Black Nativity (2013)

Sweet little Jesus boy
Silent night
You'll get through the night
I heard that
when a mother bestows
a name on her child,
she reveals her hope.
Mine named me Langston,
like the poet, Langston Hughes.
She had great hope for me.
But whatever dreams she had before...
...they got
deferred in Baltimore.
Been me and her since my
first steps on this earth.
My daddy went MIA
after my birth.
I used to envy happy
families on the street.
After a while,
I chose not to see.
Got to stay strong
for Mom and me.
Unanswered prayers
make you weak.
This right
here is a cold, cold town
I don't know why I'm here
Or where I am going anymore
Mama tried to save me
from the street war
But I don't need no savior
Yo, I'm good
Yeah, we 'bout to ride hard
I know I'm young,
but sometimes I feel old
Things I need
can't be bought or sold
A mother's love
or a father's name
Nothing heavier than
the weight of shame
I flip my collar
so they can't see
The tears fallin'
down inside of me
Got to roll out,
got things to do
Lace up, head up,
foot down, move
Walk like you've got a purpose
I can't let them see me nervous
'Cause this right here
is the coldest town
You can't let it bring you down
This is my Christmas story.
Yo, yo, yo.
Hey, Ma.
What took you so long?
I ran into Kyle and Snoop.
What's wrong?
We've been evicted?
I thought you were working
it out with the bank.
We'd rent it back.
It's hard to get
that much together.
So we got to move?
Where will we live, Ma?
Why didn't you tell me?
I can help you.
Help me?
You got $5,000?
That's what they want before Christmas.
So you're just letting
them throw us out?
You have no idea
what I had to do
just to keep a roof over your
head for the past 15 years.
Making sure you got clothes
and you're fed. I did that!
And I'm letting them
kick us out?
It's Naima.
I need you to take
Langston for the holidays.
I'm putting him
on the 10 A.M. bus.
He gets into
Times Square at 1:15.
He'll have this number
and your address.
I hope you get this message.
Who was on the phone?
You're sending me away?
To spend the holidays
with your grandparents.
My grandparents?
I don't even know them.
They live in Harlem.
What about you?
I got to work.
We barely see each other.
So you're sending me off to strangers?
They're not strangers.
At Christmas?
No. I ain't going.
I ain't leaving you alone.
If I know you're safe,
I'll be okay.
I'll come get you
as soon as I can.
I'm just thinking about what's best for you.
I've done everything I can.
This love in my heart
Is all I have left
That's not enough
But it's my best
So I'll set you free
Pray that you'll fly
And come back to me
Better than I
You've got my mother's eyes
And you've got my father's hands
And Mama can't teach you Things
you can only learn from a man
Our hearts beat in sync so
I'm gonna be off beat
Until the day
you come back to me
In the meantime
I'll be wishing on stars
Praying for change
And mending my heart
In the meantime
I'll cry myself awake
'Cause there's no testament
Without a test of faith
I look in your eyes
And I see myself
But you're so much better
Be someone else
'Cause I let you down
It's time you get up
And fight for yourself
'Cause I messed things up
You've got my attitude and
You've got your daddy's blues
I want you to see
Love can be faithful and true
Our hearts beat in sync so
I'm gonna be off beat
And hope someday
Is sooner than we think
In the meantime
We'll be wishing on stars
Praying for change
And mending my heart
In the meantime
Praying for change
And mending my heart
Not together, yet never apart
Leave the light on for me
Promise, baby, I'll be
Hush, little baby,
don't say a thing
Distance will never
come between...
Every time I look at my mom,
I see her dilemma.
I'm the one thing standing
between her and being a winner.
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child.
I feel you.
When a mother bestows
a name on a child... reveals her hope.
Mine named me Isaiah.
Like the prophet.
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child.
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel
like a motherless child
Right now I feel
like a motherless child
A long way...
