Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)

Relax, don't do it
Relax, don't do it
Here's your tea.
"Thanks, Dad."
Sorry. Sorry, I was miles away.
Got to get everything ready for today.
This with some computer people?
Yeah. Tuckersoft.
They do Colin Ritman's games.
Oh, not the Colin Ritman.
Mr. Thakur, the owner,
said I could show them
my Bandersnatch demo.
- Your Bander-what?
- Bandersnatch.
I've based it on the book.
Was that your mother's?
It was in her things, yeah.
- Don't know if she read it though.
- Don't think so.
"Jerome F. Davies."
Well, he can't be a great writer.
You're always flicking backwards
and forwards in that.
No, it's a "Choose Your Own Adventure"
You decide what your character does.
- You know, like a game.
- Sounds thrilling.
How about you decide
what you want for your breakfast?
Both seem a bit kiddywink to me,
but you will insist.
Get back next door!
The bloody hound from next door.
Go on!
Be the death of us.
Warm my heart
Stay with me
Let lovin' start, let lovin' start
Whoa whoa whoa
Hello, Tuckersoft.
Oh, beautiful. Nice one, Satpal.
Alright, fetch us 20 B&H, would you?
And... Lion bar.
Good boy.
You... are... Steven.
- Stefan.
- Stefan, sorry, mate.
That's alright. I get it all the time.
Sorry about the chaos.
We just moved in Monday.
It's big.
Well, expansion, that's my plan.
Imagine, OK.
A whole team just for graphics,
another for sound, for gameplay.
We're going to be a hit factory.
Like Motown but for computer games.
You heard it here first.
That's Colin's new one.
- Colin Ritman?
- That's him over there.
That's crazy.
I've played all of his games.
Let's say hello.
- Sure he won't mind? He's working.
- He'll be fine. He'll be fine. Shh! Shh!
Oh. Wait, wait, wait.
What's this, Kajagoogoo?
You wish.
The state of him, he's made enough
this year to buy a Lamborghini
and he still smokes roll-ups.
Well, pre-rolled has strychnine in them,
so the joke's on him.
Anyway, this is Stefan, er...
Butler, Butler.
I'm Colin, yeah?
Yeah, I've played all of your games.
All of them.
Except the Commodore ones,
I don't... don't have a Commodore.
- Great sound chip, the Commodore.
- Mm-hm.
This is my latest.
It's called Nohzdyve.
- The sprites are so smooth.
- That took some doing.
Oh, bollocks.
- What's that?
- It's a buffer error.
The eyeballs have overrun
the video memory...
Oh, yeah, video memory, yeah.
I was going to say that.
Anyway, listen,
let's get down to business.
Stefan's got something to demo for us.
Bloody hell.
So it's like 3D Monster Maze?
Only when you're moving
from choice to choice.
- It's actually an adventure game.
- Like The Hobbit?
Yeah, but...
without any typing.
Without any typing?
So no "get lamp" or whatever?
That's right.
Choices come up on the screen
and you pick one against the clock.
OK, he's Pax, he's the demon.
He's in the book.
So we've actually arrived
at a choice point,
and then you can choose with the joystick.
You've got ten seconds.
Worship him.
No, don't do that,
he's the Thief of Destiny...
in the book, I mean.
Got a copy of this at home.
Never got around to reading it.
You should.
Jerome F. Davies was a genius.
Didn't he go bonkers
and cut his wife's head off?
- Yeah, but, I mean, apart from that...
- Excuse me.
What's happened?
Well, I haven't programmed
that pathway yet.
Lot of paths then?
Well, yeah,
if it's going to be like the book.
So, come on.
How do you want to go about this?
- You're... you're interested?
- That's what I'm saying.
OK, it's July now,
so if we want to hit Christmas,
then we'll need the tapes in Smiths
by November.
OK. So here's my proposal.
Come and write it here.
- Here?
- Yeah!
We'll give you a couple of desks,
set up a small team, just for you.
And of course Col's on hand.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on. What's your answer?
Perfect. Perfect.
OK, so the first thing we need to do
is streamline the project a little.
We can't fit a breeze block
of a book into 48K.
Oh, look at this.
Here you go.
Happy Birthday to me.
Sorry, mate. Wrong path.
The next game under our
Christmas spotlight is Bandersnatch,
in which the player navigates
a shifting timeline of parallel realities,
based on the book of the same name
by Jerome F. Davies.
That's how Bandersnatch works,
but did it "snatch" your respect?
I'm afraid not, Leslie,
for the simple reason
that it's just way too short.
It's over before it's even begun.
This is the one of the first team-created
games from Tuckersoft,
and I think that's given it
a very designed-by-committee feel,
almost like they just rushed out
the simplest, quickest cash-in they could.
What they should've done
is just gone right back to the start
and tried again.
- And your verdict?
- No stars out of five. Terrible.
Oof, well, maybe next week
we'll have something more for you...
That kid knows nothing.
I should try again.
- Stefan.
- I'm trying again.
Relax, don't...
- Your Bander-what?
- Bandersnatch.
It's a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book.
The bloody hound from next door.
Be the death of us.
...lovin' start
Whoa, whoa, whoa
We're going to be a hit factory.
Colin Ritman? That's crazy.
I've played all of his games.
The state of him. He's made enough
this yearto buy a Lamborghini
and he still smokes roll-ups.
We've met before?
This is what I'm working on.
Yeah... that's right.
- Oh, bollocks.
- What's that?
Buffer error.
The eyeball sprite's overshot
the video memory.
How did you know that?
- Just did.
- Bloody hell, he's good, right?
Anyway, let's get down to business.
Stefan's got something to demo for us.
You choose with the joystick.
See. You've got ten seconds.
Don't worship him,
he's the Thief of Destiny.
- You've read Bandersnatch?
- Jerome F. Davies. Visionary.
Isn't he that bloke who went cuckoo
and cut his wife's head off?
That is what people tend to focus on, yes.
Which ending did you get?
When you read it.
- All of them.
- Excuse me.
- What's happened?
- I haven't programmed that path yet.
Right. So a lot of paths then?
Well, yes,
if it's going to be like the book.
A lot of divergent realities in that book.
It was ahead of its time.
In as much as time exists.
OK. So here's my proposal.
Come and write it here.
- Here?
- We'll give you a couple of desks,
set up a small team, just for you.
And of course Col's on hand.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on. What's your answer?
I mean, yes,
I want to do your game, but I-I just...
I just think I need-I need to...
I need to write it how I know.
You know, just me. At home.
At home. On your own?
Yeah, it's just that it's all in my head,
and I think if I let other people in
it'll just get, I don't know, stressy?
But I know
that I can do it proper justice.
The book.
You know, divergent story paths.
Parallel realities.
- It's still a game though, yeah?
- I get it.
The lad's a craftsman.
He's a lone woodsman. I'm the same.
- Yeah, but...
- It's like I say,
teams are fine for things
like action titles,
but when it's a concept piece,
bit of madness is what you need
and that works best when it's one mind.
Alright, Timothy Leary, we'll debate
The Doors of Perception later...
That was Huxley not Leary.
If you're going to write this
on your tod, the important thing is
putting it out for Christmas,so I'll need
finished code by 12th September.
- OK, sure.
- But no later.
What do you listen to?
- Hmm?
- To get in to the flow.
Oh, music?
Er... Thompson Twins.
Get a pen.
I'm defrosting mince.
It's like alien technology, this thing.
Oh. How... How did it go?
Er, good. Yeah, really good.
- They're taking it.
- Oh, well, that's great, isn't it?
- Well done, mate.
- You've got mince juice on your hands.
So, how does it work then?
Do you go into their office, or...?
No, I write it here.
- On-on your own?
- Yes.
Is that the best way
to work on something like this?
Why wouldn't it be?
Well, the graphics
are certainly impressive, Robin,
but the big question is,
what's it like to play?
Well, the gameplay is just as impressive.
I must say, this is a Colin Ritman game,
so we'd expect little else,
but even by his standards
this is really most impressive.
It's challenging,
there's quite a big learning curve,
so you die a lot and have to try again
but I didn't really mind that much.
So it sounds great
but what's your verdict, Robin?
Four stars out of five.
Colin Ritman does it again.
- So not quite perfect.
- Well, nothing's perfect.
So there I am, there's Colin Ritman...
"The actual Colin Ritman,"
I believe you called him.
Yeah, exactly. And Mr. Thakur's
offering me the chance to work there
in their own office alongside Colin.
And I just...
- I don't know. It was too...
- Too?
Good to be true.
- I said no.
- You said no?
Well, not to the whole thing,
just to working there,
being under their control.
I don't know where it came from,
I just said no
and then had to justify it
by saying that I prefer to work alone.
But I just don't know
where the urge to say it came from.
It sounds like you're growing
in confidence. I think it's a good sign.
Well, they're still letting me
do the game, so...
Well done, Stefan. That's great.
That's great.
You sound like my dad.
He gets on my nerves sometimes.
Like this... I'm fine now,
I don't see why I need
to keep coming to these sessions.
It just feels like being...
I don't know, monitored.
Perhaps you're feeling intruded upon
because of the anniversary looming.
It's a difficult time of year for you.
We can't underestimate that.
Would you like to talk about what
happened with your mother?
It can be helpful to revisit things.
Even if you feel you've done this before.
You might discover something new.
I keep thinking about that morning.
Reliving it.
It was because of Rabbit.
He was this stupid toy that my mum
had made for me when I was born.
I used to take him everywhere.
I think Dad thought it was sissy
or something.
He and Mum used to
have these rows about it.
By five, he should've
stopped playing with dolls.
I know he took rabbit away
and hid it somewhere.
That morning, Mum was going
to visit Granddad and Grandma.
I was supposed to be going with her,
but I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
And I refused to go without him.
Come on, Stefan, we're going to be late.
Are you coming or not?
Come on.
You'll have to catch the 8:45, now.
So I held her up.
Because of me she had to catch
a later train. Because of me.
Stefan, how old were you
when this happened?
You were five years old.
And you couldn't have known.
You couldn't have known.
The Emergency Services say
the 8:45 train derailed
at high speed
outside Queenstown Road Station.
As the death toll continues to rise,
transport police have opened an inquiry,
but the cause is not yet clear.
I fucking hate him for it.
The past is immutable, Stefan.
No matter how painful it is,
we can't change things,
we can't choose differently,
with hindsight.
We all have to learn to accept that.
Remember, any time you need me,
just pick up the phone.
You know the number.
Hush, hush, eye to eye
Too shy, shy
Hush, hush
Eye to eye
Too shy, shy
Hush, hush, eye to eye...
