Bitter Melon (2018)

rwoman] Ersatz
[water splashing]
[oom-pah music]
[phone ringing]
-Hi, Mina.
-[Mina] Mom, Lola says,
~Don'tforget me toilet paper.~
lt's the only thing l'm buying,
why would l forget it?
l'm just telling you
what Lola said.
Tell your Lola that l have it
and l'm already on the bus.
Can you get me some
Green Tea Kit Kats?
[Shelly] l already told you
l'm on the bus, Mina.
There's gonna be
a lot of sweets tonight.
Tell your Lola not to put
any sweets out until l get home.
Okay. Dad said to
get his cigarettes too.
-Okay, l'll get his cigarettes.
-So can you get me
the Kit Kats, then?
Yes, Mina,
l'll get your Kit Kats.
-Green Tea Kit Kats, okay?
-Yes, Mina.
-Thanks, mom.
-[Lola] It's Troy's favorite.
Wait a minute.
Did you tell your mom?
Yeah, Mom said to put out all
the sweets before she gets home.
Are you sure your mom
is bringing the mango cake?
[Tiva] Yes, Auntie. N4 mom is
bringing the mango cake.
l saw her
making it from scratch.
Scratch? Why?
She can buy it from Red Ribbon.
Well, it'll be better
than Red Ribbon.
Yeah, okay, because
it's Troy's favorite.
Whoa, it's Troy's favorite.
So basically,
it'll piss Troy o, right?
-[Lola] Tiva.
-l don't know how you could
even live with Troy.
-l'd be so depressed.
-Depression is forwhite people.
Depression is forwhite people.
Okay, Auntie. l've gotta go.
l'm almost at the airport now.
-Tiva's almost at the airport
and you're in Denver?
Only for a little while.
l'm literally running to catch
my connecting flight.
-You could've texted me, Moe.
-Howwas l gonna do that,
Declan, huh?
By the time l
realized l was late,
l was already up in the air.
-You could've messaged, emailed.
am not paying for
Wi-Fi on a plane.
-lt's way too expensive.
-You are so cheap.
l gotta get off.
You're racking up my minutes.
Alright. l'll let
evey know you'll be late,
butcan you at
IeasttextTiva to let her know?
Fine, l'll text her.
Fuckin A, man. Pull the stick
out ofyour ass.
-Excuse me?
-You knowl didn't mean it like
that. l'll call you when l land.
[car honking]
-What's up, cuz?
-What up, cuz?
People who hear us
will think we're Mexican.
People always think
we're Mexican.
Pack of Newports.
-Do you have Green Tea Kit Kats?
-Green Tea Kit Kats?
What is that? Athing?
lt doesn't matter.
Look, we're going to Skype
with mom tonight, so be a good sister.
Oh? What time?
That's 10:30am in the Philippines, it's so early!
Well, yeah l have to leave at 8.
Jeannie's family is having Christmas dinner, too.
So we have to go to Oakland.
And what about me? l should be able to spend time
with my own brother. And for more than just an
Oh. N4. God! ''Guilt trip!'' You're worse than mom.
Wow, you have been
keeping busy.
That's why l spent
four months in Mali.
-Wow, Mali, Africa?
-No, Molly Ringwald.
[voice mail]
Justgot a textfrom Moe.
''Fuckin a man. Gonna
be a few hours late, sory.''
[chuckles] He's not
fucking a man.
He's saying,
''Fuckin A, man.''
Julie, l'm not stressed.
l just hate my family, you know.
-You don't hate your family.
l do and Declan was one person
who l thought was on my side.
Just because he wants you to be
on time, you think that he's not
on your side?
l should shut this down.
We're racking up limits.
This isn't about Declan
at all, is it?
You think
l'm stressed about you?
-Uh, l didn't say you're
stressed about me.
-You just did.
-No, l said-
Julie, l heard what you said.
Moe, calm down.
Just answer me this, did you
tell your family about us yet?
-[Tiva] Oh, no, you didn't.
-[Declan] l just feel more
at home in NewYork.
-[Tiva] Not my thing.
-Well, you should come visit
and experience my NewYork.
What's so great
about your NewYork?
Well, for one, [chuckles]
there's actual black people.
[Tiva] We have black folk
in Oakland.
Yeah, but the train
stops running aRer midnight.
-We have better produce here.
-But the food choice is better
in NewYork.
-[Tiva] Even Filipino food?
-[Declan] It actually has
amazing Filipino food.
[Tiva] So what's the number one
reason why you love NewYork?
[Declan] My family is not there.
[doorbell rings]
Tiva, what are you doing?
Troy gets pissed ifyou ring
the doorbell more than once.
Who the fuck is
ringing the doorbell?
Sory, we didn't know
if anybody was home, uh...
l'm just fucking with you, man,
what's up, Dec?
l got the surround sound
all calibrated, man.
t sounds like a movie
theatre in here now.
Yeah, l'll put on the, uh,
Lion King later, you'll see.
-Declan. [laughs]
-Hi, mom.
-Mery Christmas,
-Hi, Auntie Tiva.
-Hi, Mina. Where can l put this?
-l'll take it.
-Hi, uncle Declan.
-Hi, Mina.
Gosh, you're getting so tall.
-Look what l made.
-Oh, wow, what's that?
-lt's an ornament.
Oh, is that you?
-And is that your dad?
-No, that's you.
Oh, l love it, Mina.
Uh, what is that?
-lt's the birth of Christ.
-See? Jesus.
Uh, you know,
when you were really small, you
used to draw a lot of monsters.
-l did?
-Yeah, they were scay.
You don't actually
believe in monsters, do you?
l like your drawings, Mina.
You're a really good drawer.
-Mina, what do you say?
-Yeah, Mina, don't be rude.
-Thank you.
-What the fuck took you so long?
-Hi, Shelly.
Mery Christmas, Declan.
Hey, Dec you're hugging my
wife a little passionately, man.
-Beginning to didn't think
this whole gay thing's fake.
-Yeah, right.
Mom, l asked for Green Kit Kats. This is a Cliff Bar.
What are all the sweets
doing out?
[Lola] Oh, Mina told me to put
all the sweets out.
l told her don't put it out,
not until l get home.
Okay, l'm just
doing what l was told.
-lt doesn't matter.
l'm home now. l just didn't want
Mina eating a bunch of sweets
before l got home.
No rest forthe weay, Shelly.
-[Mina] Pikachu...
-[Tiva] Mery Christmas
-Mery Christmas, Tiva.
-[Declan] All l know is Pikachu.
-How are you doing?
-Where's Moe?
Uh, he's running late.
He's still on the plane.
-He promises to be home,
but doesn't make it.
Looks like we know
which one of us took after dad.
Uh, anybody heard from dad?
Nobody's heard from
him in years. Right, babe?
-[sighs] Dec, you
want a beer? Yeah.
-Um, sure, why not.
lt's a shame.
Mina's never met her Lolo.
She doesn't need her Lolo
as long as she has her Lola.
-Right, Mina?
-Mm, rememberthat.
-Nowwhy are you
putting all the sweets away?
-Your mother's deaf.
-Nothing. l'll get it myself.
Hey, Dec,
you wanna see my man cave?
Check that shit out, man.
Xbox 1, PS4 Pro,
we'll play Karate Champ later.
-You have a disk playing.
