Black Friday (2004)

It's the truth, sir.
- Truth, really?
It was just me in the riots.
Not my brothers. Let them go.
Believe me, it was only me... I'm
not lying sir. I'm not lying sir.
Lock him up.
Please let my brothers go... they
haven't done anything.
Sir I have information. - What?
I have information.
The city is about to be bombed.
Tell me. What? I'm telling the truth.
- Bombs. Mantralaya, Stock Exchange...
...Sena Bhavan, they
want to blow them all up.
That's bull shit. Who will blow up
Mantralaya, Sena Bhavan?
I'm not lying. No, it's the truth.
They're using RDX.
We smuggled it in. You
know Tiger bhai...?
- Tiger Memon.
Who's that? Sir Tiger...
- Yes, who is he?
He sent us for training...
They showed how to
make bombs and...
...throw grenades, pull
the pin and throw.
We learnt it all.
Now the Stock Exchange, Mantralaya,
they're going to blow the city up.
Stock Exchange, Mantralaya,
Sena Bhavan...
Blown up by an army
of pricks like you?
I'm not making this up.
Look at yourself, you little runt.
Mantralaya, Stock Exchange,
they'll blow them up?
You think it's a piece of cake?
You think it's a piece of cake?
Shut up.
Say another word, and I'll throw
your whole family into jail...
You can rot together forever.
You think we're morons?
Lock him up!
"Oh my Khwaja..."
"There is a carnival today..."
"At the home of the Khwaja..."
"He is blessed..."
"He is blessed..."
"Salutations to Mohammed..."
"It is my Maula's wedding...
You know Gullu sold us out...
But I swear that's not
going to stop us.
The police think they
still have time.
Like Napoleon we'll be done
and gone before they know it.
On Friday, the 12th, the
17th day of Ramadan...
The day the Prophet fought the
holy war and won, that day.
What's this?
- T-shirts
You sell T-shirts too? - Of course.
Tomorrow's Saturday. The
Stock Exchange is closed.
So I sell T-shirts. Come Monday,
it's back to sandwiches.
What is it? Yes, tell me.
O Ramesh, Ramesh, I'm
going to take a leak.
Hey move! The rest of you
clear out of here.
Ask the police to clear the area.
Hey clear away everyone from
here. Clear everyone.
Move back! Come on!
Just check him out!
Sir... Century Bazaar is
Completely destroyed.
There's glass shattered
over two kilometres...
You checked all the cars in the
area? - We didn't find a thing sir.
The jeep, there wasn't much left...
Seems at least 80 kilos
of RDX was used here...
And another 50 at
the Stock Exchange.
Control, come in!
Yeah Sawant speaking.
Crime asks Bomb squad to proceed
to Worli... Siemens factory...
Suspicious Maruti Van... over...
Car bombs used at Stock Exchange,
Plaza Cinema, Air India building
Scooter bombs in the market areas
Bombs were also planted in the
rooms of three major hotels...
We have the names of
the three guests.
The death toll has crossed 300...
1600 injured are being treated
in the city's hospitals.
Brother Is this scooter yours?
- Yes sir?
Whose scooter is that?
- I don't know, sir.
Did you hear about the
Bombay blasts on BBC?
Who do you think did it?
You said, the Muslims have bled,
you wanted to take revenge.
We are talking.
We'll call you. You go.
So, what did you do?
Those blasts that was me.
I got the boys together.
I. I put my money in it.
I got the others in as well.
The whole plan...
You were still planning your trip...
And I'd already reached the moon.
You won't get away.
What do you mean?
- The police...
...found a Maruti van at Worli
It was filled with weapons...
...and they tracked down the owner.
Something wrong?
Watchman! - Yes sir.
- Whose scooter is that?
I don't know...
- You've asked all the residents?
No... - This is no place
to park a scooter.
Ask everyone.
Sir, it might explode
if you open it.
So the moment I saw the
scooter there...
I knew something was wrong.
It doesn't belong to
anyone in the area.
Sir, Shut all the shops.
We'll have to evacuate the area.
The moment I saw the scooter
I knew something...
Thank you. Please leave now.
It's dangerous here.
When did you realise...?
The moment I saw the scooter...
I knew something was wrong.
I immediately asked my watchman.
I asked the neighbours...
Why didn't it explode?
When it was assembled... RDX must
have gotten into the detonator...
It blocked the movement
of the striker...
Whoever made it wasn't
being very careful.
Dangle, get me details
on the scooter.
Get me something to eat.
I want to speak to Dangle
We're working on it, but I
Don't think it was stolen.
I sent Kambli to track
down the registration.
And the Maruti van...?
It's registered in the name of
one Rubina Suleiman Memon...
Resident of Al Husseini building,
Durgah Road, Mahim.
You know the Memons?
Fifth floor. - Come on.
Every one's gone away somewhere...?
They've not been here for a while.
Mushtaq bhai was here till
Day before. - Mushtaq bhai?
Mushtaq, Tiger.
Tiger Memon. A well known smuggler
with a long record...
Who's Rubina?
- Suleiman bhai's wife
Who is Suleiman bhai?
- Suleiman bhai lives here
What does he do?
- I don't know
He's Mushtaq bhai's older
brother... they're all in business.
Did they own a Maruti van?
They had two three cars.
- Did they file a report?
Report? Can't say... they had several
cars. - Any of them reported missing?
I don't know. Mushtaq
bhai was a very busy man.
All kinds of people have been coming
and going the last ten-fifteen days
Rubina was saying that they
were going home soon.
- Dubai.
Here in Mahim, Dubai's
home for most of us.
Break the door.
- What happened?
Nothing. Go.
Patil, break the door.
Shinde, open it.
Patil. - Coming sir.
- Take a look inside
Check the lockers and shelves
Look under the sofa
Hathgowda. - Yes sir? - Telephone
diary, check-book. Keep it carefully.
What's this?
Didn't I ask for something to eat?
I got you something sir, but
by then we were all leaving
Did you eat?
- No.
There's more. Tell everyone
to get some.
Scooter keys
Where's that scooter?
- Matunga Police Station
Go and try it. See if it fits.
There was a manager,
he came by often
A manager?
- Yes.
What's his name?
Where does he stay?
What happened? Sir, it's time to
break our fast. Do join us.
Sir, Dangle sir's back.
That telephone diary has some Dubai
and Islamabad numbers... mostly...
Is Maria sir aware?
Yes Dangle? - Sir, It's
the same scooter's key.
That manager. What's his name?
Asghar Muqadam.
- Look for the rascal.
Yes. - Sit straight.
How long have you been
working for Tiger?
One year
What do you know about him?
- I was only his manager sir
One year is a long time. Long
enough to learn enough.
I only kept accounts - You just
said you were his manager. - Yes.
Look, I haven't eaten
since the morning...
My head hurts, I'm hungry.
So if you don't cooperate,
I'll have to make you.
He smuggled silver and what else?
How much do you earn?
- Four thousand.
If I lay my hands on you, you'll
have to spend forty-thousand...
...just to fix yourself.
What else does Tiger do?
- Hawala
Money laundering?
- Yes
In the last year, how many
silver shipments came in?
Last year... Six landings.
All silver?
- Yes.
Where do you people work from?
Our office was burnt in the riots.
January riots?
- December
If the office was burnt then
where did you work from?
We were going to open
another office...
...but then there were
the second riots.
Now Tiger bhai just calls...
...or sends someone. To tell us
when the landing will happen.
When do you get informed?
Before the landing or after?
- Before.
When was the last landing?
