Black Legion (1937)

How you doing, Ed?
Ooh. Terrible.
I feel like that drill was driving
right through the top of my head.
It might be a good idea at that.
Let out that beer
you slopped up last night.
- Quit riding me, will you?
- I ain't even started on you yet.
- Come on. Let's eat.
- No, Frank, I couldn't.
Come on, do you good.
You gotta eat.
- I got just the thing to straighten you out.
- What is it?
Some nice ice-cold oatmeal
smothered with lard.
Go get some more.
Let's get some more. Come on.
Tomato juice, eh? Hmm.
Well, next best thing in the world
for a hangover.
Yeah? Well, what's the best?
Heh. Laying off of the booze entirely.
What time did he roll in last night?
Oh, I wouldn't know that.
- I never check up on me boarders.
- Your daughter's checking on him.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised
if she was trying to.
She'd better before that Pearl Danvers
makes a tramp out of him.
Lay off, will you?
I'm through with that dame.
I was out with her to tell her goodbye.
- Yeah? What did she say when you told her?
- She said, "Goodbye. Call me up soon. "
Shame on you guys,
wasting your time in idle chatter.
Look at Joe over there.
Hey, Dombrowski.
What do you got there,
a honyock back scratcher?
A slide rule
to figure out these stress formulas.
What's that got to do
with running a lathe?
Nothing. It's to do with designing one.
Aw. Running a lathe
ain't good enough for you, huh?
Now you gotta learn how to design one.
It ain't your time he's wasting, is it?
His going to school don't hurt you.
No, he's always got his nose in a book.
Well, it's his nose, ain't it?
And a plenty big one at that.
- Hey, Cliff, why don't you stop?
Hello, fellas.
How are you?
Hello, Tommy.
I got news for you.
- This came from the division super. Ahem.
"To Mr. Thomas W. Smith.
Subject: Promotion.
Effective July 12th, you'll report
to Division Superintendent James... assume your new duties
as assistant general shop foreman. "
- Well, congratulations, boy.
- Thanks. Well...
You seem glad to get rid
of your old foreman.
No, we ain't.
Glad to see you get it.
Hey, Tommy, who's gonna
crack the whip in your place?
As far as I know, the job's still open.
They'll fill it the way they always have.
Move the best man up.
...who would you say the best man is,
Heh-heh. Kid, if they ask me,
I'll have to tell them you're all pretty good.
Ha-ha. You know darn well
I'm better than pretty good.
Sure. You're the guy that wrote those books
Dombrowski's always studying.
There's one for you, wise guy.
Hey, there she blows. Let's go back.
Till Monday, I'm still the best man.
Yes, sir, Mr. Smith.
Hey, you big ape, you. Get in there.
Tommy was kidding.
You've been here longer than the rest.
You can run this shop
as well as you run that drill press.
- I'll fight the guy that says you can't.
- I hope they think that way up front.
Forget it. You're a cinch.
- You sure you're rooting for the right guy?
- Sure.
Think it over.
I'm warning you...
...there ain't gonna be no hangovers
in no shop I'm boss of, get it?
- Okay, Mr. Taylor.
- Oh.
Starting to red apple
the boss already, huh?
Well, come on, we'll give them a week's
work between now and quitting time.
Sure that will do you?
Oh, yes, thanks.
I'll return it first thing in the morning.
Even if you don't, it's all right.
I still owe you four eggs...
...and that half bottle of bluing
I got from you.
- Oh, gee, Betty, that looks swell.
- I hope it tastes all right.
The men are getting hard to please.
Not your pa.
He eats anything. I trained him like that.
You know, you gotta train a man
just like you would a dog.
So it's Ed Jackson who's hard to please.
Are you going to start that again?
Yes, I am. And I'm going to keep it up
until you and Ed do something about it.
- What are you waiting for?
- That's what I keep telling her.
I guess it's polite to wait
until you're asked.
Don't be silly.
No man ever proposes unless he's pushed
into it, isn't that right?
It most certainly is.
And with that blond hussy
chasing after Ed...
...he's going to need a lot of help
to shove him into proposing.
- That's what I keep telling her.
- Please.
All right,
but I know what I'm talking about.
You've got to make up Ed's mind for him
just like I made up your father's.
Men being the simple-minded creatures
they are.
There are the boys. I've gotta run.
Much obliged for the butter.
I'll return you the eggs and bluing,
Mrs. Taylor.
Oh, hello, Ruth.
- Hello, I'm robbing you again. Hi, Ed.
Hi, Ruth.
Hello, sweet. How's everything?
Couldn't be better.
I got to talking and almost forgot supper.
I'm glad you said "almost"
because I'm hungry.
- And I'm a man that really gets hungry.
- Oh, no.
What you got there, margarine?
No, butter. I borrowed it.
Butter, huh? Hey, what is this,
Christmas or something?
Hello, Pop.
- Hey, get a load of this.
- Buddy, look at yourself.
- What's the matter?
- He's all right.
We'll run him through the wringer.
He'll wash.
- How was the ball game?
- We beat the daylights out of them.
- You did, eh? What was the score?
- Sixty-three to 40.
But we only played five innings.
Fat hit a homer and we lost the ball.
And you've torn your pants again.
Well, I was sliding into third
and Muggy spiked me.
Yeah, what did you do to him?
I smacked him.
You know, when I was his age,
I could lick any kid in the neighborhood.
- Ouch.
- What's the matter?
- That's where he smacked me back.
That's all there is.
The fellows think I'm gonna get the job.
And I... Well, I'm the best man
in the shop, ain't I?
Gee, Pop, you'll be foreman...
...and that's about the highest job
there is, ain't it?
Heh-heh-heh. Well, I wouldn't say that
but it's pretty high.
Well, wait till I tell Muggy about this.
He thinks he's hot
because his uncle used to be a foreman.
Yeah, we'll get Muggy, won't we?
- Come on, boys, dinner's ready.
And if I'd have known about this,
I'd have fixed us a real spread.
Oh, don't you worry, kid.
We got from now on to celebrate.
- I'm not hungry, Mrs. Grogan.
- You've got to eat.
All you had for lunch
was a can of tomatoes.
Go on and eat.
- Oh, don't worry. I'll be over this tomorrow.
- You will if you stay home tonight.
- Yeah.
- Never mind, I'll get it.
Oh. Just a moment, please.
Ed, it's for you.
Mrs. Danvers.
- Thanks, Betty.
- You're welcome, I'm sure.
Hello, Eddie.
Oh, I'm fine. I just wanted to find out
how you were.
Oh, gee, that's too bad.
Say, it must have been the gin chasers.
It couldn't have been the beer.
Oh, I just called up to tell you
I'm not mad about what you said last night.
Well, you know, about our not having
any more dates.
No, I've forgiven you already.
I couldn't stay mad
at a swell guy like you.
Well, that's fine.
