Black Gold (2011)

Here are my terms.
All I want is your friendship.
And my sons!
Insurance for both of us.
As long as they are under my roof...
I cannot make war with you.
But the sword cuts both ways.
We can't make war with you either.
Your son's will be our bond for peace.
I will raise them as my own,
with my son Tarik
And my daughter Leyla.
And the Yellow Belt?
We should be laughing at ourselves that
we ever make war over this....
This piece of sand....
From now on we will keep it as
a no man's land between us.
Neither may claim it.
As God is my witness,
I agree.
As God is our witness.
Never forget that you are my eldest son.
You will inherit my throne.
Defend the honor of our house.
Tears only waste of water.
Do not worry, sidi,
time will pass quickly.
Hmm... You will think he had won.
May all our enemies be like him, Colonel.
Iam very sorry to have to tell you....
That your mother....
Princess Zamira,
Has Passed away.
Which hand?
Leyla! Leyla!
There you are!
What are you doing here?
Leyla said that our mummies are in heaven,
Watching over us.
You're too old now to play with boys.
Come inside.
Leyla, my darling...
They need water.
But they have a well!
The Cholera Bacteria live in the well.
Does this happen in Paris?
Would my wife have died in Paris?
No, Your Majesty.
Does this happen in London?
The last cholera epidemic in London,
Was probably a hundred years ago.
Thats what we are?
A Hundred years behind the West?
More like a thousandh,
Your Majesty.
Tarik, my son,
Is there a greater curse of being a poor king?
I can't grow anything.
I can't ship anything.
I can't even trade anything because,
Who would come to Hobeika?
To be an "ARAB" is to be a waiter at the
Banquet of the World.
That's called The House Of ALLAH.
Just miles and miles of nothing .
What's that road?
That is the Northern Road.
To the south, lies Hobeika.
And due north Salmaah.
My beautiful!
What are you blinking at?
I always hope, that on a clear day I see Salmaah.
It's too far.
You know Saleh something strange is happening.
I'm beginning to forget what father looks like.
Like this.
He looks like this.
Stay away from the Antenna!
Back! Don't come close.
Okay everybody, Just Step back! Step back! please.
Why didn't you offer them coffee?...
they are infidels.
Idiot.. I decide who is an infidel.
Get him out.
I'm so sorry, gentlemen.
Iam Nesib,
Sultan Of Hobeika.
Oof... Sam Thurkettle, Your Majesty.
Ooh... are you an artist, Mr. Thurkettle?
Aah...No, sir.
I work for little company called
Texan Oil.
There is no oil here, Mr.
Just sand,
The sun....
and the wind.
Half the year,it blows from the east.
That's winter.
The other half, from the south.
That's summer.
Eh... I would beg to differ Sir.
This is Black Shale.
Well there is certainly plenty of that around.
That is usually an indication that there is
oil in the ground.
Smell it, Your Majesty.
Go ahead!
What it smells like?
Hmm... Like Oil.
You see shale acts like a sponge,
And and it is not just any kind of oil.
Take another wiff, Your Majesty.
Does it smell bitter or sweet?
Quiet sweet really.
Light sweet crude, best oil in the world.
And you Sir, I would bet my bottom dollars....
Sitting on a great big whack of it.
Hmm....Get ready to be rich.
Seriously rich.
When you say "Seriously Rich",Mr.Thurkettle...
how rich?
Well Your Majesty you see,
One good well,
Can produce a hundred thousand barrels of oil a day,
at a dollar a barrel.
Hmm.... I will be richer than The King Of England?
King of England, what's he got?
Some green fields and a hat full of rain. Hmm... Yeah.
who's this, Lindbergh?
It's just some man from Texas.
He say's he found oil.
And Where exactly did you find this? Mr.Thurkettle.
Hey Gianni, what was the name of that place again?
The Yellow Belt, Your Majesty.
Eh...The Yellow Belt.
And it is also true that blind man who kneels before God,
Is happier than the greedy one who can see.
Who will like the Franks,
Tries to quench his thirst with sand.
"Tries to quench his thirst With sand."
What does it say?
He say's what a man say's when he knows his letters are read.
But he urges you my indolent friend,
to take some exercise.
Please! Saleh don't.
Come on it's expensive!
Hey move your rug!
Give it to me.
Hey come on, little brother!
Little Brother come on move, move!
You are embarrissing the slow out.
He is so beautiful! He is so handsome!
Ibn Idris...
Princess, they say he is promised to you.
Who said that? Everybody.
We will see about that.
Come you all! Come you,
Man I Love you!
God be with you, Colonel.
Hmm....During your negotiations with Amar,make him the offer.
But only for wellfare.
Of course, go.
Let me go with them.
I give you my word of Honour I would come back.
My father would make me come back.
But I need you here Saleh.
To fly my Falcon?
Be patient.
You will be back in Salmaah soon enough.
And come back only when you have a deal.
Colonel... wait!
Colonel Please tell my father that I'm getting some exercise...
I will.... I will.
In the name of God, The Merciful...
Mr. Minister.
Where are the scissors?
Lost, Amir.