Thank you.
Um, tea.
Er, look, I'm going to go to the pub
for some lunch.
- If you fancy tagging along.
- No. I'm alright.
- You didn't have any breakfast.
- Dad, I'm fine.
Is everything alright?
Stefan, I'm worried about you.
You've been stuck in your room for weeks.
Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help if you just sit there
and don't speak!
Stefan, what the hell are you doing?
That's all your work!
Is everything alright?
Stefan, I'm worried about you.
You've been stuck in your room for weeks.
Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help if you just sit there
and don't speak!
Dad, just fuck off!
I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm just...
- I'm-I'm just stressed.
- Get your coat.
We're going for lunch.
- Dad. I need to finish this.
- And we'll go in the car.
We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're here.
This is Dr. Haynes' place.
- You said we were getting lunch.
- You need to speak to her.
You're under pressure, you're...
You're not sleeping, you're not eating.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
I think the healthiest thing to do
is to talk about any concerns you may have
instead of bottling them up inside.
Don't know if it's the deadlines,
but my head is all over the place.
I keep having these vivid dreams.
Like thinking weird things.
What sort of things?
- Like I'm not in control.
- Of?
Anything, little things, tiny decisions.
What I have for breakfast in the morning.
What music I listen to.
Whether I shout at Dad, or...
You feel like you're not making
these decisions?
I feel like I'm not guiding them.
Like someone else is.
You're not hearing voices or...?
No voices, but there is something.
I-I don't know, an impulse.
I'm sure there is.
OK. The fact that you're aware
of your mental state
is actually reassuring.
But it sounds like you're starting
to dissociate
so we want to nip that in the bud
before you start
to seriously entertain delusions.
I don't think we're there yet though.
We can't overlook the fact
that the anniversary
of your mother's death is due,
and as we know, that's a stressor.
With that in mind,
I think it's important that you stay
on the pharmaceutical path
at least for the next few months.
I'm upping the dosage slightly.
Don't see this as a setback.
You're not alone. We're in it together.
One for all, and all...
For one.
If anything happens, just call me.
You know the number.
- How was it?
- It was fine.
So, Bandersnatch. Worth it?
I wish I could say yes
but it's frustrating.
It's as if the creator simply gave up
halfway through and went on autopilot.
If we had second chances in life,
I'd hope they'd choose differently
but, er, sadly we don't.
And nor do they. If that makes sense?
- So your verdict?
- Two and a half stars out of five.
Oh, dear. Well, maybe next week
we'll have something more
to float your boat, Robin.
I should try again.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
Looking good.
Good job I doubled the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, I just...
- Just what?
- Did you add a new path?
- The government conspiracy branch.
One of the alternate timelines
in the novel.
Jerome F. Davies
was into his conspiracy theories.
- Before or after he went psycho?
- I thought I'd tied up all the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate. The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path in.
- Oh, it's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Here. That's for you.
What is it?
Taped it off the telly.
Documentary about Jerome.
A bit of inspiration maybe.
Pop it on while you work.
Are you having a film night?
Sugar Puffs from Quaker.
Tell them about the honey, yummy.
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure
who he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
If you follow that line of thinking
to its logical conclusion...
...they're not even your actions.
Your fate has been dictated,
it's out of your hands.
- You're just a puppet.
- Shh, shh, shh.
You're not in control.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite.
If you follow that line of thinking
to its logical conclusion,
then you're absolved of any guilt
from your actions.
But they're not even your actions.
It's out of your control.
Your fate has been dictated,
it's out of your hands.
So, why not commit murder?
Maybe that's what destiny wants.
You're just a puppet.
You're not in control.
Yes, and so what, Rabbit's a toy.
A baby's toy that he takes everywhere.
He's five.
And by five,
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
- It's not a doll.
- If he takes it to your parents,
I'm going to have to withstand
another lecture from your dad
- about permissive child-rearing.
- Oh, for God's sake.
I'm sorry, look,
I am going to do something about this.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign.
Fucking hell.
Who... What the fuck is Netflix?
Seriously, what does that mean?
I don't know what that means.
You're not making any sense.
Can you make sense?
I don't understand. I-I don't understand.
Who are you talking to?
It'll sound crazy.
Well, tell me anyway.
I'm being controlled by someone
from the future.
I'm being controlled
by someone from the future.
- Shall I ring Dr. Haynes?
- Yes, please.
So, you're being controlled
by someone on Netflix.
- What is Netflix? Is it a planet?
- I don't know, it...
It's some sort
of future entertainment thing.
- Like a computer game?
- I don't know.
It's from the 21st Century, they said.
OK, well,
let's try to pick it apart logically,
to see if we can define
if this is reality or delusion.
- It's not a delusion.
- OK, let's go through it.
So all of this is happening
to entertain someone.
- Someone who's controlling you.
- Uh-huh.
So why aren't you
in a more entertaining scenario?
- What do you mean?
- Well, look at you.
You're in a small ordinary room,
in an ordinary part of the world,
talking to an ordinary woman.
If this was entertainment,
surely you'd make it more interesting.
Inject a little action, isn't that right?
I mean, wouldn't you want
a little more action
if you were watching this now on telly?
Come at me. Come on, mummy's boy.
What are you waiting for?
Come on. I dare you.
Sorry, are you OK?
Two sugars.
I-I was, er...
I was trying to open the window.
To jump out.
You don't jump out.
You can't jump out. It doesn't open, look.
You're not scripted to jump out,
see, Mike?
It's the fight scene now.
Er... Stefan.
Do you want to sit down for a moment?
Can we get the medic down here please?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about...
- Motown for computer games.
- Colin Ritman?
- We've met before.
- What's your answer?
Bit of madness is what you need.
Stefan, will you talk to me?
Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat.
This is Dr. Haynes' place.
You need to speak to her.
You're under pressure.
You're not sleeping, you're not eating.
Stefan, come back.
How's Bandersnatch going?
Not good.
Not good. I'm just... lost.
- You're in the hole.
- In the what?
- In a fight with your own head.
- Yes. That's exactly it.
- You got anywhere to be later?
- Er, well, no.
Come with me.
Stefan, this is Kitty.
And this is Pearl.
Daddy's little legacy.
Stefan's in the hole, Kit.
Poor thing.
Are you going to get him out?
Grab a pew.
- Oh. I haven't ever really...
- Come on.
You'll get the hang of that.
One for you...
One for me.
- What is it?
- It lets you see the bigger picture.
- I-I don't know.
- It'll help you understand.
Do you want it?
It's your choice.
Totally up to you. Don't feel pressured.
Do this.
Now what?
Now we just wait a bit.
People think there's one reality
but there's loads of them,
all snaking off, like roots.
And what we do on one path
affects what happens on the other paths.
Time is a construct.
People think you can't go back
and change things,
but you can, that's what flashbacks are,
they're invitations to go back
and make different choices.
When you make a decision,
you think it's you doing it, but it's not.
It's the spirit out there
that's connected to our world
that decides what we do
and we just have to go along for the ride.
Mirrors let you move through time.
The government monitors people,
they pay people to pretend
to be your relatives
and they put drugs in your food
and they film you.
There's messages in every game.
Like Pac-Man.
Do you know what PAC stands for?
P-A-C: "Program and Control."
He's Program and Control Man,
the whole thing's a metaphor,
he thinks he's got free will
but really he's trapped in a maze,
in a system, all he can do is consume,
he's pursued by demons
that are probably just in his own head,
and even if he does manage to escape
by slipping out one side of the maze,
what happens?
He comes right back in the other side.
People think it's a happy game,
it's not a happy game,
it's a fucking nightmare world
and the worst thing is
it's real and we live in it.
It is all code.
If you listen closely,
you can hear the numbers.
There's a cosmic flowchart that dictates
where you can and where you can't go.
I've given you the knowledge.
I've set you free.
Do you understand?
Yes. Sort of.
I'll show you what I mean. Come with me.
We're on one path.
Right now, me and you.
And how one path ends is immaterial.
It's how our decisions along that path
affect the whole that matters.
Do you believe me?
I don't know.
I'll prove it.
One of us is going over.
Over there.
You'd die. You'd die.
It wouldn't matter
because there are other timelines, Stefan.
How many times
have you watched Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him.
He just tries again.
One of us is jumping,
so who's it going to be?
It's a nice breeze up here.
So, come on, which one of us is jumping?
I'll do it.
I like your style.
Oh! Oh!
So, Robin, Bandersnatch, any good?
This is hard to say,
because as you may know,
the original author of this game
was killed in a tragic accident.
- Indeed.
- But it's just not a good game.
It seems someone else finished it off
quickly but it's just abrupt and jarring.
And unnecessary, and horrible,
and violent, unsettling, and weird,
and awful, and scary, and dark,
and bleak and creepy...
The healthiest thing to do
is to talk about any concerns you may have
instead of bottling them up inside.
You need to speak to her.
The healthiest thing to do
is to talk about any concerns you may have
instead of bottling them up inside.
You need to speak to her.
The healthiest thing to do
is to talk about any concerns you may have
instead of bottling them up inside.
You need to speak to her.
How many times
have you watched Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him.
He just tries again.
One of us is jumping,
so who's it going to be?
It's a nice breeze up here.
So, come on, which one of us is jumping?
You do it.
Fair enough.
See you around.
Where's Colin?
We're here.
- Colin jumped and I didn't stop him.
- Stefan...
maybe you're not well.
Go and speak to Dr. Haynes.
What sort of things?
What I have for breakfast.
What music I listen to.
Whether I bite my fucking nails.
- You feel you're not...
- Making these decisions, no,
and we've talked about this before.
I'm sure we have.
And you tell me I feel guilty about my mum
and you up my dose.
And, yes, I am taking my medication, OK?
So just write me the fucking prescription.
We can't dupe them fast enough.
Everybody wants a bit of Colin Ritman.
- Where is Colin?
- He's gone AWOL.
Probably fucked off to Amsterdam
for a spot of gardening,
if you know what I mean.
He'll be back, he always is.
Mate. This is due today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path.
Don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Er... Colin wanted me to give you this.
To inspire you.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate.
If you follow that line of thinking
to its logical conclusion,
then you're absolved of any guilt
from your actions.
But they're not even your actions.
It's out of your control.
Your fate has been dictated.
So, why not commit murder?
You're not in control.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there? Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
- What are you doing?
- I don't know.
Stefan, you're worrying me.
- I'm not in control. I'm not in control.
- What are you talking about? Stefan?
- I'm being controlled.
- Stefan! Stefan? Stop it. OK?
Look, you need to calm down.
Just take a breath, please and calm down.