No. No, I couldn't.
Saturday, I gotta work.
Sunday, I'm going to a picnic.
Well, no, I couldn't take you.
It's not exactly a picnic.
Some fellas and I are going fishing.
Yeah, I'll call you up sometime.
I see by the paper they're having
a sale of vacuum cleaners down at the fair.
I think I'll get you one.
Plenty of time for that.
When will you know about the job
for sure?
I ought to hear from the super tomorrow.
After I get the vacuum,
I'm gonna get you a new coat.
I think maybe we can
doll this house up a little bit.
Maybe we can get rid of that heap
and get us a real car.
Do you think we should?
The old car runs all right.
I got the swellest wife
and kid in the world, ain't I?
And the best
ain't none too good for them.
That's swell of you, honey,
but we gotta pay the folks that helped us...
...when you were out of work.
- Oh, we'll clean that up in no time.
- Ha-ha.
- Yeah, I think maybe...
...we ought to get some new dishes too.
Hey, Pop, come on.
You're missing out on Speed Foster.
What's he doing?
Still hanging on by his teeth?
Yeah, but he's in terrible danger.
Go ahead, darling. Hang on by your teeth
and I'll hang on to the dishes.
With super-human courage
that defies anything else he's done before...
...he fights his way
up out of the pit...
...while the man-eating crocodiles
gnash their teeth... rage at the escape of their victim.
- Gee, crocodiles. Oh, boy.
- He'll get away from them... he did from those man-eating sharks.
Bet I could if I was Speed Foster.
- ready to strike.
Kadonka kill white devils.
Speed laughs at him in scorn and roars:
Throw that spear at me
and you die, Kadonka.
Kadonka, he big warrior.
Hold poison...
All right, lay one down there, boy.
I sure hope Frank gets to be foreman.
Hah. Boy, how we'll stall on him.
Or maybe you guys are too dumb
to know how to stall.
I guess everybody around here's
pretty dumb, except you.
That's telling him, Eddie, old boy.
That's telling him. Ha-ha.
Frank will do all right on the job.
He's got lot of good practical experience
in this shop.
Every time I say anything,
you always wanna start an argument.
- What is it?
- Don't be discouraged. Keep trying.
Maybe someday you'll say something
that makes sense.
Hey, Joe, come here. I need you.
Sure, Tommy. Anything wrong?
Nothing Dombrowski can't fix.
Come on. I wanna have a talk with you.
Doesn't that make you feel proud
and dignified?
Oh, boy.
Hey, that's a honey of a dashboard too.
Strictly airplane type, Mr. Taylor.
- Yeah, airplane, huh?
- Mm-hm.
- Good-looking cigarette lighter.
- Yes.
- Does it work?
- Sure, it works. Try it.
You get 18 miles on a gallon
with this car.
That ought to mean a lot to a man
in your circumstances.
- Oh! Yeah, heh, it works all right.
- Sure it works.
You get more for your dollar
than in any car in this country.
- You'll want delivery.
- I won't know till tonight.
- I'm getting a new job and a raise.
- Congratulations.
I wouldn't wanna sign
till they tell me.
I'd hate to see you wait too long.
This is the only light-colored phaeton.
Tell you what. You got my number.
Give me a buzz.
- Be glad to.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Say, if my wife answers, don't tell her.
- I won't.
- I'm getting this as a surprise for the family.
- I'm wise.
- Wait till you meet.
I got the cutest wife and kid
you ever saw. So long.
Congratulations, Joe.
Good luck, kid. Good luck.
I'm glad to see you get it.
Best to you.
- Hey, Frank.
Come here and meet out new foreman,
Joe Dombrowski.
- Nice going, Joe.
- Thank you.
He won't feel like going. Best thing
is to leave him alone. He'll get over it.
Oh, come on.
At least we can try and help him.
- Come on.
- All right.
- Hey, anybody home?
Hello, Ed.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- Come on. How about a movie?
- No, thanks.
- Why don't you and Buddy go?
- I'd rather not.
It's late for Buddy
and I ought to finish these socks.
Come on, Frank,
you and Ruth can chaperon us.
Lay off. I told you I don't wanna go.
What are you gonna do?
Stay and make faces at yourself all night?
Will you go on to the movies
and let me alone?
Come on.
No job's worth eating your heart out.
But it was my job, wasn't it?
You said so.
I said so, but the company didn't.
They got their own ideas.
Where did they get the idea
Dombrowski was so hot?
Well, he invented that oiling system
that they're using now.
He's saving them dough.
They figure that a guy who could do that
could save them in other ways.
He's got his nose in a book
and going to school...
...while we lay around
and listen to radio.
You gotta hand it to him.
They've already handed it to him,
ain't they?
I suppose if I went around
showing off reading books...
...they'd make me president
of the company.
If you wanna be a sorehead,
forget it.
Sorehead? Sure I'm a sorehead.
Ain't I got a right to be?
How would you like it
if you'd been counting on a break...
...sure you was gonna get it
and all you got was laughed at...
...just because some guy's been
sucking around the boss?
- Yeah?
- Hello, Mr. Taylor.
This is Jenkins
of the Zenith Auto Sales Company.
I showed you the car this afternoon.
Well, forget it. I changed my mind.
I don't want the car.
I tell you I don't want it. I can't afford it.
You two better go on.
You'll be late for the show.
Yes, we'd better. Come on, Ed.
- Goodbye, Ruth.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye. Have a nice time.
- Goodbye.
So long, Frank.
Good Omen was second.
Hordes of grasping, pushing foreigners...
...who are stealing jobs from American
workmen and bread from American homes.
It is to combat this peril,
to preserve and protect standards of living...
...which made American workmen
the envy of the world...
...that we, the challengers, have raised
our rallying cry, "America for Americans. "
The problems has got beyond the point...
...where the American workman
can cope with it alone.
He needs guidance, solidarity...
...and expert advise on the subject
of protecting his job.
We, the challengers, are organized
to provide that solidarity and advise.
- Pop.
- Ours is an organization...
- Can we listen to Speed Foster?
- No. Listen to this guy. He's talking sense.
It is an organization of which it might be
said, "He who is not with us is against us. "
The choice, my friends, is a simple one.
Do you want our
red, white and blue flag...
...replaced by the vile banner of anarchy?
The time has come when we must realize
what is going on in this great land of ours.
When the real, hundred percent American
must stop and think.
How did you like the picture, Ed?
- It's good to get out. It was hot.
- I didn't notice it...
...but I suppose I would if I'd been
drinking as many beers as you have.
Thanks for reminding me. Let's get some.
- Why don't you have an ice cream soda?
- Oh, no.
Do you have to wake up
with a hangover?
- Come on. Let's go into Nick's.
- All right.
Well, kids, how do you like
the moving picture tonight?
- It was grand.
- Kind of sappy, if you ask me.
Sure. Too much love stuff.
Is not for me.
