Black (2005)

"My name is Michelle McNally"
"the Older child 0f an Ango Indian
family based in shimla"
"this sory is aout me and my teacher"
"a story about two people
left incomplete by god..."
"who have fought a battle with fate..."
"and made the impossible, possible"
"the world in my story is different..."
"where sound transcends into silence..."
"and Light into darkness"
"this is my world"
"where nothing can be seen nor heard"
"there is only one name for my world..."
"how long can you live in this darkness?"
"A few moments... hours... days?"
"For 4o years I've lived
in this darkness..."
"for 4 years I've given
my final b.a. Exam..."
"and for twelve years, I've gone
to this church, every Sunday"
"but that Sunday was special"
"I felt God would answer my prayers..."
" only prayer was..."
"...that my teacher
would come back to me"
"my prayers take long to reach God..."
"and he takes long in granting them"
"even that Sunday I didn't
find my teacher"
"that evening Sara and I were
returning home..."
"...when suddenly..."
Michelle, just wait for me, ok?
Oh my God!
Michelle!! Michelle!!
Y our prayers have been answered...
it's debraj... he's there
near the fountain,
It's true, I promise, yes promise!
Come! Yes. Yes
"that day my teacher came back to me..."
"after 12 years I recognized him..."
"but he had forgotten everything..."
"even me"
"I am writing this story for him..."
"to my teacher - debraj sahai"
he doesn't remember anything?
Surely there must be something
we can do.
Sara, Mr. Sahai has alzheimer's disease.
He has forgotten everything.
It's a very scary void.
Mr. Sahai has even forgotten his bed.
He has forgotten words,
even forgotten how to speak.
No doctor. I refuse to believe this...
he must remember something...
otherwise, after all these years,
to find him at our house...
and Mr. Sahai can
never forget Michelle.
Like a duster wipes the words
of a blackboard...
the disease has slowly
wiped out all his memories.
A few words or instances
might spark some memory...
but alzheimer's has no cure.
What is Michelle doing?
She wants to read to him
her life story, in braille.
Maybe by touching those words
he might remember something...
Michelle believes
that this miracle will happen.
Science doesn't believe in miracles.
It is impossible for him
to remember anything...
Impossible is one word that
Mr. Sahai never taught Michelle
and what you call impossible...
she will make possible.
"You were written in my destiny..."
"when I was 2 years old"
"that night suddenly
all happiness left us..."
"when my life entered a black vaccuum"
Michelle... my beautiful baby.
You're not sick anymore...
now you can play in water.
Look who has come! Papa!
What has the doctor told papa?
The doctor has said that
Michelle can't see or hear.
What did you say?
Our Michelle has gone
blind and deaf.
Look at me! Michelle!
"I was like an animal"
"children loved playing pranks on me."
"So did God."
Mrs. Gomes! Who has tied
these cans on Michelle?
Shh... calm down Michelle,
calm down, baby calm down.
Fire! Fire! Mrs. McNally. Fire!
Help mrs. McNally
help. Mrs. McNally
for eight years... every day
a new accident
hurting someone with a knife,
or breaking her own head!
She could have burnt
the whole house down.
With Michelle, we can never be happy.
What are you trying to say?
We will send her to an institution.
You mean a mental asylum?
How can you think that?
Cathy, I love her just as much.
But I still want to send her away.
She could cause irreparable damage.
No. I'm sorry. I don't agree.
There is noother solution.
I have no more patience left.
Sara! Oh my God!
Enough of this...!
This child will be the death of us.
Paul, leave her!
She will not stay her another moment.
She almost... killed Sara.
Let her go!
It's not her fault.
For God's sake!
Try and understand her.
She is suffering.
She is suffocating
in her own darkness.
My baby is suffering
there's this school in dehradun...
where children like Michelle
are given special training.
If you let me,
I can write for a teacher...
we do not need a teacher...
we need a magician.
I don't want to hear anymore
that there is no cure for our Michelle.
One last time Paul.
Maybe this is the teacher
who is the magician...
who will bring Light
intoour Michelles life.
Ah, ms. Nair. Come into the Light.
What are you doing, debraj?
Youve just had your eyes operated.
And now what are you doing
holding a dying bulb?
This bulb is dying, ms. Nair.
I need to stand by it
am I right?
It's... it's dying.
Youve been drinking again all day.
Haven't you, debraj?
No, no...
trying to find a sign for Light.
For my deaf and blind children...
whose Light has been
taken away from them.
Light... Light!
Just spell it, debraj.
L.I.G.h.t. Light
ah! The difference between
a teacher... and a magician.
You make me so angry sometimes debraj.
Angry... angry
stop this bullshit
bullshit bullshit
bull. Bull... bull... shit bull... shit
I do not have time for your talks.
I have some very important news for you.
Three guesses... if it's my termination
letter, put it in the third drawer.
If it's my last salary,
then it goes here in my pocket...
and if it's a notice to vacate this room
then throw it in the dustbin.
