Black Sea (2014)

And we want you to know
that this has nothing,
nothing at all,
to do with your performance,
which is exemplary, by the way.
Look, the business has changed.
Marine salvage has changed.
We don't need
a submarine pilot anymore.
We don't even need a sub.
Now, you've never been on contract,
so redundancy,
well, that's out of the question.
But I spoke to Bob Toris personally
and he has insisted
that Agora make sure
that there's something for you.
And I'm pleased to say
that we can offer you
a settlement of 8,640.
I mean, have you got a pension?
Like a private pension?
I've been with Agora for 11 years.
I've been working
on submarines for nearly 30.
I lost my family to this job.
They... They'd like you
to clear your desk.
And before your last job,
you were in the navy for 15 years?
Why did you leave?
I disagreed with someone.
Yeah. That's some kind
of fuck-shit, all right.
Kurston, you okay?
You look rough.
Yeah, no, I'm...
They've put me on these tablets.
Said... they'll balance me out.
You all right drinking, then?
It helps.
I can't believe
those bastards fired you.
I can't believe it.
It's a joke.
I mean, when they fired Kurston, okay,
he fat useless fuck.
No offense, man. No offense.
Yeah, yeah, suck my arse.
But fire man like you, fuck-shit.
They want me to flip burgers.
When I was young,
all I think about was sex.
Now I think only money.
You're dog shit in this wonderful world
without money, my friends.
I saw Martin yesterday. My boy.
He's 12 now.
Saw him across the road, like.
Posh school. Nice house.
My own son being brought up by some
rich fuck I've never even met.
How's Chrissy? How she look?
Good. She looks good.
We don't have to take this shit.
We don't have to take this shit.
What the fuck you talk about?
I think I know a way
to... not be like this.
I know a way to get money.
Their fucking money.
But I can't do it, see.
I've not got the skill.
It needs you, Robinson.
It needs a man like you.
You could do it.
Just before Agora fired me last year,
I went out with them to the Black Sea.
We found something.
You're late. And you look like shit.
Where the fuck is Kurston?
He called me this morning.
He's not coming.
What do you mean, he's not coming?
He's sick.
He's sick?
God damn it. Well,
he'd better have cancer.
All right, listen to me.
Do exactly as I say.
Nod, be nice, don't be a fucking idiot.
Don't elaborate unless he asks.
Don't say anything
that you don't have to, okay?
Don't ask him his name.
And please, please, whatever you do,
do not ask him how much
he's going to invest in this.
Sir, this is Robinson,
the man I told you about.
What's your name and how much
are you going to invest in this?
So, in 1941,
Nazi Germany came close
to total financial collapse.
At that time, the Soviets were neutral,
but Stalin was terrified
that Germany was going to invade,
so Hitler used this and demanded
a loan from Russia.
80 million reichsmark in gold.
Now, nobody knows what happens next
because weeks later,
Hitler broke the nonaggression
pact and invaded Russia.
Four years of war, 20 million dead.
But in the '50s there's rumors
that started to circulate
in the highest ranks of the Politburo
that Stalin had complied
with the request,
that Hitler had sent a U-boat,
Stalin had stuffed it with two tons
of gold and sent it on its way.
But the gold never arrived,
and Hitler invaded.
- So...
- So everybody forgets about it.
But in the '80s,
an oceanic research institute
found a series of shallow
ridges off the Georgian coast.
I worked for a company
called Agora Marine Management.
They search for and salvage wrecks.
They found a U-boat
on one of these ridges,
just 90 meters from the surface.
That's reachable.
Mr. Lewis, they think it's the one.
In 2008 they took this information
to the Georgian government
and they offered them a deal.
The Georgians agreed.
And a month later, there was
the Russian-Georgian conflict.
Borders shifted, and the ownership
of those waters
has been in dispute ever since.
The Russians don't even
know the sub's there,
the Georgians know,
but not its exact location,
and Agora can't go in
till the dispute's settled.
I mean, they're tied up in paperwork
and fucking politics.
Meanwhile that submarine
is just sitting on the seabed,
full of gold.
What is it you want from me?
I need a submarine.
Blackie here has contacts
in Sevastopol, but it will cost.
And men. I need men.
Half British, half Russian.
It's a Russian sub,
so they'll need Russians.
I'll take 40% of anything
up to $40 million,
20% of anything above that.
Kurston, it went well.
Give me a call back.
So how many men do we need?
It's a Foxtrot-class sub.
You want boat move,
need 12 men minimum.
Okay, well, we've got
the two of us, Kurston.
