Big Match (2014)

Tonight we will bear witness to the greatness
of a world-class fighter who remains undefeated in his weight class!
He knocks down his opponents with big crushing blows...
and is known by his nickname as the ''Zombie Fighter''
We bring to you tonight: Choi Iko!
It is important to note that before he became a professional fighter,
Choi Iko was a soccer player and he played for one famous football club.
However, he got into a fistfight with a player
from the opposing team in the field during one of their games,
and it made splashy headlines due to the fact
that he almost killed his opponent.
It eventually prompted him to change career paths
and he chose to be a professional fighter.
Today, his name continues to rise above the ranks
due to his tenacity and sheer toughness inside the ring.
With his spectacular KOs and decision wins,
an opportunity to fight for the WFC title was granted.
He's going to be one tough fighter to beat.
And let's also not forget to mention that in his 18 fights,
he has 15 wins caused by 10 knockouts
and 5 were submission wins. Talk about power!
He is truly an outstanding, talented athlete.
On one of Choi Ikos interview after a fight,
he was asked about future opponent and this was his response.
What will be your best weapon in the match with Andrei?
My hands! Hands!
Thanks to my coach! My brother!
If Iko gets the victory in this fight,
he will be taking the title away from the defending champion, Andrei.
He will become the king, the champion!
''Big Match. ''
At this point, we will be bringing in a report
from the camp of the opponent;
the former WFC champion, Andrei.
What will be his response to the cancellation
of the title match caused by his illegal drugs use?
As a matter of fact, Andrei was stripped off the title
and was furious about that decision,
and for an athlete that is a worse than being handed a defeat.
He looks extremely infuriated and
was aggressive towards the reporters.
Look at what he did to the wall!
When will he stop crying like that?
The match with Andrei wouldve been dangerous;
he couldve gotten himself killed.
- Should we go and check on him?
- Ah, no, not really.
Ill just need to talk some sense into him,
maybe spar a bit and give him a wake up call.
- So, can I go now .?
- Yeah, sure.
You can do it! Fighting! I have your back.
Hey Iko! Come on, when are you going to stop feeling sorry for yourself?
Come on out here, are you still a baby?
- What the?
- Lets eat... lets eat
Are you crazy? Huh?
I thought you were moping about the cancelled match with Andrei,
but youre actually ...
- eating?
- Let's just eat, theres not much to say about that.
Hey listen! If youre going to be a champion,
you cant. just do something like...
How the hell can you eat at a time like this?
What can a man do here to have just one decent meal?
You are eating like a pig!
Come on sit...
Sit down and eat?
Ill teach you...
Still eating? Youre still eating?
Gimme that!
Im going to make you realize
Ah, okay, okay, okay...
Try to escape from this choke!
- Hey, what the hell are you doing?
- What?
We are in a meet and greet session with professional fighter Choi Iko.
Today, Mr. Choi presents an opportunity for fans to meet and practice with him.
In which everyone can show their fighting abilities,
and be instructed by non-other than Choi Iko himself.
All of these really make fans go crazy.
This really is an extraordinary action of a true champion.
Our parents always told us to take care of each other
and feel what each other feels.
Because of that I know what moves Iko needs to execute.
That is the kind of bond that we have with each other.
Ah, you're such a playful kid.
Just like all the little boys.
He is actually my son.
Hes cute isnt he? One day he will also become a big star.
Show them your smile.
I always tell my son to make his uncle his role model,
but I do not want to imitate his bad behavior.
Ah, that's right.
We are always doing weight training to strengthen the muscles,
which is supplemented by the consumption of nutritious foods.
With those two things, a person can get a very strong body.
You just have to keep trying and never give up!
- Oh, that actually works?
- Well. It depends on the person.
Not everyone can be very determined to succeed.
It all starts with a strong determination.
Like my brother here, he was destined to become a champion!
He is unequalled!
Champion! Champion!
Champion! Champion!
Champion! Champion!
Champion! Champion!
You have made Iko a fighter that everyone loves.
- What are you doing here?
- Why am I here?
You already know.
I need you to do something for me.
What the hell do you mean?
Hes just a blackmailing piece of shit,
I think its time for you to just ignore him and report him to the authorities.
Dont be too nosey about this.
