Bittere Ernte (1985)

ANGRY HARVES Leave the doll. The doll will
stay in the train and go on.
To the concentration camp?
The doll will hold you back.
You need to jump and run away fast.
I know that you can run fast.
But won't it hurt?
It won't hurt.
- Then will we go back to Vienna?
- Yes.
We'll go home. Don't be afraid.
I'm not afraid, Mom.
But she wants to go home, too.
- Now I've got you.
- Leave me alone!
Go now, Rosa.
Lace up your shoes.
Stop them!
I want my doll. Mom, I'm afraid!
You'll jump. It won't hurt at all.
And then we'll go to Vienna.
Pass the knife, fast.
Tunnel! Now, Rosa!
There it is.
Mrs. Kaminska lives here?
Number 16 is there.
My God.
- Follow me.
- Okay.
And bring a basket with you.
But be careful.
Excuse me. Does Mrs. Kaminska live here?
What do you want from her?
My name is Leon Wolny, from Wola.
Mrs. Kaminska was so kind
as to write me a letter.
Come in. I didn't recognize
you at first.
You are...
You're Eugenia, aren't you?
I haven't seen you since your wedding.
Come on, put it here,
and bring the potatoes right away.
My God.
How many years have passed since...
Please, come in. I'll tell my mother.
We live alone here now.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Would you like some tea?
Don't go to any trouble for me.
What they call tea these days
is dried raspberry leaves.
We haven't drunk real tea for a year.
It's really not necessary.
I remember how you showed me the pony.
On my 10th birthday. The pony Igor.
It was a birthday present from Daddy.
You were so proud of your new livery.
That was my first day
working on the estate.
Your father was a stable boy
at our place, wasn't he?
Head groom.
Oh, yes.
He was an industrious
and hardworking man.
Others always drank away their wages.
He didn't. He saved for his own farm,
and now it's one of the most imposing
estates in our region.
Oh, my God!
How glad I am to see you again.
Do you see, Leon,
what has happened to us?
God has imposed a bitter trial on us.
This is a hard time
of probation for both heart and soul.
My dear, I suppose that I may call you
by your first name, like I used to.
Dear Mrs. Kaminska, for me it is a...
A great honor.
Yes. Sit down, sit down, my dear.
And how is your brother?
Thank you very much. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
they transported him
almost two years ago.
First he was in jail in Katowice, then
they perhaps transported him to Berlin,
but I haven't heard from him.
Sometimes I'm afraid
that he's died in a concentration camp.
Nowadays, they'll kill you for nothing.
I took such good care of him.
Looked after him.
I paid $500 in bribes,
but it was no use.
Are you still a bachelor?
Our priest would have liked to marry you
to his sister.
No. No, no, no.
Now is not the right time for that.
I'm waiting until my brother returns,
until the war is over.
Are you crazy? My breakfast! Damn it!
Stop! Come on!
Are you...
Did I... Are you hurt?
Are you alone?
Are you hiding from the Germans?
Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.
What shall I do with you?
Thank you.
You are at my place.
There's nobody else here.
You have to take these wet clothes off.
Come on.
Did you escape from a transport?
Get changed.
I'll unyoke the horse
and take it into the stable.
These are my brother's clothes.
I'll be back soon.
They set houses on fire
when they find Jews in them, huh?
She has to understand that.
Come here. Yes.
I'm sorry to disturb you.
I brought you some socks.
Take them.
Wait, I'll help you.
You're putting yourself at risk
by helping me.
Do you have someone you could go to?
You have a temperature,
a high temperature.
Hey! Hello, Mr. Wolny.
Hey, Mr. Wolny. Hey!
Mr. Wolny, are you home?
What are you doing here?
What do you think I'm doing here?
I bought this stuff cheap,
and I'll sell it to you for even less.
And this one is a gift from me.
Just try it on, my distinguished
Do you see
what kind of man Cybulkowski is?
You give me some pork,
and you'll get $10 for that.
And this ulster, it's not a bad deal.
With me, you only get good deals.
What am I supposed to
do with this stuff?
We'll see about that later.
For now, it's a bargain.
I'll tell you something.
I furnished a flat for myself. Terrific.
One day you'll thank me.
Hey, boys, bring in the furniture.
That's from the Jews. I don't want that.
Take that back right away,
Mr. Cybulkowski.
Who cares if it's from the Jews?
You're not a racist, are you?
I don't want to be involved in this.
Just a moment. Just a moment.
Mr. Wolny, please don't be childish.
If your conscience is troubling you,
light a candle in church on Sunday.
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful desk.
Not even our priest has one like that.
See, Mr. Wolny? I know what you like.
No, no, that chair is cold.
Sit over here.
No problem. We'll sit here.
And now let's talk business.
I have a better deal for you.
I'm telling you,
the two of us can go far in life.
You have money,
and I have connections and ideas.
Do you remember
when Mrs. Kaminska sold the garden?
You said,
"If I had the money, I would buy it. "
And do you remember what I said
when we talked about that?