Then Reynolds.
And Peters.
Served with them both in the navy.
And Russians?
What about Yerzov on electrics, then?
He's a good man.
Big drunk. No, no.
Take Levchenko instead.
Zaytsev on engines
and Baba on sonar.
Best ears in Russian navy.
For charts, Morozov.
This is Daniels.
How do we get into U-boat?
Use remote-controlled submersible?
- No.
- No?
The Black Sea fleet's upstairs.
We do it with divers.
Convert the escape compartment
into a hyperbaric chamber.
Sneak in and out without anyone seeing.
You need good divers for this.
Do you know Fraser?
I know Fraser.
Is psychopath.
Psychopath, he is.
But he's an incredible diver.
Half man, half fucking fish.
And Gittens,
he's pretty good in the water.
Wee gambling problem.
God damn it!
Well, that was Lewis.
I'm going with you.
I'm fucking going with you.
I'm claustrophobic.
I'll bet you are.
Hi. It's Mark Kurston.
Leave me a message.
I'll get back to you.
Kurston, where the hell are you?
Call me.
Hello. Are you Robinson?
I'm a friend of Mark Kurston.
He's killed himself.
I used to go round there
when I was a kid.
You know, stay there.
Well, they were nice, like, kind,
you know, helped me out.
He was on these pills
for his nerves, like.
He took them all at once.
Do you know why?
Well, they reckon
he did it for the insurance.
Say his wife's all right, you know,
for the mortgage and stuff.
He asked me to come
and see you, though.
Said to say he was sorry.
We were on a job. Now I'm a man down.
Are you hungry?
Are you sleeping rough?
How old are you?
19, nearly.
Not yet. I'm 18.
You ever been to sea, son?
Boats are like whores, the old ones
know how to look after you best.
A drop of oil
and it will work like brand-new.
You work on subs now, Reynolds?
What do you do now?
Paper round.
Paper round.
Are you laughing at me, boy?
No, no. I'm sorry.
I thought you were joking.
Got fired from a shit job
in a steelyard.
Fault of people like you.
I'm not actually a banker.
I work for...
Gittens hasn't worked in years.
Fraser's in and out of prison.
And Peters.
Peters cleans offices
for shit dicks like you.
Look, I didn't mean to insult you.
Start loading.
Get Zaytsev to look at that engine,
and Gittens, too. He knows diesel.
Levchenko, get him to
check the electrics.
Peters, you sure you can get a door
on that escape chamber?
I'll give it a proper fucking go, boss.
Wait, Robinson, you can't be serious.
Look, this wreck?
This wreck's gonna sink.
Fucking useless sub if it don't.
All panels.
Off. On.
A gyro, B gyro coincide.
A group's charged.
300 bars.
300. Hydraulics operational.
120 bars.
120? It's a little low?
Yeah, Blackie says it's usual
for a boat of this age.
120 it is. Ballast, twin pump.
Wait. What are you looking for?
The windows.
The what?
Well, the lads said I should give
the windows a clean before we head out,
but I can't find any.
It's a submarine. There are no windows.
What's the broom for?
There's no chimney, is there?
No, son, no chimney. Come here.
It's a good sign. They like you.
Stow that.
What you got for me?
So the batteries ain't that great.
They're only gonna be
charging up to about 70%.
- Zinzane says that...
- Zaytsev.
Zaytsev says that
the diesel engine's good,
but there's a fuel leak he can't find.
- It's dripping on the main turbine housing.
- Tell him to find it. Tell him to fix it.
Robinson. There's no escape suits.
And the radio, you know,
there's only one circuit working.
If that goes down...
We won't be using the radio.
We'll have the Russian fleet above us.
Good to be going out again.
Thanks for bringing me, boss.
I was sorry to hear
that Chrissy left you.
Good girl, Chrissy.
Sorry it went that way.
Thank you. Blackie.
- Yes, boss.
- Here, Peters.
What is "no escape suits"?
What does that mean?
No escape suits means no escape.
If something happens, you've only got
that shitty old radio for help.
Don't worry, banker.
We'll get you back nice and safe.
Actually, I'm not a banker.
Are those not escape suits there?
Diving suits.
But, I mean, if we got into trouble,
you could use those as escape suits?
Oh, yeah, sure, you could...
go out for 80 meters and, come back
on a short hose.
What, we can't...
Yeah, you see,
that's the thing about being on a sub.
Outside it's just dark, cold death.
Gets a man thinking.
Gets him thinking what?
Thinking he's gonna fucking die.
What are you laughing at?
You don't even speak English.
