Black Creek (2017)

(skateboard rolling)
(eerie theme)
(fantasy theme)
(moody electronic music)
[Narrator] As children,
we are told stories
of monsters under the bed,
in the walls,
and inside of people.
But sometimes the monsters we
create aren't just stories.
This is my warning.
An early group of
settlers were attacked
at a camp one night.
Only one survived.
He said a large skeleton-like
figure came for them at night,
dressed in the hides of men.
They tried to shoot it.
Cut it.
Burn it.
(gun fires)
But nothing could stop it.
It simply vanished
into the forest.
- (distant scream)
- What was that?
Sure it's just a jay.
It didn't sound like a jay.
Wait here, I'll be right back.
Take this.
- What if it's a bear?
- They're hibernating, buddy.
Wolves aren't.
No wolf is coming, Peter.
Adam, I picked
up a stag trail.
(moody electronic music)
Help me.
What happened to you?
A man, he took me from school.
I don't know, he's out
here somewhere still.
You're gonna be okay.
(ominous tones)
(Peter gasps)
(ominous tones)
The other men who had
all seen it and died
had stakes impaled
into their eyes.
(music swells)
(sharp thud)
People say the Wisconsin
Skinwalker passes on
to the last person it kills,
and now forever walks among
the settlers who took the land.
Our forefathers.
(ominous tones)
Help me!
(twig snaps)
Who's there?
Help me!
Don't worry, Peter, it's me.
What are you doing?
(gun fires)
Thank you, Mike.
Maria, would you like
to give your talk on
our forefathers next?
(bell rings)
[Girl] I really liked
your story in class today.
Where'd you hear it from?
I used to go to my
dad's old hunting cabin.
He would tell me stories
like that all the time.
I'm sorry, I heard
about the accident.
Things must be hard at home.
Well, I was wondering if you
wanted to hang out sometime?
I have this story in English
class I really need to work on.
- What's it about?
- Jenna.
What're you doing
with this weirdo?
God, I heard the freak's got
actual Indian blood in him.
Leave him alone.
Shouldn't you be at a meeting
with your parole officer?
You better watch
your freak boy,
otherwise he might have a
worse accident than his dad.
[Girl] Hey, don't
worry about them.
Whatever, they're dicks.
Well, do you wanna hang
out after school sometime?
[Mike] Yeah.
I'd like that.
[Friend] Come on, Jenna,
we're gonna be late.
(lively heavy metal music)
[Girl] Mike, turn
your music down!
[Mike] Why?
Because it's shit.
I'm trying to drown out yours.
It's not funny, Mike,
you're gonna wake up Mom.
Your wining couldn't
even wake her up
after the pills she's on.
(phone rings)
Hey, what's up?
Gettin' high and watching
serial killer documentaries.
You're so messed up.
Jeffrey Dahmer, he would
have been one fucked up
contestant in Hell's Kitchen.
And he's from
Wisconsin too, man.
[Mike] Probably
went to our school.
Anyway, what're you doing?
Just wondering who's having
the biggest mental
breakdown in this house.
Oh, your mom
still going psycho?
[Mike] Nah, she doesn't
even know I'm on probation.
Doesn't she have
to like sign things?
Dude, she might as well
be as high as you right now.
Anyways, my tag
comes off tomorrow.
Wanna hang out after school?
Bro, as soon as that tag
comes off, we're going.
(door opens)
Mom, you're supposed to knock!
(dark orchestral music)
[Deputy] What're
you thinking, Sheriff?
[Sheriff] There
goes my weekend.
These injuries are consistent
with the Jimmy Winter murders.
I thought that
case was closed out.
[Sheriff] No, it's not.
They never found the
body of that Mary girl.
Think we should
go public with it?
Could be a copycat killing.
I don't wanna give whoever's
doing this any undue publicity
or attention right now.
Those murders have done
enough damage around here.
This is definitely
that Cathy White girl
that disappeared
a few weeks ago.
Boys must have
stumbled across her
being murdered or something.
Where's the other boy?
I thought there was
two of them out here.
Hopefully somewhere nearby.
Get onto State Patrol, get me
a full search team out here.
Okay. 10-4.
Whatever happened to you
out here, Mary Monette?
(ominous tones swell)
I know your folks are
rich and everything,
but how did they afford
a house like this?
Probably because of
what happened here.
Stop messing around, dude.
No, seriously.
A man murdered his cheating
wife in this very pool.
He watched them making out from
behind that very waterfall.
Just letting the hate
build inside him.
Then he pounced out on
them with the very knife
he used to cut their
wedding cake with.
The police found their
dismembered bodies
floating in the bloody pool.
The motor had stopped
working, though,
because the intestines
got all caught up in it.