I like the racketeer pictures, boy.
You know, shoot them up.
Is more excitement as love.
Why, Nick,
where's the romance in your soul?
Where is the what, please?
Romance. You know, two people falling
in love and sitting in the moonlight...
...gazing into each other's eyes.
Well, I like this too
but I like better to do it myself, personal...
...than to see some guy
in the movies do it. Huh, kid?
I don't care what they say.
I think that love story was beautiful tonight.
It's a lot of bunk.
No real man would ever propose like that.
- Oh, they don't.
- You don't have to look at a girl...
...and tell her eyes
are like the twinkling stars.
- Oh, you don't?
- No.
Well, how would you say it?
I don't know.
I'd call her up and ask her to a dance.
Or a movie?
Yeah, or a movie
and we'd go and get something to eat.
Or drink?
No, not any girl I'd propose to.
Oh, I see. Well, go on.
Well, then when the time came,
I guess I'd hold her hand.
You mean... this?
Then what would you say?
I'd say:
"Betty, I'm crazy about you.
Will you marry me?"
Well, let me think.
Yes, Ed, I guess I will.
- Well, then we're engaged.
- I think that's what they call it.
- It's swell, isn't it?
- Yeah.
Hey, what will your mother say?
She'll probably say, "Thank, heavens. "
- Come on. Let's get out of here.
- Okay.
How you like the sodas?
- Okay, Nick, take it out of there.
- Hello, Ed. How are you?
Why haven't you called me up?
Why... Uh...
Our phone's out of order.
- Well, you could have come to see me.
- No. No, I couldn't.
You see, the girl I'm engaged to
wouldn't like it.
So long.
Say, was he trying to insult me?
Oh, no worry about that. It's nothing.
You know the old saying:
"Is just as many good fish in the ocean
as there ever was. "
Fish in the ocean.
There she is, boy. Give her the gun.
Yeah, what's the hurry?
Well, they told us to step on it.
You know what Joe says.
They got enough orders
to paper this shop.
Oh. Dombrowski said.
Hey, what's the matter with you?
- That's the fourth drill you've burnt up.
- Well, what's it to you?
Dombrowski's trying to sweat a record
out of us.
Listen, Frank, get down to work
and quit knocking Joe. Let her down.
What's the matter?
Well, we're having a little trouble
with these drills here.
- No more spares?
- No, they're all shot too.
Well, turn them in
and get some new ones.
Frank, these drills cost money.
- We gotta be more careful.
- Yeah? You asked us to speed it up.
You better get some drills
that will stand this gaff.
They'll stand up if they're used right.
Maybe you can use them better.
Yeah, and so can you.
- Did you check your setting?
- Yeah, it's all right.
That's tool steel.
You're giving her too much feed.
Come on, boy, you're too good a guy
for boners like that.
- I see that greaseball's been picking on you.
- Yeah.
How's it feel being pushed around
by a honyock?
I don't like it.
I ain't gonna stand for it.
No? What are you gonna do,
take a poke at him and lose your job?
I'll take a poke at him and I'll get
another job too. That don't worry me none.
You were a long time getting this one.
Weren't you, Frank?
All right, then.
Why don't you get wise to yourself?
You don't have to be pushed
by no foreigners.
There are a lot of guys in this town.
Americans who feel like you and me.
They've been giving this
a lot of thought.
They can show you
how to protect yourself.
Would you like to meet them?
But, Mr. Osgood,
the stay-on lasts so much longer.
Heh-heh. Yeah, so I've heard.
- Anything else?
- No.
That'll be 50 cents.
Fifty cents? For Ajax Shaving Cream?
I can buy it for 37 down the street
at Molyneux's Cut Rate.
Well, you better trade there then.
We don't cut nobody's prices or throats.
Molyneux's Cut Rate store.
If you haven't got the stay-on kind,
Mr. Osgood, I'll take this. Milady Beautiful.
Anything else, Mrs. Danvers?
Oh, a package of henna. The good kind.
How do you do, Mr. Taylor?
- Hello.
- Seen our friend, Eddie, these days?
You ain't gonna let him marry, are you?
And why not?
It's still a free country, ain't it?
- That will be a dollar 39.
- Oh.
Oh. I think I've spent all my money,
Mr. Osgood.
- Will you charge it, please?
- Well...
I guess so, Mrs. Danvers.
Gee, you're sweet.
Goodbye, Mr. Taylor.
Yes, sir, what'll it be?
Give me that third bottle from the end
on the second shelf.
Little late, ain't you?
Yeah, a little.
I had some trouble getting away from home.
Sure, I know.
Cliff been around?
Cliff who?
Cliff Summers.
He's around.
- Tend the store, will you?
- All right, Dad.
In mighty multitudes,
they have swarmed to our shores... take refuge under the protection
of the greatest government on Earth.
And how have they rewarded
the fine, generous, liberty-loving people...
...who opened to them their hearts,
their homes...
...and their horizons of opportunity?
I will tell you how.
With the basest ingratitude
and the vilest of treachery.
Spurning American ideals and the sacred
principles for which our forefathers fought...
...they have clung tenaciously
to their alien doctrines, foreign faiths...
...and un-American morals.
Like poisonous vipers,
they have patiently bided their time...
...while they've fed
on the bosom of our country.
Now enriched with the jobs
they have chiseled away from Americans...
...and drunk with the power
of their stolen prosperity...
...they are plotting to seize control
of our government...
...overthrow our glorious republic...
...and subjugate the American people
to their own dastardly designs.
Standing alone, you and I are helpless to
defend ourselves against this deadly peril.
Helpless to protect our homes and families
from the menace that threatens.
But if we unite with millions
of other red-blooded Americans...
...under the banner of the Black Legion,
we are invincible.
With fire and sword, we will purge the land
of these traitorous aliens...
...and throttle their every deadly scheme...
...till once more,
our beloved stars and stripes...
...will wave over a united nation
of free, white, 100 percent Americans.
Will the candidates for membership step
forward and get their application blanks?
- Go.
- Ain't you joining?
I joined last month.
- Hey, I wanna ask a question.
- Yeah?
If we joined up,
don't we get a uniform or something?
Man, the Black Legion's got the doggonest
uniform you ever laid eyes on.
One that will throw fear into the hearts
of all them rotten, ungrateful foreigners.
Go on.
The candidate, Frank Taylor, is ready.
We are ready to receive him.
Candidate Frank Taylor, you will kneel
and take the oath of allegiance.
Raise your right hand.
"In the name of God and the devil,
one to reward and the other to punish...
...and by the powers of light and darkness,
good and evil... under the black arch
of heaven's avenging symbol...
...I pledge and consecrate my heart,
my brain, my body, and my limbs...
...and swear by all powers
of heaven and hell... devote my life to the obedience
of my superiors...
...and that no danger or peril shall deter me
from executing their orders.
