Black Christmas (2006)

(low whirring)
(wind chimes tinkling)
(robust jazz music playing)
# Old Mr. Kringle|is soon gonna jingle #
# The bells that'll tingle|all your troubles away #
# Everybody's waiting|for the man with the bag #
(distant): # 'Cause Christmas|is coming again #
# He's got a sleigh full #
# It's not gonna stay full|of stuff that he's dropping... #
- (cork pops)|- (distant, indistinct chatter)
# Everybody's waiting|for the man with the bag #
# 'Cause Christmas|is coming again #
# He'll be here #
(chatter continues)
# He's got a sleigh full #
# It's not gonna stay full #
# Of stuff that he's dropping|every stop of the way #
# Everybody's waiting|for the man with the bag #
# 'Cause Christmas|is coming again #
# He'll be here... #
(chatter continues)
# #
(door squeaking)
(clattering in distance)
# #
(muffled screaming)
(distant cackling)
(buzzer sounding)
(cackling continues nearby)
(orderly humming)
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas|from your friends and family
at the Clark Sanitarium.
ORDERLY:|Merry Christmas.
Happy holidays.
PATIENT:|Leave me alone!
Merry Christmas.
Happy holidays.
Happy birthday.
Behold. Wise men from the east|came to Jerusalem,
saying, ''Where... ''
How'd you get in here?
The door was open.
I was looking for the children's|ward, and I got lost.
GUARD: This ain't no place|for Santa Claus.
Not at Christmas.
(patient screaming in distance)
(door squeaking)
Billy Lenz?
That's the guy that killed
his family at Christmas,|back when I was a kid.
You know, a lot of|people say he's dead.
Poke your head inside.
Check if he's been naughty|or nice.
No, that's... it's okay.
I thought so.
You guys keep him locked|up with just a padlock?
That lock's just to make him|feel at home.
Right, 'cause his mom kept him
locked in the basement|his whole life.
The attic.
See, that's the key|to Billy Lenz.
He just wants to "feel" at home,
especially on Christmas.
He's tried to escape|every year...
...just to be home on Christmas.
It tastes like chicken.
Because it's chicken.
It's the closest|we could get to how
Mom used to taste.
- Mm.|- It's late.
I have to go inside.
- Mm-hmm.|- Mm-mm.
They might be waiting for me.
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy''|ring tone plays)
See? That's them calling.
You can be with them any time.
Yeah, but it's not|any time, though.
It's Christmas.
I know, but it's our first.
We should be together.
We will.
On Christmas Day.
I can't wait until you|see what I got you.
(both chuckle)
And then, we'll be|together all week.
Well, besides when|I have to work.
Look, I'm excited,|baby, but I got to be
with my sorority sisters, too.
I mean, I've never|really had a big family.
I'm your family now.
I love you.
I'll see you later.
(phone ringing)
(jingle bells ringing)
# I love|those J-l-N-G-L-E bells #
# Bong! #
# Jingle bells #
# Jingle bells,|jingle all the way #
# Oh, what fun it is to ride|in a one-horse open sleigh #
# Jingle bells,|jingle bells... #
Girls, I can't find|Billy's present
under the tree here.
Come on, girls, we can't|start the Secret Santa
without Billy's present.
Hello? Who drew
Billy's name?
Um, Ms. Mac,|it's a Secret Santa.
Can't we just get on with|this thing, so I can party
for a few days|before having to deal
with the family on Christmas.
Have you looked outside?
It's raining hail the size|of Yao's ball sack.
It'll stop.
The party gods won't allow me|to be here by myself
- over Christmas break.|- Oh, I'll be here, Dana.
Yeah, they're making me work|next week.
That sucks... everyone|should be home for Christmas.
All right, all right,|who's not here?
Um, like everybody.
She went home this morning.
- Greer?|- No, that was her on the phone.
She and Erin and Taylor
are off on that cozy|little ski trip
with the boys|from G.A.D. next door.
Didn't I see Clair earlier?
Isn't she upstairs|writing a card to her sister?
