Black Balloon, The (2008)

Thomas' Stuff
Are you right with that, darl?
- I might leave that one to you.
I'll take it.
Welcome home, Lucky. Again.
Just take it easy, all right?
Yeah I'm fine!
Why's your brother a spastic?
He's not a spastic. He's autistic.
Same diff.
No, not really.
He doesn't talk and shit.
Yes, he doesn't talk.
Then why does he make
all that fuckin' noise?
Hello, boys.
Where do you live?
G'day, mate!
Yeah, coming!
'Behaviour chart'
Simon, love? You'd better hurry up!
You're gonna be late!
I'm never late.
I see the afternoon shift is up.
Charlie? Medicine.
Here we go. Open up...
Good boy!
How many stars has he got now?
He's got seven stars. Haven't you?
Good boy.
Nine more means Super Nintendo!
Mum, can you pass the milk please?
Quick, Charlie! Charlie get out of it.
Would you to get out of it?
Come on, come on, get out of it, mate.
Come on get out of it.
Charlie, you get out of it!
Charlie, get out of there!
Just behave yourself, all right?
Hold on to him, love.
Come on, Charlie, just behave
yourself for your mum, right?
Up you get, up you get.
Are you all right?
I'll get you some ginger ale.
Bit icy, sweetheart.
Just get Charlie out of there, will you?
Just drink that, all right?
Come on, Charlie. Get out of there,
mate. Get out of there!
Hey, guys!
Oi, check it out! It's the spastic bus!
Jack, look. Is it that obvious?
Oh, my God.
How am I going to swim today?
Babbs is gonna kill me!
G'day, buddy. What's your name?
Um. Thomas.
I'm Dean.
Do you reckon I can borrow some?
Yeah, yeah. Go for it.
Hey, Bucko. Have you seen
the hickey on Sally's neck?
What, she's got a hickey?
Yeah, look. She's trying to
cover it up with her hair.
Steve said he put one on her tits.
What about Kylie's rack?
Man, I didn't even realise.
Check out the legs on Jackie!
No, I definitely prefer a decent set.
There will be no mucking around
in the pool area!
Sorry, miss.
We move on to the next module
for this term,
which is the bronze medallion.
Yep, some of you might actually
do something useful and
save a life one day.
Okay. Today we're going to be
hitting the pools for some laps.
Now they've had to super-chlorinate
the pools because of the heat...
so just keep your eyes closed and
there shouldn't be too many problems.
Where are your swimming trunks?
I um... I've got them on, miss.
How on earth do you expect
to swim in those?
So you brought nothing appropriate
for swimming?
What's your name?
Um, Thomas.
Thomas Mollison.
Yeah he's new, miss.
Well, Mollison, never mind.
We have contingencies for
situations like this.
Check it out! Check it out!
Ladies and Gentlemen-
the yellow dick stickers!
Hey, pin dick!
He's bigger than you, Bucko!
You'd be the one to know, Sally!
You're just jealous!
You can all take turns wearing them
if they get you that excited!
Now take your marks!
Oh, shit!
Get off the lane ropes, Mollison!
On your marks!
Watch out!
Fuck, you swim like a spastic!
You're not much better, Bucko!
Jackie just beat you twice.
Look at you. Eh?
Ha-ha, you cheeky monkey!
This musical's got to be
the lamest thing I've ever heard of.
I think it's cute.
It's nice they've included Charlie.
It's not cute. It's lame.
Half of them can't even talk,
let alone sing.
That's not the point, Thomas.
All right, now this is ready.
You just heat it up when
your brother and you are hungry
and well be back about eight.
Thank you.
No beer for you, Charlie. No beer.
Monkeys don't drink beer.
Hey, mum, with a roundabout,
do you have to pause
or can you drive straight through
if it's clear?
I think you have to stop.
You'd better ask your father.
Hey, Simon?
Have you had a shower yet?
Well, hurry up!
Rex said I don't need one.
Oh, shit.
Can you go and talk to Rex for me?
Go on, Thomas.
Dad, come on.
It's not me. It's Rex.
Mum, Dad still won't get into the shower.
Bloody hell!
Rex, why can't Simon have a shower?
Well, Rex reckons because you're
the one giving the talk that
you should go to the meeting...
and I'll stay home and
look after the boys.
Oh, but Rex,
I think some of the husbands
might be interested in Simon's
viewpoint on sex and pregnancy.
No, they wouldn't.
