Big I Am, The (2010)

[lntro to Wardrobe Recordings'
"Killa Instinct" plays]
[Cellphone rings]
- Skinny boy.
- All right, Robbo.
Spoke to Keys. We're still on
for next week, yeah, bruv?
Next week's no good, man.
You remember what we said?
There's been a change of plan.
Wait, hold up,
we had a fucking agreement.
You can't just go and --
Don't be telling me what I can
and can't do, you understand?
- Yeah, but --
- I'm telling you, I want my money.
I-it's impossible.
Look, it ain't gonna happen!
I can't change the laws
of fucking nature, can I?
Well, there's a coincidence.
Killa instinct...
- Got him.
- Wait, Robbo! No!
- Throw him!
- No!
...bring the track from the back
if you're tough enough...
That was a love tap, blood.
Next time,
I'm gonna tap you for good.
If you can't pay it off,
you're gonna work it off.
Hey, yo, big man,
send the white boy for him, yeah?
Now I'm blazing
on this single track
I'm gonna stop my watch
and take some time back
Listen out
for my crew comin' back
What you think about that
with the Wardrobe tracks?
All these people talkin'
'bout they got our backs
Tryin' to do us over,
we ain't havin' that
Believe I'm runnin'
with the... pack
It's Cryptic, Motley, and Danny Boy
who's got my back
Killa instinct
Killa instinct
This is cold rolled back
When you're locked
in the dungeon
You know you're trapped
and you're also wack
What you think about that
with the Wardrobe tracks?
This is cold rolled back
When you're locked
in the dungeon
You know you're trapped
and you're also wack
What you think about that
with the Wardrobe tracks?
Killa instinct
Killa instinct
Listen, if Don finds out about this,
he's gonna fucking kill us all.
Calm down, Rixie!
Let me worry about Don.
You just make sure
you're here when we get back,
or I'll fucking kill you myself,
all right?
Let's do it.
Killa instinct
Killa instinct
You're lucky...
Which one of youse ordered
a takeaway?
What the fuck?
Killa instinct
Is that for me?
You ain't gonna live
to spend this, blood.
Am I gonna have
a fucking problem with you?
[Cellphone rings]
- Johnny.
- Where the hell are you?
I'm on it.
Killa instinct
Killa instinct
- Come on, let's go.
- What about Nelson?
Oh, he's doing what he does best --
cleaning up.
Here, Kel.
BETS Y: Mickey?
Is that you?
- What happened to you?
- I fell off a ladder.
- How much do you owe?
- What are you talking about?
You're an idiot.
Have I got any clean clothes here,
Did Robbo do that?
You can't even get beaten up
by someone important, can you?
Look, I got to go.
- What about your cut?
- I'll collect it later.
What's the fucking rush?
The rush is Don Barber!
He's got an important meeting
- So, why aren't we coming?
- I don't fucking know.
Don't get on your high fucking horse
with me, Rix, or I'll do you!
Now, what's going down?
Look, some big gun from North
London wants a meet with Don.
They both want
Frankie Stubbs out of the picture.
It'll make us millions.
Then you lot won't have to do
any more petty jobs.
That still don't answer my question.
Why aren't we coming?
[Engine turns over]
Look, you ever think...
"Maybe I'm not cut out for all this"?
[Scoffs lightly]
What the fuck is Johnny doing
in Stubbs' motor?
They're swarming all over.
Can't you just spray 'em?
What with?
Napalm? Nerve gas?
You name it, man --
these fuckers will live through it.
Bruv, just scrape the fucking
cobwebs off
and call what's-his-name. Please.
It's blighted, Skin.
You smoke this shit and...
What we've got here is
a fox-in-the-hole situation, old man.
I'm gonna flush 'em out.
Run 'em out of town.
- Run 'em out of town?
- Yeah.
They're not the Viet-fucking-Cong.
They're little spider mites.
Call them what you want, chief,
they're the enemy.
All right, look,
Robbo has got 10 grand invested
in this little venture.
And he wants his money
really, really quick.
You two go back a long way, man.
Just tell him that, well...
"Just tell him that... you know."
He's a shark, Keys.
He's not some mate that just lent me
I think I should come with you.
Not sure that's gonna help.
- See you later.
- See you.
[Humming Wagner's
"Ride of the Valkyries"]
[lmitates explosion]
You've got 30 seconds
to take care of the alarm.
What's the matter, Rixie?
You not happy in your work?
[Alarm blaring, man shouts]
We'll talk about it inside.
Good evening, Don.
How you doing?
Now, we could do this the easy way,
let the kid live...
Who set this up?
There's no nice way of saying this,
Don, so I'll just say it.
It was one of your own.
I know -- if you can't trust
your friends...
I'm not gonna mess you about.
'Cause you're the fucking expert,
after all. We're just amateurs.
But we can still make it hurt.
Go and sort it out, then.
Got it.
It's upstairs in the office.
"The Fall of Don Barber."
That's a repeat I'd stay in for.
Wake him up!
Talking to my-fucking-self here.
Wha... What's that?
What was that?
You got something to say?