-l probably forgot
to turn it off.
[Declan] Oh, straight porn.
You're funny, man.
Who calls it straight porn?
[Declan] Damn,
that's a barbecue.
When the whole family comes
over, l don't want them
anywhere near this thing.
Ah, why not?
Because l don't like bitches
all up on my grill. [laughs]
[Troy] This is where
you'll be sleeping.
[Declan] Oh, l'm not sleeping
in my room?
-No, we gave that to Mina.
Oh, she has her own room now?
he's not a baby anymore, Dec.
Shelly actually asked me
why l bought that.
She keeps forgetting.
-Forgetting what?
-Don't tell me you forgot?
Um, man,
l think l knowwhat you're
talking about, but l'm not sure.
-That l was gonna
be a part of Kai?
-The Boy Band?
-See? You remember.
l can't wait to finish
city college so l can transfer.
-Yeah, l wanna
transfer SF State.
Hey, Shelly, can we
turn the N down a little bit?
You have to ask Troy
ifthat's okay.
-l have to ask Troy if it's okay
to turn the N down?
-Here's your beer.
-Mom, what time is
eveybody getting here?
Okay, cool, that gives
me some time. l'm gonna smoke.
-Shelly, you got my smokes?
-Yeah, they're on the table.
-Hey, Troy, can l turn the N
down a little bit?
-What for?
You got matches?
Oh, l thought
you had your lighter.
-You know my lighter died.
-Oh, l- l thought
you had your lighter.
So, did you or did you not
get matches?
No, sory, babe.
Oh, what about
the thing for barbecue?
That thing for barbecue.
l heard you. You're just
saying the same thing twice.
Yeah, the barbecue thing.
You mean the lighter? Yeah, l'm
gonna have to use that now.
Troy, l actually have to go to
the store. Do you want me
to get you a lighter?
Dude, hold on.
l can hardly hear you.
l said l'm heading down to
the store anyway. You want me
to get you a lighter?
No, man.
Just relax, finish your beer.
What do you need at the store?
l have to get some gin for the
cocktails l'm making tonight.
-What? You don't think
we got gin?
-Oh, you have gin?
Dude, we have eveything.
This is a Santos house, man.
You think we're not gonna
be fully stocked? [laughs]
Shelly, show Dec the booze.
Shelly, you're always
forgetting something.
lasses clanking]
lasses clanking]
[festive music]
-Who wants mango cake?
-Ooh-wee. You brought
my favorite.
-Hi, Troy.
-Auntie Divi, l heard
you made this cake for me.
Well, l made it, yeah.
Shelly, get over here.
Look at that. Looks
even better than Red Ribbon.
-Of course it does.
-ls that the mango cake?
-Declan, oh, my goodness.
-Been a while, right?
-Oh, cool.
-Hos NewYork?
-lt's good.
Declan came back
from NewYork to judge us.
Merry Christmas, Uncle Boy.
[festive music]
That's a huge grill.
Yeah, l haven't seen a grill
that big since Madonna's mom.
[chuckles] Why doesn't Troy
barbecue if he's so proud of it?
l think tonight's his night to
prove that he's a real singer.
Oh, yeah. Wasn't he supposed
tojoin Jodeci or some shit?
He says he was
supposed to be a part of Kai?
You know howmany people in
San Francisco actually know Kai?
but don't burst his bubble.
He'll probably
bash your head in.
ls that what happened
at his lastjob?
No one knom what happened
at his lastjob.
All l know is he called his mom
to pick him up saying he quit,
but when she got there,
4he said two security guards
were escorting him out.
-l can't imagine what it's like
living with him.
-l can't either.
Blocked it from my mind.
But didn't he actually
bash some guys head in, though?
-That was thejob before that.
Yeah, he went to jail
for a while for that.
There you are.
-What are you guys doing?
-Yeah, you want some?
-No, l got my own.
-Oh, this is the good stuff.
-Oh, l see what you're smoking.
Divi, it looks like eveyone liked your dish.
l'm glad eveyone liked it. Did you?
Guess what?
''Guess what.'' Just tell me.
lt's not meat.
lt's not MEAT!
Was it supposed to be?
Shelly, does Troy hit you?
Oh, my god. What a question?
Yeah, well
it's a real ques'tion.
Hi, Shelly. Mery Christmas.
Can l have a beer?
Does Troy hit you?
Thank you.
-Ah, vey nice.
-l'll be right back.
Let me get another beer.
Troy, why don't you sing
one ofthe Kai songs?
l know right. l wish
they had karaoke tracks of Kai.
Well, didn't you
audition forthem?
-Didn't you audition
with one of their songs?
-You want to see
the audition tape?
Oh, uh.
Babe, get eveyone to check out
my audition tape.
Okay, babe.
l should get back to Troy.
Wait, Shelly. l volunteer
at this place called Alway.
lf you have time tomorrow,
can we chat?
hh, it's starting.
-Looks like VHS.
Shut up.
Hi. My name is Troy Santos.
Slide right, slide left.
# Goodbye, Saturday morning.
# The one day,
l could stretch forever
# Up until Monday morning
Saturday morning
Nice, Troy. Good video.
Sit down. It's not done yet.
[continues singing]
[in Spanish]
What's happening?
-Kinda late, man.
-Kinda late, man.
-Where's Julie?
-Oh, it's just me.
Julie couldn't make it.
-Why not?
-Hey, good to see you.
-Hi, Moe.
-What's up, Moe?
-Good to see you.
Why not, Moe?
Here, bro.
[Christmas music]
Oh, what is this?
t's a digital keychain.
l asked eveyone to email me
pictures ofthemselves.
So now, you can cary them
with you eveywhere you go.
Say ''thank you'', why don't you?
What for?
-Mery Christmas to Inang.
-Mery Christmas.
-Mery Christmas, Inang.
-You all look fat.
lt's because ofthe camera. It
just makes us look fat, Inang.
No, it's you're fat
that make you look fat.
Mom, not eveyone here speaks Ilocano,
so we're going to speak English.
Okay, you speak English.
N4 English enough.
[clears throat] We just
want to say how contented we are
of ourtogetherness in the day
of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
And it heartens me to
the arrival of Moe and Declan
visiting from the East Coast
ofthe United States ofAmerica.
Talking to you, Inang,
via the Internet
with the help ofthis
newtechnology called Skype.
Jesus Christ, Boy, your voice is BORING.
So that we can
be all together again
with the veritable
cornucopia of, uh, food.
-Especially mango cake. [laughs]
-Hold on, Troy.
Let someone else do
the talking for a moment.
And we are blessed
ofthese wondeul blessings
bestowed upon us.
With that,
we'll just segue to this.
[somber music]
The trick is
to have self4ontrol
and to know
howfar your arms extend.
See my arms?
Okay, we have to go.
Ok, don't forget your plates.
-Thank you, Manang.
Thank you, sister.
-Come on, we're
going to be late.
-Where's Aria?
Be careful, honey.
What? There's no danger.
You underestimate my precision.
-Do something.
-What do you want me to do?
-Boy, please.
he likes it.
[making kung-fu noises]
Oh, so sweet.
[sound of hot fire]
Look, Auntie Divi leR
her casserole dish.
Oh, that's her veggie dish.
l think it's
supposed to taste like meat.
-Where are the boys?
-They left the mess
for us girls to clean.
