Bionicle: The Legend Reborn (2009)

MATA NUl: It is said that all endings
are merely beginnings waiting to be born
My beginning was
much the same
Once I was a towering giant,
ruler of my own universe
Fearless Beholden to none
Protector of my people
Until I was betrayed
All that I had been,
all that I had known, was stolen
from me by an ever-present evil
My power stripped away,
my people enslaved
I was left powerless
to save them
And yet, a part of me
My spirit
Captured and preserved inside
a mask worn by a Toa warrior,
its name echoed my rebirth
The Mask of Life!
Sorry, little one.
You may have noticed, I am
not steady on my feet yet.
I have the feeling you're
trying to tell me something.
Easy. I will not hurt you.
Ah, it's the mask
you're interested in.
Which you can
see for yourself.
Before this day, I never needed help
from anyone or anything. Thank you.
Well, little one, I spared
your life, you saved mine.
Shall we call it even
and go our separate ways?
Okay, easy.
It was just a...
State your business.
Just a traveler looking
for the nearest city.
Well, then, you may
as well start digging.
Here on Bara Magna, you're bound
to find the ruins of one or another.
That's a joke.
Let me guess.
Not a big laugher?
Right. Well, to answer your
question, nearest village is Vulcanus.
I've got some business there,
if you want a ride.
That is, unless you'd rather wind up
captured by a pack of bone hunters,
or worse, Skrall.
What are bone hunters
and Skrall?
No one you ever want to
meet. Hey, you've got a...
Relax! You've got a filthy
Scarabax on your back!
I was just trying to knock
the disgusting thing off.
Thanks. But I like
him right where he is.
All right. Whatever.
I'm Metus.
I'm Mata Nui.
Hold on!
What happened here?
Who knows? Been like this
long as anyone can remember.
But if I had to make a guess
I'd probably say it was...
I was going to say "earthquake",
maybe "volcanic eruption",
but "evil" works.
Not from around here,
are you?
I figured. It's clear you can
fight if you can defeat a Vorox,
and there aren't many Agori
who can do that.
Me! I'm an Agori.
Although most aren't
as good-looking as I am.
That's another joke.
Truth is, we're just peaceful
villagers trying to survive.
Not like the bone hunters, cutthroats
who steal what little we've got left,
when they're not fighting
with the Skrall.
Good! Sounds
like we're just in time.
For what?
You'll see.
Back in the day, the villages settled
disputes the old-fashioned way,
by destroying each other.
Very messy.
Lot of clean-up.
So we came up
with a solution.
You Agori use your
best warriors for sport?
Not sport,
problem solving.
Much more honorable than
slaughtering each other.
And considerably
more profitable.
Not that I care about
that kind of thing.
Come on, Ackar!
Take him down!
Get him, Strakk!
The red warrior, Ackar, used to be the
greatest Glatorian in all Bara Magna.
Metus. Good, you're here.
Look at Ackar.
I'm telling you, his days are numbered.
I practically had to beg him to fight.
Mata Nui, meet Raanu. He's
the leader of this village.
Mata Nui's new in town.
What do you think?
He fights without fear.
That is a rare quality.
True enough. But he's
lost his taste for battle.
And once a Glatorian
loses heart,
it's not long before he meets
defeat and must be banished.
No doubt that is why Metus
brought you here tonight.
I don't understand.
Let's not get ahead
of ourselves, Raanu.
There's plenty of time to find a new
First Glatorian to take Ackar's place.
By the way, did I mention
that I recruit Glatorians?
This red warrior fights with
the courage of a true Toa.
He's done it!
Get up, Strakk!
Yield to me, and this goes no further.
All right. You win.
You leave with your honor intact,
and I with your shield, in victory!
Watch out!
You call this honor?
He was clearly defeated!
We're just Agori. We're not
going to fight a Glatorian.
Did you see that?
Interesting. No wonder
he's so fond of that bug.
You're finished, old...
I'll cut you down
for that, outsider!
Too bad. I'd hoped he'd
bring a decent price.
Strakk, no!
Your fight's with me!
You're next, Ackar!
He asked for it,
now he's going to get it!
How in...
For all to hear!
I concede!
Who is that stranger?
Whose village
will he fight for?
Your victory,
your shield.
You won honorably. The
prize of victory is yours.
Well, in that case...
I've got plenty
of shields.
How quickly they forget.
I am already an outcast.
It's never too late
to win them back.
I am in
your debt, stranger.
You won all these?
Yes. And look what
good they do me.
Should have packed it
in long before this.
But you stayed.
Duty. Pride.
But a Glatorian past his prime
is no good to anyone.
