Black Moon (1934)

She's at it again!
Hear that?
This may sound silly and have no
bearing on the case...
but she's always playing with drums.
Not toy drums, but native drums from
the island of San Christopher.
She was born there.
There are two white people there:
her uncle and an overseer...
...and a couple of thousand blacks.
A few days ago I made arrangements
to make this trip.
I suggested it to her, but she
would have no part of it.
And that's why at Dr. Linden's
I'm consulting you as a psychiatrist.
Linden says there's not a thing
wrong with her...physically.
Nervously, she's been in bad shape.
She seems to be suffering a neurosis.
As if there's something she's afraid of.
Then why doesn't she want
me with her?
There's something she doesn't
want you to know.
My advice is to let her face
whatever it herself!
- And fight it out in her own way?
- Exactly!
I see. Thank you, Doctor.
Mind if I interrupt?
I thought you left for your office!
Come on, honey!
You run along.
I want to talk to your Mother.
You go downstairs and help Anna pack.
Alright, that's a good girl.
I'll be a little late for the office
this morning.
- It's our last day together.
- Last day?
Something's important come up
and I can't sail with you tomorrow.
You don't know what this means to me!
Ever since I left the island,
I wanted to go back!
Go back and get it out of your system!
When I come back, you won't know me.
I'll be mild, placid.
Positively meek!
Don't change too much!
I love you the way you are!
You darling!
Excuse us, please.
- What is it, Anna?
- I want to pack Nancy's dolls.
Don't forget Gus!
Now darling, you can't take the whole
family, there's not room!
But I promised Gus he could go!
That settles it. I'll take Gus down
and get a passport for...
What is Gus, a him or a her?
- We haven't decided, have we Mom?
- No, darling.
Doesn't matter. I'll fix it so that he
can go as a stowaway.
- Oh, thanks Daddy!
- Is that all?
- Thanks, Daddy!
- You're welcome.
Bye, darling.
Come on, Gus.
Here we go!
- Daddy, what's a passport?
- A passport's something you have to...
I'm so happy to see you!
You haven't changed a bit!
Nor have you, except to grow up!
And get prettier!
How's everything at home?
Oh come, sit down.
Tell me about Uncle Raymond!
He's well enough. He's planning
on paying you a visit.
As soon as the island's quieted down.
Quieted down?
Voodoo drums are going.
It started when the natives found out
that you were coming back.
For the first time in years...
there was a sacrifice that night.
You don't mean that...
my coming back had something
to do with the voodoo drums?
Your Uncle sent me to tell you not to
come back to the island again.
I can't stand it here any longer.
It's cold.
I'm only half alive!
I'm sorry my dear.
but your Uncle's orders.
Who is he to give me orders?
Only the man who saved you from
a living death!
Those natives never thanked him for
sending you away from the island.
And they've never forgotten it.
- Neither have I!
- How can you say that?
You've a fine husband...
...a beautiful child.
She looks just as you did.
Before that black woman, Ruva,
got hold of you!
And filled you with
the sound of the drums...
and the sight of blood!
Poisoned you with the voodoo!
Please, Macklin!
Don't you know I've fought against it?
Year after year
until it's driven me mad?
I'm sorry, my dear.
But your Uncle sent me to stop you
coming at any costs!
You can't stop me.
I'll go when and where I please.
Very well.
- Where are you going?
- To your husband with the whole story!
Go to him. Tell him!
Do anything you like!
Because I'm going.
I'm going home.
The most practical wireless apparatus
I've ever seen. Congratulations!
- Thank you.
- Will you excuse me please?
- Everything all set?
- Everything!
Tickets, passport, baggage tags.
Oh yes, and seasick pills!
Glad you didn't forget
the seasick pills.
Now, you better go finish
your own packing.
- Mr. Lane...
- Yes?
Do you know anyone who needs
a good secretary?
No, why?
She's intelligent, not too
bad-looking and...
a swell liar!
- Not you!
- Yes, me!
You see, I'd rather
not go on this trip.
And if you don't mind, I'm quitting.
- You can't quit! I can't get along
without you! - Yes, you can!
Anyway, I'm afraid you'll have to
Mr. Lane.
You want a raise?
You can have it!
Oh I see, you're in love.