Who else did you deal with?
- Ayub and Yakub Memon.
And what do they do?
Ayub is a Chartered Accountant...
Ayub lives in Dubai. Yakub is
a Chartered Accountant, here.
You want tea?
- Nothing
Is it cold?
- No.
Not sweet enough?
- No.
Then drink up. - Yes sir.
What's wrong?
- You tell me.
These blasts that happened,
you know anything about them?
I swear I don't...
Move back! Move back! - Sit! Sit!
You're his father? Make
him understand.
He's lying to me!
- Just tell him the truth.
I am telling you the truth,
nothing else.
Put the old man in a taxi.
We'll serve the rest some tea.
Come on old man, you have
money for the taxi? Okay, then go.
You all wait. You go home.
Shut the door
Tell me.
Tell me quickly.
I didn't know what was
going to happen...
Everything was in place by the
time I was brought in on it.
Start from the beginning
- On February 11...
Tiger bhai and Javed
Chikna went to Dubai
Who is Javed Chikna?
- Tiger bhai's man
Why did they go to Dubai?
- I have no idea.
I got a call instructing me...
To get half a million from Chauksi
and give it to Dawood Phanse...
Who is Chauksi?
Tiger bhai has three Hawala
accounts with him
Who else?
- Javed Chikna
You said that already
Anwar Theba, Shafi, Abdul Gani...
Imtiaz Ghavate, Parvez Sheikh...
Parvez Sheikh, Salim...
Mohammed Rafique...
Mohammed Hussain...
Salim Rafique Mohammed Hussain?
Salim Rafique Madi and
Mohammed Hussain.
Sir, I had no idea.
My father was ill.
I wanted to leave, get another job.
I told Tiger bhai but
he got so angry...
...and the terrible
things he said...
...he told me to wait for him.
Then? Did he come?
The first week of the month.
Then he disappeared again.
Suddenly I got a call...
It was Holi, March 8...
He told me to get tickets
done for Dubai...
His father, Ayub bhai,
Yakub bhai...
Suleiman bhai... all of them left.
A day before the blast
there was a call.
They said they want
tickets for Dubai.
This is time he asked for a ticket
only for himself.
I tried to talk about
quitting my job.
He hadn't paid me since the riots.
Tiger bhai, I need to talk
to you... - Ticket's done?
Yes of course.
Tiger Bhai. I really
need to talk to you.
Get my suitcases. Yes.
Ramzan has begun and
my father is ill...
Get the bags, will you?
I have to quit.
Just one more day. - One more, one
more, it goes on. Tiger bhai...
...this one more day has
taken a long time.
Look there's a lot of work.
I'm going to Dubai.
Do something...
Go to Al Hussaini. You'll find
Theba and Chikna there.
I've spoken to them. You just have
to drop a car off somewhere.
Do that then you can leave.
When I reached there I
couldn't find anybody.
I met Sardar, who was
going out for a smoke.
There was work going
on in the garage.
Maruti vans, scooters,
it was all there.
They were packing some sticky
black paste into the...
scooters and the cars.
Hey idiot! That's not bathing soap.
Keep it separately.
What is that?
RDX, sir. They call
it 'black soap'.
Nails, glass, scrap iron... God
knows what else was put in.
Where's Sardar?
- Somewhere around.
He went for a smoke.
Don't think he'll be back.
Nazir and Parvez?
- They have not come.
Iqbal... it's time.
Whatever happens,
don't fuck this up.
We're doing this for our brothers.
Go on. Khuda Hafiz.
Where do you think you're going?
Get out of there!
Are you deaf? Move it! - I want
go there. - Move it!
Mohammed Iqbal is from my village.
I introduced him to Tiger bhai.
He was an electrician.
He assembled most of the bombs.
Somehow, the scooter he abandoned
at Naigaon didn't explode.
Asghar. Come.
Here you are. Room 3078.
There are papers in that.
Take this. Here, this.
- What? - This.
You're booked as Alvani.
Listen, don't screw up
and say Advani ok?
Press it. - The button is pressed.
- Press it again.
This is taking forever.
Mushtaq Tarani and Anwar
Theba went to the hotels...
Theba to the Airport Centaur...
And Mushtaq to the Juhu Centaur.
Theba is from Navpada.
Until three years ago he
worked for Tiger bhai...
He brought Imtiaz Ghavate in.
He's a very short-tempered man.
Hello Sir.
Which floor...?
- Thirty. You mean 3rd floor.
I'll press it sir.
Mushtaq is distantly
related to Tiger.
He owns a garment store
on the harbour line.
He's a school dropout.
A true Muslim. Prays
five times a day.
He lived near Tiger's office.
He planted the bomb
at Juhu Centaur.
He then left a wired
scooter at Dhanji Marg.
Parvez Sheikh is a druggie.
He dropped out of college.
He is Abdul Ghani's elder brother,
Rehman's friend.
My sister is married to Abdul
Rehman, Abdul Ghani's brother.
Abdul Ghani asked Tiger
to let Parvez join.
He was sent to Sea rock hotel,
and Katha Bazar.
Shahnawaz and I left a red Maruti
van at the Plaza cinema.
The movie was sold out, so we had
to buy tickets in the black-market.
We watched half an hour
of the film and left.
Abdul Ghani Turk took the jeep
to the Passport office at Worli.
Back when Tiger was Mohammed
Dossa's driver...
...he was just a street vendor.
Later when Dossa fled to
Dubai, Tiger took over.
Ghani became his driver, and also
handled Tiger's Hawala business.
He left the jeep outside
Passport Office.
Bhendi Bazar?
- Hop in.
We blow one up here... get the
biggest bastards of them all.
We'll get them. After the
Municipal buildings...
Chikna will get them.
Tainur and Irfan Chougle
left a blue Maruti car...
...outside the Stock Exchange.
Farooq Pawle is from
a well to do family.
He's a high flyer, you often
see him at the Taj hotel.
He left the white Ambassador
car at the Air India Building.
And then accompanied Badshah to
the Shiv Sena Bhavan, in Dadar.
Badshah Khan almost didn't
show up that morning.
A real estate broker
from Vile Parle...
...he lost his business
in the riots.
You know what time it is?
- I just dozed off...
You know what time it is?
- I just dozed off...
Of all the days, today?
- I know...
it's late but...
- What do you mean?
Everyone's gone already?
- No, you were the chief guest.
Get your ass into the car.
Right outside their
So much for the might
of the Marathas!
Hey this chimp is standing here.
- Hey stop!
You can't park here.
- It belongs to the HQ.
I'm the boss' man
The boss himself won't park here.
Don't you understand
what I am saying?
Farooq! - You do what you want.
I will park here.
Go ahead and book me asshole.
Hey come inside. - He's talking
about a ticket. - Come in.
Go ahead and park.
How can I help you?
We're fine.
- You want to service the car?
Then please don't park it here.
We'll take a minute. - Sir, my
boss will kill me. Please...
Hey, who is your boss?
Farooq, come on. - Who is your boss?
We'll leave it outside
Mohammed Ali's
But our people live there.
It's right next to Sena Bhavan.
Do one thing. Get down.
- Okay. - Get a taxi.
Mushtaq, you and Imtiaz go...
Zaveri Bazaar, Dhanji Marg...
leave it at the mouth
of the lane. - Okay. - Go.
Imtiaz Ghavate, a close friend of
Theba's, was also from Navpada.
They are neighbours.
Why so much traffic here?
Has something happened?
Can't you see? There's a jam ahead.