Do you think I cant handle this kind of stuff, huh?
This is my problem!
I dont need anyone to tell me what I should or should not do.
Youre really one stubborn man! You need to be told about this
or you will cause problems for all of us!
So what do you think? What should I do?
I cant let my career be over.
I know this situation is difficult but I cant just let it go.
You think I enjoy doing this?
- Bring it in!
- Lets go!
- Where are you going at this hour?
Ive got some business to attend to!
- Where to sir?
- Here, here take me to this place.
- Choi Iko!
- Hey!
Let me help you with that sir!
Hey, take this!
Is someone there? Huh?
Im Detective Nam Jong Uh from the police department.
Can you please come with us and provide
some information regarding your brother: Choi Yongho?
Do you know where he is right at this time?
Gimme a sec. I'll take the call first.
- Hello?
- Where is your brother? I've been looking for him all day!
- Whats wrong?
- He didnt bring your nephew to school,
I already told him many times, what the hell was he listening to?
- But I
- What an irresponsible man!
We found his phone at the scene.
We need you to provide information about the murder.
A promoter was killed last night.
And his fingerprints are all over the place.
Everything is set.
Look at how he was brutally beaten to death.
Before he died, he went to your gym and he brought something.
Looks like this is enough to make someone angry and lose control.
This thing here would be the end of a persons career.
Do you agree, huh?
Fess up and I guarantee a shorter sentence.
Wheres your brother? Better start talking now.
- Where is he?
- Shut up!
I do not know where my brother is and I have never met that man!
What time was he killed?
- Where were you at midnight?
- I swear I was at home!
So you expect me to believe what you say then?
We cant just rely on that without verifying.
- Lock him up willya?
- The hell you are!
- What are you doing?
- Hey, hey, hey, calm your shit down!
You're in a police station for crying out loud!
He doesnt wanna tell us where his brother is.
He is quite a stubborn brother.
Is all of this still not enough?
We could put him in jail with this shitload of evidence.
But is he in fact the person who killed our victim?
- I dont think a fighter like him would...
- Do people tell you that you talk a lot?
Dont you have work to do?
There is paperwork piling up there and this guys case is just one of
What on earth is he doing?
Okay, okay. Youre in good shape, we get it already
Shit, this sucks...
Hey? What the
What do you want?
This is for you.
- Are you kidding me?
- Your brother.
Yongho. Your brother.
My bro...?
My brother?
- Iko...
- Bro?
I cant hear ya... he...llo? uh, bro, bro?
Why the heck are you moaning like that?
Are you okay? Are you sick?
Can you hear me?!
Hey man, you obviously heard my voice. hello, hello?!
How can you hear what Im saying if you keep on talking?
They took me Im in warehouse somewhere
How are you doing Mr. Choi Iko?
You know what Im thinking? You're going to lose today.
Who are you? Who is this?
Are you the one who killed that man?
Why are you making such unfounded allegations towards me?
You should start making wise decisions right at this moment.
You have no idea what I can do.
We will be playing a game today and
you will do everything that I tell you to do, okay?
Is there something funny?
Everything you do is monitored and I can see them from here.
Ahh! This is one of those hidden camera shows!
I knew there was going to be a camera somewhere!
This is hilarious!
Does this say he has a history of mental illness?
Iko Iko, please... enough.
Get off me, get off me!
My leg...
I know right now he is confused with this predicament.
But despite this fact, there is always a chance for him to win.
And he will prove to us how tough he really is.
Or he might fail and lose this game.
Its really amazing what technology can do.
Now with everything that has been said, let's begin the game.
Let's call this the biggest game of the century!
Hey! Hey!
- No need to shout my man, I can hear you loud and clear.
When I get out of here, I will beat the shit out of you!
Do you know who youre messing with?
Why are you doing this you bastard?!
Well, if you really want to know just wear the bracelet that youre holding.
Well thenlets start!
- Oh and by the way, meet with red angel outside.
- Re..d what now?
Go already!
What the hell are you waiting for?
Ok, ok. Ill play.
Hey you! You!
How did you get there?
This really isnt a...hidden camera?
Get him in the cell!
Take it slow ok?
Hey, cmon... hold on for a minute.
Wait, wait. Cant you please stop smothering me?