And. on your way to any of
these ms Nair... could you please
fetch me my... eye-drops... from that
table over there. Thank you.
You may have three guesses debraj...
but you have only one choice.
This letter.
An eight-year girl,
in shimla, Michelle.
She can't see, she can't hear and
her parents don't understand her.
You are their last hope debraj.
Otherwise they will put her
in the asylum.
You are the best teacher I know.
She needs a teacher, you need a job.
Look up
what do you see in this eye, ms. Nair?
A great love for me.
You need to get your eyes checked.
And this one?
- Nothing
her name is Michelle, isn't it?
I can see everything clearly.
A beautiful morning...
snow covered streets...
and that little girl...
a lost soul, directionless.
I will give her wings
made of words, ms. Nair.
I will teach her how to fly.
You couldn't do anything for yourself
and you're out to change others' lives
what happened, do your eyes hurt?
No, not my eyes...
my heart hurts...
listening to your cruel words...
it hurts... it hurts!
That after spending thirty years
in this school...
I'm just an unseen unheard entity.
When I saw the school
for the last time...
my students were waving to me
in the wrong direction.
Waving to me in the
wrong direction ms. Nair.
Oh! Lt... it... it... hurts...
it hurts.
"Destiny had put together
two strange soul- mates."
"I was left incomplete by god..."
"and you were
a battle - weary warrior."
"I was waiting in my darkness..."
"and you were bringing
the flickering Light."
Right. Where's the girl?
This is all we needed.
An alcoholic teacher.
Mmmm... interesting.
Playful, bit of a brat.
And very pretty...
Yes. Yes... someone new...
a new buddy.
You like my glasses, don't you?
Well... you can have them...
here... there you go.
Teacher... tea... cher
Mr. Sahai, she understands?
No, she's just imitating me.
Good... good girl
what is she doing?
That's her sign for me.
Her mother
oh, she's strong.
- I'm really sorry, Mr. Sahai
It's alright.
What's this!!
What is this bell for?
This is her identity
If she is lost.
We find her through its sound.
Take it off!!!!
When you think, that
your child is an animal...
what do you expect of others?
- It's your job to make her human.
How do you plan to do this?
These fingers, Mr. McNally.
They're eyes of the blind...
...Voice of the mute...
poetry of the deaf.
Raise it to a sword...
...clench it for strength.
They can feed you and slap you,
they can point you towards God
and sometimes...
even the door.
It isn't as easy as you make it seem.
My daughter is like me...
- Insolent.
Not you. Y our daughter
lunch... will be served
shortly, Mr. Sahai.
Thank you. Mrs. McNally,
I'm so hungry.
Thank you lord, for the bread
on our plate
for the air we breathe,
so fresh and pure.
For kindness and faith,
we are thankful to thee.
Life's treasures and loved ones,
we hold and cherish.
leave her, Mr. Sahai.
No. she has to learn how to behave.
Leave her hand Mr. Sahai!
This is the only reason
she hasn't learnt anything.
I will not tolerate this
in front of my guests.
Michelle eats like this.
Either she eats from her plate
or stays hungry. Am I understood?
Let her eat, you will
get another plate.
I... don't have a problem
with the plate, Mr. McNally.
The plate... is fine.
Let her go.
This is no way to teach.
Don't you feel pity
for this handicapped child?
Pity? And on this devil...?
So she can do as she pleases?
No Mr. McNally,
I have pity on you...
and don't you dare
call her handicapped.
That's enough! Do not forget that you
are a paid servant in this house.
A teacher! Mr. McNally... not a
paid servant... a paid teacher.
Leave her, right now.
No! You leave. All of you.
Mr. Sahai,
handling Michelle like this...
mrs. McNally... you had said that
you'd cooperate.
All right. There's no point in
going on like this.
Let's give him a chance.
Let him do his job Paul.
Leave! Leave!
Martha, I'm really sorry,
for today's lunch
don't worry cathy.
He's a new teacher, that's why.
Isn't it, Paul?
Martha, I'll drop you home.
Paul, I will speak to Mr. Sahai...
I am very hungry;
I am going to eat...
and if you behave
then you can eat too.
No. You will not use
your hands to eat your food.
Open it, open it, open,
and open your hands.
Leave, leave it. Leave it.
Sit. Sit. Sit. Sit down.
You will not touch the food
with your hands.
Sit down... sit.
Stop it... stop it.
Just stop it, just stop it.
Stop it. Just stop it,
just just stop it. Stop lt.
Spoon. Spoon.
There is going to be no mother.
Y our mother's not here.
Just your teacher.
Y our teacher... just me
where you going?
Where do you think you are going...
you are not going to go out...
wait... where do you think
you are running from?
You are not going out...
come along... with me... come on.
Come here... sit.
You are going to eat your food
with a spoon. Come on.
You are going to eat your food
with a spoon, come on,
open your mouth... open it...
open your mouth... open, open it...
open it. Open it, open it.