What happened to him?
He bled to death
in his own bath.
Some people around here say,
you can still see his
shadow peering out,
from behind that very waterfall.
(ominous tones)
(girl screams)
You guys, help me!
Mike, do something.
Relax, relax, relax,
it's just Lloyd!
What're you doing?
[Lloyd] Scaring
the shit outta you.
[Mike] Wait, Jenna!
Jenna, come back.
You found it funny.
- Mike?
- Grow up, dude.
(siren wails)
These racists because I'm
driving a girl car and I'm
a Pilipino, he probably
thinks I have drugs!
Fuckin' hillbilly town, they're
fuckin' just racist as shit.
When he comes over I'm
gonna be like, "look, bitch,
"you better back off 'cause
I didn't do shit wrong."
Hello, officer.
[Sheriff] That's Sheriff
to you, not officer.
Oh sorry, Sheriff.
Driving a little
fast, weren't we?
We've got a lot of
accidents around here.
[Driver] Of course, we
weren't speeding, were we?
Pop the trunk
for me please, sir.
- Yes, sir.
- Step out of the car.
Show me your license.
We have a kid gone
missing in the woods,
doing some routine stops.
Okay, well uh, I can assure
you I wouldn't put a dead body
in the trunk with my girlfriend
in the car. (chuckles)
That would be weird.
We get all sorts around here,
sir, where are you headed?
Oh, we're just
heading to Illinois.
Through the woods?
Highway's that way.
We thought we'd
take the scenic route.
Be careful, son.
We had a couple like you
round here last year,
who drove too fast, skidded
off the road, hit a tree.
By the time we found them, well,
the wolves hadn't left
much for us to examine.
Have a nice day.
Thanks, Sheriff, you too.
I told him off, baby, I
was like, "little bitch."
- You didn't.
- I did, I told him off.
(eerie electronic music)
(distorted radio chatter)
- Sheriff Wanner?
- Go ahead, Williams.
Nothing out here
except city kids
looking for a highway to sex.
[Williams] I think we
have an ID on the dead male.
Looks like he's Paul Jones.
Well, that's something.
I remember that name.
[Williams] Yeah, recently
released by the DOC.
Multiple state sex
offender, but it gets worse.
[Wanner] What do you mean?
[Williams] Apparently he teamed
up inside with some psycho
with serious mental issues.
We have security surveillance
on the two of them together
shortly before the
disappearance of Cathy.
Do you have any idea
where they're staying?
Yeah, I'm just getting
that address now.
I'm putting some officers
together to go over there.
Get me the address,
I'll meet you there.
(ominous tones)
(man and woman laugh)
Where you goin', huh?
Where you goin'?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
(man chuckles)
(ominous chord)
- Todd, wait!
- What?
I saw a kid.
(chuckles) Lorna,
you're just being spacey
because of the sheriff, come on.
No, I saw something.
Go look.
(Todd chuckles)
(suspenseful music)
Here, kid.
Kiddie, kiddie, kiddie.
You know, your mom and
dad miss you, I think.
This is ridiculous,
Lorna, there's no kid.
Lorna, where are you?
[Lorna] I'm over here.
[Todd] What're you
doing over there?
That's a shit-ton
of dream catchers.
Okay, so what?
Someone hung up a bunch
of dream catchers.
Let's go back and
do it in the car.
I don't like it out here.
(heavy breaths)
(dramatic chord)
(horn honks)
What's taking Mike so long?
Give him a break.
He's getting his dad's
ashes to bring with.
I don't want the remains of
some dead guy in the car.
(sighs) That's the whole
reason we're going out there.
[Friend] It's not
the only reason.
(door opens)
Hey, guys, wait for me!
No, what is she
doing coming along?
She is so welcome to come.
Dude, that's my sister.
[Friend] I thought you
said you didn't wanna come?
Well, I did, but
I changed my mind.
I wanted to say goodbye
to Dad properly, too.
(moody electronic music)
It's bigger than
what I expected.
That's what they all say.
(laughs) That's
not what I've heard.
So, Mike, did you ever wonder
if your dad was getting
up to something out here?
Come on, man, he
just liked hunting.
Let's go inside, it looks
like it's gonna rain again.
(eerie electronic music)
[Friend] Sick gun.
[Jenna] Hey, stop,
what if it's loaded?
[Sister] It's not loaded.
All of the bullets
are in the animals.
It should be alright.
I'm gonna go check and see
if the generator still runs,
and see if there's any
food left in the freezer.
[Friend] This place
is pretty awesome.
Gotta hand it to you, Mike.
Hey, be careful, that's
still my dad's gun.
Thank God I did come with.
I'm probably a better shot
than all of you put together.