I said, " Who knows?
"Who knows?
It might belong to you someday. "
Why bother talking about that?
Rubin bought the garden
and won't give it away.
But Rubin is a Jew.
Although he arranged cleverly that
the municipality manages his property,
no law allows such a thing.
The law!
The authorities don't know
anything about that.
But somebody told them.
I trust him.
Look, the municipality has to unblock
all the Jewish property for lease
for five years.
You know how it is.
I was talking to the town council.
If they get enough out of it,
your application will be accepted.
You'll lease the whole property,
and then we'll share. Fifty-fifty.
Mr. Wolny, just think about it!
There are 2,000 trees in the garden.
There's a drying system
and a jam factory.
Don't forget, Mr. Wolny,
Rubin has got a lot of money
out of the garden.
And now there is war.
There's a lack of everything.
I guarantee you that we'll both be rich,
and it's completely legal.
And after the war you can buy the
garden, as far as I'm concerned.
I won't claim it.
But the right of ownership
will always be Rubin's.
But there won't be a Rubin anymore.
Why not?
They say that he lives well-hidden.
It's sad to say, but they'll catch
them all. That's for sure.
Nobody will survive.
For me, what God has given me is enough.
Mr. Wolny, you can't
really be so stupid.
A cow is sick. Well, if it's so
important to you, let's do it.
We'll have to show our gratitude.
You'll have to feed some hungry wolves
to make sure that there
are no difficulties.
Don't worry.
You shouldn't lie uncovered.
It's too cold in here
with these temperatures.
It says 40 degrees.
You need to put on this shirt
and take yours off. Here.
You're too sweaty. Now, take off...
Holy mother of God,
what should I do with her?
You need to put on this shirt.
Do you understand?
Come on, come on.
Please put on this shirt.
My God, you can't... You can't get sick.
You must understand, I can't call
a doctor. What would I tell him?
Come on, come on. Here.
Be reasonable. Get up.
Please get up. Okay.
And now we put on this shirt.
So, there...
Just a moment, just a moment.
Come on. Carefully.
Come on. Please, miss, come on.
Come on.
Now lay down.
Please, you have to lay covered.
This way...
Now it's good.
Forgive me. Forgive me.
While others suffer,
I increase my holdings.
"Render unto Caesar
the things which are Caesar's,
"and unto God the things
that are God's. "
Wealth is no sin.
To show no compassion is sinful.
I thought...
I'm planning to donate an organ
to our church.
Every sacrifice that comes from
the heart is agreeable to our lord.
But beware of arrogance.
Repent of your sins.
You can't bribe God.
What else, my son?
I masturbate constantly.
I fight against it as much as I can.
I castigate myself. I don't eat meat.
But the other thing is stronger in me.
It's time for you to find a wife.
It's time for you to start a family.
But I'm afraid of women.
I can't talk to them.
I can't handle them.
You never come see us anymore,
Mr. Wolny.
My brother also regrets
that you don't have time for us anymore.
Has something happened to you, Leon?
Tell me, how do you treat fever?
Oh, are you ill?
No, no, no. I'm just asking
in case I get sick.
Oh, dear. See, I always told you
that it's not good for you
to live alone.
They're still searching for Jews.
They say that some were seen
yesterday evening.
If we can't help them,
at least we shouldn't betray them
to the Germans.
Is our priest of the same opinion?
He doesn't say so
because it's too dangerous.
He's forbidden to do so.
The best for fever is aspirin,
but it's not available anywhere now.
When Janek was sick last time,
I cupped him.
Yeah, that helped.
The fever disappeared completely.
Cupping really helps a lot.
My mother always did it when we
were sick, my brother and me.
These glasses are from that time.
I found them in the attic.
Please, miss.
You need to lie on your stomach and
take off the shirt. I'll turn around.
On your stomach.
We'll put the glasses on your back.
Come on, turn over. Turn over.
On your stomach.
The Germans have surrendered
at Stalingrad.
Everybody says
that they will lose the war now.
Nobody knows how long it'll last.
But there's hope. That's the main thing.
You can be glad about that.
Mr. Wolny!
Hey, Mr. Wolny.
This is all ours! Yes, Mr. Wolny.
Ours, ours, ours!
So, according to the law, everything
was handed over in good condition.
Mr. Wolny, all you have to do is sign.
Here, please.
Just take a look at that.
That must be a Sabbath candelabrum.
Holy Joseph. A silver candelabrum.
No, only silver-plated. It's worthless.
There's no silver-plated candelabrum
on my list.
How is that possible?
It looks like Rubin was staying here
not long ago.
Impossible. I would know.
- Maybe you did know. - Please
stop making trouble, Cybulkowski.
That was a joke.
It was only a joke, Mr. Maslanko.
What's the matter, Pauline?
Hello, Mr. Wolny.
I see we're going to be neighbors.
Neighbors? What gives you that idea?
Well, it's only a few steps
from the presbytery to the garden.