That I will exert every possible means
in my power...
...for the extermination
of the anarchist...
...the Roman hierar... Hierarchy
and their abettors.
I swear that I will die fighting
those whose serpent trail...
...has winnowed the fair fields
of our allies and sympathizers.
I will show no mercy...
...but strike with an avenging arm
as long as breath remains.
I, further, pledge my heart,
my brain, my body, my limbs...
...never to betray a comrade.
And that I will submit
to all the tortures mankind can inflict...
...and suffer the most horrible death...
...rather than reveal a single word of this,
my oath.
Before violating a single clause...
...or implied pledge of this,
my obligation, I... "
Do I have to say this?
Say it.
"I will pray to an avenging God
and an unmerciful devil... tear my heart out
and roast it over the flames of sulfur.
And lastly, may my soul be given
into torment...
...that my body be submerged
into molten metal...
...and stifled in the flames of hell.
And that this punishment...
...may be meted out to me
through all eternity.
In the name of God, our creator.
Amen. "
Soldier of the Black Legion... see before you
an instrument of death.
We give you this half... a symbol of our trust.
The other half you will receive
the day you betray that trust.
Our sacred oath is now engraved
on your heart.
You'll need that perishable paper
no more.
Step forward and consign it
to these flames.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Congratulations, Frank.
- New candidates... will report to the officer of supplies,
who'll issue your Black Legion uniform...
...for the nominal sum of $6.50.
Those who do not own a revolver... your orders
for the Black Legion special.
A regular $30 revolver
for the small sum of $ 14.95.
Say, Hargrave,
I think I can manage the $6.50...
...but could I kind of hold off
on the revolver for...?
Private Taylor, you got your orders.
Dig up the money somewhere.
The Black Legion
must make every sacrifice for our cause.
You wanna protect your home
and family, don't you?
Okay, buddy.
And when you address your superior officer,
say, "sir. "
Yes, sir.
Well, you're one of us, Frank.
- Feels great, don't it?
- Heh.
Come on. Let's get out of here.
Hello, Pop.
Oh, hi, Buddy.
Are those real bullets?
Yeah, steel-jacketed. Leave them alone.
Don't monkey with them.
- Yes, Mom?
Buddy, did you get the...? Oh, yes.
Now go on upstairs
and do your homework.
Gee, Mom,
I got plenty of time for that.
Go ahead, Buddy.
Do like your mother says.
Will you let me shoot it sometimes?
Yeah, I'll let you shoot it sometimes.
Oh, boy.
Frank, why did you buy that gun?
Hmm? Well, because...
With these holdups, kidnappings
you've been reading about...
...a man's got a right
to protect his home, ain't he?
Heh. After what you paid,
there's nothing left in the house to steal.
It's worth any sacrifice, ain't it,
to be able to protect your home...
...and family and things like that?
Wait a minute. I'll get that.
Oh, yeah, Cliff.
Yeah, when?
When, tonight?
Where will I pick you up?
Okay, I'll be there.
Oh, Ruth?
- Yes?
Say, I gotta go out for a while.
- That lodge again, huh, Frank?
- Yeah. That was that phone call.
Something just come up about that
insurance plan we been figuring out.
- You won't be very late, will you?
- No, I won't be late. I'll be back.
Oh, say, but don't wait up for me.
Oh, you don't bother. I go open.
That's his old man.
Well, what...?
- What do you want?
You, Dombrowski. And your son.
- What have I done? Nothing.
- What is this? What's this about?
You Joe Dombrowski?
Yeah, that's him.
You're an undesirable alien.
You're leaving town right now.
Oh, what do you say leave town?
We good American citizens.
- We got farm. We pay taxes.
- Shut up. Nobody's talking to you.
Come on. Get them out of here quick.
Load them in quick.
Hey, you, some more beer.
This time it's on me, boys.
- Hey, Charlie.
Did you see how my pal took care
of those fresh guys? Ha-ha!
I died laughing at their faces
when we shoved them on that train.
They won't be sticking their noses
around this town again.
You should've given them that book
and a slide rule to take along with them.
Frank, how do you like the way
we do things?
- I like it fine, chief.
- See, Frank, what did I tell you?
- We don't take no lip from nobody.
- Yeah, that's the stuff.
Hit hard and quick. We ain't afraid
of nothing and nobody, are we?
- I thought I told you not to wait up for me.
- I've been worried about you.
You said you'd be home early
and it's after 4.
Checking up on me, huh?
You've never done this, Frank.
I was afraid
something happened to you.
You mind your own business.
I can take care of myself.
Boy, did you feel them brakes?
Smooth as velvet.
You got a sweet running car
here, Frank.
Yeah, and get a load of that dashboard.
Strictly airplane type.
I wanna get a load of Ruth's face
when this rolls up to the house.
Ha-ha. So do I.
If I were you, Ruth,
I'd have fruit cocktails.
- They went over swell at our church dinner.
- Yeah, put that down.
We'll have fruit cocktail and then
we'll have tomato soup like we said.
- What are you gonna have for the main?
- I'd like to have fried chicken...
...but it's awful expensive.
That's what we thought.
But when Mother was in charge...
...she got a swell buying chickens
from Dombrowski.
Say, wasn't that an awful thing?
I wonder if they'll ever find out
what happened.
I don't know. I read in the newspaper
that the police were investigating.
Don't think they'll find anything
until they locate the Dombrowskis.
Frank says there's a rumor that Joe and his
father might have done it for the insurance.
That's crazy. They're fine people.
They wouldn't think of doing that.
Well, it's awful anyway.
I sure hope the police find out who did it.
- Say, Ed.
- What?
You ever think of joining
any organization?
Sure. I'm a union man.
No, I mean, a lodge.
You know, one of them secret societies.
- Oh, that's for half-wits.
- Yeah. Don't you believe it.
There's things fellows like us
ought to belong to.
Yeah. Maybe I ought to
but I'm not gonna.
- Come to it, I am thinking of joining a lodge.
- Yeah?
Yeah, the ancient order
of henpecked husbands.
- Oh.
- Ha-ha-ha.
- Fooled you that time, didn't I, big shot?
- Hey, look out.
Hey, Mom. Come on out, quick. Quick.
- Look at it, ain't it a pip?
- It's not ours?
You bet it is. Pop just bought it.
Boy, look how she shines.
Oh, darling, a new car.
Oh, you shouldn't have.
- Oh, no?
- Oh, Frank.
Oh, now, now, wait a minute, lady,
and that ain't all.
Here you are, son.
Try this out on Muggy.
Oh, boy. A Louisville slugger.
And here's that vacuum cleaner
I was talking to you about.
- Ruth, he's the original Santa Claus.
- That's a man for you.
For goodness sake, what is all this?
Have you been betting on the races?
I ain't betting on the races,
and nobody died and left me money.
They just got around to making me
foreman of the shop.
Oh, honey, that's wonderful.
