Bitva za Sevastopol (2015)

With the financial support of
the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture
The Russian Military-Historical Society
With the support of
the Ukrainian State Film Agency
Cinema Foundation of Russia
New People Film Company
Yulia Peresild
in a film by Sergei Mokritsky
Moscow, Vnukovo Airport, 1957
Battle for Sevastopol
International Student Assembly, USA, 1942
Fan Bei, infantry, one year at war.
Eight tanks destroyed.
Nikolai Krasavchenko, head of the delegation
of Soviet students.
She's very pleased. And how many
people have you killed?
I'm engaged in party work, inspiring
my comrades to heroic works.
It's vital work.
Vladimir Chelintsev, sniper.
152 killed with 154 bullets.
- Come on, come on!
- Look!
Kiev National University, 1937
Excuse me, sorry. Can I get through.
Excuse me, please.
Lyuda! Woo! We passed. Me and you passed.
We passed Lyuda!
Come on, look!
We got in as well!
Let's go to the park.
- C'mon. Aren't you happy?
- Yeah, I am.
You get soft drinks, I've got the beer.
To the park!
I can't. I need to get home.
- Fine, but we'll be waiting for you.
- You're coming, yeah?
- Come on everyone!
- Make sure you come, okay.
- Race you there!
- Okay... Woo!
How did those idiots pass?
- What're we gonna do?
- Well I'm gonna complain to the committee!
Department of History
1. Pavlichenko, L.M.
2. Baskakov, N.I.
Mom. Mom.
Can I borrow your dress for the day?
Of course.
Thanks. I'll go get changed and then
come back and help you.
...So Budarin comes back with:
'The war in Spain has shown us'
'that the era of waving around swords is over.'
And Vedernikov just loses it, grabs his sword
and starts chasing him.
Lucky that he couldn't catch him.
I'll wait outside for you.
I'll just change and then be with you.
Hello Father.
Well don't you look nice.
At least you're not wearing my army jacket as well.
Pass me my boots.
I passed, top of my class.
Well done. Congratulations.
You could be proud of me.
Misha, try to be gentler with her today.
...not only in our country...
Dad, what time are you back?
By dinner, but don't wait for me.
We wanted to invite the neighbours
around to dinner,
to celebrate the good news, with you.
What's to celebrate?
She needed to pass and she passed.
- Well done.
- Come on, help me here.
Father! Promise that you'll come back
a little bit earlier.
Daddy, come on, higher.
Come on Daddy.
Higher, higher, higher!
Come on Daddy, higher, higher!
One, two, three, four, turn,
and one...
Lyuda! Lyuda!
We're historians now.
We have to strive for the truth.
- Cinema lies, the shooting range is where the truth is.
- There's your change.
- Your change.
- Ladies, how can I help?
- Listen, Zahar...
- Well, the shooting range doesn't... it's
all done properly there.
- I mean, there are real bullets, real weapons.
- So what?
- Are we going?
- Guys, you can even smell the gunpowder there.
Gunpowder? Why do we need to smell gunpowder?
So what if cinema isn't reality,
life can still be a fairy tale.
Plus you promised.
I'm for the cinema too.
There's passion, and love, and music
which never ends.
- I'm for the shooting range.
- Lyuda?
Oh, so that's three against three.
Hold on, I've got an idea:
Heads is shooting range; Tails, cinema.
Wanna bet the beer that it'll be heads?
I don't want to bet.
- Lyuda, which is it?
- Well?
Guys, what're you faffing around for?
Shoot quicker.
- We might still be able to make the cinema.
- Aha.
- We're not just shooting, we're having a contest.
- Oooh.
I want to shoot too.
Well, you can shoot later.
No, I want to be in the contest.
Yeah, you show them.
You show those film-haters.
Hey Lyudmila, don't worry.
Fourth place is still pretty good.
Very funny.
Each of you have five shots.
The winner is determined by
the number of points scored.
Can you show me how?
Pick up the rifle.
Put the cartridges into the magazine.
Line up your rear sight, front sight
and the target.
Breathe steadily.
Then hold your breath and gently put
pressure on the trigger.
And fire.
Weapons on the table.
Weapons on the table.
Call out your surnames loudly and clearly.
- Kolesov.
- Kutzyh.
Pavlichenko's about to see that
shooting is not for women.
We'll see about that.
Look, you couldn't even get one hole
in your target.
The winner is Pavlichenko with
47 out of 50 points.
Commander, are you sure you checked those right?
Look for yourself if you want.
How many points for Feldman?
Oh Lyuda, it's good that we didn't
go to the cinema after all, right?
Ha! Serves you right!
Every war ends either in peace,
or in armistice.
So, in the year 1651...
- Excuse me.
- It's okay, come in.
Miss Pavlichenko.
To the Rector's office please,
and take your things just in case.
And so we continue.
After the so-called Treaty of Bila Tserkva...
Miss Pavlichenko. This way.
Lyudmila Pavlichenko, born in 1916.
Mother, Mrs N.G. Pavlichenko, English teacher,
and father, M.S. Pavlichenko, major in the NKVD.