To be defeated without a
fight would be dishonor.
You carry this truth inside
you, as I do. You are a true Toa.
Mata Nui! You were brilliant!
Raanu will pay anything we ask.
And if you don't like
this village, no problem!
I can get the other
leaders to bid for you.
That is very kind,
but no.
Are you crazy? Do you realize
what you're passing up?
The life of
a First Glatorian!
Oh, yes! Look how great
it worked out for me.
The answer is still no.
Okay, okay, I hear you.
But when you
change your mind...
I will not.
Playing hard to get.
I can respect that.
Soon enough, you'll come around,
begging for me to take you back.
Okay, that's a joke.
You'd never beg.
I'm going now.
So, stranger,
what are your plans?
I begin searching for a way
back to my homeland.
Which is?
You will think
it sounds crazy.
Well, no crazier than
jumping into the arena
armed with only
a tail and that thing.
My home is
far from this place,
on another world entirely.
I was once its protector, until I
lost everything to a powerful evil
that has enslaved my people. That
is why I must find a way back.
I knew it!
Proof! Proof of what I've
been saying for years.
Kiina! This is
not the place!
But I was right!
Who is this?
Wait. No, she's...
Name's Kiina, a
Glatorian. One of the best.
And you just won
me a lot of bets.
"Kiina's delusional! There's
no such thing as other worlds!"
Well, he proves it!
It's okay. Although I don't
always agree with her methods,
such as lurking
in the shadows,
as Glatorian go,
Kiina ranks.
I was right. I was right.
I'd trust her with my life.
I was right. I was...
Good to meet you, Kiina.
I have recently discovered
what a great gift it is to find
someone you can truly trust.
So what they're
saying is true?
Let me guess.
You call him Click?
Hey! I was
just kidding.
I like it. "Click" it is.
Wow. A real other-worlder.
Finally! Someone to
convince the Agori
there's a place better than
this miserable wasteland.
He needs our help, Kiina.
And I owe him.
Help, huh? I might be able
to do something for you.
But I'm going to want
something in return.
I want out of this dump!
You have to take me with you!
It's all right.
If it's within my power,
I will take you,
but the time to help my
people is running out.
No problem.
I work fast.
What do you have
in mind, Kiina?
Well, I discovered an enormous
cavern under my village.
It's filled with weird,
ancient equipment and tools.
It might have
something you can use.
A word of warning, though, don't
even think of pulling a fast one,
'cause you're my
ticket out of here.
Is the cavern
in that canyon?
No, it's near Tajun, my
village, just beyond the canyon.
The Glatorian
are heading for Tajun.
You know what to do.
I don't like this. This
canyon's ideal for an ambush.
Please! Even bone hunters
aren't dumb enough
to take on three Glatorian.
They're getting bolder.
Skrall, too.
In the past months they've
seemed to know our every move.
True. But don't worry, it's not
like we've got much worth stealing.
Well, maybe Mata Nui does.
I meant his blade, bug face! I can't
believe I'm talking to an insect.
When an enemy knows too much, it
can only mean one thing. A traitor.
I was thinking the
same thing. But who?
I think we've
got a bigger problem!
We should turn back!
Can't! They're even deadlier!
My village! There's another
Glatorian there!
Just got to make it through!
Hang on! Tight!
Help Kiina. I'll draw
the beast away from you.
Good luck.
All right, Click, ready?
Mata Nui! We're finished unless
we can make it to my village.
Try and get to the chariot.
I have an idea.
Going to be close!
Gutsiest move
I've ever seen.
Yes! Those bone hunters are going
to be eating Skopio belly for weeks.
Not bad, other-worlder!
Is that...
Tajun. It's Kiina's village.
Well, looks like
the Agori got away.
The village! Our homes!
This is my fault!
I should have
been here to help.
Where's Tarix? And Gresh? We
had a training session today.
He's just a rookie. He wouldn't
have been prepared for...
Gresh! He's hurt!
Easy, son. Easy.
I'm fine. I'll be fine.
Just shut up
and let us help you.
We need to
get out of sight.
Your cavern!
Right. The entrance
is this way.
bone hunters,
working together.
They're rival tribes.
No! Kiina, I watched them
destroy your village.
Gresh! He isn't...
He's still alive.
But not for long,
if that savage sees us.
Leader of the Skrall?
What the boy says
is true.
Bone hunters have joined
forces with the Skrall.
They won't find us in here.
This way.
Wait. These glyphs. I...
First we have to take care of
Gresh. The cavern is just ahead.
Look at this.
Each chamber contains elements
that were once plentiful
on the surface
of Bara Magna.
Lay him down over there.
Show yourself!