Russians not happy.
About Tobin. They call him virgin.
Unlucky to have virgin
on a boat, Robinson.
Jesus. He's 18.
What 18-year-old do you know
nowadays who's a virgin?
This not matter. They call him virgin.
Now he's virgin.
Well, I'm not giving in
to superstition.
Call everyone together.
It's time for them to know what's at stake.
How much gold we talking?
At least $40 million, maybe a lot more.
Those bastards fired
the man who found it.
He was a good man.
Gave his life to his job,
just like the rest of us here.
They fired him.
He killed himself.
They fired me.
They fired men like flushing
shit down a toilet.
Well, this time
the shit is fighting back.
40% goes to the man who's funding us.
That's Daniels' boss.
The rest...
The rest is ours.
Equal share, every man.
Back to your posts.
We leave in an hour.
Equal share? Jesus Christ, why?
'Cause they're risking their lives.
Yeah, but they would risk
their lives for a flat fee.
Just toss them the scraps, is that it?
What are you talking about?
Look, that doesn't have to...
What does that have
to do with anything?
Listen, Robinson, we are gonna be
on this sub with these men
and it's going to be
full of gold, right?
What happens when one of them
starts to figure out
that their share gets bigger
when there is less people to...
less people to share it with?
Boss, we're ready.
Open main vents.
Yes, boss.
Open main vents.
Midships to helm.
Midships to helm.
Ten down.
Ten down, boss.
30 meters, then bring it back
to periscope depth.
30 meters, then back up to PD, boss.
Diving now. Diving now.
Zaytsev. Robinson sent me to...
Zaytsev needs someone to help
with pressure on second engine.
I gave him Tobin.
Won't work with Tobin. Bad luck.
Tell Zaytsev to work with Tobin
or get the fuck off my boat.
Tobin, come here.
It's fine, all fine, easy job.
Zaytsev find leak, he make wheel sign.
You go here.
For Russian less, men'she.
For Russian more, bol'she.
He say less, men'she, turn valve left.
He say more, bol'she, turn right.
- Don't fuck this.
- Which valve?
This one. One, two, three in.
One, two down.
Men'she left, bol'she right.
- Yeah.
- One, two down.
No, no, no. One, two, three in.
One, two, three in.
One, two down. One two, down.
- Don't fuck this.
- I won't.
One. One, two, three.
Two in.
One, two, three...
It's so fucking unfair
that they get the same as us.
Well, everyone gets an even split.
Is two million not
enough for you, Fraser?
You're kidding me, right? Two million?
Where these guys come from,
it's like 20 million to us.
They're fucking laughing at us.
What did you do?
What, did you just have a shit
in the bowl, did you, Levchenko?
Is that what you did,
just shit in the bowl?
All you do is bleat like a goat!
I worked for about three months on one
of those American Seawolves in the '90s.
- Did I tell you?
- And the food, is the food like...
Fuck me, the food.
The food is unbelievable, mate.
I'm talking about beef fillets.
I'm talking about broiled hams.
I'm talking about chicken jambalaya
with andouille sausage, motherfucker.
Christ. Jesus Christ.
And what do we get?
Levchenko's toilet in a bowl?
Oh, don't get me wrong,
I'm sure this is Gordon Ramsay
over there in Gdask,
but, you know...
What's your problem?
Take it easy, Fraser.
Fuck. They're laughing
at us, I tell you.
Come on, then.
You've been staring
at that thing for days now.
What is it?
This from your girlfriend?
She's not my girlfriend.
Well, you must like the girl.
She's pregnant.
I don't really know her.
Terrifying, isn't it?
Don't you worry, son.
You'll be going home a rich man.
Your boy will want for nothing.
I told 'em you weren't a virgin.
I'm not a fucking virgin.
Kill all engines.
Who said I was a...
Engine, 360 meters forward.
Russian destroyer,
bearing west-northwest, 20 knots.
208 meters.
200 meters.
It's passing, heading south.
It's gone.
Revolutions three knots for one hour.
Then proceed as normal.
Baba, you're my golden boy.
Hiding from our own people.
Jeez. That was tense.
Not even "I don't speak English"
in Russian?
How can you stand it in here?
Give it a couple of days
and you'll be wondering
how they stand it out there.
No, it's mad down here.
It is, but it makes sense.
See us, lad, we're all penguins.
Yeah, penguins.
Put it in water and what have you got?
Something that's graceful and sleek
and elegant and strong, yeah?
And knows exactly what it's doing.
Put it on dry land
and what have you got?
Just a wee prick.
Just a wee waddling prick.
