Big Game (2014)

Helsinki, one hour, Senator.
Is POTUS up and about yet?
POTUS status unknown, sir.
Actually, I heard him
moving around just now.
I think he's awake, sir.
Good morning.
Mr. President, sir.
Well, here we go again.
Twenty points down in the polls.
Friends and enemies lining up
to stab me in the back.
Well, at least
you're still in my corner.
Right, Morris?
Come on, you're not gonna tell
the first lady, are you?
Wheels down in Helsinki
in an hour, sir.
I'd rather take a bullet
than go through another one
of these conferences.
That was insensitive.
Saying something like that to a man
who actually took a bullet for me.
Well, a near-death experience does change
one's prospective on a few things, sir.
Look, Morris, I'm really sorry
I'm forcing you
to retire after this trip.
I know how you feel.
Mr. President, sir,
one thing I have learned is that... is just too damn short
not to have a cookie
when you want one.
See you in a half?
Welcome to Lapland, gentlemen.
A real hunting paradise.
We've got moose.
We've got bears.
We've got wolves, lynx.
Everything in here.
So, what kind of game
are you looking for?
- Big game.
- Roger, sir.
You're gonna get it, I promise.
Great. Land the helicopter.
We haven't the license
to hunt here on this area.
Just execute my order.
Roger, sir.
Never seen
a hunting team like this.
I expect not.
What you got there?
Something like scope?
It's a targeting system.
Targeting system? What for?
Chinese FN-6 surface-to-air missile.
Not the most advanced SAM
on the market by any means,
but more than capable of
taking out passenger aircraft.
Passenger aircraft?
What do you mean?
A civilian aircraft,
I should say.
With a state-of-the-art
military grade aircraft,
the defense systems
would most likely deflect
the attack.
Unless, that is...
The defense systems
had somehow been disabled.
Are you...
Are you terrorists?
You certainly look terrified,
so I suppose we must be.
But I don't think you should
be worrying about us.
You should be
worrying about yourself.
In fact, in my opinion,
you should be running.
- Running?
- Absolutely.
You see, I intend to kill you.
You have no way
of overpowering me,
but I don't yet have
a weapon in my hand,
so your best chance is to run.
Like this.
ABC of Hunting.
Volume Four, for Beginners.
Attracting deer to within
your shooting range.
This might be
a little difficult at first.
But remember, practice makes perfect.
- Sir.
- John.
What's our ETA?
Forty-five miles.
We just started our descent.
Excellent. I'll tell POTUS.
Oh, and try not to rock
the boat on the way down.
- You know how he hates to spill his coffee.
- Okay.
Oh, shit!
- Joe, you got this?
- Affirmative.
- What's going on?
- Someone is targeting us with a SAM.
Holy shit! F-18 escort is reporting
the same. They're lit up too.
Joe, engage countermeasures now.
- The counters won't engage.
- What?
Something is jamming us.
It's like...
Whoa, I've lost power.
Jesus Christ!
All stations,
initiate emergency evacuation procedure.
The President is under attack.
I repeat, emergency evacuation.
The President is under attack.
What the hell is going on?
We've got to get you
out of here, Mr. President.
- What about my shoe?
- Forget your damn shoe!
Go, go, go!
Otis, what's going on?
You're getting off
this plane, Mr. President.
I'll take it from here.
Get the man on the ground.
- Roger that.
- Are we under attack?
I'll find you and pick you up,
Mr. President.
- You'll find what...
- See you on the ground.
No, Morris... Wait!
- What about the crew?
- Our concern is the President.
- Get out now!
- Go!
Clay, jump, go!
There's something wrong, sir.
I don't see any parachutes opening.
The Air Force One
mayday was verified,
the evacuation protocol
was clearly triggered,
and the POTUS escape pod seems
to have been jettisoned.
- One.
- I see.
And then we lost everything,
all coms, radar profile,
cell phone signals, gone.
Mr. Vice President,
I want to introduce Fred Herbert.
Fred is our longest serving field
operative the CIA has ever had.
We finally convinced him
to come back to Langley.
He now heads
our terrorist intel unit.
General, if you would start to
fill Fred in on our known knowns.
Mr. Herbert, sir.
Thirty-six minutes ago, we got an evac
distress signal from Air Force One.
We lost coms
immediately thereafter.
At T minus 32, Air Force One
and its entire fighter escort
fell off the grid.
They were over Finland,
en route to Helsinki for a pre-G8 summit.
We think this is the most serious
terrorist action since 9/11.
