Blade II (2002)

Parizska, Blood Bank Prague
Czech Republic
First time giving blood?
They pay cash here,
and there's no limit
to how many times you give.
They even buy it
in the jar.
Jared Nomak,
we're ready for you.
ln the past 12 months,
have you gotten a tattoo,
or undergone any ear,
skin, or body piercings?
Where did you get
that scar on your chin?
Childhood accident.
You say you don't have any immediate
next of kin, is that right?
Not that l'm
in contact with.
Nobody to call in case
of an emergency?
- No one.
- No family?
l told you, no. Are you telling me
l can't be a donor?
lt depends.
We came up with some unusual
results on your blood test.
How unusual?
Let me explain. Your blood
has a very rare phenotype,
one we haven't
encountered before.
What? What are you
talking about?
- Who are you? No.
- Sit down, please.
What is this?
This is a good news-bad news
scenario, Jared.
Good news for us...
bad news...
...for you.
l hate vampires.
Forget what you think
you know--
vampires exist.
My name is Blade.
l was born half human,
half vampire.
They call me
'The Daywalker.'
l have all
their strengths,
none of their
except for 'the thirst.'
that changed that--
He taught me how to hold
the thirst at bay.
Taught me the rules.
Gave me the weapons
to hunt with--
silver, garlic,
Two years ago
he was attacked.
They took him,
and turned him into
the thing l hate most.
l should have
finished him off.
Now l'm hunting him.
l will find him.
And nothing
will stand in my way.
Daywalker's here!
Stop him!
Where is he?
Fuck this shit!
No, no.
l don't know where they keep him.
Take me to him,
and l'll consider you
a loose end.
Please - l don't know
He shot himself then he turned,
we just kept him alive!
lt's me Rush, let me in.
Don't Shoot! lt's me!
Fuck! lt's not silver but it hurts like hell.
Catch you later.
Old man...
look at what
they've done to you.
Let's go home.
Lock up your daughters,
boys and girls,
the dark knight returns.
- Need a toke of the smokage, B?
- Later. Cut the lights.
You found him.
You didn't kill him.
Give me a hand.
l got a bad feeling
about this, B.
Listen to his breathing.
He's already dying.
He's in pain. Why don't you
put him out of his misery?
They had him on stasis
in a halfway house.
l'm giving him an accelerated
retro-viral detox--
like a heroin addict.
- Make him go cold turkey in one night.
- Shit ain't going to work, man.
l say you kill
the motherfucker right now.
Get out.
lf there's anything left
of you in there, Whistler,
listen up.
ln the morning those blinds
are going to open...
whether you're cured...
or not.
Hey, man,
l didn't mean to call him--
Listen to me, Blade.
You're going to have
to finish me off.
Give me
that damn gun.
Now walk away.
son of a bitch.
How do you feel?
Like hammered shit.
How'd you find me?
l started out in Moscow,
then Romania.
- They kept moving you around.
- How long was l gone?
- Months?
- Too long.
They tortured me
almost to death.
And then let me heal
in a vat of blood
so they could go at it again.
Sorry sons of bitches
could have at least
fixed my goddamn leg
while they were at it.
Where's my arc welder?
Whistler, nice to meet you, man.
l heard a lot about you.
l'm Josh. You can call me 'Scud.'
Everybody does.
Tell me something, Skid--
No, man, it's 'Scud,'
like 'stud.'
What did you do in here?
The pimpmobile? Just a little
after-market modification.
- Nitrous oxide and shit like that.
- Oh, yeah.
You gave it a more aggressive
exhaust profile ramping.
The whole package will crank
that Betty up, maybe 300 horsepower.
You'll burn the damned thing out
before your next oil change.
Where did you dig up
this shitbird, anyway?
What the fuck
is your problem, Poppy?
My problem is l've been
sucking blood clots for two years.
l get out to find some jerkoff
fucking with my life's work.
We jeopardised our whole operation
to save your puckered arse!
- Our operation?
- Yeah.
Our operation? l built
this operation, you arse-wipe!
Motion sensors!
lt's on three, gentlemen.
Body temperature, 50.
l'd guess, suckhead.
Fried. They're using
magnesium flares.
They've got
your security system scoped out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
l don't trust you--
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Cool outfit.
Guard lights!
Nyssa, put your sword away
Your people shot first.
We are here to deliver a message.
We represent the ruling body
of the Vampire Nation.
They're offering you
a truce.
They want to meet
with you.
Take off your mask.
My name is Asad.
This is Nyssa.
You have been
our most feared enemy.
But now there's something else
loose on the streets.
worse than you.
What's so funny?