That was unbelievable! This man isnt just a martial artist but an acrobat as well.
Well, this is becoming very exciting!
Bet now if he succeeds or fails. Game start! Pay attention please!
Are you sure you can get to the exit?
Go on, get him!
Stop. Stop. Stop.
Give me a damn break man!
Hes like a monkey.
Ah crap!
Thats my ass!
I got him, I got.....
Are you alright sir?
I didnt mean to do that. That was an accident.
How the heck can he still stand after being tased?
Hit the switch! The switch!
His escape was successful!
The commissions are coming in and I can say that business is booming.
- Hold your horses buddy! Where are you going?
- What?
- If you get caught now, Im gonna lose a bet.
- Youre betting on me?
Yes, yes, yes, keep going.
Hey stop! Stop!
- Search below.
- Quiet now or they might see you.
Nope. Thats not the way.
- Where the hell then?
- The door on your left!
On your right.
Okay, run!
Can you get over that wall without being arrested?
Who the heck is that?
Are you outta your mind sir? Hey Alpha!
Yes Alpha!
Place your bets now if he can find a way to escape from the police H.Q.
Keeping betting as high as you can!
- Bravo! Go!
Use the barricades!
Go catch him!
As you can see this is very exciting. Betting is now closed.
Hey, hey, hey! This is getting to be very stressful.
Lets see what he will do now.
Move, step aside!
See if you can survive this!
Where is he? Where is he?
What are you doing? Why is there smoke inside?
Hes inside the bus sir.
- What happened..?
- Do you wanna go in?
Look at your face.
Take care of that blood!
Wrap this thing up
He... Hes... escaping!
Arrest him!
- Those who bet that he fails wins!
- Finally!
Please lay your next bet, as the game continues.
Well, now on to the next thing...
Hey, asshole!
Let's provide him with a way out.
He needs to follow a 5 o'clock direction.
A door has been opened.
That's it!
Come out, you asshole!
Yeah! Additional 5,000 bonus!
Gimme that!
Those who bet he escapes, you win!
Hey red! Ouch...
No! no!
Hey, red!
Damn ..
Ah... Whats wrong with him?
Hey! Red!
Re... Red?
Youre Red Angel?
Where will you take me now?
I'm really tired.
Are you going to tase me again?
Hey, hey!
Bring him to the next location, and try to escape from the police chase.
Hey, why do I have to do all this?
And why are you smoking in the car!
Hey, tell me!
Tell me! Do you understand?
Alright, I'll steer.
Oh shit...!
Okay, okay, fine.
What are you? A thrill-seeker?
Why are you so mean?
Who are you?
- Relax old man; I'm just bringing you to the next location.
So you think that Im just a package that youre gonna deliver?
You got it.
This is the next objective.
I just have to bring you to that place.
Now, apparently this issue is alarming.
- What?
- Hey, is the news true?
- I dont know. I dont have an idea.
- He escaped from police headquarters...
and is now a fugitive of the law.
This is a shocking incident that makes a lot of people think.
Look, look, who's in the news.
If you have seen or have contact with him, please report it immediately to the police.
Looks like he already had a good break.
Let's give him more of this.
Is this the place where theyre keeping my brother? Is he here?
I told you I'm just a courier.
You will have to go in and check it out yourself.
This place is where gambling is controlled by a well-known gangster in Korea.
You think youre going to control me by holding my hand?
Such a predictable reaction!
Are you getting impatient?
Well then, let's just start now.
Your brother is slowly dying at this moment.
Hey! You! Where are you hiding him?
Oh no, dont make a big fuss about it in this place.
That man there! He said hes gonna do something to me.
Please keep him away from me!
- Hey where do you think youre going?
- I came here with her.
The hell do I care?
What is that?
Whos he?
- Get everyone here.
- Ok.
Hey, lets get back to this.
- Shit...
- Whats happening...?
Why dont you loosen up a bit?
Unwinding would be helpful for you in this situation.
Why dont you start singing?
Start singing! Now!
You fucking bastard, Im not gonna sing to anything!
Its actually fine if you dont wanna sing,
Whats important is that you take your time and relax.
Is that enough?
Let's keep moving!
What is he doing now?
I think hes singing
This guy is a psycho!
Hey, get that man here!
- Okay!