Just a minute here,
just to be clear.
For all we know,
this was a mechanical failure.
On five planes, simultaneously?
- One explodes, takes out the others.
- That's a stretch.
Well, any explanation
is a stretch.
Right now, I'm saying we don't
want to rush to conclusions.
It was a terrorist action,
employing a five to 10 man unit.
They have money.
They used Chinese-made,
shoulder-mounted surface-to-air missiles,
and they had a guy
on the inside.
Well, how the hell
could you know that?
Well, they had money,
they had to buy the hardware.
It was a five to 10 man unit.
How do you think they transported
and simultaneously fired the SAMs?
Shoulder-mounted SAMs can't
reach passenger jet altitude.
They can.
If the plane is on its
landing trajectory,
and if the point of firing
is at a higher
than usual altitude,
like the side of a mountain...
But Air Force One was fitted with
every countermeasure known to man.
That's the job of the guy on the inside,
to disable them.
Wait, he used a jammer,
an EMP device?
Or a screwdriver
and a pair of pliers.
What about getting a man
on Air Force One?
How could they penetrate
security that tight?
Same way they always do.
or God.
Any suggestions?
There's only one thing left.
Find the President,
kill the sons of bitches
who are after him...
Bring him home.
This is Agent Echo-Mike,
calling all agents on the ground.
Respond immediately.
I repeat, Agent Echo-Mike.
Is anyone receiving?
No one.
Glad to hear it, over and out.
Angel is down.
We're good to go.
Please stay inside,
help is on the way.
Do not exit the rescue pod
under any circumstance.
Please stay inside,
help is on the way.
Do not exit the rescue pod...
Show yourself!
Come out!
What language is this?
Can you show yourself, please?
From what planet are you from?
I am from Earth.
Is this some kid I'm talking to?
Do you come in peace?
Yes, I...
I come in peace.
Most definitely, yes, I...
Wait, wait, don't hang...
"Don't hang up."
What's wrong with me?
Look, could you please
just come out?
Whoa, whoa, kid, hey!
Can we, um,
lose the bow and arrow?
Who are you?
You don't recognize me?
I'm William Allen Moore,
the President
of the United States.
Prove it.
Are you hurt?
I am lost.
And I could use your help.
Do you have a phone?
No, no, no, no, a real phone.
Or is your house close by,
a town, small village?
Where did you come from?
I mean, there must be something.
I mean, did you just pop up
out of the ground?
Vice President,
we have located
the rescue pod tracker.
Sir, the situation
is under control.
This is Genik 1 to Command.
We have confirmed signal from
the President's escape pod.
We are closing in on it now.
ETA, one minute.
Copy that, Genik 1,
secure the President.
This is Genik 1,
the pod is not here.
- What?
- Repeat that, Genik 1.
We did not copy, over.
Uh, the homing beacon and the escape
pod must have separated, sir.
I say again,
the President is not here.
God in heaven!
Genik 1, return to base,
await further instructions.
Over and out.
Roger that, Genik 1 out.
I apologize, sir.
You're telling me
we lost our President
like you lose a set of car keys.
This is the most powerful nation
in the history of the planet.
Look at me!
This is America,
and as Vice President
of this great nation,
I am commanding you
to sort this shit out!
Interestingly, my department
has registered
precisely no chatter
about an action of this sort.
Which leaves us with
the trickiest possibility.
The lone wolf, the jackal,
who got his own agenda,
affiliated to
no particular cause.
Extremely hard to track,
impossible to predict.
And finally we have
the central question...
What do they actually want?
What is the purpose of their...
Well, that we do know.
Their intention was
to assassinate
the President
of the United States.
I'm not sure.
What, there might be another intention
behind blowing up his plane?
Big game hunting
never got any bigger.
Based on our knowledge
at this moment in time,
the President
is not assassinated.
We do know that the evac was triggered.
Maybe that's what they wanted.
To capture him,
to take him alive.
God damn it, so they can show off
their trophy and make demands.
- Kazim.
- Ready.
- Where is he?
- Help is on the way...
You're lucky.
Gotta be honest with you,
young man,
I'm not feeling
so lucky right now.
But you are.
If I hadn't found you,
you'd have zero chance
of survival.
I'm a hunter.
This is my home.
With this,
I can catch us food,
and keep us safe.
Safe from what?
- Bears.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
There's bears out here?
And you could kill one
with that thing?
Have you done it before?
- Really?
- No, but my dad has.
And I could do it too.
All right.
Your dad sounds like
a great man.