Yes, they would.
All right, well Rex also reckons that
if I come to the meeting...
I should get some...
how did you put it again, mate?
Oh yeah, special attention tonight.
Ah, see but Rex,
Simon gets nothing but
special attention from me.
That's why I'm out here. Hop to it.
She's already on
two bloody committees.
It's okay. I've just got to
take it easy for a while.
You bloody won't just take it easy.
You'll stay in bed.
It's ridiculous. There's no way
I'm staying in bed all day.
Yeah, mummy's home.
Sorry we're late, Thomas.
Look at you!
Are you deaf, woman?
You heard the doctor.
I'll set up the TV for you.
I'll get you some books.
It'll be fine.
Yeah, and who's going to take care of
the house and boys?
Well I'm not bloody useless Maggie!
I can work a vacuum cleaner
for chrissakes!
Right guys, what's going on?
Oh, at the meeting I...
Your mother decided to have
an attack at the meeting.
It wasn't an attack.
Well are you blind as well as deaf?
I had to take her to the hospital.
Her blood pressure's through the roof.
And the doctor told her
she has to stay in bed.
Come on, Charlie. Bath time.
So you want to have a stroke then,
do you?
For chrissakes, Maggie,
don't be so bloody stubborn!
In you go, mate.
Listen, Thomas,
this pre-eclampsia business
is serious stuff.
So I'm gonna need you to help look after
Charlie, keep an eye on your mother...
and make sure she stays in bed.
Maggie, I want you to go to bed now,
all right?
Oh, you'll give me a stroke if you
You're a dirty little bugger.
You're a dirty little bugger!
I know what you are. You are... a devil!
What about... mister porcupine?!
You are...
the Opera House!
Naaaaa! Dirty little buggerrrrr.
Somebody's a dirty little buggerrr!!!
Time for Charlie's medicine.
Thomas. Grab Charlie for me.
Grab Charlie for me.
Charlie, please! Just...
Charlie, sit down!
Tell him to open his mouth.
Open your mouth.
Thomas, be a bit more playful
than that, come on.
Charlie, open your mouth for Thomas.
Okay, let Thomas do it.
Thomas, say thank you.
You're a good boy.
Thank you, Charlie. Good boy.
The underwear-Simon, the underwear
goes on the inside!
Maggie? Maggie, please just go back
to bed, all right? Please.
It's very embarrassing.
Don't worry about it, all right.
Just get back into bed.
Stop pushing me around.
Bring Charlie so I can finish
getting him dressed.
I will in a couple of seconds. All right?
Make sure you put those bins out.
Yes mum, I just did.
Sprinklers go on in half an hour.
Yes, Maggie.
Thomas, I'll get you started
on lunches, all right?
Get Thomas started on those lunches!
For chrissakes!
Come on!
Hey! Nice undies!
Watch where you're going!
Sorry! I...
Charlie, Charlie, yes.
Come on, come on.
You can go to the toilet at home.
I'm really sorry. He won't hurt you.
He's autistic.
He needed to use the toilet.
Dad, what's going on?!
Oh, shit! Charlie, get out!
What the hell are you doing in my house?
What the hell are you doing in my house?!
Please! Don't touch him, all right?
Can't you see there's something wrong
with him?
Get out! Get out!
Get up! C'mon! Go, go go! Go, go, go!
Jackie! Are you all right?
Charlie, are you right? Are you good?
Are you okay?
Sweetie? Why on earth would you
leave your keys in the door?
Mum, as if I meant to.
By the way, he's running into other people's
houses and using their toilet again.
Oh no! He hasn't done that for months.
What am I gonna do with you?
Charlie, I'm gonna take away a star.
Yes, I am.
No. Bad, Charlie!
Running away is bad.
And how many times have I told you?
You don't go into
other people's houses!
How far did you get this time,
Donkey Dick?
You're just jealous you take after
your mother's side of the family.
How many times do I have to tell you,
woman? Bed!
You're over-reacting.
You're not to lift a finger,
I know my own body, darling.
Well excuse me.
You're the one that's pregnant
and has do what the doctor tells them!
Excuse me! You're the one who
wouldn't have a bloody vasectomy!
Rex told me not to have one.
Well Rex can go fuck himself.
Margaret. Bed.
What? What?
Where are Charlie's monkey ears?
Great. Don't tell me they're bloody lost!
You're name's sewn into them,
so they'll turn up.
Come on, well get you ready for school.
