Big Night (1996)

More salt?
Not too fine, eh?
Sometimes you cut too fine,
then all you taste is the garlic.
Let's go. Five minutes, huh?
Cristiano, let's go. Hurry up.
Chop, chop!
- We open in five minutes.
- Oh, my God, I can't believe...
Remind me tomorrow
to call the plumber to come back
so I can kill him.
- Are we ready?
- I'm ready half an hour.
Wait! The risotto.
Yes. Go.
Oh, thank God. Okay, here we go.
Oh, I'm just so hungry.
- Signore.
- Oh, that looks good.
You got leaves with yours.
Here we go.
- Cristiano.
- Sir?
- Is this what I ordered?
- Yes, that is the risotto.
Is a special recipe
that my brother and I bring from Italy.
It's delicious, I promise.
It took so long I thought you went
all the way back to Italy to get it.
Yes, I know. But it's worth it, I promise.
- You'd like fresh pepper or cheese?
- No, I don't eat cheese.
- Cheese, yeah. Lots of cheese.
- Oh, yeah, he likes cheese.
Excuse me.
Didn't you say that this was going to be
rice with seafood?
Yes. It is Italian Arborio rice. The best.
And then with shrimp,
and scallop, and...
I just don't see anything
that looks like a shrimp or a scallop.
I just... Well, I'm...
I mean, it's just not what I expected.
But I get a side order of spaghetti
with this, right?
Why? Well, no...
I thought all main courses come
with spaghetti.
Well, some, yes, but, you see,
risotto is rice, so it is a starch.
And it doesn't go really with pasta.
- But I don't...
- Honey, honey.
Order a side of spaghetti, that's all.
- And I'll eat your meatballs.
- Yeah, he'll have the meatballs.
Well, the spaghetti comes
without meatballs.
There are no meatballs
with the spaghetti?
No. Sometimes spaghetti likes
to be alone.
All right, then, I guess we'll also have
a side order of meatballs.
- Side of...
- Meat? This is fine. Let's just eat.
All right, then no meatballs and we'll
just have a side order of spaghetti.
Primo, please. Just... Come on.
I want to know for who.
Just make me
the side order of spaghetti, please.
Secondo, I want to know
for who is it for.
For the lady with the risotto.
- What? Why?
- She like starch. I don't know.
- Come on!
- Bitch!
I make it myself.
Who are these people in America?
I need to talk to her.
Oh, please, Primo.
What are you going to do?
Tell the customer
what she can eat, huh?
That is what she want.
That is what the customer ask for.
Make it. Make the pasta. Make it.
Make it. Make the pasta.
- Come on. Let's go.
- How can she want...
They both are starch.
Maybe I should make mashed potatoes
for on the other side.
Primo, look, don't, okay?
Because they are the first customer
to come in two hours.
- The fucking pipes are...
- No! She's a criminal.
I want to talk to her.
You want to talk to her? Okay.
You wanna talk to her?
Okay, that's great.
You wanna talk to her?
Okay. Good. Fine.
I'm sick of this every fucking night,
okay? You wanna talk to her?
All right. Good. Okay, here we go. Okay.
Go talk to her.
No. She is a Philistine.
I'm no gonna talk to her.
She no understand anyway.
It will be just a moment.
Everything okay?
- Good morning.
- Please, sit down.
- Thank you.
- Cigarette?
Oh, yes. Thank you.
Thank you.
So, this is completely different here,
than when I was before.
Well, it's a beautiful renovation.
Because, you know,
we went through that with our restaurant
when we first started.
It's a lot of work. It's a lot of money.
Pain in the neck, you know.
But I think it come out good, you know,
because it's simple.
It's a very simple place
for the family to come.
Very nice. Casual.
- You like Italian food, right?
- Yes, I do, very much.
I'm gonna have to change the direction
of this conversation right now.
Yes, I understand. Okay.
Is there someone you can borrow from,
back in... Back home?
Well, no. Because we did that already
to come here, so...
I see. Do you have any saleable assets?
Something to sell. Like a car.
For money. To pay us.
- Oh, yes, I understand.
- I wasn't sure you...
No, no. I speak English.
No, I don't. My car, no.
I have a car, but is no Cadillac, you
know. I need my car for the business.
- I see.
- No, but... I don't know...
Your payments over the past two years
have hardly been consistent.
Yes, I know.
I'm afraid we can't give you
any more time.
- What do you mean?
- We can't give you any more time.
Okay. Mr. Pierce, let me just explain
something to you, okay?
I'll explain my situation to you,
which is unusual, all right.
I don't want to bother you, but, listen,
my brother is...
It's a difficult situation
because what we tried to do here is...
Look, listen,
I hate to see businesses fail.
- But I just want you to understand...
- I hate to see businesses fail, okay?
- Yes, me, too.
- But we're a bank.
We can't help people
who can't help themselves.
If we don't receive your payment by
the end of the month, we will foreclose.
Thank you very much.
- I wish I could pay you with money...
- Money, please.
- What would I do with money?
- Thank you. I have to go now.
- Thank you for the painting.
- Okay.
Well, this is the biggest one.
Is a heavy one, hmm?
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Stash.
- Good night, Secondo.