What are you gonna do with your share?
Bad luck to spend money
you don't have, boy.
Probably pay off some debts.
Give some to the wife and kids.
- I'm having a kid.
- Oh, yeah?
A little boy.
I'm gonna fucking spoil him rotten.
No, two million's not much these days.
Two million more than
you've fucking got.
What's going on?
Are you confused or something?
Hey, take it easy.
What the fuck was that for?
This is our side.
Hey, you, don't pee yourself.
You know what they're trying
to do, don't you?
They're trying to get
that boy to kill himself.
Increase their share.
Didn't I say? They're laughing at us.
Shut the fuck up.
Shut up.
We're right on top of the U-boat.
Zaytsev has found the leak.
Needs to drain fuel line
before he can repair.
Take four, five hours.
We're on top of the U-boat now.
We need to run diesel
to charge the batteries
before we go deep anyway.
Get the repairs done first,
though, okay?
Robinson, some of your boys,
they have funny idea about money.
They think Russians get too much.
Everyone gets an even split.
- Okay?
- Okay.
I bought this one fair and square.
- What's going on?
- It's mine.
It's my numbers.
My numbers have just come up.
I've won 30,000.
He's saying I bought it
with him, but I didn't.
I bought the other ones with him.
Yeah, and so we've gotta do something
about these fucking guys.
Please, skipper, 'cause they're
already fucking taking too much,
and now they're trying to muscle in
and fucking rip us off!
They're trying to find ways
to take more and more and more...
You filthy lying bastard,
you weren't even there!
- What about it don't you understand?
- How do you know your numbers came up?
Have you been on that radio?
Have you been on that fucking radio?
We are under the Black Sea fleet.
We are under the fucking...
That's the radio.
You killed the fucking radio.
- Give me the ticket.
- How we gonna...
Give me that ticket.
You risk all our lives for 30,000.
All you listen to me.
Every man gets an equal share.
Every man.
Anyone who doesn't like it
is endangering this vessel.
Any man endangering this vessel
goes out the fucking tubes.
I told you. I fucking told you.
You gotta tell them
the deal has changed, okay?
They're gonna tear us to shreds
for that money.
Robinson, listen, I...
Take your hand off me.
Look, just listen to me.
Careful with this.
I know, I know.
One, two, three. One down. Men'she.
Men'she left, bol'she right.
Zaytsev. Zaytsev, I'm sorry, mate.
I never meant to...
Tell him I'm sorry.
Tell him I'm sorry.
Bol'she right, men'she left. Stupid...
- You fucking leave him alone.
- Fuck off.
Fuck you.
You Russians, you're pretty
fucking tough with a kid, aren't you?
I expected better out of you, though.
- Don't be an idiot with that.
- What, with this?
Why? You fucking brave against him.
Not so fucking brave now.
- Give me the knife.
- No.
- Give me knife!
- No.
- Give me knife.
- Fucking have it.
Jesus. What did you do?
What have you done?
Hold on!
We're going down!
You're gonna be away
for three months again?
- Daddy lives on a boat.
- Daddy works on a boat.
- Daddy lives on a boat.
- Don't involve him like this.
I get to see Steve.
I get to spend time with him.
He's not just a fucking photo
and someone I see on holidays.
What, that's why you left me, is it?
Nothing to do with his mansion
or his posh fucking car.
Chrissy, wait.
How long was I out?
About 18 hours.
The Russians have gone berserk.
Had to threaten them with
a flare gun to hold them off.
Main drive shaft's fucked,
shattered in the explosion.
Ballast tanks are ruptured.
And I reckon we've got about 36 hours
left in the batteries before we go dark.
Looks like the Russians
have got almost all the water
up the other end of the boat.
We've got the food.
They're gonna want that.
- And they're gonna want us gone.
- Quiet, you.
Fucking animal.
You've killed us all, Fraser.
You've killed the fucking
lot of us. Fuck.
Are we gonna die down here?
No way.
I'm not armed.
What are you saying?
You speak English?
Why didn't you say anything before?
No one speak me, I don't speak them.
I'm saying...
I can make this boat work.
We anywhere from here to here.
Which means we are on
one of these two ridges
or we'd be crushed, right?
If we're on this ridge,
we must be right next to the U-boat.
Now, this submarine was based
on the U-boat design.
So we find the U-boat, we get in there
and we take the drive shaft.
Been in the water for
70 years. Useless now.
No. No, the Black Sea's
anoxic at depth.
No oxygen. No decay.
There's perfectly preserved
Roman galleons out there.