Mike never said he
had such a cool sister.
Well, somebody has
to look out for him.
It's gonna be a good weekend.
(moody electronic music)
Do we know how long this
guy's been squatting here?
[Williams] I don't, Sheriff.
It's been abandoned
for a couple of months.
I suppose he's been
here for a little while.
- Nice place.
- Yeah.
Yeah, what a shit-hole.
Looks like someone had
quite the obsession, huh?
Yeah, his shrink said that
he believed that Mary Monette
was calling to him
from her grave.
I guess he thought he was
some kind of fuckin' angel
of death or somethin'.
What'd he think
she was saying?
[Williams] I don't know, the
usual perverted sicko stuff.
File wasn't real clear.
Why can't these people
ever just hear Jesus, huh?
This mark here is right
next to Black Creek.
(ominous tones swell)
(distant scream)
Did you hear that?
- I heard a scream.
- What?
It sounded like a child.
Oh, it's just
some wolves, baby.
That was not a wolf.
Please, help me!
(dramatic chord)
[Todd] What the fuck?
- The man, he took me!
- Are you okay?
Relax a little bit.
Fuckin' hillbillies.
Where is he at?
Behind the trees over there.
Oh, yeah?
Hey, come out!
[Lorna] Todd!
What the fuck?
(Adam screeches)
(sharp thud)
(Todd groans)
(distant scream)
Fuckin' raccoons.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
I think it's back.
- There you are.
- Thank you, Cindy.
You're welcome, can I
get you anything else?
(chuckles) How
about a new job?
You and me both.
(both laugh)
(phone vibrates)
[Williams] Sorry, I hope I'm
not disturbing you, Sheriff,
but I think I got something
you'd like to hear.
I was just about to
tuck into my steak.
Crime scene team is
digging up a grave right now.
I think we've
found Mary Monette.
There's something
down in the grave.
Looks like an old
Indian soul catcher.
Cindy, I think you're gonna
have to keep this warm for me.
(moody electronic music)
So now we head into the
dark woods of Wisconsin,
where the remains of two children
were recently discovered.
Nothing's too low for a couple
hits online, is it, Harry?
[Harry] This is
our spirit guide,
and had real Indian
blood in his veins.
For the last time,
dude, it's nothing.
It was just like my
great-great-grandpa or something.
He had now taken
up the name Mike Hawk
for his online show.
The real place of the
infamous Jimmy murders.
A crazed teen who killed several
local people in the woods,
and buried his best friend,
never to be found to this day.
And this is Mike Hawk's
hot sister, Heather Hawk,
who once saved him from
the terrifying Beowulf
with her magical tomahawk.
Were you adopted
from a psychotic
insane asylum in England?
[Harry] And this here's
our security, Lloyd.
When he isn't banging up
ghosts, he's banging up girls.
It's too early for
your shit, Harry.
[Harry] And this is Rachel.
Shit for brains,
but a great butt.
Give me that.
[Lloyd] Hey, Mike, if he
carries on with that fuckin'
camera, I'm gonna throw him
in the lake while you film it.
Sounds good to me.
This is like, the
ultimate hideaway
for people having affairs.
[Rachel] Yeah, the ones who
can't afford a decent hotel.
I'll be right back, guys.
Just follow the trail, I'll
catch up with you guys later.
[Lloyd] Where is he going?
[Harry] Probably something
to do with his dad.
(birds tweet)
(ominous tones swell)
Morning, Dan.
Morning, Sheriff.
Gonna be a cold one, you
need any extra firewood?
Thanks, Dan, I'm
all stocked up.
What can I do for ya?
We found another body.
Damn, sorry to hear that.
Nah, it's not the
boys, strangely.
It's another suspected attacker.
Have you seen anything
on your rounds,
anything out of the ordinary?
Sorry, no, I can't
say that I have.
I couldn't get hold of you,
so I just thought I'd drop by.
They're putting a
booster up in a week.
It's completely dead
up here right now.
(chuckles) Tell me about it.
Well, if you do hear of
anything on your travels,
you be sure to let me know.
- Yeah, have a good one.
- Oh, ah, one more thing.
This object mean
anything to you?
You've lived here all your life.
Where'd you find that?
It's a soul catcher.
Native Americans
used to use 'em.
I know what it is,
but what's it got to
do with these murders?
We're not sure yet.
Found one up near
the crime scene.
Along with a skeleton.
I think it might
be Mary Monette.
Mary Monette?
You and Hale from the bar
used to know Mary, didn't you?
And Jimmy Winter.
(suspenseful music)
Vaguely, yeah.
Yeah, we all went to the
same school together.
I'm sorry, Sheriff, I...
I don't know anything
about those soul catchers.
I've never seen one around here.