Leave it! Leave it!
Not until we know
about the shipment!
Knocking him silly defeats
the whole object of torturing
in the first place!
[Breathing heavily]
You come near me again...
I'll bite your fucking heart out.
[Engine turns over]
Come on, liven up.
There's a lot of DNA
splashed around in there.
Oh, Jesus!
Open the door!
Open the door, you little fucker.
[Engine revs, tires squeal]
- 317 to control.
- What the fuck's going on?
Was that your car, sir?
No, it belongs to a colleague.
I'll need to speak to him
to get some details.
I'll get back to you, control.
Who nicked it?
Some offender I just disturbed
breaking into premises
in Claymore Street.
You chased him all the way here?
Yes, sir.
You're a credit to the force.
Is your colleague inside?
Be my guest.
[Cellphone rings]
All right, Robbo.
Fucking useless, the lot of you.
I'm surrounded by pricks.
If I tell you to do something,
fucking do it.
Exactly what I tell you to do.
Don't try and use your initiative
'cause you ain't fucking got any.
You fucking smarten yourselves up.
- You taking the fucking piss, Skinny?
- What?
Patrick's caught.
You're out.
- I'm a better fucking runner.
- You tipped them off.
Fuck off!
[Gun draws]
If I find out any fucking different,
you're a dead man, you understand?
I want my money.
Or maybe I'll visit your sister...
...take it out on her.
[Gun cocks]
Pussy hole!
[Cellphone rings]
He can't come to the phone right now.
Can I take a message?
You tell him Frankie called.
You need to make some money,
sound of things.
[Pills rattle]
What's your name?
Do I know you from somewhere,
Yeah, you do.
I'm the geezer that just got you out
of the fucking boot.
Now, where's me money?
I'll give you 5 grand.
- I'm gonna need 10.
- I said 5.
How about I call
that Frankie geezer back
and see what he's offering, yeah?
You'd do that, son?
[Cellphone rings]
Fuck me, it's him.
No, it ain't.
Then who the fucking fuck is this?
I'm a, uh... friend of Don's.
Don ain't got no friends.
Now, where is he?
It'll cost you.
Who's that, then?
The kid who nicked the motor.
He's still got Don.
He wants to sell him back to us.
I can't fucking wait.
So, what you doing tied up in the back
of a Beemer on a Saturday night?
You throw in the piece,
I'll make it 10.
Can I have it up front?
Fuck off, sonny.
You be here when I get back.
I was kind of thinking about...
I'll see you in a minute.
[Siren wails in distance]
Evening, sir.
Look at the fucking state of it,
What the fuck am I gonna do?
Maybe it'll grow back.
Maybe they can tear a strip
off your ass and graft it on
like Zsa Zsa fucking Gabor.
- It ain't fucking funny.
- Stop whinging.
- [Screams]
- [Groans]
[Breathing shakily]
Who sold me?
Have it your own way...
you dozy cunt.
[TV playing indistinctly,
cellphone rings]
Hey, man. How's it going?
Yeah, bit of a strange night here,
to be honest.
Listen, I think I can pay Robbo off,
Fucking brilliant, yeah?
[Laughter on TV]
Hey, man, listen...
I've been smoking
the spider weed, yeah?
And it makes you feel
exactly one centimeter tall.
See you, man.
Mickey, what's going on?
MICKE Y: Nothing.
Why are you sending
your miniature friends 'round?
Look, if you're in trouble, you've --
No, everything's sweet, Bets.
It's not your first time
on the wrong end, then, eh?
You ever thought about
giving it another crack?
Tooley Street, was it?
[Engine turns over]
[Tires screech]
Good evening, Mr. Barber.
Give him the keys.
Lose the motor, Gregory.
Two coming up.
You're Don Barber, ain't you?
Like a drink?
What are you worried about?
What happens next.
We all wonder that.
That's the trouble with the present.
There, good as new.
- Good.
- But I do recommend --
Have you spoken to Floyd
about tomorrow night?
Yes. No problem.
I'll leave you these.
They're prescription,
so you might be feeling
some sort of nausea.
Having a Glock wrapped around
your skull -- that's fucking nausea.
How are you, darling?
A sight better than some.
[Moaning, grunting]
When you didn't call, I was worried.
I was worried.
You ain't here to worry about me,
[Paper rustles,
safe closes, beeps]
[lndistinct radio chatter]
[Camera shutter clicks]
So raise your fee.
It's fucking money, Oscar.
It's always as fucking simple
as that.
Just fucking call him.
Well, Johnny won't ignore my call.
Can't give you
any more of my love
I can't give you
any more of my love
I hear you beg for more
But you've had enough
I can't give you
any more of my love
That's lawyers for you.
Professional ethics cost
a fucking fortune.
A deal to you
you'll never forget
I'm a love machine
I'm a young boy's dream
I am a love machine
There's your cash.
Na zdorovie!
You can't take it
when I bring you down
Why do you suffer
when I push you all around?
It's the dirty little things
that you never allow
Move over,
let me show you how
[Cellphone rings]
Yeah. No, I kind of got plans.