In your room. Charlie, in your room!
Come on! Where's your shirt?
Okay! Everyone in pairs!
Bucko! I think he's dead!
Nooooooo! For the love of God,
we've got to save it!
Don't you dare go dying on me!
That's enough!
Unless you two want to spend
your lunch hour on scab duty.
No, miss. Sorry miss.
Okay. When performing C.P.R.
We have to remember A-B-C.
Airway. Breathing and circulation.
So first up, open up the airway.
Put your hand on the person's forehead
and tilt it back.
Gently, Mr. Mollison!
Sorry, miss.
Okay. B is for breathing.
So check for it.
Put your face close to the person's mouth.
Okay, Caroline,
you don't have to kiss the dummy.
Keep the airway open.
Look, listen and feel for breathing.
Okay. What channel?
Anything. I don't care.
I'm going mad cooped up in here.
What? God, you're as bad as your father!
I only went across the road!
I had to get milk!
Mum! I'll get it!
Okay, okay. I'll just sit here then.
Charlie, get your finger out of your arse!
Jackie. Hi. Um...
I'll be back in one second. Okay?
Okay. Um, Charlie, go to your room.
Go to your room, Charlie.
Yes, yes, I know, I know.
I know it's a girl.
Wait, Charlie.
I'll give you a star.
Is it your father?
No, no. It's not!
Who is it then?
Um. Don't worry, mum.
It's someone from school.
Charlie! Sshh!
Are you going to let them in?
Yes, mum, I will. I'm helping
Charlie with something.
You can't just leave them standing there!
Charlie. I'll give you two stars.
Okay. Good boy.
Hey, Jackie. Um...
Sorry I took so long.
It sounded like you were having
a party or something.
Ah, no, it's just um...
It's mum. She's just pregnant.
She makes a lot of noise and stuff.
Is your dad in the Army?
Yeah. Yeah, he is.
Did you have to move around a lot?
Well... Three primary schools.
This is my second high school. So...
You must miss your friends.
Hey, something a bit weird
happened to me this morning.
While I was in the shower,
two boys broke into my house
in their undies.
They used to toilet.
And they left these...
See, it has "C. Mollison" on it,
right there.
Um... You know, that's not weird.
I've actually, um, I've heard of people
who um, they dress as monkeys and...
and they break into people's houses, you know,
and they use the toilet or something.
Oh. Well yeah, it was me.
Chimp Mollison, my alias. Oo-ee-ah!
It was exactly like that.
You just have to be in your undies
to get it right.
Well, I'm just gonna have to
get to the bottom of this.
I can see through shampoo you know.
It's not like I ask for much.
Look at you, you little shit!
No, Charlie. Bad! Bad!
You don't rub poo on the carpet!
Don't! Keep your hand out of it!
Arms up! Arms up!
For godssake!
Stop that! Ugh! Don't touch me!
I don't know what's got into you,
You deal with it. You deal with it.
Come on, Charlie.
Do you want these back?
Don't you dare touch anything, Charlie!
Charlie, no! Keep your hands up! Up!
Mum. It was an accident.
I wish you'd grow up a bit.
You're going to be sixteen soon.
Now you watch your brother.
Oh, Charlie. Piss off.
Mum. Stop. You're supposed to
be in bed. Okay?
No, it's too late for that.
Can't leave you to do anything, can I?
He shat everywhere! Yell at him!
Well, what was he supposed to do?
Don't be so bloody selfish, Thomas!
He's not my responsibility!
He's your brother!
He's a freak!
I don't want anything to do with him.
Your brother will never be able to
do the things you can, Thomas.
He'll never get a job or have a family.
He'll never be able to look after himself.
He will live with us
for the rest of his life.
So if there's anything...
that your father...
and I can do to help make your father,
your brother's life... a little happier...
Mum. Mum, stop. Stop.
A bit... a more bit happier,
then we're gonna...
I'm fine.
No, you're not fine, mum.
Give me the brush!
I'm fine!
What the fuck's going on here?!
Right, that's it.
Come on.
I couldn't friggin' leave it there,
could I?
Well, I don't fucking care. Come on.
We're going to the hospital
and you're staying.
Come on, Maggie.
Just breathe. Just breathe.
That's it, Magpie. Just breathe.
Come on, Charlie, open your mouth.
Charlie? Charlie, open up your mouth!
No, open your mouth for Thomas.
Come on, come on.
