Bio-Dome (1996)

Over the last few years...
mankind has been witness
to a continual parade...
of environmental disasters...
leaving many searching
for a ray of hope...
in an already bleak landscape.
This is it. Isnt it?
Geez, look at this.
Look at this! And its mine.
The place is the Arizona desert.
Here, a team of scientists
and investors...
led by Dr. Noah Faulkner,
has come together...
to create the first
space station on Earth...
a self-contained world,
a pure environment...
unspoiled, unpolluted...
a world that
no longer exists outside.
This Earth Day, Dr. Faulkner
and four carefully chosen...
highly qualified scientists
will seal themselves inside.
Their mission will be
to sustain life for one year...
while living in harmony
with nature.
Welcome to Bio-Dome.
Congratulations, Bio-Dome Five,
and good luck.
On your steady shoulders...
rests the hopes and dreams
of a scientific community...
perhaps the very survival
of the human race.
OK, ready?
Paper covers rock.
You lose, Buckwheat.
Sorry, you have
to assume the position...
because lm king
and youre the peasant.
I win, you lose!
OK, you ready?
Copy that, Squirly Control.
Should have been harder.
Hi, Mo-Mo, Porky!
Thanks for coming over!
Hey, Budley.
You guys ready to go?
See, thats the thing.
Were supposed to go with you
to this Earth Day thing.
Dont mimic me.
Easy, Squirly.
Listen, we cant go.
- Doyle had a bad accident.
- What?
Come here. Lll show you.
Look at his wrist.
Its quivering.
Oh, my God! What happened?
lm no doctor,
but I think hes brain-dead.
Yeah, and?
In tribute to Earth Day...
Doyle was on the couch trying
to take down the mahi-mahi...
and set it free!
Free Mahi-mahi...
if you will, and then kaboom!
Gravity snatched
the poor little boy...
and he fell down
like a rag doll.
Is this one of your
convenient little accidents?
Monique, look.
You call a huge welt
on the guys head an accident?
I cant make that up.
Please let me out, Mommy...
or at least slide
another pancake under the door.
My poor Doyley.
lll nurse you.
OK, lets play nurse.
I smell a scam.
No, thats Doyley.
Hes got a quivery colon.
Thats cute.
You promised to help us
pick up trash today.
Thats what
Earth Days all about...
saving the environment.
youre thinking too globally.
You have to act locally.
We need to stay here
and help Doyle merge...
on the road to recovery.
All right, Bud.
You win again.
Win? This isnt a contest.
Its not a game here.
Give me a kiss.
What do you think?
Its not my fault
his brain cramped.
You little dick!
Brain cramp, my butt!
The only thing that hit
Doyles head is this book!
You cracked Doyles skull
to get out of this?
The book fell on him!
He fell on the book!
They collided!
Bullshit! Lts just like you
to weasel out...
of your responsibilities
on Earth Day.
This is Hands Across America
all over again.
I had arthritis.
Farm Aid?
I had fleas.
The Save-the-Whales rally?
Salt water makes Doyle bloat.
You guys are pathetic.
Thanks for coming, Mo!
Face it.
Were dating primates.
Theyre getting better.
Theyre taking yoga.
And youre the one
that keeps on raving...
about how flexible
Bud is getting.
There is something
about a man...
who can lick his own back.
We just have to be patient.
Freeing the mahi-mahi?
What kind of mind
thinks up crap like that?
They should be taught a lesson.
They should be punished.
This is Uncle Fred...
from the Carolina
School of Bartending.
What are you doing?
Grab it. Eat it.
The one with the corn.
You like it.
Good one.
Johnsons residence.
Bud Macintosh here.
Thats my name.
Ask me once.
lll say the same.
Hey, Budweezer.
Its the girls.
Hey, Mo-Mo.
Hows sanitation detail going?
Its great,
but were going to split.
We met these guys
from Arizona Tech...
and theyre taking us
to a kegger at Vasquez Lake.
What? You met men?
Of the male persuasion?
Theyre on the swim team.
Please hold.
Whats going on? What?
Monique, Doyle and I
just talked it over...
and we decided
you cannot go...
to that kegger party
at Vasquez Lakes...
with the swimmers.
What are you talking about?
Hold on, guys. Were coming.
Whatever, Bud.
Our girls have been seduced
by breaststrokers.
They bought it!
Do you have any idea
how many diseases are in pools?
after we swim in them.
- I know!
- I cant believe this!
Shaved-down pool Nazis
oiling up our women...
and swimming with them
in an Olympic-sized toilet.
Ever see the bathing suits
they wear?
Grape smugglers.
Can you believe those girls?
Its not like were not into
saving the environment.
Alls I know is...
I wont lose my beloved
to some steroid-friendly...
porpoise-prissy punk!
Dont worry about it though,
because I think...
when they see
weve gotten off the couch...
theyll go into seizures.
- You think?
- Total.
Check out that mall, man.
Must be the grand opening.
Think that means
it goes both ways?
I dont know, but we do.
I dont think theres a kegger
at Vasquez Lakes.
Weve been had, Squirly.
Makes you kind of proud that
we got such crafty girlfriends.
Were lucky guys.
Thats for sure.
Vasquez Lake?
More like Vasquez crap hole.
There used to be fish here,
Yes, I do, Doyle.
A long time ago,
when we were kids.
Leave Bud alone, Mom!
lm teaching Bud how
to hold his breath underwater.
Much better, Bud.
Lets try for three minutes.
Those were the days.
Yeah, lll say.
Dont leave that there, Stub.
Free refills
with proof-of-purchase seal.
Nice call.
- Tribal!
- Tribal!
I got to take a piss.
- Can you cork it?
- Negatory.
Lets go at the mall
right there.
Welcome to Bio-Dome!
Welcome to the future!
Welcome to the place
lm going to drain my lizard.