Or aren't you moving in here?
No, no. I'm not moving in here, no.
That's a pity.
My brother was so glad.
I have something for you.
Aspirin. Thank you.
In case I get sick. Thank you.
Anna's been gossiping
that for the last three weeks
she's only been allowed to cook porridge
and milk.
Like for a sick person.
She says that there are odd things
happening in your house.
Leon, it's not good for you
when there are rumors like this.
Convey my best regards at home.
Best regards.
Come on! Now show me what odd things
are happening in my house.
You, come here. Come, come, come, come.
Get out! What's happening here?
Look around. What's odd here? Here!
- Come. Into the living room. Get in!
- No!
So what's different? Look around!
Am I hiding a woman here or what?
But I haven't said anything
about a woman.
Said nothing about that!
And here? In the kitchen?
Come on! Look around!
Leon, I didn't mean it like that.
"Didn't mean it like that,
didn't mean it like that"!
Get out! You get out.
If she goes talking one more time,
I'll shut her up
and throw both of you out.
You can bet your life on that.
Are you feeling better?
I heard everything.
Don't worry.
I can manage on my own now, really.
I'm going to leave.
I'm not worried. I warned her.
She'll shut up.
They'll starve when I throw them out.
They know that.
Yes, yes.
I'm grateful for all you've done for me,
but I really can't stay here.
I'm going to go.
- What are you doing?
- I'm leaving.
"I'm leaving. " Where?
Where are you going?
What are your plans for me?
They'll find you and beat you to death.
They're constantly searching for Jews
in the woods.
- Have they found anyone?
- Not yet. But they will.
Is your husband out there in the woods?
We fled from the transport together.
I fell behind.
Dan must be looking for me.
I have to find him.
You won't find him this way.
If I had lost my husband in the woods,
I would look for signs
that he would have left for me.
- Signs?
- Yes.
Look. If a penknife like this
were stuck in a tree in the woods,
nobody would understand it,
but I would know
that it was my brother's knife.
That he's alive. That he's free.
That's a sign.
- Can the sign be a shawl?
- Yeah. Why not?
That was a gift from him.
I'll hang this on a tree in the wood,
add some bacon and eggs to it.
That keeps for a long time outside.
If your husband finds the scarf,
he'll know that you're alive.
Then he'll leave a sign.
The broth! Wait.
It's completely cold.
I'll go heat it up.
- Leon?
- Yes.
Leon Wolny?
Wow! Mr. Walden.
You shouldn't use names nowadays.
But it's a real stroke of luck
that I should meet you here in the town.
Do you know whose regards
I pass on to you?
The Mayor's.
The Mayor's?
He remembers me? Where is he now?
You ask too many questions.
He is where he is.
But he remembers you and says hello.
He's always saying,
"After the war
we will need men like Mr. Wolny. "
- What are you doing?
- Well, I'm running my farm.
I'm asking you what you're doing
for the fatherland.
That kind of thing doesn't happen here.
We're a village, you know?
Not the Generalgouvernement.
My brother was deported.
And they would have
taken my farm away from me
if we hadn't been Germanized.
Silesian or Germanized, it doesn't
matter. It makes you less suspicious.
Ulli, two beers.
If you're afraid, tell me now.
Afraid? What should I be afraid of?
Thank you very much.
We're not expecting much from you,
but there is a certain amount of risk.
- So? Do you want to or not?
- What?
Do the fatherland a service.
Or don't you feel obliged anymore?
In that case, excuse me.
This conversation never happened.
Yes, yes, yes. I always wanted to,
but I had no opportunity until now.
Your farm is very favorably situated
on the edge of the wood, and you run it,
so nobody notices
when you go to Piesk for the market.
When somebody gives you a parcel
and says that
he wants to order a sack of peas,
you reply, " Many of the peas have
worms but we can talk about the price. "
- Did you get that?
- Yes.
If necessary, let him stay overnight.
In any case,
you bring the parcel here the next day
and give it to the cook,
saying the same password.
Do you understand?
"Some peas already have worms,
but we can talk about the price. "
We were counting on you,
and you haven't disappointed us.
- What are they doing there?
- Jews must have lived there.
- Faster. Hurry up. It gets dark early.
- Giddyup.
My God, there's so much going on here.
Not so much,
otherwise they'll notice it.
Thank God. It was only a cat.
Shit! Damn it.
What happened here?
There was someone down here.
That's why I took away the ladder.
Two women.
- But that's impossible.
- They looked at me from there.
You must have dreamt it.
Nobody can come in here.
- But I saw them.
- I closed everything myself.
I'm not crazy!
I can't stand it anymore.
I have to get out.
It comes from being in the dark
down here. You have to get out.
You can't always sit
in the dark down here.
Wait. I bought that for you.
Change your clothes and come upstairs.
I'll wait for you upstairs, okay?
Change your clothes.
I'll wait for you upstairs.
But I really heard them.
How beautiful you look!
A woman should always wear a dress.
