Black Swan (2010)

dreamed a
crazy dreams last night
dance the white swan
It was a different choreography from which we learned
.That was the prologue
when Park cast his spell
Look how pink and pretty ...
.. pretty ..
You're in a good mood -
He promised to give me more this season -
Well, he certainly should
I've been there enough
and you are more dedicated dancer in the company
What's this? -
Why? -
you're sure you do not want me to come with you?
You're a nice girl
Have you seen Beth today?
can not believe that she's back
certainly have returned -
And why? Can not do a guess? -
the company is broke, no one comes to see anyone
No, that depends on the Ballet. Full stop.
this is not true, I have heard that it
One of the best
need something new to experimental
That's all
No, no one knows
Like who? -
Like a person can not achieve the standards -
This is sad
what is sad?
Beth is a beautiful dancer
Yes, my grandmother also
debutante in the 15 -
Yes, we know -
started losing my place
This is different
beautiful as usual Nina
one, two, three, four
.. all for a moment
Well, take your place
One, two, three, Top
One, two, three, four
hello, dear
We all know the story
little girl virgin nice and clean
trapped in the body of a swan
seeks to Freedom
and true love alone can break the spell
achieved her wish almost
By Prince
But before he confessed his love
twin sister black swan, come
Beth and you
leave the place and the White Swan is broken
are killing themselves, and in death
find freedom
Good morning, the company
Good morning
We will open our season, Swan Lake
They represent a lot of before, I know
but not this way
Sweep it will place, and we have the emergence
new product, needs a new queen of swans
new face to present to the world
However, any one of you, you can
White Swan, and Black
all the girls who Enkerthm
we will arrange for training some of the afternoon today
and girls who did not Oenkerhn
interviewed the Director of the Office at
Thank you
to go back to it -
For Anstey -
Woe, Woe
guess this means that the White Swan must
To be you
but I'm not as well
Dear Maestro, non-music
Now show me the black swan Nina
not very conservative, but seductive
not only the Prince, the public, the whole world
Come on, you have to Tdori such as puppet
Come on, come on
Tndmi good to us -
Sorry -
Oh these girls Lily
came by plane from San Francisco
And replace the old Rebecca
hello -
Antagonized -
There is nothing wrong
I'm ready
Do I have to do that again?
No, thanks, I've seen enough
Well, Veronica White Swan
Come on, come on, come on, please
Well, dear Maestro
two, three
how it went?
was delayed so I called B Susie of the
I've done this your experience
It was a fine
just as good?
Tell me about it
Nina Is everything okay?
I'm fine
almost finished
Tbzlin you a great effort
We all have days off -
This is a bad thing -
I am sure that it did not mean this
in your start, that did not take you to each row
Stdiein you
will talk to him tomorrow, and I told him
You do not have to
It will pass it one way or another
I know that this is disappointing
Tatadin and will be on these things
this pressure silly god only
Know that you understand
but not quite
perhaps you can to dance the role of the cat
This will be the prize
or perhaps will make you, a large swan
In any case, you will remain
everything will be better in the morning
always be so
nice girl
Yes, Nina
Do you have a minute?
This is not a good time -
No, it is one of the officers -
wanted to tell you all
trained for the role last night
has finished
thought he must know a n
Well, I Inna Listen
Frankly, I do not care Ptsnitk
you should know this now -
For -
have chosen Veronica
Well, thank you
This is the only
will not try to change me my opinion?
You must be thought that this is possible
Otherwise, what are you doing here? In this place
have come to ask signed role
The truth is
Anddma see you
What I see is the White Swan
Yes, you are beautiful
but black swan
This work is always difficult to dance
can dance the role of the black swan
during four years at each
Once you dance
I see that you are obsessed with correcting
Aharakat all, but do not you relax yourself
never, all this lack of discipline for what?
just wanted to be a complete
want to be complete
perfection is not about control only
is also about to forget it
way that you can surprise the public by
The heart of events
and few people have this
think I do
Eddtni have
can not believe, I have Eddtni
I'm sorry
It hurt me that much
not stare at me?
has appeared
Oh my God
not said this?
Is this your style of bad joke?
Woe to you
congratulations, Nina
What's up? What's your problem?