How did you guess it?
Who is he? What's he like?
He's the most wonderful man
in the world!
- Has he got a job?
- Yes...
- A good job.
- When's the wedding?
No wedding.
What's wrong?
What's wrong with all the good men?
The one thing a girl keeps running into...
They're married!
What are you going to do about it?
I'm not going to live in sin.
Partly because he hasn't asked me to.
And partly because I'm not cut out
for that sort of thing.
And I doubt very much
if I'll kill myself.
So, I'm ducking.
Can't you wait until after the trip?
I'm very worried about Mrs. Lane.
I wouldn't fell right about her being
down there without somebody I trust.
As a special favor to me, won't you
- As a favor to you?
- Yes.
Well, alright.
Thank you, Gail.
When you come back, you can write
your own reference!
Are you sure that there's nothing
I can do?
Yes, Mr. Lane?
You've forgotten about Gus!
Will you see that he gets into
Nancy's cabin?
Right beside her pillow!
Beg pardon, Sir.
Are you Stephen Lane?
- My name's Macklin.
- Macklin?
Why of course, Mr. Macklin!
Mrs. Lane has spoken of you often.
What are you doing in New York?
Dr. Perez sent me.
He wanted me to tell you something.
It's very important.
Step in.
Is he hurt badly?
He's dead.
I've gotten rid of the detectives
and the reporters.
I told them that you were too ill
to see them.
Thank you, Stephen.
Do you think you'd better sail tomorrow
after what's happened?
I'm more certain than ever.
Uncle Raymond's alone now.
Maybe he needs me.
I'll cancel our engagement for dinner
tonight. We'll have supper here. Alone.
- Just the two of us.
- That suits me.
Hello, Daddy!
Hello, monkey! Ready for bed?
Yes, Daddy!
- Goodnight, Mumsy.
- Goodnight, my precious.
- Tuck her in bed, will you?
- You bet I will!
Come on, let's go!
I wish you were going with us
That goes double! I don't know what I'm
going to do without you!
I don't know what I'm going to do
without you either!
You're going to be a good little girl!
And what else?
- Eat my ice cream! - What else?
- Eat my spinach!
- Wait, stop! I forgot something!
- What did you forget?
Oh, I know!
I know...
- No, not that old one!
- Do you know a better one?
Bless Daddy and give him punch to eat
and not spinach!
And bring us back home quick!
You can't get back too quick for me!
Hurry and get in that bed!
Get in there!
Come on, get in there!
- You smell wonderful!
- I do, do I?
- Goodnight, honey!
- Goodnight, Daddy!
Oh, Nita!
Oh, darling...
This is Ruva, the nurse who raised me
when I was a little girl.
Nita, I'd like to see you in the
library for a moment.
Yes, Uncle.
And now Juanita, will you
explain what you're doing here?
I've come to pay you a visit!
Didn't Macklin give you a message
from me before he was killed?
- Why no!
- I ordered the papers from New York.
This says he was in your house
You're lying, Juanita.
I lied.
Don't you realize what it means...
...not only to you, but to your
husband and your child?
- But my husband urged me to come!
- But he doesn't know!
Nonsense! The past is dead!
- The natives have forgotten long ago.
- The natives never forget!
Alright, I'm here. I'll go back again!
Have you forgotten the 3 night
sacrifice during the full moon?
No, I'm not interested!
There will be a full moon again
in 3 weeks.
The boat will sail before.
Promise me you will sail on her!
Alright, Uncle. Don't be so upset!
If it makes you happy,
I'll sail on her!
- How can you treat Kala that way?
- You refuse to leave as you promised!
You know that no natives except the
servants are allowed into the house!
He's a holy man! A priest!
Their leader!
He's above any servant!
I've known him since I was a child!
Let him stay in the hills
where he belongs!
If I find him in this house again,
I'll have him whipped!
Then maybe you will have trouble
next week...
...during the full moon.
It's my affair!
There goes the schooner we were
supposed to have sailed on.
There's something going on
under the surface...
I don't like the looks of things around
here, Anna. I don't like it at all.
That Macklin murder is tied in with it
What does Mrs. Lane say about it,
or the doctor?
I wish Mr. Lane were here!
He will be.