No, I think her sister|picked her up earlier.
Remember, this is the occasion
for Clair and her sister|and her mom
to... bury the hatchet|and rediscover
each other.
I'd like to bury the hatchet|with my sister...
...right in her head.
(man cackling in distance)
(patient yammering in distance)
(patient yelping in distance)
(patient shouting in distance)
(chair squeaking)
(patient whimpering nearby)
In your dreams, Billy.
In your dreams.
# #
# #
# #
(girls giggling)
Lauren, we're opening up|presents.
(door opens)
Clair, we're opening up|presents.
Okay, I realize that|you're an only child,
so let me explain.
Christmas is just Darwin.
The weak get eaten.
We're opening up|gifts right now!
If you're not downstairs|in five minutes, your presents
are mine!
Now show me.
(pounding at door)
We're opening up|presents in five minutes!
If you're not downstairs,
then I'm going|to take your presents.
Just fuck Christmas.
Fuck it.
Hey, Megan, are you okay?
LAUREN:|Honestly, Santa loves...
(chair creaking)
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy''|playing)
(door creaking)
(song continues)
(playing ''Dance of|the Sugar Plum Fairy'')
All right.
Who's fucking with me?
(song continues)
What are you doing?
(muffled screams)
(''Deck the Halls'' playing)
# Fa la la la la|la la la la #
# 'Tis the season to be jolly #
Hey, Santa, if I sit|on your lap,
will you give me|what I want for Christmas?
SANTA: I don't know,|you've been good all year.
You sure you want to blow it|on the last day, huh?
I'll be good.
I bet you will.
Happy holidays.
- Yeah.|- (scoffs)
Ever seen the backseat|of a sleigh?
(door closing)
# Fa la la la la la|la la la #
You know, Santa|checks his list twice.
I know you're|very, very naughty.
WOMAN:|Santa, my shift's over.
You know, Santa's not one|to keep a girl waiting.
(sharp thud)
# #
Mrs. Mac, why don't you|open the present we got you.
Because we have to open|Billy's present first.
It's a 15-year Delta|Alpha Kappa tradition.
Okay, I...
I drew that name.
But can I say,|I'm sorry, I'm just,
I'm really not okay|with any of this.
I mean, buying a|Christmas present
for a serial killer?
MELISSA:|No, you see,
serial killers murder|repeatedly for sexual thrill.
Billy Lenz|was a spree killer.
Dude just fucking lost it.
Thank you.
HEATHER:|Oh, whatever, Melissa, okay?
I'm just offended|by a pagan sacrifice
to ward off evil spirits|on Christmas.
Heather, we're just having|a little bit of fun.
Christmas is more about warding|off evil spirits than Halloween.
What Christmas shit
in this room resembles|anything Christian, huh?
It's all neo-pagan magic.
Christmas tree...
a magical rite ensuring|the return of the crops.
The mistletoe is nothing|but a conception charm.
Fifth century Christians
jacked a Roman winter festival...
and the Earth was roamed|by the demons of chaos.
And fucking Santa Claus?
This fat voyeur|that watches you all year long
to make sure you live up to
his standards of decency before|breaking into your house?
And that is different|from what Billy did... how?
Billy didn't break in.
Billy lived here.
Billy Edward Lenz was born
that gave him yellow skin.
Merry Christmas, Billy.
His parents hated each other.
The mother hated Billy.
she always wanted.
all she saw
was her husband.
(tapping cigarette)
# #
(ornaments rattling)
(glass crunching)
MOTHER: Why you bothering|putting with those cookies?
Santa ain't coming to see you.
Russians shot his sleigh down.
Santa Claus... is dead.
(whispering):|Don't listen to her.
Listen, if you go|upstairs to your room,
you'll find something|for yourself.
Now, go.
(switch clicks)
(grunts softly)
FATHER: Look, I don't give|a shit if you're mean to me,
but to your own kid|on Christmas?
MOTHER:|This is my present to myself.
I don't have to listen|to you no more.
FATHER:|You didn't listen to me before.