You write it all down, comrade Rector.
Was that all correct?
Disciplined indeed.
He wasn't lying, surprisingly.
According to a report dated June 20
from Mr Kovalchuk,
a shooting instructor at Osovi Yahimova's firing range,
he witnessed your excellent results.
You have talent.
Hence we have decided to send you
on a six-month course
to teach you precision marksmanship.
And my studies?
What about them? I think your rector is
also very much in favour.
In six month's time, you come back,
and finish your studies. That's okay isn't it?
Yes, yes, of course, of course.
You come back, and complete your studies.
Do I have a choice in this?
I wouldn't advise it.
- Honey, at least take a sweater.
- Mom, they give us everything there.
And what if they don't? Besides, you'll
need something until you get there.
Here's some pierogi.
You won't be able to get mom's pirogi there.
Don't you want to say anything to me?
Oh God! Well, it is for six months.
Misha, it's the middle of winter...
Can't you just call them and have it postponed?
All her life you treated her like a boy.
See how that ended up?
Why didn't you stop her?
Half my life I've been at war,
and women get the worst of it.
Soon there will be a new war.
We are, of course, thankful to America...
International Student Assembly, USA, 1942
...for the Lend-Lease programme.
But if we want to finish off Hitler
as quickly as possible,
then you need to make a decisive step.
And so the Soviet delegation is asking
you to include the issue...
of opening a second front...
on the assembly's agenda today as
the main item.
The Soviet people need help, they
do not need charity.
That is why, in the name of the Soviet delegation,
I ask you to stop this farce.
Lyuda, speak!
How come you ended up here?
We've been doing this all summer.
Is this our lives now.
Odessa, June 1941
As historians, I thought we'd be excavating places
like Troy and investigating burial sites.
But what are we supposed to excavate here?
Look at us, like, it's horrific.
Miss Slavochka. Your materials are ready.
Here you go.
Come back on Monday. Take care.
Thank you
Lyuda, do you like sailors?
I like police officers.
The police? Why?
Because if you don't start studying,
I'm gonna call them.
Our exams are just around the corner,
you need to focus.
Still, a sailor would be nice.
I would wait for him. I would...
Then perhaps you should go to the beach.
There's sailors aplenty there, and airmen,
and criminals,
and even police officers.
A fine selection.
See Lyuda, policemen.
Ah Sonya, Sonya, they don't understand.
They just don't listen.
It's Friday, I need to close the library.
Don't worry, I understand you.
I've got other things to do as well.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Sonya, tell me, who do you like more,
sailors or airmen?
- Y'know what, go for a doctor. Lyuda.
- Where?
I'm heading off to the beach now.
My brother Boris is going to be there.
He's a doctor.
Is he cute?
He always dreamed of becoming a pilot
as a boy.
Now I want a doctor. Let's go.
Lyuda, if you bury us away here,
soon we'll be turning into Mendel.
Lyuda, you do need to learn to relax.
Fine. We'll continue on Monday.
First thing in the morning!
Yep. From the crack of dawn.
What d'ya think Lyuda, after surgery,
Dr Hoffman himself said,
'Boris, you have hands of gold.'
I mean, you understand what he said right?
He said that my Boris was gifted.
Soon he'll be heading off to Kiev,
and maybe even to Moscow.
Sit down!
- Lyuda, that was a one time thing.
- What was?
Sunstroke. Sit down Maria.
Yes, yes, yes. Go! Sit down!
Lyuda, what if there's a war?
Everyone's saying there will be.
Ladies, hey.
- Really sorry.
- Our sincerest apologies.
We're so sorry, it was an accident.
Let us make it up to you, please.
It's okay, Maria's forgiven you, and forgotten.
You can go boys.
- Come on.
- One sec.
Maria, very pleased to meet you. Greg.
And I'm Nikolai.
What are you reading?
- Hurry up!
- Hey! Come on!
First we'll win our game, then we'll
come back to celebrate our victory.
Come on.
Lyuda, who did you like more?
Nik or Greg?
I didn't even notice them.
So notice.
- Hello.
- This is Maria.
Everyone, this is my brother Boris.
Maria, we're going swimming.
Attention, danger,
please swim back at once.
Can I sit?
- Yes.
- Thanks.
I recognised you at once.
And what do you... What did Sonya
tell you about me?
She said that I should shave, wear some
cologne, iron my trousers and polish my shoes.
Then to speak to you on the beach and make
a good impression.
That's all?
No, she also said that I should take a
look at you in your bathing suit,
and realise that I need to marry you at once.
And did you realise?
- Well, if we're being serious, then...
- They're pilots!
I need time to decide.
Yes, a very interesting book Lyuda.
Ah, so it's Lyuda?
Pleased to meet you.
- Lyudmila.
- Maria.
As we promised, we'd like to invite
you to celebrate our victory with us.
Since he's here, the young gentleman
can also join us.
I can't agree with you there.
How can you be against war?
War is the only thing that can create
justice in the world.
And we, we're the ones who bring it about.
No. Your opinion is very popular these
days, I know.