In through your nose. Breathe.
Breathe in through the nose and out.
Breathe in, Stefan. And out.
Calm, Stefan.
Get away from me! Please, Dad.
Dad, just stay away from me.
I'm not in control.
- Stefan, please.
- Dad, please get away from me.
I'm not in control.
Please, I'm not in control.
- Stefan.
- I'm not in control.
What do I do?
What do I do?
- Hello?
- The man himself, the whiz kid.
How's it going?
- How's it going?
- Listen.
Colin's still off exploring
other dimensions.
He can't bail me out so I need the code.
First thing Monday you said.
The ads are out,
I've booked the dupe plants.
There's some serious cash down
the swanny if you don't deliver.
I need it by the end of today.
That possible?
Hello? Spit it out.
Before I evolve.
Will it be ready by the end of the day?
- Of course.
- Good.
By the end of today, no later. Tatty bye.
Where's Colin? Where is he?
- Where... where is he?
- Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Can I help?
- It's Colin's girlfriend.
- Kitty. We've met before.
When you had blue hair.
Satpal, I'll deal with this.
- Where's Colin?
- I thought you'd tell me.
He's gone, he's just gone.
Tell me about it
but he's done this before.
Not like this. When did you see him last?
When he gave me that tape for Stefan.
Who's Stefan?
Let's leave Stefan out of this,
he's working.
Who is Stefan?
Are you Stefan?
Yes. We... we've met before.
No, we haven't.
Do you know where Colin is?
I was in the office and Satpal
said you'd seen him last.
If you know where he is, please tell me.
No, I'm sorry. I don't... I don't know.
I don't know anything about anything.
Well, if you hear from Colin,
tell him to ring Kitty.
OK. I've got to go.
And that's why futurologists believe
you'll be able to play
the games of the future anywhere.
On a bus, or the tube,
in the palm of your hand.
- Crispin?
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now yesterday, following weeks
of controversy and speculation,
games company Tuckersoft
announced it's going into liquidation.
So what went wrong?
Just six months ago,
Tuckersoft was riding high,
with a string of hits topping the charts
and mounting anticipation for their
big Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father,
following a psychological breakdown.
This has raised questions about
the judgement of Tuckersoft boss,
Mohan Thakur.
It was his idea to do it alone.
His decision.
I wasn't to know he couldn't hack it.
I mean, I know his dad's dead,
rest his soul, but I'm a victim too.
Let's try to not forget that.
But there's another Tuckersoft
protg at the centre of a mystery.
Famed programmer Colin Ritman
is still missing,
having vanished without trace
shortly before the killings.
At the trial,
Butler denied any involvement
in Ritman's sudden disappearance,
claiming he had seen Ritman
committing suicide in a vision.
Tuckersoft closed its doors for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
What do I do?
What do I do?
How many times have you
watched Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- No.
We met before. I told you
I'd see you around. And I was right.
We're going to be late.
Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
Fuck off! I'm not in control.
- We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
- Bit of inspiration maybe.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Just give me a fucking sign!
What do I do?
Oh, God, really?
Dr. Haynes' office.
- Is Dr. Haynes there?
- No. She's with a client right now.
Would you like to make an appointment?
I could fit you in...
first thing tomorrow.
- And your name is?
- Stefan Butler.
He's fucking engaged.
He's probably taken the phone
off the hook.
- That's what I do.
- That's what you do, is it?
I'll remember that.
Look, just let him be.
- He's probably in the zone.
- OK. I'll give him another 24 hours.
And how is your father?
He's visiting his sister.
She's in the South of France, so...
So you've been left to your own devices.
It's been good actually.
Not having him.
It's meant I could work
with a real sense of purpose.
I've actually had a bit of breakthrough
with the game.
I think I'd got bogged down before
but now I can see.
So you finally finished it?
Finished, delivered, everything.
I'd been trying to give the player
too much choice.
So I just went back
and stripped loads out.
And now they've got the illusion
of free will, but really...
I decide the ending.
And is it a happy ending?
I think so.
Then that's great.
So Bandersnatch? Yes or no?
Yes, yes, and yes.
It's got all the bases covered.
The perfect game.
Well, that is a first.
So your rating is...
My rating is five stars out of five.
That was the game Bandersnatch
being reviewed on TV back in 1984.
But shortly after its release,
a dark secret emerged.
Its author Stefan Butler was discovered
to have murdered his own father.
The game was pulled from shelves
and all the copies were pulped.
Now, in a move that's bound
to cause controversy,
a new coder wants to reboot the game
for a new generation.
My dad was a coder himself
back in the day,
and I found Stefan's game in an old crate,
I ran it on an emulator, RetroArch.
And I found it really ground-breaking.
I can see why people think
it's controversial
to be remaking it today,
but the free will concept is fascinating.
Today, interactive stories of this kind
are available on your TV, or laptop,
your phone, so I'm developing this
for streaming TV platforms.
There's a rumour that platform is Netflix.
I'm not allowed to talk about rumours.
Relax, don't do it
When you want to go to it
Oh, fuck!
Would you like to talk
about what happened with your mother?
I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 train derailed...
- He should've stopped playing with dolls.
- It's not a doll.
Sorry, look, I am going to do
something about this.
What are you doing in here?
You went looking for him.
Go on.
Take him.
You put him back where he belongs.
You don't need him.
We can look for Rabbit tomorrow.
Found him!
OK, well, we're going to miss the 8:30.
We'll have to take the 8:45.
Should be fine.
Well, are you coming?
So hold me, mom
In your long arms
So hold me, mom
In your long arms
In your automatic arms
Your electronic arms
In your arms
He's dead.
I don't understand.
He was just sitting there.
We were talking.
He closed his eyes for a few moments.
He just closed his eyes.
All he did was close his eyes.
I'm sorry.
Colin Ritman?
- We've met before.
- Fuck off!
- My head is all over the place.
- You're in the hole.
The government monitors people,
they pay people to pretend
to be your relatives
and they put drugs in your food.
Do you know what PAC stands for?
"Program and Control".
It's a fucking nightmare world.
It's real and we live in it.
Come on, Stefan. Come on.
- You can find Rabbit later.
- No!
Stefan, please come with me.
You weren't supposed to know.
Dad, what is this?
I'm sorry.
Dad, who are you?
Talk to me.
Talk to me!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there? Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
What's wrong?
Stefan, what's wrong?
I know you've been controlling me.
You and Haynes.
I know about PACS, the P.A.C.S. thing.
I know you've been drugging me,
I know you've been recording me
and now you're putting messages
on my computer.
Stefan, you're ill.
We need to go and see Dr. Haynes
and see if she can help.
I know what you've been doing to me.
I know.
Remember, Stefan. Any time you need me.
You know the number.
- You heard it here first.
- Get a pen.
If you listen closely,
you can hear the numbers.
- Too?
- Good to be true.
You sound like my dad.
You were five years old.
- One for all, and all...
- For one.
Remember, Stefan.
Any time you need me.
You know the number.
Number? What's the number?
Two. Oh. Five.
Four, one.
- Two. Oh. Five.
- Four, one.
Dr. Haynes office.
Is she there?
Dr. Haynes?
No, she's at her sister's wedding.
She's back tomorrow.
Can I take a message?
Tell her that Stefan Butler called.
Stefan Butler...
And I know about Program and Control.
- I'm sorry?
- I know they've been monitoring me.
I know what they've been up to.
Her and Dad.
The Program and Control Study.
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
They're monitoring me now, aren't they?
Tell her I've killed Dad
and I'm gonna kill her next.
- Is this...
- Fuck off.
So Bandersnatch? Yay or nay?
Well, nothing in the game
is as fascinating
as its grisly real-life backstory.
As you know, Leslie, Stefan Butler,
the young man who wrote this,
had a breakdown
and murdered his own father.
Yes, very sad.
And it seems the code
was never quite finished
but Tuckersoft just released
the game anyway.
Which I know isn't a crime
on a par with murder
but it's still pretty off nonetheless.
Quite. So your verdict?
Two and a half stars out of five.
It's morbid curiosity value at best.
Must try harder.
Get back next door!
The bloody hound from next door.
Go on.
Be the death of us.
I want to breathe in the open wind
I want to kiss like lovers do
Want to dive into your ocean
Is it raining with you?
So baby talk to me
Like lovers do
Walk with me
Hello, Tuckersoft.
Like lovers do
Oh, beautiful. Nice one, Satpal.
Alright, fetch us 20 B&H,
would you? And Lion bar. Good boy.
Ah. You... are... Steven.
- Stefan.
- Stefan, sorry, mate.
That's alright, I get it all the time.
Sorry about the chaos.
We just moved in Monday.
It's big.
Well, expansion, that's my plan.
Imagine, OK,
a whole team just for graphics,
another for sound, for gameplay.
We're going to be a hit factory.
Like Motown but for computer games.
You heard it here first.
That's Colin's new one.
- Colin Ritman?
- That's him over there.
That's crazy.
I've played all of his games.
Let's say hello.
- Sure he won't mind, he's working?
- He'll be fine. He'll be fine. Shh! Shh!
Wait, wait, wait.
What's this, Kajagoogoo?
You wish.
State of him, he's made enough
this year to buy a Lamborghini
and he still smokes roll-ups.
Yeah, well, pre-rolled have strychnine
in them, so the joke's on him.
Anyway, this is Stefan, er...
Butler, Butler.
I'm Colin, yeah.
Yeah, I've played all of your games.
All of them.
Except the Commodore ones,
I don't have a Commodore.
- Great sound chip, the Commodore.
- Mm-hm.
This is my latest.
It's called Nohzdyve.
- The sprites are so smooth.
- That took some doing.
Oh, bollocks.
- What's that?
- It's a buffer error.
The eyeballs have overrun
the video memory, and...
Oh, yeah, yeah, video memory, yeah.
I was gonna say that.
Anyway, listen,
let's get down to business.
Stefan's got something to demo for us.
Bloody hell.
So it's like 3D Monster Maze?
Only when you're moving
from choice to choice.
- It's actually an adventure game.
- Like The Hobbit.
Yes, but without any typing.
Without any typing?
So no "get lamp" or whatever?
That's right.
Choices come up on the screen
and you pick one against the clock.
OK, he's Pax, he's the demon.
He's in the book.
So we've actually arrived
at a choice point,
and then you can choose with the joystick.
You've got ten seconds.
Worship him.
No, don't do that, he's the
Thief of Destiny, in the book, I mean.
Got a copy of this at home.
Never got around to reading it.
You should.
Jerome F. Davies was a genius.
Didn't he go bonkers
and cut his wife's head off?