They're saying that there was a
bomb blast at the Stock Exchange
Cut through the traffic.
There's no time.
Time up.
You want to go see it? Sena
Bhavan... all the flying pieces...
That's not funny.
Tainur, Pawle, Bashir and Abdul
Akhar Yakub were sent to...
...the Macchimar colony at Mahim.
They were ordered to hurl grenades
amidst the resident houses.
During the riots all the timber
markets at Mahim were burnt...
...where Tiger used
to have a huge stake.
Chikna, Badshah and
Sheikh Ali left last.
As they drove past the Passport
Office, Chikna noticed...
...that one of the detonators
was blinking.
Mushtaq, stop the car.
Stop the car.
Badshah. What is it?
- Why is it blinking?
No idea.
What do we do?
- How do I know?
Throw it! Throw it! Throw it!
Fast! Throw it!
Somehow at that very moment the
Passport office bomb exploded too.
And they got trapped in the chaos.
Chikna was shit scared.
He cancelled the rest of
the plan, then and there.
Mushtaq, ditch the car somewhere.
Mushtaq left the car outside
the Siemens factory.
In the night all the boys
met at Theba's place... hear the blast news on TV.
According to latest reports there
have been twelve bomb blasts... quick succession in different
parts of the city...
...Stock Exchange, Zaveri bazaar,
the Air India building...
...Macchimar colony, Hotel Juhu
Centaur, Hotel Sea Rock...
...Plaza Cinema, and
Lucky Petrol Pump.
Who had gone there? - Shut up fool.
I had planted it.
But if it didn't explode...
You... - Shut up! Listen!
Relief work is on in full swing.
Chief Minister Mr. Sharad Pawar has
gone on record to say that...
Why did you put it off? Let us see.
- Shut up.
Whoever can get out of Bombay,
overnight, should get out.
...Tiger bhai's orders, none of you
should be seen in the city.
Go into hiding.
Stay in touch with Tiger bhai.
You have the Dubai number?
Stay in touch. Okay?
Come on get lost.
Sir. Your progress so far
has been commendable.
All we know is that Tiger Memon
planned and executed the blasts.
He has fled.
There was not much at his house.
His properties have been sealed.
We have the names of those who were
involved in the conspiracy with him.
But they won't be waiting
for us at their homes.
So here's what we do...
Most of them are from Navpada,
Behrampada and Dongri...
the places worst hit by
the communal riots.
Pick up everyone we grilled
during the riots.
Tap your informers.
Find out where these fellows eat,
sleep, walk, talk... everything.
Put together a list, give
it to your informers.
No one goes home till
we've got these people.
It's the holy month of Ramadan.
So be careful
Whatever you do, make sure you
don't hurt their religious sentiments
Dangle you'll handle this location.
Vani, Nadgouda and you,
form your team.
Tap everybody you know.
Be ruthless, be aggressive,
but be tactful.
Do whatever is necessary.
Get down here.
See these names? You
know any of them?
One or two. But not that well.
- Okay, sir.
Think about it. Keep your eyes
and ears open. - Okay, sir.
Let me know if you get something.
- Okay, sir.
Who is it? Where is Parvez?
- He must be in the loo.
Parvez? Come on out.
Go to the next one.
It's occupied. Come on I can't
hold it much longer.
Can't a man crap in peace?
Get out of there!
What the hell...? Come on,
to the police station.
My boss wants to see you.
Open the door. What's the
point in hiding now?
I'm telling you. We
break the damn door.
Parvez whenever, you open the door,
you'll find us.
Go and come through the door.
Are you a monkey that you are
coming through the window?
Sir, you'll find Shoaib Ghansari in
the slums behind Sahara Airport.
Listen where's Shoaib Ghansari?
Do you know Shoaib Ghansari?
Are you deaf? We're talking to you.
Hey who will put water? You are
always asleep. No work. You just eat.
Hey Shoaib... - Wait there! Wait!
Where are you going? Come on!
Come on.
Come here.
Mother! Mother!
What's your name?
Help me! Help me!
Leave us sir. We haven't done
anything sir.
Why are these people here?
Clear them out. - Come please.
Clear them. Take them away.
One day...
we were playing cricket...
and our ball smashed Tiger
uncle's windscreen.
He came over and whacked
Bablu really hard.
We don't play cricket anymore
if we see his car parked here.
He gets so angry!
Where is Imtiaz Ghavate?
I told you! I know nothing.
I really know nothing.
Mushtaq Tarani is still in Bombay.
Some of the others went to Dubai,
some to Rajasthan.
You can pick him up tomorrow.
Hey you, hang on a minute!
Catch him!
If he's innocent you have
nothing to worry about.
He might even be home right now.
No sir. I've been back and forth for
three days, you keep saying that.
What more can I do? What?
If he's innocent he'll be let off.
Look, this doesn't have to end
With your neck in a noose.
I don't know.
Where does Imtiaz Ghavate live?
Sir I don't know. Go ask over there
You look there.
Add it to my account
Hi Sharief. - Imtiaz. - Imtiaz
Ghavate stays here? - There he is.
Where's Imtiaz Ghavate?
I don't know
We've got him
Vani, grab him!
Start the car. Come on fast.
Move the car.
No sign of him here. Will
check the station.
Water. Tea.
Get in, you filthy animal. Come on,
get behind. Hey Nahadi sit ahead.
Nahadi? Where are you? Found him?
It's Nahadi. He's right in
front of me. On the pipeline.
Keep him there. I am coming.
Sir... - Don't move from there,
we're reaching there.
Wait Imtiaz...
Wait Imtiaz...
Wait Imtiaz... don't move,
or I'll shoot.
Imtiaz, wait.
Wait Imtiaz...
Wait Imtiaz...
Where did he go?
You didn't do anything?
Get me the hammer.
Hold him down. Hold him down.
Come on speak up.
Speak up!
You did nothing?
You did nothing?
Tell us. Tell us. You did nothing?
Stand straight.
- Straight!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Sign on the paper
Sign here! Hold the pen upright
I will make sure you sign!
Stand straight.
Give me your finger print!
It pains or what?
Take him away.
Come on move, you nut! Come on get
up or I'll break the other leg too.
Come on. Yes.
Remove the red.
Badshah Khan and Bashir
Khan are together.
Badshah is from Rampur and
Bashir is from Gorakhpur.
You'll find them in
one of these places.
- What happened?
That cop's looking at us.
Maybe he just looks like that.
Let's go.
What happened?
- Let's call Tiger.
The cop's gone.
We should still call Tiger.
What the hell are you doing in
Delhi? What were my instructions?
I told you people to
go underground...
and you're bloody sightseeing
in the capital!
You think Delhi's any
safer than Bombay?
Before the police catches you,
get out of there.
Wherever you go next, call me.
Why does Asghar talk like this?
- Even I was angry.
Where do we go now?
To my village.
Greetings uncle. - Greetings.
How are you?
- All well.
And your mother?
- Very well.
Why the decorations?
- Sultana's wedding.
This is my friend Bashir.
Make yourselves at home. - Come.
If you sit around here who's
going to get me tea?
Where are you?
You said you'd be gone for two days.
I'm in Rampur.
What are you doing there?
Sultana's getting married.
You remembered?
Wasik will join you.
Know what? Shahnawaz
keeps coming round.
Asking for you.
For what?
I don't know.
- What does he want from me?
Any message for him?
Send him along with Wasik.
What's he going to do there?
- Just send him.
I'll hang up now. It's long
distance. I'll call you back.
What happened?
Shahnawaz is looking for me.