Oh, boy. Wait until I tell Muggy about this.
And am I gonna tell him.
Wasn't that Joe Dombrowski's job?
Well, yeah. Sure.
Take this in the house. Give me a hand.
Come over after supper,
I'll give you a drive.
Okay, Mr. Taylor.
Zowie! Bam!
A three bagger. Oh, boy.
"Are we in for another reign of terror
by a new Ku Klux Klan?
That is asked in the face of the toll
of floggings, beatings and burnings... and in our
neighboring states.
We have hoodlums riding
through the night with whip and torch...
...spreading terror and violence.
Who are these new marauders?
By what distorted ideals
are they inspired?
- What do they hope to accomplish...?"
- Wouldn't they like to know?
- "Who are their leaders...?"
- Turn that off, get to business.
Where were we on that statement?
I was giving the gross receipts
on membership dues.
"Seven-thousand, 163 members
at 10 cents a month: $ 716.30."
What? Less than a grand?
Are you crazy?
You misunderstand me.
Those are just the figures
from General Moffat's brigade.
"Total income from all brigades:
That's more like it.
What's the gross on other stuff?
"Sale of uniforms and regalia after deducting
regional commanders' commissions... of Black Legion special revolvers
with ammunition...
...making a grand total of $221,499.58."
- It's only chicken feed.
We gotta get this on a national basis
so we can go to town.
I wouldn't be too optimistic.
Don't forget the millions
we were to make on oil...
...before the attorney started sniffing.
- Let him sniff to his content.
We're producing. Pure patriotism.
Yes, but of a rather low specific gravity.
But of a high cash content.
This country needs
bigger and better patriots.
At so much a head.
Hey, get this order out
to all brigades immediately.
- Yes, sir.
- The Black Legion must go forward.
Although our enemies are already crying
in consternation, our battle is not yet won.
We must press on relentlessly,
redoubling our efforts...
...strengthening our forces.
- Got that?
- Yes, sir.
It is imperative that each member
personally secure...
...the enlistment of two new recruits
within the next 10 days.
Underline the "two. "
Hey, Cliff?
- Yeah?
- Weld this.
- Oh, hello, Ted.
- Hello, boss.
- Yeah, I wanna talk to you a minute.
- All right.
- Watch this, Jake.
- Okay.
- Smoke?
- Why, it's against the rules, ain't it?
- Yeah, but it's all right. Go ahead.
- Well, thank you, sir.
- Where are you from, Ted?
- Texas, sir.
Yeah? Heh.
What church you go to?
Heh. The fact is I don't go much
to any of them.
Seems like I kind of got out
of the church-going habit.
You like your job here?
Yes, sir. This is about the best job
I ever had.
I suppose you'd like to keep it then.
Yes, sir. I sure would.
Well, I wanna keep you.
You've been doing good work.
But nowadays, that ain't always enough.
Well, I ain't sure I quite understand,
Mr. Taylor.
- I mean, are you willing to protect your job?
- Oh, you bet, sir.
I'm glad to hear that because we got
a pretty bad problem in this state.
It's full of foreigners
trying to chisel jobs...
...out of Americans like you and me.
Well, I certainly am obliged to you
for telling me, Mr. Taylor.
The first one of them that comes around
my job's gonna find himself in trouble.
It ain't gonna be one, Metcalf.
You gotta fight all of them.
They stick together.
They'll knife you in the back...
...before you even know who they are.
An American alone ain't got a chance.
- Doggone, that's awful.
- Yeah, that's pretty bad.
But we got a way to protect ourselves.
I want you to meet a bunch of fellas
that feel the same about this as you and I.
- Where's Ted?
- He's out in the washroom with Taylor.
- Leave that machine alone till I get back.
What'd you do to it?
They're kicking the American ideals...
...and the sacred things
that your forefather and my forefather...
Oh, hello, Tommy.
- Go on back to work.
- Yes, sir.
And put that cigarette out.
- What's the big idea, Frank?
- What idea?
Taking one of your men
to come in here and smoke.
It's tough when a foreman
can't take a minute to get acquainted.
An expensive minute.
While you were getting acquainted,
his helper stripped every gear off.
- They're still picking up the pieces.
- Wasn't anything I could have done...
...unless I happened to be there.
Accidents happen.
This one wouldn't have
if Metcalf had been where he belonged.
He wasn't tending to his job
and you weren't tending to yours.
Yeah, I know.
It won't happen again.
Say, listen, Tommy, you can cover me up
just this once, can't you?
I'm not so sure.
Mike, this is wonderful.
I'm proud of you.
Thanks, Nora.
I'm glad you're pleased.
What's the matter? You're acting
as sober as if this was bad news.
Well, it ain't all good news.
- Why not? It's what you've always wanted.
- Oh, sure. I wanted the job, all right.
But not enough for them
to take it from Frank Taylor.
You don't mean to say
that they fired him?
No, no, not fired.
He just had a little trouble at the shop...
...and they put him back on a machine.
Oh, I feel terrible about that.
That's a shame. Ruth was so proud
of his being made foreman.
It's no picnic for Frank either.
- What happened, Ed?
- Oh, nothing.
Oh, just a little mix-up at the shop.
It didn't amount to anything.
You know, I tried to talk to Frank about it,
but he wouldn't even talk to me.
Seemed like he was sore at me.
Say, I hope that boy don't think
I was trying to take his job away from him.
Oh, no, Frank's not like that.
Sure, he's taking it hard, can't blame him.
Just leave him alone, he'll be all right.
Well, I hope so.
Sure, I wouldn't do anything
to hurt Frank or Ruth.
Who's there?
Mr. Grogan?
- Yeah.
That ought to give the Irish
something to remember us by.
Thank you, Mrs. Reilly.
Yes, heaven be praised.
The doctor says he's out of danger.
How could we know who did it?
Mike hasn't an enemy in the world.
You're right, Mrs. Reilly.
To think that such a thing
could happen in this country and today.
Dad certainly liked your soup, Ruth.
He wants some more.
Oh, fine. I'm gonna make him
some custard this afternoon.
You are not.
You've been here practically all week.
You missed church this morning.
Oh, well, it's a fine world if neighbors
can't help each other.
Frank wanted to sleep late this morning.
- Run along with this before it gets cold.
- All right.
- Frank go to that lodge again last night?
- Yeah.
What time does he roll in from those?
Oh, pretty late. I don't bother
to wait up for him anymore.
Must be important things they do
at that lodge.
Seems important to Frank.
But he never tells me anything.
- It's one of those secret organizations.
- Yeah, it sure is.
- What do you mean?
- Oh, nothing, Ruth. Forget it.
Ed, you've got something on your mind.
Now, what is it?
Well, Frank's been acting
pretty strange lately.
Every time I go to talk to him
he stalls me off.
Ruth, I don't mean to poke in your business
but somebody's gotta talk to that guy.