...from my home
My holidays are hollow days
With memories of my mama's face
I can see her now,
looking at me She smiles
But sometimes I feel
like a motherless child
Motherless child
Mama said she'd never leave
Motherless child
That she'd always
be there for me
Motherless child
Where are you now?
Motherless child
Hush, little baby
A long way...
...from my home
Open your eyes.
You have reached the Cobbs
residence. We're not in now...
...but please leave us a message.
And have a blessed...
What you looking at?
You know how to get to Harlem?
My man...
I don't have money.
I'm sorry.
You know the way to Harlem?
That way?
Excuse me...
where's the phone?
The phone is for guests only.
Are you a guest?
We're checking out.
Here, use this one.
Excuse me one second.
Hey, hon.
I'm still in New York.
The conference just broke up.
I'll be home tonight.
No, don't worry.
No, of course.
I told you, I'm in New York.
Justin, your wallet!
Give me the wallet!
No, wait.
Is there a problem?
What you in here for?
I'm talking to you, youngsta.
What they got you for?
A bank or a store?
A wallet.
A wallet?
Did your mama forget to
give you your lunch money?
Leave my mama out of it.
I'm just saying...
...snatching wallets is weak.
For punks.
Unless you're saying
your mama raised a punk.
Know what happened to the last
fool who talked about my mama?
Tell me about it.
I stole his wallet.
Langston Cobbs.
Like the poet?
You know it.
Reverend, I believe this is the
young man you were looking for.
You've made a mistake.
I was told to
expect my grandson...
...not some pickpocket,
so anxious to transgress that...
...rather than wait for his
grandparents as instructed...
...he'd run off and violate
the first law he could.
I ain't no damn pickpocket.
I wasn't lifting the guy's wallet,
I was giving it back.
This kid jacked my backpack
and took all my money.
I was trying to call you.
No one pressed charges.
So, we're releasing him into your custody.
Welcome to New York, young man.
Apparently I'm your grandfather.
Where are we?
125th Street.
The main street of Harlem.
Your namesake,
Langston Hughes...
...once said he would rather
be a lamppost in Harlem...
...than the governor
of Georgia.
What are you doing?
Hey, Rev.
Are you being good?
I guess.
Merry Christmas, babe.
My grandson.
Nice to meet you.
Maria! Come on,
let's do it. Come on.
You're in the middle
of the street.
I'm saying hi to the Rev.
You're embarrassing.
Would you rather get hit
or be embarrassed?
Oh, Lord.
Look at you!
What a terrible way to start your visit.
Oh, you poor thing.
Fortunately, Officer Mac is
a good friend of the church.
It never hurts to have a friend
on the force in case of these...
We say grace before
we eat in this house.
Let us pray.
Lord, bless this food to our
use and us to Thy service.
And make us ever mindful of the
needs of others for Christ's sake.
Lord Jesus, today we are mindful
of the needs of this youth...
...our grandson, whom Thou,
in Thy infinite wisdom, has sent to us.
And be he troubled
and in need of guidance...
...or simply a belt to hold
his loose-fitting pants up...
...allow us the fortitude and
patience to set him straight.
For Thou art ever bountiful.
Father God...
...lead this boy not into temptation,
but deliver him from evil.
And allow him to
walk in Thy steps
down the path of
...and with Your help,
For Thine is
the kingdom and the power
and the glory, forever and ever.
Oh, so...
...Langston... what,
besides heavenly grace,
do we owe the pleasure
of this visit?
She's working over Christmas.
Where is she working these days?
She tends bar Monday through Thursday,
and does checkout weekends.
She used to work for the city,
but they laid her off.
Does she have
anyone to help her...
...or are you
the man of the house?
You guys don't know a thing about us,
do you?
No fault of ours.
Then whose fault is it?
May I be excused?
Clear your plate.
Just let him be.
What do you find so amusing?
This place,
it's like a museum up here.
A black people museum.
I like to remember
where we've come from...
...and what it's taken
to get us where we are.
Read the engraving... here.
"To C.C. from M.L.K."
That's Martin Luther King.
My father,
your great-grandfather...