See what he give us, huh?
It's a landscape. See.
- Don't you love it?
- Great.
Put it with the rest of them.
Primo, let me ask you something.
What do you think if we take
the risotto off the menu?
What do you think about that, huh?
Take the risotto off the menu?
I'm sorry, what did you say?
Forget it.
No, no, I no hear what you say.
Tell me what you say.
Well, it's just that risotto costs us a lot.
And it take you a long time to make.
I mean, you have to work so hard
to make, you know.
And then we have to charge more,
so I think take it away.
Sure. For good.
- Really?
- Yeah, that's good.
Oh, good.
Maybe instead we could put...
Yes, tell me, tell me.
I was thinking...
What do they call it?
You know, is a...
- Manicotti?
- No. Is...
Hot dog? Hot dog! Yeah.
Hot dogs.
I think people would like that.
If you give people time, they learn.
Well, I don't have time for them to learn.
This is a restaurant,
not a fucking school.
He's busy again tonight.
The man should be in prison
for the food he serve.
People love it.
Good night.
Where you go?
To see Phyllis.
Oh. Say hi for me, huh?
- Okay.
- You go out?
- Where?
- Out.
To a movie.
You want to come?
- No. I go see Alberto.
- Okay.
- What is the movie?
- Do you want to come?
- No. I don't want to come.
- Come on.
Call up the flower lady.
What's her name? Ann? Ann, Ann?
- Double date.
- Who?
Why would I call her?
I don't know.
Alberto said that you and she were...
- You know...
- He said that?
Yeah. It's no secret.
It take you longer each time
when you go to buy the flowers.
I don't grab just any flower.
I like... I like to pick the right one.
Don't take too long.
Someone else
might pick the one you want.
Good night.
What did you say to my brother?
About what?
Where's Ida?
Ida's sleeping.
About the flower lady.
- Who, the widow? Ann?
- Yeah, Ann.
Nothing, I said nothing.
He said you said something.
I may have mentioned her,
but I didn't say anything.
Where's your brother?
He's out wandering. He's a wanderer.
Have a drink. A little grappa
will make you feel better.
Why would Seco say
you said something,
and you say you said nothing?
Primo, I am like the monkey.
I don't see, I don't hear, I don't speak.
if you want to talk about Ann,
talk to me...
not my brother.
Sure, sure, whatever you say,
whatever you want...
Let's see what you brought.
It's good.
It might be a little dry.
You're right. It is a little dry.
- No. No. No. No.
- What? What? What's the matter?
- No, I can't. I can't.
- What? Why?
- No, I can't. Honey, no, I can't.
- Why... What...
I don't want to. I just get sad.
- Sad?
- Yes.
Honey, sad is the wrong word.
Well, no. I don't mean sad.
But I mean, you know, it just gets me
all jazzed up, you know.
And then I want to go in one place,
but I can't go there,
and, you know, I have to go crazy.
Well, we don't have to... I mean,
you know, we've done other things.
No, I know. I know. I know.
So, what's the problem?
I know. I just want you to be...
I can't. I can't. No.
I just want it to be,
when for you and me to be okay...
Something, all right?
I mean, I want for it
to be the right time, okay?
And I mean... Because this is
very important thing, okay.
- I know it, but not for...
- Okay?
- Just like, it's like for me a casual thing.
- For me, neither.
You know, like, oh, that's okay,
like that. It's not like that.
I know it's not like that
for you either, but...
I want it to be, you know, when
the time is right, I mean, you know?
Because now everything is
just too much and I just can't...
I just I, I want it to, I want us to be,
when I am more set.
- Set?
- Yes.
Oh, so, it's about finances.
- Well...
- It's about money?
No, Phyllis, it's not about money, okay?
And don't make it sound like that.
Don't make it like... Okay.
It's not like that, okay.
Because I'm here working,
trying to do something. Is very hard
and then, you know,
my brother is driving me crazy. Okay.
I'm just saying that it's about money,
yes. It's about money, okay.
If you want me to say, yes.
I'm sorry you don't understand me, okay.
Oh, yeah, I don't understand money.
I work in a bank.
What did you say?
- I understand money.
- Good.
Honey, I just...
All I want is for the time
to be right, okay?
I know.
And I want it to be right for you.
And the time... It is not right for you.
Okay? Do you understand what I mean?
You know.
I don't think you know what you want.
I really don't.
What do you mean?
What do you want, huh?
You know exactly what you want?
What do you want, huh?
What do you want me to do?
You want me to ask you to marry you
right now?
- Oh, is that a proposal?
- No. Well, no.
Do you want to marry me?
- Do I want to marry you?
- Yeah.
Probably, someday, yes, in the future,
I want to marry you, Phyllis,
but not right now.
Thank you very much
but, no, not right now.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay.
- What?
- Nothing. Just forget it.
I don't know.
I'm so tired.
Yeah, it's very late.
- Hey, how are you?
- Is he here?
Yeah, in the back...
- Ciao, how are you?
- I'm fine, and you?
Good, good. You're busy tonight, huh?
Every night.
Hey, Number Two.
You're here early, huh?
- Charlie, how are you?
- What's your poison?
Scotch and soda, please.
