Blair Witch Project, The (1999)

In October of 1994,
three student filmmakers. . .
. . .disappeared in the woods near
Burkittsville, Maryland, . . .
. . .while shooting a documentary.
A year later
their footage was found.
-It's already recording. . .
This is my home. . .
-You look blurry. I'll zoom out.
Good morning.
-Got it?
-Okay, I got it.
This is my home, . . .
. . .which I am leaving for the weekend. . .
. . .to investigate the Blair Witch.
Essential reading: "How to Stay
Alive in the Woods", . . .
. . .'cause you never know what's
gonna happen.
And this is an important book. . .
. . . because it has the article about what
happened at Coffin Rock.
It looks pretty old. . .
It's totally old.
And this is my field notebook.
It's Mr. Punctuality.
How are you this morning?
So I got the CP up.
That's what we're shooting on.
No one knows I took it,
but I got it.
Come into the house. Come on.
I can see you.
We're not gonna bump into shit,
I'm going backwards now.
We mustn't fuck up the cameras.
So where's Mikey?
-We have to go get him.
At 8:30.
We're already behind schedule, but
it's important to have juice.
That's cool.
I guess you're Mike!
Wait. Stop.
Don't we get to meet your Mama?
See you later, Mom !
How are you, Mike?
I'm tired but I'm fine.
I'm real excited about this.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I'm very glad. Thanks for
getting the equipment together.
We've got enough
battery power to. . .
. .fuel a small country for a month.
We've got rice, fruit punch. . .
Oatmeal Raisin, baby.
The ultimate campfood.
Feel how soft.
-Marshmallows. . .
-Hey, you weasel. Out of my cart!
Do you believe in ghosts?
Ever heard of the Blair Witch?
Sounds familiar.
My sister went to Blair High School.
The woods around Halloween
are creepy.
-Can you tell me a little more?
-I don't wanna go cheesy.
I want to present
this straightforward.
The legend is unsettling.
Wanna get the. . .
. . .ceremonial first slate?
The first slate for our
first shot.
Should we get our fingers open
and bleed on it?
A little blood-letting?
No, we'll save that for later.
Kiss the slate.
It's the first slate.
Marked by my lipstick.
Mikey, kiss it, good luck.
-There we go.
-Oh, he licked it. Bless him.
Don't eat it. We're gonna need it.
This is Burkittsville,
formerly Blair.
A small quiet Maryland town.
Like a small, quiet town anywhere.
Some 20 families laid roots here
over 200 years ago.
Many remain, either on this hill. . .
. . .or in the town below.
An unusually high number of
children are buried here. . .
. . . most of whom passed
in the 1 940's.
Yet no one here recalls anything
unusual about this time, . . .
. . . not to us, anyway.
Yet legend tells
A different story, . . .
. . .whose evidence is all around us.
Etched in stone.
We have shot the first scene,
the cemetery scene.
The opening is shot.
We're doing a documentary
about the Blair Witch.
-Have you heard of the Witch?
-That's an old, old story.
As I remember, . . .
. . . Mr. Parr was an old hermit, . . .
. . .and he lived up on a mountain.
He'd been there, . . .
. . . for a long, long, time.
-You heard of the Blair Witch?
-Several times.
What was the first incident?
I've heard stories about it
from people and neighbors,
I also saw a documentary on the
television. . .
. . .about her and legends
of Maryland, . . .
. . . my grandmother told us the story
to make us go to bed early.
They say if you stay up after dark
or walk around the house. . .
. . .the Blair witch will get you.
In the fall or winter of 1 940, . . .
. . .some young kids
started disappearing.
Nobody knew. . .
. . .why they were disappearing.
-A kind of an omen, isn't it?
-The creepiest story about her. . .
. . .was that two men out hunting. . .
. . .camped near the cabin
she's supposed to haunt. . .
No. No.
. . .and they just disappeared
I'm just telling a scary story,
but it's not true.
It's not true.
One day, old Mr. Parr
came into the market. . .
. . .and said "l'm finally finished".
And what did he mean by that?
Nobody knew at first. . .
But the police finally. . .
went up the mountain. . .
. . .and found the bodies of seven
kids in his house.
He would take the kids down
to the basement in twos. . .
. . .and he'd make one
face the corner. . .
. . .and he'd kill the other one. . .
. . .then he'd kill the one in
the corner too.
Those were the seven kids
that were missing
They brought the kids out of
the woods one at a time. . .
. . .it was terrible, it upset
the whole community.
He said he couldn't take
the eyes watching him. . .
. . .that's why he made them
face the corner like that.
All my life I've believed. . .
. . .in witches and ghosts and
that kind of stuff
Do you believe there are some
in this area?
Oh, definitely.
-Do you believe in witchcraft?
-Are you religious?
Creepy stuff, but I think
something's happening with her.
And do you think she could
still be up there now?
-I don't go up there.
-You don't?
I believe enough not to go.
They say the woods are haunted
and stuff like that.
What? How are they haunted?
Well there's not many people
who say that it's haunted. . .