The best hunter there is.
Like me.
And your father's name is?
Tapio. And you are?
- Oskari.
- Oskari.
Well, like I said before, my name's
William, but you can call me Bill.
Nah, I call you President,
sounds better.
And you, you can call me Ranger.
This is great.
This is great.
All right, tell me how to get
to the nearest town.
Young man,
I am the President of the United States.
And I'm here on a mission.
What could be greater
than a national emergency?
My birthday.
Your birthday?
This is now the property
of the United States of America.
You got that?
So, tell me how to turn this thing on.
Get off.
So what do you wanna do?
This is a big forest.
You will get lost.
My forest,
my rules.
Sit in the back.
Welcome to Finland...
Someone helped him.
Someone with a small shoe size.
Small shoe size?
What is that supposed to mean?
Well, usually it means
small feet.
You listen very carefully to me,
you over privileged psychopath.
I have a bullet splinter lodged
two millimeters from my heart.
One day it will push forward
and kill me.
And I will have
sacrificed my life
to protect a man
who can barely do a push-up,
let alone run a country.
Do not forget
why we are here, Hazar.
Before I draw my last breath,
I will deliver you
the President.
You will wire the money
as planned.
We will all stay on task.
Or I will damn well end it here.
So, how much time do we have before the
Americans figure out their mistakes?
We have a good head start.
They won't be on us before dawn.
Whoever the terrorist team is,
based on historical precedent,
they're unlikely to be Finnish.
So we have foreigners,
needing to access
the inaccessible.
- Get online. Type in "Explore Northern Finland".
- Sir.
Okay. I got a few companies
organizing trips,
four-wheel drive...
- Looks like it's mainly aimed at hunting.
- Hunting!
So you will carry rifles and
equipment and not raise any alarms.
- This is good.
- Make a list.
Get the details,
start contacting them.
You're looking for the one that just
flew in a group of big game tourists.
One more thing.
We need live stream satellite
coverage of this area.
Oh, I'm sorry, sir,
but we don't have that.
You have high-res surveillance of
Russia or United Kingdom, right?
- We do.
- Well, let's get those satellites
pointed in the right direction!
This is it.
This is what?
A secret between me and my dad.
A secret?
A perfect place to hunt.
We camp here.
What is it like to be powerful?
Right now, I'd have to say,
is ephemeral.
And what that means?
Well, that means
that a few hours ago,
I could order the greatest
armed force on the planet
to invade any country
in the world.
And now,
I can't even order a pizza.
And believe me...
...I could really use a pizza.
Why are you asking about power?
My dad is powerful.
In fact,
my family is very famous here.
Maybe you know my dad.
What did you say his name was?
Well, I'm sorry.
Never heard of him.
You don't know
much about hunting.
I don't know a damn thing
about hunting.
Is this the bear
you were talking about?
King of the forest.
We all do this when we turn 13.
We are sent into the forest
to kill something.
That shows the world
what we are as a man.
And now it's your turn.
Tomorrow, I will be a man.
Oh, you look like him.
- Really?
- Yeah. You guys could be twins.
When I go back,
no one will laugh at me.
You have to be tough in Finland.
You know,
there is an alternative.
you don't have to be tough.
You just have to look tough.
Now, that is something I do
know a hell of a lot about.
Let me tell you a story.
Right before I was gonna give my
last State of the Union address,
all of a sudden I had to pee.
So, I dashed off to the toilet
to handle my business.
And in my haste
to get back in time,
I sort of prematurely
put myself away
and the last bit squirted out
on the front of my trousers.
Yeah, yeah, it's funny.
But, mind you,
I'm about to go out
and give a speech
with the eyes of the American
public and the world on me.
And I got a big piss stain
on the front of my pants.
Look it up on YouTube sometimes.
And notice how I casually
carry my notes
to hide the offending area.
But then notice,
how when I give my address,
my voice doesn't crack,
my hand doesn't shake.
I command
the attention of the room.
Now inside, I'm a mess.
I'm terrified I'm gonna be
remembered in history
as the President
who pissed his pants.
But on the outside,
I'm a rock.
And what happened?
Nobody noticed.
The moment passed.
There's only two people in the
entire universe who know about it.
And now, you.
But you can
keep a secret, right?
What the hell was that?
What the hell was that?
That, Mr. President,
was a deer.
A deer?
All right.
A deer. That's...
That's good, right?
- Oh, shit.
- Yes.
We're under the wind.
It's perfect.
Under the wind.
That's good.
Happy birthday, by the way.