They tell stories about Blade
as 'The Bogeyman.'
l'm disappointed.
You hear that, B?
She's disappointed.
He agreed
to come along so easily.
Come on, B, show her.
Pretty please?
Enough explosives
to level a city block.
You still disappointed?
The guards look human, B.
They're probably familiars.
You sure about this?
Well, if l'm not...
The true power
of the Vampire Nation lies here.
Blade, this is
Overlord Eli Damaskinos.
Welcome daywalker.
lt has been said,
'Be proud of your enemy
and enjoy his success.'
ln that regard,
l should thank you.
- For what?
- Eliminating Deacon Frost.
You did us a favour.
Karel Kounen.
- You're human.
- Barely-- l'm a lawyer.
European Health
As you may know,
vampirism is...
a horrible virus,
carried in the saliva of predators.
ln 72 hours, it spreads
through the human bloodstream,
creating new
parasitic organs.
Like cancer.
with a purpose.
Unfortunately, viruses evolve, too.
We've encountered a new one.
We dubbed it
the ''Reaper'' strain.
And like any good pathogen,
it appears to have found a carrier.
Jared Nomak.
Born a vampire,
but an anomaly like you.
Unlike the rest of us,
he feeds on not just humans,
but vampires as well.
Looks like he was
doing me a favour.
You're missing
the point.
Their vampire victims
don't die... they turn.
- They become carriers.
- You've got to understand.
These things are like crack addicts.
They need to feed daily.
Nomak's been up
for 72 hours.
By our estimates,
there are already a dozen Reapers.
There'll be hundreds
before the week is out.
Thousands within a matter of months.
Do the math.
Wait. Let me
get this right.
You want me
to hunt them... for you?
When they are
finished with us,
who do you think
they'll turn on next?
Your precious humans.
Not one of them
will be left.
We spent two years training
a small tactical unit--
the Bloodpack.
We want you to lead them.
Two years?
We've been training
to hunt you.
- So, B-man, what do you think?
- Sounds like a plan.
What do you
really think?
They're going to fuck us
the first chance they get.
We ain't gonna
do this, right?
We'll play along for now.
They'll take us in deeper
than we've ever been.
Get a chance to see how
their world really ticks.
l had enough
of their world.
They're just
shitting bricks
because they're no longer
top of the food chain.
Damn, man, l'm really
worried about him.
l know he's your friend and all,
but l think you should watch him.
Nobody goes cold turkey
from the thirst in just one night.
Looking to get
hooked up?
What do you have?
No problem.
Horse, Hawaiian ice,
whatever you need.
Whatever l need.
l like that.
What if l need you?
So, so sweet.
They are ready whenever you are,
Meet the Bloodpack.
Lighthammer, Verlaine,
Priest, Snowman,
Chupa, and Reinhardt.
me and the gang
were wondering...
What was that?
Can you blush?
Here we go, Poppy.
Oh, l get it.
l see now.
You've been training
for two years to take me out,
and now, here l am.
Ooh, so exciting,
isn't it?
here's your chance.
Come on.
What are you waiting for?
Here l am-- right here
in front of you.
'Adolf here gets
the first shot.
Come on. What are you looking
at her for? You need permission?
Maybe you need a little bit
of incentive.
Okay, l can help
with that.
What's the matter?
Missed that?
lt's okay,
l can do it again.
Do it Reinhardt! Do it!
Come on.
You need a manual?
- Do it! Come on!
- Kill the bastard!
Take him now!
Now you've got an explosive device
stuck to the back of your head.
Silver nitrate-- rigged to go off
if anybody tampers with it.
l'll have
the detonator with me.
And you-- if you so much
as look at me wrong--
From now on,
we work as a unit.
You'll be taking
orders from me.
Any questions?
You want to catch the hunter?
You start with the prey.
We'll target
all the night places
where vampires
Blood banks, safe houses,
the bigger, the better.
So... what's first?
The House of Pain.
Where's the entrance?
l don't see any signs,
no vampire glyphs.
No, because of you,
we've had to rethink our habits--
tighten our security.
Have a closer look.
.38, .45 and 9mm
All with foil capsules
at the tip
filled with silver nitrate,
and garlic extract.
This hyper-velocity
stake gun
spits out a silver stake
at 6,000 feet per second.
Since you suckers
don't like sunlight,
we've modified the gun's
entry light with a UV filter.
Pop it open--
instant UV light.
- Filter's on, no problem.
- Yo, B, check this out.
lt's got a pneumatic
syringe delivery system.
The vials are filled
with an anti-coagulant called EDTA.
One punch with this, you'll blow
your target up like a balloon.