. . . but there was this old woman,
Mary Brown, who. . .
Mary Brown?
Yeah, and she was kind of crazy.
How was she seen by the community?
There's the American flag,
it's Mary's house.
I'm gonna bring her out.
You look for the best light, okay?
This is Mary's gate.
I'm not even sure how to open it.
And something interesting
happened to you once. . .
You met the Blair witch?
That is really. . .
. . . kind of a scary story.
To make ends meet. . .
. . . my Dad and I
. . . used to fish at Tappy's Creek.
In Burkittsville.
I was laying on the leaves. . .
. . .watching my pole, and
looking at the sky. . .
. . .and suddenly I felt
something near me. . .
. . . an eerie feeling. . .
. . . It was a woman. . .
. . .only on her
arms and hands. . .
. . .and everything. . .
. . .she had hair . . .
. . .dark, almost black hair. . .
. . .Iike a horse. . .
. . .Iike a fur, horse fur.
Then on her arm. . .
. . .she had a shawl. . .
And she scared you,
or threatened you?
She didn't say anything,
she just stared. . .
. . .and then she opened her shawl. . .
What was under there?
She had hair on her
body like a horse.
Hairy from head to toe?
Yeah. And her legs. . .
-How about her face?
-You could see she was a female.
She was just strange looking.
Thank God she's
not in the film business.
She thinks she is.
She also says she's a ballerina.
Get out.
And she says she's a historian. . .
I heard that.
. . .and that she's a scientist
at the Department of Energy.
I fucked up on Mary
with the depth of field.
You measured it in meters?
We're not in Europe.
The fucking lens
has meters on it.
It also has our system.
Nah, it has meters. Look.
But it's an American camera.
All those are meters.
What about the brown ones?
They're feet.
The brown ones are on there, right?
Yeah, but the white
ones are obvious.
-Didn't you use this camera before?
-Yeah. Once before.
How was today, guys?
I learned a lot, man.
About Mary Brown?
No, I learned a lot about. . .
. . .about shooting, just
shooting documentaries.
-We kicked some ass today.
Very good day.
Excellent day.
Very good first day.
Let's do an equipment check,
after I call my mom.
-I got a bag of Utz and a beer.
-We don't need that on film.
So I guess you're covered then.
Could you run it a little
to check it's okay?
I just want to check it's loaded
properly so we can shoot. . .
Okay, that's good, that's good.
That's good, thank you.
Let's relax, because we've got
a long day tomorrow.
Today's been easy.
We're gonna have to do a lot
of hiking, carry a lot of weight.
We're preparing.
Shut up, smartass.
Pour me a shot, please.
-I'm freaking out.
-You can't, you're the director.
I fucking have to do this now,
okay? Do we have any weed?
Here I go.
Drink! Drink!
I hate fucking scotch.
There's my friend Josh.
How are you?
I'm hurtin'.
I'm not ready for that thing yet.
I know you don't like it.
Hello. Welcome to day two.
The trail is along here.
It should be pretty obvious.
You guys heard of
the Blair witch?
I heard the myth. I don't
really believe much in it.
The myth?
That's all I think it is.
What'd you say, sir?
-I said damn fool kids never learn.
-Shut up.
Damn fool kids never learn?
That's what I said.
Why do you say that?
First of all, can I
have your permission. . .
. . .to use your image on a
video documentary?
I don't care about that, but. . .
You have to say yes or no, sir,
-Watch it.
-I'm sorry.
Yeah, sure, okay.
Some girl, in the late 1 800's. . .
. . . Robin Weaver, I
believe her name was, . . .
. . .supposedly wandered
off into the woods.
No "supposedly" about it.
She wandered off!
-Okay, wandered off.
-And got lost.
She got lost.
Wasn't no "supposedly".
Three days later. . .
. . .she appears back on her
grandmother's porch.
And everybody's mystified.
-She was babbling something. . .
-Her story.
Babbling something about. . .
. . .an old woman whose feet
never touched the ground.
I saw. . just by that
tree up the creek. . .
. . . about a hundred yards,
I saw a white misty thing.
Can't tell you what it was.
Like grey vapor rising
out of the trees.
Right out of the water.
Right out of the water?
Up the side of the trees,
Then it disappeared.
You're full of it.
I'm not. And I wasn't
drinking that day, either.
Sure you weren't.
How is that related to the
story of Coffin Rock?
It all ties in to the
story of Coffin Rock.
How's that?
Anybody round here. . .
. . . knows that the old woman has
haunted this area for years.
That's bullshit.
These woods are thick.
You excited?
You got it.
I hope he's not shooting a
whole shitload of stock.
I could help, but I'd
rather record.
Packs on, we're ready to go.
We gotta go up to the shack?
My God, this is a very heavy pack.
Off to Coffin Rock.
I know exactly where we are now.
Mikey, give me the video camera.
I wanna get her going across, man.
I see a dirty behind.
Good jump.
Thank you.
There it is. See?
That's Coffin Rock.
"They went into the woods
ready to find death. . .
. . . but what they found
was inhumane. . .