Don't worry. It's late. Nobody's coming.
It's so bright.
So quiet.
- Your place is nice.
- Yeah.
Nobody in the village has a desk
like this, only the priest and me.
Why do you have so many books?
I was at the seminary for two years,
but then Father died and someone
had to take care of the farm.
- You wanted to become a priest?
- Yes.
But perhaps God didn't want it,
otherwise I would have become a priest.
Do you really think so?
Nothing happens against God's will.
In the past you could have believed
that, but these days...
You really don't know
what's happening in the ghettos?
Yes. There are Jews in the ghettos.
I'm a Jew, too.
But if you adopt the right faith,
God will forgive you.
But Poles are also persecuted,
and Catholics, even children.
Well, these people have sinned too much.
Now is the time of probation
and atonement.
After that comes the time of absolution.
But you helped me. Why?
I wouldn't have done it
if it wasn't God's will.
I envy you the strength and
simplicity of your faith.
It makes life easier.
The sun.
Enough of that!
I have something to tell you.
Good news.
Have you been to the woods?
I have.
If he could give you a sign,
what would it be?
I don't know.
Maybe a ring.
He wears a signet ring
with a snake head on it.
What else?
- I don't know.
- What else?
I don't know. Have you found something?
I've been to the woods,
but I haven't found a sign like that.
Is it really so terrible being with me?
Please tell me the truth.
- You know that they've caught him.
- No. No, no, no, no.
Please don't lie to me. I can bear
anything, but I have to know the truth.
No, no. If they had caught him,
I would have heard.
Things like that get around right away.
Come on. Please sit down. Come on.
I'm sorry, but I...
I hoped that...
That you...
That you knew something.
Because you told me
that you had good news for me.
I wanted to tell you
that you can stay as long as you want.
Until you find your husband.
Even after that, if you want to.
I thought you would be happy about that.
You're such a good person.
If you knew me better,
you wouldn't say that I'm a good person.
You're the best person I've met
since the start of the war.
Rosa, I don't want you to be unhappy.
You don't have to be afraid here.
You're safe here, and...
And I'm not alone.
Cheers, Rosa. Cheers.
Go away. Away. Away!
Away. Away.
There are no Jews here.
Go away.
No Jews. Away, away, away!
No Jews. No...
Please don't set the house on fire.
My father worked his whole life for it!
Me, too. Me, too!
Me, too. Me, too.
I have...
For it... There are...
I swear to you,
there are no Jews here!
I was so afraid
that they had taken you away.
Today you definitely have
to eat something.
You haven't had anything to eat
for two days.
What do you mean, two days?
I thought you were sick again.
You were sleeping all the time
and didn't take anything I brought you.
But I wasn't sleeping.
I was sitting here all night long,
listening to see
if the Germans were still there.
I was so afraid that you lying somewhere
and needed help.
But there were no Germans here.
They didn't beat you
so that you would tell them where I am?
Eat the soup. It will do you good.
We were upstairs.
We had something to drink.
And then, this shouting.
The Germans...
It was all so loud and clear.
But there were no Germans.
Please. You can come upstairs
if you want. There's nobody around.
Did it rain?
The first spring rain.
In a few days,
everything here will turn green.
May I go out?
Come on. Please sit down.
Please, Leon, I'll do that myself.
- I beg you.
- I can't.
You find me disgusting.
You find me disgusting.
Please don't.
I love you.
I love you.
I will do...
I will do anything you want, Rosa.
I love you.
I love you.
I love...
Go on. Into the house. Into the house!
Go hide. Fast!
- Who is it?
- It's Maslanko.
I've brought Mr. Rubin with me.
He has a favor to ask of you.
It's a unique opportunity.
$2,000 and the whole orchard is yours.
And a $100 commission for me.
Then you'll have done a good deed
and God will reward you for it.
Mr. Maslanko is exposing himself
to extreme danger for me.
I understand, I understand,
but honestly, I don't have the money.
Mr. Wolny,
you will not only make a good deal,
you will save my life
and my daughter's life.
We have to pay for our hideout.
It's a good, safe hideout.
God willing, we can stay there
until the end of the war.
But they want money for it,
a lot of money.
Mr. Rubin, try someone else.
Maybe Cybulkowski wants to buy.
You must be joking, Mr. Wolny.
Cybulkowski only has
what you let him earn.
$1,000, Mr. Wolny, and
the garden is yours.
You understand
it's worth 10 times that amount.
What did I say? Ten times?
Fifteen times that amount.
I can lend you some money, Mr. Rubin.
I'll lend you, let's say, $100.
Mr. Wolny, I told you.
If I don't pay $500 by Sunday, I'm lost.
This orchard was my whole life,
my only wealth.
I beg you.
I'll kneel before you.
Mr. Rubin. Mr. Rubin, stop that.
Stop that. Please, I...
I told you
that I don't have that much money.
We should go now, Mr. Maslanko.
And I thank you for
at least talking to me.
You mustn't catch cold again.
I'll heat the stove up.