Look, when we get in there,
we'll get the drive shaft,
we'll machine it and then
we'll put it into the engine.
And we get this boat off the seabed.
This boat is dead.
We not sail it or get back.
We're not gonna sail it.
We're gonna take it to the surface
and then we're gonna
get into the life rafts.
What if we're on other ridge?
Then we're all fucking dead.
Even if the boat is fixed,
we don't have enough men.
We haven't enough men to move boat.
We have enough.
But right now we need Baba.
Sonar's broken. We don't even know
which way she's lying.
Baba and Zaytsev back there.
When he killed Blackie,
they wanna kill him.
They wanna kill everyone.
They go crazy now.
We have to have Baba and Zaytsev.
And Fraser.
What he did is not forgotten.
But we have to have everyone
to get this boat up.
We live together or die together.
Now, one of you has to go talk to them.
It's worse now,
knowing there's a chance.
I mean, if we found out now
that it didn't work, I mean...
Peters, we can't have
those bodies lying about.
Take Fraser.
Put them out the tubes.
- Yes, boss.
- Do it decent?
I've got him.
Sorry, mate.
I think they're all coming.
- Ready?
- Ready.
- Go.
- Go.
- Stop.
- Stop.
When we get up on top...
...I'm going to eat your liver.
We'll do this.
You're coming out there with me, right?
Well, you've dived before.
Yeah, but, you know, years ago.
I mean, fucking hell, look at me.
Oh, Peters, I'll look after you.
I promise I'll look after you.
Hey, Morozov.
I've got some sense of the landscape,
but it's vague.
So, what's he saying?- -
Baba thinks there is something
rising up from the seabed
about 100 meters away,
maybe 40 meters wide.
The rise could be the U-boat,
putting us here.
100 meters from the U-boat.
That's close enough. We can reach that.
Or what he's seen is a small hill,
which means we are here,
on the other ridge.
Baba said can be more accurate,
but take time.
Maybe days.
Look, I don't wanna interfere,
but I need a hospital.
- I mean, my legs...
- Daniels, shut up.
We do it now.
If we're on the other ridge,
we're all dead anyway.
What about the other diver?
Can't do it with two.
I need another diver.
Do any of yours dive?
Come on. I am ears.
I'll do it.
I did scuba with the youth club.
Do that up.
Stick with Fraser.
Out there, he knows what he's doing.
We've only got enough oxygen
to do this once.
Make it count.
God, it's dark out here.
Just relax.
You're gonna follow me.
Here I am, mate. Just jump.
Come down quite slowly. It's all right.
Oh, Jesus.
Just stay calm, okay? Take breaths.
Now, you're safe with me.
I've never lost a man out here.
All right? Good. Let's go.
Right, that's the light on.
Not that it'll make much difference.
Stop fucking wheezing
in my ears, Peters.
Fuck off, Skippy. It's me emphysema.
It's like a fucking death rattle.
All right, skip, we're all ready.
We're moving out.
Okay. Look after yourselves.
Good luck, lads.
What's the seabed like?
It's like butter made of dog shit.
Fraser! Fraser!
Tobin. Are you okay? What happened?
Shit! Fraser, help me!
Please, I'm on the fucking edge!
Pull me up.
You're all right.
I've got you. I've got you.
That was Blackie.
Blackie just went past me.
What happened? Come in.
We found the edge.
Is anyone hurt? Can we carry on?
Well, yeah,
Tobin might have to wash
his underwear, but we're okay.
Let's keep going.
Peters, how are you doing?
Yeah, it's almost done.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no.
What is it?
The ground.
The ground's rising. It's rising.
We're on the hill.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah, it's rising straight up.
There's no mistake.
It's not here.
We're on the wrong ridge.
It's here.
- It's here.
- What?
Say again. What?
I've found it. It's here.
- What?
- It's fucking here!
I've found it, Robinson.
- It was under mud.
- It's here.
Under the mud.
Well done, lad.
In the fucking mud.
Jesus Christ, there's air in here.
Can we take our helmets off?
Don't do that.
The air's turned to chlorine gas.
It'll burn your lungs out in a second.
Okay, it's good. Come down.
Jesus Christ.
Well, we knew there'd be
bodies, didn't we?
Why are they chained?
Is this a prison?
No, not a prison, son. It's a pantry.
- What?
- Cannibalism.
Oh, Jesus.
Hey, let's get what
we came here for. Come on.
Is it gonna work?
Peters, you fuck. Will it work?
The bolt holes need drilling,
but basically it's the same.
Tobin, help him get it out, all right?