(door slams downstairs)
FATHER:|Who are you?
What the fuck do you want?
MOTHER:|He's my family now.
FATHER:|Get out of here!
MAN:|She's mine now.
FATHER:|This guy?
This guy, this piece of shit,|is your boyfriend?
MOTHER:|Gonna be my husband.
FATHER:|Hey, what the fuck is that?
I was in Vietnam.
Do you think I'm afraid of|a dude holding a fucking hammer?
(thud, Father grunts)
(punch landing)
(glass breaking, Father screams)
(Father grunts, punches landing)
(glass breaking, loud thud)
(dull thud)
(breaths shuddering)
(metal striking)
(door opens)
(man panting)
(wallboard creaks)
(scraping, digging)
(both grunting, panting)
(object rolling)
(phone ringing)
(ringing continues)
Alpha Kappa.
Very funny, Kyle.
I think someone's in trouble.
(frantic breathing|over intercom)
VOICE (imitating Mother):|You want a Christmas cookie?
You're my cookie,|and I could gobble you up!
Billy, what have you done?!
(sobbing):|What have you done?
(imitating Stepfather):|Where's Agnes?!
(imitating Billy):|She's my family now.
Hey, shouldn't|you get going?
Don't you have lots|of toys to deliver
- to good little boys and girls?|- Shh.
VOICE (panting):|Get out of my house.
I'm gonna kill you.
- Call the police.|- LAUREN: Please.
Police ain't gonna do shit|about one wack-job phone call.
Just dial ''star 69.''
MELISSA:|That just calls him back...
unless there's something|you need him to clarify.
Caller I.D.|says Clair's cell.
You really shouldn't|provoke somebody like that.
What would you know|about dealing with anyone
other than your NASCAR daddy?
I'm going home.
Yeah, yeah, run to Daddy!
At least my family|wants me to come home.
KELLI:|You guys,
come on.
It's, like, Christmastime.
Come on, Heather.
What about your present?
Give it to Billy.
Merry Christmas, Heather.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
You're all like my family now.
Thanks, Eve.
That's... that's so sweet.
I know you like|the Bible and stuff.
MS. MAC:|Well, that's the spirit!
Well, come on, everybody.
Let's get|this thing rolling.
What have we got here now?
Oh! Melissa.
There you are.
And, uh...
Let's see... Dana, very nice.
I wonder what this could be.
And let's see...
Aw, ''Mrs. Mac.''
You shouldn't have.
I'll open it later.
(''Carol of the Bells'' playing)
(grunting, panting)
Not again.
Every goddamn time.
(rocking chair creaking)
(latch clicking)
(''Carol of the Bells'' continues)
MOTHER:|My little Agnes.
(footsteps thudding,|chandelier tinkling)
She's my family now.
MS. MAC: All right,|let's get this party going.
Um, let's see.
This one's for Megan.
Kelli, is Megan coming down?
All right, we'll save|that one for later.
Uh... Oh.
Here's one for Mrs. Mac.
Ooh, it's a big one.
All right, I'll wait.
And here is another|one for Melissa.
It's a little one.
Well, you know what they say.
Big things come in small pa...
Well, something like that;|I don't know.
It's all right,|let's see what else.
Then we'll open the stockings.
Oh, Eve, wait, wait.
Let me find your gift.
''To Eve from Santa.''
Does Eve have someplace to be?
The Island of Misfit Toys.
Her mother was a legacy.
Her mother's dead.
She has no boyfriend,
no family.
I mean, really,|where does she have to go?
(footsteps crunching snow)
(footsteps crunching snow)
Who hasn't gotten|a gift yet? Uh...
Just give her a shot of tequila,
wish her happy holidays,|and she's good to go.
Happy holidays.
MELISSA:|All right, look, I know
this is the whole|Secret Santa thing,
but I know, um,|Clair drew your name.
Oh, yeah?|She get me anything good?
Oh, yeah.|It's a music box.
It plays ''Dance of|the Sugar Plum Fairies.''