Yes. Yes. Yes... very good.
You little brat...
that should cool you down.
This is no way to teach...
we thank you lord
for the food on this plate...
for the air we breathe.
So pure and clear.
For good health and peace.
For beauty and love.
Please don't make
a hasty decision
Paul I know that his way
of teaching is eccentric...
he's rude, he's arrogant,
and he's an alcoholic.
He's not fit to be a teacher.
But, you didn't see
what he did today...
Michelle actually ate today with...
- what do you want cathy?
Get insulted in my own house?
No.- then he's got to go.
I hope you understand.
The woods are lovely...
dark and deep
but I have promises to keep...
- Mr. Sahai...
and miles to go before I can
find the damn envelope. Ah, yes!
I need to talk to you, Mr. Sahai.
Are you busy?
No. Not at all. I was just writing
to my friend, about Michelle.
She has learnt her first lesson
today... etiquette, behavior.
That you do not possess.
Anyway I'll skip the pleasantries.
I want you to leave this house.
I will not leave without
completing my job.
I've only just started.
Still a long way to go. You know.
I don't like the waYou teach.
And I don't like your interference.
This is your train ticket... cheque.
And your termination letter.
We don't need you anymore.
Youre taking the first train tomorrow.
And Michelle takes the next
to the mental asylum?
Now she's deaf blind and also
mentally retarded.
My daughter... is my responsibility.
And mine too, Mr. McNally.
You do understand that this will...
destroy her completely.
Train will leave exactly at seven.
And please... put this back
where it belongs.
Mr. Sahai must have left by now.
We'll talk about Michelle
after I return.
What is happening in this house?
Mrs. Gomes!
What is going on here?
This is ridiculous.
Mrs. Gomes, I don't understand what
is going on in this house today.
Good morning, mrs. McNally.
And how are you today?
Mr sahai...?
We thought you would have left.
Just shifting rooms mrs. McNally.
I never leave my work incomplete.
What do you want?
Same thing you want... that
Michelle becomes independent.
And for that, I need time.
You know that Paul...
has gone out for twenty days. And those
twenty days belong to Michelle and me.
Now, don't say No, mrs. McNally.
No!! It's not possible. You won't
take advantage of paul's absence.
Oh my God!! Oh my God!!
I don't believe this!
This is ridiculous.
I don't believe this!
What have you done?
This is paul's study...
Now this will be Michelles study.
Mrs. Gomes!!! Put that back!
- No, ma'am, he's right!
Oh ho! So the servants also
listen to you now!
Who are you to take over my house?
Michelle's teacher.
Were... were Mr. Sahai,
not anymore.
I am your last hope.
If I leave today
then after a few days...
Michelle will reach the asylum.
Mr sahai... Mr. sahai!
As long as I live, my daughter
will never enter the asylum.
Do you understand?
My mother always...
said the same thing.
That as long as I live...
my daughter will never leave me.
But one day, she herself...
dragged her to the asylum.
And she got lost behind
the asylum's iron doors.
Michelle is deaf and
blind, Mrs. McNally!
She is not mentally retarded!
She need to recognize words...
everything that she touches,
that she eats...
has a name; which has a meaning.
I will teach her to speak...
through signs.
Till she is secure in her house,
this can't happen.
That's why!
I will have to change
this part of the house.
Everything should be new for her.
No papers, no books...
only empty walls.
I'll even change
the smell of this room.
Secondly, only I will have
a right over Michelle.
She will rely only on me!
Third thing, noone including you
will be allowed here.
No, no no... don't shake your head!
Look at me... look!
It's difficult but it will
have to be done for Michelle.
Fourth thing, all I want is
time and trust.
No salary, no allowances,
nothing and...
no alcohol
and the fifth thing...
so, when do I get
charge of my student?
This evening.
You know. Mrs. McNally,
I wish I could sing...
but my singing is so... pathetic.
Dear ms. Nair,
I have good news.
You will be unhappy to know that
the magician is at work
today is Michelles first day...
Mr. Sahai...
- In school. Ah!
Y our student.
You kept your promise, mrs. McNally
school has started,
and parents are not allowed.
So you should leave.
I have never left her alone.
Please take care of her.
Don't be harsh on her
She is looking for me.
- Yes. I know.
She's going to come to you now.
Leave, mrs. McNally.
Please leave. Get back.
No, I can't take this...
- 2o days!
You cannot touch her for 2o days.
- But its time for her to eat.
Yes I know mrs. McNally.
You must leave now.
Please. Please. Can I...?
- I said leave.
No! No. No more mother.
No more father. Just me.
Me, your friend. Y our friend.
Look see see ya ya, your teacher.
Friend. Friend!
The magic has begun, ms. Nair!
The magic!
I will change her life.
The magic has begun!
Wake up, miss... Michelle McNally.
We all pass through this darkness
once in which you are living.
So don't remain in the dark.
Come into the Light!