- Yeah, but I mean, apart from that...
- Excuse me.
What's happened?
Well, I haven't programmed
that pathway yet.
Lot of paths then?
Well, yeah,
if it's going to be like the book.
So, come on.
How do you want to go about this?
- You're... you're interested?
- That's what I'm saying.
OK, it's July now,
so if we want to hit Christmas,
then we'll need the tapes in Smiths
by November.
OK. So here's my proposal.
Come and write it here.
- Here?
- Yeah!
We'll give you a couple of desks,
set up a small team, just for you.
And of course Col's on hand.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on. What's your answer?
Relax, don't...
- Your Bander-what?
- Bandersnatch.
- It's a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book.
- That bloody hound from next door!
Be the death of us.
I want to breathe in the open wind
I want to kiss like...
We're going to be a hit factory.
Colin Ritman? That's crazy.
I've played all of his games.
State of him, he's made enough
this year to buy a Lamborghini
and he still smokes roll-ups.
- We've met before.
- No.
This is what I'm working on.
- Nohzdyve.
- Yeah. That's right.
Oh, bollocks.
- What's that?
- Buffer error.
Those eyeball sprites overshot
the video memory.
How did you know that?
- Just did.
- Bloody hell, he's good, right?
Anyway, let's get down to business.
Stefan's got something to demo for us.
You choose with the joystick.
See. You've got ten seconds.
Don't worship him,
he's the Thief of Destiny.
- You've read Bandersnatch?
- Jerome F. Davies. Visionary.
Was he that bloke who went cuckoo
and cut his wife's head off?
That is what people tend to focus on, yes.
Which ending did you get?
When you read it.
- All of them.
- Excuse me.
- What's happened?
- I haven't programmed that path yet.
Right. So, a lot of paths then?
Well, yes,
if it's going to be like the book.
A lot of divergent realities in that book.
It was ahead of its time.
In as much as time exists.
OK. So here's my proposal.
Come and write it here.
We'll give you a couple of desks,
set up a small team, just for you.
And of course Col's on hand.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on. What's your answer?
I mean, yes, I want to do your game.
I just... I just think I need to...
I need to write it how I know.
You know, just me. At home.
At home. On your own?
Yeah, it's just that it's all in my head,
and I think if I let other people in,
it'll just get, I don't know, stressy?
But I know that I can do it
proper justice. The book.
You know, divergent story paths.
Parallel realities.
- It's still a game though, yeah?
- I get it.
The lad's a craftsman.
He's a lone woodsman. I'm the same.
- Yeah, but...
- It's like I say,
teams are fine
for things like action titles,
but when it's a concept piece,
bit of madness is what you need
and that works best when it's one mind.
Alright, Timothy Leary, we'll debate
The Doors of Perception later...
That was Huxley, not Leary.
If you're going to write this on your tod,
the important thing is
putting it out for Christmas,
so I'll need finished code
by 12th September.
- OK, sure.
- But no later.
What do you listen to?
To get in to the flow.
Oh, music?
Er, compilations mainly.
Get a pen.
I'm defrosting mince.
It's like alien technology this thing.
Oh. How... how did it go?
Good. Yeah, really good.
They're taking it.
Oh, well, that's great, isn't it?
- Well done, mate.
- You've got mince juice on your hands.
So, how does it work then?
Do you go into their office, or...?
No, I write it here.
- On your own?
- Yes.
Is that the best way
to work on something like this?
Why wouldn't it be?
Well, the graphics
are certainly impressive, Robin,
but the big question is,
what's it like to play?
Well, the gameplay is just as impressive,
I must say.
This is a Colin Ritman game,
so we'd expect little else,
but even by his standards
this is really most impressive.
It's challenging,
there's quite a big learning curve,
so you die a lot and have to try again
but I really didn't mind that much.
So it sounds great
but what's your verdict, Robin?
Four stars out of five.
Colin Ritman does it again.
- So not quite perfect.
- Well, nothing's perfect.
So there I am, there's Colin Ritman...
"The actual Colin Ritman,"
I believe you called him.
Yeah, exactly, and Mr. Thakur's
offering me the chance to work there
in their own office alongside Colin.
And I just...
- I don't know. It was too...
- Too?
Good to be true.
- I said no.
- You said "no"?
Well, not to the whole thing,
just to working there
and being under their control.
I don't know where it came from,
I just said "no"
and then had to justify it
by saying that I prefer to work alone.
But I just don't know
where the urge to say it came from.
It sounds like you're growing
in confidence. I think it's a good sign.
Well, they're still letting me
do the game, so...
Well done, Stefan. That's great.
You sound like my dad.
He gets on my nerves sometimes.
Like this... I'm fine now,
I don't see why I need
to keep coming to these sessions.
It just feels like being,
I don't know, monitored.
Perhaps you're feeling intruded upon
because of the anniversary looming.
It's a difficult time of year for you.
We can't underestimate that.
Would you like to talk
about what happened with your mother?
It can be helpful to revisit things.
Even if you feel you've done this before.
You might discover something new.
The government put drugs
in your food and they film you.
We can't dupe them fast enough.
Everybody wants a bit of Colin Ritman.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows. He's gone AWOL.
He hasn't come in, answered his phone.
Par for the course from him.
Probably fucked off to Amsterdam
for a spot of gardening.
He'll be back, he always is.
Anyway, come on.
Looking good.
Good thing I doubled on the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, I just...
- Just what?
I added in a new path,
the government conspiracy branch,
I thought I'd tied up all the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate.
The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can squeeze this path in.
- It's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
OK. Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Er... Colin wanted me to give you this.
What is it?
He said he taped it off the telly,
to inspire you.
- Do you know where Colin is?
- No. Sorry.
You having a film night?
- They're great!
- Kellogg's Frosties.
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at the behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure,
he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
Mirrors let you move through time.
Yes, and so what, Rabbit is a toy.
A baby's toy that he takes everywhere.
He's five.
By five he should've stopped
playing with dolls.
- It's not a doll.
- If he takes it to your parents,
I'm going to have to withstand
another lecture from your dad
- about permissive child-rearing.
- Oh, for God's sake.
No, I'm sorry, look,
I am going to do something about this.
How's that for entertainment,
you psychiatric fuck? Huh?
Fucked your day up good and proper,
didn't we?
Me and my friend from the future!
Perfect. Perfect.
OK, so the first thing we need to do
is streamline the project a little.
We can't fit a breeze block
of a book into 48K.
Sorry, mate. Wrong path.
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on.
How do you want to go about this?
- You're... you're interested?
- That's what I'm saying.
OK, it's July now,
so if we wanna hit Christmas,
then we'll need the tapes in Smiths
by November.
OK. So here's my proposal.
Come and write it here.
- Here?
- Yeah!
We'll give you a couple of desks,
set up a small team, just for you.
And of course Col's on hand.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on. What's your answer?
- No.
- A bit of madness is what you need.
Would you like to talk about your mother?
Is everything alright?
Stefan, I'm worried about you.
You've been stuck in your room for weeks.
Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help you if you just
sit there and don't speak!
Relax, don't...
- Your Bander-what?
- Bandersnatch.
- It's a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book.
- That bloody hound from next door!
Be the death of us.
I want to breathe in the open wind
I want to kiss like...
We're going to be a hit factory.
Colin Ritman? That's crazy.
I've played all of his games.
State of him, he's made enough
this year to buy a Lamborghini
and he still smokes roll-ups.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around.
And I was right.
- This is what I'm working on.
- Nohzdyve.
- Oh, bollocks.
- What's that?
Buffer error. The eyeball sprites
overshot the video memory.
Don't worship him,
he's the Thief of Destiny.
- You've read Bandersnatch?
- Jerome F. Davies. Visionary.
Was he that bloke who went cuckoo
and cut his wife's head off?
That is what people tend to focus on, yes.
Excuse me.
- What's happened?
- I haven't programmed that path yet.
A lot of divergent realities in that book.
It was ahead of its time.
In as much as time exists.
OK. So here's my proposal.
Come and write it here.
- Here?
- We'll give you a couple of desks,
set up a small team, just for you.
And of course Col's on hand.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey,
I'm hiring this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on. What's your answer?
- No.
- Bit of madness is what you need.
Would you like to talk about your mother?
Is everything alright?
Look, I can't help if you just sit there
and don't speak!
Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat. We're going for lunch.
- This is Dr. Haynes' place.
- You need to speak to her.
You're under pressure.
You're not sleeping, you're not eating.
I think the healthiest thing to do
is to talk about any concerns you may have
instead of bottling them up inside.
We've talked about this before.
I'm sure we have.
So just write me the fucking prescription.
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path in.
Don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
We exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
- This is Dr. Haynes' place.
- You need to speak to her.
My head is all over the place.
I'm not in control.
Stefan, mate, the deadline is today.
You're not in control.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
I know you've been controlling me.
Stefan, you're ill.
We need to go and see Dr. Haynes
and see if she can help.
Remember, Stefan.
Any time you need me,
you know the number.
- You heard it here first.
- Get a pen.
If you listen closely,
you can hear the numbers.
- Too?
- Good to be true.
You sound like my dad.
You were five years old.
- One for all and all...
- For one.
Remember, Stefan.
Anytime you need me,
you know the number.
Number? What's the number?
Two. Oh. Five.
Four, one.
- Two. Oh. Five.
- Four, one.
The number you have dialed
has not been recognized.
Please check and try again.
The number you have dialed has...
So Bandersnatch? Yay or nay?
Well, nothing in the game
is as fascinating
as its grisly real-life backstory.
As you know, Leslie, Stefan Butler,
the young man who wrote this,
had a breakdown
and murdered his own father.
Yes, very sad.
And it seems the code
was never quite finished
but Tuckersoft
just released the game anyway.
Which I know isn't a crime
on a par with murder
but it's still pretty off nonetheless.
Quite. So your verdict?
Two and a half stars out of five.
It's morbid curiosity value at best.
Must try harder.
I keep thinking about that morning.
Reliving it.
Rabbit. It was because of Rabbit.
He was this stupid toy that my mum
had made him when I was born,
I used to take him everywhere.
I think Dad thought it was sissy
or something.
He and Mum used to
have these rows about it.
And by five
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
I know he took Rabbit away
and hid it somewhere.
That morning, Mum was going
to visit Granddad and Grandma.
I was supposed to be going with her,
but I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
I refused to go without him.
Come on, Stefan, we're going to be late.
Are you coming or not?
Come on.
You'll have to catch the 8:45, now.
So I held her up.
Because of me she had to catch
a later train. Because of me.
Stefan, how old were you
when this happened?
You were five years old.