Like you did for mum. C'mon!
You little shit! Charlie!
Open up your mouth!
Open your mouth! Open your mouth!
All right, I've hung out the washing,
done the lunches.
You can get Charlie on the bus.
But dad, I'll be late!
No you won't.
The bus driver will drop you off.
I'm not getting on that bus.
Don't be stupid.
Thomas, you're getting the bus
and that's final.
I'll be home at eight.
Hi, you must be Charlie's brother.
Everyone. This is Charlie's brother.
Say hello, please.
Hello, Charlie's brother.
Hello, Charlie's brother.
Do you want to go sit with Charlie?
Oh, Hayley. Hands out. Hands out.
Hands out.
Who are you? Who are you?
Um, I'm Thomas.
Hello. Are you Charlie's brother?
I know Charlie. I'm Charlie's friend.
You don't know my name. You don't know
my name. You don't know my name.
What's your name? What's your name?
My name is Russell. I know Charlie.
We're monkeys on a boat.
We dance together on a boat.
We sit together on the bus.
Are you riding the bus?
Are you coming to our school?
No. No.
Yes you are! Yes you are! Yes you are!
Thomas is coming to our school!
Thomas rides in the bus with Charlie.
Thomas rides in the bus with Russell.
Do you like buses, Thomas?
Do you like buses?
Ah! Thomas doesn't like buses!
Thomas doesn't like buses!
Just here, thanks.
Bye, Thomas!
Bye, Thomas!
Bye, Thomas Mollison! Bye! Bye!
Hey, miss? Hey, miss?
I think you should get Mollison
in the kiddy pool.
I think he's going to drown.
That's enough, Mister Buckingham.
Oi, miss. I'm being serious.
Look at him!
Ignore him, Thomas.
You can do it! Hang on!
There you go, Tom.
Even if you do drown,
Sally's offered to give you
Three minutes are up!
Okay! Out of the pool!
Next group please!
Out you get, Caroline!
What the hell are those?
They're monkey ears. Can't you tell?
What are you wearing them for?
To keep my hair dry, silly.
Heave you heard of a swimming cap?
Yeah, but they leave those
yeeky lines on your forehead.
Oh, you're whacked!
Where the fuck did you get them from,
I made 'em myself, Deano.
Do you want a pair?
Shut up, you weirdo!
Hey, Deano, he'd love a pair, Deano, hey?
They'd look good on you, mate!
Sorry about yesterday.
That's cool. I shouldn't
have rocked up like that.
Thanks for not...
you know, telling everyone about...
Hey, Jackie! Come on!
It's none of their business anyway.
See ya.
Okay now, say "mon-key".
No, no, no. Not "da". Monkey.
No, Charlie, Charlie, look here.
Look here.
Now, listen to the sound. Mon-key.
No. No signing. No signing.
Come on. Come on, sit.
No signing, right?
Use your speaking voice.
Now say mon-key.
Look, I'll give you this if you say it.
No. No signing, remember?
No signing.
Say mon-key.
Yeah, that's it! Good. Good.
Why, hello.
Do you want to walk home with me?
Ah no, I'm getting a lift.
That's lazy of you.
Yeah. See I um, I couldn't bring myself
to wear a pink stack hat. So...
Is that your brother?
Ah, yeah. Yeah it is.
He can walk with us.
Bye Thomas!
Thomas doesn't like buses!
Thomas doesn't like buses!
Um, Charlie. Charlie, this is Jackie.
Yeah, that's right. Girl.
Do you know sign language?
Kind of.
Could you... Could you show me how to
say hi' to Charlie?
Hello, Charlie.
Can I give him a lolly?
Yeah, yeah.
Ah, you're locked in now.
Hold on, Charlie. Charlie...
There you go.
Right, now what do you say?
It's a sign for lolly.
Do you want to carry my bag?
Oh no, that's fine.
Thank you.
Don't wear yourself out, you pro.
So why doesn't Charlie talk?
Well, he could when he was little.
What did he say?
Oh, just stuff like"mum", "dad", "Tom".
Simple sentences like, "Charlie want food"
"Charlie want drink".
You know, stuff like that.
And then he just stopped?
Yeah. Well, they reckon it got too
hard for him,
so they taught him to sign.
It must be so hard on your parents.
Everyone says that.
It must be hard on you.
Well, it's got to be fun if you get
to run into other girl's showers.
Isn't that right, Charlie?
Oh my god!