Light. Light.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Light!
The alphabets for the world start
with a, b, c, d, e but yours...
start with b, I, a, c, k...
black, black, black
y our alphabets, your world
are different Michelle.
You are different, you are, you are,
and you are different...
and are proud that you're different.
Here. This is cake.
Yes cake,
c. Cake, c.a.k.e.
Cake. C.a.k.e. Cake. Cake.
C.a.k.e. Spell it.
Spell it spell... cake
cake on my hands.
Spell it. Spell it.
Don't you dare touch the cake!
Mrs. McNally, could you...
Mrs., Mrs. McNally,
could you get some Light?
I'm coming! I'm coming.
Oh God! Is Michelle all right?
Can you get some Light? Oh. Oh!
Mr. Sahai! Mr. Sahai
Good evening mrs. McNally
- do you need any help?
Do I look... as though
I need some help?
Well, that looked
like a knockout to me.
Knockout, knockout yes.
Eyes are not important
as compared to Light.
I have learnt this,
while teaching Michelle.
In darkness, even eyes are of no use.
The first round was a knock out.
But the next round will be mine.
Good luck to you, Mr. Sahai.
Good luck.
Come along, yes,
come along... here!
This is water. No, no...
don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.
Mr. Sahai... - Yes?
Michelle is scared of water.
And I want to take this
fear out of her mind.
In five days, she will be swimming.
Round two has begun.
Hey! Where are you going?
Come here.
Where are you going?
Come back...
careful, careful.
Careful now. Watch it! Watch it!
Watch out!
I told you to be careful.
Calm down. Calm down, calm down.
This is a thorn.
Balm, balm.
To soothe the pain.
Y our first handshake, Mr. Sahai.
Yes, we're friends now.
And... my first flying kiss.
She needs to learn that
she is destined to thorns.
Those very thorns that adorned
jesus's crown.
Right mrs. McNally?
"I was slowly understanding
"between a thorn and pain..."
"between water and thirst..."
"but one relationship
was still strange to me..."
"of names and meanings."
Bird... bird... bird
ball. B.a.l.l.
Ball. Ball... ball...
Water. Water... water
this is... Napkin...
No. no. this is not spoon
this is... napkin, Napkin...
say ' Napkin'.
Ah! I am fed up.
No, mrs. McNally, I will not
allow you to take Michelle yet
she hasn't learnt anything yet.
She knows words, but not the meanings.
She still calls napkin, spoon.
It's still a long way to go, you know
how much longer Mr. Sahai?
Nineteen days have passed
the promise was for 2o days,
I still have a few hours
what can happen in a few hours?
Knowledge can come in a flash mrs. McNally.
It's like Lighting a candle...
once this candle is lit, the whole
house will be filled with Light.
Believe me, this miracle
can happen any time...
and Paul can come at any moment.
I'm really very sorry.
I will come to get Michelle tomorrow.
At sunrise
and I shall pray there is
no sunrise tomorrow, Mrs. McNally
Good night
Youve made a fine young lady
out of my Michelle!
Thank you.
Thank you.
try and understand Michelle,
every word has a meaning.
And without words, you will
never come out of darkness.
You will never be able
to see the Light!
You will you will never be
able to see the Light.
They will put this bell around you
and call you a cow. C.o. W... cow.
You will become an animal Michelle.
Just an animal
they will put you in an asylum.
And this time
I won't let this happen.
You will have to learn Michelle.
Are you listening?
You are my last hope.
Michelle, Michelle...
Michelle, are you listening?
- Youll have to leave now Mr. Sahai.
No, I am not going to
leave mrs. McNally
I will not give up so easily.
I have kept my promise.
Now it's your turn.
But it's not yet over mrs. McNally.
There are still a few minutes left.
Paul can come at any moment.
Mr. Sahai. I'm helpless
Yes. Mrs. McNally.
But she has to learn.
Mr. Sahai...
- she has to learn...
that the hand she is holding has a name.
That you are mother, mother...
m.o.t.h.e.r... mother.
And that is father.
Paul, I was just...
- leave, Mr. Sahai.
Dear ms. Nair, you will be
deLighted to know...
that after having spent 2o days
with little Michelle, I have failed.
However, if you're smiling at the
thought of looking into my eyes again...
you are terribly mistaken.
Mrs. Gomes, will you stop her?
Let her be Mr. Sahai.
She's very happy today
No! Stop it Michelle.
You little brat.
I am not going to allow you
to do this to me.
I might have been asked to leave...
but I am not going to leave you
to behave like this.
Stop it Michelle.
Stop it!
You won't forget what I've
taught you in 2o days... sit down
please leave her Mr. Sahai,
let her be.
Sit... sit down.
You will use this napkin on your
neck and use a spoon... to eat.
Mo you are not going to throw...
come on, come here...
You brat... you want to
throw water at me!
Let me teach you what water is!
Come here! What water is, come on!
This is water... water... water...