...was in King's
inner circle.
Look here.
He marched with him in Selma...
...and Memphis.
I was with him every time.
That's me there.
The year that King died...
...he asked a few
of us children... come speak at
his church in Atlanta.
I was the youngest.
Dr. King felt I spoke so eloquently,
he sent me this watch.
This will be yours someday.
I know this is...
...a big adjustment for you.
For all of us.
But I want you to know that
we're very happy
to have you here.
This is a girl's room,
so I hope you don't mind.
What went down with
you guys and my mom?
Why don't you talk?
She ran away.
For a long time,
we thought she'd come back, but...
...she couldn't forgive us.
What'd you do to her?
I think you'll need pajamas, right?
Let's see what we have.
These should do for tonight.
If you leave your clothes out,
I'll wash them.
I'm sorry your bag was stolen.
Good night.
The number
you dialed is not in service.
Please check the number
and dial again.
Hey, it's Naima.
Leave me a message.
Mom, it's me.
I'm in New York with them.
I tried the house and the phone was cut off.
What's going on?
When are you coming to get me?
Please don't leave me
with these people.
We're in this together.
I'll find a way to help
you out with everything.
I love you.
Call me.
What are you doing in here?
Trying to call my mom.
But our phone was cut off.
Want to know what's going on?
We're about to lose our home.
They're going to put us
out on the street.
You got this tight crib,
and all this stuff...
...and she's struggling.
Why can't you help her?
What kind of parents are you?
We're the
broken-hearted kind.
Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
Practically homeless.
What some would call
a ghetto statistic.
I didn't want that
for your mother.
Give this to them.
Sleep in...
...heavenly peace
Sleep in...
...heavenly peace
Thank you.
Silent night
Holy night
Sleeping in...
...the streets
Sleeping in...
...the streets
I ain't try'na be philosophical
But it's not logical
While some folks freezin'
Others chillin' like it's tropical
The indifference is mad crazy
Like poverty's contagious
My hands are dirty,
but I'm still worthy
Step in my shoes
and walk in some mercy
They say this is your punishment
For such poor judgment
You must have lost your mind
How you gonna feed it
When you're barely eating
Get ready for the welfare line
I ain't try'na hear it
You made the bed, lay in it
But I'm way too strong for
you to break my spirit
Is it me?
Am I the cause of all my mother's misery?
This cloud of secrecy
on my paternity
Did my very birth
destroy my whole family?
I'm just a sinner
I know who I am
Just a beginner
I'm not yet a man
Send me a signal
I'll follow your light
Just help me through...
...this silent night
Hush, child, it'll be all right
I'll get you through...
...this silent night
Hush, child, it'll be all right
I'll get you through...
...this silent night
This ain't living
I got a mouth to feed But I
can't make these ends meet
Got an eviction notice But my
Lord don't hear my prayers
I never been this way
The silence is too loud for me
Life just ain't fair
Is anyone out there?
Does anyone care?
Is anyone listening?
Is anyone there?
Just let me know
I'm part of your plan
That you're watching over
and know who I am
From where we are now
Where we are
How do we find our way?
Alone in the darkness...
...with no place to stay
Hush, child, it'll be all right
I'll get you through
this silent night
Silent night
Hush, child, it'll be all right
I'll get you through
this silent night
You'll get through the night
Oh, yeah
Sleep... heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly...
Langston, is that you?
Merry Christmas Eve.
You slept late.
You going somewhere?
Just for a walk,
if that's all right.
Well, this is New York,
so walk like you have a purpose.
You can pick up some things
from the store for me.
Wait right there.
You okay, sweetie?
Yeah, thank you.
Your day could've been
a whole lot worse.
You're not from around here, clearly.
I'm from Baltimore.
Well, watch where you're going if
you want to make it to Christmas.
These cabbies don't play.
Yeah, I can see that.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you. You, too.
Gold, silver! Whatever you need,
baby, we got it right here.
Yes, sir. All right.
You got what I need, brother.
He took care of you, right?
