BKO: Bangkok Knockout (2010)

Move away! Move away!
Hurry, hurry to the operating room!
Move to this side.
Prepare for surgery.
Check her blood pressure...
Hang on.
Title, "Bangkok Knockout"
Mr. Snead
Doctor Duschanon said we are almost ready.
Sorry, you cannot smoke here.
Little girl, I smoke everywhere.
Well... I mean it's the law.
And I'm guessing...
That would be a Thai law.|And I'm not Thai.
So why don't you tell Doctor Duschanon
that I'll be there when he's more than almost ready.
Okay then.
That Mr. Snead...
Just ignore him. Everything will be fine.
Any messages for Doctor Duschanon?
I'm done with Mr. Snead.
I'll bring this over.
Doctor Duschanon... everything's ready.
Everything as planned?
Done as you have instructed.
This tryout will be good.
Both teams are excellent.
Look... they have screen persona's...
and also good qualifications.
This guy's stats are quite interesting too.
In my experience...
Hang on...
How did you get this info?
Relax, I have my sources.
Look at his stats...
- That's him?|- Yes.
Tell Mr. Snead this is the guy to watch.
Why? Don't you understand?
Can you ask someone else to go?
I want you to understand this.
He is an extremely important guest.
We must be careful in|presenting ourselves.
Treat him with the respect
as we would our parents!
I stress you think over what I said!
Think about it!
Don't humiliate us!
Put some heart into it.
If you can't do your job?
I'll find someone else that can.
Get out!
Watch out!
It's only sparring.
Step aside.
Think you're tough?
Observe and learn.
Grab the leg and...
follow by this!
Now you show 'em who boss.
Brother, I would like to|learn kung fu like you.
You need a lot of practice...
But do well and both of us get|picked to go Hollywood!
Hollywood!? I'd love to go!
Take me! Take me!|Cool down, cool down...
Alright, alright...
You promised... promised.
Hello everybody!
Hello! Hello...
Take a look what I brought?
Don't rush...
Let me see...
What a delight!
Hey! No! No...
Let the others take first...
You care about them more than me...
No! No...
Hey! Hey! Here you go...
- Don't you want it?|- No! I have one here.
Such a sweet boy...
- Hey! Don't leave me out!|- You're late...
Don't worry... I'll bring more later.
It'll be more delicious.
Thank you very much.
Alright! Listen up,
if our team is to win,|I'll throw a banquet!
Hey handsome!
If you're so generous.
- We'll win for sure right?|- Of course!
Alright, I know.
Joy won't be able to make it.|She's busy.
Child, don't dwell on it too much.
Im grown up, mom.
I can take heart breaks.
Don't you worry, mom.|I'll survive.
Mom understands. Time will|heal everything eventually.
Matters of the heart are never easy.
Will the teams assemble please?
- You've all made it so far.|- Go, go...
Today we're proud to have Doctor Duschanon.
As our judge for this event.
Congratulations to the final teams.
You have all done yourselves proud.
Among us today.
We also have Mr. Snead.
A Hollywood casting director.
Give your utmost and
seize the opportunity.
Now let's begin.|Team Stock!
Team Vicap!
This is just the beginning...
Do well
and you will make a name in Hollywood.
We will select one individual.
From both teams to participate
in one a sudden death event.
Next up...|Hapu.
- Go on.|- You can.
- Break a leg.|- Do it!
Listen up.
Look what's above.
Grab what's in the box.
Whoever gets it.|The team wins.
Pod! Pod!
You alright!?
I won!
Disc's here!
I won!
In that case!
Vicap wins!
Abide by the rules.
- You're great!|- Cheers!
Drink up!
Forget about the past.
Just enjoy yourself tonight.
Winning feels good.
Hope our streak continues.
- Here comes beautiful.|- Hi, Joy!
How is everyone?
You're here too!
Hello everyone. Hello! Hello!
- Thanks for coming.|- Im happy for you.
Thank you.
Dad.|- What are you doing?
You promised.
- Whatever you say. I'll just sip, alright?|- Sip, just a sip...
- Dad! Please.|- I know...
Please... everyone. Sit.
This is bad...
- Bad, bad ride.|- 20 baht.
- You're blaming me?|- If not, who?
- Hey!|- What?
- Now it's 60 baht!|- What! 60 baht?
- 30 baht! Take it or leave!|- Alright! 30 baht! Hey!