But I've never believed that.
Anyway, you're getting worked up for nothing.
There's not going to be a war.
Really? Because my sources higher up
tell me war has already begun.
You're just too afraid to admit it.
That's your weakness.
- Why?
- Because you're a coward.
You want others to defend your family,
your country, your woman.
Now you, can you defend anyone?
Defend... no, but I save people.
I propose a toast.
Let's raise a glass to...
to the ball. The ball which landed so fortunately.
Very fortunately.
- To the ball, to the ball.
- To the ball.
Lyudmila, have you ever flown in a plane?
Unfortunately not.
Well, on Sunday we've got training flights-
Thank you very much Nikolai, for Sunday.
Boris, didn't you want to invite
Lyuda and Maria to our house too.
Hmm? Dinner? Don't just stand there.
The girls are almost flying away.
Sonya, I'm sorry, but I'd really
like to go flying.
Lyudmila, are you gonna follow
Maria's example and come flying?
Hey Gregory, do I get a parachute?
So that means that you're the only child?
So where do you live in Kiev?
Do you have an apartment, a house?
- An apartment.
- A communal one?
No, it's ours.
How many rooms?
- Three.
- And-
The ceilings are 2.9 metres high,
parquet flooring,
fourth storey and it has large windows.
And a telephone.
Why are you asking such nonsense?
Yuzik, this isn't nonsense.
Lyudmila, tell us, have... have you thought
about how many children you'd like to have?
How many boys? And generally what are the
qualities you look for in a husband?
Would he support you, or is it more
important that he love you?
Mom, Dad, don't interrogate our guest.
It's alright, I'm fine.
I haven't really thought about it.
The fish is almost ready.
So what do you think about our Boris?
I don't really know him.
Well then, let me tell you about him.
Boris has always been a big problem for us.
He was such a excellent boy.
You know, everything we could find in Odessa,
we took and crammed into him.
Guess what he got at school?
He received a gold medal.
And do you know how hard the entrance exam
is for medicine in Odessa?
Do you know what Dr Hoffman says about him?
That he has hands of gold.
Yuzik, see, he's already famous in Kiev.
But none of this is important.
My son can make the person by his side
very happy.
And when he meets that woman, he will
give her a ring.
Boris! Get the ring to show Lyudmila please.
Lyudmila, you shouldn't expect the earth.
The ring isn't particularly valuable.
- No, it's not even gold.
- You know, on the day...
...when Yuzik gave this ring to me,
he was higher up than Jos de Ribas.
Well, it is still treasured by our family.
Sonya, astonishingly, has made
the fried fish.
That reminds me of a funny story.
Well, there was this Jewish family and
the grandfather is dying.
He's lying on the couch and about
to breathe his last when a boy runs in.
He says, 'Sonny, come to me.'
The grandmother meanwhile, she's in kitchen
cooking fried fish,
and its smell is filling the room.
He says, 'Please bring me a piece.'
So off the boy Fima runs, then he comes back
and says:
'Grandma said that you know this is for later.'
You get it?
You understand now, right?
You're laughing? That won't last long.
Turn on the radio, it's started.
What's started? Tell us.
...has authorised me to issue the following
statement. Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning,
without addressing any grievances to the Soviet Union,
and without a declaration of war,
German forces fell on our country,
- and attacked our frontiers in many places...
- See, what did I tell you.
- ...Zhitomir, Kiev, Sevastopol...
- So that's it then?
Kaunas and some others, killing and
wounding over two hundred persons.
No, that's not it.
Hitler has his plans, and we have ours.
Boris, your mother and I insist that you
take Lyuda to the theatre.
They're performing 'La Traviata'.
...were made from Romanian and Finnish territory.
That pact was a huge mistake.
All it did was give the Germans
time to mobilise against us. We should
have declared war on them
back in September '39.
But how could we have known that?
I'm not sure it'd have helped.
- means the Germans are determined.
- I don't think so.
Stop being so pessimistic.
- They're safe there, trust me.
- I don't.
What about your father?
Let's go, or we'll be late.
Lyuda, you really don't need to do this.
The war, Lyudmila, it's no place for women.
The war, Boris, is no place for cowards.
Will you please be quiet!
Lyuda! Lyuda.
You're going to get killed.
I'm a doctor, I can get you an exemption.
You must understand, you really shouldn't
get involved in all this. You should...
You're probably right Boris.
But Father says that I must.
Anyway, I can't just stand on the sidelines
and do nothing, it's shameful.
And what about you? Could you stand it?
I'm more useful here.
We should all do what we do best.
Yes, and I have my course in precision
shooting to finish.
That's where I'm more useful.
And you Boris, go, go to the opera.
Lyuda. Lyuda!
Even the lights here are strange.
USSR Embassy, USA, 1942
My homeland is at war, and here
the people are only interested
in what underwear I wear, and if
I use lipstick or not.
Lyuda, can you explain what this is about?
What were you whispering about in English
with the First Lady?
- Nikolai.
- What were you colluding about?
Can you explain calmly?
Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt has invited Miss
Pavlichenko to reside in the White House
for the duration of her stay in
the United States.