I've just sent him a wireless asking
him to come.
Oh Anna, Anna!
Look what I can do!
How many times have I told you to
stay with me?
You leave such things alone!
You mind your own business!
Don't, Anna!
You must be more careful.
Now listen, sweetheart...
You run into the house like a good
little girl...
...and Gail will be here in a minute.
- Will you play house with me?
- Yes, I'll play house with you.
And I'll be your little girl!
Alright, run along now.
The idea!
Giving her knives to play with!
She might have cut her foot off!
That old woman! Following her around
like she was the child's nurse and not me!
Yes, Anna. I know.
Mrs. Lane, excuse me...
- Could I talk to you?
- Well...
I'm worried about Nance. That woman
Ruva has been following her around.
She gave her one of those native
knives to play with!
You're being perfectly absurd!
- If anything should happen to her...
- What could happen to her?
Well, nothing. That is if we had sailed
on that schooner this morning.
You can leave any time you want to!
As a matter of fact, when the schooner
returns Mr. Lane will be on it!
- What? - I've sent him a wireless
urging him to come.
How dare you without consulting me?
The wireless operator!
- Good afternoon, sir!
Enjoying your trip? - You bet!
Where are you from?
Georgia, sir.
My name's 'Lunch' McClaren.
From Augusta.
- What are you doing way down here?
- Georgia got a little too small for me.
What kind of an island is
San Christopher?
Oh, a nice island.
Gotta learn to like it though.
Same thing all the time.
Same thing gets tiresome all the time.
I got a good job.
I runs my boat and...
...good eating.
Store-bought clothes once in a while.
Got a nice little gal too!
- 'Course she's a monkey-chaser.
- Monkey-chaser?
What's a monkey-chaser?
Just a nickname they give the niggers
down there.
The natives are like coconuts,
the same as the monkeys do!
So they chase the monkeys,
and get the coconuts!
That makes them monkey-chasers!
I loves the gal though.
Dr. Perez's a nice man to work for,
long as you don't bother nothing.
Mind taking the wheel a minute? I've
got some business up here.
Mrs. Lane is very sorry that she
couldn't come to meet you.
- Anything wrong?
- No, no. Nothing wrong.
She'll be waiting for you at
the house.
- Mr. Lane, I'm so glad you've come!
- Gail, how are you?
Excuse me for not meeting the boat, but
I've been looking for Nancy.
- She's not with her mother or Anna?
- No. I can't find Anna!
I've seen Nancy a few hours ago.
She must be around here someplace.
There she is now!
- Daddy, Daddy!
- My darling little girl! Where you been?
My darling!
I'm so glad to see you!
I haven't seen you in 100 years!
Yes, you have! It's only been
It seemed like 100 years!
How's Gus? Where is Gus?
In the house! I'll go get him!
- I must talk to you right away!
- I would like to talk to him first...
since you were so foolish to endanger
our lives by sending that radiogram.
- I must insist Mr. Lane.
- Here's Gus!
Gus hasn't changed a bit, has he?
Excuse us, Gail?
Please tell Anna not to let
the child go out to the garden!
What did you mean the radiogram
endangered our lives?
It had to be sent through
my native operator.
All the blacks on the island know that
we're trying to send my niece back.
What difference is it to the natives
whether my wife goes or stays?
The sun is just setting.
- What is it?
- Drums. Rada drums.
Blood worship.
Sacrifice to the black gods.
- You call it "voodoo".
- What does it mean?
Who knows? But this I do know...
Never have the drums beat so on
San Christopher without trouble.
With the natives?
Nobody can listen. Please...
Something is happening. You ask me what
and I can only say I do not know.
Consider this: we are 5 whites...
one is a helpless child.
Around us are 2,000 blacks!
Fully 3/4 of these are hill bandits.
Fugitives from Haiti!
If you knew this danger existed, why
did you allow Juanita to stay here?
- Juanita would not leave.
- Why not?
I don't know. But if you love her,
persuade her!
Somehow take her away from here!
Hello, darling!
What are you doing here when
you promised not to come?
- I'm here to take you home.
- Home? I don't understand.
You Uncle says it's dangerous.
The natives are restless.
Oh, you've been listening to Uncle
Raymond! He's afraid of ghosts!
