Bitch Slap (2009)

"A belief in a supernatural source
Evil is not necessary.
Men, by itself,
are quite capable of all evil ... "
My God ...
How did we get to this point?
Directed by ...
How do you feel, soft?
I'm fine.
It still hurts a bit the head.
Nothing! Well you said.
Sorry, Trixie.
It was supposed to run well.
Do not get up, Mija on Shoes!
They must be kidding me.
I trusted you, Boom-Boom.
- E betrayed me.
- Sorry.
Are you feeling sad, honey?
stabbed in the back!
So much for subtle wit, Gage.
Know why we are here.
Who hell are you?
Besides a good chunk of vulva
I loved beating like a door.
Where, Gage?
Well, honey ...
... not sure
to what you're referring to.
And even though he knew, would have to ask you,
very politely, of course ...
for mo ... branches.
Here we go.
Are you still screwed me, Camero?
Obviously not.
Yes ..
That's right.
That's right.
I knew you could not resist
Mr. Sticky much longer.
- You said you liked the area.
- That's right.
- Where is the material?
- Chupa-mos, the dyke psychopath.
If I tell you where they are buried,
'll kill me with it.
So why did you and the
your entourage of stuffed rats
not join and make me a tip?
How about doings thou me one to me?
So are buried.
You are laughing at you for what?
I'm laughing at the thought of you.
Always with his nose
briefs in the other.
I do what I want when I want.
Muff as you are
that will always be used.
I told you never to call me that.
Lets you, please leave it.
Fuck you, loose!
It is because of you that he is here.
- What happened?
- Open the bag!
What the fuck!
What the hell is wrong with you?
How difficult was it to put a
single tablet in the cup?
- What are you doing?
- She is a brunette with blond pussy, Hel.
- With the taste of dog with two dicks.
- Enough!
- Behave yourself.
- You promised me that she was capable.
- What happened?
- I do not know. I did everything you said,
... the fault is not mine!
- The hell is that it is not!
Everything is destroyed.
Now I'll never find them.
- N. ..
- What?
The Gage wrote it in a photograph.
A kind of desert, seen from space.
- And that serves us so?
- Can be coordinated vector.
- Are you sure about the numbers?
- Yes.
I have photographic memory.
My mother used to say he wanted
I was born a dwarf ...
- Come on!
Tell us where to dig and the door rises.
It's as simple as that.
- What is happening to it?
- My heart ...
- Gage?
- No, Trixie, stop!
Cow stupid shit.
More stupid than a door.
Now ... take me away ...
... or childbirth her neck.
- Party at home. Are we the shit.
Give me the keys and the gun ...
... right now.
- Okay.
Do him no harm.
Okay ... now the pistol.
Holy shit.
I blew up with the tomatoes.
That's two you owe me,
Spit semen.
- My God, you could have hit me!
- But do not hit.
- You're crazy!
- No problem.
He finished the game, Gage.
Next stop: village brown.
If I tell you ...
The Pinky ... I will do things
not even imagine.
What is the Pinky to do with it?
With that shit think
they are dealing?
- You work for Pinky?
- Yes
Now you are no longer
so smart, do you?
His goats stupid
Pinky when you know it ...
... are all dead.
What is he talking about?
Who is Pinky?
If it helps us,
not only let you live, how you
take for a safe place.
What? No, it was not
part of the agreement.
I can not.
I was hoping you said that.
Tell them and ready, Gage.
Please tell them.
Okay, okay.
Piece of shit.
Are there.
The 15 steps east of the van.
Trixie, get those blades
alongside the caravan.
Camero, is over time.
Covers her mouth and put it in the car.
- What? Let's not even ...?
- Who knows if you are lying?
If they come trouble,
we need something to negotiate.
- This is bullshit.
- Do it and go!
You receive orders rather than
a young boy in Bangkok.
Shut your fucking mouth.
You can have an agreement with her,
but do not have one with me.
Who are they?
to get what I want.