Give me your hand... this is woah...
water... water... Understand?
Water... it's water...
Mrs. McNally!!!
Yes... this is 'Grass'.
G.r.a.s.s. Spell it...
Very good... Very good...
mrs. McNally!!!
That's 'flower' flower...
flower... f.l.o.w.e.r... flower.
Mrs. McNally!! Mr. McNally!!
Mr. McNally!! Mr. McNally!!
What's wrong Mr. Sahai?
Is Michelle all right?
Michelle. Michelle she...
mrs. McNally. She knows, she knows.
She knows the meaning of words.
She actually. Actually
knows the meaning of words.
Look. Look!
Yes, Michelle...
mother. Mother...
once more
pa... pa...
this is 'teacher'. "tea... cher"
tee... tee
Yes... Yes
Yes, he's your tee
dear ms. Nair...
Youll be happy to know...
that I have... I have...
"that daYou had won your
first battle over my darkness."
"But todaYou don't
remember anything."
"Now I will fight
against your darkness."
"I'll teach you everything
you taught me"
"water. The first word
that you taught me..."
"and after that..."
"you typed every little
detail on my hand..."
"like a maestro playing a symphony"
Martha... martha!
When did you return from London?
Oh! It's so good to see you.
Merry Christmas.
Mr. McNally...
- coming, Mr. sahai. Just a moment
I'd like you to meet Mr. Fernandez,
principal of the king Edward University.
I want Michelle to study
in their college
It's an honor to meet you,
Mr. Fernandez.
It's a pleasure sir.
I don't believe how time
has passed, martha
let me prove it to you...
hello... come
did you recognize her?
MYounger daughter, Sara
Sara, this is aunt martha,
an old friend of mine
oh! Hello, aunt martha.
I've heard so...
but where is my dear Michelle?
I can't wait to see her
ah Michelle.
Have you seen Michelle?
Err! Yes... I think
she's inside, excuse me.
Come... we'll go look for her.
Ah! There she is
Mr. Sahai. Look at that girl.
She can't hear or see,
and still... just look at her,
it's wonderful.
That's Michelle McNally...
the girl I was talking about.
- That's impossible Mr. Sahai.
Impossible is a word that I have
never taught her Mr. Fernandez.
There are special schools
for such children...
where they are taught many things.
To make baskets, weave carpets...
have you heard of a girl like Michelle
getting admission in a normal college?
No, but I would love to.
How will she understand the lectures?
I will sit with her in the classroom.
She will learn everything through signs
every word, every letter.
Michelle... meet your principal
Yes yes... I've told him... you
want admission in arts, not science
Mr. Sahai I will have to consult
the trustees on this.
You get few chances for good deeds.
And I hope that you will
not lose this opportunity.
Mr. Sahai, you know this university
is for normal students.
But because of your faith
in Michelle...
and because we believe
you are a good teacher...
we will interview Michelle.
- Thank you.
But today, you cannot
interpret for Michelle.
We have called a special teacher,
who doesn't know either of you.
She will interpret.
They will interview you.
Another interpreter, not me, ok?
Ah, there she is.
Mrs. Nair...?
Welcome ms. Nair, meet Mr. Sahai.
Hello, ms. Nair.
- Hello.
are you ready for the interview?
We're ready, sir.
Why does she want to study?
Why do you want to study?
I want to study... and learn...
so that I may live with dignity,
with independence... and to be alive.
How many oceans are
there in the world?
How many oceans are
there in the world?
For me every drop of water is an ocean
she is not answering my question.
How many oceans are there in the world?
They want a straight answer
to their question
If we are in India,
on which side will America be?
If you are in India,
which side is America?
The world is round.
So America can be on any side.
What does knowledge mean to her?
- What does knowledge mean to you?
Knowledge... is everything
knowledge is spirit, wisdom,
courage, Light, sound.
Knowledge is my bible, God...
...knowledge is my teacher
- bravo! Excellent.
Congratulations, Mr. Sahai.
Y our student is now a
part of our university.
Thank you... thank you
I answered every question they asked.
Michelle looks so happy today Paul.
Can't stop talking about the interview
she hasn't stopped smiling all day.
Why not? A girl who couldn't
sit at the dining table...
has a seat in the university today.
Can you imagine? Can you imagine the day
when we see Michelle as a graduate?
Ah, it's going to be such a
special day, isn't it Sara?
Yes, of course, mama.
Whatever Michelle does is always special.
Isn't it?
Excuse me;
I need to finish my sketch.
Good evening Sara.
- Good evening.
Mr. Sahai, congratulations.
You have performed yet...
another miracle.
Still a long way to go, Mr. McNally
the journey has just begun.
She's been waiting for
her gift for so long.
What is this?
Y our friend, for... life.
I don't need
I don't want to be dependent on this.
This will not make you dependent.
It will make you independent.
Do you understand?
"It was the beginning of a new life..."
"a new feeling, a new horizon..."