Jackie, I'm really sorry.
Charlie, open your mouth please.
Open your mouth, Charlie.
Spit it out!
Open your mouth. Open...
Open up your mouth. Charlie,
Open. Thank you.
Oh, yuck!
Jackie, I am so sorry.
He doesn't usually do things like this...
Fuck, Charlie! Open up your mouth!
This isn't funny, all right?
I said spit it out!
Spit it out! Charlie, I say spit it out!
See ya.
At least it wasn't a used one.
That's one hundred and twenty eight
dollars and twenty five cents.
I've only got a hundred on me, sorry.
I told you. Mum said you'd balls this up.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Thomas.
Now be a good boy, Charlie.
Daddy's got to put some of this stuff back,
all right?
Just settle down, champ.
Charlie, settle down.
Charlie, don't be silly!
Charlie. Charlie get up.
Just... Charlie, Charlie stand up.
Charlie stand up.
Look, Charlie,
Daddy hasn' enough money.
Daddy hasn't enough money,
so he's got a few things back.
Charlie. Charlie, the nice people here
want to do their shopping,
so you're just going to have to stand up,
all right? Charlie. Charlie?
Charlie, Charlie? Charlie, get up!
Thomas, for chrissakes help me,
would you?
I'm sorry.
Charlie, come on. Yes I know,
dad didn't get the specials.
Charlie, get up. Charlie, please,
please. I know. I know.
Dad didn't get the...
Oh please! Oh, come on get up!
Security! Check out two!
Charlie, for godssake! Stand up!
Stand up now! Come on! Get up!
Stand up! Get up! Stand up!
Stand up! C'mon!
That's ninety-four thirty.
Yeah, hang on, Charlie, hang on.
Daddy'll get you some dinner, all right.
How's that?
I'll get you some eggs if you like?
Want some eggs?
Want some sausages?
How many sausages do you want?
Six sausages? Two?
Look Charlie, no stars!
There's no need for that. All right?
Dad, he's got to learn!
It's over! For some fucking peace and quiet,
just leave it. All right?
He gets away with everything.
Just... Charlie! Just chill!
Thomas, for fucksakes!
Charlie! Just... Charlie!
Hello, my boys!
Hello, sweetheart. I've missed you.
No, no, no. Mummy has to stay in hospital.
Yeah, but look,
I've been finishing your costume.
He's been practising all week with Russell.
Haven't you, mate?
Come here.
You're not too old to give your mum a kiss.
Oh, come here to me.
She's been kicking today.
How's everything?
Um yeah, it's okay.
How's school?
It's okay.
Just okay?
You'll be happy to know that I've
set the cot up and the change
table's next.
What's happened to his foot?
Oh, he just walked through a bit of glass.
He'll be all right.
Simon Mollison.
You better not be feeding me bullshit.
Just because I'm lying in bed all day
doesn't mean
I don't know when something's up.
Us Mollison boys are doing just fine
without you, Magpie.
I've got a surprise for you.
Rex misses you...
...and he wants to stay here and
keep you company.
Oh. Great. That's fabulous.
And Elizabeth called and reminded us
of the rehearsal next week, and
I said we could make it.
And I've forgotten which day is
tuck shop duty day.
It's Friday, hon.
So are you good? Coping?
Do you ever wish Charlie was normal?
Yeah, at the start.
I don't think about it much
any more though.
Charlie's Charlie.
Yeah, but don't you think it's kind
of unfair?
Your mum reckons we got Charlie
because we're capable...
we're strong enough to deal with him.
Do you believe that?
I don't know.
Your mum is, that's for sure.
All I know is, he's my own.
And you're weak as piss if
you don't look after you own.
Hey, Charlie. What do you want for tea?
Hey, what's this?
New wheels for your mother.
Oh, come on. Give us a go.
Maybe when you get your licence.
What's in the bag?
It's a surprise.
Charlie, open the bag for dad.
You're a good boy.
Come on, Tommie! Let's have a game.
how do you like your Super Nintendo?
If you're good,
we'll get you another game next pay.
Hey, do you want a go?
It comes with two controllers.
Oh, no, no, it's fine. Let Charlie play.
I'll just have a go later.
Come on, mate. The game's for everyone.
Yeah, I know.
Here we go. Are we off?
All right. Ha-ha!
Sally, concentrate!
Nice, Chris.
Nice focus.
You're going the right way, Jackie.
That's good. Keep going!
Sally, put your head back!