The cartridge ejects.
Automatic reload.
Let's go.
You won't pass
for one of us.
- Like l give a shit.
- No, he's right.
Why don't you post up
on the roof over there?
Cover our backs.
So the Bloodpack's calling
the shots now, huh?
Better curb that dog of yours
or we'll do it for you.
Keep pushing, arsehole.
We're in.
You're about
to enter our world.
You will see things--
Just remember
why you're here.
l haven't forgotten.
What exactly are we
looking for in here?
Anything that looks
You got to be
kidding me.
Scud, do you read me?
- Scud, you reading me?
- Reading you loud and clear, B.
The whole place
is a safe house.
The windows are painted black,
one access door.
- 200, 300 suckheads in here.
- That sounds cool.
Hey, W, you got me?
Tell me something, how's
the weather up there, sweetheart?
Walkin' on sunshine,
toad boy.
Look at them--
half of these bastards,
they're not even
l tell you what,
why don't we just
fucking kill everyone?
Just to make sure.
God, it would be
so easy.
He's got you.
Mother's milk.
l say we got about half an hour
till sunrise, Cinderella.
Hurry up.
l spotted one,
but lost him.
Be on the lookout.
Whistler, man, they're on the roof.
l got them on the roof of my bus.
What am l to you?
ls the enemy
of my enemy my friend...
or my enemy?
We're under attack!
There's three of them.
Probably more.
What the fuck.
Silver don't do jack shit.
Don't waste the bullets!
- Motherfucker.
- You hear me, Chupa?
Say 'cheese.'
Come on.
How about some daylight,
You ugly little beast.
You are bleeding, did it bite you?
My back, he just wounded my back.
Listen to me. lf you're under attack,
use your UV lights.
Use your UV lights.
they can't take the light.
We're not dying here, man.
- Come on.
- Priest is down.
Daylight's coming.
You're on your own, Blade.
You want me so bad,
Here l am.
Why kill me?
You and l, we have
the same enemy.
We want
the same thing.
We need
the same thing, Blade.
What happened?
Why didn't you tell me
these things were immune
- to silver and garlic?
- l didn't know.
lf you did,
would you have told me?
l think you know the truth
when you hear it.
Then why didn't he kill you?
How long since
he's been bitten?
- About 20 minutes.
- His skin is fucking burning.
He's already
starting to change.
Will someone just
shut him the fuck up?
Kill me now, Chupa!
A man without fear.
Hold on!
- Hold him, Chupa!
- Come on, man!
Put him out of his
fucking misery!
Don't you get it?
You can't finish him that way!
Hold him down!
Hold him down, Chupa!
Back off!
lf that was your Bloodpack
Sunday punch, we're in trouble.
This motherfucker
left his post.
- He just disappeared.
- Where were you?
Ran into a little
Reaper action myself.
Oh, yeah? How little?
We lost a man-- Priest.
You want me to carve
his fucking name on your chest?
Let me show you.
Saw it moving in the alley
and followed it down.
Found it just like this.
l think they came through here.
lt was trying to crawl back
in the culvert, caught his arm.
Been gnawing at it
like a coyote.
Little boy blue.
lt's already dying.
l need to examine it
as quickly as possible.
Okay, look for a lever.
Let's open it.
They've made contact
with the Reapers.
- Any casualties?
- One so far.
lt was not...
Nyssa, l trust?
This a dangerous game
you're playing, Damaskinos.
Blade is too volatile.
You're not going to be able
to keep manipulating him.
You worry too much.
l've been informed by our friend inside
that events are unfolding as scripted.
You've already lost
one of your own.
How many more are you
willing to sacrifice?
- Every one.
- Even your own daughter?
Yes. Even her.
Recognise this?
The blood bank.
He's one of the guards.
So why is he dying?
What's killing him?
His metabolism
is burning too fast.
They need fresh blood
every couple of hours,
or they'll start feeding
on themselves.
Nomak's different.
He's the carrier.
lt all started with him,
it'll end with him.
Open the mouth, Scud.
Open the mouth.
B, come on.
Only the tongue
carries the virus.
lt is injected
through these barbs.
lt has bifurcated
masseter muscles.
allowing for a much stronger bite.
The jaw structure
remains the same.
But there's no mandible bone.
Squeeze that tooth, Scud.
Probably paralyses their victim
while they feed.
Garlic don't work.
Silver, that don't work.
We got to go
with the sunlight, right?
That's deadly
to us, too...
so let's see
what else we can find.
Your wounds look much better now.
They are healing quickly.
These things are
as different from us
as we are from you.
Look at that.
The heart
is encased in bone.