Mr. President.
What? You found some tracks?
A shoe.
A shoe?
Looks just like yours.
It must be your lucky day.
Yeah, yeah, my lucky day.
What the...
What the hell?
Cable ties.
Morris, you piece of shit.
I think
we've found our small shoes.
Call in the chopper.
Go away.
Is something wrong?
What's this?
- It's from my dad.
- And it says?
He killed that deer for me.
I'm not a hunter. I'm nobody.
Oh, Oskari.
Not even my dad believes in me.
Hey, I know how you feel.
Take this.
What is it?
It's a reminder
that you found me,
you rescued me,
you protected me.
It's a reminder that
I believe in you.
What's wrong?
I don't think my plane
crash was an accident.
And the men who shot me down,
they're here,
and they're hunting me.
We need to go
our separate ways, okay?
Take all your knowledge of
these woods and these mountains
and get as far away from me
as you can.
But what about you?
I can take care of myself.
No, President,
I don't think you can.
Well, now,
if it isn't small shoes,
and the leader
of the free world.
I have to say, Mr. President,
I am impressed
how you managed
to put up such a fight.
If only you...
You'd showed such leadership
in the White House,
maybe none of this
would have happened.
I got him.
Leave the boy out of this.
Let him go.
Yo, Ewok,
or whatever you are,
time to get lost.
You hear him, Ranger.
Go. Go now!
President, you go.
Kid, you got some balls.
But when Hazar
and his goons get here
with their automatic weapons,
they'll make you a spit roast.
- You read me?
- Read this.
Not another step, I'm warning you.
Back off.
Back off!
I mean it!
Next time
you wanna shoot anyone,
first you gotta cock it.
Then again,
we both know there isn't
going to be a next time.
Why, you son of a bitch?
If you're too damn stupid
to work it out,
I don't see why
I should tell you.
You know what?
I'm gonna actually
let you land one.
Come on. Free hit.
Come on!
Now, was that truly
your best shot?
My wife can
hit harder than that.
My mom can hit harder than that!
Playtime's over, kid.
Get lost.
Run, Ranger, run!
You son of a bitch!
We've got something here.
An unidentified helo.
So let's identify it.
- Keep zooming in.
- Checking that tail number now.
- That's Kimmo's Safari.
- That's our bird.
Get that camera tracking north,
- in the direction the helo is flying.
- Sir.
There! On that mountain top.
Lock on it. Zoom in.
Jesus Christ.
It's the President.
Who the hell is that?
Anyone here got an ID?
Yeah, I do.
His name is Hazar.
He is the illegitimate son of one of
the richest oil sheiks in the Gulf.
He's not political,
he's not ideological,
he's not religious.
He's just a certified
grade-A psychopath.
I'm afraid the President
is in big trouble.
Do you know the traditions
in which the hunter poses with
his prey for a photograph?
All right.
You've had your fun.
Get on with it.
Well, this is
extraordinarily convenient.
Freeze box.
Yes, this could be perfect.
What are you talking about?
Well, I spoke to my taxidermist
about some logistics of
dealing with a human cadaver.
And apparently,
if I'm going to stuff him and mount him,
it's best that the body
is as fresh as possible.
You're gonna stuff him?
What else should one do
with a hunting trophy?
You're insane.
You're a very wealthy man.
I just transferred $10 million
to the agreed bank account.
Come on!
- Get in the box.
- What?
Get in the box.
My apologies.
First class was full.
Where the hell
are our Navy SEALs?
MC-130 is in the air.
They're ready for a helo drop,
but they're still
30 minutes out, madam.
If anybody has a clue how
to get us out of this mess,
now would be a good time
to speak up.
Who the hell is that?
- What are you doing here?
- Now I know.
Know what?
The forest did give me
Do you know what is even bigger
than the king of the forest?
- No.
- It's you.
I must take you to my dad.
The President
of the United States.
The load is slowing us down.
This whole area
is gonna be crawling
with US Special Forces
any moment now.
I just bagged the biggest
prize on the planet.
Try to enjoy it with me.
- What did he say?
- We've got a stowaway.
It's that damn kid!
Shake him off.
Return him back to his forest.
Ranger, Ranger, look out!
Hang on, they're trying
to knock you off.
Knock him off.
Use it like a wrecking ball.
Ranger, you shouldn't be here.
Don't worry, Mr. President.
- I will save you.
- Hang on!
Ranger! Ranger! Ranger!
Are you all right?
Get off!
- You have to jump!
- Oh, hell, no!