Thank you, father, Well.
You go first.
Here... you go,
Auda, I know you
You are very fond of books.
Aren't you?
I hereby name you....
The Kingdom's Librarian.
Hmm...Come here.
Is he happy? Yeah he is happy, He is happy.
Good, good.
Ehm...And there is your desk.
There, Go!
Sit, sit, sit, sit in there.
Gentlemen, please...
We want more, Shall We finish a day down South,
With good old kentucky burgers.
Cheers! it's the best liquid in the world.
It's rich.
To the luckiest guys in the desert!
Take up lift this stuff, fast!
They tied heavy equipment around their feet.
And threw them in to the tank, so they would literally...
Well drown in oil.
We believe it was the Al Talabyns or the Anizas Tribes.
I'm not the ruler of a country yet.
I rule over a patty work of..
Tribes fall, Deeply conservative people.
You mean they don't like oil?
They only use their tribes that ever had for oil is,
to put it on their camels....
As a poultice, when they had mange.
I'll make a great show of a...
Consulting with them ...
put some gold in their pockets.
And will make sure you and your people are protected.
It would perhaps had been better,
If your Majesty had waited with the exploitation of,
The Yellow Belt.
I should wait...
For the next cholera epidemic?
The next woman,
To die in childbirth, like my wife did?
Our people need the wealth oil brings....
The envoys have returned, back to Hobeika.
Auda, the delegation! Auda....
They are back we are going home.
What? At least I hope we are going home.
Come on!
They look exhausted.
I hope they reached an agreement.
He said what?
He repeated week after week:
"I gave my word and my sons to this treaty."
"Which we made under the eyes of God."
And you are showing me no reason why I start a revolt.
But you surely told him,
That the wealth of oil was a gift of ALLAH?
Aah he seemed to take the opposite view.
The Sultan wants you to know that,
He considers the exploaitation of The Yellow Belt....
A violation Of The Treaty.
If Amar wants war, he will have war!
Iam joining Father, don't say anything.
Lets go to war.
It is our land!
Shall we, gentlemen.
We just came back.
Don't be lazy!
It's hunting season.
Look, He he he... is negotiating okay
just just up his stake.
I already tried that, Mr. Thurkettle,
But he said.... money has no value.
What? no really well never heard that before.
Naturally you offerred to return the boys.
Of course, as your Majesty instructed.
Auda.. Auda my dear boy, come over here.
These are confusing times,
But we will find a way through them.
Where is your brother?
I think he was some what dissapointed.
So he just went out to....
Get some fresh air.
My beauty....
Fly for me.
Ooh she is so beautiful.
Please, no no!
Prince Auda must have known about his brothers plan.
He is clearlly ccomplicant to this heinous crime.
You've always been a brother to me, anyway.
It is said that every man has three tasks to accomplish in this world.
To plant a palm tree, to dig a well..
And to father a son.
Have you already accomplished one of the three?
I shall peermit you...
with ALLAH'S blessing.
To start with the easiest of the three.
Instead of trying,
The remaining hostage, Auda,
Brother of the evil murderer Saleh.
king Of Hobeika.
Over lords of The Southern Tribes,
Has threw a stunning act of clemency,
Seen fit to adopt Auda,
Into his own family.
And offer in the sacred bonds of marriage,
His daughter, Princess Leyla.
Sign here.
Just Sign!
I hereby declare the previous treaty between the House Of Amar,
And the House Of Nesib
Null and void.
Let us recite Al Fatiha.
Go! Go!
Over there!
It is a token of my appreciation.
They are made in a place called...
Sir! King Nesib...
Be sure that all the Beni Sirris are proud to be with you, Thank you.
Ooh... the Beni Sirris are very welcome in the house.
This is for you.
I have one exactly like this.
We are now brothers. You and me brothers
Don't forget it.
How long has it been?
You remember.
You were so exotic,
Like a boy from a book.
Would you like to see, what I look like now?
You are allowed to unviel me.
I have had myself....
Dressed as a Bedouin girl for you.
You don't like it?
I would never imagine that you...
Would become so beautiful.
Please Princess, can't you see this is a trap?
A trap?
The only reason your father wants us married,
Is so I no longer be a hostage.
So he would be free to go to battle with my father.
This wasn't a wedding,
It was a declaration of war.
I could have gone to Salmaah.
I should have gone.
As Nesib's Emissary.
Who is better suited than me to talk to my own father?
Why did no body think of that?
Because they are blind to me.
And if we get married,
There is no room to maneuver.
Are we not married already?
Strictly speaking, not yet.
Its just politics Princess, politics....
Then, all these years I have been....
Spying on you through this moucharabiehs.
When you walked down the library, weight down with your books,
Looking so wise and serious...
Thats politics?
You were promised to Ibn Idris.No! No!
I was promised to no man.
I went to my father,
And I chose you.
But you haven't chosen Saleh? Saleh....
He is a good brother to you.
But to me, he is just an another Arab Prince,
with a falcon who worships the past.
Come here.
My mother she looked outside this window,
And saw what?
An unchanging world.
But you,
you are clever and sensitive.