The man youre looking for, Choi Iko; is here in Cash Angel and is fighting everyone.
Hurry up if you wanna catch him.
- Alright is everyone prepared?
- Yes, were ready.
- Explain to me why he became a fugitive!
- Hey, who's that?
That looks to be Choi Yonghos wife.
Are you kidding me?
- Tell me! Where is he?
- I really dont know.
What do you think youre doing?
Who do you think you are?
I am a police officer, show some respect.
- What?
- We will go and get the suspect!
Where is he? Where is he?
Tell me where he is!
If you dont, I swear I'll kill you!
Tell me, where is the father of my child!
Well then, now the game begins!
Heres the objective: Take them all out.
Well begin betting on everything, whether he will succeed, survive or not...
Go get him...
Yes sir!
13, 14, 15, 16... 17!
The total is 17 people!
- Ah, crap.
- That was lucky!
Come in please!
Please proceed to the next round
by climbing the stairs. Come on, hurry up!
This is fourth round of this building.
Let's see if our preparations are set.
Which one?
Remember keep your stamina,
because in the next round you have to fight a lot of people.
This round is similar to a Pacman game.
You must escape and find a way out.
Without having the need to fight.
If you encounter an enemy, you need to avoid them.
If you get caught...
You would be surrounded
And you have to unfortunately kill them all.
Or you can keep running...
find a place to hide.
And do it again.
To reach the next round.
That is only a piece of what I can do...
Think of what else we can cut off from him.
I will not hesitate to do so.
You fuckin bastards!
You dare to come in here and make trouble.
Do you have a death-wish?
Where is my brother?
What the fuck are you on about?
Huh? Kill him!
Go at him at the same time!
He survived that...
What a noisy day today.
Tell me where he is?
- Where is he?
- I do not know anything ..
Come on!
- Block all the exits!
- Understood!
Where is my brother?
Your brother?
Oh no...
Thats not who I was looking for!
- Where my brother? Yongho!
- I do not know what you're talking about!
Choi Yongho! Where is he?
I really do not know.
I beg you, let me go.
This is crazy. ..
Iko! Look for an ad with a woman!
Bro! Im in building with an ad of a woman!
Theyre keeping me here!
He's a stubborn one.
But that's not a big deal.
Tell you what; do you still want to save him?
If you dont, I could kill him now.
Oh gosh! The police have surrounded you.
Try to run!
If you wont, then the game is over.
Hey, what is this?
Who did this?
Hey, who did this to you?
Hey, hey cuff em all.
We will ask them in the office.
Whats our total commission today?
Hundreds of millions...
- I'm sure he can still continue.
- Ive come prepared people!
It looks like he's running out of people to beat.
Come on!
- Call the medical team here!
- Yes alright.
Shit... Thats my way out?
Dont move motherfucker!
Raise your hands! Raise your hands! Raise your hand!
Dont do any sudden moves, or this gun will go off...
- Sir, can you listen to my explanation?
- Yes, yes.
- I'm in a hurry.
- Good, so?
- You have to let me go.
- There, there, already.
- Now you cannot run away from me.
- I really have no time for this!
I have to save someone! Understand?
What the hell are you saying?
Listen, please believe me!
- Come with me if you want proof!
- Wait! Wait! Wait!
- Lets go!
- Hey, what are planning?
What are you trying to do?
Hey, what are doing?
Hey, wait a minute!
Are you crazy? Wait, wait, wait...
He managed to escape!
Nice One!
Hes not there.
Try checking again.
If hes really not there anymore.
Where the hell is he?
Where is he?
He is in the Cheongdam road.
Wait, wait... We lost him!
We lost visual on him.
He suddenly disappeared?
Gimhe market...
Hey, come on!
Are you getting old?
Gimhe market... Gimhe...
Its just right there! Can you see it!
Ah shit! Alright!
I think I've found him.
Ouch... What is this...
Its you again!
- Careful!
- Let's not complicate things please.
- You just need to pass out briefly.
- Youre one crazy woman!
What kind choke hold is that?
Now youre going to try this?
I will do everything to stop you.
I will make you die of exhaustion!
- Wow, great!
- Come on record it!
Dont you dare run...
You are forcing me to hit you.
He escaped! He escaped!
Catch him!