It's almost as though
someone was tryin' to
trap something inside her.
Like I say,
if you hear of anything,
you be sure to let me know.
I'm sure we'll speak again.
Certainly if the skeleton
turns out to be Mary Monette.
[Jenna] Hey, you okay?
I'm alright.
This is where I shot my
first deer with my dad.
We marked that rock
to remember it.
I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to disturb you.
Harry and Rachel were just
kinda driving me crazy.
It's okay.
I'm glad I don't have to
be out here alone anyways.
[Harry] Mike!
That's Harry, we need
to go check it out.
What is it?
I tried to calm them down.
(moody tribal music)
This is making me hungry,
can we get some food?
There's a restaurant
nearby, come on.
(dark orchestral music)
(peaceful country music)
Today's hungry wolf special.
Prime steak with
extra red blood sauce.
Hey, Mike, go get us a
round of beers, I'm driving.
He's only joking.
No, I'm not.
You're only having two beers.
You can get wasted at the cabin.
Come on, three, at least.
And a tequila.
What can I get you, kid?
Six beers, please,
and orange juice.
Got any ID?
Where the hell did you
get this fake ID from?
I got this one, Eva.
You're Jack Carpenter's
son, aren't ya?
That's right.
You look just
like your old man.
Heading up to his
cabin this weekend?
Yeah, I'm going up
there one last time.
You can put the ID away.
I'll get some drinks for ya.
You kids gonna
have some fun, huh?
- Could say that.
- (chuckles) That's great.
That's great.
Do me a favor, son.
Go up to the cabin and have
yourself a real good time,
but don't wander around
too much up there.
There's been a pack
of wolves up there,
and it could be
dangerous, alright?
How much do I owe you?
Drinks are on me.
Your dad was a really
good friend of mine.
A lot of the mounts on the
wall back here came from him.
He was one hell of a hunter.
You gonna do any
hunting this weekend?
[Mike] Sort of.
You might just end up like
your old man yet. (chuckles)
You have a good one.
[Mike] Thank you.
(Lloyd sighs)
Am I dead yet?
'Cause I think I just met an
angel with one heavenly ass.
[Woman] You must
be from out of town.
Of course I'm from out
of town, don't you think
you'd remember someone this
good looking walking around?
I think I'd remember sending
your ass back to the city.
- Lloyd let's get out of here.
- Hey, come on.
Come on, I got this.
Is this city
meat bothering you?
Hey, relax.
I'm just having a friendly
chat with your daughter.
Don't worry, my
parents are loaded.
You can go check
my car out back.
That's not my
dad, that's my man.
You sure he's not both?
(customers chuckle)
He had that coming.
That kid's been askin' for
that, he's just a smart ass.
You call that a fight?
Hell, my grandma could
have kicked the crap
outta both of 'em.
What the fuck did
you say that for?
Did you see the guy?
It was a fair comment.
I thought you were
watching him, Harry.
I was, bruv, it's not
my fault he's a dick.
Let's just get to the cabin
before you offend any
more of the locals, god!
[Lloyd] (groans) Fuck
sake, man, fuck you!
(phone keypad bleeds)
(moody electronic music)
You told me to call if
anything suspicious turned up.
Well, guess who just
walked through here.
Jack's son.
What if he starts
fishing around up there?
When we buried her up there,
you said it could
never come back on us.
Jack's dead, Dan.
And for some damn reason,
I think that thing is back.
(distant sobs and wails)
(Lorna pants and sobs)
(Todd screeches)
(glass thuds)
(dark piano music)
This always happens
to me in bars.
I mean, she could have
been his daughter.
I'll wash my face.
Wait, I heard knocking.
[Heather] Yeah,
I heard it too.
Do you think it's a bear?
I'm gonna go check it out.
Go be a hero.
(suspenseful atmospheric music)
[Harry] It's just a
stupid wind chime, bruv.
It's a dream catcher.
They were never here
when I was a kid.
[Harry] You said yourself,
you haven't been back here
since you were like 12?
Yeah, I don't remember Dad
being into dream catchers.
I guess there are things we
didn't know about him after all.
[Harry] Come on, stop
messing around, Mike.
Let's load up the firewood.
You guys are having a bonfire?
So, has anyone got any
stories from around here?
Did your dad ever tell you
about the Jimmy murders, Mike?
No, everybody knows about
those stories around here.
He must have been
around the same age
as Jimmy Winter
when it happened.
What were the Jimmy murders?
I watched this TV documentary,
a teen went off his head,
killed a load of locals.
One of his best friends, Mary
Monette, was never found.
But Jimmy Winter was found dead.
Suspected suicide.