Viva Los Bio-Dome
Viva Los Bio-Dome
After all
our careful planning...
the many years of meticulous
research and experimentation...
our dream is finally at hand.
Thank you.
Viva Los Bio-Dome
Viva Los Bio-Dome
Rip Van Tinkle-fest.
Dr. Noah Faulkner.
Thank you. Thank you.
We stand today
at the bridge to a future...
where man and the ecosystem
can live in harmony...
and make it possible for us...
not only to balance
our own fragile planet...
but one day to sustain life
on new worlds far, far away.
You have entrusted us
with an awesome responsibility.
Swift, swift, swift.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
How can I help you fellas?
Can my friend go inside
and pee in your mall?
It didnt occur to him
to do it at the lake.
Back off, punks.
Sir, yes, sir!
Loosen up, bacon boy.
Just want to go inside
and take a pee...
and then we got to go.
What up with that, G?
You girls want to get physical?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Exhale, Stubbs.
- I kill you.
Whoa, a little demonite.
Look, exhale, Stubbs.
Just chill.
Go, go!
Sorry about this.
Please, I would like
to introduce my team.
Ms. Olivia Biggs,
our geologist.
Mr. T.C. Romulus,
our entomologist.
Ms. Petra Von Kant,
our oceanographer...
and Ms. Mimi Simkins,
our agriculturalist.
I cant do it here.
Tiny Elvis has stage fright.
Just think of the water.
Just let it go. Hurry.
I cant do it here.
In the hopes of bettering
our environment...
Come on.
Give me your smoke.
With the cutting
of this ribbon...
a new era in science
and technology begins.
What are you doing?
Over there,
by that grassy knoll!
Assassins! Assassins!
- I cant get up!
- Holy Kennedy!
Section 2, code 3. 10-4.
What kind of mall is this?
Theres no stores or food courts
or toiletries.
Theres got to be a toiletry
here somewhere.
Now, look at all
the vegetation...
for your fertilization.
It seems someone was
a little eager to celebrate.
God bless you.
I know how you feel.
lve been waiting
for this moment a long time.
Give me the scissors.
Warning. Warning. Warning.
Toxins being introduced
in the rain forest.
Homeostasis is at 99.1 percent.
Here we go.
See you in a year.
Good luck.
- You OK?
- Pulled a nad.
Lets get out of
this Jurassic mall...
find our girls...
and take care of what
we need to take care of.
Hey! Look! Look!
- Get them out of there!
- Oh, my God.
Doyle, I dont think
this is a mall.
Get them out of there!
Youve got to be kidding me.
My bug!
Son of a bitch.
Here we go.
Mr. Leaky, has there been
a security breach?
Who are these men?
Has the Bio-Dome
been contaminated?
No, no.
Ladies and gentlemen,
surprise, surprise.
We are pleased
to announce the arrival...
of our two
special scientists.
Beam me up, Stubby.
- Jim, hes a Vulcan!
- This way.
This preplanned addition
to Team Bio-Dome...
is intended to simulate
the Chaos Theory...
as we encounter it in nature.
Well have plenty more
information on this...
a little later on,
and lll get back to you...
but as you see,
right now we have work to do.
Work to do.
Who could be stupid enough...
to think Bio-Dome was a mall?
Bud Macintosh
and Doyle Johnson.
Generation X road kill...
on the superhighway
of progress.
Theyre not terrorists.
Its worse.
Theyre junior college
students from Tucson.
They really thought
it was a mall.
Faulkner, get them out now!
The doors are sealed
for one year.
I cant open the doors.
If I open the doors...
the integrity of the
scientific data is compromised.
Everything depends on
the time frame of one year.
Screw the time frame!
I have 100 million
invested in this.
I dont intend to lose it
because two twits from Tucson...
cant tell a mall toilet
from a damned rain forest!
Squirl, break the ice.
Excuse me, miss.
Are you tired?
I beg your pardon?
Are you tired?
No. Why?
Because youve been running
through my mind all day.
Excuse me, miss.
If you were yogurt,
would you be...
or stirred?
This is your problem.
Fix it.
Then they have to stay.
Our preparation was
for five people, not seven.
Adding two more
at this stage...
throws the whole system
off balance.
Then the system will adapt.
Did it hurt?
Did what hurt?
When you fell from Heaven,
did it hurt?
Bud, Doyle, hello!
lm Dr. Noah Faulkner.
You may recognize me
from television.
You the guy
with the spray-on hair?
Anyway, as lm sure
you already know...
you have stumbled
into an exciting new world.
Tell me, have you ever
dreamt of being famous?
When I was little,
I wanted to be a rock star...
because I could do this
with my finger.
But as I got older,
I realized the reality...
of the corporate
rock world sucked.
you only knew one song.
Ironman, Ironman
Does whatever an iron can
Pancake flat, like a glove...
Hold it!
Thats Spiderman.
Black Sabbath did Iron Man.
Oh, come on.
What, do you
think youre so smart?
Think youre
some rocket scientist?
What do you boys want
out of life?
To die and come back
as a leotard?
Well, I may be able...
to offer you a springboard
to that future.
We would like you
to stay with us.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait a minute, man.
You guys arent
one of those freaky clans?
Dancing naked, you want us
to take off our clothes...
youre going to feed us
weird punch...
- Damn.
- Shit. We almost had it.
It was this close.
Boys, this is
where youll be staying...
and I want you
to feel right at home.
Wed be obliged if we could get
some nice cushy beds.
With Magic Fingers?
Like the ones at the mall...
that big tourists
lie in for free.
They plop down.
The kids are around.
"Daddy, look at
the little thing!"
And it just rolls...
See? I have a sciatic.
we have no extra beds.
- A normal mattress?
- Without rollers?
Sorry, no.
Here, guys.
Petra and I can live
without this stuff.
I know its not much.