Savory beans?
Look for ads that show a woman!
Look at the ads!
Well, let me, let go, let go!
If you let me go I'll give you money.
How much? 1 million? 2 million?
Target acquired successfully.
Get them in one by one.
Dont push, keep it steady.
- Take a look at this.
- What is it?
Is that the same girl?
Yes and it seems that someone saw them and took a video.
Are they fighting each other?
And this is in broad daylight?
Maybe they were a couple, who broke up a long time ago,
Then they suddenly met and started fighting.
Anyway, put her face on a wanted poster and start posting them out.
- Yes sir!
- Chief!
Are you alright?
I just wanna say that weve caught a big one here.
I can tell you where the others are! It aint just me!
Were in big trouble now! What are we going to do?
We have to find out who that asshole is.
And give him what he deserves.
Look over there.
There is a citywide manhunt that is ongoing today
for the fugitive professional fighter Choi Ikho.
Go away! Youre scaring my son!
Hes a sportsman.
Do you wanna keep your business you crazy fool? Just tap the link~~~
Fuck, this asshole is playing with us.
Gather the men and lets put an end to this stupid shit.
And tell them to get ready.
Got it!
When.should we go?
Now! Now! Right now!
If youre listening to this, follow my instructions and go to
Did you hear that?
This crazy fool is talking to us.
Hes informing us of the location and he wants us to go there.
Everybody be prepared!
Chief this could be the big break that our department needs!
Of course I know that, get us there now!
Now it becomes more interesting, right?
Well then, Ill just do this myself.
Its your brother.
Are you okay?
Im fine man, are you alright?
Everythings gonna be fine, Ill fix it.
I know, I know. Thank you.
What the hell did they do to you?
I remember going here
This place hasnt changed at all
Have I told you Ive been here hundreds of times?
I usually pick a SEAT that has a good VIEW of the field
It would always be UP TOP
- What do you mean?
- THAT SPOT was my favorite
Which seat was that again?
AhIf I can only go back and LOOK at the field from there
This spot that youre telling me
Was it on the upper deck?
Yes! Im somewhere on the upper deck!!
OK, Im not gonna try anything
Hey there! Are you here now?
I just arrived.
Well great! Hes actually inside the stadium. Have fun hunting!
Wait! What the?
- Hes in here. Lets go get him!
- Okay!
What the hell? A soccer stadium?
You guys stick together and follow me!
Lets go!
Listen to me Iko, you can do this.
I believe in you.
You'll come and get me right?
- Yes I will.
- Right?
I will, I will.
Hang in there, Im coming for you.
I know. I have never lost faith in you.
You guys worry too much. Relax!
What did you say?
Hey, brothers!
This is a very touching reunion.
Unfortunately, our game is not yet over.
You still need to do something for me.
But, what would you do?
I hope youre willing to accept this challenge.
This is what I need you to do...
If you reach it to the finals, you will be set free.
But if you fail to do so, one of you will die.
You crazy son of a bitch!
- You cant do this!
- Im gonna kill you!
- Im done with this shit!
- Im gonna kill you!
Let us go or you will get hurt!
Let us go!
I think you still dont understand the situation.
If you dont wanna do this, it will be so easy for me to finish you off.
I control your life and I can do what I want.
I have the ability to do that, so please rethink your response.
Because if you refuse to play; blowing up your brother will be fun.
And I think you dont want that to happen.
What do you say about it?
Do you want your brother to die?
Here are the rules you need to know.
Theres a bomb strapped on both your ankles,
If either of you finds each other, you will be safe.
On the other hand, when the timer goes down and youre faraway from each other
The bomb will explode.
Got it?
The game begins...
What am I supposed to do?
Ill kill you, you asshole!
Hang on! How the hell am I supposed find him?
There are so many people here!
Guys, dont waste time being melodramatic.
So I suggest, hurry up and start looking for each other.
This is what weve all been waiting for...
Hurry up, dont waste your time.
Where do you think youre going?
Thats none of your business.
Tell me whats going on or el...
- Let go of me!
Hey Gooru, raise the gate!
Raise it now!
How did I get stuck in this?
Its not your fault. Get ready.
Weve finally found you.
Hey asshole! You cant run anymore.
Theres no place to go and
weve brought something for you.