Yeah, you know, like plans.
Love is not mine
Girl like me
is so hard to find
I'm a love machine
I'm a young boy's dream
Duty calls, babe.
Duty calls!
Take control, make me scream
I can't stop lovin'
I'm a love machine
That's Barber, all right.
It doesn't make sense.
In Stubbs' car.
So, who's driving?
Let's find out.
[Ammunition's "Get Down"
People want to get down
with you
People want to step
into the party and jive
One time for this rhyme,
let me do it to it
People want to step
into the party and jive
What you gonna do, baby?
It's on you
People want to step
into the party and jive
One time for this rhyme,
let me do it to it
All 'round town,
people tryin' to get down
What you gonna do, baby?
It's on you
All 'round town,
people tryin' to get down
What you gonna do, baby?
It's on you
Rocks nice
and rocks 'em well, yo
Watch 'em chop it up
and make you feel so rude
Rocks nice
and rocks 'em well, yo
Watch 'em chop it up
and make you feel so rude
I met her in my dreams,
she was my queen
A castle in the mountaintops,
rivers and streams
Pluckin' sunlight from the sky
in my pocket...
[Music continues in distance]
You're all squared up?
Square-fucking-one, more like.
How old are you?
And tried every scam in the book.
[Scoffs lightly]
[lntro to Nina landoli's
"Your Love" plays]
I'm gonna take you for a drink.
Your love
Your love
Your love
Your love
Breathtaking as usual.
Mickey, meet
our American friend, Martell.
Mickey, Mickey, Mickey.
Okay, Mickey,
if you need anything,
I'll take care of it, all right?
You want me to introduce you
to someone or...
Don't corrupt the kid.
We're here to discuss his future.
I need to discuss some things
with you. Upstairs.
Let's go.
[Clears throat]
Why don't you grab yourself a drink?
Sit down.
Let's have a chat.
Bad Bloomberg about Johnny.
How do you mean?
Some kind soul shot him in the heart.
Lover-boy Johnny.
In light of what's gonna go on
what the fuck is going on?
Stubbs tried to cut in on the deal.
Thinks it's fucking war now.
- Whatever gave him that idea?
- I don't know.
Something I said, maybe.
Yeah. Well, an awful lot of money
we're talking about right now,
and the last fucking thing I need
is a feud.
It's no feud.
It's a fucking set-up.
Someone told Frankie where I'd be.
He arranged to be there.
It's as simple as that.
Yeah. Where's Rixie?
It wasn't Rixie, believe you me.
- Where is he?
- Frankie took care of him.
That's fucking beautiful.
Who's the, uh, sub?
I don't know who he is. Yet.
In the meantime,
I need a hand tidying up at Unit 6.
Someone who knows
what they're fucking doing.
You know...
housework was meant for women.
That's what they do.
They do it very well.
Look, I can't risk losing anyone.
Not now.
I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
It is.
Yeah, well...
It's nice to be appreciated.
I'll be happy to take care of that.
And you take care of Stubbs.
And don't worry.
Whoever set me up is already dead.
They just don't know it yet.
Your love
Is like a drug to me
Your love...
Happy days are here again.
I don't see you that much anymore.
And I don't understand
why you don't return my phone calls.
Because you're breaking my heart,
and you're breaking
my fucking balls --
Please keep it down.
Who sent you?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
- Who sent you?
- No one.
Don't lie to me.
You saying our meeting
was a coincidence?
What, you just turned up
in my hour of fucking need?
And where the fuck would you be
right now if I didn't?
What the fuck was that?
Some sort of audition?
Did I pass?
[Breathing heavily]
You're still breathing.
What are you worried about?
For God's sake.
Can you answer a question for me?
Why is Don still breathing?
I don't know. Stubbs --
I don't know what happened.
No, no. Listen.
Don is gonna move
heaven and earth
to find out who put the fucking
finger on him, okay?
That's gonna create
a very bad situation for me,
and you're just acting like
it's some simple fucking thing.
It is simple.
There will be another chance.
Well, we better hope so
for both of our sakes, right?
- Are you scared?
- No. I have nothing to lose.
- But you do.
- I don't care.
Yeah. That's probably why
we get along so well.
Remember one thing.
Every blossom loses its bloom.
That's just one of those
simple facts of life
that you're not gonna be able
to get away from.
Your love
BARBER: You really need to wake up
and smell the fucking coffee,
Mickey, my son.
Breaking and entering.
Card fraud.
Farming fucking weed.
Things have really
worked out well for you.
Yeah, I'm a regular fucking
success story.
Think they will?
I suppose you could win
a million quid on the lottery.
I doubt it somehow.
You're not one of those
repeat fuck-up types, are you?
- No.
- No?
Then why are you still
swimming 'round
in that same muddy little pool, huh?
You stick to what you know, eh?
Nah. Not me, mate.
Nelson and his boys are here.
In case you didn't know, cunt,
in 12 hours' time,
I have a major shipment coming in
and three guys outside that door
who I cannot trust a fucking inch.
Now, I need someone
who'll protect my interests.
So put an ad in the fucking paper.