- Right.
- I'll be back in a minute.
Oh, my fucking fuck.
Oh, my fucking...
Are you there?
We got it. We got the drive shaft.
Tobin and Peters are loading it up now.
Now, listen to me.
You be very, very careful.
That's our way out of here?
- Got you.
- They've got the drive shaft.
Okay, we're ready here, skip.
Bring her in slow and steady.
Will do.
It's not moving.
Come on.
It won't budge.
Levchenko say trolley
pulling at nearly four ton.
Fraser, what's going on?
It's fine. It's just the mud.
It needs a bit of help.
It's moving.
It's moving now.
What's going on? Why is it so heavy?
They've got the gold.
It's too heavy.
It's what we came here for.
I'm serious.
We have to at least try
and bring it in.
Robinson. Robinson.
We lose that drive shaft, we're fucked.
Tell them to lose the gold.
Keep coming.
Nice and easy.
That's it. That's it.
It's going fine now.
Okay, all right.
Just keep it moving. Keep it moving.
That's it. There you go.
Keep pushing it.
Fraser, it's the ridge.
We're heading right for that drop.
- Fraser, we need to stop.
- No, no, no.
Robinson, get rid of the gold.
Can you keep it coming, Fraser?
Yes, we can.
We need to keep moving
or we'll never get it started again.
We'd lose everything.
Pull it round to the left.
- Pull it. Come on, pull it.
- Fraser, can we keep coming?
Your call. Can we keep coming?
Robinson, this is our fucking lives.
We can do it. We can do it.
Look, it's getting around.
Stay with me.
Drag it this way.
Come on, harder, harder. Come on.
We're almost there.
Just get it over this bit, we'll be fine.
We'll be fine.
- We're not gonna make it, Fraser.
- Just pull it, Peters.
Pull it.
You lazy bastard.
It's going. It's going.
The gold. The gold, it's going.
It's all gonna go over. Hang on.
Lose the fucking gold.
Get this under here. Roll it on there.
Keep it steady. Steady.
Peters, be careful.
We just need to get
over this one last bit.
Go on. Go on.
That's it. We've done it.
Grab this arm.
Shit. Peters! Peters!
Peters! Peters!
Oh, shit.
Fraser, what was that?
No. No, no, no.
So it's just sitting out there.
What does it look like?
Like a shitload of gold.
I thought he could handle it.
Peters, I thought he could
handle it. That's why...
I wouldn't have asked him otherwise.
- Shall we bring it in?
- What for?
It's millions of dollars in gold.
So what?
What are you gonna do, take it up
and explain it to the Russian navy?
You want to just leave it in the mud?
Yes, that's exactly what I want.
What else are we gonna do with it?
Can you ask them how many men
it'll take to sail this boat?
Sail this boat?
Hey, we're not sailing it.
What do you mean, sail it?
We're not fucking sailing this boat anywhere.
- We're going up.
- Shut up.
Morozov. Hey, hey, don't translate that.
No, no, we are not sailing this boat.
We are going up.
In its current condition.
We can do it with nine.
Okay, great, nine. So fucking what?
There's eight of you.
No, no.
Look, I am not...
I need to talk to you alone.
Right, okay.
I'm gonna tell you something.
Look, I'm just a guy
who works for someone, okay?
This wasn't my idea.
Say what you have to say.
You're not getting anything.
You never were getting anything,
none of you.
What are you talking about?
Look, who do you think funded you?
Lewis, the man in
the big fucking house.
Agora, your old company.
We met Lewis together.
There is no Lewis.
Lewis is just some actor who thought the
whole thing was a team-building exercise.
Look, there is no Lewis, okay?
Agora set you up.
Why do you think they fired you?
The moment you surface,
they'll perform an arrest
under maritime law.
They've already done a deal
with the Georgians.
They just needed muscle.
No, no, no, you bastard.
Kurston told me where it was.
How would they know
Kurston would tell me?
He told you in a pub called
the Lauriston on June 18th.
We paid him $30,000.
I'm sorry, Robinson.
I brought Tobin down here.
He's a boy.
Men are dead.
Hey, listen, that was
never part of the plan.
Look, God damn it, I said I was sorry.
Take it. Tie the door off.
It might keep you alive
if they get past me.
I'm going to kill him!
Baba, calm him down.
Get the fuck out of our way, Robinson.
He needs to die and he needs
to fucking die now.
And then what?
We go up?
We hand the gold over?
They're waiting for us.
Yes, they are.
So we don't go east.
- We go south.
- Come on.
it's in northern Turkey,
miles from anywhere.