Although conspiracy theorists
believe it was a coverup,
Jimmy Winter seemed
to have no motive,
and seemed totally happy
with his girlfriend.
So, come on, why'd you
stop coming out here, Mike?
Did you and your dad have
a fight or something?
[Mike] No, it's
nothing like that.
[Rachel] Come on, Heather.
You have to know why he
stopped coming out here.
I don't, Mike never really
talks about this place.
[Harry] You can tell us, man.
Just got scared one night.
Did you think you saw one of
those Indian spirits out here?
Or maybe even the
ghost of Jimmy Winter.
Fuck off, dude.
What were you
really scared of?
- It's stupid.
- Come on, man.
You've gotta tell us now.
(dark percussive music)
I was up in that deer
stand with my dad one night.
I was awake and he was asleep.
I was looking out
into the forest,
and I saw this figure
standing there.
It has these glowing eyes and
seemed to look right at me.
I woke up my dad and when
he looked, it was gone.
He said it was nothing,
just an animal,
but I had never seen an animal
with eyes like that before.
When we got back to the cabin,
he tucked me in,
told me not to worry.
Indian magic
protected the cabin,
and no monster could get in.
That night, I woke up to
a knocking at the window.
When I looked up, I saw it.
It was those eyes again.
My dad came in, tried
to calm me down.
That morning as we were leaving,
we noticed some footprints on
the way to my bedroom window.
My dad never asked
me to come back,
and I never asked to join him.
So, you're saying that
thing might still be out here,
and it might still
have your scent?
No, of course not.
The Wisconsin Skinwalker isn't
real, and the Jimmy murders
happened way before
any of us were born.
You alright, Eva?
(ominous tones)
You left me for dead,
there in the dark.
Where are you?
Where are you?
(sharp thud)
(blood splatters)
(flesh squelches)
(birds tweet)
(noise swells)
(moody electronic music)
[Williams] Jesus, I
was just here last night.
I ordered a beer from her.
[Wanner] Yeah, you're not
gonna be ordering anything
more from her, that's for sure.
What do you think, a robbery?
Doesn't look like a robbery.
Hale's wife opened
up this morning,
said he didn't come
home last night.
Get onto the State Police,
set up some roadblocks.
Let's see if we can't find him.
You don't think Hale had somethin'
to do with this do you?
A pretty young thing like that?
I wonder if he stayed
late after closing,
tried to fool around with her
and things got outta hand.
I'll get a hold of State Patrol.
(thunder claps)
(rain splashes)
(muffled dance music)
(thunder claps)
(lively dance music)
(Rachel pants)
(Harry howls)
(muffled dance music)
Can you keep it down?
(thunder claps)
[Lloyd] You can
come in my room.
The only way that I'm
coming in your room,
is with my dad's loaded gun.
[Lloyd] A daddy's
girl, you're so hot.
Dude, my dad just died!
[Lloyd] Sorry.
What the fuck?
(loud clatter)
(Jenna gasps)
Sorry, didn't
mean to scare you.
Oh my god, (chuckles)
it's okay, I just thought
you were that monster you
were talking about earlier.
[Mike] I'm not
that ugly, am I?
(Jenna laughs)
[Jenna] So, you couldn't
stand the sound of them either?
No, not really.
(thunder claps)
Well, it really sucks
that your family has to
sell this place, 'cause I
actually really like it here.
(thunder claps)
I think I like it out
here even more now.
Me too.
(moody electronic music)
(ominous atmospheric music)
(dramatic chord)
(thunder claps)
(dark atmospheric music)
(steel scrapes)
(music swells)
(gun fires)
What was that?
I don't know.
(gun fires)
(glass smashes)
(gun fires)
(glass smashes)
What're you doing?
Sucking your mom's cock,
what does it look like?
[Mike] He's up early after
that beating he took last night
- isn't he?
- (chuckles) He had it coming.
You know where my sister's at?
Went off to scatter the
last of your dad's ashes.
(gun fires)
(glass smashes)
Summer camp wasn't
a total waste of time.
So come on, guys,
what're we doing today?
I've gotta go see one
of my dad's old friends.
I'm gonna go get changed,
I'll see you guys later.
Your turn, Harry.
I'm Dirty Harry, bruv.
(moody tribal music)
Goodbye, Dad.
(dark atmospheric music)
Well, shoot me down
with a 30 ought six.
If it ain't Jack's son.
Seems like this whole
forest has went insane
since your dad's accident.
[Mike] I was told it
was you who found him.
Do you think he
suffered much out there?
From what I can tell,
it must have been quick
from when he hit his
head on the rocks.
Your dad was a good man.
Your sister come out with ya?
Yeah, she's just out
spreading the last of his ashes.
The last time I was here, I
overheard you talking about
some deaths, you and
Dad seemed worried.