I heard that in Bombay
some 5000 Hindus...
were killed in bomb blasts.
Around 300.
The count hardly matters. Spilling
blood isn't right.
Where are you? Rampur?
Yes, bhai.
Okay, get to Jaipur.
I'll bring you to Dubai from there.
Go to Tonk. To my friend
Salim Durani's place.
I've spoken to him. Theba, Yeda,
everyone is there.
Things are still hot in Bombay.
Imtiaz Ghavate, Asgar Muqadam...
they've all been caught.
The cops know about us.
They're hunting for us.
Tiger bhai called.
We need to get out of
here. Go to Jaipur.
But we've just come from there.
- Don't argue.
What's going on? Back and
forth, back and forth
You're arguing with me?
- We were better off in Rampur.
You're arguing with me?
What's this shit? - Easy, Badshah.
- You're arguing with me?
Shut up!
Let's go
Who says this is the Pink City?
Everything's red here.
Who are they trying to fool?
- Anwar bhai...
when are we going to Dubai?
What's so funny?
No one's going to Dubai.
- Tiger bhai had promised...
he'd get us to Dubai.
- He had promised all of us.
He asked me to give you 10,000 each.
- I want to go to Dubai. Got it?
Without a passport?
- Answer has them.
You have our passports, right?
I don't have anything.
No? Why? You kept all
the passport...
. asshole after we
returned from Islamabad
Badshah! Don't you abuse me!
- Where are the passports?
Watch your tongue!
- Why the fuck?
You had all the passports.
- Behave yourself!
Behave yourself.
- Where is my passport?
It's with Tiger bhai.
- They were all burnt.
Burnt them?
My passport was burnt...?
- All our passports.
How could you do that?
- Tiger bhai did it.
Burnt my passport! And
I wasn't even told.
It was Tiger bhai's idea. You
have a problem, talk to me.
How could you burn my passport?
- Tiger bhai did it.
Why would he do it?
- Behave yourself.
He's made other arrangements.
- Arrangements, my foot!
You're fooling with us.
- Again! Watch it!
You won't abuse me, Badshah.
They told me go to Jaipur...
They told me to go to Jaipur.
I came to Jaipur...
...they are telling me to go there.
To hell with you, rascal.
They are fooling me.
Coming here to Jaipur, he says...
Look Badshah...
You get out of here Badshah!
- To hell with you.
Enough. Everything
will be all right.
Look Badshah.
I'm sure Tiger bhai knows
what he's doing.
He's probably got some plan to get
us across the border.
That's why he sent
us to Rajasthan.
Theba was saying that new passports
are waiting for us in Pakistan.
Just calm down.
Look Badshah...
forgive me if I'm at fault.
I'm just following Tiger
bhai's orders.
We are all as worried as you are.
Tiger wouldn't abandon us.
You have no idea how much
Tiger bhai feels for you.
Look. Relax. Don't get so emotional.
Remember, you are one of us.
It's too dangerous for all
of us to stay together.
Why? - There's danger.
So then what's to be done?
We split up. But stay in
touch with Tiger bhai.
What next?
Another man came looking for you.
Who? What did he want?
He asked why you'd
shut shop and left.
I hope you are all right?
Who was he?
I didn't ask.
He behaved very strangely.
He walked right into Wasik's room.
Opened all the cupboards, turned
everything upside down.
That thug even stepped
on our food mat!
If he comes back, don't
say you spoke to me.
Are you into...?
- Say nothing!
The police came to my house.
You spoke to Tiger?
- They're trying to connect me.
Sir, I'm not getting through.
- No?
Come on.
The guys might've made
it to Pakistan.
We should try Anwar then.
- Where?
There's no one left. We don't
Know where anyone is.
We can't get through to Tiger.
My mother's going hysterical.
I can't stay under such stress.
You think too much.
What else can I do? What?
You know the scene in Bombay.
And we've run out of ideas.
Just go to sleep.
- I wonder...
if I should just give myself up.
Have you seen Bashir?
- He went out.
Uncle, have you seen Bashir?
He went off this morning.
He left a note for you.
I am going to Gorakhpur.
Call Tiger bhai at this new number.
I took some money.
Greetings. - Greetings.
I need a room.
- Name?
Nasir Khan.
- From?
Jaipur. Where can I make
a long distance call?
Across the street.
Tiger bhai, I'm in Delhi.
Outside the Jama Masjid.
As you had told me.
What now, Tiger bhai?
I'll send you some money.
The moment you get it,
leave for Calcutta.
Did anyone...
...ask for me? - No one. For
Nasir Khan or Badshah Khan?
- No calls either?
"It became a garland..."
- Badshah Khan.
What is it? - It is for you?
Tiger bhai has sent it.
I told him I'm staying
here as Nasir Khan.
I'll leave. Good bye.
"I put my life in trouble..."
I'm at the Natraj Hotel.
Outside Howrah Station, bhai.
A man will come for you...
Go with him.
"I thought the war's
colour was golden..."
"I thought the war's
colour was golden..."
"But later I understood it later..."
"I thought the war's
colour was golden..."
"I thought the war's
colour was golden.
But later I understood it later..."
"It was black...
It's been four days and
no one's turned up.
I can't get through
to Tiger bhai.
What am I supposed to do now?
I'm running out of money.
I can't take it anymore!
"Oh Ali..."
Yes, what do you want?
A room. Cheap.
- Single, Double?
Even if there's no bed it'll do.
But cheap. Understand? Cheap.
Badshah Khan?
Uncuff him.
Were you in Bombay on March 12?
Where was the plan made?
You realise how many people
died that day...
how much the city suffered?
Oh but it's a big world, and for you
there are plenty of places to hide.
I didn't do anything
- Shut up!
Don't you dare lie to me.
See that file there?
It has all their statements...
...Imtiaz Ghavate, Asgar Muqadam,
Shoaib, Mushtaq...
So who begins? You? Or me?
You? Or me?
I worked for Tiger bhai...
- No one's a bhai here!
Give me his fucking name!
Tiger Memon.
They destroyed the Babri Masjid...
slaughtered us Muslims...
raped our women...
it was inevitable, someone
needed to avenge us...
That person was Tiger. He made a
plan, he brought us together...
we all wanted revenge, it was jihad.
Had we not carried out the blasts...
life would've become miserable
for Muslims in this country.
The Babri Masjid wasn't
made of straw.
They said "No bulldozers,
no bombs...
...we tore it down with
our bare hands".
You might believe that. I don't.
And then you beat us up.
Burnt us alive on the streets?
Murder our children?
Where was the plan made?
I don't know.
Who made this plan? Whose
money was behind it?
Who were the people involved?
- I did it! All by myself!
Shoot me.
I didn't do it for money.
Allah was with us.
That's why we won this Holy war.
We had His blessings.
Actually, this time Allah
was on our side.
You are joking sir...
Look at how many we killed.
We got our revenge.
That's bull shit.
Allah would never harm the innocent.
Every true man has
Allah on his side.
We all have the same God.
Who doesn't see us as different.
But idiots like you do.
This time Allah was with us.
Allah was with us, that's why you
had to abandon that Maruti van.
That's why we made 200 arrests
within two months.
Had Allah been with you, you
wouldn't be here right now.
And we would have no evidence.
On your side was Tiger Memon.
He saw your rage and
manipulated you.
He was gone before the first
bomb was even planted.
He took his family, and
left you behind...
so that you could be caught
and beaten like this.
He fucked you over. Know why?
Because you were begging for it.
All in the name of religion.