You're busy tonight, huh?
Hey, Friday night, you know.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I present to you...
- Unbelievable, huh?
- Some guy, huh?
Oh, boy. Cheers. Thank you very much.
Hey, you fucking guy.
Did you see me over there?
I did see you, yeah.
You know,
I should be in the circus, huh?
- You got everything you need?
- Yes. Yes.
Charlie, you're taking care of my friend.
- I'm all set. I'm all set.
- Okay?
- I dropped my cigarette.
- I love this guy.
I really do. You're like my brother.
You are like my brother.
And you are the best,
you are the best guy, you know?
He's the best guy,
and so fucking handsome.
Look at this suit.
- Have I seen this before?
- Thank you.
Cesare, Cesare, table number six.
You give them a bottle of whatever
they're having on the house. Okay?
And don't open it.
I'll be there in one minute.
- So, fucking guy, you close early.
- Yes.
But what happened?
You run out of food?
I make a joke.
Listen, Pascal, I want to ask you...
Can I talk to you?
- Of course. Free.
- Okay.
But I am not just me.
I am me and my brother, you know, so...
So you guys are not even thinking
about coming to work for me...
With me. I should say "With me."
No, no, no, no.
Believe me, I think about it.
- But...
- Yes, I see you thinking.
You know, and I am flattered,
but my brother has ideas, you know.
Ideas is ideas.
I had to convince him to come here,
to have our own place.
Because I know in Italy
you work hard and there is nothing.
But here, you work hard and...
- Hey.
- Right. I know.
Hey, baby, that is
why we all come here, hey.
It's the land
of fucking opportunity, right?
But you can't come here,
and expect the figs
the first year
you plant the goddamn tree.
No matter who you are.
You know what I'm saying?
Believe me. I know.
I know, that's exactly what my brother
said, it's funny.
Yeah, but, Seco...
May I say something that I learned,
without being too big, you know?
A guy goes out to eat in the evening
after a long day in the office, whatever.
He don't want on his plate something
that he has to look and think,
"What the fuck is this?" You know?
No, right. What he want is a steak.
This is a steak.
I like steak, you know?
I'm happy.
You see what I mean?
But don't get me wrong.
I think that you your brother
is a good goddamn chef.
- Maybe the best I ever seen.
- He is the best.
Yes, but,
this is what I have to say to you.
Give to people what they want.
Then, later,
you can give them what you want.
Pascal, believe me,
- I know, I know but...
- Fucking guy.
You and your brother,
you come to work with me.
I know, but...
The kind of money you ask me for,
I can't lend to you.
That's okay. I understand.
And I'm sorry...
You know, everything is just become...
...too much.
Hey, hey, hey, fucking guy.
What is this? Too much, huh?
Hey, it is never too much!
It's only not enough!
Bite your teeth into the ass of life
and drag it to you! Hey!
That is why I come here
to you, you know.
No, no, no, no.
You don't need money.
What I speak about is nothing
to do with money.
Who's that?
- Humphrey Bogart.
- Humphrey Bogart.
That's right. Listen, I tell you a story...
Two years ago, he was in town.
I send a champagne, the best, to him
at his hotel. "Complimenti di Pascal."
That's it. Only my card... like that,
"Complimenti di Pascal."
- Yeah.
- By hand, I write.
Two days later, I get that picture,
signed to me.
- Now look at that picture there.
- Where?
Six months later.
Who do you see having
a dinner in this restaurant?
- Humphrey Bogart.
- Humphrey Bogart.
You see?
Hey, you see that?
That is me with Louis Prima.
- Hey, you know him, right?
- Oh, sure.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Louis is a big jazz guy.
I love Louis Prima.
- Friend of mine.
- Yeah?
He's in town next week.
You cook for him, huh?
For his band on their night off.
And then, who knows?
The word get around.
- I set it up for you.
- Really? Louis Prima?
He's a friend of mine. Louis Prima.
Great. That sounds, yes, great.
I just have to talk to my brother,
but, you know, it should be...
But no. Is good. I'm sure I can do.
No problem. I do.
- I make a call. I set him up. Okay?
- Okay.
You know Gabriella?
- Oh, yes. Hello.
- Hi.
Come on, baby, I am...
- Yeah.
- Listen, I am for you like a...
One of those things, you know?
With the lights.
With the ships in the storm,
with the lights.
- What?
- A lighthouse.
The lighthouse.
That's what I am for you.
If it rain, you look for me.
I show you the way home.
- Okay.
- Suppose he doesn't wanna go home?
If he don't wanna come home,
- he's in the fucking rain.
- Some people like the rain.
Gabriella, go check the menus, please.
Pascal, let me ask you something.
- If my brother know that you...
- Please.
That cradle will not be rocked by me.
I do nothing.
- This is all yours.
- Okay.
Hey, you kidding? I love secrets.
Secrets make the friendship stronger.
That son-of-a-bitch fish man.
You see how he change his song, huh?
"Louis Prima at our place tonight."
Boom! The best fish.
What's the matter with you?
Are you sick?
- People should come just for the food.
- I know.
Primo, I need your help here, okay?
Louis Prima is coming.
He's not just some guy. He's famous.