Who was that?
That was Rubin, a Jew.
Before the war
he was a big man in this region.
He had a jam factory in the orchard.
His daughter went to the high school.
He sent his son to university.
He rarely greeted me. Rarely.
But now they all come to me,
to Leon Wolny.
I'm no American millionaire.
Let them try to save themselves.
Why should it be with my money?
But he only wanted
to sell the garden to you.
And why should I buy a garden that
will be mine after the war anyway, huh?
And who will guarantee me that this
transaction will still be valid then?
According to the current law,
all commandeered Jewish wealth
belongs to the German Reich.
Rubin knows that, too. That's why
he wants to sell it for nothing.
But could you buy the garden?
Just wait a minute.
Just wait a minute.
Rosa, these are my savings.
Here, Rosa.
Rosa, if you stay with me,
all of it belongs to you.
Don't touch me!
Don't you dare touch me.
You've gone mad.
What's gotten into your head?
You think you can buy me like a calf?
You could have saved that man.
It would have been possible for you,
but he's only a Jew.
He doesn't believe in your
Holy Virgin Mary.
You're worse than the Germans.
You and your phony hypocrisy.
- Rosa...
- I don't want to hear any more.
I don't want to see you anymore.
I don't want to stay under your roof!
Rosa! I have to tell you you're wrong.
I'll do whatever you want,
Rosa. Look, I...
I have to...
I have to tell you something, Rosa.
You said it was because he's a Jew.
Look, you're a Jew, too,
and I would do anything for you.
But you don't know how it was when...
We were very poor.
As a child, I didn't even own any shoes.
People always made me feel
that I was just the son of a stable boy.
All of them. AII.
Rubin, too. Especially Rubin.
They despised me
because I had a different background.
They thought that I was only interested
in money, that I was a greedy farmer.
But I know that if I didn't have money,
I would remain a nothing, a...
A nobody. Do you understand?
I've earned everything
on my own, everything.
If you want, I'll buy the
garden for $2,000.
If you want, you can take all this
and go away with Rubin.
All this, all this. He's with Maslanko.
The first house after the church.
It's easy to find.
If you don't want to stay
under my roof anymore,
you can take all of this.
All of it.
All of it.
Stand still.
I want to buy a sack of peas from you.
I want to buy a sack of peas from you.
But I don't have any peas.
Who told you that?
You are Mr. Wolny, aren't you?
Leon Wolny?
Yes, that's me.
Oh, yes. Sorry. Mr. Walden sent you?
No names.
Some peas already have worms,
but we can talk about the price.
Well, tomorrow morning, go to Bordzichow
and take this to the pharmacy
in the market square.
Password, " I bring regards from
the curate of the municipality. "
"I hope that my medicine was of help. "
Is that clear?
Yes, but Bordzichow is behind the
border, in the Generalgouvernement.
With your trade connections, you won't
face any problems getting a permit.
Best wishes.
- Did you buy Rubin's garden?
- How did you know?
I know. That should be enough for you.
Did you pay for it already?
What have you done? What's the rush?
I thought we were partners.
Why didn't you ask me?
Please understand, it's our garden.
You could have gotten it for free.
You threw your money down the drain.
Mr. Wolny,
I thought you had better business sense.
Mr. Wolny! Why didn't you just lend him
the money, if you're so kindhearted?
Why buy?
Why are you getting so worked up?
It's my business. It's my money.
Mr. Wolny, something's happening to you.
The others see it, too.
Why don't you go to the Polish side
tomorrow? I'd like to join you.
I have something to do there.
Oh, no. I don't go there these days.
It's too dangerous.
There are shootings and arrests
in Bordzichow.
Before you manage to talk your way out
or bribe them, you're in a camp.
And you shouldn't go there either.
Wait until the situation is calm again.
- Pauline.
- Yes, what's the matter?
- I wonder if you could do me a favor.
- Yes.
Because I think you're a sincere Pole,
I'd like you to do something for us.
Oh, I knew it.
I suspected that you were a brave
fighter for the noble cause. I felt it.
Someone has to go to Bordzichow
on the Polish side and leave this there.
Yes, give it to me.
At the square, in the pharmacy. Say
that you bring regards from the curate.
And they will ask if the medicine
helped. After that give them the parcel.
Yes, of course.
- Not a single word to anybody.
- No.
- I shouldn't even tell my brother,
right? - Right.
But if you see anything suspicious,
don't go into the pharmacy.
No, no.
- Please take good care of yourself.
- Yes.
- I have other things to do now.
- Oh, thank you.
Thank you so much, Leon.
I've always wished
to be allowed to do something
against injustice, to really be needed.
Thank you very much, Leon,
for trusting me.
- It's okay.
- Yes.
I'm so happy.
Please don't go, Rosa. Please.
Now we are...
Now we're like husband and wife.
I'm happy.
I would prefer to sleep in the cellar.
I don't want you to sleep in the cellar.
At least not today.
I want you to stay with me. Please.