Step into my office.
Come see me.
You need a two piece?
What do you need, a two or three piece?
Can I help you find
something, young man?
Christmas present
for your mother?
Got some lovely items,
very affordable.
That's pretty.
Out of your price range.
You buy stuff, too, right?
Just don't bring me
no funky Adidas.
That's a lovely watch.
Very rare.
Very valuable.
How much can I get for it?
It's got to be worth, what?
Five grand?
Oh, it's worth a great deal.
More to its owner than anyone.
This watch belongs to Reverend Cornell
Cobbs. It's his prized possession.
See right here?
"To C.C. from M.L.K."?
You know who that is?
Yes, sir.
Martin Luther King.
So why don't you tell me how
Reverend Cobbs's prized possession
got in your jeans pocket?
He's my grandfather.
He gave it to me.
Reverend Cobbs
is your grandfather.
You're Naima's boy.
Well, you listen to me, son.
I know your father.
And your grandfather.
And my guess is
Reverend Cobbs would rather... buried with
this watch clenched in
his cold, dead fist
than give it to you.
But if by some miracle
he ever did pass it on... guard it with your life,
you understand?
You pass it on to your children.
You don't hock it
like some crackhead.
Get out of here before
I tell him you was here.
Whatever you need,
come see your boy!
Your boyfriend left you?
Pawn the stuff he bought you.
Lunch money.
If lifting wallets
is for chumps,
what do you call this?
The big time?
This gig is an opportunity,
you play it right.
What was you doing in there,
buying or selling?
Just looking.
You need something? I got more than
you could ever get in a store.
No, I'm good.
Thank you.
Anything you can
think of, I got it.
I said, I'm straight.
If you change your mind,
I'll be right here.
Yeah, whatever.
It's about time.
Your grandmother's been waiting for you.
Is it ready?
Tastes good to me.
Okay. You put that there
and pour it into the crust.
Mrs. Cobbs?
I don't really know
what to call you.
Oh, well... could try Grandma.
"Grandma" feels weird.
Yes, yes. To me, too.
Maybe we can take our time with it.
Let it grow on us?
My mom ran away because
she got pregnant, right?
That's why she and
the Rev don't speak?
Because of me?
No, baby, not because of you.
Your dad was kind of a rascal,
pretending to be a gangster,
pants hanging below his butt.
He had it rough.
When he was with us,
he'd show us his sweet side.
The Reverend thought
the devil had his name.
Your grandfather is very proud,
in case you hadn't noticed.
Being a prominent minister,
he was more than just embarrassed
that his daughter
was with child.
She was only fifteen.
He wanted to kill the boy.
Threatened to tear him apart
with his bare hands.
He kind of put Naima
under house arrest.
He wouldn't let him
anywhere near her.
But she must have loved him...
...because one day,
we woke up and she was gone.
But my dad left
before I was two.
My mom never
mentions him or you.
Mistakes were made
on everyone's part.
What mistakes?
Tell me.
All you need to know is that
your grandfather
loved your mother...
...still does,
with all his heart.
Anything he did,
he did for love.
She was our baby.
The Lord's greatest gift must be
to live a life without regrets.
But we're so human.
I'm not perfect
But He loves me anyway
Wasn't an angel
In my younger days
We all have done things
That's between us and God
There's no better comfort
Than being in His arms
He loves me...
I'm not perfect
But he loves me anyway
This loneliness fills
Every inch of open space
But his grace and mercy
Give me strength when I am weak
And carries me when
I can't stand on my own feet
He loves me...
So glad he loves me...
And when I'm down
He lifts me up
He sees beyond
What I've become
Lord, lift me up
I feel so down
Yet he loves... still
So glad He loves me...
How do you keep having faith...
...when so much
bad has happened?
Proof of God's grace is
all around you, Langston.
You just have to open your eyes.
Cobbs residence.
I want to speak to my son.
Put my son on the phone, please.
Or I'll hang up.
Hold on.
It's for you.
I tried calling you.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. I miss you.