I was gonna offer you first refusal.
- What?
- Well, you need the money.
I paid off me debt.
No. You paid off today's debt,
Now, you need a break so bad
it hurts every time
you wake up in the morning.
Now, right now, I need someone
who'll protect my interests.
The question is, Mickey, my son,
are you that fucking someone?
Are you ready to make something
of your shitty little life, huh?
Are you prepared to step up
to the fucking plate?
Ready to give it the fucking...
The big I am?
Are you?
Why ain't I in bed?
Yeah, well, there's three dead bodies
in a Fulham knocking shop
all asking exactly the same question.
A fucking machete?
In this day and age?
What the fuck's he gonna do next?
[Footsteps ascending]
Find out who set me up.
'Cause one of you fuckers
fed me to Frankie Stubbs.
And Johnny would never
have done that.
For Johnny was three times better
than you cunts would ever be.
Any one of you deserved a bullet --
not him.
So, tonight,
anyone makes a funny fucking
phone call,
odd fucking remark,
looks the wrong fucking way,
you let this cunt know, all right?
Your new fucking boss!
All of you.
[lntro to Wardrobe Recordings'
"The Firm" plays]
We are the firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
Before I was a lad,
I broke into a bookie's in Govan.
Blew the alarm.
Three fucking hours I was waiting.
When they left, I broke in again
and hit the fucking jackpot.
If at first you don't succeed...
[Cellphone rings]
Is that right?
I don't want you to do anything.
[Breathes deeply]
They hit one of my clubs.
Talk to Frankie.
Play for time.
After tonight, he can do
what he likes.
Till then, we need to keep the peace.
Listen, I don't think...
If Frankie Stubbs smells your fear,
you're a dead man.
No one knows who you are,
where you fit in.
You can be whoever you want.
Whoever I want.
Smart lad.
I knew you were.
So, get ready to take your bow.
Do what?
[lndistinct rapping]
[Song ends]
You're on, son.
Let Frankie know.
Be lucky.
Long time.
Donald Craig Barber,
I am arresting you
on suspicion of the murder
of Peter Adams.
You do not have to say anything,
but it may harm you...
Hey, hey. That's my client.
You want to take your hands off me?
And, Detective, you want to tell me
where you're taking my client?
- Done something to your hair, Sal?
- Detective?
Upsetting news about Johnny,
Mr. Barber.
Losing good people.
It's fucking tragic.
You've been in the wars, Mr. Barber?
- Was that a formal question?
- I don't do formal.
You might want to remember that.
Remember what I told you, boys.
Two dead punters.
Three girls in the hospital.
Johnny and Rixie in the ground.
And now this.
Why did he have to kick off today
of all fucking days?
Couldn't he wait 24 hours,
the fucking psycho?!
I beg your pardon. I forgot.
New fucking management.
Ooh, what are you gonna do?
Tell Don on me, are you?
I'm here now.
Get used to it.
Yeah. Yeah, sorry.
So, what's our first move?
Do we start banging back
or do we wave a white flag?
- Don didn't start this.
- How do you know?
'Cause I was there when he got
stitched up.
Tell Stubbs. I'm sure he'd love
to know all about it.
Set up a meeting.
After what Don did last night?
That's fucking suicide.
Then I'll see him on me own.
Nice knowing you, boss.
You want to be boss,
you dress boss.
Want to take a shower?
Name and address.
Donald Barber.
And you know my fucking address.
Nice tattoo.
Looks good on you.
Real good.
So, how did you hook up with Don?
Maybe a big one.
- But he trusts you.
- Don don't trust no one.
maybe he does trust me for now.
Anyway, someone set him up.
I saw the whole thing.
"All My People" plays]
How are you the only motherfucker
that gets no pussy in a room
full of pussy?
You ain't gotta worry about that.
I bust up men for fun.
That's what I'm talking about.
- Who's this? Who's this?
- Reggie.
He's cool. Cool.
- What's going on? What's going on?
- We're cool, B.
Man, man's laughing at you
in your own road, man.
They're calling you a pussy hole.
What you mean,
man's laughing at me?
You ain't handling
your business, bruv.
They're saying that
you're being duppied off.
That my man is driving around
in a new Beemer
and you are a pussy hole, bruv.
- A pussy hole, yeah?
- Yeah, a pussy hole.
The white boy's calling me
a fucking pussy hole, yeah?
Yes, blood.
- Come, we go.
- Come, we go, yeah.
Do you ever get that feeling,
you wake up
and you know, "This is it.
I'm gonna die one day,
and this is all there is."
Do you ever get that?
Yeah, all the time.
Over 80 % of people out there
suffer anxiety from lack
of achievement.
Biggest cause of suicide
among 30- to 42-year-olds --
feelings of being a failure.
How old are you?
Yeah, it's a lot of worry
we deal with.
Well, it can't be good for you,
can it?
Mental health-wise.
- What are you gonna say?
- I'll think of something.
[lndistinct rapping]
- I'll tell you something for nothing.
- Yeah? What's that, then?
That's the last we'll see of him.