Its alright, Prince Auda.
You're in the harem.
Its the one place in earth,
where we are allowed to,
Drop our veils.
Assalamu Alaikum Ibn Idris.
Walaikum Salam.
So I can only assume that you run out of bullets?
Nesib wants him alive.
He said he pay our families the price of blood.
Aah, lets not complicate things.
The guards you killed were my cousins.
You can't shoot me, Ibn Idris, Iam a prince.
No! You were a prince.
Saleh is dead.
She would never leave him.
Good Morning, Father.
The apple of my eye!
Are you well?
Am I well?
Why are you not with your husband?
Did he dishonour you?
Isn't that aah...
Rather the point of wedding night?
No. He is the gentlest of men.
May I ask you something?
Is Saleh dead?
Father, here.
Have I ever asked you for a favour?
All the time.
Sometimes I think its the sole reason God put
me on earth.
What do you want?
I have been thinking.
We have been thinking.
What a blessing for us....
To have in our household,
A son of two fathers.
Now, Shouldn't I the father who wants nothing,
But peace,
Not send this son,
To the father who seems,
Blinded by war?
To remind this God Fearing man,
That in the Holy Quran,
The word "PEACE",
Is mentioned twice as much,
As the word "WAR"?
You are an Emissary Of Hobeika,
But more importantly...
You are now my son.
And Leyla's husband.
I haven't finished yet!
Tell Amar,
I don't want conflict,
But I waont flee from it.
And this time...
They are with me.
You can go now.
My daughter asks permission to ride with her husband to the gate.
She has never been in an auto-mobile before.
Do you remember any of this Prince?
Not really.
Moule Sultan....
Your son is here.
Actually, its Auda... father.
Peace be with you.
Auda, of course.
Forgive me, its been too many years.
Its Fifteen.
That long?
Now you are a man.
Where is Saleh?
He is no longer with us.
Why? Where is he?
He is entered ALLAH'S grace, Father.
He killed his guard and was killed in turn.
He killed his guard? Why?
He escaped when the delegation returned from Salmaah.
You obviously did not escape.
I come here as an Emissary.
Who's Emissary?
An Emissary Of Peace. I hope.
Is that why you come with Nesibe soldiers?
In an infidels car.
Amir, this was simply the most expedient way.
And Nesibe Council speak for you.
Your houses are united now Majesty.
I married Leyla, father.
You married Nesib's daughter while they
slaughtered your brother.
Father allow me to explain myself.
You will explain.
You will.
But these people they return to Hobeika.
My laws of hospitality does not extend
to the killers of my son.
Forgive me, Princess.
It's alright.
Play something about love.
Do you think he would have been killed
if you had refused this wedding?
I think there might have been people who council Nesib....
That he would have had a freer hand, with out me.
Then, under the Takeyya principle,
Which gives a Muslim the right to dissumalte
if he thinks his life is threatened,
You are absolved.
You must free a slave,
Or, if you are not able to do that,
Fast for three days and say three times:
"I divorce thee, Leyla, daughter of Nesib"
And you will be rid of her.
Thankyou for the advice your Eminence.
You say you come as an Emissary Of Peace.
A poor choice of words.
Because it is we who have been violated.
But it is we who have kept the peace.
Either when my army was replenished and,
The tribes want shout for vengeance,
I held them back.
Because I gave my word.
The Yellow Belt belongs to no one.
But now you are free to act.
This war serves the Cause Of God!
May I speak?
Let us hear my son!
My father always urged me to read the Quran.
So I am surprised that the vulnerable men of faith
whom I see gathered here,
Are unanimously calling for war.
When the Holy Book condemns it.
Sura 2, Amir,
Instructs us to defend ourselves against the infidels.
No! No! Sura 2, allow you to defend yourself,
Against non-believers who seek your destruction,
thats different.
Precisely, these foreign workers,
Seek our destruction.
How? They came here you threaten you?
Unbelievers can be a threat for Muslims.
Can be a threat to Muslims!
"Do not be the friend,
"Of anyone who is not one of your people."
Oil is ungodly since we need infidels to extract it.
So you are against Oil all together.
What use is Oil? For making a heavens vehicle go.
What vehicles do Arab use?
Camels. Of course!
Camels! Arabs use camels.
May I ask you one question?
If ALLAH had not wanted the oil for the Arabs.
Why did he put it under the soil?
Allah put it there but if he had wanted the Arabs
to use it, he would have said so in the Quran.
He would have said so in the Quran.
But he didn't forbid it in the Quran.
I think its very likely he put oil in the ground,
So it riches may improve our lives.
What matters, is eternal life in the here after.
Life here on earth is not to be improved,
It is just pleating pleasure.
Just pleating pleasure!
And the glasses on your nose, are not sinful?
Do they not improve your life.
No, Amir.
They allow me to see the words,
Of the Holy Quran even clearer Amir!.
Listen to me!
The enemy are the apostates.
Do you hear me?
Assalamu Alaikum. You are alone.
Yes, unfortunately yes.
I'm sorry King Amar kept his son.
Prince Auda stayed with his father for further complications.