Now lets not get carried away Shes actually...
Just forget that
- Everything can be settled...
- Shut it!
Enough with the talk...
Get em!
The fight has begun.
Where are you keeping my brother!
Where the fuck are you keeping my brother!
I told you I dont know anything.
You really have no idea do you?
Go get a doctor.
Choi Iko!
Im gonna fucking kill that fucker!
Come on!
- Lets go there, there, there!
- Wait, just a sec.
Someone saw himon the upper deck!
Upper? That way! Come on!
Move! Move you moron!
Dont shoot.
Whats that?
- Sir?
- Hold it...
You cant fucking run forever!
You mother fu..
What the?
- The game is so intense!
- I know right?
Go after him!
Why the heck did you show up here all of a sudden?
Were...just Lets go Korea!
- Stupid prick!
- Lets go Korea!
Lets go Korea!
Up here!
Yeah! Now were talking!
Its about damn time!
Hey, wanna see something cool?
You didnt expect that, didnt you?
Decide. Should I break your neck or should you let me go?
Almost there.
Ha, that was close. He almost succeeded.
The hell he will!
- Start betting!
Iko! Listen to me.
His in one of those luxury boxes! Go get him!
Did you hear me? Huh?
Go there and kick his ass!
You gotta show him that he messed with the wrong guy!
Now is not the time to give up!
You always find a way to beat your opponent!
I believe in you!
Now is time for the highlight.
Lets see where the bomb explodes.
Were gonna play People Roulette.
Where will it stop?
Lets start the ball rolling!
Theyre running away.
Huh? Whats this...
He still here but...
Hes on the roof?
You think you can do this to us?
Were not gonna die because of this bomb!
- Move it! Move it! Move!
Were gonna die on our own terms!
Were not going down easily you fucker!
Youre right. It turns out that hes really stupid!
Well then lets see what he is up to.
The betting starts now.
- All Right!
- Ok!
I'm definitely winning this.
Who do you think will win?
Are they betting everything?
I dont know but theyre totally betting high.
Let's see the total amount of bets!
Dont move.
Where do you think youre going?
Fight me!
Are you fucking serious?
Youre not going anywhere.
Im not letting you escape!
Do not let me fall motherfucker!
Dont please
You and me, we dont have anything to fight over with.
I dont want to do this anymore.
Time is almost up.
Well soon be saying our goodbyes.
Go there and kick his ass!
Go, Go, GO!
No time to quit now!
You did it! You fucking did it!
I cant believe it!
That was great.
Ive got blood on my face man!
What happened?
Did he succeed?
Yes, he did.
He did?
Listen to me you fucker, there will be consequences
if you fail on this one Ace.
Take control of this situation. Got it?
Im not doing this. I have so much in store for you.
The game will restart.
I cant hear anything.
Youre really noisy.
Hey, wait!
A dead man
A champion
And a mystery girl...
Hey! What the hell? Do you want that psycho woman to come back here?
Do some police work!
Ive got something sir!
Report, report.
He has an unusual knack in sports gambling...
Our victim had Yongho in serious debt
and kept asking for more money
Thats why everything about money is complicated with the coach
But then again, he really has no reason whatsoever to kill.
That's all sir.
You know
What bothers me is
the footage we have on CCTV...
How did he know which way to go? Huh?
And what is the point to all of this?
I think theres more to whats happening here.
This is really frustrating.
Listen up.
Heres the mission I have for you today.
Before any delivery tonight;
I want you to do something for me.
Along the highway,
Bring me a fair amount of money so I can disappear forever.
Oh and by the way, dont even try to trace this call.
Where did you bring me now? Where am in?
Get off me! That hurts!
I brought you here to patch you up.
Ouch! Listen to me!
I helped you escape them when you were out cold!
Stop talking!
Stop lying to me!
Why should I believe you?
I dont know your name; I dont know where you brought me.
So shut the hell up!
What's going on there?
Who are you?
Im just a friend.
Do you exercise together?
Shes such a beautiful champion.
Youre here.
Park right there and get off the car.
What it this?
Take that money and go.
Ace said dont ever think of showing your face here again.
Or there will be consequences.
Do you understand?
I hope everything runs smoothly this time.
This has to be as perfect as possible.