Only the side
is vulnerable.
Good luck getting
a stake through that.
Pull a leg off a spider,
it keeps moving on its own,
essentially trying to walk
without a body attached to it.
- What are you doing?
- Hard-wired, right?
What the fuck is that?
Brain's dead.
Body's still trying to feed.
We got six hours before sunrise.
Be ready by then.
what happens
at sunrise?
Blade, l'm talking to you.
What happens at sunrise?
- We hunt.
- ln broad daylight?
You got be fucking joking.
You better get you
some sunscreen, buttercup.
Listen, shitkicker,
you're about one cunt hair away
from hillbilly heaven.
l love it
when you talk dirty.
Sunlight's the only edge we've got.
They'll be more vulnerable then.
And so will we.
Let's be real
about one thing--
l don't expect everybody
to make it back tomorrow.
Remember to protect
at all times.
- What are you looking for?
- Phosphor rods.
lf l can suss out the light source,
maybe l can make
some sort of UV flash-bang grenade
or something.
lt's been tried already.
But you didn't have the Scudster
working on it then, did you?
- Blade.
- Hmm?
- The way you talk to them-- us.
- What is it?
We are together in this,
Why do you hate us
so much?
lt's fate.
- lt's in my blood.
- lt's in mine, too.
l'm a pureblood.
l was born a vampire.
You know the thirst
better than any of us--
shooting that serum
of yours.
The only difference
between us,
is that l made peace
with what l am a long time ago.
How long have you
known Blade, anyway?
Going on 20 years.
He doesn't talk
about the old days that much.
Blade doesn't talk
about anything much.
You want to hear
something funny?
Blade kind of looks at you
like a father figure.
Tell me something.
How'd you two hook up?
l was backpacking.
l met these two chicks,
decided to take them back
to my tent for a little
'Three's Company' action.
- Pretty.
- Next thing l know,
'Janet' and 'Chrissy' start
tearing chunks out of my stomach.
Blade shows up,
saves my arse.
Everything else just sort
of fell into place.
- Let's try it.
- Alright.
Maybe l fucked up.
Maybe you were right.
Papa's got a brand new bag.
Let me ask
one question.
How the hell are we going
to find these Reapers?
We won't have to.
They'll come to us.
- What is this shit?
- Pheromones.
Harvested from the Reapers'
adrenal glands.
They're going
to key to it.
They want us to spray on
some suckpuppy's nut juice?
First use your firearms
to drive them back,
then toss your UV grenades.
Right on. This is what we got
for the grand finale.
l hot-wired a couple of these babies
to a nitro-vacuum.
Just be real careful
where you pop your load.
And you,
you're not coming?
No. l'm a lover,
not a fighter.
UVs have
a 10-second delay.
Nyssa... just remember
to take cover.
Hey, Blade, give me a hand.
You and 'Miss Muffet'
getting a little cosy there?
l wouldn't worry
about that if l was you.
Looks to me like
you're getting confused
as to which side of the line
you're standing on.
Those are real hollow words
coming from a man
who just spent two years
running with the enemy.
What the hell
is that supposed to mean?
You know, Whistler,
there's an old saying--
'Keep your friends
but keep
your enemies closer.'
You might want
to remember that.
Blade, we should split
into three units.
We're trying to attract them,
not scare them off.
Yeah? Well, some of us
can't see in the dark,
you fucking nipplehead.
What am l supposed to do?
Bifocals, 'Grandpa.'
and try to keep up.
Let's do this.
Hey, hillbilly.
What the fuck you doing?
Ain't nobody here
but you...
and us, 'buttercup.'
We lose a partner,
and Blade loses one!
l'll leave you two lovebirds
some time to yourselves.
l spotted a group
in the east tunnel.
l'm prepping
the bomb pack.
Get out!
Right now!
l'll attract them to me.
Do what l tell you.
Reinhardt ... regroup now!
Piece of junk.
... get out of there now!
What the hell is this?
You trying to stink me
to death, old man?
Get out of there now!
- You okay?
- Yeah.
We've got to move.
We've got a lot of company.
All units, regroup.
Eat shit,
you ugly motherfuckers!
There's nobody left!
- Where's the bomb pack?
- Had to leave it down that tunnel.
Give me the rest
of the pheromones.
Go down that tunnel!
Go, go, go, go!
You obviously
do not know...
whom you are
fucking with!
By the way, Blade...
did l happen to mention
the bomb lever is stuck?
Suck this!
Let's go!
You want a bite of me?
Well, come on!
Come on, motherfucker!
You will survive this
only to tell Blade...
about this ring.
About the truth.