You're a fucking idiot...
and so is every Hindu,
who murders one of you.
Everyone who has nothing
better to do...
but fight in the name of religion
is a fucking idiot.
Because of bastards like you,
along the way...
...we also crush innocent lives.
We work ourselves to madness night
after night... We.
We, rascal!
Get him out of here.
There is a man. - Yakub Khan.
He was involved, too.
Yakub Khan?
- They call him Yeda Yakub.
Majid Khan owns M.K. Builders.
Yakub is his brother.
Where did Yeda plant a bomb?
I don't know, but he
put in a lot of money.
He had all the RDX
smuggled into Bombay.
He's close to Tiger and Dawood.
You know the gangster Piloo Khan?
- Piloo Khan?
The guy in the shootout
at National College?
He deals in cocaine.
He and Yeda were at loggerheads.
Dawood tried to settle it, but
there are still problems, I hear.
Piloo Khan was in it too?
- He knew about it, yeah.
Stop it at the side.
The cops are looking for you.
Did they come here?
Not here.
Did you have anything
to do with this?
Am I mad?
- So why are they looking for you?
Don't they, always?
Go to the police station.
Tell them...
you were out of town.
- Why?
I really wasn't here on March 12.
- All right, but go anyway.
What is the stuff you stashed
in the warehouse?
Your brother is in construction,
He owns M. K Builders.
How many buildings are being made?
- Why? Wanna buy an apartment?
We need a place to hide some soap.
Black soap.
I'm moving the soap.
I don't want to involve my brother.
- Where will you take it?
Some to Shahid's warehouse in
Mumbra, and some to Jindran.
This stuff have a name?
It's just stuff. I haven't
christened it as yet.
Don't you trust me?
- Damn trust. I need to know.
It's not a bomb.
The warehouse won't blow up. Okay.
I just need to use it for a while.
I'll move the goods soon.
You owe me for this. Anyone
asks, I know nothing.
Seal it off.
It's really heavy.
- It's really heavy.
I can kick your ass
and make it lighter.
I don't pay you for your
company, move it!
Spread it on the sacks.
Where does the rest go?
- Kashimira. Near Thane.
Hey, come here.
What's this?
- I don't know, sir.
They told me it belongs
to Jindran sir.
Jindran? - Yes.
But there's no work
going on right now.
Uncle. - What's in it?
- No idea.
One ton of this stuff? Excellent.
It'll be half a million.?
- Half a million? Are you nuts?
Why so much? You just
have to get rid of it.
Do you know what this is?
You're getting off easy.
But I didn't know... Yeda asked
me to stash it for a while.
I couldn't refuse. We do major
business with Majid.
Then check it out yourself!
Or ask Majid directly.
Where do we find Yeda?
I'd tell you if I knew. You
should ask his brother.
Where's Yeda?
I don't know.
Does that jog your memory...?
- He wasn't here on March 12.
You think we're fucking idiots?
You're married Majid,
what's her name...?
- Nafisa?
You're wanted at the police
station. - I'm not well.
No one asked if you were.
Get moving. I'll show you.
I'm not well.
She's not well?
Tell me where Yeda is.
I don't know anything.
Doesn't know anything?
We didn't do anything, honestly.
Every person we arrest
says they're innocent.
Being kind and patient doesn't
help us learn the truth.
So we use other methods.
People say there's been a
violation of Human rights.?
Human rights? - Yes. - Tell those
people to try solving this case.
More than 400 innocent people were
blown to shreds in the blasts.
There was no criminal among them.
What about their human rights?
For every ten guilty, we may bring
in someone who's innocent.
I'm not perfect, nobody is.
They aren't small time criminals.
They think this is jihad.
They're the worst kind, they
work like terrorists.
Chop off their fingers and they
still wouldn't say a word.
They won't open their mouths until
you strip them of their dignity.
They can't bear to see their women,
children and near ones humiliated.
Hello Sir, Yeda Yakub here.
The police have taken
Majid and Nafisa.
I didn't pick them up.
- They're being tortured.
The police think I have something
to do with the blasts.
That's not true. Please
get them out, sir.
I'm not on the case.
There is some mistake, sir. I'm being
set up by my enemies.
I wasn't even here on March 12.
Neither was Tiger. Why don't you
come in and sort this out?
I can't, I'll never
be let out again.
Then I can't help you.
Tiger bhai, it's Yeda.
The cops have picked
up Majid and Nafisa.
This is jihad. Sacrifice
is inevitable.
True, bhai.
Something. Please do
something, bhai.
Please talk to Dawood bhai.
Sure, I'll see what I can do.
Bloody lying son of a bitch!
Tell me... - Boss knows
you handled the RDX.
What? You're telling me
now! - I just found out.
I told you.
Sir, Majid and Nafisa
are in bad shape.
It's a jail cell Yeda,
not a hospital.
Please, I'll do whatever
you want me to.
It's a trick, you fool. You can go
in, but they won't set Majid free.
Piloo Khan has a hand in this.
I know for sure.
I won't spare the fucker.
Hang on, listen.
- I'm not going to spare the bastard
You will repent.
- You stay out of it.
Sir, I'll give you a solid
piece of information.
On one condition. You
let my brother go.
I'll speak to my superiors.
- It's genuine.
What is it? - Let Majid go.
I'll try. Tell me.
Tiger has stashed the RDX...
in a warehouse near Amrut Nagar.
Black soap.
Zanjeer, good boy.
All you can smell is fish!
It's all just dried fish.
I think he conned us.
Double check it all. - Yes sir.
Why would he lie?
Get me a knife.
Wait! There is something.
There is something.
What is this?
58 sacks in all. - 58?
All marked with blue circles, like
the ones we found in Mumbra.
Yes Dangle. - Sir, the RDX
came in these cartons.
They're marked with a blue circle.
Hello. - Sir, Piloo Khan was also
Involved with the blasts.
Who is this?
He is Dawood's hitman.
He's still in Bombay.
Who's speaking?
- A well wisher.
Don't you want to take revenge?
I don't have a problem. Piloo
here has the problem.
He comes on my turf and messes
with my operations.
There won't be problems anymore.
Forget you ever had
any. Shake hands.
Shake hands.
C'mon, for Dawood bhai.
He's asking you to
forget the past.
Shake hands.
Please take off your shoes
before you come in.
Piloo Khan?
He's not here.
- Where has he gone?
I don't know.
- When's he expected?
I don't know.
There's a Chinese joint in Bandra...
'Stomach'. That's where
they usually sit.
Who all?
Sir, the cops want you.
Calling me? - Yes.
Rajkumar Khurana is here.
Shall we interrogate him?
Sit the rascal down
outside the lock-up.
You go. - Dangle? - Yes sir?
- Sir, madam on the line.
Go, make Noor Mohammed talk.
I'll join you.
Kadam, open it up.
Said anything yet?
- Not yet.
Hold my gun. - Yes sir.
- You, get up!
Tell me. Who else was with you?
Go there!
Why have I been brought here?
What have I done?
Take your shoes off! This
is a police station.
Sleeping? You think
you own this place?
Take off your socks! Take
off your socks!
I'll trample those feet!
You won't stand again!
Speak up! Who else was with you?
No... no one. Show me your hand.
Take the watch off!
Why are you shouting?
Shut up!
Keep it in Kadam. Lock it.
- I'll lock it sir.
Are you thirsty?
Dangle sir. - Yes.
Has he said anything?
- Nothing.
What's your name?
Rakesh Khurana.
- Who's Rajkumar Khurana?
I am.