"You had faith in me..."
"and I had faith in my wings."
Remember how happy I was
that day?
Is it wise to let Michelle live alone?
She is not alone;
mrs. Gomes will also live here.
I will also live next door.
University is close by,
she will meet new people.
Besides, we can't protect
her all her life.
Don't worry. She'll be fine!
What's wrong with you, Sara? Huh?
We were all just laughing
now suddenlYou're fighting.
It's very irritating, mama.
Anything that I put anywhere...
she picks it up and puts it
somewhere else.
Ma, I love her very much,
I really do.
But... please... leave me
out of this. Ok?
She's very excited, sweetie.
Please understand
I understand everything.
It's always about her, right?
Her excitement, her happiness, she's
the one who means everything to you
but what about me?
Should I speak to you in sign language?
Paul, I can't believe
what she's saying.
Oh my God...
- No, mrs. McNally. Leave her alone.
With every fall, she'll rise higher.
I fell.
That's the spirit.
I want you to walk alone,
without any help.
then right. Understood?
Jojo... go slow... I'm getting old.
Oh! I'm so sorry.
Where is she going?
Where... are you going?
No no no... this is the
wrong way... it's this way.
No... it's... tch!
We're getting late...
come on... yes, hurry up
Yes, come on...
run, run, run!
Come on, come on... hurry up.
"There was so much to learn
and there was such little time."
"24 hours without tiring..."
"y our fingers would speak to me."
Whether life starts from
the womb or from the earth...
its journey starts from darkness
and ends in darkness.
One day we will all have to pass
through this darkness...
and reach into the Light.
"one day, we all have to go through
the darkness, to... Light..."
"New doors opened up for me..."
"new friends, new stories,
new poetry..."
"a new way of looking at the world"
"what you see is what you dream'
No. she, she... she disagrees
with the poet
eyes don't see dreams
but the mind does.
I can't see with my eyes,
yet I dream.
Our dream is that one-day
I would graduate.
Are you ready?
- tree...
- butterfly...
- bird...
- fish...
- bee...
"the best years of my life..."
"memories of which
bring joy even today"
It's ok...
It's all right!
What...? Tickly...?
It's not going to snow.
Please concentrate on your studies
No, no... you wont need the
umbrella at all, concentrate.
Give me the umbrella.
Hey stop it...
Give me the umbrella...
Give me the umbrella...
give... me... the umbrella
"can't you see"?
I'm sorry sir
hey... no... no. no.
It's alright... it's alright.
No, no...
you are too slow!
How will you pass?
Youll try?
Let's watch it
this is ten words in one minute
Youre going to try and do thirty.
Thirty words, my foot!
- No fail.
No, not in one or two subjects,
you have failed in all of them.
"People celebrate success
but we celebrated failure"
"while eating ice cream
you told me the story of the spider"
"who after a lot of tries
made her home."
"After all, failure is
the first step towards success..."
"but for me these steps
were never-ending."
Mr. Sahai, how are you?
How is Michelle?
She's all right,
her results have come out.
And what happened?
She has failed again.
But she said that
her papers were easy.
She lied, so she could
enjoy her holidays
but you said that only after falling
can a person rise higher.
Before I fall, I want her
to learn how to fly.
I'm getting old, you know?
Oh no...
- what happened?
Michelle has failed again?
- Yes Paul. I'm worried.
I think Mr. sahai...
ma... I want to come home.
Ma, I failed.
Teacher shouted at me.
I love you, my baby, I love you.
I was told you were looking
for me Mr. Fernandez
ah Mr. Sahai, please come in.
I have been waiting for you all day...
I want to share my biggest
achievement with you.
Please have a seat.
Mr. Sahai Michelle has been studying
in the same class for 2 years.
So I thought I would do
something to... help her.
First year arts, entirely in braille.
You had once said very few chances
are given for doing good deeds.
I'm happy that you haven't
wasted this chance.
Now noone can stop Michelle
from going ahead. Thank you.
Not at all... It's my duty,
my pleasure, my pride.
I trust that was all right?
Is anything the matter?
Then the books, Mr. Sahai.
Please take them to Michelle.
How do I go out?
How... how do I go out?
I beg your pardon?
The way to go out?
The door, Mr. Sahai...
it's right behind you.
Exactly the waYou came in.
Mr. Sahai, is everything all right?
Tee... cher...
"New feelings were arising with age..."
"something that I couldn't understand"
"I knew noone besides you teacher"
"that's why I thought of another
relationship with you teacher"
"was it wrong for me to think this way?"
"A lot was changing..."
"but my failure was constant"
time up, Michelle... time up.
Michelle, you've already
had extra time.
Michelle... I'll take
the paper out then.
No... no...
- please...
leave it...
- please...
leave it... no... leave it...
knowing the answers is not enough...
You have let me down completely.
I am angry... I am very angry...
no... knowing the
answers is not enough...
you need to put them down
on paper too, understand?
Don't just stand there
like a failure!