Have you ever been with
a Squirl and a Stub?
For the pillow.
You lose the pillow.
For the blanket.
You lose the blanket.
For fun.
I cant sleep.
I cant sleep either.
Lets go find us some beds.
Get out of here!
Wake up. Smell the coffee.
Good morning
and congratulations, all.
We have survived night one.
Congratulations, Doyle!
And the best thing is...
was maintained all night.
It is bad enough
that for the next year...
I must share
my air, food, and water...
with these Neanderthals...
but I will not share
my tools of hygiene.
Relax. Its sanitized.
I dunked it in Olivias Scope.
- Simian!
- Dick!
You guys wanted us to stay, OK?
Think back.
"Springboard into the future."
We didnt prepare
for this voyage.
We need clean teeth, too.
All right?
His teeth... look.
You are absolutely right.
You should be brought
up to speed.
It is time for a tour.
Boys. Boys.
From here, you can see...
all the regions
of the Bio-Dome...
the rain forest,
tropical lagoon, farm...
and the great desert.
Every effort was made
to duplicate them precisely...
and all of this
is your home now.
But remember,
the survival of this system...
is dependent upon homeostasis.
That means a balance...
an enclosed system itself.
Could we get some binoculars?
Lets make a rule.
that you did at home...
youre forbidden to do here.
Shave poochie poochie.
Shave poochie poochie.
- OK.
- All right.
Dont move.
lll be right back.
But I got a wicked itch
on my nads.
Dont move.
I got a wicked itch on my nads.
Faulkner said dont move.
I cant take it anymore!
I cant take it!
I guess this means
were our own tour guides.
All right, everybody...
do not feed the animals,
stay together...
and no flash photography.
And remember,
here at Bio-Dome...
were dependent on balancing
homos within the system.
Now everybody
stay with the group.
Follow me this way.
Jerk, you shouldnt
have hit me so hard.
Oh, my God, come here.
Hey, theres no knob here!
Oh, God, here we go.
Olivia, whats with this door?
lts not opening.
Of course it wont open.
That door wont open again
for an entire year.
Nothing goes in or out.
Not even air.
It would take a Sherman tank
to open that door.
So what youre saying is...
You cant get out.
- Were stuck here.
- For 12 months.
Thats right.
- 12 months?
- 52 weeks.
385 days?
Yes, yes, yes.
So what youre really
trying to say is...
Stubby, Squirly... tribal!
lm a Sherman tank.
Sherman tank!
Sherman tank!
Doyle, Doyle, Doyle
of the jungle
Friend to you and me
Watch out for that tree.
Whered you go?
Where did you come from?
My mom and the authorities
are still figuring that out...
but hey, do you know
theres a jungle in here?
Yes, I do.
Whoever thought of
putting a jungle...
in Arizona
is a petty smart guy.
Whoa! Barbarella!
What are you doing,
making smoothies?
Nature is about miracles, Bud.
A goat is a miracle.
A carrot is a miracle.
And youre a miracle, too,
Whats up, Doc?
Why are you putting that guy
in the rice paddy?
Tilapia are an integral part
of our food supply.
We adopted
a technique from Asia.
The fish eat the algae,
then fertilize the rice.
So these tipitilia,
theyre going on the rice?
Crapping on the rice.
In crude laymans terms, yes.
Does Uncle Ben know about this?
Hey, I know yoga.
I do it like that.
Sometimes, I can lick
my back, too. Watch.
Then I roll over like this.
The tide monitor
needs attention.
Really, I can...
Thank you.
Wait. Dont go anywhere.
lll show you
some other maneuvers later.
You should see what...
God, my sciatic.
Come quick.
You gotta see this!
Your sciatic?
Get it!
You should see
what she did with a carrot.
Russell, theres beer cans
in the trash in the kitchen...
in the trash
in the bathroom...
and in the trash
in the basement.
What does that say?
Were out of beer?
Mom, would you please
tell your love slave...
that if hes not
part of the solution...
hes part of the problem?
The only problem I have
is lve run out of Depends.
There is a bathroom
right around the corner.
I cannot
go to the bathroom.
I hurt my bladder
Hey, look at that.
Theres that guy Bob...
who I chased out of here
the other day.
Theyre on TV!
Its amazing!
Can you believe it?
This is
Joachim West reporting.
I told you we were into
nurturing Mother Earth.
But you didnt believe us.
Now you guys
are thinking locally...
and were acting globally.
Just get out of there.
Cant. We signed up.
Were part of
the few and the proud.
Part of the problem.
Come on, you guys.
This is an important
biological experiment.
Youll ruin everything.
Maybe youre not aware of it...
but were a vital part
of the homeosystem.
Dont you think your couch
is having withdrawals?
Are we supposed to wait
a whole year...
for you to get out?
Mo-Mo and Porkchop,
there comes a time in life...
when we must sacrifice
that is most dear to us...
for the greater good
of saving the world...
and now is that time.
Is that how you really feel?
No. This is how
I really feel.
Budly, theres people around.
I miss it.
I know. I miss you.
lm proud of you.
So I guess this is good-bye?
I guess.
Attention. Dinner is served.
Well, we got to go. Bye.
Day one, in the books.
Cheers, mate.
Whats with this kibble?
Are you guys
trying to poison us?
You dont like soy casserole?
Crap tastes like
it came out of Romulus.
Maybe it did.
Soy is our principal
source of protein.
Youll learn to love it.
Could you at least
make it taste like chicken?
A little bouillon base,
Spice it up a little?
Otherwise, lll shrivel up
like a supermodel.
I am so fat.
No, youre not.
Nobody likes me.
Youre beautiful.
People didnt like me
in high school.
- Everybody loves you.
- Youre so sweet, Naomi.
Avez-vous a cigarette?
Squirly, you sleeping?
You sleeping?
What did you hit me for?
I cant sleep.