Now, shoot the boy, shoot him!
Shoot him!
No! No!
I got you! Come on!
Grab the strap!
I'll cut you loose.
No, no, no,
that's not a good idea.
- Close the lid.
- This is not a good idea!
Hazar, get me
on the ground, now!
President, you okay?
How the hell did I survive that?
And where are my soldiers?
I'm the commander
of the biggest, bad-ass,
ass-kicking armed forces
on the planet.
Why aren't they scouring this
wilderness trying to rescue me?
There's no one to help us.
Not my dad, and not your army.
We have to help ourselves.
Instead of looking tough,
we have to be tough.
Oh! Oskari, look out!
- This your idea of being tough?
- No.
This is.
No, Oskari, no. No!
What the hell are they doing?
We're gonna die!
You think we lost 'em?
I hope so.
Is that what I think it is?
Affirmative. We just found the
crash site of Air Force One.
- Give those GPS coordinates to the SEALs.
- Yes, sir.
My dad is waiting for me.
We've got only one hour.
Can you swim?
Of course I can.
They're back.
We have to get in that plane.
Let's go.
Switch to thermal imaging.
They're going in.
Stick with me.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Oh!
Looks like the upper deck
may be clean.
Come on, swim with me.
We're gonna be okay now.
All we have to do
is wait for the army.
Don't worry.
I'll get you to your father.
What is that?
Well, if it's not the cavalry,
it can't be good.
Do you think they're gone?
What have we here?
Oskari! Oskari!
Mr. President,
please accept my apologies.
My mission
was to take you alive,
but now I have no choice
but to kill you.
Your mission?
You were going
to be held captive,
filmed, documenting every
moment of your imprisonment,
and after seven days
you would be martyred.
The images would horrify
the world,
and the world would know the
war on terror is not over.
What the hell
kind of terrorist are you?
If it's any consolation to you before you die,
Mr. President, I'm actually on your side.
And what does that mean?
That's a long story.
Some other time.
I'm done here.
Yes, you are.
Huh. Well, I know
how that feels.
Oh, God!
What's that?
That was a deer.
You little brat.
You gotta cock it...
We have to get out of here.
We can swim out.
I don't think so.
There is one other thing
we can try.
Come on.
She's gonna blow! Go now!
I said, go now!
Don't worry, President.
I got this.
Here we go.
Do you read me now?
Get out! Get out of the truck!
Move! I said, move!
Get out!
All right, clear the area! Let's go!
Come on, move! Go, go, go!
Move straight ahead! Move!
Do not look at me.
All weapons to the ground now!
- Hands behind your back.
- All right, this way.
Move! Get down!
Get down on your knees!
Nobody move!
SEAL team to base,
we're on the ground.
Looks like the entire lake's
been vaporized.
Copy that.
There is no way
they could've survived that.
Mr. Vice President, sir,
I'm sorry, but you have to be
formally sworn in.
Take the office of President
of the United States.
For my God and country,
I accept.
Hurry up!
Move in, over there!
Copy that. We're not coming
home until we find the President's body.
Or what's left of him anyway.
What the hell?
Sir, above, incoming.
Base, we have an unidentified
flying object closing fast,
you should have
a visual on this.
Streaming now, take a look.
Stay alert.
The object is on the ground.
I say again,
the object is on the ground.
Stay alert.
And I see movement.
I've got a young boy
with a bow and arrow.
Stay where you are.
You must be Tapio.
- Yes.
- I've heard a great deal about you.
I understand
you're a great hunter.
Just so you know, so is he.
You have an amazing son.
Bravest man I've ever met.
Good to see you,
Mr. President.
Are you all right?
considering I've been
betrayed today, hunted,
locked in a freezer,
ejected from the same plane twice,
yeah, I'm...
I'm doing quite well.
Thanks to this young man here.
I'm proud to serve under your command,
Mr. President.
SEAL team one reporting.
I've got eyes on the President
and he is secure.
I repeat, the President
is secure.
Well, that was
quite a screw-up.
Fifteen years I knew Hazar.
Best and most loyal agent I ever had,
and what did we achieve?
Instead of turning
the President into a martyr,
we turn him into a hero.
Not to mention, I lost my shot
at the Presidency.
I've got one question for you,
friend, one question only.
Can it get back to us?
Can it get back to us?
Well, Vice President,
Morris is dead,
Hazar is dead,
all his men are dead.
And you're dead.
in answer to your question,
getting back to anyone?
I would say, no.
It's not getting back to anyone.