I'm sorry for being late...
As you can see the reason is...
The damn drivers these days...
- Bad driving and bad traffic.|- Hey!
- Yes!|- We know, it's alright.
We're all here to celebrate,|stop giving us your excuses.
It's alright we don't need music.
I'm not giving excuses,
I'm just stating...
Alright! Alright!
Because of 60 baht.
I got blamed cause of you.
Send me back for free,
if you still have any conscience.
Can't start the bike?
- Engine's shot.|- I knew it!
How can I be that down in luck!
- How can you do that to me!|- Hey!
Stay and perform.
It's alright.
Really authentic.
It's worth something.
Look at Joy's.
Great pains in getting this for her.
Drink up.
Stings the throat.
Here's another...
Im glad the whiskey's real.
Good drinking.
One, two, three! Yeah!
Wake up! All of you! Wake up!
Wake up! Now!
Get up!
This situation's not right!
Wake up! Wake up!
- What the?|- Get up!
What happened!?
- Where is all our stuff!?|- My things!?
Our things are gone!
Joy! Come over here!
Dad, what did you lose?
Come over!
Why did we all fall asleep!?
We've been drugged!
- Search over there!|- Right!
- Right!|- Let's go over there!
Hey, Jao? What are you pondering about?
Why the hell did they drug us?
Hey! A lady or boy...
Over at the bar counter...
- Your guess?|- Here's my answer.
Cut it out!
You always play at such events?
Of course!
Im a sought after artist.
Do you understand?
Hey Yong? You're teaching?
You think you're qualified?
Get in line.
Want to spar?
- Alright!|- Great!
I'll teach you.
Okay, grab my hand.|Grab here.
Think you're fit to be a master?
- Now you got it!|- Get up!
- Enough!|- Break it up!
Are you alright?
Are you alright?
He pushed me...
You see him bully me.
Your friends went a bit too far.
It's one thing to damage stuff...
but injuring my staff.
Im really sorry.
Can those two pay compensation...
to my staff?
What did you say!
Why should we!?
They were bad in their service!
Get outta of sight!
- We have every right to humiliate them!|- Enough...
It's just an accident!
Please do not look down on us.
- We just want what we deserve.|- Jao...
Fine, take this... shit!
Leave! Fuck you!
Get out!
Get out!
I think the staff did it to punish us.
What should we do now!?
Calm down...
We'll think of a way.
We'll just have to deal with them later.
You are all talk.
Am I not the same as you?
At least I'm positive!
- You're full of shit.|- You're full of shit!
You're full of shit.
We'll find them and kick their ass!
Kick their ass? We don't|even know who they are?
If you're so smart!|What do you suggest we do?
We can't just let them play us?
Careful, careful.|Get out of the way.
Hey, how are you!?
Are you all right!?
Bring him over to the house.
Jao! Dammit!
- God! What now!?|- Calm down!
- Joy! Where's Joy? Joy?|- I haven't seen her!
Where's Joy!?
Help me!
Quiet down and listen!
- Joy! Joy!|- Help!
- Help!|- Over there!
Why is everyone going?
- Hell! Where are you going?|- Why are you still here!?
Why aren't you running after them? Go!
Joy!? Joy!?
Joy!? Joy!?
Come on... Keep up.
- Are you okay?|- Im fine.
- Go!|- Wait!
Wait for me, I can't keep up!
- Help!|- Oh, my...
Why am I in this mess!
Help! Help! Let me go!
Let go!
Bitch! Tie her up!
Pod! Pod!
Dad! Dad! Save me!
Save me!
I've got news for you.|If we go to the police.
Will they even believe us?
Okay! Fine!
We'll try our best and save her.
Release me! Let go! Let go!
Really stupid!
Think you can trap me?
I will walk outta here.
Trap me!? Think again!
Mess with me!
The nerve...
Those bastards...
Welcome to my humble abode?
All of you are picked to play a little game of mine.
Go against a team of my men.
Prove yourselves and emerge a superstar.
I am not lying.
Fight and earn your respect.
Get yourself qualified and join me.
Lose and
be eliminated.
If we won't play?
The game is already on.
All of you are trapped.
If you won't fight. Death|is the only option.
Fight. And you may|still have a chance.
Why are you doing this?
You're a smart kid.
Figure it out.
Oh yes... By the way,|remember to smile.