I miss you, too.
When are you coming?
How are your grandparents?
Mom, when are you coming?
I'll send for you as soon as I can.
Send for me?
We have no place to stay.
Don't leave me here.
I can get us the money.
Not from them.
I won't take it. Mom, listen.
I have a plan.
What kind of plan?
What kind of plan, Langston?
Don't do anything stupid.
We'll stay here
till I work it out.
I can't do that.
You don't understand.
Oh, I understand.
You'd rather leave me here
than forgive them.
I'm on my way to church.
I'll see you both there later.
What? Church?
You trippin'.
What did you say?
The Reverend's putting on his
Christmas show... "Black Nativity".
Well, count me out.
I don't do church.
"Choose for yourselves...
this day...
"...which God
you will serve.
"But as for me...
and my house...
"But as for me...
and my house...
"...we will serve
the Lord."
I'm waiting.
Do you have something of mine?
Do you have something
that belongs to me?
Were you going to give it back?
Borrowing it. I see.
I'll see you in church.
Will you make sure he has
something decent to wear?
Of course, of course.
Go, go, go.
I'll see you there!
You'll just have to open one of
your Christmas presents early.
Merry Christmas.
I know you have a lot on your mind.
And maybe the last thing you want
to do is hear somebody preaching.
But this is a very important
night for your grandfather.
I know it would mean a lot
to him for you to be there.
I got this, Ma.
$100 Knicks win the championship.
I ain't rollin'.
Merry Christmas.
See you tomorrow.
Lunch Money.
Last-minute Christmas shopping?
You're late.
What you said,
about buying more than what's in the store?
All it takes is money.
What if I needed a gun?
Meet me here tonight at ten.
There you are.
Where were you?
I was looking all over for you.
We don't want to be late.
I was just taking a walk.
A walk?
Well, since you feel
like stretching your legs,
let's walk to church.
It's not that far.
Grandma, what happened to my father?
Is he dead or alive?
Somewhere in between, I expect.
The guy at the pawnshop
said he knew him.
Pawnshop? What on earth
were you doing in there?
I was getting
a present for my mom.
I told the guy I was your grandson
and he said he knew my father.
A lot of shady people
hang around pawnshops...
...that one in particular.
You stay away from there.
You can't tell me what to do.
Listen to me.
You're my grandson and I love you.
The Reverend and I would
do anything for you.
And your mother.
All she has to do is ask.
She won't ask.
You know she won't.
It's fine. We'll manage.
This is it.
This is your granddad's church.
Let's get inside.
We're late.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Here, sweetheart, take this.
Just can't stop praisin'
His name
And I just can't stop
praisin' His name
His name His name
His name
El Shaddai Immanuel
Prince of peace Yeshua
Adonai Lion of Judah
You sit here so you
can see the show
and I'll come get you after.
And I just can't stop praisin'
His name
His name His name
His name
Only begotten son!
The Great I Am!
The King of Kings!
The Son of Man!
I can't stop praisin'
His name I just can't stop...
...praisin' His name
His name
Welcome! Welcome, all!
Excuse me, can we sit here?
Welcome, Catholic.
Welcome, Protestant.
Sorry, this seat's taken.
Let's go.
Don't be like that.
Welcome Church of God,
Church of God in Christ, Pentecostal!
Whoever you are, welcome to the
Holy Resurrection Baptist Church!
Hey, guys.
Take your seats.
We have very important
business to attend to.
I said, we have very important
business to attend to.
We are here tonight...
...on very important
Because we are here... praise the Lord.
How do we praise the Lord?
I wish you could see
yourselves from here,
'cause you look so beautiful
praisin' the Lord.
We are here to praise
the Lord because... He sent
His only son.
Today the Lord is come!
Good people...
...let me tell the story.
Let me spread the gospel.
Yes, Reverend Cobbs, yes!
You're worthy of the highest praise
According to the word of God...
...according to
my brother Luke... is said that just before the
beginning of the common age...
...that all were called
by Caesar Augustus...