Ibn Idris, can I rely on your support?
You remember how you taught me to pray?
I was just the size of your sword.
Tell me....
Was it wrong for me to come here?
It is been my fate to fight wars for a living, Sidi.
But in truth, I have never seen anyone gain by it.
Come in.
Good Evening, Doctor.
Iam not at all well.
Would you mind describing your symptoms in slightly
less general terms.
I have a high fever,
My heart is racing,
And my head feels like it is about to explode.
Sleeve up please.
Yah, I think I know what's ailing you.
What? cigarette?
Its a, the ordinary attack of hypochondriasis.
No, I am not.
Ooh I bet you are, its your mind that is uneasy not your
body although frankly you could do a bit of more exercise.
Listen doctor, my body really aches.
Its a manifestation of your turbulent mind,
When then if you manage to calm your spirit than the symptoms will ease off,
Which is for the best really because if something is physically wrong with
you I couldn't actually prescribe you anything of use.
Most modern medicine is banned in Salmaah.
Medicines are banned?
Yes! Why?
Why? Its a foriegn import.
And therefore, obviously the work of the devil.
But at least the venerable theologians that
advice our Sultan say so.
You.. you've met them, haven't you.
In their case they have overlooked a small detail which
is the Prophet himself said:
"You should make use of Medical Treatment,"
"For ALLAH has not created any disease for which is not
also a point at a cure."
Apart of course from old age .
But their spoon feeding Sultan is, and he swallowed the Quran whole.
Old boys digestion isn't very good.
Good luck with yours.
Wait, doctor.
What's your name?
Ali Ibn Amar.
Sultan's least favourite son.
And favorite scapegoat.
We are brothers?
I see your illness hasn't dimmed your powers of deduction.
Yes! we are brothers but from different mothers.
Mine was obviously the better looking one.
If you ask our father,
He will probably say you are the only one left.
And Saleh is now dead.
Ascended to the gardens of paradise now, surrounded by virgins.
Obivously I didn't really count so this will all be
yours ronde.
Don't spend it all in one go.
Why do you say you don't count?
I don't count, because I have opinions.
And they are not popular in Salmaah.
Only blind obedience.
Listen, be careful of our father, he is the only politican.
And who prefers emptied treasury to a full one.
Strangely seductive.
You spoke well, last night.
I have become unaccustomed to the voice of the younger generation.
I let go of you and Saleh, far too early.Come sit.
Father, I have to ask you something.
Nesib offered to return Saleh and myself to you.
Why didn't you accept?
I'll tell you exactly why?
When Nesib's book keepers offered me 5% of the Yellow
Belts prosits.
I said no.
When they reached 32%, they offered to....
What was the expression to....
with throw you in.
When I returned from defeat in the desert fifteen years ago
to tell your mother,
That I had to leave you and Saleh as hostages....
She was like a... bird.
Who no longer wanted to sing.
She went to her room,
turned to the wall....
Six weeks later she was dead.
Your lives were priceless to her,
and to me.
To have put a value....
On you would have been to disgrace her memory.
Because, you see my son,
Everything you see in this room,
Was won with either blood or love,
Never money.
Because, anything that can be bought,
Has no real value.
Father I came here to warn you.
Nesib has a Trained Army,
They are all along the Northern Road,
with modern weapons.
He is getting richer by the minute and he's
united the Southern Tribes.
Even when Nesib was poor, he still had money for machine guns.
Well he who puts his faith only in weapons is a very poor soldier.
As for the Southern Tribes,
In my experience, they are happier to go to a wedding,
Than they are to pick sides in a war.
Speaking of which, I used to...
Do this to you when you were a little boy.
Do you remember?
I used to tell you,
I could look into your souls.
So, you tell me the truth.
Do you Want to repudiate this marriage?
I love her.
You know my son,
The greatest gift in the man's life, is love.
Yes, Amir.
Go to Hobeika.
Tell Nesib my son has softened my heart.
And in celebration of the Union of our two houses,
I propose a peace meeting on the first day of the New Moon.
Father, the doctor last night said,
Aah, he is a bitter man.
A joker.
He said he's my brother.
All rivers have their tributaries.
In the light of the recent union of your two houses,
His Majesty Amar is willing to forgive your unlawful usurpation of,
The Yellow Belt.
That's it?
His offer is to return to the original conditions you swore to,
Under the eyes of God,
That the Yellow Belt belong neither to the house of Amar nor of Nesib.
You finished?
No, His Majesty wishes to add that,
Once the infidels have withdrawn their equipment from The Yellow Belt,
His Majesty will be pleased to come to Hobeika for the wedding feast,
You surely threw an overside,
Neglected to invite him to.
I had you beaten....
Hassan Dakhil....
You and your master.
Should have finished you off.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Hassan Dakhil....
Sit down for an another moment.
You are a professional.
Surely you have realized that this war,
Can only be three things for the house of Amar,
And futile.
I think, You should put a wall in the middle of your properties.
And then in recompense, I will give them both a sheep.
You know they came to me too, these people from Texas.
With their boots and their hats and their loud voices.
All they ever spoke about was money.