We dont need any setbacks happening.
The whole thing has been prepared expertly.
We will be meeting Iko in a while, so theres no need to worry.
Better make sure about that.
Right. Dont let this flop again.
Well, thank you for your trust.
I have designed a game that none of you have ever seen.
This is the big match that youve been waiting for.
You will be amazed at what I have planned for tonight.
Lets see what the Great Ace has prepared.
This is a big gamble that were doing here.
And besides, were just a logo company.
I dont think me and my friends can do this.
This is outta my league.
Are you really going to eat all of that?
But seriously bro, Im still gonna do this. OK?
We just need to track the signal...and then we can do a.
Broadcast. A broadcast!
Ah I got it!
We will be showing this to everyone?
Now thats a great plan!
What is she doing here?
Isnt she working with the people who took you?
Shes just here to do her job.
Shell be doing one more delivery tonight.
Am I right?
But...What if she messes things up and tells them about our plan?
Listen to me,
I dont care what youre planning and
I dont care where you will go after this. Just do your damn job.
So theres only one thing left to do
Lets get this asshole.
Whats wrong with him?
This video of Iko is going around the internet.
Its him running around the stadium and
it seems like hes looking for something.
He was quite in a hurry.
See, your uncles doing fine.
Your uncle is fine.
How about dad?
Hes just helping your uncle with something.
Are you listening?
Come here son.
Dad and Uncle will be fine. OK?
They will come home, dont you worry.
Hey, do you understand that this is risky?
And Ace can control all smartphones in the area.
How can this plan of yours even work?
You think youre smart. Are you even listening?
Youve gotta understand me, Im only doing this to survive.
There arent any options for me.
So you should also think about what
You were a champion right?
When did you give up being one?
Ah, champion!
Choi Iko!
Ok fellas, Iko is on the move.
Start tracking any unusual signs of increase in transmission.
This guy will be using some kind encryption that will mask his signal.
All we have to do is to shut down all communications and devices for a few seconds and
Lets hope that he uses a failsafe so that we can easily pick up his location.
Weve got this; lets show this hacker what were made of OK?
We will catch him. Its gonna be that simple.
Press enter at the same time. Ready?
- Two.
- Three!
There...There! We got him!
I told you we could do it.
Good. Good.
Alright. Here we go.
Whats this? Its like Pentagon security.
Find a way man! By pass it!
Welcome, Choi Iko.
We'll see each other soon, I hope youre ready.
Youre so fucking tough hiding behind that camera.
Come here and meet me face to face.
But Im a little bit shy.
WFC fighter Choi Iko is currently on the loose and in hiding.
Please be reminded that he is a dangerous man,
And those who see him are expected to immediately report to the police.
Fall and you will die, take too much time and the bomb will explode.
Better do something quick.
Or it will cause you your friends life.
Youll pay for what youve done.
I was thinking...
Wait for it... Its about time for a Title Match.
Ah, I agree with you.
It seems like it would be fun to see them fight to the death.
- Oh NICE!
Lets get this going shall we?
Bro! Are you OK?
Iko get me out of here!
Get up!
This is crazy...
Gloves. Lets fight.
They didnt go anywhere. Theyre still here in Seoul.
Choi Iko is not the person youre looking for.
The one that you need to get is the game maker, Ace.
Choi Iko is not involved in this in any way. If you wanna get Ace, hurry!
If you take too much time, he might escape and disappear.
Come on.
This is something new. The program that he is using is highly secured.
It may take a long time before I can crack it.
We have to find Ikos location right now because
I know to a direct way of bypassing Aces broadcast.
Whawhat did you say?
I know a way for you to get through his server.
Do you have something we can use to manually override his signal?
Oh... Yes... Just a sec!
Here, use of this.
Move around him Iko!
Use your jab. Jab and move out and then jab again.
Your jab is
Dont lose focus.
Consider your distance. Keep weaving around his punches.
Jab Jab .. .. One, two .. One, two .. Good.
Where to now?
The signal is coming from there. Its right in front of you.
Nice One.
Dont let him overpower you!
Choke him out! Squeeze! Squeeze!
Where is it...? Where...? Where are you?
Iko, youre fine! On your feet, get up on your feet!
Oops, my bad! Your brother was so noisy, I couldnt focus on the fight.