It's 100 miles.
There are deserted coves there.
- I know it.
- We should go up.
Morozov. Morozov.
Can you get us to Samsun?
Have you got the charts?
Yes, I have charts.
But I know this place, Robinson.
It's bad waters, shallow.
We go round the shallows.
We get Baba listening.
The batteries. We can't
recharge the batteries.
We can't surface 'cause the fucking
navy's probably up there.
We won't make it.
- How long? How long to take us round?
- 12 or 14 hours.
- 12 or 14 hours. Tell them.
- They'll track us.
They're waiting.
They're not just gonna let us go.
The Turks have a naval base in Trabzon,
20 miles up the coast.
They're not gonna sail
into the Turkish navy, are they?
Oh, fuck this.
Fuck this shit.
Now, I'm gonna fucking kill him
and I'm gonna do it now.
All right, you can do that.
You can kill him, you can do that.
And we can go up.
We can live. We can breathe clean air.
But if we do, if we do,
you'll live the rest of your life
just like you've lived it up till now,
crawling on your bellies
for fuckers like him.
People who get filth
like us to do their work.
People who get us
to make them fucking rich.
I'm not going home poor.
Not after this.
Well, she's in a terrible state.
Half a day.
Half a day.
And, lads, that gold,
all of it's ours now.
All of it's ours.
Bring it in.
Will it work?
4.3 tons.
What does that say?
182 million,
448,000 dollars.
Come on, open up.
Time to go to work, banker.
Fraser, here's your glamorous assistant.
Now, when he tells you,
pour this into here.
You understand?
Fraser, listen to me.
You got a family, right?
What am I, your fucking friend?
I asked you, do you understand?
I got two little girls, okay?
We're nearly ready.
All right here?
- Yeah.
- Skip.
I keep hearing Peters'
wheezing in my ears.
Shut up about Peters.
It wasn't your fault.
We shouldn't have brought
that gold on board.
I think it's affecting
your judgment, skipper.
Stop looking at me.
Look, you know he's not right.
I said don't look at me.
Now, keep your eye on this bubble
and on this depth gauge.
It's right hand down to dive...
left hand down to raise, okay?
Keep your eye on me
and do exactly as I do.
Levchenko says engine ready.
It's either going to work or not.
Electric engines on.
You're never gonna spend that gold.
You know that, right?
That shaft's not gonna last.
Fraser, if we carry on,
we're all going to die.
Oh, fucking shut up. Shut up.
Revs for five knots.
Midships to rudder.
Ten up.
Ten up.
Come on.
Come on.
Sweet Jesus, we're up.
90 meters.
- 80.
- Is the engine holding?
- 75.
- Engine's holding.
Batteries good.
- 65.
- Check all vents and closures.
I want to know if the rudder's holding.
Rudder's holding, boss.
- 60.
- Hold her there.
At 60 meters.
We've got a long way to go.
Let's get moving.
Rocks off starboard bow.
60 meters closing. Collision course.
All back. Emergency full. Full.
Full astern port, now!
Where the fuck did
those rocks come from?
Shit. Turn that valve off.
- Forty meters.
- Are we stopping?
- Twenty meters.
- Reynolds, are we stopping?
Ten meters.
Five meters.
We've stopped.
Where the hell did that come from?
Where the hell did that come from?
I don't know. We drifted off course.
This stupid chart!
Where the fuck are we now?
- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- Oh, shit.
Are we in the shallows?
Shallows is bottomed out.
We can go back and around.
- How long will that take?
- Eight hours.
- Eight hours?
- No, we need to go up.
We need to go up, skip.
What's that?
Can Baba get us through that?
Robinson, it's 100 meters wide,
maybe less.
How long to go through it?
Forty minutes, one hour.
But we cannot go through that.
Yes, we can.
We go through.
What? What did you say?
- No.
- What did you fucking say?
You're gonna kill us all.
This gold, it's fucking up your head.
Are you disobeying my orders?
Are you, Fraser?
That's your gold, that is.
Two hours away from being rich.
Isn't that worth the fucking risk?
Get back to your posts.
Go back to your fucking posts.
What happened?
Are we going up?
Half ahead. Two knots.
Mass 110 meters starboard.
Clear to port.
Come left two degrees.
Revs three knots.
We're in.
Steady. Just hold her steady.
Fraser, listen to me.
Look, this is gonna
kill us and you know it.
Look, it takes nine people
to sail this thing, right?
If we lost someone, we'd have to go up.
Kill Zaytsev.
We can't run the engines without him.
You can save everyone else.