...that is, the leader...
...and this leader
said we, the state...
...we have no money.
Therefore... must be taxed.
Not me.
We can't run from the tax man!
I'm running.
But I'm still standing still.
He's on my back.
I get my help from
my beautiful wife.
My lovely wife,
who has protected me,
helped me and guided me
through troubles and problems.
She takes care of me
in so many ways.
I am blessed.
And all went to be taxed,
each to his own city.
And Joseph went
up from Galilee...
...out of the city
of Nazareth, into Judea...
...unto the city of David...
...which is called...
What's it called?
So Joseph came forth...
...out of Bethlehem.
And he brought his wife, Mary.
Mary was just a teenage girl...
...but she was
big with child.
She was a teenager!
And she was great...
...great with child.
And her time was coming near.
Help me praise
the Lord this evening
all the way into
Christmas morning.
Stay with me now
as we go on this journey...
...because we are going to a
place where Christ was born.
Where are we going?
The place where Christ was born.
The special city
where Joseph brought Mary... bring
the Savior of the world.
Oh, Bethlehem
Oh, Bethlehem
Hey, hey! My girl, she's in labor!
A little help, please.
Right now?
Yes, right now.
Are you all right?
We got it.
We have to find somewhere to go.
It was difficult times then.
They couldn't find anyplace... take them in.
They couldn't even
find a place to stay!
There was no Holiday Inn!
No Hampton Inn,
no Ramada, no Motel Six!
No room in all
the great city of Bethlehem.
No room for Mary anywhere.
The night is late,
the air is cold.
And the doors are locked.
Is anyone out there?
Does anyone care?
Is anyone listening?
Is anyone there?
This girl's about to give birth!
We got no place to go!
I need help.
Lunch Money.
Is that you?
He's going to help us.
Sleep in...
...heavenly peace.
Just come in here.
Just relax. Just relax.
Lay down here.
Fear not.
For behold, I bring you
good tidings of great joy...
...which shall be
to all people.
For unto you, a Savior is born.
...little Jesus boy
They made Him born in a manger
Sweet little...
...holy child
They didn't know...
...who you were
They didn't know You'd come... save us, Lord
Take away...
...our sins
Our eyes...
...were blind
We could not see
And we didn't know...
... You were
For unto us...
...a child is born...
...and His name
shall be called...
... Wonderful.
The Prince of peace.
And the people came to see Him,
guided by a star.
There's a star in the East...
...on Christmas morn
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
It will lead you to the place
Where the Savior's born
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
Follow the star...
...of Bethlehem
Rise up, shepherd...
...and follow
If you take a good heed... the angel's words
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
You'll forget your flocks
You'll forget your herds
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
Follow the Star of Bethlehem
Rise up, shepherd, rise...
...and follow
Rise up.
Rise up Rise up
Yeah, I'm the noble one
Obi-Wan Kenobi one
Drunk mind speak the sober
tongue About the Holy One
Spread the word, y'all
Christ is born
The devil's rule over Earth
now is soon gone
So let the myrrh frankincense
burn Y'all been warned
Two thousand years ago
Now angels sound a horn
No crown of thorns
Bow down, praise him
New God flow now
but my style's amazin'
The re-fo so la-ti-do
My army suit's my tuxedo
I'm a ghetto prophet
to my people
A ghetto priest Adonis Criminal
mind but at least I'm honest
So I seek what
the Savior promised
Then I climb where
I stand the highest
So I can tell it to every man,
woman and child What the time is
We sendin' this to all nations The
birth of Christ calls for a celebration
Rise up
Rise up
Rise up and follow,
the Lord is come
Rise up, shepherd Rise
Rise up, shepherd
Rise up, shepherd
Rise up, shepherd, rise
Jesus was born... heal us...
...wash us from our sins,
from our pains... your time of crisis.
In your deepest despair.
When the hour is late and the rent is due.
When you think there's
nothing more you can do...
...let your faith
lead you through.
Lord, I need...
Fix me...