How do you know you can trust them?
Especially that.
The fucking stripper.
It is dangerous.
You put yourself to stick with it.
Will you stop moving.
Do not turn your back on this crazy!
She will betray you. As did
with others in the Glory Hole!
What is he talking about?
They do not know, do you?
- You were the Glory Hole?
- Was, yes indeed.
It was a Camero that killed Liberty e. ..
Bye-bye, Dick Mole.
I love Home Depot.
Now, listen, your bitch.
I have a reputation
to be very persuasive.
And I know that thou art virtuous
with those neck muscles.
So it's good you start to talk ...
... or shove it up for your cousin above.
You passed up?
This was not part of the plan.
- Perhaps not part of your plan.
- You told me that nobody would hurt.
- You promised me!
- I know, Trixie. I know.
We could not keep Gage alive.
He was dangerous.
No! I said right at the outset:
we did not kill anyone!
Now all we have is a corpse
leading to Pinky. And nothing in his hands.
- My God, will hold us forever.
- Shut up, Raw Machado.
Shut up.
- What did you say?
- Back, Camero.
No, why not let the Cleavage of
Ravine defend itself?
What did you mean with the Gage
"Also you will betray us"?
You are fucking up the court, Hel.
And why not say that
been in the Glory Hole?
And why did not you tell me
you knew the Gage?
Why not know.
He was lying.
It was this same person-Drawn fucks
conspirator was trying to do.
What we turned in
against each other.
He is a master manipulator, Hel.
told us where is the material.
Where is hope!
He could be trying to gain time.
He trusted me ...
... and now is dead.
Yes, it's great.
That's right.
Shows what you have there.
- You like that?
- Yes, Daddy likes.
Then try this.
I call this movement
"Shock and Awe".
Never felt so
for a girl.
You are so cute.
And you are decent and pure,
and I love you.
Now, because
to put them together,
we are beautiful somersaults,
and treat such clams your thirsty?
Drink to that.
Have got to be strong and
you concentres, Trixie.
Remember why we are here.
All we need it.
Especially you ...
What is this?
Comes from Gage.
Indicative of the Los Angeles area.
I thought I told you
for you search the pockets.
- What is stress? Serves.
- Stress?
With the right equipment,
anyone finds this phone.
If this is the Pinky,
or some of the men Gage
they now know it and we
are even here.
My God ...
See? This is what happens
when you do not do what you're told.
Fuck you, Hel! I reviewed it.
He had no phone when we left.
- Obviously had.
- Are you calling me a liar?
- I'm calling you careless.
- Stop! Both!
What do we do now?
I know what I'll do.
Relax, Hel!
That call did not mean anything.
It was probably one of his whores
used to want to be leased for a while.
We can not risk it.
We find that
come and get out of here. Fast!
For me, fine. Sooner
blow up with this hole, the better.
And Gage?
Leave it for now.
Bury him when we're done.
This was supposed to have been easy.
So ...
... who is this Pinky?
The Pinky is a personality
famous underworld.
It sells drugs, weapons,
smuggling industrial ...
Organizes groups of killers
fleets of counterfeit material ...
The rumor that has contracts
governmental murder
and arms to terrorist cells.
Nobody talks to Pinky directly.
And no one even knows how it is.
Many believe
that Pinky is a ghost.
Others think
who sold his soul to the devil.
I think he is the devil.
Come ...
They're just trying to scare me.
Listen there, Entesoada,
've seen their victims hanging
hooks and open as lambs,
holding his bowels in his hands
and plead for death.
A few years ago ...
called a Russian oligarch
Vladimir 'The Butcher' Popmeov
was behind with Pinky
The Pinky come that
shit storm armed only
with a sword old and dusty.
When finished ...
... the only thing that remained was
a lot of 5 meters
dismembered bodies
and the head of Popmeov
stuck on top as the
shooting star of the Christmas tree.
No single fret on the street
I die not afraid of him.