The invitation is for Miss Pavlichenko alone.
Did you have any kind of special instructions
about this?
Before now, no Soviet citizen has ever stayed
in the White House unless
part of a delegation.
I don't have to go.
We should grab hold of any opportunity.
Many important issues are dealt with in the
President's home.
It's better that we have someone there.
Well then Miss Pavlichenko,
maybe you should decide yourself.
Go! Go!
Marksmanship Training Ground, Summer 1941
The most important thing for a sniper is
to get to their position unnoticed.
To do this, you need to crawl properly
using your elbows.
- Get your ass lower, lower.
- Lower!
Left leg, rifle, right leg.
Slide! Slide, don't scramble.
Hand on strap, use your feet.
Keep your head down. Quickly! Quickly! Quickly!
You're dead!
A nice round ass is an excellent target
for an enemy.
Knees, elbows!
Aren't you listening?
Arms closer to the ground!
Sergeant Major!
And how will this help you to
fight a war?
Why are you laughing?
I see that it's not clear to anybody here
that the Germans have taken Zhytomyr
and Riga and have marched on Kiev
and Leningrad!
We believed that the war would be easy,
and would deliver us a quick victory.
But we are on the retreat.
Understand? We're retreating!
And suffering huge casualties!
And tomorrow, those casualties will be you!
And you!
Anything non-regulation, burn it.
Wider step!
Come on, put some effort in.
Come on!
Dig deeper! Deeper!
Asses down! Get your ass down!
Let's see some pace soldiers!
About turn!
Report the differences.
- One rock disappeared.
- A cross has gone too.
The haystack shifted five metres
to the left.
The mound switched places with the stump.
Is that everything?
The stone moved to the right, by a metre.
Not bad.
About turn!
Tighten the locking mechanism.
Faster! Faster! Faster!
Camouflage appearance
No good. Move it further across.
Yep, that's right.
Interesting, but not effective.
Meticulous concealment is essential
for the survival of a sniper.
Wrong flowers for this meadow.
Sir, you're dead.
So when does the shooting start?
Steady, steady!
Close the tailgate.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
- Pavlichenko.
- Here.
- Do you still want to shoot?
- Yes Sir!
You sure?
I'm sure.
To your position!
Comrade Major, aren't you going to move?
You're a sniper, not the artillery.
Nine points.
Not bad for a beginner.
First five to the firing line and in position.
Everyone shoots two units of ammunition.
Good afternoon Sir.
Where? To the commander?
Take the assholes, sure, but leave the girls.
They're not ready yet.
They haven't started shooting yet,
the ammunition's only just arrived.
They've all completed the marksmanship course.
That's six months' shooting there.
It's the same for me.
Less than half of them left.
there's this one girl,
look after her.
She'll make a better soldier than
you one day, Pavlichenko will.
Over here, come on.
Odessa, September 1941
Come on, faster! The Germans aren't gonna
wait for you to finish!
Remember, don't let them get close.
The second you see an officer, take the shot.
Kill the commander and I reckon you
can take down half the squad.
And don't waste your ammo. Questions?
We've got tanks, Comrade Captain.
A tank can be stopped two ways.
Number one, bombard it with grenades from
a close distance.
And the second?
That's to hit the viewing port of the tank
with armour-piercing bullets,
two shots in exactly the same spot.
That'll break the glass, then you need
a third shot to take out the driver.
Comrade Captain, do I get the
armour-piercing rounds?
Take cover!
Tank! Stay calm men!
Let them get closer.
Wait! Hold back!
Cover the left flank!
[German] Come on! Forward!
You wounded? Where are you wounded?
You're bleeding.
Take this. Alcohol.
Wait here!
In recognition of the destruction of a
tank during battle, General-Major Petrov,
Commander of the 25th Rifle Division,
personally awards the SVT-40,
semi-automatic rifle
to Red Army Woman Pavlichenko.
A separate role is played by the air force
in the destruction of enemy forces-
Company, attention!
Soldier Pavlichenko, L.M., step forward!
Huh! Really?
L.M. Pavlichenko, are you the daughter
of the Mikhail Pavlichenko
who fought in the civil war?
Yes Sir.
Brave man, Mikhail.
Ah, well then, if you need anything,
let me know.
Congratulations, soldier Pavlichenko.
Thank you, Comrade General.
See comrades.
This is my friend from the civil
war's daughter.
Comrades, you should all follow
her fine example.
Come on, say something to your fellow soldiers.
When I fight the enemy, I promise not to
hold back,
and that I'll kill 100 fascists with
this rifle.
- Dismissed, Commissar.
- Dismissed!
You keep an eye on her. If she
takes after her father, then...
- Understood?
- Yes Sir, understood.
A new rifle always needs adjusting
to fit you.
No two rifles are the same.
They each have their own character.
You need to understand the rifle, and treat
it carefully too,
just like you would a wife.
Are you married Comrade Captain?
No, I'm not.
I was once.
At first I was afraid of getting married.
When I got back from the Winter War,
I couldn't believe,
that such a young and beautiful woman loved me.