And you couldn't have known.
You couldn't have known.
The Emergency Services say
the 8:45 train derailed at high speed
outside Queenstown Road Station.
As the death toll continues to rise,
transport police have opened an inquiry
but the cause is not yet clear.
I fucking hate him for it.
The past is immutable, Stefan.
No matter how painful it is,
we can't change things,
we can't choose differently,
with hindsight.
And we all have to learn to accept that.
Remember. Any time you need me,
just pick up the phone.
You know the number.
Is everything alright?
Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help you if you just
sit there and don't speak!
I keep thinking about that morning.
Reliving it.
It was because of Rabbit.
He was this stupid toy that my mum
had made for me when I was born.
I used to take him everywhere.
I think Dad thought it was sissy
or something.
He and Mum used to
have these rows about it.
And by five
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
I know he took Rabbit away
and hit it somewhere.
That morning, Mum was going
to visit Granddad and Grandma.
I was supposed to be going with her,
but I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
I refused to go without him.
Come on, Stefan, we're going to be late.
Are you coming or not?
Come on.
You'll have to catch the 8:45, now.
So I held her up.
Because of me she had to catch
a later train. Because of me.
Stefan, how old were you
when this happened?
You were five years old.
And you couldn't have known.
You couldn't have known.
The Emergency Services say
the 8:45 train derailed at high speed
outside Queenstown Road Station.
As the death toll continues to rise,
transport police have opened an inquiry
but the cause is not yet clear.
I fucking hate him for it.
The past is immutable, Stefan.
No matter how painful it is,
we can't change things,
we can't choose differently,
with hindsight.
And we all have to learn to accept that.
Remember. Any time you need me,
just pick up the phone.
You know the number.
Is everything alright?
- Will you talk to me?
- Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat. We're going for lunch.
What good does it do?
Going over things again and again.
Think carefully.
You really might learn something new.
So I'll ask again.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might learn something about yourself
you don't know.
I keep thinking about that morning.
Reliving it.
Rabbit. It was because of Rabbit.
He was this stupid toy that my mum
had made for me when I was born.
I used to take him everywhere.
I think Dad thought it was sissy
or something.
He and Mum used to have
these rows about it.
And by five
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
I know he took Rabbit away
and hid it somewhere.
That morning, Mum was going
to visit Granddad and Grandma.
I was supposed to be going with her,
but I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
I refused to go without him.
Come on, Stefan, we're going to be late.
Are you coming or not?
Come on.
You'll have to catch the 8:45, now.
So I held her up.
Because of me she had to catch
a later train. Because of me.
Stefan, how old were you
when this happened?
You were five years old.
And you couldn't have known.
You couldn't have known.
The Emergency Services say
the 8:45 train derailed at high speed
outside Queenstown Road Station.
As the death toll continues to rise,
transport police have opened an inquiry
but the cause is not yet clear.
I fucking hate him for it.
The past is immutable, Stefan.
No matter how painful it is,
we can't change things,
we can't choose differently,
with hindsight.
And we all have to learn to accept that.
Remember. Any time you need me,
just pick up the phone.
You know the number.
Is everything alright?
Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help you if you just
sit there and don't speak!
I keep thinking about that morning.
Reliving it.
Rabbit. It was because of Rabbit.
He was this stupid toy that my mum
had made for me when I was born.
I used to take him everywhere.
I think Dad thought it was sissy
or something.
He and Mum used to have
these rows about it.
And by five
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
I know he took Rabbit away
and hid it somewhere.
That morning, Mum was going
to visit Granddad and Grandma.
I was supposed to be going with her,
but I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
I refused to go without him.
Come on, Stefan,
we're going to be late.
Are you coming or not?
Come on.
You'll have to catch the 8:45, now.
So I held her up.
Because of me she had to catch
a later train. Because of me.
Stefan, how old were you
when this happened?
You were five years old.
And you couldn't have known.
You couldn't have known.
The Emergency Services say
the 8:45 train derailed at high speed
outside Queenstown Road Station.
As the death toll continues to rise,
transport police have opened an inquiry
But the cause is not yet clear.
I fucking hate him for it.
The past is immutable, Stefan.
No matter how painful it is,
we can't change things,
we can't choose differently,
with hindsight.
And we all have to learn to accept that.
Remember. Any time you need me,
just pick up the phone.
You know the number.
Is everything alright?
Stefan? Will you talk to me?
Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat. We're going for lunch.
- This is Dr. Haynes' place.
- You need to speak to her.
You're under pressure.
You're not sleeping, you're not eating.
Looking good.
Good job I doubled the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, I just...
- Just what?
- Did you add a new path?
- The government conspiracy branch.
One of the alternate timelines
in the novel.
Jerome F. Davies
was into his conspiracy theories.
- Before or after he went psycho?
- I thought I'd tied up all the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate. The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path in.
- It's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Here. That's for you.
What is it?
Taped it off the telly.
Documentary about Jerome.
Bit of inspiration maybe.
Pop it on while you work.
You having a film night?
- They're great!
- Kellogg's Frosties.
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at the behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure,
he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
Looking good.
Good job I doubled the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, I just...
- Just what?
- Did you add a new path?
- The government conspiracy branch.
One of the alternate timelines
in the novel.
Jerome F. Davies
was into his conspiracy theories.
- Before or after he went psycho?
- I thought I'd tied up all the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate. The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path in.
- It's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Here. That's for you.
What is it?
Taped it off the telly.
Documentary about Jerome.
Bit of inspiration maybe.
Pop it on while you work.
You having a film night?
- They're great!
- Kellogg's Frosties.
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure,
he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
Looking good.
Good job I doubled the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, I just...
- Just what?
- Did you add a new path?
- The government conspiracy branch.
One of the alternate timelines
in the novel.
Jerome F. Davies
was into his conspiracy theories.
- Before or after he went psycho?
- I thought I'd tied up all the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate. The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path in.
- It's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Here. That's for you.
What is it?
Taped it off the telly.
Documentary about Jerome.
Bit of inspiration maybe.
Pop it on while you work.
You having a film night?
Sugar Puffs from Quaker.
Tell them about the honey... Yummy!
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at the behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure,
he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
We can't dupe them fast enough.
Everybody wants a bit of Colin Ritman.
- Er, where is Colin?
- God knows. He's gone AWOL.
He hasn't come in,
hasn't answered his phone.
Par for the course from him.
He's probably fucked off to Amsterdam
for a spot of gardening.
He'll be back, he always is.
Anyway, come on.
Looking good.
Good thing I doubled on the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, it was. I just...
- Just what?
I added a new path,
the government conspiracy branch.
I thought I'd tied up all the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate. The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can squeeze this path in.
- It's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Er... Colin wanted me to give you this.
What is it?
He said he taped it off the telly,
to inspire you.
- Do you know where Colin is?
- No. Sorry.
You having a film night?
- They're great!
- Kellogg's Frosties.
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at the behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure,
he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
We can't dupe them fast enough.
Everybody wants a bit of Colin Ritman.
- Er, where is Colin?
- God knows. He's gone AWOL.
He hasn't come in,
hasn't answered his phone.
Par for the course from him.
He's probably fucked off to Amsterdam
for a spot of gardening.
He'll be back, he always is.
Anyway, come on.
Looking good.
Good thing I doubled on the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, it was. I just...
- Just what?
I added in a new path,
the government conspiracy branch.
Thought I'd tied up the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate.
The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can squeeze this path in.
- It's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Er... Colin wanted me to give you this.
What is it?
He said he taped it off the telly,
to inspire you.
- Do you know where Colin is?
- No, sorry.
You having a film night?
Sugar Puffs from Quaker.
Tell them about the honey... Yummy!
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure,
he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
We can't dupe them fast enough.
Everybody wants a bit of Colin Ritman.
- Er, where is Colin?
- God knows. He's gone AWOL.
He hasn't come in,
hasn't answered his phone.
Par for the course from him.
He's probably fucked off to Amsterdam
for a spot of gardening.
He'll be back, he always is.
Anyway, come on.
Looking good.
Good thing I doubled on the advertising.
That's not...
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
You said it was stable.
- It was, it was. I just...
- Just what?
I added in a new path,
the government conspiracy branch.
Thought I'd tied up the loose ends.
If it's something you've added,
let's just take it out.
- No, it's important.
- Stefan, mate.
The deadline is today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can squeeze this path in.
- It's complicated enough.
- Just the weekend. Please.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
Shit, I've got to run,
meeting the John Menzies guys.
Just don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Er... Colin wanted me to give you this.
What is it?
He said he taped it off the telly,
to inspire you.
- Do you know where Colin is?
- No, sorry.
You having a film night?
Sugar Puffs from Quaker.
Tell them about the honey... Yummy!
Towards the end of his life,
Davies was apparently self-administering
hallucinogens on a daily basis.
This, coupled with his attempts
to complete the complex multiple
narratives of Bandersnatch
was to prove the final straw.
He became obsessed
with bizarre symbols
and the limitations
of his own free will.
In his notes,
Davies repeatedly sketched a glyph
which to him represented multiple fates,
potential realities splitting in two.
It was the start
of his complete mental collapse.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs
at behest of a demon called Pax,
a sort of lion figure,
he claimed he'd seen in a vision,
and who ended up
being incorporated into the book.
It was this that led him to kill her.
He decapitated her and daubed the
glyph symbol on the walls with her blood.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within
multiple parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite,
which renders free will meaningless.
Nothing but an illusion.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Mirrors let you move through time.
Yes, and so what, Rabbit is a toy.
A baby's toy that he takes everywhere.
He's five.
And by five
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
- It's not a doll.
- If he takes it to your parents,
I'm going to have to withstand
another lecture from your dad
- about permissive child-rearing.
- Oh, for God's sake.
Sorry, look,
I'm going to do something about this.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Mirrors let you move through time.
Yes, and so what, Rabbit is a toy.
A baby's toy that he takes everywhere.
He's five.
And by five
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
- It's not a doll.
- If he takes it to your parents,
I'm going to have to withstand
another lecture from your dad
- about permissive child-rearing.
- Oh, for God's sake.
Sorry, look,
I am going to do something about this.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Perhaps you're feeling intruded
upon because of the anniversary looming.
Stefan, would you like to talk
about what happened with your mother?
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Perhaps you're feeling intruded
upon because of the anniversary looming.
Stefan, would you like to talk
about what happened with your mother?
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on. If there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Yes, and so what, Rabbit is a toy.
A baby's toy that he takes everywhere.
He's five.
And by five
he should've stopped playing with dolls.
- It's not a doll.