. . .at the site called Coffin Rock.
. . . up on the rock, the torture. . .
. . .suffered by these five
brave men was obvious. . .
. . .they were tied up, one man's
hands tied to the next man's feet. . .
. . .forming a solid
human structure. . .
. . . blood indicated that
it had happened. . .
. . .while they were
alive and resisting. . .
. . .their intestines had been
crudely torn out. . .
. . .and on each of their faces there
was indecipherable writing. . .
. . .cut into their flesh
with precision. . .
. . .the men, shocked by
what had happened. . .
. . .went to find the sheriff. . .
. . .without sketching the writing
or touching the bodies . . .
. . .they returned to see
vultures at the rock.
But the bodies had been
removed by persons unknown. . .
. . .the stench of death
was still thick. . .
. . . but the bodies had been
taken in a matter of hours. . ."
That happened here
at Coffin Rock.
Let's rush, because I want
to camp, and it's 4:52.
It's late. We're gonna be
losing light soon.
But I can use the shot
without me in it. . .
. . . because I recorded sound
while reading the whole thing, . . .
. . . so I'm sure I can edit
it together somehow.
It's starting to rain.
Did you rent this thing?
Yeah. I don't have a
tent for three people.
Just wondering. . .
I don't usually travel with two men.
It is pouring with rain.
Can't even light a fire.
Show us what the stick is for.
Look. We've got our
very own leaning post.
If it smells of farts
too much in the night. . .
Okay, so I can't have a
cigarette in the tent, . . .
. . . but he can fart as
much as he wants?
No, I never gave Mike
a fart allowance.
You heard noises last night?
-I did.
-Problem is, I sleep like a log.
There were two separate noises. . .
. . .coming from two
areas over here. . .
. . .one of them could
have been an owl. . .
. . . but the other was a cackling.
No way.
It was a cackling, man.
If I heard a cackling,
I would've shit myself.
Where did we start yesterday?
Off the map.
I knew where we were going.
There was some confusion, but today. .
Wait, . . . say that again.
I said I knew where
we were going.
Wait, . . .was that a
full of shit statement?
No, it wasn't.
-So that wasn't bullshit?
-I knew where we were going.
You got us lost, man.
For a very short period of time.
Just don't get us lost today.
Yeah, seriously.
No. These places are
very well documented.
You happy with the documentary?
Yes, I am.
I'm very pleasantly surprised
by our little Mikey.
"Our Little Mikey?"
Our Little Mikey. . .
. . .a very spirited young man.
What do you think about the
witch? You think she exists?
I don't know.
Heather, I really hope
you find us a trail.
There's a trail up on
this hill. Don't worry.
We like shortcuts, don't we?
We like level shortcuts.
Not mountain shortcuts.
It's the first time we've
seen Mike's chest.
It's really hard to film on video.
He has really sporadic hair
patterns on his chest.
Like symbols.
It's like blank. . . hairy. .
. . . blank. . . hairy.
You should see my ass.
Look, here's fucking Uruguay.
-And there's Paraguay.
I think I see Bolivia.
What killed this
mouse? Witchcraft?
How 'bout God?
Is that the Blair Witch?
No. I think it's Heather,
taking a piss.
You know, I
really have to go.
Ohhh. . . go!
We're near the cemetery
trail. It should only be . . .
-Says who?
Says me, of course.
We should be there
in about ninety minutes.
You guys cool with that?
Ninety minutes?
-If you know where we're going.
Josh wants to look at the map now.
Though I know
where we're going.
If you'd known where
we were, we wouldn't be . . .
We're in the middle
of the fucking woods.
-How could you possibly know?
-Because some is offtrail.
What, somebody told you
there's a cemetery back there?
If we're lost, admit that, because. . .
. . . I know we're not lost.
You knew that yesterday, too,
and twice again today.
Bullshit! We have
not been lost today.
Not once.
Okay, this is where we were.
You said that it was
two miles away.
Then it's two hours away,
three hours away. . .
-Okay, just chill!
-Maybe it's four hours away.
-You agreed to do this project.
-I agreed to a scouted-out project.
-Not to wander round the woods.
-I told you that . . .
. . .getting to the locations
wasn't gonna be easy.
Mike, Mike. . .Okay, guys!
Please, you're being a smart-ass.
We're looking at the map. . .
. . .we'll find this the best we can.
This is where we were. We're
going more or less this way.
Okay, what do you say? Where
do you think we're going?
To tell you the truth. . .
. . .this is Greek
to me. It's useless.
So I'm putting my trust in you. . .
. . .that you know where it is.
Though I gotta tell you,
I don't fully trust you. . .
. . .and l. . .
I don't know why you tape
every conversation, man.
Well, we're making a documentary.
Not about us getting lost,
it's about a witch !
I have a camera.
We'll all look back on this
and laugh, believe me.
Baby steps, man, baby steps.
Just breathe and don't look down.
No, you gotta look down.
Are you gonna have to crawl?
I'm gonna crawl.
Think how cool the fucking
cemetery is gonna be.
