretending
that I'm happy to be here
as our time together's ending
I just want to tell you
dear love
dear lo-o-o-ve
dear love
dear lo-o-o-ve
dear love
dear lo-o-o-ve
dear love
dear lo-o-o-ve