Of natives he's whipped and killed!
There's no danger.
I know the natives.
Nothing's going to happen.
This place is part of me, Steve.
Every path of the jungle.
Every shadow!
There's music you've never heard!
For the first time in years...
I'm at peace.
Pardon me. Where's Dr. Perez?
- He went out that door a moment ago.
- I've got to find him!
- What's the trouble?
- I found Anna.
- Something horrible has happened!
- What?
We've got to find Dr. Perez!
- How could it happen? - She may have
been walking and fallen in. But...
But what?
A dozen whites have been found in
this lava pit.
They all had interfered
with the natives.
Where's Anna, Mother?
She's gone, darling.
Ruva's your nurse now.
Get in bed.
But I want Anna!
Why can't you be my nurse?
Until Anna comes back.
Where's she go?
- On a long trip.
- To New York?
Longer than that, darling.
I don't like her!
Why can't you be my nurse?
I'd like to sweetheart, but...
I'm afraid I might not be much good!
You see...
I'm just a secretary.
What's that?
Someone who takes care of things,
writes letters...answers the phone.
You're sort of a nurse.
Yes, sort of.
- Is the schooner set to leave?
- Yes, sir.
I ain't been on her this morning...
but when I put her to bed, she was
in perfect health!
Mr. Lane and his family are sailing
in an hour.
All of them?
Yes. Go take Miss Hamilton's place
and tell her I want to see her.
- And keep your eye on the child.
- Yes, sir.
- 'Course, I ain't no nursemaid.
- We'll make an exception this time.
- I'll tell my wife we're leaving.
- Good!
More black magic...
- Gail...
- Yes?
May I see you a moment?
- What's happened?
- Can you be ready to leave in an hour?
I was ready to leave the minute
I got here!
I'd have gone crazy in another week.
If you hadn't come...
Still thinking about quiting when you
get back to New York?
- I'm afraid so.
- You can't be serious.
Who will balance Mrs. Lane's
Doesn't my broken heart mean
anything to you?
Those things always blow over.
Yes, and checkbooks always
get balanced.
The schooner!
- Is there no other boat?
- No. That's the only one.
Looks bad, doesn't it?
Where can she be?
Someone will probably find her.
Mrs. Lane is not in the house.
I've looked everywhere!
That's funny. I don't understand it.
She probably went out for a walk.
- Alone? This time of night?
- She was brought up on this island.
- Mind if I look?
- Not at all.
Nancy's alone. I'll sit with her
if you wish.
Thank you.
Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find her.
Yes, but I just don't understand it.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Wait a moment. You'll be lost in 5
minutes if you go out there.
- She'll be back.
- The natives!
Oh, they're off in the hills.
Look here. There's something more.
Something you haven't told me.
What possible reason should I have for
hiding anything from you?
She's gone for a walk.
She's done it a hundred times.
You told me that she was in danger.
That I had to get her off of the island!
Perhaps I exaggerated!
That doesn't account for Anna's death
or the stolen schooner!
There have been native uprisings here
before. That's why we build this tower.
Don't let it worry you.
Give her a little more time.
Would you like to look inside?
This is the only door on the island
no native has ever passed.
These stairs lead to the tower above.
Come over here.
I want to show you something.
- I see you're prepared. - We've been
prepared for the last 100 years.
Six times the blacks have tried
to wipe us out.
I suppose you're familiar with the
superstition that 7 is a lucky number.
If life is so cheap here, both black
and white, why do you remain?
Our family has been here for the last
Many have died. But none has ever
run away.
I see.
- Well, shall we go back to the house?
- Alright.
Close the door.
This way.
Here we are, back in the
library again.
I think I'll go to bed.
Make yourself comfortable.
- What time is it?
- 2 o'clock.
The drums have stopped beating!
I think you'd better go to bed now.
- I'll sit up if you like.
- Thanks, it isn't necessary.
- Nothing else I can do?
- Thank you, no.
- You'd better get some sleep.
- Goodnight.
- Where have you been?
- I've been walking.
This late?
I lost my way.
What's wrong? I know that you're in
trouble. That you're fighting something...
...but I can't help you because you're
keeping me in the dark.
No matter what it is, you must tell me!