Okay, okay, okay. Look, everything's
okay. It's just me, Berix.
You filthy little thief!
I told you if I ever caught
you down here again I'd...
Oh, hey. This place
doesn't belong to you.
And, hey, look, I am not
a thief. I am a collector.
Ooh, I like that mask. Can
I have it? I just wanna...
Come here, you!
You know, I have a right to
collect anything I want.
Oh, yeah?
You know, it's just junk
no one wants anyways.
Then why do you want it?
'Cause I like fixing things.
And I'm really good
at it, too.
I mean, come on, who do you
think got the lights working, huh?
I was wondering
about that.
Hey! You've got a...
He knows!
He knows!
Ever fix an
injured Glatorian?
No way! He's not
touching Gresh.
The boy needs help, Kiina.
Well, I've had to patch
myself up a few times.
Yeah, like every time you've
been pounded on for stealing!
"Collecting"! Maybe you should let
me work on your ears next, Kiina.
He better pull through.
You got that?
Great. No pressure.
What if he's the traitor?
Then he'll pay.
Something wrong?
I don't know.
There's a familiarity
about this place.
It must have been created by
the old rulers of Bara Magna.
Great Beings.
The Great Beings
were here?
"Great Destroyers"
is more like it.
Why do you speak
against the Great Beings?
Because they wrecked
our world, that's why.
This was Bara Magna before the
Great Beings left us here to rot.
You have no proof
of this, Kiina.
They could've just as easily
ended up buried in the ruins.
No. The Great Beings did not
fall here. That much I am sure of.
What is beyond this?
No idea.
Never been able
to get it open.
Yeah, me neither.
But I bet there's something
good through there, huh?
Keep dreaming! And pay attention
to what you're doing, thief.
I recognize this symbol.
What is all this?
It looks like this could have
been some sort of laboratory.
It cannot be!
What's wrong? You look like
you've just seen a ghost.
I have.
You know that thing?
Yes. A gigantic
mechanical being.
Just like the one
now enslaving my people.
Wait! You think the Great Beings
had something to do with it!
No. The responsibility lies
on my shoulders alone.
This place, these symbols.
We are on the right track.
You have all the fun.
I get the next two.
You can have them.
Let's move.
We need to warn the villages
about the Skrall
and bone hunters uniting.
And that we've got
a traitor on the inside.
How are you holding up?
I'm fine, thanks to Berix.
No problem.
But I could use a new weapon.
Skrall shredded my blade.
Get in line.
I might be able to...
Don't even think
about it.
I am sorry about your weapons,
but I must continue my journey.
What? You're not
going to help us?
I have my own
battles to fight.
Trust me, Mata Nui, I've seen
you fight. You're not ready.
Stay, and I'll teach you
everything I know.
Wait. What you did with
the Vorox tail, and Click.
Could it work with these?
I don't know.
This mask gave me new life,
but I still don't completely
understand its power.
I think it only works on
things that are, or were, alive.
No problem. Most Glatorian
weapons are made of bone or claw.
Collected a few,
have you?
So funny.
It's worth a try.
Together as one mind.
It's working!
What in the...
Of course! Fire is
your elemental power.
The Mask of Life
has simply ignited it.
You have become
a true Toa.
Thank you, friend.
I have worn many titles,
been called a lot of things,
but never "friend".
Me next!
Unfair! I score this
clawed-out new blade,
Mata Nui tells me
I've got awesome Toa powers,
but none of you will even
let me test them out.
You mean, like this?
Oh, come on!
Just a little test?
Patience is the first lesson
in becoming a great Glatorian.
I think this is pretty great!
Guess it's a standoff!
Looks like
I can blow you both away.
Better yet, why not
combine them?
Enough! There's more to
winning than fancy weapons.
And let me tell you, Mata Nui here isn't
the only one that could use a few tips.
Yeah, he totally got...
Ow! Ouch.
Stop it, both of you. Pay attention,
and you might actually learn something.
Like this!
Learn to read your
opponent's next move
before it happens.
I'm warning you,
I'll bite back.
Study their fighting style,
find their weakness,
then use it against them,
if you can.
Where are we?
Twin villages of Tesara,
just over this dune.
It's good to be home.
Sounds like a Glatorian
battle's about to start.
Not if I can help it.
Why so jumpy, thief? Rip
someone off around here?
Or just looking for a Skrall
spy to tell our plan to?
I am not a traitor,
or a thief.
But, you know, I have done a
little collecting around here,
so I'd best lay low
and just... Hey!
I do like that.
Look at that. Pretty.
Ow! Would you stop it?
This is not the time, Berix.
I told you, Raanu, pitting Vastus
against Tarix would pack them in.