Reynolds, Fraser needs more oil.
Get that oil for Fraser,
quick as you can.
Mass 40 meters starboard,
60 meters port.
Rising slightly below.
Trim 80 gallons
aft to forward.
80 gallons.
Come on.
Come on.
Fraser, he has lost his mind.
We need to go up.
Think about Peters.
It doesn't need to
happen to anyone else.
Fuck that!
Fuck you, you fucker!
We're okay. We're in one piece.
But, Jesus Christ, Robinson.
- How long before we're through?
- We're not gonna fucking make this.
Not you.
Morozov, how long?
20, 30 minutes.
We need to come starboard two degrees.
Christ. Jesus fucking Christ.
The pressure gauge.
Here. It's started going up.
See? See that?
Oh, shit.
Zaytsev. Zaytsev.
What happened?
We lose propulsion.
What was that?
All systems...
Zaytsev's dead.
He smashed his head on the engine
when we hit something and he went flying.
And his head, his...
What have you done?
What do you mean? We didn't do anything.
- What the fuck have you done?
- We didn't do anything.
It was an accident.
Fraser, you killed Zaytsev?
What are you talking about?
It was a fucking accident.
Sweet Jesus, we're fucked.
You killed fucking Zaytsev?
- What the fuck does it matter?
- What?
Robinson, we have to go up. Take us up.
You did this. You killed him, Daniels.
You bastards always do this.
You think you can take
everything from us.
Robinson, you've lost your mind, okay?
You've lost your fucking mind.
He wants that gold so bad, he'll kill every
single one of us on this boat to get it.
You gonna kill me?
You wanna kill me, go ahead.
If you kill me, you
kill everyone on this boat.
What the hell is going on?
- Back to your posts, everyone.
- Robinson, it's over.
I'll tell you when it's fucking over!
Robinson, it's the truth.
Take us up.
- Four...
- Robinson, take us up.
- Three...
- We need him, Robinson.
We lose another man,
we can't even go up.
He's right. He's right, Robinson. Yeah.
We just wanna live now.
Can we just live?
- Robinson, what's happening?
- We're going down.
- Oh, you fuck.
- We're going down.
I told you we wouldn't make it.
- We're going.
- Robinson.
- Hold on, boy!
- Robinson.
- Hold on, boy.
- I'm trying.
Oh, shit.
Stay still, boy.
Where's the bottom?
Where's the fucking bottom?
Oh, my God.
Where's the bottom?
That's hull crush depth.
God damn, my ears.
We need a prop.
Robinson, how can I help?
Get the wedges.
Pass me the wedge.
Put your weight behind that.
Hold it tight.
- Close this off.
- Hurry up. Come on.
We don't have time for that.
Who's under?
It's Tobin.
Fraser! Hold it.
Grab his legs.
I've got him.
Oh, Jesus Christ, no. Come on.
One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two...
Come on, let's go! We gotta go.
This isn't gonna work.
Holy shit.
Where's Fraser?
No, Daniels,
don't close that fucking door.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
One, two, three, four, five, six...
Come on!
I thought I'd lost you, boy.
I thought I'd lost you.
I can't get the fucker open.
No. No. No. No.
Oh, shit. No!
Morozov. Help me.
Give me a knife.
Morozov, I had to.
The water was coming.
They didn't have a chance.
Help me.
Holy shit. Morozov! Morozov!
Are we still down here?
I'm sorry.
No. No. No. No.
The sub has gone.
All men dead.
Are we finished?
There's three of these.
Escape suits.
Put that on.
There are escape suits on this boat
and you don't say?
I didn't want us to give up.
Men dead. All dead.
I believed we could do it.
They think we're dirt. We are not dirt.
They think they can tell us. They...
They? Who is they?
Who is they?
You hid escape suits.
You lie us, all of us.
You they worse than they.
Worse than they.
Put it on.
Put it on.
All right, son.
Come on!
When you come out the tube,
you pull this to inflate.
- Yeah.
- Okay?
Remember, as you go up, you breathe out
or your lungs will explode, okay?
How much does one of these weigh?
12 kilos. Half a million dollars.
Can we put one in our suits?
Not if you wanna get
off the bottom, no.
It's for me boy, you know.
You two go. Someone needs
to equalize the pressure.
How are you gonna get out?
Emergency lever, in the tube.
Tobin. Hey.
You be there for him.
Your boy.
It's all that matters.
Go. Go.
We have to wait for Robinson.
Tobin, there is no emergency
lever in the tube.
There is no emergency lever.
- No, no.
- Yes.