-Let me get one ofthose.
-Yeah, sure.
So, hos it going man?
Where are you working at no
-No job?
'm in between.
Still got that wind chime, huh?
Of course.
lt doesn't sound the same
like it did when we were kids.
One ofthe, uh, ahem...
One ofthe, uh, chimes
doesn't, uh, ring anymore.
That sound would drive me crazy.
Like someone ringing the
doorbell over and over again.
rfog horn]
There's a fog horn.
-Cold, huh?
You don't knowcold till you've
been shoving snow offyour stoop
in Philadelphia.
Declan probably has to
deal with that shit
all the time in NewYork.
lt sounds like hell.
-lt can be, man.
-So why did you guys leave then?
Seriously? You mean
instead of staying here?
-Shit, you're serious.
No, l'm not serious.
-You heard from dad?
-You're getting
all serious, man.
-Pft, it's Christmas.
l'm just asking.
-You'rejust drunk.
-Christmas always
makes me think of dad.
-Yeah, me too.
Reminds me ofthat one Christmas
where dad kicked me
out ofthe house.
Or about the time
he took me and slammed my head
into the stone fireplace
over and over again.
Yeah, l don't remember that.
But it did happen.
No, l'm sure it did. It's just--
-l'm going to sleep, man.
4oming in?
-Yeah, l'm just going to
finish my smoke.
[ominous music]
-[Shelly] Did you get drunk
Iast night?
-[Tiva] No, not really.
l just had a couple of drinks,
but that's about it.
-Troy got drunk.
-Yeah, l saw.
l guess that's why
we're here talking, right?
To talk about Troy?
This is hard.
l guess to answer your question
from last night.
Yeah, yeah, he hits me.
One time l filed a temporay
restraining order against him.
-What happened?
-He came back. He just made sure
that we kept the blinds closed
4o the police
wouldn't see him there.
-Huh, what?
Yeah, it's like nothing ever
happened. He just acted like we
were all on his side.
-What did Auntie Prisca do?
-Shejust took him back in.
Didn't even ask
how l felt about it.
Shelly, l can take you to Alway.
They help women like you. You
do knowyou have options, right?
Does he hit Mina?
l don't know.
lfyou need a place to stay,
you can stay with me,
or if Mina needs a place to stay
or ifyou decide that
you want to stay with Troy,
l'll respect that too.
-You will?
-Of course.
Because when l filed a temporary
restraining order against him
no one seemed to respect me,
like l'd done something
against family or something.
Prisca would ask me
how l was doing physically,
but she just kept talking about
howworried she was about Troy.
Your mom wouldn't
even talk to her about it.
-My mom's the
''no drama'' kind of woman.
-Her own sister?
l didn't know. l'm sory.
And then when it would come up,
it was this annoyance
like l was some whiny bitch
with thin skin
and you knowwhat?
They convinced me that l was
and nothing was the same for me.
Like l had done something wrong
and eveybody wanted me
to know it.
You didn't do anything wrong.
So when he came back, eveybody
acted like it was normal.
''Hey, Troy.
Hos the going, Troy?
Have you eaten, Troy?''
The only person l could
talk to about it was my daughter
and she didn't even know
what was going on.
So you want to respect me?
When l turn Troy in
to the police
and he comes back and kills me,
will your respect-save me?
What good will
your respect do me?
What good is anything
in this fucked up world?
Here's your casserole dish.
l tried to wash it, but
itjust crusted up all over.
You just have to let it
soak overnight in hot water.
This isn't even mine.
-Has anybody heard
from dad at all?
Any ideas where he might be?
Most likely in
the Philippines, gambling.
Ugh, dad made his bet l guess.
-Slow down, Declan, my knees.
-What's happening
with your knees?
Mom, what's going on
with your knees?
l heard you. N4 hearing is fine.
-Okay, so what's wrong
with your knees?
-Oh, where's the bitter melon.
Oh, mom.
l know, it's the end
ofthe season, but it might
still be good.
-Bitter melon is never good.
-l need it for
my high blood pressure.
Besides, you should probably
go to an Asian market
for bitter melon.
-This farmer's market
got pretty gentrified.
-What word is that, Declan?
-What? Gentrified?
-Yes, yourAuntie Divi
uses that on Facebook.
Okay, gentrification is when you
ty to turn an old neighborhood
into a new neighborhood by
bringing in newer people
with more money.
-Like here in The Mission.
The Filipinos really
gentrified The Mission.
What? No, no, no.
You're not getting it.
No, because when your
Lolo and Lola first moved here,
it was an Irish neighborhood.
Your Lola had
a coworker, Irish woman
and she always said, ''This
is not The Mission anymore.''
And now she's dead.
Boom bitch.
Sent your immigrant ass
back to where it came from.
-All right, all right.
Let me pick
a different character.
Yeah, pick a real character,
not some fake ass bitch.
Damn, dude. Oh, hold up.
What's happening, hot stuff?
[laughs] Sweet,
see you at 7:OO. Late.
-Who was that?
-That was Marcus.
Yeah, l haven't see the guys
in at least 10 years.
We're going out tonight.
l was gonna barbecue tonight.
l got the meat marinating.
Shit, l didn't
knowyou were barbecuing.
Just bring the guys over.
l got plenty of meat
for eveybody. [laughs]
Yeah, let me see
what their plans are.
-Call him.
-Call Marcus.
Oh, um, he's busy.
-l'll call him later.
-All right, text him.
Dude, don't be weird. [laughs]
l'm gonna hang out with the guys
and l'll see if we can
come back here later.
All right?
Who's ready for barbecue?
l've been meaning to tell you,
l'm not going to be here, Mom.
-Where are you going?
-Out with friends.
But Troy is going to barbecue.
Mom, l love you, but when
l come to San Francisco,
l'm notjust visiting family.
Hmpf. Well,
you're here for dinner, Dec?
l'm going out
with friends, too.
l thought you said you didn't
have any friends left
in San Francisco, Dec.
That's why you leR.
-No, l have friends here, still.
You don't knowthem.
Fine, make your
own fucking dinners then.
And get the fuck out of my life.
Hey, Shelly. It's Tiva.
Look, l'm really sory
about earlier today.
l intended to offeryou support
and instead l said something
that pissed you off
and l'm so sorry about that.
l really hope you know
that was not my intention at all
and l would never force you to
do anything that you
wouldn't wanna do.
All l want you to know is
that l'm a safe space, okay?
So, uh, l really don't know
howto end these messages.
That wasn't
my mom's casserole dish.
l'll talk to you later.
[clock ticking]
This place is nice.
Yeah, it's
pretty nice, huh? Homey.
Homey, yeah.
l mean the dark wood is
a little oppressive, but--
l have to say, l was pretty
surprised to hearfrom you.
l mean, l thought
you pretty much cut off
all ties with eveyone.
Yeah, l don't know, l just felt
like it's Christmas, you kno
l wanted to see people.
-Hey, you guys.
-Here's Johnny.
-Hey, you guys.
-Here's Johnny.
-lt's shomime.
Just get in the car, man.
Oh, man. l wanted to
do my Scar Face quote.
''Say hello to my little friend''?
That doesn't even fit in here.
-What up, ninja?
Oh, shit. Is that Troy?
-[Lisa] Oh, that's some
horror movie shit.
He's been calling me nonstop
and wants to hang out and shit.