I'm fine
have my mother chose me
you hear me?
for Swan Lake -
am the queen Swan -
my mother
just wanted to let you know
love you
my mother
Mom, are you Bgrvatk?
Are you at home?
Nina I Go out in the kitchen
Come, dear
my daughter, the queen of swans
This is your favorite, vanilla with strawberries
my mother, not too big
this is too much
This is a celebration, only this -
My mother -
my stomach is still in poor condition
Sorm if garbage
No, Mom, do not do it ..
I'm sorry
I'm just proud of you
seems tasty
Well, OK
Thank you, thank you
Thank you, Nina
This is a very nice
very nice
but I know that there will be a problem
the real work will be to incorporate the evil
and have seen some of this yesterday
So, gear up for more
Of this
that evil forces are Bshabk and you can not
Flee, as if it is out of control
So Ncharin them, and are come
feel more sorrow
Yes, you can rise to somewhat higher
And fall
see the way she moves
it is not bleeding
This is beautiful
... a new to Home
this room now, so Take care of them
Thank you
This is for you, I got
She is beautiful
will be back for a moment
Let me go back to you, please
Let's go
you ready?
So please, do not forget to smile
Ladies and gentlemen, can I get
For your interest
Good evening,
let me do this very important declaration
earned you always have the opportunity to feel good
And magnificence by the artists in our company
It was a great inspiration for my work
essential for all things casual and more than this
gift to the ability of our theater
You know, all of who I am talking
Ladies and gentlemen Beth Macrtein
and as we all know
all the wonderful work must be up to the end
Beth will retire at the end of season
will perform her departure
and is the role that suit
In ballet first
A bit small
We will miss you a lot
And do not forget
but when he goes wonderful star
Comes another star
I'll open the season with two copies of the new Swan Lake
and will take the role of the Swan Queen Nina Seyran
will soon be watching their performance
But now, let's raise a toast
All of us, for Beth, Nina
of beauty
just a moment
just a moment
Come on, Hurry Up
This is you
We have met formally
for the following -
Hello, I'm Nina -
Yes, the new queen Pelican
Take Hold this -
For -
to be passionate and you
Are you a full-time now?
in order to
There is nothing wrong
I've lost my mind
have to go back
No, no, Let's Stay
Stay with me
Here you are, Come
have tried to keep alive
But you're
I've done a good job
where are you going to?
to the side
did not Withdraw thee my house for a drink
On the way
Thomas must .. Karen Haloyed
will be back soon, Wait for here
hello Karen
am so sorry because I've heard that you're with the company
What did you do to get this role?
I've always said you're a little girl virgin
what I did to make him change his mind?
Atefth Do
You whore
You little whore
What is happening here?
need to talk to you
need to talk to you
No, do not you do this, do not do this to me
need to command all of this congregational
will come later
you must know this
You've done this Nina
Do not worry, so it is
Please, I want to talk to you about the role
for this command
should not be any borders between us
and I do not
what if, you have a friend?
Are you Tmlkin any one in the past?
but not one of them was serious
you are not a virgin, right?
If, there is not anything to worry about it
Have you tried relationship should be doing?
Come on, the relationship
Did you enjoy this?
we must be able to
Talk about this
have a job you home
go to the house and abandoned yourself
that we will be tomorrow
will find a place for you
blunt look great, if I can
To be there
know I asked
know you done told me Susie
think he wanted to be alone with your
do not blame him
Where did you get this?
is false
for me
can do this
There was a man next to you
and the bragging
Nina -
This is just a rash -
What are you doing?
I'm fine
you hurt yourself again -
No, I did not do -
my mother
this habit disgusting
It's crazy
We should be concerned by the Sit
have the right drug
This is great, do not hide
will then remove the cover of this precious
If we have some
will not see any one of
Mom, please
this role, is not it?
All this pressure
I knew that this would be an exaggeration
Tags, I know this
you're okay
you'll be fine
What happened?
while she was heading to the studio
Hit by a car
You know why
am confident that it has done this intentionally
How do you know
because everything you do Beth comes from the
Darkness internal
think that this, which makes it exciting to see
because it is serious
it be wonderful sometimes
but very confused
Was this after we saw?