Think back at those sleepovers
we used to have.
Maybe then
youll be able to sleep.
Whats up, Buddy?
lm the weasel.
OK, my turn.
Peanut butter and jelly
with bacon. Thats easy.
Whoa, buddy.
Good call, man.
Keep on cruising.
Keep on going down the line.
Mixed green salad
with blue cheese dressing.
Bro, that was fully major, dude.
Your beak always knows, buddy.
Keep on cruising.
Come on, buddy.
Keep it cruising.
Wait. Its over here now.
Yo, Mo. Check it out.
Your friends Bob and Darrell
are getting tail.
If I were you...
ld go out and hump
for the next year.
If I were you, Russ,
ld have my mouth...
full of shotgun
with my toe on the trigger.
Its frightening
how much you want me.
Stubby, thriving on chaos!
Those will sell better
than Iron Maiden merch.
Lets hope so.
I just want
you gentlemen to remember...
how important you are
to this whole experiment.
Feel free to contribute.
You are an integral part
of the Bio-Dome system.
Since you put it that way...
were thinking of you producing
environmental condoms.
So when you rip the packet...
its automatic sap lubrication.
No chalk on the bark.
Then, when youre
pollinating your flower...
slide, slide, slippedy-slide.
Just smooth... right in.
Then theres the Bud and Doyle
action figures.
Action figures.
Anatomically correct,
of course.
And last but not least...
Watch this.
Hi. Lm Doyle.
And lm Bud.
And when were not out
saving the environment...
were thinking of you.
Naked, thigh-deep in tofu.
You likey, Leaky?
Our home is the Garden of Eden.
More like
the Garden of Boredom.
lm Chairman of the Bored.
We can have our own fun.
Remember when
the Magnavox went out...
when we were kids?
Fly, Mary Poppins.
Fly, supercali-fragilistic-
Can we do it again?
Those were the days.
Cheer up, buckaroo.
Just because
were stuck in a bubble...
doesnt mean we cant
cause any trouble.
Were the everlasting force...
of Squirly!
You ready?
Hut one, hut two,
hut, hut, hike!
Let me through.
Come on, let me through.
Neon Deion.
No fair! Personal foul!
You want some of me?
You shouldnt have
had some of me.
You shouldnt have
had some of me.
Squirly, look!
Fish on the play!
My proposal is
that we plant these seeds.
I know youre thinking
"lllegal, illegal"...
but the value
of purple sticky ponge...
goes way beyond just toking it.
Aint that right,
Professor Johnson?
Thats correct,
Professor Macintosh.
"Purple sticky ponge,
or hemp...
"is an excellent
source of paper.
"It makes a fine rope.
"It can even make
a contaminant-free fuel.
"But the greatest value
to us Bio-Domers...
"is its rapid rate
of photosynensisis...
"which means more oxygen
for everyone."
On three.
There you go, Mr. Bloom.
Thanks, girls.
Now, tell Bud and Doyle...
lm writing a song
about them, OK?
OK, we will.
Oh, God.
Check it out.
This is the event
youve been waiting for.
Its the annual
at Arizona Tech.
Its a three-day blowout
to benefit the rain forest.
Theres going to be
seminars and lectures...
and kegs and dudes galore.
We cannot go to this.
Why not, pray tell?
Do Bud and Doyle ring a bell?
A year is a long time
to wait for those guys.
You know how old
well be in a year?
Real old.
As in not spring chickens,
in over the hill...
Did you see those chicks
theyre with?
Theyre hot.
So? I trust Doyle.
I love Bud just as much
as you love Doyle...
but we got to start thinking
about ourselves.
They are.
Oh, OK.
Pay attention, soave-bolla.
Youre king. Lm peasant.
Good afternoon, Petri dish.
Perhaps youd like
to join us...
for a little aperitif
on the ridge?
Allow me to present...
Chateau Squirly-Stub.
Its a bit plucky,
a bit fruity perhaps...
but itll satisfy your palate...
especially with
a big piece of pork.
So thats what happened
to our fruit harvest.
Youre incorrigible.
I think theyre into us.
In a huge way. Mini-tribal.
Look. Biodegradable
Olivia, Romuli.
Why dont you guys join us
for a little soak?
Thats not for bathing.
This is the artificial
rain generator.
It just got a little warmer.
Theres nothing artificial
about that.
A little acid rain.
They dominate a number
of pivotal processes...
occurring in the soil.
A kind of profound
taking earth.
Thats what makes this
so exciting.
Its Bud and Doyle.
Doyle, whats the hot gossip
on the inside?
I really cant make
any comment at this time...
but if I see
one more massive orgy...
lm moving to Tibet.
And, hey, Faulkner,
quit hogging the K-Y.
forty-two... sixty-nine...
A hundred, a thousand!
Here I come!
Rumball, you got to hide me.
Not in here.
Youll upset my bugs.
Look out!
May I help you?
What are these guys?
Theyre two of the rarest
lepidoptera in the world.
Didnt their drummer
lose an arm?
No. Theyre butterflies...
from the Brazilian
rain forest.
So are you trying to get them
to start porking?
Actually, yes.
In nature, the chances of
these two finding each other...
or porking...
is very remote.
We hope to breed thousands here.
Easy, Rumbo.
Youve got to take me first!
Come back, Mothra!
Please come back, Mothra.
Should we be doing this?
We are not
doing anything wrong.
Besides, its to save
the rain forest.
- Denise.
- Roach.
One word. Raid.
Hey, man.
She thinks shes cool
because she hangs out...
with Bud and Doyles
She digs me, though.
Are those Bio-Dome Bud
and Doyles girlfriends?
Get that bag.
Excuse me.
Are you done with those beers?
Thanks, but were having
too much fun sober.
Thats cool.
We were collecting
empties and recycling them.
Well, take this.
Take mine.