Okay, I wont say anything. I'll shut up.
Choi Iko... Is this how you will fight? Its getting boring. Give your best!
Fight with rage. Lets go!
Now this is the fight weve all been waiting.
Bet if he wins or if he fails, lets see what he will do.
Either way we all get something from this!
Yeah! Thats what I thought
This is really a championship fight!
Im just doing this just for the commission; I would have killed him myself.
Gooru, make sure that the transfer gets done.
Thats a huge amount there.
Careful ... Be careful.
That one, that one
That port right there
- OK.
- Plug it in.
Wait, hold onhold on
Thats not it...its the wrong one.
Hurry up willya?
Yeah! Thats it!
Notice anything strange?
Nothing. I didnt see anything.
Theres something right there.
Wait, stop ... Stop.
That's it, that's the right one.
I can see it. Its here.
Lets start setting up everything.
Hey! Turn on all of the equipment.
Main monitor, power on..
Nailed It.
Everythings fine over here sir. Do you need me there?
What do you think? Hurry up!
Yes sir.
Drive here.
- Drive!
- Okay!
Nice one. Nice one
- Hold on... Ill get you down.
- Quick, get me off here.
Hey, hey! Behind you. Look behind you.
Hes up! Hes coming
Watch Out!
Iko behind you!
Give me a few more minutes, Choi Iko.
Andrei, you asshole!
Youre too late.
How dare you fucking hit a woman?
Feel this!
Huh? Whats happening?
How is this possible?
Stop it!
I cant.
Is this a virus?
I think youre having a problem, Ace.
We not gonna be involved with this.
Hey, quick check this place.
Come on hurry.
Wake up, Choi Iko. Fight.
Hang in there.
Hang in there.
Cover up! Cover!
Stand up, stand!
Hang in there.
Youre on broadcast...
You cant lose!
This is on broadcast! Hey Iko!
Hit him!
Wha..whats this?
You sissy!
This was immediately scorched.
We've got you something.
Let's all celebrate our success for today.
- Who are you?
- Me? Im the Lets go Korea guy.
Hey, hey, cuff him.
- Why am i being arrested? Wait a minute.
- Do not move.
Why me?
- Mam, please us.
- Help us.
- Oh My!
- Mam wait!
The game aint over Choi Iko.
We have to finish it.
Bro, you wait here. Dont go anywhere.
Dont go to anywhere!
Hey, dont go!
What did you say?
That bastard!
Son of a bitch.
You still think you can win? You're nuts.
You're really crazy.
You want to fight me, huh?
You are not even a match for me.
If you understand your situation,
you would not being doing stupid things like this.
Should we begin our fight now?
What is this?
Hey, asshole!
You son of a bitch!
Hurry up and fight!
Do you want to know how good I am?
Your annoying face irritates me!
What is this, huh?
You're not as tough as your talk!
I havent even started yet.
Fucking uncultured swine!
Quick... I'm here!
Get up and fight!
Make it snappy! Get up and fight me!
What now you, bastard?
Oh yeah...
Do you still not understand?
You aint anything!
Im ending this game, bastard!
Well, thanks for saying that.
Hey old man
I'm not old, stupid.
What happened to you?
You okay?
Ouch! My back
Whats up with you?
Hey, we did it!
This is evidence that we found.
We, the police, managed to stop at their tracks
and foil any further attempts to repeat this type of crime.
All of the suspects are in custody.
That was the best fight that I ever saw.
Did you see that? That was amazing!
All of the suspects that are involved in this high-risk game
have been apprehended by the police.
No, thats not necessary.
Listen up... Starting today we...
- are Choi Iko fans!
- Yes, sir.
We will support him.
Hey...hey Are you okay?
Are you hurt? Wheres my husband? Where is he?
- Let me pass please.
- Honey ... Are you okay?
Dont you know I'm went crazy worrying about you.
- What?
- My baby.
Youre feeling good?
Lets go home.
We have to prepare for Roadwar.
- Roadwar?
- I dont want to go home.
Sir, please dont that.
You think you can escape from me now?
I will always be near you starting today.
You cannot leave and get in danger.
The case was finally resolved by the police
and perpetrators have all been detained.
Our country can now feel safe from the threat of crime.