Oh, fuck, no.
I'm starting to see|the sugar plum fairies.
I don't need to hear|the little fuckers, too.
Language. Language.
(wind whistling)
WOMAN (over speakers):|Wireless services report
several microwave|relay stations are off-line.
Now, a relay station sends calls|out of the area, so that is why
your cell may work on local|calls, but not on long distance.
Does it come with a man|to wear it for?
Here is our real present.
(phone ringing)
I got it.
Why is Megan calling here?
(phone continues ringing)
Hey, where are you?
VOICE (imitating Mother):|She's my family now.
(imitating Melissa): Everyone|should be home for Christmas.
(imitating Billy):|I'll be home for Christmas.
I'm going to bury the hatchet,|in your head.
That was not Megan.
(speed-dial beeping)
(line ringing)
WOMAN (on answering machine):|You have reached the main menu
of Clement University|campus security.
During the Christmas break...
Is Megan in her room?
I don't know.|I was just packing. What...
What's going on?
(Kelli and Heather screaming)
KELLI (panting):|Oh, my God.
What are you doing in there?
I wanted to spend|the night with you.
It's okay.
KYLE:|And I knew that mama-san
and your sisters here would kick|me out, so I-I tried to sneak
into your room, but the window|wasn't open, so I, uh,
I saw that,|I saw that Megan's was,
so I climbed up here|to see you.
Is Megan in her room?
I don't know.
You climbed up into her room,
and you don't know|if she's in it?
It's dark.
LAUREN: Does he think|we're fucking stupid?
You were in Megan's room.
The call came from Megan's cell.
What call?
MELISSA:|Can I just say,
I'm sorry,
but that-that fucking voice,
that was not Megan or Kyle.
That was the fucking|devil, okay?
And they were not talking to us.
They were talking to Billy.
KYLE: Billy Lenz, the guy|that used to live in this house?
Well, you're definitely|getting punked.
Yeah, Billy Lenz|is our fucking life.
You know, you spoiled bitches,
you come here for a couple|of years and you leave.
I live here.
I stay here.
I used to play on this street
before they turned them|into frat houses.
This was the house that scared|the shit out of us,
my whole life.
What happened?
You mean after|he washed down his...
Christmas cookies|with a glass of milk?
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy''|playing)
# #
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy''|playing)
MOTHER:|Merry Christmas, Agnes.
(whispering):|Is that Santa's reindeer?
There's nothing up there.
Do you want a Christmas cookie?
You're my cookie,
and I could gobble you up.
(tree rustling,|ornaments clinking)
# #
(gas hissing)
(inhales deeply)
(phone ringing)
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas...
Hey. Merry Christmas.
MAN:|She's my family now.
(stepfather snoring)
What have you done?!
Where's Agnes?!
Billy, where's Agnes?
What your mother|and I must know is...
Where's Agnes?!
- (Agnes screaming)|- What have you done?
- What have you done?|- (blows landing)
(Billy growls, squishing sound)
(Agnes screaming)
(sobbing hysterically)
(thud, record scratches)
(sobbing hysterically)
(electrical crackling,|Billy growls)
(throaty gasping)
(phone line beeping,|electrical crackling)
(Billy growls)
(blows thudding)
(object clatters)
(thudding continues)
(Agnes crying softly)
(door creaking)
Little girl in the corner,|she's hurt.
Go check her out.
(indistinct police radio|communication)
(Agnes crying softly)
(indistinct police radio|communication)
(floorboards squeaking)
(door slowly creaking)
(indistinct police radio|communication)
(sirens approaching)
Billy was declared insane.
to Clark Sanitarium.
(crow cawing)
Paramedics saved his sister,|Agnes.
She lost her right eye.
All scarred up, mother murdered,|an inbred.
Her father, Billy,|who was her brother, Billy...
a fucking psycho.
They sent her to an orphanage.
Like, what chance did she have
that a foster family|would ever take her?
No one's seen her since.
(rocking chair creaking|rhythmically)
(wind howling)
Did they ever|find out from him
why he killed his family?