Now we're like husband and wife.
You did it...
You only did it for Rubin,
so that I'd pay him.
The truth is
you find me disgusting.
Don't leave me alone.
I've prayed that you would love me.
There's no other woman like you.
First my father,
then my mother,
my sister,
then the child,
now my husband.
I only survive because
I've fallen asleep.
Inside, I'm sleeping.
I'm frozen.
Can you understand that?
If I woke up, I would have to die.
That's why I resist.
I don't want to feel,
don't want to live,
don't want to suffer.
I have no strength for it.
I can't.
It's nothing against you.
I don't know why people cling to life
so desperately.
I should kill myself.
Do you understand that?
No, no. That's a terrible sin.
But maybe I'm already dead.
Do you understand that?
I understand.
Giddyup. Giddyup.
- Kaspar, take the reins.
- Okay.
Shit. Okay.
Did you bring something nice
for me, Leon?
- What do you want?
- A silk scarf.
I also know how to return the favor.
I'll think about it.
Mr. Wolny?
Mr. Wolny.
My sister is dead.
Jesus and Mary!
Get away from here.
What are you doing here? Go!
Reverend, please.
- Please, Reverend, come in.
- No.
I just want you to tell me if you
had something to do with her death.
Me? No.
She took the coach in the morning
and drove to Bordzichow.
She didn't tell me why.
The coachman said
she asked him stop at the market square
and went into the pharmacy.
A policeman came out of the pharmacy,
and Pauline started to run.
The children don't know yet.
I didn't have the courage to tell them.
Reverend Father, please. Please come in.
Reverend Father. Reverend
Father, please.
Reverend Father, please come in.
Why are you staring so stupidly?
Go! Work!
Are you crazy?
Do you want to ruin everything for us?
I just wanted to have a look.
See people.
It's inconceivable
that there's still a normal life.
When I'm not here, you're not allowed
to come upstairs. Do you understand me?
Go. Come on. Go.
Leave the doll. We aren't
taking it with us.
Now it's good.
We put the doll to bed.
Don't touch the candle.
You'll burn your fingers.
Do you see?
Now you get the cake.
Do you see how nicely...
I'm coming to you.
Don't worry.
I'm coming to you.
Do you see how nicely the candles burn?
You can't always smoke and leave
the light on. You can smell it upstairs.
I can't stand this anymore.
I brought you some milk.
- I can't stand this anymore.
- I...
There's a reason you torment me.
I can feel it.
Leon, please let me see sunlight.
Please, just for a moment.
It's pouring, constantly.
You're lying!
You've been saying that for days!
It's been pouring for nine days.
I can't even send people into the field.
- Send them away.
- Anyway, people are starting to talk,
saying that I'm behaving oddly,
that I've gone crazy.
They laugh at me.
We have to be careful, Rosa.
We have to be careful.
What for?
"What for"?
Maybe you don't want to live, but I do!
I do! I do!
Do you understand?
Forgive me. Rosa, forgive me.
Please forgive me.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
You hold me captive
so that anytime you feel like...
So that I'm at your mercy.
You only think of yourself.
That I could also get sick,
that something could happen,
you can't get that into your head.
What's the matter?
That's my business. That's my business.
Leon, please don't go.
Please don't leave me alone. Please.
...armed forces of the inner front.
Finland has broken off diplomatic
relations with Germany
and demanded the withdrawal
of German troops from Finland
by September 15th.
Fighting was stopped
at the Finnish-Russian frontline.
What are you doing?
In Romania, the Russians are now on
the west side of the Transylvanian Alps
My husband was always doing that.
...between Ploesti and Kronstadt.
To the west of Ploesti, more...
Please, leave the music on.
Just let me be. Stop it. I can't dance.
Come, come, come.
I can't dance.
Kaspar, take the reins.
I have something to do.
- When will we cultivate the land, Leon?
- Whenever you like.
We should take advantage
of the good weather.
For weeks I've been wishing
to see the sun.
Now I can't bear the light.
What do you hear?
- Birds.
- What else?
What else?
And the warmth of the sun.
- What was that?
- That was in the woods.
- They probably shot Rubin.
- Rubin?
When they find a Jew, they shoot him.
The others who hid him, too. Somebody
must have betrayed him, you know that.
You wanted to go to him.
You would have died, too.
When I forbid you to come out of
the cellar when I'm not here,
you think that I want to torment you.
There are 12 apostles.
That's very important.
Simon was called Peter,
Saul became Paul,
- John...
- We did John already.
Leave me in peace for a while.
I can't concentrate now.
Do you even know it at all?
What were you doing all day?
- Leon.
- "Leon, Leon. "
You have to know the basic rules of the
true faith or the curate won't marry us.
Come on, we live unmarried.
We don't care.
That's a special situation.
But when the war is over, there
will be no more reason to live in sin.
I think you should be happy
to get to know the light
of the true faith.
How fortunate it is
that you didn't become a priest.
You would have been unbearable.
It's a disgrace.