Hey, this has nothing to do with your
This is not your problem, so I do not claim this
This is your moment, Nina
does not justify them slip away from you
what are you doing?
dear, Are you looking for me?
and Come
more control in order, I want to see passion
are you rigid like a corpse, let this go
Leave it, leave it
and again
Do you feel pain sometimes
is there a type of contraction?
in order to
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Thus, it is good
exhalation and
Do you feel pain every time you dance?
sometimes, not always
again, okay? -
Well -
Is this good?
David Can I ask you a question?
frankly, do you form a relationship with that girl?
will not do any of this one
Rqsk such as
We're still working here, set the lights
Thank you
Well, guys you can go
Thank you for your patience
You Stay, You Stay
enjoyed a
Come here
Come, come, come
will train with you
Leave it, leave it
Ash'ari Bmesti
Istchibey and her
I'm doing this Biguaik
but it must be the case in a manner adverse
from there?
you okay?
you can not smoke here?
Well, not that I do not say
The big day is approaching more and more
can not wait, I think you you'll be great
Thank you
Do you want to talk about it?
It's difficult,
Did you tough?
Come On Nina is a villain
is a genius
Splurged, but it is not nice and warm
you do not you know
Is there anything about Professor?
Come on, there is nothing wrong, I do not blame you
have to go to the house
Nina Come on, I just play
not there any correction you have?
Lilly Okberti as Rotk weeping
and have been very disappointed
and it must be Otzhl with you
did not tell her this
You may need to rest
day or two, or maybe a month
should not have to say anything
should not have Taatzmri primarily
did not do
you can to be a spectacular
but you coward
stop to say this
This is what I'm talking about completely
Stop being weak
Look who decided to honor his presence
need to talk to you
Shut up
What is the news?
spoke of metamaterials my back last night
Yes, I have met him in the morning and told him Bonkma
Suffering from some problems
did not speak to you?
Sorry, Your Majesty
wanted to give you time
should not have that you do
you try to do anything with you?
What a reputation
I have the right concerned Nina has remained for a time
In a lot of late nights
Taatdrbin and you, I hope it does not Istglk
That's all
He does not do this
not want you to Tertckby the same error
Which I have done
Thank you
not so
you're only interested in my work
any work?
profession that I gave them
Onjbk to
You are in the 28
If ?
only what?
Why? -
Nothing -
how your skin?
There is nothing wrong
Do you leave alone?
let me see
Knzatk Take off -
Do not -
Can I help you?
of it?
no one
not any one
What are you doing here?
have come to apologize
You are right that they should not do this your
dear -
Give me a moment -
dinner time
Mom, please
is bad
How do you know my place?
have my ways
Come on, I got it Relax
Of MRS in the Office
I feel bad about what you've done and I want to Oawwadk
So what do you think that take you to dinner
I do not think -
Well, not quite what for? -
Honey, you need to Tertahi
Oh my God -
Hey -
What are you doing?
Why? Nina
you have a view of Tomorrow
can not believe you called her so
This is very disgusting -
think that cute -
Little Princess?
Maybe this will make every girl -
Impossible -
This is just to sleep
Well, I think they Sidaomdk Princess
Small at any time
do not know about this
certainly going to do
Only liberal
Cheese Burger, with ketchup
This is good
do not know Is not that Packer did not Balencip?
Well, I would
want cheese?
No, but you want this
want to try this
hold a diamond
in case something happened unexpectedly
Well, if how it is?
do not know
Come on -
This is not what I want to talk about -
should be to rest
the one for you
and one to me
and do not worry I promise is the pure
have brought from San Francisco directly
What's up?
Are you kidding?
you do not smoke?
Relax, come on
will Arai night.
how will this?
several hours
Nina hello
Look have found a company of our
So that Tom and this Jerry
reality Alexander
have to go -
Let's not have Tsttinin inflaming Iharit just Dg cups -
should not
We have introduced in the morning
humiliated What would you do? -
you live a little
only a few hours correctly
in order to
did not tell me you are from
am a dancer
No, I mean your name
If You are the sisters -
No, we are not as well -
.'re not sisters, we dance to the same company
ballet dancers for this reason Chbhan way things
UK Tom and Jerry Mnhrfan here
This is very funny
did not go to the Babylonian
This means that you are not deviant
This is a bit boring
No, not as well
No, this is just not for everyone
order, you must sometimes Tatia
can buy a card for you
in order to
this would be -
Well -
Well, there is a place for someone else
time is over
If on what you do?