What about?
About those new friends he's running with.
That Cliff Summers.
I don't like that guy.
And I don't like those rumors that those
beatings have been done by some gang.
You don't think
Frank had anything to do with it?
Where was he the night
that Grogan got his?
Ma, Pop wants something to eat.
I think you'd better come over right away.
Tell the folks I'll be back
as soon as I get something for Frank.
When you take care
of your own home?
Do I have to eat cold junk...
...just because Grogan got himself beat up
in a drunken brawl?
- Why do you say it was a drunken brawl?
- That's what they're saying around town.
Quit worrying
and get me something to eat.
- Frank, it's you I'm worrying about.
- You don't have to worry about me.
You were angry at Grogan that night,
weren't you?
Quit gabbing about Grogan.
Get me something to eat.
You were sore at Dombrowski.
- What if I was?
- You were out the night his farm burned.
- I was at a lodge meeting.
- And you were when they beat up Grogan.
Yeah, that's what I said and it goes.
Not anymore, Frank.
You've been lying to me.
- Don't you call me a liar.
- You are.
You had something to do
with those things.
- You and those new friends of yours.
- You shut up.
I won't. Only dirty,
contemptible cowards...
...would do a thing like that.
- Why, you...
Do you think Grandpa will let me help
milk the cows like he used to?
I guess so.
That is, if he's up and about.
Is he very sick?
Well, the telegram didn't say.
But I thought we'd better go there anyway.
Well, when Pop comes up
we can go fishing, can't we?
He may not be able to come up
for some time.
Not even for a weekend?
Well, we'll see now.
Now read your book, dear.
Oh, yeah.
"It was nothing to nothing
at the end of the 9th inning...
...when Frank Blakewell,
cool as a cucumber...
...came up to bat
with a look of do or die on his face. "
- Oh, hello, Eddie.
- Hello.
Say, wait a minute.
Isn't your new girlfriend afraid
to let you out at this hour?
No, I came here to buy medicine.
Hey, wait a minute, Eddie.
What am I, poison?
When am I gonna get to congratulate you
on your marriage?
I don't know. Soon. We're not sure yet.
I hope your new wife will give you
a chance to see some of your old friends.
You know how it is.
Wives are funny about that.
You'll find they're funny
about other things.
Maybe it won't be so bad if you learn
to handle her good right at the start.
I'll smack her whenever she needs it.
- Can I depend on that?
- Sure. I'm starting already.
- So long.
- So long.
Hey, Frank.
- Hi, Cliff.
- Hey, wait a minute.
Where you going? Come here.
What are you trying to do, high-hat me?
Me? No. Why?
You've been acting kind of funny.
I haven't seen you with the boys.
- I've been having trouble at home.
- What's that got to do with the gang?
Say, Cliff, I'm glad you said that.
I don't think I'm gonna be able to give
that organization the time it needs...
You're not trying to crawl out on us,
are you, Taylor?
No, not exactly that.
But I gotta have time
to get myself straightened out.
You'd better get yourself
straightened out.
You don't want any real trouble, do you?
Now you're getting some sense.
You're getting wise to yourself.
Go on, loosen up, have a good time.
I got a date with a dame. See you later.
Why, hello, Mr. Taylor.
Oh, hello.
How's Mrs. Taylor these days?
I wouldn't be knowing.
Well, what do you mean?
You don't mean she's left you?
Aw. You poor, lonely man.
Come on, tell me all about it.
Shut up. Hey, shut up!
- That ain't the way you sing that.
- Why not?
- Listen.
- Yes, darling.
That shameless woman.
I bet she had him fired out of his job
on purpose so they could carry on like that.
I'd like to slap her face.
Oh, Ed, this is terrible.
What's got into Frank?
I don't know but I'm gonna find out.
Oh, hello, Eddie. Come on in.
You're just in time for a little drink.
Come on, you, get out of here.
Oh, Eddie, don't be silly. Heh-heh.
- You heard what I said, didn't you?
- Hey. Hey, what's the idea talking...?
- I'll tell you about it later.
I'm not fooling.
- Hey, listen. I'm a guest of Mr. Taylor.
Hey, let me go, you big brute.
Hey, Frank, let me out of here.
Let me go. Let me take him. Hey, let me go.
Frank, let this big...
Let me go. You're hurting me.
- Put me down. Frank, if you'd just...
- Don't come back.
You needn't think you can beat me
like you do your girl.
Come on, snap out of it.
What's eating you?
Who do you think you are,
throwing my friends around?
Don't you think it's time you laid off booze?
What's it to you?
Enough to keep you out of the gutter.
You still got a wife and kid.
Oh, yeah?
Fat lot she cares, running out on me.
Oh, so she's left you.
- Yeah, what can you expect from a dame?
- You ought not to talk about Ruth like that.
- She's the best thing that happened to you.
- She ran out on me, didn't she?
Whose fault was that? I suppose she
started you running around with thugs.
- Who says they're thugs?
- I do. Tell them I said so.
Yeah, well, I wouldn't go around shooting
my mouth off like that if I was you.
- We don't like it.
- Oh, we don't?
No, we don't.
- And the sooner you learn it, the better.
- You ought to know I don't learn easy.
Yeah? Well, you will if you get a dose
of what the Dombrowskis got.
- Yeah? What did they get?
- Plenty.
And anybody else that monkeys with
the Black Legion will get the same thing.
The Black Legion.
So that's what your rotten gang calls itself.
It ain't a gang.
- It's an organization of real Americans...
- Real Americans.
Running around in nightshirts,
ganging up on people.
The cops are gonna be glad to hear
about this. Go on, tell me some more.
Now, wait a minute, Ed.
You can't go to the cops.
I can't, huh?
That's what I'm gonna do unless you quit.
They'll kill you.
They'll kill me for telling you.
- Those Black Legion guys don't fool.
- I'm not fooling. You're gonna quit.
I can't get out. I've tried.
They won't let me out.
Nobody ever lived
to get out of the Legion.
...I swore a sacred oath to stick to them.
You swore a sacred oath to Ruth too.
Yeah, I know.
- What am I gonna do?
- You do what I tell you.
I'm sending Ruth a wire,
begging her to come back.
You straighten yourself out.
Be a decent guy or I'm going to the cops.
Sure, Ed. Sure.
But I tell you they won't let me out.
You can't go to the cops.
You've gotta give me a break.
I'm giving you better than you deserve
and don't make me change my mind.
Yeah, Frank.
Not tonight. I got a date.
You did what?
Okay. I'll be right over.
You sure fixed us up,
didn't you, big mouth?
I couldn't help it. I was drunk
and he got me sore. It just slipped out.
We gotta shut that guy up
or we'll all go to the can.
I can't go tell the boys.
You know what they'll do to me.
Now what do you want?
You needn't bark at me.
I came back to get my purse.
- It's got my keys in it.