Famous. Is he good?
He's great.
People should come just for the food.
- I know, but...
- They should come just for the food.
I know that. I know. But they don't.
Cadillac. The newest.
It's beautiful, huh?
- Cadillac.
- Big.
Primo, tell her to make them,
you know, something for tonight, okay?
Primo, ask her if she want
to come tonight.
You can't tell me this.
I had five orders to deliver.
That's all I have to say to you. Goodbye.
- Trouble today, huh?
- I won't even... No.
Listen, I don't have your irises.
The delivery didn't come.
- Somebody not do their job?
- Yes.
Somebody didn't think
it was very important.
That is even more worse.
Well, come on,
we'll find something else.
I think, for tonight, my brother,
he want something...
- Special?
- Yes, yes.
Some big jazz guy coming. Louis Prima.
Oh, I love Louis Prima.
- You know him? He is good?
- Oh, yes. He's very good. Boisterous.
Lots of energy...
- That's good.
- Yeah.
Well, something, you know, special.
- These are nice.
- Let's see.
Listen, I tell you what. I could probably
get something special together,
and I could bring it over
to you this afternoon.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
- How much does that leave?
- $62.47.
- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
- Tonight, you will close early, huh?
- I guess. Why?
Well, because I thought
the no delivery...
Oh, yeah, I guess I'll have to.
But it doesn't matter.
I just started a new book so I'll
probably go home and get in the tub.
Oh, good. Okay, well. Thank you.
- Oh, thank you. And good luck tonight.
- Yes, and thanks.
What is the story?
- I'm sorry?
- In the book. The story in the book.
- Oh. The Pioneers.
- The Wild West, huh?
Buffalo Bill...
Sort of.
- Families on the trail.
- Oh, yeah. Tough times.
Well, times are always tough
for somebody.
Well, I'm taking a long time here, so...
Thanks, and I hope you like the book,
and the pioneers are, you know...
Hey, boys, you go fishing?
Beautiful, huh?
Hey, boys, see you later, huh?
Hey, Michelangelo, come stai?
- You invite him?
- I invite everyone.
Who make this go on?
- What?
- Oh, Jesus! Phyllis!
- I'm sorry.
- That's okay.
- No. Did I burn you?
- No.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay. It's all right.
- So how are you?
- I'm fine. How are you?
I'm fine, you know. I'm fine.
- I didn't call you.
- I know.
- I didn't call you either.
- That's true.
I thought tonight you could, you know,
use some help, right?
- Yes.
- So, I'm here.
I'm glad you are here. Okay.
- Seco, delivery's here!
- Oh, okay. Good. Let me go do this.
Small, huh?
They're small, but they're fine.
Mostly black.
They're fine.
- Are they fresh?
- Fresh today.
Oh, looks... Come on, looks dead.
- It's like a wig.
- I'm sorry, Primo, that's it.
That's all I got.
Well, we need them, so...
It's your party.
Primo, come here. Can I talk to you?
I want to talk to my brother.
One sec, okay?
Primo, this dinner tonight is happening.
Do you know why?
Because it has to happen.
We need it to happen.
But I thought...
This is the last chance we have.
Why didn't you tell me before?
And what would you have done?
I'm sorry, but...
After tonight, I don't know...
if we can still do
what we came here to do.
The way we want to do it.
Do you understand?
- Okay. Sorry, Chubby, sorry.
- Choosing the new pope, huh?
No. It's a very important...
We have a party. Do you want to come?
Yes, Phyllis, can I ask you to get me
the white tub from over there, please?
And Cristiano, my friend, the other one.
No. Now first, we must clean them.
Primo! Timpano? Are you crazy?
There is not the time!
- And, Seco, you start the rabbit.
- What's timpano?
- Primo, I have to be serious here.
- What is timpano?
- Seco, you tell me this is a big night.
- No.
What are we making here exactly?
Phyllis, can you call
the plumber, please.
I called him already.
- Phyllis, timpano is a pasta...
- Oh, my God. No!
- ...with a special crust.
- No, no, no, no.
And is shaped like a drum,
like a timpani drum.
Why don't you do something?
And the inside, only
the most important things in the world.
Seco, the phone is for you.
Hello? Yes.
No, no, I can't right now. No.
Yeah. Okay. Well, I will be there.
Yes, okay. Goodbye.
I have to go. Primo, I have to go.
I have to go talk to a guy
about the booze.
I'll be back in about one hour, okay?
- Okay. Ciao.
- Yeah, ciao.
- What should I do?
- I don't know. Primo will tell you.
- Don't worry. Bye.
- Bye.
I have to go.
You're so fast today.
I have to go, I don't have time.
No, you have time.
No, Gabriella, not today.
You worry like an old man.
Yeah, well, I'm not as old as some.
Or as rich.
After tonight...
After tonight, what?
Can you call the booze guy, please?
You know, not everybody have
everything given to them
with a silver lining, you know?
We could very easy serve the shit
at your old man's place, you know?
Very easy.
Mike, hi, I'm Gabriella.
- Can I ask you a favour?
- Work.
- You know what that is, huh?
- I have a friend, who needs a...
Well, I don't know what he needs
but he'll come by later.