But I said to them:
"What need have I of money?"
"I have been blessed a thousand times."
"My beloved wife,"
"As you by now must have realized",
"Father is utterly committed to the peace",
"He is the most wonderful authentic man",
"And I cannot wait for you to meet him",
"I think we should spend half the year in Salmaah",
"And the other half in Hobeika."
Where is Hassan?
He's staying in Hobeika indefinetly.
"For reasons of health."
He's bought him.
Nesib has bought Hassan....
And He killed Saleh.
Truth and courage should be the stars a man sets his cost by.
Now oil and money rule the world.
Who are those men, father?
I am aering out my jails.
Giving them some exercise.
So how is the men you were exercising,
Yes, it is my Army Of Straw.
I will distract Nesib with it, wave it in his face while
I strike at his heart.
You know Nesib well.
What is his opinion of me?
He thinks you are an honourable man, but hopelessly stuck in the past.
An antique!
If I were seen to march my army into the desert,
To cross the House Of ALLAH....
Do you think he would believe it?
Send those men in to the House Of ALLAH?
They would die there.
Better to die for a noble cause than to, rott in jail.
Would he believe it?
Yes, He would.
He would because they think you are trying to attack on The Yellow Belt.
Because it is the plan of an antique!
Would he than take his men from the Northern Road?
To reinforce The Yellow Belt?
Yes.... probably.
And that is when I come down the Northern Road and take Hobieka.
But is it possible for you to come down the Northern Road,
if you are in the desert.
Crossing The House Of ALLAH.
Because, You will.
I will what?
You... Will cross the House Of ALLAH.
Well not cross,
But be seen to draw a Nesib's Army.
I was going to ask Hassan Dakhil to do it but,
you can take his place.
This is absurd.
I came here to plead for peace, and not to take the place of your General.
Its in your blood, you were born to rule.
You are the next Sultan Of The Citadel Of Salmaah,
The twelfth in line.
We have ruled this land for centuries.
Before that we rode with the Prophet.
Father, I only fired a gun once in my life.
And it almost took off my shoulder.
I read books.
And they tell me that the only thing I have in my blood is
water, protien and iron.
And if there is anything else in there, is the absolute certainity that..
You will lose this war just like you lost the last one.
I have mistaken you for someone else.
Thank you, for coming to Salmaah.
I think you have found a better king and a better father....
In Nesib.
Now we are at war, I suggest you return as soon as possible,
To the Wealth Of Hobeika.
And the arms of your wife.
May God guide your steps.
Fill your bellies!
This is the last well.
This is the last water you will see for another sixteen days.
Fill your bellies.
Fill the water sacks.
Peace be with you, Brother.
And the leprosy your new brother,
I thought they told you to take it easy.
What in God's name do you doing?
Did you bring cold compresses?
Not there's many as you are going to be needed.
I did have a, bring a replacement for you incase you fallen again.
Don't think anyone will tell the difference.
So, what's the Grand Plan, General?
I can't tell you I you are not part of us, I am sorry.
Well, how could I possibly join if I don't know what the plan is?
Dr. Ali!
The Sultan would like to see you after the prayer.
Always it is a pleasure to see your highness!
Or should I say "Father"?
Why do you always have to mock everything?
It's easier.
Than to discuss are true feelings.
And what are your true feelings?
I am... sorry that I can't be...
As you would like me to be.
Come sit with me.
I have been thinking....
If God had not wanted medicine in the world,
He wouldn't have put people like you...
On the earth.
So, perhaps, when you return,
You should bring me your plans again.
Thank you, my loved.
May I rely on you?
Not really.
Look after Auda.
You know, I thought I would hate him.
But I don't, it reminds me of a young owl.
Something very sharp behind all that blinking.
This cloth bears the sweat and blood of our house.
The head of our family has worn one like this,
Since the time of the Prophet.
Wear it well.
I will do my best.
Now remember,
I only need you to be seen my Nesib's Army,
Do not engage, with them.
I know.
You needn't worry on that account.
May God protect us all.
Can we reach that far?
We travel with our own fuel trucks your Majesty,
may strike any where.
Still, is it not as if he would actually try to cross the House of Allah.
Would he?
No, Conventially Manded Army could do it.
It's an impossibilty Sir!
I know that peace of country well.
It would break even the most courageous warrior.
Just because a man is marching towards the House Of ALLAH
doesn't mean that he plans to cross it.
No rain has fallen here since heaven wept for
the death of the Prophet.
This is the Devil's Gate, Amir.
The porting to the House Of ALLAH.
"Father, a plane flew over us."
"May be he didn't see us. We carry on."
Hey you....
You move it!
Arms to the ready!
Take aim!
Amir, stay behind.
We want water! Fire
Go back! Stay behind! Fire!
Don't shoot! Fire!
Go back! Go back!
Prepare to fire. We want water!
This is not such an unreasonable request is it.
Take aim,what's this?
Wait! wait! Quiet!
I know what it is. Those are Armored Vehicles.
I'll go to them.
Don't do that , Amir. Come back!
I am Prince Auda.
It's me, Auda.
Come on, quick to the dunes!