Can't you tell us your full name?
- What do you do?
I own a restaurant
in Bandra. Stomach.
Big deal!
- Do you know Piloo Khan?
He's a friend.
- Where is he?
What has he done?
Answer to the point!
Where the HELL is he?
I don't know.
Kadam. - Yes sir? - Lock him up.
Sir. - Sit.
I'm going to rest for a while,
you don't need me, right?
Whose lawyer is that?
- Khurana's.
The Court has ordered his release.
Come on.
Prepare the documents. - Yes sir.
You're Khurana's lawyer?
- Yes.
The formalities will be done by
morning. Then we'll let him go.
Where's Kadam?
- Downstairs.
Get him here. - Sir that...
- Sit here.
Open the door. - Get up!
Get in! I said get in!
Sit down! Sit!
Wait! Wait there I said.
Don't talk rubbish I said.
Quiet! No noise. - What is your
name? - Rajkumar Khurana.
Get up! - He got up!
You will become old.
Show me his face.
Are you sisters?
- She is my daughter.
We hadn't arrested Khurana.
We had only interrogated him.
We didn't suspect him.
We knew that he didn't know...
...what Piloo Khan does.
Samra says there's no smoke
without fire. He says...
...this man wouldn't have
killed himself...
. if he hadn't felt really guilty.
Olga Tellis writes in
the Sunday Observer
The police have tended to preen
...they congratulate themselves...
on the completion of their task,
when in actual fact...
all that they have accomplished is
the arrest of a bunch of coolies.
Rakesh Maria is right. It's been
two weeks since we last met...
but I still remember his words.
If Allah had been with us, our
plan would have succeeded.
Mantralaya, Sena Bhavan, Bal
Thackeray... all destroyed.
That did not happen because
Allah willed otherwise.
"It swung..."
"A cradle of gypsies swung..."
Some water please?
Get him some water.
"I have read the Quran, but..."
I want to meet Maria sir.
- Why?
I have something to tell him.
He'll send for you if he needs
to. - It's important.
It's important. Just mention it,
Tell him it's Badshah Khan.
I now realise it. Tiger used us.
He bore heavy losses
during the riots.
His office was torched.
He betrayed us.
He escaped and left us behind.
He burnt our passports.
From Delhi to Jaipur,
back to Delhi...
to Rampur to Tonk to
Calcutta to Rampur...
I was kicked around.
Finally he stopped taking
my phone calls.
I want to become a state witness.
- Make an official request.
Mr. M.N. Singh... My
name is Badshah Khan.
I met Javed Chikna, resident
of Mahim, two years ago.
Writing a letter?
It was at a business meeting
at Chikna's place...
where I first met Tiger.
I've known about him ever since.
In the December 1992 riots...
Javed was wounded
by a police bullet.
Where are you going?
- To the station.
Stay here!
- I'll be back soon.
Who's there?
- Shahnawaz.
Shall I go? - Greetings.
Greetings. - Yes, what is it?
The police shot Chikna. What? He's
at National hospital.
Javed Chikna?
It's Tailor.
- Sorry, Javed Dawood Tailor.
This lot's already dead.
Ask over there.
Check inside.
Javed. - Greetings. - Greetings.
Even the police!
They're all a part of this.
They opened fire on us! Now
they are watching our backs.
A few weeks later, my
friend Aziz's son died.
He'd poisoned himself.
I went for the funeral.
There I ran into Javed again.
We were sitting at Aziz's place,
then Tiger's man Shafi came.
He took Javed aside, they spoke.
Javed bhai, he's calling you.
You're free tonight? Tiger bhai's
expecting a shipment. Come along.
But where are you going?
I told you, I don't know.
Who's going with you?
Shahnawaz will be there.
Money has to come from somewhere.
I can't go to work anymore, can
I? We need to eat, don't we?
Take him along, too.
He stays here! With you.
Every time I have to call and
ask whose number is what.
You have come.
I thought you had been
killed on the way.
What news? Come in.
Look at the hotel. Superb.
It will soon become a 5-star.
It's great.
Badshah, he had come
out 30 years ago.
Like me.
I'll hit him. - Come. - Okay.
Come on.
He's been landing Tiger's
consignments of silver...
for the last two years.
Tiger paid him 1.5 million
to get in the RDX.
He used to pay the locals
of Raigad a...
...few hundred bucks
to work for him.
They never sold him out
once, out of fear.
He had the police, the customs...
all eating out of his hand.
Dawood Phanse?
Bombay Police. - Leave me!
Greetings. Greetings sir.
I have two partners. Dadabhai
Parker and Rahim Laundrywala.
We have been doing this
for the last five years.
We've been working for Tiger
Memon for more than a year now.
Till date, we've handled
six landings for him.
The first four were silver bars,
and the other two...
Stop that banging!
You think it's the radio? Can't
you pick up the phone?
Who did you get... - Hello.
- Baldie... - Yes, Tiger bhai?
The landing's at Mhasla.
Whose stuff is it?
- Dawood bhai's.
And what if it isn't?
Take my guarantee. Dawood
Bhai is sending it himself.
He never said anything to me.
- My word isn't good enough?
Fine, what will convince you?
A guarantee of profit...
not like the last time.
Tell Dawood bhai if he
calls me personally...
Look Phanse get the goods,
I'll do it.
You want to talk to Dawood bhai?
Why on the phone?
Why not in person?
One silver bar weighs
about 30 kilos.
For every landing we have
to pay off officials...
customs, police, revenue department.
So that the goods are unloaded
and reach the city safely.
We get 7000 for each bar.
But the last shipment was less.
We ran into a loss.
- Everyone's cut is fixed.
The more the bars, the
more the profit.
Only 65 bars came in last time.
We fell out over that.
If he hadn't mentioned Dawood bhai,
I would never have agreed.
Not Phaanse. Phanse.
Yes... yes I am Dawood Phanse.
They called my name... - The
plane's waiting for you sir.
Dawood lives here?
Take it easy.
Baldie, sit.
Elder sister.
Salaam, Dawood.
I don't want tea. No, thanks.
Can he pull it off?
Tiger thought I should come, I
asked to see, I wanted to see...
Why are you here?
I wanted to see you. Tiger bhai
said he'll fix a meeting for me.
- No tea. Thank you.
A meeting?
It was my desire to see you,
so I asked Tiger bhai...
Give him whatever he wants.
His concerns are my concerns.
I just wanted to know what
stuff is being shipped this time...
Any doubts?
None. Forgive me.
You can count on me.
Make a parallel team.
Something goes wrong with one,
we can fall back on the other.
Who's sending it, where it's
coming from, I have no idea.
Another thing: Make a list
of those we have to pay off.
100,000, right Mr. Navalkar?
You'll get it.
But you've got to
cooperate hundred percent.
Don't worry.
Sub-inspector Rane and Kadam sa'ab...
have already accepted the offer.
Everybody does it, it's cool.
He's come.
It's the usual stuff, but I
don't know when it's arriving.
You must have some idea.
I'm sure that there's a time,
but I don't know it as yet.
One of Tiger Memon's shipments?
Or maybe the ISI?
This one will really cost you.
He already knew what the
stuff was and who was sending it.
Thapa. Tell him the names
of the officers involved.
Answer to the point.
Don't get too excited.
- Badshah.
Come on.
- Greetings.
So you're Badshah Khan...?
Yes, bhai.
What is it? Didn't sleep last night?
I did.
Your eyes are bloodshot.
The drive, the wind...
Badshah, the king. The
king of what exactly?
Do you pray?