Think of the joy of being
in a really good film.
Okay, shut the fuck up.
Okay, I'm quiet.
Shit. How am I gonna do this?
Okay. . . Mikey?
Dude, don't come across
with the DAT on your belly.
No way, man.
There's no chance.
How do we get it
It's really fucking hard.
How we gonna get
it across?
The moss this morning was easy.
This stuff's slippery as shit.
Well, how do we get
the DAT across?
I don't know. Let
me put my pack down. . .
I'll just go back and forth, man.
Can you do it that way?
It's the only thing I can do.
Okay, we'll do it like that.
Oh, Christ!
Oh, what'd you drop?
The tree just broke.
Oh, fuck.
We're very, very close now.
You guys excited?
What's this?
What's this? Dude, guys.
Remember what Mary
Brown said the other day?
What story from the
Bible was she telling us?
Fuck, I wasn't listening, I
thought she was crazy.
It was Esau, something about a
pile of rocks.
She was talking
about her rocks, man.
Well, what about
the rocks?
Anybody remember?
To live your life.
Looks like an lndian
burial ground, man.
I don't know if this counts,
three. . .
. . .four. . .
. . .five. . .
. . .six. . .
. . .seven.
Years ago witches
were roasted. . .
. . .just like my Vienna sausage.
Flames are licking you
like the Devil, Josh.
Sit back and hear a tale,
a tale of a fateful trip...
...that started on
this desert isle...
...aboard this tiny ship...
Yeah, but this ship
has a good captain. . .
. . . not a beer-guzzling
guy in a blue shirt.
He wasn't beer-guzzling.
They had no beer on
the island, man.
If they had beer, they'd
have had big-ass orgies.
You're like the Captain,
and Mike's your Gilligan.
-No offense.
-That's all right.
It was a compliment. . .
. . .Gilligan was a funny guy. . .
. . .the Captain was fat, though.
Well okay, let's call
it a thin Captain.
It's not Captain. . .
It's the Skipper.
No more Captain.
Here we are back at
the rock again. . .
. . .the cemetery deal.
I just wanna be careful
not to get in the shot.
It certainly is odd.
Please tell me you didn't
just knock that over.
I didn't just knock that over.
That's not very nice.
Let me put it back.
You can't be too careful.
What'd you think?
It was the same, only darker.
Yeah, pretty much.
All right. Bag it up.
Shit, no light.
We were sleeping.
Do you want this?
Put it by the tent door.
It's all around us.
Fucking weird.
Michael, aren't you
coming down?
I ain't going down there.
Why not?
-Because I don't hear shit.
-You're fucking scared.
Because I don't
hear anything!
You cannot deny hearing it.
Get your ass out! Come on !
This rain fucking blows, man.
I know. It's raining heavily.
Thanks mom for giving me
rain gear for my birthday.
God bless her.
What do you think it
was last night?
Someone fucking
with your head.
But nobody knows
we're here.
Yeah, but. . .you ever see
Well, whatever it was,
I just wanted to. . .
You were freaking out.
You bugged me out.
I was. I woke up suddenly
and shit's going down. . .
. . .and all I can think is
"l want it all. . .
I want it on sound,
I want it on sixteen.
If we see anything,
I want it on sixteen."
Sounded to me like a lot
of people running around. . .
. . . maybe they were locals
or whatever.
I don't know what
the hell they wanted.
We're deep in the woods, and
if people want to mess with us. . .
. . .then there's something
wrong with them. . .
. . .and I'm not gonna
get into that.
And if it wasn't people?
Well, I'm not gonna
get into that, either!
Fuck, man. .
. .it's been a very long day. . .
. . .a very wet, very long day.
Nobody's speaking to me
right now .
Dude, I don't remember
any of this.
I don't remember any
of this coming from the car.
We have to go a different
route to get back. . .
. . . because we went
around in a curve.
Two more hours max, guys.
If we came by a short cut, why
are we going back a different way?
Because we have to go round. . .
It was the most direct way to
hit our two locations.
And this is the quickest
way back to the car.
Yes. Seriously.
-You know exactly what's going on?
-Yes. Let's just keep going.
All right.
Five minutes and we
do a map check.
All right.
We just did a map check,
and we're still on track.
That's not what I said.
We're all right. Come on,
just keep going.
Well the compass says. . .
. . .we go straight ahead,
that way.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
We've been in the middle
of nowhere for two days.
Just like the car.
Look at this shit, man !
This is nothing.
Let's just keep
going, all right?
I think we should camp.
Get the fuck out of here!
Why? 'Cause you don't know
where we are?
No, because we're still
A little way from the car. . .
. . .and it's gonna be dark soon.
-Look, I'm not sure. . .
-We don't camp. Stop the camera. . .
. . .and get us home.
Turn the camera off and give
me the fucking map.
Turn it off and get us home.
No, I'm filming. I want
to mark this occasion.
Give me the map.
The map is in my
pocket. Wait a second.
God damn !
If we keep our heads
together, we'll be just fine.
Fucking bullshit!
Mike, chill.
Just relax, Mike.