No, now. Now, I'm coming now!
I'm coming now!
Hey, Mike, you're the best of them all.
You know that?
Whenever your wife leaves you,
you call me, okay?
Hey, love you.
Bye, Mike. Bye.
- Who's that?
- Mike.
Thank you.
What's wrong?
You're coming tonight, right?
Sure, spend some time
with your girlfriend.
Gabriella, c'mon.
Come here, come here.
You are so beautiful.
Go. Go get your cheap booze.
He's not here.
You gotta come back when he's here.
Come back in a half hour.
Then he'll be here.
I'm tired today. I'm so tired.
You tired today?
- There you go.
- Phyllis, thank you.
Take a break, you must,
you must be tired.
- No, I'm okay.
- Okay.
You in the market?
Are you in the market?
Good looking fellow like you should
have a good looking car like this.
Well, we all should have
a lot we don't have.
I detect an accent. Where're you from?
I'm Italian.
Just visiting?
Or you move here for good?
- I will never go back.
- There's a history, huh?
In Italy, there is nothing but history.
Funny. Beautiful place, though, Italy.
- Yes, it is. Have you been?
- No. Never.
- Here, get in.
- Oh, well, I don't know.
- Go ahead.
- I really can't but...
- Oh, boy, wow.
- Beautiful, huh?
Yes, this is... Boy, beautiful.
- Real leather trim. Full air.
- Yes.
This is the new one?
This is this year's car?
- No, this is next year's.
- Next year's? Wow, boy.
This year you buy next year's car.
And next year,
next year's come out already again.
Yeah. You got kids?
- No.
- I got two kids.
They see their friend with a new toy,
- they gotta have it.
- Yeah.
I got enough tension in my house,
you know what I mean?
- Sure.
- I'm Bob. What's your name?
- Secondo.
- A pleasure.
- What did you do to your...
- I hurt my hand.
- How?
- I have no idea.
- That must be difficult to... You know?
- What?
What do I need my hands for?
Secondo. Like second?
- Yes.
- Who's the first, your pop?
- No, my brother.
- Scoot over. Scoot over.
- Oh, well.
- Come on.
I have a younger brother. I hate his guts.
- Why?
- He's cheap.
Well, but he's your brother.
Yeah, well, he's a person.
I hate cheap people.
Me, too.
Yeah, I could tell that.
You have good taste, Secondo.
Not that taste and money are related.
But, you know...
It's really what you do
with whatever you have, right?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Power steering, power brakes.
- Power, power.
Your brother like cars, Secondo?
No, my brother, he does not even drive.
Well, some people prefer to walk.
I tell you, my brother make one ride
from Italy to America.
And I guess that's enough rides
for him, you know.
- Let's take a test drive.
- No, no, no. I have to go.
Come on. Come on. No commitment.
So come, okay?
You bring your car, park it out front,
and then see what happens.
I love Louis Prima.
Cristiano, go get the booze in the car.
- "Please, Cristiano."
- Please.
- "That would be very nice, Cristiano."
- Please, please, please.
Where've you been?
What took you so long?
You don't even want to know
where I've been. I mean, it's...
- I want you.
- No, no, no.
- Embrace me.
- I will embrace you.
No, you don't want to know.
I mean, this cheap booze guy,
that's the last time I use him.
He drove me crazy, this guy,
but I'm sorry, all right?
I love love.
Mr. Pascal.
- I have to go shopping, honey.
- Oh, okay.
- You need me for anything?
- We need you for everything.
- You're crazy.
- Bye.
- Okay. Goodbye.
- You come back.
- Hey, American girls.
- Yeah, I know.
- You fucking guy.
- Yeah.
- How's it going?
- Oh, it's going great.
- You want me to make you something?
- No. It looks good.
Fuck, you guys are going to town.
Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
- Hey, so, shaping up, shaping up.
- Yes, huh?
Anything you need, anything.
You let me know.
- Yes.
- I bought a boat.
- You bought a boat?
- I bought a boat.
Sail away into the sunset
- So, here is to tonight. Yes.
- To tonight.
Hey, maestro.
That fucking sauce, unbelievable.
Yeah. What can I say?
Someone gives you a compliment,
you say "thank you."
Pascal bought a boat.
- That mean you're gonna sail away?
- Maybe.
If the sky is red in the...
No, the sun is red. No, the sky is...
What is the rhyme? What is...
Yeah. When is the good one?
Red sky at morning
mean it will rain outside.
What about rain inside?
- Nothing.
- No, what do you mean?
That you say "rain"...
You say "rain outside", and I think for
you to use the word "outside" is funny.
- Why?
- Because it can't rain inside.
- I not say "inside".
- I know.
- I say "outside".
- No. I know.
- So where is the problem?
- Yeah, I don't get it.
Well, you don't have to say "outside"
because it can't rain inside.
- What the fuck?
- I know it can't rain inside.
- Forget it. Forget. Forget.
- What the fuck is he talking about?
- I'm confused.
- No, I make fun.
Oh, you make fun of your brother?
- No, it's a joke. I make, like, a joke.
- I don't hear the joke.
Well, it's not...
I make a toast.
- Not for me, it's too early.
- No, is never too late.