We will be safe on the dunes, follow me.
Jump the slope!
Use the sand! Throw in the slits.
Its jammed.
Shoot at the tires!
Jam the wheels, use your clothes.
Get everything you have!
Everything you have, get them.
Victory! Victory!
We got them.
We fought them off, Amir.
I don't think so.
I think they are on to us.
They are going back to Hobeika.
They will cut our Sultan to pieces on the Northern Road.
You want some water?
Sir! come sir! look over there.
We have your prince.
We want to sell him.
We don't want much.
Some water.
You didn't hurt him, did you?
Hurt! Hurt! your Little Prince.
Why would we do that?
Come closer.
We are close enough.
Get the petrol can. Quick!
Quick, the petrol can!
Quick! Hurry up.
Out of my way, well We truly crossed the Rubicon now.
Here comes the another one!
There's always a little thing.
Give it to me!
They are coming close!
It's coming, coming.
Here we go!
Amir! quickly now.
Amir take cover.
Amir, quick!
Get down. Get down.
No message?
God bless our dead heroes.
I want everybody in the saddle!
Help Us!
Now! Now! Go!
The sea ..
You have to go to the sea.
Donn't exhaust yourself.
You'll find water...
In the sea! It is in the sea.
Yes, of course it is...
It's alright.
I grew up with him.
I am married to his sister.
I'm sorry, Amir.
It was God's will.
God hates what we do to each other in his name.
He hates that.
We should leave here, Amir.
Nesib will come looking for us in earnest now.
He's right. He will use his planes to track us down.
So this is war?
This is what they write epics about.
But you know the really frightning thing is,
how good you are at it.
Send the rest of the army to the Yellow Belt,
Whatever is left of it.
Your Majesty, I am not sure that is wise.
I sent my armored cars,
I sent my best plane with my son in it,
None of them came back from this wretched place,
What other proof do you need?
Or would you like to go into the House Of ALLAH
and look for Amar yourself?
Come On!
How do you know?
Because my spies saw him ride through the gate of Salmaah,
next to his father.Thats how.
He chose sides, he serves under your brothers killer.
But, you killed Saleh.
I didn't kill Saleh.
He just ended up dead!
That scum Auda betrays you, like he betrayed me.
Once an Amar, always an Amar.
Tell her what the Quran says.
The Quran says many things about a large variety of topics.
About divorce, fool! Divorce.
ALLAH is not in favour of it.
Except when the husband behaves appallingly.
If he runs away,
Joins a foreign army, amarches against his family.
Than... the wife...
Can undo the wedding bonds....
If she repeats three times "I divorce..."
"From Auda, Son Of Amar!"
Come over here.
Say three times:
"I, Leyla,"
"Daughter Of Nesib,"
"Divorce Auda, Son Of Amar."
Say it.
I,I refuse.
You refuse?
If Auda is marching with his father,
Its because, he had no other choice.
Father, he is the most peace minded man one can dream of.
Peace minded?
He is just like his father.
Actually, he is worse.
Because, Amar is just a lunatic.
Fine. Fine
Disobey me.
What is the point in divorcing a corpse?
Hmm, a corpse?
"Hard cases criminals" , my father called you...
He said "you were dangerous men".
And he was right.
You are dangerous men.
But its not your fight.
You are free to go.
What about water?
For water! We will share what is left with you.
And where will you go?
To the sea, nobody will look for us there.
I will follow you.
We will follow you.
If this is the House Of God, I don't think he is home.
I am sure that the camel driver was right.
We will find water at the sea.
From who?
Traders. There are always people at the sea.
Just a litte drop.
The sea!
The sea! Look! The sea!
Don't drink this water.
Don't drink the water.
Don't drink from the sea.
Don't drink the sea water.
The salt will get into your blood and will kill you.
Don't drink the water.
Don't drink it is salty you will die.
Just Wet your mouth, don't drink.
Al Gloui, Talib!
Go along the coast.
And see what you can find.
Donne. Give, give.
Sea water!
Nothing Amir.
Get up all of you! We are leaving out.
You know, coming to the sea,
It was a choice between certain death and probable death.
Well now the probable death become certain death.
Well, Your Majesty,
very soon, our tongues are going to start swelling,
And you will be acting very oddly for a while...
Before we... before sleep.
Although I do wish you could die without this weird noise.
He said...
The camel driver said:
"The Water will be in the sea...".
He didn't say at the sea said in the sea!
The spring!
Its an underwater spring.
How is it?
Salty. It is not fresh water.
No! No! We have to go to the source.
Yes! it's fresh.
It'ss fresh water!
Are you okay?
Water sacks!
Bring the water sacks.
They found a source.
Underwater! Dive here.
Water! We have water!
Glory be to ALLAH!
Wet your mouth first, slowly slowly.
You know, I knew these camels would get there revenge soon enough.
They are not carrying us anymore,
Are they? We are carrying them.
These are the Beni Sirris,
Famous for their camels.
Criminals, famous for trading slaves.
He is wearing the green turban, he is Amar.
It's not Amar.
That's Auda.