- If he takes it to your parents,
I'm going to have to withstand
another lecture from your dad
- about permissive child-rearing.
- Oh, for God's sake.
Sorry. Look, I am going
to do something about this.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
- What are you doing?
- I'm not in control.
- I'm not in control.
- What are you talking about? Stefan?
Stefan, stop it.
Just calm down.
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path in.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
- Skip to the next bit.
- What?
For fuck's sake, I'll skip it for you.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate.
If you follow that line of thinking
to its logical conclusion,
then you're absolved of any guilt
from your actions.
They're not even your actions.
It's out of your control.
Your fate has been dictated.
So, why not commit murder?
You're not in control.
Perhaps you're feeling intruded
upon because of the anniversary looming.
Stefan, would you like to talk
about what happened with your mother?
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Yes, and so what, Rabbit's a toy.
A baby's toy
that he takes everywhere.
He's five.
By fivehe should've stopped
playing with dolls.
It's not a doll.
If he takes it to your parents,
I'm going to have to withstand
another lecture from your dad
- about permissive child-rearing.
- Oh, for God's sake.
Sorry. Look, I am going
to do something about this.
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
We can't dupe them fast enough.
Everybody wants a bit of Colin Ritman.
- Where is Colin?
- He's gone AWOL.
Probably fucked off to Amsterdam
for a spot of gardening,
if you know what I mean.
He'll be back, he always is.
Mate. This is due today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path.
Don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
I know.
Er... Colin wanted me to give you this,
to inspire you.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate.
because his wife was spiking him
with psychoactive drugs.
After his arrest, he told police
we exist within multiple
parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we choose to do
in this existence,
theres another one out there
in which were doing quite the opposite.
I said no and I meant it.
OK, well...
Remember, Stefan, anytime you need me...
Just call.
You know the number.
Is everything alright?
Stefan? Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help if you just sit there
and don't speak!
I said no and I meant it.
OK, well...
Remember, Stefan, anytime you need me...
Just call.
You know the number.
Will you talk to me.
Look, I can't help if you just sit there
and don't speak!
I said no and I meant it.
OK, well...
- Remember, Stefan, anytime you need me...
- Just call.
You know the number.
Is everything alright?
Stefan, will you talk to me.
Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat. We're going for lunch.
I said no and I meant it.
OK, well...
- Remember, Stefan, anytime you need me...
- Just call.
You know the number.
Is everything alright?
Stefan, will you talk to me.
Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat. We're going for lunch.
I said no and I meant it.
OK, well...
- Remember, Stefan, anytime you need me...
- Just call.
You know the number.
Look, I'm gonna go to the pub
for some lunch.
If you fancy tagging along...
No, I'm alright.
You didn't have any breakfast.
Dad. I'm fine.
Is everything alright?
Stefan, I'm worried about you.
You've been stuck in your room for weeks.
Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help if you just sit there
and don't speak!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Now, let's go back
to the beginning.
Come on, Stefan. Come on.
- You can find Rabbit later.
- No!
Stefan, please come with me.
You weren't supposed to know.
Dad, what is this?
I'm sorry.
Dad, who are you?
Talk to me.
Talk to me!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Now, let's go back
to the beginning.
Come on, Stefan. Come on.
- You can find Rabbit later.
- No!
Stefan, please come with me.
You weren't supposed to know.
Dad, what is this?
I'm sorry.
Dad, who are you?
Talk to me.
Talk to me!
We've talked about this before,
I'm sure we have.
So just write me the fucking prescription.
The government put drugs
in your food and they film you.
- First thing Monday.
- First thing.
- Skip to the next bit.
- What?
For fuck's sake, I'll skip it for you.
We exist within multiple
parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Whatever we chose to do
with this existence,
there's another one out there
in which we're doing quite the opposite.
Which renders free will meaningless,
nothing but an illusion.
We've talked about this before,
I'm sure we have.
So just write me the fucking prescription.
We've talked about this before,
I'm sure we have.
So just write me the fucking prescription.
Stefan, mate. This is due today.
I just need the weekend.
I know I can add this new path.
Don't fuck up.
There's a lot riding on this now.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate.
If you follow that line of thinking,
then you're absolved of any guilt
from your actions.
They're not even your actions.
It's out of your control.
You're fate has been dictated.
So, why not commit murder?
You're not in control.
You're in the hole. Come with me.
Stefan, this is Kitty.
And this is Pearl, Daddy's little legacy.
One for you, one for me.
There's messages in every game.
Like Pac-Man.
You know what PAC stands for?
Program and Control.
He's Program and Control Man.
It's not a happy game,
it's a fucking nightmare world.
I've given you the knowledge.
I've set you free.
One of us is jumping.
So, who's it going to be?
There's a nice breeze up here.
So come on.
Which one of us is jumping?
- Your Bander-what?
- Bandersnatch.
- It's a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book.
- The bloody hound from next door.
Be the death of us.
- We're going to be a hit factory.
- Colin Ritman?
That's crazy.
I've played all of his games.
The state of him, he's made enough
this year to buy a Lamborghini,
and he still smokes roll-ups.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around.
And I was right.
- This is what I'm working on.
- Nohzdyve.
Oh, bollocks.
- What's that?
- Buffer error.
The eyeball sprites
overshot the video memory.
Don't worship him,
he's the Thief of Destiny.
- You've read Bandersnatch?
- Jerome F. Davies. Visionary.
Was he that bloke who went cuckoo
and cut his wife's head off?
That is what people tend to focus on, yes.
Excuse me.
- What's happened?
- I haven't programmed that path yet.
Lot of divergent realities in that book.
It was ahead of its time.
In as much as time exists.
OK. So, here's my proposal.
Come and write it here.
- Here?
- We'll give you a couple of desks,
set up a small team, just for you.
And of course Col's on hand.
What do you reckon?
Oh, and hey, I'm hiring
this sound chip guy next week,
so music we can take care of.
All in-house.
So, come on, what's your answer?
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Who's doing this to me?
I know there's someone there.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Oh, God, really?
Dr. Haynes' office.
Is Dr. Haynes there?
she's with a client right now.
Would you like to make an appointment?
I could fit you in first thing tomorrow.
- And your name is?
- Stefan Butler.
Where's Colin?
Where is he? Where is he?
- Woah, woah, woah. Can I help?
- It's Colin's girlfriend.
Kitty. We've met before.
When you had blue hair.
Satpal, I'll deal with this.
- Where's Colin?
- I thought you'd tell me.
He's gone, he's just gone.
Tell me about it
but he's done this before.
Not like this. When did you see him last?
When he gave me that tape for Stefan.
Who's Stefan?
Let's leave Stefan out of this,
he's working.
Who's Stefan?
And how is your father?
He's visiting his sister.
She's in the South of France, so...
So you've been left to your own devices.
It's been good actually.
Not having him.
It's meant I could work
with a real sense of purpose.
I've actually had a bit of breakthrough
with the game.
I think I'd got bogged down before,
but now I can see.
So you finally finished it?
Finished, delivered, everything.
I'd been trying to give the player
too much choice.
So I just went back
and stripped loads out.
And now they've only got the illusion
of free will, but really,
I decide the ending.
And is it a happy ending?
- I think so.
- Then that's great.
Oh, God, really?
Dr. Haynes' office.
Is Dr. Haynes there?
she's with a client right now.
Would you like to make an appointment?
I could fit you in first thing tomorrow.
- And your name is?
- Stefan Butler.
Where's Colin?
Where is he? Where is he?
- Woah, woah, woah. Can I help?
- It's Colin's girlfriend.
Kitty. We've met before.
When you had blue hair.
Satpal, I'll deal with this.
Where's Colin?
- I thought you'd tell me.
- He's gone, he's just gone.
Tell me about it,
but he's done this before.
- Not like this. When did you see him last?
- When he gave me that tape for Stefan.
Who's Stefan?
Let's leave Stefan out of this,
he's working.
Who's Stefan?
And how is your father?
He's visiting his sister.
She's in the South of France, so...
- So you've been left to your own devices.
- Hm-hm.
It's been good actually.
Not having him.
It's meant I could work
with a real sense of purpose.
I've actually had a bit of breakthrough
with the game.
I think I'd got bogged down before,
but now I can see.
- So you finally finished it?
- Finished, delivered, everything.
I'd been trying to give the player
too much choice.
So I just went back
and stripped loads out.
And now they've only got the illusion
of free will, but really,
I decide the ending.
And is it a happy ending?
- I think so.
- Then that's great.
Oh, God, really?
Dr. Haynes' office.
Is Dr. Haynes there?
she's with a client right now.
Would you like to make an appointment?
I could fit you in first thing tomorrow.
- Yes.
- And your name is?
- Stefan Butler.
He's fucking engaged.
He's probably taken the phone
off the hook.
- That's what I do.
- That's what you do, is it?
I'll remember that.
Look, just let him be.
He's probably in the zone.
I'll give him another twenty-four hours.
And how is your father?
He's visiting his sister.
She's in the South of France, so...
- So you've been left to your own devices.
- Hm-hm.
It's been good actually.
Not having him.
It's meant I could work
with a real sense of purpose.
I've actually had a bit of breakthrough
with the game.
I think I'd got bogged down before,
but now I can see.
- So you finally finished it?
- Finished, delivered, everything.
I'd been trying to give the player
too much choice.
So I just went back
and stripped loads out.
And now they've only got the illusion
of free will, but really,
I decide the ending.
And is it a happy ending?
- I think so.
- Then that's great.
- Hello?
- The man himself, the whiz kid.
How's it going?
"How's it going?"
Have I dialed an echo by mistake?
Wakey-wakey. Bandersnatch.
The game you promised us.
First thing Monday you said.
I need the code.
The ads are out,
I've booked the dupe plant.
There's some serious cash down
the swanny if you don't deliver.
I need it by the end of today.
That possible?
Stefan? Hello?
Spit it out.
Before I evolve.
Will it be ready by the end of today?
- Of course.
- Good.
By the end of today, no later. Tatty bye.
You shouldn't rush him.
He needs to explore all possibilities.
He said he's delivering
by the end of today.
So, that's good then.
He's bullshitting.
Why don't you head round there. See what's
really going on. Give him a hand.
Come on. Now get your feet off my table.
This isn't one of your anarchist communes.
This is a place of work.
Yeah, end of the day.
You shouldn't rush him.
He needs to explore all possibilities.
He said he's delivering
by the end of today.
- So, that's good then.
- He's bullshitting.
Why don't you head round there. See what's
really going on. Give him a hand.
Come on. Now get your feet off my table.
This isn't one of your anarchist communes.
This is a place of work.