Your drama better live up to its billing.
Ive got some of the biggest high rollers|in my gambling trailer...
So don't fuck this up!
My reputation is on the line.
You have nothing to fear.|I know your job, I know mine.
To this aspect I can assure|Roman Coliseum.
Tight drama. No cuts,|no second takes.
Just make sure we have time to take their bets. Okay?
The gambler's money is why I'm in|this fucking mosquito infested sweat box of a country.
The bets will be action packed.
They will have time to spend their money.
Now it's best to see to your gamblers.
This guy gonna give us any trouble?
Trouble? For them.
Yeah? Let's make sure his team|is up to the task.
Fuck you!
Quiet... He's important to us.
We need his connections.
Look at the way he talks down to us.|You let him disrespects us!?
Don't forget about your dependency.
There is always
someone we depend on.
You head over there.
Welcome to Thailand.
Now! Some people call this the land of smiles.
I like to call it the land of piles.
Piles and piles of money.
Just waiting to be taken.
Now! Almost all of you have been|to these events before.
You know how we play.
Odds will be displayed on the screen.
You all have personal touch pads.
That can place your wagers and amount.
Minimum wager? $5,000 dollars.
I don't have to tell you what your maximum is.
You've all spent a lot of money to be here.
So everything in the trailer|is complimentary.
Food, drinks, and women.
This show... guarantees,
life and death fighting.
With a unknown outcome,
you're in for a helluva treat.
Akiko! Lovely as always.
Mr. Snead... always pleasure.
Daddy gave me lots of|money to play today.
- Hello! Mr. Pedro!|- Yes.
You must be Chin, Porn's son.
Your first time!
And your home country might bring you luck.
I won't need luck, I can rate Thai fighters.
My father built an empire on|Muay Thai gambling and training.
Well! Then you will be the one to watch.
Welcome back Mr. Nutt.
I have only played on African soil.
Let's see what shit you can bring.
I think you will find it very|entertaining and perhaps profitable.
But that's why you're all here.
To win or to lose.
To pay or to collect.
But remember, it is a|privilege to get to watch.
So! Raise your glasses.
And let's begin with a toast.
Those about to die!
We salute you.
- Cheers!|- Gan bei!
Our first two competitors!
Now here are your basic odds.
If you bet both of them to win.
$20,000 dollars will win you|$80,000 dollars.
If you bet one of them to win...
$20,000 dollars will win|you $30,000 dollars.
If you bet against them.
You got to put up $50,000 dollars|to win $10,000.
- What are you doing?|- We have to work.
Don't screw around.
- I want to get a rich boyfriend.|- What are you saying?
- Those foreigners. They're filthy rich!|- Really!
Great! I'll sink my nails into them.
Help me...
Abe! Are you alright!
Wait there!
Aw! Get me outta here! Aw!
Aw! Hurry up! Aw!
- What do you think?|- This is what I think.
You're finally here...
This is a real treat.
We'll have a really good time together.
Where are the others!
I don't know.
I really don't know.
Who the...|Stay where you are!
My favorite garment is ruin.
Why are you people always so rough?
Pod! Over here!
I'll smother you.
I dare you!
My hair!
You're breaking my bones!
Yes! Great!
- I knew that he can do it.|- Son of a bitch...
Don't worry... We're just|starting.
Don't walk so fast.
Listen to me. Please...|Wait, wait, wait...
We can't just go on like this.
You can't just go round like a headless fly...
Stop talking! You're pissing me off!
Over here!
What did you...
Wait, wait... Relax.
- Think about what you're doing.|- Right...
This is not right and you could go to prison.
Listen to him. Please... He's right...|You can go to prison. Please.
- Repent.|- Repent.
Your hearts are good and pure.|I'll promise you anything in return.
- Release her...|- Release her to us.
Release her to us...|You are good boys...
I don't think they understand.|What now?
- Punch him...|- Okay! Stop!
We need to know where the others are.
Hey! Stay still. Let's look at your face!
God! Look at his face!
Shouldn't have hit him too hard.|He's disfigured.
- You're disfigured.|- Who's ugly?
You're ugly.|I'm ugly? I'll hand you over to the police.
Go ahead! I'm not afraid.
- Don't think I won't|- Christ! Knock it off!
Talk or I'll smack you again.
Leave him to me. Go.
Now we have a grudge match.
It's even money.