Don't fucking tell
me to relax!
Let's just sit down,
and check the map. . .
Yes. Let's do that, please.
Are you happy?
I'm not happy, no.
But the car isn't far. But we
can't find it in the dark.
Are you absolutely sure?
Yes. I'm so sorry. We can still
get the DAT back tomorrow.
We have to. . .
We will get the
DAT back on time.
And the camera.
We'll get it all
back tomorrow.
I start work tomorrow at nine.
I know.
It's fine. Let's go to sleep.
Let's just fucking camp, okay?
I wanna tape it from
inside the tent.
Whatever it is, it sounds the
same as last night.
Where's my boots? Fuck, it's cold. . .
Shit, it's fucking freezing. . .
. . .there.
I hear it.
I don't hear shit.
You hear that?
Shit. . .
I think it's just a deer.
-Could be deer, I guess.
-It's just a deer.
I don't think so, man.
Sounds just like last night.
It's all around us.
It's gotta be just a deer.
It was a deer, man.
It wasn't like last night.
You say something?
Yes! Fucking listen ! Let's
get it on DAT. . . be quiet. . .
Okay, it's on.
Jesus Christ! What the
fuck was that?
It's not scared by our yelling.
Sounds like footsteps.
I know! It's a fucking person !
I don't see shit on video.
We'll just use DAT, right?
But I'm staying out.
You stay out here with me.
I am. I am.
What time is it? Anywhere
near morning?
Let me see. . .
Tell me it's five
O'clock or something.
Bullshit. This is
fucking crazy.
I'm sorry, Mike. We should
be home already.
This has got nothing to do. . .
. . .with what we're here for.
This is just it's bullshit.
Woke up this morning,
two seconds ago. . .
. . .and there are piles of
rocks outside our tent.
There are three, actually.
Are you positive those
weren't there last night?
I am fucking positive
they weren't here!
How could we have
just camped. . .
. . . between three piles of rocks
just by coincidence?
You don't think this is strange?
It is fucking weird, but
I really don't care. . .
. . . because all I want to do
is get to the goddam car.
Whatever it is,
man, right now. . .
. . .we have to get back to the car.
They obviously don't want us
Here, so let's get out.
We have to get the DAT back.
-That's what I mean.
-Okay, let's go.
Let's pack our shit up
and just walk.
Can we just walk?
Yes, we're out of here.
Okay, cool.
But we're leaving just
when it's all happening.
Put the fucking camera down.
Let's pack up the tent.
-Let's get out of the woods.
-Okay, hang on.
Come on !
No, I'm not scared!
I'm just tired and hungry. . .
I'm just fucking done, man.
All right.
Did you take it?
No, I didn't take the fucking map.
I'm not playing head games.
You're the one playing
head games.
But I'm not.
I don't have it. We have to go.
I'm serious, I don't have it.
Are you fucking serious?
Fucking serious. I don't have it.
Heather, that is not so cool, man.
I know it's not cool!
It's the fucking least
responsible thing. . .
. . .you could have done, man.
I know that.
You really don't have it?
One of you must have the map.
No, I don't have the map.
We gave it back to you. . .
. . .after map check yesterday.
I always keep it in the
same place. . .
. . .and if it's not there,
one of you must have it.
I did not get the goddam map
out of your fucking pants, man.
Well, I don't have it!
Look, why would I take it?
I just wanna get out
of here, man.
Me too.
Let's go!
No, you wanna stay and
film rocks, look around. . .
Let's go!
. .you wanna film this and that. . .
Which way?
That way.
We're in the
middle of the woods!
We can walk any way!
This way! Because we've
been going this way all day.
We're going this way!
We gotta find something!
I gave you back the map!
I gave you the map.
I gave you back the map!
-Let's just go.
-We can move as fast as we want. . .
. . . but there's no point if we have
no idea where we're going.
We're following the creek.
Mike seems happy with that.
Would you guys stop it?
We are fucked, we are done. . .
. . .we are dead, we are fucked.
I'm staying here. When you
find someone. . .
. . .tell them I'm under the
tree with the vine.
All blame aside. . .
. . .this is really fucked up.
I know.
We really need to work together.
-I realize that.
-Exactly. Exactly.
So we accept the fact that my
camera's not gonna be back. . .
. . .or your DAT.
No blame from now
on about that shit.
Look, seriously. . .
. . .this area's not that fucking big.
Exactly. It's very hard to get
lost in America these days. . .
. . .and even harder to stay lost.
Well, we're doin' a pretty good
job of being lost.
If you're not home today,
and I'm not home today. . .
. . . people are gonna notice. . .
. . . My girlfriend's definitely
gonna notice. . .
. . .and she'll notice that
I haven't called.
. . .that I didn't get back and
I didn't call. . .
. . .so if by tonight we
haven't found shit. . .
. . .someone's gonna be looking for us.
Oh, no!
Not down here, go another way. . .
. . . I just got my whole shit wet.
Shit. Well, let's try it this way.
No, not this way. . .
. . . better try the other way.
-If we didn't have these packs. . .