Yeah, end of the day.
Where's Colin?
Where is he? Where is he?
- Woah, woah, woah. Can I help?
- It's Colin's girlfriend.
Kitty. We've met before.
When you had blue hair.
Satpal, I'll deal with this.
Where's Colin?
- I thought you'd tell me.
- He's gone, he's just gone.
Tell me about it,
but he's done this before.
Not like this. When did you see him last?
When he gave me that tape for Stefan.
Who's Stefan?
Let's leave Stefan out of this,
he's working.
Who's Stefan?
Fucker hung up.
He's trying to work.
Oh, work it up your dirt box.
That's not constructive.
No one hangs up on me.
Fucking fuck!
Where's Colin?
Where is he? Where is he?
- Woah, woah, woah. Can I help?
- It's Colin's girlfriend.
Kitty. We've met before.
When you had blue hair.
Satpal, I'll deal with this.
Where's Colin?
- I thought you'd tell me.
- He's gone, he's just gone.
Tell me about it,
but he's done this before.
Not like this. When did you see him last?
When he gave me that tape for Stefan.
Who's Stefan?
Let's leave Stefan out of this,
he's working.
Who's Stefan?
- No.
- No?
Tough tit-holes.
You signed a contract,
so don't be a pillock.
Pull your finger out.
I expect it by the end of today. Sayonara!
Where's Colin?
Where is he? Where is he?
- Woah, woah, woah. Can I help?
- It's Colin's girlfriend.
Kitty. We've met before.
When you had blue hair.
Satpal, I'll deal with this.
Where's Colin?
- I thought you'd tell me.
- He's gone, he's just gone.
Tell me about it,
but he's done this before.
Not like this. When did you see him last?
When he gave me that tape for Stefan.
Who's Stefan?
Let's leave Stefan out of this,
he's working.
Who's Stefan?
Well, you need a hand.
Come on, lead me to it.
- To what?
- Bandersnatch.
Where's your pit? Up there?
Fucking hell.
You've gone right down the hole, mate.
Right down it.
I killed my dad.
So are you gonna let me go,
or are you gonna kill me?
I mean, it's your choice.
In as much as you have any choice.
Imagine that's a bit
anti-climactic for you.
But appreciated.
I'm quite enjoying this lifetime.
See you in the next one.
So, that's how
the wireframe models of today
might provide the Hollywood entertainment
of the future.
- Crispin.
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now, yesterday, following weeks
of controversy and speculation,
games company Tuckersoft announced
it's going into administration.
So, what went wrong?
Just six months ago,
Tuckersoft was riding high,
with a string of hits topping the charts
and mounting anticipation for their big
Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father
following a psychological breakdown.
This has raised questions
about the judgment
of Tuckersoft boss, Mohan Thakur.
It was his idea to do it alone.
His decision.
I wasn't to know he couldn't hack it.
I mean, I know his dad's dead,
rest his soul,
but I'm a victim, too.
Let's try to not forget that.
Another Tuckersoft protg,
famed programmer Colin Ritman,
believes there are important lessons
to be learned from Butler's unravelling.
What would you say to Stefan,
if he could hear you?
I'd say try again.
But he's in prison.
Only in this life.
Shortly after this interview,
Colin Ritman was arrested
for possession of controlled substances.
Tuckersoft closed its doors for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
You look well.
- No. No, no, no, no.
- Show me what you've done then.
- I haven't done anything.
- You haven't done anything?
What are you expecting me to put out?
Fucking fart on a tape?
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Oh, the game.
The game. I've been doing that.
What is wrong with your skull?
Bloody hell. I mean,
I thought you were weird from day one,
but I don't know,
maybe you were just artistic.
Colin used to...
And that's why, one day,
we might play games against each other
using our computers, and a telephone.
- Crispin.
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now, six months ago we were shocked
to hear of the murder of Mohan Thakur,
founder of Tuckersoft.
Today, his murderer is behind bars.
But what went wrong?
In October of last year,
Tuckersoft was riding high
with a string of hits topping the charts
and a mounting anticipation for their big
Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father
and Tuckersoft boss, Mohan Thakur.
Another Tuckersoft protg,
famed programmer Colin Ritman,
believes there are important lessons
to be learned from Butler's unravelling.
What would you say to Stefan,
if he could hear you?
I'd say...
if you could live your life again,
you should make some different choices.
But he can't live his life again.
Come on, mate.
Dare to dream.
Shortly after this interview,
Colin Ritman was arrested
for possession of controlled substances.
Tuckersoft closed its doors for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
You look well.
- No. No, no, no, no.
- Show me what you've done then.
- I haven't done anything.
- You haven't done anything?
What are you expecting me to put out?
Fucking fart on a tape?
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Oh, the game.
The game. I've been doing that.
What is wrong with your skull?
Bloody hell. I mean,
I thought you were weird from day one,
but I don't know,
maybe you were just artistic.
Colin used to...
And that's why, one day,
we might play games against each other
using our computers, and a telephone.
- Crispin.
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now, six months ago we were shocked
to hear of the murder of Mohan Thakur,
founder of Tuckersoft.
Today, his murderer is behind bars.
But what went wrong?
In October of last year,
Tuckersoft was riding high
with a string of hits topping the charts,
and a mounting anticipation for their big
Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father
and Tuckersoft boss, Mohan Thakur.
Another Tuckersoft protg,
famed programmer Colin Ritman,
believes there are important lessons
to be learned from Butler's unravelling.
What would you say to Stefan,
if he could hear you?
I'd say...
if you could live your life again,
you should make some different choices.
But he can't live his life again.
Come on, mate.
Dare to dream.
Shortly after this interview,
Colin Ritman was arrested
for possession of controlled substances.
Tuckersoft closed its doors for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 train derailed...
Mirrors let you move through time.
He should've stopped playing
with dolls.
Sorry, look, I am going
to do something about this.
Are you Stefan?
We've met before.
No, we haven't.
Do you know where Colin is?
I was in the office
and Satpal said you'd seen him last.
If you know where he is, please tell me.
He jumped.
Jumped where, what?
Off the balcony. At your flat, and...
He jumped and then he fell and...
And you were there.
You were there. You saw the whole thing.
What are you on about?
I wasn't sure if it actually happened.
Are you on something?
No, no, no. I got rid of them.
The pills. I don't know why.
Well, if you hear from Colin,
tell him to ring Kitty.
OK. I've got to go.
And that's why futurologists believe
you'll be able to play
the games of the future anywhere.
On a bus, or the tube,
in the palm of your hand.
- Crispin.
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now, yesterday, following weeks
of controversy and speculation,
games company Tuckersoft announced
it's going into liquidation.
So what went wrong?
Just six months ago,
Tuckersoft was riding high,
with a string of hits topping the charts
and mounting anticipation for their big
Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father
following a psychological breakdown.
This has raised questions
about the judgment
of Tuckersoft boss, Mohan Thakur.
It was his idea to do it alone.
His decision.
I wasn't to know he couldn't hack it.
I mean, I know his dad's dead,
rest his soul,
but I'm a victim, too.
Let's try to not forget that.
But there's another Tuckersoft
protg at the center of a mystery.
Famed programmer Colin Ritman
is still missing,
having vanished without trace
shortly before the killings.
At the trial,
Butler denied any involvement
in Ritman's sudden disappearance,
claiming he had seen Ritman
committing suicide in a vision.
Today, Tuckersoft closed its doors
for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
Well, you need a hand.
Come on, lead me to it.
- To what?
- Bandersnatch.
Where's your pit? Up there?
Fucking hell.
You've gone right down the hole, mate.
Right down it.
I killed my dad.
So are you gonna let me go,
or are you gonna kill me?
I mean, it's your choice.
In as much as you have any choice.
I'm sorry.
Alright. No point arguing about it.
Not with that though. They sting.
You got anything blunt?
Stun me first.
Bit more humane.
Try this.
See you in the next life, yeah?
Come on, on me head.
That really is fascinating.
Although we've got many years to go
before virtual reality
becomes actual reality.
- Crispin.
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now, six months ago,
we were shocked to hear of the murder
of famed programmer Colin Ritman,
creator of Metl Hedd, Nohzdyve,
and many other games.
Today, his murderer is behind bars.
But could the crime have been prevented?
In October of last year,
Tuckersoft was riding high,
with a string of hits topping the charts
and a mounting anticipation for their big
Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father
and his idol, Colin Ritman.
This has raised questions
about the judgment
of Tuckersoft boss, Mohan Thakur.
It was his idea to do it alone.
His decision.
I wasn't to know he couldn't hack it.
I know Colin's dead,
but I almost envy him that.
He doesn't have to deal
with all this.
Tuckersoft closed its doors for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
That really is fascinating.
Although we've got many years to go
before virtual reality
becomes actual reality.
- Crispin.
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now, six months ago,
we were shocked to hear of the murder
of famed programmer Colin Ritman,
creator of Metl Hedd, Nohzdyve,
and many other games.
Today, his murderer is behind bars.
But could the crime have been prevented?
In October of last year,
Tuckersoft was riding high,
with a string of hits topping the charts
and a mounting anticipation for their big
Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father
and his idol, Colin Ritman.
This has raised questions
about the judgment
of Tuckersoft boss, Mohan Thakur.
It was his idea to do it alone.
His decision.
I wasn't to know he couldn't hack it.
I know Colin's dead,
but I almost envy him that.
He doesn't have to deal
with all this.
Tuckersoft closed its doors for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
No, I'm alright. Thanks, though.
Just thought I'd give you the choice.
- Don't forget your tea.
- Cheers.
What have you done?
I chose for you.
Are you OK with that?
People think there's one reality
but there's loads of them,
all snaking off, like roots.
And what you do on one path
affects what happens on the other paths.
Time is a construct.
People think you can't go back
and change things, but you can.
That's what flashbacks are.
They're invitations to go back
and make different choices.
When you make a decision,
you think it's you doing it, but it's not.
It's the spirit out there
that's connected to our world
that decides what we do
and we just have to go along for the ride.
Mirrors let you move through time.
The government monitors people,
they pay people to pretend
to be your relatives,
and they put drugs in your food
and they film you
There's messages in every game.
Like Pac-Man,
do you know what PAC stands for?
P-A-C. Program and Control.
He's Program and Control Man.
The whole thing's a metaphor.
He thinks he's got free will
but really, he's trapped in a maze,
in a system, all he can do is consume,
he's pursued by demons
that are probably just in his own head.
And even if he does manage to escape
by slipping out one side of the maze,
what happens?
He comes right back in the other side.
People think it's a happy game,
it's not a happy game,
it's a fucking nightmare world
and the worst thing is
it's real and we live in it.