So, have you guys
been hanging out?
So, now he's in his room pouting.
Did you check on him?
Why should l check on him?
lt's a cy for attention.
Well, he locked his door.
Exactly, it's a cy for attention.
lt's so hard to talk to him when he's like this.
Why no Not on Christmas!
Troy's jealous of Moe.
Moe's your favorite.
l don't have favorites.
So why does Troy feel that way?
-So, are you still like that?
-Like what?
-l was never self-hating.
You hate effeminate men.
First of all
that is a flat out lie: Second,
l dated you, didn't l?
Yeah, until you didn't.
l love effeminate men.
lt's not
the femininity that l hate,
it's this kind of adopted
persona that comes
with gay pride. You kno
-No, educate me.
Fill me with yourwisdom.
-See, that right there.
lf anybody has a differing
opinion, you make it sound like
that person is an erudite snob.
An erudite snob?
-Yeah, l'm still there.
till there?
Dude, howcan you afford to be
living in the same neighborhood
ifyou have no job?
-Well, l mean l live
with my parents.
-So Declan's gay, huh?
-Yeah, crazy, huh?
-Uh, is he all faggy no
-No, he's the same old Declan.
4an l call him
''Dicklan'' no [laughter]
Yo, Moe. Tell Lisa about that
video we did about howto talk
with a Filipino accent.
-Oh, shit. That's rad.
-l probably still have that.
What? Dude,
you need to upload it.
that shit could go viral.
Moe, do you still have that
video we took of Benjie
pissing on the electric fence?
Oh, god.
l had criminal taste in men.
Fuck yeah, you did.
Moe, l hope you don't
have any videos of that.
You kno Actually, l do.
l saved all that shit.
You have to send those to us.
That was some funny shit, man.
Yeah, Benjie was like fucking
crying like a little girl.
No offense. [laughs]
What? l'm not offended.
l'm not a little girl.
All l'm saying is that
when l worked in The Castro,
l met a ton of
effeminate menwho were sweet,
Iovely, sexy people,
and then years down the road,
they become catty, mean,
misogynous, racist, you know.
Okay, l hearyou. So, look,
the gay community may not be
peect, but it's all we have.
l mean, all l've ever wanted
my entire life is to belong
and when l moved to San
Francisco, l felt like l did.
Okay, and all l'm saying is that
as a native San Franciscan,
l never experienced racism
until l came out ofthe closet.
So there's that.
For all the talk of equality
and getting rid of hate speech
and eradicating stereotypes,
the gay community has an awesome
way of making people of color
feel like they're
second class citizens.
And if anyone tries
to call out their racism,
''Girl, relax.
It's a fucking joke.''
Okay, and are you saying
none of that exists in NewYork?
l don't know.
-Fundamental dierences.
-What are you saying?
-lsn't that what you said
when you dumped me?
-l did not say that.
-Yeah, you did.
l mean it sounds like
something l would say, but-
Okay, well, l may not be quoting
you verbatim orwhatever,
but you pretty much
made that sentiment clear.
Why is it so hard
foryou to accept
the fact that not eveybody
thinks or lives like you do?
-That's a fair question.
-l need to find the bathroom.
-l'm sory.
-Can't you just be normal?
[theatrical music]
[phone vibrates]
[Lisa] So, howthe fuck
are you, Moe?
[Moe] Kinda good. l mean, good.
Yeah. Philly, right?
Yeah, Philly. Lived there
for almost, uh, 10 years.
-Yeah. Yeah, l'm married.
Mm, not me.
l can't even imagine being
married. That's some adulting
right there.
Lisa, you do know
that l've been drug free
for over 10 years, right?
l'm not ready to act my age yet.
Do you act your age?
You knowwhat? l don't know.
l mean it's like l turned 25
and-- and then
l had a birthday party
and eveyone's all like,
''Surprise, you're 40.''
-l look at my mom and then...
You know she's retiring soon?
-Mm hmm.
N4 mom comes to Philly
once a yearto visit, right?
l'll probably see my mom
10 more times.
That's sobering.
And l just wanna look back at
all the things l have in my life
and see all this
adds up, but l can't.
You kno Not yet.
Then, when?
When will it all add up?
That's just it. l don't know.
Okay, so, Moe,
you know l love you
-and l've always been
one ofthe guys, right?
-Mm hmm.
lt's a thing. Like l'm a thing.
l'm one ofthose women that's
always been one ofthe guys
and has trouble making female
friends, so l understand men.
Like, l do, but l have to say,
what you're going through
right now is some male shit.
Seriously, l'm not one to call
myselffeminist, like,
but l gotta be honest.
l've had so many of my male
friends tell me howthey don't
knowwhere the time went,
what they've done with their
lives, howtheir kids got so big
without them knowing
and l'm always like, what have
you done with your lives?
Well, your mom who you've
been living with, she knom.
Ask her.
What have you done with your
life?Ask your wife, she's been
there at your side.
Howdid your kids get
so big without you knowing?
l'll tell you how,
their mother raised them. See?
Women don't go through this kind
of mid-life crisis because
they're too fucking busy
4etting shit done.
Men feel like there's this
Iegacy they have to leave behind
as if the future gives a shit
about Marcus and Lionel
over there.
Do you know how many
have had their whole histoy
swept away by some cataclysm?
l wonder howmany men thought
that their recorded histories
were so damn important
that they needed
to preserve them.
You think those videos
you uploaded from your camera
are safe?
Your computer isn't safe.
Your hard drive isn't safe.
The Cloud isn't safe.
And you think
everything is forever.
lt's not.
All we have is now.
All we have is us.
And until we get
wiped away as a civilization
and all our records and proof
of existence are obliterated,
all we have left are the men
who fear not leaving
a mark in this world
and the women who
actually run it.
Of course, that's not my style.
l'm just one ofthe guys.
[clock ticking]
-Yeah, Declan?
-That's me.
-Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
[phone vibrates]
-Hey, Tiva. What's up?
-Hey, l got Moe in my car.
We're thinking ofgeffing
a drink. What are you up to?
-Fucking a man.
-That's stupid.
Whatever, l'm coming to get you.
[TV sport commentator]
Troy, are you going to eat more?
l'm going to put the food in
the fridge.
Yeah, leave it out.
l'm gonna have more aRer this.
Okay, l'll just cover it.
Don't forget to leave enough
Ieftovers for Moe and Declan.
-Fuck them.
-l'm going to sleep.
You know, we let them
stay here for Christmas
and they don't even have
the decency to consider us
when they make plans.
-Good night,
-They don't care about family.
To family!
-l can't believe we're all here.
-You mean in a sports bar?
[crowd cheering]
That too,
but l mean us, in San Francisco.
Then you guys leave.
-l know.
-We're not leaving
until Tuesday morning.
-What are your plans until then?
-Honestly, nothing.
-Yeah, me neither.
-Okay, let's do something.
-Yes, let's do something.
-Like what?
Whateveryou guys want.
l wanna take
a trip down memoy lane.
You know, Anna's Danish Cookies.
Moe, that place
has been closed forever.
Well, there must be some
other cookies around there.
Oh hell, yeah. l'll take you
to some places you haven't been.
We could go for
at that Colombian place.
Oh, at [indistinct].
Well, let's
take Moe to that place
we used to go forfood
and drinks down at Embarcadero.