Go warn Nesib's men, tell them to be quick. Go!
Thank you, Sheikh.
Welcome, Prince Auda Ibn Amar.
Son of the Bey Al Kursi Of Salmaah.
You are too great for my simple Bedouin tent.
How can I refuse a son of such great fathers?
You can have as many camels as you like.
But, on one condition.
You must drink coffee with us.
Aah there is a God!
You see, Prince Auda when they hear us grind the coffee.
Everybody may come.
You presence, if my memory serve me well.
Taste our wedding.
A keep sake from a great day Prince!
Come here.
Come Here.
Stupid Cat!
Stupid Cat! Stupid!
Well! I see that the Beni Sirris dont spare the rott.
She is not of our kind.
She is a Zamiri.
A trophy of a raid.
The Zamiris can't keep their women.
They ride like men, with out viels.
I would like to buy her.
She is not for sale.
Of course not.
My father, your king...
Always said that nothing of value is ever bought.
And he's right.
We will trade.
My mothers ring, her name was Zamira.
She was a Princess of the Zamiri.
And she also rode with out a viel.
She is not for sale,
Auda Son Of Zamira, who became the Slave Of Amar.
I think you are making a mistake.
You made the mistake by ever leaving the library in Hobeika.
Auda with the soft hands.
This is a mens game.
Nesib has gone from horizon to horizon.
With a chest of gold to all the tribes.
We are all in fight, with each other,
To be the first to cut off your head,
And bring it to Ibn Idris, Who we hear....
Has been promised to your wife.
Sit next to me. No!
You know, Sheikh,
Everything of value is either won with love or blood.
What are you going to win with love or blood?
Auda with the soft hands?
You are surrounded.
No, I think you are.
Hello there!
Cut my head off!
Take the weapons.
And while you're at it, can I see that watch!
Thank you.
We must have coffee again sometime.
On your knees!
Which tribe are you from?
Bani Khalid.
Ahmed, yes Amir! Make sure she has an escort.
I am from the Janahid.
I am a Yafidi.
I am a Rahmidi prisoner.
I am a Junfiz hostage.
Tell your people I was a hostage...
And tell them from now on time of slaves
and hostage taking is over.
I know the feeling.
Amir! It is true what that old dog spoke.
The only tribe that didnot take Nesib's gold are the Zamiri.
All I know about gold is, that it seems to fluctuate.
Let me lead you to my people,
You will need their help.
They have taken everything.
I swear by Almighty God, I will have my vengeance
on that son of the Zamiri bitch.
Tell me about my mother.
Was she like you?
No, She was a high born,
She knew how to read and write.
Maybe Auda can teach you how to teach and right.
My brother is going to be a great modernizer.
Of course I am going to be his Minister Of Health.
And Education.
Maybe some others.
You know your father promised he would stand with us forever.
After marrying our Zamira.
But we never saw him since.
Good old dad!
You see! they ride like men...
Get back!
You killed the Amir!
What are you doing?
We are friends.
We freed your people.
Are you mad?
He is not breathing. Auda!
Get back! Give me some space.
You fools, you killed him!
I shot Amar, the prejurer.
You shot Auda Ibn Amar.
Ibn Zamira!
Son Of Zamira?
Why is he dressed like Amar?
My brother can't be dead!
Our Amir is dead!
Our Amir is dead!
Captain! Captain!
Prince Auda is at Beni Sirris camp, overthere.
Auda! Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Okay. I was...
Its a... its a more suppurativa.
Its caused by skull trauma it gives
you all the symptoms of death.
That's why in the west they wait 36 hours
before they bury you.
Auda you lucky, you weren't for the mood of digging.
Some water for my brother!
I have always been told that that a Prince from,
our Zamiri blood will come for us from the dead.
Under the banner of the Prophet.
Alive, alive the Mahdi
our Auda is the Mahdi!
Give him some space. Give him some space.
Are you thirsty? Have some water.
Okay get back, give him some space.
What do they say?
Ali, I am not the Mahdi.
Tell them what is told.
Our little secret.
I am not the Mahdi.
I am not the Mahdi!
Take cover! Take cover!
Shoot that! Shoot the plane.
No one is injured, it's a miracle!
No body is hurt.
It's not that bad!
Leave the diagnosis to me.
Thank you.
Auda the bullet went through me.
Came out of my left shoulder, plates shattered.
But I think....
I think the problem, is it ruptured the aorta.
I'm drowning in my own blood.
Don't talk.
But it's difficult,
Ali, Please....
Submit to God.
You want me to kiss the foot that crushes me?
I'm so cold, hold me.
I'm scared of the dark.
All those virgins....
When you are beyond the grave,
And the Angel will ask who is your God?
what will you say?
And when he ask you?
which is His Messenger?
Please, tell!
And when the Angel comes and asks,
"What is your creed?"
Nabi! What do you say?
My brother...
my brother...
Promise me you, will often turn the chessboard.
Look Sir!
We bring horses for you.
A present from the Anizas for the Amir.
We see you are giving extra ration to the horses and camel.
That means we are going to fight, doesn't it?
The Anizas tribesmen are here, Amir.