Hope this means you're
ready to... What a surprise!
Welcome, old friends! Isn't
this great? A sold-out crowd!
It's over!
What is he talking
about, Metus?
Ackar, with all due respect,
you have no authority here.
And you're too late.
Vastus! Vastus! Vastus!
Vastus! Vastus! Vastus!
Tarix! Tarix! Tarix!
Fighting between
Glatorian must stop!
Our real enemy is out there,
massing as I speak!
Wait! What are you doing?
Mind your own business,
you old fool!
Yeah, sit down!
Silence! Let him talk!
I agree. Speak, Ackar.
Thank you, Vastus.
And you, Tarix.
Listen to me, everyone!
Bone hunters and Skrall
have formed an alliance!
It's true! They destroyed
our village, Tarix.
Kiina speaks the truth!
Tajun is gone, and
it's just the beginning.
We must unite, not fight each
other! Time is running out!
There's no way we can stand
up to the bone hunters.
The Skrall are
too powerful!
Calm yourselves! Your village
leaders know what is best for you!
We will do as
we always have.
Your old ways
will not work.
You are facing
a united army now.
They will not stop until
your people are destroyed!
This is crazy.
Let's everyone just think!
We have no weapons.
How can we fight back?
Yeah, we kind of thought
that might get your attention.
Toa Mata Nui has offered to
help us build up our defenses.
Why should we
trust this stranger?
Tarix, give Mata Nui
your weapon.
What are you going to do?
Show you the power
you already possess.
I don't believe it.
It's incredible.
What more proof
do you need?
The time to unite
the villages has come!
No! Wait, wait!
If we agree,
do the Glatorians and Mata Nui
swear to stay and protect us?
You do not need to ask for the
allegiance of the Glatorian.
But we cannot speak
for you.
I will not pretend I have
anything left to teach you,
but I'll ask, as a friend.
Help us.
Then as a friend,
I will stay.
We fight together!
We fight together!
I have to admit, I was
hoping I was wrong.
Don't move, traitor!
What? No! You've
got it all wrong!
I was following...
He was
following me.
Ackar! Mata Nui! The Skrall
have kidnapped Kiina and Berix!
What? How?
I saw them being dragged away
through the hot springs!
We must go after them
before they get too far.
I'm going with you. My
wound is healed. I'm ready!
No! You can't leave us! This is
just what the bone hunters want!
They'll lead you away, then wipe us
out like they did in Tajun Village.
He's right!
You have to stay.
I understand your fear.
But we cannot turn our
backs on our friends.
Kiina is just one Glatorian, and
the other is a worthless thief!
No one is worth sacrificing,
no matter how small.
We stand by each other,
as a team.
So you'd leave
us defenseless?
I was once forced to abandon my
own people. I will not do it again.
The Glatorian
will remain here.
I will go, alone.
No! You can't!
No! No, you can't.
We will see
each other again.
Let me go with him. He
doesn't stand a chance alone.
Oh, he's not alone.
Thought I might
find you up here.
Thank you, Ackar,
for everything.
I should be thanking you.
Here, this might help.
My guess is they'll be here,
at the Skrall camp.
I wish I could go with you.
I know, I know, you're ready.
Question is,
are they?
Uniting these two
villages is a strong start.
Let's hope the rest of the villages
survive long enough to join us.
You've learned well, friend.
I had a great teacher.
The villages
have been linked.
What is it?
I will explain later.
It was my cavern, and you
should have stayed out of it.
Oh, really? Your cavern? You stole it!
You're a thief, just like me.
And I thought you said you were
a collector, you little weasel.
Now she remembers!
How things change when the
metal claw is on the other foot.
That doesn't even make sense! Look,
that cavern was my secret place,
my private sanctuary from
all the ugliness outside.
Can you even
understand that?
Yeah. Yeah, I can.
You know, look, I've got
feelings, too, you know.
And by the way,
I didn't steal them.
No, you just collected them.
Did you ever think, maybe
you weren't the only one
that needed to believe
there was something more?
I got an idea. Maybe we
could share the cavern.
It could be our secret place. I
mean, once the Glatorians rescue us.
'Cause they are going to
rescue us, aren't they?
Look where
we are, Berix.
I wouldn't count on it.
Yeah? Well,
then what's that?
So brave!
Is he...
I'd hoped all the
Glatorian would come,
but it seems they're even
bigger cowards than I thought.
Either he's a madman
or he'd like to join
the winning side.
Which is it?
I am here to fight for my
friends' freedom. One on one.
I don't believe it.
Neither does Tuma.
Unless the Skrall leader
is the real coward?