Oh, you mean that wateront
place you guys used to love?
Oh yeah, Sinbad's.
[video game sounds]
[Troy muled] What the fuck?
[door slamming]
l'm serious. You guys
have been gone a long time.
-Man, look at all those cranes.
-l know, what's up with that?
lt's a city.
They're building it.
l like it.
It kinda looks like NewYork.
You would say that,
Mr. NewYork.
That's not even clever
Mr. Not clever.
Hey, hey, have you guys ever,
uh, had Filipino cocktails?
Yeah, there's a place in
Manhattan that makes
a cocktail with Tang.
Oh, you mean Tang?
-Yeah, Tang.
What do they
call that, Tang Ina ?
''Your mother's a whore.''
lt's stupid. [laughter]
''Your mother's a whore.'' (roughly)
lt's stupid. [laughs]
-You knowwhat we're gonna do?
We're gonna have,
uh, Filipino food.
We're gonna go to
Pampalasaor Kamayan.
-What is that?
-[Shelly] What are you doing?
Just listening to some music.
-lt's dark in here.
-Leave the light o.
-Remember how
this used to be our song?
-lt still is our song, right?
-lt was our first slow dance.
-l'm gonna
put the groceries away.
-What--what did you do today?
Well, l went to work to see if
l could get extra hours,
and then l went shopping.
-For what?
-For these, the groceries.
So you stopped by work?
Did you get the extra hours?
No, they went to someone else.
So that couldn't have taken
more than 30 minutes, right?
-lt didn't.
And then you went grocey
shopping and you're
only coming home now.
-And what time
did you leave this morning?
l don't remember.
Where was the first place
you went this morning?
-l don't remember.
-Are you sure?
[muffled voices]
-[Shelly cries]
-[Troy] What the fuck?
-Mina, close that fucking door.
l swearto God. What the
fuck would you do without me?
-What are you doing?
hh. Stay here, nak.
-You'll be safe here. Shh.
4all the police.
-[Troy] What the fuck are you
gonna do without me, huh?
-[Shelly cries]
-What the fuck are you gonna
do without me?
-Troy, easy, man.
-Fuck you, Moe.
-That's enough.
-You hittin' Shelly, man?
-Mind your own business, Moe.
-[Shelly cries]
helly, are you okay?
Shelly, do you need a hospital?
-l can call Tiva
and have her come right back.
-No, no.
Seriously, she's probably
just around the corner.
-l can have her come back.
-Don't call her.
-Shh, it's all right, Mina.
Want me to get you a hotel?
Shelly, l can do it right now.
lt's fine, Declan. Thank you.
Shelly, you can stay
in my room tonight.
l'll sleep on the couch.
Why didn't youjust
call the police?
Mina, do you really
want to lose yourfather?
Think of what you're asking for.
Shelly, l won't call Tiva,
but we can take the car ifyou
want to go to the hospital.
-lt's fine, Moe, thank you.
-Mom, you need ice for your lip.
l'm fine, Mina.
-Come on. Come on, take my room.
-Thank you, ma.
Mom, can l sleep in your room?
l don't wanna be alone tonight.
Of course, you can, sweetie.
-You guys, go to sleep now.
-What's going to happen no
You're going to sleep now.
That's what's going to happen.
Come on.
-All right.
-Yeah, let's go to bed.
-Mom, are you all right?
-l'm fine.
l just need to sleep.
l'll see you in the morning.
Mom, why don't you sleep
in my room? l'll take the couch.
No, no, no. l'm okay,
Come on,
why don't you get situated?
Yeah, okay. Night, mom.
-Night, mom.
4ood night, guys.
[somber music]
[birds chirping]
l seriously didn't
even knowwhat she was asking.
Alway, what a lame name.
Can l buy an S?
-Totally, totally.
Good morning.
Fuckin' bitch, man.
Check this shit out.
Tiva forced Shelly
to talk to her yesterday
about ''domestic abuse''.
Tiva and her mom are so nosy.
Always trying to save the world
and shit. Save the rainforest.
''That goes in recycling.
Don't hit women.''
So you guys are cool now?
l don't know. Are we cool, babe?
-Yeah, we're cool.
Just like that, huh?
No, notjust like that.
We had awesome make up sex.
-Pig. [laughs]
-Ow, careful.
-What about Tiva?
She's just meddling
in other people's business
just like her mom.
Fuckin' bitch
made me hurt Shelly.
Don't wory, though. She's
getting what's coming to her.
lf l ever see her
in the street, she's dead.
Like l always say, l may
have two strikes against me,
but if l'm gonna break the law
for my third strike,
l'm gonna make it count.
Okay, guys. l'm going to
McDonald's to get breakfast.
Stop it. [laughing]
-Moe, what do you want?
[somber music]
-[Declan] Mom?
Why do you
keep Troy in the house?
What do you mean?
l mean, if he's so bad, why
do you keep him in the house?
Believe me, Declan. If it
weren't for Mina, l would have
kicked him out of the house.
Oh, really?
Don't give me that,
''Oh really?'' Of course, l would.
And why would you
kick him out ofthe house?
Because he's mean. He's
violent and he scares eveybody.
But Mina's stopping you
from kicking him out?
No, she's not stopping me,
but she needs a dad.
l didn't have a dad and look
at howwell l turned out.
-And l feel so guilty.
-About what?
4uilty about what, mom?
don't know.
Stop asking. [sighs]
-Does anybody like him?
-No, eveybody's scared of him.
-Even his own daughter.
You don't like him either.
Declan, why do you keep on
asking all of these things?
Mom, you can love someone
and not like them.
Yeah, okay.
l don't like your brother.
ls there anything Troy can do
to make people's lives better?
He makes everybody's life worse.
So, as he makes
eveyone's life worse
and nobody will miss him,
and the world would be
a better place without him.
Why don't we kill Troy?
[laughs] Declan, that's sick.
Howwould we do it?
lt's just really intense around
here, Julie. l haven't
had time to bring it up.
What happened?
Julie, look,
l'll tell you when l get back.
l'm always scared
somebody can hear me.
Okay. How areyou holding up?
you ever think that eveyone
ends up just like their parents?
l don't know.
[wind chimes sounding]
What's that sound?
-What sound?
-Are you smoking?
-lt sounds like you're smoking.
-No, it's just me breathing.
Okay. Well,
do whatyou goffa do.
-But let them know?
-At least tell your mom.
-l will.
Okay. l have togo.
Okay. Hey Julie?
-l love you.
l love you, too, Moe.
[wind chimes sounding]
rtense music]
Oh, holy shit. It smells
like McDonald's in here.
-ls that a bad thing?
-Uh, hell no.
# One day for me
# Anotherday foryou is
Enough for us to go on now
-[Prisca] They can really sing.
-[Troy] l should
go on this show.
You knowwhat l'm saying?
Half of these motheuckers
can't even sing.
l know. What about that one guy?
He looks Filipino but he's
black. Oh, he sings beautifully.
l just said people
on the show can't sing.
Nowyou're saying someone on
the show can sing beautifully?
Are you even a part
ofthis conversation?
Clean yourfucking ears.
l think his name is Lorenzo.
He even has
a Filipino sounding name.
l can't hear it.
-[Tiva] Hello?
-Oh, shit.
-l thought you told her?
-l thought you were
gonna tell her.
That's why l give you
this look like this.