Please, Stephen...
Let me go to bed. We'll talk in the
We'll talk now!
Please, Stephen!
- You heard?
- Yes.
- I'm taking Juanita home!
- But how?
- Where's your wireless?
- In there.
- I'm sending for a boat!
- But my operator was killed!
- I'm an operator!
- Very well.
- There it is. Can you see well enough?
- Yes.
- Where's the code book.
- Over there. Leave the door open.
I've got it. LQO.
Close the door.
- I got them.
- Good!
We have no choice except to do
as the doctor says.
But hasn't he any idea what will happen
or how we can get away from here?
None. Our only chance is to act natural,
pretend we're not afraid and wait.
Everywhere you go eyes watching you,
no sleep...
Drums beating all night long and...
and Anna, our friend murdered.
Gail, come here!Let's play hopscotch!
Go ahead!
Mr. Lane, sir!
What is it?
- Where are you, Lunch?
- Over here.
- What are you hiding for?
- Not so loud, Mr. Lane
- What's the matter?
- There's trouble.
- What kind of trouble?
- Gal trouble!
Don't laugh, Mr. Lane...
- My girl done got mixed up with that
Rada. - You mean the voodoo?
- The voodoo priest is gonna kill her.
- Kill her?
- Why?
- One of them things...
- Same thing that's keeping you on
this island. - What's that?
You meet me here at 11:00 tonight and
you can see for yourself.
Now it's coming, Mr. Lane.
Now you're going to see something!
Her she comes now, Mr. Lane.
That's my gal!
That's her mother!
Oh Lord! They're going to do it!
Come on!
- Has anything happened?
- No, I was looking for Mr. Lane.
- Isn't he in his room?
- No.
- I thought I heard a shot!
- I haven't heard a thing.
Must be a mistake. Better go to bed
and get some sleep. Goodnight.
- Where have you been?
- I've been in the jungle!
- I've just seen the voodoo ceremony!
- I asked you not to leave the house!
I couldn't stand it any longer.
I took a shot at their priest!
- You killed him?
- Knocked him cold!
You've done the one thing that could
save our lives!
It's like I told you, them monkey-
chasers can't fight without no priest!
Quite right! If their priest dies,
they believe the gods are angry.
- There's no more danger with the
priest dead. - Not with that one!
Leave us alone.
I want to talk with Mr. Lane.
- You knew this all the time?
- Yes!
I may as well tell you all of it now.
Juanita's parents were killed by
natives when she was 2 years old.
Trying to escape the natives during
the last uprising.
I saved Juanita and myself by killing
the high priest. That ended the uprising.
For years the natives feared me, and
were at peace.
Those years, I grew careless.
Trusted Juanita to a native nurse, Ruva!
She taught her the Rada of the blacks.
At night when I thought she was asleep...
she was taken with the native children
to watch the sacrifice.
She tasted blood!
For years it went on like this!
She was 15 before I found it out.
I took her to Haiti and sent her to
school in the States.
So at the end of 6 years school
and traveling...she seemed cured.
Particularly when she married
and had a child.
I was certain that a complete
change had taken place.
Apparently, I was wrong.
Why didn't you tell me all of this
when I first arrived?
- Why wait until now?
- I tried to warn you.
With what? With a lot of
stupid evasion!
I might have been able to do something!
Get her off the island by force
if necessary!
- What good is your telling me now?
- I hoped it wouldn't be necessary.
Do you realize what I saw tonight?
Did you have to subject me to that?
- Do you realize that I saw my wife...
- Good evening, Stephen.
Did you hear what happened?
Yes. The high priest was killed,
wasn't he?
Very foolish of you, Uncle.
I thought you knew how dangerous it is
to tamper with the natives.
Yes. I was worried. One of my guns
was stolen.
I just had the boy Lunch in here
a few moments ago.
It wasn't Lunch.
It took a crack shot to hit him from
that distance.
Why are you staring at me, Stephen?
You look as though you've seen a ghost!
We ought to have some sleep now.
All of us.
In the morning, we'll find out who
did it and then...
Yes, in the morning.
- Goodnight, Uncle.
- Goodnight.
Goodbye, Stephen.
Daddy, Daddy!
Daddy, I'm frightened!
Daddy's coming!