So, this is to tonight,
the big night when I bring together
my old friend, Louis Prima,
with my two new friends.
You guys are simply the best.
- He's your friend?
- Who, Louis Prima?
- Yeah. You know that.
- No. No.
- Yeah, I told you.
- No. You not tell me.
Yes, yes, I did.
You don't just remember.
- No, I would remember.
- Well, I told you.
Hey, hey, hey, come on,
I know everybody.
There's nobody I don't know. Hey.
Hey, Primo, let's have another. Wait.
Oh, fuck. I fucked up.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Do you know what goes on
in that man's restaurant every night?
Rape! Rape!
That is what goes on
in that place every night!
The rape of cuisine!
- But what happened?
- Please, please, please, please.
- Please, please, please.
- What happened?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
It's just this eggplant is not good.
You see this? It's too thick.
And if I cook it like this, too thick,
it's too heavy, it's not good, can't use it.
That's how your brother told me...
What do you want me to say?
My brother was wrong, okay.
Was wrong.
What do you want me to say?
Okay? He was wrong.
Can you believe it?
People make mistakes,
Phyllis, you know.
That's what they do.
You should know that, okay?
When someone gives to you advice,
you should think
that maybe they're making
a mistake. Okay?
What you need to do is decide
for yourself what it is you want, okay?
All right? Do you understand?
Exactly what you want.
And then, I don't have to throw
every goddamn thing away. Okay?
Oh, my God.
I really think you need to be
by yourself for a while.
Phyllis. Phyllis.
Uncle, Uncle, it's Primo.
I'm well.
And how are you?
Yes, I got your letter last week.
You're a true restaurateur now.
Thanks for the offer.
But I have to talk to Secondo.
Because we came here together.
Let me talk to him.
Let me talk to him,
and then we'll talk, okay?
Yes, I have to go, Uncle.
- Okay, you like it?
- Yeah.
Say hi to everyone.
- Okay, these should be what he wanted.
- Yeah.
If there's a problem, he can call me.
But we will see you tonight, huh?
The party. My brother invite you, right?
No, he didn't.
Signorina, my brother want you to come,
but sometimes he's too...
- You know?
- Yes.
You come tonight.
It would be our honour.
- Thank you, but...
- No, no, no but.
Tonight, 8:00.
All right. Thank you.
What time is it?
You look beautiful.
I tried to call you.
I was probably in the shower.
I have to talk to my brother
for one second, okay?
I'm glad you're here.
- So, how's everything look, huh?
- Good, good, good.
Go ahead.
- What do you think?
- More time.
- How much?
- Until it's done.
Hey, look.
Do what you want.
No, no, no.
I mean about before.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
We do what we have to do.
After tonight, everything will be different.
I know.
Say formaggio.
Cristiano, come here,
please, please, please.
Do me a favour, go outside
and watch for Louis Prima, okay?
- I don't know what he looks like.
- Here, here.
Like that. Okay. Go.
He says, "It was the first day with milk."
Did you talk to your brother?
Hey, what do you got there?
You help yourself, anything you want.
Cristiano, take care of my friend, okay?
Cristiano, right? Do you have a car?
Here, cheers to you.
Eat this, come on. Drink that.
Ah, the reporter. Listen, help yourself
to anything you want, okay?
I'll be back. Thanks a lot.
- Jameson, Daily Sun.
- How are you?
Are you Al Segundo, Gabriella's friend?
- Secondo, Secondo, nice to meet you.
- Glad to know you. Is Mr. Prima here?
No, he's not here yet.
But he will be here soon. Don't worry.
- Is Gabriella here?
- No, she's not here either.
But please come in.
Now can I fix you a drink? Something?
- Have an appetizer.
- No.
I just don't think you can say,
"If I do this, then that will happen."
I mean, you can, but if you do that
all the time, then where would you be?
I mean, personally, I think, nowhere.
This is focaccia, which is nice.
We make that earlier today,
my brother and I.
And this is nice crostini.
Excuse me, don't mean to touch
with my fingers.
- That's okay.
- This is nice.
Inside, it has olive oil
and a little bit of goat cheese.
Hey, your friend is here.
- The flower lady.
- What?
- Hello. How are you?
- Hi. I'm good, thank you.
So nice to see you.
Thank you for coming.
- Thank you for inviting me.
- You look beautiful.
Thank you.
Hurry up!
Watch the stove.
- Oh, big brother. Here you go.
- Oh, thank you.
How are you?
Hey, look at you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Oh, my God, I'm so glad you are here.
Now you can see where go
your beautiful flowers.
- Yes. They look beautiful.
- Yes, did you see behind the bar?
- They're beautiful all over.
- It's gorgeous.
- It's a lovely restaurant.
- Thanks.
- I love all the paintings.
- Oh, yes.
- Show the lady.
- Show me one of them?
- Oh, yes, yes.
- All right.
Well, here, we start here with this one.
Here, my aunts and nephews.
She asked me what are...
Hey, fucking guy!
What a crowd, what a crowd.
Hey. I bring something for you.
- Oh, thank you. Yes.
- You know Gabriella, right?
Yes, yes, sure.
- Phyllis, you are a vision of loveliness.