But when this war started...
I was too late. I couldn't save her.
- Lyuda!
- Maria.
Ma... Maria!
Finally, I found you.
- What are you doing here?
- Lyuda.
- How did you... Why...
Oh Lyuda. There's so many things that
I need to tell you.
We get to fight together now,
me, you and Gregory.
Gregory? Who's Gregory?
Huh? Did you forget?
My pilot, Gregory.
My Greg.
Is he yours?
He will be.
The White House, USA, 1942
I'm Russian.
And somehow managed to get out of
Russia in '28.
I have every right.
Comrade Captain,
Odessa, September 1941
got three more to add to the count.
You can record them, we've verified the kills.
She took out two instantly, but then waited
for the third.
We even had a bet going.
The German lit up a cigarette, thinking we
couldn't see him. She proved him wrong.
We had to crawl up. Here.
Well, they do say that smoking is
bad for your health.
Lyuda, are you coming on recon this evening?
We'll keep you safe and warm.
It's warm here already.
Well, we'll wait for you in any case.
Directive: The undersigned confirms that
Red Army Woman Pavlichenko...
Hmm, Lyuda, perhaps a medal might be in
the offing for you.
Comrade Captain, did you have any hits
at nighttime?
Yeah. All sorts.
I remember in Finland, I went out hunting.
Then I see an interesting position open up.
I see that if I take aim from this one spot,
then I could take down three targets with
a single bullet.
So I lie there and wait. Bang!
And I made the shot.
Yet they only counted one.
They didn't believe me,
that I did that with one shot.
Three huh?
We need a connection, now.
I'm trying Comrade Sergeant, I'm trying.
- Philipchuk.
- Yes Sir?
Where's Pavlichenko?
She went out to the right, changed position.
It's okay.
Come on.
[German] Water.
Pavlichenko, to me!
Pavlichenko, who authorised you to
leave your position?
Can't we talk about this in the trench?
Be brave!
Hold on!
What's the time.
Come on handsome.
Okay, go.
Come on, that's enough.
Get up, come on!
Still no connection.
What have you done, you idiot?
You showed me yourself how to take them
out faster.
I wouldn't be on my 73rd without you.
They could have killed you.
You as well.
Do you want to end up in front of a tribunal
for your antics?
Back to your position.
Yes Sir.
Comrade Captain, to the right of the
forest, next to the crater.
Do woundeds count?
That's another one to write down.
Stop it you idiot! Stop it!
You're hurting me.
I dragged two of them out today.
That's makes it 20 for me now.
Wait, actually it's 21.
Yeah, 21.
I've taken out 73 krauts.
Could've been more if it weren't
for Makarov.
Permission to come aboard?
Hello Lyuda.
I've missed you so much!
Good evening Captain.
Why are you doing that yourself? We have dozens
of girls who can sew for you, ask them.
I like it, it's relaxing.
The order's been received to start preparations
for evacuating the troops to Crimea.
The troops will pull out to the port,
your objective is to cover the withdrawal.
Here... and here
We leave tomorrow.
So what, we just give up Odessa?
We could still hold it.
Well, command knows best.
I'm from Odessa.
Thinking about how there will be fascists all
around the Duke de Richelieu Monument,
it makes me sick to my stomach.
So I'm supposed to just cut through
straight there?
Yes, just make sure you keep to the left.
All the best.
Come on, open up, got no brakes.
- Okay, one sec.
- Thanks.
Those who haven't known love,
will also never know sorrow.
And I am but a young maiden,
I will not sleep,
I will find him.
Day and night waiting.
Let's drink.
- Let's drink to Odessa.
- I will...
- To the city which we...
- To the city where I fell in love.
To Odessa!
Oh, by the way, we're out of fuel.
I've still got some left.
Back in a second.
Excuse me.
Maria, stop! That's an order.
I was looking forward to getting some
time alone together.
That's enough! Stop it!
I don't love you.
We're all adults here.
War and death are everywhere we look.
They could kill us both tomorrow.
You're hurting me! Stop it!
You're hurting me!
You fucking bitch!
Thank you. But I don't need saving
that often.
Hey, you should have said that you had
a boyfriend. But you...
Don't interrupt!
I'm sorry.
For what?
I made a promise.
To who?
Let me help you.
Okay, go on then, help me.
Not like that.
Because of someone else?
Because of the war. If they hurt you...
You're a coward, Comrade Captain.
You need to have faith that they won't kill us.
Lyuda! Can you hear me? Lyuda, breathe!
Come on, a little further!
Giddyup! Faster!
Come on! Breathe!
Can you hear me?
Shh! It's okay. I'm here.
Makarov? Makarov.
- I love you.
- Shh.
- I love you.
- Shh, quiet, shh.
Easy, shh.
Sleep, and everything will be okay.
Dr Chopak, Mr Polyakov is running a fever,
he's delirious again.
Well, change his bandages then.
Dr Chopak, change what bandages?
Um... I... yes, sorry.
Comrade Doctor! Comrade Doctor!
I have a personal favour to ask you.