And now this guy walks behind us?
My God is so good!
Power, baby.
Get off me.
Gotta go.
Where is the key, Black Ice?
Fuck you, Mamalhuda.
Not have.
Fuck up, bitch!
Give me the stick.
want to go to the back of your life?
The Gage!
Let's put him in the trunk.
Trixie, slap the blood.
This is crazy!
Let's tell the truth
and end this!
Do not say a word!
No way I go back to prison.
- If you have to do, kill him.
- No!
Shut up and the two
let me be me talking.
Ladies ...
... it's all right here?
We are so glad to see him ...
I saw that the fence was down,
the highway.
You should not be here.
The government used
here to test atomic bombs.
If you stay too long
you grow a third eye.
Anyway, how
ladies get here?
Well, Officer,
is quite a story.
I have to my sisters
are part of the Choir of Virgins
Holy St. Ave, Arizona.
Supposedly we
have come today to sing in Mojave.
Since we were so far from home,
the director of the local parish suggested
who kindly slept here.
Well, when we were all
aconchegadinhas our bed only.
We heard loud music and laughter
coming from outside.
Look outside and saw
all members of the parish
dancing and laughing ...
and smoking something
did not seem to be smoking.
They tried to caress our boobs.
And yet convinced Bambi Lynn
Hosts of the fire inside ...
Ahead. We went out there and fled to the
our car, but they chased us.
Thank God that the Cheyenne
know how to drive and Bambi Lynn knows how to turn,
because we lose them.
But then
were three in the morning ...
was dark ...
and we were scared.
And someone is not very good
following statements.
And, well ...
we finally get here.
And now
der to believe it ...
... our car died.
I see.
We tried to put it to work but ...
... can not.
That is why we
all dirty and desperate.
- You must think the worst of us.
- No.
Do not be silly.
Already called the trailer
and are way, officer ...
... Fuchs.
Fuchs. Is a ...
Fuchs, ma'am.
You know, let me take a look.
Sometimes, you just have to know
manage these old beauties.
This will not be necessary.
Why not?
What happened to your hand?
I cut myself on my crucifix.
You know what?
The company already in the trailer
charged $ 200 to come here.
They said they would arrive
around noon.
Maybe you can save that money.
I no longer do so.
Today it is only
computers and sensors ...
You have to work for
NASA just to change the oil.
Well, can give the key?
See? Nothing.
This is strange.
It should be a start.
You know what?
Sometimes, these old cars come with a
toolbox beyond the monkey.
You can not!
You can not!
Why not?
- Because ...
- Because the lock is rusted.
Not open for years.
- She is right?
- It will be great.
Still troubled
with last night.
That boys choir
tried to rape her.
Listen ...
... you have been so helpful and kind.
The least I can do
is back and cook for you.
Let ... dinner on Friday?
It's a tempting offer but ...
... do so ...
... pass by here later
to make sure that the ladies
departed safely.
Have a nice day.
I bet you are
Bury us now.
We should have told you.
It seemed like a nice guy.
He did not suspect a thing.
DEPARTMEN Homeland Security
Who wants to enter the
my doors of Paradise?
I! I want!
I am a priest!
I am in Trixie.
Your piece of Paradise.
I'm in love.
Good girl.
- You know, I was thinking.
- Oh, dear.
Is stealing from a criminal
is better than being a criminal?
I have a better for you, Princess.
What was the site most extravagant
where have you had sex?
Why do you want to know?
Curiosity only.
It says much for a woman.
Or was sex in the stands at three
Shock agricultural fair,
or on top of a horse-drawn wagon
Amish land with Stelf Jakey.
How about less verbiage and more digging?
Let me start this
your secrets one day, Hel.
I have no secrets.
What about you, Camero?
My best fuck
was a contortionist,
behind the tent show
aberrations at Circo Nudieus.
I could not straighten
for days.
I never asked her name.
Good night, Hot Wire.
Did not see your filthy pillowcase
from the Glory Hole.