How am l supposed to know
what that means?
So, you automatically
assume l meant l got this?
Hi, l came to get
my mom's casserole dish.
You got some nerve coming up
in here unannounced
like you live here.
-l have keys.
-Don't fucking give me
that attitude.
What's going on?
You're a fucking bitch.
That's what's going on.
l'm just gonna leave
this dish here. You can keep
my mom's dish.
Where the fuck
do you think you're going?
l ain't done with you.
No, l ain't even started.
Not by a damn sight.
[glass breaking]
-Why did you do that?
Why did you do that for?
-Stay back, Troy.
-Oh, you're gonna hurt me?
You're gonna hurt me,
is that it?
Come on. Bring it.
Hurt me.
ls this part of that whole
cycle of violence you keep
going on about?
What are you gonna do? End it?
Show me howyou're gonna end it.
Showme, Declan.
Do it. Do it!
Plastic? Dude,
you are so fucking cheap.
l wasn't gonna buy
a real nunchucks.
Have you met Troy?
Moe did.
You little shit.
You think you could take me on?
You come into my house,
you talk to me that way?
Stop it!
[fighting noises]
-Calm down!
-lt's all right.
It's all right, Mina.
Mommy, l don't wanna be here.
l don't wanna be here.
lt's okay, Mina. l'm gonna
take you to Madison's house.
l don't know if
Madison's home or not.
lt's okay.
Let's go.
Wake the fuck up.
[wind chimes sounding]
-[Troy] What the fuck
are you doing?
-l want to talk to you, Troy.
What the fuck
did you do to my bench?
[Declan] We want to talk to you,
but you never make it easy.
[Troy] What the fuck
are you doing to me?
So nowyou can't hurt us.
-We want to ask you
a few questions.
-Where's Mina?
l took herto Madison's.
Her parents are letting her
spend the night.
-What'd you tell them?
told them you got violent
in the house again.
Again? You talk about me
with Madison's parents?
Yeah. Yeah.
l talk to eveybody
about how violent you are.
Everybody knom about it.
-Yeah, it's true.
-Tell him, Tiva.
-Hey, l don't want to
be a part ofthis.
l talk to my friends at work
about it. l talk to the girls
at school about it.
l talk to Prisca about it.
-You talk to my mom about it?
-Of course l do.
-Psh, unbelievable.
talk to Mina about it.
You're both
backstabbing bitches.
Mina talks to me about it.
What do you expect me to do?
You pretend that you're
on my side and you talk shit
about me behind my back?
-You'd hit me!
-Fucking traitors.
You're fucking traitors!
No, l'm the fucking traitor!
Stop it, Troy!
This is not your house.
This is my house.
You haven't had ajob foryears
and what do you plan
to do when l retire, huh?
So, when you say we are
disrespecting you
in your own house?
Rememberwhose house
it really is.
if you want to ge! t technical,
this isn't your house either.
-lt's the landlord's house.
-Shut the fuck up.
Make me.
You have no idea how many people
you've terrorized, do you?
Living with you was hell.
l spent my childhood afraid to
say anything against you
because you'd hit me.
Fuckin' one time you kicked me
in the face because l ate
the last piece of chicken.
-Why are you bringing that up?
We patched that.
-We didn't patch shit.
Youjust started acting
like nothing ever happened.
That's howeveything gets
resolved with you.
You never apologize.
-lt's why you don't
have any friends.
-Uh, l do have friends.
-Who are yourfriends?
-Uh, you don't knowthem.
Who? The parents ofthe kids
at school? They don't like you.
-They are all afraid ofyou.
-l wasn't talking about them.
Your old coworkers? They haven't
called since you were fired.
-Who the fuck
are you friends, Troy?
-Uh, Marcus, Lionel.
Oh, bullshit, Troy. Bullshit!
l hung out with them last night
and they told me
that they ty to avoid you,
because you're drama.
You're always drama.
Oh, l'm drama?
Look at those guys.
-What about them?
Fucking druggies.
It's what they are.
[laughs] Oh, my god.
you don't get it, do you?
They're not what's wrong
with this equation.
You're the bad guy here.
Then why did they hang out
with me in high school?
They were afraid ofyou.
l'm glad they were afraid of me.
That's what l wanted.
Maybe l should be proud
l was abused more than you, Moe.
Maybe l should just accept
the fact that l was abused
because l was a disappointment.
l was a child protege
who could program computers
and got first place in the
spelling bee in the first grade.
So smart that they had me skip
a grade and that's when it all
went downhill.
l went from all A's to all F's.
l was the disappointment
because mom and dad didn't
think that l was
living up to my potential.
l'm sorry, Moe.
l'm sory they didn't have
as high expectations foryou,
but let's face it.
You were the dumb one.
Do it, goofy,
you goo ass punk,
corny joke telling motheucker.
You think that guys
didn't talk shit about you?
l got to hear it all. l want you
to invite them over
and get fucked up.
You passed out
and l'd hang out with them.
Oh yeah,
you got on their fucking nerves.
Oh, yeah? But why did they
hang out with me, then?
-l don't know, man.
-You're lying.
They called you Moe-ron.
They fucking hated howyou
always quoted movies and shit.
Always coming into a party,
~Orale vato. What's happening?''
Come on, man.
You didn't think that shit
was actually cool, did you?
Not as cool as you
being the sixth member of Kai.
Oh, this should be good.
Okay, Tiva, what've you got?
What you got to say,
you fucking homewrecker?
l asked her one question, Troy.
l asked ifyou hit her.
One question? Bitch, you ty
to get herto turn me in.
Tell him, Shelly.
Tell him l supported
your decision no matterwhat.
What the fuck
does it matter anyway?
You all fucked yourselves.
What next?
You're gonna release me?
Howdo you knowl'm not going
to beat the shit out of
each ofyou?
Maybe we're
gonna call the police.
[laughs] Yeah, right,
and tell them what?
That l attacked you? If
l recall, Declan hit me first.
-No, he didn't.
-Yes, he did.
-No, he didn't.
-Yes, l did.
lt doesn't matter.
We'll all just say that you
attacked first.
And howare you
gonna present me to them?
Like this?
You knowthis looks bad, right?
They're not gonna believe you.
-Moe, fucking, ex-junkie?
-Fuck you!
Shelly, who violated
the temporay restraining order
by letting me back in the house
in the first place?
''Oh, cying wolf again,
sweetie? Oh, okay.
This time it's serious?
Oh, we believe you thistime.''
-We're not going to
call the police.
-We're gonna kill you.
-You knowwe were
gonna kill him?
-No, l was just playing along.
-l'm actually
pretty shocked right now.
l'm gonna go to the root
of all our pain and kill it.
-[Prisca moaning]
-Oh, shit, Auntie Prisca!
-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
-She fainted.
-What the fuck is she doing?
-N4 mom faints like this too.
-What the hell is happening?
-This is what l do with my mom.
-What the fuck is happening?
[alarm going of
She's not moving.
[alarm continues]
-Mom. Ow.
-[Troy] Mom!
4an you hear me?
[Troy] Mom. Mom.
Yeah. l'm listening, Troy.
l'm interested, really.
We need to take her upstairs.
l just need to sit down.
l just need to sit down.
[Troy] So, my family's been
secretly conspiring to kill me.