Miss Pavlichenko, she's very dear and
important to me.
Please look after her for me.
We look after everybody well here.
But she's not everyone. She's special.
I know that she's special.
I love her too and have done for a long while.
Well then, that's good.
You'll look after her,
and then she can decide herself who she
wants to stay with.
It's a pity that you couldn't look after
her as well.
The White House, USA, 1942
Evacuation to Sevastopol, Autumn 1941
Here, take this!
Lyuda, I wanted to ask you...
Sweetie, don't be scared.
Don't be scared my dear.
Don't shiver like that, it's all gonna be fine.
Gregory's flying over us. Look, over there.
He's flying.
Don't be scared, everything will be fine.
Have faith. You'll see Makarov soon. Drink!
- Don't be scared.
- Are you okay? Are you okay?
Someone help! Got wounded here.
I'll be right back.
- Don't move.
- I have to get up. I need to.
You're not a soldier anymore.
Come on. You're injured now.
You can't go to the frontline anymore.
You don't understand! I have to.
I can't make you better while we're out here.
Then just make me well enough.
Come on.
They've discharged you.
I'm a doctor, not a magician.
At ease.
Regional Defence HQ, Sevastopol, November 1941
General Zaporozhets!
Oh, hello Lyudmila.
Can you sign my fit-to-return papers?
Congratulations on your recovery.
Tell you what, come with me.
I'll treat you to some tea.
What's wrong with your arm?
She's with me.
Hey, watch out!
Attention on the floor!
Wait here please.
The order received from headquarters
is to not surrender the city.
Hold it at all costs.
Ah, here's General Petrov. He's just now
arrived back from the front-lines.
I'm sure he'll have lots of observations
to tell us about.
Go ahead General.
The outer defensive line now runs 13
kilometres from Sevastopol.
Thus, the city has now become vulnerable to
German artillery fire.
Despite our efforts, we cannot drive the enemy
any farther back from the city.
But even if we could, the defensive line
would be stretched
and we'd be unable to hold position.
So how can we defend the city?
One shrapnel shell from our battleship gun
would be able
to strike an area 250 metres wide and one
kilometre deep.
Just on the Paris Commune battleship alone,
we have 12 such guns.
Their fire could suppress the artillery of the enemy.
But as I've just learned, according to your orders,
almost all of the ships are being deployed
to the Caucasus.
I recommend immediately bringing the ships back
as a matter of necessity.
My objective is the defence of the naval fleet.
And in these present circumstances, I cannot have-
Our mission is to defend Sevastopol!
The battleground has long since shifted to land,
but your unwillingness or inability to learn
about war in the field
has led us to massive casualties amongst
the naval units.
You don't use trenches, don't use camouflage,
or even keep low while fighting.
Why isn't even changing the uniform being considered?
Our uniform is our pride!
Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Comrade
Sergeant Lyudmila Pavlichenko.
Our very own heaven-sent sniper.
Now, tell us please,
in a real-life battle situation, who has
the greater chance of survival?
Me, in a protective shirt, or this gentleman,
wearing a thick black jacket?
Anyone in jackets, I kill first.
But you, Comrade General, would take
a little searching to find.
There we are.
Thank you Lyudmila.
Dyachenko! Prepare an order regarding
uniform substitution in the field.
General Zaporozhets, what about my report?
Well, if the doctors have given you the all-clear,
then fight to your heart's content.
Are there any serious?
Be careful!
Where to then?
Come on! Move, move.
Out of the way.
Get out the road, quick!
How many free beds are left in the hospital?
Boris, I need you to sign my certificate saying
I'm fit to return.
Dr Chopak, Sidorenko's lost large amounts
of blood.
He's going to require amputation of his left
and right limbs.
Okay, take him to the third floor immediately
and prepare him for surgery.
Zhuk's been diagnosed with a severe infection
of the liver.
Send him into the main hospital.
Vadim! Vadim!
Where are they? Where are our people?
Where's Makarov?
- Look!
- There they go.
There they are, can we go meet them?
Faster, faster, faster!
Look at that gun!
It's good that you're here.
I promised Makarov.
He wanted you to have this.
What can you do, it's war.
You have to live...
You have to.
- Lyuda, where did you disappear to?
- I have to be at the front, sign this!
Please don't be offended, but...
- You've still got post-concussion syndrome.
- You're free to go.
It would be murder to send you to the front.
I can't allow it myself.
Makarov is dead.
Are you listening?
I'm sorry.
Wait, Boris. You don't understand.
This is something that I...
Fit for duty.
B. Chopak
Thank you Boris.
The White House, USA, 1942
I'm your new commander,
let's go kill some fascists!
Sevastopol, November 1941
- Oi, Maria, you idiot.
Sevastopol, November 1941
- Lyuda, Lyuda, look!
- Lyuda, Lyuda, look!
What have I got here?
I traded them for alcohol.
Ta-da! Ta-da!
So, this, this one's smaller, that's mine.
And this larger one's for you.
'Thanks'. That's all I get?
Thanks. The frost's coming in now.
So here's me, crawling around on these rocks,
and you're just lying there.