I was just following orders, Camero.
Without ofen ...
Murf! Crap! Pino! Mijo!
... sa, okay?
Where's Gage?
I do not know.
I have no time to be
Dry fucked tonight.
Honey, I'm undefeated here.
Okay, okay.
The Gage organized another
bash chicks hot babes.
This Friday. At midnight.
The temperature continues to rise.
No longer take it anymore!
Do not waste all a. ..
Grab me in the balls
and call me Sally.
You might want to cover up.
Do not tell me they do not want
rather than have to sell.
I'll put up all wet.
Stop these games, Trixie.
I'm serious.
Goat shit.
Not think about it.
His goats are dead!
Satellite data
communications coincide.
"Goats Voluptuous
American Graduate Feminist "
The Gage must
a sick sense of humor.
And a desire to die.
- The girl suspected of something?
- No, Phoenix.
Everything is going as planned.
Mobilize operating.
Hence the five days went into action.
The nanoswarm is active
and there will be lots of victims ..
Time to go.
We were located.
You okay?
Is something
to bite me rabiosque.
What is this?
Help me to dig.
I think it is.
Hooray for us.
We are the greatest!
It seems that is not here
Maybe a few weeks.
No one I know.
Poor fellow.
Did not die quickly.
Someone was
trying to get information.
The Gage?
No. He was dark,
but not so dark.
There is only one person
that would make this kind of thing.
We are being observed?
This is crazy! Now I come!
- I want to go home!
- Calm down, Trix.
Calm down? All I know say that, Hel,
but people continue to die!
I can not end up like him.
- We are running out of time.
- Your friend is going on.
- She will be fine.
- I'm not stuck because of it.
I said that it will be fine.
Scan the perimeter.
Sorry, Hel.
I thought I could do this.
I thought I could be strong.
No, Trixie ...
I disappoint you.
I shouldn 't
have sought to do this.
Do not force me.
I wanted to be here ...
... with you.
You're the first person in all
my life who believed in me.
We should not.
Not here.
Please ...
... I need you.
I never felt this before ...
... for anyone.
So why do not you kiss me ...
... now?
What the fuck!
Camero ...
... I can explain.
I'm out there to pull the leather and
you are here to give a loose to?
And Gage was right.
I can not trust you.
- You can, yes.
- Lies!
What else are not telling me?
- They plan to get rid of me too?
- Do not be ridiculous.
- Who is being ridiculous, Hel?
- It's my fault, Camero.
Hel I asked not to tell.
Did you know you gonna come along and
make you even more uncontrollable.
So I need to be controlled?
- Is that what you think? It?
- No!
Why not I who is exploring
the depths of delicious sprout
to pretend I'm something I'm not.
I knew it davas trouble.
Never should have left
Hel to bring up.
We would not have found
this place without her, remember?
So now we can kill it.
Kill her and you must
I kill me too.
And then you will not have anyone to sell
the material or treat contacts.
That's what you want?
Sorry, Camero.
Should have told you
on us from the beginning.
But I never thought
to betray you in this business.
We're all in this ...
... until the end.
Or won all,
or lose all ...
... and now lose
has a price too high.
Mind again and killed the two.
it was my fault.
I could not control.
Never apologize parts
for being you own.
It scares me, Hel.
Are you sure that she
will not try anything?
With the Camero is not quite clear.
Help me up, okay?
It seems that the Gage
was prepared for war.
Come on, we have found something.
K-14, a pirate with spool gun.
Based carbon fiber,
system soundproof hellfire ...
... a laser aiming zion.
This is really a
powerful secret weapon.
How do you know all this?
My father was part of ghost
recognition of the CIA in the 80s.
Camero, you hear me?
Where was she?
Where are you?
Trixie, enter the car, quick!
'Okay, well, bitches!
You're not kidding, Kinki.
Looks like a jam chicks.
- Who the hell are you?
- Think of us as ...
... debt collectors.