-I don't mean to laugh. . .
Your feet are wet!
Is Michael laughing?
Shut up and cross the stream.
He's laughing. . .
. . .that's the first time
you've laughed in days.
I'm happy you
find it amusing. . .
. . .that I'll be uncomfortable
for the rest of the day.
Dude, uncomfort does not even. . .
Can we keep going, please?
No, we're gonna chill out!
-Didn't you want to get to the car?
-Oh boy! !
Okay, come on. . .Iet's get up here.
Oh shit.
You weren't lying to me about
the map, were you?
'Cause to me it seems like you're
having a little too much fun.
-Oh, Heather. .
-We're going a little stir crazy.
Heather! lf you make me
yell at this point. . .
. . .don't make me
yell at you, man.
Seriously, if you got the map, I
just wanna know you have it!
That would make me happy,
just to know you have it.
If I knew that, and I could see
it, I'd feel much better.
We're just trying to
be cool with you.
So I get laughed at 'cause
my shoes got wet.
It's fucking hilarious.
All our shoes are wet. . .
. . .we were laughing
at the situation.
We're fucking hungry
and fucking tired. . .
-. . .what the hell else can we do?
-You know what?
I'm sorry, it's fucked up. . .
. . . but I kicked that map into the
creek yesterday.
It was useless and I kicked it
into the creek!
I fucking hope he's kidding.
I really fucking hope he's kidding.
Mike, are you fucking kidding?
I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry.
You're kidding me. You have
gotta be fucking kidding me!
-You think it's a game?
-Get off me!
What the fuck?
Are you out of your mind?
No, I'm not. That map
wasn't doing shit!
Not for you, but I knew what
the fuck the map said! !
I'm sorry!
You're a fucking asshole!
I'm sorry.
You're a fucking asshole!
That map was useless!
If we get hurt or die here,
it's your fucking fault!
You understand?
How could you be
such an asshole?
-What were you thinking?
-You are fucking me up here!
I am not! That map
was useless!
It was useless to you !
Okay. . .
I didn't bring you out
here for this, man.
Sorry about the map, man.
What can I say?
-The map wasn't doing shit.
-Just don't say sorry.
It wasn't worth
shit to you.
I knew exactly where
we were!
Listen ! Yesterday I asked you what
fucking river we were on. . .
Shut up or else.
Turn the fucking camera off!
Give me the compass. . .
. . .you have betrayed us. . .
. . .way fucking beyond.
Give me the compass.
So have you for not getting
us out of the woods.
Yeah, thanks.
Can I have the fucking compass?
No. I bought the compass.
If you wanted one. . .
. . .you should've
bought your own.
You and he both fucked us up.
Why can't you admit that . . .
-. . .you fucked up from the start.
-Let's just walk south.
Because I haven't!
Why are we stopped?
Why are we stopped?
Just don't.
I'm just asking
Why we stopped.
Weren't we going south?
We all seemed very
Happy with that.
Why don't we carry on like that?
There's all sorts of
Stuff down here!
What kind of stuff?
Voodoo shit!
-Hanging all over the place!
-No way. . .
It's all over.
Holy shit. . .
Come up quick! I need the CP!
There's all sorts
Here, man !
This is fucking crazy shit.
Please, I gotta film this!
Take the fucking camera.
What the fuck is this?
I have no idea.
Jesus Christ, that's fucking creepy.
This is no redneck.
No redneck is this creative.
Can we go now?
Yeah, please.
Okay, I got everything on video.
Oh, Jesus Christ, I didn't
Even see these!
Okay, Heather, you got
Enough, man. Let's go.
-That's enough ! Stop taping!
-That's enough !
-Okay, we're going right now.
-Let's go!
Okay, we're out of here.
I'm leaving.
Come on, turn it off!
Please help us!
We won't get out of here like that.
I think I can say
that we're now lost.
I don't know what to do.
We should all get
lnside the tent.
All right.
Let's not light a fire tonight.
Yeah, that's my thinking.
-That's a good idea.
-We didn't light one the first night.
And nothing happened.
We light fires, and they know.
No one was following us.
We should turn that light off, too.
All right.
Seriously, anything
could attract them.
Let's just go to sleep.
Oh God.
Put this out.
Jesus Christ, little kids. Oh, God!
I'm gonna put my jeans on.
Take the video camera.
No, the DAT.
I'm gonna get this on video.
Oh, dear God, dear God!
Go, fucking go!
Oh God!
Oh God!
Hurry up!
I'm coming! My boots aren't laced!
Oh my God, what the fuck is that?
What the fuck is that?
Oh, shit!
Mike, where are you , man?
Turn the lights off. . .
. . .turn that light off.
turn it off, Josh.
All lights off,
all lights off.
I'm soaking.
That's okay.
What was that?
What the fuck is going on?
You hear that baby screaming?
Shut the fuck up. There's
no fucking baby.
-Yes there was.
-There was no fucking baby.
I haven't heard anything
since we ran away. . .
Oh my God, it's cold.
We should be quiet, okay?