Are you okay there?
Yes, Miss.
You're meant to be saving her,
not drowning her.
Nice and easy. Forty-five seconds.
Come on!
Are you all right?
Everyone waving!
Your mum reckons you need more than
one pan to make dinner.
But boys, that's just not true.
Good, Charlie?
Actually, I might go and visit your mother
after dinner
if you boys are all right by yourselves.
Dad, would you be able to take me
for a driving lesson later on?
In the Valiant?
Son, shit in one hand and a wish in the other
and see which one gets full fastest!
Hi. I'm Janet and this is Trevor
from the Department of Youth
and Community Services.
Can we come in?
We've received complaints about
of your children.
We're just here to follow up on
reports of consistent fighting in the house.
Oh, that'd be Charlie.
He's autistic, you know.
A.D.D. On top of that.
Right. Okay.
So is this Charlie here?
Yeah, mate. I think it's obvious.
Get a good look, did you?
Excuse me?
You heard me.
You speak to me before you start sticking
your nose into things know nothing about!
Next time I'll call the police.
Piss off, why don't you?
Just wait till my husband gets home!
Send him around, sweetheart!
Oh, I will. Don't you worry about that.
You won't be so big then, will you?
Stupid bitch.
Fuck... em.
Wow-ee! Will anyone see us?
No, no one will. Don't worry.
There's never anyone out here.
Okay. Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Good work.
Come on, Charlie.
Look at this place!
Do I have to follow you?
Why do I have to follow you?
This is my... hood. This is my... hood.
- Da!
He says it's his hood.
So why aren't there any trees in here?
Ah, that would be because it's a rifle range.
Who says "wow-ee"?
I do!
Pretty, don't you think?
No, not really.
You're supposed to say,
"Not as pretty as you."
Well, they make me sneeze.
Besides they're noxious weeds.
I don't care. They're beautiful.
They strangle the native plants
and probably poison all the native animals.
What native animals?
I like them. Do you like them, Charlie?
See? Me and Charlie like them.
And so do the beeezzz.
So you're a loner on this one!
No, no! I will fall!
Fraidy cat! Fraidy cat! Yes you are.
You show off!
Dem are fighting words.
I dare you to come over here and say dem.
Come on.
I shall take it upon myself, boy,
to instruct you in the art of swimming.
Since when was swimming an art?
Well, it's all about technique.
When you raise your elbow up,
that's when you breathe...
...and then you've got to push your
arm through the water like this.
Go on. Give it a whirl.
Kieren Perkins watch out!
Charlie? Charlie!
Charlie. Charlie, it's okay.
Just hold on. It's all right.
Come on, Charlie.
I'm knackered.
Are you cold?
Don't know.
It's beautiful.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Close your eyes.
What do you see?
But my eyes are closed.
Yeah, but what do you see?
Look harder.
I can see these little speckles of light...
...they're blue and red, like,
floating around like a lava lamp.
That should go away.
It's going.
It's gone.
Now it's black.
Hold on, no, it's mainly black. But...
It's kind of fuzzy. Like... snow on T.V.
It doesn't go away.
You can wait an hour or a year... but
it'll still be all fuzzy.
I reckon if it went away, I'd be
able to see my mum.
That's what it's like for my brother.
It's not just what he can see.
It's what he hears and what he thinks.
I think it's all fuzzy.
Well I guess we're not going to
Scouts tonight.
It could be worse.
Thank you.
My dad's going to be home soon.
Oh, okay, that's fine.
Stop it!
Um... Well, it's my birthday next week.
Well, my family usually do
this dinner type thing.
Do you want to come?
Yes, hold on...
Maggie! Sophie needs her nappy changed!
There's nothing stopping you!
It's gone everywhere!
It's up her back and everything!
A bit of poo's not going to hurt you!
I'm dressed for work, Maggie. I can't!
Bloody hell!
Boys, watch this. Are you ready? Okay...
Come on. Get'em out. Good girl.
Look, Thomas. It's the spastic bus!
They've come to pick you up! Get on!
Bucko's just
saying goodbye to his girlfriend!
Oh yeah. No she's your woman, mate.
Good morning.
Hey! The retard's after you!
Do you know him, Jackie?
What are you doing?
Get back on the bus!
No. Now, Charlie.
It's a spastic!
- Charlie, where's the bus?
I think it's his brother.
Charlie, please.
Charlie, please.
You have to get back on the bus.