Rata, boat, perfect!
Naughty ...
Kinki slapping.
Relax. You okay.
It seems that this time we are
Would you have the tomatoes, Camero.
You know these two?
When she came in search of Gage
I quickly noticed that something was going to spend big.
He bought me a long time,
We have been following you.
So ...
... the legendary treasure of the Gage
Where is it?
- We do not know.
- Do not try to cheat.
No way to say 2 times the Kinki ...
Should be allowed! Twinkie perfect!
... you get to face.
The Gage lied to us.
It is buried where he said.
So it is better to continue to dig.
That fuck. I will not dig
anything for you unless your grave.
Let's dig.
But let her alone.
I like to leave you hit
seven shades of shit out of you two!
You still ...
The lodge of my old Barney!
Camero ... the same as always.
Now start digging.
I want to ...
Not you, honey.
You stay here.
Do what he says.
The Kinki likes you.
The Kinki want to play ...
She wants to play what?
I need help to get out of here.
I miss you, Camero.
Certain animals
my stay in prison.
Recluse 1138, get ready
for processing.
It's safe. Open the cell 2187.
But ...
I told you,
I can still get you out.
But you must give me something in return.
Eat your favorite food, Camero.
Well, come on.
Can I trust you?
Of course.
Take me out and divided
Come on, faster.
You are my horse.
Come on, faster.
Ride him, Kinki!
Come on, faster.
This show is private.
Back to work!
If I make a diversion
and run to the arms
think you can get to Trixie?
What, now not talking to me?
- Come on, Camero, I need you.
- To save Mrs. Boca Magic?
No way.
You took something?
I no longer know who you are!
I never should have trusted you.
Certainly not me should have love.
That's it.
Get up.
Get up.
Forget it.
We can do this.
It's just us now.
No! No!
Stop! Help me!
Found something!
Garlic! Orgia solo!
Move. Come on, Cu Raso.
Clears it!
Clears it!
Open it.
I said to open!
Knees, Mamas Floridas!
It is the only place where you are good!
Open it!
Perhaps there is some kind of code.
And who knows o. ..
Plums when they are cooked!
... code?
Who knows?
The Kinki is right. If no one speaks,
there is no reason to keep you alive.
Let me try.
Let me try.
- Hurry up!
- Okay.
- Hurry up! Hurry!
- Okay.
Thank you,
now take care of this.
- Kinki, kill!
- Okay.
I knew that if
something happening here.
Drop it!
Everyone in the ground now!
Let her go, I say! Come on, drop it.
Well, this is the last time.
Put the gun down and lie on the floor!
Well, come on.
Come! Come on!
- No. ..
- Away!
Anyone have a problem here.
- Away!
- Here I come ...
The fortune cookie says:
future is not promising.
- Stop!
- You! You!
Camero, stop!
No! Stop, Camero! Stop!
Was the limit, parola! I beat you
directly to China.
Cocks fuck me!
I have been through my hair with this shit.
It'll be over now!
- A start to lose your cool, no?
- Let's meet in the caravan.
Let's stop this bastard now.
No matter who you are, is not going to betray
if you suck daisy roots.
Today not kill anyone else.
Were over 7 in 10 years, Hel.
How did you get in less than 3 weeks?
And how I got my cock
release with 12 years to be served?
Well, this is America. She is sexy,
full of money and has contacts high.
- Bullshit.
- I just save up your ass! Again.
The hell that is saved!
Had everything under control.
You're making up
a burden, Camero.
Not to mention,
a martyr with selective memory.
You look so shit in mocada
andas to take the one you are irrational.
Fuck you!
I finally see you
by who you really are.
What is she talking about?
Prison. Weapons. Money.
Your expertise in Honduran sex.
Want to tell the Good and Plenty
what brand, or should I tell?
As you read this?
Why did you do that?
I had no choice, Trixie.
Clearly, she suffers from delusions
and completely lost his mind.
Get her handcuffs
and holds it inside.