Frankie'll have his head on a stick
just to even the score.
Somehow, I don't think so.
There's something about this guy.
You mark my words.
[Flux's "Bring It Back" plays]
What can you do
when the sky falls in on you?
[Cellphone rings]
You take a chance
and try to make it...
My favourite Lithuanian.
You Americans should travel more.
That way you'd know
where Bucharest is.
The police has arrested Don.
What have they got?
I don't know, but he gave his keys
to the new one, Mickey.
Well, that's good fucking news, baby.
But listen, we don't have much time.
He's meeting Stubbs.
Why the fuck would he
be doing that?
To help Don.
What's the deal with this guy?
I don't know. Don found him,
or he found Don.
He said it was an accident.
I don't believe in accidents, baby.
No fucking way. Okay? out till only love remains
To start again
Where's Don?
- He apologi--
- I bet he does.
Go on.
Who are you?
I'm the cunt who nicked
your motor last night.
Yeah. Tried to set us up.
- So what's the message?
- Don wants a breather. Simple.
- Well, anything else?
- Yeah. He wants to hear it from you.
Well, I've got a fucking reply
for him.
But you won't be passing it on.
He'll get the gist of it.
But you -- you might not.
- Then you're all fucked.
- You think so?
Yeah. Inside pocket.
All right, let him go.
So, we're all friends again, then?!
Well, what happens next?
I'll be in touch.
Your brother in?
- No. I haven't seen him for ages.
- Well, mind if I wait?
I'm sorry, you're not coming in.
I've got kids sleeping.
Just go away!
- Where is he?
- I don't know!
- Where is he?
- Don't know.
I said, where the fuck is he?
I don't... I don't know.
Mitch, Kylie, you get out, all right?
Pick you up later.
You reckon Stubbs will
send him back in one piece?
Fuck knows.
Who cares?
We're wasting
too much time, anyway.
Frankie will have his bollocks
in a blender by now.
- Come on. Let's go.
- We wait.
- Just give the man some time.
- Well, how long do we wait?
I'm already cleaning up after Don
and the fucking American.
Like I ain't got enough
on my fucking plate!
Stop whining, will you?
Just make sure
you stick your gloves on.
You're Alexander Beckett.
You're a trainee
at Barlow, Mayhew, & Beckett.
That's who you are
for the next 10 minutes, okay?
[lndistinct whispering]
Enjoying yourself?
Know who the cunt is yet?
No, not yet.
Know when you're getting out?
Cunting cops.
So tonight I'm here.
And you?
You have the opportunity
of a fucking lifetime.
Ready or not.
Don't worry about me.
Tonight you're
handling the money.
You get it right,
I won't have to call you "cunt"
no more.
Call me what you fucking like.
I ain't the cunt who's banged up.
Come here.
Shh, shh, shh.
I'm going to give you some numbers.
[Whispering] 23.
Remember them.
And don't you go
getting smart with me.
You hear me?
Does he know who set Don up?
Well, if he does, he's not saying.
Well, that's probably why
Don hired him.
- Jesus!
- You all right?
Lawdy, lawdy, lawdy, Miss Clawdy
I haven't seen natural daylight
since May of '99.
Well, time flies.
[lntro to "Lawdy Miss Clawdy" plays]
Well, lawdy, lawdy, lawdy,
Miss Clawdy
Gal, you sure look good to me
Well, please don't excite me, baby
I know it can't be me
'Cause I give you all of my money
Yeah, but you
just won't treat me right
You like to ball every mornin'...
We might as well
turn the bastard loose.
You know what?
My dad taught me how to do jigsaws.
He said, "Sally, always get
your corners in place first.
Then the rest is simple."
Barber's an important corner,
so is Stubbs.
So he stays. Now, what have you got
on his latest little helper?
Maybe he's the prodigal son.
Maybe he's
another corner in the jigsaw.
[Engine turns over]
Smells like pork chops in here.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Listen, where are we
gonna dump the...
The luggage?
It's kind of like that office
at the train station
where they have the lost and found.
Only, at this place,
everything stays lost.
I can't believe this. This is
my mate, and I'm packing him up.
Well, it will come for us all.
Maybe not in matching Samsonites,
but sooner or later,
friends and foes,
mothers and fathers,
brothers and sisters,
even me and you
are all gonna get packed up.
Yeah, but it don't seem right.
What do you want to do?
I mean, say a fucking prayer
or something?
Yeah, yeah.
Can I?
Yes, you can.
I think he would like that.
Say that he left behind
some good friends
on his way to the nice place.
Oh, shit.
Life, life --
the ever-receding fantasy.
Pow, pow.
[Cellphone beeps]
Hey, Frankie.
It's me.
Listen, it's about time
we had a little chit-chat.
- All right?
- What happened to your face?
A difference of opinion.
- Sorry?
- Some twat clamped me.
I think it was better
before you started working here.
Then I'll resign tomorrow, should I?
You think Don
will just let you walk out?
Why not?
- I didn't sign a contract.
- Didn't you?
So, why do you stay?
Where I come from,
girls are taught not to question.
No knight in shining armor?