- Come in and get it and get out.
You ought to be ashamed,
letting that big brute beat me...
...and throw me out.
Wait a minute.
- Who beat you up?
- That Ed Jackson.
He's always beating women.
Told me himself
he beats up his girl all the time.
Oh. You don't say.
You don't' have to worry, kid.
Everything's gonna be all right.
You don't think the boys are gonna let
any man beat up a woman, do you?
Come on, Jackson, get going.
Oh. Taking me up side roads, huh?
Aren't you the clever bunch of kidnappers.
Only an army against one.
- Aren't you afraid I might gang up on you?
Shut up.
It's too bad you can't put
a nightshirt on your voice, Cliff.
Who are the rest of you?
Take off those sacks.
The cops will be glad to hear about this.
Well, what's the matter, you afraid?
They better change the name of your outfit
from the Black Legion to the Yellow Legion.
Get him out. Strip him down.
Get him. Get that man.
I didn't mean it.
I didn't mean it.
I don't know why I shot.
Ed, I...
Ed, I tried to tell you
them Black Legion guys don't fool.
Ed! Ed!
If any of our listeners
see a man answering this description...
...kindly notify the police.
Jackson disappeared around midnight...
...after leaving his family
on the porch of his home...
...while he went to put his car
in the garage.
And now to continue our recorded program,
we hear, "Fancy Meeting You. "
How do you like that? A guy goes
to put his car away and disappears.
Probably went to play
rummy with some of the boys.
What's yours, buddy?
- Give us a glass of water, will you?
- Yeah, sure.
Kind of thirsty, ain't you?
Mind if I have some more?
- How are you tonight, Jim?
- Hi.
Let's have coffee.
Don't stick your thumb in it.
Heh. Look who's trying to rib me.
Flash. Edward Jackson,
missing from his home since midnight...
...has been found murdered
with a. 38 caliber bullet in his body.
Louis Leonard, 26-year-old dairy farmer,
discovered Jackson's body...
...lying in a grove
at the northeast section of Cobb's Woods.
A possible clue to the murder is revealed
by the discovery near the body...
- Turn it off.
- of a black hood...
...fantastically decorated with skull
and crossbones.
Oh! Oh!
- What's the matter?
Police are investigating...
...the theory that this hood
may have been the mask of mystery...
- ... behind which the perpetrators...
- Why, it's a. 38.
Yeah, and four slugs used up.
"Considered internationally as the
greatest recorders of the news today...
...we, the sponsors,
invite you to listen to... "
"The News Parade. "
"The country is seething
with excitement over the revelation...
...of a mysterious and possibly
sinister organization, the Black Legion.
'Organized as a secret patriotic society...
...this legion assumes
an ominous appearance... authorities uncover its strength
and scope, probe for its true purposes'...
...says State's Attorney General
George F. Porter. "
"At first we were amused
at the legion's...
...childish regalia
and its blood-curdling oath.
Then we began finding whips
with copper rivets...
...and guns of the type and caliber
used in the murder of Edward Jackson. "
"Says the Reverend Dr. J.K. Lane of the
State Council of Protestant Ministers... "
"'Any organization that appeals
to narrow prejudice...
...and attempts to enforce its creeds
by violence is inimical to our democracy...
...and repugnant to the ideals
of every good Christian...
...and every decent American. "'
"Meanwhile, in the Kaminga County Jail...
...police continue their questioning
of Frank Taylor...
...who is being held for the murder
of Edward Jackson. "
"'Frank Taylor, did the Black Legion
order you to kill Jackson?"'
- "'No, I told you. No. "'
- "'Why did you do it?"'
- "'I don't know. "'
- "'We know that your gun killed him.
- Come on, Taylor. Why did you do it?"'
- "'I don't know!"'
All right, come on.
Do you belong to the Black Legion?
- Black Legion have anything to do with this?
- Be a good fellow. Give us a story.
Might as well give the story.
It's coming out.
Give us newspaper boys a little break,
will you, Taylor? Come on.
All right, boys. Leave him alone.
The guy don't feel like talking.
Oh, don't, darling.
Don't, darling.
Oh, please, Frank. Please.
Taylor, here's your attorney.
How do you do, Mr. Taylor?
My name is Brown.
Brown? That ain't the name of the lawyer
my wife told me she hired.
...confidentially, I'm not a lawyer.
I had to say I was
to get in here to see you.
Some friends of yours asked me
to have a little chat with you.
- What friends?
- Good friends.
Interested in making sure
you get a fair trial.
You tell them I'm through with them.
Get out.
I got myself into this jam.
I'm gonna take what's coming.
Now wait a minute, Mr. Taylor.
You're taking rather
a selfish point of view.
There are a few people who are interested
in seeing this trial comes out right.
All right for them.
Well, if you don't wanna be loyal
to your friends... should consider
your wife and child.
What about my wife and child?
- You love them, don't you?
- Sure.
You wouldn't want anything
unfortunate to happen now...
...just because you're stubborn,
would you?
All right.
What do you want me to do?
Heh. That's better.
When you see your lawyer,
you tell him the story I'm gonna tell you.
And when you get into court,
you stick to that story.
You killed Ed Jackson in self-defense.
Now, here's the way it lines up
step by step.
Yes, I see.
You say that Jackson started swearing,
shouting at you?
- Yep.
- Then what happened?
Well, I got out of the car to argue
with him, then he pulled a gun on me.
I tried to get it away and while we was
wrestling around that way, it went off.
Mm-hm. Mrs. Danvers saw all this?
Well, sure.
She was sitting right there in the car.
Taylor, are you positive, absolutely positive
that you're telling me the truth?
Now, why should I lie to my own lawyer?
All right. I'll have a talk
with Mrs. Danvers.
If she substantiates
what you've just told me...
...we've got a pretty strong case
of self-defense.
- You better see her today.
- I certainly will.
It looks as if that lady is going to become
a mighty important factor in this case.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, sir.
Keep your chin up.
I caution everyone,
I shall clear this courtroom...
...if there is any demonstration
such as occurred yesterday.
You may proceed.
Now, Mrs. Danvers, you knew
the deceased, Edward Jackson, did you not?
Yes, sir, I did.
And is it true that you were
at one time engaged to marry him?
- Yes, sir.
- Who...
...broke off that engagement?
I did.
I was forced to.
Will you kindly tell the jury
what forced you to?
Please. I'd rather not.
We all appreciate your feelings,
Mrs. Danvers, but I must remind you...
...that the defendant's life is at stake.
The witness will answer the question.
Well, I broke off my engagement...
...because I found out
that Mr. Jackson drank.
I object. This testimony is incompetent,
irrelevant, and immaterial.
But Your Honor,
this testimony is relevant.
It is imperative to establish
the relation of these people... the court may realize Edward Jackson
met his death as the unhappy result...
...of his own jealous passions.
You may proceed,
but confine yourself to the issues involved.