Yeah, they reopened the
Jimmy murders temporarily.
[Mike] What do you mean?
Well, you know, your dad
and I, me knew Jimmy and Mary.
You knew Mary Monette?
[Dan] Yeah, yeah, we all
used to hang out together.
If it was such an old
case, why were you worried?
Isn't Jimmy Winter dead?
Jimmy had Indian blood
in him, like your dad.
He was obsessed with
legends and Indian culture.
You know how people
around here can be, Mike.
Your dad didn't
want a witch hunt.
A body showed up,
sticks in its eyes.
Turned out to be a biker
gang in the woods, trying to
bury their own murder and
pin it to the Jimmy murders.
I could use some more sugar
in my coffee, how about you?
[Mike] Did Dad really
believe in any of that stuff?
I don't know, you would
have had to have asked him.
[Mike] Do you?
Forests are a
mysterious place.
No one will ever know what's
buried beneath all of it.
Hey, where were you?
You don't regret
last night, do you?
No, how could I
regret last night?
You know, you never
told me that story
you were having trouble
writing in English class.
That's 'cause it's not as
good as the stories out here.
Tell me about it,
I wanna hear it.
Okay, so there are
these two teenagers,
living in an apocalyptic world.
And the girl, she becomes
mutated by radiation.
So, slowly she becomes
more and more lost,
but no matter how much she
turns to an undead monster,
the boy still loves her.
What's it called?
I don't have a
name for it yet.
I think you're so beautiful.
No matter how much of
an undead, diseased,
mutilated monster you become,
I could never stop loving you.
Well that's the most
romantic thing I've ever heard.
(distant scream)
(suspenseful atmospheric music)
I found something.
What's going on?
I found something
freaky in the woods.
Where have you two been?
Just enjoying the view
from the deer stand.
Heather, what is it?
[Heather] Follow me.
(Dan sighs)
I'll be seeing you, Jack
and Mary, in hell real soon.
(ominous tones swell)
(Dan breathes heavily)
[Hale] Dan, I need to
talk with you, open up!
(sighs) Fuck.
(dark orchestral music)
These are just like the
ones we found at the cabin.
This is such a weird place
to have dream catchers.
(ominous music)
(flies buzz)
That's so freaky.
Guys, I really don't
like it out here.
Why would anybody do
something like this?
[Heather] Guys, it's just
some poachers messing around.
Maybe Mary Monette
finally came back.
I really think we should
get back to the cabin.
We've been out
here way too long.
[Lloyd] Why?
It's like the most interesting
thing we've seen all weekend.
[Heather] Come on.
Jesus Christ, Hale,
you look like shit.
I had a really rough
night last night.
I just had Jack's boy
around here asking questions.
What did you tell him?
Did you tell him
about that night?
No, of course not!
We was just kids, Hale.
How were we to ever know we'd
really awaken that thing?
But this isn't
like the last time.
This time that thing's back.
That you'd bury one of
your best friends alive
in the woods that night.
Jesus Christ, she
was your friend, too!
And you saw her for yourself.
Whatever she was, she
was no longer alive.
None of 'em were.
Can you still here her, Dan?
When you poured the
mud down that hole,
into her open mouth.
Where did you get that blood
on your hand there, Hale?
A glass cleaning up the bar.
Cut myself real bad.
(suspenseful music)
(Hale laughs)
Don't bother, Dan.
Did you really think
you could stop me?
I've seen the dream catchers
you've put around here.
You don't know
how, but it is me.
How are you back?
The same way I
always come back.
White settlers like you always
find a way to awaken me.
(Dan screams)
(blood splatters)
Harry, come on!
You either get in the car now
or we're leaving without you.
I can't find the
last of my weed.
Harry, just leave it.
(distant scream)
Hey, did you guys hear that?
I didn't hear anything.
I heard it, too.
[Rachel] Come on,
guys, let's just go.
This place is really
freaking me out.
- What if someone's hurt?
- I'll go.
Where the fuck you goin' now?
- To get my dad's gun.
- You can't just go alone.
- I'll come with you.
- No.
You stay with the others.
- Give me that.
- No, I can handle it.
Come on, you know
I'm the better shot,
and Dad always said we didn't
do enough together anyways.
I'll be right back.
(dark electronic music)
Hey, guys.
Try to get some signal
and call the sheriff.
Take Jenna with you.
Wait up, I'll come.
Drive, Lloyd, get us
the fuck out of here.
We can't just leave them.
Well, that's what's happening.
What the hell is that noise?
[Lloyd] I don't know, but
we're getting out of here.
Stop the car, there's
something wrong with it.
[Lloyd] Fuck!
We ran over a stick.