But he married somebody else.
You remind me of him.
[Cellphone rings]
Oh, for fuck's sake!
I see you've gone up
in the world, Skinny.
You gonna remember
your friends, cuz?
Shut the fuck up!
Yeah. One of me mates
has just been hurt.
I'm sorry.
Not as sorry
as some fucker's gonna be.
[Telephone rings]
Oh, fuck! Fuck!
- Mickey, you here?
- Be down in a second.
Do you have to go?
What did Don say?
What did Don say about the money?
I'm looking after it.
Not a fucking chance.
Shut up and sit down.
Who the fuck do you think
you're talking to, you chav cunt?
- Fuck you, you fucking mug!
- Take it easy, mate!
Give me the gun.
Give me the fucking gun.
Come on, let's go.
[Vehicle approaches]
It's a beautiful night.
You can almost see the stars.
Who the fuck is this Skinner?
Well, I don't know, Frankie boy,
but I think maybe he
just came around to set us up.
You promised me Don Barber
on a fucking plate,
and since then, all I've had is grief.
If I can't have him for starters,
you'll do for seconds.
- Is that a threat?
- Yeah.
Well, then, tell your boys
to shoot me right now.
I mean it, Martell.
I've fucking had enough.
Nobody wants his fucking head
on a plate more than me!
And I'm gonna do it myself.
Not for you.
All you're gonna do is profit.
Well, I ain't seen
any fucking profit.
You're on the hook.
All you gotta do is
wait for him to get released,
and we'll have
a big fucking party, okay?
Don Barber is not long
for this fucking life, okay?
I can assure you that.
I fucking hope so.
- Take the next left.
- What?
We're making a detour.
[Cellphone rings]
All right.
Delivery's in 40 minutes.
We got time.
What's going on, Skinny?
What do you want?
- Robbo.
- Well, he ain't here, pussy hole!
So where is he, then?
Let him talk.
He's probably high as a kite
on your little farm, blood.
Robbo: Pussy hole!
See, last night,
you go in there
like a bad man, Skinny,
trying to make man look small.
But you know what?
I ain't fucking having it.
- I gave you your dough.
- No.
You owe me.
You're always
gonna owe me.
What do you think,
just 'cause you got some new friends,
I'm gonna disappear or something?
What the fuck do you want?
I want you to show me
some fucking respect.
Or I swear I'm gonna burn down
this blood clot!
You can fucking afford it now,
though, yeah?
Get the fuck out of here, pussy hole.
Pussy! Get out!
Teach you mugs
not to fuck with my paper!
Get the fuck out of there!
Open the fucking door!
God, you fucking...
In the back.
You all right?
You got somewhere to stay, bruv?
I'll stay on the couch.
- Yeah? Good, girl.
- Yeah.
Mickey, we're out of time.
See you later, yeah?
What is all this shit, man?
[Engines turn over]
Killa instinct
[lndistinct rapping]
Killa instinct, Wardrobe,
listen up
Get smacked in the face
with an uppercut
Bring the track from the back
if you're tough enough
[lndistinct rapping]
Killa instinct
Killa instinct
You are late.
Got somewhere else to be,
have you?
You want check cargo?
Now you give number.
[Monitor beeping]
Here is a toast
to lowering trade barriers.
[Cellphone rings]
Mickey, man.
Michael Skinner.
How well do you know him?
Well enough.
I've seen his record.
Between you and me, I don't think
he's cut out for your line of work.
He could be a real liability.
I mean, you put him under pressure,
you never know what he might say.
- He'll be fine.
- He'll be fine?
You need
to believe that, Mr. Barber?
Come here, you fuck!
Get off!
what the fuck are you doing?
You wait till my boys find out.
What boys?
What you going up about?
You're on your own now.
What's going on, man?
Listen, I'm sorry, Skinner.
Come on.
Oh, he's sorry.
You can't do this!
It's just not you.
It's not who you are.
Skinny, come on, man.
We go way back.
Fucking finish him.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Fuck him.
Send Mr. Barber back
to the custody suite.
You halting the interview?
You gotta release my client. Now,
you've been holding him here for --
which leaves us still
- This is ridiculous.
- Don't worry about it.
One deceased, Peter Adams --
Do you have any idea
where his head is, Mr. Barber?
[Dance music plays]
Bolly for the ladies?
Floyd, Nelson.
Here's to Mr. Skinner.
Mr. Skinner.
There he is.
The refugee from Butlins.
Well, gents, the emcee
is profoundly privileged to be here
and is exceedingly happy
to see you all looking so dapper.
- Hear, hear!
- Cheers.
Yes, and it's his duty to report
that we have a live one downstairs.
My turn.
Time to check the goods.
Well, well, well.
Cheer up, darling.
Good journey?
You not joining in the party?
You're not causing trouble,
are you, darling?
Fuck you, fat asshole.
Oh, yeah? You keep talking dirty
to me like that, darling,
and you could become
my new girlfriend.
You paying
attention, ladies? Yeah?
'Cause this is what happens
to troublemakers.