Did Mr. Jackson ever discuss with you
his attitude toward Miss Betty Grogan?
Oh, yes, sir.
He told me that he only pretended
to be fond of her...
...just to make me jealous.
Just to make me take him back.
Hmm. Now will you kindly tell the jury...
...what Mr. Jackson's attitude
toward you was generally...
...after you broke off your
engagement to him?
Oh, he was very angry
and kept threatening me all the time.
Then when he found out
that Mr. Taylor wanted to marry me...
...he said he'd prevent it
if it was the last thing he ever did.
I object, Your Honor,
on the same grounds.
Objection overruled.
Will you kindly tell the jury,
in your own words...
...what took place
on the night of the shooting?
Well, after we came out of the movies... was such a lovely night
we thought we'd take a ride.
We were taking a short cut
through the woods to Silver Lake...
...when suddenly Mr. Taylor stopped the car
and began pleading with me to marry him.
After he could get a divorce
from his wife.
I told him he ought to consider
his wife and child...
...but he wouldn't pay
any attention to me.
Then suddenly Ed Jackson appeared
just as if from nowhere.
He was crazy mad
and began shouting and swearing at us.
Mr. Taylor got out of the car
to try to reason with him...
...but that only made Ed madder
and he began threatening us.
Threatening to do what?
To kill the both of us.
Go on, Mrs. Danvers.
Well, then Ed grabbed his gun...
...and Mr. Taylor tried to take it away
from him.
They struggled and the gun went off.
How many times?
Oh, a lot of times.
Would you say three or four?
I think it was four. Yes, it was four.
What happened then?
Well, then when Mr. Taylor saw
Ed lying dead on the ground...
...he got frightened
and sort of hysterical...
...and he just ran away into the woods.
And what did you do?
Well, I was so frightened
I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't stay there all alone so I...
...I just drove away.
Your witness.
Mrs. Danvers, why didn't you report
this shooting to the police?
- I couldn't.
- Don't you know by your failure to do so...'re liable to imprisonment
for compounding a felony?
Oh, you wouldn't want me to snitch and get
the man I loved into trouble, would you?
Oh, I see.
You don't like to make trouble.
Your method of avoiding is to encourage
a man with a wife and child.
Oh, but you don't understand.
I felt so sorry for Mr. Taylor...
...when he was so lonely and unhappy
after his wife deserted him.
This sympathy ripened into love,
eh, Mrs. Danvers.
Yes, sir.
Yet you're willing to let this man
divorce his wife so you can marry him.
Because I knew
it was his only chance for happiness.
That's all, Mrs. Danvers.
Your Honor, I should like to call
Mr. Frank Taylor to the stand.
Call the witness.
Frank Taylor, take the stand.
You understand...
...that you are within your
rights in refusing to testify.
- Yes, sir.
- Proceed.
Do you swear to tell the truth...
...the whole truth and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
Yes, sir.
Now, Mr. Taylor...
...your wife recently left you,
did she not?
Will you please tell the jury
why she left you?
Well, my wife is a fine woman.
But she's awful ambitious
and wanted a lot of things I couldn't afford.
I tried hard and I finally got a break.
They made me shop foreman
and raised my pay.
Then we got along a little better.
I bought her a new car
and a vacuum cleaner.
I was gonna fix up the house a little bit
when I lost my job.
I couldn't afford to keep up the payments
on the things I'd already bought...
...and so she left me.
And it was Mrs. Danvers
who pitied your distress...
...and gave you her sympathy
after your wife left you?
Will you please speak a little louder,
Mr. Taylor?
Speak a little louder
so the jury can hear you.
And your gratitude to Mrs. Danvers
gradually developed into love, did it not?
No! It's all a pack of lies.
The Black Legion made me do it.
I belong to it and so do a lot of other guys
sitting here in this courtroom.
- Your Honor.
- Let me alone.
- Let me talk.
- Let him go.
They'd kill my wife and kid
unless I helped them frame up this case.
There ain't one truth
in what Pearl Danvers has been saying...
...or what I've been saying.
I ain't never cared nothing
about any other woman except my wife.
About being in love with Pearl, all lies.
And all she said about Ed being
in love with her, that's all lies too.
We tried to make like the legion
didn't have nothing to do with Ed's death.
But they did and plenty.
I killed Ed Jackson because he found out
too much while trying to make me get out.
And I was afraid he'd go
to the cops and so I killed him.
The guys that helped me do it
are sitting over there.
Come on, Cliff, and you, Hargrave
and the rest of you guys...
...stand up and tell the truth.
- Sit back.
Oh, I don't care what you do to me.
If ever a guy had it coming to him, I have.
But I want you
to take care of Ruth and Buddy.
And don't let them rats make her suffer
no more than she has.
Lock those doors.
Don't let anyone leave this room.
You will identify every member
of the Black Legion.
Yes, sir.
Your Honor, I can't begin to tell you...
...what a shock Taylor's confession
was to me.
- And to me.
- Naturally, if I'd had...
...the slightest suspicions to the facts...
I understand, Billings.
Knowing you as I do, I'm positive
you had nothing to do with the perjury.
Thank you, sir.
May I have your permission
to withdraw from the case?
- Of course, Billings. Of course you may.
- Thank you.
your idea of patriotism and Americanism... hideous to all decent citizens.
It violates every protection guaranteed
by the Bill of Rights in our constitution.
The Bill of Rights, assuring to us
freedom of religious opinion...
...and security of person and property...
...against the attack of illegal
and extralegal forces... the cornerstone of true Americanism.
And must be jealously guarded
if we are to remain a free people.
We cannot permit racial
or religious hatreds to be stirred up... that innocent citizens become the
victims of accusations brought in secrecy.
We cannot permit unknown tribunals
to pass judgments.
Nor punishments to be inflicted
by a band of hooded terrorists.
Unless all of these illegal and extralegal
forces are ruthlessly wiped out...
...this nation may as well abandon
its constitution...
...forget its Bill of Rights,
tear down its courts of justice...
...and revert to the barbarism of government
by primitive violence.
This would mean relinquishing everything
that civilized man has won... the most prodigious effort
over a course of the past five centuries.
The American people
made their choice long ago.
Their blood and their sacrifices
secured for us the basic human rights:
Life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.
Their wisdom built the structure
of our democratic form of government...
...expressly to keep sacred
and inviolate these same human rights.
It is our duty to guard them zealously
if we are to remain a nation of free men.
As Abraham Lincoln said:
"Our reliance is in the love of liberty
which God has planted in us.
Our defense is the spirit
that prizes liberty... the heritage of all men in all lands,
Destroy this spirit and you have planted
the seeds of despotism at your own doors. "
All of you have been tried and convicted
of the murder of Edward Jackson.
It is the sentence of this court...
...that you be confined
in the state penitentiary...
...for the rest of your natural lives.
Come on, men, get going.