Swan Lake
in order to
part of it
what is?
.'s about a girl turn into a swan,
You need to love to break the spell
But the prince admired the girl wrong
So you kill the same
This is not happy
This beautiful reality
like you
said you're beautiful
what is ridiculous?
Come depicts
Let's dance
Where are you going?
Do you have an idea of the time?
for. Late
came back
what else
you know this
like they saw this
Don't come in here
This is called privacy, I'm not 12.anymore
You're not my daughter
Leave me alone!
Why did not you wake me up ?
am moving out
my music
am so sorry
they continued
this was good
in fact very good
Well let's take ten minutes break
You is delayed and asked me to loose your place
has remained dormant
did not pay attention to the time
I've put something in my drink
in order to
and I went in the morning
in the morning?
Yes, I've grown
have been with another person
why Nina?
Do you imagine something bad about me?
Stop -
.Oh my God -
Oh my God, You did. You fantasized about me
Was I good?
Rqstkm recent
You have to feel this
must possess the confidence
your heart broken
wounded, and spin your soul
dripping with blood
Black Swan scored low, and there is only one way
to end the pain
You're not fearful, but filled with acceptance
and you look down at the world
and take a glance
and then to the public
Tagafzin and then
Iagafzi Haya Nina Iagafzi
Well, Drink some water, then I will give you
measuring waist
Take off your jacket
this dimension, We almost finish
We have finished Dzera Thank you
Georgina I've been late
must take measurements in order to
Swan Queen
What are you doing here?
You made me your ultimate
it was just in case
in order to
.it can not be her
... can not be her
.Why don't you just go. I'll get to you later
What's going on?
You made her my ultimate..
there is always an alternative and she is the best option
No, she wants my role
every dancer in the world wants your role
No, this is different, she is after me
She is trying to replace me
No body is after you -
No, please believe me -
Well -
know that there had been a struggle,
but you just to break through this morning
Ttomorrow is yours, just give a credible performance
and you do not have to worry about Lily or anybody else
now go home and rest
.. from the vision again
What happened?
I have a life, not work too hard.
big day tomorrow
am still working in here
Would you please turn the light back on
what are you doing here?
am so sorry
am so sorry
I knew how to be this feeling
They are trying to substitution
you were not
stolen something
I've been trying to be like a full
I'm not perfect
am nothing
Nothing, nothing
nice girl
my mother
nice girl
what are you doing?
Go tell
Open the door
Go tell
Open the door Nina
Get Out
what's your problem? -
Get Out
Get Out
There is nothing wrong
am here
.'re irritability I've been up all night
where my watch?
Do not worry about this -
What time is it now? -
Do not worry
have contacted the theater, you are not okay
have to go
No - you don't.
am going -
will stay with here that feel better
Where is it?
She was destroying you.
.. move ... move!
What happened to my sweet girl?
Gone. She is gone
No, please
you can not afford this
I can not?
am the swan queen. You are the one who never get the role
what are you doing here?
supposed to be a sick
Give us a moment
Are you okay?
I'm fine
have asked for the following
you announced this?
after Beth Do you need something else bad
I'm here Thomas
will do that
the only person that stands in your way
Is you
has claimed it is time to go
Ikhosri yourself
White Swan, to your place
what are you doing?
Tsaadi must be to the theater
I've been bad
Well, Nina
What's this?
Are you okay?
Hala tell me what happened?
not my fault, I have brought me
This, it is necessary and that it was very humiliating
Get out of my room
am worried about the following scene:
I'm not sure that you are able to do this
Stop, please stop
What do you think? To dance the role of the Swan
Black for you
leave me and my business
this league
this league
The Black Swan where you are within five minutes
Udi, come on
Good work, come to the final scene
hello, I have a wonderful
I know that some things were a bad thing between us
mean, I have crushed Vajitni completely
Well, I think that this is the command
Tnhin will let you
Can you hear me?
they love you
Amirty small, I knew you Tmlkin this
Come on, to pay tribute to the public
brought assistance
brought assistance
What did you do?
What did you do?
felt this
have a wonderful
Nina Nina Nina