Theres a lot of waste
at these parties.
Thats awfully noble of you.
Its what were compelled to do.
Were having a little fete
to save the rain forest.
If youd like to come,
show your support...
Will it be like this?
- No.
- Not at all.
Its going to be decent.
Its at the quad.
Well be there.
Well see you tomorrow.
Noah, its been
a nonstop moronathon.
I did not dedicate
my life to science...
just to baby-sit
a couple of baboons.
They eat like savages.
At this rate,
well run out of foodstuffs.
Theyre going
to ruin everything.
You sliced it.
Damn it, Billy.
Damn it, damn it!
How am I supposed to hit...
a double birdie
with the shower iron?
Youre embarrassing me
in front of my friends.
Come on, Billy.
Anatomically correct.
Are you sure this flypapers
going to work?
lm positive.
Its really sticky.
My dad used to use it
to line my playpen.
You must have been
in this position a lot.
Help, Daddy, please.
Get me down.
I wet my Huggies.
Nobody loves me.
Oh, shut up.
CD-ROM, come with us.
We got a big surprise for you.
Youve been
diagnosed with Ebola...
and youre about to bleed out?
No. Doyles got a boner
he wants to put in your ear.
This is
a really big surprise.
If its about
Faulkners third nipple...
dont bother.
I know that.
Faulkners got three nipples?
Pretty cool.
Come on. Hurry!
We felt pretty awful
when we let all your bugs out.
We promised each other
we wouldnt sleep...
until we brought back
every last bug.
You mean
you found my bugs?
Giant flypaper!
I think we got them all...
but theres still a couple
flapping right there.
The horror! The pain!
- Come on!
- Please!
Were sorry!
What I wouldnt do for
just a Big Mac right now.
Dude, dont even say
that word.
Two all-beef patties,
special sauce...
lettuce, cheese,
pickles, onions...
on a sesame seed bun.
Bladder Buster, no ice.
Breakfast burrito.
I cant take it anymore!
We got to get out of here.
We should relax a little...
before Chaulkner chills out
a little, dont you think?
Whats he going to do?
Expel us?
Youre right, Stub.
We own this place.
The whole world.
Hey, turn into a table.
Youre pretty steady
on all fours.
Get me up.
Right down here.
You sure?
Look, I can tell it.
My beak has got a hunch.
Like a Doberman pinscher.
The coast is clear.
- Stop!
- Look out.
Come down.
This is it.
You sure?
Open it up.
Bring it down.
All right.
Come on. Be careful.
This is the one.
Theres food in there.
I feel it.
I feel the aroma.
Hey, Squirl?
If we blow up,
its been nice knowing you.
All right. Open it.
Was I right?
Didnt I tell you?
- Whos the master?
- You.
- Whos the king?
- Squirl.
- Whos the shrewdest?
- Squirly.
Just follow your nose.
Lets eat!
We have chippies!
Lots of stuff to eat.
Is that laughing gas?
No way.
I dont know.
Turn it on.
Let me try it. Let go.
Dennis Hopper, "Blue Velvet."
"Oh, lm slutty."
I dont feel anything. You?
Me neither. You?
Its raining, its pouring
The old man is snoring
I got to have Spam.
I feel like a duck-billed
platypus, man.
Want halves?
I didnt feel anything.
Nitrous oxide.
Are you crazy?
What the hell
is going on here?
The desert?
But well starve!
Not necessarily.
It is life
on a taut tensile line...
but the desert is
an integral part of nature.
So its just vamos,
get out of here.
You guys go your thing,
and we go ours.
The idea being
that while we are here...
you are there.
Like we want to hang with
you guys anymore.
Were going to start
our own Bio-Dome.
One with a dome within a dome!
So dont come knocking
on our door.
Do you understand?
All we need are two helpers.
Girls, come with us...
because girls are
an integral part of nature, too.
Yeah, come on.
We still got each other, Squirl.
You wont have to eat
any more of that food.
Girls, dont do this.
- I cant see you.
- Whered they go?
lm so hungry.
We got to get out of here.
I dont want
to have to eat you.
I dont want you to eat me,
Squirl, the Grim Reaper
is breathing down our necks.
Its not looking too good.
Theres something I have to get
off my chest before we die.
Remember that really cute...
little teeny, little tiny,
little turtle...
you had when we were growing up
that disappeared...
and then they put your kitty cat
to sleep for eating him?
What really happened was
is that I stepped on him.
And then I flushed him
down the toilet...
and let the cat take the rap.
He went down like a champ,
Remember your Uncle Murray
divorced your Aunt Flo...
for sleeping with
that flamingo dancer?
Her children disowned her,
the church shunned her.
She started a drinking binge.
That flamingo dancers outfit
he found was mine.
My mom was trying to make me
take lessons...
to impress the neighbors.
So I took the outfit,
I hid it in Aunt Flos bedroom.
I said I got mugged.
Aunt Flos insane now.
but she has her independence.
the Great Fire of 1979...
that supposedly started
in your garage...
when that chipmunk
ingested some fertilizer...
and then fell
into a can of kerosene...
instantly turning him
into a flying little...
fluffy Molotov cocktail
that set a blaze...
the whole neighborhood...
west of
Newtons hardware store?
You started that fire?
No, but that was
pretty cool, huh?
- Noah.
- Can we talk to you?
Were concerned
about Bud and Doyle.
We think theyve been
down there for long enough.
Do you?
We cant just leave them there.
- They cant survive.
- It would be murder.
No. Its progress.
Were culling the herd.
They are a symbol...
of everything
that is wrong with this world.
They dont care.
They dont matter.
Doyle, theres a tasty dactyl.
- Got him, Squirl.
- Lm going to eat you.
I want to eat them
with the frog leg.
Squirl, wait, wait, wait!
A key!
No way!
Parking tickets?
- What am I going to...
- After all weve done...