Thomas's brother's freaking out!
I'm going to get some help.
Charlie! I'll buy you an ice cream!
Do you want an ice cream, Charlie?
Charlie! Charlie!
What's going on here? Back it up!
Back it up! What's going on?
Mate, are you all right?
Stop that! Leave him alone!
Leave him! Leave him!
You're making it worse!
It's all right! It's all right!
Leave him be, all right?
Get away!
Class! Stand back, class!
They're all going in.
Come on! Shoo!
It's all right, Charlie... it's okay.
Look, we've got your bag;
we've got your monkey ears. Yeah?
Good boy. Good boy. Good boy.
We'll go back to the bus. Okay?
Good boy.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
We're off on our way...
The sky and sea together,
you and me every day...
There you are.
I was going to give this to you later,
but I couldn't wait.
Happy Birthday.
I recorded everything especially for you.
Go on, play it.
Well you can have my heart, have my soul
Without you I feel cold.
Won't you come with me
and I will make you happy
And then when I'm alone,
I'll dream of you'til the day is done.
Don't you know I will be dying
to be by your side...
Listen, I know you're upset.
Just don't worry what
those stupid kids at school think.
Yeah, well it's easy for you to say that.
You have to stop wishing
Charlie was normal.
He's never going to change.
Come on-nnnnnnnnn!!!
Oh, come on, Maggie. It was plumb!
Yes! I'll retire when I get my century,
Mr. Mollison, so then you can get a bat!
You'll keep.
This is so yum, Mrs. Mollison.
I can't remember the last time I had a roast.
Oh, really?
We have a roast once a fortnight.
Simon just loves his roast vegies,
don't you darls?
My dad doesn't really cook.
And we eat at different times,
so it's just take away really.
You're welcome over here
for dinner anytime.
Yeah, just as long as you do the dishes!
What is it, sweetie?
Here, pass it to mummy.
I can do it.
- Yeah.
You're being very good.
He'll do any thing for a pretty girl.
Won't you, mate?
What do you say?
That's right. Good boy.
Do you think Charlie will ever talk again?
Probably not, actually.
We hoped he might have when
he hit adolescence but...
unfortunately he didn't.
But you get your point across,
don't you sweetie?
Yeah, well maybe if we stopped signing,
he'd start talking, mum.
I think that's unlikely, Thomas.
Are you hungry, too?
She's so tiny.
well she didn't feel so tiny coming out.
You know, I wasn't much older than
you when I had Charlie.
Well, she's hungry.
I fed you this way.
You loved it! Couldn't get enough!
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fell-ow
And so say all of us!
No, Charlie! You wait for Thomas
and then we'll light them again.
Go, Tommy.
I'm sorry, sweetie.
Charlie! Come here to mummy.
I said wait! Come here.
Just hold on, Tommy. I've got that.
Just wait. Wait, mate.
Okay, almost there. Okay...
Righto. One for the camera.
Hip hip! ...Hooray!
How about one of those over here,
Simon, leave the poor girl alone.
Um, Tommy, now I know we've already
given you your gift,
but I reckon you might like this one.
Oh, what could this be?
Thank you!
You're officially allowed on the road now.
Rex reckons if
I can teach your mother to drive,
I can teach anyone.
All right. Who want some cake?
Yes please!
This is Thomas's favourite, isn't it, sweetie?
It is, mama.
All right, I'll get the ice-cream.
Simon, you can start cutting the cake.
Yep. All right.
Four tiny little pieces for the family,
and one big piece for me.
Oh, my god!
Charlie... Charlie, shit, Charlie!
Come on, Charlie, you know that's private!
You do that in your bedroom!
Put your dick back in your shorts, mate!
Bad, Charlie, bad! No. Bad!
Don't laugh!
I'm so sorry, Jackie.
How many times
do we have to tell you that?
You say sorry to Jackie, and go and wash
your hands. All right, mate?
Thomas, don't be ridiculous.
You put that down now right now!
Charlie! Get off! Charlie!
Boys! Stop it! Stop it!
Charlie, you get off him!
Stop it! Leave it! Charlie!
Charlie, let go!
Charlie, just let go!
You fuckin' spastic!
Thomas! Get off him! Thomas!
Oh, Thomas! Please!
Thomas, stop it! Stop it now!
Charlie! Shit!
Thomas! Thomas,
don't you dare your brother!
I hate him! I hate him!
- Stop it! Stop it!
I hate you! I hate you!