They would like to ride with us.
They have brought us horses and riffles.
Where are they?
Over there.
Amars men are everywhere.
We're trapped.
They are all around us.
We're trapped!
We're surrounded.
I know, I saw them.
Do we have any option?
Yes, we do.
You can have anything you like.
Spare Hobeika.
Now my sons are dead.
So is Tarik.
I'm sorry for that.
All I want is for you to honor the terms,
we agreed upon fifteen years ago.
That's it?
That's it.
They said you couldn't be in a House Of ALLAH.
But I always knew you were....
And then, to bear back to the Northern Road because you knew,
I would reinforce the Yellw Belt.
It was a.... Was a Master Stroke.
But I was never in the desert.
Well somebody is.
Who's out there?
There are men coming.
Who are you?
We are the Bani Sadr, Amir.
You returned my beloved child to us.
Our guns are your guns.
You know where we are heading?
It would follow you to the other side of hell.
You! turn from there.
Leave your weapons.
I want every one of these things shut down.
Shut it down!
You! down from there.
Praise God!
I thought you were dead.
No son could have done more than you did.
There was a rumor, you are riding with,
Some of The Southern Tribes.
I am not riding with some of them.
I am riding with all of them.
The Mahdi! Mahdi!
Little bastard!
The Mahdi?
The Mahdi?
He is the librarian for God Sake.
What is it you want?
I am taking The Yellow Belt.
You can't.
I gave my word.
It wasn't yours to give.
The Yellow Belt doesn't belongs to you.
Who does it belong to than, You?
It belongs to them.
And these are the men with whom you will what?
Build a new country?
They are with you today, but God knows who they will ride with tommorow.
But right now, they will die for me.
And when the dying is done, then what?
You will bend the Americans to your will?
I will do it alright!
I will build hospitals, schools.
Nesib is building schools.
Nesib is building hospitals.
These are the trifles the foreigners bestow on
us as if we were kept women.
They will never leave.
There will be more and more of them,
And they will build a thousand such places.
They suffer from a thirst that i so great,
It can never br quenched.
And even if they do leave,
We will no longer recognize ourselves.
And now!
You will surrender you army to me.
Auda, I always used to ask something of you an Saleh,
To read the Quran.
Then you will remember, there is only one instance
In which a son may disobey his father.
Can you tell me what it is?
If you were asking me to not to believe in God.
Am I asking such a thing?
Auda, I swore I would kill you.
Who did this?
That old fool of The Beni Sirri!
Auda, you're a fine boy.
A fine boy.
They will attack as we circle.
Take your positions!
This way!
Back to the derricks!
Towards the derricks!
You mere, son of a Zamiri bitch.
Where did you learn to fight?
In the library?
You cannot meet your princess like this.
You're right.
Perhaps I will meet you some time,
In the desert.
Where the Zamiri roam.
And men and women fit together.
Like water and thirst.
When they meet,
They are everything.
Alone we are nothing.
Stop her.
Are you sure, Amir?
Turn your backs everybody,
Everybody turn your backs.
Turn your backs! Away from the women!
All eyes to the mountains.
My boy from a book!
And with a beard....
It will come off soon.
No! No! keep it.
Makes you look very handsome.
My... Words will never convey,
The sadness I feel,
At the passing of your... Of our father.
I've some news for you.
Even though we lost a life....
I think we might be gaining one.
Father is waiting.
He is very concerned that Hobieka,
I will personally shoot the man,
Who does any harm to this city or its people.
My father?
Look who we found in the deepest darkest hole in Hobeika.
I will never betrayed your father, Sidi.
I know, Hassan.
Free him.
Death to Nesib!
Kill Nesib!
Nesib, the traitor!
Kill him or he will kill us.
I should have come here more often.
You played a beautifully.
We all just kept underestimating you.
Until it was too late.
I am stood on the shoulders of others.
A modest man....
Is a man....Who wants to be complimented twice.
I was going to offer you....
My sword but then I saw the inscription:
"From your friends"...
"At Texan Oil".
Yes, perhaps that does take away some of the grandeur.
Thank you.
I've abdicated in favor of Leyla.
And.... As you father's heir,
you can combine the two kingdoms.
What would you like to do with
The Yellow Belt.
Shall we, honour your fathers wish.
May my father rest easy and walk with Ali And Saleh.
Personally I don't mind foreigners.
I think they have something to us and we probably have
something to teach them.
And me?
What are you going to do about me?
What would you do?
I would kill me.
I have a better idea.
Not jail!
I couldn't with stand jail.
If I learned one thing in the desert,
Is to uphroe waste.
I am going to send you Houston
To sit on the Board Of Texan Oil, to represent us.
I can't think of anyone more cunning to look after our interests.
They deserve you.
Now! leave me.
He's a smart guy you know.
A kind of money we can make in this place,
Millions of dollars!
Dollars or Sterlings?
This is really good deal for us.
Thank you! Thank You! Very much, Amir.
Tell them to come back tomorrow.
Aah, He is kicking so much.
Think he is very eager to come out
and help his father.
Don't be in such a rush.
Stay where you are.