Oh, my... A boot.
I cant believe it.
I cant believe
they would put a boot...
on a Bio-Dome scientists car.
Its not like we didnt try
to help the ecological system.
Aw, dont cry, Doyle.
Its OK.
Here. Come on.
Well get you some food.
A little Bladder Buster?
- Hey, coach! Pizza!
- Stop!
Here are the pizzas.
The Bladder Busters are free...
because I couldnt find
the goddamn place.
- Bob.
- How did you get a job?
Fucking President Clinton.
You had sex with
President Clinton?
Thats pretty cool.
So, hows my juicy treat?
She and that other bimbo...
they picked up two guys
at Arizona Tech.
Theyre having a party
to save the environment.
You owe me 57.50... plus a tip.
What does "in the flesh" mean?
I think it has
something to do with tassels.
You got to take us
to this party.
I got pies to deliver.
Get off the goddamn car!
Can you believe this?
Right now, the whole ATU campus
is probably being overrun...
by some touchy-feely,
"save the environment" mania...
and guess whos
right in the middle of it.
Our chicks. Theyre probably
swapping Mark Spitz...
with those grape smugglers
right now.
No preppy blow-hard is going to
steal my chick without a fight.
First Frisky, now this.
All I know is
someones going down!
Hey, put the gun away, Stub.
Stub, put the gun away.
Evil is not a good thing
right now. Just relax. Exhale.
All we got to do, bro,
is outparty the partyers.
Bring the mountain to Mohammed.
Throw a bigger bash than
any college would ever allow.
Show the girls that we care
about the environment, too.
- Do we?
- No.
Where are we going
to throw this party?
Viva Los Bio-Dome!
Cornicopy-a. Roach here.
Roach, its me, Bud.
Thanks for blowing me off
on my birthday, nature boy.
I guess now
that youre Mr. Scientist...
you dont have time for
your bourgeois friends anymore.
Dont bourgeois
shmougeois me, OK?
Weve been stuck in a bubble.
Look, youve got
to do me a favor.
Remember last year
when we had that big, like...
freaked-out festival
and stuff...
and I made you my little buddy,
and you went and passed...
Give me the drink! Wait.
And I made you pass out fliers?
I need you to do the same
thing, but this time... whoo!
First you need the planet
The earth beneath your feet
You couldnt live
an instant without that
Then you need the air
OK, everybody turn!
Couldnt live five minutes
without that
Can someone please explain...
how drinking beer
and playing hacky sack...
can help improve
the environment?
Its all about
raising consciousness.
You just cant stand up
and preach about it.
Let me open up your chakras,
No, thanks, Siddhartha.
What we need
is to save some trees
We just want to save some trees
Dont say we didnt save
some friggin trees
Party at Bio-Dome?
All right, lets go!
Bud and Doyle are having
a party at the Bio-Dome?
Thats crazy.
What are they thinking?
- How?
- What about our party?
Blow me, partner.
Were going to Bio-Dome.
Thanks for the back rub.
Maybe theyre planning on
a lecture in the parking lot.
Wouldnt it be cool if they had
those huge television setups...
so we could see
whats going on inside?
- Moths?
- Noctuidae principalis.
- We dont have them here.
- Something is happening.
Have you seen her face?
Shes got a face
that could stop a clock...
Until you look her in the eyes
And her moneys green
Shes a tease
like a social disease
She seems so close to my reach
If I could count,
I could count it all
Lady, turn me on
Lady, turn me on
Lady, turn me on
Lady, turn me on
You can take her for a ride
Are you guys in a band?
Were the Bio-Dome Five.
Which ones Tito?
And I cant even fake a smile
Without laughing inside
all the while
Hes a whore,
do anything for money
Hes a whore
There is no law now!
Do anything for money,
hes a whore
And the stories I could tell
Look out!
Oh, my God!
Theyre going inside?
lm a whore,
do anything for money
lm a whore,
so the story goes
Monique, Jen. Buona notte.
- Where are they?
- Bud and Doyle?
Here you are. Half-price.
Yeah, right.
Be that way, snivelers.
Oh, my!
This cant be.
En garde.
- What are you doing?
- Were partying.
Youre thrashing this place,
you phonies.
I thought you cared
about the environment.
We just want to get laid.
Hell, ld strangle a dolphin
to get into her pants.
Bud and Doyle!
Hey, everybody,
welcome to the party!
I could get used to this,
It was just a matter of time.
Monique, Jen,
welcome to paradise!
Ladies, so good of you to come.
Join us!
My queen,
this is your kingdom...
and now were all
acting globally.
Bud, stop this!
- Stop what?
- This!
Doyle, look at this place.
Its being destroyed.
I thought you guys wanted
a big environmental party.
You assholes!
Dont you care about anything?
Bud, youre killing
the Bio-Dome.
You shouldnt be doing this.
This is our mess.
This is our problem.
Dont touch me.
Stop! Come on, you guys.
Youre making us feel worse.
Do you guys even realize
what youve done?
Youre scum.
You know how embarrassed I am
that I even know you?
- Were sorry.
- Yeah, we didnt think.
Thats the problem, Bud.
- You never think.
- About anything.
Wait. Monique, stop!
Can we call you later?
Bud, this isnt a joke.
I never want to see you again.
- I dont know you.
- Lm Doyle Johnson.
Youve seen me naked.
Faulkners gone.
He disappeared.
All we found were these.
They look as though
theyve been chewed by a rat.
The first rat
to desert a sinking ship.
Romulus, I should have
left you in charge.
Well, maybe not.
Mr. Leaky?
The damage is devastating.
The toxins
are way off the scale...
and the pH is acidic enough
to digest a battery.
It took years
to build this world...
and you geniuses took
only one month to destroy it.
God couldnt work
at such a fast pace.
I havent seen devastation
of this magnitude...
since the Great Chipmunk Fire
of 79.