[Woman screaming]
[lnhales deeply]
Fat bastard
enjoys his work too much.
Yeah? Yeah?
They're gonna hang on
to Don a little bit longer.
But, um, sooner or later,
he'll be a free man.
And when that happens,
you'll be reunited.
If he finds out about me,
he will find out about you.
Clever girl. Actually,
I'm kind of counting on that,
so we got about 4 hours to kill here,
and I'm just kind of...
curious to know whether
you can handle the protg.
It's not like that.
How is it?
Don't tell me he's got you wrapped
around his little finger, okay?
I mean, come on, Liza.
What the hell is that?
It's a little bit late in the day
for that kind of bullshit information.
Surely to Christ.
[lntercom beeps]
What is it?
Skinner party has arrived.
What will happen next?
Listen, are you
gonna take care of business,
or do I have to do it for you?
I'm gonna call Frankie.
[Clears throat]
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, I can tell you're gentlemen
because I hear a certain thumping
under the table,
because you're anticipating
an evening --
an evening of unbridled lust.
Stop salivating on the tables
or you'll rot the cloth.
Tonight we have
a veritable feast of the flesh.
Flesh in all shapes, sizes,
colors, and tastes.
Because the meat should be fresh,
juicy, and succulent.
And I mean succulent.
Well, it's like when you go shopping
in your weekly supermarket.
We think it's perfectly normal.
So, come on.
Who will start the bidding?
Thank God you came back.
They will take me back
to the flat soon.
Give me the keys.
I'll meet you there
after you're finished.
We don't have long.
To do what?
Rip off your boyfriend
with the Yank?
What's wrong with you?
I'm fine.
And I'm holding on to the keys.
You don't understand.
You don't know what Don
can do to people.
You don't know what kind
of man he is.
I need them.
You need someone else.
Hey, kids.
Better drink up.
Gonna be late for the big show.
Then what are we waiting for?
Some people think
that love conquers all.
Where I come from,
I think that maybe sometimes
love needs a little bit of help.
[lndistinct conversation]
[Dog growls]
Now let's start the bidding
for this saucy little minx
from Estonia.
And saucy -- well, we mean saucy,
because we gents love a little bit
of saucy, don't we?
We love a little bit of naughty,
don't we?
So exercise your imaginations
and give us a little bit of the...
Yes, 5,000. 5,500, yes.
Buy cheap, sell high.
That's the only rule.
Come on, 10,000.
That's only 100 nights
with a SoHo whore,
and she'll go on for 5 or 10 years,
I guarantee you that.
And if, you know,
you feel like a part exchange
at the end of 10 years,
you can take it back,
so long as it's not damaged.
Yeah, slap it. Very nice.
Okay, thank you very much.
Lovely to see you all.
Now, let's bid for the next one.
Thank you.
Okay, gentlemen,
a nice round of applause for Ivana.
Come on, put your hands together.
Stop playing pocket billiards.
That's right, Ivana.
And she's lovely, from Estonia...
[lndistinct shouting]
Hell of a woman, that Liza.
- Well, you'd know, wouldn't you?
- Yeah.
You and her make a great team.
She must think I'm a right cunt.
Well, if she did, you'd be the last
person to find that out, believe me.
Well, you're the expert, ain't you?
No. I've just been around
for a really long time,
and there's certain things
I know how to sit with.
Liza hasn't come around yet,
but she will, in her own due time.
Sounds fucking great.
Well, it's the price of doing business
in my business, son.
Mr. Substitute Don Barber.
So, you and her... What?
There is no me and her.
There's no me and anyone.
There's only profit and loss.
And believe me when I tell you,
I'm gonna profit.
What if I just go
and tell the others?
Well, where is the coin?
'Cause they don't count
in the great equation of life
and fucking death.
[Coughs, gasps]
[lntro to Alexander Wolfe's
"Breakdown" plays]
So they dragged you under
And it says you ought to lay down
Oh, my goodness gracious.
What do we have here?
Too much, too young.
Look after him, would you?
Fucking hell.
You've got to pace yourself there,
Tell me
Who do you think you are?
You think you can see so far
Into your brain
I got just the thing for you.
They're playing
"Follow the Leader"
Don't listen to those lies
They're playing
"Follow the Leader"
They're demons in disguise
[Monitor beeping]
Here we go.
Hello, ladies.
Take your pick.
You can have 'em both, if you like.
FLO YD: You're the boss.
Big fucking boss.
Whatever you say, Mick.
That's fine by me.
Fine by me.
And it sends you
on your way down
So they dragged you under
And it says
you ought to lay down
Tell me
Who do you think you are?
You think you can see so far
Into your brain
If those slags ain't working out...
Tell me
Who do you think you are?
This ain't me.
What the fuck are you doing
in here?
You think you can see so far
That fat cunt Kelly.
Into your brain
What are you saying?
You ain't gonna cause problems
out there, are you?
You won't last two seconds
out there.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Fuck that.
No one can help these slags.
They're playing
"Follow the Leader"
Don't listen to those lies
They're playing
"Follow the Leader"
[Car alarm blares]
They're demons in disguise
Don't look into those eyes
[Monitor beeping]
You're a doctor?