It's a disgrace not to know the gospel.
And you don't know the Old Testament.
That's the origin of the faith.
You speak with contempt
about the Jewish faith
even though it's the
basis of your religion.
The Jews are the older brothers
of you pagans.
Are you crazy? What pagans?
What? You were pagans.
All gentiles were pagans.
The Jews crucified our Jesus Christ!
Your Jesus Christ was a Jew!
A Jewish messiah, if you really want
to think of it that way.
The apostles were Jews.
Your Holy Virgin Mary was also a Jew.
The only difference is that you believe
that this messiah has already come
and redeemed you.
Jesus' suffering.
We Jews today have hundreds of thousands
of innocent martyrs.
Shut your mouth!
What right do you have
to demand that I renounce my faith?
What right do you have to compare
Jesus Christ to your Jewish riffraff?
That is a good roast goose.
Come here.
Back. Come back.
Oh, dear.
My poor man.
What have they done to you?
How absurd, to fight over faith.
In our situation, my God.
Mr. Wolny.
Mr. Wolny!
Mr. Wolny, we have a message
from the priest in Piaskow.
Old Mrs. Kaminska has died.
My God.
She wasn't that old, and I never
had the time to visit her again.
The priest wrote that you are mentioned
in her will.
- Me?
- Yes. She appointed you executor.
She hopes that you will take care of her
daughter until the end of the war.
In return,
you get a stake in one of her houses
in Cracow.
Only after the war, of course.
Now pay attention.
If you already have the possibility
of getting her daughter,
you can marry her right away.
She'll be rich after the war.
Yes. Only if the Russians
don't dispossess her, of course.
Me and Eugenia?
It's not possible. Not possible.
Not possible.
Why not? Is she better than anyone else?
She's old and ugly.
You can postpone the marriage
until the end of the war.
God only saves careful people.
I forbid you to talk like this
about Eugenia, Cybulkowski.
Mr. Wolny, you have to be a democrat.
Is she any different from the others?
Are her tits on her back, or what?
No, no, not there. Under the pear tree.
- Mr. Wolny.
- Did they tell you when the funeral is?
Yes, they did. The day after tomorrow.
Do you know that Rubin is dead?
- I know. I know.
- But you owed him $1,000.
But don't worry,
nobody will find out about that.
There's the daughter.
They haven't caught her.
But I'll testify that Rubin
had got the full amount of $2,000.
For that, you give me $500.
That's more than fair.
No. No.
This money, Maslanko,
will go to the daughter.
- It will go to the daughter. - But she
doesn't know anything about it!
Leon, think about it.
The lord is just.
When I was a stable boy,
I didn't dare talk to her,
and today she can feel glad
that I receive her.
Is she young?
About your age.
- After the war, she will be rich.
- Yes.
If she gets back
what the Germans have commandeered.
If she gets it back!
Who knows if she'll get it back?
Would you marry her?
Or you.
I'm not rich and I never will be.
- And I'm a Jew.
- But you'll be baptized.
I don't know.
But you wanted it.
You wanted it.
Why are your hands trembling?
What happened while I was away?
Nothing happened.
I can tell that something happened.
Maybe you heard your voices again, huh?
Stop it.
When Eugenia comes,
I'll tell her about you.
She's a lady. You can trust her.
You'll learn a lot from her.
I'll furnish Rubin's house for her.
Maybe ghosts come to you, huh?
Ghosts! Ghosts!
Ghosts of your Jews.
Rosa. Come on.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I hit you.
I don't want to.
If I tell you to drink,
you have to drink.
I don't want to.
Come on, drink.
I'll tell you what the difference is
between the two of you.
I wouldn't dare do this with Eugenia.
Take off your clothes.
Come on.
Take off your clothes!
I was drunk.
I'm ashamed.
I really love you.
I love you.
I don't know what happened to me.
Forgive me.
Come in, Eugenia.
Come, come.
May I help you?
Take it, take it, take it.
Here, take it.
I wasn't expecting such a pleasant room.
But it will be even more pleasant.
There are still pictures missing.
You're so attentive.
Pardon. There.
Can she cook?
Yes, she'll learn to.
Her mother is a very good cook.
In these times, a maid!
- I don't know if I can accept that.
- Yes, you can, Eugenia.
But who knows?
Maybe it will all be over soon.
First of all,
you have to learn that after a journey,
one likes to have tea.
Of course, of course. Make some tea.
Go on, go on, make some tea. Here!
Here, take these things.
Be careful, damn it!
May I show you the bedroom?
- The bedroom is over there?
- Yes.
- They killed him.
- Who?
- The underground, who else?
- Calm down.
It says he betrayed Rubin
and three other families in Piaskow.
He allegedly worked with the Gestapo.
Damn! They could have shot him
in the woods.
What should we do with him?
Calm down. Calm down.
Give me a sack.
Mr. Wolny, we have to take him away.
If they find him, we have no excuse.
No excuse at all. So hurry up.