It's all right.
- No. It's not all right, mrs. McNally.
It's not only her failure,
it's mine too.
This is the third year in a row
that she's failed.
For three years we have been doing
those same lessons.
She's just too slow at typing.
hey, Michelle... Michelle...
where do you think you are going?
Leave this bag...
leave it, leave it...
leave this bag!
Enough! I want to go home.
No. No... you're not going anywhere.
I don't want to stay.
I don't want to study.
No... no... You will stay...
you will study. You understand?
You will study. In three years even
the braille letters have worn out...
but nothing has entered your brain.
- Let her be, Mr. Sahai!
Mrs. McNally, I haven't spent
I'm not going to allow her
to be a failure.
Hey... come here... you...
come here...
listen, you will...
you will not...
you will not run away from failure.
Understand? Not run away from failure!
Michelle... what is this? Don't you
dare disrespect a book!
Pick it up... come on.
Pick it up., pick up the book...
pick up the book... Michelle...
pick up the book...
stop it
as long as I am alive,
you will study.
I don't want to learn.
Yes! You will learn.
You will graduate.
The black robe. Our dream...
I don't want a robe.
My world is black
No. y our world... your world is
not black. It is full of Light!
My world is black, black, black!
Black... black...
in less than 2 minutes.
She's not slow anymore Mrs. McNally
time for celebration.
Time for... an ice-cream, my dear
- Yes...
mrs. McNally. Life is an ice-cream.
Enjoy it before it melts.
Can I have two...?
Ice creams, of course...
sir... ice-cream...
Ice-cream sir.
What happened?
- Tee...
what's wrong with you?
Y our change, sir.
Sir, your change?
Tee... tee...
tee... tee... tee...
are you alright...?
Call for a doctor!
Mr. Sahai?
Mr. Sahai?
You are here...
I've been looking for you.
Don't you recognize me?
It's me... Fernandez
Michelles principal.
Oh... yes. of course.
I'll get Michelle for you.
- Michelle can't hear, Mr. Sahai.
I'll just call her.
Mrs. Gomes!!!
- Michelle is not at home.
She's here.
To forget my name,
to forget the door...
all this is fine... but to forget
Michelle like this...
something is seriously wrong,
Mr. Sahai.
I really think you should
get some help and see a doctor...
Good night. Mr. Sahai.
I'm... sorry.
It's ok.
- It's ok.
Don't ever forget me...
I promise...
I will never forget... you
You worry about me?
No. don't... worry about me...
just... getting old.
No... don't worry.
Go to... sleep.
Sing you... a lullaby...
No, I can't sing...
hush, my baby.
On the treetop.
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock...
hush my baby...
"a storm had scattered my dreams"
"all those dreams those
were most dear to me"
"that day was the first time
I felt fear..."
"how would I live
if you forget me?"
What happened now?
- She doesn't want to come downstairs
she is feeling awkward to come
in front of your in-laws.
She thinks she'll spoil the evening.
Then why did she bother
coming till here?
Stop it Sara...!!!
She's worried about
Mr. Sahai's health, please...
it really hurts me to see
the twoof you fight like this...
now you get her ready
and you bring her down.
I have a lot of work to finish...
Michelle, I'm requesting you...
till now whatever you did
was special.
But today is a very
special day for me.
I'm in love and I am getting
engaged before you.
I know this could upset you.
Maybe this evening will
never come in your life
and you may be feeling that
you will never fall in love.
I hope you will.
I really do...
but, until then...
please don't... spoil. My. Evening. Ok?
I am very happy today because all the
people I care about in the world...
are in this room. On this occasion,
I'd love to say a few words.
I'm a very lucky girl that
I got parents like you.
And a sister like Michelle.
I haven't been the best
daughter or the best sister.
But I want to tell you all
I that really love you very much.
And I love this house.
There are so many memories here.
I remember one time Michelle
and I were playing outside.
We were running through
the grass holding hands.
And while running, both of us fell
down and both of us started crying.
Mama and papa came running outside and
picked up Michelle and left me outside...
and there I was...
with my arms stretched out.
I'm still waiting.
As a child. I...
I used to be so angry with her.
The amount I loved her the
same amount I was jealous of her...
whatever food I didn't like,
I'd feed her.
I used to wake Michelle in the
middle of the night and ask her...
do you want to drink water? Michelle
used to nod her head and saYes...
and I used to turn my head
and go back to sleep.
She would wait for me
all night long.
I can't believe I did that.
Can you marc?
For all those things that I did,
and all the misplaced...
anger... I'd like to say I'm sorry.
Did I say something wrong?
Then please let me finish.
- I don't want to listen,
It's important to me. Michelle.
- enough!!!!
Sit down.
Slt... down.
For this joyous and
eventful evening...
Michelle had prepared
a speech for Sara,
I would read and Michelle
would sign...
but I don't think that Michelle
is in any mood for signs.
It's important however, that we
should all hear what she said.