Well... it seemed to him
that's how they showed|their love.
(door slams shut)
(drawers sliding open and shut)
MS. MAC:|Megan?
(clock ticking)
Can we help you?
She was supposed to call.
I'm Clair's sister.
Where is she?
I'm kind of worried about Megan.
Who knows|what her deal is, okay?
- Can we go to my apartment?|- No. She was weird before.
I mean, she was a bitch to me,|and that's never happened.
And we've been getting|these weird phone calls,
one from her cell,
and her car's still outside,|and she's just, what,
gone in the middle|of this weather?
- Hey.|- Ow.
What, exactly,|are you looking for?
Like, a note or something|that says she's okay.
All her stuff is here,|and her car is outside.
Okay. Call her cell.
MS. MAC:|You're a legacy?
What year?
'93, '94, I don't know.
I started late, I quit early.
I don't remember you.
I mean, this was supposed to be|such a big fucking weekend.
Excuse my language,|but I drove
all the way out here|in this shitty, shitty weather.
I blew off a weekend
in Vail with a cardiologist...
I love that coat.
(phone beeps)
Voice mail.
Meg, hi, it's Kel.
Um, look, I was just wondering|if you were okay, and, you know,
wanted to know what happened|to you and stuff, so...
can you just call me back,|please, on my cell?
Okay, bye.
(phone snaps shut)
(soft rustling)
MS. MAC:|Clair's name is ''Crosby.''
This says ''Colvin.''
The divorce will|be final in March.
What else do you need?
Look, I can't tell you|any secrets
about my sister, because|I don't really know her.
I-I-I can't tell you anything|about this place,
because I really fuckin'|hated it here.
I see Billy|still gets a Christmas present.
Oh, this is new.
It's not, uh...
for Billy,|it's for Alpha Kappa from Billy.
(clock chiming)
That wasn't here before.
Well, let's open it.
(wind whistling)
# #
What if there's something|on her computer, like, uh,
an e-mail or something|that says where she is?
Hey, you know what?|I don't...
I don't feel comfortable.|uh, whatever, like,
invading someone's privacy|like this.
Try calling the police again.
Who put this under the tree?
She put it there.
She found it.
Are you actually giving me shit
when none of you can tell me|where my sister is, huh?
Where's her room?
Well, you know what that is?
The attic window's open.
What, you think she's up there?
LEIGH:|You know her better than I do.
I'm her half-sister,|12 years older.
Clair was in, um...
I don't know, second grade|when I moved in here, this room.
It's weird how, at this age,|12 years seems like nothing.
In fact, in a weird way,|she seems older.
She was the one who wanted|to bridge that time,
finally get to know each other|while we could.
Can, you know, while we can.
- (paper rustling)|- HEATHER: Hey.
Same paper as the present|Eve gave me.
That paper's dated|December 26, 1991.
Eve lives in Billy's room.
Maybe she's, like,|obsessed with him.
I'm gonna go up to her room|and see if there's
any of that old newspaper|or anything up there.
Look, I'm tellin' you, it's|the window, Kelli, okay?
Can we just get up to the attic,|and I will close it.
Maybe she changed her mind|and just...
(clears throat)|...left.
(electrical crackling)
(electrical crackling)
(electrical crackling)
(electrical humming)
(computer trills)
(Kelli gasps)
(computer beeps)
Look, this was before|you came here.
Okay? I did not put this|on the 'Net.
A guy at my work,|he got pissed off at me,
and he stole my tapes.
(wry laugh)|Tapes, Kyle?
How many are there,|you fucking liar?!
(door creaking)
(wind whistling)
KELLI (crying): I can't even|believe that this person is you.
How could you do such a thing?
I saw you so different.
(papers rustling)
(electronic beeping)
(electronic beeping)
KELLI (screaming):|Get out!
Get the fuck out!
Am I gonna show up on there?
Isn't sex enough, Kyle?
You need little visual trophies|to get your thrill?
Why don't you shut the fuck up?!