[Lloyd] It's not a
stick, it's an arrow.
I'll go warn the others.
[Lloyd] Who's out there?
(moody tribal music)
Dan, what're you doing?
(Lorna screams)
Let her go!
Are you crazy, man?
Dan, what're you doing?
(Lorna whines)
Please, shoot
me first, please!
- What?
- Please!
(flesh squelches)
- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- No!
(gun fires)
[Jenna] (gasps) Oh my god.
Where's the car?
Someone slit the tires.
She's still alive.
That's impossible,
she's had her throat slit.
Why's there a
fucking nail in him?
Well there's a fuckin'
bullet in him now.
What do you mean
some guy in the woods
just fucking did this?
There was this
guy, Mike knew him.
[Lloyd] You knew
who did this, Mike?
It was one of my
dad's old friends.
I think he had something to
do with the Jimmy murders.
I can't believe it, he was
always such a nice guy.
Yeah, bruv, such a great guy.
[Lloyd] Guys, she's gone.
This is so messed up.
I can't believe I've
actually seen a girl die.
(dramatic chord)
[Harry] Jesus!
Get this bitch off me.
[Heather] What is she doing?
[Rachel] The bitch
has come back to life.
[Harry] Mike, help me!
(dramatic orchestral music)
(Mike chokes)
(dramatic chord)
(Lloyd groans)
(gun fires)
[Heather] Oh my god.
[Mike] Harry, you
blew her brains out!
I'm English, bruv, I
don't know how to aim.
He had to do it,
that bitch was crazy.
(somber orchestral music)
(Lloyd pants)
- I think he's still alive.
- What if he's not?
What if he's like she was?
That girl, she said
to shoot her first.
Like that guy in the woods.
He had a nail through his heart.
What if a soul catcher's real?
They're just stories.
What's going on?
We've gotta restrain him.
- What are you doing?
- We're sorry, Lloyd.
You guys, we need to
figure out what to do.
We all saw what happened.
Mike, how did you say that
soul catcher thing worked?
It passes onto the
next person it kills.
Takes them over.
[Heather] Does it still
have their memories?
I don't know.
Well what are we gonna do now?
We shot a girl,
for god's sake.
We all saw what she was doing.
Well, I'm not taking the
blame for anyone, I don't even
know if what you guys said
happened in the woods was true.
- It was.
- Rachel, I saw it happen.
That guy was dead before
he slit that girl's throat.
So are we really saying that
Lloyd is possessed by a demon?
[Heather] You guys
saw it yourselves.
That girl was not normal.
Maybe it's what
killed our dad.
Do you know from the legends
if there's any way
to kill this thing?
I found out my dad
knew Mary Monette.
I think she was buried in the
woods, trapped with the demon.
You mean, bury her alive?
They must have been
sure she was the demon.
But what if she
was still in there,
just trapped with the demon?
Is that what you're saying
we should do to Lloyd,
bury him alive?
[Mike] No, of course not.
But we have to do something.
I knew that guy, he lived
in the cabin next door.
Maybe there's something
there that can help us.
- I'll come with you.
- Okay.
(dramatic chord)
(birds tweet)
Are you sure you wanna go in?
How much worse can it get?
(tense atmospheric tones)
(ominous chord)
How far away did
they say the cabin was?
15 minutes if they're fast.
I'm gonna go check on Lloyd
and bring him some water,
and make sure he's okay.
Are you sure
that's a good idea?
[Rachel] He could
be dying in there.
Okay, careful.
(door creaks)
(melancholic piano music)
I'm getting weak.
You've gotta get me out of here.
I haven't got much longer.
I want you to know
this wasn't my idea
keeping you like this.
If the cops ask anything,
please let them know.
I know, I've seen
the way you look at me.
I know you like me
more than Harry.
- What are you talking about?
- He knows and he hates it.
Of course he's gonna
go along with this.
That way I'm out of the picture.
- That's insane.
- Listen to me.
We're the only two people
who didn't touch that girl.
What if they're setting
us up to take the fall
for something we
had nothing to do?
They were running around
the woods with a loaded gun,
for fuck sake.
You heard Mike, they even knew
who did that to that girl.
Oh, come on, Rachel,
you've gotta untie me.
I may be weak,
but I can still walk
fast if you help me.
Once we make it to those
woods, they'll never catch us.
(dark orchestral music)
Jenna, look at this.
What is it?
It looks like an old journal.
I think it belonged
to a soldier.
There's blood on the last page.
What does it say?
"May God have mercy on my soul
"for the terrible acts
we did last night,
"as the native women and
children of this land burned.
"How can this be God's work?
"We have an order to bury
the 200-strong bodies
"in a mass grave
never to be found.