Go home. Its over.
We made Vasquez Lake.
- We got to fix it.
- We got to.
- Where are you guys headed?
- Out.
Well, wait.
You cant leave.
Were going to need your help.
- For what?
- To clean this place up.
Theres no point in staying.
The ecosystem is dead.
Its not dead.
Its just thrashed.
The point was to live
in a sealed environment...
and maintain
perfect homeostasis...
without contact
from the outside world.
The entire experiment
has been compromised.
Screw the experiment!
No one leaves.
Now, listen!
Were taking over this dome...
and you guys
are going to help us fix it.
Do you have any idea
how impossible it would be...
to make this place
habitable again?
Impossible is my nom de plumb.
Now, you guys have spent
your whole lives...
trying to make the world
a better place, right?
Well, heres your chance.
Only its not perfect.
Its like it is out there.
Come on, guys.
We got to save the Bio-Dome.
lve never quit anything
in my whole life...
except Chinese calligraphy...
my thesis, "Tuna and you...
the early years"...
Kangaroo anatomy,
toe photography...
booger sculpture,
and masturbation.
Well, maybe not masturbation,
but give me a break.
Its the only thing
lm good at.
You are very good at it, Stub...
very good.
So come on.
Whos a quitter?
In five seconds, lm going
to swallow this key...
so if you want to leave,
you better do it now.
Count it, Squirl.
lll do it.
Wait, wait, wait.
I dont want to get locked in.
Just wait one second, please.
Let me out of here.
Dont. Open the door.
Thank you, Bob.
Nice to see you again, Darrell.
Last chance.
Oh, my God. You did it.
Were all going to die!
Grouse mate for life,
year after year after year.
They travel thousands of miles
to reunite and mate.
We were watching that.
lll put it right back.
I want to see if the sniper...
killed the clown at the mall.
If we slow it down, we can
actually see the bullets...
enter and exit Buttercup.
- Ew!
- Gross!
Back and to the left.
A clown.
The infamous Bio-Dome
is back in the news.
It seems a standoff
has developed...
between scientists
still inside...
and project investors.
Our Joachim West
is live at the scene.
the Bio-Dome scientists...
are refusing to leave
the world they destroyed.
Bud and Doyle, I love you!
- A standoff?
- Hold it. Theres Mr. Leaky...
the projects
principal investor.
I studied chemistry in Sweden!
I can lick my back!
All I can say right now
is were still negotiating.
Were trying
to keep them aware...
of the dangerously
low level of oxygen inside.
Thats all for now.
Homeostasis is 1% of normal.
Animal life will terminate
in fourteen days.
Fourteen days?
Thats almost two weeks.
This is madness.
I dont see how it can be done.
Bingo! Revive plant life.
See? Now the plants
will get that island tan.
Photosynthesize, planties.
it will also produce...
what Doyle and I call
the beer can effect...
whereby heat inside
will stimulate condensation...
you know, like the outside
of a cold brew.
That should increase
the moisture inside here...
and bring on
a nice little downpour.
Itll work. All we got to do
is filter the air.
Light bulb!
Making a filter
Dont worry, Stub.
Olivia said we could just use
wet bed sheets.
- What about all these butts?
- At least you collected them.
Do you know how many laws
youve broken?
How many?
Bud, Doyle, wheres the key
to the back door?
- Doyles got it.
- Thank God!
- Doyle, give me the key.
- Give the man the key.
- You sure?
- Give him the key.
He needs a cup of joe
to let it flow!
Leaky, reach on up
in there and get it!
But make sure
you take off your watch.
No, I was the last one
out, right?
And Bob, the last words
he said to me were...
"If I go, man,
you take the torch.
"You save the planet."
Right? And lm like, "Wild!"
- Excuse me.
- Monique!
I see Mom
let you off your leash.
Bud and Doyle refuse to speak
to anyone but you.
You would be doing the world
and posterity...
a great favor if you could
convince them both...
to give up
this foolish quest.
Hi, guys.
So, uh...
So when are you guys
going to come out?
Earth Day.
You guys still mad at us?
Is that what this is all about?
This isnt one of our pranks.
Were for real.
Youre really for real?
We think about you guys
all the time.
We miss you, too.
Youve come a long way, Bud.
That really helped a lot.
lve used this technique
in many siege situations.
Its pure torture. This will
definitely drive them out.
Youre the expert.
Good boy, Billy. Good boy.
Come on. Come on.
Your papalopadus are porking!
Excellent tree bark, yall.
Tastes just like chicken.
Here you go, friend.
48% of normal!
Its really like I have
two sons... Doyle and Bud.
I have one from Llnstitut
de Nature in Strasbourg.
They want Bud and Doyle
to stockpile their sperm bank.
This ones from the people
at Bladder Buster.
They want the boys
to endorse their new drink...
the Colonic Cannon.
Youre not going to believe
who this ones from.
"Viva Los Bio-Dome!"
Might be quite hard. Take
the right leg. Throw it up.
Push it to your chest
and then behind the head.
We could grow
a whole new crop of tomatoes.
Trick or treat!
What, you guys
dont have any candy?
Oh, Mr. Dude, look at you.
And whats your little name?
Purple sticky ponge.
Youre going to make someone
really happy.
Checking Santas list...
to see whos been
naughty and nice.
Bud and Doyle!
Happy New Year!
Crunchy soy patty...
with lactose-free cheese?
I need a fuse.
Ionized porkodilineate...
with red dye number two?
Yeah. Keep going.
What senseless vandalism.
Do you think
its really Faulkner?
Whoever was in this closet knew
what they were looking for.
I want to talk to him
and tell him were sorry...
and that were going to try
and make up for it.
We should get him back here,
involved, you know?
We could use another genius.
I dont think
thats a very good idea.
If he wanted to talk,
he would have come to us.