- Hey, hey, hey!|- Go, Kyle, now!
I got her, Ms. Mac.|It's okay, baby.
- I got you.|- (retching)
Kelli, I really like you.
A lot.
I don't blame you|for hating me.
But I wasn't dealing.
I wasn't knocking over|7-Elevens.
I didn't hurt anybody.
Yeah, Merry Christmas, asshole.
Fuck all you bitches.
Get out of here now!
Get out of here.
Go. Go!
(Melissa speaks softly)
(door closes)
Um, th-this is Clair's sister.
(wind whistling)
(Kelli crying softly)
How fucked up is it that
the only other house on this|street has power?
This one doesn't.
- (sighs)|- You okay?
- Mel?|- Yeah?
You're a better sister to me|than my own sister.
Yeah, Dick Cheney's|a better sister to you
than your sister.
(weakly):|You know what I mean.
Yeah, I know. Ew.
I love you, too, but, honey,
you're really, really smelly.
You need to take a shower.|Can you handle it?
Okay. Come on.
(toilet flushing)
DANA:|Oh, shit.
The main breaker's|underneath the house.
What? I'm not the totally|helpless daddy's girl
these bitches|make me out to be.
Okay, then go outside|and turn the power on.
Are you high?
I'm not goin' outside.|It's freezing.
It'll take two seconds.
You know where the power is.
I'll keep looking for Clair.
Oh, fine.
I'm gonna go put a trash can|by your bed, okay?
# #
(water turns off)
(water dripping)
You good, drunky?
Okay. No more drinking.
Okay, trash can's|right here, okay?
(moans softly)
Merry fuckin' Christmas.
(door closes)
(wind blowing)
Of course.
It's okay.
Up in Eve's closet,|I found this, and these.
Fuck you, Santa Claus.
(wind blowing)
(door creaking)
(wind whistling)
Eve, you crazy bitch.
I can see your breath.
- (grunts)|- (screaming)
(sharp thud, Dana grunts)
(eerie theme plays)
(door creaking)
(snow globe playing|''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy'')
(playing ''Dance of|the Sugar Plum Fairy'')
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy''|ring tone playing)
It must be Kyle.
What do I do?
Answer it.
(breathes deeply)
It says Dana's cell.
VOICE (imitating Dana):|Help!
(woman screaming)
Help me. Help me.
She's my family now.
- Dana?|- (gasps)
Dana, where are you?!
She went around back|to the fuse box.
Eve's car.
She never left.
Heather, we have|to find Dana first!
MELISSA: The fuse box|is under the house!
Oh, my God.
Oh, and I can't open it!
Come on!
What's she doing,|sleeping in her car?
It's, like, zero degrees out.
(both scream)
(both gasping)
Holy fuck!
(girls gasping)
He's out here.
What? What?
Damn it!
Shit. Shit.
Come on.
What's going on?
heavy caller traffic|because of the storm.
Hello. Yes, yes.
(panting):|A girl is... is dead.
Yes, I know her.
Her name is Eve Agnew.
And we're positive|that she's been murdered.
He's home.
No, no, no, no, no, Ms. Mac.
Billy is dead.
And three other girls are...
Are missing. Missing.
Are missing.
We're the second house on the...
Alpha Kappa sorority.
Kelli Presley.
Wait, how long until...
No, no!
We think he's still outside!
Would you wait|around that long
after what I just told you?
Get your purse!
KELLI:|Please, isn't there
anything that you...
Goddamn it!
The storm.
Pile-ups over 91.
Reservists can't make it out
because the streets|are all ice.
Trees have fallen, and they said|they can maybe,
maybe be here in two hours.
Well, we're all gonna be|out of here in two minutes.
Get your things.
- And what about Dana?|- We'll just go over
to the ADG house and get help.
No, they-they've all gone home|or-or skiing.
KELLI: Okay, okay,|whose family lives the closest,
just-just call them.
Lauren, her mom lives in Boston.
Even if we could
reach them on their cell phone,
it would take four or five hours|before they got here.
Oh, shit, Lauren...