I don't hear anything anymore.
Let's go back.
How long have we been here?
I don't know, man, an hour. . .?
The sun's up. We're okay now.
Let's just get back,
pack up, and go.
What the fuck, man?
Where's my pack?
Right there. Where's mine?
What the fuck, man?
Why're they fucking
with us like this?
They just opened it up.
They spilled all my water!
Looks like slime, man.
It's just water, man.
It is slime. What the fuck is it?
Let's get out of here.
-Heather, turn that thing off!
-Let's go.
I'm not interested
anymore! Let's go!
I know.
So turn it off.
Relax. Have we got everything here?
-Like I give a shit.
-Whose bag was opened?
It was mine!
Why you?
Are you not scared enough yet?
But why you?
Put it down. This is not funny.
Am I laughing at all?
No, but you're still doing
your documentary thing, man !
Still your fucking documentary!
-Don't touch it!
-Then turn the goddam thing off!
If you bite me again,
I'll throw you in river.
-Don't touch my camera.
-Turn it off!
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it, okay?
You all right?
Yeah. I wanna go home. . .
. . . but I wanna get
what we can.
What the fuck. .?
Is this possible?
All right.
Here I go.
I hate crossing streams on logs.
If I never cross another stream. . .
. . .on a log, I'll die happy.
I see why you like the
video camera so much.
You do?
It's not quite reality.
Reality says we gotta move.
But it's a totally filtered
reality, man.
As if everything's
not quite the way it is.
Just leave him alone awhile
We need to go.
Leave him for five minutes.
Leave him alone. Five minutes.
Come on, he's lost it.
I know, but we've all
nearly lost it.
I know, but we got
to look after each other.
And we're not looking after him. . .
. . .if we film him
while he's crying.
I know.
I know you know.
Let's try and keep our wits.
But we have to go.
Sure. Believe me, I know.
It's hard to stay calm.
-We need to get out.
-I know.
You're not telling me
anything new,
Just let him calm down.
Anybody got a cigarette?
No, man.
No, there's none left.
Nobody has any cigarettes?
We're out.
Why the fuck. . .
. . .was this blue jelly
shit on my shit?
Let's go.
Let's go.
If we keep going south,
we'll get out.
Please. . .
I don't wanna camp
another fucking night.
Josh, none of us do.
I know you don't.
Whoever it is, is gonna come
back, and that's a fact.
It's not a fact.
It came three nights running,
and it's worse every night.
Just what I need to
hear right now.
I'm just trying to
rationally say that. . .
. . .with our walking speed,
they might just go on forever. .
Not possible in this country.
Why not?
Because we've destroyed most
of our woods in America.
-Let's just keep going.
-America, America...
... God shed your grace on thee...
... Once so proudly we hailed... twilight's last gleaming...
That's the tree we crossed.
That tree is down. Same one.
Oh God!
Oh no. . .
You got to be kidding,
this is a joke!
It's not funny!
Mike, please stop. . .
please stop. . .
Oh no!
No, Mike, it's not the same log!
-Same log!
-Look, it's not!
Yes it is! Open your eyes!
It's not the same log. . .
It's the same log.
Fuck you, God! !
It's the same log.
Okay, it's okay.
Where do you wanna camp?
Going south didn't work.
Tomorrow we go east.
I don't know what to say, Josh.
How the fuck did we wind
up in the same place?
We walked south
all fucking day!
I don't know how we
ended up here!
Do you expect me to do,
or say something?
What do you wanna do?
I wanna make movies, Heather.
Isn't that why we came?
Let's make some movies.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Let's not fight, please?
. . . I can't take it.
I can't fight.
We're screwed, and that's it.
Please stop fighting.
I'll do the first watch.
I got first watch.
It's not the time or place, guys.
We have things to prepare for.
Okay, here's your motivation. . .
. . .you're lost, you're angry and
no one's here to help you. . .
. . .there's a fucking witch who
keeps leaving shit around. . .
. . . no one can help you. . .
. . .she left little trinkets, and
you fucking took one. . .
. . .she's chasing us. And
no one can help you !
We walked fifteen hours today. . .
. . .and we ended up in the same place!
There's no one to help you !
That's your motivation !
Please stop.
Josh, quit it. She's had enough.
You got her back. Good one.
No, she's still making movies!
-Please stop.
-Still making movies.
It's all I have left, okay?
Just please stop.
Please stop yelling at me.
I'm fucking tired of
crying all day.
We gotta think like human beings.
We got things to do.
We've gotta do shifts.
We got lots to do.
You gonna write us a
happy ending, Heather?
Come on, turn it off.
You're getting like she was.
I don't know how you can
sew at this point, man,
Well, I'm cold.
-I know.
-I hear you.
The smallest comforts
we can get are good.
Doesn't it seem absurd,
though, at this point?
Yes, it does.
Lots of things seem absurd.
Like sleeping where we were
last night is freaking. . .
It's just fucking me up, period.
Really fucking me up, man.
-I'm sorry, man.
-Me too. It's all right.
I'm sorry, Heather.
It's all right.