It's all a code.
If you listen closely,
you can hear the numbers.
There's a cosmic flowchart
that dictates where you can
and where you can't go.
I've given you the knowledge.
I've set you free.
Do you understand?
Yes. Sort of.
I'll show you what I mean.
Come with me.
We're on one path.
Right now, me and you.
And how one path ends is immaterial.
It's how our decisions along that path
affect the whole that matters.
Do you believe me?
- I don't know.
- I'll prove it.
One of us is going over.
Over there.
You'd die. You'd die.
It wouldn't matter
because there are other timelines, Stefan.
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him.
He just tries again.
One of us is jumping.
So, who's it going to be?
There's a nice breeze up here.
So come on.
Which one of us is jumping?
So, that's how
the wireframe models of today
might provide the Hollywood entertainment
of the future.
- Crispin.
- Thanks, Leslie.
Now, yesterday, following weeks
of controversy and speculation,
games company Tuckersoft announced
it's going into administration.
So, what went wrong?
Just six months ago,
Tuckersoft was riding high,
with a string of hits topping the charts
and mounting anticipation for their big
Christmas release, Bandersnatch.
But Bandersnatch never appeared,
following the arrest and subsequent
murder charge against its creator,
19-year-old Stefan Butler,
who stands accused
of murdering his father
following a psychological breakdown.
This has raised questions
about the judgment
of Tuckersoft boss, Mohan Thakur.
It was his idea to do it alone.
His decision.
I wasn't to know he couldn't hack it.
I mean, I know his dad's dead,
rest his soul,
but I'm a victim, too.
Let's try to not forget that.
Another Tuckersoft protg,
famed programmer Colin Ritman,
believes there are important lessons
to be learned from Butler's unravelling.
What would you say to Stefan,
if he could hear you?
I'd say try again.
But he's in prison.
Only in this life.
Shortly after this interview,
Colin Ritman was arrested
for possession of controlled substances.
Tuckersoft closed its doors for good.
And there was no sign of Bandersnatch.
How's that for entertainment,
you psychiatric fuck?
Fucked your day up
good and proper, didn't we?
Me and my friend from the future!
With that in mind, I think it's important
you stay on the pharmaceutical path
at least for the next few months.
I'm upping the dosage slightly.
Don't see this as a setback.
You're not alone. We're in it together.
One for all, and all...
For one.
If anything happens, just call me.
You know the number.
How was it?
It was fine.
Breathe. In, out.
- No.
- No?
The boy's a clown.
Well, tough tit-holes.
You signed a contract,
so don't be a pillock.
Do you want me go down there?
Pull your finger out.
I expect it by the end of today. Sayonara!
- Never rush an artist.
- Oh, blow it out your bumhole.
He needs to explore all possibilities.
All realities.
How about a reality
where you get your feet off my table?
Fucking "no." I'll show him fucking "no."
We're going to be a hit factory.
Like Motown, but for computer games.
- You heard it here first.
- Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- What's your answer?
- No.
Well done, mate. Speak to Dr. Haynes
about it, and listen to her.
- Well done, Stefan.
- You sound like my dad.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
It can be helpful to revisit things.
Even if you feel like
you've done this before.
You might discover something new.
- Your Bander-what?
- Bandersnatch.
Is that your mother's?
Like Motown,
but for computer games.
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- What's your answer?
- No.
- Bit of madness is what you need.
- It was too...
- Too?
- Good to be true.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
Because of me
she had to catch a later train.
The 8:45 train derailed
at high speed...
Stefan, I'm worried about you,
you've been stuck in your room for weeks.
Will you talk to me?
Look, I can't help if you just sit there
and don't speak!
- Motown for computer games.
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- What's your answer?
Bit of madness is what you need.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
Because of me
she had to catch a later train.
The 8:45 train derailed...
Stefan, will you talk to me?
Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat. We're going for lunch.
Motown for computer games.
You heard it here first.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- It was too...
- Too?
- Good to be true.
- Oh.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 derailed...
Dad, just fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
I'm not in control.
Don't see this as a setback.
We're in it together.
- One for all, and all...
- For one.
Motown for computer games.
You heard it here first.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- It was too...
- Too?
- Good to be true.
- Oh.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 derailed...
Dad, just fuck off!
You're in the hole.
See you around.
My head is all over the place.
I'm not in control.
Don't see this as a setback.
We're in it together.
- One for all, and all...
- For one.
Motown for computer games.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- Too?
- Good to be true.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 derailed...
Dad, just fuck off!
Don't see this as a setback.
We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- Bit of inspiration maybe.
We exist within multiple
parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Motown for computer games.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- Too?
- Good to be true.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 derailed...
Dad, just fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
- I'm just lost.
- You're in the hole.
See you around.
Don't see this as a setback.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
We exist within multiple
parallel realities at once.
One reality for each possible course
of action we might take in life.
Motown for computer games.
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Well done, mate.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 derailed...
Dad, just fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
I'm not in control.
Don't see this as a setback.
We're in it together.
Stefan, mate, the deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
- Bit of inspiration.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
You're not in control.
Motown for computer games.
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Well done, mate.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
The 8:45 derailed...
Dad, just fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
You're in the hole.
See you around.
Don't see this as a setback.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Davies became convinced
he had no control over his fate.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
You're not in control.
...about what happened with your mother.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
- You need to speak to her.
- ...about what happened with your mother?
I'm concerned about you, OK?
Would you like to talk
about what happened...
- You need to speak to her.
- ...with your mother.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
Would you like to talk
about what happened...
- You need to speak to her.
- ...with your mother.
- I'm concerned about you, OK?
- Would you like...
Give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
Because of me,
she had to catch a later train.
The Emergency Services say
the 8:45 train derailed at high speed
outside Queenstown Road Station.
Give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
- Give me a sign.
- I'm concerned about you.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
- I'm concerned about you.
- Give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
- I'm concerned about you.
- Give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
I'm concerned about you, OK?
Just give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Come on, if there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
...about what happened with your mother.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath. Stop it, Stefan.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You need to calm down.
Take a breath. Stop it, Stefan.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You need to calm down.
Take a breath. Stop it, Stefan.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
- You need to calm down.
- Would you like...
We're gonna be a hit factory
like Motown, but for computer games.
You heard it here first.
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- What's your answer?
- No.
- Well done, mate.
- That's great.
You sound like my dad.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
- You need to calm down.
- I'm concerned about you, OK?
- You need to speak to her.
- Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
- You need to calm down.
- I'm concerned about you, OK?
Take a breath.
- Stop it Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
- You need to speak to her.
- You need to calm down.
- I'm concerned about you, OK?
Take a breath.
- Stop it Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
- You need to speak to her.
- You need to calm down.
- I'm concerned about you, OK?
Oh and hey I'm hiring this sound chip guy
next week.
So music we can take care of.
All in-house.
What do you reckon?
Oh and hey I'm hiring this sound chip guy
next week.
So music we can take care of.
All in-house.
What do you reckon?
Oh and hey I'm hiring this sound chip guy
next week.
So music we can take care of.
All in-house.
What do you reckon?
Oh and hey I'm hiring this sound chip guy
next week.
So music we can take care of.
All in-house.
...about what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like...
...about what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
The government put drugs
in your food, and they film you.
...about what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like...
...about what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
- Motown for computer games.
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- It was too...
- Too?
- Good to be true.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
Because of me,
she had to catch a later train.
The 8:45 train derailed
at high speed...
Stefan, will you talk to me?
Dad, just fuck off!
Go and speak to Dr. Haynes.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
Take a breath.
Stop it, Stefan. Stefan, stop it.
You need to calm down.
- Just give me a sign.
- You need to calm down.
Come on, If there's someone there,just
give mea sign. Will you give me a sign?
Stefan, stop it.
- Just give me a sign.
- You need to calm down.
Come on. If there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
Stefan, stop it.
- You need to calm down.
- Just give me a sign.
Take a breath.
Come on. If there's someone there, just
give me a sign. Will you give me a sign?
You need to calm down.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
We're going to be a hit factory
like Motown, but for computer games.
You heard it here first.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
- So, come on, what's your answer?
- No.
- Well done, mate.
- That's great.
You sound like my dad.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
- Motown for computer games.
- Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
So, come on, what's your answer?
A bit of madness is what you need.
Stefan, will you talk to me?
Dad, just fuck off!
Get your coat.
- This is Dr. Haynes' place.
- You need to speak to her.
You're under pressure,
you're not sleeping, you're not eating.
What do I do?
What do I do?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
I couldn't find Rabbit anywhere.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
Because of me,
she had to catch a later train.
The Emergency Services say
the 8:45 train derailed at high speed
outside Queenstown Road Station. talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about what...
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
What do I do?
What do I do?
What do I do?
What do I do? talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about
what happened with your mother?
You might discover something new.
Would you like to talk about...
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
I'm concerned about you, OK?
You need to speak to her.
What do I do?
What do I do?
What do I do?
What do I do?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
Just give me a sign.
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
I'm not in control.
We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Fuck off!
I'm not in control.
We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
We're going to be late.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
- I'm not in control.
- We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
Dad, just fuck off!
- I'm not in control.
- We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
I'm just lost.
You're in the hole.
See you around.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
I'm just lost.
You're in the hole.
See you around.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
I'm not in control.
We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Fuck off!
I'm not in control.
We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
We're going to be late.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
I'm not in control.
We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
Dad, just fuck off!
I'm not in control.
We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
I'm just lost.
You're in the hole.
See you around.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
I'm just lost.
You're in the hole.
See you around.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Who's doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who are you?
Just give me a sign.
Oh, come on, if there's someone there,
just give me a sign.
Will you give me a sign?
I know there's someone there.
Just give me a fucking sign!
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
- I'm not in control.
- We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Just give me a fucking sign!
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Fuck off!
- I'm not in control.
- We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Just give me a fucking sign!
How many times have you watched
Pac-Man die?
Doesn't bother him. He just tries again.
Colin Ritman.
We've met before.
- No.
- We met before.
I told you I'd see you around,
and I was right.
Dad, just fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
- I'm not in control.
- We're in it together.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
Bit of inspiration.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Just give me a fucking sign!
- Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Are you coming or not?
- No!
- The 8:45 derailed...
- Fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
You're in the hole.
See you around.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Just give me a fucking sign!
Colin Ritman.
- We've met before.
- Fuck off!
My head is all over the place.
You're in the hole.
See you around.
We're in it together.
- Where is Colin?
- God knows.
- The deadline is today.
- I just need the weekend.
You're just a puppet.
So, why not commit murder?
Just give me a fucking sign!