- Let's go.|- No.
We stay together.
We lock up the house...|we got the fireplace poker,
a ski pole or some shit,|and for the next two hours
not let each other|out of our sights.
No. We are driving|to the police station.
- In this weather?|- Even if they can't
do anything, at least|we will all be safe there.
Yeah, and we're not all here!
If we were, then I would go.
That's right.
Unless I see otherwise, I'm|believing that Clair is alive.
And "when" she comes back, it is|not gonna be to an empty house.
We are safer|sticking together.
All right, then get your coats.
Mel, come on, we're leaving!|Let's go!
I'm not leaving Lauren,|you bitch!
We're sisters...
so act like it.
We'll get the police here|as soon as we can.
Let's go.
(wind blowing)
(door creaks)
(snorts, groans)
(Ms. Mac gasps)
We can't see the car.
Maybe from Lauren's room?
(closes door)
(grunts)|Open up, please, Mrs. Mac.
(engine grinding)
(Heather banging on window)
Oh, come on, you piece of shit.
(engine grinding)
(engine starts)
(''We Wish You a Merry Christmas''|playing on radio)
Come on.
KELLI:|They got the car started.
Go, go, go.
All right.
What are you doing?
Here you go.
What is that thing?
Are you kidding?
(quietly):|Privileged bitch.
Frigid Southern princess.
# Good tidings for Christmas,|and a... #
(car creaks)
LEIGH:|Why aren't they leaving?
Should we go check on them?
Let's go.|Stay with your friend.
(door opens and closes)
(''We Wish You a Merry Christmas''|playing in distance)
(screaming in distance)
(continues screaming)
Come on!
Fucking window!
(fierce grunts)
(pounding on door)
It's blocked.
(car engine rattles to a stop)
Come on. Come on.
# #
# #
# #
Oh, God.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
(heavy footsteps)
- Lauren, where's Mel?|- KELLI: Shut up.
- Where is Melissa?|- He'll hear you.
(Kelli panting)
(slow footsteps)
(''Jingle Bells''|ring tone playing)
(''Jingle Bells'' continues)
(''Jingle Bells'' stops)
(yelling, grunting)
Oh, my God... Kyle!
LEIGH:|Stop! It's me!
- No!|- (screams)
There are two bodies|in the driveway.
- Maybe you did it!|- No!
Maybe you did that!
It wasn't... him.
How do you know?
(wind howling)
(''Jingle Bells'' ring tone|playing)
(''Jingle Bells'' continues)
- (light clattering)|- (''Jingle Bells'' stops)
(wind howling)
(creaking footfalls)
(phone playing ''Dance|of the Sugar Plum Fairy'')
(whispering over phone):|Where's Agnes?
- (girl whimpering in background)|- What have you done... Billy?
She's my family now.
(creaking footfalls)
(snaps phone shut)
(whispers, panting):|He's in the attic...
and I hear|someone else.
(floorboards creaking)
(whispering):|Hey, hey, no fucking way.
Let's go.
Clair might be alive...|she might be up there.
No, Eve's not,|Heather's not, Ms. Mac...
I heard more than one voice|on those phone calls.
And I have searched|the whole house.
And I've seen under it.|Where else could he be?
Until I see that she's dead,|she is alive.
This is Billy fucking Lenz|we're talking about here, okay?
He's probably listening to us|right now.
Yeah, and if I had a sister, I|would expect her to go up there.
How would you know?|You don't have a sister.
She does.
Now, let's go.
If we go up there,
the second we see they're dead,
we run the fuck|out of this house.
(sharp metallic ting)
- (quiet panting)|- (floor creaking)
(floor creaking)
I open the door,|and you hit the light.
(whispering):|One, two...
(wind blowing)
(screaming continues)
(muffled grunting)
- (pounding on door)|- (Leigh and Kelli screaming)
(Kyle grunting)
KELLI:|Kyle! Kyle!
(Kyle grunting)
(Kyle grunts)
(yells, grunts)
No... no... no!
God, no!