I'll be right there!
I'm coming! What is it, darling?
- I'm afraid!
- There's nothing to be afraid of!
It's dark!
- How'd you like to sleep in my room?
- I'd love it!
Well, that's just what we'll do!
- Not I'm not afraid.
- Of course, you're not afraid.
Let Daddy have the pillow, sweetheart.
- Now, how's that?
- Just fine, Daddy!
Where are you going to sleep?
Right over there.
- Goody, goody!
- Come back here!
Come back here, little monkey!
Now, is everything all right?
Yes, oh no it isn't!
I'm thirsty!
We'll take care of that right away!
- Where's Mumsy, Daddy?
- Here's your water.
- You were thirsty!
- I'll say!
Now get to bed, monkey,
and get to sleep!
- Goodnight, darling.
- Goodnight.
Daddy, Daddy!
What is it, sweetheart?
Dr. Perez!
Dr. Perez!
I gave the child some water and
now she's in agony!
- Where'd you get it?
- Right there!
No, it's a drug the natives give the
victim before the voodoo sacrifices.
- Bring her to my study.
- Come on, darling.
Daddy's got you.
Daddy's got you.
You'll be alright. Just a minute now.
Get me a glass. Over there
on the desk.
Will this do?
Here, you must take this.
Open your mouth.
Drink this. That's it.
- Will she be alright?
- Yes, this was meant for you!
- Meant for me?
- Yes!
Goodness, I got sick.
- Feel better, honey?
- I don't taste better!
You taste pretty good to me!
- They are coming! You better get going!
- What's wrong?
They killed my gal right after we left!
I just talked to he mother!
- That priest ain't dead!
- What! The priest not dead?
Gail, take the baby.
Say, you got your gun?
Now is the time!
- You alright?
- Yes.
Take this, the flashlight.
Lane, get yourself a rifle!
Put the flashlight out and
take that window!
- Where's Mrs. Lane?
- She's out there with the natives.
You and Nancy stay down here.
It's safer.
- But Daddy!
- Do as Daddy says.
Got that one!
Mr. Lane! Mr. Lane!
Mr. Lane!
What is it?
They started a fire in the tunnel!
Better get Nancy out of here!
I know it hurts, sweetheart.
- But I can't breathe!
- That settles it.
- We've got to get Nancy out of here.
- You haven't got a chance!
Yes I have! The moon's going down
and it's dark outside.
I'll make a break for it.
You take Nancy and go the other way!
No, you're her father. You take Nancy
and I'll make the break.
He's right!
- Wait until he gets over there!
- Daddy!
We'll be out in a minute.
Juanita, I don't care what
happens to me...
but you must promise that Miss Hamilton
and the baby get home.
Nancy is home!
In her own room now!
You can't realize what you're doing.
I do realize!
I'll own San Christopher when my Uncle
dies, which will be when we find him.
You'll kill him? Your own Uncle...
My poor natives...He oppressed them!
There is much hatred!
I must give way!
This is murder!
Not murder...
Tonight my people demand blood for
for their priest whom you tried
to kill.
If it were my own blood... child...
I would give it to them.
In the hills, the people are crying
for death. For my Uncle's death!
Your death!
And yours!
I don't suppose that there is much
chance we'll get out of this, is there?
So I...
I might as well tell you why I wanted
to quit in New York.
I wouldn't have told you in 1000
years, but now...
I don't care what happens!
So long as we go together.
- Lunch has found a boat!
- I won't leave without Nancy!
- They'll kill you!
- I'd rather die than leave the child!
Come back when they're in the hills.
They'll leave Nancy behind!
I think he's right! Seems like the only
thing to do!
Come on!
Not my baby!
Momma, what happened?
You can't hurt my darling, no.
They won't hurt you darling, no.
They've gone back to the hills!
Now's the time to go ashore. There's
probably only a few guarding Nancy.
Ready, Lunch?
Mr. Lane! Can't I go too?
- You've crowded your luck enough for
one day! - My luck will stand it.
No, you'd better stay.
Alright, Lunch.
- That's funny, no lights.
- Ain't funny to me.
Gotta be careful of those
They know how to make themselves invisible.
Wait here.
She's gone!
The Rada!
Let's go!