You still want to be able to have kids don't you.
I think we... next time, we should go together.
We'll go together to Gregory's, visit him together.
He must be really lonely there now,
y'know, after they grounded Nikolai.
I'm sorry.
It's alright.
Have you seen your new commander?
Cute, right?
- No.
- No he's not cute?
No I haven't seen him.
Ha, I bet that you're imagining he's
a geriatric or something.
But he's really young, so...
Ah, damn.
Since he's so young, we need to start
chasing after him immediately.
Captain Leonid Kitsenko, your new commander.
May I join you?
We're going to be carrying out a
special assignment:
Sabotaging the home-front and hunting
for enemy snipers.
- And we're leaving on this mission tomorrow?
- Yes.
Then will you authorise the collection of the ID tags
from the bodies so...
Lyudmila! You need to eat.
As you were.
We're leaving.
Follow me.
Stop. Stop! About face!
You can't do that. We are not fascists
like them.
Why didn't you let me kill him?
They don't deserve a quick death.
They killed-
This isn't about them, it's about you.
You can't live just for the sake of revenge.
This war isn't only about death,
it's about life too.
If your mind isn't focussed on that, and you
live for the war, then you won't survive.
Let them kill me, what d'you care?
I don't want to lose any more friends.
- How many songs are left to write?
- You two, here are your two targets.
- How many songs are left to write?
- This machinery is a high profile target.
- Tell me cuckoo, sing it aloud.
- It's a long shot.
- To live in the city or the village,
- Listen to your heart.
- To lie like a stone, or burn like a star?
- Fire between the beats.
Like a star.
- Sunlight of mine, look at me now,
- The area you're operating in is dangerous...
My palm has turned into a fist.
I'm taking it.
And if there's gunpowder, give me the match.
Where are you now, my free-will?
Who are you with, greeting the sunrise?
Answer me!
There's good times with you, but bad without.
My head and my shoulders are giving out.
- Giving out.
- Take it.
You are my sun, look at me please.
My palm has turned into a fist.
And if there's gunpowder, give me the match.
That's how.
It's from 1919.
To Greg, for his medal!
So there's me, there's him, and I sneak up
from behind and bam!
And that's it, he's out.
[German] Merry Christmas!
They're celebrating.
[German] To the Fuhrer!
It's Christmas for them.
If you don't want want to surrender everything
to a fascist with a gun forever:
your house, your wife, your mother,
everything that we call our motherland.
Then know this: No one will save it,
if you don't save it.
Know this: No one will kill him,
if you do not kill him.
So kill the fascist, so that it is him,
and not you,
who's lying in the ground,
so that it's not your house where
grief is walking,
but his house where death stands.
So kill that fascist!
And kill him quickly!
However many times you see one,
that's how many times you should kill one.
- Bravo!
- Hey, don't leave yet.
- Bravo!
- Bravo!
Hitler wanted to celebrate the New Year in
Sevastopol this very night,
but thanks to our steadfastness, it is
us who are celebrating.
Once again, we have repelled the enemy
from the walls of the city.
Sevastopol lives!
And Sevastopol will live!
Leonid, I want you meet Boris,
he's my friend from before the war.
In view of the arrival of the ammunition,
I'm ordering the immediate elimination
of 1,500 boxes of champagne.
We must all do our part to clear the
storage tunnels.
Happy New Year 1942! Oo-rah comrades!
For Comrade Stalin!
Stop! Don't open it yet.
I'll get some cups.
The last time me and Lyudmila drank
champagne we were at my house.
How long have you known each other?
I fell in love with her before the war.
On the whole, if it wasn't for her,
I doubt I'd be here.
That's a shame.
What is, that I fell in love with her?
That you ended up in the war.
No, because then I would have regretted
that I'd never fallen in love with her.
At least here we sometimes see each other.
And you? Do you love her too?
Take it easy! What're you doing?
Watch your hands!
What's wrong little boy?
Oh what, so it's only officers you-
- Officers' whore!
- Guys, guys!
It's the Germans we need to be beating,
not each other's mugs.
Let go of me!
Stand down!
Happy New Year!
I thought that this would happen
differently somehow.
Chicago, USA, 1942
What is going on with you?
Are you out of your fucking mind Pavlichenko?
You think I'm your damn agent do you?
Sevastopol, Spring 1942
You know, I've decided that Gregory and
me are gonna have a boy.
Are you out of your mind Maria?
I really want one, my own child, right
in here.
Greg's not against it.
Lyuda! I've got something to tell you.
What's happened Maria?
Come on, I'll tell you.
My very own mother and father would like for
me to invite the both of you
to join us tomorrow for a celebration of nuptials.
- A what?
- A celebration of nuptials.
A what? A wedding.
Nuptials, to celebrate, we invite you.
- Uncle Leonid, Uncle Leonid!
- How many did you kill?
- Is that all.
- Not many.
Auntie Lyuda, look!
Oh, that's excellent.
Did you see? I can already do it.
Will you teach me how to shoot a rifle?
And me, and me, and me!
I will, I will. But not now. Keep practising
for the time being.