You all think l've abused you
for so long even though l'm
the one who was abused the most.
l'm just tripping o the fact
that this is what l always
wanted to do to dad.
Get him in a room and let him
knowexactly what he did to me.
l'd tie him up too
so he couldn't hit me.
Funny howyou're the one
in this position now, huh?
But you?
You never got beat by dad.
-Now, that's funny.
-Why is that funny?
Because me and Moe got
the shit kicked out of us
and you somehowescaped it.
-Yeah, but you and Mom beat me.
-We did not beat you.
-Yes, you did.
-Okay, but not as bad
as dad beat me.
This is stupid.
Nowwe're competing over
who got beat the worst.
You're right.
This is stupid especially
since you're just gonna kill me.
-Look, l just said that.
o, you're not
going to kill me?
Now, hold on.
l'm just saying there wasn't
some consensus in the family.
l just said that in the moment.
So, you might kill me?
Man, you are fucking pussy.
Shut the fuck up.
Well, l might as well
Iet you knowsomething.
-Dad's still around.
-Yeah, right.
-l'm serious.
-Dad's still around.
-Oh, okay.
Dad's still around.
l guess l should untie you now.
l'm not tying to
get you to do anything.
l figured since this is
a big confessional,
l might as well let you know
that dad's still around.
Driving the same bus,
doing the same shit,
drinking in the same bars.
Okay, let's say you're telling
the truth and that dad's still
a part ofyour life.
l'm not saying he's a part of
my life. l'm just saying
he's still around.
Okay. Well, whatever.
Why tell me no
Well, l just thought
that you should know
what it's like to have a family
hide something from you.
-Hm, family?
The whole family knom that
dad's still around and they kept
it a secret for me?
Kinda kills, doesn't it?
You all knewthat l was tying
to get in contact with him.
-Why didn't you guys tell me?
-Because dad doesn't want to
talk to you.
Why doesn't he wanna talk to me?
Why does anyone in the family
not wanna talk to you?
What are you saying?
What are you saying, Troy?
Why won't dad talk to me?
Call me a monster
all you want, Declan,
but l stand by what
l told you over a decade ago.
l'm the only person in this
family who actually accepts
you being gay.
Hmm. Do it slower.
-Hos that?
-Do it stronger.
-Hos that?
-[moaning] Do it better.
-So, dad's still
in San Francisco?
-My dad is still
in San Francisco.
-No, Declan.
Come on, Mom.
Troy obviously told him.
-Wait, what?
-Eveyone knom.
-Except me and Mina.
-And me.
-And me.
-Mom, come on, give it up.
This, all of this,
this is a dream.
-Declan, just forget
about your dad.
feel like l'm going cray.
You don't need
your father. He's gone.
God, isn't any wonder
l sufferfrom depression?
Depression is for white--
-Mom, don't!
Tiva, this is exactly
what l'm talking about.
Are you seeing this? This
is howfucked up my family is.
Tiva, you're not
throwing us under the bus.
lfwe're going down,
you're coming with us.
The fuck
is that supposed to mean?
-Dec, l'm so sory.
-Aw! Of course, you knew!
Fucking two timing bitch.
-Don't call me a bitch, bitch.
-You and your mom.
A couple of snobby bitches
talking about making the world
a better place,
but you don't even know
howto fix the problems
in your own home,
the problems in your own head.
You're fucked up, Tiva!
You're all fucked up.
-That's enough--
-Fuck you!
This entire time
he's been in San Francisco?
Mina's own grandfather,
and you kept him a secret?
-Shelly, it's kinder
than you think.
-Kinder than you think?
What can be kind about keeping
Mina's grandfather a secret?
Our dad only comes around
evey once in a while
to ask for money.
He doesn't want to
be a part of our lives.
He's just a drunk
that gambles too much.
But why would you
lie to me and Mina?
Because he doesn't
want to meet you.
When Troy told him about you,
he doesn't want to
meet you and Mina.
So, what am l supposed to say?
''Hey, Mina,
your Lolo is still here,
but you can't meet him because
he doesn't want to meet you.''
-At least it would've
been honest.
-How dare you?
l was just looking out for
your feelings.
-l have sacrificed
so much forthis family!
-We never hearthe end of it!
-Tell me about it.
Declan, the way you to talk to
me is like you're forgetting
l'm your mother.
Oh, really? So, you want me
to talk to you more like Troy?
You want me to call you names?
You want me to call you a bitch?
You want me to call you a cunt?
-He doesn't say those words.
-Oh, okay.
He doesn't say those words.
[in Tagalog]
You have no respect.
The kids back home, they know
howto respect their parents,
but you, you're like
a typical American.
Probably shouldn't have given
birth to me here then, huh?
-You're just my son!
-Oh, shut the fuck up,
you manipulative
self-pitying bitch!
-[Troy sings] # You never know
What there could be
# Somedy l hope that
love will find me
Auntie, where are you going?
You're not going
down there, are you?
# l know it's true
# Someday l ho
That love will find you
# l've never known
What love could be
l just want to check on you.
-Does your wrist hurt?
-Fuck you, bitch, cunt!
Of course it fucking hurts.
What are you going to do?
Loosen them up?
Yeah, come over here, loosen
them up, see what happens.
-Don't talk to me
like that, nako.
-Fucking FOB.
-How dare you?
-You knowwhat, Troy?
lfyou promise to be nicer,
maybe Declan will let you go.
Fuck you! Fuck you,
fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!
l wish dad did kill you.
l wish he'd fucking killed you.
-You're pathetic piece of shit.
-l hate you,
l hate you, l hate you!
[Troy sobs]
Mom! Mom!
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[Run Away Before It Gets
Too Good by H.P. Mendoza plays]
-Hey, Jesse.
-[bartender] Hey, Rogelio.
-You know it's, uh, last call.
-You started early tonight, huh?
Just shut up.
-Give me some double.
-Damn, coming right up.
l didn't know
you were still in town.
Who the fuck are you?
lt's me.
-Hi, dad.
Declan. Declan.
Jesse, this is my son.
This is my son.
Get him a whiskey too.
Why are you here?
Uh, l thought you were-
Where were you?
New York.
l'm in town for Christmas.
How long has it been
since you were away from Frisco?
t's been a minute.
-Oh, Frisco has changed.
People say you're not
supposed to call it Frisco.
Fuck people. You know, l've
lived here for 30 years
and eveyone in the Mission
called it Frisco.
Especially since
we all grew up in the Mish.
-Oh, what's the- the Mission?
-Yeah, the Mish.
That's annoying.
Don't call it that.
[bartender] Rogelio.
[bar music]
What's up, Declan?
l just heard
that you're still around.
Oh, yeah? Who told you?
-Troy told me.
-Oh, thank you, Jesse.
Hos your mom?
When was
the last time you sawmom?
A long time.
lt's been a while.
She's fine.
Do you still remember
when she left me?
Of course l do.
She let Troy hit me.
She actually let Troy hit me.
''You will never
touch my mom again.''
He turned eveyone against me.
l may not be the peect father,
but l protected my family and
l built character in my kids.
You're mad at me, aren't you?
You know, the last time
we talked, we were both
in phone booths.
Nobody even had cellphones yet.
That's how long it's been.
And l was tying to
get in touch with you
so we could catch up,
but you hung up on me.
l-- l remember that.
N4 time ran out
on my phone and l didn't
have any more quarters.