Take a pick.
Leave him to me.
Help me!
Move now! Move!
My boy!
You sent me to prison!|Bastard!
I'm gonna collect my debt!
With interest!
Christ! I haven't won a bet.
Sometimes the student can|show the teacher a thing or two.
I got that one.
Very well played, Chin.
Our next wager. Will both win?
Put $50,000 dollars
to win $200,000.
But beware...
They're going up against a fearless warrior.
Check your screens for other odds.
With odds like that Mr. Snead|must have a real killer for them.
Are you alright?|Can you get up?
Talk to me. Talk...
Yong! Run!
- Good!|- Yeah! Eh!?
Hey! That's defeat!|They both ran!
That is a defeat. But you're|death wager is still alive.
Are you alright? Aw!
I'm fine.
We can't keep running, Im tired.
We'll take 'em down!
You're right.|We'll take all of them on!
You in?
Listen beautiful.
Give me a kiss.
Eh? That's cheating!
Don't worry Chin. You won.
We're just saving him for another game.
Now you're quiet! Not speaking with|that mouth of yours no more!
That's enough!
I can't breathe...
I don't want to die!
Help me! My legs are numb!
Now's your chance to find|your good luck again.
We have a special bet|on this young man.
A bounty's on his head.
Three of our best fighters,
will get double their pay.|If they can bring him down.
This is a timed event.
They've got ten minutes
to capture or kill him.
If you bet the underdog.|$100,000 dollars.
Makes you half a million.
Place your bets.
Good God! What did you eat?
Move your ass away...
Help me!
Help me!
Should be safe here.
Can't you just waited for|me just now? Just awhile!
Why did you run away?|Just covering for yourself right!
Still call yourself a man!
Go haunt whoever did this to you...|We have nothing to do with your death, okay?
What the...
Why are you here?
Run now!
There he is!
- And just two minutes left!|- He's gonna make it?
- Time!|- He made it.
Yes! I finally got one!
Oh! I just won most of my money back!
Kiss me honey.
Yeah that guy just won.|Just give him a double man.
Alright, alright, alright!
Things are heating up, huh?
But you know my productions.
There's always another level of risk.|Always another barrier to break.
Help me!
Help me!
Save me!
Joy! Just stay still!
I'll be right there!
Hurry up!
Stay still!
Joy! Give me your hand!
Don't look down.
Hurry up...
Pom! Above you!
How can you rejoice?|He's a countryman.
Death and injuries are common.
It comes with the territory.|Don't act high and mighty.
Money's the reason we're all here.
So don't pretend you're above everyone else.
Isn't this what you're after too?
Help me...
Bless your good fortune cause|we're getting late in the game.
A simple one. Will he|get her back or not.
Odds against him are three to one.
Place your bets.
Both of you rest here|while I go get help.
Alright, go.
- Go.|- Alright.
We need to defend ourselves.
What can we do?
You're injured.
I'll go get help.
Somebody, help me!
Be careful.
- They are all grown up.|- You love Joy?
Pod! Stop it!
Don't go near her again!|Stay away!
You scared the hell outta me!
Why didn't you come earlier?
Nong could have used your help just now!
Where's Nong?
His leg's injured.
- Pom!|- Pom!
Dare to mess with me!
Pom? Answer me!
Where is he?
- What happened?|- Pom?
Pom? Pom?
Where is Pom?
Where is he?
Pom is gone.
Follow me. We need to go help Nong.
Why are you all standing here?
Let's go.
What's happened?
Pom's dead.
What did you say?
Pom's dead. Didn't you hear!?
Don't joke about this.
We won't joke about this.
You're mistaken.
You're lying!
What is that sound?
Rushing to go shopping?|Where are you all going now?
Ive had enough of this!
How's it going?
Was it fun for you as it was for me?
Stop playing games!
Come out and face us!
Stop hiding and face us!
Come out!
Be patient; don't have to blow your top.
All will be revealed in good time.
Go to hell, bastard!
Fuck all of you!
Right, anger that only the young can spew.
- You took my friend and you want me to relax!|- Cool down.
I did no such thing.
Hey! Hey! Come out and show yourself!
Are you part of this?
Why are you doing this?
Speak up!
- What's your reason!?|- We are your friends!
Go on. Speak up.
Forgive me.
I had to do this.
We treated you like family!
Relax and listen to what I am about to say.