Who wants a cheeseburger?
I do, I do. . .
I got a cheeseburger in my pocket.
Do you? Can I have a
light to cut this?
Know what I'd fucking love?
Mashed potatoes.
Me too.
My mom's mashed potatoes.
You'll have them again very soon.
Mashed potatoes
and a piece of ass.
Fuck, we never go out of earshot!
Come on, calm down.
How can l?
He's probably at the river.
If he was there,
he could hear me.
Wait for him to respond.
Remember what he said yesterday?
About the shit on his bag.
Let's go. We've gotta find
him. Come on.
If we can't even find the car,
how are we gonna find Josh?
Come on.
No, I'm fine.
Come on, come on, relax.
All right, let's take
Down the tent. . .
. . .and when he's back, we'll go.
I'm losing my mind, Mike.
Josh hasn't come back.
I'm here, Mike.
I don't know if Josh ran off.
All his shit's here.
I've got the camera. . .
. . . I don't know how I'm
gonna hike with the camera.
Sure you wanna take it?
We have to take the camera.
How do you feel about east?
How do you feel?
Well, south didn't work.
Which witch was worse, the one
from the east or from the south?
The witch of the
west was the bad one.
Let's go east.
What the hell is that?
We'll have to put up the tent.
I'd like a meatball.
Just one meatball?
And a big glass of red wine.
Yeah, I would like a whole
fucking bottle of Bordeaux.
And a pack of smokes.
That'd be good.
and a long, hot bath.
And a big pumpkin pie.
A pumpkin pie with ice cream?
Warm with milky ice cream?
Yeah, sounds good.
What do you like
to do on a Sunday?
I used to like to drive to the
woods and go hiking.
But I think that might change now.
I think you could scratch that.
Should we open the door?
Is it a trick?
Josh !
Josh !
Where's it coming from?
Josh, where are you?
Tell me where you are!
Oh my God, no.
Do you think that's them again?
Is it over here?
No, it's over here.
We'll look for him.
I don't know if it's really him.
I don't even know where to look.
Tell me where you are, Josh !
-Please don't fall asleep.
I can't fall asleep.
Whatever it is, it
knows Josh has gone.
If that was Josh, he would've
said where he was.
Whatever it was, it
sounded like Josh.
I just want to show you
that Mike's here.
There. He's sleeping.
Oh, shit.
What the hell is that?
There's something out here.
I'm gonna move it
from in front of the tent.
-Get rid of it.
I'm taking it away
from the tent.
I'm just throwing it.
We'll just keep walking, okay.
I found some cigarettes
at the bottom of my pack. . .
. . .so if we're smoking,
we're still alive.
It's all full of blood.
Shit, shit, shit!
Oh my God!
Okay, see. . .?
What are you doing?
Just washing my hands!
Just washing my hands!
I'm fine.
I'm gonna put my gloves on.
You all right?
I'm okay, I'm okay.
You need help?
No, I don't need any help.
I'm okay.
What happened?
Nothing. I'm just very
hungry and very tired. . .
. . .and very scared, and I just
wanna go home, okay?
But I'm fine, and we're okay.
Ow! My hair's caught.
Thank you, thank you.
Okay, okay.
Two thousand one
hundred thirty games. . .
. . .one more season and
Cal Ripken is king!
And I won't see it. . .
. . . because I'll be in the woods.
Tell me you're not
eating a dry leaf.
I just want to apologize. . .
. . .to Mike's mom. . .
. . .and Josh's mom. . .
. . .and my mom. . .
. . .and I'm sorry to everyone. . .
. . . I was very nave.
I am so, so, sorry. . .
. . .for everything that's happened. . .
. . . because in spite of
what Mike says now. . .
. . .it was my fault. . .
. . . because it was my project. . .
. . .and I insisted. . .
. . .insisted on everything.
I insisted we weren't lost. . .
. . . I insisted we keep going. . .
. . . I insisted we walk south.
Everything had
to be my way.
And this is how we've ended up.
And it's all because of me
that we're here now. . .
. . . hungry and cold. . .
. . .and hunted.
I love you, mom. . .
. . .dad. . .
. . . I am so sorry.
. . .what was that?
I'm scared to close my eyes. . .
. . .and scared to open them.
Oh God. . .
. . .we're gonna die here.
-You got it?
-You ready?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
You ready?
Here, take this light.
That can't be him.
Holy shit, it's a house.
-Watch your step.
-Holy shit, Holy shit. . .
Mike. Mike.
Come on.
Mike, where the fuck are you?
Come on, I'm in the house!
Mike, don't go in there, please!
Mike, please!
Mike, where are you?
I'm right here!
Where is he?
Mike, please don't.
Is he in here?
Oh, Jesus.
Where is he?
Are you gonna go upstairs?
I hear him. I hear him.
I hear you. Josh !
I'm going upstairs.
Oh, God, oh.
Hear that?
Where is he?
Where are you?
Come on !
I'm getting downstairs.
Come on, I hear him, downstairs!
Come on !
Josh !
Josh, is that you down there?