- Yes, bhai.
All five times?
Sometimes it's a little
difficult but mostly, yes
Where were you when
the riots broke out?
I was there, in Bombay.
How many Hindus did you kill?
Lost someone dear to you?
I lost my livelihood.
Doesn't it make your blood boil?
In the last riots...
in Pratiksha Nagar...
those Hindu pimps posed
as housing officials...
went to every Muslim home...
and marked it with white chalk.
Then on the 8th, or
the 9th, they came back...
destroyed those houses...
everything. Fine.
That was still bearable.
They killed the people who
lived there. Even that's ok.
But they dragged our
womenfolk out into the streets...
and raped them!
My man Hanif Qureishi...
was butchered.
Over there, they stoned the mosque.
They set four people
aflame in a Maruti car.
Just 400 feet away
was the police station.
Did any help come from there? Never.
You read the Quran?
Yes, bhai.
Have you been there, to Pakistan?
No, never had the chance.
Where are you from?
- Bombay, bhai.
You didn't kill even one Hindu?
It's time to pay them back.
If you breathe a word
to anyone about this...
to your parents, brothers, sisters...
wife, kids, friends, anyone at all...
I'll bury you...
...after I bury your
whole fucking family!
I don't see Phanse.
You know how it is. He's
taking care of some loose ends.
He had said something else. He's
saying this is not acceptable.
Talking about society!
Greetings Mushtaq.
- Come.
God willing, we'll go
down in history for this.
This one is packed with grenades.
Shift. Carefully boys!
Easy, easy... Watch your feet.
The foot is touching it.
Do you want to go or not?
Oh! What things!
What the... what is this?
AK 56.
The Pakistani army's stuff.
What things! - Bombay's going to
burn like one big firecracker.
RDX and AK 56... it
was all new to us.
Tiger said we would
be sent for training...
- Yes.
But how will we get there?
Dawood bhai's 'Khancha'.
- An arrangement.
I don't know how...
But all the big mob
bosses in Dubai have it.
It allows them entry into
Pakistan without a visa.
On February 11, 1993 seven of us...
flew to Dubai on Cathay Pacific.
There we met Ayub, who
put us up in an apartment.
On the 13th we were taken
on Paled Ibis to Islamabad...
Paled Ibis?
- PIA. Pakistan Airlines.
When we reached Pakistan
we didn't have any visas.
There was this man
there called Jaafar.
He took us through quietly. No
one stopped us or asked anything.
They gave us new names.
I was called Nasir.
The next night we were
sent to a training camp...
two or three hours
away in the mountains.
Two men were waiting for us,
they looked like real soldiers.
We were shivering in the cold...
whereas they could have
been standing in a desert.
Move on.
- Greetings.
How have you been?
- Allah is kind.
Boys, this is Babaji.
From here, he takes charge.
Get up, move. Everyone!
Had enough sleep.
What time is it?
- It's only 8:30.
Not even two hours of sleep.
Three more boys joined us on
the 17th. That made us 19 in all.
Your real names...?
One of them was Gullu. He was
wanted for the Behrampada riots.
Later, just before the
blast he gave himself up Navpada police station.
No more of this vegetarian shit.
You want to be solid
men, you eat beef.
December 6 was a
fateful day for us Muslims.
Accursed are those politicians
who martyred our sacred mosque.
They wrought great
suffering upon us.
Reduced our houses
and shops to ashes.
Our brothers were
needlessly drawn and quartered.
Our women were...
...endlessly violated.
Allah comforts us.
But how long can we resign
ourselves to this suffering?
It looks just like a pencil.
It's called a detonator,
what is it...?
But we can call it a Pencil.
The red one sets the bomb
off in fifteen minutes...
the white one takes an hour, the
green one, two and a half hours.
There are two
kinds of hand grenades.
Pin mechanism and string.
Was that a dummy?
This is RDX...
Research Developed Explosive.
It was manufactured
after the Second World War.
Use it to make bombs...
Hit him!
Come on!
Train hard, okay boys?
Dawood bhai says that
you're good boys...
if you pull this off,
he'll reward you.
We'll give it everything.
After that we went back to Dubai.
Back to the same apartment.
In the evening Tiger
sent a car for us.
We were taken to Al
Rashidiya bungalow.
It was the first time we were
all together under the same roof.
We swear...
We swear...
to never breathe a word to
anyone about our mission.
To never breathe a word to
anyone about our mission.
That we ever came to
Dubai or to Islamabad...
or that we received training.
That we ever came to
Dubai or to Islamabad...
or that we received training.
And if caught, we will not
give up or betray our brothers...
We will take this to the grave.
We swear it the Holy Quran
We swear it the Holy Quran
On the fourth I returned
to Bombay... all of us.
We must get the Airport.
If we take down even one
international flight...
the whole world will take notice.
And if Chembur oil refinery blows,
they'll shit in their pants.
What about the Municipal Corporation?
- Mushtaq has a contact there.
Then we made a list...
Badshah bhai, this
will be a piece of cake.
Then Gullu's brothers were arrested.
They had been hunting
for Gullu since the riots.
Gullu freaked and turned himself in.
Tiger bhai was livid.
Shoot him...
He's having a hard time.
- I told you! Knock him out!
Let me talk to him.
It won't help.
Let me at least try.
Take Chikna with you.
- Come on, let's go.
And tell him to keep his mouth shut.
Tell him to remember what I said.
If he blows this for me...
I'll wipe his entire
family before I knock him out.
Okay bhai.
- Go.
Let's go.
Why does Tiger bhai talk like that?
- Shut up!
Do as you're told.
You're no one to question him.
No, I was just saying.
- Yes.
Wait, I'm coming as well.
This way, bhai.
"There is a fair..."
This is his place.
Go on, find him.
Search every inch.
"May you be blessed..."
"Today my beloved is going to wed..."
"The Saint is going to wed today..."
Gullu sold us out you know.
He turned out to be a fool.
This is a little problem.
This shouldn't have happened.
He could make trouble for us.
But I swear that's
not going to stop us.
That night we met at the garage...
and assembled bombs all night.
Before dawn Tiger
bhai left for Dubai
Sir. Sir.
We have filed a charge sheet.
- How long is the charge sheet?
A total of 189 people have
been named in the charge-sheet.
Public prosecutor?
- Ujwal Nikam.
Has anyone from the
Memon family been arrested?
No, but we are hopeful.
It's just a matter of time.
Yakub Memon.
No one else from the Memon family
...was involved in
the blasts. Only Tiger.
Taufiq Jaliawala and
Tiger engineered everything.
The ISI used Tiger. On their behalf,
Jaliawala coordinated from Dubai.
For the ISI?
For the ISI. For Pakistan.
You're saying that no one from
the Memon family was involved...
but you all knew about it?
We didn't.
Then why did you leave Bombay
exactly three days before the blasts?
Tiger got us tickets to Dubai...
so we went. We did
that all the time.
You went for
Jaliawala's daughter's wedding?
None of us went for it,
we were told not to.
By whom?
- Jaliawala.
- At the time...
it seemed odd. But I
think now we all know why.
Why did you come back?
We were living like
second class citizens there.
Then I met a lawyer in Dubai
who said that if I cooperated...
I would get some special
considerations, a lighter sentence.
What were you doing at
New Delhi railway station?
The CBI left me there. -
You're saying the CBI arrested you?
The first time I was
arrested at Kathmandu Airport.
Then the CBI took me to
New Delhi railway station.
There they released me,
and arrested me once again.
One last question.
Where is Tiger Memon?