(Leigh and Kelli|screaming and crying)
No! No!
Oh, no! No!
He's my family now.
No! No...!
No! Leigh!
No! No!
(Kelli, Leigh screaming)
(flame whooshes)
(screaming stops)
(wind blowing)
(soft sizzling)
KILLER: Everyone should be|home for Christmas.
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy''|playing)
(Leigh whimpering)
- (yells)|- (gasps)
(soft, echoing bells jingle)
(eerie, echoing breath)
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum|Fairy'' continues)
You're my family now.
Come on!
(gasping, screaming)
No! No!
(muffled gasping)
(Kelli gasping)
(Kelli yells)
(hollow pop)
They're not your family.
I'm not your family.
And your brother's not here.
No, my daddy's here.
- (Agnes grunting)|- (Kelli screaming)
(screaming continues)
(ornaments clinking)
(screaming continues)
(frantic screaming)
Help me. Help!
Help me! Please!
I'm in the wall, please!
I'm in the wall!
Help! Help! Help!
Help! Help!
I'm below you!
Below you!
Help! Help! I'm down here!
Help me!
Help me!
Help! Help! Help me, please!
Help me.|Billy's in the fucking wall.
- Oh! Help me!|- (pounding)
Please, please!
Help! Help!
(screaming and panting)
(doll squeaks)
(Billy groaning)
(Billy wailing)
(Billy shrieking)
(flames crackling)
(siren wails in distance)
DESK NURSE (over P.A.):|Dr. Forest, dial 118, please.
Dr. Forest, please dial 118...
All right,|good to go.
Still more questions|than answers tonight
at Clement University Hospital,
on what should have been a|typically quiet Christmas Eve.
Earlier, escaped notorious|murderer Billy Lenz,
along with his sister Agnes...
unaccounted for since her recent|release from Woodville...
together went on|a murderous rampage...
(indistinct voice over|ear piece)
No, I'm the only one here.
What about the M. E?
(chuckles)|M.E. barely made it in.
Are you gonna be home soon?
No, I won't be home|till after noon.
Well, 'cause he wants us to|identify all the bodies,
and we've only done two.
Remember when we talked|about this last night?
- Don't you?|- Yes.
You know what day it is?
Of course I know what day it is;|the kids'll have to wait.
It's Christmas, jerk.
- (phone hangs up)|- Fuck!
- (ear piece beeps)|- Bitch.
Think I want to be doing|this on Christmas?
I'm doing my frickin' job.
Ooh, yes, sir.
(zipper whizzing)
What the fuck?
Holy shit.
- (gasps)|- (instruments clattering)
No, no!
(attendant screaming)
How long could they have|been in the house for?
Months? Years?
We're not gonna know that now.
We're never gonna know.
I'm not gonna be able to open|this in front of...
my sister, so...
(knock at door)
Doctor wants some more|X-rays, and the technician's
about to go home and|won't be in tomorrow.
(light thumping)
(thumping continues)
(door rattles)
(latch clicking)
I thought they took you|to get your X-rays.
You okay?
(bone snapping)
Wait, wait, wait.|Where's Leigh?
I don't know. Restroom, maybe?
They were supposed to|have someone fix this.
(indistinct voice over P.A.)
# #
(eerie hissing)
(hissing grows louder)
CHORUS: # Deck the halls|with boughs of holly #
# Fa la la la la|la la la la #
- # 'Tis the season to be jolly #|- (quiet beeping)
# Fa la la la la|la la la la... #
(gasping)|Open the door!
Please, somebody, help!|Open the door.
(panting):|Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God, oh, God.
(powering up)
Come on!
(device trilling)
(zapping, crackling)
Oh, fuck.
Merry Christmas, motherfucker!
(gasping and panting)
(orderly shouting)
- (indistinct voices)|- (screams)
(Billy yells)
(woman screams in distance)
(panicked voices)
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy''|plays)
# #
# #
# #
(''Dance of the Sugar Plum|Fairy'' ends)
(suspenseful music plays)
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# #
(music ends)