Don't you hit him!
- Maggie, please!
Don't you hit your brother!
Maggie! Please! Please!
My god!!
Thomas! Get off! Get off!
Charlie? Charlie? Charlie, it's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
Look at mummy. Look at mummy.
No-no! No-no! No, Charlie!
- Settle! Settle! Settle!
- Settle down, mate!
Ssshh! Ssshh! Sweetie, sweetie.
Ssshh! Mummy's here. Mummy's here.
Hang in there, mate. Not long now.
You're being very brave, Charlie.
He is very brave.
I know, Charlie. I know it hurts.
You're being very good.
You're a good boy.
Almost there.
Almost there, darling.
Oh, sweetheart. It's okay. It's okay.
Is that you, Thomas? Honey?
I need to use the loo.
It's not fair, is it, mate?
Oh, you poor boy.
Poor baby boy.
Oh, my beautiful boy.
I know, sweetie. I know.
You scared the shit out of me.
I fucked up.
Simon? Where are the nappies?
I don't know. Try the laundry basket.
I have! Can you look for them?
Sophie needs a feed!
I'm warning you!
Would you shut up?!
That girl on the bus is pretty hot, mate!
Have you boned her?
No way. Tom's still a virgin.
Sure. I reckon his brother
Hey, you'd better watch out,
I reckon your brother's trying bone Jackie.
Oh man, it must suck that your retarded
brother's better looking than you.
Stop being such fuckwits!
Oh, you're all fuckwits!
Okay! Today is the day!
Are we ready?
Are you okay?
I want two laps!
Let's go!
Come on!
You get this, Mollison,
and shock of all shocks,
you'll actually get your bronze medallion.
On your marks!
Okay. Just ease off nice and easy,
nice and easy.
Just get up to a nice cruising speed.
Don't do anything sudden.
All right.
And you've got to drive like
everyone else on the road is an idiot.
No don't look at me.
Look at the road.
Okay. Okay, okay.
Just remember everyone else
on the road is an idiot.
It's called defensive driving.
Just keep an eye on the things that you
might find come running out of the driveway.
All right. Or, okay. How far do?
Just try not... try not to...
You're a natural.
Just like your old man.
Climb in, Jackie.
Thank you.
Hopefully, tonight will be the last
time we see those bloody monkey ears.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Roll up,
roll up, for the unbelievable, inconceivable,
Oh, it looks so cute!
No, no!
Russell, you go down to Charlie.
He knows this... He knows this.
Come on, up you get. You have to be
in the dance with Charlie.
Go on,
you be a monkey with Charlie.
Come on, sweetie.
That's a good boy, come on. That's it.
Charlie? Why don't you help Russell
get up and have a bit of a dance?
Come on, mum and dad are out there.
Come on, up you get darling.
You can do this.
Come on, up you get Russell.
Charlie! Hey!
You stop this! Charlie!
No, no! I want to stay!
What's wrong, Russell?
You know Charlie has worked
so hard for this, Russell.
Are you right? Charlie, are you okay?
You've been on stage before, remember?
Do it for mum and dad, okay?
Look at my face.
Charlie won't be able to dance
if you don't.
Charlie, there is no need to spit at Russell!
I will put you both... in time out!
I said stop!
Charlie, enough! Stop it, all right?
Just behave!
Does Russell like monkeys?
Charlie likes monkeys.
Thomas likes monkeys.
We'll clean up you up now, mate.
Does Russell like dancing?
He likes it.
Charlie likes dancing.
Thomas likes dancing.
No. Russell doesn't like monkeys.
Russell doesn't like monkeys.
Russell doesn't like Charlie.
Just settle down, all right?
Just settle down.
Bad, Charlie. Bad!
Charlie, you'll just have to
go on stage by yourself.
No, you can do it. You're a big boy.
Come on, Charlie. Come on.
Be a good boy. Come on.
Come on. On stage!
There you go! Beautiful!
You remember when we were little?
We used to have baths with dad,
and we'd rub soap into his legs...
...and they were so hairy they'd
always go white?
Then he'd fart and we'd start clapping
and you'd go, 'poo-poo noises',
'poo-poo noises'.
I've hated being your brother.
Every night I used to close my eyes
and wish that when
I woke up you'd be normal.
But you won't.
You just pissed on my leg, didn't you?
Simon, have you mowed the lawn yet?
Rex said I didn't need to!
I'm gonna kill that bear!