You have to ask the ISI that.
He's your brother, you
must know something.
I've had no contact with
him for the past year.
I have absolutely no
idea where he is right now.
It is reported that the Memon family
has sought shelter in Pakistan.
Will Pakistan assist in
anyway to extradite them?
I can assure you the Memon family
has not sought asylum in Pakistan.
We have not issued a visa to them.
We don't know the
Memon family at all.
Unless these visas have been
issued by the Indian government.
That's a little far-fetched,
that the very people we want...
...we will issue visas to them.
- Well, you never know...
...because these are people who
have nexuses right across the board.
If it is true and it turns out
the Memon family are in Pakistan...
...and your government
agrees that they are there and...
...there's no denying that,
would you then extradite them?
First of all as I said, and I
repeat with authority at my command.
...that these people are
not there in Pakistan.
They are definitely not there.
They may not be there
right now, but maybe later...
...and I can assure you
will not allow them.
I'm telling you. Besides Tiger...
Not a single member of the Memon
family was involved with the blasts.
And Dawood Ibrahim?
- Hello.
Mr. Ram Jethmalani?
- Yes, who's that?
Sir, Dawood Ibrahim here.
- How did you get this number?
I want to surrender.
I have done nothing, but
they're blaming me for the blasts.
What can I do for you?
I want to give myself
up. On two conditions.
All pending cases against me...
besides this one, are to be dropped.
I want bail as
soon as I am arrested.
I can stay under house
arrest until the trial.
Tell him that he might
be the king of Dubai.
But he's not getting any
special Treatment from us.
I made a mistake!
Hey stop your boat. Don't move.
Hand's up or I will shoot!
Give me your hand.
- Give me your hand.
Very good.
Don't kill him.
He'll be the messenger.
Get all the cargo on the boat.
Don't you move.
Keep absolutely still. Lie back.
Hands to yourself.
Okay fine.
Aslam and Jaat
hijacked the entire cargo.
How much did you lose this time?
Who is this?
We can get it back for you.
And we'll make sure that
Aslam Bhatti and Dawood Jaat...
don't ever get in your way again.
What do you say to that?
What will I have to do in return?
Help us land our
stuff at Shekadi beach.
Our stuff?
- ISI.
Will you do it?
What is it?
Remember December 6th?
I'll have to think about it.
Bhai, this just came from home.
For a brother, who did nothing
to protect his sister's chastity.
Dawood Ibrahim Kaskkar!
- Down with you!
Dawood Ibrahim Kaskkar!
- Down with you!
Dawood Ibrahim Kaskkar!
- Down with you!
With the cries of 'Jai Shri
Ram' thousands of karsevaks...
Wielding spears,
hammers and with bare hands...
Stormed the 450 year
old Babri Masjid...
...and brought it down.
They clambered over the barricades.
They pulled down
obstacles on their way.
They stoned the walls and
tombs of a structure that...
...has stood for four
and a half centuries.
Hail Lord Ram! Hail Lord Ram!
464 year-old Babri Masjid
in Ayodhya crumbled down...
...crumbles under the blows
of thousands of Kar Sevaks.
It is very sad for all of us.
A matter of great shame...
For the entire Nation.
That is all I have to say.
Come on! Shut up!
24 hours after the Babri Masjid
demolition its effect was felt in...
...various parts of the country.
Electricity wires were cut.
Riots spread all around.
Men were burnt and
butchered inside their homes... front of their families.
Tell me.
There are riots all over
the city. Please come home.
I know. Fucking bastards.
Just come back fast.
Yes love, I have to
finish a few things first...
Then I'll come home.
All of Mahim will burn for this!
Who the fuck had the
balls to touch my office?
Show yourselves if you dare! I'm
no Tiger unless I make you pay!
You dare burn MY office!
Bombay was rocked by
two spells of riots.
The first in December started
at Mahim with the hoisting of...
a black flag and took
on inhuman proportions.
The second round in
January were not spontaneous...
But organized and
politically motivated.
The week-long violence
that was unleashed in Bombay...
...from January 6th, was both
chilling and mind-numbing.
In an orgy of murder
and blood-letting...
...over 600 people lost their lives,
thousands were injured...
...lakhs were rendered homeless.
Hindus thirsting for Muslim blood
Muslims thirsting for Hindu blood.
Revenge begets revenge,
begets revenge.
In both communities,
strident fascism...
...has risen to the surface.
The communal
polarization is so deep...
...that it seems irreversible.
They killed my father, my
mother and my little brother.
And I can't find my
grandpa and grandma.
Thousands of minorities,
the main target...
...jammed the railway
stations while attempting to flee.
We are scared.
The police is the reason.
We wouldn't run if
the cops are amicable.
But the cops are hostile towards us.
They shoot us on sight.
- We're leaving Bombay for good.
We try to contain the fact that... much human life and
so much property has...
...been saved in Bombay, that itself
is a testimony to the kind of effort.
...which we have put in. - So
that means many more lives and...
...much more property could
have been destroyed. - Obviously.
You think 500 is a less... - No, no
that is because of the dedicated... of the law and
order machinery that...
...the damage has been
contained to this figure.
I don't say 500 is a small number.
It is too big a number.
The savagery of the violence drove
away sections of the Hindus as well.
In pursuit of the single-minded
aim communities were systematically...
Hounded out of their homes.
People are asking us to leave.
They say there is no
place for Muslims here.
We shouldn't waste any time.
It would be wise to
leave immediately.
I'm not going to spare anyone.
I'll burn all of
Bombay if I have to.
Our army and our
intelligence are at your disposal.
You just need to round up the men.
We'll give you the arms, grenades
and explosives that our army uses.
The ISI will train your
men in using all of it.
We should first take out
Thackeray and Advani... that no one will dare
take us for granted ever again.
Thackeray is easy to get to.
We could take him out tomorrow.
A handshake, a garland
of flowers, and boom.
Send Thackeray and Advani
on a one way ticket to hell.
You guys think it's that simple?
This is no plaything.
- You're setting me a challenge?
We'll never even get within
sniffing distance of them.
There are lots of ways. I
don't need to get into details.
If nothing else works we
buy off the security guy.
And if even that doesn't
work, wire up a truck...
and set it off at his home.
Like those terrorists in Lebanon.
Bhai, can I say something?
Knocking off their leaders
won't serve our purpose.
It won't do our jihad any good.
You kill them and the
Hindus will turn them into Gods.
They'll build temples for them.
It'll become worse for us.
But we must do something, bring
the whole Hindu race to its knees.
Why should Muslims
always cower in fear?
We must do something to make
every Hindu wish that he wasn't one.
Exactly. Otherwise not a single
Muslim in India will be spared.
600 million Hindus!
We can't get them all.
Bhai, Bombay.
- What's the idea?
Bhai, Bombay, India's
financial nerve centre.
Attack Bombay, and the
whole world feels it.
International leaders, the
UN, it'll shake them up.
The entire system will be
fucked. It'll rattle them.
And bhai, most important thing...
Show the entire world...
the strength of Islam.
I tell you, take down the
Chief Minister's Office...
Municipal Corporation, the airport...
knock out all the ministers.
If Bombay burns...
the system gets fucked
and they'll crumble...
the whole economy will crash.
If we can pull this off bhai...
no one ever again will have the
guts to stare a Muslim in the eye.
The very thought of a Muslim...
will make him piss in his dhoti.
But the whole thing will
take a hell lot of money.
You are right. But
where's the money...
going to come from?
- You'll get the money.
But what do you propose?