- Oh, thank you.
Yes, yes.
Phyllis, do you know Gabriella?
Gabriella, Phyllis.
Phyllis is Seco's fiance?
- No, no.
- No, not quite.
What are you waiting for?
A sign from above?
- He's like my mom.
- Come on. Now, am I right?
I love this guy, Phyllis.
Look at that goddamn table.
- It's nice, right? Looks good, huh?
- It's the Last-fucking-Supper.
And now, we're just waiting
for the guest of honour.
Oh, fucking musicians, forget about it.
Don't worry. He'll be here.
Where's your brother? I say hi.
- I see him. Hey! Hey, screwball.
- Okay.
- So...
- Wait. I'll come with you.
- Ann. Oh, I love that corsage.
- Thank you.
Gabriella, you know Ann, yes?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Should we start?
We can't.
He's not here yet, the timpano
is drying out, everybody is drunk.
Secondo, it will be fine.
It will be fine. Go. Okay?
Is a party, you know, is fun.
- Good.
- Oh, Mr. Fun. Mr. Fun, yeah.
Come here, come here.
Don't worry about everything.
It's gonna be fine.
- I'm not worried about anything.
- Have a little sip of my drink.
Okay. Cheers.
He plays the trumpet, he sings.
- Isn't he...
- They call him the Lip.
- How are you, sir?
- Hey, where do you go?
- Just going to take test drive.
- Be right back.
- Okay.
- More scotch?
Here, Chubb, here.
Take the bottle. Yeah.
Yeah. Really?
This is a fiorentina sauce, you know,
but quick, fresh, nice. See?
Sometimes you can put in cream,
if you like, but not for me,
because it's no good
for my stomach, so I not like.
My mother put cream in everything.
- Have you ever been to Bologna?
- No.
Oh, I take you someday there.
- I mean, you like cream?
- Yes.
- Yes, I thought you do. Yeah, yes.
- I do, too.
Well, you will love this place.
Bologna is sad, a little, the city is old,
no, old is nice, but it's dark,
but the food, anyway.
They make there a dish called...
Listen, lasagne.
- Lasagne.
- Lasagne.
Lasagne Bolognese,
you can't believe how good this is.
See, and when my uncle, in Rome,
at his restaurant, when he make this,
you eat and then you go and...
You kill yourself.
You have to kill yourself,
because after you eat this,
you can't live. See?
Okay, smell. Smell, here.
- Wow. Oh, that smells good.
- Is nice, huh?
Yeah. All right. Okay, this is done.
- All right.
- Now, taste.
Taste it. No. Here.
Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
- Is good, huh? You like?
- Oh, my God.
- "Oh, my God" is right, see?
Now you know.
To eat good food is to be close to God.
See? You know what they say?
To know God, to know,
to have the knowing, the knowing...
- Knowledge. Knowledge.
- Knowledge?
S, the knowledge of God is
the bread of angels.
I'm never sure what that means
but it's true, anyway.
- Thank you.
- Take deep breaths.
You know how they get you,
these people, men, boys?
They make you think
they have secrets they will tell.
But they have nothing to tell.
And then they talk and they talk,
talk, talk, and they keep talking.
- And what do they say?
- Nothing.
And then they smoke.
And then they talk some more.
And then that's that.
- Have you ever been to the West?
- Out West?
- Really? They say it's beautiful.
- Yes. Very beautiful.
- A little too vast for me.
- Too what?
Vast. Spacious. Big.
- Oh, vast?
- Yeah.
- How do you feel?
- I feel better.
- Do you want a puff?
- Thanks.
So, you prefer it here, East?
- Yeah, I do.
- I see.
Maybe I should go out West.
Find a cowboy with a horse.
The whole thing.
What do you think?
- A cowboy?
- Yeah, I want one.
Strong, silent,
like a statue.
Cool. Always there.
Cowboys are consistent.
A girl went back to Napoli
Because she missed the scenery
The native dances
and the charming songs
But wait a minute, something's wrong
Phyllis, what are you doing?
Oh, Gabriella, hello. How are you?
Hi. Hi. Hi.
What a fucking ride!
Come on, Bobby, let's get a drink.
- Hey, Primo is cooking!
- Yeah!
- Let's eat.
- Yeah!
This is the green one that my brother
has made especially for you.
This is al pesto. This is regular risotto.
And this is seafood risotto.
And this one, yes.
- Can I come back for more?
- No, absolutely not.
What do you think, he'll make it or not?
- Who, Louis Prima?
- Yeah.
He better make it.
He doesn't know what he's missing.
Eat this, eat it. Taste it. You'll like this.
No, save this one for Louis Prima.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Don't touch it.
Maybe too hot still.
I don't know, we have to serve now,
I mean...
- Okay. Okay.
- No! Wait!
Cut at the table.
- Okay. Okay.
- Okay.
I worry it's gonna be too hot.
It's gonna fall apart.
That's what I say, it's too hot.
No, no, no, we don't have time
for too hot, let's go.
Come on, come on.
Cristiano, open the door.
What is that?
It's timpano.
It's a secret recipe that they brought
from their hometown.
I have only heard about it,
but I never had it before.
God damn it!
God damn it, I should kill you.