I can't stay here. I'm scared.
Leon, I'd better stay in your house.
That's a great honor for me, Eugenia.
Of course, it's not very comfortable,
but what the house has to offer
is at your disposal.
This evening everything will
be prepared, and tomorrow...
Not even a minute.
I can't sleep a wink here.
Please calm down.
Calm down, calm down, calm down.
Tonight you'll sleep in the presbytery.
Come, come. Take her. Have her sit
there. Go to the presbytery to sleep.
Tomorrow, everything will be prepared.
Please calm down.
Damn it.
Stupid whistling. Stop it.
Now there's one less scoundrel
in the world.
Put him in.
Now I'll tell you something.
Let's agree that I know about it.
No, it's better we agree
that you know I know.
- What?
- No, no, no. Just don't panic.
Let's suppose you hide someone
in your house.
Your brother, for instance,
or a Jew. Just supposing.
And let's also suppose that an informer
was beaten to death in your garden.
Let's also suppose that the
Germans happen to learn about it.
Is everything clear?
You want to blackmail me, huh?
Why would I do that?
I don't understand
why everyone thinks I'm a scoundrel.
The masters of the house agreed.
You can bring her tonight before
sunrise. It's a good hideout.
We didn't know
about the hidden stove in the wall.
Once we had a cat.
She was missing,
and we knew she had to be somewhere.
And so I discovered
the hole in the wall.
The masters want $50 a month.
Yes, and also two kilograms of butter,
50 eggs, 50 kilograms of flour
and two piglets.
- Agreed.
- With fodder potatoes.
I'll bring the woman tonight,
and the money, everything you want.
- Don't forget the cream.
- Go.
That's why I couldn't go
instead of Pauline.
I didn't act irresponsibly.
I wasn't a coward, Reverend.
Sometimes I get the feeling
that I'm a bad person.
Leon, can you help me?
I have to take you away tonight.
Get packed. We leave around 9:00.
Put your things in this. You will eat
downstairs today. Someone is coming.
Where do you want to take me?
There is a small house in the woods
on the way to Wysoka.
Two old people. You'll be fine there.
I don't want to go.
They just shot Secretary Maslanko
in my house.
I can't keep you. It's too dangerous.
When the war is over,
you can come back if you want.
- Here.
- I don't want to go anywhere.
Don't say such rubbish.
You promised me that I could stay
until the end of the war.
- You promised me that.
- Stop it.
I understand.
I've started to bother you.
I want to take you to a safe place,
that's all.
Take some food with you.
You have to eat something.
Thank you. Later. But you can bring me
a bucket with warm water in it.
I have to wash up.
You haven't packed yet.
Leon, please listen to me.
I was thinking about all of this.
I was thinking about everything.
I don't want anything from you.
You can bring whomever you want here,
Eugenia or other women.
I'll cease to exist.
I'll stay downstairs and disturb nobody.
I won't smoke cigarettes.
I won't switch on the light
if you don't want me to.
I'll stay downstairs
and I won't disturb anybody.
It's enough for me
that you pass food down once a day.
Or in the night, when all are asleep, I
can go to the kitchen and take something
and empty the bucket.
You won't see me at
all if you don't want to.
Leon, I won't make any demands on you.
I don't want anything more from you.
Just let me stay until
the end of the war.
Please. Please show me mercy.
Leon, I can't bear this again.
I have no more strength for that.
I'm terribly afraid.
What bad thing has happened?
You're going to a hideout
which is better than this one.
You'll survive the war there.
What more do you want?
- Then give me the bucket.
- Carefully.
Come out. We have to go.
Will you get up?
Wake up.
What have you...
Do you recognize me?
It's me, Tuwa.
Tuwa Rubin.
Are you ill?
We'll leave in a minute.
This man believes that you can
tell him something about his wife.
Your wife?
Her name is Rosa. Rosa Eckart,
from Vienna.
A dark, slim woman.
I saw you in the woods
tying her shawl to a tree.
And the child? Was there
no child with her?
A child?
What happened to her?
I wanted to keep her.
I had a hideout for her.
I paid for her to live there.
But she left, went to the woods.
She wanted to look for her husband.
That's all I know.
- When? When did she leave?
- When?
About a month ago. Yes.
No, no. Three weeks. Three weeks.
I can't remember, I can't... I'm sick.
Wait. Wait.
Take this. I'm to blame.
I owed your father $1,000.
Please take it. Take it.
I loved your wife very much,
but she has gone.
My God.
Why did you leave me?
Leon, a letter from America.
It's almost impossible to believe
that the war is over.
I am in New York.
I'm here thanks to you,
and I want you to know that.
I will never forget what
a good man you are
and that you saved our lives
with the money.
I will always tell my
children about that.
I'm here with Mr. Eckart.
His wife was not found.
I suppose she can't be alive.
The war has taken everything
from both of us.
If nothing changes,
we're going to get married next year.
We'll try to start a new
life in a new world.
We bless you. Tuwa Rubin.
The End