What are you doing?
What needs to be done.
Thanks, Trixie.
How do you know my name?
Who are you?
I am a big fan.
A what?
An aficionado of your ass ...
that is, goods.
I saw you in the Pope's Picaloo
Knotty Knickers Round Up
You are ... amazing e. ..
... my God, amazing.
When I was here earlier ...
... I recognized you.
I realized that something was wrong,
was worried about you.
Sorry, you must think I
some crazy stalker.
You were worried about me?
What's your name?
Agent Roy Eugene Fuchs,
It's a beautiful name.
What are you been?
Who are those women?
I think I do not know.
Let me help you, Trixie.
I'll be back.
It's not too late to
make the right decision, Trixie.
Anyway ...
... I'm here if you need.
Where is the Camero?
Chained it?
She looks good. Let.
I'm afraid, Hel.
What is happening?
You'll have to trust me, Trixie.
Now come on.
Better you pray to your God
I come out here.
What disturbs you, sister?
You must help me, Mother Superior.
My impure thoughts
already go beyond inanimate objects,
and evolved in Crave
by Latvian gymnasts robust.
Sister Sara.
Ma fucking fuck.
Sister Prudence Bangtail.
- This was the last straw.
- Save it, Cota.
'Tou no go.
This site is a drought.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Alto, sister!
Put your hands in the air right now.
Well, well ...
Hidden in a convent,
the doings up through nun ...
... the juggling of chicks circus
pornographic, it is distasteful.
Even for you, Camero.
Okay, guys
used excessive force in this.
I can not see anything.
Turn thee.
What is all this?
All the Gage robbed Pinky.
That clever bastard has gone
to divert the material from Pinky years.
That's why I hid it all here.
To sell secretly
merchandise when arranged buyers.
How do you know all this?
If you sleep with criminals ...
Be careful.
There are dangerous shit down here.
Hel, look at this.
It's beautiful.
- Can I have it?
- Yes, of course.
I found them.
There are marked.
And they are all ours.
And now?
Time for us to go.
- What do we do? What do we do?
- Get in the car and turn it on.
- But we can not abandon the Roy.
- Go!
- But ... but ...
- Get in the car!
I'll do you in chopped!
Camero, calm down!
We have the diamonds.
Okay? The plan worked.
All we have to get going
and won.
Already trusted you before.
Look where it got me there.
Fuck, Camero!
I'm not gonna let it ruin it now!
Put that power and hits the brain.
Time to test your loyalty
and see what you really are done.
Mata Polly Vagina
and you're forgiven
whoever you are.
Come ...
You and I started this
and we must be to end it.
We are in this together.
So, I will give you cable canastro
once and for all.
You want me?
Come and get me.
Come on, guys, do not do it.
Please do not do it!
Come on, guys, stop!
I said, stop!
Stop! Camero, stop!
You're next, Panties Loose!
Do not get up, Camero.
Do not make me kill you.
Check there also like, bitch.
We even
I managed to win?
Trixie ...
Fire in your hole.
Until loguinho, goats.
Swallow this in your Pssara
roast goat.
Force, kill me ...
I do not want to know.
It's all a lie, right?
Who are you?
- You ...
- No.
I'm not Pinky.
I ...
Give me the specifications, Deiter.
You have the wrong person.
I know nothing of this pest
deadly of which you speak.
Wrong answer, Deiter.
Congratulations Foxy69.
Mission accomplished, Phoenix.
I have the data of anti-toxin.
I have another mission
requires your immediate attention.
As you know, the Glory Hole
was an unfortunate miscalculation,
but we have another opportunity
regaining nanoswarm.
I will send you to a women's prison
to infiltrate and contact data
a former partner of Gage.
- It uses the pseudonym "Camero".
- I have to do it.
Now bury all the evidence
and go home. Phoenix, finished.
My God ...
Are you an undercover agent set as the
shit disguised as sex tycoon?
My task was to retrieve it.