...fix me...
...fix me
Lord, I need...
... You to fix me
Oh, Jesus
Fix me for my long white robe...
And fix me for my dying bed... dying bed
Lord, fix me for... lyin'... lyin' ways
Lord, come on and fix me
In the midnight hour
Fix me
Come on, come on
That's why Christ was born.
Christ was born
to turn water into wine.
To heal the sick.
Raise the dead.
To make the lion lay down with the lamb.
The mighty to be meek.
And the meek... to rise up.
If Christ can do all that, why can't
He fix your relationship with my mom?
That's why He came.
When you're feeling down.
That's when you need God the most.
And know that
that's why Christ was born.
To save you.
Jesus was born
to redeem mankind.
He gave Himself...
...a ransom...
...for all.
To forgive us our sins...
...and wash us clean.
But you have to want
to be redeemed!
I need...
...I need your power, Lord
So come on and fix me
Lord, I need...
Shortly arriving
in Times Square.
Fix me
Lunch Money, what up, man?
I thought you got caught up in
church and wouldn't make it.
They can pray all they want.
It ain't for me.
Ain't no miracle, it's just money.
Who got it and who ain't.
You get what I asked for?
Why don't you tell me
what you need it for?
That's my business.
All you got to know is I need it.
Now you got it or not, man?
I got it.
There's a lot of different
guns for different occasions.
And I'm sure cost is a factor.
You can drop between
a buck fifty up to 5 G's.
Let's stay on the low end.
What do you recommend?
A Davis 380.
It's practical, inexpensive.
Does the trick in
most situations.
It's what I carry.
Relax, Lunch Money.
I ain't shot nobody in a minute.
Can I see it?
I'm going to Harlem.
Convent Avenue.
You ever held a gun before?
You know what'll happen
if you're caught carrying?
I won't get caught.
How many fools
have I heard say that?
You remind me of somebody,
Lunch Money.
Another young punk
thought he was hard.
Who's the punk now?
Open the case.
Open the case!
I got to get the key.
I'm just getting the key.
That one, there.
Pull it out.
What do you think it's worth?
About the time
you'll get behind bars.
Put it on the counter.
I want what's in the register, too.
You trying to die tonight?
Open the damn register!
"What happens to
a dream deferred?
"Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
"Or fester like a sore...
And then run?
"Does it stink like rotten meat?
"Or crust and sugar over...
like a syrupy sweet?
"Maybe it just sags
Like a heavy load.
"Or does it explode?"
I told you to shut up.
It's a famous poem... the great
Langston Hughes.
Your mother loved him.
Don't talk about my ma...
What did you say?
She loved him so much...
...we named
our son after him.
Not you.
You're not my father.
That's why I asked
you to meet me here.
When I first saw you...
...there was something
about you I recognized.
You remind me of myself,
when I was young.
Lost. Vulnerable.
At every fork,
taking the wrong turn.
When we was in that cell...
...officer said your name.
No, I'm nothing like you.
I'm nothing like you!
You criminal!
You blood-sucking scumbag!
Preying on poor people
with a little cash.
And you say that here?
Waving a gun in my face?
About to wreck your
whole life like I did?
You abandoned us.
I did worse than that.
I sold my soul.
And your grandfather gave me
an excuse to do it.
What'd he do?
Tell me what he did.
You know where he's at.
Why don't you ask him?
Let's go.
Freeze! Police!
Drop the gun!
On your knees! Don't shoot!
That's my son!
We were just having a heated conversation!
The gun's empty! Check it!
He's just trying to get me
to go to the church.
He's asking me why I
left him and his mother
when he was a kid!
Don't hurt him!
That's my son.
What were you thinking?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
If anybody else
on my force was here,
this would have
ended very differently.
Let him do what
he came here to do.
Stop right here.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Are you in trouble?
Where are you taking him?
He had an altercation
with his father.
I'm taking him to the church.
His father?
What have you done to my son?
What did you get him
mixed up in?
He asked me questions.