Then what the fuck are you doing
touching my sister's hand?
You're Old Bill.
I don't have to say a fucking word
to you.
No, you don't, Michael.
Life might be great for you
right now,
but your sister's paying
for your success.
And her kids.
You have a choice.
Where do I sign?
Don't look at me.
Hi, Don.
- Give me your phone.
- Sure.
We're going back to my place.
Where is that skinny wee cunt?
[Cellphone buzzes]
Okay, Don.
Okay, Don.
Fuck knows.
Sleeping it off, probably.
'Cause I'm telling you what,
you missed a big fucking night
last night.
Floyd -- he was so pissed,
he couldn't get it up.
Got a light, mate?
Please, mister.
[Door opens,
indistinct shouting]
Stay where you are! Police!
Oh, shit!
A light.
- What?
- Give us a light.
Do you want me
to take care of her?
Get the fuck out of here!
[lndistinct shouting]
MAN: Nobody move!
[Girl gasps]
It's okay.
I'll get you out. Okay?
[Shouting continues]
- Drop the gun!
- Get down! Get on the ground!
Get down! Get down!
Get down now!
- Ah!
- Move! Move!
[Car beeps]
[Elevator dings]
Don's gonna be back soon.
So what happens now?
I don't know.
Got what you wanted, though.
Don't judge me.
You saw them.
They were promised a fairy tale,
and most of them will be
as good as dead in a year.
I have earned every penny.
So what does that make me?
The man I want.
But I live in the real world, Mickey,
and you have to make
your own happy ending.
What did you expect?
Not this.
Thanks a lot, kid.
You started a fucking war
just to get your hands
on Don's dough?
Well, Don was supposed to be dead
before Saturday,
and you kind of made sure
that wasn't gonna happen, didn't you?
So if there is a war,
then you started it.
And it's yours, not mine.
That was an accident.
Maybe we should have another one.
Go on then, cunt.
What's this?
Love's young dream?
She was about to take a bullet
for you.
She must really be in love.
That's fucking amazing.
Oh, children, children, children.
So much money.
Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.
What the fuck was that about?
Martell is not after you or me.
It's Barber he wants.
We got to get out of here.
Is there a fire escape?
We need to get out of here.
Liza, think.
Don's gonna be here any --
[Off-key chord plays]
[Coughs, laughs]
Shut the fuck up!
You are fucking dead, Barber.
MAN: Move! Get in the van!
Get in the van!
- Come on!
- Get in the back!
[lndistinct shouting]
Get in the back of the car!
MAN #2: Leave it!
Leave it! Cunt!
Get in the car!
Michael, call me when you get
this message.
And thanks.
Get in the car!
Don, please,
I need some medical attention.
Don, I think I'm dying here.
Do it quietly.
Everyone comes to Don's party.
Mickey, Mickey, Mickey.
I give you the opportunity
to make something of yourself.
This is how you repay me?
Liza, darling.
You're going back to working
for a living.
I'm gonna put you
in the next worse place to hell.
You're gonna fucking beg them
to kill you.
What the fuck am I gonna do
with you?
You want me to give you
a second chance?
Is that that fucking no-mark?
Ah! God!
Who the fuck do you think you are?
I'm Mickey Skinner.
That's who the fuck I am.
Very funny.
[Cellphone rings]
[Ringing stops]
[Baby crying in distance]
[Crying continues]
[lntro to McGlade's "An Exit" plays]
Watch as the walls
come tumbling down
[lndistinct singing]
Sit tight as they
crashed into the ground
[lndistinct singing]
I doubt that I'll make it, too
Seen many but known by few
Now all that they check is you
Walked to a place
with the smilin' hand of fate
[lndistinct singing]
Though things have been
hard as hell of late
[lndistinct singing]
I faced my devils
but still broke through
Ripped up the world,
I thought I knew
Now all I want is shining you
Time to go
It's time to go
Whatever this means
He's happy, it seems
So I'll be a fleeting sound
A light way out on the water
Then I'll know his secret name
And tell him about
the nighttime
After night
In boundless night
He calls my name
I do the same
So I'll be a fleeting sound
A light way out on the water
And I'll know his secret name
And tell him
about the nighttime
The gentle accent
moves me forward
With secrets
that I know are true
[lntro to Wardrobe Recordings'
"The Firm" plays]
We are
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
[lndistinct rapping]
Destroyin' any fakers while we
smashin' all you cowards down
And you can pay the price
for livin' in the street life
Fear the guns and knives,
but now I know it's my time
Start a fight and...
When the story ends,
you best be prepared to die
As soon as
you close your eyes
I'll be in the back of your mind
I've told Danny Boy
and Cryptic a thousand times
That they got evil minds
And they just need
to take some time
[lndistinct rapping]
Rule the smart
with the tunes are right
Goons will strike
with the tools at night
Lose a life tryin' to do...
And you can try,
but I'll say good-bye
Rap my fam 'til the day I die
See me on the streets
and I'll get...
We are
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm
[lndistinct rapping]
The firm