"As we burnt the village elder,
he let out a chant and in
"the flames we saw the horrid
vision of a monster with a
"face of an animal look out
at us with a face of death.
"If anyone finds this journal,
"please forgive our souls
for what we have done.
"May the murdered souls rest
"in the land we have
taken from them."
(tense electronic tones)
[Lloyd] Doesn't the
forest look so beautiful?
Lloyd's not breathing.
(tense electronic tones)
(Harry screams)
(tense electronic tones)
(Harry chokes)
If Lloyd does have a demon
inside him, we can't save him.
Stop thinking about that,
there's gotta be something
inside the cabin
that can help us.
(gun fires)
What's going on?
I'm fine, it's Rachel.
She freed Lloyd and
now she's possessed.
Where is she now?
- (thud)
- Mike!
(suspenseful atmospheric music)
(tense tones swell)
(gun clicks)
(moody electronic music)
Do you think Mike wants to die
by the hand of his girlfriend,
or his sister?
(Jenna screams)
(moody electronic music)
Your blood will spill on
the earth soon enough.
(Mike pants)
It's time to get back to our
true American heritage, Mike.
[Mike] No!
Our dead family is
calling us from the ground.
It's time to dig them up.
(Mike grunts)
(siren wails)
(dark atmospheric music)
(ominous tones)
(moody electronic music)
[Wanner] Sheriff's
Department, show yourself!
Mike, show yourself to me!
Are you in here?
Sheriff, you better get over
here and take a look at that.
What the fuck is
goin' on around here?
Black Creek becomin' the
murder capital of the world?
What the fuck is that?
(ominous tones)
It's the old Native
American symbol for death.
You wait here until
backup arrives.
Well where are you goin'?
Something I've
gotta check out.
That's great, leave me
alone in fuckin' death creek,
all by myself.
(noise swells)
(moody tribal music)
Wake up, please!
Get her to stop,
she's your sister!
This is where it happened.
The white settlers.
Beneath our feet are
the murdered bodies
of countless women and
children of my people.
Your scalps will raise
four more skinwalkers,
and our scalps will raise
the two most powerful
skinwalkers ever, because
of our Indian blood.
(Mike grunts)
(flesh squelches)
Sheriff's Department,
put the weapon down!
You know what happened here.
That was a long time ago,
these kids are innocent!
Your great-grandfather, he
was one of them, wasn't he?
What our forefathers did
has nothing to do with them!
Now put the weapon down!
Tell that to the dead
children that you stand on.
You will pay for the children
of my land with children.
(tense atmospheric tones)
(Harry moans)
(gun fires)
(Mike grunts)
(ominous tones)
You're safe now, son.
Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm
gonna get you out of here.
(Jenna grunts)
(Mike grunts)
(dark atmospheric music)
Behind you!
(skull cracks)
(ominous tones)
(tense atmospheric tones)
(moody electronic music)
The sheriff!
(siren wails)
(distorted radio chatter)
What the fuck happened to you?
(neck cracks)
(ominous tones)
[Jenna] Mike we're never gonna
make it out of these woods.
Yes, we are, I promise.
Wait, do you hear that?
(car approaches)
I think it's a car.
Stop, please!
(ominous chord)
(dark atmospheric tones)
We've been attacked, please,
we need to get out of here.
Don't worry, kids, I'm here.
You're safe now.
(gun fires)
(melancholic electronic music)
[Mike] No.
Mike, you have
to burn my body.
- No.
- Don't let it take me.
I won't let it take you.
You have to.
(moody electronic music)
My ancestors
created this monster.
And now, my friends are dead.
I feel responsible for
not stopping it in time.
But, I think I've found
a way to contain it.
(birds tweet)
I love you.
(moody tribal music)
Rest in peace, Heather, with
Dad and our forefathers,
on both sides of the land.
Well I walked
up to the devil
And I asked him for a dance
Either he was glad to see me
Or he had his socks
rolled in his pants
In a way he was
gonna fuck me
You know the
devil always does
I wanna be on top for once
I'm sick of
being on the bottom
I wanna walk out in the sun
And leave a trail
that's not forgotten
It's not forgotten
You know I've
always been a rebel
At least in my own mind
But I have no reputation
To let on the line
Well maybe that
way it's better
'Cause if they look
they just might find
I wanna be on top for once
I'm sick of
being on the bottom
I wanna walk out in the sun
And leave a trail
that's not forgotten
I wanna be on top for once
I'm sick of
being on the bottom
I wanna walk out in the sun
And leave a trail
that's not forgotten
I wanna walk out in the sun
I wanna walk out in the sun
I wanna walk out in the sun
I wanna walk out in the sun
I wanna walk out in the sun
I wanna walk out in the sun