Don't get too worked up.
Come work for me.
All of you will be paid and treated well.
Why did you do this?
Just hang on!
Why are you doing this, Pom?
Why? Ask yourself!?
I have given you everything and|how did you return your feelings?
- What are you talking about?|- Think about it.
I have given you my heart!|Don't act surprised!
But in turn you gave yours to him!
Are you crazy?|You can't hold a grudge over that!
Pom, you still have time to turn your life around.
Time? Don't you know that all of you are trapped?
- Don't you dare trap us here!|- What are you going to do!?
Look at your so called families.
You can join us.
Or the alternative.
Die here!
You bastard.
You do not deserve life.
You and you...
Great acting! Great acting!
Very good acting!
Why wouldn't you just give up and join them!
Just stupid!
Heads up.
You've all done well.
The game is near completion.
Join me and my team.
Make your decision.
We will make Thai's proud.
As for myself.
Don't consider something that|even a child understands.
Don't think too long.
Join us and you won't be sorry.
Think you should know by now
it is of no use to defy me.
My offer still stands. Think about it.
You should all know that this was all|planned from the very beginning.
Dare to mess with us!?
Hey! Bring him out for them to see.
- Yong!|- Are you all right!
Grand finale Mr. Snead.
This will be quite a battle.
And its odds?
Boys are outnumbered. They are a bit beat up.
They're tired.
But don't forget, they've been betrayed.
They got vengeance on their minds.
Put up a $100,000 dollars.
The boys win.|We'll pay you $400,000.
Or bet against them.
You have to put up $300,000 to win a $100,000.
There's not much left. Take your best shot.
At winning big.
You wanna defy us? Dream on!
Do you have a good view up there?
Isn't it enough? Is there an end to this?
Simple. It ends only when there's a victor.
Oh! Yeah...
- Mom! Mom!|- Pod!
Want to see them again?
Win or lose.
You decide their fate.
I'll kill you! Dammit!
Calm down. Your mom is fine.
If you survive. You will get to save them both.|Failure and they will perish.
I can sympathize the pressure you're under now. Well...
I pity you.
If you harm my mother and sister.|Ill rip you to pieces!
Come on! Bring it on!
Since you're in such a hurry to die right...
Kill them all!
What a spectacular sight!
- Run will you!|- Let her go...
Go to hell!
Your hero?
You expect him to save you, right?
That's enough! Let her go!
If you asked me. Looks like your teams beaten.
You're throwing in the towel too soon.|They have yet to match skills with me!
Look how I will deal with this lot.
Just watch.
All my winnings are gone!
And now I'm down worse than I was up!
Well, it's a tough one to pick.|Very bad luck.
Stop. Stop!|I give up.
What are you doing?
You like to be on the winning team right!?
You bastard!
I was wrong!
You know of your errors right!?
I will give you wrong!|I will give you wrong!
We need to rescue Pod's mother.
Hell! I couldn't pick my own nose today.
But what is the money for if you|don't spend it now and again.
But it was a lot of fun.
As I recall you won a lot of money|when we played in Somalia last year.
Your recall was right.
Well! That concludes our gambling for today.
Your bank accounts will be credited|or debited accordingly.
Now it's been a helluva day,|but it's time for us to go.
The ride might be a bit bumpy,|so sit back and enjoy your drinks.
Our van has arrived to|take us to the airport.
What's happening!
I need reinforcements. We've been attacked!
- What do you suggest?|- Jump.
- Just like in the movies.|- Well if you jump, I will.
Let's jump together.
On my count.
One, two, three.
Dammit! You chicken!
Aw! Run!
- Why don't you give up!|- Whoever messes with my mother dies!
Now! I said now!
- You set us up!|- I did not!
- Start the truck now!|- Yes sir!
Brother! Brother!
- Are you all right?|- I'm alright!
- Stop here!|- Hey you! Stop!
Him! Not me!
He kidnapped my family!
Arrest him! He kidnapped my mother!
Alright! Calm down!|We'll handle this!
- Alright! Move!|- Get off me!
Pod! Pod! Pod!
- Pod!|- Are you alright?
I'm fine!
- Pod!|- Mom!
Your plane is all ready.
Well boys! Uniforms|and a real cop car.
Move over there!
Hurry up, hurry up!
Come over and help me...
Never mind, you'll be fine.
Relax, you're safe.
Does it hurt here?