What do you think
hes been doing all this time?
I will fly
I am God.
No. I am God.
All is peaceful and quiet
here tonight...
as the domers
spend their last days inside...
trying to reach homeostasis.
This is Joachim West reporting.
Its going to be a real blast...
three-day rally to boycott fur.
Why dont you start with
the fur on your back, homo?
That was good.
No. I am God.
Homeostasis is at 98%.
Homeostasis is at 98%.
Were close. Its going
to come down to the wire.
Only ten hours left.
If only we had another day.
Or another twenty-four hours.
Hey, guys.
We just...
we wanted to say
thanks for everything.
We thought you were
brain-damaged or something...
but we were wrong.
Youre very special.
You mean special,
like riding on...
the little yellow bus
to school special?
Very special.
And, Doyle, lve been thinking
about that yogurt thing.
Fruit at the bottom,
waiting to be stirred.
Wait. I have a girlfriend.
Excuse me. Lm sorry.
Were sorry. Its just...
we have girlfriends
on the outside of the dome...
but you are just fan...
Good night, Squirly.
- Good night, Doyle.
- Wait.
That might have been...
the smartest
or the dumbest thing...
weve ever done in our lives.
Probably both.
Whats that noise?
- What?
- Do you hear that?
- Yeah. What is it?
- I dont know.
Check out Faulkners
secret hatch action.
- Cool.
- Yes. How James Bondish.
Hurry up.
Come on, Stub.
What is that?
Ahoy, Noah!
You dont look so good.
Youre looking kind of grisly.
l... I have
a lovely sack of coconuts...
that lve altered
in a small way...
and I wondered...
would you be kind enough
to hold them for me?
- OK.
- Sure.
- How you been, man?
- We missed you.
OK. In case
youve been wondering...
we have been kicking
some serious ass...
on the homeostasis front.
This place
is almost back to normal.
So what are the coconuts for...
pina coladas?
lm rigging
some pyrotechnics...
for the door-opening ceremony
which I feel is essential...
for the culmination
of this whole process.
Give me that thing.
Yes. Yes.
I dont think he liked the way
you play with his coconuts.
When the doors open,
I dont anticipate any problems.
Just let them come out.
Isnt it amazing how clear
everything gets sometimes?
Havent you felt that
in the moment...
when everything
is proportionately correct?
Thats how I am now.
Anyway, boys,
keep your eye on the clock.
When it hits zero,
you will like what you see.
And off he goes.
Into the wild blue.
- Come on.
- OK.
Hey, wait a minute.
Cluster. Coconut.
Hey, you know,
hes not such a bad guy.
For a grizzly guy.
I mean,
hes just a little...
Hes misunderstood.
You know what?
We bring out the best in people.
And people bring out
the best in us, too, Doyle.
Look at us right now.
I mean,
whod have ever thought...
Look! Right?
Here. Go long.
- Stubby going long!
- Keep going!
I got it! I got it!
You OK, Stub?
That was no ordinary coconut.
We rigged
tons of those things, Squirl.
They could level this place!
Let us out of here!
Theres a bomb in here!
Hey, whats going on?
Dont worry.
You cant do that.
This costs
two thousand dollars a sheet!
- Damn bionic glass!
- What are we going to do?
We got to stop
that mother Faulkner!
You guys, come back!
lts too dangerous back there!
My creation!
I know thee not.
But go gently...
into the maelstrom.
Roshambo for the Dome, doc?
You feel lucky?
Well, yeah. I think I do.
On three... one, two, three.
Dont feel bad.
I would have done it anyway.
Give me the detonator.
What is the magic word?
There has to be a magic word.
The magic words on three.
You cut him off
through the tunnel.
lm going to go get
his maelstrom.
I got you now, Faulkner!
Come on, baby!
lm coming for you!
So thats how that rats
been getting around!
When I get you, lm going to...
Slow down.
- Lm going back in.
- Lll go with you.
lm going...
to worry about you guys
while youre in there.
Just kidding! Lm coming!
When I see you, lm going to...
lm going to...
Will you finish
a complete thought?
I got it. I got it!
You idiot!
Hang on, Squirl!
- Get him, Squirl!
- Cant turn it off!
Youre choking me!
- Give it...
- No!
- Give me the detonator!
- No!
lm coming, Squirl!
Assume the position!
Warning... detonation in five...
Warning... detonation in five...
four, three...
two, one.
Destruct sequence deactivated.
Homeostasis restored to 100%.
- Happy Earth Day.
- Whats happening?
We did it!
Oh, my God.
That was the stupidest thing
weve ever done.
Youre right, but sometimes
stupid can be pretty cool.
Hey, we did it!
We stopped Faulkner!
We saved the dome!
I love you.
God, Romulus,
easy with the tongue action.
Poor folks. They must be toast.
Remember your training.
Wheres Faulkner?
Lets go arrest him!
I really underestimated
you fellows.
Interested in a permanent job
at Bio-Dome? Big bucks.
You guys are my heroes.
Bye, Bud. Well miss you.
Well, Petri dish,
what can I say?
How about good-bye?
You can save the world
from your couch.
lm so proud of you, Doyle.
- Lm proud of me, too.
- You should be.
I love you!
We definitely learned
a few things, thats for sure.
For one, we definitely
have to listen to...
Your girlfriends?
Yes, but most importantly,
Mother Nature.
Whats wrong, sweetie?
I think Mother Natures
calling me again right now.
- Can you cork it?
- Negatory.
Theres no place to go
out here.
Hey, what about that factory?
I dont think so, Bud.
Trust me, OK?
Were celebrities.
Car, drive up!
Any of you guys seen Faulkner?
No sign of him over here.
How could he have gotten out?
Hes not here.
I dont see him.
- Check over in the lagoon.
- Hes not here.
Hey! He must have gotten
through the back door!
Whered he get the key?