The truth, old man.
You've done a great job.
Not that great--
l'd say.
What is it,
my daughter?
l have shamed you father ...
l've dishonored the family crest
Blade saved me.
He is brave. Honorable
l understand.
ls he still alive?
They took them.
All our weapons.
Even your sword.
Somebody's been keeping tabs
on us from inside.
- Where are we?
- Some kind of chamber
deep in their lair.
They smashed up everything--
the workshop, all of it.
They've been lying
to us from day one.
The Reaper strain
didn't evolve...
it was designed.
Designed. Nomak told me.
l saw him back in the sewers.
- He let me live.
- Did he?
How generous of him.
l brought you here to see
the fruits of our labour.
For years l've struggled
to rid our kind of any
hereditary weaknesses.
And so,
recombining DNA...
was simply the next
logical step.
Nomak was the first.
A failure.
But in time,
there will be a new
pure race,
from my own flesh,
immune to silver,
soon even sunlight.
l got a question for you,
you lying son of a bitch.
You want to explain how Nomak
got ahold of this ring?
l would have thought
that was obvious at this point.
l gave it to him, of course.
A gift from father to son.
l thought
he'd never leave.
The wolf has lain
with the sheep long enough.
Reinhardt, you can kiss
your arse goodbye.
l'm sorry, man.
B, you're wasting your time, man.
The bomb's a dud.
lt was never supposed
to explode.
lt was just supposed
to make you feel in control.
You thought you had me
on a short leash,
didn't you, 'jefe'?
Much better.
See this?
l'm one of Damaskinos'
They needed my help to bring you here
to control Nomak.
The old fuck,
he was always just bait.
l mean, look at him.
He's your only real weakness, man.
You may be fast, you may be strong
and all that other bullshit,
but in the end, B,
you're just too human!
Well, you little shit.
You think they scoped out
my security system?
l let them in, arsehole!
l practically handed them the keys.
You heard 'Cue Ball,' right?
Pretty soon they're all
going to be daywalkers, man.
When that happens,
l'd rather be a pet than cattle.
You got me, B?
What do you think
about that, man?
Two things-- one...
l've been onto you
since they turned you.
And two...
it's not a dud.
Aw, great.
l was just starting
to like him.
Take him down!
We're going to harvest your blood,
every drop of it.
Then bone marrow,
organs, everything.
We'll find the missing key
to creating daywalkers.
Now this might
hurt a bit.
l wonder...
how many vampires
he's killed with this thing.
Not nearly enough,
Keep talking,
Just makes my sending you
to the next world
- all the sweeter.
- Been there, done that.
Do your worst, chickenshit.
We'll settle up after.
What else
should l find out?
l trusted you--
with my men;
with my will;
with my life.
you sent us out there.
You sent me to die.
Our enemy saved
my life twice,
and you have used us--
your own children.
Make no mistake, Nyssa,
those blood ties
mean nothing to me
when measured against
the ascendancy of our race.
Who do you think
God really favours in the web?
The spider,
or the fly?
What about him, hmm?
He wants revenge...
on the people...
who created him.
You may be right.
But fortunately for us,
he doesn't know this location.
he does.
What the fuck?
Come on, kid.
Don't you even think
about dying on me.
You didn't give up on me,
l won't give up on you.
Come on-- Blade.
He'll never enter here.
Go on, kid.
Go! Get him!
Get in there!
Hmm. Well...
like my daddy said
right before he killed my mum,
'You want anything done right,
you got to do it yourself.'
He also said--
Can you blush?
Hey, kid.
l reset
the security code.
We're locked in.
Are you insane?
- He'll kill us both.
- Yes.
lsn't it sad that you die
not by the hand of your enemy,
but by that
of your own children?
All that has befallen you -
lt was a terrible tragedy.
An unforgivable mistake.
- but you have returned to me
We will find a cure.
Take your rightful place by my side.
You are, after all, a Prince,
together we will conquer it all.
lf what you say is true.
Why does your voice tremble so
l've spared you my fate, you will die
out of this wound your blood
- your life - will flow
Finish it off my brother.
Let's close the circle.
You were his favorite.
Blade, it could end
right here.
What do you think, huh?
lt's not over yet.
After all...
it looks like l've finished
my father's job.
lt's strange.
lt hurts...
it hurts no more.
lt won't be long.
l can already feel it
burning inside of me.
l want to die while
l'm still a vampire.
l want to see the sun.
By booth number three.
Enjoy, man.
Are you sure that
the girls are live?
Last time l checked.
Thank you.
A couple of razor-blades,
just in case...
You didn't think
l forgot about you, did you?