I'm Lyuda now!
No, I am. I'm Lyuda.
No, no, no you're not. I am.
Shoo! Out of the way! Out of the way!
No, I'm Lyuda!
You're late. I'm sorry.
I invited you to a wedding, but it's
ended up as a wake.
They killed Gregory.
So let's honour his memory.
In his memory.
I'm not upset.
Honestly. It's war, people get killed.
But we decided that together,
it wasn't so terrifying.
It was better together.
Now you need to love.
You need to celebrate.
Above all, you should...
No, I will not stop celebrating.
Leonid, I want a son.
You said yourself that war was about
life, didn't you?
Chicago, USA, 1942
Pavlichenko, what is this, a masquerade?
You need to carry yourself with dignity,
with discipline.
They need to see that I'm a woman.
You're not a woman. You're a Soviet soldier.
Try remembering that.
When you're out there, you represent Stalin.
Remember, the common enemy, the second front.
This isn't some kind of amateur performance.
Yes Sir.
I can't do this anymore.
Sevastopol, Summer 1942
Lyuda, I-
Help us! Help us!
Someone help!
- Leonid? Where's Leonid?
- Shh. Shh.
Leonid's gone.
- How? How is he gone?
- Calm down. Can you hear me? That's enough.
This is all my fault.
The war's over for you now.
You've been discharged as unfit for
active duty in the war.
Who are you to say when someone's discharged?
Pavlichenko may not be a soldier, but she's
a symbol now.
And symbols do not get discharged.
I must ask you to immediately leave
this hospital.
Do you want to find yourself in front
of a tribunal? Go on.
This is not a sanctuary for your
friends from before the war.
Didn't you see? The Germans are reporting
about her death.
I've got a third wave drawing in,
and now my soldiers are going into battle
with her name haunting them.
I will be complaining to General Petrov.
These are his orders:
'Get her back on her feet,'
'We need her on the front.'
- Lift your arms up higher please.
- I can't.
- Let me do that.
- Hurry up then.
She's not really looking that heroic.
Come on, smile.
Hold your head up. More cheerful.
- Comrade Commissar.
- Ah, Pavlichenko, come in.
Here, look at this.
One of the best German snipers,
Otto von Singer,
they've sent him for you.
They believe that you're alive.
The photo worked.
And according to our current intelligence, his
nest can be found in this location.
I can't do it Comrade Commissar.
Hey Lyuda, stop messing around.
Don't you understand how important it is
to win this duel?
He's the best sniper, and I'm not anymore.
There's the certificate from your Dr Chopak.
I'm not fit for active duty.
Do you realise how many of your comrades
this sniper has murdered?
I can't do it.
You have to do this for my sake.
- I can't.
- For your own sake.
- I can't.
- For Leonid Kitsenko.
Comrade Sergeant, where are the boxes going?
- Put them on the truck dammit!
- But the truck isn't here.
I'm here to see the General-Major.
Comrade General-Major.
What do you want?
It's imperative that First Sergeant Pavlichenko
be evacuated immediately.
And what about everyone else?
We're preparing to ship off archives and documents
at the moment.
From personnel I only have orders to evacuate party workers
and valuable specialists.
Those are my orders.
Hundreds of Germans killed. Four wounds
on the battlefield. Post-concussion syndrome.
And she is a woman at the end of the day.
Is she not valuable?
Hasn't she earned it?
Evacuation order.
B. Chopak
We're Soviet citizens.
- Hold on!
- Let me through!
Please, I lost my travel papers.
I'm a military doctor.
I have evacuation papers.
I'm a party worker!
- Lyuda, hold on, I'll just be a sec.
- Where are you going?
Let me through!
I have rights!
- You'd shoot your own people?
- Let us go! People are dying.
Lyuda! Lyuda!
Get back I said!
Everyone calm down!
Oh, Boris, can we stop for a minute.
Oh, it smells just like in Odessa.
Like that time when you strolled up to us
on the beach,
and you said that you wanted to see
what I looked like in a bathing suit.
Sonya, the fish, your parents,
the family ring...
- ...the library, Mendel...
- Wait, you remembered the ring?
I always knew that someday I'd be
giving it to you.
You know, I think we'd have had five children.
- Oh really Boris, five?
- Yep.
And Sonya, she... she could have taught
you to cook.
But I already know how to make pierogi.
Excellent. Then we could have sat around
a gigantic table, all of us together.
Yes, every day.
Yep, every day. Except for the evenings when
we go to the opera.
No, Boris. I hate the opera. The cinema's
much better.
- Quickly, it's almost light.
- Be careful!
Lyuda, hold on to the carpetbag.
All you essentials are there.
- Hold on to it.
- Boris, what about you?
Comrade Commander, the boat is
ready to dive.
I'm travelling on the next steamship.
I'm an Odessa Jew after all.
I'll make it out of here.
- Ready for emergency dive.
- No, wait.
Boris! Boris! What did you do?
Wait, stop.
I don't want to. Boris!
Chicago, USA, 1942
Moscow, 1957
For HJ / PTP