I'm trying to get them answered.
That's it.
We're going inside the church. Come on.
Langston, I can't go in there.
Yes, you can.
I want you to go home
and practice love.
Practice love on your family.
Practice love on your children.
Love your parents.
Love your neighbors.
And pretty soon,
the hardness in your heart will melt and... will be able to love
even your enemies.
Because love is the most
creative power in the universe.
My baby girl.
I got something to ask you.
I got my mother and father
in front of you.
And I want to know
what happened.
I couldn't bear it.
I couldn't bear
to lose you, Naima.
I couldn't bear it.
What'd you do?
I bribed him... leave her.
I paid him
five thousand dollars.
That's all I was worth to you?
All my life,
I've tried to figure out
what I did
not to deserve a father.
And you left me for five G's?
I was trying to take care
of you and your mother.
But I was a boy.
Not a man. Or a father.
I got caught up with some
bad people in the streets.
Had some debts.
Your grandfather
gave me money...
...and in return...
...he made me swear to
stay out of your lives.
And I agreed.
You took my father away from me.
I thought she'd come home.
That was the plan.
The plan was that I would... her
Tyson's true colors.
And then she would come back.
But she found out.
And the true colors
that she saw...
...were mine.
I hope you never know
what it feels like to spend
your whole life regretting... shameful act.
Naima. Please.
I want to say,
in front of God...
...Naima, in front of
this whole congregation...
...that I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry for
meddling in your life.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe she was
better off without me.
But I wasn't
better off without you.
I had one shot at happiness.
And I messed it up.
Yeah, you messed it up.
I had your child.
I trusted you.
I trusted all of you.
Langston, we're going.
We have no place to go.
I don't know.
But wherever I'm going,
I'm taking you with me.
This isn't just about you!
This could be what I've been
waiting for my whole life.
Don't you see?
We're all here.
Right now.
In this house!
You and Dad.
Grandma and Granddad,
family I didn't even know I had.
I didn't even know I had this!
No. No!
I'm not letting you take this
opportunity away from me!
This is my Christmas miracle.
It's time to forgive, Ma.
It's time to be redeemed.
And it's time to come home.
Praise Jesus.
Ten thousand times
I prayed for this miracle.
I love you so much.
I love you, too.
I'm sorry.
God has...
...not promised me...
That's not the way...'s going to be
But a...
...little rain...
...mixed with...
... God's sunshine
A little pain
Makes me appreciate...
...the good times
God desires... feel...
...your longings
...pain that... feel
He feels them...
...just like you
But He can't...
...afford to let you feel...
...only good
Then you can't appreciate...
...the good times
Be grateful
Be grateful
'Cause there's someone else...
...who would love
to be in your shoes
Be grateful
God said in His word
That He would never forsake you
Be grateful
God said in His word
That He would never leave you
Be grateful
Grateful for what you got
Be grateful
Be grateful for what you've got
And everything you're not
Be grateful
...for everything
that you've got
And everything that you're not
So grateful
Got to be grateful
For everything you've got
You got to be grateful...
...for what you've got
Be grateful
For it will... all right
Merry Christmas, Lunch Money.
Merry Christmas.
Ma, can we stay?
As long as your grandparents will have us.
Stay as long as you like.
You can stay forever.
It's your home.
We all know sometimes
life's hates and troubles
Can make you wish you were
born In another time and space
But you can bet your life Times
that and twice its double
That God knew exactly Where
He wanted you to be placed
So make sure when you say
you're in it but not of it
You're not helping to make this
earth A place sometimes called Hell
Change your words into truth And
then change that truth into love
And maybe our
children's grandchildren
And their
great-grandchildren will tell
Until the rainbow burns
the stars out in the sky
Until the ocean covers
every mountain high
Until the dolphin flies
and parrots live at sea
Until we dream of life
and life becomes a dream
Until the day is night
and night becomes the day
Until the trees and seas
just up and fly away
Until the day that
8 times 8 times 8 is four
Until the day that is the day
that are no more