And before that,
l saw you at a family pa
and you promised
you'd come back.
[bar music]
-Do you remember that?
You promised you'd come back.
And you didn't.
l'm sory.
Doesn't that mean anything?
l'm sory.
When people say
they want apologies,
they don't want apologies.
They want blood.
Hos the family?
Honestly? It's fucked up.
Eveything is all fucked up.
Mom is a wreck.
Troy is abusive.
What's happening?
Tsk, you wouldn't believe.
This was
the worst Christmas ever.
Finish your drink and l'll
order-- order another round.
l'm good.
Okay. Jesse,
one more double, please.
Dad, are you sure
you need another shot?
l wanna hear all about
what's happening to you,
to the family, to your mom, and
l want to know how can l help.
Of course l need another shot.
You knowabout me, right?
Oh, hold on, hold on, son.
Stay here while l go to
the restroom. l can't listen
with a full bladder.
[bar music]
-lt's your dad, huh?
-[laughs] Yeah.
Here. This one's on me.
Wow. Thanks.
No way.
You've actually shot that back.
Yeah, well.
l wish people
sipped their whiskeys.
Yeah, well, l would've,
but looks like l got
my work cut out for me.
[''Run Away Before It Gets
Too Good'' still playing]
Dad, you piece of shit.
Mom, why don't you
go lay down in your room?
-l can't sleep.
-lt's quieter in your room, mom.
Get some sleep.
Well, l won't be able
to sleep until l see Declan.
Shit, l think he's home.
-l sawdad.
And he was drunk.
-Did you kiss and make up?
-Fuck you, all right?
Are we one big happy family no
You got some nerve being
sarcastic with me
especially since
l have you trapped here.
Trapped? You think l give
a fuck about being trapped?
l've been trapped
in this house for years.
-You've been trapped?
-Yes, me.
-How are you trapped?
First, Moe leaves,
then you leave.
was alone with mom.
-You could've leR.
-Who was gonna take care of mom?
-Bullshit, Troy.
She didn't need taking care of
then, she doesn't need it now.
Don't make it sound like
you were trapped
because of me and Moe.
And l got Shelly pregnant.
-What the fuck was l gonna do?
-All right, Troy, l get it.
You feel trapped by
your wife and daughter.
twisting my words, Dec.
l'm sure no man has
ever felt that before.
Fuck you!
Why can't you just listen to me?
Well, what do you mean?
Moe got real bad with the drugs.
He used people.
He stole from people
and he got arrested
and then he went to rehab
and look at him now.
Living his second chance.
And you, l mean, dad didn't
beat you, but we all pretty much
treated you like shit.
What did you do? You leR.
You brought yourself somewhere
far, far away from the things
that hurt you.
And here you are,
Declan's life, take two.
And l've been here... scared.
You're tying to make a point?
No point to be made.
People air their grievances,
apologies are made,
second chances are given,
but not to monsters.
Eveything is forever.
Patterns repeat themselves
and no one learns anything.
l'm tired, Dec.
l'm tired ofthis life.
So, ifyou're gonna kill me,
kill me now
before you get all soft.
# l've never known
What love could be
# One day l ho that
My love will find me
# Deep in heart
l know the trum
# One day l ho that
Nothing will nd you
# l've never known
[ominous music]
Oh my god.
[ominous music]
-[Moe] l can't.
-[Declan] What do you mean
you can't?
-[Moe] l can't.
-[Prisca] Like youjust can't?
-[Prisca] Like you can't even?
-[Moe] We've been up
for almost 24 hours.
[Prisca] You should have
had coee, nak. Oh.
-[Moe] This is too heavy.
-[Tiva] Oh, let's change bags.
[Moe] Oh, it's okay.
[Prisca] That bag contains his
head, that's why it's too heavy.
-Let me cary it foryou.
-[Declan] Pretty sure l have
a bag with his head.
-Moe, are you okay?
-No, l'm not okay.
What are you feeling?
-We created this monster!
-People might hear us.
-There's no one here.
That's the point.
That's why we came here.
Why are you complaining now?
Nowthat he's cut into pieces?
Why are you complaining?
-Mom, there's something
l've been meaning to tell you.
[sighs] You wanna knowthe real
reason why Julie wasn't
with us at Christmas?
Yeah, why?
-She's pregnant.
-You'll be a dad,
[laughs] l'm so happy foryou.
Dude, why now?
Couldn't you wait until
aRer we dumped our bags
in the lake to tell us?
l just wanted to tell you
just in case something
happened to us.
-Like what?
don't know.
This is
some fucked up shit here.
l mean, this is crazy.
This is murder!
Yes, it is. This is murder
and you're an accomplice.
Not me. l didn't kill him.
You just said that we all
created this monster.
You're his older brother.
You knew he was being abused
and you did nothing to stop it.
Whenever he had his
small moments of victoy,
did you help raise him up?
Whenever he needed carrying,
did you help cary him?
This motheucker had a heavy
fucking life and nowyou want to
say it's too heavy?
l wanna go back. l wanna
go back and tell him l'm sory.
Me too.
l wanna tell him that he didn't
deserve to be abused by dad.
-l want to tell him
he was talented.
Yeah, well.
l wanna go back.
l wanna go back.
You can't go back.
You wanna fix things?
You wanna make up for
what you've done?
This is your brother.
He needs carrying. For once in
your life, cary your brother.
[underwater music]
# Ourfather
# Who art in heaven
# Hallowed be
# Thy Name
# Tm Kingdom come
# Thy will be done
# On earth
1 As it is
# In heaven
# Give us this day
Ourdaily bread
# And forgive us
Our trespasses
# As we forgive those
Whotrespass against us
# And lead us not
Into temptation
# Butdeliver us mom evil
# And lead us not
Into temptation
# But deliver us
# from evil
P Ame444n
# A-a-a-amen
-Hey, is that eveything?
Wanna do an idiot check
on the car before l leave?
Yup, think l have eveything.
-Have a safe flight
to Philly, Moe.
-You too--
l mean, thanks.
All right, well.
l hate to break this up, but
l gotta run and catch my flight.
Yeah, l'm sory, l--
-Have a good flight.
-You too.
Oh, Moe.
# And lead us not
Into temptation
# But deliver us
# from evil
P Ame444n
# A-a-a-amen
Okay, l'm only asking because
l wanna make sure we did
eveything right,
eveything clean.
-Are you sure nobody sawyou?
-Yeah, l'm sure.
Moe didn't see you?
His flight wasn't that long ago.
The cab literally
just dropped me off.
There's no way
Tiva or Moe could've seen me.
This isn't a trap,
you're not gonna go sickin'
the cops on me, are you?
l don't even know
where you're flying to, Troy.
-Well, l'm flying to--
-l don't want to know
where you're flying to.
All right.
Bye, Troy.
mind Chime by
H.P. Mendoza plays]
# Hey, what's mat sound?
# Hearthe chime, time t go
# Hey, you're in pain
# l am down too, timetogo
# Which way will you rn?
# Which road?
# Which track?
# When me winds ofchange
# Are atyour back
[Mina] Dad hasn't come home yet.
Really? What time is it?
-lt's eight o'clock.
-Maybe he's with his friends.
-Daddy doesn't have friends--
Mina, l swearto God--
mind Chime continues playing]
mind Chime continues playing]