I'm going to enjoy tearing
that fancy mask from your face.
Dirty, cheating Skrall!
Hey, no fair!
All too easy.
Come on!
I can't watch. I can't watch! I can't
watch! Mata Nui's getting shredded.
No! Don't you see? He's
doing what Ackar taught us.
"Study your opponent,
find his weakness. "
Well, he'd better
find it fast!
Did this pathetic weakling really believe
he could bring down the mighty Tuma?
Be careful. Arrogance can topple giants.
Trust me,
I know.
That's it! That's it!
That's it! Mata Nui found
a weak spot in Tuma's armor,
and now he's using it
against him!
I get it!
Would you stop?
This cannot be!
I am the Mighty Tuma!
I... I...
I claim Tuma's
shield in victory!
Release my friends!
All right!
I could always
pick a winner.
Now thrown down your shield
and your weapon.
That's not a joke.
So you were
the traitor all along.
Save yourself, my friend.
Cursed insect!
You coward!
Keeping tabs on the Glatorian so
you could sell us out to the Skrall?
Not a coward,
just a good businessman.
You were the one that
convinced them to unite!
Of course I did.
You think they'd come up
with that on their own?
As rival tribes, the
nomads did little damage,
but together,
under one ruler...
You'd lead them
against your own people?
What have the Agori
ever done for me?
Ah, well, let's see.
We trusted you?
The Glatorians will
tear you apart for this!
She still doesn't
We are the only
ones that know.
Exactly. And by the time
the Glatorians realize it,
the battle will
already be over.
I win.
Finish them! I've wasted enough
time here. I have to get back.
Unleash the wretched beasts! If
that giant crushes them, so be it!
Where are you going? Don't
run, you idiots! Fight!
Hey, Mata Nui!
Up here!
Are you all right?
I am now that
I got this back. Thanks!
What is that?
I believe we are witnessing
the true power of unity.
And loyalty.
Here, you may need this.
Nobody's ever given me
anything before. Can I keep it?
Only if you survive.
Don't worry,
just stay close to me.
Hold up! Aren't we
missing part of the team?
Now we are ready.
Hey! Wait for me!
Well, you know
what I mean.
What? No! No, no, no!
Oh, no!
Look out! Okay. I'm all right.
What the heck? No trial,
no treasure!
Oh, not good.
They have us outnumbered
More like 20!
but who's counting?
Let it be 100.
We have the true power.
We fight with honor
and purpose!
So the coward flees.
Hold them here!
The traitor is mine.
What are you waiting for?
Destroy him!
Out of my way,
you filthy Vorox.
Wait. We can make a deal. I'll
give you whatever you want.
I have what I want.
Stop! What are you doing?
Now everyone will see you
for what you truly are.
You may have defeated me,
but you'll never
defeat my united army.
Of course.
There's too many!
They're still coming!
We can win this, together.
For unity!
For unity!
For unity!
Now, as one!
We did it!
Thank you.
And I used to think Scarabax
were just annoying little pests.
My apologies, Click. I
will never doubt you again.
I can't believe it's over.
And that all of us
are still in one piece.
Wait! Where's Berix?
Berix! Berix!
I haven't seen
the little guy since...
I told him to stick
close to me.
No! He was
my responsibility!
Berix! Berix!
Down here!
Little help! Help?
Come on. Please?
You jerk! I thought...
Don't ever do that again!
You know, I think I liked it
better when you hated me.
You can let go now.
Don't like parties?
Agori from all over Bara Magna
are pulling together, literally,
uniting all the villages. And
we have you to thank for that.
No. I was only
one piece.
It took each of us
to complete the whole.
This celebration belongs
to the Agori, and you, Ackar,
the first leader
of the new united villages.
Look. They've done it.
Whoa, you seeing
what I'm seeing?
Mata Nui, do you think
that you and that giant
might be connected
But you are looking
at an empty shell,
the remains of what might
have been a great ruler,
the guardian of his people.
Wait! I've got something.
No, no, no, hold on.
Okay. Where is it?
I know I put it over here...
Oh, here! Yeah! Okay.
I collected it from the secret
chamber a long time ago.
Forgot all about it until
I saw that thing down here.
They match!
And wait till you
see the other side.
Hey! It's the
same symbol!
No. Not a symbol.
A map!
To where?
That is what I must find out.
Don't you mean "we" have to
find out? Remember your promise.
You are welcome
to join me.
But I have no idea how long it might
take, or the dangers that await.
Thanks to all of you, I am closer
to becoming the warrior I must be
if I am to reclaim my
empire and free my people.
This time, though, you
won't need to face it alone.
Then, my friends,
our quest begins.