A bottle of armed nanoswarm synthetic
the Gage stole a CIA transport.
It is full of trillions of robots viruses
that self-reproducing
and cling to any
living organism and suck all the carbon,
until you, me ...
... and even the cockroaches, we just
a viscous gray.
Might end up with an entire continent
if positioned correctly.
Had to get before
Gage tried that again
sell it to another country at war
or libertarian crazy.
So the plan, the diamonds ...
... we
were all lies?
We do not, Trix.
What am
does not change what I feel for you.
Everything between us is real.
You changed me.
You made me look at life
I have been missing.
Wishing, in fact.
Do not want to be the Foxy69.
But you can not just leave, Flush
Foxy Force with a wink and goodbye.
I needed something to negotiate
and enormous financial resources.
The bottle and diamonds
give us both.
Now you, Lily and I can ...
disappear together
to a small island in Micronesia.
And to struggle in the game
the waves of the sea?
Among other things.
I love you.
The goat back, baby!
It hurts, right?
When you take the person you love.
- The fault was not hers, Camero.
- Fuck you! The fault was all her.
And it's all because of it!
And you.
I'll kick you and queer
that damn tail
to be turned
to the inside.
Then I'll crush you
breasts into pieces
before you send the two
to the ground!
Open your mouth, psycho bitch!
Lubricates me breasts, licks muff!
Did I come?
No. And you?
Suck my pussy.
Lick my ass!
No. ..
Stop, Camero!
Please, no!
No, stop!
No. .. no.
Hel, no!
Now just us, baby.
Get away from me.
- Get away from me!
- Mrs. D. Cona ...
... the Trixie can not die?
Come on, give me fight!
I'm too fragile and vulnerable.
If you will not fight, like you!
- Stand in the way, bitch!
- Stop, Camero!
It's time for giving me
what you have given to Hel.
No, please!
Hello, bichaninho!
I will eat you all, sweet cheeks.
You are ... it?
You're my best fuck ever?
You fucking piece of shit liar!
The Women's Movement
forever will raise my skirt.
My God ...
My God ...
How did we get to this point?
How did we get to this point?
Let me tell you.
The principles of Christianity tell us
the 7 deadly sins of humanity.
I'm not sure if the lust,
gluttony, greed, sloth,
anger, envy and pride
are sins of human ...
... or the characteristics
human that define them.
target in sight.
Arrival in 20 seconds ...
Foxy69 in position.
Do not move!
We get it.
It's a bit scary, right?
Foxy, slaughter them!
Piss turtle!
My God.
What the hell is that?
Yes ..
Trixie, Why?
What can I say ...
We are all bitches in the end.
Who are you?
I think you know.
But why me?
Why Camero?
You were lost souls ...
... and I thought it would be fun.
And Phoenix?
The Phoenix works for me.
Always worked.
That worked.
Became careless.
I think we know where it led.
So it all ...
... my mission, our meeting ...
... the Camero.
It was all for it.
Made in the sixteenth century
by the master craftsman Humate Nayoji.
This has seen naginata
battles won and empires to fall
for over 600 years.
It's the only thing that I love
this damn world.
And Gage was stupid enough
to think that I would not mind.
How could you do this?
Making the victim.
I loved you.
A girl has to go
seek excitement somewhere.
And I really like to see girls fight.
- You were spectacular.
- Are you waiting for what?
Terminate your sick little game.
"They ask us to forgive
our enemies ... "
"... but nothing is said ..."
- "About forgive our friends."
Cosimo de 'Medici, 1454
Go to hell, Trixie!
The latest entrant is a rotten egg.
All wars
are based on deception.
Hence, when able to attack,
we must seem unable.
When we use our forces
we must seem inactive.
When we close, we make
the enemy believe we are far away.
When we are away, we do
him to believe that we are close.
Place baits to attract the enemy.
Pretend disorder and crush him.
Sun Tzu
"The Art of War", 380 A.C..