"I was eight years old, wild, violent
always angry at life."
"I felt that I would never experience
the beautiful moments of life."
"Then mother put Sara in my arms
for the first time..."
"and then I knew that I'd see the world
through Saras eyes."
"Ma says, that I couldn't
stop smiling all day."
"Sara shared all her happiness
with me..."
"she would hold my hand
and take me everywhere."
"When ma wasn't around
she would feed me..."
"she would wake me at night
and ask me if I wanted water."
"You were the voice
to my silent fingers."
"I am so looking forward
to your wedding day."
"I'll dress up beautifully that day."
"I may never be the bride,
but I will still be the bridesmaid."
"Do teach marc how to sign,
I have lots to complain about you."
"Thank you for allowing me
to be your bridesmaid, Sara."
"I promise I will not cry... as you
walk with marc towards a new life."
Soon this happy note...
a toast...
for Sara and marc
do you, marc Philip bragger,
take Sara Maria McNally...
to be you're lawfully wedded wife?
- I do.
Marc... says yes.
Do you, Sara Maria McNally...
- Now the priest is asking Sara...
take marc Philip bragger to be
your lawfully wedded husband?
If she agrees...
- I do.
Sara says..."Yes".
I declare you to be man and wife
Now they are exchanging rings.
You may now kiss the bride.
The priest has asked them
to kiss as man and wife.
On the cheek?
- No, no, not on the cheek. On the lips.
what are you doing here?
Wanted... to talk.
Do you love... me?
I'm suffering...
I understand that you are suffering...
I may never know... what it is
to... love... a man.
Maybe you will never
experience physical love
will you kiss me once...
"In giving me dignity
as a woman..."
"you lost all dignity
as a teacher."
"I realized that
I had asked too much."
"I made a mistake."
"You didn't even give me a chance
to ask for your forgiveness."
"I'm leaving"
"like your walking-stick,
never forget one thing"
"darkness is desperately trying
to engulf you"
"but you must always
walk towards Light"
"every step of yours, filled with hope,
will keep me alive, Michelle"
"once again Light transcended
into darkness..."
"and sound into silence."
"For twelve years
I walked the path you showed me..."
"alone in the darkness."
"When after twelve years I had
found you near the same fountain..."
"and today after 12 days
this mark sheet."
"I'm now a graduate in the arts."
"I want you to be the first one
to hear the good news"
Mr. Sahai this is your bed,
please lie down.
Please... that's it. Mr. Sahai...
this is your bed, Mr. Sahai!
Mr. Sahai...
please lie down... Mr. Sahai
"Amidst us today there
is a student..."
who has set an example
of grit and strength...
and has proved that
nothing is impossible.
She is the pride of our university.
And on this rare achievement, I would
want her to say a few words.
Ladies and Gentleman - Michelle McNally
that's my daughter.
After many attempts...
the spider, in spite of
falling several times...
has finally made her home.
The ant has climbed her mountain.
A tortoise has crossed the dessert...
and today Michelle McNally,
has finally become a graduate.
But there is a difference
between you and me.
What took you 2o years
has taken me 4o.
But I finally did it!
As a child, I always
lagged behind others.
My parents were always ashamed of me.
Every year I would call home
and say, "ma, I failed."
But today I can say...
"ma, I passed."
I know that my parents
are very proud of me.
Telling the world proudly that
I am their daughter
thank you mama, papa...
as a child, I was always
searching for something.
But in the end,
I would only find darkness.
One day, my mother put me
in those unknown arms.
He was different from every one.
He was a magician.
For years he dragged me from
darkness into the Light.
When it comes to God,
we are all blind.
None of you have ever
seen him or heard him.
But I have touched God.
I have felt his presence.
I call him "tee.
For me everything was black
but my teacher taught me
the new meaning of black
black is not only darkness
and suffocation.
It is the colour of achievement.
The colour of knowledge.
The colour of the graduation robe.
The colour that we all share today.
But there is a difference
between you and me.
TodaYou all wear this
to celebrate graduation.
But not me.
Because I want my teacher
to be the first one to see me...
wear this black robe.
Every graduation day,
he brought me here.
Every year, we would stand
near that door...
and every year he would
write in my hand...
"one day I want to see you
on that stage Michelle"
It has taken me 4o years...
to fulfill his dream.
And today, for the first time,
I feel my lack of sight.
Because I want to see my teacher
standing at the door...
watching me fulfill our dream
with pride
"our dream"...tee... woah...
woah... woah
tee... woah
"dear ms. Nair, you'll be happy to
know that we have come into the Light:
"Today my teacher has remembered
his first word - water."
"He is the greatest teacher
in the world..."
"who has proved again that there is
nothing impossible in this world."
"Who has taught me that there is so much
happiness in living for someone else"
"today is my teacher's
first day at school miss Nair."
And his alphabets, just like mine,
will not start with a, b, c, d, and e.
But with b, l, a, c, k