This is so fucking good I should kill you.
- Paradise!
- Paradise!
- What's the matter?
- My mother was such a terrible cook.
I am gonna try and get someone
out here to write a review,
- but that could take a while.
- Oh, I see.
And I can't really do a story
about Louis Prima
because he didn't show up.
- Ah, I know.
- But you were right.
- It was the best. Ever.
- Thank you.
- Got to go.
- Okay. What time do you have?
- It's 3:00. Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Two, three. Now, careful, careful,
because if it's too much wind,
they fall over...
Careful, careful.
And they go... Yeah, isn't that beautiful?
Listen, I don't know what to say.
I'm so fucking embarrassed. I'm sorry.
But you know what?
These people had
a great goddamn time.
You should be proud like hell.
You know, everything will be okay.
- Yeah.
- Well, hey, we talk tomorrow?
- Okay? Okay.
- Yeah.
You cannot be caught with the ring.
You must lie and cheat
and swear and kick.
Come, come and stand
in a circle, okay? Here, okay.
Everyone take... Take the string.
- You're not supposed to know what's...
- No, no.
- You're supposed to tell...
- Yes, you try to trick the person.
Everyone stand in a big round.
Good, good. Very, very nice.
No, Ann. Ann, you start.
You go in the middle first.
- Me?
- Yeah, go on.
Close your eyes.
Do we say we have it?
Are we supposed to say we have it, or...
- You're supposed to lie.
- Lie and cheat...
Okay. All right.
You don't like games?
Me, no.
They make me tired, too.
He was supposed to come.
It would have helped.
But now...
to begin again.
We're left with nothing.
What are you saying?
You have so much.
- Here. Have it.
- I got it right here.
- Take it. Take it.
- No.
Take it. Take it.
- Hey, where are you going?
- I gotta go.
- Why?
- I'm going.
- Gabriella, stick around.
- Yeah, we're waiting for Louis Prima.
Yeah, don't hold your breath.
What do you want with me, huh?
Why don't you tell your new friend
about who's coming tonight? Huh?
What? What? What, what do you say?
Tell him. He worked very hard.
Come on.
Okay, okay.
We should go now. Let's go.
- Tell your new friend. Come on.
- Come on, let's go.
No one is coming tonight.
No one was ever coming.
Thank you for the best meal...
I will probably ever have.
Phyllis! Phyllis! Come here!
What are you doing?
Come here! Phyllis!
Come here! You'll catch cold!
I want to talk to you!
What are you doing?
Phyllis. Phyllis, come here.
I want to talk to you.
Come here, please!
- I was just upset, and she was just...
- No!
- Don't do that. I hate that.
- Okay. Okay.
- Can I just talk to you?
- No.
I'm not here any more.
He's not coming.
Pascal never call.
- What do you mean?
- Pascal never call. So he's not coming.
- How do you know this?
- Gabriella.
Pascal lied to you. He lied.
Where is everybody?
I should go say something.
- Come on.
- No, no, no, no more. No more.
There is a job.
Just listen.
With Uncle Paolo.
At his new place in Rome.
I talked to him.
I called him. He said...
both of us. If you want.
- Good.
- Good?
Yeah. Okay.
You go. I'm going to stay here.
- No, no, no, Secondo.
- No.
No. You go, okay?
Fuck him and fuck you.
You go back.
You let somebody else take care of you.
Okay. Okay, good. Go! Stay!
Go, go, go! Stay! No good! Good!
Stay! Stay, go! Go!
You have rotted!
What? What?
You have rotted.
What did you say?
You! You! You are the one!
You are the one!
What do you think?
You think things are so simple, huh?
You think it is just like this
and like that? And that's all it is?
- Is that what you think?
- No!
- Is that what you think?
- No.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
You're in the kitchen
with your head in the pots!
We were dying and I did something!
For two years, I have been doing it all!
- What do you want?
- You have done nothing!
- What did you do?
- I asked for your help!
I need you to sacrifice!
And what do you do?
- You give to me nothing! Nothing!
- Is that what you think?
- That I give to you nothing?
- Yes, that is what I think.
This place is eating us alive!
Good, I'm glad!
Where are you going?
You're always leaving.
Stay still for a moment!
I've tried.
I've tried to teach you, Secondo!
But you've learned nothing!
You're like a child!
Why do you act like this? Why?
Why do you want to stay here?
This place...
This place...
this place is eating us alive!
You want...
You want me to make a sacrifice?
If I sacrifice my work, it dies.
It's better...
that I die.
No, no, no.
Hey, Secondo.
Great party even if, you know...
- Can I take you somewhere?
- No, no, no. Thanks, Bob.
Okay. See you.
I used to play at one time.
You ruined me.
- Because of a woman?
- Oh, please, Seco, be serious.
Because I wanted to save you.
And then we would go with you?
Where else would you go?
What I did, I did out of respect.
He's a great investment, you know,
your brother.
You, too, of course.
You will never have my brother.
He live in a world above you.
What he has and what he is
is rare.
You are nothing.
I'm a businessman.
I'm anything I need to be, at any time.
Tell me, what exactly are you?
Are you hungry?
I'll do it.
Here, this is for you.